#Most Expensive Camera
infifashion-loopify · 2 years
Most Expensive Camera
Anyone and everyone can appreciate the great beauty we are constantly surrounded by, whether they are a professional photographer or not. Due of how fascinating various aspects of the world are, everyone feels the impulse to photograph amazing landscapes and wonderful moments. The first time this dream was actually realised was in 1816. Even though modern technology has advanced over the years, the industry of cameras still owes the development of this wonderful instrument to the many rare and one-of-a-kind objects. Every antique collector's greatest fantasy, but it certainly has a cost.Check out the best and most expensive camera in the world:
Leica 0 – Series No.122 Hasselblad H6D – 100C Leica M3D – 2 Susse Frères Daguerreotype Camera  Apollo 15 Hasselblad 500 Series Moon Camera Jonathan Ive & Marc Newson Leica M Prototype Camera LargeSense LS911 Leica Luxus II Panoscan MK – 3 Panoramic Mamiya Leaf Credo 645DF Digital Back Camera Phase One XF IQ4
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philhoffman · 8 months
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This week's Monday Philm is A Most Wanted Man (2014), dir. Anton Corbijn. I've been wanting to rewatch this one recently. It's a very January film to me, both in style and in memory—it premiered 10 years ago in January at the Sundance film festival; I watched it for the first time almost exactly two years ago in January; it's of course one of Phil's final films.
I wrote a true review of tonight's viewing on letterboxd (in typical rambling, personal essay fashion), but I can always find more to say. There are moments I love just as much as the first time I saw them, like Günther drinking out of a Moomin mug, and things I feel like I've only noticed on this fourth(?) viewing—one very Philish expression Bachmann makes, his terrible parking job, the way he rubs a hand along his thigh as he interrogates Annabel.
Phil and his work have been part of my life long enough now that I can look back, which is a funny feeling—sometimes a complicated one, but mostly a comfort. I remember how much it hurt watching A Most Wanted Man for the first time, knowing it was one of the last PSH films I hadn't seen yet. I've shared it with people I love, including a friend who is no longer with us. I read the book, diving further into this le Carré world. I know there are good memories and painful memories wrapped up in this film for Phil's family and friends.
This is, unbelievably!, the fourth year I've spent watching at least one PSH film a week, but they're still fresh to me. I'm different, so they're different. I realize more and more what a privilege it is to grow and change alongside them, to learn new lessons, to appreciate Phil as an actor, an artist, a man, a person in deeper ways. I'm just trying to slow down and remember that the next few weeks.
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sl0wdiver · 10 days
Hello fellow photography nerds can we confirm that Declan's got his hands on a Leica Q2/Q3 for his photography account?
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jockpoetry · 7 months
i'm kinda like a guy who just wants to buy a specific camera but not have it shipped from japan
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alvin-draper · 3 months
Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club 25.06.24
Tonight I was lucky enough to go see Cabaret in the West End for a second time - a friend had a spare ticket going. Last time I went Callum Scott Harris was Emcee and two delightful but less memorable people played Sally and Cliff. No shade to them but Harris stole the whole show.
The current main cast - Layton Williams, Rhea Norwood and Michael Ahomka-Lindsay seem more balanced. By which I mean Norwood and Ahomka-Lindsay were incredible and Williams served his purpose just fine.
The Emcee felt more like backdrop than like an active force (as he has been with other actors in the role); several of his big joke moments had been cut back (notably the joke with the fake penis. I do not know why this is what I remember from my first watch). The Emcee also comes off differently as a POC - they've made Williams look as pale as possible, and the twist on it is that usually the Emcee in this production is entirely complicit and corrupted, but Williams came off at the very end as another man in denial of the world changing around them. It works with the show, but the interpretation is different to others in this production, so was not expecting it. He still is very much the soul of Berlin throughout, and the still incredible costumes reflect that.
The entire rest of the cast was stunning, no spots on them. I loved the actors for Victor and Bobby, Herr Mann was hilarious, Fraulein Kost is always a stand out hit. I feel like she doesn't get enough love from reviews but her bigger role in this production is excellent. Hits home the 'these people are my friends and neighbours' bit. Herr Schultz was divine, but I generally feel this way. He's such a brilliant character. And his denial that the Nazis will come to power works so well.
So many little details in this production, like Norwood really mixing a raw egg and sauce and downing it on stage, make it stand out. Norwood's Sally was incredible, and very vivacious. Life in her till the last. Her anger and frustration was palpable. Ahomka-Lindsay's Cliff was also superb - the friendly American to the T. I saw him as Jack Kelly last year, and after this I feel safe to say he'll keep climbing. Incredible performance, I'm a particular fan of how you can see the very real change in him as the reality of the situation in Germany sets in. He's the only character who really feels the urgency of it, and the rest of them are still desperately clinging to their lives.
What Would You Do hit especially hard in this production for me - I found that Sally Ann Triplett as Fraulein Scheider was brilliant. Her voice as she calls out Cliff, her 'brave young friend' - I've never felt her side of it as much as I did here. She was an incredible consistent thread throughout. I no doubt have more thoughts, but these are the preliminaries before I sleep and forget most of the whole thing!
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piplupod · 7 months
one of the cashiers at the grocery store i go to is so fucking fixated on shoplifters and it drives me crazy any time i check out through him (i try to avoid him but his checkout is often the most open/empty - hm! i wonder why! - and im often on a tight schedule w the bus). he brings up shoplifters every opportunity he gets and he seems so convinced that theyre a huge problem.
BUT WHAT REALLY GETS ME ,,, is that today the customer in front of me was needing a price check on one of the items bc it should've come out to be cheaper, so he was kind of apologetic abt it and saying "ah well, yknow, six dollars is six dollars, especially with how expensive groceries are right now" and i was nodding and agreeing (trying to show that i dont mind the wait and also solidarity my guy good for u for speaking up and getting the price fixed on that) AND THE CASHIER AGREES. FULLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND BEMOANS THE FACT THAT GROCERIES ARE CRAZY RN. AND THEN GOES ON TO COMPLAIN ABOUT SHOPLIFTERS. HUH ??????
so you agree that groceries are unreasonably expensive... and that sometimes ppl can't afford them... and yet ....................
#HE MAKES ME SO FUCKING ANGRY CMONNNN THINK ABOUT IT DUDE....#i knew him in highschool (small town things lol) and im pretty sure he was one of those kids who thought cops were really cool. so. yknow.#not surprised. just annoyed fdjkl#i would say smth like ''oh does ur paycheque get docked if shoplifters come thru or smth?'' but i dont want to piss him off#i would like to remain civil with the cashiers here bc its the only grocery store i can get to most of the time fdsjkl#but like. i would love to find out why he hates shoplifters so much#when i worked at DQ in highschool and ppl stole dilly bars or FULL CAKES... i did not give a single shit#even though the managers and boss would get kind of angry at us (but they knew we couldnt do anything abt it really lmao)#and then we had to put locks on the customer-facing freezers which was a hassle for us#AND STILL. I NEVER FELT ANGRY AT THE SHOPLIFTERS. BECAUSE WHATEVER DUDE LIFE IS EXPENSIVE GO GET THAT ICE CREAM!!!#also i was not paid enough to care LMFAO and i know for a fact that this cashier isn't paid enough either bc my brother used to work there#I DUNNO DUDE. HONESTLY I HAVE MAD RESPECT FOR SHOPLIFTERS#i've potentially done it a few times and its fucking terrifying esp w the amount of cameras installed now fdsjkl#i dont do it now even though i need to more than ever bc i was making myself sick every time i possibly did it#i'd get home and sit in the bathroom for an hour trying to make sure i wasnt about to throw up from the stress fdsjkl#also it was stupid to do honestly (but . needed. so yknow.) bc again. i dont have any other options for accessible grocery stores really#ANYWAYS. fuck that cashier i hope he realizes what a little narc he's being and gains some class consciousness or smth idk#all for one and one for all etc etc etc we're all in this together my guy#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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youjustwaitsunshine · 8 months
cant wait to take some nice photos at the 6h of spa and formula e this year!!!!
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Every guy in Yakuza seems like they have enough social awkwardness for Tien to role his eyes at…
there's no feasible chance on earth any man can be more awkward than mountain man tien I'm Going To Hide From My Friends Every Other Year And Then For A Decade After Telling Them I'd Never See Them Again For No Apparent Reason And Only Coming Back Cause the World Was Literally Ending shinhan
#snap chats#i already hear someone go 'what about kiryu' girl he didnt last five years before getting involved again#jo's prob a contender tho. tbh.#anyway i just got back from the fnaf movie#first off please remind me to stop going out to places with kayla i might as well be going by myself#does not help that she walks slow as shit like bro dont make me walk this turtle-ass pace#good things came of the trip tho :) first of all im broke 🧍‍♂️ since when did movies get so expensive I DIDNT EVEN GET FOOD#i did get a kirby gacha tho :) inflation's starting to hit the gacha machines now too tho what the fuck 😭#last time it was less expensive than the time before and now this is the most exp its been......#wow its not just luck on what you pull its luck on how much money youre dropping BYE#whatever i dont need groceries anyways. really i dont i swear i did all my budgeting this month already#on the bright side i picked up 25 cents collectively today :) might as well call me a millionaire already#ANYWAY someone give me an excuse to post the new kirby he's cute and his feet are a weird color#o my god i didnt even talk about the movie wait. fuck.#watching jp movies and media has been terrible for my us viewing experience cause it just makes it so abundant how.#AUDIBLE us movies are. and the camera cuts jesus fucking christ i could turn it into a drinking game#what's my verdict tho ????? tbh i thought it was cute. im still in awe of the suits tho if anything i give the movie full props for that#heh. props. get it. fr tho i love practical effects and yk what ill take it. cupcake was goofy as hell ngl but ill take it#highkey forgot coreykenshin was in the movie so it was cute being reminded he was there :) love him..#honestly it really was a movie for fans of fnaf already and i aint gonna act like i wasnt a fan of the series in its early years#def not a movie to watch on its own- not that the plot's incomprehensible otherwise but it prob just wont hit#like matpat and corey being there was neat and the credits song took me WAAAY back to when that song first dropped on youtube LOL#sorry ive turned these tags into a fnaf movie review. kayla didnt talk about it with me so i wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere LOL#im running out of tags Anyway i solemnly swear to only talk bout movies that ft mates that star in rgg henceforth <3#im lying of course. i dont know how to shut up <3 but ill shut up rn im making dinner. movie made me hungry for bacon....
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theemmtropy · 1 year
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Another one I made today that I really liked
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sapybara · 2 years
Istg parents are the most annoying ppl on earth
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caramelmochacrow · 4 months
parents entrusted me $200 to buy something i like bc of something idk and i feel very conflicted bc i can buy only 1 thing i want.
dj decks are expensive, guitars are expensive, good-quality dslr cameras are expensive, games are expensive, EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE WHY--
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deep-space-netwerk · 1 year
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had…mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on….an ejected lens cap.
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infifashion · 7 months
Most Expensive Cameras In The World
The world is filled with breathtaking beauty that captivates everyone, whether they're professional photographers or not. The desire to capture these wonders has been alive since the invention of the camera in 1816. Over the centuries, advancements in technology have introduced us to a myriad of camera models, each with its own unique features and rarities. However, some cameras stand out not only for their functionality but also for their exorbitant prices, making them highly sought-after collectibles.
Here's a glimpse into some of the most expensive cameras in the world:
Leica 0 – Series No.122 Price: $2.97 million Key Features: One of only three surviving models from a limited production run in 1925 by Leica, renowned for its durability and image quality.
Hasselblad H6D – 100C Price: $47,995 Key Features: Known for its sensor-shift technology, capable of creating high-resolution images by combining multiple exposures, along with its precise color accuracy and touchscreen display.
Leica M3D – 2 Price: $2 million Key Features: A vintage Leica camera, produced as a limited edition for war photojournalist Douglas Duncan, featuring a unique 50-mm lens and a short shutter lag time.
Susse Frères Daguerreotype Camera Price: $978,000 Key Features: An antique camera dating back to 1839, notable for its historical significance as one of the earliest commercially available cameras, designed by Louis Daguerre.
Apollo 15 Hasselblad 500 Series Moon Camera Price: $910,000 Key Features: The only camera to have been to the moon and back, featuring special modifications for lunar conditions, such as a leaf shutter and a 70-exposure film magazine.
Jonathan Ive & Marc Newson Leica M Prototype Camera Price: Undisclosed Key Features: A rare Leica camera designed by Jony Ive and Marc Newson, boasting unique design elements and manufactured in limited quantities, making it highly desirable among collectors.
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WHAT DO????????
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neofelis----nebulosa · 11 months
When you suddenly realize your polarization filter for your camera lens is just straight up broken
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jaggedtrachea · 11 months
nothing makes me feel crazier than talking to people who habitually upgrade their phones every ~2 years
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