#Mouri Ran (mentioned)
risingmoonyue · 2 months
Someone write me a ShinRan fic that reads like a stereotypical shojo. Whether this takes place in canon or an au is optional. The only requirement is that Shinichi is cast where there is usually a girl, and Ran where a guy is.
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bakathief · 1 year
„On our way to the US someone was killed in a toilet cabin of the plane but my best friend of who is still in high school solved it, because I explained to him how bras work. When we arrived in NY my friend‘s mom did some crazy stunt that had her oldtimer only drive on 2 wheels for a while while my friend used that opportunity to drag me halfway through an window of a moving car at high speed. However, just when we thought the police caught that crazy stunt it turned out the police inspector was an actress, perfectly disguised as the police chief. Crazy! Then we went to the play at night and after witnessing some private drama I almost got smashed by stage equipment. That was something. Then it was time for the play but the lead actor got shot midair so the play got stopped and my friend got to solve another murder case.
Anyway, on our way home we got almost assaulted by a different serial killer we ran into but he spared us because we saved his life. I passed out somewhere along the way because of a fever.“
— Ran Mouri telling her family about her first trip to the US
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tabbi-mysteries · 11 months
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Episodes 1-500 Mouri Ran's Wardrobe!
+ Films 1-11 & OVAs 1-8
(better quality images under the cut)
Wow what an update! This took a while because uh she does not rewear her outfits very often in this segment of the show, still it was fascinating to see how the style of clothes changes over this time period. Also new to this update I went through and added the smol Ran's that have appeared that I skipped over before :)
This project has been a lot of fun and I intend to continue so they'll be more to come in the future too. In the meantime I want to know people's favourites! (Or least favourites are fun too) let me know in the comments/tags!
As a final P.S I've learnt that some of her merch/promo looks are unique and I was wondering if anyone knows if there's any archive or something of references of those cause some of those are really cute and I'd like to include them.
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quaint-ignorant · 1 year
he was so concerned for her 😭
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they are so gjnhdjhjgdfkjhgkjdhfkhfd (chap.640-vol.61)
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raesun · 1 year
Imagine watching a thousand episode anime abt a teenager becoming a kid again and getting involved with the mafia bc he doesn't know how to mind his own business and is now solving murder cases with his gang of 6 year olds just bc you think his karate gf is hot
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Okay, listen– Listen! Seeing videos like this I can’t dislike Ran, she’s a strong and powerful female character. She’s badass and she’s iconic and an inspiration for little girls. (Not kidding.)
She can fight, she powers through, she can knock down guys like houses of cards. She is a certified badass woman and inspiring both due to her femininity combined with her martial arts proficiency. Because she is feminine and still wipes the floor with your average criminal.
She is whiny at times, pining for “her” Shinichi but that’s fine, I can handle a whiny main girl and strong lead woman character if they are one and the same.
I am not much of a fan of her pining and her getting whiny/ crying for Shinichi every chance she gets. Still, I respect her as a strong female character.
However, towards the end of the video… those are the scenes why I – personally – consider ShinRan to be toxic and borderline abusive.
I had originally posted this in a reblog on my KID movie poll but finding this video gave me an incentive to make it its own post.
Aside from this video, one example is the after-credit of movie 3 with Ran straight-up threatening to physically abuse Shinichi. Like, folks, that’s my main reason I dislike her.
Ran started out as a strong female character, which is awesome, but over the years she descended to 1) “Save us, Shinichi!~” and 2) physically abusive
I get that she’s whiny at times and while I generally dislike whiny characters (see Martin from TMA), I can handle that
I can handle the Main Girl(tm) being whiny and pining for Shinichi
But that drive to keep her a strong female character who needs no man lead to her being increasingly physically abusive. She cries and pines, fine.
But then Shinichi does show up and what does Ran do? Either first thing, she hits him for being away for so long. Or she slaps/ hits him when he tells her he has to go back to his case and can’t stay. I understand her upset, I understand her pining.
Nobody has a right to vent their upset through physical abuse, though.
But a girl who can knock down a lamp-post, who can kick a man trough a window, ESPECIALLY has no right to raise her hand against her love-interest!
That’s one of the first things every martial art ever teaches you, do not resort to violence if there is even a sliver of another safe option.
I get that Kogoro knocking Conan about was played for shits and giggles, it’s a thing of that time when the manga/ anime started out. And accordingly Ran venting her upset through physical violence also was a product of that time and result of portraying her as the strong/ physically tough lead girl.
But she is his love interest for crying out loud and among many other scenes the after-credit of movie 3 emphasises that Shinichi is scared of her hitting him as soon as he gets back.
That’s not funny!
Physical abuse is not funny. And a strong female character directing physical abuse at her no-show love interest doesn’t make it funny.
My main ship always has been and always will be KaiShin. But I also know that would never become canon because DCMK doesn’t do queer. It’s “kid-friendly”, it can’t do queer.
But for goodness’ sake do I wish – desperately wish – the Main Couple became MasuShin instead. Masumi is on-par with him, she’s quick-witted, she’s silly, I love her queer vibes, and she understands/ encourages Shinichi every step of the way.
That’s another thing! Ran despises Shinichi’s work. It’s a common motive in fanfic (hence played up) that she forbids him from taking cases. But her dislike for his work – his passion his calling – is there.
I just can’t see ShinRan be healthy. And that opinion hasn’t changed in the 14 years I have been watching Detective Conan.
Edited to add:
I also want to clarify that I am not basing my opinion off the movies (alone), in fact, any DCMK movie outside the KID movies, movie 3 specifically, and movie 18 onwards, I haven’t watched in years. I am referencing movie 3 specifically because I recently watched it but this behaviour certainly is in the anime/ manga/ canon as well. The London Arc, that restaurant date in a skyscraper where he stood her up and Conan had to apologise (which also got used for an opening/ ending), the early episodes where Shinichi makes a comeback, the “Murder Suspect: Kudo Shinichi” Arc where he hides from Ran, and that’s just off the top of my head because I was on a fandom-hiatus for around 2 years and don’t care enough for ShinRan to rewatch these things.
I’m so sorry (sarcasm) that I didn’t provide receipts for my critique of Ran. But I’m also not about to go through the series for the entire purpose of making an itemised list of Ran abusing/ hitting Shinichi. If I do a rewatch from the early episodes on, I might keep a notepad handy and jot down the instances of Ran smacking Shinichi but don’t hold your breath because I tend to avoid the romance-heavy episodes in general, no matter the pair.
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akai-anna · 1 year
i know i tend to talk a lot about shinichi here. I Know. (I'm literally the "*takes a deep breath* I lo-" meme). And YES, i love him.
But. that doesn't mean i don't adore many other characters. just saying.
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feralgaby2k5 · 1 year
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So on Weibo China, there's this project called Only Ran III for FRA (Fan Ran Angel). Now, I don't know much about this project but this comment on Facebook caught my attention. I can't translate the entire thing but basically, it's a poem for Ran saying how much the commenter love Ran and wish her happiness, they also reference some episodes like the case in New York. And I gotta say, DAAAAMN, that's good.
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startswith0 · 9 days
Some of my fave chapter covers.
I just think they're neat.
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I'm always partial to yukata or traditional clothes wearing characters
I love that Shinichi is basically family atp. He knows all the Mouri family tea and drama
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And ofc I love these 😚 for Shinran reasons..Shinichi covering Ran with jacket 😚Also covers with Shinichi is always welcomed
🤏🏻 Tiny Shinran
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This flashback chapters is one of my faves btw
Cmonnn these are just TOO ADORABLE
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This looks like one of those oldie mystery novels covers. Not to mention all the
✨ ladies ✨
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Then there's this, i love how all the kids are on the cover. It's just a neat cool perspective of them running. Haibara's expression 😅
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There's more! But tumblr has 10 images limit so that's it for now-
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autumn-foxfire · 3 months
I question everyday why Ran shouldn't know about Shinichi. The only answer I can think of is so Gosho can write stupid drama into their otherwise bland relationship as an excuse to not actually develop it in any way and then uses the excuse that she would be in danger if she knew, despite the fact that Conan living with her puts her in so much danger and neither she nor her father even realise they are.
Ran is only alive because Vermouth is soft on her and Shinichi. She went into a situation she didn't realise was as dangerous as it was because Shinichi kept her in the dark.
Shinichi's relationship with Ran is one of the worst aspects of his character and not even in a fun "he's very flawed" way. He's incredibly selfish in regards to her, he gets upset when her whole life isn't dedicated to worry about him, he gets upset when she tries to move on with her life because it's not with him, he doesn't trust her at all and yet expects her to trust him, not to mention how he literally gaslights her to keep his identity safe and actively tries to push the people who could be interested in her away.
Gosho treats Ran like she is Shinichi's prize that he gets to have when he finally captures the bad guys. It's incredibly insulting.
Ran meanwhile barely gets to be a character. She's there to be the crying love interest, or there to get in Conan's way (a very strange choice for the love interest by the way because it makes us root against her as a character) until she's allowed to notice Conan is odd and reminds her of Shinichi (and then she is gaslit into thinking otherwise). I genuinely can't be sure I know her interests. She does karate but is that a hobby? She's not as serious as Makoto is in regards to it and it's really only brought up in gags or when she doesn't have to be the damsel in distress. She cooks but does she like to or does she only do so because she's the one who feeds her family. She knitted in one episode but that was just to give a gift for Shinichi and to make him jealous of her looking at other men. We know she's scared of ghosts and the dark! So character defining!
Who is Mouri Ran and why do we know so actual little about her? What does she want to do? Who does she want to be? Well, I doubt we'll ever learn because Gosho has already given her a role: Kudo Shinichi's wife who waits on him hand and foot.
"Oh but she doesn't" Yeah Gosho writes her complaining about it from time to time but then she still does it. It's kind of an issue with how he writes women.
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paintedstarz · 10 months
Heiji Hattori's lack of boundary was a lot for most people to handle, but for Hakuba, and his lack of understanding of body language and tones, does not mind. Hakuba took it as a privileged offering of comfort Hattori had opposed on him.
This was untrue, as the two had never naturally gotten along. Although, through mingling upon cases and with a enough of Shinichi's exasperated sighs, the two learned to tolerate one another.
Hakuba felt delighted to have Hattori offer supposed kindness, "a step to ease the tension in our new acquaintance," he thought aloud one day, striking a bizarre look from Hattori.
"Nah, I do that wit' everyone. It bothers m'real bad though, but I don' mean to," Heiji rambled, though the quality of his explanation was so poor that Hakuba squinted in confusion as if he could attempt to see it better.
"Ya don' seem ta' mind though. Ya surprised me!" Hattori smiled. He jutted out his elbow to prod at Hakuba's side playfully.
Hakuba looked down in a bashful manner, feeling a pleasant warmth blossom in his chest. No, he didn't mind. No one else had ever been so outward at expressing their affections like Hattori had been towards him.
"People like Kudoh' fer' example hate it, then again he's always pushin' everyone away," Heiji murmured, frowning. His gaze suddenly fixated elsewhere, as if his trail of thought were drifting off up into the sky.
Hakuba blinked, he had to constantly remind himself of Kudo Shinichi, who had suddenly reappeared. Shinichi never stuck around in one place, but that never stopped Heiji from taking almost every chance to mention him.
"Kazuha doesn't like it either, but I forget that a lot." Heiji chuckles, erupting a small, unexpected smile from Hakuba. He hadn't meant to smile, it was just instinctive to smile whenever Hattori did.
"Ran is nice 'bout it, but ya can't hover 'round a girl yanno?  Especially since we ain't datin' or nothin'." Heiji clicked his tongue disapprovingly, leaning over the fencing, before resting his elbows over the rusted edge.
"Ya met Ran before, yeah?" Heiji cocks his head to the side, looking over at Hakuba.
Hakuba has the slightest instinct to frown, but he fought off the urge and pursed his lips instead.
"You're interested in Mouri's daughter?" Hakuba asked, voice slightly out of it's usual pitch.
"What?" Hattori's shoulders tense.
Hattori opened his mouth slowly, exhaling through his nose deeply as if Hakuba had uttered the stupidest words in coherent human language.
"We ain't datin' so it'd be weird for me ta' invade her personal space, and it'd look weird too! I ain't know her all dat' well!" Heiji spat, he seemed rather revolted at the thought.
"She's pretty n'all but I ain't got my eye on her, yanno?" Heiji said, straining his jaw in a rather exaggerated pout.
Hakuba meekly lowered his shoulders and drove his hands deeper into his pockets as if they were to swallow him.
I want to disappear, he thought miserably.
He had misunderstood as usual.
Hattori smacked the back of his head playfully, "Don' get tha' wrong idea pal," he warned.
What on earth did that mean?
His reaction was so defensive. Did that insinuate he's dating someone else?
Who did Hattori have eye for? Hakuba frowned.
Timidly, Hakuba's eyes wander to make  contact with Hattori's. Hattori beamed a playful smile in response, glowing in the golden sun. The light danced over his dark skin, engulfing him in the golden light as if it were honey.
It was quite a beautiful color, the sunny hues over such melanin-rich skin.
Hakuba raises a hand to wipe at his face in disbelief.
He frowns deeply at the thought; Have I caught eye for Hattori? 
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corruptedfates · 1 month
Okay hear me out D.I.D Kudo Shinichi/Conan AU.
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Basically we all know that Shinichi has been exposed to a lot of bodies and murders at a very young age because his dad thought that bringing his baby/toddler son around crime scenes was a good idea.Seriously what the fuck was he thinking
Not to mention Shinichi started his detective job at the age of 14.
On top of that he is a literal case magenta and there is like a murder happening like within a days time span for this boy.
And somehow he hasn't developed some mental issues from all that fucking potential trauma???
So that's why in this AU when he shrunk he developed dissociative identity disorder, aka DID due to the drug messing with his brain and his brain finally associating with the shit that's been happening to him as trauma.
He and many others didn't realize it until Mouri and Ran took him to a doctor because he kept having 'mood swings' and memory gaps and ended up getting him diagnosed with DID from a different doctor.
Honestly he thought the voices in his head were his subconscious talking but no.
Also here are Shinichi/Conan + the alters and their roles at the moment,
(This is in the order they were created)
Blue - Kudo Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Host
Light Blue - Conan/Boz - Child Alter
Light Green - Taru - Caretaker/Introject Alter
White - Ezra - Introject Alter
Dark Blue - Mamoru - Protector Alter
Light Yellow - Asai/Seiji - Comfort/Introject Alter
Red - Shi - Introject Alter
Purple - Kaito - Mischief/Introject Alter
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fanfictionadvocate · 1 month
Pull me out of the deep end by Addy01
Sometimes it takes someone special to help you see the rainbow after the storm. For Edogawa Conan, who could never be Kudo Shinichi ever again, the one to help him see that rainbow was Kaitou KID. Warning: mentions of attempted suicide.
Fandom/-s: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed; Magic Kaito
Relationship/-s: Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid
Characters: Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan; Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid; Mouri Ran; Mouri Kogorou; Haibara Ai; Kudou Yukiko; Agasa Hiroshi; Nakamori Ginzou; Hattori Heiji; Yoshida Ayumi; Kojima Genta; Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Slow Burn; it's there if you squint; Depression; Suicidal Thoughts; Attempted Suicide; or would it have been accidental death; heartbroken; questioning identity; pre-kaishin; subtle; any action would be in the next part
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete
Words: 22 907
Extra: The story is from 2017, and there doesn't seem to be another part. The story works well as a standalone, though.
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kaishin-fic-rec · 1 month
The sparrow & the fox (kaishin)
by: whisperinghaze
chapters: 14/? words: 78,376
Shinichi Kudō was five years old when he decided what career path he would take on. His biggest dream was to become an Auror one day. Twenty years later, he would come to question his choices, especially after he is turned back into a fifteen-year-old boy... Nevertheless, there never was a case the famous Head Auror didn‘t close, even if it involved his secret crush from school days (that once broke his heart) and a cursed, ancient jewel. All the while, the threat of a dangerous organization called ‘the Shadows‘ is looming over them...
Lil note:
Harry Potter setting au
After turning back to fifteen-year-old self (from a murder attempt), Shinichi, a famous Head Auror in Japan, has to attend Hogwarts to investigate the organization that tried to kill him. And as expected, he knew it wasn't going to be easy when Kaito, the one who had broke his heart and was also the infamous and mysterious phantom thief) was working as a professor in disguise.
*The story has covered Shinichi's school life and the first day of Hogwarts so far. The author had mentioned that they will not be abandoning this fic
(read more for tags)
Rating: Not Rated Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Pairings: Kudou Shinichi/Kuroba Kaito, Kudou Shinichi/Mouri Ran (initially), Mouri Ran/Sera Masumi (mentioned), Hakuba Saguru/Nakamori Aoko (mentioned)
Others: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting Alternate Universe - Magic Romance Friendship Slash Shounen-ai Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements Other Additional Tags to Be Added Slow Burn Eventual Smut Shrunk!Shinichi Temporarily Unrequited Love kaishin - Freeform Shinichi/Ran is mostly only mentioned Ravenclaw!Shinichi later on Teacher!Kaito later on Japan has it's own magic school yep I made one up of my own Mystery/Adventure Getting Together Eventual Happy Ending
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quaint-ignorant · 1 year
he's just like me fr
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wish this was my room😔 (chap.648-vol.62)
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masterdetectivexx · 1 year
Hey bro, any thoughts on the latest files with Heiji and the monks? What about that easter egg for the next case, regarding that long lost detective that will be back, is Gosho hinting at Saguru? Or just Shinichi? Do you think the next files could be Rum arc resolution?
File 1116-1118 Review
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I enjoyed the case a lot overall. Already starting from File 1116, Ran was getting a proactive role in the Heizuha romance plot, which I found so refreshing and endearing (since Ran has gotten so sidelined lately).
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The whole monk themed case was a such a nostalgia trip as well, and I love how Gosho also gave our other Mouri, Kogoro, a proactive role in the case, showcasing once again his judo moves.
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As for the Heizuha confession build up, that started since File 1113 (Muga shinkansen case), contrary to my expectations, it still didn't pay off in any way, as Heiji once again failed due to forgetfullness (File 118), despite Ran's efforts.
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What however made this quite disappointing was that even the Hyakunin isshu tournament setup from the previous case was also resolved off-screen and didn't remain as a potential plot-thread to a future official confession case setting. However, that very same Momiji scene that resolved the tournament setup also gave a teaser/foreshadowing to Momiji potentially starting to act more actively towards her romantic goals with Heiji. She referenced a Hyakunin isshu poem that bears a similar message to "time is money", where she mentions that time can easily pass by in the blink of an eye if one keeps acting indecisive (File 1118), as if she is planning on officially making her move soon.
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This could be Gosho still building on the confession-anticipation momentum from the this and the previous case, and that the next upcoming case could still tie into the Ōoka/Heizuha subplot in some way as the official confession case approaches. If not, then it will truly feel like Gosho wasted an actual opportunity of building up tension towards an eventual confession.
As for the teaser of a long lost detective finally reappearing in the next case, it does fit with the idea of it being Hakuba Saguru (who fans have kept nagging Gosho about when he will return in DC). This also fits with the AC teaser that he will be drawing a vertical double-spread magazine cover featuring Kid.
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While this may seem as an immediate confirmation that it will be a Kid case and that there will be no further Heizuha/Ooka material in the next case, there is still potential that Gosho is actually planning on intertwining them again, like in Fairy's lips case (File 1018-1021) & Queen's bangs case (If the falcon elder is Former prime minister [FPM] Ōoka). This is due to Gosho also promoting M27, which is a Heizuha-Kid Movie, in the same magazine as the double-spread, and he also teased in another AC that he will be drawing the Naniwa (Osaka) duo in the poster art for M27.
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In other words, there is still hope that Momiji's teaser in the latest chapter bares importance in the following Kid case. Also, if the ongoing speculation that the falcon motif seen with the Falcon elder belongs to the Ōoka family and that they are related to Hakuba Saguru (who has his own Falcon pet) is true, then this upcoming Kid/Hakuba case would further be inviting more Ōoka/Heizuha material (that potentially keeps the Heizuha plot streak going).
While not impossible, these AC teasers does lessen the chance of us getting Rum climax in the upcoming case, unless the teased detective was meant to be Shinichi all along (which I currently feel is unlikely, since Crimson School Trip did not happen too long ago).
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