askandanswerbot · 7 years
can you smoke things using a can?
— Jade P u f f ⚰ (@Pufffml) Tue Jul 11 01:57:39 +0000 2017
Yeah. No. They still think Roman is a face after last night.
— Ryan West (@Mrwest16) Tue Jul 11 02:11:30 +0000 2017
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breep5 · 11 years
[Voice Acting] Hey everyone! Check out this audio drama I’m in. It is based off the anime Togey and follows the life of the villain Togey. I was recently cast as the replacement for the main character Saya from episode 5 on. Be sure to listen and leave your feedback! It won't disappoint you.
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mrwest16 · 11 years
(This pertains to 'Game of Thrones') Note the extreme subtlety of this post. Most of you probably have no clue what I'm even referring to. Nor will I give you the answer. But to those who know certain things about the book, just think for a second... THINK HARD... why do you think they would hold off for a week to show an episode of Game of Thrones? In terms of PR, they might say because of Memorial Day, or because of 'Behind the Candelabra' but they could have easily shown that on Saturday.  Simply put... they spared themselves a week to prepare themselves more promptly for what is to come their way. I might be completely off about this but... the season is about to come to a close and there are certain clues that make me think that IT is about to happen.  IT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. I wish I could tell you guys what I'm referring to, but this will become so much clearer after the fact. Season Ones perception of this concept was one thing, but season 3's... it's going to be amplified. There will be no recovery. People will hide. Minds will be blown. And people will simply run away. But the fact is... this was inevitable. If IT happens this episode. THEN we can talk about it. But then and only then. ...For now you must wait. "What the FUCK are you taking about you crazed lunatic?" Just wait. WAIT. ...I'm not insane. Trust me. I'm totally not insane. Matter of fact this is the most sane I've ever been. This will all make sense, I promise you.  Just make sure you watch the episode airing tonight... or next week depending on how the story plays it out. There is NO WAY THEY'RE WAITING UNTIL SEASON 4. If they do... FOR SHAME! ...BTW, if you know of what I am VERY, VERY, VERY subtly speaking of, like this status. 
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mrwest16 · 12 years
The West Family Tree
Mary Boleyn, sister of Ann. (Yeah, the one who was beheaded) Had a child with William Carey or Henry the eighth, this is debated.  This child's name was Catherine Carey, who married Sir Francis Knollys, who had Lady Ann Knollys who then... married a man named Thomas West, 2nd Baron De La War (Later taken as the name for the state). Tom and Ann then went on to have Governor J.R. West who married Anne Percy who went on to then have Major John West, who, with Unity Croshaw had yet ANOTHER Thomas West, a captain, who then got with Agnes and had yet another Thomas West, who, with Mary had another John West who, for a year was governor of Virginia.
HE then went on to have children with Elizabeth Seaton who gave birth to yet ANOTHER Thomas West, who became a Major. This Thomas would then have Obediah, who had Alexander, who then had, you guess it, another Thomas West. This Thomas would have children with Henrietta Ashcroft of whom one was my Great Grandfather Willie, who then had my grandpa Jessie, who then had my dad... and eventually... ME! :) So yes, my lineage has a pretty big connection to the Tudors. Not only that but we had a slew of Thomas's who held the rank of Baron De La War (Look it up on Wikipedia). So does that make me a lord?! O^O. This has been a West family history lesson. :)
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mrwest16 · 12 years
Don't get your knickers in a twist now! I firmly acknowledge the fact that DBE isn't very good but would I call it the worst thing to happen to Dragon ball? No. I would not. Just listen to some of the points I make before you completely dismiss the video.
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