#Mr Chris 'Now you know I see it all but wont say anything else; tune into my white perfomative political platform BTW' Evans
wh4thefnk · 4 months
I see there’s more people criticizing him but still, some people are still going to bat for him and making excuses. I don’t get it 😂
I will use this ask to get some thoughts out of my mind, since he is popping up a lot even in my other social media.
One of Chris's big issues is his lack of authenticity which is directly linked to his performativism by the way (and even to who he ended up marrying and the type of people he surrounds himself with, but that is besides politics); him and his team are the ones who created a bar that now he is having trouble reaching, cause he does not have the range to begin with. If he had never put himself up there then the expectations would be low, and the discourse might be very different. If he had just been authentic. That is the problem with your biggest asset being your (crafted) image, it is a product that is too volatile, it is better to have your work/talent as the main focus of your brand.
I do not think he is a criminal, I do not think he deserves the worst, but he is not above criticism, he is absolutely not, and that is something that needs to be accepted by many of his fans. People pointing out he is performative is valid. Even people pointing out how he ended up being a Hollywood cliche is valid. I do understand some people feel pure abhorrence towards his personal choices to the point they cross the line and that is not okay, that is another talk, but aside from that, he is not above criticism. You can admit that and keep stanning him I guess, nobody has gone to jail for that.
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Lastly, and this is more of a parenthesis, he'll probably be fine, as usual. Is the backlash even as drastic as some make it out to be? I don't think so. (Correct me If I'm wrong).
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