#Munakata carefully suggests that perhaps next time they could cook together
ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Fushimi gets this idea to do something for Munakata for once. He knows he should do something nice, but he doesn't know what to buy for Munakata. Instead, he thinks he should make something for him, something homemade. He watches Youtube videos to figure out how to cook dinner and he finds himself wondering why he's even doing this in the first place, but he does it anyway.
Aw that would be kinda sweet, imagine him in the kitchen with his phone propped up watching all these videos trying to figure out how to make a romantic dinner and not quite succeeding, then getting all frustrated because he actually does want to do something nice for Munakata and has no idea how to go about it. Like the two of them have been dating for a while and of course Munakata dotes on him all the time, bringing Fushimi little presents and taking him out to dinner and just making Fushimi feel super loved. Despite himself Fushimi starts to feel a bit bad about this, like he's always tried to act as if Munakata's doting is annoying but really he's beginning to feel like here Munakata's showing Fushimi how loved he is all the time and Fushimi can't even do so much as buy him a gift to surprise him. As soon as it crosses Fushimi's mind he can't stop thinking about it, that there should be something he can do for Munakata. Unfortunately he has no idea what he could buy for Munakata, like Munakata has all the puzzles and that's not very romantic besides, and he has no idea what else Munakata would enjoy. Maybe he ends up reluctantly bringing it up to the alphabet squad or Yata and that's when he gets the suggestion to cook a romantic meal, giving Munakata something homemade with all his affection in it.
Of course there is one small problem with this and that problem is that Fushimi has no idea how to cook. There's no way he's going to ask anyone for help (even though plenty of people would be happy to teach him) and so he decides that he can just watch tutorials on Youtube and figure it out. He would probably want to make some kind of fancy traditional dish for Munakata too, knowing Munakata's tastes, which makes things even worse because he's picking out things that are decidedly not beginner dishes. Fushimi ends up like blocking off the door to the kitchen as he pulls up videos on his PDA and starts going through them one by one and of course he keeps ending up with all kinds of problems. Like first he picks one video that looks promising but it's one of those 'step 1: cut the meat, step 2: cook the meat, step 3: you now have a perfectly garnished and seasoned dish with sides' type videos and Fushimi's sitting there at step two like cook how wait go back. He ends up burning several pieces of fish and makes the entire kitchen smell, eventually Akiyama pokes his head in to cautiously ask if it's okay to turn off the fire alarm now or do they actually need to evacuate the building (Fushimi throws a knife at him out of annoyance and Akiyama takes that to mean there's no fire everything is fine). Fushimi also won't taste half of what he's making so that doesn't help, like one video suggests that you can tell if the vegetables are cooked just right by tasting a small piece and Fushimi cuts some and stares at it like he thinks it's going to bite him.
He's struggling through the whole meal and finally he makes something slightly passable but it doesn't look anything like the videos and Fushimi's probably so frustrated, like if he hadn't really tried at all he wouldn't care but actually really trying to apply himself to something and still failing is something he has trouble handling. He's pretty much ready to just throw the whole thing away, like it probably tastes awful anyway and why would anyone want to eat this, it was stupid to even try and make it in the first place. Before he can throw away his hard work though Munakata finally shows up, he'd heard Fushimi-kun was busy in the kitchen all day and he was curious to see if Fushimi needed any help. Initially Fushimi tries to deny that he was doing anything, like trying to hide the food from Munakata so Munakata can't even see what he made, but eventually he grudgingly admits that he tried to make Munakata dinner. Munakata's super excited by this, smiling brilliantly as he says he would love to taste it. Fushimi clicks his tongue like are you an idiot it looks terrible and Munakata calmly tells him that in this case what matters to him is not the outward appearance of the food but that Fushimi cared enough to put all his heart into it. Fushimi mutters that he still failed and Munakata reaches down to take a bite as he assures Fushimi that it wasn't a failure, that Fushimi attempted something he'd never done before makes Munakata very happy and that he feels Fushimi's hard work should be praised (and then Munakata takes a bite and has to maintain his smile and grace so that Fushimi won't notice that he suddenly possibly feels the need to throw up).
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