feralgaby2k5 · 14 days
Babies 💗💖
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New ShinRan drawing by Gosho ❤️
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feralgaby2k5 · 14 days
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New ShinRan drawing by Gosho ❤️
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feralgaby2k5 · 1 month
You and I have a lot in common 😇
As a hardcore Shinran shipper I'm beginning to think i shouldn't tag Kid in my posts even if he's in them. Attracts all kind of responds i didn't ask for
This does not align with my shipping agenda! I just want to be in my bubble of ship not intruded by other ships. And since this is the internet, ig that's impossible
Or i can just block them after they reblog lol 🤭
Childish? Gatekeeping? I guess. Idc. I'm on the internet for a fun time, I don't need faceless disruptions and annoyances. I've learned in my years that if you don't like something when you're on the internet, you don't have to be tactful abt it haha. It's setting boundaries, as they say. Gives me peace of mind.
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feralgaby2k5 · 1 month
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Silly lil pookies (ive never used a base before)
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feralgaby2k5 · 1 month
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ShinRan but it's Scott Pilgrim.
I keep seeing this on my TikTok fyp so I have the urge to redraw it and because I crave ShinRan crumb so bad. I MISSED THEM SO BAD 😭😭
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feralgaby2k5 · 3 months
Why is this so true, though? I'm laughing 🤣
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Girlie meeting ✨
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feralgaby2k5 · 3 months
Still alive and kickin'!
Nothing too interesting happening in the fandom, though.
Reblog if you’re a Sally face fan so I can stalk your blog
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Is this fandom still alive?
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feralgaby2k5 · 3 months
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shinran comms~
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feralgaby2k5 · 4 months
This is the kind of shit I'm looking for.
Just watched Taste closed the movie. I am OBSESSED 🥰
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feralgaby2k5 · 4 months
Gay shinran that NOBODY asked for 🙋‍♀️
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feralgaby2k5 · 5 months
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No one asked for it but I know everyone wanted it. So, enjoy your Sally Face + Bluey crumbs
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feralgaby2k5 · 5 months
Another stupid rambling about DCMK again.
So as some of you may or may not know, I love Detective Conan and Bluey (I mean, I made a few posts where I talked about both things). Still, I forgot to talk about DCMK characters and their possibly favorite Bluey characters, so... HERE ARE AGAIN, LET'S BROUGHT THIS INTO A DISCUSSION. Since there are a lot of characters in Bluey for us to look at, and as some of us know, a lot of them can have traits that can relate to some characters in DCMK, I have no idea which character can fit the personality trait or relatability to some the of character in DCMK, but there is one thing for certain is that Kaito would definitely choose Muffin as his favorite, because they both love to conflicting chaos everywhere they go and because I feel like Kaito would enjoy Muffin's vibe.
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feralgaby2k5 · 5 months
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Some DCMK sketches while I contine to watch DetCo 😊
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feralgaby2k5 · 6 months
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feralgaby2k5 · 6 months
Random AU concept that I have no idea how I can come up with.
If you guys have been on TikTok for long enough, chances are you have seen MLP Infection AU on your FYP somehow, that got me thinking "What if we have an infection AU but for DCMK?", then I thought, "I can get inspiration from Movie 14's virus! (the one released by the Red Siamese Cat) but it's actually a real virus that has been released instead of being a fake virus. So, here is some basic information I have in mind, if you have any suggestions, feel free to inform me through reblogs or comments.
The Skin rash virus AU
The skin rash virus is a virus with no known cure, this virus was released by a terrorist group named the Red Siamese Cat. They set bombs in a science lab in an attempt to terrorize the media, little do they know, that they have caused an apocalypse in all of Japan. while developing a plan to steal the priceless statues, one of their members was infected, At first, they brushed it off, only considering it as an allergic reaction but later they discovered that it was more dangerous than they thought and soon, almost all of the members had been infected, but some of the members that aren't aware of their own infection still stick to their plan without realizing they are of the infected. Meanwhile, Conan, Ran, Korogo, and many others are planning to capture Kaito KID on his heist to get the Lady Sky jewel. But then, a few days later, a news report came up, explaining that a dangerous virus that has no known cure, was released by the Red Siamese Cat, The news also stated that there have been cases of people experiencing rashes, itchy skin, and even infection. The virus spread so fast that hundreds to thousands of people were infected and started to attack others spreading the virus even faster. Those who managed to escape and survive formed groups to gather the remaining resources and try to stay safe before neighboring countries could send help. Some nearby countries have to close their borders to prevent the virus from getting into their country. The Mouri's and many others form a group of survivors that can provide medical care, food, and shelter to smaller groups. Some of the scientists who have been working for the laboratory survived and are helping to research a cure and with little information about the virus, hopefully they can find a cure.
This is the basic story and I still need to develop a plot for this AU, unfortunately, my writing skills are not that great, so if you guys have any plot ideas I would love to hear them.
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feralgaby2k5 · 6 months
I've wanted to talk about this, there are fanarts out there btw. I even asked a friend to draw this as an art trade
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When I decided to relax and don't draw anything, my mind decided to create "how would ShinRan go if Ran was a guy" headcanons.
100% sure Shinichi would fall for Ran's smile and personality all the same (cause Mouri Ran is his type and that's canon) & that Sonoko would flirt with Ran sometimes to troll him, but she'll never go far with it, cause she gonna support her besties all the same too.
Not sure will I draw anything for that "au", but I wanted to share it anyway.
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feralgaby2k5 · 7 months
Oh my god, they're adorable babies. ❤
Wait, if Ran is shrunk, and she has to deal with 'small body, big emotions', there's going to be a lot of crying! And usually it spreads kid to kid, so Cone/Shin will start crying! And this can lead to more adults getting frazzled!
omg they would be so freaked out!!!
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