#Mothman shigaraki x you
sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Mommy needs me! Ch 5
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1100 followers and getting off my a$$ special
You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, bondage, offensive language, violence, mommy kink, references to knotting and drug use
It's time to leave. Shigaraki he finds the smells changing annoying and met his personal goals. Getting his sweet mommy knocked up, creating the perfect conditions for an awakening and an escape. Things get strange for you. Everyone is catching a cold. You have an out of body experience. But aside from that you just want to leave.
Ch 4 < Previous
Chapter 5
Shigaraki sniffed idly at the young girl.
She was starting to smell like him, and that was confusing. The girl's hair had turned white. Her eyes are red like his. A horn was growing. She stank of fear. Perplexing him more. IS she his offspring? She does not look or smell right quite right.
A primal part of him could not stand hearing and smelling his possible grub like this. He reaches out with an antenna and chirps reassurance. The girl whimpered in more fear. He trills. Making the gentle friendly noises that lured in plenty of rivals. He fluffed his fur ruff, releasing more of his dust that carried his scent on the child. She is family and a female, if nothing else. The blonde one that feeds him giggles somewhere behind him.
"See, I told you. Isn't he cute?" Toga giggled again.
"Yeah, adorable for a murderous freak of nature. You are insane, Toga! I love you!" Jin Shouted as he made sure the restraints on Shigaraki were secure.
Tomura didn't resist since this was the day he got to see you, his mate. The child mumbled something about, "soft and tickles." He gave the simpering child one last cuddle before his muzzle was put on, and he was guided away. He didn't resist until he felt they were not heading towards you. 
He growled and flapped his wings in agitation. Hot pain traveled down his back. Shigaraki snarled in pain of his mangled clipped wings. His wings will heal, but the red-hot pain that keeps him awake will not be forgotten. He vowed to get that arrogant bastard. The two creeps, that barely remember to feed him, are taking him into some side room. One of them clicked some device and the Master's voice cut through his petty thoughts. He froze and listened closely to the recording.
"Tomura. We have missed you. Seems you have gone into the city and found trouble. These two will help you escape. After you destroy all the research, data, and test subjects. It doesn't matter as long as it doesn't get into the hands of the government. We look forward to seeing you again. My child," Master ordered.
It has been years, but he would recognize this voice anywhere. My child, Master had called him that back then too. This was bad. He left the facility for a reason. That means Master is in his territory. Probably back at the facility. Which means he will have to kill Master. His offspring are in as much danger with Master as with Kai.
"Shoot. We'll have to kill the kid. She's so cute," Toga pouted.
"No, dumb. We will take. Stays in our hands. Take mate, child, and Fath...Doctor. I am in charge, and I want," Shigaraki growled. Both Toga and Jin jumped in surprise from him. He could feel the air shift and turned his head to talk to them directly, "I am leader. They are mine."
"IT CAN TALK!" they shrieked in unison.
He growled for them to shut up. Once the initial shock wore off, they were back to their insane selves. He could smell it. They are not right. They smell very faint of him. Normal humans can't smell it, but he can. He is spreading. How can Kai be a genius and a fool? He wonders and tweedled crazy and tweedled nuts. They agreed to take him to his mate.
Shigaraki doesn't use his nose on his face as much as he uses his feelers. The moment his mommy's scent hit his antennae, he knew. Your hormones caught on his antennae and the scent of spicy ginger and earth moss. Your smell sent a tingle down his spine, making his dick stiff and throbbing. 
One good whiff, and he knew you were pregnant. Still too early to be sure you won't lose the little blueberry. That does not matter to his instincts. He can already tell the size of it, the smell, and the warmth of blood flowing to your abdomen. The rapid thud of a chamber opening and closing. Now is the time. He is not fully healed, but the adrenaline will give Shigaraki enough of a boost to finish what he started. Hopefully an awakening. 
You gasp and run to him. Coddling him while he focuses on you entirely. More mating will reinforce his nature to protect. He could already feel himself getting strong enough to break the bonds if he desired. It was a storm inside him. 
A scent crawled into his senses. A faint smell that made him want to sneeze. Like a serpent, it slithered into his thoughts. Kai has been in you. Did you like it? Not possible. You are his! Another male trying to take what was his was beyond arrogant. It was asking for revenge. The kind that would never make them even. 
Mate. Take mate away. Nest and protect. No! No! Grab father. Weaken enemy. Deal with Kai and Master.  His mind screamed. He tried to ignore it and focus on the task of fucking your pretty little brains out. He lived for these moments. 
It's your own fault that you riled his suppressed instincts. Other mommy, your Aunt, had warned you. But you had not listened, so he will do what he was always meant to do. Fuck a tender pussy. Fuck until you knew that you were not meant for another. You will always be his.  
He leaned in and received a sharper scent.  Kai! Kai! Kai! All over you! Dirty damn slut! The filthy male didn't know his place! Doesn't know this is spelling his doom. My mate. Mine! So damn arrogant to think Kai could steal from him.  His mind raged and ranted while he pushed on you. Shoving his face between your spread thighs. 
"Come, Shiggy. I missed you, baby. It's ok," You reassured him in your soothing voice. A weariness hidden in the lower tones. Was that lowly neat freak torturing you again? The disgusting scent of rubber was all over you. Filthy, bitch, whore slut.  
A fouler thought occurred to him. Worse than Kai fucking you under his nose. Has he been pleasuring you? His mate will come. Oh, how his mommy will come on his knot and praise him for it. He grows bigger at the thought. He dug you into you like a meal. His meal to devour and keep with him always. He licked that little cunt that belonged to him.
"Please, baby. Be a good big boy and fuck mommy, ok. It's big boy time. I missed you so much," your voice hitched slightly at the end. To you, he looks too thin. Your sweet concern eased him back to your sweet cunt. 
Again, your smell is off in other ways. You are pretending to be happy with your words and touch. For his sake, he believes. Like a good mommy, you care for him. Just like any good mommy would consider him first. He has learned to push through your unhappy scent to do what Kai is keeping you alive to do.
 He lapped harder, getting your tight little cunt ready for his cock. You will milk all the cum from him because he is just that good. His tongue darted into your squeezing velvety walls to the whoops of pigs watching. He ignored them, enjoying the bittersweet flavor of you on his tongue.  
Did Kai ever make you cum with his disgusting small dick? His sterile seed depositing into you. His pathetic need to have everything to impress some daddy in a coma. He heard the rumors. Kia was disgustingly clinical about everything. He doubts Kai has pleasured you once. You are his dammit. He will thrust into those tight hot walls until his dumb mommy always remembers that you are his mommy.
The handlers helping him line up to your drooling hot cunt. He bucks hard and fast to be sheathed fully by your fluttering muscles. Your swollen clit pulsing as you mewled and squirmed under him. You have been teaching him what you like. It wasn't even that much outside of his base nature. It was fate. He was made to please you.
You drooled and whimpered as he pumped into your delicious walls. You squeezed and jerked on his excited cock. Close as you shuddered with desire. Oh, how you where are his good mommy. You cried at how much you loved it. Screamed at how you are meant to be one always. You like being knotted. His knotted sweet slut of a mommy loved him and more for it.
Your mouth turned into a surprised oh. Your eyes squeezed onto tight pain. He thrusted harder. The vice grip you have on his aching cock is pure pleasure. Pulling at the string of delight until he unravels. He cums hard as you pulse and milks his length. You are his. He will fuck until that foul scent is gone.
Drooling with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, Shigaraki lives in the moment. Shigaraki clung to the ecstasy of your shivering body as his throbbing knot was squeezing and releasing. Massaging and coxing every drop.
Kill his rival, and then fuck more. He liked that thought as he started to calm himself. Only he was unable to. The exchange of more hormones reinforced his primal urge to kill his competition. Shigaraki could feel it pumping through his blood. Already the restraints felt weaker. He nuzzled at the crook of your next. Cooing and purring louder than normal.
"Tomorrow," he whispered. He felt you stiffen around him. Shigaraki grunted in discomfort, then trilled loudly. Father should have told you the plan by now, he thought. The doubt that burrowed its way into his mind as you jerked added to the flood of the basic command taking over his mind.
It was a loud flapping of a thousand wings. An order that told him to secure his females at all costs. You and Father didn't have names or faces anymore. Both are a bundle of hormones in his mind that are the center focus of the world. He hears the screaming of the others in the room.
"He's getting bigger! Get the boss!" A male yelled. A male too close to his female. His female is out of the nest.
You  wish you could say that you are shocked. That you are afraid. That you felt anything emotionally. Physically your pussy throbbed with pleasure and a tint of deep ache. Your back has started healing and itching. The drugs and mental torture are taking their toll.
Kai has been worse since the first "breeding." Krono and Kai have upped their cruelty. Kronos gave you an overdose. You regret you woke up with a needle in your chest. It would have been better if you never woke up. Kai has nearly drowned you for lying about Shigaraki. Choking was Kai's favorite thing to do you.
You wore a wide dog collar. To cover the bruises while humiliating you in front of everyone who sees you. In large shiny lettering, dog fucker is easily seen. That was his personal insult to you. After he forced you to have sex with Shigaraki in front of an audience. Kai had pulled you aside to pressure hose you. Then he did something that shocked you for the last time.
Kai  whipped your ass black and blue. After the tears from the burning sting that he imprinted on your mind and round ass, you felt the switch inside you start to move.
"You liked fucking him! Like the slut cunt whore, you are. Disgusting." he said coldly from around his mask with another thwack, "You like an experiment fucking you. A freak. A created monster. A mistake cumming in you. He knots like a dog. That's what he is. A dog."
More painful whips. The switch slowly moved.
"I saw you enjoying that knot. A knot like a dog. Dog fucker. Whore dog fucker. Do you know who owes that dog? Do you know who owns you? Like your doggy lover? Whore. Cunt. Slut." He had said. Shoving his large rubbered length into your ass. It hurt beyond belief. You cried and squirmed in pain.
Not that squirming did you any good strapped to the surgical table. The chair was close by. The surgical chair was scary. He kept his tray of knives there. The pain as he entered you dry and unprepared flipped the switch completely. Kai hissed filthy insults at you. Seeing you shut down, Kai took the condom off and shoved his squirting head into your quivering asshole.
That shocked you. You had to be bleeding. Kai had to know what hole he had entered. The dirtiest of them all. This was the same man that scrubbed your gums raw to give  HIM  a blow job. Pumping his hips with a fever, he has not shown you before.
"Filthy, diseased dirty dog whore," Kai had panted. Feverishly gasping, working on his next orgasm as his fingers slowly cut off your air until the black closed in on the pain. When you woke up later, you are sore all over. Pain. Your skin hurts as if you have been scrubbed with sand.
You felt shame at first. But more ended up being more grateful to have the bruises covered by the collar. At least he wasn't harvesting your body for spare parts. Yet.
But the switch flipped in you that day. The one that left your body a million miles away to quiet the pain enough to continue. You still cried. You felt the pain long after it was over. But words took longer for you to understand.
That's  why when Shigaraki started to grow like a hulk, snapping his leather bonds like rubber bands, you weren't surprised. Not when he peeled the face of the nearest person. Not when his wings sprouted to massive translucent wings growing scales. If his wings were not the shape you are used to, you would have sworn he turned into a dragon.
It was a sight that brought your mind a little to the present. 
Shigaraki lifted you and flung you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing. As dust filled the air, you reacted enough to close your eyes and cover your mouth.
"Need child! Need father! Need females," Shigaraki wheezed in the plumes of dust he created of the handlers and door. Your mind raced to interpret what he was saying. Tanaka i s here? A child? Tonight?  This was all nonsense that hurt your head to think about. You felt yourself pull into your body more.
A lighting jolt of pain!
Confusing chaos as you bounced around in Shigaraki's shoulder in a flurry of dizzying movements and dust. Flashes of screaming faces. Splashes of crimson warmth dripped between his wings. It was overwhelming. Your entire being screamed and repelled itself away. Floating away from your body until it caught on a rock in the white waters of turmoil.
Suddenly you are looking at yourself. A crazed Shigaraki busting through rapidly decaying walls, you a limp useless ragdoll.…walls you are putting up? Your mind was not understanding. You quickly look at …Cops!?! Cops with teens? What the fuck is that? What insane Orwellian nightmare are you looking at? When suddenly you are worried. Worried for Kai. He has given you life.
Kai is carrying the future.  That intense thought invaded your mind. These thoughts are not your own!  No! That's a child. A child that looks like Shigaraki. What the fuck is happening?  Your mind screams, loosening the grip on the rock. Leaving you open to being battered by more waves of pain and thoughts that are not your own.  
You clawed your way onto the rock again. The thoughts that are not yours tried to push you off. This rock is a person in the walls. You don't understand. But what you do know is Shigaraki is tearing through the building to get to Tanaka. She was being dragged along by one of the bullets.
The guy you are in is throwing up walls for Shigaraki and the police. This was bad. The cops would take Shigaraki away to a government facility. You force the rock to focus on the two you can feel this person has a seething hate for. The moment that happened, things became easier for Shigaraki.
You let go of your hold on the man in the wall and swam through the stray thoughts back to your body. Where you felt everything again in sharp 3-D pain.
You screamed so loud the Doctor turned to look behind. Tanaka paused and stared at the wall that suddenly appeared behind them. Kai morphs a little as he hisses his disapproval of her hesitation to follow. Things have become hectic.
"I will get the others later. Believe me when I say I don't want to leave an investment behind," Kai stated flatly.
Tanaka shivered and allowed herself to be yanked behind.
"Shouldn't I carry the child?" She asked timidly. Kai looked like he wanted to slap her but was barely restrained. The guy carrying Erie seemed relieved to hand her off to Tanaka. The little girl was her typical stiff, traumatized self. Sometimes she felt disgusted with the girl. She could not imagine anyone rolling over and just taking the torture as this experiment has.
She had to stop mentally. She has seen what has been done to her. What she helped do to the little girl. It helps relieve her guilt when she thinks of the girl as an experiment. Now is not the time to relieve herself of anything. The stress made her signal La Brava too soon.
Tanaka can only hope she did not ruin everything as the child clung to her. She set up a few things. When the men were distracted, she slowed down, actively walking back. When one shouted, "HEY!" She turned and ran. Straight towards the monstrous roar. She yelped when she heard the clicking of crashing gun hammers.
Tanaka had been working on their trust. She had their backs turned on her more than once. Today was the day she was brave enough to plug the gun barrels. The rage in Overhaul's voice tingled up her spine, making her break out in gooseflesh.
"Eri, get back here before others have to DIE!" Kai, no, Overhaul shouted. A monster version of Shigaraki was barreling toward them. Passing them to attack Overhaul directly. Dropping your body on the ground at the Doctor's feet. The wind was knocked from you. But Tanaka was more focused on Overhaul.
She had to see it to believe it. But Overhaul put a barrier between them. Shigaraki was quickly decaying as spikes made of the floors and walls tried to impale him. It is now a part of the common cold virus and is spreading. Tanaka was filled with dread as you stumbled to your feet.
"Let's go!" You shouted at her. Draping yourself on her as you clutch and shamble away from the danger. You didn't get far when new walls closed off between you and Shigaraki. The only way out was forward, so you pressed on. It wasn't long before you ran into the police.
Shigaraki  was focused on removing the danger from the females. When the danger lessened. Feeling the threat weakened from using his new quirk. How twisted must this man be to get this quirk? Shigaraki had no delusions about himself. He knows Master was altering him and the rest of his family. He knows he was groomed and used.  What is this one's excuse?  He wondered.
Not for long. His females were retreating, and he needed to secure them from the other males wandering this new maze. It was a physical need that twisted his mind and body to follow. His main target was his mate. But somehow, once again, his grub and his mate had parted. He puked. The adrenaline was taking a toll on his body.  What a pain , his mind growled.
Dr. Tanaka decided to let the cops have the kid while they were pointing guns at you and telling you to "release the child!" was a much better idea than getting shot. She ran to them, but you tried to keep her with you. The little girl coughed all over the green hair kid. Interesting look for a new little fascist, she thought. The other thought was the potential damage that the child could do. She has seen that thing make people disappear.
"Hey. We are all kidnaped victims. That child belongs to my…husband," you found yourself saying. More police dispersed. A few stayed to help the three of you. The Doctor looked like a frightened rabbit looking for an exit.
"Let them keep her. She's dangerous, and the longer we stay here, the more likely they run into Shiggy," Tanaka whispered. The look of fear in her eyes screamed for them to run. You know and trust Tanaka too much to snatch the girl back. Instead, you latch onto each other and run. Tanaka leading the way.
"I hope she is safe now. Either way, we need to put on our oxygen masks first," She panted. You had no idea what that meant or cared now. The pain was screeching again. This time it was a different beast. The drugs. Oh, how you suddenly want to go back for your dose.
"You're sweating? Do you have a fever? Oh fuck. Oh, fuck!" She repeated in a disturbed chant, dragging you along. Your arm feels hotter than the rest of you. You spare a glance from your pain to Tanaka. She looks to be at the end of a cold. Running on pure terror. She is gaunter than ever, which sent a chill down your spine. How bad off must her health be for you to feel pity for her?
The light hurt. The high-pitched happy voice of the blonde girl hurt. The baritone of the firefighter? Pyro nympho? His voice hurt. All you know is she is showing off a lot of plunging neckline, and you didn't finish all the way with Shigaraki. There was a roar. A blur, and then everyone was violently placed in a van.
That made your head spin as you were shoved into the back of a Van. The pale figure blurred. Then reappeared with a dead-looking child when the darkness closed in on you. You faded into the bright light to see a screeching Shigaraki filling the van.
A crying child. A chittering Shigaraki. The Doctor holds the child away from everyone, not in fear for the child. But in fear  of  the child. A masked man shouted how, "The facility will be safe. We are going to take you there right now! Sensei wants you!"
"Oh my gosh! They are all so cute!" The blonde girl gushed. 
"All of you need to shut up. Your too loud," A young man with staples and burns gruffed. His icy eyes land on you. Your flesh breaks out in gold gooseflesh as you try not to stare are the cruel-looking man. 
Shigaraki snarled at your distress.  
When  you open your eyes. It was terrifying. Memories of laying on a metal bed frame and pain. You groan and shift. Shigaraki's purrs were a relief as you felt the tickle of his soft ruff on your cheek. You feel his arms and wings wrapped around you. It's warm and comforting.
You don't trust it at first. So many times, they have tried to fool you. They wanted to know where the farm was. You never told them. You never will. But this feels different. The pain has dulled.
You open your eyes to a chirping Shigaraki. He looks at you with heavy-lidded love and nuzzles your hair. Looking around, you are more confused. You're in a nest, and when you peek out the door, you realize that the nest is in a tree. Real trees. But fake grass. A sterile smell of cleansers.
"Where are we?" You asked in horror.
"We are at my before home. Mommy had a fever. Mommy is carrying little grub. It was ok. Master fixed. We'll leave when safe," Shigaraki rasped, pulling you back to the nest. Your mind whirled with questions.
"Who is Master?" You asked timidly. A speaker under a camera in the corner answered.
"You can call me AFO or All for short. When Tomura returned, he brought you and the Doctor Tanaka to us. Both of you were suffering from a virus in your condition. Detoxing with a child and a skyrocketing fever, we came to an agreement. We put you in an induced coma while you detox. Breaking the fever. In exchange, all of you will help with the Doctor's research," The disembodied voice of AFO stated.
"How long have I been asleep?" You asked the air. Your emotions spinning. You're pregnant? Shiggy pulled you in close and whispered. The gravel of his voice was painful. But his hot breath tickled, and a shiver ran down your spine at the words.
"A month. Overhaul is coming. This is where we will make our last stand. Get rid of all threats," Shiggy rasped.
Shigaraki nuzzled and tried to get you back to calm. A scared mommy was an unpredictable one. He wanted you healthy and safe. You are a dumb mommy who can't protect herself. When he crashed from the burning power pumping in his veins. Father quickly helped him and the child. He told Father about the adjusted plans. He will get rid of Overhaul, Master, and the other threats in the forest in one swoop. He smiled and cooed to his mommy. 
All mine , he thought in pleasure.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 2 years
courting & mating
Paired: moth shigaraki x chubby fem! Reader smut.
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A/N: it's re-upload this coz the link couldn't work properly whenever I try to click it??? Soo it's fixed and I hope y'all like this :3 it's just mothura seducing reader by his scent.
Warnings: breeding kink + love making  + body worshipped + scent kink.
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The sweet aroma fills your nostrils as you open the backdoor of your house, its smell..
wonderful pleasant feeling like its florals mix with earthy tones you quite like.
You walk out in a simple nightgown, you feel relaxed just by its scent, you can get addicted to it.
There was a soft chirping sound coming to your tree that's nearby. It's late at night you thought getting yourself a midnight snack would help you sleep better but the aroma catches your interest.
You heard rustling in the tree to see a creature jump down and standing in front of you.
You should be running away in fear but you're hypnotic by its beauty.
You look at the creature and realize it's a moth-like creature. It has a humanoid appearance and almost looks like a man with wings.
He chirps at you as he gets near you, it gets stronger by the second.
He offers you a simple but pretty homemade necklace you saw, you look up into his ruby eyes.
You give him a warm smile and take the offer, he's put the necklace on you.
He made a loud purr sound as he pulled you closer, your face in his white fluffy fur around his neck. Hearing the vibration coming from him as you melt into him.
"mate." he softly spoke as his clawed fingers caressed your curvy body.
You look up and give him a sweet peak on the lips. At first he doesn't know this feeling but slowly gets lost in your soft plump lips.
You gasp a little feeling something poke your plushy thighs, you look down to see his member coming out of its fur, you start to rub your thighs together.
"Please take me" you whimper, he gladly obeys as his hands reach down under your dress and rips the panties off.
You gasp at the feeling of cold air on your soft skin, he pulls you up as you were shocked by how strong he is.
The feeling of his hips rolling up to meet your entrance, you moan and move your hips back.
Your hand moves down between bodies as you grab his cock and push down.
You whimper realize how big he is, he made a loud hissy like groan moving his hips up.
His clawed hands gridded your hips making his thrust deep and slow.
You roll your eyes back as he goes a bit faster. You hear him mumble some words and moan out.
His heavy white seed coats your inside too early, you sign and like how it feels.
You thought he's finished, that would be it right?
You moan out loud when he begins to roll his hips faster and harder, the sound of wet smacking echoing in your backyard as you are buried into his neck to stop the whines and moans.
"Breed... Breed mate." All you hear as if you didn't realize you were not on the ground, you see your house away as if you were in the middle air but at this point you don't care, it feels too good.
Your limps holding onto him as he's mated you in the air.
You begin to orgasm, your toes curl in on his lower back and he grunt out. He begins to shoot his heavy fertile load inside your  unprotected womb more.
Your walls are milking him for all his worth as he's slowly flying down to the ground where you live.
You pant heavily as you lean in to give kisses on his neck.
"I want more.. Please." He begs and on that night you didn't sleep at all, you have your lovely new companion mothman.
Nice and breed.
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luverine · 24 days
Masterlist 𐦍
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Omegaverse (multiple x gn reader nsfw)
Shower thoughts (multiple x gn reader nsfw)
Virginity (multiple x fem reader nsfw)
Rut (multiple x gn reader nsfw)
Creep (multiple x gn reader nsfw)
Taste (Leon Kennedy x gn reader nsfw
Girlfriend (Sable Ward x Fem! Reader)
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Pick me up (shoto x fem reader nsfw)
Puddles and cuddles (Bakugou x gn reader sfw)
Movie glow (Charles Lee Ray x fem reader nsfw)
Restless (Leon Kennedy x fem reader nsfw)
Novelist (fem reader) writing about Shigaraki nsfw
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Original works:
Scary (fem monster x fem reader)
Moth to a flame (Mothman (Luan) x fem reader) one: he found you, two: monster fucker reader, three: becoming mates, four: fluffy babies , five: he’s cold
Caged animal (wolf hybrid/werewolf x fem reader) part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4,
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mrsshabana · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
"Seeing the ask about creepypastas and you saying something about scps...
It'd be cool little writing prompt of a Scp or cryptic Gyutaro x reader that's perhaps a scientist 👀
Just a fun little idea"
LEMME TELL YOU!! I'VE BEEN SITTING ON THIS IDEA FOR A HOT MINUTE!! But I'm afraid to commit to another fic since I have so many in the works already. But since you asked, lemme pitch my idea 😏
So, have you seen those fics about Mothman Shigaraki x reader? I LOVE those fics. *chef's kiss* So I was thinking, what if I wrote something similar but about Gyutaro? Gyutaro doesn't really remind me of a moth like Tomura does. But in the manga Inosuke refers to Gyutaro as a mantis. So what if I wrote a fic about Mantis hybrid Gyutaro x Entomologist reader?
Teehee. This prompt has been plaguing my thoughts for weeks and I have been fighting back the urge to write bout it. But I could do so many dastardly things... especially if I made it spicy (*/ω\*)
What do we think?
Repost from my old blog mrsshabana-archive
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chainslobber · 11 months
As the title says, closing up for art requests. I got a few I picked out that'll take me a while to do but I hope folks are happy with what I got!
As always, if I've ever drawn something for you for free, all I ask for is credit when posting to your own account. I also have a Patreon you can join for as lo as $2. It helps me pay the bills and rent and keep the lights on, but it also gives you another chance for a request monthly. I'm a freelance artist and this time of year until new Years is the WORST time for me financially since everyone saves up for more physical gifts and holiday stuff.
And hey--you get to see the nasty uncensored art Tumblr won't let you see on Patreon *eyebrow waggles*.
Currently I have:
-Werewolf Dabi x Y/N/You
-Brainwashing/Stalking Hitoshi
-Catboy Bakugou
-Mothman Shigaraki
-Demon Aizawa
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writingsbymo-mo · 4 years
Moth Shig: Comforting his Mate
Mothman Shigaraki x F!Reader Headcanons
Mothman Shiggy is highly sensitive to any sudden changes in his mate’s emotional shifts. He can sense it with a simple intake of your breath using his feather-like antennae.
It really doesn’t matter where you are when you’re in some form of emotional distress, Shigaraki will find you. When he does, he’ll survey the area for anything that is disturbing HIS mate. A wrapper or a leaf blowing in the wind, it’s deemed as a danger to you the moment it sweeps in front of the two of you. He’ll blow it away with his wings and squeeze you tight against his chest.
Shigaraki feels the hot tears soaking his fuzzy chest while you sob into it. He hums and rubs circles into your back. The noises escaping his lips seem to be some form of melody, though sound rather off key to the trained ear. It might not be perfect, but it’s one of his ways to show he’s with you in this very moment.
Often, Shigaraki will pick you up and take you to the comfort of the nest he built and snuggle with you there. It’s always a place he enjoys staying and he hopes his mate feels the same about it.
If you need anything, he will get it for you. A blanket, food, drinks, warm cuddles and a movie, he will do his best to help set up the perfect comfort session with you. Just take a seat on the couch or your bed and let him drape a blanket around you while he leaves to get your other requests. He hates seeing his mate sad and scared since it reminds him of how he felt in the past. One thing he always does before leaving the room for a moment, he makes sure to tell you he’ll be back, but he will let you follow if you really need to.
He doesn’t know how to work human technology all that well earlier in your relationship so you might have to help get some of it ready. Anytime you watch something in a comfort session, he usually has his face buried in your neck with his eyes closed to keep himself from getting hypnosis from the flashing lights. You wanted comfort and he wants to make sure he never leaves your side.
If you’re up to it, he might take you for a flight in the night. Wrapped tightly in his four arms with the two of your own around his neck, he makes sure you’re secure. You’ll see sights you never new from a new perspective over the city and through the trees, wind blowing through your hair. It's astonishing.
He might even take you to his special place hidden deep in the nearby forest. It's where he grew up. There's a freshly laden nest he sets you down in right below the sheer moth-eaten drapes blowing in the wind hanging just above the broken stained glass window in a crumbling stone structure. He'll caress you sweetly, peppering kisses all over your body.
If you want comfort sex, say no more. He'll take off your clothes, showering you in affection, slithering his proboscis in your needy pussy only to leave you moaning his name, forgetting all your worries, responsibilities, anything except him and your hunger for his cock. As soon as his proboscis has prepped you, he sheath his way into your tight wet heat that clenches around him like a warm hug while you mewl and whimper with his every thrust. You'll remember all of this, the sawing motion of his hips, the wet slaps of your skin meeting, his cute chittering noises, his proboscis teasing your nipples maybe even massaging your tits while the tip strokes your clit. All this until you're begging for him to cum over and over again. He'll get you nice and clean when it's all over before cuddling with you and humming his wings to help lull you to sleep.
Moth Shiggy does his best to comfort his mate 💕💕
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Of Motorcycles and Mothmen
A/N: this was inspired by @ichor-and-symbiosis ‘s cute Mothman Tomura headcannons but with my own twist. Since yall are thirsty for the mothman here ya go this is a Modern!AU no quirks.
It had been an ordinary evening. Well. As ordinary as it got in this creepy ass part of the woods. But the young mechanic honestly preferred the unseen eyes of whatever-the-hell-was-watching-her over the hundreds of people commuting via the subway.
Olive Jones was not very good with people.
She was just never really able to break out of her socially awkward “phase”. She had a really rough time in high school, so bad that it lead to violent anger issues that ultimately got her suspended on assault charges of other classmates. After that, with a strained relationship with her family, she moved from Australia to Japan to study at a technical school.
Being a foreigner and not knowing anyone really didn’t help Olive’s case but it didn’t exactly hurt it either. She was good at her job, running a small shop for both electronics and motorbikes. Her income was steady so she spent her extra money on videogames and subscription fees.
She preferred to travel to a game store outside the city, using an older road that cut through one of Japan’s large forests. It was a weekly trip. Part of the decision was Olive had scopophobia, which is essentially the fear of being watched or stared at. Her pale freckled skin, short dusty blonde hair, and the eyepatch over her right eye definitely made her something to ogle at. Isn’t like she blamed people.
But the woods...well… that was different. At first it was just a certain part of the woods, especially around dusk, near a creek she could see flowing during the summer months. It was spooky, but being a foreign blonde woman in her early-mid 20’s, Olive wasn’t about to stop and check it out. That’s how you die folks.
Then it all changed when one fateful night, ye ole faithful moped broke down...in the woods… near that one creepy place. Olive kept a heavy metal wrench in one hand the whole time, jumping at every sound, eyes darting around as the hairs on her neck stood up. She cursed up a loud Aussie storm, yelling at her moped like she was cussing someone out, hoping maybe, it would keep away any lurking predators. That and she actually...did that a lot.
She didn’t consider that any would find her act entertaining, especially when the act dropped when her moped tipped over.
“Aw! Bloody fucking hell! You blasted No good, piss-poor broken-backed camel!” that was the most PG one of the insults. The wind had then suddenly picked up, branches rustling as if laughing at her misfortune.
Luckily, she got her ride working, but something had changed. No everytime she went through that forest, she felt like she was being watched the entire time. She told herself it was paranoia cause she broke down, that she's just overthinking it, but that of course, didn't make it go away.
Then finally… Something happened…
It was a dark stormy night, as cliche as it sounds. For the record, the storm came out of nowhere, a sunny day switching to a stormy night in the time Olive was browsing new releases.
It was raining like fucking cats and dogs. Jones was really wishing she had itty bitty windshield wipers on her helmet visor as she whisked through the tunnel of light her moped lamp gave her. The rain sparkled in the light, refracting it, like little gem stones. It would be kind of pretty if the mechanic wasn’t drenched to the bone and trying to ignore the shiver that went down her back.
The wind whistled through the trees, and Olive could glimpse the branches above her swaying in the wind. That feeling got stronger. She swore she heard a flapping sound, a loud one amongst the chaos, like wings.
She isn’t entirely sure what made her look in her rearview mirror, but it would change the course of Olive Jone’s life. In her circular rearview mirror, illuminated by the refracted light off the rain droplets, were two big, glowing red eyes, a mere 10 yards behind her moped.
Olive’s head flew to look behind her as she shouted “WHAT THE FU—“
The moped hydroplaned across a big puddle from the flooding creek. Olive lost control, attempting to turn around the sharp bend in the road but she only succeeded in losing balance and sailing off the road toward the steep hill into the ditch. She flew off her moped mid-air, the wheels on the bike still moving, headlight shining up on an approaching figure in the night sky.
Olive could only close her eyes and brace herself.
She landed on her left shoulder, and she swore she heard a rather unpleasant pop! Sound off, but she was already tumbling down the steep incline as her Moped did the same with a bunch of crashes and thuds.
Somehow, her moped’s headlight still worked, shining like a beacon in the rain as it lied on its side. Olive Jones however, was caked in mud and grass and leaves, sprawled out lying on her stomach, in shock. Somewhere along the way, she lost her helmet, which was wedged between two rocks higher up the incline.
Everything hurt. Olive wondered if this was the end for her, and how long it would take people to notice. She was a nobody. Some aussie shut in with a work permit. Was she gonna die out here? How long until her moped’s headlamp died?
There was a sound, a familiar one, like the beating of wings. Olive spotted movement, her single eye scanning the skyline.
And then….
There he was.
He blocked out the moped’s headlamp, a humanoid silhouette. Immediately something was off, mainly the huge pair of paper thin wings folding behind their back.
Olive couldn't move underneath their red eyed gaze, even though she was unable to see it. She laid there, frozen, trying to blink out the cold rain that seeped through her eyelashes. She was dreaming right? She hit her head too hard? This giant...moth….man…. was just a hallucination right?
But the squelch of the mud beneath their strange alien feet as they took a slow step forward couldn’t have been more real. With an overwhelming terror, Olive’s body flew into action, shoving her upper body upright. All at once her left shoulder clenched with a searing pain that she sucked in through her teeth. She nearly fell face first back into the mud, but she forced herself to sit up, falling backward against a stump.
Maybe it was the pain. Making her see loony things Olive bared her teeth like some snarling injured animal, clasping at the shoulder with her good arm, while planting her feet in front of her.
The thing cocked its head to the side abruptly, before leering closer.
“s-S-Stop!!” Olive yelped in English, voice cracking. It blinked its red eyes rapidly, as if it were confused. Oh right. Japan. But did it even understand Japanese? Did it talk? It was uncanny valley how human it looked and how extremely not.
The pain in Ol’s shoulder was nearly unbearable from her own iron grip. She buried her converse hightops into the mud, shrinking away as he came ever closer. With a hard swallow she switched languages. “D-don’t hurt me please. Don't come any closer! I-I-I’ll batter ya!” That was awfully convincing considering she was soaked to the bone from the downpour, covered in mud, and could feel bruises and cuts forming all over her body.
Another step. Olive couldn't press herself any further into the tree.
It crouched, wings draped on either side. It chirped as if in curiosity. Red eyes burned into her, glared at her, and—probably all this time huh? All that time she felt like she was being watched out here in the woods. Had it been watching? Waiting to make the kill?
Olive found herself shrinking beneath its gaze, trying to hide her shivering form.
Something grabbed her jaw. It was hard and smooth like plastic, but solid, not flesh, as it forcefully pulled her forward. She choked on air, unable to look away from those red eyes.
Ol wasn’t quite sure what happened next. She just…kinda went limp, her body folding under her. Maybe it was the shock, the fear, the stress, but she never hit the muddy ground. No, she was caught by what she can only assume are hands, which slowly maneuvered and manipulated her body with surprising care. Whatever it was, it was mindful of her shoulder when she whimpered in pain. She realized she was shivering. Violently. God she'll probably catch one helluva cold.
Olive was pressed up against something warm and soft, like some sort of blanket and if that didn’t take her out instantly, the exhaustion sure did.
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tobegiggledat · 3 years
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Moth in the Moonlight
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🕷 pairing: Mothman!Tomura Shigaraki x afab!reader
🕷 warnings: oral sex (f. receiving), double penetration, creampie, overstimulation
🕷 word count: 1.5k
🕷a/n: This is my first time writing for kinktober😈
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It takes a distant glimmer to finally spark your interest in the unfamiliar wooded area beside your home.
Glistening speckles of pink, blue and yellow cloud your vision, whilst also drawing you in. You nearly trip over the web of branches at your feet, as your body moves mechanically towards the source of light.
With each step, the spectrum of colors only become more vivid, distorting your view of the surrounding trees. Yet, you still find yourself trailing further away from home to edge closer to the mesmerizing spectacle.
“You like what you see?”, a low, scratchy voice suddenly interrupts, and it was then that you realized the source was directly in front of you.
Too entranced to recognize the oddity of the situation, you nod.
“Why don’t you come a bit closer, then?”, the voice continues and your fingers reach outward in search of something to grasp.
Upon placing your hand on it, the illusion quickly disappears, leaving your palms swiping at what you now recognize as a moth’s wing. The hues were not quite faint, but they still lacked the initial gleam that lured you. The texture gave off the appearance of iridescent scales, yet it’s fibers were soft as they prickled and caressed your wandering fingertips.
“Who and what are you?”, you spoke, overcome with a sense of ease. The shoulders of the man attached relax into your touch as you glide from the base of his wing to his chest. While you inch toward it, his fuzz becomes increasingly sparse to reveal the translucent, pale skin underneath it.
“My name's Shigaraki, but I don’t think it matters what I am. You’re not scared of me are you?”, the breath of his words fans your eyelashes.
You shake your head gently whilst tracing the web of veins near his collarbone. Two pairs of arms bring you closer. His wings wrap you tightly in his embrace.
“What do you want from me?”, you question before finally staring up at him.
His piercing scarlet eyes are the first to capture your attention. Wisps of white hair sculpt the sides of his face and two feathery antennae protrude from behind his bangs.
“I've got a craving for nectar.”
Your face warms from his words. “What do you mean by “nectar”?
Shigaraki's nimble fingers make their way to your eyelids, which flicker closed from his soft touches. They travel down the sides of your cheeks before tilting your ear to meet his lips.
“It means I wanna part your legs”, he begins, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “And have you dripping into my mouth as I relentlessly suck and tease your mound.”
“You would like that, wouldn't you?” His hands never stop caressing you as he speaks. Your head nudges him with each movement.
“Mm, yes”, was the reply you gave and you were quickly swept into his arms and carried into the nest beside him.
The silky webbing cradled your back perfectly as his body hovered above yours. With his wings against your sides and his chest pressed against you, he places a small kiss on your lips. Yet, his kisses quickly become more passionate as his hot, lengthy tongue invades your mouth and throat.
Spit pools in the crevices of your cheeks with no way of escaping. It becomes harder to breathe with your throat tightening around snake-like intrusion. The feeling is warm yet suffocating and a part of you misses it when his tongue suddenly retracts to leave you empty.
Chill air replaces the heat of his lips and you start panting from the lack of oxygen.
His claws are quick to tear through your clothes to reveal your breasts. The tip of his tongue latches onto your nipple, leaving a slick trail with each rotation and swipe. Your other nipple is placed between the pads of his fingers as he lightly twists it.
The contrasting touches start to overwhelm your senses, causing your body to curve upward. Shigaraki uses his lower body to counter this movement and keep you grounded. His legs hug the sides of your knees while he switches the position of his tongue and fingers. The warmth of it is temporary as he constantly adjusts his placement.
The other arms trail down your body to expose your sex to the night air. A chill overcomes you as one of the arms caress your pussy while the other holds your waist down. His fingers lightly swipe at your opening before he brings them to his lips to taste you.
“Tangy”, he says, releasing them with a loud pop.
He makes his way to your lower half and wraps two of his hands around your thighs.
“Your pussy’s leaking for me”, he speaks into your folds.
Your walls clamp with arousal at the vulgarity of it.
His cheeks hollow to gather saliva, then he parts his lips to allow strings of his drool to dribble onto your clit. You tense after the first cool drop splashes against your skin, yet the press of his tongue on your sex soon follows.
His actions are eager, the slight roughness in his tongue’s texture increasing your stimulation.
You run your fingers through his hair and tug slightly with each jolt that courses through you. It’s difficult to hold back your mumbles as he suddenly increases the pace of his licks.
Noisy slurps and smacks fill your ears, his tongue rotating on your clit and prodding at your opening.
“Shigaraki!”, you moan as you surpass the brink of orgasm. Your thighs attempt to clench around his head yet his hold on them only strengthens.
His tongue never stops as it's soon engulfed by your walls and you feel a burn with each inch that passes through. Half of his tongue enters you then swiftly retracts. A pressure builds in your abdomen as the motion is repeated several times before he attacks your clit once more.
“Too—too much”, you murmur but his ministrations continue. He coats two fingers of his third hand in his spit.
“I know you can handle more”, he slurps. “I'm not finished tasting you just yet.” His tongue penetrates your pussy again coupled with his extra fingers circling the rim of your asshole.
Your cheeks tighten as they slowly enter.
The intrusion is uncomfortable at first but as his fingers curve upward to reach your sensitive spot, you're overwhelmed by the sudden increase in pleasure.
He simulates it from both sides, his tongue pressing against his fingers despite the barrier of your walls. The collision of the two has you arching and throwing your head back in ecstasy.
“Fuck!”, you shout as you reach your peak, and he continues to finger and flick until it subsides.
With your skin glistening and the webbing beneath you soaked in your fluids, he slurps up the last of your “nectar” before pulling away.
“Taste yourself”, he whispers before giving you another passionate kiss. His erection rubs against you as his tongue swipes against your teeth and the roof of your mouth.
“Want you inside me”, you say into his mouth, suddenly overcome with the urge to repay him.
“I thought you've had enough”, he teases while palming his cock.
You shake your head. “Cum inside me, please?”
His eyes darken with lust as he smiles. “I'm sure you're ready to take me”, he says while rubbing his length between your folds.
“Not sure if you can keep up though.” He swiftly enters you and begins pounding the roof of your walls with harsh thrusts.
His angles are quick and precise, with occasional longer thrusts that reach the beginning of your cervix.
Your breasts bounce uncontrollably from the jolting movements of his hips. With your hands placed beneath them, you attempt to lessen the impact of his plunges as all four of his arms grip you tightly.
Though, this does little to prevent your head from lolling as his repeated attacks on your sweet spot make your walls tighten and milk his cock.
“Can you get any—”, he starts between thrusts. “Tighter! F-fuck!”
His head hangs over you with gritted teeth. The look he gives you is almost animalistic.
“Shig—“, you murmur as you can only reply in mumbled increments of his name.
The wings beside you flutter rapidly while he begins to pick up his speed.
He glimmers in the moonlight once more before his warm semen paints the sides of your pussy. Your walls convulse alongside him as the last of his cum trickles onto your thighs.
“I’m stuffed”, he finally says, collapsing beside you and holding you close.
You drift off to sleep at the gentle caresses of his wings.
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sugarakis-p2 · 1 year
All Knights and Day must die ch:26
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{Mothman Shigaraki is the new king, so much on his shoulders and wings. Nothing better than to use Ur (Aka Ur Name x reader) to relieve his stress as he plots to destroy the Order of the Azure rose.}
Warning: Yandere mothman Shigaraki, Knotting and Macrophilia, Oral, blood, death.
@lovingbadguys @balanceisrelative @nut-in-me-jojo
Are you going mad? Strange visions plague your sleep. It's hard to tell in the grips of a warzone with a Mothman you despise. It's not that Darvish is entirely bad, but he is not your Shiggy. Maude was right about one thing, use a man and have them wrapped around your pinky. The Order have found Shigaraki and it's up to the League and your family to help Shigaraki.
Previous chapter<---
You stare at the food, your mouth waters and your eyes dart to Darvish.
You have not found the game you can kill in the forest, so you have been scavenging and rummaging for berries and roots you can eat. Even if you freeze what you've come across with your eye, the best Darvish can do is rip a chunk off before you run because bigger things are coming when they smell the blood. The creatures of the night are ruthless and relentless in the eternal night. Darvish put the money in the vendor's box and opened another with food. He examined the food first, then Darvish nodded to let you know eating it all was fine.  
"Hurry up," the vendor boy hissed from behind bars, "There are night creatures everywhere."
You crammed your mouth with food, ravenously devouring it without a second thought. Every bite was just a fleeting sensation on your tongue before you moved on to the next. Efficiency was your goal, regardless of whether you genuinely savored each mouthful. A scream broke the silence.
"Is there a safe Inn nearby?" Darvish asked. The boy gave him a name before slamming his shop shut, grabbing your hand in his gloved one, and leading you away.
"You look too much like a worn-out princess. We will have to find you new clothes. I don't like being in their territory. The Order will be looking for you, and those clothes still look too fancy despite being in tatters. Although I would prefer you nude and in a nest," Darvish grinned. He almost looked normal in the clothes he stole. The hooded cape hid his wings. The Mohawk he meticulously cultivated was starting to grow and get shaggy. If it weren't for his extra set of eyes, he would almost look normal. Handsome even.
"I would never sleep with the monster that killed my sister," you snarled at him. That made him freeze and blink all sets of his eyes. You could see the anger twist in him.
"Your lifemate killed your sister, and everyone knew it before you. I saw it before you did, and I had not been there that long. I also had no part in your other sisters' death. Be grateful you are alive because of her sacrifice. Shigaraki really has indulged you too much, little female," Darvish growled with a chitter. 
You wanted to slap him, but you have lived with Shiggy long enough to know this is a sign that he's at his limit with your behavior. You start sobbing uncontrollably. Your heart was racing as Darvish pulled you into the dark alley with a buzz of agitation. You knew it was all too true, and it was the last straw. Your heart is breaking with the truth of it. You were overwhelmed with emotion as Darvish pulled you into a tight embrace. You let out a gut-wrenching sob.
"I didn't ask to live and have my sister sacrificed! I hate that I'm alive. I thought Imogene had chosen the Order over her own family, and when I saw her again, I had expected her to be angry, to lash out at me, not for her to give her life and even her appearance to protect me. I had just begun to understand and appreciate her for who she was, and now she is gone. Maude isn't dead, but she would want to be if she knew she would be a vegetable. It was a cruel and unfair twist of fate, and I cursed myself for loving Tomura Shigaraki more than Maude. While she had her flaws, that was what you had loved about her, and now she's a hollow shell of her former glory. Yoon. Poor Yoon. He was always kind to me. He took care of me and was loyal to a fault. I was going to put him in my harem and help him raise his son. Now his baby is an orphan. All because of me," You let out a pitiful wail of pain and despair.
The sorrow that had been so tightly coiled in your chest finally burst free. You felt the tears spilling over, and sobs wracked your body as you grappled with the reality that it was all your fault. When your sobs slowed, Darvish swept you up in his strong arms and away to a hotel room. He ordered the staff to draw a hot bath and left momentarily to retrieve something. He came back with some soap and Sake.
You slumped in exhaustion, feeling too numb to care as he peeled off your clothes and gently placed your nude form in the tub. Davish joined you, handing you some Sake to sip while he guzzled it. His hands roamed lewdly as he lathered your body with soap. You whimpered softly, your tears still dripping, as he embraced you tightly, his naked body pressed against yours, the steaming water relaxing your muscles. The Sake and water warm you to the bones.
"I didn't think Mothmen could bathe. I watched Shigaraki clean himself, and it was sponge bathes daily," you say. Making conversation and pretending his cock wasn't pressing against you. You thought of Shigaraki, fucking you rough while Darvish's fingers wiggled lower, and his panting increased. You missed Shigaraki.
"We are trapped. I can not fly if we want to. The Order has the dragon-born monitoring the skies. A scary one named Ryukyu. She is not one I can fight," he moaned, bucking his hips lightly, "Shigaraki must have spared his wings to combat. You smell so sweet. I can't fly if I wanted to, but this is worth it." Darvish groaned, the pressure increasing on your backside, annoying you and almost making you spill your drink. Dry humping in his sleep was one thing, but you snapped as his claws made their way between your thighs.
"You are a monster!" You hissed in a fury, pushing away from him. His grip around you tightened, digging his claws in not to let you slip away, as he snatched the eye patch off your face and looked down at you, twisting you around to see his stupid smile. Holding you too tight, you felt the bile rise in your throat as you feared the worst. He gripped your face, and his lips descended on yours for a kiss. They are soft and shockingly gentle as his tongue caresses your lower lip. Shigaraki's kiss was always rough and possessive, his long tongue sometimes making you gag with lust. You parted your lips slightly and allowed him entrance. When his tongue attempts to entwine with yours, you clamp your teeth. He was quick and didn't let you bite him. 
"Wicked little Moonbeam. By law, I get pussy. Do you want to starve? What? Should I spend only my gold when you give nothing back," He growled, reaching out and touching your necklace. You grip it tight from his claws. This was a gift from your mate, your Shiggy, and Darvish cannot have it. You rather starve. He saw your resolve and dropped the subject. You tried to kick at him in your rage. He looked mildly amused by your efforts.
"Why don't you use your kingly power? There are still your men here. Why do we have to sneak around? Are you, not a king?" You hiss at him. He laughs and leans his head back, and arches up to you, his cock brushing against your thighs and calves. 
"Not anymore. I gave up my title for you. To be in your harem, I am guaranteed a grub and a duke's title. That is why Overhaul took over. It does not matter once your mate is healed. He will re-take my kingdom for himself and appoint me Duke. I do not have to lift a claw. All I need to do is protect our little goddess. So you see, I have rights," he explained, pulling you to him with a softer touch.
"Why not keep me for yourself and your kingdom?" You hesitate in asking the question. After all, if it had been Shiggy, he would have. You wouldn't even dare to think that Shigaraki could have made such a deal involving a grub outside of their circle. It was one thing letting someone lick you in public.
That just seemed to be their way. How injured was Shiggy? Is he at death's door? You shake your head, dismissing the thought. No way would Shigaraki ever let anyone else take his place. He would come back from the grave before he let that happen. Darvish must have seen doubt on your face because he became serious.
"Overhaul does not believe in our ways. I also find his insubordination reckless. He does not understand how I find his measures towards your guard disgusting. If given a choice, Yoon would have chosen you and sacrificed your sister, and you would be more docile with a male you know. What a tragic waste of genuine talent. I would never do anything as dishonorable as go back on my word and force the goddess," he explained, pulling you flush to him. You are stunned, unsure what to do other than let him wash your hair, "I like your natural scent more."
"Stop that," you whine. His claws create a pleasant tingly sensation on your scalp. 
"Wash me," he ordered. He had washed you, and you can no longer think of a reason not to. If you are honest with yourself, you do like running your fingers through mothmen fluff. You plant your knees on his stomach and work your fingers into his sable fur collar.
"What a good girl. Shigaraki must have trained you well in something," he groaned and purred as you shampooed his neck ruff. You roll your eyes and continue with the task. He grabbed your waist and pushed you down on his stomach. You yelped as your legs wrapped around him, and you could feel the rumbles of his purrs hit your core, "He's trained you on how to be a proper queen and breeder. I will treat and teach you to be a better mate. Your pussy is hot and slick on me. Shigaraki must have broken you in very well. Do you crave cock?"
You blush at his lewd words. You do crave it. It felt amazing to be filled by Shigaraki, his knot making you feel like you would break, his heat spreading as he pumped you with cum that leaked from every hole.  
"Look at you blush and get wetter," he growled, grinding you hard on his abs. You squeal as he grins and looks you in your eyes, "Good girl. Look at me." His large hands made you buck harder, rolling your hips and rubbing your clit over his body. Tingles of pleasure travel up your spine, and you moan and close your eyes. Not wanting to look or obey him. He growled, dragging you up toward his mouth. You panicked. Screaming no, thrashing, and violently yanking at his antennae and hair, knowing it would cause the most pain.
"It is ok, my little goddess. As I said, I will never force anything on you as long as you stay by my side," he said, letting you slide down his body slowly. "It felt like you were enjoying yourself, and I wanted to give you more. I felt the heat of your cunt on my middle and thought I would melt. I saw your body shudder with desire, your skin prickle with bumps, your nipples harden, and your breath hitched. These are all things I saw."
You are understanding more and more what his mysterious power is. Those eyes can see everything. His claws tenderly trace through your hair, and it's not delicately the way Shigaraki would do it, but it's still a pleasure. His dark and soulful eyes seem to pierce right to your core, and you feel the urge to scrub away any remnants of your scent, lest he mistake it for something more. He swiftly lifts you out of the bathtub yet gently and wraps a large plush towel around you. He then spreads his wings, gently dusting you as Shigaraki did. You can feel the weight of the marking, and it scares you a bit. His wings wrap around you like a cocoon as he starts to keen, a sound that reverberates deeply within you and lulls you to sleep.
"I still don't understand. Why can't we use your connections? You must have at least some allies in your kingdom. The night creatures have taken over this city. I saw many Mothmen in the streets. Traveling in a larger group would be safer and quicker," you tried to persuade and reason. His lower set of eyes opened and stared at you drowsily. A hissy chuckle escaped his throat.
"He honestly didn't tell you, did he? I have no allies while I travel with the goddess and the fated mate of Shigaraki. I am defenseless and isolated. They would attempt to eliminate me to win Shigaraki's approval or claim you to keep the entire kingdom, challenging the elder's ruling of fated mate or even murder you as a false goddess. Needless to say, none of these scenarios would end well for  you  or me," he purred. You heard a scream somewhere outside and cringed against him.
"I want to go home," you whimpered.
"We're still at war. I'll protect you. As the other mate, I will see to it," he moaned, falling fast asleep. It's not long before you join him.
Your dreams are strange, but this was the worst one. Your dead sisters sat at the table drinking tea. You're deceased siblings crying and playing somewhere in the distance. 
"Wrong! I am not dead. Really. This is not dignified. Why would I ever want a baby with Ginari? I exist to be a queen," Maude said.  What?  You wondered.
"Really, you are the most selfish of cunts. I can't believe you raised her. Adam should have killed you too," Imogene replied to Maude, nibbling on a cookie.
"Adam is smarter than you. He realized early on that our most precious assets should have been placed in the most sensible hands. Our little sister reminds me so much of both. Lazy with a good backbone like father and clever with a sweet naiveté that men flock to like mother," Maude chuckled. You know that chuckle. It was not friendly. It made you feel little deep down in your gut. Imogene scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Perhaps Adam knew it took many styles of teachings to shape our little sister. He has been the most cautious and calculating in the family. I am still mad he let you and Abraham break her with your fanatical beliefs."
"Trauma breeds greatness. Look at Daddy and myself, for example. I fail to see your reasoning, Imogene, since I raised a perfect little goddess," Maude genuinely laughed.
"Then, by your logic, you are an average whore sold by Daddy," Imogene replies, fanning herself.
"I knew instantly I would never reach the very peak. I had too much respect for the consequences, unlike Icarus dreaming of immortality and scorching his wings. Nothing was more important to me than protecting my little sister, giving her the highest status, and safeguarding her from harm. But then doubt crept in, slowly unraveling my convictions, and pain replaced loyalty.The troubling thought that my sister's stupid husband could never understand my intention, that his selfishness could shatter my sacrifice and shatter my heart. My purpose was to give my life in homage to the purest piece of mommy, and it mattered not if I was dead to the world if she reigned. What can he say of his own courage? All he has done is place her in danger, and what have you done for the greater good of our family, Imogene?"
"I gave my life! You are a dumb bitch. Little sister, who do you think is right?" Imogene asked. Collapsing to the floor, wracked with sorrow, you curl into a ball, letting the tears flow freely. Your heartache is unbearable as if you're trying to escape the pain by going mad. Apologies stream from your lips, desperate cries for mercy, as you long for the comfort of the people you miss. You know that no matter how much you apologize, nothing will fill the aching void in your soul, and wishing for oblivion over this, whatever this is, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I miss you both so much."
"No! No! You can't do that," Maude scorned. Slamming her teacup down, "Look at how soft you have gotten. I am so disappointed. Here I am in a deep sleep, and you have not even figured out how to use that. I thought I raised you better! Really!" Maude huffed, pouring more tea into a fresh cup that appeared. Her penetrating gaze bore down on you. It was as if you could feel her reaching inside your soul, prodding you to think more profoundly and strive for something greater. Confusion and unease warred within you. You could not interpret what it meant. Like a mandala of questions, her unspoken admonishment hung in the air around you. What were they trying to tell you? Why are they haunting you like this, and why couldn't you understand it?
"I-I-I," you sputtered when Maude sighed; the clink of her tea cup was deafening as she mocked you.
"I-I-I…really! Don't you want to see him? Don't you want to do what is best for your family?" Maude scorned.
"You are the worst!" Imogene shouts at Maude before she calculates her next words. "Little sister. Do not cry for me. I couldn't have asked for a better death. I want you to know she is not entirely wrong. I feel you must choose your own path. You have already parted from us and carved your own life. No matter what. The dangerous part of Shigaraki is always connected to you. The whole point of marking is to keep you connected. If you want to see him, you have to think of him and bend the magic of your eye to you. Accept the most primal and evil part of him, and you will be home in your heart," Imogene said, blowing on her tea.
"That's cheating! She could hurt herself by using magic too often. What a basic cunt," Maude sneered, tossing a cookie at Imogene. "You have always been a simple-minded idiot, Imogene. That's why you are dead. Listen to your Maude, my little treasure! The most basic of people are the easiest marks. My love and protection were intended to save you. I love you, my darling little sister, with a love that knows no bounds. A love that conquers all, for my love, is the only true love. It would be best if you carried that with you, always. Recall what I taught you. I am precious, but so are you. Sparkle! Sparkle! My dazzling gem. Remember, you are my treasure. I love you, little sister. More than life. More than anything. Use that," she said, pouring more tea.
"I don't understand. I want to see Shiggy," the moment you uttered these words, the world changed.
Shigaraki's monolithic back straightened in the darkness, a warning sign indicating he had scented his prey. Outrage etched across his face as he slowly turned his massive head, his expression first drawn in furious curiosity until he locked eyes with you. What the hell is that? It's him, but like when you first saw him. Your heart hammering your chest, an overwhelming sense of evil, you attempt to turn and flee, only to fall straight into his grasp as that unmistakable boney hand clasps down on you.
Fearful of being crushed and turned to dust in his clutches, you flatten yourself as much as possible. At the same time, he slowly lifts you between three giant fingers, creating an impenetrable metal cage encapsulating you in its viselike grip. Instead of being squeezed like a rodent, he cups you in his hands like a treasured possession, his most precious beginning.
His antennae linger on your cheek for a sweet moment, an eternity. The look of love he gives you makes you wet and dissipates all your fears. Shigaraki flutters and chirps, and your heart melts as he trills and coos. Leaning down to nuzzle you. Until a look of hatred washes over his features and ruins the moment completely. His coos and trills become menacing hisses and growls, and your heart sinks to your stomach. You brace yourself as Shigaraki pulls away, jerking his head back as if your touch has scalded his skin. Your fears return, raining on the romance of the moment.
"You stink of another male. I hate it," he snarled. You screamed in terror as his razor-sharp fangs clicked in anticipation, the way he does when he wants to taste blood. His long tongue reached out hungrily towards you. You squirm and scream in surprise when his tongue snakes past his sharp fangs to gobble you up. His long tongue harshly lathes over your entire body.
Ripping off your clothes in one swipe, he turns his head to the side and spits the fabric out. You felt a chill run down your spine as his powerful tongue relentlessly explored every inch of your body as if savoring every drop of its prey. Your breath quickens when he manipulates you with a massive single claw. It trails downward over your body, parting your leg. The tip of his tongue harshly entered your throbbing mound with a mighty thrust. You screamed again as he filled you to bursting, the tears streaming down your face as his tongue violated your pussy. Shigaraki pulls his tongue with a lip-smacking wet slurp. You shuddered in relief, terrified this titan would split you in two and swallow you whole.
"My honey," he trills. He tips his hand, dropping you. You claw at the air in terror when you land softly in the nest. He descends on you, shrinking to his normal size. His muscled form is now pushing down against you, trapping you beneath him. At the moment, it feels like the world stands still. Violently spreading your legs and clamping his mouth over your cunt. His broad hands suddenly grab your legs, spreading them wide as his mouth clamps on your cunt, tongue flicks and glides against your core. No, he is bulkier, with more toned muscle.
He presses you down harshly. When he was at home, he was getting softer. His hair is much longer and pure white, cascading around you like a midnight embrace. You clutch at it and arch your back up into his mouth. You claw at it, pulling him closer to your body as your spine arches in pleasure. You can feel the intensity of his lust, more vigorous and more demanding than you've ever known. You feel a tiny spark of fear, laced with delight, as you recognize the wild part of Shigaraki in these moments. He is a giant of strength and power, with toned muscles.
His wings, midnight black with a pattern of deadly white like polished skull, flutter and vibrate at your core. He was getting softer at home. At this moment, he was feral, instinctive. This is Shigaraki's primal side, a side your sisters told you to accept. And you do, gladly. You laughed to yourself. They don't know this is one of your favorite parts of Shigaraki. You envelop him, fingers entwined in his hair, back arched, and present to him. You revel in this opportunity to be with him again in this way. In a moment of splendor, this is definitely one of your favorite parts of Shigaraki.
"Shiggggy," you whined.
"Don't resist me," he hissed. He grabs your hips, stabilizing his body as he slams into you, his rageful lust unleashed. His claws dig into your skin, bruising your tender flesh. He ravishes you, and each thrust is more demanding and more intense than the last. His teeth nip down your body as if offering an eternal reminder of your shared pleasure. You cry out in pain and pleasure as he thrusts deeper inside you. His tongue follows the path of his teeth, licking away the salty tears spilling down your cheeks.
He ravishes you, his passion and rageful lust combining in a moment of intense pleasure. His moans echo in your ears, urging you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. His teeth sink into your shoulder, intensifying the sensations coursing through your body, his wings flapping and vibrating. They have darkened to almost entirely black and ragged. He craves you, his fervent hunger and escalating lust melding together in a vortex of explosive rapture as he plunges himself inside you. His lusty roars reverberate in your mind, compelling you ever nearer to the apex of bliss. You grip his back, your fingernails scratching him as you climb higher.
In one final thrust, his knot expands as your walls pulse on him. You both collapse in a sweaty heap. Your bodies are still trembling from the intensity of the moment. He wraps his strong arms around you and drags you close to him, his warm breath fanning over your shoulder. You can't help but feel grateful for this moment as you bask in the afterglow of his raging lust. Shigaraki licked and purred.
"I wanted to ask you about our grubs and about Darvish. Yoon is dead, and Yoosung needs a family, and my sis-" you started when he growled.
"Grub will be thrown to the pits like all foundlings. It is how I was raised," he chittered. You narrowed your eyes at him, rage bubbling inside. That is not what you wanted to hear. He appears not to care at all now that he's humped you and was about to tell him so when he roughly pulled from you—waking you up. You wake up gasping, remembering the last thing you saw was Shigaraki talking to a visage of Master.
Darvish stood in the doorway with his arms full of packages. You gasped and clutched at the blanket over your nude form. You are still adjusting to everything you saw and experienced, something you immediately regretted because you didn't think. Mothmen love submission. He dropped the bags as his jaw went slack, and began drooling. Kicking the door closed, he was on you, looming and panting. Drool pooling on your belly. His eyes seemed ablaze with hunger, black and cold like an unfeeling predator. You knew you were in trouble now, and that predator was ready to devour you; you had seen the same look moments ago. You stiffen and clamp your legs shut. You know it will never be enough to stop a beast, but you hope you can use Maude's teachings.
"You are a man of your word. You won't force me?" You asked him with dangerous caution. He stared at you before slamming his head next to yours in the bed. Violently jerking off and endlessly spurting cum.
"Yes! Yes! Teasing wicked goddess! Tell me what you want?" he pants. A large throbbing cock in his hand. You see and crave it, and he instantly responds with a dangerous stiffening of his body.
"I want to live a happy life with my family. I want Shigaraki," You don't bother to mince words. You don't wish for the impossible, and it shouldn't be twisted into a curse. He looks at you intently as he bucks his hips before he answers.
"I can smell you are wet and drenched with need. Let me drink you up and place me in your harem. I will tell you how to keep the little grub," He panted. You froze, wondering how he knew, "You mentioned how the grub would be orphaned. The grub you fed from your chest when we met. I assumed from the sound of it you wanted the grub."
Your gaze hardens as you look into his eyes. He is eerily aware of your thoughts, almost as if he can read your mind. Yet all you can see in his eyes is the tragedy of the family you lost. Your chest constricts as you remember the pain and the injustice that was served in your war, and as you think of Yoosung, your heart aches more. His entire family died for you. The least you can do in his honor is hold Yoosung to your beast with adoration and offer your devotion with the utmost respect.
"You are already in my harem according to you," you seethed. He flapped his wings triumphantly in a passionate display of seduction. His sly smirk betrayed his impish confidence in having already ensnared his prey in his clutches. 
"After spending time with you, I have begun to unravel a pattern in Shigaraki's behavior. He makes promises yet finds a way to break them. As he remains steeped in the old traditions, I doubt he will ever accept a male, let alone a foundling, into your nest. I offer a different solution. Make an unbreakable pledge with me, and I will help you keep the grub," he offered. He caresses your legs and rumbles with desire. You bite your lip and consider your options, remembering Maude's teachings very well.
Shigaraki  felt the darkness fading as bursts of light clouded his vision. Cracking his eyes wearily, he felt the sensation of sinking, and then suddenly, he was swept out of the tank, baby daughter still nestled in his arms. He felt a searing pain in his chest, and something warm and wet pulled around him and forced him to his knees with a harsh smack. He was surrounded by screams, a hissy wail, alarms, and a blinding light that hurt his eyes. A sense of dread and danger that hung in the air. He strained to recall why he was here and what had brought him here. He heard the Doctor's voice from somewhere nearby, calling out urgently, "No! They are not ready!"
"Your life ends here, bunny bitch of the Order. He has a baby in his arms!" Shigaraki could hear Adam scream. "No regrets," She gargles her last breath.  
He felt hands on his shoulders, lifting him and then flipping him on his back in a pool of water and broken glass. They are not breathing. His daughter had stopped wailing, and his lungs were not working. A bolt of lightning surged through his body, and he barely managed not to hurt his grub. Shigaraki gasped for breath as he felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins as the cold water surrounded his body. He was cold. His daughter had to be cold. He felt hands trying to take her from him. He thrust himself upright with a sudden burst of strength, swiping at what was trying to take his grub from him. He sensed a splash of hot liquid and the scent of iron. She is shivering; he removed the cloak from the person he killed. Turning the remains to dust and cradling his daughter to him when Adam runs over.
"Are you alright? Is the baby ok?" He panted. Shigaraki checks to see her mewling, four little fists gripping at him as she roots for a nipple. Adam helps him up with a grunt and shouts, "They have the Doctor, but more are still coming, Kurogiri; make a portal back to the safe house with the kids!"
Shigaraki can stand on his feet, pulls his shirt off, bundles his grub up, and hands her over to Adam. She chirped for her father and then wailed almost like a human baby, which made Shigaraki internally cringe.
"Take care of her. I will get the Doctor and my mate back. I feel as if I could destroy the whole world right now," Shigaraki growled. Adam wanted to argue, but he saw Shigaraki's resolve and turned to go through Kurogiri's portal.
"I have the Azure rose and most important things the Doctor wanted to keep. Give us five minutes to pull back our troops for you, and then don't hold back. We'll send reinforcements after," Adam shouted over his shoulder. With a chittering of his teeth and a flap of his wings, he orders Kurogiri to join Adam. Adam was the best asset of your clan aside from yourself thus far.
Shigaraki clenched his jaw, closing his eyes and muttering a silent prayer for his mate and grubs. He had counted off a thousand in his head, yet the Master's voice still lingered, jabbering in the back of his head, trying to break his resolve and order him to get something. But Shigaraki determinedly continued his countdown, his anticipation growing with each number. He knew the enemy was fast approaching, and he couldn't risk wavering now. He had to contain his he's about unleashed, a strength that could topple the world. He had to keep the destructive power hidden and precise until the last possible second.
Shigaraki was enormous and terrible to behold, his cold crimson eyes blazed with a perverse and vicious intelligence, and its sharp claws dug eagerly into the earth that it trod upon. His black wings spread wide and shimmering in the cave's dim light. He looked like an ethereal harbinger of death. This lab was hidden away from the hive in the black forest, a part of the land where the earth seeped black blood that quickly caught fire. His people should be fine.
The ground shook and rattled as he leaned down and touched the ground, and the terrain began to buckle and splinter beneath his feet. The trees withered and shrank back, giving way to a spreading black stain of decay that stretched out like a stain on a canvas. The beat of destruction sank in deeper, its magical aura seeping into the soil, its putrid dust filling the air.
Beneath the powerful monstrosity that is Shigaraki, the land twisted and writhed as his quirk consumed it. The land seemed to melt away, turning to tarry black goo that bubbled and crackled with sizzling heat. Trees melted into the boggy mire that rose around the creature, and the air filled with a strange, grating sound of destruction.
Shigaraki's dark aura began to spread slowly, energy seeping ever outward. Everywhere it touched, the land became desiccated and grey, lifeless and barren, small creatures withering and dying in its wake, blowing in the wind like ash. Its force was so powerful that rocks and boulders were demolished in mere moments. He had so many different quirks now and endless mana since he moved the lines in their favor.
It was time to go after the brats he knew stole his mate. He bellowed a deafening roar as the ground came to rest. Unable to fly yet, dark tentacles burst from his body, crushing everything in his path. Before long, he was traveling towards Deku, that brat that had taken his mate and carried the thing Master wanted the most, leaving nothing but ruin in its wake.
His eyes, glowing with fire and rage in the eternal night, glared down at the group of heroes beneath him. The heroes, a motley crew of warriors and mages, knew they had no choice but to face Shigaraki head-on, and so they drew their weapons, readying for battle.
Shigaraki smashed into the ground amidst an eruption of dust and rocks, its shockwave tearing through the heroes. A few of them managed to dodge out of the way, but the others were thrown into the air, tumbling and screaming. One of the heroes, a warrior of legendary skill, dove into action and was the first to attack. Endeavor's sword was drawn, and his courage steeled, so he leaped forward and brought it down with a powerful slash. Shigaraki barely noticed his attack and retaliated with a fierce swipe of his claws. Shigaraki was falling to the ground, his decay not working. He knew this could only be the work of one Knight.  
The warrior raised his shield in time to block the blow, but the force of it was still significant enough to send him flying back. He landed several feet away, beaten and bruised but still alive. Meanwhile, the mages had prepared their spells. Magic pyre of fire raced through the air and slammed into Shigaraki, their bright colors casting a strange glow over the battlefield, setting the fields ablaze. Shigaraki was unfazed, however, and with a beat of his wings, he put out the flames on him and headed for Easer's head.
The heroes cringed in fear as the fire licked at their feet. They scrambled out of the way as the blazing inferno spread further and further, searing and burning everything in its path. The warrior, however, was not deterred. Endeavor stood his ground and activated his special ability, radiating a glowing aura that protected him from the heat. He used another fiery move. Taking advantage of his distraction, he readied his mace and marched forward. The heat dried out Shigaraki's wings, and he took to the air.
The sky was lit with rage, boiling with the fury of a battle about to commence. The flame knight, Endeavor, clad in armor that glowed like a furnace, braced himself against the blows coming his way. Shigaraki, dark magic pulsing around him that he could not use, hovered menacingly in the air, crimson eyes fixated on his adversary beneath.
Suddenly, Shigaraki rushed forward at breakneck speeds, talon-like claws ready to rend the flesh from the Endeavors' body. The Knight instantly retaliated, sending a wave of raw flame towards his attacker. The magical fire engulfed the monster in a blaze of heat, its scorching intensity threatening to consume his wings. He just needed to outlast this pain and maim Easerhead so he could heal and kill all the Knights. He wants to destroy them all, to the bone, to their souls.
Shigaraki was not to be outdone, and it retaliated in kind, pounding Endeavor full force with his new body. The Knight was thrown backward, grunting in pain as the force of his blows buffeted him. The monster continued to assail him with wave after wave of strength he did not know Shigaraki had.
The Knight mustered his strength and attempted to fight back, pounding his fists into the monster's chest with all his might. But it was futile as Shigaraki simply shrugged off the blows and retaliated with a flurry of its own powerful jabs, claws racking over the most tender of vulnerable chinks in his armor. In mere moments, the Knight was beaten to his knees.
Finally, the Shigaraki's victory was complete. The Knight lay on the ground, defeated, his armor scorched and beaten beyond recognition. The Shigaraki surveyed his handiwork with a satisfied smirk, victorious after an epic and brutal fight. He placed his foot dead center and raised his arm as Endeavor did in his victories.
Shigaraki turns his attention to Eraser's head. The Knight's scream of horror filled his heart with joy, ignoring everyone's attempt to stop them. Everyone was fearful of the sheer power of Shigaraki and his quirk. He had clawed Eraser Head mercilessly, leaving deep and bloody gashes on his face. The slash of his claws had rung out like thunder, screaming for justice. Deku ran in, determined to save his teacher. With each step, the ground trembled as if the earth was in anguish too. He struck Shigaraki with an immense force, so powerful it severed his jaw from his face. 
Blood splattered across the landscape, cascading in every direction. Shigaraki staggered back, clutching at the deep and deadly wound.
The pain was almost unbearable, but he refused to be broken. He refused to be defeated. The battle was far from over. Eraser Head had been saved, but his quirk had been removed, and Easer Head was no longer a factor. Now, it was time for Shigaraki to heal and regain his strength. He was determined to finish this fight, and finish it he would. He tried to touch the ground again, only to have the green Knight interfere again.
Lifting his prey in the air with black rope magic. Shigaraki's resolve to persevere was strong, and the Green Knight Deku could sense it. Delving into the depths of his power, Deku pulled the two of them into the air, giving Shigaraki no purchase as the teenager pummeled him, bloody and broken. The Green Knight pounded Shigaraki with every ounce of strength he had, not relenting until his enemy's body was covered in blood and broken in multiple places. Despite his crushing damages, Shigaraki refused to die without achieving his dream, not before tasting his own success and seeing more of that beautiful landscape of the knights driven before him.
Shigaraki firmly grasped for one final moment and reached his clawed hands out to catch him. Suddenly, they were both transported to a different world, confronting the Green Knight and his Master. Shigaraki's dream was finally on the verge of being realized, and he had never given up the battle to fulfill his ambition. He hated this place. Master started to try to eat him, something he was not surprised over, but it still hurt.
Right now, Master was monologuing and still trying to become one. Master points to Nana, his grandmother on the other side, and he becomes enraged. He separated his wild side to talk to Deku, who was staring at him with utter rage and purest pity, not saying anything useful and disgusting to Shigaraki further.
"I'll never forgive you for all the lives you took," Deku says.
"Forgive me? I will never forgive anyone. The Order is a rotting corpse filled with lying maggots. They came to the East and slaughtered us. We're only convenient pawns or monsters to your kind. I will show your kind a real monster," Shigaraki hissed.
"The damage you are causing now has nothing to do with what those people did to you," Deku reasoned.
"Then you're an idiot. If you vowed yourself to the Order, you share your people's accountability. My mate told me fear is the parent of cruelty, she read it to me once from a human book, and the Order breeds nothing but fear of night creatures. Do you know why my humans fight so hard? Because I make them happy. My mate was forced to eat her kin to survive. I don't have time to argue. Tell me. Do you have my mate?" Shigaraki spat with seething hate. His primal side was dominating both his reason and Master's ghostly presence. It demanded his mate and blocked out all other desires.
"Don't answer him," one of the other humans said. Shigaraki stares closely and remembers what was told to him about Master's history and is starting to understand. How pathetic and low, Master, he thought. Deku wavered, and he took advantage of it.
"The day my mate came to me, I had only killed humans invading my territory. I am only keeping your kind from killing my kind and family. I have known nothing but to protect my people and those I love. I know the truth of how my kind has been wronged, for you have robbed my family and kingdom of the right to a safe home. You stole our night, and you stole a part of my heart and soul. It's not impossible, Deku. I, and my kind, have seen enough to challenge your lies. You will never steal from us again," he reasoned.
"That's a lie," Deku said low. Shigaraki smiled, a malicious glint in his eye because it was a lie.
"It doesn't matter. Everything will die, or I will get my mate back. I am a monster, that's the difference, and it doesn't matter if you understand," Shigaraki said, turning to his primal side.
He attempted to reason with the horrid brats of the Order. He thinks you would have been proud of him, but he will have to let his beast come out. It is the only way to keep his sanity. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes, ready to let his instincts take over. That was a part of him of his true self he didn't like you to see. Tenko and he both want you and this. It wasn't just a part of his rage. It was the part that healed and tried to impale Deku that consciousness came back. He would take the power and search for you.
The screams are a crescendo. The tears, the smell of the triumph, the taste of blood and decay in the air is tantalizing. He wants to kill, rut, and eat. The green Knight's rage and tears were sweet when he reached out again. This time when he reaches out, and skewers his lover, Baku, he thinks. He trampled his mentor and got bored. Where was his mate? He would have touched the ground again and killed them all.
But they seemed too sad and broken. Not toys worth his time anymore. Master screamed, but his voice was small compared to the roar of his instincts. He sniffed the air and found the male that was like you but not you. It screamed a lot too. He smelled liked you but was like the witch, Maude, a false mate. He is still family and the caretaker of the little ones. Shigaraki takes him from the battlefield, and this one will guide him to his grubs. Shigaraki didn't even need Adam to say anything. He could read his body language like a book, just like his mate.
"I said put me down, fuck face! You are scaring the kids. What the fuck is wrong with him?" Adam asked Zenru.
"Seems he has gone feral. Things must have been bad," Zenru replied.
"Hey! Hey! You didn't get the Doctor back? Holy fuck. I hate everything. Listen up,  Shigggy ," Adam sneered, his voice cutting through. Shigaraki was more annoyed when Adam used the nickname only you are allowed to use. He tried to ignore it, but it was insistent, like you. Yapping when he wanted to rut but telling an interesting story.
"We killed many insurgents from the other hives, Maude was good bait, and I'm happy to say we did it without mercy. Some Order members showed up. Happy to report we killed them as well," Adam said. Adam is holding a grub. A new one, and he didn't like its smell.
"What is that?" Shigaraki hisses. 
"This is just an orphan. What's another mouth to feed? Disregard it. We have other things to discuss," Adam said, shielding the false grub from a false mate. It is not like his own. His own were special and smelled purely of you. This thing smelled like the thing he hated. Therefore, it must be destroyed. Shigaraki reached out to end it when Zenru and Dabi stepped in front. Allies get what they want. 
Shigaraki stops and focuses on finding his grubs. He will get a more pure scent from them and search for you. Everything will be corrected when his mate is rutted and in the nest. For a brief moment, he had reminded him why he had grubs to begin with. He needed to keep them safe to keep you close to him. He found them bundled in a nest and began to coo and keen to them.
"Is he even Shigaraki anymore?" He could hear Spinner ask.
"Yes. If you had a feral side and let it rule you, you are still you, but following your nature. Think of it like that," Zenru instructed.
"Where's the guy that smells like me?" Dabi asked Shigaraki. 'Back there,' he signaled with the flick of his wings and antennae to Dabi, much to Lyra's wailing. Dabi shoved her away, much to his delight. Dabi doesn't look well. He thinks, somewhere far away. It was amongst the same voices as Master. In the back of his head, a smaller, less capable version of himself was screaming Dabi shouldn't go. Dabi's wings are almost gone. Dabi's white bandages fluttered in the wind as he used his feet to fly away like his father. The voice in his head got louder, and he ignored it. He needed his mate in the nest.
"Don't tell me what to do," he snarled when Shigaraki told him something was wrong. He closed his eyes and drifted above the sky without moving, looking for his mate. Kurogiri was consoling a wailing Lyra, and Adam had taken the false grub away. Spinners' vibrations were acceptable.
"The aberrant hive to the North is in a free for all after the Overhaul took over," Spinner said.  So ,  What does he care?  He thought, still letting himself drift higher. It was no use. You are too far for him to catch a scent, and suddenly he is exhausted. He will destroy everything between him and you. It was that simple, touching who first is what matters. He was going to let his connection find you.
"Are you listening, you fucking twit!" Adam snarled. Adam was annoying him. He annoyed him so much that he turned on Adam and snapped while the others cringed away. Adam was like you. Surprising. "Don't snarl at me, you fucking shit bag with wings! Fuck this. You hold this. Zenru, help me!"  
Searing pain. Then he was engulfed in the scent of grubs. He cooed and keened to them. If one wailed too much, he would fetch his mate. Adam turned to Zenru, letting Shigaraki snarl and scream in agony with the grubs.
"Is that safe? His flesh is rippling, and he sounds distant even for a creature like him, you know, not emotionally present?" Adam asked.
Zenru nodded like you have shown him, "As long as they are not wailing for food, he will nest with them. Look, he is already forming a cocoon. That's silk to protect him and the grubs."
"That rabbit bitch let him out before he was fully developed. We keep the grubs taken care of and let him bake longer. I will help Lyra since I don't trust an order bitch alone. Spinner, you take care of Maude and Giran. Zenru, you keep doing your thing.
"My thing of controlling the Generals and running a war?" Zenru snorted.
"Yeah, that thing. Will the kids be safe around him?" Adam asked, pointing to Shigaraki
"He seemed to have a deep connection to them even when he denied it," Zenru fluttered unsurely, wanting to return to battle but seeing Adam as his best line to the human fighters. Adam seemed to consider the options and grabbed Mabel and John aside.
"You must be a big girl and care for the younglings. Uncle Kurogiri and the Nest sisters will help. John, you be a man and take care of your sisters," Adam instructed. His sisters sniffled. Shigaraki reached out and pulled them in under his wings, cooing and keening to them in the nest. These are all his little grubs, nuzzling the girls with the babies. That was all Adam needed for reassurance. At the same time, Paul was helping with Yoosung and the other one he had yet to name.
"I still hate him," John growled under his breath. Adam gave him a hard look, and John gave it right back. Your family is not much for conversation, but the message from Adam was clear.  Good. Hate him. That way, it's easier to protect what really matters. What you really love.  It was unspoken and true, at least for Adam, who Maude and Abraham raised. He hefted his pickaxe and followed after Lyra. That dumb bitch was the key to Kurogiri and, in Adam's mind, one of the most valuable members of the army. He stopped briefly by the light touches of the nest sisters .  Adam sighed, returned, and pressed kisses with his fingers to all the little ones, including Yoosung and the unnamed grubs. God damn, you are an exhausting little sister. I always have to chase after you and find where you're hiding,  Adam thought, remembering how you and Mom smiled the same. You always tried to get out of trouble with that smile. It steeled Adam to fetch the people who could help him the most. 
"You're lucky I love you," he mumbled to himself.
"How do I do this again?" You ask Darvish.
"We keep the promise in our hearts, and I will bite your pinky. Depending on the severity of breaking your pinky promise, the nail will turn black, and a vine will travel up your arm and kill you," Darvish chirped. Your hand trembles as you slowly extend the succulent digit toward him.
His strong, firm grasp wraps around your hand, and then, with a startling crunch, he sinks his teeth into the flesh. You jump as a slight sting radiates from where his teeth are connected, yet a silent intimacy resonates between the two of you as the magic flows and burns your eye. You cup it while Darvish lustfully sucks on your finger until you yank it from his greedy mouth. He trills you and holds you close.
"As if I had a lot of options," you huff. You desperately needed Darvish because you had seen what others might do to you if you were alone or discovered. At least he keeps his word and doesn't force you to mate. You were staring at the wound and the blue nail. All of this had felt familiar, and you are now noticing. You are not strong enough to travel back to the hive during a war alone. You didn't even make it to the capital the first time when Yoon snatched you up and threatened to drop you from the air. "We need a mule or something."
Darvish hissed in displeasure and twitched in refusal.
"You are supposed to deliver me to my mate," you growled at him. You were attempting to keep your voice down. Screams echoed in your ears from earlier, sending chills down your spine. Your heart raced with fear and rage as you forced yourself to be as quiet as possible, desperately clinging to whatever shred of safety or hope you could find.
"That was a bargain I made with Shigaraki. It is null and voids the moment I fulfill my side of  our  agreement," he smirked.
"You bastard. I need to get home to my babies. I already feel an ache in my breast at the thought of being unable to feed them because your foul Doctor-," you are saying, raising your voice when he clamped a firm hand over your mouth.
"Saved your life," he sneered, cutting you off and letting you pace back and forth in your new clothes. They are baggy men's clothes, and they are not the worst. What was the worst is Darvish and your overwhelming desire to lash out and hurt him. You clasped your hand firmly over your eye as the other hand opened and closed into a fist. You cannot do that, so you try your best to remain calm, "Be mad little Moonbeam. As your mate, I am deciding to keep you safe until Shigaraki comes for you. Trying to travel during a war while being hunted is a terrible idea."
"And sitting here in enemy territory is your solution? You already ruined me physically. Now I am a prisoner until the war is over?" You questioned, boiling with rage. This time you did lash out, he caught you as you swung and clamped his other hand over your mouth, preventing any sound from escaping. His eyes were dark and dangerous as his gaze met yours. You tried to wriggle free, but he was too strong. He pinned you down, pulling your hands above your head.
"It's time you learned your place, dark goddess. How Shigaraki put up with your disobedience is beyond comprehension," he hissed, his eyes darkening even further as he used his bulk to press you down harder on the bed, "For the last time, I did not give orders to harm your sister or your guard. I am pleased you are ready to breed again, but not at the cost of your submission. I will seal our deal now. The way to keep the grub is simple. Make Yoon a consort of your harem."
That made you pause in your struggles. Darvish sat up, crimson flooding his face as he realized he was gripping your hand too hard, sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to calm his frayed nerves. Desperation and rage coursed through his veins as he longed to rut with you, curbing the urge to stumble along an archaic path of beating a female in order to claim and tame her. Yet, the language of his political marriage still tasted of bile in his throat.
Forcing you to mate was forbidden. He should have taken you sooner. He ached to take you, to feel your supple body in his arms. But the idea gained him nothing in the long run. Darvish instead gently began to bandage your pinky, you were not docile, but you let him touch you, curiosity and passion burning in your eyes. A passion is born in the flame of your consuming desire to be a mother.
Like the goddess of night creatures, maybe the priest was right, and you are the real thing. You didn't flinch away when he examined your wrists, either. He took it as a sign of things to come, a path that allowed him to accept who he was and who you were. Together.
"I can do that even though Yoon is dead?" You asked sternly. He burst into laughter, a throaty hissy thing that made you jump in surprise. Shigaraki rarely laughed, and this caught you off guard.
"Even Shigaraki wouldn't dare to deny the Queen's rightful claim to a war hero. Show everyone a grand gesture of your admiration, and declare that you will erect a magnificent statue in his honor with his accolades. There will be no option for him but to allow you to inherit the grub as the official beneficiary," Darvish stated. His grin faded. He brought you to his lap, ashamed of himself. 
"I'm sorry, my goddess," he murmured scarce above a whisper. Closing his hands around yours, he squeezed gently. He had left a bruise on your delicate flesh, his voice broken. "I shouldn't have…" Torn, he looked away as he fought the urge to restrain you and Estrus. "But it doesn't change the fact that I still want you. Please clothe yourself in these foul-smelling male garments, and we will prepare to leave." He slipped you off his lap while he stared at the corner to give you privacy. You had already donned the clothes except for your cloak. Is he stupid, you wondered? No, Darvish did not come off as dumb to you. You had been clutching the cloak to you all this time, the last pillar of hope you had that was given to you by Yoon, yet it felt strange on your tattered skin. At least Darvis wasn't arguing about leaving anymore. 
Putting on the cloak as he snatched you up and rushed you through the streets, clutching it to you as the winds rushed past you, There were threats, screams, and pleas of mercy to god, and you ran past them all. Though you couldn't put your finger on it, something made you suspect Darvish was leading you astray in the darkness.
The aura of violence and chaos clung to every sound of the winds passing you as if you heard the desperate cries of those who had gone before you. So, on and on through the night, the dark, lost streets brought out a sense of dread in you. You felt like you were walking straight into the jaws of a monster.  
You had escaped the city, yet where were you heading? War was all around, yet your last hope had been to go forth and find a haven in your beloved hive with your Shiggy. Was there no place to find solace? Where was he taking you? Though you shouted your question two hundred times through gritted teeth, the only answer was the roar of the wind pushing you onward. You thought I was taking you out of the city and closer to your forest. As you perceived where you were headed, hesitation and wonder became unrestrained terror. You felt panic and bile rise in your gut.
You had never seen such a strange structure that jutted from the hillside. The strange estate nestled atop a hillside encased in glass that could only be seen by soaring through the skies, sending rumbles of awe tore through the vast expanse of land far greater than expected. Even the secret hive in your hometown didn't have a wall of glass like this. He set you down, and the city glimmered in the near distance, so vast and spread beyond Darvish's lands. With nervous steps, taking a deep, one dry mouth breath, and setting foot into the estate, you are determined to explore and uncover what secrets lay ahead.
"You keep taking me further and further from my mate and grubs," you growled as he let you explore. You glanced around the weathered home, noting how deceptively large it seemed from the outside. Though it had certainly seen better days, it was clear it had been well-loved and cared for. But the deep red smears caught your eye and made you seize up as you went back and pressed against Darvish's chest.
The sickening horror of seeing someone else's blood seep into the walls instantly choked the air from the room. You can smell it now, iron and coppery taste in the air. This was not a place you wanted to be. Despite this derailment of your plans, you still came out on top with the spell, at least you hoped, as you stared out at the vast space between you and Shiggy.
"Yes. Shigraki will carve a bloody path to you and help me regain my lands whether he wants to or not. The shadows looming overhead carry the secrets of these ancient lands and the cursed spells placed upon them. Even Mothmen and the Fey dare not step near, for the mysteries of this place are too vast to comprehend, but I am not any Mothman. You cannot see it if you do not know where it's at. A Necromancer once lived here. He departed, and I killed the beast that was slumbering here. I can feel the creatures lurking in the shadows, their hunger greater than mine for sustenance. Soon, my beloved goddess, we will have all the protection we need. It will be the safest for you here. I will start building a nest for us and hunting for food," Darvish announced, leaving you here.
Your mind raced as your heart fluttered, and a cold sweat decreased at your brow as you created a fire and searched for supplies to clean the blood and gore in the hallway. You were gingerly wading into the dark and wretched depths of the mysterious chamber. Sweat trickled aimlessly down your neck as your mission of cleaning started. Miracle of miracles, you had most of what you needed. All except the muster of courage to continue, but you needed water. You shuffled further into the darkness.
Your breath bated upon spotting a small inlet leading to a cave, and in awe-inspiring delight, the source of glinting light revealed a mysterious, bubbling spring! Trembling with anticipation, you gathered your provisions: a bucket and some old rags. Protecting yourself with flimsy breathing masks comprised of cloth, you ventured back.
Your hand dipped into the freezing water, fingers quickly going numb. It was far too cold for this season. You stared out into the abyss; the lands would soon start to die if you were not given back, worrying about the consequence of any potential negotiation refusal. It could mean your whole community's destruction if you couldn't make Shigaraki see reason. A shudder ran through your body, and you let out a sob. Your tears mixed with the bloody mess around you, the uncertainty and dread of what was to come, a heavy weight on your shoulders.
Lyra  was stunned into silence when Dabi coolly revealed his identity as the exiled prince of the firefly hive. His grim tale of suffering under the yoke of the tyrannical Order of the Light and his father left her heart heavy and broken. How could such wickedness exist? The amount and form of punishment that the Order allowed his father to perform were unforgivable.
Shoto only hinted at things since he was isolated the most and primarily raised in the Order of the Light. His heritage was not surprising to her, but she still felt naive and wavered. Her world had been shattered. The Order treated her well until they sent her into the field. She thought she had been welcomed into their ranks, only for them to cast her off into danger like a mere pawn.
"Take her back," Dabi laughed and ordered Adam as he set more ablaze. He had heard his family was here and was refusing to listen to her. Fear and uncertainty raged within her at the thought of Dabi's mission of destruction. Even with her beloved Shoto's brave attempts to mitigate the traumas to the rest of his family, he had endured in the Order's care, the memory of how harshly his own family had treated him lingered in her mind. Desperate to rouse Dabi back to reason, Lyra's last resort was to appeal to his humanity beneath his hatred and pain. But was it enough, or would they all succumb to their fate? She pondered silently, feeling hollowed out and helpless. She did something she was not used to and turned to Adam. She didn't need to say anything for him to know what she wanted. He rolled his eyes.
"What do I get?" Adam asked.  
"You get to keep a valuable ally," Lyra said. That would have worked on you but not on Adam, who blatantly laughed at her.
"Don't be stupid. I never liked you, but at least you weren't stupid," Adam said haughtily. Her bottom lip trembled as she thought about what she could give Adam. Adam watched as she cried and then watched the chaos ahead. Sighing, Adam hitched his pickaxe and held out his hand.
"Give me some sleeping powder and encase me in your best fireproof spell. Get Kurogiri ready to catch us. I can't stand a crying woman. You owe me, and you will pay me," Adam shouted. Adam marched across the battlefield, rage and sadness boiling in his veins. Dabi, swaying to the rhythm of his own music. Adam yelled, "I can relate to how this feels. I can understand the pain, the emptiness you feel. I know what it's like to want to crush your father's spirit. But if he lives while you're dead, they win." His last words reverberated through the thick air, a hint of despair behind every syllable. Dabi stood frozen in place, uncertain how to respond.
 Adam charged at Dabi, his eyes filled with determination and understanding. Dabi's gaze glowed with a wild intensity as blue flames licked around his body. Despite the apparent danger, Adam stayed firmly planted, fists clenched. He shouted out a warning to Dabi, his voice rising above the roar of the flames. Dabi sneered, drawing in a deep breath of air. But instead of backing away, Adam continued to move forward, his body like a juggernaut. With a burst of strength, he punched through the raging fire, landing an uppercut that knocked Dabi off his feet. The fire dissipated suddenly, plunging them into darkness.
Adam rushed towards Dabi and caught him before he hit the ground. He glared down at the unconscious fire user triumphantly. He had won despite the heat radiating from his scorched skin and the singed clothes clinging to his body. He breathed a silent sigh of relief, knowing that Lyra owed him. He felt a falling sensation and was suddenly in front of Shigaraki.
"Lyra, heal him," Shigaraki snarled, pointing to Dabi. In the other hand, he cradled a grub.
Adam could not help himself. He loved you. By extension, he loved Shigaraki, but in Adam's opinion, he rolled his eyes every time he thought about how Shigaraki was slow in realizing what you could do and how he treated you. He hated how you let Shigaraki get away with it too. The only blind spot was your family. It is why Adam and Shigaraki have gotten away with the obvious things. Things that the others definitely saw. That Abraham and Maude saw.
He wanted to kill Maude when she said, "You just want to fuck your sister. The only thing is, once you do, you can think you can treat her like all the other whores you bang. Family is not meant to be tossed aside like trash. I am telling you now. She is bigger than you or me. You see it," Maude had snided. "If you ruin it, Adam, If you ruin her, you will never be able to be with her in the afterlife." 
"You're too lenient on her. Someone will take advantage or kill her for this disobedience and lazy behavior," Abraham had said, beating him instead of you because he did not make you work. This sounded reasonable when he was younger. Maude was just lewd with her mind in the gutter, but when the thought was planted, he didn't balk at it. He didn't let it take root, either. His love for you was purer. He never regretted the beatings. Now that he is older, watching Shigaraki keep a grip on what has already slipped through his fingers, he begins to wonder,  would it not be better if I had sent you to a convent or become your husband before you became attached to this idiot?
"Give me that look again, Adam," Shigaraki growled, looking him straight in the eyes. Could he read minds? It was one of the few times Adam recoiled in front of Shigaraki, " Many have already tried what you're thinking, and they are dust in the wind. She is mine. Not yours," Shigaraki says in an astute moment that makes Adam shudder in fear, a new sensation for him. He listened to Shigaraki and grinned. Whatever dark magic was here, it hung in the air heavy like cinnamon sugar, and he loved it.
"Same!" Adam shouted, grinning from ear to ear. He headed out. He loved all of it. He would fuck some nest sisters to get this out of his system. Also, have them put out feelers on how to think outside the box to get you back. They want you back more than anyone. Apparently, they did not like Adam's attention, "I really can't stay, but I can't get enough! No worries, little brother. I think I found a place for you in my heart!"
"Huh?" Shigaraki asked. He wanted to strangle Adam. He had to remind himself that Adam was a part of the League and a member of the royal. Making him a prime game piece. He had to trust Adam like he always had. He is not basic. 
Shigaraki turned back to what was left of his people, "We need our Queen. I need my Queen. Find her," He Ordered. Shigaraki was only accepting the right plan. He rocked his little grub. It was not his place to name them. He needed you for that. He was already tired of calling them "they, them, it."
Shigaraki grins, watching Adam praise the Nest sisters for their effort. Shigaraki noted and did the same for his people, "I know you can do it." 
The sparkle in his pawn's eyes is reward enough for Shigaraki as he walks towards whatever comes next. His pale grub chirped, and Jan clutched to his wing. He looked down and smiled at her, hiding the girls under his wings. His best pieces, he thinks. He looks at his hand, and his instincts roars.
"What have you done?" He hisses to no one. The curses are gone, you will need to be punished for this when you are back in his arms. 
Chapter 27 coming soon
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fertilize-my-eggs · 1 year
courting & mating
Paired: moth shigaraki x chubby fem! Reader smut.
Warnings: breeding kink + love making  + body worshipped + scent kink.
A/N: this is reupload because my old link doesn't have the fanfic apparently but I know this isn't proofread and it's basically pure smut nothing else and it's short too.
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The sweet aroma fills your nostrils as you open the backdoor of your house, its smell..
wonderful pleasant feeling like its florals mix with earthy tones you quite like.
You walk out in a simple nightgown, you feel relaxed just by its scent, you can get addicted to it.
There was a soft chirping sound coming to your tree that's nearby. It's late at night you thought getting yourself a midnight snack would help you sleep better but the aroma catches your interest.
You heard rustling in the tree to see a creature jump down and standing in front of you.
You should be running away in fear but you're hypnotic by its beauty.
You look at the creature and realize it's a moth-like creature. It has a humanoid appearance and almost looks like a man with wings.
He chirps at you as he gets near you, it gets stronger by the second.
He offers you a simple but pretty homemade necklace you saw, you look up into his ruby eyes.
You give him a warm smile and take the offer, he's put the necklace on you.
He made a loud purr sound as he pulled you closer, your face in his white fluffy fur around his neck. Hearing the vibration coming from him as you melt into him.
"mate." he softly spoke as his clawed fingers caressed your curvy body.
You look up and give him a sweet peak on the lips. At first he doesn't know this feeling but slowly gets lost in your soft plump lips.
You gasp a little feeling something poke your plushy thighs, you look down to see his member coming out of its fur, you start to rub your thighs together.
"Please take me" you whimper, he gladly obeys as his hands reach down under your dress and rips the panties off.
You gasp at the feeling of cold air on your soft skin, he pulls you up as you were shocked by how strong he is.
The feeling of his hips rolling up to meet your entrance, you moan and move your hips back.
Your hand moves down between bodies as you grab his cock and push down.
You whimper realize how big he is, he made a loud hissy like groan moving his hips up.
His clawed hands gridded your hips making his thrust deep and slow.
You roll your eyes back as he goes a bit faster. You hear him mumble some words and moan out.
His heavy white seed coats your inside too early, you sign and like how it feels.
You thought he's finished, that would be it right?
You moan out loud when he begins to roll his hips faster and harder, the sound of wet smacking echoing in your backyard as you are buried into his neck to stop the whines and moans.
"Breed... Breed mate." All you hear as if you didn't realize you were not on the ground, you see your house away as if you were in the middle air but at this point you don't care, it feels too good.
Your limps holding onto him as he's mated you in the air.
You begin to orgasm, your toes curl in on his lower back and he grunt out. He begins to shoot his heavy fertile load inside your  unprotected womb more.
Your walls are milking him for all his worth as he's slowly flying down to the ground where you live.
You pant heavily as you lean in to give kisses on his neck.
"I want more.. Please." He begs and on that night you didn't sleep at all, you have your lovely new companion mothman.
Nice and breed.
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brewedlove · 3 years
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Local Cryptid Reader
Series/Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia
Character (x reader): League of Villains
Relationship to Reader: Platonic
Reader Specifications: Reader has a Shapeshifting Quirk, Reader is known as the “local cryptid” around town, they/them pronouns used
Word Count: 1075
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes - @i-shall-only-perish-by-mothmans​
A/N: Thank you. (つω`。) *wipes tear* I struggled in figuring out how to write this for like.. Three days or something BUT I hope these headcanons are okay! Reader’s gender, sex, nationality and ethnicity are unspecified but They/Them pronouns are used. (Click the pictures for better quality).
UPDATED A/N: If you recognize this piece on a different blog under the name @iwritesinsandsins it’s because Tumblr silenced all my posts there so I’m starting over again. (/ˍ・、)
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The first of the League members to see you is Spinner.
He and a few others were heading back to the bar after a successful mission but he was the only one who could make out an unknown figure in the dark of the night that he later learned was you.
Spinner noticed the colors and could vaguely follow the outline of your figure quickly disappearing as fast as you came.
The others denied seeing you; Mustard even scoffed, claiming that what Giran told them earlier was getting to his head and playing tricks on him.
He firmly believed that the local cryptid that the civilians going around talking about isn’t real or they’re just overreacting.
Toga was disappointed when Mr. Compress reasoned with her to not chase after you since they don’t even know how far you could’ve gotten by now or what you even look like except for Spinner.
Half of Twice was sad at the missed opportunity while the other half agreed with Mustard and continued on their way back to the bar.
Spinner’s description piqued Shigaraki’s interest, though he played it off that he wasn’t.
Unfortunately, he had no time to think about the local cryptid before he veered everyone back on the plans for their next mission.
A few days later, the League completed their tasks but got separated due to the Heroes closing in on them.
As they had hoped, everyone began piling into the bar with the help of Kurogiri who kept a close eye on everyone that he could.
He got all of them except for one: Toga.
Twice began panicking, voicing out his worries and questions that everyone mutually shared.
Did she get caught by the Heroes? What if she got lost in some unknown area?
All their questions halted when Toga nonchalantly walked through the door, the usual smile on her face.
She didn’t get the chance to greet them before Twice rushed over to her, pulling her into a sudden hug, exclaiming his relief and then pulling away in disgust.
Toga answered his questions on her whereabouts before Mr. Compress finally noticed the little moving bundle in her arms.
When asked what she had, she eagerly showed everyone the cat, explaining that after she lost everyone, she found them and chased them down.
Shigaraki groaned in irritation, asking her why she would chase down a cat and bring it to the bar of all places.
With a knowing grin, she stepped away and placed down the cat, encouraging them to show them what they did for her earlier.
Right before their eyes, they watched what seemed to be a normal cat morph into what the United States would call “mothman”.
Spinner recognized the figure; he recognized you.
Everyone was speechless for a moment while Toga praised and gave you head pats.
The first to speak was Twice who exclaimed, “YOU FOUND THE LOCAL CRYPTID!?” and moved closer, now fascinated as you shifted back into a cat, only much larger than the usual size of a household feline friend.
Mustard whispered an accidental “woah” to which Spinner heard and huffed, “And you didn’t believe me”.
Shigaraki looked over to their reptilian member and asked if this was the same person he saw the other night.
After his confirmation, Kurogiri asked what Shigaraki planned to do now.
Mr. Compress suggested letting you stay, seeing as you weren’t harming any of them and the others such as Toga, Twice, and Magne were having fun petting your fur.
Muscular even asked if you could fight him seeing as you were an abnormally large cat right now, he wanted to see if you could take him on.
Spinner was against the idea as was Magne who, admittedly, had already grown attached to you despite her knowing you for approximately two minutes.
After a couple logical reasons stated by Mr. Compress, Shigaraki huffed in irritation before heading back to his own room, mumbling that you can stay.
Toga, Twice, and Magne were already welcoming you to the group, making sure that you’re comfy and happy to be there.
Kurogiri, Spinner, and Mr. Compress wasn’t against you but it takes a little time for them to get used to having you around.
They are often the ones making sure there’s enough food and drinks for you, too.
Muscular also took a bit of time but he was more aggressive in his approach, always demanding that you train with him.
Once he chills, though, he likes to see how far your shapeshifting can go and will come up with the most complex combinations he can think of just to see how they’d look.
Mustard and Shigaraki take a colder approach compared to Muscular but they actually warm up to you pretty quickly, you just have to look for the signs.
They keep an eye out to make sure that you’ve returned with everyone else if you’ve gone with them on a mission.
Both of them will stare at you for the longest time, internally debating on whether to pet you or not because your fur seems so soft so you may have to make the first move but only in private when the others aren’t around.
Shigaraki refuses to touch you unless he’s wearing his special gloves because he’d never forgive himself if he accidentally used his quirk on you.
He hates wearing the gloves because he wants to feel just how soft you really are but nuzzling his face into your fur coat is just as good and puts him at ease, forgetting all the bad things in the world.
With Dabi, it’s hard to tell when he’s actually used to your addition to the League.
Truthfully, he didn’t really care if you were going to join them or not since it’s not really his decision but once you did, he’d keep his usual distance as he did from the others.
But when he finds you in his room just lying on his bed, he won’t move you.
When you go to sit next to him on the couch or put your head in his lap, he doesn’t tell you to go away.
If no one else is around, he may place a hand on your head and just keep it there.
He won’t pet you but it’s a way to show you that he does actually enjoy your company and as a reminder to him that you’re there with him.
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
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Second half to the Masterlist!!!!
Refer to the first half and the rules here
Mermaid Bakugou x reader
Vampire Shigaraki x reader
Warnings: dubcon, blood, drugging(/aphrodisiac?)
Vampire Tamaki x reader
Minotaur Enji x reader
Mothman Shigaraki x reader
Robot Hawks x reader
Octopus Tamaki x reader
Ghoul Bakugou x reader
Warnings: nsfw (mdni), ghoul fucking, blood/blood play, slight dub con if you squint but reader expresses her consent at one point, hunter/prey dynamic, chasing, manhandling, f!receiving oral, slight overstim (f!receiving), spanking, unprotected sex, cream pie, slight degradation, outdoor fucking (fucking in a forest), dacryphilia, bakugo is kinda sadist but not too extreme, cockwarming
Newborn Vampire Tamaki x Vampire queen reader
Puppy Bakugou x reader
Demon Choso x reader
Satyr Choso x reader
Vampire Nanami x reader
Dragon Kuroo x reader
Demon Osamu x Virgin reader
Warnings: sacrilege, demons, non/dubcon, creampie, orgasm denial/edging, a splash of dacryphilia, biting and blood, dark content
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tornateos · 3 years
MHA Characters as things my friends and I have said.
Warnings: swearing, one mention of death (no one died), threats because my friends and I are idiots and show our love by insulting each other(so Bakugou would is a lot of these), alcohol is brought up once.
“I want to go to film school to be a film.” - Denki
“There’s no way I’m going to lose a screaming battle.” - Bakugou
“I’m a slut for paper. A paper whore if you will.” - Sero or Denki
“I’m gonna kill myself because of Kelly Clarkson” - Aoyama or Monoma Idk why they just fit.
“Being a whore is a mindset, being a slut is a commitment.” - Mina
“Vodka is baby juice.” - Aizawa
“Did you learn absolutely nothing from Avril Lavigne?” - Jiro !
“She can sucketh my dick.” - Shinsou or Bakugou
“If you can keep the pig nose on and he’ll still have sex with you he’s a keeper.” - Denki or Sero ?
“That’s the second time I’ve been called a lesbian.” (This was said by a straight man) - Kirishima
“Warm milk tastes like water. Fuck people who are trying to fall asleep. Fuck warm milk. Fuck people.” - Bakugou
“I kinda want to suffer right now.” - Midoriya
“I’d love you if you had no vocal cords” -Aizawa, Shinsou, or Bakugou
“Like Batman, but with an earlier bedtime.” - Kirishima (probably about Bakugou)
“We’re gonna fix this with communism and Tim’s iced caps.” - Mina ??
“I dropped my coffee because Mothman has an ass.” - Shinsou
“I don’t have friends and I don’t like them.” - Jiro
“I’m coming to your bed tonight and I mean it as a threat. Not in a sexy way” - Monoma
“Violence is always the answer unless you’re a wuss” - Bakugou
“I would say rip but you don’t deserve to rest in peace after making me hear what you just said.” - Jiro or Shinsou (They put up with too much to not say this)
“I’m so ashy that we can play X’s and O’s on my leg.” - Shigaraki (I had to Im sorry)
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writingsbymo-mo · 5 years
Hey beautiful admin! How're you doing? Could I pretty please get some nsfw headcanons for Mothman Shiggy, Kurigiri & Gang orca about them cumming when their s/o says she loves them while they're doin the do? I'm always in a horny/soft mood. ^^' If you can't think of anything for headcanons, maybe a mini reaction scenario for each of them? Only if you want to! Seriously no pressure and thank you so much for your amazing content. You are honestly one of my most favorite blogs on here, no joke!
Aww, really?!! 😢😢Thank you!! 💕💕 Think these are reactions/mini scenarios? Idk 😅
I'm doing quite well today, thank you for asking uwu
Mothman Shiggy
The moment your cunt clamps around Shiggy's dick while screaming how muh you love him, he's joining you in an instant. His wings beat frantically while he holds you firmly against his pelvis, chittering and fucking his cum into you. Shout how much you love him again and he's already on a second orgasm. The way your cunt milks him combined with your words will give him an instant nut and he won't stop fucking you until he's completely spent.
You scream his name and that you love him, but he's not done yet. He admires you're beautiful form, trembling with your eyes rolled back in pure bliss. His pace picks up as he asks you to repeat the phrase until he's cumming and moaning how much he loves you. He might be a gentleman, but proclaiming your love during sex really gets him horny.
Gang Orca
Moaning aloud how much you love him as your cunt attempts to milk his girth for what it's worth makes him smile. He'll lean forward and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, picking up the pace while you tremble, whimpering at his words. He'll praise you for being so good, running his hands up your side's and then kissing down your neck. He doesn't have to tell you to say the phrase again, you just kept repeating it over and over until you're cumming again. You knew he would be joining you soon as he began chirping.
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
Masterlist. (updated 8/13/20)
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Shigaraki Tomura
- Smile For Me. (NSFWish) || You always did love his smile.
- Mine. (NSFW) || You let your jealousy get the better of you, and what better way to stake your claim on your leader than to pleasure him at his own throne?
- Piggyback Ride. (NSFWish) || Tomura is injured, and you convince him to let you give him a piggyback ride.
- Shameless. (NSFW) || Tomura steals your underwear for some private fun.
- Betray. (SFW) || AfO attempts to turn Tomura against you.
- Panic. (SFW) || Tomura calms you down from a panic attack.
- Hero. (SFW) || Tomura plays with his young daughter.
- Anata. (NSFW) || Tomura comes home to you dressed in an apron and heels.
- Distraction. (NSFW) || Tomura has better things to do than to attend a meeting with the PLF. Namely, he’s too busy doing you.
- Meeting. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you go to a meeting without underwear.
- Rest. (NSFWish) || You take care of Tomura after his injuries from Deika flare up.
- Destroy. (SFW) || Tomura murders your abusive ex-lover.
- Interruption. (NSFWish) || AFO summons Tomura when he is being intimate with you.
- Duty. (NSFW) || You help Tomura relieve some tension.
- Date. (SFW) || Tomura accidentally stands you up.
- Good Boy. (NSFW) || Tomura finds you in a state of undress while you sleep.
- New Year. (SFW) || You visit Tomura on New Years while he undergoes Ujiko’s treatment.
- Celebrate. (NSFW) || You want to spend Christmas with Tomura for the first time.
- Disintegrate. (NSFW) || Tomura cannot come to terms with his vision for the future and your willpower to keep him alive.
- Cat and Mouse. (NSFWish) || The tension between your heroic duty and lust cause you to slip up when you fight Tomura.
- Miscommunication. (NSFW; Tomura x Reader, not Hawks x Reader) || Hawks stumbles upon some indecent doodles on important documents during a PLF meeting. 
- Only You. (SFW) || Tomura does not understand why you only let him touch you. 
- Breakfast Blues. (NSFWish) || Why were you so upset that Tomura refused to have breakfast with you? 
- Truth. (NSFW) || As Izuku’s older sister, you could never have imagined that the man you are dating was a villain.
- All I Wanted. (NSFW) || Tomura has finally gone into heat. As his alpha mate, you can only hold out for so long before the temptation to have him breed you becomes too much to bear.
- All For Us. (Part 1) (NSFW) || Moth!Tomura prepares for mating.
- Touch. (SFW) || Moth!Tomura attempts to get used to human touch.
- Subject of Sin. (NSFW) Part 1 | Part 2 || Your innocent forays into temptation and sin catch the attention of a demon.
Stepsibling AU
- Lesson. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you sit in his lap while he plays his games.
- No Return. (NSFW) || Tomura asks if he can just slip the tip in.
- Not Yours. (NSFW) || As AFO's daughter, you have been promised to another man. You ask Tomura to break you in so you are prepared for your future lover.
- Shower Shenanigans. (NSFW) || You take a shower with your stepbrothers Tomura and Natsuo.
- Kotatsu Table. (NSFW) || Tomura punishes you for ignoring him. 
Shirakumo Oboro
- Breath. (NSFW) || Breathplay with Shirakumo.
- Keep Quiet. (NSFW) || Shirakumo fingers you while Aizawa and Yamada are sleeping nearby.
- Teach Me. (NSFW) || You ask Shirakumo to show you how to give a blowjob.
- No Below. (NSFW) || Sunbathing with Shirakumo on his clouds.
- Confession. (NSFWish) || Shirakumo decides he will finally confess his feelings to you after being friends with benefits for a while.
- Afterimage. (SFW) || Kurogiri allows you to use touch to perceive his appearance.
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa 
- Teach Him. (NSFW) || Shirakumo shows Aizawa how to pleasure you.
- Rooftop. (NSFW) || You join Shirakumo in his schemes to fluster Aizawa. 
Aizawa Shouta
- Past and Future. Part 1. / Part 2. || You and Aizawa come face to face with Kurogiri. He was your lover as Shirakumo, and Aizawa’s best friend.
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Heartbeat. (NSFW) || You ask Shinsou to use his quirk on you for the first time, and he wants to make sure you are comfortable.
Todoroki Shouto
- Mornings. (SFW) || You share a lazy morning with Shouto.
- Hot and Cold. (SFW) || You seek out Dabi for body heat whiles uffering from the effects of your ice quirk.
- Punishment. (NSFW) || You try to please AFO, but he is not satisfied by your efforts.
Bubaigawara Jin
- Aftercare. (NSFW) || Lazy morning with Twice.
- Smoke. (SFW) || You are enticed by Twice’s vice.
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Shigaraki Tomura
- General Tomura/Reader headcanons: (SFW) x || x || x|| x  
- Tomura gets drunk: (NSFWish) x
- Papa Tomura: (SFW) x || x || x
- Tomura/Reader first time: (NSFW) x
- Tomura spoils his lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura/Reader marriage: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Reaction to Reader being close to their family: (SFW) x
- Reader wanting to break up: (SFW) x
- Hero s/o: (SFW) x
- Tenko Shimura: (SFW) x 
- Tenko and hero s/o: (SFW) x || x
- What a relationship with Tenko would be like: (SFW) x || x || x  
- Tomura’s reaction to Reader befriending LoV: (SFW) x
- Biting kink: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura apologizes after fight with Reader: (SFW) x
- Nicknames: (SFW) x
- AfO’s approval of Reader: (SFW) x
- What Tomura looks for in a partner || His turn-offs: (SFW) x
- Tomura and dogs scenarios: (SFW) x || x || x
- Possessive and/or jealous s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o gets Hanahaki disease: (SFW) x
- What would make Tomura break up with s/o: (NSFW) x
- Tomura handling being broken up with: (NSFW) x
- If s/o wants to keep relationship secret: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o immune to his quirk: (NSFWish) x
- Clingy long-distance texting/facetiming: (NSFW) x
- Makeup sex: (NSFW) x
- Tomura leaves s/o with child and passes away: (NSFWish) x || x
- Tomura’s favorite positions: (NSFW) x
- Tomura having an egirl lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura and Spinner poly relationship with f!reader: (NSFW) x || (SFW) x
- Tomura with a shy s/o: (SFW) x || x
- Tomura’s reaction to s/o thirsting for his creepy behavior: (NSFW) x
- Tomura vs Tenko as fathers and husbands: (SFW) x
- Leaving Chisaki for Tomura: (NSFWish) x
- Tomura gifted a wife by AfO: (NSFW) x
- AfO teaching Tomura how to pleasure his lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura fingering s/o at the bar: (NSFW) x
- Tomura’ fingering s/o at the bar’s love language: (SFW) x
- Touch starved Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura missing your affection after a fight: (NSFW) x
- Tomura letting his s/o be independent: (SFW) x
- Tomura stealing his s/o’s stuff: (NSFW) x
- Tomura jerking off while you make out with him: (NSFW) x
- Fluff alphabet: (NSFWish) x
- Touch-starved s/o: (SFW) x
- Female Tomura with f!s/o: (NSFW) x | x
- Pillow princess s/o: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura plays hard to get: (NSFW) x
- Prepping for anal: (NSFW) x
- Tomura reacts to s/o that wants to kill Ujiko: (SFW) x
- Tomura and the concept of love: (SFW) x
- Tomura being a clingy lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura having the flu: (SFW) x
- Tomura sleeping with s/o: (SFW) x
- What Tomura's kisses are like and how he proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura and jealousy, mornings with Tomura, and what gets him excited: (SFW) x
- Coming to Tomura for support: (SFW) x
- Tomura and aftercare: (SFW) x
- Hero confesses to Tomura mid-battle: (SFW) x
- Civilian lover: (SFW) x 
- How Tomura would react to ending up in our world and falling for you: (SFW) x 
- Meeting Moth!Tomura and falling for each other headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Taking care of pregnant s/o headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Moth children headcanons: (SFW) x
- Another mothman invading your nest when Tomura is gone: (SFW) x
Stepsibling AU
- General headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Kotatsu table shenanigans: (NSFW) x || x
- Corrupting his stepsister’s innocent room: (NSFW) x
- Jealousy: (NSFW) x
Shirakumo Oboro
- Shirakumo relationship headcanons: (SFWish) x || x || x || x 
- Shirakumo and Kurogiri during their bachelor party: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo as a lover: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo general headcanons: (SFW) x || x 
- Shirakumo wanting a family: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo courting his s/o: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo and Tomura listen to you sing Deepthroat by Cupcakke: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo catches you alone in your room singing/being naughty: (NSFW) x
- Being Shirakumo’s friend with benefits: (SFW) x 
- Villain!Shirakumo headcanons: (SFW) x 
- Kurogiri using portal power on f!reader when she is at work: (NSFW) x
- Kurogiri’s reaction to Tomura’s s/o: (SFW) x
- Kurogiri with an s/o that underwent the same nomu treatment as him and they were past lovers: (SFW) x
- AFO’s dutiful wife ends up with Kurogiri after Kamino Arc: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri needing reassurance: (SFW) x
- Several nsfw scenarios: (NSFW) x 
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa
- Threeway with Shirakumo and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa catches you and Shirakumo fooling around without his permission: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo and Aizawa threesome scenario: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri and Aizawa poly relationship headcanons: (SFW) x
- Relationship with Aizawa dissolves after Shirakumo’s death: (SFW) x 
- Morning cuddles: x 
Aizawa Shouta
- Aizawa and surprise head: (NSFW) x
- Camping trip with Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Yandere Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa with a sensei kink: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa losing his virginity: (NSFW) x
Bakugo Katsuki
- Bakugo proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Mornings with Bakugo: (NSFW) x
- Bakugo as a father: (SFW) x
Todoroki Shouto
- What Shoto looks for in a lover: (SFW) x
Todoroki Natsuo
- Natsuo in love with his stepsister: (NSFW) x || x
- Dabi taking his s/o to bars: (NSFW) x
- Dabi having twins: (SFW) x
- Dabi and vulnerability: (SFW) x
- Dabi and bathtime: (SFW) x
- Dabi and high sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi and soft sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi with a shy s/o: (SFW) x
- Dabi imagining future with s/o and nicknames: (SFW) x
- Dabi and Hawks sharing s/o: (NSFW) x
Toshinori Yagi
- Toshinori's kinks: (NSFW) x
Mirio Togata
- Yandere Mirio: (NSFW) x
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Shinsou scenario where you train together under Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Shinsou fluff alphabet: (SFW) x
- Shinsou NSFW alphabet: (NSFW) x
- LoV reactions to getting a hug: (SFW) x
- LoV pocky game: (SFW) x
- Nomu having its way with you: (NSFW) x
- Giran as a lover: (SFW) x
Bubaigawara Jin
- Twice general headcanons: (NSFW) x || x
- Twice and his kids: (SFW) x
- Twice wanting kids: (SFW) x
- Twice recieving neck kisses: (SFW) x
- Twice waking you up with oral: (NSFW) x
- Twice taking a civilian hostage: (SFW) x
- Twice with a hero s/o who dates his unmasked self: (SFW) x
- Twice caring for depressed s/o: (SFW) x
- Twice and cockwarming: (NSFW) x
- Twice with his s/o and her clones: (NSFW) x
- Twice and his s/o having a lazy day: (NSFWish) x
- Twice being a voyeur and you being an exhibitionist neighbor au: (NSFW) x
- Twice nursing on pregnant s/o: (NSFW) x
- Yandere Twice: (NSFW) x
- Twice as a househusband: (SFW) x
- Twice missing his lover: (SFW) x
- Passing away with Twice: (SFW) x
- Twice with a plus-sized lover: (SFW) x
- Twice spanking his s/o: (NSFW) x
MISC. and polyamory
- Tamaki and Hawks headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Smoking weed with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, and Fatgum: (NSFW) x
- Poly relationship with Shirakumo, Yamada, Kayama, and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice, Dabi, and Tomura : (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice and Kurogiri: (SFW) x
- Tomura and Dabi toxic traits in a relationship: (SFW) x
-Twice, Dabi, and Tomura saying I love you for the first time: (SFW) x
-Tomura, AFO, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri oral headcanons: (NSFW) x
-Tomura, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri love language: (SFW) x
-Tomura's, Dabi's, and Overhaul's reaction to s/o with amnesia: (SFW) x
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tobegiggledat · 3 years
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Miscellaneous Masterlist
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✦ One-shots
Before They Disappeared- Tomura Shigaraki × afab!reader (angst, smut)
The Dunes Along His Fingertips- Sandman!Shigaraki x gn!reader (dark content, dd:dne)
Moth in the Moonlight- Mothman!Tomura Shigaraki x afab!reader (smut)
Weak Skin, Tough Heart- Tomura Shigaraki x Yandere!gn!reader (smut)
Crack(ed) Baby- Tomura Shigaraki x afab!reader (mental asylum au, smut)
✦ Drabbles
✦ One-shots
To Pluck Your Own Feathers as You Fall- Keigo Takami x afab!reader, Jin Bubaigawara x afab!reader (angst, smut)
✦ Drabbles
Chest Riding
Devil’s Advocate
✦ One-shots
To the One I Greatly Cherish- Nemuri Kayama x afab!reader, Ms. Joke x afab!reader (smut, multiple endings)
To Live is to Serve- Yandere!Nemuri Kayama x afab!reader (dark content, smut)
To Live at Her Alter-Midnight x Villain!Reader (smut)
Your Lips Are Prettier When They’re Shut-Midnight x Villain!Reader (smut)
✦ One-shots
A Savory Awakening- Strix!Hawks x afab!reader (dark content, smut)
To Pluck Your Own Feathers as You Fall- Keigo Takami x afab!reader, Jin Bubaigawara x afab!reader (angst, smut)
✦ One-shots
A Love Never to be Received- Inko Midoriya x gn!reader (angst)
✦ One-shots
Kitty Claus- Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) x afab!reader (fluff, smut)
✦ One-shots
Transmitted Mercy- Yandere!Mandalay x Villian!reader (dark content, smut)
✦ One-shots
To the One I Greatly Cherish- Nemuri Kayama x afab!reader, Ms. Joke x afab!reader (smut, multiple endings)
You're Meant to be Laughed At- Ms. Joke x gn!reader (dark content)
✦ One-shots
The Last to Spare- Natsuo Todoroki × afab!reader (fantasy au, smut)
✦ Drabbles
✦ One-shots
Sohmbdy- Cyclops!Fatgum x afab!reader (dark content, smut)
✦ One-shots
That Which She Alters- Shapeshifter!Mirko x gn!reader (dark content, smut)
✦ Drabbles
✦ Multi-chapter Fics
The World Should Be Cats (Incomplete)- Tiger x afab!reader (dark content, smut)- | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3
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