#Mun is a capricorn
a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months
Favorite detail: Andrealphus's general persistence in the face of soul-crushing stress and anxiety.
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character. : Accepting!
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((Honestly he is either going to self destruct, implode, or be utterly destroyed to the point of no return if he keeps pushing through said stress and anxiety with little to no help or support. He is far to stubborn and prideful to admit there is an issue/problem, and is even more stubborn when it comes to letting others in to help.
A few muses are rightfully worried about where this is all heading, and I am enjoying watching him getting closer and closer to the edge.
As someone who also deals with large amounts of stress and anxiety, and poorly, I might be projecting a teensy bit; I know what it's like to keep pushing despite feeling like everything's useless/pointless/going to backfire royally, and I think Andre would feel the same in his situation. His life is all he knows, and all he has. If he loses it, he might as well cease to exist rather than live feeling like a failure who can't do anything right (contrary to the air he puts on for others, he has a lot of insecurity and low self esteem with regards to his worth, capabilities, etc.) He just hides everything behind a mask, which for him is a conceited 'I am better than you' snooty air and taking pride in the skills that are just barely keeping him alive and functioning as a cog in the wheel known as the Ars Goetia.
Maybe one day he will truly see himself as others (Vassago, William, Jillian, etc.) see him and embrace it/learn that he's worth and is so much more than being a marquis chained to the goetian hierarchy ;u;))
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
When it comes to portrayal, I understand the worry that maybe you're not doing enough or maybe what you've studied up on isn't the most you can do to get the muse down but I want to tell you that every portrayal brings something to the table. What you focus on, what they would say in the moment, their responses to things, what makes them tick.
Don't think of canon as the be all end all of your portrayal. You've got headcanons and AUs and love and passion for characters that will surpass that.
You're doing enough by even attempting that. Mostly based on canon or heavily canon divergent, neither are better than the other. I'm excited to see when you write them and how you write them. Some will always come more naturally, and others either with time or you find out you do not have muse for them. And that's okay.
Step into their shoes, envision what you're writing and then go for it. I can tell you that writing with you has always been a blast. I'm always excited to see what you write and what stories you can tell. You're doing great and I'm not just saying that. Your writing style and your love for writing has justified that perfectly. I'd rather you have fun with what characters you write as you progress than worrying right off the bat that you're doing it wrong.
I'm so proud of you, please don't be discouraged. If you hear them, let them speak ~♡
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? | ✿
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🌸。*゚+. Thank you bby, I appreciate it a ton ♡ I really do.
I guess I just worry a lot about "getting it right" because when I really vibe with a character and decide to take them on as a muse? It's usually because I really really REALLY love and adore them and I want to do them justice... And if I don't, I feel like I've let them down somehow dhjkfsfg
But I know, I'm a huge hypocrite when it comes to these sorts of things. I always tell others your muse is your own, and if it differs from someone else's in some way, it doesn't make one or the other any less valid because it's your own and their own unique portrayals. But then I sit here in my corner and sweat bullets like BUT AM I WRITING THEM RIGHT??? AM I DOING THEM JUSTICE?
I just gotta step back and remind myself of the same things. It's never a oh god I should just stop writing them weeps thing, but more like a I should adjust how I write them maybe feeling that sometimes gets to me.
But if I did that, it wouldn't be the same muse I came to love, right? c': Right. So it shouldn't matter in the end dfsjkff
Thank you for this !!
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stellarwhisper · 7 months
Random Astrology Opinion
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The mind reader with Claircognizance, tech-savvy trend-spotter, and intuitively connected to siblings is the Gemini Moon, or the Moon at 3°, 15°, or 27°. 🌙✨♊️
🌙✨ Saying "Moon in Gemini": Mōōn with a long 'o' and 'Gĕmɪnī' with a soft 'g'. Not 'Jeminee' or 'Mun'. Capture the airy duality of Gemini. 🌙♊️
Pisces New Moon: Saturn and Neptune are in a cosmic alignment. Think what you wish, and give Saturn your due for your fate. Think fantasy, make it come to pass. ♨🌑♓
Examine melancholy beneath the moon:
🌙 Aries: Sudden outbursts.
🌙 Taurus: Looks for solace.
🌙 Gemini: Easily distracted.
🌙 Cancer: Taking Care.
🌙 Leo: Intense.
🌙 Virgo: Perceptive and analytical.
🌙 Libra: Seek equilibrium.
🌙 Scorpio: Powerful.
Sagittarius: Full of optimism.
🌙 Capricorn: Proprietary.
Aquarius: Capricious.
🌙 Dreamy, Pisces.
Boundary concerns and a curious nature are attracted to Pluto in the first house. People are uncomfortable when they ask for specifics. Don't waste your energy; not everyone requires all of your knowledge. 🕵️‍♂️🚫1️⃿
People with 7th house placements tend to project intensely. It can be exhausting to reflect all the time. Sometimes the best cure is to be alone. 🪞💆🏽‍♀️
Because of its association with material comforts, such as food, the Moon is exalting in Taurus. Adding the humorous association with "a lot of milk" gives astrological insights an inventive twist. 🌕♉🥛
Before Saturn Return: You can't stand your imperfections.
Feelings of Saturn: No backstabbing, precise intentions, and dedication to the word. Words are not as loud as actions. 🪐💪🏽🏜
Water indications, you are about to get a message. Get ready for a rush of feelings and revelations. 🌊💗🫶🏾
Following Saturn's return: Accepting flaws and appreciating the drawn-out process of improving oneself. 🪙💫
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santoschristos · 9 months
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Sun in Capricorn II (Hygeia)
The Sun enters the decan of Capricorn II on December 31, 2023 at 6:06 pm EST.
Austin Coppock named this decan The Pyramid for its role and feel in oppressive and challenging systems, while T. Susan Chang named it Time and Materials, paralleling the Golden Dawn’s name for the Tarot card associated with this season, the Lord of Work — the three of pentacles. The Sun will be here until January 10, 2024 at 1:31 pm EST.
Image: Three Of Pentacles, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore
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mad-hunts · 21 hours
✤: Favorite kind of food.
▲: The Mun’s Zodiac sign. (Any kind of Zodiac works!)
●: If you could say just one thing to your Muse, what would it be?
munday asks!
AHHH hiii, ramone! okay... first, i'd just like to humbly ask you to please forgive me for being SO freaking late to answering this — but now let's get the ball rolling in regards to these!! my favorite kind of food would probably have to be between italian and mexican food NGL haha. because i am a big fan of spaghetti and pasta in general, but i also loveee enchilada's and quesadilla's (': now, as for my zodiac sign, my birthday is one january 16th so i'm actually a capricorn! and the symbol of it is a sea-goat, so that's fun LOL.
but OOH, as for one thing that i'd want to say to my muse if i could tell them anything? i would probably tell barton if he isn't going to be nice to everyone... then he should at LEAST be nice to his kids! like, i honestly feel really bad for them, as it wasn't their fault that they were born or adopted (in jack's and ben's case) into a family that was... well 😬 REALLY not the best, to say the very least, and they deserve a lot better to be honest. they were literally forced to take part in barton's crimes + he quite often treats them callously and manipulates them. which is definitely not okay, so that has GOT to stop, you know?
but yeahhh. i hope you enjoyed my answers, my friend, and thank you for the ask!! <33
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agonizedembrace · 8 months
◈ get to know the mun.
pen(name) : han
pronouns : she/her
zodiac sign : cancer sun / capricorn moon / sagittarius rising
taken or single : @kalijhomentethi ♥
three facts.
i play a lot of games other than league! one of my primary games i have a lot of hours / time invested into is xiv ( over 6k hours .. ) i'm a slightly retired raider atm ( plan to return in the next expansion ), and am a quad legend! ill eventually go back and do top but i still need a bit more of a break from it all.
a bit more of a silly one but i had over 150 hours in bg3 while it was still in early access. i was that devoted to shadowheart ( who i have a blog for btw! )
your local unhinged jungler -- i mean, i like playing ship duty in lethal company :)
platforms :hmm, i've been a bit of everywhere. but most of my experience would be on tumblr, i've been here on and off since like 2013. back in the ye olden days i used to rp on skype, msn and aol ... though i was so young i'd hardly call that rp sdsdfhskdfhds i do sometimes rp on discord too.
plotting / winging it / memes : i work best winging it tbh, but i don't mind plotting, and i also work really well off meme prompts that turn into threads / etc if there's communication beforehand.
muse preference.
gender : i typically write female muses? i cannot recall a male muse that i have written ( or .. ever, save danny phantom when i was a kid for shitty lil fanfics LOL dfkjsdkjfh )
multi or single : i typically stick to single ship, building my character's story over a progressing relationship. that said i don't mind writing one offs from time to time. and for someone like eve, that's a bit more common.
least favourite faceclaims : i.... do not have any :salute:
fluff / angst / smut.
fluff : i am the biggest slut for fluff i cannot lie. i just find it so cute and unfortunately it doesn't fit eve at all so JFDHSkhf thankfully i have shadowheart for that.
angst : THAT SAID... man i love angst so much, it's p much what runs this blog. especially after my latest drabble that i wrote.. sometimes i find it's much easier to get into those raw and brutal emotions -- which in turn can create some beautiful writing and experiences that i can never get enough of.
smut : i tend to keep explicit smut off my blog save for some occasions, but i won't write that with anyone but my girlfriend. i'll do fade to blacks or leave it vague otherwise, as it's not typically something i'm always comfortable with sharing, despite my muse.
tagged by : stole this from @khadah hope that's okay 🫡 tagging : you!
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godlessliar · 3 days
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if all else fails,
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then   we   lose   it   all.   everything.   everyone.
meet   yonghwa   ha,   a   twenty-eight   year   old,   who   has   been   in   cloyne   for   three   years.   they   are   an   english   teacher   at   cloyne   high   school,   known   for   being   silver   -   tongued   and   impetuous.   they   are   often   heard   humming   along   to   the   view   between   villages   by   noah   kahan.   residents   would   describe   them   as   the   troubled   laureate.
trigger warnings ! — grief, suicidal ideation. mun note ! — triggering content will be labeled accordingly. please let me know if i have failed to correctly label triggers. thank you ! links ! : tag navigation
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name.   yonghwa   ha. date   of   birth.   november   11th,   1995.   11:11. place   of   birth.   london,   england. star   placements.   scorpio   sun.   cancer   moon.   capricorn   rising. sexual   orientation.   pansexual. romantic   orientation.   demiromantic. gender.   non-binary   (   he   /   they   ). mbti   placement.   infp. moral   alignment.   chaotic   neutral. religion.   agnostic. economical   status.   first   class   elite. relationship   status.   single. family   connections.   all   estranged. face   claim.   kim   taehyung,   aka.   v   of   bts. disclaimer.   i   am   not   v   nor   am   i   related   to   v,   bts,   or   big   hit   /   hybe   entertainment.   this   blog   is   dependent   of   cloynefm   and   is   for   roleplay   purposes   only.
ruin.   all   that   he   was   lay   in   ruin,   washed   by   the   tide   of   echoed   goodbyes.   they   were   atlantis,   glory   in   vain,   with   nothing   but   the   truest   and   most   cherished   of   bonds,   predetermined   only   by   the   gods   themselves ;   and   yet   all   must   come   to   an   end.   every   love.   every   life.   grief   wreaks   its   havoc   on   even   the   strongest,   and   good   luck   never   lasts. he   can   still   hear   her   last   goodbye.   he   can   still   see   the   light   fade   from   her   eyes.   he   can   still   feel   her   ghost,   kissing   his   skin. he   can   still.
once   proclaimed   laureate,   he   can   no   longer   see   the   romance   in   literature,   nor   the   delicate   veins   of   inked   life   on   pure   white   pages.   his   love   was   his   rising   as   much   as   it   was   his   downfall   ;   capsized   by   a   storm   of   chaos   after   losing   his   everything.   she   was   his   everything.   his   home   was   no   longer   his,   no   longer   theirs,   the   stench   of   dying   flesh   still   lingering   like   flies   on   a   body.   she   was   dying   before   she   was   dead.   he   is   now   dead   before   he   is   dying.
perhaps   they   all   wonder   why   he   is   even   there   at   all.   why   he   sits   lonely   in   a   small   apartment   still   too   big   for   his   size,   why   he   struggles   to   form   sentences   over   words   he'd   read   a   thousand   times.   the   students   wonder,   as   he   stares   blankly   at   the   dark   emerald   surface,   chalk   clenching   in   his   hand   —   distracted.   he   wonders   why   he   was   the   one   the   gods   gave   mercy.   why   not   her?
diary entry.
september 24th, 2024. the stench of death is in the air. perhaps my time is coming near. perhaps she is calling to me. perhaps i will follow.
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ev1eve · 13 days
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ZHANG YUEHUA was born on christmas day, 1997 in hong kong. her mother, yizhao, entered her in beauty pageants at the age of six, which yuehua loved. from a young age she always loved dressing up and being in front of the camera. her participation in pageants lead her to be signed by an agency for child stars. she appeared in magazines and commercials and was on her way to earning a stable career in china. in 2013, she was scouted by CHROME ENTERTAINMENT to become a trainee. initially, becoming a singer was never something she thought of, but because she was a huge kpop fan, she took the risk and moved to korea at the age of sixteen.
YUA made her first debut as an idol in 2015 as member of NOiR, which was CHROME ENTERTAINMENT’s first girl group. after one of the members of NOiR got caught in a bullying scandal, it negatively affected the entire group, leading to NOiR’s disbandment. yua would be the only member to remain under CHROME and worked as a model until came the formation of EViE, where she would be the first member.
upon the announcement of EViE’s debut and yua's redebut many were skeptical. some korean netizens still had negative opinions about yua and didn't think the group would last long. yua and EViE would prove them wrong by still being around today, and with yua being one of the most popular members.
yua’s popularity in china and south korea outweighs the group at times. many people believed that EViE was basically created around yua, which isn’t too far from the truth. her popularity in china is massive and a lot of people wondered why she didn’t leave CHROME after her first group disbanded. when asked about this, she said that she respected the company and they respected her, so she stayed and decided to re-debut.
BIRTH NAME : zhang yuehua ╱ 张月华
BIRTH DATE : december 25th, 1997
ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn
ETHNICITY : chinese
NATIONALITY : hong-kongese
HOMETOWN : tuen mun district, hong kong
HEIGHT : 5’3
FACE CLAIM : vivi (loossemble)
VOICE CLAIM : handong (dreamcatcher)
DANCE CLAIM : winter (aespa)
GROUP : NOiR (2015 - 2017), EViE (2020 - present)
POSITIONS : lead dancer, sub vocalist, sub rapper, face of the group
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cantuscorvi · 8 months
# 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙪𝙣
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(PEN)NAME:  Rain PRONOUNS: Any pronouns. ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken
1 - I live in China, so if you see me around at weird hours, now you know. 2 - If you tell me what to do or shush me I will bite your ankles. 3 - I collect Daruma related things.
PLATFORMS USED: Mostly tumblr. I've dabbled in forum and IM-related stuff but it doesn't give me the same vibe so I always come back here. PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I prefer at least a little bit of plotting or discussion before we start. Otherwise it's difficult for me to know where even to begin, what are the boundaries expected, etc. I tend to need some kind of 'hook' to get started with interactions and then all is good. After that, everything is on the table, and we can build.
GENDER: I tend to write characters leaning to a more masc angle, even if they are female. Probably bc of who I am as a person lmao, it's easier for me! MULTI OR SINGLE: Raum scares all the other characters in my brain and makes them go sit in the corner. Naturally I'm more comfortable on a single, it's what I'm used to, but I want to try multi more. LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): The only time this gets to me is when there's a new popular media and everyone and their grandma is using the same faces from it - otherwise I don't have a problem.
 FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Difficult (muse-wise) but possible. If the mood strikes it can be fun! ANGST: Probably more common but I don't like to flood it too much or everything feels like a soap opera. SMUT : This is like a fun challenge for me to write but honestly it requires some trust between muns for me to do this. On the other hand I'm always down to eroticize the grotesque and mundane LMAO
tagged by: @sosordid tagging: you see this? you want to fill it in? go for it!
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ohabeeeeeee · 3 months
Hands DFT a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, stinky cum, Danish Fontina, and Bergader
DFT no self control DFT full of cheese
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ryvbomin · 1 year
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{ rae, 21, cst, she/her } —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's ryu bomin, who is a vocal coach. i’ve heard whispers that the twenty-eight year old is pretty strong -willed but lowkey judgmental. also, doesn’t he remind you of byun baekhyun?
hello hello !! a quick lil mun intro before getting into bomin's business. i'm rae, ur local veteran exo-l, she/her & in cst !! i am so unprepared for this rn ive been so busy but pls give this a ♡ if u would like to plot !!
tw: drug addiction, stalking
born to a 19 year old sex worker on october 28th of 1994, making him a scorpio sun, leo moon, with a capricorn rising.
after finding out she was pregnant, she decided to move in with her aunt and they would raise bomin together.
his mother didn't know the father, so she reached out to every rich client she had & got as much money as she could so she could try and give her child the life she'd never had.
from a young age, he showed an affinity for music.
when he entered school, he joined any musical extracurricular they had available. he was a natural at everything music related.
he eventually began busking at 13 to earn some extra money for his mom and aunt.
he was approached by a scout for a relatively unknown company, he at first thought it was a scam but after some encouragement from his aunt he decided to take the scout up on his offer.
he trained for five years at this company, even dropping out of school to focus on training while working.
in 2012 when he was 18 he debuted in a six member group named apollo (based on b.a.p, daehyun vc) where he was the main vocalist & face of the group.
known for his mischievous behavior amongst fans, he quickly became the most popular member.
his group quickly gained massive success and put their company on the map.
bomin had a massive issue with sasaengs during the height of his success, but his company refused to take action because "any press was good press"
the company became greedy and withheld pay from him and his members, paying them next to nothing for the work they had put in.
however, in 2014, the six members filed a lawsuit against their company saying their company had not paid them.
the group entered a hiatus until 2015 and eventually a settlement was reached, but bomin still decided to leave the group.
he floated around different entertainment companies for three years, attempting a solo debut that gained little to no attention.
bomin had become bitter and jaded about the industry. he was always angry and could never seem to calm down.
he eventually began to abuse cocaine, which didn't help his anger but certainly distracted him enough to prevent his anger from coming out.
he periodically released music on soundcloud, but never anything else.
he was living off the settlement from the lawsuit and the bit of money he had earned from his solo career until early 2023, when it began to run out due to his addiction and lavish lifestyle.
bomin decided to reenter the industry, but not as an idol, as a vocal coach. he figured he had enough experience to help guide the new generation of idols down the right path while providing them top tier vocal training.
he reached out to infinite during their tour and was hired during it, he stayed back for a good majority of it but was spotted with idols a lot during the final leg.
currently, bomin has been california sober for four months. (if u dont know california sober is only drinking and smoking weed)
bomin can best be described as a butt head. like im so serious rn
he's stubborn as shit and sarcastic, if u make a typo in a text he will not let it go unnoticed.
fights for what he believes in always, part of the reason the lawsuit took over a year to settle.
a bit of a hopeless romantic, but always unlucky in relationships.
tough love is his thing. bullying too but in a caring way.
has no problem being annoying. he knows how to push people's buttons and will do so when he's bored.
while he can be obnoxious as shit, he is also very loyal.
defend his friends tooth and nail if anyone fucks with them
big white dad at a bbq energy when hes with his friends
feminist icon, he tends to be more comfortable around women as well. no specific reason he just thinks theyre really pretty and nice and he likes women so much (he just like me fr)
bisexual but w a strong female lean
hes chaotic in the same way taemin from shinee is
in another life hes a lawyer he loves arguing so much
pls give me an ex!!!! romantic or even an ex best friend, i need his mean side to come out tbh
his adopted child, an idol that's about 4+ years younger than him who he is so stressed about always
his apprentice, someone who thinks he's so cool and he wants to teach them everything he knows
maybe someone who used to stan apollo (bonus points if he was their bias)
someone who helps him stay as sober as he can be
a ride or die, his best friend in the whole wide world
literally anything
literally everything
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
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((I have yet to settle on a proper birth date for Andre, but I do know that he's a Capricorn (like myself). It's a matter of whether said birthday is in December, or January (like the mun's).))
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Hands you a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Stinky Cum, and Saint Albray.
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hdmiru · 1 year
hello, dolls! it’s just me 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒆 (dayeon’s mun, kst, she/her) coming to you all with my second muse! this is 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒓𝒖, and i’m so excited to bring her here because she’s quite different from dayeon! she’s already been through her own journeys before joining hydra labels, and i can’t wait to see her interact with all of your muses! please go ahead and like this post to plot! once again, i am available through im’s or d*scord. whichever one you prefer!
incoming is her background!
born december 28, 2003 in tokyo, japan. she’s a capricorn, and i do think that says a lot about her. her father is a retired tennis player, while her mother is a retired volleyball player. the whole family was very sports-oriented, and so naturally, miru was pushed into that field as well
she took after her mother’s footsteps and played volleyball until her freshmen year of high school in which she suffered an injury that wasn’t life changing, but it did prevent her from pursuing volleyball professionally
it definitely feels like her whole life is crumbling down as that’s all she’s known. her mother’s pretty disappointed (is anybody surprised?), but she quickly moves onto miru’s younger sister instead. miru takes this opportunity to do everything she couldn’t do as a child
one of those includes going on trips. summer of 2021, she’s visiting korea when she gets casted by some entertainment company. they feed her sweet lies, and she’s convinced to take on the offer. she starts training at this npc company july of 2021, transfers to high school in korea (she was at hanlim arts for about eight months if anybody’s muse was there at the same time) and begin training
unfortunately, it was never a stable company to begin with, and they go bankrupt so she’s suddenly a jobless eighteen year-old in the middle of 2022! but she feels that the training that she did receive would be a waste if she didn’t continue to go down this path, and so she auditions for a bunch of other companies before finally making it to starlight music in december of 2022
onto her personality!
her background as an athlete shaped her personality quite a bit. she’s disciplined, polite, rigid, plays by the rules, honest and pretty much everything you’d find in a stereotypical athlete! adapting to the trainee life wasn’t super difficult because of these traits, but it also means that she does better with competition as well! she feels the need to improve and push herself further if there’s someone to compare herself to
pretty peak introvert tbh. like she prefers spending time alone. will make plans but silently pray they get cancelled by the other party so she can spend it at home, that type of person! not to say she’s no fun to be around, but she prefers to hang in the background and watch/observe what’s going on rather than being the cause of chaos
i don’t want to put so much emphasis on mbti, but miru’s also very peak istp/j (the latter is pretty 50-50). she prefers to get work done, and she’s really not good at imagining things. likes to stick to realistic options. the type of person that if a little child walked up to her and asked what they thought of their painting, she wouldn’t know what to say because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings but the painting’s terrible, yknow? that kind of person
some wanted connections
while i love figuring things out one-on-one, here are some vague ideas that could work as starting points! as mentioned, she would thrive off of a rival, but i imagine it to lean more towards a friendly one, someone who isn’t afraid of criticizing her when she needs it and vice versa! someone who’s surprised that she’s better at korean than she seems? maybe she catches you talking bad about someone and kind of laughs because she understands everything! someone she knew pre-hydra days! she did train somewhere else and they could have crossed paths that way? i think miru can appear intimidating to some people with how quiet and observant she is. somebody who’s intimidated by her vibes? or someone miru wants to so desperately befriend but can’t seem to because she doesn’t know how to start the conversation! at the moment, i believe she’s the newest trainee around so someone who’s helped her since her first day? 
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meatriarchived · 1 year
get to the know the mun!
Daily Quote: [ internally tv static overlaying my inner voice going ] "fuck. fuck? fuck. fuck! fuck fuck fuCK FUCKING GODDA-"
ALIAS / NAME: renee! c:
BIRTHDAY: january 10th.
ZODIAC: sun in capricorn, moon in capricorn, rising in aquarius. (chart.)
HEIGHT: 5'1. :') i'll maul ur kneecaps.
HOBBIES: writing, listening to music, watching crime adjacent shows, horror/slasher stuff, uhm, creating way too many characters, using music to daydream scenes throughout the day c; and fist fighting my brain either for headaches or writers block rotting me from the inside out.
FAV. COLOR: green! specifically sage, forest, & viridian. but also blue, black., rust.
FAV. BOOK: rebecca by daphne du maurier. ( think i got a thing for characters haunting the narrative who are dead from the get-go huh- fsnbjdfksdb )
LAST SONG: maria by blondie (i simply have to listen to it a handful of times a day fsbdhk)
LAST MOVIE / SHOW: rewatch of the remakes / scream. i rarely watch either nowadays tho.
RECENT READ: i dont really read books much anymore, so does reading ya'll novel replies count? :))
INSPIRATION: other horror/slasher content, gifsets of peoples mannerisms / facial expressions, p.interest, picking out things w/ symbolism and attributing certain parts of said symbol to a character, things like that. otherwise, my writing is very throw shit at the wall, let it get messy, let it be violent, and we call it a day-
STORY BEHIND URL: " Meatriarch " is a lil' dedication to our mom Luda c: its nothing groundbreaking in thought process. Literally wanted something to do with her being the hewitt Matriarch, and their c.annibals so Meat. Typed them down like [ Meat Matriarch ] and just combined from there uwu im so big brained omg
Tagged by: yoinked from the dash. uwu Tagging: yoink from me its gucci do it.
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lor-starcutter · 2 years
Hands you a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Stinky Cum, and Saint Albray.
>Thank you for this basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, and Saint Albray.
>There was something in there that was likely added by mistake so it has been shipped to your current coordinates
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