#Multilevel Marketing Business
mlmdiary · 1 year
MLM or Network marketing is a business model that involves a pyramid-shaped network of people who sell products directly to consumers. The primary goal of MLM Companies is to sell their products through a network of independent salespeople, also known as distributors, who earn commissions based on the sales they generate. The distributors, in turn, are encouraged to recruit others to become distributors, and they earn commissions on the sales made by their recruits.
Want to know more about this so read our Blog: What is MLM or network marketing? How it Works and Benefits for Individuals and Businesses
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digitalanant · 2 years
Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022 ? | Digital Anant
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Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022? , नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आप सभी का एक बार फिर हमारी Website Digital Anant में, आज एक बार हम फिर हाजिर हैं आपके लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को लेकर जिसे हम Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022?  के नाम से जानते हैं।
दोस्तो क्या आपने भी 4 Phases Of Network Marketing, Reality Of Network Marketing In India, Network Marketing Scams In Hindi और How To Join Network Marketing आदि के बारे में Search किया है और आपको निराशा हाथ लगी है ऐसे में आप बहुत सही जगह आ गए है, आइये Network Marketing Review In Hindi 2022, What Is Best Time To Join Any Business, Online Network Marketing Join In Hindi और Is MLM Good 2022? ​आदि के बारे में बुनियादी बाते जानते है।
दोस्तों अगर आप Network Marketing Business की सच्चाई के बारे में जानना चाहते है तो लिस्ट के अंदर तक बने रहे। आज इस लेख में मै आपको Reality Of Network Marketing In India के साथ ही किसी Business को Join करने का Best Time क्या होता है? आदि के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण Updates देने वाला हूँ, चलिये शुरू करते है। आगे पढ़े...
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adyophene · 5 months
I got a few people saying they wouldn't mind seeing a run down of my unfinished work and sketches! So this is gunna be just a big ol post of that and just explaining what the doodles would have ended up being!
First off is just some sketches of Alastor, Husk, a really uncanny Blitzo, and an unfinished voxhusk sketch
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Left Husk was reffed off a pose that i've since lost, and right was going to be a little comic of Husk bugging Vox and then Vox bugging Husk in return. :( I don't remember what dialogue I was going to use.
Next is just some unfinished couple sketches! Some Chaggie and Angel/Sir Pentious that I might still use at some point. TuT I think Angel and Pentious could make such a hilarious couple and it kills me that I can't find almost anything for it
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and this husk was just going to be a redraw of this
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but with Al, Vox, Angel, and Lucifer petting him
next is one I did already post but this one here; left was going to be a short comic where Lilith comes back and is enamored with Husk while also vaguely threatening to Alastor as she is. Right is the only doodle I have so far for a comic about Husk and Charlie getting caught hiding out from the rain, and Husk trying to talk to her about her making a deal with Alastor. Ugh. I need to even just thumbnail out that comic. Its been in my mental queue for literal months!
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Next up is a bunch of sketches of my own Hazbin OC, Shiv! I've never posted anything about him alone before, but he's featured in a lot of the backgrounds of my pieces! He was a carnie in voxhusk fake dating, and then a waiter in the diner piece, and ticket booth attendant in the movie theater one!
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I always love putting him in just whatever job the art calls for because he is a '1980's cocaine and bourbon grindset hustlepilled business fuck'. I don't know if I will ever expand his story in artwork, but if I did I would draw something about him trying to get a Soul-Based Multilevel marketing scheme going. Shiv is short for 'Shiver' because he froze to death after drunk wandering naked into the woods while on a skiing trip. He's in hell because he made his money doing shitty business practices like scamming old people out of their money with phone scams. If he saw Mad Men he'd think it would be about him, but he'd fit better in Its Always Sunny
Lastly, I have some sketches from a comic I am literally fighting myself not to make, where Husk ends up kidnapped by a ring of criminals that smuggle sinners to other Rings of Hell. Husk would be captured to be an exotic pet for a Ostrich theme'd Goetia, but would quickly escape. The main plot would be him running into and then helping out Blitzo in return for help getting back to the Pride ring!
I would have also got to include my other OC, the little Egg lamb, Sunnysides!
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Literally would have just been a huge excuse for me to draw Husk going through Situations and hanging out with the Helluva Boss cast and my OCs.
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toon-link-plush-daily · 3 months
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Will you join his pyramid scheme? I mean, regular scheme! I mean… er… legitimate business!
Today's toon link urges you to be your own boss! Just by 200 rupees worth of this fine product, sell it, and get more people to sell it as you collect a commission. You'll be rich! Totally not a pyramid scheme :) Its just Multilevel marketing its fine :)) Don't worry just pay him :)))
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themoonweaversden · 1 month
Messeges that were found so far: NAITSUAF (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
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There are some who believe that beneath your skin, nerves, and meat hides a unique spark of electric ephemera that religious types call a "soul." This invisible cloud of will is theorically the most eternal, sacred part of any being. Does it exist? WHO CARES! The important thing is, people believe in it, which means it has MARKET VALUE, BABY! That's why I've purchased as many souls as possible through history just in case I need to CRASH IN one DAY!
Look, I wouldn't tell my secret to just anyone, but if you got this far you're smart enough for a golden oportunity! It's simple! First you sell your soul to me, but you get it back as soon as you get three people to sell their souls! Then each of your soul customers buys three more souls, and if you get a commision on each soul, and I only get a small fraction of that commision, it's basically money that prints itself! And souls probably aren't real anyway so there's NO WAY to lose!
Trust me, you're gonna LOVE not having a soul. A soul's like a Jet-ski: sounds cool in theory, but then it just gathers dust in the garage. That junk could be making YOU money! And all you have to do is sign on the dotted line! Pleasure doing business with ya Pal, and may God have mercy on you... uh. You know. On your whole general vibe.
Got any questions? Look, I'll let my lawyer, MultiLevel Mark, explain it.
By reading this paragraph to completion you are agreeing that Mr. Cipher is not liable for any distress, infinite purgatorial torment, profound regret, loss of joie de vivre or vibe shift following the sale of your soul. Bill might be dead but his team of lawyers cannot be killed, praise be to the Legal System, Amen.
Once you click ARE YOU READY?:
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"SOUL CONTRACT This Certifies That:
X_________________________________(YOUR NAME) hereby grants ownership of their everlasting soul in perpetuity throughout all timelines, realities, and simulations to Bill Cipher Soul Holding LLC. Signing this contract waives any further right to seeing your soul, visiting your soul, soul-searching, wearing a soul patch, or watching the movie "Soul Plane." Your career in the arts is formally over, but your career working for network television Standards & Practicies has only begun!
I. Singee may continue to eat Chiken Soup but any spiritual comfort in offers will be transferred instantly to Bill Cipher LLC. If any other deities or demigods dispute ownership of this soul from a prior sale, they will have to bring their fiddle, chess board, and/or paperwork to our HQ for meditation to determine the Soul Beneficiary. II. "Old Souls" may be subject to remodeling for hiegher resale value. III. Souls are to be stored in our soul containtment unit in the Astral Plane. We are not liable for damages in the event that some kind of "Ghost Busting" team releases your soul and others from our containment in a wacky montage throughout New York City. IV. If Anubis comes by with his scale for our annual Soul Weight Audit, tell him we are all home sick.
This Soul is hereby transfered to: X__Bill Cipher__ (BILL CIPHER, CEO) WITNESSED BY: X_________ ("OPTOR" THE ALL-SELLER)
Theraprism decoded: "You are now twenty one grams lighter"
Cipher font decoded: "This contract is legal and binding. We reserve the right to use your likeness, face, voice, and small-town pluck in whatever nefarious manner is deemed necessary. Sans soul, your soulmate will not recognize you and will walk right past you on a cold autumn day, never making eye contact, not even processing that you have eyes at all. No amount of interaction will move them to a place where they can remember, in feeling, the thousands of lifetimes you have already spent together, each time choosing whatever form would keep you closest. Like otters holding hands in a tumultuous river, you were birds; you were trees with roots entangled, drinking in the sunlight together. Wherever we go next, whatever you choose, I will always be right with you. That's done, buddy. Congratulations, you have chosen Bill instead. McDonald's reserves the right to put a giant yellow "W" on your torso and forehead and send you walking through a crowded Times Square while you scream, "The fries! The fries! They don't degrade in nature! It's an immortal food! They will be in the landfills long past our deaths! Good God, the things I've seen! Me? Who am I? Oh, I'm Bill's previous lawyer. He put my soul into a quill pen so I can write his legal documents until the sun snuffs out like a candle in this sick universe. I used to be hot; I was so fine. Now I'm fine print. Speaking of which, Bill reserves the right to put your soul into an inanimate object, a strange creature, a concept, a sentence, a tasteful but rustic mason jar with wildflowers in it. If at any point you wish to have visitation rights with your soul, you will be swiftly denied, unless you had a cool day planned for the both of you. Then Bill might want to come along. By signing this document, you forfeit any rights to eating soul food; it will turn to ash in your mouth, a fitting punishment for a fool who squandered the only true gift life owes you. Bill reserves the right to dress your soul however he deems necessary, especially if your soul was a nerd before acquisition. Soul makeover! Your soul may become fractured and placed into different objects; this has no purpose and will not resurrect you if you die. Signee has forfeited all rights to any afterlife, including but not limited to Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Big Corner, Flow State, the Dream House, the Reincarnation Processing Center, Axolotl's Tank, and Consequences Hold. Signee can no longer board the Soul Train and is advised to discard all bellbottoms. Signee can no longer have a puppy as a best friend; they can sense what is gone. Cats are indifferent. Signee may experience occasional demon possessions from Horculus the Red, Plabos the Merciless, Morbus son of Mortum, Plaga the Oozing, and other such common demons roaming Earth searching for weakened, empty vessels. Tips for ripping your soul out at home: matching YouTube commentary channels, attending an extended family event with an open bar, using generative AI and asserting that you are creating, turning a blind eye to human suffering, amassing more wealth than needed, purchasing a blue checkmark."
If you click BE A COWARD nothing happens
If you click PRINT it just let's you print it
If you click SIGN:
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Once you close it the flame from the candle changes to blue:
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From now on all the words that didn't seem to do anything (audiolog, bubbles, clear, contract, etc...) will play a selection of videos/audios when you click the nob on the computer
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loserboyfriendrjl · 10 months
The way you answered the ask about Regulus trying to get everyone to join his business thing just makes me think Regulus mlm scheme
mlm regulus but it’s multilevel marketing as @plecotusauritus (i think?) has so kindly put it
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ask-the-furies · 1 year
savvy, my crypto is in shambles, my wife keeps telling me to stop investing in "obvious scams" (no risk no reward obvs 🙄) , and my kids do NOT appreciate the stock certificates im getting for their birthdays.
im committed to the ultraliberal mindset grindset, but my confidence has been shaken. how do YOU stay commited to the hustle, boss? 🙏
SAVVY— I feel you there, brother. I am also unappreciated in my time by a bunch of cashless plebs. As a fellow holder of the grindset, you have to be willing to make sacrifices.
SAVVY— You’re going to get called a lot of things when you’re an ultraliberal. A sucker. An idiot. Someone who is extremely gullible and susceptible to multilevel marketing schemes. You know what else is true? If making money were easy, everyone would do it. They want what you have, pal. They wish that they could be as committed as you are, and they’re trying to shake your faith. A wife? Who needs her! All you need is cold, hard cash.
SAVVY— What’s the ROI on those kids? Are they contributing to your net worth? Do you see them becoming future business partners? If not, drop them ASAP. 👏
SAVVY— Never give up just because things are getting tough. Do you think making your first million reàl is going to be easy? No. 👎
SAVVY— I stay committed because I don’t doubt. I never doubt. There’s one thing you can always trust that will never, ever fail you, and thats money. Stick to the grind, buddy. 🙌 Keep your head held high, and never abandon the sweet draw of money, because that cash flow’s going to hit any day now. 💪
RHETORIC— Why do you keep making so many gestures with your hands. Even more than usual. Stop it.
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cantsayidont · 1 year
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January 1987. Perhaps the quintessential '80s comic, the long-running Marvel G.I. JOE series is a loopy mixture of flag-waving American interventionism, shameless marketing hustle, mindless violence, berserk obsession with ninjas, and the lingering specter of the Vietnam War. Ideologically indefensible and remarkably silly, it's redeemed mainly (if barely) by longtime writer Larry Hama's streak of weird deadpan humor and flashes of genuine eccentricity.
It also stands as an unexpectedly prescient preview of a whole category of today's real-world villainy. The main bad guys in G.I. JOE are mostly a motley collection of grifters, opportunists, and mountebanks whose greed, ego, buffoonery, and backstabbing would be laughable if they were less heavily armed. Cobra Commander (deliberately never named or unmasked on panel) is a former used car dealer who's built a terrorist organization as one part multilevel marketing scam to two parts Libertarian/AnCap militia, with a philosophy that's pure Gordon Gekko. Destro is an old-money arms-dealing aristo who turns up his nose at the Commander's incoherent faux-populism and lunatic underlings, but not enough to not do business with them. Most of their named lieutenants are ridiculous bottom-feeders driven by petty grudges and the urge to talk big and dress up. No one ever accused this book of being sociopolitically astute, but almost any of its recurring villains could easily have a thriving political career today. What a world we live in …
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starlitartworks · 6 days
Looking at reviews of the Lucy book, and apparently, there's a whole thing with a multilevel marketing business empire??? Hilarious; I was not expecting that kind of mlm in a vampire novel.
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maria-the-ghoul · 8 days
Everytime I see someone say "I want to support a small business! I'm looking for someone who sells *Multilevel marketing Scam*!", I want to scream that they aren't a small business.
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And it's even worse when it's a military spouse group....because military spouses are SUPER susceptible to Multilevel Marketing Scams (or now as they are calling themselves - Network Marketing).
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mlmdiary · 1 year
Network marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing, is a business model that relies on recruiting a network of distributors to sell a company's products or services. While it can be a lucrative business opportunity, network marketing can also be challenging and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Here are 10 secrets about How to Succeed in Network Marketing.
Want to know more about this so read our Blog: 10 Secrets to Achieving Success in Network Marketing
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roguetelepaths · 1 year
We really need more education out in the world about how harmful multilevel marketing corporations are and how they fucking Are Not "small businesses", because I saw someone trying to sell Mary Kay at the fucking Juneteenth vendor tent today (which is supposed to be for, you know, local Black-owned small businesses) and I'm just like. What the fuck.
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enchantingruinscandy · 4 months
mlm as in men loving men and mlm as in multilevel marketing . . .
gay men are secretly business men
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enterthecuttlezone · 2 years
This post got ONE LIKE, you know what that means!
Welcome to Tati, son las tres.
Sometimes I feel like Tati. She’s easily excited by mundane things, smiles dumbly like a dog. She dresses plainly in “unfashionable” clothing until the occasion demands some movie magic (admission: I only do the first part). And for Tati, “English or Spanish?” is answered with “A little of neither.” When I was unemployed, I felt like Tati way too much. All of Los Espookys (season one was all we had back then) seemed to me to BE about jobs and trying to find jobs and not knowing what you really want to do with your life and that feeling of oh my god!!! You know? And to a certain extent, it is about that.
In the very first scene of the entire show, Tico tells Renaldo he should make doing spooky stuff into his business. “All I ever wanted to do was park cars, and now I do it full-time! This spooky stuff is your parking cars,” he says. Tico has loved to park cars ever since he was a kid. He’s a prodigy at it, and now he works as a valet and the valet world adores him. In terms of his career, he’s living the dream, doing what he loves and loving doing it. And this model seems to work for Renaldo too. He takes Tico’s advice, turns his friends’ spooktastic hobby into a business, and though he’s not exactly rolling in the dough (he still lives with his parents and doesn’t seem to have any other occupation), he enjoys the experience, taking exciting gigs, spending time with his friends, and making a little bit of money while he’s at it. And he’s happy.
The character of Úrsula doesn’t fare so well. She is virtually her family’s sole breadwinner, working 9 to 5 as a dental assistant for a dentist who does not respect her. Her freedom is limited by the demands of her job and the financial circumstances of her and her sister, Tati. Because of these things, she has less time to devote to Los Espookys, gets stressed out, and suffers the disrespect of Dr. Ricky, just trying to stay afloat. Eventually, Úrsula gets to the end of her tolerance for Dr. Ricky and quits her job. But her troubles don’t end there.
In the beginning of the series, Tati is working as a fan, manually spinning the blades of an electric fan and going “woosh” to keep her employer cool. Because this is a very inefficient way to do things, Tati gets fired. Throughout the series she works and gets dismissed from a number of different odd jobs, for example, breaking in other people’s shoes, or being a “human Fitbit” who counts her client’s steps. After having a falling out with her internet boyfriend, Tati decides to “focus on herself and her career” and gets involved in a multilevel marketing company called Hierbalite (wink wink). She believes in the prosperous future Hierbalite promises so much that she spends two thousand pesos on Hierbalite products to sell from her home. This gets her and Úrsula into a bit of a financial pickle.
Although Tati seems blissfully unaware of reality much of the time— she tells her new boyfriend (who is her ex-boyfriend catfishing her for the second time) about “how stressful this amazing opportunity with Hierbalite has gotten”— she has a few moments in which she expresses very eloquently the same emotions I felt when I was floundering about sin major, sin dream and sin job. While Tati and her friend Andrés are shopping for mirrors for a Los Espookys gig, suddenly and without prompting Tati says to him:
What am I doing with my life? Horror is your passion. You all know what you’re doing with your lives, but… What am I doing? Where am I going? I can’t break in shoes. I can’t count steps. I can’t help people lose, gain, or maintain weight. I can’t keep time. I fail at everything I try. I mean, where will I be in five years? What if it rains? I don’t have those kinds of shoes.
This scene, being TV, is neatly wrapped up with Andrés telling Tati that “there are those who enjoy the journey more than the destination,” and Tati, reassured, deciding that her dream is to “be Cirque du Soleil.” We never do see Tati achieve this dream. It’s entirely possible that she forgot about it the moment after she said it. At the end of the first season Tati marries the heir to a prosperous cookie company. Her happy ending: “Now I’m a married woman! No one can fire me from this!” (Season two spoilers: Tati gets another painful gig-economy job, her husband divorces her, and she ends up back in her sister’s apartment, gigging and gigging and gigging and gigging…) Not the most comforting story for floundering me. I guess this little Tati train is just gonna have to keep on chugging.
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razorfst · 10 months
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Mafia Verse - Andrei Lupei's Compound
Of course there has to be a location where he can fully conduct his illegal business of running a crime family and that is a business compound outside the city. It is three buildings though one looks more like an upscale protected warehouse, the other an office building with few windows, and the third being a connecting multilevel garage. This is mostly referred to as The Compound by Andrei and his associates, aka those in his family. The garage is large enough to fit a fair amount of cars but there is a parking lot mainly around the upscale warehouse looking building for those who are just going there or can't find a space in the garage. He always has a spot reserved for him when he isn't visiting quickly and pulled up in front of the upscale looking office building. Inside the main building, the one that appears to be an office with few windows, there are plenty of office space for those employed by him and in his family to keep track of the various ways he runs his crime family. It is mostly what you think of when one runs a mob like shipping of illegal goods and black market dealings. On top of that this is where he conducts meetings involving all of that as well as with other families. Sure there are overlap of his employees between his legal and illegal assets but overall he tends to keep a majority separate so as to keep those who are innocent, innocent. The main building is meant for the business side and the business side of it only. However some crossovers will happen, though he tends to like to keep the less than savory aspects of his life in the secondary building: the upscale warehouse. The warehouse is rather sound proof for multiple reasons. Here they accept some shipments of what they deal in, making sure it's all there if the order is important before sending it off to where it needs to go. There is also an armory, used to test black market firearms as well their own while sharpening their arm should it ever be necessary. In their life, it most often is. And there are multiple dark rooms, no windows, that have a chair, table, and bed. Those are meant for people his family need answers from, a shakedown or used for leverage. Almost like prison cells without the bars, that is their purpose. It is for that reason only certain people are allowed in the warehouse by his rule. Because again, he likes to keep those not involved or at least those it doesn't pertain to as innocent as possible. It lessens the chances of information being leaked as well.
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sapphicbookoftheday · 2 years
Live, Laugh, Kidnap by Gabby Noone
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Today's sapphic book of the day is Live, Laugh, Kidnap by Gabby Noone!
Summary: "From the author of Layoverland comes another bitingly clever, laugh-out-loud funny novel, about a group of teen girls going up against an exploitative megachurch in their small Montana town.
The only thing Genesis, Holly and Zoe seem to have in common is being stuck in Violet, Montana. Well, that and the fact that Hope Harvest Ministries is trying to ruin their lives.
Genesis lives on a commune that is now an echo of the New Age cult it once was. She’s witnessed power couple Pastor Jay and Ree Reaps transform their sleepy small town into a haven for online Influencers, who flock to Violet, bible in one hand and Ree’s bestselling ACT LIKE A LADY, PRAY LIKE A BOSS in the other. Now, the Reaps have decided it’s God’s Will™ that they take over Gen’s ranch.
Holly is a begrudging tourist, forced to spend the summer with her estranged father as punishment for her unsavory behavior back in LA. To Holly, Hope Harvest is nothing but a gimmicky marketing ploy, but it’s threatening to put her father’s diner out of business and, for some reason, Holly cares.
All Zoe wants is to leave Violet, working thankless shifts at the diner to scrape together enough cash to start a new life with her girlfriend. But Zoe’s mother has lost everything to the church’s multilevel marketing schemes so the little money that Zoe manages to make goes right to debt collectors.
The only solution to their problems is to scam the scammers and protect what’s theirs. It shouldn’t take much – the Reaps’ golden son, an accidental kidnapping, some light blackmail – and the Reaps’ fortune will be in the girls’ much more deserving hands. As long as everything goes according to plan…"
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