#Mrk 231
chibinotan · 4 years
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Disturbed Shape
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vovansupertv2019 · 5 years
Астрономи спостерігають молекулярний кисень з боку сусіднього квазара
Астрономи спостерігають молекулярний кисень з боку сусіднього квазара Спостереження, проведені за допомогою 30-метрового телескопа IRAM і інтерферометра NOEMA, виявили присутність молекулярного кисню з боку джерела Markarian 231 - найближчого до нас квазара, відомого вченим. Ці знахідки допоможуть глибше зрозуміти властивості молекулярного газу цього об'єкта. Квазари, природа яких пов'язана з надмасивними чорними дірами, що лежать в центрах далеких галактик і званих активними ядрами, мають світності, в тисячі разів перевищують світність Чумацького шляху. Відомо, що більшість квазарів викидають гігантські кількості матеріалу в батьківські галактики. Тому виявлення і спостереження таких потоків можуть допомогти отримати додаткові відомості про еволюцію галактик. Розташований на відстані приблизно 581 мільйон світлових років від Землі, джерело Markarian 231 (або скорочено Mrk 231) являє собою найближчий до нас квазар і найяскравішу надяскравих інфрачервону галактику Місцевої Всесвіту. Цей квазар характеризується високошвидкісними потоками молекулярного матеріалу, а також міліметровим випромінюванням монооксиду вуглецю. В рамках нового дослідження астрономи під керівництвом Цзюньчжі Вана (Junzhi Wang) з Шанхайської астрономічної обсерваторії, Китай, провели докладні спостереження об'єкта Mrk 231 в серпні 2015 року і грудні 2017 р за допомогою обсерваторій IRAS і NOEMA. В результаті було ідентифіковано випромінювання молекулярного кисню з боку цього джерела. Згідно авторам, це випромінювання O2 було виявлено на відстані приблизно 32 600 світлового років від центра джерела Mrk 231. Дослідники знайшли, що загальний потік випромінювання молекулярного кисню має швидкість близько 0,88 К * км / с, що відповідає 4,4 Ян * км / с. Було виявлено, що це значення можна співвіднести зі швидкістю червоного крила монооксиду вуглецю, перш спостережуваного в 2012 р, швидкість якого становила приблизно 2,32 Ян * км / с. Дослідники вважають, що випромінювання O2 з боку джерела Mrk 231 може бути викликано взаємодією між молекулярними потоками, породжуються активним ядром галактики, і молекулярними хмарами зовнішнього диска. Вони додають, що асиметрія розподілу випромінювання молекулярного кисню в просторі і за швидкостями може бути пов'язана з геометрією хмар молекулярного газу квазара і асиметрією молекулярного потоку, що виходить з боку центрального активного ядра галактики.
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mysololaki · 5 years
#новости | Открытие. Молекулярный кислород впервые нашли за пределами нашей галактики - новости Украины, Мир
#новости | Открытие. Молекулярный кислород впервые нашли за пределами нашей галактики – новости Украины, Мир
Двойная черная дыра в центре Mrk 231 (иллюстрация – NASA/ESA/G. Bacon/STScI)
В одном из наиболее ярких и активных мест в наблюдаемой Вселенной зафиксирован молекулярный кислород. Это лишь третий случай обнаружения такого элемента за пределами Солнечно�� системы, и первый – вне Галактики, пишет со ссылкой на The Astrophysical Journal сайт ScienceAlert.
Находка – в галактике Markarian 231 в…
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hibritteknoloji · 7 years
Yeni bir gönderi var Burak ALTIPARMAK
New Post has been published on https://burakaltiparmak.com.tr/kayseride-burs-veren-kurum-kuruluslar/
Kayseri'de Burs Veren Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
Kayseri’de burs veren kurum ve kuruluşların detaylı listesini ve adreslerini aşağıdaki listede bulabilirsiniz. Kayseri’de burs veren vakıflar Kayseri’de öğrencilik yapan veya Kayseri’de öğrenci olup farklı şehirlerde öğrenim gören öğrencilere yönelik burs verme hizmeti bulunmaktadır. Kayseri’de burs veren vakıf ve dernekler genellikle, transkript ya da öğrenci belgesi ile bizzat başvuru yapanların başvurularını kabul etmektedir. Bunun haricinde diğer illerdeki burs veren vakıflara sitemiz üzerinden arama yaparak ulaşabilirsiniz.
Kayseri’de Üniversite Öğrencilerine Burs Veren Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
Kayseri’de Üniversitelerin açılmasıyla yeni bir eğitim öğretim yılı olan 2017 2018 yılı için burs veren vakıf ve dernekler de verecekleri burs miktarlarını ve koşullarını açıklamaya başladı.
Maddi durumu iyi olmayan öğrenciler vakıfların vermiş olduğu karşılıksız burs imkanından yararlanmak isteyebilir. Kayseri’de bulunan burs veren vakıflar, ortalama 150 TL, 400 TL arasında burs vermektedir. Aşağıda yer alan tablo Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü sitesinden alınmış olup, Burs Veren Vakıflar adı altında listelenmektedir. Eğer bir yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız lütfen bize ulaşarak yanlışlığın giderilmesi talebinde bulununuz. Önemli bir not olarak da bu listede yer alan vakıflar güncel bir liste olmayabilir. Bu yüzden 15 Temmuz Darbe girişiminde bulunan hain fetullah gülen’in etkisinde olan,vakıflar varsa bu listeden http://www.vgm.gov.tr/ sitesi çıkarmadıysa, bize bildirirseniz, bizde listemizden kaldırmak isteriz. 15 Temmuz şehitlerimizin Ruhu Şad olsun. 23 Temmuz 2016 tarihli Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan 667 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ile 81 ildeki tam 1125 yasaklı vakıf listesine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
  2017 – 2018 EĞİTİM DÖNEMİ BURS BAŞVURU TARİHLERİ ? ? Başlangıç Bitiş Ortaöğrenim Bursu 18 Eylül 2017 18 Ekim 2017 Yükseköğrenim Bursu 15 Eylül 2017 30 Ekim 2017 Yabancı Uyruklu Yükseköğrenim Bursu 15 Eylül 2017 30 Ekim 2017
  Burs başvurunuzu aşağıdaki linklere tıklayarak yapabilirsiniz.
Başvurunuzu yapmadan önce Burs Başvuru Kılavuzlarını ve burslarımız ile ilgili sıkça sorulan soruları okumanız burs başvurunuzu doğru ve sorunsuz yapmanızda size yardımcı olacaktır.
Ortaöğrenim Bursu Başvuru Kılavuzu için tıklayınız.
Yükseköğrenim Bursu Başvuru Kılavuzu için tıklayınız.
Yabancı Uyruklu Yükseköğrenim Bursu Başvuru Kılavuzu için tıklayınız.
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mitchbattros · 9 years
New Discovery Finds the Making of Gamma Ray Burst in Progress
New Discovery Finds the Making of Gamma Ray Burst in Progress
Why is this important? Because the Earth has been hit by the surge of cosmic rays from a quasar (or supernova) at least 5 times in our historical past, and once in recent history during the year 774/775 AD (or CE). This event resulted in a stream of charged particles made up of cosmic rays and gamma radiation causing a “global” damage to Earth’s atmosphere.
A new discovery by astronomers using…
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rad-press · 9 years
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Hubble Finds That the Nearest Quasar Is Powered by a Double Black Hole
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have found that Markarian 231 (Mrk 231), the nearest galaxy to Earth that hosts a quasar, is powered by two central black holes furiously whirling about each other.
The finding suggests that quasars — the brilliant cores of active galaxies — may commonly host two central supermassive black holes that fall into orbit about one another as a result of the merger between two galaxies. Like a pair of whirling skaters, the black-hole duo generates tremendous amounts of energy that makes the core of the host galaxy outshine the glow of the galaxy's population of billions of stars, which scientists then identify as quasars.
Scientists looked at Hubble archival observations of ultraviolet radiation emitted from the center of Mrk 231 to discover what they describe as "extreme and surprising properties."
If only one black hole were present in the center of the quasar, the whole accretion disk made of surrounding hot gas would glow in ultraviolet rays. Instead, the ultraviolet glow of the dusty disk abruptly drops off towards the center. This provides observational evidence that the disk has a big donut hole encircling the central black hole. The best explanation for the observational data, based on dynamical models, is that the center of the disk is carved out by the action of two black holes orbiting each other. The second, smaller black hole orbits in the inner edge of the accretion disk, and has its own mini-disk with an ultraviolet glow.
"We are extremely excited about this finding because it not only shows the existence of a close binary black hole in Mrk 231, but also paves a new way to systematically search binary black holes via the nature of their ultraviolet light emission," said Youjun Lu of the National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
"The structure of our universe, such as those giant galaxies and clusters of galaxies, grows by merging smaller systems into larger ones, and binary black holes are natural consequences of these mergers of galaxies," added co-investigator Xinyu Dai of the University of Oklahoma.
The central black hole is estimated to be 150 million times the mass of our sun, and the companion weighs in at 4 million solar masses. The dynamic duo completes an orbit around each other every 1.2 years.
The lower-mass black hole is the remnant of a smaller galaxy that merged with Mrk 231. Evidence of a recent merger comes from the host galaxy's asymmetry, and the long tidal tails of young blue stars.
The result of the merger has been to make Mrk 231 an energetic starburst galaxy with a star-formation rate 100 times greater than that of our Milky Way galaxy. The infalling gas fuels the black hole "engine," triggering outflows and gas turbulence that incites a firestorm of star birth.
The binary black holes are predicted to spiral together and collide within a few hundred thousand years.
Mrk 231 is located 581 million light-years away.
The results were published in the August 14, 2015, edition of The Astrophysical Journal.
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astroblogs · 9 years
Hubble ziet twee superzware zwarte gaten in centrum van meest nabije quasar
Met de Hubble ruimtetelescoop is ontdekt dat zich in het centrum van Markarian 231 (Mrk 231) – met een afstand van ‘slechts’ 581 miljoen lichtjaar de meest nabij gelegen quasar – niet één superzwaar zwart gat bevindt, maar twee van die kolossale jongens, die om elkaar heen draaien. Quasars zijn de zeer lichtsterke kernen van sterrenstelsels, die een actief zwart gat in hun centrum hebben en deze ontdekking doet vermoeden dat quasars het product zijn van botsingen van sterrenstelsels, waardoor hun centrale superzware zwarte gaten botsen en samenkomen. De sterrenkundigen die Mrk 231 bestudeerden keken naar ultraviolette waarnemingen die met Hubble waren gedaan aan de quasar en ze ontdekten dat er iets vreemd was. Zou er één zwart gat in de kern van Mrk 231 zitten dan zou de gehele omringende accretieschijf rondom het zwarte gat UV-straling moeten uitzenden. Maar ze ontdekten dat nabij de kern van de accretieschijf de UV-straling abrupt stopt, zoals weergegeven in de afbeelding hieronder.
De daling in de UV-straling wordt veroorzaakt door de aanwezigheid van een tweede, kleiner superzwaar zwart gat, dat met z’n eigen accretieschijf een gat in de grotere accretieschijf heeft gemaakt. Schattingen geven aan dat het grootste zwart gat zo’n 150 miljoen zonsmassa’s zwaar is en het kleinere 4 miljoen zonsmassa’s – de laatste is vergelijkbaar met het zwarte gat in het centrum van de Melkweg. Ze draaien in slechts 1,2 jaar (!) om elkaar heen. Dat kleine zwarte gat is een overblijfsel van een sterrenstelsel waar Mrk 231 mee in botsing is gekomen. Daar zijn meer aanwijzingen voor, zoals de asymmetrische vorm van Mrk 231 en een lange ‘getijdenstaart’ vol met jonge, blauwe sterren. Hieronder een foto in optisch licht van Mrk 231, waarop dat goed te zien is.
Hier het vakartikel over deze ontdekking, dat op 14 augustus j.l. gepubliceerd is in The Astrophysical Journal. Bron: Hubble.
Astroblogs: http://www.astroblogs.nl/2015/08/28/hubble-ziet-twee-superzware-zwarte-gaten-centrum-van-meest-nabije-quasar/
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gingadan · 12 years
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UGC 8058 (Interacting Galaxy)  (C) NASA
相互作用銀河。 別名 Mrk 231
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cynthiayildirim · 14 years
Quasar's Outflow Solves Longstanding Mystery #science #space
Read the rest here: http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Quasar_Belch_Solves_Longstanding_Mystery_999.html
Amplify’d from www.spacedaily.com
Quasar's Belch Solves Longstanding Mystery
Artist's conceptualization of the environment around the supermassive black hole at the center of Mrk 231. The broad outflow seen in the Gemini data is shown as the fan-shaped wedge at the top of the accretion disk around the black hole. This side-view is not what is seen from the Earth where we see it 'looking down the throat' of the outflow. A similar outflow is probably present under the disk as well and is hinted at in this illustration. The total amount of material entrained in the broad flow is at least 400 times the mass of the Sun per year. Note that a more localized, narrower jet is shown, this jet was known prior to the Gemini discovery of the broader outflow featured here. Credit:Gemini Observatory/AURA, artwork by Lynette Cook
For the first time, observations with the Gemini Observatory clearly reveal an extreme, large-scale galactic outflow that brings the cosmic dinner to a halt. The outflow is effectively blowing the galaxy apart in a negative feedback loop, depriving the galaxy's monstrous black hole of the gas and dust it needs to sustain its frenetic growth. It also limits the material available for the galaxy to make new generations of stars.
The groundbreaking work is a collaboration between David Rupke of Rhodes College in Tennessee and the University of Maryland's Sylvain Veilleux. The results are to be published in the March 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters and were completed with support from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
"This object is arguably the closest and best example that we know of a big galaxy in the final stages of a violent merger and in the process of shedding its cocoon and revealing a very energetic central quasar. This is really a last gasp of this galaxy; the black hole is belching its next meals into oblivion!"
According to Veilleux, Markarian 231 (Mrk 231), the galaxy observed with Gemini, is an ideal laboratory for studying outflows caused by feedback from supermassive black holes.
Read more at www.spacedaily.com
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arxt1 · 3 years
Looking at Radio-Quiet AGN with Radio Polarimetry. (arXiv:2201.03877v1 [astro-ph.GA])
The dominant radio emission mechanism in radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) is an open question. Primary contenders include: low-power radio jets, winds, star-formation and coronal emission. Our work suggests that radio polarization and emission-line studies can help to distinguish between these scenarios and determine the primary contributor. Our multi-frequency, multi-scale radio polarization study has revealed a composite jet and "wind" radio outflow in a radio-intermediate quasar, III Zw 2 as well as in the BALQSO, Mrk 231. Our radio polarization study in conjunction with the [O III] emission-line study of five type 2 RQQs have provided insights on the interplay of jets/winds and emission-line gas. These sources reveal an anti-correlation between polarized radio emission and [O III] emission. This is similar to that observed in some radio-loud AGN in the literature and suggests that the radio emission could be depolarized by the emission-line gas. Overall, our work suggests that a close interaction between the radio outflow and the surrounding gaseous environment is likely to be responsible for their stunted form in RQ and RI AGN.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/3Gjrz0k
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stock-filter · 4 years
Stock daily Filter Report for 2021/03/27 11-25-34
*******************Part 1.0 Big Cap Industry Overiew********************* big_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 6 Communication Services 4 Consumer Cyclical 9 Consumer Defensive 17 Energy 3 Financial Services 14 Healthcare 15 Industrials 27 Real Estate 5 Technology 12 Utilities 12 unknown 1 **************************************** big_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 3 Communication Services 17 Consumer Cyclical 11 Consumer Defensive 2 Energy 1 Financial Services 7 Healthcare 12 Industrials 3 Real Estate 1 Technology 18 *******************Part 1.1 Big Cap Long Entry********************* big_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 5 PG 3 2.14 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 190 XEL 5 3.90 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 206 SBAC 5 2.97 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 97 SHW 4 4.40 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 224 HBANN 5 0.46 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Financial Services 233 FAST 3 4.66 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Industrials 71 BTI 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 17 PFE 3 1.77 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Healthcare 34 AMGN 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Healthcare 109 DCUE 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 220 PEG 4 1.66 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 161 ROP 3 0.98 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 226 OTIS 4 3.04 big-cap Long 1 -2.0 Industrials 230 BBY 2 2.58 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 229 SWK 3 3.83 big-cap Long 1 -2.5 Industrials 18 MRK 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Healthcare 198 PAYX 3 3.86 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 103 ITW 3 3.21 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 41 LIN 3 4.17 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Basic Materials 80 MO 2 4.40 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 89 ENB 3 0.70 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Energy 181 GIS 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 179 SRE 4 2.84 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Utilities 169 BBD 2 -0.43 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Financial Services 111 MUFG 2 0.52 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Financial Services 144 SMFG 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Financial Services 82 CNI 3 0.50 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 100 SO 4 1.68 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Utilities 55 AMT 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Real Estate 62 GSK 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Healthcare 52 BLK 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Financial Services 47 SNY 2 0.91 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Healthcare 219 W 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 31 UL 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Consumer Defensive 104 NSC 3 3.18 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 182 INFO 3 2.42 big-cap Long 1 -4.0 Industrials 129 HUM 3 2.12 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Healthcare 231 GLW 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Technology 241 KR 2 1.99 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 101 ABB 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Industrials 78 SPGI 3 2.16 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Financial Services 188 PH 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 117 MMC 1 0.00 big-cap Long 1 -4.5 Financial Services 223 ROK 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 149 ERIC 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 96 FDX 1 0.00 big-cap Long 1 -4.5 Industrials 43 PM 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 140 KMB 3 1.06 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 158 STZ 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 28 TXN 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 76 CI 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 172 BCE 5 -0.63 big-cap Long 1 -5.0 Communication Services 63 CVS 2 2.49 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 65 TGT 2 4.11 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Defensive 128 PGR 2 1.07 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 123 PHG 2 0.04 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 212 MSI 2 2.91 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Technology 164 PSA 3 1.41 big-cap Long 1 -5.5 Real Estate 16 T 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -5.5 Communication Services 119 DD 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -5.5 Basic Materials 152 CTSH 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -5.5 Technology 132 NEM 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -5.5 Basic Materials 42 BUD 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Consumer Defensive 85 ADP 2 2.95 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Industrials 136 MNST 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Consumer Defensive 133 NXPI 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Technology 64 AMAT 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Technology 93 USB 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 126 MCO 3 2.58 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 193 ALL 2 1.14 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 202 KMI 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Energy 163 TRP 3 2.23 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Energy 14 KO 4 3.14 big-cap Long 0 -7.0 Consumer Defensive 37 HON 1 0.00 big-cap Long 1 -7.5 Industrials 113 VMW 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -7.5 Technology 154 NGG 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -7.5 Utilities 91 CSX 5 4.01 big-cap Long 0 -7.5 Industrials 180 BK 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -7.5 Financial Services 130 RELX 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -8.0 Communication Services 77 PLD 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -8.0 Real Estate 10 ASML 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -8.5 Technology 11 VZ 4 2.20 big-cap Long 0 -9.5 Communication Services 39 UNP 2 3.06 big-cap Long 3 -10.0 Industrials 22 PEP 3 2.74 big-cap Long 0 -10.5 Consumer Defensive 211 ES 2 -0.28 big-cap Long 0 -11.5 Utilities 234 AME 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -11.5 Industrials 122 UBS 1 0.00 big-cap Long 0 -15.5 Financial Services 38 UPS 1 0.00 big-cap Long 2 -16.5 Industrials Mean Return: 2.235869565217391 Mean Day/Week: 3.9565217391304346 Accuracy:0.9347826086956522 *******************Part 1.2 Big Cap Short Entry********************* big_short_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 153 BILI 5 -10.17 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 50 ZM 3 1.56 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Communication Services 216 SGEN 2 0.28 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 199 CS 1 0.00 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Financial Services 121 ROKU 4 -11.25 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 84 SNP 3 1.49 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Energy 210 BBVA 2 1.90 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 170 TDOC 4 -9.35 big-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 8 PYPL 5 -1.50 big-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 72 BIDU 4 -24.33 big-cap Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services 53 AMD 4 -1.29 big-cap Short 0 -5.5 Technology 215 RPRX 4 -2.44 big-cap Short 1 -6.0 Healthcare 73 NTES 4 -2.56 big-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 240 ETSY 3 1.51 big-cap Short 1 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 237 XP 4 -2.71 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Financial Services 67 NIO 4 -13.84 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 36 SHOP 3 -3.84 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 15 CRM 3 -0.25 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 232 ZS 3 -3.11 big-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 175 APTV 4 0.80 big-cap Short 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 143 PINS 4 -3.15 big-cap Short 0 -8.0 Communication Services 105 TWLO 5 -12.18 big-cap Short 0 -8.5 Communication Services 147 VEEV 3 -0.04 big-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 168 MTCH 4 -5.57 big-cap Short 0 -9.0 Communication Services 9 NFLX 3 -2.55 big-cap Short 1 -9.0 Communication Services 13 NKE 3 -0.24 big-cap Short 1 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 92 ILMN 3 -1.35 big-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 197 WIT 4 0.43 big-cap Short 1 -9.5 Technology 157 CHWY 3 -0.43 big-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 1 BABA 2 2.00 big-cap Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 156 TWTR 2 0.10 big-cap Short 0 -11.5 Communication Services 90 CB 3 1.99 big-cap Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 205 DDOG 3 -1.31 big-cap Short 0 -12.5 Technology 70 SNAP 5 -12.53 big-cap Short 0 -12.5 Communication Services 120 SCCO 5 -4.09 big-cap Short 0 -13.0 Basic Materials 60 UBER 5 -1.91 big-cap Short 1 -13.0 Technology 204 PCAR 5 0.04 big-cap Short 1 -13.0 Industrials 4 NVDA 3 1.51 big-cap Short 0 -13.5 Technology 0 TSLA 4 -6.98 big-cap Short 0 -15.5 Consumer Cyclical 162 FCX 2 5.61 big-cap Short 0 -15.5 Basic Materials 176 TTD 5 -10.29 big-cap Short 1 -16.0 Technology 222 HTHT 2 -0.45 big-cap Short 0 -16.5 Consumer Cyclical 69 VALE 5 -1.69 big-cap Short 1 -17.0 Basic Materials 227 BNTX 3 1.79 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 138 CVNA 4 -6.04 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Consumer Cyclical 102 MRNA 4 -2.48 big-cap Short 1 -27.5 Healthcare 139 TME 1 0.00 big-cap Short 1 -38.0 Communication Services 83 BEKE 3 6.20 big-cap Short 2 -58.0 Real Estate Mean Return: -2.8849999999999993 Mean Day/Week: 3.630434782608696 Accuracy:0.6739130434782609 *******************Part 1.3 Big Cap Long Maintainance********************* big_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 141 KDP 12 5.61 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Defensive 81 ANTM 17 14.18 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Healthcare 7 HD 8 8.08 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 235 AZO 15 12.84 big-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 30 MCD 11 5.79 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 45 LOW 10 9.39 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 209 HSY 12 4.71 big-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Defensive 166 AEP 11 4.70 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 131 NOC 11 5.47 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Industrials 187 CNC 7 1.99 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 88 DUK 9 2.95 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 6 UNH 14 7.01 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 54 IBM 13 6.37 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Technology 75 MDLZ 9 2.80 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 217 RSG 14 6.68 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 221 MCK 11 3.35 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 203 ORLY 15 6.81 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 178 LHX 11 3.49 big-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 228 WEC 10 4.42 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Utilities 238 WCN 14 3.77 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 135 WM 16 9.22 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 110 BAM 11 4.64 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 107 APD 12 5.06 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 66 LMT 12 7.02 big-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 57 MMM 15 5.76 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 21 CSCO 13 8.34 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Technology 150 GD 13 5.08 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 unknown 194 PPG 15 5.67 big-cap Long 1 -1.5 Basic Materials 26 ACN 12 5.14 big-cap Long 2 -1.5 Technology 160 EXC 8 1.28 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 108 D 10 1.62 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 191 CARR 11 3.52 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 35 BMY 6 1.92 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Healthcare 167 BAX 8 7.49 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Healthcare 86 CCI 8 4.86 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Real Estate 239 LEN 7 8.11 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 225 DHI 12 7.06 big-cap Long 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 5.735135135135135 Mean Day/Week: 11.432432432432432 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.4 Big Cap Short Maintainance********************* big_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 137 TAL 13 -18.07 big-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 213 EDU 10 -20.16 big-cap Short 1 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 20 LLY 7 0.70 big-cap Short 0 -0.5 Healthcare 185 RNG 11 -17.20 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 40 LFC 6 -2.19 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 145 LU 7 -7.38 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 98 SPOT 7 -4.06 big-cap Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 214 ZTO 13 -11.95 big-cap Short 0 -2.0 Industrials 12 PDD 8 -13.67 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 46 SE 8 -7.71 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 183 PANW 8 -5.46 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 189 OKTA 7 1.42 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 208 CHT 6 -0.29 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 196 Z 7 -3.78 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 195 ZG 7 -4.48 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 155 IDXX 7 -0.95 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 142 DOCU 7 -1.52 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 112 TEAM 7 -3.17 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 148 ALGN 7 2.54 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 61 MELI 7 -0.45 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 201 PLUG 8 -15.68 big-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 56 INTU 7 0.65 big-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 134 CRWD 6 -9.28 big-cap Short 0 -10.0 Technology 23 ABBV 6 2.37 big-cap Short 2 -13.5 Healthcare 94 PLTR 6 -7.75 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Technology 58 SQ 6 -5.30 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Technology 27 NVO 6 -3.84 big-cap Short 1 -19.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -5.802222222222222 Mean Day/Week: 7.592592592592593 Accuracy:0.8148148148148148 *******************Part 1.5 Big Cap Long Exit********************* big_long_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 118 TAK 12 3.29 big-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 184 LBRDK 5 -0.03 big-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Communication Services 25 TBB 2 -0.30 big-cap Exit Long 0 -6.5 unknown 173 CM 1 -0.93 big-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 48 CHTR 4 -0.96 big-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Communication Services Mean Return: 0.2675 Mean Day/Week: 6.0 Accuracy:0.25 *******************Part 1.6 Big Cap Short Exit********************* big_short_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 207 SWKS 2 6.06 big-cap Exit Short 1 -21.5 Technology 171 MCHP 2 5.59 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 165 SNPS 1 4.56 big-cap Exit Short 0 -10.0 Technology 68 ISRG 6 4.31 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 116 ADI 3 4.20 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 174 CDNS 2 4.18 big-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Technology 218 NOK 2 3.48 big-cap Exit Short 0 -23.5 Technology 87 ATVI 6 3.06 big-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services 186 IQV 3 3.03 big-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Healthcare 146 PTON 1 3.00 big-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 44 SNE 2 2.92 big-cap Exit Short 1 -21.5 Technology 106 ECL 5 2.71 big-cap Exit Short 2 -15.5 Basic Materials 3 V 1 2.60 big-cap Exit Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 192 XLNX 1 2.53 big-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 79 TJX 3 2.30 big-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Consumer Cyclical 151 EA 2 2.30 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 159 TEL 1 2.21 big-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Technology 99 ADSK 2 2.16 big-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Technology 95 ICE 5 2.16 big-cap Exit Short 1 -12.5 Financial Services 127 SAN 1 2.02 big-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Financial Services 24 BHP 5 2.02 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 32 BBL 5 1.85 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 236 CPRT 1 1.79 big-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Industrials 49 HDB 2 1.76 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Financial Services 19 TM 1 1.50 big-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Consumer Cyclical 200 ZBH 6 1.45 big-cap Exit Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 115 WDAY 2 1.44 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 2 TSM 6 1.42 big-cap Exit Short 0 -9.0 Technology 177 DXCM 1 1.29 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 125 BSX 1 0.78 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 unknown 124 EW 10 0.21 big-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 29 SAP 10 -0.94 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Technology 59 RIO 8 -1.08 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 114 IBN 8 -3.01 big-cap Exit Short 1 -2.0 Financial Services 33 JD 14 -4.58 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 51 NOW 17 -5.06 big-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Technology 74 SNOW 17 -7.01 big-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Technology Mean Return: 2.192962962962963 Mean Day/Week: 6.111111111111111 Accuracy:0.2222222222222222 *******************Part 1.7 Overall Long Position********************* overall long Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 81 ANTM 17 14.18 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Healthcare 235 AZO 15 12.84 big-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 45 LOW 10 9.39 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 135 WM 16 9.22 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 21 CSCO 13 8.34 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Technology 239 LEN 7 8.11 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 7 HD 8 8.08 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 167 BAX 8 7.49 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Healthcare 225 DHI 12 7.06 big-cap Long 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 66 LMT 12 7.02 big-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 6 UNH 14 7.01 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 203 ORLY 15 6.81 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 217 RSG 14 6.68 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 54 IBM 13 6.37 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Technology 30 MCD 11 5.79 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 57 MMM 15 5.76 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 194 PPG 15 5.67 big-cap Long 1 -1.5 Basic Materials 141 KDP 12 5.61 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Consumer Defensive 131 NOC 11 5.47 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Industrials 26 ACN 12 5.14 big-cap Long 2 -1.5 Technology 150 GD 13 5.08 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 unknown 107 APD 12 5.06 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 86 CCI 8 4.86 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Real Estate 209 HSY 12 4.71 big-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Defensive 166 AEP 11 4.70 big-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 233 FAST 3 4.66 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Industrials 110 BAM 11 4.64 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 228 WEC 10 4.42 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Utilities 97 SHW 4 4.40 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 80 MO 2 4.40 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 41 LIN 3 4.17 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Basic Materials 65 TGT 2 4.11 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Defensive 91 CSX 5 4.01 big-cap Long 0 -7.5 Industrials 190 XEL 5 3.90 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 198 PAYX 3 3.86 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 229 SWK 3 3.83 big-cap Long 1 -2.5 Industrials 238 WCN 14 3.77 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 191 CARR 11 3.52 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 178 LHX 11 3.49 big-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 221 MCK 11 3.35 big-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 118 TAK 12 3.29 big-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 103 ITW 3 3.21 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 104 NSC 3 3.18 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 14 KO 4 3.14 big-cap Long 0 -7.0 Consumer Defensive 39 UNP 2 3.06 big-cap Long 3 -10.0 Industrials 226 OTIS 4 3.04 big-cap Long 1 -2.0 Industrials 206 SBAC 5 2.97 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 88 DUK 9 2.95 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 85 ADP 2 2.95 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Industrials 212 MSI 2 2.91 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Technology 179 SRE 4 2.84 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Utilities 75 MDLZ 9 2.80 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 22 PEP 3 2.74 big-cap Long 0 -10.5 Consumer Defensive 126 MCO 3 2.58 big-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 230 BBY 2 2.58 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 63 CVS 2 2.49 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 182 INFO 3 2.42 big-cap Long 1 -4.0 Industrials 163 TRP 3 2.23 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Energy 11 VZ 4 2.20 big-cap Long 0 -9.5 Communication Services 78 SPGI 3 2.16 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Financial Services 5 PG 3 2.14 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 129 HUM 3 2.12 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Healthcare 241 KR 2 1.99 big-cap Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 187 CNC 7 1.99 big-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 35 BMY 6 1.92 big-cap Long 0 -2.5 Healthcare 17 PFE 3 1.77 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Healthcare 100 SO 4 1.68 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Utilities 220 PEG 4 1.66 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 108 D 10 1.62 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 164 PSA 3 1.41 big-cap Long 1 -5.5 Real Estate 160 EXC 8 1.28 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 193 ALL 2 1.14 big-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 128 PGR 2 1.07 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 140 KMB 3 1.06 big-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 161 ROP 3 0.98 big-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 47 SNY 2 0.91 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Healthcare 89 ENB 3 0.70 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Energy 111 MUFG 2 0.52 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Financial Services 82 CNI 3 0.50 big-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 224 HBANN 5 0.46 big-cap Long 0 -1.5 Financial Services 123 PHG 2 0.04 big-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 184 LBRDK 5 -0.03 big-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Communication Services 211 ES 2 -0.28 big-cap Long 0 -11.5 Utilities 25 TBB 2 -0.30 big-cap Exit Long 0 -6.5 unknown 169 BBD 2 -0.43 big-cap Long 0 -3.0 Financial Services 172 BCE 5 -0.63 big-cap Long 1 -5.0 Communication Services 173 CM 1 -0.93 big-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 48 CHTR 4 -0.96 big-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Communication Services Mean Return: 3.5922727272727273 Mean Day/Week: 6.670454545454546 Accuracy:0.9204545454545454 *******************Part 1.8 Overall Short Position********************* overall short Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 83 BEKE 3 6.20 big-cap Short 2 -58.0 Real Estate 207 SWKS 2 6.06 big-cap Exit Short 1 -21.5 Technology 162 FCX 2 5.61 big-cap Short 0 -15.5 Basic Materials 171 MCHP 2 5.59 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 165 SNPS 1 4.56 big-cap Exit Short 0 -10.0 Technology 68 ISRG 6 4.31 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 116 ADI 3 4.20 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 174 CDNS 2 4.18 big-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Technology 218 NOK 2 3.48 big-cap Exit Short 0 -23.5 Technology 87 ATVI 6 3.06 big-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services 186 IQV 3 3.03 big-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Healthcare 146 PTON 1 3.00 big-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 44 SNE 2 2.92 big-cap Exit Short 1 -21.5 Technology 106 ECL 5 2.71 big-cap Exit Short 2 -15.5 Basic Materials 3 V 1 2.60 big-cap Exit Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 148 ALGN 7 2.54 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 192 XLNX 1 2.53 big-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 23 ABBV 6 2.37 big-cap Short 2 -13.5 Healthcare 79 TJX 3 2.30 big-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Consumer Cyclical 151 EA 2 2.30 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 159 TEL 1 2.21 big-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Technology 99 ADSK 2 2.16 big-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Technology 95 ICE 5 2.16 big-cap Exit Short 1 -12.5 Financial Services 127 SAN 1 2.02 big-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Financial Services 24 BHP 5 2.02 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 1 BABA 2 2.00 big-cap Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 90 CB 3 1.99 big-cap Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 210 BBVA 2 1.90 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 32 BBL 5 1.85 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 236 CPRT 1 1.79 big-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Industrials 227 BNTX 3 1.79 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 49 HDB 2 1.76 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Financial Services 50 ZM 3 1.56 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Communication Services 240 ETSY 3 1.51 big-cap Short 1 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 4 NVDA 3 1.51 big-cap Short 0 -13.5 Technology 19 TM 1 1.50 big-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Consumer Cyclical 84 SNP 3 1.49 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Energy 200 ZBH 6 1.45 big-cap Exit Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 115 WDAY 2 1.44 big-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Technology 2 TSM 6 1.42 big-cap Exit Short 0 -9.0 Technology 189 OKTA 7 1.42 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 177 DXCM 1 1.29 big-cap Exit Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 175 APTV 4 0.80 big-cap Short 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 125 BSX 1 0.78 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 unknown 20 LLY 7 0.70 big-cap Short 0 -0.5 Healthcare 56 INTU 7 0.65 big-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 197 WIT 4 0.43 big-cap Short 1 -9.5 Technology 216 SGEN 2 0.28 big-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 124 EW 10 0.21 big-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 156 TWTR 2 0.10 big-cap Short 0 -11.5 Communication Services 204 PCAR 5 0.04 big-cap Short 1 -13.0 Industrials 147 VEEV 3 -0.04 big-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 13 NKE 3 -0.24 big-cap Short 1 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 15 CRM 3 -0.25 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 208 CHT 6 -0.29 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 157 CHWY 3 -0.43 big-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 222 HTHT 2 -0.45 big-cap Short 0 -16.5 Consumer Cyclical 61 MELI 7 -0.45 big-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 29 SAP 10 -0.94 big-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Technology 155 IDXX 7 -0.95 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 59 RIO 8 -1.08 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 53 AMD 4 -1.29 big-cap Short 0 -5.5 Technology 205 DDOG 3 -1.31 big-cap Short 0 -12.5 Technology 92 ILMN 3 -1.35 big-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 8 PYPL 5 -1.50 big-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 142 DOCU 7 -1.52 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 69 VALE 5 -1.69 big-cap Short 1 -17.0 Basic Materials 60 UBER 5 -1.91 big-cap Short 1 -13.0 Technology 40 LFC 6 -2.19 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 215 RPRX 4 -2.44 big-cap Short 1 -6.0 Healthcare 102 MRNA 4 -2.48 big-cap Short 1 -27.5 Healthcare 9 NFLX 3 -2.55 big-cap Short 1 -9.0 Communication Services 73 NTES 4 -2.56 big-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 237 XP 4 -2.71 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Financial Services 114 IBN 8 -3.01 big-cap Exit Short 1 -2.0 Financial Services 232 ZS 3 -3.11 big-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 143 PINS 4 -3.15 big-cap Short 0 -8.0 Communication Services 112 TEAM 7 -3.17 big-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 196 Z 7 -3.78 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 27 NVO 6 -3.84 big-cap Short 1 -19.0 Healthcare 36 SHOP 3 -3.84 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 98 SPOT 7 -4.06 big-cap Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 120 SCCO 5 -4.09 big-cap Short 0 -13.0 Basic Materials 195 ZG 7 -4.48 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 33 JD 14 -4.58 big-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 51 NOW 17 -5.06 big-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Technology 58 SQ 6 -5.30 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Technology 183 PANW 8 -5.46 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 168 MTCH 4 -5.57 big-cap Short 0 -9.0 Communication Services 138 CVNA 4 -6.04 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Consumer Cyclical 0 TSLA 4 -6.98 big-cap Short 0 -15.5 Consumer Cyclical 74 SNOW 17 -7.01 big-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Technology 145 LU 7 -7.38 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 46 SE 8 -7.71 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 94 PLTR 6 -7.75 big-cap Short 1 -18.0 Technology 134 CRWD 6 -9.28 big-cap Short 0 -10.0 Technology 170 TDOC 4 -9.35 big-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 153 BILI 5 -10.17 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 176 TTD 5 -10.29 big-cap Short 1 -16.0 Technology 121 ROKU 4 -11.25 big-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 214 ZTO 13 -11.95 big-cap Short 0 -2.0 Industrials 105 TWLO 5 -12.18 big-cap Short 0 -8.5 Communication Services 70 SNAP 5 -12.53 big-cap Short 0 -12.5 Communication Services 12 PDD 8 -13.67 big-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 67 NIO 4 -13.84 big-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 201 PLUG 8 -15.68 big-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 185 RNG 11 -17.20 big-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 137 TAL 13 -18.07 big-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 213 EDU 10 -20.16 big-cap Short 1 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 72 BIDU 4 -24.33 big-cap Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services Mean Return: -2.092363636363636 Mean Day/Week: 4.863636363636363 Accuracy:0.5363636363636364 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 2.0 Small Cap Industry Overiew********************* small_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 9 Communication Services 2 Consumer Cyclical 20 Consumer Defensive 12 Energy 1 Financial Services 19 Healthcare 11 Industrials 33 Real Estate 23 Technology 19 Utilities 17 unknown 2 **************************************** small_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 8 Communication Services 20 Consumer Cyclical 20 Consumer Defensive 6 Energy 1 Financial Services 11 Healthcare 53 Industrials 19 Real Estate 5 Technology 59 Utilities 4 *******************Part 2.1 Small Cap Long Entry********************* small_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 276 CHD 3 3.21 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 249 DLTR 5 3.64 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 437 TAP 2 2.47 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 477 GFL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Industrials 397 SJM 2 1.45 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 361 DPZ 2 1.14 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 402 SMG 2 2.51 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 620 DOOO 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 254 ARE 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Real Estate 424 NLY 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Real Estate 395 HAS 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 267 O 4 1.99 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Real Estate 327 TSCO 2 3.38 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 273 PPL 2 1.84 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Utilities 257 DTE 4 3.38 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Utilities 338 BPY 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Real Estate 497 AGNCN 2 0.42 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Real Estate 264 NDAQ 5 2.38 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 320 CAG 2 1.61 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 426 WHR 2 3.12 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 318 DOV 3 3.05 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 331 VAR 3 0.09 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 660 KT 2 1.85 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Communication Services 486 AOS 2 3.97 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 358 NTAP 2 5.99 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Technology 360 AGR 4 0.69 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Utilities 391 FICO 2 2.72 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Technology 587 HII 3 4.49 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 364 CPB 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 568 RBA 2 4.17 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 353 KB 5 4.10 small-cap Long 1 -3.5 Financial Services 356 NUE 2 8.17 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Basic Materials 675 AER 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 403 L 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Financial Services 301 QSR 4 4.34 small-cap Long 1 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 519 ACI 2 2.77 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Consumer Defensive 592 HTA 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Real Estate 625 SON 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 367 MAS 2 3.36 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 412 FFIV 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Technology 417 FDS 3 1.31 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Financial Services 383 BEN 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -4.0 Financial Services 484 PNR 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -4.0 Industrials 569 REXR 5 2.27 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Real Estate 586 JBL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Technology 408 FBHS 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Cyclical 299 DGX 5 2.59 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Healthcare 348 EXR 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Real Estate 590 HRC 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Healthcare 628 BJ 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 445 DNB 2 1.77 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 296 PKX 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Basic Materials 319 BR 2 3.39 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 559 CASY 2 2.30 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 421 PPD 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Healthcare 420 CHRW 2 1.45 small-cap Long 1 -4.5 Industrials 326 BPYPP 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Real Estate 593 REYN 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 602 POST 2 1.80 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 530 ACM 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 283 GWW 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 366 JBHT 2 3.28 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 544 WWD 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 574 AN 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 390 J 2 1.92 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 Industrials 325 PEAK 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -5.0 Real Estate 280 UI 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 Technology 446 NWL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -5.0 Consumer Defensive 475 RZA 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 unknown 526 CSL 2 3.40 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Industrials 359 SHG 2 1.73 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Financial Services 285 RYAAY 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Industrials 381 GPC 2 1.28 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 645 ORI 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Financial Services 571 SEE 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 270 EFX 2 3.01 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Industrials 450 TTC 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Industrials 539 AIZP 2 -0.49 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 378 TDY 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Technology 535 ARW 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Technology 547 SITE 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Industrials 565 BERY 4 0.50 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 604 OGE 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Utilities 393 ACGL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 557 LECO 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Industrials 502 CIEN 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Technology 422 ENIA 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Utilities 400 NLOK 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Technology 368 IEX 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Industrials 371 FMC 2 2.57 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Basic Materials 561 KNX 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.5 Industrials 513 JNPR 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -7.5 Technology 641 EGP 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -8.0 Real Estate 242 STT 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -8.0 Financial Services 306 XYL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -8.0 Industrials 492 OC 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -8.5 Industrials 252 CAJ 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -9.0 Technology 476 WU 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -9.0 Financial Services 337 SKM 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -9.0 Communication Services 597 ESLT 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -9.0 Industrials 414 PHM 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -9.5 Consumer Cyclical 657 TX 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -10.0 Basic Materials 468 FIVE 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 317 GRFS 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -10.0 Healthcare 248 MT 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -10.5 Basic Materials 344 ACGLO 2 -0.08 small-cap Long 0 -10.5 Financial Services 576 AXTA 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -10.5 Basic Materials 263 PCG 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -11.5 Utilities 419 WPC 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -11.5 Real Estate 293 NTRS 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -12.0 Financial Services 334 SUI 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -12.5 Real Estate 461 RH 2 8.49 small-cap Long 0 -13.0 Consumer Cyclical 428 JKHY 2 1.55 small-cap Long 0 -14.0 Technology 379 ENTG 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -15.5 Technology 483 MKSI 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -15.5 Technology 266 FTV 2 1.45 small-cap Long 2 -17.5 Technology 262 LH 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -18.0 Healthcare 309 TRU 1 0.00 small-cap Long 1 -18.5 Industrials 579 TPL 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0 -40.5 Energy Mean Return: 2.607959183673469 Mean Day/Week: 4.040816326530612 Accuracy:0.9591836734693877 *******************Part 2.2 Small Cap Short Entry********************* small_short_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 394 TTM 2 2.75 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 336 ULTA 3 0.64 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 671 SAIL 4 -5.33 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 509 NYT 4 1.13 small-cap Short 1 -2.5 Communication Services 452 DADA 3 -6.97 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Consumer Cyclical 386 ESTC 4 -4.04 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 433 FIVN 3 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 398 ERIE 4 -1.58 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Financial Services 380 SQM 4 0.72 small-cap Short 2 -3.5 Basic Materials 244 WORK 3 -0.21 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 520 FVRR 5 -11.46 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 310 ZEN 3 1.25 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 423 IHG 3 3.12 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Consumer Cyclical 510 ARWR 4 -5.10 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 669 RAMP 5 -0.05 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 588 AZEK 5 -0.66 small-cap Short 1 -4.5 Industrials 478 PEN 3 0.10 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 503 LMND 5 -12.40 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 572 NCNO 5 -6.92 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 496 CIB 4 -2.67 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 636 FUBO 4 -34.10 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Communication Services 674 ABCM 5 -4.31 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 469 RARE 5 -13.19 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 676 TNET 3 1.32 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Industrials 528 RDFN 5 -7.83 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Real Estate 439 WB 3 -3.71 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 440 BILL 3 1.06 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 259 GSX 5 -94.99 small-cap Short 1 -6.0 Consumer Defensive 464 FWONK 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 354 ARGX 5 -8.44 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 472 NTRA 4 -7.02 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 275 BKR 4 2.84 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Energy 370 ATHM 2 0.53 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Communication Services 538 ACAD 4 -0.14 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 566 EEFT 2 0.97 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 521 ALV 3 3.44 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 404 SPCE 4 -4.73 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 584 SDGR 4 0.41 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 505 DNLI 3 1.18 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 632 ALGM 4 -2.37 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 467 FWONA 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -7.0 Communication Services 662 DSGX 2 1.04 small-cap Short 1 -7.0 Technology 456 TECK 4 1.29 small-cap Short 0 -7.0 Basic Materials 511 IONS 4 -1.50 small-cap Short 1 -7.0 Healthcare 457 BLDP 4 -3.92 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 611 WMS 3 2.82 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 480 AZPN 4 -2.51 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Technology 286 IAC 3 -2.37 small-cap Short 1 -7.5 Communication Services 289 CTLT 3 0.30 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 307 ALNY 4 -1.80 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 663 QRTEA 3 4.31 small-cap Short 1 -7.5 Consumer Cyclical 352 BMRN 3 0.99 small-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 407 IPGP 4 1.11 small-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 316 HZNP 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 350 HEI 4 1.21 small-cap Short 3 -8.0 Industrials 635 FROG 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Technology 583 HALO 4 -4.05 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 322 NVCR 3 -3.44 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 504 OHI 3 1.43 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Real Estate 498 FATE 4 -19.58 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 442 MTN 2 2.18 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 302 ALB 4 2.63 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Basic Materials 247 YUMC 4 -1.28 small-cap Short 1 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 303 APO 3 -2.09 small-cap Short 1 -10.0 Financial Services 589 PLNT 3 5.39 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 357 APPN 4 -8.79 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Technology 656 VRNT 2 0.26 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 406 CHGG 3 -1.25 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 323 AES 5 1.35 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Utilities 549 NCLH 2 2.91 small-cap Short 0 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 524 GLOB 3 -0.08 small-cap Short 0 -11.5 Technology 554 BBIO 1 0.00 small-cap Short 1 -11.5 Healthcare 653 SDC 4 0.15 small-cap Short 1 -11.5 Healthcare 672 FOXF 3 5.91 small-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 490 SMAR 3 -0.52 small-cap Short 0 -12.0 Technology 610 SRCL 4 3.12 small-cap Short 0 -12.0 Industrials 629 TNDM 3 -1.93 small-cap Short 0 -12.5 Healthcare 598 HLF 4 -1.43 small-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 341 GH 4 -5.52 small-cap Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 253 ENPH 4 -2.70 small-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 375 ELAN 3 -1.57 small-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 251 SIVB 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -13.5 Financial Services 545 AVAL 3 -0.82 small-cap Short 1 -14.0 Financial Services 514 SID 3 3.89 small-cap Short 2 -14.0 Basic Materials 479 FLEX 4 2.86 small-cap Short 1 -14.0 Technology 553 GRUB 3 3.63 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Communication Services 471 GLPI 3 1.83 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Real Estate 534 PAAS 3 0.98 small-cap Short 1 -14.5 Basic Materials 527 MBT 4 0.96 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Communication Services 448 MORN 5 -1.98 small-cap Short 1 -15.0 Financial Services 665 QRTEB 3 4.84 small-cap Short 1 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 515 EXPI 5 -7.50 small-cap Short 0 -16.0 Real Estate 429 RGEN 3 -3.10 small-cap Short 1 -16.0 Healthcare 279 FTCH 3 -5.93 small-cap Short 0 -17.0 Consumer Cyclical 416 DT 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -17.0 Technology 346 SEDG 3 2.98 small-cap Short 1 -17.5 Technology 594 PHI 4 2.55 small-cap Short 0 -18.5 Communication Services 648 SAIC 1 0.00 small-cap Short 1 -20.5 Technology 463 AU 3 4.20 small-cap Short 0 -20.5 Basic Materials 355 CGC 5 -4.29 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Healthcare 507 LSPD 4 -6.08 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Technology 678 FEYE 2 -0.46 small-cap Short 2 -21.5 Technology 243 NET 3 -0.41 small-cap Short 0 -22.0 Technology 388 NUAN 3 1.46 small-cap Short 1 -22.0 Technology 268 YNDX 4 -2.30 small-cap Short 1 -23.0 Communication Services 347 SUZ 2 -2.77 small-cap Short 0 -23.0 Basic Materials 609 NEO 2 0.73 small-cap Short 1 -23.5 Healthcare 680 ASR 2 2.00 small-cap Short 0 -24.0 Industrials 512 BB 4 -4.67 small-cap Short 1 -26.0 Technology 623 TIMB 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Communication Services 405 CRSP 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Healthcare 567 KOD 3 1.04 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Healthcare 664 MP 2 -3.46 small-cap Short 0 -27.0 Basic Materials 582 PSTG 4 -1.87 small-cap Short 1 -27.0 Technology 508 SPWR 4 1.98 small-cap Short 1 -27.0 Technology 312 IQ 1 0.00 small-cap Short 1 -28.0 Communication Services 329 PENN 3 2.28 small-cap Short 0 -28.0 Consumer Cyclical 555 ANGI 1 0.00 small-cap Short 0 -28.5 Communication Services 313 CVAC 3 2.85 small-cap Short 1 -30.0 Healthcare 372 OPEN 4 -15.86 small-cap Short 1 -30.5 Real Estate 562 MSTR 5 -15.55 small-cap Short 1 -31.0 Technology 491 TWST 3 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -32.5 Healthcare 603 BE 4 -1.37 small-cap Short 1 -37.0 Industrials 462 NVTA 2 -0.61 small-cap Short 0 -40.0 Healthcare 654 DM 4 -13.95 small-cap Short 1 -40.5 Technology 585 PACB 3 3.60 small-cap Short 1 -43.5 Healthcare 633 BEAM 3 0.52 small-cap Short 1 -46.0 Healthcare 345 QS 2 -3.65 small-cap Short 1 -49.5 Consumer Cyclical 339 GME 2 -1.52 small-cap Short 0 -53.5 Consumer Cyclical 297 NVAX 3 -10.21 small-cap Short 1 -53.5 Healthcare 596 AVIR 4 -15.03 small-cap Short 1 -56.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -2.7321008403361344 Mean Day/Week: 3.588235294117647 Accuracy:0.5630252100840336 *******************Part 2.3 Small Cap Long Maintaiance********************* small_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 290 KSU 11 15.65 small-cap Long 0 0.0 Industrials 430 ATO 11 6.10 small-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 250 ED 10 3.56 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 298 AEE 12 6.76 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 392 HBANO 7 0.31 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Financial Services 351 DRE 8 3.56 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 459 HGH 10 0.40 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 unknown 332 CAH 12 10.27 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 324 CMS 9 4.21 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 315 INVH 10 2.89 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 493 AGNCM 9 1.31 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 294 FTS 12 4.54 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 277 K 11 4.85 small-cap Long 1 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 435 RPM 12 8.15 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Basic Materials 494 ATR 11 2.78 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 499 PNW 11 2.32 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Utilities 501 NI 11 5.29 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Utilities 460 AMH 10 4.01 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 523 AIZ 12 5.73 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 451 CPT 10 2.36 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 449 AAP 20 13.93 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 655 SKX 14 10.51 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 667 BWXT 15 7.57 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 436 LII 13 9.25 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 410 EVRG 16 6.49 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Utilities 308 HIG 6 -0.04 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 281 IX 7 1.38 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 349 EXPD 15 11.01 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 343 MAA 10 2.36 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 335 STE 6 3.35 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 271 ABC 13 5.85 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 269 EIX 8 1.85 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Utilities 652 FR 14 7.93 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Real Estate 537 G 14 6.56 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Technology 500 AGNC 10 2.94 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Real Estate 427 ELS 8 0.07 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Real Estate 473 WSO 9 1.72 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Industrials 453 ALLE 14 10.35 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Industrials 409 LNT 12 7.52 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Utilities 255 ODFL 15 7.43 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 291 ETR 9 -0.49 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 278 GIB 10 1.98 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Technology 330 NMR 7 3.47 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Financial Services 634 VIRT 11 2.17 small-cap Long 1 -2.0 Financial Services 399 MOH 13 4.58 small-cap Long 1 -2.0 Healthcare 256 FNV 8 -0.76 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Basic Materials 673 OMCL 10 -0.14 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Healthcare 481 COLD 9 2.75 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 Real Estate 470 WSM 10 24.41 small-cap Long 1 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 5.123469387755102 Mean Day/Week: 10.918367346938776 Accuracy:0.9183673469387755 *******************Part 2.4 Small Cap Short Maintaiance********************* small_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 258 STNE 14 -14.06 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 282 GDS 20 -27.95 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 618 TPTX 10 -18.78 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 529 YY 9 -19.15 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Communication Services 418 KC 15 -16.55 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 647 MPLN 13 -6.27 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Healthcare 314 PAGS 14 -11.97 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 474 MNSO 22 -25.56 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 413 BAP 15 -9.33 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Financial Services 455 PLAN 18 -17.68 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 600 MDLA 18 -38.51 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 260 COUP 16 -16.34 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 385 IEP 8 -4.93 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Industrials 546 DQ 7 -15.56 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 518 OCFT 7 -5.39 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 465 MRTX 8 -13.25 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 677 BHVN 9 -13.71 small-cap Short 1 -1.5 Healthcare 265 MDB 17 -23.22 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 639 NVRO 7 -4.02 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 295 WMG 7 -2.79 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 438 QDEL 25 -28.70 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 516 ASND 8 -10.21 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 659 BIGC 9 -3.34 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 396 AVLR 7 -6.34 small-cap Short 1 -2.0 Technology 550 QTWO 7 -2.90 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 670 ARRY 8 -10.92 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 558 RCM 7 -3.70 small-cap Short 1 -2.0 Healthcare 581 HQY 9 -6.40 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 613 HUYA 7 -15.87 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 614 GMED 8 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 487 NKLA 7 -4.73 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 578 ORA 8 -5.79 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Utilities 444 PEGA 7 3.67 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 605 CD 7 -6.19 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 441 AXON 7 -1.80 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Industrials 531 ADPT 7 -9.15 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 580 IOVA 7 -8.73 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 627 HAE 17 -3.10 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 532 BL 7 -1.26 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 377 ZLAB 7 -3.49 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 458 VST 8 -2.63 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Utilities 365 WIX 6 -3.37 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 638 ASAN 7 -10.35 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 560 DCT 7 1.48 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 591 CYBR 7 -3.25 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 612 PRLB 7 -0.87 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 563 ONEM 7 -3.07 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 431 BYND 7 -3.28 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 644 PSTH 6 -4.87 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 651 UPWK 7 -1.26 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Industrials 631 VRNS 7 -0.13 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 541 API 7 -10.45 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 443 PCTY 7 1.51 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 650 INSP 7 -3.92 small-cap Short 1 -5.0 Healthcare 517 AMWL 10 -24.88 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 292 SNN 7 -2.03 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 374 CDAY 6 0.60 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 522 IAA 7 -0.43 small-cap Short 1 -5.0 Industrials 488 SFIX 15 -41.88 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 573 VRT 6 -4.92 small-cap Short 1 -6.5 Industrials 373 FUTU 6 -14.91 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Financial Services 607 MSA 6 -5.73 small-cap Short 1 -8.5 Industrials 305 HUBS 6 -2.00 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Technology 454 SKLZ 7 -38.02 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Communication Services 533 DCI 6 -1.01 small-cap Short 1 -9.5 Industrials 619 HELE 8 -0.48 small-cap Short 1 -9.5 Consumer Defensive 548 ALLK 7 2.07 small-cap Short 1 -16.0 Healthcare 432 TREX 7 0.65 small-cap Short 1 -17.0 Industrials 608 FIZZ 7 -1.96 small-cap Short 2 -18.0 Consumer Defensive 570 IRDM 7 -1.22 small-cap Short 1 -19.5 Communication Services 540 MANH 7 0.20 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Technology 447 NRG 7 2.59 small-cap Short 1 -23.0 Utilities 577 CCIV 6 -16.40 small-cap Short 0 -24.0 Financial Services 551 FCEL 7 -8.55 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Industrials 642 JMIA 6 -21.00 small-cap Short 1 -42.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: -8.784666666666668 Mean Day/Week: 9.04 Accuracy:0.8933333333333333 *******************Part 2.5 Small Cap Long Exit********************* small_long_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 489 SJR 18 33.97 small-cap Exit Long 1 -4.0 Communication Services 245 FMX 13 1.86 small-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 376 LBTYK 1 -0.08 small-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 unknown 340 ACGLP 1 -0.78 small-cap Exit Long 0 -13.5 Financial Services 284 FITBI 4 -1.03 small-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 482 EBR 1 -1.35 small-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Utilities 425 CNP 1 -1.50 small-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Utilities 616 CACI 1 -1.63 small-cap Exit Long 0 -3.5 Technology 384 DVA 1 -1.92 small-cap Exit Long 0 -6.0 Healthcare 382 LBTYB 7 -2.27 small-cap Exit Long 0 -8.5 Communication Services 649 SAIC 1 -19.86 small-cap Exit Long 0 -20.5 Technology Mean Return: 1.3525 Mean Day/Week: 12.25 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 2.6 Small Cap Short Exit********************* small_short_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 556 BSMX 3 15.59 small-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 661 VNET 2 11.83 small-cap Exit Short 0 -20.5 Technology 536 CLF 3 11.46 small-cap Exit Short 1 -28.5 Basic Materials 637 WSC 2 8.88 small-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Industrials 606 HOG 3 6.73 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 415 SBSW 2 6.10 small-cap Exit Short 0 -24.5 Basic Materials 621 BRKS 1 5.92 small-cap Exit Short 0 -33.0 Technology 401 CREE 3 5.37 small-cap Exit Short 1 -31.0 Technology 666 VRM 2 4.96 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 288 TER 3 4.88 small-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Technology 246 MXIM 3 4.57 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 495 WEX 2 4.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Technology 525 RHI 2 4.52 small-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Industrials 624 YETI 1 4.45 small-cap Exit Short 1 -17.0 Consumer Cyclical 506 GNTX 2 4.12 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 321 MPWR 3 3.98 small-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Technology 328 GNRC 3 3.87 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Industrials 333 PTC 4 3.80 small-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Technology 679 POWI 3 3.68 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Technology 363 ASX 2 3.62 small-cap Exit Short 1 -21.0 Technology 564 TTEK 5 3.37 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Industrials 640 IART 6 3.34 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 274 ZBRA 1 3.29 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Technology 272 MKTX 2 3.23 small-cap Exit Short 1 -6.0 Financial Services 643 CHH 2 3.22 small-cap Exit Short 1 -14.5 Consumer Cyclical 362 CGNX 5 3.05 small-cap Exit Short 1 -16.5 Technology 599 LFUS 4 2.83 small-cap Exit Short 2 -9.5 Technology 626 LSCC 3 2.82 small-cap Exit Short 0 -24.5 Technology 261 PAYC 1 2.57 small-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 542 LPL 3 2.55 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 601 OLLI 4 2.48 small-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 658 APPF 2 2.32 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Technology 552 RGLD 2 2.13 small-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Basic Materials 646 NATI 5 2.12 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 387 CRL 1 2.11 small-cap Exit Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 630 FRPT 3 1.97 small-cap Exit Short 0 -20.5 Consumer Defensive 311 TYL 2 1.94 small-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Technology 615 CWEN 7 1.69 small-cap Exit Short 0 -4.5 Utilities 389 KEP 1 1.26 small-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Utilities 304 BIO 3 1.24 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 434 ZNGA 12 0.94 small-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 342 ABMD 3 0.89 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 466 GWRE 4 0.77 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 369 MASI 3 0.66 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 668 TENB 2 0.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -3.5 Technology 595 NTNX 1 0.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 575 CACC 5 0.43 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Financial Services 300 COO 1 0.37 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Healthcare 622 CLGX 5 0.04 small-cap Exit Short 0 -4.5 Technology 543 CHNG 4 -0.01 small-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Healthcare 411 CABO 3 -0.50 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Communication Services 617 SLAB 5 -0.77 small-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Technology 287 GDRX 10 -3.06 small-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 485 IIVI 21 -17.09 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Technology Mean Return: 3.3958695652173922 Mean Day/Week: 4.130434782608695 Accuracy:0.10869565217391304 *******************Part 2.7 Overall Long Position********************* overall long Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 489 SJR 18 33.97 small-cap Exit Long 1 -4.0 Communication Services 470 WSM 10 24.41 small-cap Long 1 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 290 KSU 11 15.65 small-cap Long 0 0.0 Industrials 449 AAP 20 13.93 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 349 EXPD 15 11.01 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 655 SKX 14 10.51 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 453 ALLE 14 10.35 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Industrials 332 CAH 12 10.27 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Healthcare 436 LII 13 9.25 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Industrials 461 RH 2 8.49 small-cap Long 0 -13.0 Consumer Cyclical 356 NUE 2 8.17 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Basic Materials 435 RPM 12 8.15 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Basic Materials 652 FR 14 7.93 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Real Estate 667 BWXT 15 7.57 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Industrials 409 LNT 12 7.52 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Utilities 255 ODFL 15 7.43 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 298 AEE 12 6.76 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 537 G 14 6.56 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Technology 410 EVRG 16 6.49 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Utilities 430 ATO 11 6.10 small-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 358 NTAP 2 5.99 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Technology 271 ABC 13 5.85 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 523 AIZ 12 5.73 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 501 NI 11 5.29 small-cap Long 1 -1.0 Utilities 277 K 11 4.85 small-cap Long 1 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 399 MOH 13 4.58 small-cap Long 1 -2.0 Healthcare 294 FTS 12 4.54 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 587 HII 3 4.49 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 301 QSR 4 4.34 small-cap Long 1 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 324 CMS 9 4.21 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 568 RBA 2 4.17 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 353 KB 5 4.10 small-cap Long 1 -3.5 Financial Services 460 AMH 10 4.01 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 486 AOS 2 3.97 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Industrials 249 DLTR 5 3.64 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 351 DRE 8 3.56 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 250 ED 10 3.56 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 330 NMR 7 3.47 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Financial Services 526 CSL 2 3.40 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Industrials 319 BR 2 3.39 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 257 DTE 4 3.38 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Utilities 327 TSCO 2 3.38 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 367 MAS 2 3.36 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 335 STE 6 3.35 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 366 JBHT 2 3.28 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 276 CHD 3 3.21 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 426 WHR 2 3.12 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 318 DOV 3 3.05 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Industrials 270 EFX 2 3.01 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Industrials 500 AGNC 10 2.94 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Real Estate 315 INVH 10 2.89 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 494 ATR 11 2.78 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 519 ACI 2 2.77 small-cap Long 0 -3.5 Consumer Defensive 481 COLD 9 2.75 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 Real Estate 391 FICO 2 2.72 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Technology 299 DGX 5 2.59 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Healthcare 371 FMC 2 2.57 small-cap Long 0 -7.0 Basic Materials 402 SMG 2 2.51 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 437 TAP 2 2.47 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 264 NDAQ 5 2.38 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 343 MAA 10 2.36 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 451 CPT 10 2.36 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Real Estate 499 PNW 11 2.32 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Utilities 559 CASY 2 2.30 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 569 REXR 5 2.27 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Real Estate 634 VIRT 11 2.17 small-cap Long 1 -2.0 Financial Services 267 O 4 1.99 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Real Estate 278 GIB 10 1.98 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Technology 390 J 2 1.92 small-cap Long 0 -5.0 Industrials 245 FMX 13 1.86 small-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 Consumer Defensive 660 KT 2 1.85 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Communication Services 269 EIX 8 1.85 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Utilities 273 PPL 2 1.84 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Utilities 602 POST 2 1.80 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 445 DNB 2 1.77 small-cap Long 0 -4.5 Technology 359 SHG 2 1.73 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Financial Services 473 WSO 9 1.72 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Industrials 320 CAG 2 1.61 small-cap Long 1 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 428 JKHY 2 1.55 small-cap Long 0 -14.0 Technology 266 FTV 2 1.45 small-cap Long 2 -17.5 Technology 420 CHRW 2 1.45 small-cap Long 1 -4.5 Industrials 397 SJM 2 1.45 small-cap Long 1 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 281 IX 7 1.38 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 417 FDS 3 1.31 small-cap Long 0 -4.0 Financial Services 493 AGNCM 9 1.31 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Real Estate 381 GPC 2 1.28 small-cap Long 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 361 DPZ 2 1.14 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 360 AGR 4 0.69 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Utilities 565 BERY 4 0.50 small-cap Long 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 497 AGNCN 2 0.42 small-cap Long 0 -2.5 Real Estate 459 HGH 10 0.40 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 unknown 392 HBANO 7 0.31 small-cap Long 0 -0.5 Financial Services 331 VAR 3 0.09 small-cap Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 427 ELS 8 0.07 small-cap Long 0 -1.5 Real Estate 308 HIG 6 -0.04 small-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 344 ACGLO 2 -0.08 small-cap Long 0 -10.5 Financial Services 376 LBTYK 1 -0.08 small-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 unknown 673 OMCL 10 -0.14 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Healthcare 291 ETR 9 -0.49 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 539 AIZP 2 -0.49 small-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 256 FNV 8 -0.76 small-cap Long 0 -2.0 Basic Materials 340 ACGLP 1 -0.78 small-cap Exit Long 0 -13.5 Financial Services 284 FITBI 4 -1.03 small-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 482 EBR 1 -1.35 small-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Utilities 425 CNP 1 -1.50 small-cap Exit Long 0 -5.0 Utilities 616 CACI 1 -1.63 small-cap Exit Long 0 -3.5 Technology 384 DVA 1 -1.92 small-cap Exit Long 0 -6.0 Healthcare 382 LBTYB 7 -2.27 small-cap Exit Long 0 -8.5 Communication Services 649 SAIC 1 -19.86 small-cap Exit Long 0 -20.5 Technology Mean Return: 3.5252293577981653 Mean Day/Week: 6.532110091743119 Accuracy:0.8623853211009175 *******************Part 2.8 Overall Short Position********************* overall short Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 556 BSMX 3 15.59 small-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 661 VNET 2 11.83 small-cap Exit Short 0 -20.5 Technology 536 CLF 3 11.46 small-cap Exit Short 1 -28.5 Basic Materials 637 WSC 2 8.88 small-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Industrials 606 HOG 3 6.73 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 415 SBSW 2 6.10 small-cap Exit Short 0 -24.5 Basic Materials 621 BRKS 1 5.92 small-cap Exit Short 0 -33.0 Technology 672 FOXF 3 5.91 small-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 589 PLNT 3 5.39 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 401 CREE 3 5.37 small-cap Exit Short 1 -31.0 Technology 666 VRM 2 4.96 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 288 TER 3 4.88 small-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Technology 665 QRTEB 3 4.84 small-cap Short 1 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 246 MXIM 3 4.57 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 495 WEX 2 4.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Technology 525 RHI 2 4.52 small-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Industrials 624 YETI 1 4.45 small-cap Exit Short 1 -17.0 Consumer Cyclical 663 QRTEA 3 4.31 small-cap Short 1 -7.5 Consumer Cyclical 463 AU 3 4.20 small-cap Short 0 -20.5 Basic Materials 506 GNTX 2 4.12 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 321 MPWR 3 3.98 small-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Technology 514 SID 3 3.89 small-cap Short 2 -14.0 Basic Materials 328 GNRC 3 3.87 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Industrials 333 PTC 4 3.80 small-cap Exit Short 1 -18.0 Technology 679 POWI 3 3.68 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Technology 444 PEGA 7 3.67 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 553 GRUB 3 3.63 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Communication Services 363 ASX 2 3.62 small-cap Exit Short 1 -21.0 Technology 585 PACB 3 3.60 small-cap Short 1 -43.5 Healthcare 521 ALV 3 3.44 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 564 TTEK 5 3.37 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Industrials 640 IART 6 3.34 small-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 274 ZBRA 1 3.29 small-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Technology 272 MKTX 2 3.23 small-cap Exit Short 1 -6.0 Financial Services 643 CHH 2 3.22 small-cap Exit Short 1 -14.5 Consumer Cyclical 610 SRCL 4 3.12 small-cap Short 0 -12.0 Industrials 423 IHG 3 3.12 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Consumer Cyclical 362 CGNX 5 3.05 small-cap Exit Short 1 -16.5 Technology 346 SEDG 3 2.98 small-cap Short 1 -17.5 Technology 549 NCLH 2 2.91 small-cap Short 0 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 479 FLEX 4 2.86 small-cap Short 1 -14.0 Technology 313 CVAC 3 2.85 small-cap Short 1 -30.0 Healthcare 275 BKR 4 2.84 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Energy 599 LFUS 4 2.83 small-cap Exit Short 2 -9.5 Technology 611 WMS 3 2.82 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 626 LSCC 3 2.82 small-cap Exit Short 0 -24.5 Technology 394 TTM 2 2.75 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 302 ALB 4 2.63 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Basic Materials 447 NRG 7 2.59 small-cap Short 1 -23.0 Utilities 261 PAYC 1 2.57 small-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 594 PHI 4 2.55 small-cap Short 0 -18.5 Communication Services 542 LPL 3 2.55 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 601 OLLI 4 2.48 small-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 658 APPF 2 2.32 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Technology 329 PENN 3 2.28 small-cap Short 0 -28.0 Consumer Cyclical 442 MTN 2 2.18 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 552 RGLD 2 2.13 small-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Basic Materials 646 NATI 5 2.12 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 387 CRL 1 2.11 small-cap Exit Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 548 ALLK 7 2.07 small-cap Short 1 -16.0 Healthcare 680 ASR 2 2.00 small-cap Short 0 -24.0 Industrials 508 SPWR 4 1.98 small-cap Short 1 -27.0 Technology 630 FRPT 3 1.97 small-cap Exit Short 0 -20.5 Consumer Defensive 311 TYL 2 1.94 small-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Technology 471 GLPI 3 1.83 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Real Estate 615 CWEN 7 1.69 small-cap Exit Short 0 -4.5 Utilities 443 PCTY 7 1.51 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 560 DCT 7 1.48 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 388 NUAN 3 1.46 small-cap Short 1 -22.0 Technology 504 OHI 3 1.43 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Real Estate 323 AES 5 1.35 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Utilities 676 TNET 3 1.32 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Industrials 456 TECK 4 1.29 small-cap Short 0 -7.0 Basic Materials 389 KEP 1 1.26 small-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Utilities 310 ZEN 3 1.25 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 304 BIO 3 1.24 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 350 HEI 4 1.21 small-cap Short 3 -8.0 Industrials 505 DNLI 3 1.18 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 509 NYT 4 1.13 small-cap Short 1 -2.5 Communication Services 407 IPGP 4 1.11 small-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 440 BILL 3 1.06 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 567 KOD 3 1.04 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Healthcare 662 DSGX 2 1.04 small-cap Short 1 -7.0 Technology 352 BMRN 3 0.99 small-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 534 PAAS 3 0.98 small-cap Short 1 -14.5 Basic Materials 566 EEFT 2 0.97 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 527 MBT 4 0.96 small-cap Short 0 -14.5 Communication Services 434 ZNGA 12 0.94 small-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 342 ABMD 3 0.89 small-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 466 GWRE 4 0.77 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 609 NEO 2 0.73 small-cap Short 1 -23.5 Healthcare 380 SQM 4 0.72 small-cap Short 2 -3.5 Basic Materials 369 MASI 3 0.66 small-cap Exit Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 432 TREX 7 0.65 small-cap Short 1 -17.0 Industrials 336 ULTA 3 0.64 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 374 CDAY 6 0.60 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 668 TENB 2 0.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -3.5 Technology 595 NTNX 1 0.56 small-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Technology 370 ATHM 2 0.53 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Communication Services 633 BEAM 3 0.52 small-cap Short 1 -46.0 Healthcare 575 CACC 5 0.43 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Financial Services 584 SDGR 4 0.41 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 300 COO 1 0.37 small-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Healthcare 289 CTLT 3 0.30 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 656 VRNT 2 0.26 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 540 MANH 7 0.20 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Technology 653 SDC 4 0.15 small-cap Short 1 -11.5 Healthcare 478 PEN 3 0.10 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 622 CLGX 5 0.04 small-cap Exit Short 0 -4.5 Technology 543 CHNG 4 -0.01 small-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Healthcare 669 RAMP 5 -0.05 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 524 GLOB 3 -0.08 small-cap Short 0 -11.5 Technology 631 VRNS 7 -0.13 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 538 ACAD 4 -0.14 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 244 WORK 3 -0.21 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 243 NET 3 -0.41 small-cap Short 0 -22.0 Technology 522 IAA 7 -0.43 small-cap Short 1 -5.0 Industrials 678 FEYE 2 -0.46 small-cap Short 2 -21.5 Technology 619 HELE 8 -0.48 small-cap Short 1 -9.5 Consumer Defensive 411 CABO 3 -0.50 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Communication Services 490 SMAR 3 -0.52 small-cap Short 0 -12.0 Technology 462 NVTA 2 -0.61 small-cap Short 0 -40.0 Healthcare 588 AZEK 5 -0.66 small-cap Short 1 -4.5 Industrials 617 SLAB 5 -0.77 small-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Technology 545 AVAL 3 -0.82 small-cap Short 1 -14.0 Financial Services 612 PRLB 7 -0.87 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 533 DCI 6 -1.01 small-cap Short 1 -9.5 Industrials 433 FIVN 3 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 614 GMED 8 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 491 TWST 3 -1.11 small-cap Short 0 -32.5 Healthcare 570 IRDM 7 -1.22 small-cap Short 1 -19.5 Communication Services 406 CHGG 3 -1.25 small-cap Short 0 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 651 UPWK 7 -1.26 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Industrials 532 BL 7 -1.26 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 247 YUMC 4 -1.28 small-cap Short 1 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 603 BE 4 -1.37 small-cap Short 1 -37.0 Industrials 598 HLF 4 -1.43 small-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 511 IONS 4 -1.50 small-cap Short 1 -7.0 Healthcare 339 GME 2 -1.52 small-cap Short 0 -53.5 Consumer Cyclical 375 ELAN 3 -1.57 small-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 398 ERIE 4 -1.58 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Financial Services 441 AXON 7 -1.80 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Industrials 307 ALNY 4 -1.80 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 582 PSTG 4 -1.87 small-cap Short 1 -27.0 Technology 629 TNDM 3 -1.93 small-cap Short 0 -12.5 Healthcare 608 FIZZ 7 -1.96 small-cap Short 2 -18.0 Consumer Defensive 448 MORN 5 -1.98 small-cap Short 1 -15.0 Financial Services 305 HUBS 6 -2.00 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Technology 292 SNN 7 -2.03 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 303 APO 3 -2.09 small-cap Short 1 -10.0 Financial Services 268 YNDX 4 -2.30 small-cap Short 1 -23.0 Communication Services 632 ALGM 4 -2.37 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Technology 286 IAC 3 -2.37 small-cap Short 1 -7.5 Communication Services 480 AZPN 4 -2.51 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Technology 458 VST 8 -2.63 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Utilities 496 CIB 4 -2.67 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 253 ENPH 4 -2.70 small-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 347 SUZ 2 -2.77 small-cap Short 0 -23.0 Basic Materials 295 WMG 7 -2.79 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 550 QTWO 7 -2.90 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 287 GDRX 10 -3.06 small-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 563 ONEM 7 -3.07 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 429 RGEN 3 -3.10 small-cap Short 1 -16.0 Healthcare 627 HAE 17 -3.10 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 591 CYBR 7 -3.25 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 431 BYND 7 -3.28 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 659 BIGC 9 -3.34 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 365 WIX 6 -3.37 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 322 NVCR 3 -3.44 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 664 MP 2 -3.46 small-cap Short 0 -27.0 Basic Materials 377 ZLAB 7 -3.49 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 345 QS 2 -3.65 small-cap Short 1 -49.5 Consumer Cyclical 558 RCM 7 -3.70 small-cap Short 1 -2.0 Healthcare 439 WB 3 -3.71 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 650 INSP 7 -3.92 small-cap Short 1 -5.0 Healthcare 457 BLDP 4 -3.92 small-cap Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 639 NVRO 7 -4.02 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 386 ESTC 4 -4.04 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 583 HALO 4 -4.05 small-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 355 CGC 5 -4.29 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Healthcare 674 ABCM 5 -4.31 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 512 BB 4 -4.67 small-cap Short 1 -26.0 Technology 487 NKLA 7 -4.73 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 404 SPCE 4 -4.73 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 644 PSTH 6 -4.87 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 573 VRT 6 -4.92 small-cap Short 1 -6.5 Industrials 385 IEP 8 -4.93 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Industrials 510 ARWR 4 -5.10 small-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 671 SAIL 4 -5.33 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 518 OCFT 7 -5.39 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 341 GH 4 -5.52 small-cap Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 607 MSA 6 -5.73 small-cap Short 1 -8.5 Industrials 578 ORA 8 -5.79 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Utilities 279 FTCH 3 -5.93 small-cap Short 0 -17.0 Consumer Cyclical 507 LSPD 4 -6.08 small-cap Short 1 -21.0 Technology 605 CD 7 -6.19 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 647 MPLN 13 -6.27 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Healthcare 396 AVLR 7 -6.34 small-cap Short 1 -2.0 Technology 581 HQY 9 -6.40 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 572 NCNO 5 -6.92 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 452 DADA 3 -6.97 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Consumer Cyclical 472 NTRA 4 -7.02 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 515 EXPI 5 -7.50 small-cap Short 0 -16.0 Real Estate 528 RDFN 5 -7.83 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Real Estate 354 ARGX 5 -8.44 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 551 FCEL 7 -8.55 small-cap Short 0 -26.5 Industrials 580 IOVA 7 -8.73 small-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 357 APPN 4 -8.79 small-cap Short 0 -10.0 Technology 531 ADPT 7 -9.15 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 413 BAP 15 -9.33 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Financial Services 516 ASND 8 -10.21 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 297 NVAX 3 -10.21 small-cap Short 1 -53.5 Healthcare 638 ASAN 7 -10.35 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Technology 541 API 7 -10.45 small-cap Short 0 -4.5 Technology 670 ARRY 8 -10.92 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 520 FVRR 5 -11.46 small-cap Short 0 -3.5 Communication Services 314 PAGS 14 -11.97 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 503 LMND 5 -12.40 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Financial Services 469 RARE 5 -13.19 small-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 465 MRTX 8 -13.25 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 677 BHVN 9 -13.71 small-cap Short 1 -1.5 Healthcare 654 DM 4 -13.95 small-cap Short 1 -40.5 Technology 258 STNE 14 -14.06 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 373 FUTU 6 -14.91 small-cap Short 0 -6.5 Financial Services 596 AVIR 4 -15.03 small-cap Short 1 -56.0 Healthcare 562 MSTR 5 -15.55 small-cap Short 1 -31.0 Technology 546 DQ 7 -15.56 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 372 OPEN 4 -15.86 small-cap Short 1 -30.5 Real Estate 613 HUYA 7 -15.87 small-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 260 COUP 16 -16.34 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 577 CCIV 6 -16.40 small-cap Short 0 -24.0 Financial Services 418 KC 15 -16.55 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 485 IIVI 21 -17.09 small-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Technology 455 PLAN 18 -17.68 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 618 TPTX 10 -18.78 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 529 YY 9 -19.15 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Communication Services 498 FATE 4 -19.58 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 642 JMIA 6 -21.00 small-cap Short 1 -42.0 Consumer Cyclical 265 MDB 17 -23.22 small-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 517 AMWL 10 -24.88 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 474 MNSO 22 -25.56 small-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 282 GDS 20 -27.95 small-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 438 QDEL 25 -28.70 small-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 636 FUBO 4 -34.10 small-cap Short 0 -5.0 Communication Services 454 SKLZ 7 -38.02 small-cap Short 0 -9.0 Communication Services 600 MDLA 18 -38.51 small-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 488 SFIX 15 -41.88 small-cap Short 0 -6.0 Consumer Cyclical 259 GSX 5 -94.99 small-cap Short 1 -6.0 Consumer Defensive Mean Return: -3.337741935483871 Mean Day/Week: 5.173387096774194 Accuracy:0.5604838709677419 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 3.0 Penny Cap Industry Overiew********************* penny_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 7 Communication Services 5 Consumer Cyclical 15 Consumer Defensive 9 Energy 4 Financial Services 30 Healthcare 7 Industrials 10 Real Estate 9 Technology 12 Utilities 11 unknown 6 **************************************** penny_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 22 Communication Services 23 Consumer Cyclical 35 Consumer Defensive 13 Energy 17 Financial Services 36 Healthcare 141 Industrial Goods 1 Industrials 32 Real Estate 16 Technology 68 Utilities 4 unknown 5 *******************Part 3.1 Penny Cap Long Entry********************* penny_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 883 ADV 4 1.00 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Communication Services 1306 TANNZ 3 0.44 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 unknown 1203 EHTH 2 2.61 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Financial Services 768 LOPE 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 1069 UTG 4 1.52 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 849 CMD 2 1.63 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1272 TGP 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Energy 1162 MSEX 4 1.82 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 1036 CUB 5 -0.53 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 1007 JACK 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 1301 NXRT 4 2.40 penny-cap Long 1 -2.5 Real Estate 1159 SG 5 -0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -2.5 Financial Services 1095 SMCI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -2.5 Technology 1086 RQI 2 0.73 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 1061 GSBD 2 0.65 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 696 FLO 2 0.99 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 1190 BXMX 2 0.83 penny-cap Long 0 -3.0 Financial Services 712 ENSG 3 6.14 penny-cap Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 738 GPK 2 1.54 penny-cap Long 1 -3.0 Consumer Cyclical 1290 ETW 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -3.0 Financial Services 759 THG 2 0.05 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Financial Services 797 BKH 3 1.20 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Utilities 721 IDA 2 1.43 penny-cap Long 0 -3.5 Utilities 921 LGIH 2 4.57 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 946 SFM 5 10.15 penny-cap Long 1 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 813 PSN 3 2.25 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 Industrials 1293 TANNI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 unknown 1001 CENTA 2 4.72 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 895 ETRN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 Energy 873 PS 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -4.0 Technology 891 EBC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -4.5 Financial Services 886 ENR 2 1.22 penny-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 1260 SNEX 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -4.5 Financial Services 782 APAM 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -4.5 Financial Services 830 UFPI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -4.5 Basic Materials 985 RUSHA 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 1000 OMI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Healthcare 758 SLGN 2 0.37 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 1104 TY 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 901 ABG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 711 STAG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Real Estate 1277 AMSF 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Financial Services 1012 NAVI 2 2.55 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Financial Services 1256 UVV 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Consumer Defensive 1253 AFINP 2 0.77 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Real Estate 1116 SYKE 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Technology 961 COKE 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -5.5 Consumer Defensive 1096 HMN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -6.0 Financial Services 1063 CPK 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -6.0 Utilities 1196 IRT 3 3.98 penny-cap Long 0 -6.0 Real Estate 1102 LOB 3 4.96 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 1189 FORTY 2 -0.56 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Technology 923 USM 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Communication Services 1273 CHCT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Real Estate 1021 TDS 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Communication Services 845 VLYPO 4 -0.90 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 785 OGS 2 -0.31 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Utilities 933 SCL 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -7.0 Basic Materials 792 PSB 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -7.0 Real Estate 1050 HUBG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -7.0 Industrials 1147 ILPT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -7.5 Real Estate 914 TDI 2 0.39 penny-cap Long 0 -7.5 unknown 730 LAZ 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -7.5 Financial Services 928 FUL 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -7.5 Basic Materials 956 ABM 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -8.0 Industrials 971 ANAT 2 -0.75 penny-cap Long 0 -8.5 Financial Services 748 HR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -8.5 Real Estate 1043 PTY 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -8.5 Financial Services 1233 DIN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -8.5 Consumer Cyclical 731 NEOG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -9.0 Healthcare 776 ESGRP 3 0.17 penny-cap Long 0 -9.0 Financial Services 1004 UZC 2 -0.08 penny-cap Long 0 -9.0 unknown 836 TMHC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -9.5 Consumer Cyclical 1145 FPF 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -10.0 Financial Services 789 ESGRO 2 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -10.5 Financial Services 761 KBH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 717 AYI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 2 -11.5 Industrials 963 UTF 3 0.55 penny-cap Long 0 -11.5 Financial Services 1228 FRO 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -13.0 Energy 743 KBR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -13.5 Industrials 1166 MHO 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -14.0 Consumer Cyclical 1126 HTLD 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -14.5 Industrials 1029 MFGP 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 2 -14.5 Technology 863 UNVR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -14.5 Basic Materials 756 OLN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -15.0 Basic Materials 1098 UCTT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -15.5 Technology 1274 ICHR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -15.5 Technology 1019 OI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -16.5 Consumer Cyclical 938 EXLS 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -17.0 Technology 880 BIPC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -17.5 Utilities 889 MTH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 2 -18.0 Consumer Cyclical 935 SWN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -18.0 Energy 1229 MGNX 2 0.90 penny-cap Long 0 -18.0 Healthcare 952 TPH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 740 RXT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -19.5 Technology 819 NVG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -25.0 Financial Services 1298 LGVW 4 -3.74 penny-cap Long 0 -25.0 Financial Services 983 NZF 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -25.5 Financial Services Mean Return: 1.427179487179487 Mean Day/Week: 4.256410256410256 Accuracy:0.7692307692307693 *******************Part 3.2 Penny Cap Short Entry********************* penny_short_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 1176 RILY 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Financial Services 1255 EPZM 4 -6.72 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1305 IH 5 -12.31 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 1177 RYTM 4 -9.31 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 716 FGEN 4 -1.77 penny-cap Short 1 -3.0 Healthcare 695 SHI 3 2.38 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Energy 1232 NRC 5 1.58 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 926 JELD 3 6.40 penny-cap Short 1 -4.0 Industrials 817 CRON 5 -4.96 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 1106 QURE 4 -7.13 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 1039 BUR 2 -0.49 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 888 VNE 5 -5.98 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 750 KRNT 5 -8.54 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Industrials 912 VEON 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Communication Services 770 MSGS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Communication Services 718 HCM 5 -1.35 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1153 KNSA 5 -14.87 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1121 GBIO 3 -3.97 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 757 IMAB 4 -4.98 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1014 YEXT 5 -6.56 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 821 CARG 3 3.60 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services 1200 LASR 4 -0.84 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Technology 1261 INGN 5 -2.28 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 1266 PHAT 4 -2.34 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 939 XL 5 -22.81 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 945 TIGR 5 -30.14 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Financial Services 802 NKTR 4 -3.29 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 962 PING 3 1.10 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 733 CEF 5 -1.42 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 unknown 1097 USPH 5 -8.84 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1103 HBM 4 0.04 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Basic Materials 954 PSLV 5 -3.20 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 unknown 1154 SVM 5 -5.12 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Basic Materials 1204 CHRS 4 -2.94 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1235 ESTA 2 -1.67 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 841 CDLX 4 -8.41 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 1269 ZGNX 5 -8.52 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1282 ALGS 5 -18.15 penny-cap Short 1 -6.0 Healthcare 1296 CTS 4 1.70 penny-cap Short 1 -6.0 Technology 871 BZUN 5 -22.06 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 838 AIMC 2 1.76 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 949 MATX 2 0.78 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 1006 GTH 4 -11.42 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 774 SRNE 4 -10.04 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 964 B 3 2.75 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 973 MANU 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 1020 AUPH 5 -5.99 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 1040 MTOR 3 7.00 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 1249 KPTI 5 -14.18 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 955 SSYS 4 -4.85 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 958 EAF 3 3.97 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 1013 HCAT 3 -0.99 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 1044 INSG 4 -4.45 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 862 PRLD 4 -27.38 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 854 CPA 2 -2.36 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 1254 ALEX 3 -0.12 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Real Estate 1067 ACMR 4 -8.53 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 1307 CDMO 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 713 RLAY 3 -2.39 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 793 GOOS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 1074 GTN 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Communication Services 1183 BST 4 -2.13 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Financial Services 688 AG 4 -0.16 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Basic Materials 697 NARI 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 911 LTHM 4 -3.23 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Basic Materials 844 SPT 3 0.81 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 1212 AZZ 2 1.19 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Industrials 1089 FSM 4 -0.04 penny-cap Short 1 -8.0 Basic Materials 1180 CEVA 4 -5.12 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 694 TKC 5 -4.21 penny-cap Short 1 -8.0 Communication Services 908 MIME 2 1.28 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 801 VC 3 0.98 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Consumer Cyclical 943 XNCR 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 831 INO 4 -5.35 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 767 CCXI 4 -7.55 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 931 KRTX 4 -3.64 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 1239 RMAX 3 5.74 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Real Estate 989 MSGE 2 -10.95 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Communication Services 934 BRP 4 0.19 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Financial Services 852 LCII 5 -3.96 penny-cap Short 1 -8.5 Consumer Cyclical 686 HHC 2 1.48 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Real Estate 1041 PRO 5 -3.93 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Technology 1123 HLG 3 -1.69 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Defensive 794 SGMS 5 -10.90 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 769 GKOS 4 1.36 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 865 SOGO 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Communication Services 1246 RGR 3 4.11 penny-cap Short 2 -9.5 Industrials 796 RETA 5 -10.71 penny-cap Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 1031 TWNK 4 0.34 penny-cap Short 2 -9.5 Consumer Defensive 827 VCYT 3 0.32 penny-cap Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 1010 REAL 4 -1.50 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 915 UTZ 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Consumer Defensive 691 LPRO 2 2.46 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Financial Services 1187 TRIL 3 4.85 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Healthcare 1133 PAR 4 -8.68 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Technology 1078 FMTX 4 -16.96 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Healthcare 1304 MRUS 4 -4.79 penny-cap Short 4 -10.0 Healthcare 1033 CVA 4 4.11 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Industrials 1073 CSTL 3 -2.74 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Healthcare 1195 PI 4 -0.76 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Technology 1276 DRQ 2 3.49 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Energy 700 WKHS 5 -15.80 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 1168 MTRN 2 2.72 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Basic Materials 1300 SRG 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Real Estate 763 UNF 5 3.21 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Industrials 970 CNK 3 2.73 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Communication Services 706 RPD 3 -1.48 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 1140 GES 4 1.93 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Consumer Cyclical 1038 AVYA 2 1.36 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 719 ARNA 4 -4.36 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Healthcare 1227 DGNR 2 1.07 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 1114 YPF 2 0.49 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Energy 902 GHC 3 0.02 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 1280 RES 2 4.81 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Energy 900 BVN 3 0.59 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Basic Materials 839 CRSR 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -11.5 Technology 858 CNS 3 1.04 penny-cap Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 701 SHAK 3 3.58 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 692 SAGE 4 -0.17 penny-cap Short 3 -11.5 Healthcare 1297 TELL 4 -0.97 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Energy 994 PRPL 5 -4.39 penny-cap Short 2 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 1048 RPAY 3 0.47 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Technology 1218 ADVM 5 -9.74 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Healthcare 778 SAFE 5 -0.26 penny-cap Short 0 -12.0 Real Estate 1303 VITL 5 -20.85 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Consumer Defensive 1087 NS 3 2.81 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Energy 941 ITCI 5 -9.01 penny-cap Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 1222 VLRS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Industrials 1056 DEA 5 -0.30 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Real Estate 1088 TTCF 3 -1.22 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 959 MEOH 5 -2.98 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Basic Materials 1295 CHEF 3 5.70 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 1170 FFG 4 0.35 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 736 GTLS 3 5.61 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Industrial Goods 1291 BPFH 2 0.07 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 1175 KRYS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Healthcare 879 NOAH 4 -0.59 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 779 CDNA 4 -7.65 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Healthcare 1066 GSAT 5 -17.71 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Communication Services 1285 CLS 4 0.34 penny-cap Short 2 -13.0 Technology 1186 NXGN 4 -0.03 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Healthcare 1223 LINX 3 -0.76 penny-cap Short 3 -13.0 Technology 910 PJT 4 2.11 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 1135 PAYA 5 -5.14 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 755 PD 3 -0.22 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 1093 CCCC 4 -2.40 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Healthcare 742 MTSI 5 -0.78 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Technology 993 RMBS 4 0.10 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Technology 1292 ARCO 4 -2.68 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Consumer Cyclical 876 NSP 2 1.68 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Industrials 1252 ITOS 4 -8.71 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 1294 PASG 4 -6.99 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 897 UNIT 4 -0.37 penny-cap Short 0 -14.0 Real Estate 1171 HYT 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -14.0 Financial Services 1158 OCUL 2 -6.25 penny-cap Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 1119 HY 5 1.68 penny-cap Short 0 -14.0 Industrials 722 JAMF 3 -0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -14.5 Technology 1174 JRVR 5 1.41 penny-cap Short 0 -14.5 Financial Services 948 PTVE 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -14.5 Consumer Cyclical 775 DAO 4 -20.82 penny-cap Short 2 -14.5 Communication Services 965 RCUS 4 -5.58 penny-cap Short 1 -14.5 Healthcare 869 VSAT 3 3.14 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Technology 786 HL 3 3.74 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Basic Materials 972 MXL 4 -0.70 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Technology 861 PRG 5 -0.65 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Industrials 1224 GLNG 4 1.56 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Energy 1009 BDC 5 -2.54 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Industrials 702 FTDR 3 1.28 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 974 SBGI 3 0.06 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Communication Services 724 NEU 3 1.66 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Basic Materials 1079 DRNA 3 4.92 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 1070 SVC 2 0.32 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Real Estate 1243 MESO 2 2.54 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 1060 SIM 3 1.48 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Basic Materials 754 FSR 2 -0.79 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Consumer Cyclical 1302 ENTA 4 0.14 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Healthcare 1032 ARCT 4 -4.54 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 881 TDC 4 -1.05 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Technology 1142 MSC 2 -0.37 penny-cap Short 2 -16.0 Consumer Cyclical 1023 EVA 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -16.0 Basic Materials 840 TSEM 4 -1.21 penny-cap Short 1 -16.0 Technology 818 SPSC 4 -0.93 penny-cap Short 0 -16.5 Technology 1275 CHY 3 -0.28 penny-cap Short 1 -16.5 Financial Services 890 MMSI 4 1.56 penny-cap Short 1 -16.5 Healthcare 899 BNGO 4 -8.64 penny-cap Short 0 -17.0 Healthcare 1046 PBI 5 -7.91 penny-cap Short 1 -17.0 Industrials 916 GDOT 2 0.89 penny-cap Short 0 -17.5 Financial Services 1299 SPH 4 0.39 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Utilities 690 DDD 4 2.35 penny-cap Short 0 -17.5 Technology 689 SMTC 4 -0.53 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Technology 816 OPCH 4 -0.87 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 1075 PGEN 4 -3.33 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 877 GBT 3 -0.06 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 980 NUV 2 0.27 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Financial Services 1082 VXRT 3 1.71 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 1237 ATRI 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 820 SBRA 3 0.01 penny-cap Short 1 -18.5 Real Estate 806 BBBY 3 5.77 penny-cap Short 1 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 930 CDE 2 2.93 penny-cap Short 2 -19.0 Basic Materials 1216 PRCH 5 -8.37 penny-cap Short 1 -19.5 Technology 772 RSI 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -19.5 Consumer Cyclical 1141 PRIM 3 3.32 penny-cap Short 0 -19.5 Industrials 1026 IDCC 4 1.46 penny-cap Short 1 -19.5 Communication Services 1231 RAVN 4 1.72 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 Industrials 1206 OMER 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -20.0 Healthcare 874 SJIU 4 -1.39 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 unknown 981 SJI 4 -1.40 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 Utilities 1025 EGO 2 1.74 penny-cap Short 0 -20.5 Basic Materials 1281 HQH 3 0.63 penny-cap Short 1 -20.5 Financial Services 734 CRNC 4 -11.93 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Technology 996 LBRT 3 9.00 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Energy 832 IGT 2 2.41 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Consumer Cyclical 1037 ENDP 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 2 -21.0 Healthcare 1077 YMAB 2 -2.97 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Healthcare 1169 HSC 4 2.43 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Industrials 749 PGNY 2 -1.14 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Healthcare 1107 STPK 5 -7.12 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Financial Services 1198 GNOG 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Consumer Cyclical 1022 FLWS 4 -3.54 penny-cap Short 1 -22.0 Consumer Cyclical 683 NOV 3 3.19 penny-cap Short 0 -22.0 Energy 1083 CVI 3 3.00 penny-cap Short 0 -22.0 Energy 1076 RLGY 4 3.82 penny-cap Short 1 -22.0 Real Estate 991 VNOM 3 0.57 penny-cap Short 0 -22.5 Energy 1182 NEXA 2 0.30 penny-cap Short 1 -22.5 Basic Materials 741 GOCO 3 5.02 penny-cap Short 0 -23.0 Financial Services 1278 RBBN 4 -0.83 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Communication Services 913 ACCD 4 -1.28 penny-cap Short 0 -23.5 Healthcare 1267 EXTR 4 3.17 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Technology 842 CORT 3 3.40 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Healthcare 1248 DBD 3 3.18 penny-cap Short 0 -24.0 Technology 814 GOEV 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -24.0 Consumer Cyclical 947 AZUL 4 -1.40 penny-cap Short 1 -24.5 Industrials 1219 NXE 2 3.98 penny-cap Short 0 -25.0 Energy 834 IRBT 4 -4.67 penny-cap Short 2 -25.0 Technology 1105 CERE 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -25.5 Healthcare 1137 LX 3 -0.72 penny-cap Short 0 -25.5 Financial Services 867 NSTG 3 -1.66 penny-cap Short 1 -26.0 Healthcare 1213 AMTI 3 -0.99 penny-cap Short 0 -27.0 Healthcare 804 MTLS 3 -5.20 penny-cap Short 0 -27.5 Technology 878 BFT 3 -1.28 penny-cap Short 1 -27.5 Financial Services 1134 ROAD 3 8.13 penny-cap Short 0 -27.5 Industrials 765 SWAV 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -27.5 Healthcare 1108 PMVP 2 1.43 penny-cap Short 1 -28.0 Healthcare 781 APHA 4 -4.63 penny-cap Short 1 -28.0 Healthcare 1094 GOL 2 -2.20 penny-cap Short 0 -28.5 Industrials 723 EH 5 -21.39 penny-cap Short 1 -30.0 Industrials 1211 QADB 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -30.5 Technology 1068 COHU 4 1.17 penny-cap Short 1 -31.0 Technology 1205 PCVX 4 3.49 penny-cap Short 1 -31.5 Healthcare 1127 CDXS 3 1.84 penny-cap Short 1 -32.5 Healthcare 894 RVMD 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -32.5 Healthcare 903 LGND 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -34.0 Healthcare 1058 VSTO 4 -2.65 penny-cap Short 1 -34.0 Consumer Cyclical 837 RCKT 4 -7.43 penny-cap Short 1 -35.0 Healthcare 828 NIU 3 2.05 penny-cap Short 1 -36.5 Consumer Cyclical 1015 CLNE 4 -0.98 penny-cap Short 1 -36.5 Energy 1265 DMTK 3 -12.17 penny-cap Short 1 -37.0 Healthcare 1193 RAD 2 1.49 penny-cap Short 1 -40.0 Healthcare 846 MAX 5 -27.99 penny-cap Short 0 -40.5 Communication Services 771 OPK 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -41.5 Healthcare 843 OSTK 4 -5.35 penny-cap Short 1 -43.0 Consumer Cyclical 960 GRWG 2 -3.93 penny-cap Short 1 -45.0 Consumer Cyclical 1155 NRIX 5 -5.00 penny-cap Short 1 -45.5 Healthcare 937 KYMR 4 -17.39 penny-cap Short 0 -47.0 Healthcare 1241 EOSE 2 3.00 penny-cap Short 1 -47.0 Industrials 968 NNDM 5 -12.54 penny-cap Short 1 -48.0 Technology 875 IGMS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -49.0 Healthcare 1148 ALEC 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -50.5 Healthcare 1181 SNDL 5 -15.17 penny-cap Short 1 -53.0 Healthcare 1042 HIMX 4 -4.36 penny-cap Short 1 -55.0 Technology 847 FLGT 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 2 -55.5 Healthcare 1257 MVIS 3 1.62 penny-cap Short 1 -56.5 Technology 1178 RIOT 2 0.10 penny-cap Short 0 -59.0 Technology 751 MGNI 3 2.99 penny-cap Short 1 -61.0 Communication Services 809 DNMR 3 -4.05 penny-cap Short 1 -61.0 Basic Materials 866 NNOX 1 0.00 penny-cap Short 0 -63.0 Healthcare 1081 GEVO 4 -6.62 penny-cap Short 1 -70.5 Basic Materials 760 YALA 3 2.90 penny-cap Short 1 -72.0 Technology Mean Return: -2.475819672131147 Mean Day/Week: 3.7540983606557377 Accuracy:0.5819672131147541 *******************Part 3.3 Penny Cap Long Maintainance********************* penny_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 747 PNM 6 0.35 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 777 FCN 19 18.01 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Industrials 811 HE 20 22.31 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 1122 CXP 12 17.77 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Real Estate 823 MUSA 10 15.10 penny-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 1065 HOVNP 13 16.52 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 unknown 953 STAY 26 21.84 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 951 AVA 21 17.72 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 1250 LRN 11 7.75 penny-cap Long 1 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 1152 ORGO 11 8.02 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 1118 BDJ 16 4.87 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 1271 RNP 9 1.49 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 729 SNX 15 20.90 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Technology 922 CCOI 11 5.28 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Communication Services 986 SFBS 34 34.90 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Financial Services 998 CENT 15 10.38 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 798 BAK 10 6.08 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 720 NOMD 10 5.50 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 979 MGEE 12 2.49 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 919 NWE 13 5.08 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 1071 NSS 16 4.85 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 unknown 815 TTEC 12 8.98 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Technology 1264 LOMA 10 3.00 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Basic Materials 898 CWST 6 4.10 penny-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 1156 TLND 13 -2.19 penny-cap Long 1 -4.0 Technology 727 TV 9 4.37 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Communication Services 1245 CYH 11 11.37 penny-cap Long 0 -21.5 Healthcare Mean Return: 10.253333333333332 Mean Day/Week: 13.74074074074074 Accuracy:0.9629629629629629 *******************Part 3.4 Penny Cap Short Maintainance********************* penny_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 856 ELP 7 -3.60 penny-cap Short 1 0.0 Utilities 1191 EVER 15 -12.98 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Communication Services 1214 MODN 12 -20.44 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 822 IFS 14 -9.31 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Financial Services 1005 STOK 19 -48.43 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 1028 STTK 27 -41.08 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 987 ALVR 22 -65.12 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 1279 ORIC 11 -26.13 penny-cap Short 1 0.0 Healthcare 803 AMBA 7 -7.04 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1247 FAX 22 -3.00 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Financial Services 1194 VERI 18 -47.94 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1163 TRS 9 -3.74 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Industrials 1151 MLAB 17 -10.72 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 992 BCAT 11 -4.76 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 unknown 1286 GOGO 12 -18.44 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Communication Services 1017 MAG 19 -20.91 penny-cap Short 1 -0.5 Basic Materials 685 WK 11 -9.59 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1220 VSTA 16 -28.74 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 1172 HPK 19 -76.24 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Energy 784 REGI 9 -17.11 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Energy 1197 SY 13 -23.08 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Healthcare 1209 HURN 10 -6.09 penny-cap Short 1 -1.0 Industrials 1035 ARCE 19 -28.46 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 681 KWR 15 -9.04 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 707 CLDR 15 -15.55 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 735 DOYU 11 -30.80 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Communication Services 787 PTCT 7 -12.64 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 744 TREE 7 -5.22 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 1049 SILK 7 -3.31 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1092 ICLK 8 -17.48 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Communication Services 997 QTRX 15 -14.65 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1129 SBE 9 -19.79 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 942 AXSM 7 -6.42 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1150 VCRA 12 -8.96 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 1018 HRMY 22 -28.68 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1244 QNST 7 -8.03 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Communication Services 1234 LXRX 9 -13.14 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 807 ITRI 10 -7.88 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 1262 GSAH 8 -7.97 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1160 MRSN 7 -3.20 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 709 BLI 7 -11.19 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 1238 SCWX 9 -4.41 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 795 MOR 9 -2.25 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 920 CSOD 7 -2.76 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 726 TRUP 7 -4.87 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1283 EOS 7 -0.34 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 872 BNR 10 -0.57 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 825 FOCS 9 -6.70 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 868 DNP 17 -2.32 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 698 CVET 9 -3.26 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 1143 IMGN 8 -5.92 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 990 TTGT 7 -7.79 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 737 LPSN 7 -1.35 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 1120 ARQT 7 -7.70 penny-cap Short 1 -3.0 Healthcare 1057 BSM 7 0.21 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Energy 1208 BTAI 7 -5.83 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 857 MOMO 8 -9.73 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Communication Services 725 BAND 7 -5.22 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 780 VVNT 7 -5.40 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Industrials 728 NOVA 8 -3.92 penny-cap Short 1 -3.5 Technology 1161 MMI 6 -0.92 penny-cap Short 1 -3.5 Real Estate 1242 PRPB 7 -1.14 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Financial Services 927 JOE 7 -5.92 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Real Estate 1112 PSNL 7 -11.56 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 924 BMI 7 -0.76 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 909 AMRC 7 -2.28 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 907 BSTZ 7 1.20 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 unknown 682 GSHD 7 -4.96 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Financial Services 705 EVBG 7 -1.70 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 896 PHR 7 -1.60 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 1258 CRHC 7 -1.85 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 1124 CMPS 6 -12.41 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 1251 CERS 7 0.18 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 1003 AFYA 7 -7.90 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 950 HYLN 6 -16.94 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 1053 RGNX 7 -13.53 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 984 LAC 6 -9.92 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Basic Materials 925 MED 7 -4.60 penny-cap Short 1 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 835 SUMO 22 -53.45 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 1080 HSKA 6 -3.76 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 884 CYRX 7 -2.44 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Industrials 1117 ATRA 7 -2.29 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 1215 NKTX 7 -18.59 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 790 VICR 7 -3.80 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 791 INSM 10 -6.10 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 800 EGHT 7 1.80 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 1115 SLP 7 -8.37 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 860 GATX 6 5.05 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 1130 TUP 13 -5.32 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 1008 EAR 10 -16.26 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 1072 CSII 6 -3.39 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Healthcare 1051 GCP 9 0.85 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Basic Materials 1090 HRTX 9 -10.11 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 1034 PRAX 7 -24.13 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 703 AY 7 1.42 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Utilities 999 ACB 7 -9.66 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 1100 IDEX 6 -10.59 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Technology 764 SWTX 7 -2.63 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 940 MDRX 6 -1.06 penny-cap Short 1 -9.0 Healthcare 936 MAXR 8 -14.46 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Technology 745 RIDE 24 -56.92 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 739 RYN 7 -0.09 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Real Estate 826 APLS 7 -5.97 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Healthcare 1132 CLB 6 -7.44 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Energy 704 IIPR 7 -1.19 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Real Estate 773 CELH 12 -10.25 penny-cap Short 0 -11.5 Consumer Defensive 932 ELY 6 -3.15 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 1230 HCC 7 -9.40 penny-cap Short 0 -12.0 Basic Materials 812 ARVN 9 -19.85 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Healthcare 714 HASI 8 1.36 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Real Estate 1210 FTOC 7 -3.15 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 1027 LUNG 6 -10.06 penny-cap Short 2 -13.0 Healthcare 710 ACIW 6 -3.04 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Technology 978 HCSG 9 -1.92 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Healthcare 1016 MAC 7 -9.24 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Real Estate 1263 CVM 7 -11.90 penny-cap Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 1270 HGEN 6 -10.85 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 929 PLMR 11 -11.92 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Financial Services 1131 FREQ 15 -344.49 penny-cap Short 0 -16.0 Healthcare 1287 AUDC 7 -4.96 penny-cap Short 1 -17.0 Technology 1002 AVNS 6 -2.82 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Healthcare 870 AMRN 6 -6.36 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 892 ALXO 7 -12.45 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 1111 PNTG 9 -4.81 penny-cap Short 1 -20.0 Healthcare 1199 INBX 17 -44.62 penny-cap Short 0 -20.5 Healthcare 1167 SOL 7 -16.89 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Technology 977 BTRS 6 -11.85 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Technology 1184 KROS 7 1.53 penny-cap Short 0 -23.5 Healthcare 1055 TBIO 7 -8.45 penny-cap Short 1 -25.0 Healthcare 1268 CRTX 6 -8.39 penny-cap Short 1 -25.5 Healthcare 1288 WPRT 6 -21.95 penny-cap Short 1 -27.0 Consumer Cyclical 1179 MAXN 7 -6.50 penny-cap Short 1 -32.5 Technology 746 HIMS 6 -7.78 penny-cap Short 1 -35.0 Consumer Defensive 1128 CNST 7 -12.84 penny-cap Short 1 -40.5 Healthcare 918 TLRY 6 -14.23 penny-cap Short 1 -41.5 Healthcare Mean Return: -13.509407407407409 Mean Day/Week: 9.377777777777778 Accuracy:0.9333333333333333 *******************Part 3.5 Penny Cap Long Exit********************* penny_long_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 788 POR 1 0.08 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Utilities 1052 EPC 1 0.08 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 1226 BROG 4 0.00 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -12.0 Energy 1101 SBLKZ 6 -0.04 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 unknown 1146 CYTK 1 -0.54 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -13.0 Healthcare 833 SWX 2 -1.93 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -7.0 Utilities 1109 GPRO 9 -3.94 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -13.0 Technology Mean Return: -1.5725 Mean Day/Week: 6.0 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 3.6 Penny Cap Short Exit********************* penny_short_signal_exit Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 966 RRC 2 11.85 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -35.0 Energy 904 JKS 2 10.68 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -10.0 Technology 1185 MRTN 3 9.01 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Industrials 808 VLDR 2 7.19 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Technology 753 AEIS 5 6.76 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -23.0 Industrials 1192 BGCP 2 6.74 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -20.0 Financial Services 1011 VRRM 2 6.69 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.5 Industrials 995 EPAY 2 6.62 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Technology 1289 KRA 3 6.38 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Basic Materials 917 ONTO 1 6.19 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -29.5 Technology 975 CMPR 3 6.00 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -14.5 Communication Services 687 ESNT 2 5.87 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Financial Services 851 PCH 3 5.84 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Real Estate 732 ALTR 2 5.45 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 1217 ACLS 1 5.44 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -39.5 Technology 1047 OFLX 6 5.43 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -19.0 Industrials 1225 RMR 2 5.19 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Real Estate 1164 DK 2 5.17 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Energy 976 CANG 2 5.10 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -40.5 Communication Services 1157 KALU 1 4.99 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Basic Materials 824 WNS 3 4.81 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 982 ODP 8 4.79 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 1259 CRK 5 4.77 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.0 Energy 1136 AAWW 1 4.69 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Industrials 1149 KAMN 3 4.60 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Industrials 988 NTCT 2 4.32 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -9.5 Technology 1110 DKL 3 4.25 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Energy 1125 BSIG 2 4.22 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Financial Services 1165 AROC 3 4.22 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Energy 1099 PAGP 1 4.01 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Energy 829 AMN 2 3.92 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Healthcare 1084 ZUO 2 3.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 905 PSMT 6 3.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -5.0 Consumer Defensive 853 BLKB 3 3.84 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Technology 684 FTI 4 3.74 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -21.0 Energy 893 ROCK 6 3.57 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -15.0 Industrials 1024 CMP 1 3.54 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Basic Materials 855 FORM 5 3.54 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 699 ALRM 6 3.33 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 848 IBP 6 3.23 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -23.0 Industrials 1138 GNL 2 3.15 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Real Estate 957 EVTC 2 3.11 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -13.0 Technology 882 PCRX 6 3.05 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 752 WTS 2 2.94 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -14.0 Industrials 1062 PRGS 3 2.93 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Technology 1284 STEP 2 2.82 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -19.5 Financial Services 766 JBGS 2 2.64 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Real Estate 1139 UPLD 2 2.47 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Technology 1059 CRVL 2 2.45 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 906 LAUR 2 2.36 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Consumer Defensive 1236 EVRI 1 2.28 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.0 Consumer Cyclical 708 HLI 1 2.21 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Financial Services 850 KTOS 4 2.01 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Industrials 1173 BRMK 2 1.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.5 Real Estate 1064 SPNS 6 1.78 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -9.0 Technology 1085 ALG 1 1.74 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 762 HLNE 4 1.60 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -14.0 Financial Services 944 BNL 1 1.51 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -22.5 Real Estate 810 VIAV 3 1.41 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Technology 1045 CRC 7 1.37 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Energy 799 JBT 1 1.37 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Industrials 1144 WPF 1 1.28 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -17.5 Financial Services 1202 CNXN 4 1.09 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Technology 887 FRHC 3 1.03 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 1054 BTT 5 0.95 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Financial Services 1240 NVEE 7 0.68 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Industrials 1221 NMZ 2 0.28 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -31.5 Financial Services 1113 WDR 10 -0.04 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -6.0 Financial Services 885 CVLT 3 -0.12 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Technology 967 GCMG 5 -0.19 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Financial Services 864 TRN 9 -0.55 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Industrials 1188 BWMX 8 -0.70 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 1030 DOMO 3 -0.71 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -29.0 Technology 805 EYE 8 -0.87 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 783 AAON 8 -0.93 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.5 Industrials 1207 QADA 6 -1.29 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 1091 AMK 12 -1.29 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 969 TROX 4 -2.02 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Basic Materials 693 VERX 12 -2.10 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Technology 859 VG 15 -4.50 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 715 JOBS 16 -5.05 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Industrials 1201 ATNX 4 -7.85 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Healthcare Mean Return: 3.400142857142857 Mean Day/Week: 4.585714285714285 Accuracy:0.21428571428571427 *******************Part 3.7 Overall Long Position********************* overall long Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 986 SFBS 34 34.90 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Financial Services 811 HE 20 22.31 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 953 STAY 26 21.84 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 729 SNX 15 20.90 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Technology 777 FCN 19 18.01 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Industrials 1122 CXP 12 17.77 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Real Estate 951 AVA 21 17.72 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Utilities 1065 HOVNP 13 16.52 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 unknown 823 MUSA 10 15.10 penny-cap Long 1 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 1245 CYH 11 11.37 penny-cap Long 0 -21.5 Healthcare 998 CENT 15 10.38 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 946 SFM 5 10.15 penny-cap Long 1 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 815 TTEC 12 8.98 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Technology 1152 ORGO 11 8.02 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Healthcare 1250 LRN 11 7.75 penny-cap Long 1 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 712 ENSG 3 6.14 penny-cap Long 0 -3.0 Healthcare 798 BAK 10 6.08 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Basic Materials 720 NOMD 10 5.50 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Consumer Defensive 922 CCOI 11 5.28 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Communication Services 919 NWE 13 5.08 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 1102 LOB 3 4.96 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 1118 BDJ 16 4.87 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 1071 NSS 16 4.85 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 unknown 1001 CENTA 2 4.72 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 921 LGIH 2 4.57 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Consumer Cyclical 727 TV 9 4.37 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Communication Services 898 CWST 6 4.10 penny-cap Long 0 -3.5 Industrials 1196 IRT 3 3.98 penny-cap Long 0 -6.0 Real Estate 1264 LOMA 10 3.00 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Basic Materials 1203 EHTH 2 2.61 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 Financial Services 1012 NAVI 2 2.55 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Financial Services 979 MGEE 12 2.49 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 1301 NXRT 4 2.40 penny-cap Long 1 -2.5 Real Estate 813 PSN 3 2.25 penny-cap Long 0 -4.0 Industrials 1162 MSEX 4 1.82 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Utilities 849 CMD 2 1.63 penny-cap Long 0 -1.5 Healthcare 738 GPK 2 1.54 penny-cap Long 1 -3.0 Consumer Cyclical 1069 UTG 4 1.52 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 1271 RNP 9 1.49 penny-cap Long 0 -1.0 Financial Services 721 IDA 2 1.43 penny-cap Long 0 -3.5 Utilities 886 ENR 2 1.22 penny-cap Long 0 -4.5 Industrials 797 BKH 3 1.20 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Utilities 883 ADV 4 1.00 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Communication Services 696 FLO 2 0.99 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 1229 MGNX 2 0.90 penny-cap Long 0 -18.0 Healthcare 1190 BXMX 2 0.83 penny-cap Long 0 -3.0 Financial Services 1253 AFINP 2 0.77 penny-cap Long 0 -5.5 Real Estate 1086 RQI 2 0.73 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 1061 GSBD 2 0.65 penny-cap Long 0 -2.5 Financial Services 963 UTF 3 0.55 penny-cap Long 0 -11.5 Financial Services 1306 TANNZ 3 0.44 penny-cap Long 0 -0.5 unknown 914 TDI 2 0.39 penny-cap Long 0 -7.5 unknown 758 SLGN 2 0.37 penny-cap Long 0 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 747 PNM 6 0.35 penny-cap Long 0 0.0 Utilities 776 ESGRP 3 0.17 penny-cap Long 0 -9.0 Financial Services 788 POR 1 0.08 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Utilities 1052 EPC 1 0.08 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -4.0 Consumer Defensive 759 THG 2 0.05 penny-cap Long 1 -3.5 Financial Services 1159 SG 5 -0.00 penny-cap Long 1 -2.5 Financial Services 789 ESGRO 2 0.00 penny-cap Long 0 -10.5 Financial Services 1226 BROG 4 0.00 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -12.0 Energy 1101 SBLKZ 6 -0.04 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -3.0 unknown 1004 UZC 2 -0.08 penny-cap Long 0 -9.0 unknown 785 OGS 2 -0.31 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Utilities 1036 CUB 5 -0.53 penny-cap Long 0 -2.0 Industrials 1146 CYTK 1 -0.54 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -13.0 Healthcare 1189 FORTY 2 -0.56 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Technology 971 ANAT 2 -0.75 penny-cap Long 0 -8.5 Financial Services 845 VLYPO 4 -0.90 penny-cap Long 0 -6.5 Financial Services 833 SWX 2 -1.93 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -7.0 Utilities 1156 TLND 13 -2.19 penny-cap Long 1 -4.0 Technology 1298 LGVW 4 -3.74 penny-cap Long 0 -25.0 Financial Services 1109 GPRO 9 -3.94 penny-cap Exit Long 0 -13.0 Technology Mean Return: 4.4686301369863015 Mean Day/Week: 6.876712328767123 Accuracy:0.7945205479452054 *******************Part 3.8 Overall Short Position********************* overall short Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Weak Entry Score industry 966 RRC 2 11.85 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -35.0 Energy 904 JKS 2 10.68 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -10.0 Technology 1185 MRTN 3 9.01 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Industrials 996 LBRT 3 9.00 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Energy 1134 ROAD 3 8.13 penny-cap Short 0 -27.5 Industrials 808 VLDR 2 7.19 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Technology 1040 MTOR 3 7.00 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 753 AEIS 5 6.76 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -23.0 Industrials 1192 BGCP 2 6.74 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -20.0 Financial Services 1011 VRRM 2 6.69 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.5 Industrials 995 EPAY 2 6.62 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Technology 926 JELD 3 6.40 penny-cap Short 1 -4.0 Industrials 1289 KRA 3 6.38 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Basic Materials 917 ONTO 1 6.19 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -29.5 Technology 975 CMPR 3 6.00 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -14.5 Communication Services 687 ESNT 2 5.87 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Financial Services 851 PCH 3 5.84 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -12.0 Real Estate 806 BBBY 3 5.77 penny-cap Short 1 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 1239 RMAX 3 5.74 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Real Estate 1295 CHEF 3 5.70 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 736 GTLS 3 5.61 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Industrial Goods 732 ALTR 2 5.45 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -18.0 Technology 1217 ACLS 1 5.44 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -39.5 Technology 1047 OFLX 6 5.43 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -19.0 Industrials 1225 RMR 2 5.19 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -10.5 Real Estate 1164 DK 2 5.17 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Energy 976 CANG 2 5.10 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -40.5 Communication Services 860 GATX 6 5.05 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 741 GOCO 3 5.02 penny-cap Short 0 -23.0 Financial Services 1157 KALU 1 4.99 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Basic Materials 1079 DRNA 3 4.92 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 1187 TRIL 3 4.85 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Healthcare 824 WNS 3 4.81 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Industrials 1280 RES 2 4.81 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Energy 982 ODP 8 4.79 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 1259 CRK 5 4.77 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.0 Energy 1136 AAWW 1 4.69 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.5 Industrials 1149 KAMN 3 4.60 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Industrials 988 NTCT 2 4.32 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -9.5 Technology 1110 DKL 3 4.25 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Energy 1125 BSIG 2 4.22 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Financial Services 1165 AROC 3 4.22 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Energy 1033 CVA 4 4.11 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Industrials 1246 RGR 3 4.11 penny-cap Short 2 -9.5 Industrials 1099 PAGP 1 4.01 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.0 Energy 1219 NXE 2 3.98 penny-cap Short 0 -25.0 Energy 958 EAF 3 3.97 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 829 AMN 2 3.92 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -19.0 Healthcare 905 PSMT 6 3.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -5.0 Consumer Defensive 1084 ZUO 2 3.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 853 BLKB 3 3.84 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -21.5 Technology 1076 RLGY 4 3.82 penny-cap Short 1 -22.0 Real Estate 786 HL 3 3.74 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Basic Materials 684 FTI 4 3.74 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -21.0 Energy 821 CARG 3 3.60 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Communication Services 701 SHAK 3 3.58 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 893 ROCK 6 3.57 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -15.0 Industrials 1024 CMP 1 3.54 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -6.5 Basic Materials 855 FORM 5 3.54 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 1205 PCVX 4 3.49 penny-cap Short 1 -31.5 Healthcare 1276 DRQ 2 3.49 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Energy 842 CORT 3 3.40 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Healthcare 699 ALRM 6 3.33 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Technology 1141 PRIM 3 3.32 penny-cap Short 0 -19.5 Industrials 848 IBP 6 3.23 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -23.0 Industrials 763 UNF 5 3.21 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Industrials 683 NOV 3 3.19 penny-cap Short 0 -22.0 Energy 1248 DBD 3 3.18 penny-cap Short 0 -24.0 Technology 1267 EXTR 4 3.17 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Technology 1138 GNL 2 3.15 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Real Estate 869 VSAT 3 3.14 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Technology 957 EVTC 2 3.11 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -13.0 Technology 882 PCRX 6 3.05 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 1241 EOSE 2 3.00 penny-cap Short 1 -47.0 Industrials 1083 CVI 3 3.00 penny-cap Short 0 -22.0 Energy 751 MGNI 3 2.99 penny-cap Short 1 -61.0 Communication Services 752 WTS 2 2.94 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -14.0 Industrials 1062 PRGS 3 2.93 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Technology 930 CDE 2 2.93 penny-cap Short 2 -19.0 Basic Materials 760 YALA 3 2.90 penny-cap Short 1 -72.0 Technology 1284 STEP 2 2.82 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -19.5 Financial Services 1087 NS 3 2.81 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Energy 964 B 3 2.75 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 970 CNK 3 2.73 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Communication Services 1168 MTRN 2 2.72 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Basic Materials 766 JBGS 2 2.64 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Real Estate 1243 MESO 2 2.54 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 1139 UPLD 2 2.47 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Technology 691 LPRO 2 2.46 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Financial Services 1059 CRVL 2 2.45 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 1169 HSC 4 2.43 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Industrials 832 IGT 2 2.41 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Consumer Cyclical 695 SHI 3 2.38 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Energy 906 LAUR 2 2.36 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.0 Consumer Defensive 690 DDD 4 2.35 penny-cap Short 0 -17.5 Technology 1236 EVRI 1 2.28 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.0 Consumer Cyclical 708 HLI 1 2.21 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Financial Services 910 PJT 4 2.11 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 828 NIU 3 2.05 penny-cap Short 1 -36.5 Consumer Cyclical 850 KTOS 4 2.01 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -8.0 Industrials 1140 GES 4 1.93 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Consumer Cyclical 1173 BRMK 2 1.91 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -11.5 Real Estate 1127 CDXS 3 1.84 penny-cap Short 1 -32.5 Healthcare 800 EGHT 7 1.80 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 1064 SPNS 6 1.78 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -9.0 Technology 838 AIMC 2 1.76 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 1085 ALG 1 1.74 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 1025 EGO 2 1.74 penny-cap Short 0 -20.5 Basic Materials 1231 RAVN 4 1.72 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 Industrials 1082 VXRT 3 1.71 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 1296 CTS 4 1.70 penny-cap Short 1 -6.0 Technology 1119 HY 5 1.68 penny-cap Short 0 -14.0 Industrials 876 NSP 2 1.68 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Industrials 724 NEU 3 1.66 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Basic Materials 1257 MVIS 3 1.62 penny-cap Short 1 -56.5 Technology 762 HLNE 4 1.60 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -14.0 Financial Services 1232 NRC 5 1.58 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 890 MMSI 4 1.56 penny-cap Short 1 -16.5 Healthcare 1224 GLNG 4 1.56 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Energy 1184 KROS 7 1.53 penny-cap Short 0 -23.5 Healthcare 944 BNL 1 1.51 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -22.5 Real Estate 1193 RAD 2 1.49 penny-cap Short 1 -40.0 Healthcare 686 HHC 2 1.48 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Real Estate 1060 SIM 3 1.48 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Basic Materials 1026 IDCC 4 1.46 penny-cap Short 1 -19.5 Communication Services 1108 PMVP 2 1.43 penny-cap Short 1 -28.0 Healthcare 703 AY 7 1.42 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Utilities 1174 JRVR 5 1.41 penny-cap Short 0 -14.5 Financial Services 810 VIAV 3 1.41 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Technology 799 JBT 1 1.37 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -9.5 Industrials 1045 CRC 7 1.37 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Energy 769 GKOS 4 1.36 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 1038 AVYA 2 1.36 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 714 HASI 8 1.36 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Real Estate 908 MIME 2 1.28 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 1144 WPF 1 1.28 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -17.5 Financial Services 702 FTDR 3 1.28 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 907 BSTZ 7 1.20 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 unknown 1212 AZZ 2 1.19 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Industrials 1068 COHU 4 1.17 penny-cap Short 1 -31.0 Technology 962 PING 3 1.10 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 1202 CNXN 4 1.09 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -7.5 Technology 1227 DGNR 2 1.07 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 858 CNS 3 1.04 penny-cap Short 0 -11.5 Financial Services 887 FRHC 3 1.03 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -11.0 Financial Services 801 VC 3 0.98 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Consumer Cyclical 1054 BTT 5 0.95 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -13.5 Financial Services 916 GDOT 2 0.89 penny-cap Short 0 -17.5 Financial Services 1051 GCP 9 0.85 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Basic Materials 844 SPT 3 0.81 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 949 MATX 2 0.78 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Industrials 1240 NVEE 7 0.68 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Industrials 1281 HQH 3 0.63 penny-cap Short 1 -20.5 Financial Services 900 BVN 3 0.59 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Basic Materials 991 VNOM 3 0.57 penny-cap Short 0 -22.5 Energy 1114 YPF 2 0.49 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Energy 1048 RPAY 3 0.47 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Technology 1299 SPH 4 0.39 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Utilities 1170 FFG 4 0.35 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 1031 TWNK 4 0.34 penny-cap Short 2 -9.5 Consumer Defensive 1285 CLS 4 0.34 penny-cap Short 2 -13.0 Technology 1070 SVC 2 0.32 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Real Estate 827 VCYT 3 0.32 penny-cap Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 1182 NEXA 2 0.30 penny-cap Short 1 -22.5 Basic Materials 1221 NMZ 2 0.28 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -31.5 Financial Services 980 NUV 2 0.27 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Financial Services 1057 BSM 7 0.21 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Energy 934 BRP 4 0.19 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Financial Services 1251 CERS 7 0.18 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 1302 ENTA 4 0.14 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Healthcare 1178 RIOT 2 0.10 penny-cap Short 0 -59.0 Technology 993 RMBS 4 0.10 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Technology 1291 BPFH 2 0.07 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Financial Services 974 SBGI 3 0.06 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Communication Services 1103 HBM 4 0.04 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Basic Materials 902 GHC 3 0.02 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Consumer Defensive 820 SBRA 3 0.01 penny-cap Short 1 -18.5 Real Estate 722 JAMF 3 -0.00 penny-cap Short 1 -14.5 Technology 1186 NXGN 4 -0.03 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Healthcare 1113 WDR 10 -0.04 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -6.0 Financial Services 1089 FSM 4 -0.04 penny-cap Short 1 -8.0 Basic Materials 877 GBT 3 -0.06 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 739 RYN 7 -0.09 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Real Estate 885 CVLT 3 -0.12 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -12.0 Technology 1254 ALEX 3 -0.12 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Real Estate 688 AG 4 -0.16 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Basic Materials 692 SAGE 4 -0.17 penny-cap Short 3 -11.5 Healthcare 967 GCMG 5 -0.19 penny-cap Exit Short 2 -14.5 Financial Services 755 PD 3 -0.22 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 778 SAFE 5 -0.26 penny-cap Short 0 -12.0 Real Estate 1275 CHY 3 -0.28 penny-cap Short 1 -16.5 Financial Services 1056 DEA 5 -0.30 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Real Estate 1283 EOS 7 -0.34 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1142 MSC 2 -0.37 penny-cap Short 2 -16.0 Consumer Cyclical 897 UNIT 4 -0.37 penny-cap Short 0 -14.0 Real Estate 1039 BUR 2 -0.49 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 689 SMTC 4 -0.53 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Technology 864 TRN 9 -0.55 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Industrials 872 BNR 10 -0.57 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 879 NOAH 4 -0.59 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 861 PRG 5 -0.65 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Industrials 1188 BWMX 8 -0.70 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Cyclical 972 MXL 4 -0.70 penny-cap Short 0 -15.0 Technology 1030 DOMO 3 -0.71 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -29.0 Technology 1137 LX 3 -0.72 penny-cap Short 0 -25.5 Financial Services 1195 PI 4 -0.76 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Technology 1223 LINX 3 -0.76 penny-cap Short 3 -13.0 Technology 924 BMI 7 -0.76 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 742 MTSI 5 -0.78 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Technology 754 FSR 2 -0.79 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Consumer Cyclical 1278 RBBN 4 -0.83 penny-cap Short 1 -23.5 Communication Services 1200 LASR 4 -0.84 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Technology 816 OPCH 4 -0.87 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 805 EYE 8 -0.87 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 1161 MMI 6 -0.92 penny-cap Short 1 -3.5 Real Estate 818 SPSC 4 -0.93 penny-cap Short 0 -16.5 Technology 783 AAON 8 -0.93 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.5 Industrials 1297 TELL 4 -0.97 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Energy 1015 CLNE 4 -0.98 penny-cap Short 1 -36.5 Energy 1213 AMTI 3 -0.99 penny-cap Short 0 -27.0 Healthcare 1013 HCAT 3 -0.99 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 881 TDC 4 -1.05 penny-cap Short 1 -15.5 Technology 940 MDRX 6 -1.06 penny-cap Short 1 -9.0 Healthcare 749 PGNY 2 -1.14 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Healthcare 1242 PRPB 7 -1.14 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Financial Services 704 IIPR 7 -1.19 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Real Estate 840 TSEM 4 -1.21 penny-cap Short 1 -16.0 Technology 1088 TTCF 3 -1.22 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Consumer Defensive 913 ACCD 4 -1.28 penny-cap Short 0 -23.5 Healthcare 878 BFT 3 -1.28 penny-cap Short 1 -27.5 Financial Services 1207 QADA 6 -1.29 penny-cap Exit Short 1 -26.0 Technology 1091 AMK 12 -1.29 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 718 HCM 5 -1.35 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 737 LPSN 7 -1.35 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Technology 874 SJIU 4 -1.39 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 unknown 981 SJI 4 -1.40 penny-cap Short 0 -20.0 Utilities 947 AZUL 4 -1.40 penny-cap Short 1 -24.5 Industrials 733 CEF 5 -1.42 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 unknown 706 RPD 3 -1.48 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Technology 1010 REAL 4 -1.50 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 896 PHR 7 -1.60 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 867 NSTG 3 -1.66 penny-cap Short 1 -26.0 Healthcare 1235 ESTA 2 -1.67 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1123 HLG 3 -1.69 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Defensive 705 EVBG 7 -1.70 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Technology 716 FGEN 4 -1.77 penny-cap Short 1 -3.0 Healthcare 1258 CRHC 7 -1.85 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Financial Services 978 HCSG 9 -1.92 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Healthcare 969 TROX 4 -2.02 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -16.5 Basic Materials 693 VERX 12 -2.10 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -13.5 Technology 1183 BST 4 -2.13 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Financial Services 1094 GOL 2 -2.20 penny-cap Short 0 -28.5 Industrials 795 MOR 9 -2.25 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 1261 INGN 5 -2.28 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 909 AMRC 7 -2.28 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Industrials 1117 ATRA 7 -2.29 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 868 DNP 17 -2.32 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1266 PHAT 4 -2.34 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Healthcare 854 CPA 2 -2.36 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Industrials 713 RLAY 3 -2.39 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 1093 CCCC 4 -2.40 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Healthcare 884 CYRX 7 -2.44 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Industrials 1009 BDC 5 -2.54 penny-cap Short 1 -15.0 Industrials 764 SWTX 7 -2.63 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Healthcare 1058 VSTO 4 -2.65 penny-cap Short 1 -34.0 Consumer Cyclical 1292 ARCO 4 -2.68 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Consumer Cyclical 1073 CSTL 3 -2.74 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Healthcare 920 CSOD 7 -2.76 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 1002 AVNS 6 -2.82 penny-cap Short 1 -17.5 Healthcare 1204 CHRS 4 -2.94 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1077 YMAB 2 -2.97 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Healthcare 959 MEOH 5 -2.98 penny-cap Short 0 -12.5 Basic Materials 1247 FAX 22 -3.00 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Financial Services 710 ACIW 6 -3.04 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Technology 932 ELY 6 -3.15 penny-cap Short 1 -11.5 Consumer Cyclical 1210 FTOC 7 -3.15 penny-cap Short 1 -13.0 Financial Services 1160 MRSN 7 -3.20 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 954 PSLV 5 -3.20 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 unknown 911 LTHM 4 -3.23 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Basic Materials 698 CVET 9 -3.26 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 802 NKTR 4 -3.29 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 1049 SILK 7 -3.31 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1075 PGEN 4 -3.33 penny-cap Short 0 -18.0 Healthcare 1072 CSII 6 -3.39 penny-cap Short 1 -7.5 Healthcare 1022 FLWS 4 -3.54 penny-cap Short 1 -22.0 Consumer Cyclical 856 ELP 7 -3.60 penny-cap Short 1 0.0 Utilities 931 KRTX 4 -3.64 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 1163 TRS 9 -3.74 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Industrials 1080 HSKA 6 -3.76 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 790 VICR 7 -3.80 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Technology 728 NOVA 8 -3.92 penny-cap Short 1 -3.5 Technology 1041 PRO 5 -3.93 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Technology 960 GRWG 2 -3.93 penny-cap Short 1 -45.0 Consumer Cyclical 852 LCII 5 -3.96 penny-cap Short 1 -8.5 Consumer Cyclical 1121 GBIO 3 -3.97 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 809 DNMR 3 -4.05 penny-cap Short 1 -61.0 Basic Materials 694 TKC 5 -4.21 penny-cap Short 1 -8.0 Communication Services 1042 HIMX 4 -4.36 penny-cap Short 1 -55.0 Technology 719 ARNA 4 -4.36 penny-cap Short 1 -11.0 Healthcare 994 PRPL 5 -4.39 penny-cap Short 2 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 1238 SCWX 9 -4.41 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Technology 1044 INSG 4 -4.45 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 859 VG 15 -4.50 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -2.0 Communication Services 1032 ARCT 4 -4.54 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 925 MED 7 -4.60 penny-cap Short 1 -5.0 Consumer Cyclical 781 APHA 4 -4.63 penny-cap Short 1 -28.0 Healthcare 834 IRBT 4 -4.67 penny-cap Short 2 -25.0 Technology 992 BCAT 11 -4.76 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 unknown 1304 MRUS 4 -4.79 penny-cap Short 4 -10.0 Healthcare 1111 PNTG 9 -4.81 penny-cap Short 1 -20.0 Healthcare 955 SSYS 4 -4.85 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 726 TRUP 7 -4.87 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1287 AUDC 7 -4.96 penny-cap Short 1 -17.0 Technology 817 CRON 5 -4.96 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 682 GSHD 7 -4.96 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Financial Services 757 IMAB 4 -4.98 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1155 NRIX 5 -5.00 penny-cap Short 1 -45.5 Healthcare 715 JOBS 16 -5.05 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -3.0 Industrials 1180 CEVA 4 -5.12 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Technology 1154 SVM 5 -5.12 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Basic Materials 1135 PAYA 5 -5.14 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Technology 804 MTLS 3 -5.20 penny-cap Short 0 -27.5 Technology 725 BAND 7 -5.22 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Technology 744 TREE 7 -5.22 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 1130 TUP 13 -5.32 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Consumer Cyclical 831 INO 4 -5.35 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 843 OSTK 4 -5.35 penny-cap Short 1 -43.0 Consumer Cyclical 780 VVNT 7 -5.40 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Industrials 965 RCUS 4 -5.58 penny-cap Short 1 -14.5 Healthcare 1208 BTAI 7 -5.83 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 1143 IMGN 8 -5.92 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Healthcare 927 JOE 7 -5.92 penny-cap Short 0 -3.5 Real Estate 826 APLS 7 -5.97 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Healthcare 888 VNE 5 -5.98 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 1020 AUPH 5 -5.99 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 1209 HURN 10 -6.09 penny-cap Short 1 -1.0 Industrials 791 INSM 10 -6.10 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1158 OCUL 2 -6.25 penny-cap Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 870 AMRN 6 -6.36 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 942 AXSM 7 -6.42 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1179 MAXN 7 -6.50 penny-cap Short 1 -32.5 Technology 1014 YEXT 5 -6.56 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 1081 GEVO 4 -6.62 penny-cap Short 1 -70.5 Basic Materials 825 FOCS 9 -6.70 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1255 EPZM 4 -6.72 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1294 PASG 4 -6.99 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 803 AMBA 7 -7.04 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1107 STPK 5 -7.12 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Financial Services 1106 QURE 4 -7.13 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 837 RCKT 4 -7.43 penny-cap Short 1 -35.0 Healthcare 1132 CLB 6 -7.44 penny-cap Short 0 -11.0 Energy 767 CCXI 4 -7.55 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 779 CDNA 4 -7.65 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Healthcare 1120 ARQT 7 -7.70 penny-cap Short 1 -3.0 Healthcare 746 HIMS 6 -7.78 penny-cap Short 1 -35.0 Consumer Defensive 990 TTGT 7 -7.79 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Communication Services 1201 ATNX 4 -7.85 penny-cap Exit Short 0 -12.5 Healthcare 807 ITRI 10 -7.88 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 1003 AFYA 7 -7.90 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Defensive 1046 PBI 5 -7.91 penny-cap Short 1 -17.0 Industrials 1262 GSAH 8 -7.97 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Financial Services 1244 QNST 7 -8.03 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Communication Services 1216 PRCH 5 -8.37 penny-cap Short 1 -19.5 Technology 1115 SLP 7 -8.37 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 1268 CRTX 6 -8.39 penny-cap Short 1 -25.5 Healthcare 841 CDLX 4 -8.41 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Communication Services 1055 TBIO 7 -8.45 penny-cap Short 1 -25.0 Healthcare 1269 ZGNX 5 -8.52 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1067 ACMR 4 -8.53 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Technology 750 KRNT 5 -8.54 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Industrials 899 BNGO 4 -8.64 penny-cap Short 0 -17.0 Healthcare 1133 PAR 4 -8.68 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Technology 1252 ITOS 4 -8.71 penny-cap Short 0 -13.5 Healthcare 1097 USPH 5 -8.84 penny-cap Short 0 -6.0 Healthcare 1150 VCRA 12 -8.96 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Technology 941 ITCI 5 -9.01 penny-cap Short 1 -12.5 Healthcare 681 KWR 15 -9.04 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Basic Materials 1016 MAC 7 -9.24 penny-cap Short 1 -13.5 Real Estate 822 IFS 14 -9.31 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Financial Services 1177 RYTM 4 -9.31 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Healthcare 1230 HCC 7 -9.40 penny-cap Short 0 -12.0 Basic Materials 685 WK 11 -9.59 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 999 ACB 7 -9.66 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Healthcare 857 MOMO 8 -9.73 penny-cap Short 0 -3.0 Communication Services 1218 ADVM 5 -9.74 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Healthcare 984 LAC 6 -9.92 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Basic Materials 774 SRNE 4 -10.04 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 1027 LUNG 6 -10.06 penny-cap Short 2 -13.0 Healthcare 1090 HRTX 9 -10.11 penny-cap Short 0 -7.5 Healthcare 773 CELH 12 -10.25 penny-cap Short 0 -11.5 Consumer Defensive 1100 IDEX 6 -10.59 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Technology 796 RETA 5 -10.71 penny-cap Short 0 -9.5 Healthcare 1151 MLAB 17 -10.72 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1270 HGEN 6 -10.85 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Healthcare 794 SGMS 5 -10.90 penny-cap Short 0 -9.0 Consumer Cyclical 989 MSGE 2 -10.95 penny-cap Short 0 -8.5 Communication Services 709 BLI 7 -11.19 penny-cap Short 0 -2.0 Healthcare 1006 GTH 4 -11.42 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 1112 PSNL 7 -11.56 penny-cap Short 0 -4.0 Healthcare 977 BTRS 6 -11.85 penny-cap Short 1 -21.5 Technology 1263 CVM 7 -11.90 penny-cap Short 1 -14.0 Healthcare 929 PLMR 11 -11.92 penny-cap Short 0 -15.5 Financial Services 734 CRNC 4 -11.93 penny-cap Short 0 -21.0 Technology 1265 DMTK 3 -12.17 penny-cap Short 1 -37.0 Healthcare 1305 IH 5 -12.31 penny-cap Short 0 -2.5 Consumer Defensive 1124 CMPS 6 -12.41 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Healthcare 892 ALXO 7 -12.45 penny-cap Short 1 -18.0 Healthcare 968 NNDM 5 -12.54 penny-cap Short 1 -48.0 Technology 787 PTCT 7 -12.64 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1128 CNST 7 -12.84 penny-cap Short 1 -40.5 Healthcare 1191 EVER 15 -12.98 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Communication Services 1234 LXRX 9 -13.14 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1053 RGNX 7 -13.53 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1249 KPTI 5 -14.18 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Healthcare 918 TLRY 6 -14.23 penny-cap Short 1 -41.5 Healthcare 936 MAXR 8 -14.46 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Technology 997 QTRX 15 -14.65 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1153 KNSA 5 -14.87 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Healthcare 1181 SNDL 5 -15.17 penny-cap Short 1 -53.0 Healthcare 707 CLDR 15 -15.55 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Technology 700 WKHS 5 -15.80 penny-cap Short 0 -10.5 Consumer Cyclical 1008 EAR 10 -16.26 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 1167 SOL 7 -16.89 penny-cap Short 0 -21.5 Technology 950 HYLN 6 -16.94 penny-cap Short 0 -4.5 Consumer Cyclical 1078 FMTX 4 -16.96 penny-cap Short 1 -10.0 Healthcare 784 REGI 9 -17.11 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Energy 937 KYMR 4 -17.39 penny-cap Short 0 -47.0 Healthcare 1092 ICLK 8 -17.48 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Communication Services 1066 GSAT 5 -17.71 penny-cap Short 0 -13.0 Communication Services 1282 ALGS 5 -18.15 penny-cap Short 1 -6.0 Healthcare 1286 GOGO 12 -18.44 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Communication Services 1215 NKTX 7 -18.59 penny-cap Short 1 -5.5 Healthcare 1129 SBE 9 -19.79 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Financial Services 812 ARVN 9 -19.85 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Healthcare 1214 MODN 12 -20.44 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Technology 775 DAO 4 -20.82 penny-cap Short 2 -14.5 Communication Services 1303 VITL 5 -20.85 penny-cap Short 1 -12.0 Consumer Defensive 1017 MAG 19 -20.91 penny-cap Short 1 -0.5 Basic Materials 723 EH 5 -21.39 penny-cap Short 1 -30.0 Industrials 1288 WPRT 6 -21.95 penny-cap Short 1 -27.0 Consumer Cyclical 871 BZUN 5 -22.06 penny-cap Short 0 -6.5 Consumer Cyclical 939 XL 5 -22.81 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Consumer Cyclical 1197 SY 13 -23.08 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Healthcare 1034 PRAX 7 -24.13 penny-cap Short 0 -8.0 Healthcare 1279 ORIC 11 -26.13 penny-cap Short 1 0.0 Healthcare 862 PRLD 4 -27.38 penny-cap Short 0 -7.0 Healthcare 846 MAX 5 -27.99 penny-cap Short 0 -40.5 Communication Services 1035 ARCE 19 -28.46 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Consumer Defensive 1018 HRMY 22 -28.68 penny-cap Short 0 -1.5 Healthcare 1220 VSTA 16 -28.74 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Consumer Defensive 945 TIGR 5 -30.14 penny-cap Short 0 -5.5 Financial Services 735 DOYU 11 -30.80 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Communication Services 1028 STTK 27 -41.08 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 1199 INBX 17 -44.62 penny-cap Short 0 -20.5 Healthcare 1194 VERI 18 -47.94 penny-cap Short 0 -0.5 Technology 1005 STOK 19 -48.43 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 835 SUMO 22 -53.45 penny-cap Short 0 -5.0 Technology 745 RIDE 24 -56.92 penny-cap Short 0 -10.0 Consumer Cyclical 987 ALVR 22 -65.12 penny-cap Short 0 0.0 Healthcare 1172 HPK 19 -76.24 penny-cap Short 0 -1.0 Energy 1131 FREQ 15 -344.49 penny-cap Short 0 -16.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -4.750238611713665 Mean Day/Week: 5.355748373101952 Accuracy:0.613882863340564 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arxt1 · 5 years
Confirmed short periodic variability of subparsec supermassive binary black hole candidate Mrk 231. (arXiv:2003.06359v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Here we confirm the short periodic variability of a subparsec supermassive binary black hole (SMBBH) candidate Mrk 231 in the extended optical photometric data set collected by the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS) and All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). Using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and 2DHybrid method, we detected the significant periodicity of ~ 1.1 yr beyond a damped random walk model in the CRTS+ASAS-SN optical data set. Mrk 231 has been previously proposed as a SMBBH candidate with a highly unequal mass ratio (q~ 0.03), very tight mutual separation of ~590 AU, and an orbital period of ~1.2 yr. Hence, our result further supports, even though not prove, the intriguing hypothesis that SMBBHs with low mass ratios may be more common than close-equal mass SMBBHs. This result, however, was obtained from the contribution of CRTS data with limited sampling cadence and photometric accuracy, and further monitoring of Mrk 231 is crucial to confirm the periodicity.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2QkCE9r
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arxt1 · 8 years
The Relativistic Jet-Accretion Flow-Wind Connection in Mrk\,231. (arXiv:1701.03190v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Long term radio monitoring of the broad absorption line quasar, Mrk\,231, at 17.6~GHz detected a strong flare in 2015. This triggered four epochs of Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations from 8.4 GHz to 43 GHz as well as three epochs of X-ray observations with NuSTAR and two with XMM over a 15 week period. Two ejected components were detected by the VLBA observations. A conservative lower bound on the apparent speed of the first ejection is attained by assuming that it was ejected when the flare began, $v_{\rm{app}}>3.15$c. Serendipitous far UV Hubble Space Telescope observations combined with our long term radio monitoring seem to indicate that episodes of relativistic ejections suppress flux that is emitted at wavelengths shortward of the peak of the far UV spectral energy distribution, similar to what has been observed in radio loud quasars. Episodes of strong jet production also seem to suppress the high ionization broad absorption line wind seen in weak jet states. We found a statistically significant increase ($\sim 25\%$) of the 3-12 keV flux during the radio flare relative to a quiescent radio state. This is explained by an ultra-fast ($\sim 0.06$c) X-ray absorbing photo-ionized wind that is significantly detected only in the low radio state (similar to Galactic black holes). Mrk~231 is becoming more radio loud. We found that the putative parsec scale radio lobe doubled in brightness in 9 years. Furthermore, large flares are more frequent with 3 major flares occurring at $\sim 2$ year intervals.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org http://ift.tt/2jBSoSH
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mitchbattros · 9 years
Astrophysicists Find Supermassive Black Holes in Quasar Nearest Earth
Astrophysicists Find Supermassive Black Holes in Quasar Nearest Earth
Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have found that Markarian 231 (Mrk 231), the nearest galaxy to Earth that hosts a quasar, is powered by two central black holes furiously whirling about each other.
The finding suggests that quasars—the brilliant cores of active galaxies—may commonly host two central supermassive black holes that fall into orbit about one another as a result of…
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