#Murdoch and Violet are bisexual
vampirecatboy · 28 days
i like imagining a better world in my stories, which is why pretty much every character in my current project is bisexual or trans or bisexual and trans
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watt-in-the-world · 4 years
Things people in my class have said as Murdoch Mysteries characters
William Murdoch: How do you accidentally join the Italian Mafia?
Violet Hart: Daddy Pig got that drip.
Llewellyn Watts: Your hairline looks nice.
George Crabtree: Mealworms = Demons
Julia Ogden: I swear I heard it say: “It’s time to re-fck those kids”.
Henry Higgins-Newsome: Where is Cuba located?
Gus Jackson: Don’t you hate it when you accidentally commit arson while accidentally eating a helicopter and accidentally invading Poland?
Thomas Brackenreid: They’re going after the big boys!
Nomi Johnston: I bought this Peacock to scare people away from my house.
Ruth Newsome: Do you like my seductive unicorn?
James Pendrick: ...Bisexual polygons.
Terrence Meyers: Isn’t Ukraine in Russia?
Rupert Newsome: ...Bananac*ck.
Jack Walker: It’s nice to be thought of as more than a nuclear factory.
Emily Grace: I like eating white crayons.
Rebecca James: Police get car, Police kill car.
Inspired by: @blowthemallaway-blog
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How Murdoch can easily give the show more representation:
Looking at Murdoch Mysteries, i realized that... they literally don’t have to do much to make them show a LITTLE more friendly towards minority representations
So here’s some simple ways they can improve:
- Watts. He’s definitely autistic, and I love it. But the Jewish “arc” (if you can even call it that) sucks. It’s there for one episode, then POOF. Gone. They can easily give us some more insight into Watts’ Jewish background. Maybe he’s found in a library, researching Jewish culture. Maybe he’s in the middle of a Jewish tradition when Murdoch barges in and announces he needs his help in a murder case. I DUNNO, just give us something here.
- Violet Hart. GIVE HER A REDEMPTION ARC. She’s messed up big time, but there’s a way to keep her on the show NOT as a bad guy. Maybe she realizes her mistakes and apologizes big time. Forgiveness won’t happen overnight, but perhaps Julia kindly takes her under her wing again. Maybe George approaches her, saying he knows what it’s like to mess up huge.
- On the topic of George, LET HIM SHOW INTREST IN A MAN. It doesn’t even have to be obvious, maybe he just gives an attractive looking guy a friendly nod. Gives him the same look he would give Nina. Something that gives us a hint that he’s bisexual (because, please, he ain’t straight)
- John Brackenreid. I really hated how they gave him a “miracle cure” at the end of season 12. I hated it. I despised it. I wanted to yell at my TV. In the show Bones, Hodgins becomes paralyzed in season 11. They hint at a miracle cure, but in the end, they’re realistic. He stays paralyzed from the waist down, but he’s still the same old Hodgins.
Maybe something happens to John where his paralysis comes back?? It’s a small Brackenreid family arc again, but John says to his father “I’m ok with this. I can still act, even in a wheelchair.” And John goes on to become a really good actor, even if he can’t walk.
-A disabled character who ISNT a murder victim and/or murderer. What if there’s a character who has schizophrenia, and of course everyone thinks he committed the crime. But he didn’t. And at the end of the episode, he goes about his life regularly. Maybe becomes a recurring character??
-Pendrick. Have him come back, linked arms with a man. Murdoch is questioning this, but Julia convinces him to just let Pendrick be Pendrick. Murdoch has no control over other people, so what business does he have going around saying “ur going to hell for that”. George is actually rather curious at this, and could this be what starts his bisexual arc??
But yah, that’s all for now. I really want more representation in this show. It’s been twelve goddamn seasons, man.
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