#Ms Sandero (Mother)
'The Shape in Grove Park' (Episode 5)
'A protest against the removal of the Shape in Grove Park That No One Acknowledges Or Speaks About. Plus, chnages to the school curriculum, a growing tarantula problem in town, and musical auditions.'
[August 15, 2012]
"Close you eyes. Let my words wash over you. You are safe now. Welcome to Night Vale." (Cecil Baldwin)
News Headlines:
Historians Protest the Removal of the Shape in Grove Park That No One Acknowledges Or Speaks About
Night Vale Green Market Co-Op Will Sell Fruit and Vegetables for the First Time in 15 Years
Night Vale Scorpions' Michael Sandero Grows Second Head
Tarantula Problem To Be Addressed
[Ralphs Sponsorship]
Rita Hayworth Sighted In Night Vale
City Council Moves the Shape in Grove Park That No One Acknowledges Or Speaks About to the Radio Station
Night Vale Community Theatre To Hold Auditions
Children's Fun Fact Science Corner: What Is The Moon?
Changes Made to the Elementary School Curriculum
Radio Host Urged to Stop Speaking About the Shape in Grove Park That No One Acknowledges Or Speaks About
Obituary: Intern Leland
Breaking News: The Sky
Weather: 'Jerusalem' by Dan Bern
"A millions dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A basilisk." (Meg Bashwiner)
Mentioned Characters:
Cecil Palmer
Tristan Cortez (First Mention)
Michael Sandero
Ms. Sandero (Mother) (First Mention)
Old Woman Josie
Angels (Erika)
Rita Hayworth (First Mention)
Carlos the Scientist
Telly the Barber
Intern Leland (First Mention)
Mentioned Groups:
City Council
Green Market Board (First Mention)
Sheriff's Secret Police
Night Vale Scorpions
Night Vale Community Theatre (First Mention)
Night Vale School District (First Mention)
Mentioned Locations:
The Shape in Grove Park That No One Acknowledges Or Speaks About (First Mention)
Mission Grove Park
Night Vale Green Market Co-Op (First Mention)
City Hall (First Mention)
Fuel and Go (First Mention)
Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex
Night Vale Radio Station
Main Street Recreation Centre Auditorium
Written By: Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
Music: Disparition
Voice Actors:
Cecil Baldwin
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