#Munakata is very proud of his rapping he feels he has the rhythm and flow okay
ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Scepter 4 boys as a Kpop group, so Munakata as the leader and lead rapper, Domyouji as main rapper and sub dancer, Hidaka as rapper and main dancer, Akiyama as main vocalist and sub dancer, and Fushimi as lead vocalist and the visual, and all the other boys as sub vocalists? Maybe Takeru was formerly part of the group but had health issues causing him to have to leave?
I keep trying to imagine Munakata rapping and my brain keeps needingto be rebooted. Imagine Munakata decides to form a Kpop group though,like he’s the son of a record executive and having done extensiveresearch on the Kpop ‘scene’ (as the kids call it) he’s decided thathe has created the perfect formula for the ultimate group. The firstthing he needs to do is gather up the ultimate member roster and soMunakata starts going to visit various indie studios and checking outamateur Youtube videos and such in order to find his dream roster. Inthe meantime he has perfected this thing known as 'rapping,’ hisrhythm is absolutely perfect and he’s even managed to get many of hisraps in haiku form, Munakata is very proud of himself. He requiresassistance in choreography and in outfits which is when he asks for ahand from his old high school friend Awashima, she immediately getsto work drawing up some costume samples and working on a proper danceroutine for one of Munakata’s songs.
So imagine Munakata’s eventual group is actually one of those popgroups that has like a million members and sub units but the actualmain unit is only a smaller group of guys. Munakata hires a bunch ofrandom people to do back up dancing or side unit help (this would bethe rank and file of Scepter 4, Zenjou is an old washed-up idol whohad to retire after his partner Habari got a career-ending injury.Munakata lures him back to the idol scene as a mentor figure, someonewho can use his inside knowledge of the idol world to assist inMunakata’s plans of shaping Kpop to his vision). He finds a lot ofhis perfect members in strange places, like Akiyama and Benzai arepolice officers who Munakata discovers at a karaoke bar and decideshe must have, Benzai’s hair is silky smooth and he looks like he’d bea good dancer while Munakata can tell that Akiyama has both anexcellent voice and also a strangely appealing sort of charm thatwould probably make him very popular. Kusuhara is originallyrecruited with Hidaka, they’re college roommates who post videos ofthemselves singing together. Unfortunately a bout of laryngitisforces Kusuhara to bow out with only one song recorded, Munakatafeels this somehow makes his group more complete than before.
Fushimi is of course the hardest to recruit, Munakata realizes rightaway that the gloomy kid working at the coffee shop across the streetwho hates everyone has all the makings of a true Kpop sensation.Munakata therefore continually badgers him with job offers untilFushimi finally gives in, largely because Fushimi is so sick ofserving coffee to idiots who can’t read a menu. Fushimi is extremelyresistant to the pop idol life, he thinks the dances are stupid andhe hates to sing, claiming he’s bad at it, but then the first timeMunakata catches him singing he realizes what a gold mine he has onhis hands. Munakata immediately makes Fushimi the center if thegroup, some of the others are resentful that Fushimi took it overfrom Akiyama (Akiyama’s happy though because he was nervous being inthe front) but when they all hear him sing they become immediatelyenraptured. Fushimi instantly becomes the most popular member of thegroup, his voice wins him a ton of screaming and adoring fans all ofwhom he wishes would shut up and leave him alone.
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