#Mountain Dale NY
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 2 years ago
New Video: JOVM Mainstays TEKE: TEKE Shares Playful Ripper "Hoppe"
New Video: JOVM Mainstays TEKE: TEKE Shares Playful Ripper "Hoppe" @killrockstars @girlieaction @teketekeband @delkin03
Montréal-based collective and JOVM mainstays TEKE: TEKE – Yuki Isami (flute, shinobue and keys), Hidetaka Yoneyama (guitar), Sergio Nakauchi Pelletier (guitar), Mishka Stein (bass), Etienne Lebel (trombone), Ian Lettree (drums, percussion) and Maya Kuroki (vocals, keys and percussion) — initially began as loving homage and tribute band of legendary Japanese guitarist Takeshi “Terry” Terauchi,…
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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September 29, 2023
“What a day we are having…. As a former director of emergency management, I know a disaster when I see one,” Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) said yesterday in the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, overseen by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee chaired by James Comer (R-KY). 
Moskowitz wasn’t wrong. After a hearing that lasted more than six hours, highlights of which Aaron Rupar of Public Notice reposted on social media, Neil Cavuto of the Fox News Channel was unimpressed. He said that although Comer had promised to present “a mountain of evidence” against President Biden, “none of the expert witnesses today presented…any proof for impeachment…. The way this was built up, ‘where there’s smoke there would be fire,’... but where’s there’s smoke today, we just got a lot more smoke.”   
The Republicans on the committee repeatedly talked about the volume of evidence they have uncovered, but they were never able to link their piles of evidence to the president. Under questioning, their own witnesses said there was not enough evidence to impeach President Biden.
It seemed as if Republicans have become so accustomed to being able to say anything they want to on right-wing media without being challenged they thought a congressional committee would operate the same way. When the Democrats pushed back, they seemed flummoxed. 
Comer lost control of the hearing as Democrats on the committee, thoroughly prepared, came out swinging. Representative Shontel Brown (D-OH) noted that “[t]he DOJ and FBI under former President Trump spent 5 long years looking into these Republican conspiracy theories, and debunked them. Repeatedly.” Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said, “The majority sits completely empty handed with no evidence of any presidential wrongdoing, no smoking gun, no gun, no smoke.” 
Representative Summer Lee (D-PA) called out the Republicans by name for holding a sham impeachment hearing instead of funding the government and working for their constituents. She noted that 217,583 people living in the districts of the Republicans on the committee would lose their paychecks because of the Republican shutdown.
Most notably, the Democrats called out the places where witnesses or committee members had deleted words in quotations that changed their meanings. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) emphasized that the four Republican witnesses said they had not presented any first-hand witness accounts of crimes committed by President Biden, while the committee was blocking the testimony of witnesses who could testify to actual facts. She also noted that members of Congress could say anything they wanted because they are covered by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause protecting them, 
Democrats also called out the many ways in which the Republicans were trying to discredit President Biden with speculation during an impeachment hearing to distract from the very real legal troubles of former president Trump. Representatives Mike Garcia (D-CA) and Gerry Connolly (D-VA) called out the Republicans for focusing on allegations about Hunter Biden and ignoring the very real issues involving Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who could not get a security clearance until Trump demanded he be given one, worked on Middle East issues in the White House, and then received a $2 billion investment from the Saudis shortly after Trump left office.
Most dramatically, Representative Greg Cesar (D-TX) asked the members of the Oversight Committee to raise their hands if they believe that both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable if they are found guilty on any of their indictments. The Democrats all raised their hands. The Republicans did not. 
One senior republican aide told CNN’s Melanie Zanona: “This is an unmitigated disaster.”
It did not get better after the hearing ended. A fact-check by CNN’s Daniel Dale, Marshall Cohen and Annie Grayer tore apart the committee’s “evidence.” Although Comer said in his opening remarks that the committee has uncovered how “the Bidens and their associates…raked in over $20 million between 2014 and 2019,” all but about $7 million went to Hunter Biden’s business associates, who according to the Washington Post had “legitimate business interests,” and there is no evidence that President Biden himself received any of this money. 
Comer’s accusation that money was wired to Joe Biden’s Delaware address did not note that the money was a loan, and it went to Hunter Biden’s bank account. Hunter Biden’s lawyers say that he used the Bidens’ Delaware home as his address at the time. 
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) claimed that documents released Wednesday from 2020 showed that the Department of Justice was protecting President Biden. But in 2020 Trump, not Biden, was president, and the official who urged Biden senior’s name be kept off a search warrant did so because there was no legal basis to include him in a search warrant concerning a business involving his adult son. 
And on it went. 
Charlie Sykes of The Bulwark wrote: “The charitable view is that the first hearing was a dumpster fire inside a clown car wrapped in a fiasco. To put it mildly, the GOP did not bring their best.” 
At the end of the day, it seemed as if Democrats had flipped the script that has worked so well for so long on right-wing media. Rather than being on the defensive themselves, they put Republicans on the defensive. And because their hits were based in reality, rather than a false narrative, they left the Republican committee members with few options today other than to take to social media, once again, to boast of all the evidence they have accumulated against President Biden. 
The hearing was designed to give the extremists of the Freedom Caucus one of their demands, likely in the hope that they would agree to pass a stopgap funding bill that would at least make it look like the House Republicans were trying to fund the government. But today, when House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) brought to the floor an extreme bill that would have made 30% cuts to food assistance, housing, education, funding for border agents, and so on, and insisted on closing the border while funding the government for only another 30 days, 21 extremists voted with the Democrats to kill it by a vote of 198 to 232.
This was a harsh blow not only to McCarthy but to all the Republicans in swing districts. House leaders forced them all to vote for a measure chock full of enormously unpopular cuts and then snatched away the prize of funding the government. Such a political disaster speaks very poorly of McCarthy, who should have never put members of his conference in such a position. Losing 21 of his members in this vote is an embarrassment. The loss weakens the party for 2024: the Democratic ads will pretty much write themselves.
And the members refusing to fund the government simply don’t appear to care, either about their colleagues or their constituents.
At any point, McCarthy could bring up before the House the bipartisan measure already passed by the Senate. Democrats would then likely make up the votes he would lose in his own conference. But the extremists would then challenge his speakership, and that is apparently a challenge he is unwilling to brave.
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saddlebums · 1 year ago
Lunch and an Airshow
Riding to the Hangars Cafe at Sky Acres Airport
40 miles northeast of the Bear Mountain Bridge in Orange County, New York, is yet another small airport that serves up some great grub. In previous posts I raved about the lunch at Blairstown Airport and Sky Manor Airport in New Jersey. Well, here’s a third to add to the list.
Besides the top-notch nosh the other requirement to make the grade of an “epic” Saddle Bums small airport adventure are scenic back roads leading to the destination. Check. Route 301 out of Cold Spring, NY, is a well-known motorcycle route that winds its way east through Fahnestock State Park leading to Farmers Mill Road and a succession of lightly-traveled country roads.
The Hangars Cafe gets a Three-And-A-Half Fork Legs Saddle Bums rating, held back from a coveted Four due to the warm iced tea in a plastic cup.
Music: Surfing Drums by Dick Dale
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willowhillhistory · 1 year ago
The Happy Valley, by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Published in The Christian Union, 27 Park Place, NY, on August 7, 1872:
The terrible heats of the last few weeks have sent our city population flying "thick as the leaves of Vallombrosa," and we among them have been swept in the tide up the Hudson to Albany, and then up, up a long, slow grade in a palace-car at night, feeling ourselves ascending, and the unmistakable vivid clearness of mountain air blowing refreshment through us, till finally, after passing Sharon Springs, we stopped in Cherry Valley.
Where is Cherry Valley? If we thought our telling would bring all the world to see, we would stop here and now, and not utter a word; for the charm of Cherry Valley is its greenness, its seclusion, its pastoral stillness and quietude, its Arcadian air of unworldly rest and peace.
It might be a valley in the Delectable Mountains that Bunyan writes of, whence in a clear day you should see the battlements of the Celestial City; it might be the happy valley of Rasselas, or any other dreamland where it is always afternoon.
To come down to prose, Cherry Valley is in that belt of hill country that overlooks the valley of the Mohawk. It is said to be 1,300 feet above tidewater mark. It is a quaint old place, with what many places in America are destitute of - a history. Here are farms and homesteads that have been in the possession of the same families for one, two, and three generations, and a rich moss of tradition has grown up under their quiet shades. Here are streets, of those lovely, cool, roomy, breezy old houses that people knew how to build a generation ago, and that have hanging about them a fragrance of old days and old times, like the rosemary from a cabinet.
One such mansion we visited lately, standing on a high green hill, and overlooking a lovely landscape of hill and dale and woodland. The house is in that best style of architecture and keeping - that which suggests that its inmates are having a good time in it, and mean to use every bit of it for household enjoyment. You come through a quaint little garden, bright with all the nice old-fashioned flowers, and the old house stands back of it, like a good grandmother, with its arms wide open to take you in. A broad veranda of generous proportions leads to the open hall door. Then you come on that great, wide, generous front-hall, wherein they of old time delighted, - a hall wide enough to live in, set out with old-fashioned sofas and ottomans and tables and chairs, with a tall old clock gently ticking away the peaceful hours. From this hall open pleasant rooms in all the four corners; one large charming parlor, whose windows look out on the beautiful hill-and-valley picture below the house. Here you find cozy family rocking chairs and easy chairs, that look as if they may have cuddled generations - chairs, not stiff and new out of upholsterers' shops, but chairs that are used to entertaining, and half-alive with a hospitable tenderness, and that seem to long to have you sit down and rest in them where others have rested before you. At the further end of the hall is a quaint old staircase, leading to an upper hall of the same dimensions with the lower, and on which all the chambers open. This upper hall is set about with couches, and little stands and tables convenient for books and work, and is the undress family reunion room. It opens by a wide window on to the roof of the veranda, which forms an ample and sunny [illegible], and commands a lovely prospect.
Here an ancient couple, old in years, but young in heart, keep tryst and rendezvous for a generation or two of grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, who probably regard it as the veritable Garden of Eden.
Stories of the past grow thick and blossom here in many a tender tradition. Cherry Valley was yet a youthful settlement when the Revolutionary War began, and was made the victim of that insane and unprincipled measure of the then dominant party in England, which did not hesitate to stir up and set upon these infant settlements the wild and bloody ravages of the forest. The valley of the Mohawk was the camping ground of the Six Nations - now melted away, and gone like the night-dews; and in one of their marauding raids they wholly destroyed Cherry Valley, burned the houses, massacred some of the people, and swept others into a bitter captivity.
This peaceful, lovely house, with its flower gardens and bowers of rest, stands right upon one of the spots of these night tragedies. The whole family was murdered, and the house burned to the ground.
It is curious to see how the tragedy and terror and agony of the past, toned down by time and distance, come to add only a softened interest, a charm of romance, to the scenes of to-day. Everywhere in Cherry Valley we are pointed to places and scenes made memorable by these tragedies. In one hospitable mansion, while a gay party were promenading the well-kept grounds, a tree was shown in which it was said the mangled arm of a lady had been found, thrown there by the Indians. The story is told of another woman taken captive, to whom was allotted as her first work the task of stretching and drying the scalps of some of her own kindred who had perished; and another of a woman who, with her three little children, lay under the shelter of a hollow log, while the Indians ran backward and forward over it, filling them with constant horror of discovery. In the grave-yard is the tomb-stone of one who as a boy was with his mother taken captive and carried to Canada, while all the rest of the family were slaughtered. We need to recall these traditions to see how real and how terrible was the Revolutionary struggle of our fathers.
It ought to be in justice remembered, when we think of the barbarity of this movement, that Lord Chatham and William Pitt put all their force against this policy.
In our childhood, we remember, our blood used to boil and our veins tingle when we read in the Columbian Orator the speech of Lord Chatham on the policy of employing the Indians against the colonists of North America, and it is a comfort to know that all of the indignation, wrath, and denunciation that the English language could possibly carry was spent upon the party which perpetrated this inhumanity. It is a pity Lord Chatham's speech has vanished from our reading-books, for it is one of the most splendid specimens of generous, indignant eloquence that the language affords.
Cherry Valley to-day is an innocent, quiet Arcadia, lying within an hour's distance of three of the most fashionable summer watering-places, so that a short ride may bring you in sight of all the pomps and vanities that one may desire to see. Sharon Springs and Richfield now rival Saratoga in attraction, and number their thousand. Cooperstown is another most attractive and much frequented point.
The hospitality of Cherry Valley is proverbial. Lawn-teas, pic-nics and croquet parties vary the summer days; everybody seems to know everybody, and a stranger is taken in and made to feel at home at once. We have heard that it is still safe to go to sleep there as it was in Litchfield, in our childhood, with outside doors and windows innocently wide open for the moon to shine in. If it be so, we shall not tell of it, lest an army of New York scalawags should take passage at once on the palace-car to Cherry Valley. These palace-cars from Albany to Cherry Valley are in fact no small feature in the attractions of getting there. You don't want to be pounded and squeezed and made a cinder-bank of, so that your own clothes abhor you, in getting to the garden of Eden itself.
This idea seems to have taken possession of the minds of those who are charged with taking you from Albany to Sharon and Cherry Valley, for they provide cars so elegant, and easy, and every way delightful, that it is worth going just to get the ride in them, even if you had no purpose of doing anything more.
One begins to respect one's self when one rides in such luxury, and to consider that one belongs to the royal family of America, and conduct one's self accordingly. Instead of having your eyes put out and your traveling dress soiled with cinders, a wire-gauze window admits light and air, and affords perfect protection.
Ah, well-a-day! These nice palace-cars had but one fault in our eyes. They took us from Cherry Valley as well as to it. We had been there only ten days, and yet such pleasant ones that, as the Irishman said, we were all ready to become a native. And we looked back on its green peaceful retreats with something of a sigh. Why can't we always live in these pleasant places? Why can't all the pleasant people live there just where we can see them every day?
Well, in some other world there will be brighter and better reflections of these lower places, and all those who come shall come to stay, and go no more out forever. Then, in those valleys of greenness, the Good Shepherd shall walk and gather together in one those that are gone, and those that are going, and us that wait and long.
In these summer journeyings we see so many people who are walking in sorrow; so many living, when some great shock, some life-sorrow has cut the nerves of earthly joy, never again to reunite. Well, patience, dear fellow-travelers; if there were not something better than this life for you to turn to, the dear Lord would never have cut the cords that bind you here; but these sorrows are heavenly voices saying to the soul, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, come away, for, lo, the winter is over and past, and the time of singing of birds has come."
[Thanks to Sydney Waller for providing me with a photocopy of this article.]
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lifeonaledge · 8 years ago
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Former summer camp (Camp Eva) now in ruins was once attended by songwriters Laura Nyro and Alan Merrill in 1963 and ‘64.
Painter Hill Road, Mountain Dale, Sullivan County NY. Now abandoned and in disrepair in 2017.
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nerddface · 6 years ago
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Characters: The Company x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1482
Notes: Finally finished! Plot Bunny #58! @sdavid09 I'm glad to be a part of the Plot Bunny challenge, this was a lot of fun! I started to go a little overboard and had to rein myself in, lol. Fíli x reader if you’d like, it’s pretty open-ended :) This had very little editing, sorry for any mistakes!
Based off of this (or these): (x)
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
“Promise you won’t tell?”
Y/N suppressed a sigh as she pulled Kíli’s sleeve down, over the neatly-wrapped bandages on his forearms. She offered a gentle smile to counter the worried gaze that kept flitting over her face.
“Kíli. Have I ever told?”
He chewed on his lip. “No.”
She gripped his hand for a moment in an effort to calm his nerves. “And I won’t start now. Maybe ask your wife to use something a little softer than old fish-rope, next time, though, hm?”
The blush that he’d come into her clinic with returned with a vengeance, and he ducked his head. “I will.”
She stepped back to allow him the space to stand from the stool she’d put him on. “Come back tomorrow and I’ll redress it. That salve should all but fix it overnight, so long as it stays put. I’ll be here all day.”
“Alright. Thank you, Y/N.” He took her hand for a moment and spoke genuinely before turning to leave.
She watched him go and shot him another smile as he glanced back at her and shut her front door. Once she was alone, she took down his name in her logbook with a sigh. Even though the newly refurbished Erebor had plenty of healers to spare, she could always count on finding one of the Original Company lingering at her doorway -- either at her clinic or her quarters, it didn’t seem to matter -- at all hours. She had plenty of secrets to go around, but they all knew very well that she was tight-lipped.
Unfortunately, boys will be boys, and her boys were no exception. (Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Bilbo, ever the picture of politeness, always behaved himself.) There wasn’t a week gone by that she didn’t have to deflect one of the bloody dwarves trying to weasel information out of her about any of the others’ visits. Despite the fact they had all --Thorin included, but she’d never admit that-- come to her with their more delicate matters, none of them seemed to possess any respect of privacy. When one travels with a group for as long as they had, she supposed, in the conditions they had, boundaries became a little blurry.
They had treated her with more delicacy through the Quest, though that was probably because of her prized status as female. Despite being only half-dwarrow, she was still considered a treasure, and they had behaved as such. Her sex was also what had almost kept her from joining at all, but thankfully Oín had been able to convince Thorin to take her along as insurance. He wasn’t as young as he once was, and Mahal knew what could happen to any of them, so it was better to have another capable healer along, just in case.
She did prove useful, and ended up becoming their go-to for most things. In their own time, each had learned that she never judged them for their mishaps, no matter how strange they seemed. She’d seen plenty of accidents-- once, Kíli had dared Bofur to do as many push-ups as he could on one hand, with both of Dwalin’s axes stacked on his back. He got through a surprisingly number, but had dislocated his shoulder on the last one. He’d refused to admit to any pain after she’d reset it, but she noticed how strained he looked after a full day of hauling his pack over his shoulders. After everyone else had fallen asleep, she’d sat with him, quietly, and massaged a generous amount numbing salve into the muscles. They’d all had similar situations.
She’d stitched fingers, packed down bandages so they’d be inconspicuous under clothing, pulled out splinters from all manner of places, medicated anxieties, insomnia, and odd bruises. She never asked what happened, and only offered a gentle smile and advice to speed up their healing, whether or not they told.
They all thanked her, too, in their own way. Ori made her a whole new pair of mittens when her old ones began to wear too far to be of use, Dori picked and dried any tea-worthy leaves he could find for her, Bofur made sure she always had a scarf if the wind picked up, and the princes regularly lifted items from her pack to make her journey lighter. Dwalin made sure her modest sword was always razor-sharp. Bombur let her have first pick of whatever they’d managed to scrounge up for meals. Thorin had called her khazush once.
After the Battle to reclaim the Mountain, absolutely no one in the Company would suffer any other healers seeing to the barely-alive Thorin, or his nephews, beyond those assistants she’d chosen personally. Since then, she’d been officially named as the Royal Physician, alongside an aging Oín, but the Durin line was healthy, now. The boys were young and resilient, and only Thorin presented a slight limp where his foot had been pierced through. Most of her time was spent tending to the other twelve dwarves, (and, again, Bilbo, but she had nothing poor to say on his part), and offering advice to the regrowing city of Dale.
Today, she recalled as her gaze traveled over her desk to land on her shopping list, was Sunday, and the colorful market would be taking place in the Hall of Kings. At some point, she should make it down there -- there were a few supplies to gather for the tinctures that needed making. She always enjoyed the markets-- it was wonderful to see such lively activity in a space that seemed so hollow and gloomy.
Her trip was long, as she chatted with at least a dozen vendors, but was otherwise relatively uneventful. Her mind wandered away from her on the trip back, as it usually did, and her feet took her back to her office on their own accord. She only came back to herself when a presence beside her halted her, and suddenly, there was a sweet smell under her nose. She started, drawing back as a golden tart came into focus. Just beyond it was an equally golden moustache, framing a wily smile.
“I swiped two of tonight’s desserts,” Fíli said conspiratorially. “Thought you might appreciate one.”
She reached for the tart he was offering, thanking him with a smile. “You’re very considerate, Fíli.”
“Ah-ah.” he pulled back out of her reach, quirking a brow. “I’m afraid today’s raid has come at a price.”
Y/N frowned, and waited, becoming increasingly suspicious as his grin turned more mischievous.
Sure enough, he continued, “I know Kíli saw you this morning, but he brushed me off so fast I was nearly blown backwards. You’ll get a tart if you tell me why.”
She narrowed her eyes and pushed open the door to her clinic.
“Fíli, you sly devil.”
His devious grin widened. “Getting cold,” he sang, following her to keep the treat in her sights.
She turned up her nose and set her basket down on a workspace. “You know I won’t tell you. Unless you want me to spill all of your secrets to him.”
“Ah, but, I don’t have any secrets.” He propped his hip against her table as she arranged her fresh ingredients. “I’m an open book. All I’ve come to you for are splinters and stubbed toes.”
Y/N picked up the notebook with today’s recipes and turned to her shelving to gather the last couple items, pulling jars down as she spoke. “Do I need to remind you of the first time you came to me with more than just your toe stubbed? Or when you nearly severed your thumb trying to impress that dam when we were passing through Bree?”
This drew a hot blush to not only his cheeks, but all the way up his ears and down his throat. He sputtered, “ah- um, well, that’s -- that was--” and descended into coughs.
Y/N chuckled as she set her bottled down and selected one set to the side, quickly securing a note to the neck. She turned to Fíli, snatched the tart from his hand before he could stop her, and replaced it with the large vial.
“Here. Take this to Balin, it’s for Bard when he visits next. There are ingredients on the note, he can come see me if he has ny questions.“ She tugged on one of his mustache braids and leveled him with a playful glare as he schooled his breath. “Now, go on.”
For the second time that day, a Durin was scurrying out of her clinic with a blush. Again, she sighed as the door closed, and sank into a chair. This time, though, a fond laugh bubbled in her chest as she bit into Fíli’s pastry. Even if they could be ridiculous, at least they gave her life color.
Indeed, boys would be boys, but they were her boys.
khazush: sister
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nylandquest · 3 years ago
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5 acre Building Lot in Mountain Dale NY. This lot has over 300 ft. of road frontage for potential building sites to build your new home or country get-away. The land is gently sloped allowing for maximum privacy. Also, the land is nicely wooded with an old stone wall running throughout, and a small creek runs along the eastern edge. Located less than 30 minutes to Minnewaska State Park. $39,900. Contact Dani Hoeverman 845-901-3560 for more information. @nylandquest #nylandforsale #buildinglot #mountaindaleny #sullivancountyny #catskills https://www.instagram.com/p/CfucHBjOaua/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wallpaperpainting · 5 years ago
The Modern Rules Of Ethan Allen Artwork Abstract | ethan allen artwork abstract
Nell Rose Allen, 87, of Tulsa, died Saturday, May 9, 2020. She was built-in June 22, 1932 in Bixby, OK, to Earl Lafayette Cannon and Minnie Venible Pearson Cannon. She was a 1950 alum of Will Rogers High School in Tulsa. In 1952, she affiliated Ernest Adell Allen of Chanute, KS, son of Ernest Ethan Allen and Vera Evalena Rhodes. Mom and Dad were affiliated for 59 years.
Mom formed for Dr. Ebb Reeves of Tulsa as a clerk/receptionist until her retirement. She was a affiliate of Ranch Acres Baptist Church and above affiliate of Immanuel Baptist Church of Tulsa. Mom was an ardent fan of OU football, badly admired all dogs, and enjoyed adorning painting.
She had been a affiliate of Tulsa’s adorning painting group, Tulsa Art Doll Association.
Nell Rose is survived by her son, Eric Allen and wife, Janet of Tulsa; and son, Randy Allen of Great Bend, KS. Additional survivors included her sister, Norma Thomas and husband, Don of Verdigris; niece, Sharon LeHew and husband, Jan of Coweta; nephew, Mike Thomas and wife, Joyce of Brooklyn, NY; nephew, Robert Thomas of Pryor, OK; nieces, Nancy Rowe and husband, Tom of Tulsa, and Lisa Ling and husband, Silo of Mountain Home, ID.
Her afterlife was preceded by her dad, Earl (1960); mother, Minnie (1991); brother, Carl Thomas Cannon (1996); husband, Ernest (2011); and son, Russell Dale Allen (2017). In lieu of flowers, donations may be fabricated to Clarehouse Hospice.
Viewing will be captivated 10AM-8PM, Wednesday, May 13, at Moore’s Southlawn Chapel. A clandestine ancestors account will be held. The burial account will be webcasted and can be beheld at www.moorefuneral.com on Thursday, May 14. Moore’s Southlawn 918-663-2233. Share memories at www.moorefuneral.com
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lukecmurray · 8 years ago
2016 Review
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Last year I spent several days (and well over a dozen hours) reviewing 2015. This is a drastic improvement from 2006, when I spent several months reviewing the previous year. But still, the process could be improved. So, I spent about a half-dozen hours going over my process (see my previous post for lessons learned from that) and am going to hopefully finish reviewing 2016 in just a couple of hours. This will be a beast of a post, but should only be a single post. Here’s the structure I’ll use.
Why am I doing this?
Already did this last  year, will just revisit and revise it for this year.
What did i do?
The highlights of what happened in each month, plus how many total checkins I had that month and lessons learned.
Best and worst things that happened.
Will likely be pulled from the above list.
Habits analysis
How much progress did I make with each habit?
Is it still a good habit? (keep/toss/change?)
What are the biggest barriers to crushing it and ideas to overcome those barriers?
Themes analysis
Core values
How well did I live them?
Expected vs. Actual
What things did I want to get done, vs. what did I actually get done?
Last year, I clarified the reasons I spend several hours (and even days) at the beginning of each year going over the previous year in nauseating detail:
Make new/different mistakes
Get more accurate w/goals vs. reality. Get my expectations closer to reality, without lowering my standards or ambitions.
Increase my ability to accomplish goals
To record things, so that I have a sense of having lived, of having “done things”, of having moved forward in my life.
I would still consider these to be accurate, but I would summarize the first three by saying this:
"I do these yearly reviews to tighten my 'wisdom feedback loop'."
I wrote about what the 'unlived life within us' means to me: Decreased clutter and increased clarity. This, I think, is the essence of what wisdom in action looks like. So if I'm a) always making new and mistakes instead of old ones b) shrinking the gap between my expectations/plans and my reality, while c) increasing the difficulty of tasks to which I aspire, then I'm increasing my velocity towards becoming my definition of 'wisdom in action'. Or, tightening the wisdom feedback loop.
I also want to add another reason for doing this: To help others accomplish the same things.
I don't mean that they will have the same goals, but if they have the same reasons, I can help them. I've done this process in increasingly less wrong ways every year since I was 18.  And each 'less wrong' process makes me that much more valuable to people that are trying to do the same.  
Also, I mean this in both a virtual and physical capacity. Nobody reads this blog, so I don't expect that I'll be able to help lots of folks virtually in January 2017, but perhaps months or years from now people may discover it and use it to improve their own process for self improvement.  I'm sitting next to my good friend Mike (pictured above) and he interrupts me every few minutes to ask about how I do x, y, or z and my advice to him is always based in personal experience...based on a lot of wrong ways that I've done these reviews over the years.  Hopefully I can help facilitate more of these in-person sessions and be valuable because of the work I've put in for the past 15 years.
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tried to get into car flipping
got ATLS certified
almost got a job in Owenton ER
broke up a fight in the middle of the street
BL summit
failed to get an in-person personal assistant onboarded
lived in Vegas: iora, boosted board adventures, time w/cousin’s fam
INSIGHTS - this was one of my best months ever and i didn’t bring my cell phone to vegas at all and I stopped at 7pm sharp every day.
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clinic, then chief on service
I wrote about being worried to hit a burnout wall after my great January month, and this is what I wrote in the second week of feb "I did hit that wall (screwed around for 2 hrs on thursday PM)...but then recovered and have done okay since, and in the grand scheme of things, that's AMAZING for me (only screwing around for 2 hrs)."  That's how in the zone I was - I complained about 2 hrs.
i turned down a lot of things to stay in the zone - ski weekends, a wedding in Oregon
After one of my best weeks ever in the history of recording checkins: "Why?It wasn't trying harder. It was saying no, keeping my head clear, and getting up really early to knock out all the stuff that I'd usually put off until the end of the day. It feels like a miracle, like I'm a new person. It gives me an insane amount of confidence...So remarkable that the true answer to how to make such dramatic change is basically: do less, say no, cut out the BS...if you do that, all you should be left with is your own voice, and it's plenty wise enough."
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chief on service, then clinic
called friends in the evening for awhile
Michelle got sick
Annabelle was born
AMSA speech: Med Students & Adversity
Fancy Nick engagement party #1
INSIGHTS - was getting up at 5am in feb, this got thrown off by a couple days worth of surprises and never recovered. 
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Derm rotation, became great friends with Dr. Tobin
last night with Nick as roomate
Nick bachelor party
Nick getting married
took FM boards
delivered baby
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South Africa...which included
time in the hospital
going to mosque, buying Quran, time with Uncle
cape point sunset
getting lost on table mountain
run through newlands forrest
robben island/nelson mandela jail cell
rondebosch garden
hiked lionshead
bungee jumped world’s highest
ostrich farm
snowboarded (indoors)
met some cool girls & camped at storms river
last year i spent a month abroad and totally fell off the wagon...did incredible by comparison this time. learned from last time.
recording what i did each day really added significantly to the richness of that experience it, because i get to re-experience those memories
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Geriatrics, then clinic
double date with Dr. Tobin
passed boards
did graduation roast speech, and tried to get drunk
started working out consistently b/c elevated BF % s/p Africa
got UK job
Florida trip to negotiate with landlord
Dale Hollow houseboat trip with Amy’s family
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moved into RV, LOTS of time working on it & hosting friends in it
Samuel helped work on the RV, became my friend
family trip down in GA
marriages: Emily Wehrley. Stu Brenner.
friends went on a surfing trip to charleston and i turned it down, hard to do, glad i did
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went low carb
worked on RV, RV expo
trip to Charleston b/c friend got sick, surfed
started my autobiography
scanned all family photo albums
visited all my old friends
GA visit b/c Melissa back from deployment
Pa visit x 1 wk
While in Charleston “it's REALLY hard to steer when you feel pulled all over the place by circumstances. but the consequences of ignoring those circumstances and plowing through are mostly illusory...i could only stop by <the hospital> for one hour 3 times per day and that would be PLENTY of visiting time. i could then spend the rest of the day working by myself”
While scanning photos “why do i feel behind? b/c I am compared to the schedule i made for myself at the beginning of the year. pretty silly to be operating off of a plan you made 6 months ago.”
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time with family/grandparents in OR + coast...SUPER quality time
surfing in OR
writing autobio
Spout Springs visit
credentialing for job
pendelton roundup, deck with dad, Bethany visit
garrett NYC proposal trip + Adeel + Chris Salotta visit
time with gparents was some of the best & most important things I did all year
best month of checkins in ever (4 yrs!!)...not sure why
freaked out about every friend i have getting married/engaged. changed my priority to emotionally fulfilling hangouts instead of caring about ‘romantic relationships’
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installed solar panels
autoB progress
started talking/helping Aalap with SignalHealth - DC conference
Such family camping trip
started Curt book
first shift at UK as employee
surf trip to SC with Raney’s
job apps
moved into jenna’s
comedy club with dr tobin
long weekend with DP & friends
ehof - board meeting, event
accomplished my NY resolution!
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G life transition meetings
job apps
started Murray Medical, LLC
hurt myself w/flag football
confirmed BIAB project/EHOF book
global entrep week
alejandra x 1 wk, visited everywhere + beaufort
such appreciation dinner
started work at KDMC
after an 80 checkin week “best week i've ever had in my life. a LOT of it was about saying no to the camping trip this weekend. that was hard, but i'm proud of myself for doing it. also got to practice not feeling sorry for myself by wishing i was somewhere else.”
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worked every day at KDMC
Freeda adventures/challenges
brought back 2 people from codes
ski trip with friends at PNS
Working 34 days in a row was awesome because it created a routine that allowed me to consistently do lots of things (besides work) and improve at a much faster pace in my medical skills & knowledge.
finishing residency & passing boards
not getting a job - was scary, but this provided me the freedom to do lots of other 'life list' important things
having one metric that mattered and tracking that only - doubled down on using coach.me and accomplished my NY resolution for the first time in my life
gave med student adversity speech
Annabelle was born
nick marriage/end of a great roomate run
south africa month
RV - doing what i said
quality time - vegas, grandparents, parents, friends, surfing
I didn't grow in my romantic relationships as much as i did in 2015 - In 2015 i grew a lot by having the goal to be "terrifyingly honest" in relationships. I didn't push myself to that standard this year and stagnated as a result.
things took longer than I thought - but that was good lesson to learn because it forced me to accept and live by realistic timelines, and because i didn't have a job I could follow all the way through on my plans
RV was more work than expected (example of above) - i first was glad that i spent time getting to know the RV and how to fix things, but i got to the point where i don't care to 'learn' more, i'd rather spend that time being a doctor and use the money made to pay a professional.
i got broke - i coasted on credit cards in the interim between residency and starting a job and got pretty close to 100% broke - but this was also a lesson that was important. things cost more money than you expect and if they are really priorities, then you've got to pay the price, in both time and money.
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In my recent post “My Goals for 2017″ I said:
“Last year my goal was to check in to more daily habits on coach.me. And I crushed it. And it had the ripple effect of me crushing a bunch of other areas of my life...when using the 'total number of checkins metric’ I improved 107% since last year and 60% over my best year ever (2013).”
This was the only metric that I tracked week over week. And because of that, for the first time ever, I consistently did week reviews where I knew how far ahead or behind I was from my overall goal (eg on July 1, I should have 1,000 checkins for the year, if I had 1,100 at that point, I would note that I was 10% ahead of schedule). Making this the only metric that I tracked had a positive affect on lots of the parts of my life - most obviously, on each of the areas the specific habit addressed.
So, now I’m going to take each goal and ask:
How much progress did I make?
Is it still a good habit? (keep/toss/change?)
What are the biggest barriers to crushing it and ideas to overcome those barriers?
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progress vs 2015: 272 checkins vs 117 checkins. 132% improvement.
I didn't feel like i was growing in this in 2015. I was doing it but didn't feel more calm/mindful throughout the day, which is the whole point. Late this year I downloaded several meditation apps and HeadSpace stood out as far and away the best one.  I've spent at least $100 total at this point and I really am growing in this super important area.  I catch myself (the most important part) getting anxious, frustrated, distracted, etc. and then use the techniques I've learned from this app to get back to calm. Probably the best money I spent all year in terms of its return on my health.
keep/toss/change: definitely keep, continue progress with headspace app
barriers: just making the time, but i'm at a point where i like this enough that it doesn't take discipline. sometimes i do it when i'm tired and don't get much out of it. On those days I should consider doing it twice - the second time when I'm not exhausted.
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progress vs 2015: 233 checkins vs 111 checkins. 110% improvement
In 2015 wrote about wanting to feel clear-headed after walking away from a session of reviewing goals & 'visioncasting' and i didn't have a good process for it at the time. Surprising to see that this was still an issue as of the end of 2016. i came up with a system just a couple days ago that will hopefully help with this and i think the reason this will work is because of my improved mental condition/focusing of the mind that came from meditating. Glad to see how long this problem has existed. Should motivate me to solve it this year.
keep/toss/change: keep it as a goal, but changed it as noted above to have some structure
barriers: lack of clarity - which I have now
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progress vs 2015: 138 checkins vs 77 checkins. 78% improvement
Posted 60+ things this year, (< 30 last year), did much better, big realization is that this was streaky. Another great example of being able to keep consistent tabs on something because you kept all your data collection in one place (I kept track of all my writing progress on coach.me, including using the notes section to keep track of  when I posted stuff). 
keep/toss/change: I would like to actually start sharing my content somehow. This probably means fiddling with marketing, setting some goals about viewership, but I feel like this might do two negative things: 1. scare me off from writing and 2. change what/how I write.  So will probably at least track viewership or something. 
barriers: none for posting on this blog. Barriers to working on larger projects (book, etc.) are the same that used to (and sometimes still do) keep me from publishing on this blog. Namely: fear. I think the answer for that is writing with friends. Going to try to schedule writing hangouts, even if only brief ones. 
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progress vs 2015: 210 checkins vs 80 checkins. 163 % improvement
Goal last year was 200, actual was 80. this year i didn't have a goal but hit 210. Hell. Yes!  Big realization here was starting with one small thing at a time. I went on a streak from august where I added one new thing to my physical health regimen each month, and kept it going consistently until late november, when I got injured playing football, then had a friend visit from out of town for a week, then went on a 34-day straight work assignment away from home. I took January off (though I still had 4 checkins that month + 8 days of skiing, vs my monthly average of 6.7 in 2015) and have been on track 100% thus far this month.
keep/toss/change: change to one small thing I'm doing that month to improve my health. Keep track of it in the notes of exercise. 
barriers: injury (don't play football!).  Simplicity/low bar - adding one small thing per month put me on course to have the best 4 months of physical health progress in years...maybe ever.
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progress vs 2015: 153 checkins vs 56 checkins. 173% improvement.
This is a keystone habit. If I do this then everything else goes better. I realized this last year and wrote about how important it was. This year I had the second highest amount of improvement of all my habits (except for eat the frog, which was 193% improvement). I’m super proud of myself for making such amazing progress on this...but it still is the 9th most checked into habit out of 12. As one of the most important habits it should be one of the most checked into. 
keep/toss/change: keep - and double down on it! again!
barriers:  Make sure to identify it when planning the day and checking it off when you do it, even if it’s not a specific action (e.g. if you stayed calm all day).
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progress vs 2015: 51 checkins vs 82 checkins. -38 % decrease
I don't have this anymore....but the bigger lesson here is 'what's the thing that causes the background static/stress in your life and what's your process for getting rid of it or ignoring it?'
keep/toss/change: already tossed it, but getting out of my email inbox is my #1 goal for Q1 of 2017 and I'm well on my way. Also, to get rid of the static - my visioncasting format really is helpful in clearing my head to do this.
barriers: I'm addicted to my email inbox. Need to CREATE barriers (and an alternative outlet) to keep me out of it.
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progress vs 2015:  113 checkins vs 83 checkins. 36% improvement
i crushed the boards, studying 37 days before taking it (about 83 times the year before total). Totally didn’t deserve that. So no clue what happened there. Then i got a bit lost on what 'studying' made sense. i started with reading a book summary every day, which felt like i was accomplishing something, but none of the content really stuck, even when i reviewed my highlights on the weekends. then changed to tax books, which was awesome bc i wanted to learn that stuff. i still need to nail down what this means and then pick a bite-sized way to chip at it.  I also expect this to change often. I kept track of actual studying vs expected for awhile, which was motivational, as was just hearing that another resident friend of mine was working her ass off. Just hearing her say that she studied 2 hrs per day in addition to her residency duties lit a fire under me.
keep/toss/change: change continually, should be part of planning my day
barriers: lack of clarity on what this means, get rid of it by deciding what it means when i plan my day
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progress vs 2015: 348 checkins vs 183 checkins. 90% improvement
Went OFF on this. not sure why other than that it's something you can get away with skipping a day here and there and still check in later. also stopped rating the days - not sure why i did this, other than i couldn't put a number when i tried to think of it. hopefully this is a reflection of an improved attitude and a better acceptance of my life, along with less judgement, which I wrote about on my birthday. 
keep/toss/change: keep, might revitalize the 'today' project, because when I read through my summaries of each day they spark certain memories...but a photo does that so much better.
barriers: none...but might be if I start expecting myself to take a picture.
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progress vs 2015: 252 checkins vs 145 checkins. 74% improvement
i've ended up doing this during my 'think about goals' time, which is not when it's supposed to happen. but everything i wrote about this goal last year, applies to this year 
“I’m afraid to do this sometimes, especially if i’m not in bed on time & am tired….because i have to come to terms with all the things i will not get to do tomorrow. But then i end up just feeling sad and like “damn, tomorrow’s going to really suck because i won’t be able to get everything done that i want, and i’m bummed that i didn’t get what i wanted to get done today, too.” Wow, writing that. What a crummy/unintelligent strategy for ending your day.  I HAVE to stop with energy/motivation in the tank so I’ll have the willpower left to accept what has happened that day & decide what i’m going to do the next day…because when I do do this, it really does feel mentally freeing & motivating for getting up in the morning…i literally don’t want to wake up in the morning when I haven’t done this because I just have this ball of vague stress to great me that I feel: “Well, not sure what all this stuff is that i need to do but i know that i’m not going to be able to get as much of it done as i want to and even what i decide to work on i probably won’t get finished which is going to give me a feeling of being even more 'behind’…so yeah - not pumped about this day”. What a terrible cycle of not-awesome!  Glad I articulated the concept of paying the opportunity cost of planning up front.”
 This even happened during my 6 months off, or on days i was truly supposed to be 'on vacation'. the idea of 'i don't want to wake up tomorrow'.  That was a big surprise because i thought it was because of my job. It turns out it was totally because of my attitude - which was affected by my expectations (pay opportunity cost up front) and my energy. I need to manage both of those.
keep/toss/change: keep, but try not to do it until AFTER you've meditated and taken a high level view of your life (visioncasting/reviewing goals) so that you have the right mindset when planning the day.
barriers: my attitude at the end of the day. not wanting to wake up, addressed above.
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progress vs 2015: 126 checkins vs 43 checkins. 193% improvement
This was one of the top two most important things on my list to improve from last year...and I did it! This was the most improvement of any of my goals. However, I still have lots of room to get better at this, as it was only the 9th most checked into goal I had. 
keep/toss/change:  keep. duh.
barriers: just having the courage to identify it when planning the day, and then checking it off at the end of the day.
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progress vs 2015: 45 checkins vs 18 checkins. 150% improvement 
These were too long and I didn’t have a central place to put them. I changed it and put EVERYTHING in my notes instead of on a spreadsheet or somewhere else and that 100% solved the problem. It kept me keeping track of my progress throughout the year. This little checkin session helped recalibrate me and actually fed my feedback loop. 
keep/toss/change: change to track my 4 goals for the year.
barriers: none. just keep the time expectation down at 10min.
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progress vs 2015: 130 checkins vs 68 checkins. 91% improvement
This is a goal that sneaks up on you because the problem is pretty much never solved (my back hurts every day and every night). In retrospect I had an amazing year with it. I was able to sleep on my back for a couple nights in South Africa, was able to stand for significant amounts of time without significant pain, and even let myself be active (i.e. sprinting) to push the boundaries of what’s possible for my back.
keep/toss/change: change by continuing to try new methods and seeing what works
barriers: this is all about minimal time commitment (5-10 min) and building from there, because some of the stretches feel SO GOOD that once I do a few of them I get more into it.
I didn't set the standard of being “terrifyingling honest” so I didn’t get out of (or into situations) fast enough, or at all. 
I also had a breakdown when a bunch of friends got married on the same weekend (felt like I was ‘alone’ or doing something wrong) & redefined what this meant. Ultimately, I’m not worried or ‘empty’ because I’m missing out on physical intimacy, what I’m missing is emotional connection, or interactions that fill my emotional tank. So now that’s what I’m doing - focusing on those kinds of interactions, and turning down ones that are anything less than 8/10 in this respect.
Also, part of this is giving/being selfless and it motivated my goal for this year.
I spent time at the cabin and other time just alone, and it was good. Read Deep Work twice. Probably could have said 'no' a little bit more often, especially near the end of the year. Am realizing more and more that this is the ‘answer’ in so many ways. 
This is the third year I’ve tried to systematically focus on one core value per week. I didn't do this consistently. I want to give up on it...but so did Ben Franklin. I now have it in my daily visioncasting so I think I'm okay with that. 
At the beginning of the year I listed out what I wanted to happen week to week all year long. It stressed me out once I fell behind this, and I wanted to somehow keep an updated sense of how many iterations happened and what changes were made. I quickly found that keeping track of the iterations was a huge hassle. So this year I’m just trying to book out my calendar really far in advance and chunk it at a high level (i.e. this week I had off and just blocked off “finances/admin” for the week). 
I’ll publish my ‘takeaways’ from this review, as well as things to do differently in 2017 in a later post. 
First Draft: 1/21/17
Published: 3/21/17
Time: 20+ hrs
Image Credit: me, and my buddy Mike Leek
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 2 years ago
New Video: JOVM Mainstays TEKE: TEKE Shares Bittersweet "Doppelgänger"
New Video: JOVM Mainstays TEKE: TEKE Shares Bittersweet "Doppelgänger" @killrockstars @girlieaction @teketekeband @delkin03
Montréal-based collective TEKE: TEKE – Yuki Isami (flute, shinobue and keys), Hidetaka Yoneyama (guitar), Sergio Nakauchi Pelletier (guitar), Mishka Stein (bass), Etienne Lebel (trombone), Ian Lettree (drums, percussion) and Maya Kuroki (vocals, keys and percussion) — initially began as loving homage and tribute band of legendary Japanese guitarist Takeshi “Terry” Terauchi, featuring a collection…
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saddlebums · 5 years ago
Return to the Elvis Barn
Since my first visit to the "Elvis Barn" in Warwick, NY, some years ago a few faces have been added to the west side of the structure: actors Clint Eastwood (conspicuous for being the only one in the group still vertical), Steve McQueen and Paul Newman now join Marlon Brando, James Dean and the King himself. This has to be the most storied lineup of white men since the Boston Celtics of the 1980s.
The work is by one Rocco Manno, who has lived on the Manno Dairy Farm on Kings Highway (where else?) from a young age. If you want to visit put 221 Kings Highway into your Google maps.
After paying homage to the Lords of Cool my buddy Dale (Ducati 748) and I (Suzuki XN85 Turbo) stopped for lunch at the Fetch Bar & Grill in downtown Warwick. The Fetch is a dog-themed restaurant for reasons that don't matter – just order the slammin' Cuban Egg Rolls and enjoy.
Finally it was ice cream at the fabled Bellvale Farms Creamery on Rt. 17A (great riding road!), also in Warwick. From it's elevated perch you can soak in a spectacular view of the Catskill Mountains to the northwest. They say if you listen carefully you can still hear the faint echoes of stale jokes shared by long gone Borscht Belt stand-ups that locals say still haunt the boarded-up hotels of the Jewish Alps. Breathe deeply and you might detect the faint odor of 5¢ cigars, cheap booze and boiled flank steak.
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riichardwilson · 5 years ago
GNC Is Closing 248 Stores After Filing for Bankruptcy. Here’s the Full List.
June 24, 2020 10 min read
This story originally appeared on Business Insider
GNC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday night, announcing that it expects to close between 800 and 1,200 stores while on the hunt for a buyer for its business. 
In a letter to shoppers, GNC said the COVID-19 pandemic “created a situation where we were unable to accomplish our refinancing and the abrupt change in the operating environment had a dramatic negative impact on our business.”
GNC identified 248 stores that will close imminently as part of the restructuring process. Stores are closing in 42 states, as well as in Puerto Rico and Canada.
Here are the first of the locations GNC plans to close, arranged alphabetically by state: 
Quintard Mall, 700 Quintard Drive, Oxford, AL
Flagstaff Mall, 4650 E 2 N Hwy 89, Flagstaff, AZ
Arrowhead Town Center, 7700 West Arrowhead Towne, Glendale, AZ
Madera Village, 9121 E. Tanque Verde Rd, Suite 115, Tucson, AZ
Grayhawk Plaza, 20701 N. Scotsdale Rd, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ
Benton Commons, 1402 Military Road, Benton, AR
Northwest Arkansas Plaza, 4201 North Shiloh Dr, Fayetteville, AR
The Mall @ Turtle Creek, 3000 East Highland Ave, Space # 309, Jonesboro, AR
Park Plaza, 6000 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR
North Park Village Shopping Center, 103 North Park Dr, Monticello, AR
McCain Mall Shopping Center, 3929 McCain Blvd, North Little Rock, AR
Brawley Gateway, Brawley, CA
Rancho Marketplace Shopping Center, Burbank, CA
La Costa Town Square, 7615 Via Campanile Suite, Carlsbad, CA
Centrepointe Plaza, 1100 Mount Vernon Ave, Suite B, Colton, CA
Mountain Gate Plaza, 160 W. Foothill Parkway, #106, Corona, CA
Town Place, 787 1st Street, Gilroy, CA
Victoria Gardens, 12379 S Main St., Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Monterey Marketplace, Rancho Mirage, CA
Red Bluff Shopping Center, 925 South Main Street, Red Bluff, CA
Tierrasanta Town Center, San Diego, CA
Buena Park Mall, 8312 On The Mall, Buena Park, CA
East Bay Bridge Center, 3839 East Emery Street, Emeryville, CA
Vintage Faire Mall, 3401 Dale Road, Modesto, CA
Huntington Oaks Shopping Center, 514 W. Huntington Drive, Box 1106,  Monrovia, CA
Del Monte Shopping Center, 350 Del Monte S.C., Monterey, CA
Antelope Valley Mall, 1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, CA
Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Rancho Bernardo Town Center, Rancho Bernardo, CA
Del Monte Shopping Center, 350 Del Monte S.C., Monterey, CA
Antelope Valley Mall, 1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, CA
Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Rancho Bernardo Town Center, Rancho Bernardo, CA
Rocklin Commons, 5194 Commons Drive 107, Rocklin, CA
Westfield Shoppingtown Mainplace, 2800 North Main Street, Suite 302, Santa Ana, CA
Gateway Plaza Shopping Center, 580b River St, Suite B, Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Rosa Plaza, 600 Santa Rosa Plaza, Suite 2032, Santa Rosa, CA
The Promenade Mall, 40820 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA
West Valley Mall, 3200 N. Naglee Rd., Suite 240, Tracy, CA
Union Square Marketplace, Union City, CA
Riverpoint Marketplace, West Sacramento, CA
Yucaipa Valley Center, 33676 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA
Chapel Hills Mall, 1710 Briargate Blvd at Jamboree Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
The Citadel, 750 Citadel Drive East, Space 1036, Colorado Springs, CO
River Landing, 3480 Wolverine Dr, Montrose, CO
Monument Marketplace, 15954 Jackson Creek Pkwy, Monument, CO
Central Park Plaza, 1809 Central Park Dr., Steamboat Springs, CO
Larkridge Shopping Center, 16560 N. Washington St, Thornton, CO
Woodland Park Plaza, 1115 E US Hwy 24, Woodland Park, CO
The Plaza At Burr Corners, 1131 Tolland Pike, Manchester, CT
Dover Mall, 1365 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE
Gateway West Shopping Center, 1030 Forest Ave, Dover, DE
Rockford Shops, 1404 North Dupont St, Wilmington, DE
Boynton Beach Mall, 801 N Congress St, Suite 763, Boynton Beach, FL
Clearwater Plaza, 1283 S. Missouri Ave, Clearwater, FL
Coral Square, 9295 West Atlantic Blvd, Coral Springs, FL
Dupont Lakes Shopping Center, 2783 Elkcam Blvd, Deltona, FL
The Shops @ Mission Lakes, 5516 South State Rd 7, Space # 128, Lake Worth, FL
Wickham Corners Shopping, 1070 North Wickham Road, Unit 106, Melbourne, FL
Shoppes Of River Landing, Miami, FL
Coastland Mall, 2034 Tamiam Trail North, Naples, FL
Related: The Lessons We Can All Learn From Sears’s Branding Blunders
Orlando Fashion Square, 3451 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL
Oviedo Marketplace, 1385 Oviedo Marketplace B, Oviedo, FL
Gulf View Square Mall, 9409 Us 19 North, Port Richey, FL
University Mall, 12232 University Square C, Tampa, FL
The Mall @ Stonecrest, 8000 Mall Parkway, Lithonia, GA
Walnut Creek Plaza, 1475 Gray Highway, Macon, GA
Horizon Village, 2855 Lawrenceville Suwanee, Suite 740, Suwanee, GA
Merchant’s Square, 414 South Main Street, Swainsboro, GA
Karcher Mall, 1509 Caldwell Blvd. Suite 1206, Nampa, ID
Bannockburn Green, 2569 Waukegan Rd, Bannockburn, IL
University Mall, 1225 University Mall, Carbondale, IL
244 State Street, Chicago, IL
Stony Island Plaza, 1623 E 95th St, Chicago, IL
Country Club Plaza, 4285 W 167th St, Country Club, IL
South Shoppes, 2725 IL Route 26 S, Freeport, IL
Lincolnwood Town Ctr, 3333 West Touhy Av, Lincolnwood, IL
Cross County Mall, 700 Broadway East, Mattoon, IL
McHenry Plaza, 1774 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, IL
Orland Square Mall, 852 Orland Square, Orland Park, IL
Peru Mall, 3940 Rt 251, Space #E-9, Peru, IL
Northland Mall, 2900 E Lincolnway, Sterling, IL
Eden’s Plaza, 3232 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, IL
Putnam Plaza, 35 Putnam Place, Greencastle, IN
Nora Plaza, 1300 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Fairview Center, 556 Fairview Center, Kendallville, IN
South Point Plaza, 3189 State Rd 3 S, New Castle, IN
Asbury Plaza, 2565 Northwest Arterial, Dubuque, IA
Old Capitol Center, 201 Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA
Crossroads Center, 2060 Crossroads Blvd, Waterloo, IA
Walmart Center, 2504 South Santa Fe Dr, Chanute, KS
E 17th Ave Retail, Hutchinson, KS
Hy Vee Shops, 4000 W 6th Street, Lawrence, KS
Town Center Plaza, 4837 West 117th Street, Leawood, KS
West Ridge Mall, 1801 Wanamaker Rd., Topeka, KS
Florence Mall, 2122 Florence Mall Space #2124, Florence, KY
Piere Bossier Mall #520, 2950 East Texas Ave., Bossier City, LA
Broussard Village Shopping Center, 1212 D Albertson Pkwy, Broussard, LA
Prien Lake Mall, 484 West Prien Road, Space G-17b, Lake Charles, LA
Bangor Mall, 663 Stillwater Avenue, Bangor, ME
Brandywine Crossing, 15902 E Crain Hwy, Brandywine, MD
Washington Center, 20 Grand Corner Avenue, Suite D, Gaithersburg, MD
St. Charles Towne Ctr, 1110 Mall Circle, Suite 6194, Waldorf, MD
Auburn Mall, 385 Southbridge St, Auburn, MA
Liberty Tree Mall, 100 Independence Way, Danvers, MA
Walpole Mall, 90 Providence Hwy, East Walpole, MA
Riverside Landing, New Bedford, MA
Emerald Square Mall, 999 South Washington Street, Box 111, North Attleboro, MA
Eastfield Mall, Boston Rd, Unit B11, Springfield, MA
Briarwood Mall, 850 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor, MI
Caro Shopping Center, 1530 West Caro Road, Caro, MI
The Marketplace Shoppes, Greenville, MI
Livonia Plaza, 30983 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI
The Village Of Rochester Hills, 136 N Adams Road, Space #B136, Rochester Hills, MI
Forum @ Gateways, 44625 Mound Road, Mound & M-59, Sterling Heights, MI
Andover Marketplace, Andover, MN
Burnsville Center, 1030 Burnsville Center, Burnsville, MN
Southdale Center, 2525 Southdale Center, Edina, MN
Five Lakes Center, 334 South State St, Fairmont, MN
Midway Shopping Center, 1470 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN
Kandi Mall, 1605 1st St S, Willmar, MN
Northpark Mall, 1200 East County Line Road, Space 159, Ridgeland, MS
West Park Mall, 3049 Route K, Cape Girardeau, MO
Chesterfield Commons, 204 THF Blvd, Chesterfield, MO
Battlefield Mall, Space #337, 2825 South Glenstone, Springfield, MO
One Osborne Place, Hastings, NE
The Summit Sierra, 13987 South Virginia Street, Space 700, Reno, NV
New Hampshire:
Walmart Plaza, 1458 Lakeshore Rd, Gilford, NH
New Jersey:
Diamond Springs, 41 Diamond Spring Rd., Denville, NJ
The Shoppes At Union Hill, 3056 State Route 10, Denville, NJ
American Dream, 1 American Dream Way, East Rutherford, NJ
Menlo Park Shopping Center, 29 Menlo Park, Edison, NJ
302 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ
The Wall Towne Center, 2437 Route 34, Manasquan, NJ
Town Brooks Commons, 840 ROUTE 35 S, Middletown, NJ
Mall @ Short Hills, Rt 24 & J.f. Kennedy Pkw, Short Hills, NJ
Tri-City Plaza, Toms River, NJ
Willingboro Plaza, 4364 Route 130 North, Willingboro, NJ
New Mexico:
Cottonwood Mall, 10000 Coors Bypass Nw, Space #d205, Albuquerque, NM
New York:
Deer Park Commons, 506 Commack Road, Deer Park, NY
Genesee Valley Shopping Center, 4290 Lakeville Rd, GeneSEO Company, NY
Northgate Plaza, 3848 Dewey Ave, Greece, NY
Johnstown Mall, 236 North Comrie Ave, Johnstown, NY
Chautauqua Mall, 318 East Fairmont, Lakewood, NY
360 Eighth Ave, New York, NY
100 Elizabeth Street, New York, NY
163 E 125th St, New York, NY
Staten Island Mall, 2655 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY
Green Acres Mall, 1134 Green Acres Mall, Valley Stream, NY
Eastview Mall, 7979 Victor-Pittsford Road, Victor, NY
North Carolina:
The Arboretum Shopping Center, 3339 Pineville Matthews, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC
Blakeney Shop Center, Charlotte, NC
Southpark Mall, 4400 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, NC
Four Seasons Town Center, 346 Four Seasons Mall, Greensboro, NC
Cross Pointe Center, 1250-l Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC
Related: From Bankruptcy to $87 Million in Funding: How Tamara Mellon Saved Her Namesake Brand
Dayton Mall, 2700 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH
Ohio River Plaza, 13 Ohio River Plaza, Township Road & 11 & Sr 7, Gallipolis, OH
Indian Mound Mall, 771 S 30th St, Heath, OH
The Shoppes Of Mason, 5220 Kings Mills Road, Mason, OH
Heritage Crossing, 3113 Heritage Green, Monroe, OH
The Town Center At Levis, 4135 Levis Commons Blvd, Perrysburg, OH
Miami Valley Centre, 987 E. Ash Street, Piqua, OH
Sandusky Mall, 4314 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH
Southpark Mall, 500 Southpark Center, Strongsville, OH
Crocker Park, 137 Market Street, West Lake, OH
Meadow Park Plaza, 1659 Rombach Ave, Wilmington, OH
Neilson Square, 3322 W Owwn K Garriott Road, Enid, OK
Cascade Station, 10207 NE Cascades Pkwy, Portland, OR
Seaside Factory Outlet, 1111 North Roosevelt, Seaside, OR
South Mall, 3300 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA
Logan Valley Mall, 300 Logan Valley Mall, Bk 4, Altoona, PA
Clearview Mall, Route 8, Butler, PA
Clearfield Mall, 1800 Daisy Street, Clearfield, PA
Neshaminy Mall, 707 Neshaminy Mall, Cornwell Heights, PA
Cranberry Mall, 20111 Route 19. & Freedom, Cranberry, PA
Oxford Valley Mall, 2300 E Lincoln Highway, Langhorne, PA
Hyde Park Plaza, 451 Hyde Park Road, Leechburg, PA
Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, PA
Shoppes At Montage, 2105 Shoppes Blvd, Moosic, PA
Edgmont Square Shopping Center, Newtown Square, PA
Pine Creek Center, 195 Blazier Drive, Unit 6, Pittsburgh, PA
Springfield Mall, 1200 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA
Lehigh Valley Mall, 215 Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall, PA
3097 Willow Grove Mall, 2500 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA
Wynnewood Shopping Center, 50 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA
York Galleria, 2899 Whiteford Rd, York, PA
Rhode Island:
Hunt River Commons, 72 Frenchtown Road, North Kingston, RI
Diamond Hill Plaza, 1790 Diamond Hill Road, Woonsocket, RI
South Carolina:
Anderson Mall, 3139 N Main, Anderson, SC
Haywood Mall, 700 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC
North Hills Shopping Center, 2435 E North Street, Suite 1115, Greenville, SC
Myrtle Beach Mall, Myrtle Beach, SC
Shoppes At Stonecrest, 1149 Stonecrest Blvd, Tega Cay, SC
University Commons, 2459 University Commons W, B160, Knoxville, TN
Three Star Shopping Center, 1410 Sparta Road, McMinnville, TN
Southland Mall, 1215 East Shelby Drive, Memphis, TN
Wolfchase Galleria, Memphis, TN
Alamo Corners, 1451 Durenta Avenue, Suite 3, Alamo, TX
Barton Creek Square, 2901 Capital Of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX
Sunland Park Mall, 750 Sunland Park Drive, Space J4, El Paso, TX
North East Mall, 1101 Melbourn Road, Suite #3090, Hurst, TX
Sheppard Square, 2055 Westheimer, Suite 160, Houston, TX
Ingram Park Mall, 6301 Northwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX
Rivercenter Mall, 849 East Commerce Street, San Antonio, TX
Charlottesville Fashion Square, 1588 Fashion Square Mall, Charlottesville, VA
Franklin Commons, 144 Council Drive, Franklin, VA
Dulles 28, 22000 Dulles Retail Plaza, Ste 154, Sterling, VA
Maple Avenue Shopping Ctr, 335 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA
Everett Mall, 1402 SE Everett Mall, Suite #225, Everett, WA
Village At Redmond Ridge, Redmond, WA
The Joule, 509 Broadway, Seattle, WA
Jefferson Square, 4722 West 42nd Ave SW, Seattle, WA
Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA
Green Firs Shopping Center, University Place, WA
Vancouver Plaza, 7809 Vancouver Plaza #160, Vancouver, WA
Bay Park Square, 311-a Bay Park Square, Green Bay, WI
East Town Mall, 2350 East Mason Street, Green Bay, WI
Janesville Mall, 2500 Milton Ave, Space 117, Janesville, WI
The Shops Of Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, WI
West Virginia:
Greenbrier Valley Mall, 75 Seneca Trail & US Route 219, Fairlea, WV
Puerto Rico:
Plaza Guayama, Guayama, PR
Condominio Reina De Casti, 100 PaSEO Company Gilberto, San Juan, PR
Centro Gran Caribe, Carretera #2 Km 29.7, Vega Alta, PR
Marlborough Mall, Calgary, AB, Canada
Shawnessy Town Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Bower Place, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Sevenoaks Shopping Centre, 32900 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Brentwood Towne Centre, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Eagle Landing Sc, 706-8249 Eagle Landing Pk, Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Dawson Mall, 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, BC, Canada
Willowbrook Shopping Center, Langley, BC, Canada
Queensborough Landing, New Westminster, BC, Canada
Mayfair Shopping Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada
Brandon Shoppers, 1570-18th St Unit 87, Brandon, MB, Canada
Smartcentres Corner Brook, Corner Brook, NL, Canada
Georgian Mall, 509 Bayfield Street, Barrie, ON, Canada
Lynden Park Mall, 84 Lynden Road, Brantford, ON, Canada
Cataraqui Town Center, 945 Gardiners Rd, Kingston, ON, Canada
Williamsburg Town Centre, Kitchener, ON, Canada
Masonville Place, London, ON, Canada
Markham Town Centre, 8601 Warden Ave, Markham, ON, Canada
Creekside Crossing, 1560 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Westside Market Village, 520 Riddell Road, Orangeville, ON, Canada
Markham Steeles Shopping Centre, 5981 Steeles Avenue East, Scarborough, ON, Canada
Morningside Crossing, Scarborough, ON, Canada
New Sudbury Centre, 1349 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada
St Claire & Runnymede Rd, 2555 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, ON, Canada
Colussus Centre, 31 Colussus Dr, Vaughan, ON, Canada
Laurier Quebec, 2700 Laurier Boulevard, Quebec, PQ, Canada
Galeries Rive Nord, 100 Boulevare Brien, Repentigny, PQ, Canada
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scpie · 5 years ago
GNC Is Closing 248 Stores After Filing for Bankruptcy. Here’s the Full List.
June 24, 2020 10 min read
This story originally appeared on Business Insider
GNC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday night, announcing that it expects to close between 800 and 1,200 stores while on the hunt for a buyer for its business. 
In a letter to shoppers, GNC said the COVID-19 pandemic “created a situation where we were unable to accomplish our refinancing and the abrupt change in the operating environment had a dramatic negative impact on our business.”
GNC identified 248 stores that will close imminently as part of the restructuring process. Stores are closing in 42 states, as well as in Puerto Rico and Canada.
Here are the first of the locations GNC plans to close, arranged alphabetically by state: 
Quintard Mall, 700 Quintard Drive, Oxford, AL
Flagstaff Mall, 4650 E 2 N Hwy 89, Flagstaff, AZ
Arrowhead Town Center, 7700 West Arrowhead Towne, Glendale, AZ
Madera Village, 9121 E. Tanque Verde Rd, Suite 115, Tucson, AZ
Grayhawk Plaza, 20701 N. Scotsdale Rd, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ
Benton Commons, 1402 Military Road, Benton, AR
Northwest Arkansas Plaza, 4201 North Shiloh Dr, Fayetteville, AR
The Mall @ Turtle Creek, 3000 East Highland Ave, Space # 309, Jonesboro, AR
Park Plaza, 6000 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR
North Park Village Shopping Center, 103 North Park Dr, Monticello, AR
McCain Mall Shopping Center, 3929 McCain Blvd, North Little Rock, AR
Brawley Gateway, Brawley, CA
Rancho Marketplace Shopping Center, Burbank, CA
La Costa Town Square, 7615 Via Campanile Suite, Carlsbad, CA
Centrepointe Plaza, 1100 Mount Vernon Ave, Suite B, Colton, CA
Mountain Gate Plaza, 160 W. Foothill Parkway, #106, Corona, CA
Town Place, 787 1st Street, Gilroy, CA
Victoria Gardens, 12379 S Main St., Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Monterey Marketplace, Rancho Mirage, CA
Red Bluff Shopping Center, 925 South Main Street, Red Bluff, CA
Tierrasanta Town Center, San Diego, CA
Buena Park Mall, 8312 On The Mall, Buena Park, CA
East Bay Bridge Center, 3839 East Emery Street, Emeryville, CA
Vintage Faire Mall, 3401 Dale Road, Modesto, CA
Huntington Oaks Shopping Center, 514 W. Huntington Drive, Box 1106,  Monrovia, CA
Del Monte Shopping Center, 350 Del Monte S.C., Monterey, CA
Antelope Valley Mall, 1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, CA
Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Rancho Bernardo Town Center, Rancho Bernardo, CA
Del Monte Shopping Center, 350 Del Monte S.C., Monterey, CA
Antelope Valley Mall, 1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, CA
Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Rancho Bernardo Town Center, Rancho Bernardo, CA
Rocklin Commons, 5194 Commons Drive 107, Rocklin, CA
Westfield Shoppingtown Mainplace, 2800 North Main Street, Suite 302, Santa Ana, CA
Gateway Plaza Shopping Center, 580b River St, Suite B, Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Rosa Plaza, 600 Santa Rosa Plaza, Suite 2032, Santa Rosa, CA
The Promenade Mall, 40820 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA
West Valley Mall, 3200 N. Naglee Rd., Suite 240, Tracy, CA
Union Square Marketplace, Union City, CA
Riverpoint Marketplace, West Sacramento, CA
Yucaipa Valley Center, 33676 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA
Chapel Hills Mall, 1710 Briargate Blvd at Jamboree Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
The Citadel, 750 Citadel Drive East, Space 1036, Colorado Springs, CO
River Landing, 3480 Wolverine Dr, Montrose, CO
Monument Marketplace, 15954 Jackson Creek Pkwy, Monument, CO
Central Park Plaza, 1809 Central Park Dr., Steamboat Springs, CO
Larkridge Shopping Center, 16560 N. Washington St, Thornton, CO
Woodland Park Plaza, 1115 E US Hwy 24, Woodland Park, CO
The Plaza At Burr Corners, 1131 Tolland Pike, Manchester, CT
Dover Mall, 1365 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE
Gateway West Shopping Center, 1030 Forest Ave, Dover, DE
Rockford Shops, 1404 North Dupont St, Wilmington, DE
Boynton Beach Mall, 801 N Congress St, Suite 763, Boynton Beach, FL
Clearwater Plaza, 1283 S. Missouri Ave, Clearwater, FL
Coral Square, 9295 West Atlantic Blvd, Coral Springs, FL
Dupont Lakes Shopping Center, 2783 Elkcam Blvd, Deltona, FL
The Shops @ Mission Lakes, 5516 South State Rd 7, Space # 128, Lake Worth, FL
Wickham Corners Shopping, 1070 North Wickham Road, Unit 106, Melbourne, FL
Shoppes Of River Landing, Miami, FL
Coastland Mall, 2034 Tamiam Trail North, Naples, FL
Related: The Lessons We Can All Learn From Sears’s Branding Blunders
Orlando Fashion Square, 3451 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL
Oviedo Marketplace, 1385 Oviedo Marketplace B, Oviedo, FL
Gulf View Square Mall, 9409 Us 19 North, Port Richey, FL
University Mall, 12232 University Square C, Tampa, FL
The Mall @ Stonecrest, 8000 Mall Parkway, Lithonia, GA
Walnut Creek Plaza, 1475 Gray Highway, Macon, GA
Horizon Village, 2855 Lawrenceville Suwanee, Suite 740, Suwanee, GA
Merchant’s Square, 414 South Main Street, Swainsboro, GA
Karcher Mall, 1509 Caldwell Blvd. Suite 1206, Nampa, ID
Bannockburn Green, 2569 Waukegan Rd, Bannockburn, IL
University Mall, 1225 University Mall, Carbondale, IL
244 State Street, Chicago, IL
Stony Island Plaza, 1623 E 95th St, Chicago, IL
Country Club Plaza, 4285 W 167th St, Country Club, IL
South Shoppes, 2725 IL Route 26 S, Freeport, IL
Lincolnwood Town Ctr, 3333 West Touhy Av, Lincolnwood, IL
Cross County Mall, 700 Broadway East, Mattoon, IL
McHenry Plaza, 1774 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, IL
Orland Square Mall, 852 Orland Square, Orland Park, IL
Peru Mall, 3940 Rt 251, Space #E-9, Peru, IL
Northland Mall, 2900 E Lincolnway, Sterling, IL
Eden’s Plaza, 3232 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, IL
Putnam Plaza, 35 Putnam Place, Greencastle, IN
Nora Plaza, 1300 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Fairview Center, 556 Fairview Center, Kendallville, IN
South Point Plaza, 3189 State Rd 3 S, New Castle, IN
Asbury Plaza, 2565 Northwest Arterial, Dubuque, IA
Old Capitol Center, 201 Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA
Crossroads Center, 2060 Crossroads Blvd, Waterloo, IA
Walmart Center, 2504 South Santa Fe Dr, Chanute, KS
E 17th Ave Retail, Hutchinson, KS
Hy Vee Shops, 4000 W 6th Street, Lawrence, KS
Town Center Plaza, 4837 West 117th Street, Leawood, KS
West Ridge Mall, 1801 Wanamaker Rd., Topeka, KS
Florence Mall, 2122 Florence Mall Space #2124, Florence, KY
Piere Bossier Mall #520, 2950 East Texas Ave., Bossier City, LA
Broussard Village Shopping Center, 1212 D Albertson Pkwy, Broussard, LA
Prien Lake Mall, 484 West Prien Road, Space G-17b, Lake Charles, LA
Bangor Mall, 663 Stillwater Avenue, Bangor, ME
Brandywine Crossing, 15902 E Crain Hwy, Brandywine, MD
Washington Center, 20 Grand Corner Avenue, Suite D, Gaithersburg, MD
St. Charles Towne Ctr, 1110 Mall Circle, Suite 6194, Waldorf, MD
Auburn Mall, 385 Southbridge St, Auburn, MA
Liberty Tree Mall, 100 Independence Way, Danvers, MA
Walpole Mall, 90 Providence Hwy, East Walpole, MA
Riverside Landing, New Bedford, MA
Emerald Square Mall, 999 South Washington Street, Box 111, North Attleboro, MA
Eastfield Mall, Boston Rd, Unit B11, Springfield, MA
Briarwood Mall, 850 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor, MI
Caro Shopping Center, 1530 West Caro Road, Caro, MI
The Marketplace Shoppes, Greenville, MI
Livonia Plaza, 30983 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI
The Village Of Rochester Hills, 136 N Adams Road, Space #B136, Rochester Hills, MI
Forum @ Gateways, 44625 Mound Road, Mound & M-59, Sterling Heights, MI
Andover Marketplace, Andover, MN
Burnsville Center, 1030 Burnsville Center, Burnsville, MN
Southdale Center, 2525 Southdale Center, Edina, MN
Five Lakes Center, 334 South State St, Fairmont, MN
Midway Shopping Center, 1470 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN
Kandi Mall, 1605 1st St S, Willmar, MN
Northpark Mall, 1200 East County Line Road, Space 159, Ridgeland, MS
West Park Mall, 3049 Route K, Cape Girardeau, MO
Chesterfield Commons, 204 THF Blvd, Chesterfield, MO
Battlefield Mall, Space #337, 2825 South Glenstone, Springfield, MO
One Osborne Place, Hastings, NE
The Summit Sierra, 13987 South Virginia Street, Space 700, Reno, NV
New Hampshire:
Walmart Plaza, 1458 Lakeshore Rd, Gilford, NH
New Jersey:
Diamond Springs, 41 Diamond Spring Rd., Denville, NJ
The Shoppes At Union Hill, 3056 State Route 10, Denville, NJ
American Dream, 1 American Dream Way, East Rutherford, NJ
Menlo Park Shopping Center, 29 Menlo Park, Edison, NJ
302 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ
The Wall Towne Center, 2437 Route 34, Manasquan, NJ
Town Brooks Commons, 840 ROUTE 35 S, Middletown, NJ
Mall @ Short Hills, Rt 24 & J.f. Kennedy Pkw, Short Hills, NJ
Tri-City Plaza, Toms River, NJ
Willingboro Plaza, 4364 Route 130 North, Willingboro, NJ
New Mexico:
Cottonwood Mall, 10000 Coors Bypass Nw, Space #d205, Albuquerque, NM
New York:
Deer Park Commons, 506 Commack Road, Deer Park, NY
Genesee Valley Shopping Center, 4290 Lakeville Rd, GeneSEO Company, NY
Northgate Plaza, 3848 Dewey Ave, Greece, NY
Johnstown Mall, 236 North Comrie Ave, Johnstown, NY
Chautauqua Mall, 318 East Fairmont, Lakewood, NY
360 Eighth Ave, New York, NY
100 Elizabeth Street, New York, NY
163 E 125th St, New York, NY
Staten Island Mall, 2655 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY
Green Acres Mall, 1134 Green Acres Mall, Valley Stream, NY
Eastview Mall, 7979 Victor-Pittsford Road, Victor, NY
North Carolina:
The Arboretum Shopping Center, 3339 Pineville Matthews, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC
Blakeney Shop Center, Charlotte, NC
Southpark Mall, 4400 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, NC
Four Seasons Town Center, 346 Four Seasons Mall, Greensboro, NC
Cross Pointe Center, 1250-l Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC
Related: From Bankruptcy to $87 Million in Funding: How Tamara Mellon Saved Her Namesake Brand
Dayton Mall, 2700 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH
Ohio River Plaza, 13 Ohio River Plaza, Township Road & 11 & Sr 7, Gallipolis, OH
Indian Mound Mall, 771 S 30th St, Heath, OH
The Shoppes Of Mason, 5220 Kings Mills Road, Mason, OH
Heritage Crossing, 3113 Heritage Green, Monroe, OH
The Town Center At Levis, 4135 Levis Commons Blvd, Perrysburg, OH
Miami Valley Centre, 987 E. Ash Street, Piqua, OH
Sandusky Mall, 4314 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH
Southpark Mall, 500 Southpark Center, Strongsville, OH
Crocker Park, 137 Market Street, West Lake, OH
Meadow Park Plaza, 1659 Rombach Ave, Wilmington, OH
Neilson Square, 3322 W Owwn K Garriott Road, Enid, OK
Cascade Station, 10207 NE Cascades Pkwy, Portland, OR
Seaside Factory Outlet, 1111 North Roosevelt, Seaside, OR
South Mall, 3300 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA
Logan Valley Mall, 300 Logan Valley Mall, Bk 4, Altoona, PA
Clearview Mall, Route 8, Butler, PA
Clearfield Mall, 1800 Daisy Street, Clearfield, PA
Neshaminy Mall, 707 Neshaminy Mall, Cornwell Heights, PA
Cranberry Mall, 20111 Route 19. & Freedom, Cranberry, PA
Oxford Valley Mall, 2300 E Lincoln Highway, Langhorne, PA
Hyde Park Plaza, 451 Hyde Park Road, Leechburg, PA
Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, PA
Shoppes At Montage, 2105 Shoppes Blvd, Moosic, PA
Edgmont Square Shopping Center, Newtown Square, PA
Pine Creek Center, 195 Blazier Drive, Unit 6, Pittsburgh, PA
Springfield Mall, 1200 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA
Lehigh Valley Mall, 215 Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall, PA
3097 Willow Grove Mall, 2500 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA
Wynnewood Shopping Center, 50 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA
York Galleria, 2899 Whiteford Rd, York, PA
Rhode Island:
Hunt River Commons, 72 Frenchtown Road, North Kingston, RI
Diamond Hill Plaza, 1790 Diamond Hill Road, Woonsocket, RI
South Carolina:
Anderson Mall, 3139 N Main, Anderson, SC
Haywood Mall, 700 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC
North Hills Shopping Center, 2435 E North Street, Suite 1115, Greenville, SC
Myrtle Beach Mall, Myrtle Beach, SC
Shoppes At Stonecrest, 1149 Stonecrest Blvd, Tega Cay, SC
University Commons, 2459 University Commons W, B160, Knoxville, TN
Three Star Shopping Center, 1410 Sparta Road, McMinnville, TN
Southland Mall, 1215 East Shelby Drive, Memphis, TN
Wolfchase Galleria, Memphis, TN
Alamo Corners, 1451 Durenta Avenue, Suite 3, Alamo, TX
Barton Creek Square, 2901 Capital Of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX
Sunland Park Mall, 750 Sunland Park Drive, Space J4, El Paso, TX
North East Mall, 1101 Melbourn Road, Suite #3090, Hurst, TX
Sheppard Square, 2055 Westheimer, Suite 160, Houston, TX
Ingram Park Mall, 6301 Northwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX
Rivercenter Mall, 849 East Commerce Street, San Antonio, TX
Charlottesville Fashion Square, 1588 Fashion Square Mall, Charlottesville, VA
Franklin Commons, 144 Council Drive, Franklin, VA
Dulles 28, 22000 Dulles Retail Plaza, Ste 154, Sterling, VA
Maple Avenue Shopping Ctr, 335 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA
Everett Mall, 1402 SE Everett Mall, Suite #225, Everett, WA
Village At Redmond Ridge, Redmond, WA
The Joule, 509 Broadway, Seattle, WA
Jefferson Square, 4722 West 42nd Ave SW, Seattle, WA
Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA
Green Firs Shopping Center, University Place, WA
Vancouver Plaza, 7809 Vancouver Plaza #160, Vancouver, WA
Bay Park Square, 311-a Bay Park Square, Green Bay, WI
East Town Mall, 2350 East Mason Street, Green Bay, WI
Janesville Mall, 2500 Milton Ave, Space 117, Janesville, WI
The Shops Of Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, WI
West Virginia:
Greenbrier Valley Mall, 75 Seneca Trail & US Route 219, Fairlea, WV
Puerto Rico:
Plaza Guayama, Guayama, PR
Condominio Reina De Casti, 100 PaSEO Company Gilberto, San Juan, PR
Centro Gran Caribe, Carretera #2 Km 29.7, Vega Alta, PR
Marlborough Mall, Calgary, AB, Canada
Shawnessy Town Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Bower Place, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Sevenoaks Shopping Centre, 32900 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Brentwood Towne Centre, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Eagle Landing Sc, 706-8249 Eagle Landing Pk, Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Dawson Mall, 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, BC, Canada
Willowbrook Shopping Center, Langley, BC, Canada
Queensborough Landing, New Westminster, BC, Canada
Mayfair Shopping Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada
Brandon Shoppers, 1570-18th St Unit 87, Brandon, MB, Canada
Smartcentres Corner Brook, Corner Brook, NL, Canada
Georgian Mall, 509 Bayfield Street, Barrie, ON, Canada
Lynden Park Mall, 84 Lynden Road, Brantford, ON, Canada
Cataraqui Town Center, 945 Gardiners Rd, Kingston, ON, Canada
Williamsburg Town Centre, Kitchener, ON, Canada
Masonville Place, London, ON, Canada
Markham Town Centre, 8601 Warden Ave, Markham, ON, Canada
Creekside Crossing, 1560 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Westside Market Village, 520 Riddell Road, Orangeville, ON, Canada
Markham Steeles Shopping Centre, 5981 Steeles Avenue East, Scarborough, ON, Canada
Morningside Crossing, Scarborough, ON, Canada
New Sudbury Centre, 1349 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada
St Claire & Runnymede Rd, 2555 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, ON, Canada
Colussus Centre, 31 Colussus Dr, Vaughan, ON, Canada
Laurier Quebec, 2700 Laurier Boulevard, Quebec, PQ, Canada
Galeries Rive Nord, 100 Boulevare Brien, Repentigny, PQ, Canada
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source http://www.scpie.org/gnc-is-closing-248-stores-after-filing-for-bankruptcy-heres-the-full-list/
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years ago
GNC is closing 248 stores after filing for bankruptcy. Here’s the full list.
GNC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced it would close hundreds of stores.
It identified the first 248 stores that would close. 
Here is the list, arranged alphabetically by state.
Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
GNC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday night, announcing that it expects to close between 800 and 1,200 stores while on the hunt for a buyer for its business. The vitamins and supplements retailer had about 7,300 stores as of the end of March. 
In a letter to shoppers, GNC said the COVID-19 pandemic “created a situation where we were unable to accomplish our refinancing and the abrupt change in the operating environment had a dramatic negative impact on our business.”
GNC identified 248 stores that will close imminently as part of the restructuring process. Stores are closing in 42 states, as well as in Puerto Rico and Canada.
Here are the first of the locations GNC plans to close, arranged alphabetically by state: 
Quintard Mall, 700 Quintard Drive, Oxford, AL
Flagstaff Mall, 4650 E 2 N Hwy 89, Flagstaff, AZ
Arrowhead Town Center, 7700 West Arrowhead Towne, Glendale, AZ
Madera Village, 9121 E. Tanque Verde Rd, Suite 115, Tucson, AZ
Benton Commons, 1402 Military Road, Benton, AR
Northwest Arkansas Plaza, 4201 North Shiloh Dr, Fayetteville, AR
The Mall @ Turtle Creek, 3000 East Highland Ave, Space # 309, Jonesboro, AR
Park Plaza, 6000 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR
North Park Village Shopping Center, 103 North Park Dr, Monticello, AR
McCain Mall Shopping Center, 3929 McCain Blvd, North Little Rock, AR
Brawley Gateway, Brawley, CA
Rancho Marketplace Shopping Center, Burbank, CA
La Costa Town Square, 7615 Via Campanile Suite, Carlsbad, CA
Centrepointe Plaza, 1100 Mount Vernon Ave, Suite B, Colton, CA
Mountain Gate Plaza, 160 W. Foothill Parkway, #106, Corona, CA
Town Place, 787 1st Street, Gilroy, CA
Victoria Gardens, 12379 S Main St., Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Monterey Marketplace, Rancho Mirage, CA
Red Bluff Shopping Center, 925 South Main Street, Red Bluff, CA
Tierrasanta Town Center, San Diego, CA
Grayhawk Plaza, 20701 N. Scotsdale Rd, Suite 105, Scottsdale, AZ
Buena Park Mall, 8312 On The Mall, Buena Park, CA
East Bay Bridge Center, 3839 East Emery Street, Emeryville, CA
Vintage Faire Mall, 3401 Dale Road, Modesto, CA
Huntington Oaks Shopping Center, 514 W. Huntington Drive, Box 1106,  Monrovia, CA
Del Monte Shopping Center, 350 Del Monte S.C., Monterey, CA
Antelope Valley Mall, 1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, CA
Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Rancho Bernardo Town Center, Rancho Bernardo, CA
Rocklin Commons, 5194 Commons Drive 107, Rocklin, CA
Westfield Shoppingtown Mainplace, 2800 North Main Street, Suite 302, Santa Ana, CA
Gateway Plaza Shopping Center, 580b River St, Suite B, Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Rosa Plaza, 600 Santa Rosa Plaza, Suite 2032, Santa Rosa, CA
The Promenade Mall, 40820 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA
West Valley Mall, 3200 N. Naglee Rd., Suite 240, Tracy, CA
Union Square Marketplace, Union City, CA
Riverpoint Marketplace, West Sacramento, CA
Yucaipa Valley Center, 33676 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA
Chapel Hills Mall, 1710 Briargate Blvd at Jamboree Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
The Citadel, 750 Citadel Drive East, Space 1036, Colorado Springs, CO
River Landing, 3480 Wolverine Dr, Montrose, CO
Monument Marketplace, 15954 Jackson Creek Pkwy, Monument, CO
Central Park Plaza, 1809 Central Park Dr., Steamboat Springs, CO
Larkridge Shopping Center, 16560 N. Washington St, Thornton, CO
Woodland Park Plaza, 1115 E US Hwy 24, Woodland Park, CO
The Plaza At Burr Corners, 1131 Tolland Pike, Manchester, CT
Dover Mall, 1365 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE
Gateway West Shopping Center, 1030 Forest Ave, Dover, DE
Rockford Shops, 1404 North Dupont St, Wilmington, DE
Boynton Beach Mall, 801 N Congress St, Suite 763, Boynton Beach, FL
Clearwater Plaza, 1283 S. Missouri Ave, Clearwater, FL
Coral Square, 9295 West Atlantic Blvd, Coral Springs, FL
Dupont Lakes Shopping Center, 2783 Elkcam Blvd, Deltona, FL
The Shops @ Mission Lakes, 5516 South State Rd 7, Space # 128, Lake Worth, FL
Wickham Corners Shopping, 1070 North Wickham Road, Unit 106, Melbourne, FL
Shoppes Of River Landing, Miami, FL
Coastland Mall, 2034 Tamiam Trail North, Naples, FL
Orlando Fashion Square, 3451 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL
Oviedo Marketplace, 1385 Oviedo Marketplace B, Oviedo, FL
Gulf View Square Mall, 9409 Us 19 North, Port Richey, FL
University Mall, 12232 University Square C, Tampa, FL
The Mall @ Stonecrest, 8000 Mall Parkway, Lithonia, GA
Walnut Creek Plaza, 1475 Gray Highway, Macon, GA
Horizon Village, 2855 Lawrenceville Suwanee, Suite 740, Suwanee, GA
Merchant’s Square, 414 South Main Street, Swainsboro, GA
Karcher Mall, 1509 Caldwell Blvd. Suite 1206, Nampa, ID
Bannockburn Green, 2569 Waukegan Rd, Bannockburn, IL
University Mall, 1225 University Mall, Carbondale, IL
244 State Street, Chicago, IL
Stony Island Plaza, 1623 E 95th St, Chicago, IL
Country Club Plaza, 4285 W 167th St, Country Club, IL
South Shoppes, 2725 IL Route 26 S, Freeport, IL
Lincolnwood Town Ctr, 3333 West Touhy Av, Lincolnwood, IL
Cross County Mall, 700 Broadway East, Mattoon, IL
McHenry Plaza, 1774 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, IL
Orland Square Mall, 852 Orland Square, Orland Park, IL
Peru Mall, 3940 Rt 251, Space #E-9, Peru, IL
Northland Mall, 2900 E Lincolnway, Sterling, IL
Eden’s Plaza, 3232 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, IL
Putnam Plaza, 35 Putnam Place, Greencastle, IN
Nora Plaza, 1300 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Fairview Center, 556 Fairview Center, Kendallville, IN
South Point Plaza, 3189 State Rd 3 S, New Castle, IN
Asbury Plaza, 2565 Northwest Arterial, Dubuque, IA
Old Capitol Center, 201 Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA
Crossroads Center, 2060 Crossroads Blvd, Waterloo, IA
Walmart Center, 2504 South Santa Fe Dr, Chanute, KS
E 17th Ave Retail, Hutchinson, KS
Hy Vee Shops, 4000 W 6th Street, Lawrence, KS
Town Center Plaza, 4837 West 117th Street, Leawood, KS
West Ridge Mall, 1801 Wanamaker Rd., Topeka, KS
Florence Mall, 2122 Florence Mall Space #2124, Florence, KY
Piere Bossier Mall #520, 2950 East Texas Ave., Bossier City, LA
Broussard Village Shopping Center, 1212 D Albertson Pkwy, Broussard, LA
Prien Lake Mall, 484 West Prien Road, Space G-17b, Lake Charles, LA
Bangor Mall, 663 Stillwater Avenue, Bangor, ME
Brandywine Crossing, 15902 E Crain Hwy, Brandywine, MD
Washington Center, 20 Grand Corner Avenue, Suite D, Gaithersburg, MD
St. Charles Towne Ctr, 1110 Mall Circle, Suite 6194, Waldorf, MD
Auburn Mall, 385 Southbridge St, Auburn, MA
Liberty Tree Mall, 100 Independence Way, Danvers, MA
Walpole Mall, 90 Providence Hwy, East Walpole, MA
Riverside Landing, New Bedford, MA
Emerald Square Mall, 999 South Washington Street, Box 111, North Attleboro, MA
Eastfield Mall, Boston Rd, Unit B11, Springfield, MA
Briarwood Mall, 850 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor, MI
Caro Shopping Center, 1530 West Caro Road, Caro, MI
The Marketplace Shoppes, Greenville, MI
Livonia Plaza, 30983 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI
The Village Of Rochester Hills, 136 N Adams Road, Space #B136, Rochester Hills, MI
Forum @ Gateways, 44625 Mound Road, Mound & M-59, Sterling Heights, MI
Andover Marketplace, Andover, MN
Burnsville Center, 1030 Burnsville Center, Burnsville, MN
Southdale Center, 2525 Southdale Center, Edina, MN
Five Lakes Center, 334 South State St, Fairmont, MN
Midway Shopping Center, 1470 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN
Kandi Mall, 1605 1st St S, Willmar, MN
Northpark Mall, 1200 East County Line Road, Space 159, Ridgeland, MS
West Park Mall, 3049 Route K, Cape Girardeau, MO
Chesterfield Commons, 204 THF Blvd, Chesterfield, MO
Battlefield Mall, Space #337, 2825 South Glenstone, Springfield, MO
One Osborne Place, Hastings, NE
The Summit Sierra, 13987 South Virginia Street, Space 700, Reno, NV
New Hampshire:
Walmart Plaza, 1458 Lakeshore Rd, Gilford, NH
New Jersey:
Diamond Springs, 41 Diamond Spring Rd., Denville, NJ
The Shoppes At Union Hill, 3056 State Route 10, Denville, NJ
American Dream, 1 American Dream Way, East Rutherford, NJ
Menlo Park Shopping Center, 29 Menlo Park, Edison, NJ
302 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ
The Wall Towne Center, 2437 Route 34, Manasquan, NJ
Town Brooks Commons, 840 ROUTE 35 S, Middletown, NJ
Mall @ Short Hills, Rt 24 & J.f. Kennedy Pkw, Short Hills, NJ
Tri-City Plaza, Toms River, NJ
Willingboro Plaza, 4364 Route 130 North, Willingboro, NJ
New Mexico:
Cottonwood Mall, 10000 Coors Bypass Nw, Space #d205, Albuquerque, NM
New York:
Deer Park Commons, 506 Commack Road, Deer Park, NY
Genesee Valley Shopping Center, 4290 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY
Northgate Plaza, 3848 Dewey Ave, Greece, NY
Johnstown Mall, 236 North Comrie Ave, Johnstown, NY
Chautauqua Mall, 318 East Fairmont, Lakewood, NY
360 Eighth Ave, New York, NY
100 Elizabeth Street, New York, NY
163 E 125th St, New York, NY
Staten Island Mall, 2655 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY
Green Acres Mall, 1134 Green Acres Mall, Valley Stream, NY
Eastview Mall, 7979 Victor-Pittsford Road, Victor, NY
North Carolina:
The Arboretum Shopping Center, 3339 Pineville Matthews, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC
Blakeney Shop Center, Charlotte, NC
Southpark Mall, 4400 Sharon Rd, Charlotte, NC
Four Seasons Town Center, 346 Four Seasons Mall, Greensboro, NC
Cross Pointe Center, 1250-l Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC
Dayton Mall, 2700 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH
Ohio River Plaza, 13 Ohio River Plaza, Township Road & 11 & Sr 7, Gallipolis, OH
Indian Mound Mall, 771 S 30th St, Heath, OH
The Shoppes Of Mason, 5220 Kings Mills Road, Mason, OH
Heritage Crossing, 3113 Heritage Green, Monroe, OH
The Town Center At Levis, 4135 Levis Commons Blvd, Perrysburg, OH
Miami Valley Centre, 987 E. Ash Street, Piqua, OH
Sandusky Mall, 4314 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH
Southpark Mall, 500 Southpark Center, Strongsville, OH
Crocker Park, 137 Market Street, West Lake, OH
Meadow Park Plaza, 1659 Rombach Ave, Wilmington, OH
Neilson Square, 3322 W Owwn K Garriott Road, Enid, OK
Cascade Station, 10207 NE Cascades Pkwy, Portland, OR
Seaside Factory Outlet, 1111 North Roosevelt, Seaside, OR
South Mall, 3300 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA
Logan Valley Mall, 300 Logan Valley Mall, Bk 4, Altoona, PA
Clearview Mall, Route 8, Butler, PA
Clearfield Mall, 1800 Daisy Street, Clearfield, PA
Neshaminy Mall, 707 Neshaminy Mall, Cornwell Heights, PA
Cranberry Mall, 20111 Route 19. & Freedom, Cranberry, PA
Oxford Valley Mall, 2300 E Lincoln Highway, Langhorne, PA
Hyde Park Plaza, 451 Hyde Park Road, Leechburg, PA
Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, PA
Shoppes At Montage, 2105 Shoppes Blvd, Moosic, PA
Edgmont Square Shopping Center, Newtown Square, PA
Pine Creek Center, 195 Blazier Drive, Unit 6, Pittsburgh, PA
Springfield Mall, 1200 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA
Lehigh Valley Mall, 215 Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall, PA
3097 Willow Grove Mall, 2500 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA
Wynnewood Shopping Center, 50 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA
York Galleria, 2899 Whiteford Rd, York, PA
Rhode Island:
Hunt River Commons, 72 Frenchtown Road, North Kingston, RI
Diamond Hill Plaza, 1790 Diamond Hill Road, Woonsocket, RI
South Carolina:
Anderson Mall, 3139 N Main, Anderson, SC
Haywood Mall, 700 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC
North Hills Shopping Center, 2435 E North Street, Suite 1115, Greenville, SC
Myrtle Beach Mall, Myrtle Beach, SC
Shoppes At Stonecrest, 1149 Stonecrest Blvd, Tega Cay, SC
University Commons, 2459 University Commons W, B160, Knoxville, TN
Three Star Shopping Center, 1410 Sparta Road, McMinnville, TN
Southland Mall, 1215 East Shelby Drive, Memphis, TN
Wolfchase Galleria, Memphis, TN
Alamo Corners, 1451 Durenta Avenue, Suite 3, Alamo, TX
Barton Creek Square, 2901 Capital Of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX
Sunland Park Mall, 750 Sunland Park Drive, Space J4, El Paso, TX
North East Mall, 1101 Melbourn Road, Suite #3090, Hurst, TX
Sheppard Square, 2055 Westheimer, Suite 160, Houston, TX
Ingram Park Mall, 6301 Northwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX
Rivercenter Mall, 849 East Commerce Street, San Antonio, TX
Charlottesville Fashion Square, 1588 Fashion Square Mall, Charlottesville, VA
Franklin Commons, 144 Council Drive, Franklin, VA
Dulles 28, 22000 Dulles Retail Plaza, Ste 154, Sterling, VA
Maple Avenue Shopping Ctr, 335 Maple Avenue East, Vienna, VA
Everett Mall, 1402 SE Everett Mall, Suite #225, Everett, WA
Village At Redmond Ridge, Redmond, WA
The Joule, 509 Broadway, Seattle, WA
Jefferson Square, 4722 West 42nd Ave SW, Seattle, WA
Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E Indiana Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA
Green Firs Shopping Center, University Place, WA
Vancouver Plaza, 7809 Vancouver Plaza #160, Vancouver, WA
Bay Park Square, 311-a Bay Park Square, Green Bay, WI
East Town Mall, 2350 East Mason Street, Green Bay, WI
Janesville Mall, 2500 Milton Ave, Space 117, Janesville, WI
The Shops Of Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, WI
West Virginia:
Greenbrier Valley Mall, 75 Seneca Trail & US Route 219, Fairlea, WV
Puerto Rico:
Plaza Guayama, Guayama, PR
Condominio Reina De Casti, 100 Paseo Gilberto, San Juan, PR
Centro Gran Caribe, Carretera #2 Km 29.7, Vega Alta, PR
Marlborough Mall, Calgary, AB, Canada
Shawnessy Town Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Bower Place, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Sevenoaks Shopping Centre, 32900 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Brentwood Towne Centre, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Eagle Landing Sc, 706-8249 Eagle Landing Pk, Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Dawson Mall, 11000 8th Street, Dawson Creek, BC, Canada
Willowbrook Shopping Center, Langley, BC, Canada
Queensborough Landing, New Westminster, BC, Canada
Mayfair Shopping Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada
Brandon Shoppers, 1570-18th St Unit 87, Brandon, MB, Canada
Smartcentres Corner Brook, Corner Brook, NL, Canada
Georgian Mall, 509 Bayfield Street, Barrie, ON, Canada
Lynden Park Mall, 84 Lynden Road, Brantford, ON, Canada
Cataraqui Town Center, 945 Gardiners Rd, Kingston, ON, Canada
Williamsburg Town Centre, Kitchener, ON, Canada
Masonville Place, London, ON, Canada
Markham Town Centre, 8601 Warden Ave, Markham, ON, Canada
Creekside Crossing, 1560 Dundas St E, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Westside Market Village, 520 Riddell Road, Orangeville, ON, Canada
Markham Steeles Shopping Centre, 5981 Steeles Avenue East, Scarborough, ON, Canada
Morningside Crossing, Scarborough, ON, Canada
New Sudbury Centre, 1349 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada
St Claire & Runnymede Rd, 2555 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, ON, Canada
Colussus Centre, 31 Colussus Dr, Vaughan, ON, Canada
Laurier Quebec, 2700 Laurier Boulevard, Quebec, PQ, Canada
Galeries Rive Nord, 100 Boulevare Brien, Repentigny, PQ, Canada
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Retail GNC Store closure stores closing
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/gnc-is-closing-248-stores-after-filing-for-bankruptcy-heres-the-full-list/
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celtfather · 5 years ago
Christmas Snow #195
I think Christmas snow is just a dream. I remember maybe one White Christmas in my life time. But I still love the idea and the song. We’re gonna make musical angels in the show with Santa Claus on the Pub Songs Podcast.
The Selkie Girls, Eddie Biggins, Highland Reign, The Gothard Sisters, Brobdingnagian Bards, Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and Scooter Muse, Marc Gunn
Welcome to the Pub Songs Podcast, the Virtual Public House for Celtic Geek culture. I am your Guide. My name is Marc Gunn. Today’s show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Your generous pledge allows me to create music and podcasts for you!
If you want to chat in the pub, then send me your feedback. What are you doing today while listening to the Pub Songs Podcast? Send a written comment along with any pictures to [email protected]. Use the hashtag #pubsongs in the subject of your email. 
Cead mile failte! Subscribe PubSong.net.  
0:18 -- “Taladh Chriosda” by The Selkie Girls from Winter Lore: Songs of Celtic Christmas Pronunciation: Tall-uck Crees-da
4:55 -- WELCOME.
I have two new singles are coming out this month. And I will feature both in this show
Selcouth means “When everything feels strange and different yet you find it marvelous anyway.” Selcouth is the name of my new album. The Kickstarter to fund it will take place at the end of January 2020. Sign up to my mailing list so you don’t miss it!
7:01 -- “See Amid the Winter's Snow” by Heather Dale from Spark
10:39 -- “Glasgow Christmas Rain” by Highland Reign from A Celtic Christmas
14:28 -- STORIES FROM THE ROAD: About Slainte Mhaith Christmas
If you enjoyed this episode of Stories from the Road, join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. You get first access to new music and once a week, you will enjoy a very personal look at the thoughts and stories behind the music. Your support pays for the production and promotion of the podcast, and it pays for my time in producing the show. You’ll get it all for as little $5 per month. Learn more at marcgunn.net..
Special thanks to my newest patrons: Alicia, Eric F, Ken K, and Luke M
23:57 -- “Slainte Mhaith Christmas” by Marc Gunn from Single
25:58 -- “Still, Still, Still” by The Gothard Sisters from Falling Snow
29:09 -- TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS. Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. 
You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. In episode #191, I talk the itinerary of the 2020 Origins of Celtic Invasions. We will explore Venice, Vicenza, and Padova. We will see castles, sail rivers, explore hills and mountains, and eat amazing Italian food. 
You can find out more about this exciting trip. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ 
30:19 -- “The Last Jedi Drinking Song” by Brobdingnagian Bards from I Will Not Sing Along
34:02 -- “Ny kirree fo niaghtey (The Sheep are Under the Snow)” by Beth Patterson from The Poor Clares: Songs for Midwinter
Jan 10-12: GaFilk, Atlanta, GA (not a guest)
Jan 24: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co, Alabaster, AL
Jan 25: Maggie McGuinness Pub, Huntsville, AL
Mar 20-22: Cleveland ConCoction, Cleveland, OH
Starting Jan 8, Weds 10:30 AM EDT: Coffee with The Celtfather, Facebook
If you enjoy the music in this show, support the artists. Buy their music and merch. Follow them on Spotify. Let them know how much you love what they are doing. And tell a friend. 
39:06 -- “Snowfall” by Marc Gunn from Celtic Christmas Greetings
Pub Songs Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify or to my website where you can subscribe to my mailing list. I’ll email you regular updates of new music and podcasts, special offers, and you’ll get 21 songs for free. Welcome to the pub at www.pubsong.net!
  #celticchristmas #christmasmusic #irishchristmas #selcouth #whitechristmas #santaclaus #christmassnow
  Check out this episode!
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networkingdefinition · 5 years ago
Racing Quotes
Official Website: Racing Quotes
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• A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries. – Will Rogers • A fantastic analogy for the power of focus is racing cars. When your car begins to skid, the natural reflex is to look at the wall in an attempt to avoid it. But if you keep focusing on what you fear, that’s exactly where you’ll end up. Professional racers know that we unconsciously steer in the direction of our focus, so with their lives on the line, they turn their focus away from the wall and towards the open track. – Tony Robbins • A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments. – Mario Andretti • A racing tipster who only reached Hitler’s level of accuracy would not do well for his clients. – A. J. P. Taylor • A recent conversation: Dubya: Look at the clock, time is racing! Cheney: That’s the second hand, George. – Dennis Miller • A winner, a champion, will accept his fate. He will continue with his wheels in the dirt. He will do his best to maintain his line and gradually get himself back on the track when it is safe to do so. Yes, he loses a few places in the race. Yes, he is at a disadvantage. But he i A winner, a champion, will accept his fate. He will continue with his wheels in the dirt. He will do his best to maintain his line and gradually get himself back on the track when it is safe to do so. Yes, he loses a few places in the race. Yes, he is at a disadvantage. But he is still racing. He is still alive – Garth Stein • After 20 years of racing career the most important lessons I learned is that you need to have the passion and really love to ride your bike every day at the highest level. Also, for me personally, my goal was to always try to beat another generation, to try to beat the sport again. Trying to develop myself even when I was 37 years old. – Sven Nys • Alcohol is for drinking, gas is for cleaning parts, and nitro is for racing! – Don Garlits • All of my free time is made up of motor sports endeavors, be them motorcycles or off-road racing or track days. I just love anything with an engine. That is one of my main loves. Obviously, my other well-known love is Kristen Bell. – Dax Shepard • All that Syrio Forel had taught her went racing through her head. Swift as a deer. Quiet as shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Then man who fears losing has already lost. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords. – George R. R. Martin • And that just shows you how important the car is in Formula One Racing. – Murray Walker • Anything happens in Grand Prix racing, and it usually does. – Murray Walker • As an individual, not as the boss of a company, I am very interested in motor racing. – Carlos Ghosn • At some point in every racer’s life he has to make his peace with cheating. I do not approve of cheating … at all. Of course, like every successful racer, I differentiate between taking advantage of loopholes in the regulations, stretching the grey areas and outright cheating. In any given racing series I will not start the cheating. If someone else starts it, I will appeal to them and to the officials to stop it. If my efforts do not succeed, then I’ll show them how it is done. – Carroll Smith • Auto racing began 5 minutes after the second car was built. – Henry Ford • Auto racing is boring except when a car is going at least 172 miles per hour upside down. – Dave Barry • Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports… all the others are games. – Ernest Hemingway
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Racing', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_racing').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_racing img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember. – Garth Stein • Before I was an actor I was an apprentice jockey, and now I’m out there racing against boys, sort of the spokesperson for people over 50 that they can do it. – Davy Jones • Before she realized he was next to her, he had placed his hands over hers on the countertop, then hooped his fingers through hers. Gretel looked up at him, so startled she might as well have been shot. ‘I just wanted to wake you up’, he said. Which is exactly what he did. One look at him and her heart was racing. One look, and whatever had been before was all over. – Alice Hoffman • Boxing is not brutal, it’s an art – God has gifted me with incredible handspeed as a tool to be used – what else am I supposed to do but fight? There ain’t no hand-racing competitions. – Roy Jones Jr. • But to personally satisfy my own adrenalin needs, I’ve been racing cars a little bit, which has been fun. – Picabo Street • By being a racing driver means you are racing with other people. And if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver because we are competing, we are competing to win. – Ayrton Senna • Cam held her closer. “Marry me, Amelia. You’re what I want. You’re my fate.” One hand slid to the back of her head, gripping the braids and ribbons to keep her mouth upturned. “Say yes.” He nibbled at her lips, licked at them, opened them. He kissed her until she writhed in his arms, her pulse racing. “Say it, Amelia, and save me from ever having to spend a night with another woman. I’ll sleep indoors. I’ll get a haircut. God help me, I think I’d even carry a pocket watch if it pleased you. – Lisa Kleypas • Can you giggle while racing for your life and protecting a six-year-old? I can. – James Patterson • Chapel services on race day have a calming effect. It’s a nice time for us to worship and try to get the message and hear some music and have a little fellowship together before we get to racing. – Matt Kenseth • Daytona is a restrictor-plate race and, unlike Daytona, guys can’t get in a line at Phoenix and go to the front. Daytona and Talladega (Ala.) have always just been two different forms of racing. With the draft being so important at those two tracks, it’s more of a team deal than an individual deal. What happens at Phoenix and the races after that has to be done on your own. You can’t help each other at Phoenix. You just have to go race. – Tony Stewart • Different people have different reasons for racing, but one is simply the incentive to get out and run, increase mileage and feel good. – Hal Higdon • Driving a stock car does not require much handling ability, at least not as compared to Grand Prix racing, because the tracks are simple banked ovals and there is almost no shifting of gears. So, qualifying becomes a test of raw nerve – of how fast a man is willing to take a curve. – Tom Wolfe • Driving is something really special for me. Even women doesn’t excite me as much as racing cars! I guess I’m just becoming old. – Michele Alboreto • Each thing I do, I rush through so I can do something else. In such a way do the days pass – -a blend of stock car racing and the never ending building of a gothic cathedral. Through the windows of my speeding car I see all that I love falling away: books unread, jokes untold, landscapes unvisited. – Stephen Dobyns • Ever since I was a little kid, when I was racing motocross and stuff, it’s been a dream to ride for Red Bull someday. – Aaron Gwin • Everything one does in life, even love, occurs in an express train racing toward death. To smoke opium is to get out of the train while it is still moving. It is to concern oneself with something other than life or death. – Jean Cocteau • Everything we do needs to be geared toward making the sport [auto racing] more accessible to the fans – the rules of the sport, how the race plays itself out, how people qualify into the races – everything needs to be as easy to understand as possible. – Dale Earnhardt, Jr. • Finding a sponsor is the toughest part of racing, tougher than driving. – Shawna Robinson • Finishing races is important, but racing is more important. – Dale Earnhardt • For me, it really just feels calm. When you’re going fast on a downhill course, it’s typically where it’s wide open. I think it’s kind of like driving a car. If you’re going really fast and it’s straight, everything seems to slow down. In general, racing downhill involves bigger turns and everything sort of slows down and you have a lot of time to think. – Julia Mancuso • Get every candidate to wear a NASCAR racing suit when they go debate; this way we can see how their sponsors really are. – Jesse Ventura • God, teach me to be patient, teach me to go slow, Teach me how to wait on You when my way I do not know. Teach me sweet forbearance when things do not go right So I remain unruffled when others grow uptight. Teach me how to quiet my racing, rising heart So I might hear the answer You are trying to impart. Teach me to let go, dear God, and pray undisturbed until My heart is filled with inner peace and I learn to know your will. – Helen Steiner Rice • Good health, peace of mind, being outdoors, camaraderie – those are all wonderful things that come to you when running. But for me, the real pull of running – the proverbial icing on the cake – has always been racing. – Bill Rodgers • Her heart was pounding impossibly fast. Then she realized She was feeling both of their hearts, racing each other. A kind of desperate conversation, one they couldn’t have with words. – Lauren Kate • Horse racing is waning in popularity. – Elayne Boosler • I am a racer. I’m not a race car driver. I am a racer. I race. That’s what I do. I don’t go on vacations. I don’t take my family on vacations because I don’t have a family. My family is the racing family. – Tony Stewart • I am focused on racing. I enjoy it. It’s a great feeling to be back fighting for the title. – Valentino Rossi • I am healthy, my family is healthy. That is the important thing. After that we go racing. – Mark Webber • I am not motivated by recognition, I just do things I like doing – racing, shagging, eating and drinking. – David Coulthard • I am someone who places great value on the detail. That was always the case, even in my days as a racing driver. – Niki Lauda • I am still here because I like to prove myself. I still like to ride the bike on track and enjoy the races. I still have good reasons to be in racing after so many years. – Valentino Rossi • I believe that we have free will. I believe we get the chance to make choices in our lives. Not everything is set in stone from the moment we’re born. We choose our destiny, our ultimate fate. But I also think that we don’t realize the choices we’ve made until after we make them. We’re racing down a freeway, only to realize we’ve missed all the exits, and the only direction we can go is dead ahead. – Neal Shusterman • I can now officially to the wife “It’s work, darling” I have to watch racing. I have to watch every second. And actually, my wife who can’t stand racing has got into it and once she understood the politics it becomes more interesting for non-racing people I think. – Asif Kapadia • I come from an ordinary family – my dad is a carpenter, a roof-maker – and we’ve always loved racing together. – Sebastian Vettel • I didn’t get into racing to make friends. – Jimmie Johnson • I didn’t miss out on a family life because of racing. I had one because of it. – Richard Petty • I don’t know if you’ve ever been skiing, but if you go to the slope you’ll see all these kids fearlessly zooming by. It’s only when we get older that fear creeps in. But for me, it just never has. And when it comes to racing, it’s always about who is willing to go further, who is willing to take that extra step. I’m willing to take any amount of pain to win. I’m hungry like you. – Lewis Hamilton • I don’t miss racing, but I miss the time to train every day, to do the workouts, because I’m busy with a lot of things now. But if I have space during my day, I want to have a good workout, because my main goal right now is to give all the experience I’ve had in my career back to young riders, to companies. – Sven Nys • I don’t put anything in front of taking ski racing and sports seriously. – Bode Miller • I enjoy Saturday night racing. – Dale Earnhardt • I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can’t make your body move fast enough… But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn’t running for my life: I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. My own life meant little to me today. – Stephenie Meyer • I had an opportunity to move to L.A. back in 1999 and start up a horse racing network of all things. At the time, I was younger and married but didn’t have kids; so we thought, Let’s just go to L.A. for a while and have fun, and we can always come home. One thing led to another; and once I was out there, I had my eyes opened to this other world and quickly got a home and gardens show and did a game show and then The Bachelor ended up falling into my lap in 2001. And ‘the rest is history’ as they say. – Chris Harrison • I have always loved music and singing, and I am open to listen to any type of music. Regardless of my mood, my heart is always set racing when I listen to opera. When I decide which music I want to hear, my choice is almost invariably an opera recording. – Andrea Bocelli • I hung out with a lot of the riders to get their attitude and they’re all like men. Men among boys. They have a certain calm to them which is really impressive. They go out there and they’re racing 80 miles per hour, or jumping 60 foot jumps, I think they get all their adrenaline out. So during the day, they’re just quiet, aloof and stoic superheroes kinda, you know what I mean? They’re very, very respectful. It’s a very family oriented sport. Everybody knows everybody so there’s a lot of respect and understanding. – Steve Howey • I just bought a Lambourghini, I’m not even into racing with a windshield full of tickets cause I live right by the station. – Drake • I know that a good many champions have entertained the thought that the more they discourage youngsters, the longer they would reign. However, this theory never impressed me, and I always made it a point to give youths the benefit of my experience in bicycle racing. – Major Taylor • I lean on a lot of drivers. I have a dirt racing background so I gravitate towards asking for advice from drivers who also dirt race, people like Clint Bowyer since dirt racers seem to have a similar driving style and like the car set up similarly. – Austin Dillon • I learned to approach racing like a game of billiards. If you bash the ball too hard, you get nowhere. As you handle the cue properly, you drive with more finesse. – Juan Manuel Fangio • I like movies that are scary, but I don’t want them to be dirt dumb. I want a movie that gets my blood racing, makes me laugh, but also gives me something to think about, with maybe a little sexy thrown in. Hollywood doesn’t make movies like that. – Penn Jillette • I like racing but food and pictures are more thrilling. I can’t give them up. In racing you can be certain, to the last thousandth of a second, that someone is the best, but with a film or a recipe, there is no way of knowing how all the ingredients will work out in the end. The best can turn out to be awful and the worst can be fantastic. Cooking is like performing and performing like cooking. – Paul Newman • I love F1, the cars and the speed. I love the race in Monaco for example, because there’s such a special atmosphere on the streets and also, the race is very technical. I’m a big racing fan in general, so I’d love to try the cars. – Michel Salgado • I love to feel a racing car around me, to feel the way it holds me. I love to make it do all that it was built to do, and then a little bit more. – Stirling Moss • I never collected cars as a financial thing; I wanted to go racing, so I chose the cars I wanted to go racing with. Like the Ferrari 250 GTO. I bought it because it absolutely fulfilled everything I wanted from a car. – Nick Mason • I once bought an old car back after I sold it because I missed it so much and I had forgotten that it never ran. It was a British racing car. You know, because I just wanted it back. I could only remember what was good about it – Connie Chung • I really don’t (stay calm) all the time. I just try to. Part of not just racing but in life, I try not to let the highs be too high and the lows be too low. I try to stay somewhere right in the middle. In racing it’s not always easy to do. You can get too excited or overconfident when things are going good and it’s easy to get too far in the ditch when things are going bad. – Matt Kenseth • I want to be up front racing. – Dale Earnhardt • I will continue to get behind the wheel of a racing car as long as I am able. But that could all end tomorrow. – Paul Newman • I’d just find a story in Canada and come and do it. Combine harvester banger – actually I’ve done that: banger racing up in Red Deer [in Alberta, for his 1998 doc series Extreme Machines]. – Jeremy Clarkson • If there’s anyone out there who has taken extreme to a new level, its Joe De Sena – in adventure racing, in business, and ultimately in the business of adventure! Spartan Up! is must-read. – Robyn Benincasa • If you don’t know where you’re going, stop racing to get there. — from Just Desert by M. T. Anderson – Chris Van Allsburg • If you spend all of your time racing ahead to the future, you’re liable to discover you’ve left a great present behind. – Tom Wilson • I’m a car fanatic and each morning I wake up with a smile on my face, whether I’m commentating on the Formula One or at Silver Hatch racetrack in Roary the Racing Car. – Murray Walker • I’m way too old to change sports now. Sportsmen start so young – some of the ski jumpers we were talking to, they were jumping those giant ramps at nine years old. It’s definitely something they’ve dedicated their entire lives to, and that’s why they’re so good at it. I started racing when I was 11, so there are a lot of similarities there. They grow up as a kid, find something they are passionate about, and they continue to work at it to try to be the best they can be. – Martin Truex Jr. • In racing there are always things you can learn, every single day. There is always space for improvement, and I think that applies to everything in life. – Lewis Hamilton • In racing, I wanted to be a winner and to be a winner, you have to be willing to roll the dice. – Bobby Rahal • In racing, the fastest person wins. It is very simple. – Paul Newman • In racing, there is no question who is best – the first one to cross the finish line wins first prize. But with wine, even if you make the best wine in the world, someone isn’t going to like it, because it isn’t their style. Judging wine is very subjective. – Mario Andretti • In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall; the driver who looks down the track as he feels his tires break free will regain control of his vehicle. – Garth Stein • In the early morning hours, Hannah read at the table by the dim light of dawn. She leaned in close to the pages, chin resting on her folded arms, eyes racing over the words, like chasing butterflies over the hills, to catch as many as she could before going to work. She wondered at how such tales of magic could be contained by mere paper and ink for her to read again and again. – Matthew J. Kirby • In the last three years of racing I’ve met as many women fans as men fans, and in NASCAR it’s the same thing. My wife loves cars, but the difference is she doesn’t have 20 years of understanding the background of them. She basically drives them and uses her gut feelings as to which is best. – Tim Allen • Ironman distance triathlons are a true test of oneself as a whole. Each race is a test of physical, mental and spiritual toughness that I haven’t found in any other type of racing. At the end of the day, challenging myself on all levels is what it’s about for me. – Timothy O’Donnell • It is a responsibility to be who you are and not let this sport [racing] change you and not let the good runs and success or the bad runs change you. You’ve got to be the same person all the time. – Trevor Bayne • It seems to me that oftentimes in young relationships once there’s a problem of some significance then it’s almost like they’re both racing for the dumper buzzer. – Daniel Handler • It was the same with Schumacher: the need for the adrenaline rush, to push himself to the limit was always there. So without a Formula One car to race with he went on to do motorcycle racing and other stupid things, and obviously that wasn’t enough to keep him happy, so he had a problem to sort out and returning to racing was his answer to the problem. – Niki Lauda • It’s basically the same, just darker. (on racing Saturday nights as opposed to Sunday afternoons, 1991 – Alan Kulwicki • It’s been a few days since I’ve seen my kids. My hearts racing; I can’t wait to hold them. This is just a glimpse into God’s heart at Mass. – Mark Hart • It’s great to learn more about sports I’m probably less familiar with – stock car racing, rodeo, e-sports – and realize that a lot of the people at the center of those sports bring the same level of passion, commitment and disciple that I try to with football. Sports is a way of life for billions of people around the planet. – Tom Brady • It’s the engine. They should have never had that. The biggest mistake people have made… I say, “people,” because it wasn’t just me alone, was not insisting Mercedes supply Red Bull an engine. Because had they supplied the same engine as they had, you would have seen good racing, you would have seen Red Bull up there last year. – Bernie Ecclestone • I’ve loved car racing all my life. I watch NASCAR regularly, and drag racing because we have Raceway Park in New Jersey. I think I got it from my father. – Queen Latifah • I’ve tried everything other than jumping out of a plane, but nothing gives you an adrenaline rush like racing a car. – Nigel Mansell • Juan Fangio was the great man of racing, whilst Stirling Moss was the epitome of a racing driver. – Jackie Stewart • Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.- Matt Groening • Many of the technologies that are now racing ahead most rapidly, replacing human workers in factories and offices with machines, making stockholders richer and workers poorer, are indeed tending to accentuate the existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth. – Freeman Dyson • Millions of people are joined in the knowledge that writing brings insight and calm in the same way that prayer, meditation, or a long walk in the woods does. They have discovered that writing allows the racing mind to move at the pace of pen and paper or the pace of typing on the waiting screen – that journal writing is a spiritual practice. – Christina Baldwin • Money is how we keep the score in motor racing nowadays. – Colin Chapman • Money, horse racing and women: three things the boys just can’t figure out. – Will Rogers • Motivation is the key. More than training, more than experience or age, motivation counts. You have to ask yourself: ‘Why am I racing?’ I race because I like it, because I’m really enjoying it. I like to set up my bike and ride it on track. After 20 years in the GPs I’m still highly motivated. Everything else is a consequence. – Valentino Rossi • Motor Racing Outreach is great. They provide a chapel service every Sunday for drivers, wives, crew members, and others in the NASCAR industry so that we can gather and celebrate our faith. It’s important to me to have this time before the race on Sundays. They also provide other services such as at-track childcare and counseling. – Austin Dillon • Motor racing’s less of a sport these days than a commercial break doing 150 mph. – Peter Dunne • My father instilled in me a love for racing. – Kurt Busch • My focus is definitely on the racing. – Scott Dixon • My No. 1 goal in racing was never to be the most popular driver. – Brad Keselowski • My school reports always used to point out that my concentration levels were appalling. I never listened in class because I was always daydreaming about racing. I never thought for a moment about doing anything else. There was no guarantee that I’d make a career in it but I never had any plan B. – Jenson Button • My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble. – Bill Rodgers • Okay. Then…I can talk. Ask me something.” “Okay.” He laughs shakily in my ear. “Why is your heart racing Tris?” I cringe and say, “Well, I…I barely know you. I barely know you and I’m crammed up against you in a box, Four, what do you think?”… “Maybe you were cut out for Candor,” he says, “because you’re a terrible liar. – Veronica Roth • Our racing simulator is more about gathering data about the car, trying different setups, and trying to find speed in the actual racecar as opposed to speed in the actual driver. There’s no other way to get that kind of testing in, without doing the actual event, or getting outside and spending the money to make it happen. And it costs a lot to go to the racetrack. – Martin Truex Jr. • Over the Thanksgiving holiday I took time to reflect on what is most important to me and realized I need to find a way to put the fun back into racing. – Kurt Busch • Racing and hunting excite man’s heart to madness. – Laozi • Racing cars which have been converted for road use never really work. It’s like making a hard core adult film, and then editing it so that it can be shown in British hotels. You’d just end up with a sort of half hour close up of some bloke’s sweaty face. – Jeremy Clarkson • Racing comes easily to me, especially the 100 metres. That is why, no matter how fast I run the run the 100 metres, the 200 will always mean more to me, because of the effort I’ve put in. – Usain Bolt • Racing drivers have balls, unfortunantly, none of them are crystal – David Coulthard • Racing is a great mania to which one must sacrifice everything, without reticence, without hesitation. – Enzo Ferrari • Racing is a very selfish, self-centred, self-glorifying thing. My wife’s life for 14 years was centered around me. It was all about me. It was all for my ego. – Greg LeMond • Racing is bulging at the seams with pure nutball characters, men who can drink more, screw more, fight more, laugh more, joke more, than practically any collection of people in the world. – Brock Yates • Racing is dangerous, but I’ve been in a lot worse situations as a pipe fitter. – Neil Bonnett • Racing is in my blood, I can’t quite get out of it yet. – Dick Trickle • Racing is not football or baseball or basketball where you can do it yourself. If you’re good in high school, you just shine. (But in racing) you have to have a family behind you. – Trevor Bayne • Racing is not what I like to do; it’s winning. – Jeff Gordon • Racing is the constant search for the weakest link. – Duane Bailey • Racing is the fun part; it’s the reward of all the hard work. – Kara Goucher • Racing should never be an ordeal, rather an enjoyable and life-enhancing experience. – Bruce Fordyce • Rail is such an undignified way to travel. All that rapid racing about. Floating has so much more gravitas. – Gail Carriger • Road racing is rock ‘n roll; track is Carnegie Hall. – Marty Liquori • She felt as if she had been running, and had created a hill and was racing down the other side, and there was no stopping now. Gravity was taking her where she had to go. “But — everyone cares about something. Don’t they? – Cassandra Clare • Sitting beside the pool is fine for two weeks, but after that I think it’d be quite hard to live with – so I need to keep racing. – Mark Webber • Slalom skiers train their whole lives for like a minute and a half. We’re not soccer or tennis players that can play the whole game. Once you’re in the World Cup, you’re physically prepared, so then ski racing almost always comes down to more mental than physical. I’ve been working on understanding that I’ve done everything that I can up until this point, and now I need to breathe and enjoy the moment, and do what I know I can do, versus trying to do more. Because you’re fighting to do more, but that doesn’t always work. – Resi Stiegler • Street circuits mean that we are racing in the centre of roads that people use everyday, which is very cool for drivers, but it also makes it very easy to make a mistake, which adds more excitement for fans. – Sam Bird • Tell me the word that will win you, and I will speak it. I will speak the stars of heaven into a crown for your head; I will speak the flowers of the field into a cloak; I will speak the racing stream into a melody for your ears and the voices of a thousand larks to sing it; I will speak the softness of night for your bed and the warmth of summer for your coverlet; I will speak the brightness of flame to light your way and the luster of gold to shine in your smile; I will speak until the hardness in you melts away and your heart is free. – Stephen R. Lawhead • That’s the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life it. – Kara Goucher • The Andromeda strain is a killer disease that they’ve got to prevent from spreading to being 100 percent contagious. It’s another one where we’re racing to save humanity. – Eric McCormack • The best thing about the Kentucky Derby is that it is only two minutes long. It is the quickest event in sports, except for Sumo-wrestling & Mike Tyson fights. Maybe Drag-racing is quicker, but I have never been attracted to it. – Hunter S. Thompson • The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a big one. – Junior Johnson • The builder of the best racing car is not necessarily its best driver. – Hans Selye • The competition is a big part of it [racing] – the passion you have for the sport and the knowledge you have. You’re not just going to wake up one day and say, ” think I’ll do something different.” This is what I’ve done my whole life. My competitive nature and my passion for the sport, those are the things that keep you wanting to do better. – Bobby Labonte • The driver of a racing car is a component. When I first began, I used to grip the steering wheel firmly, and I changed gear so hard that I damaged my hand. – Juan Manuel Fangio • The makeup of the drivers has changed a lot with so many young drivers coming and a lot of the legends moving on. Compared to when I started, it’s gone through a lot of changes. The cars have changed a lot and the approach to racing. There are a lot more employees. It’s become a much bigger business and more corporate. – Matt Kenseth • The number of people that can reason well is much smaller than those that can reason badly. If reasoning were like hauling rocks, then several reasoners might be better than one. But reasoning isn’t like hauling rocks, it’s like, it’s like racing, where a single, galloping Barbary steed easily outruns a hundred wagon-pulling horses. – Galileo Galilei • The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid, stable business. – John Steinbeck • The racing driver needs to be fed a diet of other racing drivers. – Carroll Smith • The rain’s been racing earthwards as if with some religious or political fanaticism. The clouds have the look of dark internal bleeding. Surely you lot look up from Cosmo while this sort of thing’s going on? Surely you take a Playstation break? – Glen Duncan • The reason why some people love to engage in dangerous activities, such as mountain climbing, car racing, and so on, although they may not be aware of it, is that it forces them into the Now – that intensely alive state that is free of time, free of problems, free of thinking, free of the burden of the personality. – Eckhart Tolle • The Showdown is a great way to bring attention to these historic Virginia tracks where many NASCAR drivers cut their teeth in stock car racing, including myself. Tracks like South Boston and Langley are the heart of the sport and draw a great crowd to our Showdown events. – Denny Hamlin • The true meaning of courage is to be afraid, and then, with your knees knocking and your heart racing, to step out anyway—even when that step makes sense to nobody but you. I know that’s not easy. But making a bold move is the only way to truly advance toward the grandest vision the universe has for you. – Oprah Winfrey • The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing. – Lance Armstrong • There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games. – Ernest Hemingway • There are those who keep out of mischief, and there are the adventurers, ‘ he said. “We racing drivers are adventurers; the more difficult something is, the greater the attraction that comes from it. – Juan Manuel Fangio • There is a sociology of horses, as well as a psychology. It is most evident in the world of horse racing, where many horses are gathered together, where year after year, decade after decade, they do the same, rather simple thing – run in races and try to win. – Jane Smiley • There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose. – Garth Stein • There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles. It was the day they built the second automobile. – Richard Petty • There’s a thrill when you steal something in plain view of other people. When you drop a newspaper over a sign and walk away with it, or take something off a wall and the sound of the glue ripping makes people turn around. Your heart is racing, it’s a rush. – George Carlin • There’s only one racing strategy that matters.It’s the one I run by: Get in the lead and don’t let anyone pass you. – Megan McCafferty • They watched storms out there so distant they could not be heard, the silent lightning flaring sheetwise and the thin black spine of the mountain chain fluttering and sucked away again in the dark. They saw wild horses racing on the plain, pounding their shadows down the night and- leaving in the moonlight a vaporous dust like the palest stain of their passing. – Cormac McCarthy • Time has stopped; time is racing. Lochie’s lips are rough yet smooth, hard yet gentle. His fingers are strong: I feel them in my hair and on my neck and down my arms and against my back. And I never want him to let me go. – Tabitha Suzuma • To think that the affairs of this life always remain in the same state is a vain presumption; indeed they all seem to be perpetually changing and moving in a circular course. Spring is followed by summer, summer by autumn, and autumn by winter, which is again followed by spring, and so time continues its everlasting round. But the life of man is ever racing to its end, swifter than time itself, without hope of renewal, unless in the next that is limitless and infinite. – Miguel de Cervantes • We all know the guy who sits at the end of the local bar telling the story of how he threw the winning touchdown pass in High School. I don’t want to be that guy. Racing gives us all the chance to be athletes again. – Don Panoz • We are all racing towards death. No matter how many great, intellectual conclusions we draw during our lives, we know they’re all only man-made, like God. I begin to wonder where it all leads. What can you do, except do what you can do as best you know how. – John Hurt • We are all so immersed in our own technology bubbles that we’re ignoring so many important things. We’re all online arguing over nuance and nonsense, and everybody’s so incensed and upset about things that ultimately mean nothing while we are destroying our environment. While we’re racing towards Armageddon, we’re all online arguing about what Beyonce said at some award. – Rick Remender • We are the ones who take this thing called music and line it up with this thing called time. We are the ticking, we are the pulsing, we are underneath every part of this moment. And by making the moment our own, we are rendering it timeless. There is no audience. There are no instruments. There are only bodies and thoughts and murmurs and looks. It’s the concert rush to end all concert rushes, because this is what matters. When the heart races, this is what it’s racing towards. – Rachel Cohn • We’re all hoping to drop at least a few seconds in the finals. There’s a lot of girls that didn’t even swim this morning that will be racing us tonight, so we are going to be in the mindset that we are still just as fresh. – Brittany MacLean • What idiocy, to racing into this story and its labyrinths, sprinting away from our happiness among the fresh spring grasses by the oak. – Ian Mcewan • When I first started racing, my father said, “Win the race as slow as you can. – Richard Petty • When I started racing my father told me, ‘Cristiano, nobody has three balls but some people have two very good ones.’ – Cristiano da Matta • When I was 15, my parents left town for a month. They hid the keys to the car, but I found them. That month, I drove my stepdad’s Thunderbird Super Coupe into Manhattan every day, and I would crank Cypress Hill as I flew around the city, racing the taxis. – Danny Masterson • When I was a kid, I wanted to be a footballer and racing driver, like all kids. – Diego Della Valle • When the race to develop becomes more furious as the Championship progresses, the racing will get better too, improving the entire experience for the fans. – Sam Bird • When you are fitted in a racing car and you race to win, second or third place is not enough. – Ayrton Senna • When you’re racing, it’s life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting. – Steve McQueen • While a man is racing he must hate himself and his competitors. – Percy Cerutty • You are always racing against the other swimmers, but I always try to just focus on what I’m doing and how I want to swim my races. – Katie Ledecky • You either commit yourself as a professional racing driver that’s designed to win races or you come second or you come third or fifth and am not design to come third, fourth or fifth, I race to win. – Ayrton Senna • You know I have about the same interest in jewelry as I have in politics, horse racing, modern poetry, and women who need weird excitement – none. – Cary Grant • You might not think that’s cricket, and it’s not, it’s motor racing. – Murray Walker
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