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I girss with your city in ruins snd everyone defeated by me youre the mediocre people you found out in the end. But i dont relate well to your movie that guy seems reas snd acts likr a punk. It coukd never be me because i dont take shit fton people. Ill kill snyone who gets on ny nerves Jenna. But its a cuye movie in enjoying it anyway its fun. Uour southern accent vanishes and reaapears its cute but kibd of smsteur hour. Didnt the firector notice that. Ha ha ga or say snything. It fiesnt take away from the story which idnt bad. An ambitious dtory but my msin pronlem with stories like this is some old guy wrote it or something. High school girls ate never this complex or interesting but i suspend my disbelief. Oh now its over. You werent bad in it. I cant relate though ive always stood out snd above all other artists Jenna. You know the best of your idiot i dustry cant hold a candke to me right. All the odlscars all thst time and none of you can write as well as me with as much power and prophecy. All the prizes you give im still deadlier snd better. You try abd gight me your whole ciry slmost burned. Emma asked me not finish uou off or Jenna your city would be gone too. Remember thst that girls saved your cute lil ass. Fucking with me can mean a bulket in the head you fint knjw snyoneceith sny power lije me.ill backhand snyone in your idusyrybi made you all look kinf if weak now. None of uou movies or stories are as vompelling as what i can write. You should slmist just give up but i know yiu wont. Whats the medium suzed word. Incorrigible. Yeah thats it. Its almost like you should taje a brrak but you never will. Thats your worst americsn fault. But you know what. Youre really great Jenba i live you andxwant you to do well anyway. I fint know why its not ir acting movues thats only the second one i saw. You pop off the screen and are sexy snd fun to watch. You want to kill everyone in your industry in a few sentences. None of your movies are as great as you say they are Hollywood or snywhete in earth. Oyher yhsn rate exception any time an ape tells me donethings so great i just say back, yeah its almost like they had a team of monkeys working on the script all week. Ha ha ha and check and mate. Its too mych youre too much period Jenna its too much making all your art shit. Even if it is good. You americans are loke that in msny ways. Trying living a little instead of expressing yourself or keeping track of everything. Tske a chance that youre not the greatest i am by far. Ive embarassed all you smericans msking you look weak. Im Azriel i kivked you ass eith the weather. Youre kind of a joke a lot of people are yhinking now. Ha ha ha im so fuckn right so i dont knlw go fuckn cry. The eorkd figured you put that youre kind of fucked. And you are plagiarists. Gid hates those people. You kind of maje me sick and i feel youre pathetic but i like art. Il not mad at my lik girls i live them. Its slways some asshole thats more got my ire. Im gonna hurt you all sone more you know tgstvright. Im hapoy the weathers crushing you. Your voubtry deserves ehat it gets good snd bad more bad than good thesecdays.

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Contact deadlines - for both creators and bidders
If you haven’t yet heard from your creator (or from your high bidder: don't worry yet! It's still very early.
The auction comes at a busy time for a lot of people, creators and bidders both. There are lots of participants who don't have the time or bandwidth, this particular week in March, to write the email they want to write. That doesn't mean they aren't excited! It just means they haven't been able to make time to make contact yet.
(Though if you’re a Gmail user, you should also check your social and promotional tabs! It��s entirely possible that you have received an email and you just can’t find it.)
That being said: now is a good time to write (or reply) to your bidder (or creator) if you haven't yet done so. Even if the only thing you can say right now is "I'm very busy at the moment, more later," that will really help soothe the anxieties of the person who is waiting to hear from you!
Now is also a good time to mention that we do have contact deadlines for creators and bidders!
CREATORS are expected to reach out to their bidders by APRIL 1st
BIDDERS are expected to reply to their creators by APRIL 15th
Again, this can just be a quick note to let them know you're busy right now. Just some kind of check-in so they know you aren't ignoring them.
We will post reminders about each of those deadlines as they approach. If you are a bidder(/creator) who has not heard from your creator(/bidder) by the deadline above, that is the time to email us so we can reach out to them on your behalf.
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Hello! I'm an autistic person with a high level of verbal reasoning. Spatial discrepancies don't bother me as much as linguistic, rhetorical, or logical discrepancies. When explaining a concept, my options are
A. Explain the idea completely.
B. Refrain from explaining the idea. (Inflicts mental stress.)
C. Explain the idea partially/making use of fallacies/making use of untrue statements. (Inflicts severe mental stress to the point of meltdowns, often in the form of speech loss, social avoidance, and extreme frustration. (as opposed to anger))
These effects ensue even if I am not explaining the idea, but if the information being presented contains these traits. I also live in Alabama. What approach would you suggest I take to mentioning and explaining autism to the people in my life it would be relevant to? What course of action should I take when another blonde teen talks about 'retarded autistic fucks' employing many fallacies. How do I explain this to teachers, and parents, and peers. Any coping strategies or stuff? Sorry this stretched on, I'm going to stop myself here. If you need further clarification I am more than happy to provide it. Thank you!
Hi! It's possible to explain a lot of concepts briefly without resorting to false statements. If you find yourself trying to explain certain concepts over and over again (like autism and how it affects you), it might help to write your explanations out in full, and then try rewriting it shorter and more concisely in a way you are still comfortable. You can try this multiple times, maybe just making it a little shorter each time rather than trying to do it all at once. If you have a counsellor or another figure you trust, you could also share your shortened versions with them to check if they still make sense. Please don't push yourself too hard on this though if there's a risk of a meltdown- your health is more important.
I know it can be hard to take out certain details when everything feels important - as autistic people we can find it difficult to understand something unless we know absolutely everything about it and/or why it needs to be done a certain way. But removing some details doesn't necessarily mean what you're saying is untrue, and a lot of people find concepts easier to understand if explanations are short and include only the absolute most important details.
Personally I like to use pictures to explain concepts I find difficult to articulate - that's why I started making comics! You could try drawing your own, or find other peoples' comics you find explain things well and share them with your teachers, parents and peers to help them understand.
Unfortunately you can't stop other people from lying, spouting falsities or being straight up assholes. In scenarios like that it might be best to remove yourself from the situation, put on headphones so you can't hear, or find a way to distract yourself. If you have a trusted person with you, maybe you could talk to them about supporting you when things like that happen, and what they could do to help.
I hope this can make things a little easier for you.
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Oh Fuck, The Killer!
(a bad TTRPG for like 5 people counting the Narrator probably)
You're a high schooler spending a weekend in the woods with your besties! Sure hope there isn't the Killer... it would really put a damper on things if someone got the Killed.
Pick one player to be the Narrator/Killer. The Killer is a supernatural entity that wears the shape of a man and uses traps, melee weapons, and the environment to murder teenagers. The Killer's power lies on a sliding scale from 3 to 12. Any time a player passes a skill check, raise the power by 1. The Narrator still makes a character, but theirs will be the first to die.
Character creation: (one time you...)
You may pick three things about your character: your name, your pronouns, and your high school Demographic (jock, nerd, goth, or something even more esoteric). Each other player then tells a story about your character, ending with "you are/were, like, soooo [adjective]". You may declare up to one of these Stories to be gossip. Write down a little note about each of the other Stories, along with the Adjective. Finally, accept your character's impending demise.
Gameplay: (you are all genre savvy)
The beginning of the game is just chillin, hanging out, cooking hotdogs and swimming, whatever. At some point, the sun sets, and the Narrator's character dies. All being aware this is now a horror movie, your goal, regardless of gender, is to be the Final Girl. The Narrator will demand a Skill Check any time you do something risky, like wandering off alone. Attempting to murder a friend is just like a normal Skill Check but the number to equal or exceed is always 8.
Skill Checks: (these are meant to be easy because if you fail you just die lol)
Roll 2d6, plus 1d6: (a) if your Demographic applies in some way, (b) for each Adjective which applies, and (c) for each Story it resembles. Keep the two highest d6s. If you equal or exceed the Killer's power, you pass the check, achieve your aim, and survive, raising the Killer's power by 1. If you fail, you die. The Narrator has the final say in what you can add to a Skill Check and they should be generous because you didn't get to build your character.
Bad Decisions: (fuck you go into the woods)
The Narrator may at any time offer a Bad Decision, such as Wander Off Alone or Go Upstairs or Check Out That Weird Screaming Noise. If no player does it, raise the Killer's power by 3.
Dying: (hahaha get tucked)
If you fail a Skill Check, you die. Badly. If another player succeeds on a check to kill you, you die. Badly. When you die, raise the Killer's power by 2 (the Narrator's character doesn't count).
Winning: (the real victory was the friendships we ruined along the way)
You win when you're the last person standing, the Final Girl. Multiple people can win by teaming up to defeat the Killer. While the Killer's power is 12, every surviving player is making a Final Stand, and can make a Skill Check to attack/escape the Killer. If everyone succeeds, everyone still standing wins! If someone dies, everyone still alive needs to make their Final Stand Checks over again. Because fuck you that's why.
Making a shitty one-page RPG called Oh Shit It’s the Killer. The premise is simple: you’re a high schooler spending the weekend in the woods with your besties. The Killer is there also. He is trying to the Kill you
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A Nudge And A Wink
"Are you unhappy with your service, Sir?" the restaurant owner asks in a gruff voice. This was a mom-and-pop operation, which I guess would make him Pop, and he was doubtless busy, hence his irritation at being called to my table. My waitress, a pretty brunette whose name tag read "Elizabeth," stood next to him, fidgeting with her order pad.
I dab at my mouth with a paper napkin. "No, the service was great, I just wanted to make a suggestion. If you aren't already doing so, you should pay your wait staff a living wage. And if you're skimming their tips, stop immediately and make restitution."
There's always a brief moment, maybe a split-second, where their brain has heard the words… but hasn't processed how to comply. I'm always worried it's not going to work when I see that confused, sometimes angry, glance, but then it fades into a glassy-eyed stare and an open mouth. Like clockwork.
"Yeah, sure," he says, his voice distant and his free will in another zip code.
"Great. Only one more thing before I let you get back to it, lunch is on the house today, right?"
"Yeah. On the house," he drones, before blinking and heading back to the kitchen.
Elizabeth picks up my utensils and plate with a practiced ease. "Anything else I can get for you today, Sir?"
I lean in, just a little, and lower my voice. "It's Doug. You are… Elizabeth…?"
A warm smile. "Liz. Just Liz."
"Liz. You'd like to have dinner tonight with me tonight. Write down your number and I'll text you my address. You can bring some food—you pick—after your shift, and we'll fuck a couple of times. You'll cum easily and often, and it will be the best sex you've ever had, because you think I'm good-looking and funny."
I look into Liz's gorgeous blue eyes, like tiny wells, blue but deep. I look deeper and deeper, until the light from the diner and the world isn't visible, just darkness. It's like looking directly into her mind and just moving things around a bit, like moving a houseplant into the sill of an open window.
Liz puts the plate down, and pulls a pen from her apron. She scribbles her number onto my check, which I don't have to pay anyway, and hands it to me with a flirty wink. "See you at six. Doug," she says suggestively, turning and sashaying her big ass intentionally as she walks away.
Sliding out of the booth, I put on my coat. I slide a ten under the sugar packet caddy, confident Liz and her co-workers would get their fair share of it, as I walk out into the chilly city streets.
People think being able to control minds at will would be glamorous or sexy. But it fucking sucks, if you ask me.
I don't know how long I've had this power—it just sort of happened one day. Up until then, I'd lived a pretty charmed life, and I thought that was just dumb luck. Now… I'm pretty sure that's not true.
There are a couple rules I learned from trial and error. I don't have to be looking at a person (but it helps), and I do have to be relatively close to them. I can't undo a previous command. And the effects are permanent.
It definitely has its perks, don't get me wrong. I get a lot of stuff comped, like that soup and sandwich, and a lot of pretty women like Liz have sex with me whenever I want. If you think that's neat, it's small potatoes. I'm a writer by trade, but I have millions in the bank. How did it get there? Well, when you live in New York City and have access to the minds of politicians, bankers, and CEOs, the world is your oyster. I've had crazy, wild sex with the world's most beautiful women, sometimes simultaneously. I've thrown out first pitch at Yankee Stadium. I've been the equivalent of white, pudgy Jay-Z.
I wave to a retired teacher I pass once in a while. "Hey Mrs. Garcia! ¿Cómo estás? That's a very pretty hairstyle. You feel confident and beautiful and people who tell you otherwise are wrong." She looks at me blankly before her face lights up in a proud smile.
Anyway, it's isolating. No one will ever understand what it's like to be me, and all my relationships fall into two categories: people I can't trust because I've already mind controlled them, and people I haven't mind controlled yet. I've surrounded myself with yes men before, and that's an empty and unfulfilling life. I also can't trust myself to make new friends or partners and not accidentally, innocuously, alter them. A little slip up like "I think you should wear that dress" and they'll be a different person, forever. And there's always the risk of breakage.
Let me explain. No, wait.
"Hey," I call out to some asshole manhandling his lady friend on the street. "Don't be a dick to women." And to his girlfriend: "If he treats you bad, leave him. If he hits you, you cut his dick off."
OK, now where was I? So here's an example: I naively, stupidly, made a woman fall in love with me. Sounds great! Until you realize what you wanted is someone to love you for you. So I'll just undo it. Nope, doesn't work that way. That woman will be in therapy for years, and it's my fault.
Plus, when you tell a corrupt CEO to come clean to the press, and he tells a reporter about all his trips to Epstein Island… Lemme just say that crashing the world's financial markets will make you take it down a notch.
I learned over time: don't rock the foundation of the world to its core, don't upset the balance of the universe. I like to call them nudges. Just a little suggestion here and there. Some harder than others, but never a push, just a nudge.
Ah, back home. Another fruitless day of ennui for the most powerful man in New York. I throw my keys on the counter and hang my coat on the back of a chair. I flip the TV on and plop onto the couch and sigh.
News, news, sports, infomercial, talk show…oh. Men in Black is on. I've always wanted to see this. I watch while I scroll my phone. It's pretty funny, though it feels like something else I've watched before. Tommy Lee Jones is funnier than I thought. Oh, that's interesting. Huh. Will Smith makes Agent K forget he was Agent K. Then he lives a normal life. Could I do that?? Could I live a normal life?
I rise slowly and think this through. I don't even know if it will work. Nothing could happen, or I could turn my brain into a turnip. I'd ask myself: if I didn't have this power, how did I get rich? I mean, I used to think it was just luck. I can tell myself to think that. Excited, I walk over to the bathroom vanity.
Well, I thought, taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
"You will forget you can control minds. You will just assume your fortune to this point is the product of charm and good luck."
I stare at the reflection in the mirror, and it stares back at me. And I feel kind of funny, like my brain was a muscle that had fallen asleep, and blood was rushing back into it. Tingly.
Damn. What was I doing?
Liz, the waitress from the coffee shop on Broadway, is wearing one of my t-shirts and looking at my bookshelf. I guess she liked me more than I thought, she practically threw herself at me when I opened the door. Helluva first date, I thought, as I microwaved the food she brought.
Liz reads off some of the titles. "Total Recall, Men in Black, The Matrix, Memento…" She pulls a DVD box off the shelf. "Oh, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! I haven't seen this in years, it's such a good movie."
I shrug as I plate the food. "I've never seen it, I don't even remember buying it."
"Really? The case is pretty worn. Maybe you got it used."
I furrow my brow. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any of those movies. I must have got a good deal.
I pull out at chair for her, then stick my head in the fridge. "Maybe. What would you like to drink? I have Diet Coke, uhh… Diet Coke. And water."
Liz smiles, "Water is fine, I don't like fizzy drinks."
"That's too bad. Because I do have some syrups and club soda, so I could make an Italian soda. I think you would like an Italian soda if you've never had one."
I hear the sound of a fork hitting the china plate, and I turn. Liz's full lips part slightly. Her big blue eyes go glassy, her breath hitching before she exhales, long and slow. My Wu-Tang tee slips off one bare shoulder as she slackens and sinks, her expression melting like warm butter.
"I like Italian soda," she drones in a monotone voice.
Wait. What the fuck just happened here?
#mind control#hypno fantasy#hypno story#hypnok1nk#hypnodom#hypnosub#male dom#fem sub#self hypnosis#cw mind control#cw hypnosis#twist ending#ottopilot-wrote-this#this isn't especially sexy#so no mature label for now
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. first impressions ╭──╯ . . . . .
russell adler x oc
summary: returning to the job you love, after some unsettling events, you try to welcome new changes. Some more mysterious than others....
authors note: This was on my other account but since this is my main writing blog I should transfer this here. Also, I missed out on writing more about my oc back in February so I'm posting this until I can write another snippet.
“They're late.” CIA Russell Adler commented to his fellow teammate Alex Mason as Adler took a casual puff from his cigarette. Amsterdam; 1981 — they're moving on a target but someone's missing.
“They'll be here.” Mason assured.
“Are you sure about that? How do you know your friend is trustworthy?”
“Trust me, she's one of the best.” Adler gave him a confused look.
“...Nope, not at all.” Adler trailed on as sees the contact they're meeting with, however, someone was by their hip. He had to do a double take when he glanced her way. He would never admit it, but he could've sworn she almost took his breath away.
“Well, Mr. Hans, here is my good friend and his colleague. I'm sure you know them well.” You greeted the two men. You wanted to start off strong since it's been a while since being in the field. Hudson did you a kindness after something happened to you recently. He's helped you before, so you helped too.
“Come on. Woods is itching for a dust up.” Alex's friend said. “Don't want to let him down.” This is the first time you met him and he's…an interesting character. All three of us walked out but you managed to time an interception by clearing your throat. Alex turned behind him, owing you an explanation since Hudson didn't explain EVERYTHING to you.
“Oh yea, forgot.” Alex chuckled as you playfully whack his shoulder.
“Dude!” He feigned getting hurt but you knew he was just messing with you. Like old times…God, you'd miss that. More than they'll ever know..
“Sorry ‘bout that. Adler, meet Vanessa Hansley; one of the best people you'll ever meet. Vanessa, meet Russell Adler.” Alex introduced. Looking at this mystery man, curiously. It was took dark out so you couldn't see his face that well.
“Yeah, we'll do introductions later. Let's get Qasim.” Adler brushed off, walking towards Frank.
Huh, some guy.
Within a few hours, you're donning your old combat gear, boots, the whole shebang. It's been a long time but luckily it still fits. You're about to put on your “war paint”; Frank recommended it years ago and helped. Starting until a certain individual in aviators appeared from the side.
You know you're doing it wrong, right?” Jolting, you turn towards the direction of the voice and was a bit relieved. “Jumpy, huh?” He teased. You scoff at the false claim.
“No, I'm not jumpy. Also, I actually am doing it right.” Ignoring him, you continue. He walks closer and sits down in the mundane motel room we're using to prep for the mission at the airport.
“I can see your face still…I can help.”
“No, thank you. It's just —”
“Just come over here.” He insisted. Not wanting to argue further, you walk over to sit on the bed and Adler brings the chair over to sit in front. He doesn't say a word. Just placed the paint jar on the small nightstand and began working. He was…gentle? Of course, her first impression was that of he's the type of guy who puts business/work before everything. Especially of how he brushed her off when they first met. But now he's this close to you, definitely not what you thought originally. ‘Not that bad looking either’ you thought. God, Vanessa, get a grip! You just met him! You were able to get your thoughts in check as he continued to take his time.
“I'm sorry that you got to do this.” You speak carefully as the paint doesn't get in your mouth. “Usually I can do this — done it plenty of times in the past but…I'm a bit rusty…” Alder gazes at you, saying nothing for a few moments.
“Rusty? You didn't seem that way back on the rooftops.” He said. Chuckling, you sigh at the mayhem of what just occurred the past few hours.
“Well, yeah but to be honest, it was just mostly adrenaline. Anger too…”
“Really? Why?” You're hesitant to reveal such sensitive info to a stranger, hell you haven't told Mason and Woods yet. However…
“Yeah…a lot's happened in the span of like 2 days. Also I was supposed to “resign” but Hudson never finalized it.”
“Now, why resign?” Adler asked, curiously.
“Oh hey now, this isn't ‘20 questions to only one person’. What about you, what's your story?” You asked. He sadly went silent again as he finished up. Apologizing again for intruding, he just gave you a small smirk. He could see why Mason was so confident in you and your skills. “Well, I do think of myself as an excellent listener. I hope we can be friends…you need them in this line of work.” You confessed.
“Hmm…maybe. Who knows?”
“Oh, who know?” you mocked, “I'll have you know I'm so fun to be around! Like uber fun!”
“Yeah?” He playfully rolled his eyes.
“Uhhh, yea and —” A knock emitted behind Adler, cutting off our conversation.
“Yo, hurry up there, we gotta go!” Frank yelled out, disrupting the awkward tension. You gathered the rest of the necessary equipment and started to walk out.
“To be continued..” Adler said as he opened the door for you, both of us walking into who knows what for this mission.
#fanfiction#russell adler#russell adler x reader#call of duty#call of duty cold war#russell adler x oc#this man has me in a chokehold#writing#creative writing
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The charity event played out like every other power move in this city. Grant knew the game - he'd watched it enough times from the shadows. "Rich folks and their fundraisers ... it's all about who can write the biggest check," he said, thinking about how many deals got made at these things. Jasmine's mess still bothered him more than it should. "This place has its own rules. The good guys don't always win." He'd seen the same tactics from bosses for years - the waiting game was part of the show. "Your uncles are pros at this ... making everyone sweat until they decide to make their move." Her comment about enjoying his company made him snort. Most people steered clear when they spotted him at events like this. "That's a first. Most people hate being around me."
Amara let out a quiet laugh, tipping her glass toward him in agreement. “Everything is business to them. Charity just happens to be the most socially acceptable way to flex.” Her tone was light, but there was an edge to it—truth woven between the humor.
At the mention of Jasmine, her expression flickered, something unreadable passing through her gaze before she smoothed it over. “Deserved better, sure. But in this city, deserving and getting are two different things.” Her voice stayed just as low, words measured. Karma was selective in its timing—sometimes swift, sometimes excruciatingly patient.
She glanced toward the far end of the room where her uncles held court, effortlessly commanding attention. “Oh, they’ll get around to it,” she said, amusement tugging at her lips. “They like their theatrics. Let me wonder if I’ve been summoned or if I’m still free to enjoy my drink.” She took a slow sip, eyes flicking back to Grant. “Besides, you’re much better company.”
#interaction: grant blackwood#grant blackwood + amara navarro 001#event: sanchez charity event 2025#q
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Never will I stop with the steadfast notion that folks in the DPXDC fandom should interact with at least some form of canon DC media.
There are comics, tv shows, radio dramas both old and new, podcasts, movies, magazines, so much shit that intentionally avoiding the media is simply preventing yourself from spawning new ideas and gaining a new appreciation for a fandom that you’re already in.
The Superman Radio Show has episodes 11 minutes long. A lot of the TV shows don’t have episodes that surpass 30 minutes and most are nearly fully clipped on the official DC YouTube channel. The amount of fan made motion comics is astounding. The amount of fanmade animations is equally as incredible.
#bones rants#dpxdc#I’m so tired with this fandom basically inbreeding concepts until it dies because people refuse to look at DC and accept new pieces of media#on the media that they consumed. your choice!!!#I’m just so tired. if anyone responds to this with even a sentence review of a NEW piece of DC media that they saw ill write a prompt based-#as things that should be explored. I’ve been blocked by many folks bc of this notion and it BAFFLES me. how is consuming media-#such an absurd request? there’s such a bountiful amount of such cool characters to check out and I don’t even#have the energy to write them because I know that people ignore those prompts bc they don’t take the effort to look at new things#I know this because I’ve done it time and time again and still do my best to showcase new characters#the difference between batfam prompts and literally any other character prompts is staggering#it just makes me sad man. I’ve more than once posted reccomendations for DC media on my page#I’m spoon feeding it to people and they still slap the spoon away like I’m pretending broccoli is an airplane and they see the veggies#bones writes in the tags#bones speaks#danny phantom#dp x dc
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Of course! Your the person that made me start interacting with fandom instead of just lurking!
Your fics, especially Wild’s, give a new perspective or depth that I haven’t seen with other people, and in such a well written way; you are an amazing example of ‘Show, don’t Tell’ that still so clearly shows the characters and their thoughts.
You breathe such life into these characters, it gives them definition I hadn’t even thought was missing. You are an amazing writer, and amazing friend, and I am so happy to have gotten to meet you online <3
That feeling tho when you find that fic writer that just absolutely fucking
understands the characters to their core
writes so well they–just so–they just—their writing is—-THEY WRITE GOOD
shatters your bad mood with a new update
writes a fic that you can read over again and still clutch at your heart like HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE–I LOVE THIS FIC
writes a scene that has you all giddy in public and that one random stranger asks you like “ooo you are smiling :) :) is that a boy :) you are talking to :)” and you’re like “no I’m reading a Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies AU, please leave”
understands and portrays the characters better than the people who make MOVIES with those characters
amazing. just amazing. fic writers are awesome
#authors#writers#writers on tumblr#fanfic#fanfiction#author appreciation#linked universe#lu wild#Seriously#More people should check out your writing#Your understanding of characters has been better than some books I’ve read before#<3
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I've been thinking about alien stage and milgram so
All in (Hyuna and Till) but it's with Kotoko and Fuuta
OOHH I've been going crazy over this -- I've only touched on Milgram/Alien Stage aus a bit but now I'm hooked 👀 I was playing around for a while with how to incorporate the song specifically, and had a ton of fun with this lyric/scene experiment, haha! I was shocked at how well the song would suit them even in Milgram canon... I used gender neutral descriptions for the Mizi-character because I'm not sure who people would picture for that role, and wanted to leave it open. Also um. tw major character death :( sorry.
Your eyes grow wide at my dazzling entrance, and your heart beats fast, OK! There's no point fighting back – this is the march of the fools.
The rebel leader stands proudly on the stage. Her followers practically howl at her arrival. Their gathering spot may have been a secret, but they didn’t bother being quiet about their excitement. The tides are turning, and everyone feels it. It doesn’t matter what kind of front the aliens put up; everyone knows the fear that their leader strikes into her enemies. Every planet, moon, and ship knows what she’s capable of. They know that going up against her brass knuckles will only have one outcome for them. No matter the cost, Yuzuriha Kotoko will come out on top.
Endless cheer and applause – I hear the song grow louder and louder. Fill up the entire nebula!
The contestant brings his guitar down with all the force he can muster, sparks flying out and scorching his hands. The audience roars at the display. He’s tired of all those eyes watching him, but at least he’s making them all watch as he destroys some little piece of them. For now, they only find morbid curiosity in his fruitless rage, but someday he’ll sing loud enough, act loud enough, scream loud enough that the galaxy will be forced to hear him. To alien and human alike, the face of Kajiyama Fuuta is an icon of rebellion.
Just laugh, hey kick and break ya! To the galaxy shining bright, chi-cheers. Change the game with a single action. Trust me and I'll show you, chi-cheers.
Kotoko’s boot cracks bones on impact. It wasn’t even her steel leg that had rendered her enemy into this mess. The alleyway is too hidden and the neon city street too distracted for anyone to hear the alien’s final cries at her feet. Her team catches up with her, breathless with exertion and shock at the victim she leaves in her wake. As soon as she holds up what they came here to get, all doubt leaves them. Their ship will echo with celebration tonight.
We only get one life, so I'm living mine for me, cause I'm the one from your wildest dreams. I'll create a fantasy in this crazy world and change it all, I'm going all-in.
“Ha-ha –!” Fuuta hasn’t heard himself laugh in a long time. It isn’t a pleasant sound, and neither is the chaos that follows as the fight escalates. But damn, did it feel good. The lights of the paparazzi blind him as he’s yanked out of a magnetic train car. The crowd deafens him. The aliens around him bruise and break him down. But he holds tight to the things deep in his mind. He imagines himself as a shining hero. He thinks of them – his own hero. He conjures up a world that’s better for both of them. It’s for this reason he wrenches his arm away from those holding him back. Though his collar buzzes with electricity, he takes another swing.
A universe brimming with dreams… Who will remain standing at the end of it all? Don't you wanna know? Caught within rules without rules, a bird is set free. I hear the song grow louder, fill up the entire nebula!
As the glass shatters around her, Kotoko can’t help but savor the moment suspended in the air. Given her many escapes over the years, she hadn’t been worried about making it out in one piece. And yet her heart races each time she tastes freedom again. She lands on her feet, pausing to make sure her newest recruit is keeping up. Kotoko flashes a wide, toothy smile at them, and they return it shakily. They seem a bit shaken by all the blood that had been spilled on the way, but Kotoko is proud of how quickly they’ve adapted to this liberated lifestyle. She’s riding the thrill of success, knowing she’s changed the outcome of Alien Stage once again. Another weak human saved from their captors. Another victory.
Just laugh, hey kick and break ya! To the galaxy shining bright, chi-cheers. Change the game with a single action. Trust me and I'll show you, chi-cheers.
Smoke chokes Fuuta’s lungs, but it doesn’t hold him back. The private dinner room is full of the rich and powerful as they eat, smoke, and laugh at humans’ expense. They place bets on the upcoming competition rounds. They harass Fuuta to perform for them, eyes of all shapes and colors boring into him. Through the haze and dim lights, the spark of resistance is burning as bright as always. He dares to talk back at a figure who is not used to being talked back to. Fuuta dodges a few strikes, even getting in a few kicks of his own before he’s overwhelmed with a blow to his right eye.
We only get one life, so I'm living mine for me, cause I'm the one from your wildest dreams. I'll create a fantasy in this crazy world and change it all, I'm going all-in.
Kotoko tries to hide her snarl at the massive advertisement screens they pass. Even flying by at these speeds, she gets a clear look at the Alien Stage champion and his coy smile. It churns her stomach. She had always wondered why any contestant would willingly stand up there and sing, knowing it would get someone else killed. They were complicit in murder, if you asked her. But this man – his actions were far more than “complicit.” The face of a tiny girl flashes through her mind. For a moment, she’s lost in a vision of the girl by her side – still laughing, still carefree in the world that Kotoko is working towards. Reality returns to her. She discharges her weapon directly into an alien’s face.
Every obstacle in my way, I've crushed them all. Step all over me but I'll rise again. It's you who's in the wrong, bet you had no idea.
The lights go up, and Fuuta sways on his feet. He finds himself instantly winded as he starts to sing. The heat from the show’s pyrotechnics make him even dizzier. His good eye surveys the crowd. He would not let these villains win. They took the people he cared about. They took the people who cared about him. Hell, they even took his guitar. He knows that by the end, they’ll take his life, too. It’s all the more reason to continue. He sees now that his intensity had inspired others, even if it hadn’t saved them. Fuuta refuses to go down quietly. He refuses to stop singing. He opens his mouth:
Kotoko shouts it after the new recruit, but their mind is made up. She’s left clutching at her injury and frantically typing on the huge machine, trying to complete their original mission. The screen streaming the event flashes with images of the redhead pouring his heart out onstage. Kotoko lets out a strangled sound of frustration and stands to follow.
Just laugh, hey kick and break ya! To the galaxy shining bright, chi-cheers. Change the game with a single action. Trust me and I'll show you, chi-cheers. Whatever comes to mind, give it a chance. Contemplate all you want, won't change a thing.
Blood pools around the losing contestant. All that shouting and he can’t even choke out a goodbye, now. The intruder stands in the one place she spent her life fighting tooth and nail to escape forever. They lock eyes. They’d only heard accounts of the other, but in that brief moment, they understand. They are just two humans, two loud humans, who had a vision of how bright the universe could be someday. Despite it all, they both ended up here, doomed to die on this stage after singing out to an uncaring audience. Fuuta’s gaze slips away. He offers one last smile to his hero. For the first and last time, he is content. Kotoko turns her attention away from them, to the audience. She clenches her fists and feels very far from content.
Don’t you dare stop now –
Justice assemble! Till the end –
Ride the waves of passing time, and run with the wind 'til morning, don't stop.
#milgram#kotoko yuzuriha#fuuta kajiyama#alien stage#CURSE YOU ANON FOR MAKING ME SAD ABOUT TILL ALL OVER AGAIN WAAHHH#id say i still havent recovered from blink gone but honestly all of the till sections reminded me just how shitty he had it -_-#thank you for your patience!! i literally started working on this one right away but writing has just been so slow going rip#but i really enjoyed thinking about them filling these roles and how their canon symbolism/strengths/flaws would tie in 👀👀👀#i wanted to do more with fuutas potential religiousness next trial and the alien stage symbol of god but could quite fit it in right#i imagined luka as kotokos victim just for the sake of the lucky flashback but i know people probably wanted a milgram character oops#so i figured i could at least leave mizi open. ive seen several aus with mahiru in that spot#but i feel like 02/06/08/09 could all fill that role of fuutas (possibly platonic) savior and kotokos new partner in crime#not connected to this but you should go check out moibakadesus milgram/alien stage art from yesterday (featuring till-fuuta + hyuna-kotoko)#drabbles
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UHH REMINDER ALSO SINCE I HAVE BEEN SHARING A LOT MORE NEGATIVE THINGS LATELY that amid literally everything that's been going on, there are still things that you can do to retain control in your life in at least some areas!! not everyone can actively protest right now, not everyone has the means and that is OKAY! do what you can when you can!!
this post is a wall of text of me rambling about things you can do Right Now in your community or to keep yourself happy and motivated and going. it's a long one so it's going under read more. I also talk a lot more in the tags
i also use terms like Current Events a lot so I also apologize for the vagueness in some places!! I do not know if this will get flagged if I get more specific and my account has tried to go down twice now
getting involved in your local community is a big big big thing I've seen talked about lately and I agree with that entirely!! the #1 best thing I feel like anyone can do right now is either volunteering at local support groups or getting involved in local activism
if you have a local community you can connect with for whatever reason then that's absolutely a good idea for both practical and emotional reasons. it can be for anything really, actually. reach out to friends, reach out to family, keep talking to people if you have the energy! it really does make a difference!
^ related to the above, if you can involve yourself in volunteer work, or mutual aid, or just helping others out in some other way, then absolutely do that! you can start with asking around, or searching up aid or other groups that may need extra help in your area, and go from there!!
I see a lot of people have been saying for months to organize and then absolutely no one ever explains how to organize, and if you don't plan on starting something up Yourself that is how you get involved. you find like minded people and you lend your hands. I just looked up "volunteers needed/mutual aid [insert town here]" and went off of that
and there are a lot of different places people might need assistance for. one example being food banks, pantries, are basically always accepting new donations -- if you have produce, not all of them will accept it due to safety regulations, but a local community garden might! libraries also will exchange more than books, and protecting libraries by showing involvement and interest in them is important now more than ever
local businesses, emergency aid if you have the certification, environmental work and disaster cleanup, assisted living areas, shelters, a lot of other specific areas I can't name right now. if you are physically able to seek out support and give back in turn (and if you aren't able to do one or both of these that's also okay!!) i highly highly recommend it. mutual aid especially goes both ways. do not be afraid to reach out for help, that is what they're there for
speaking of libraries!
this can refer to a lot of different things, but on a federal and local level it is never ever ever a bad thing to keep up to date with what's going on. anyone trying to do bad things on a government level is relying on you not noticing or staying uninformed in the invent that you do notice. keep track of what's going on in your area and plan accordingly!!
keeping up with the news (and fact checking, always, because journalism isn't always ethically practiced), finding where your local city hall or equivalent is and staying up to date on local legislation, has always been important for safety and especially is right now. know how to determine a reliable source from an unreliable one, and know how to pick apart the difference between fact and misconstrued ideas spoken as fact. I'll probably make a post on that too at some point and link it here when I'm done
it is overwhelming to hear just how much is getting worse so quickly, but it's crucial that you don't allow yourself to become unaware, because that makes you easier to lie to. you do not have to work yourself to burnout or to a breakdown, please take breaks whenever you need to and put your own health first!!
but don't do yourself the disservice of not knowing what's happening around you. I want everyone to be as safe as they can, and to be safe you have to be informed
staying up to date on current events has been overwhelming for me, but it also has helped me to maintain a sense of control in my life. and there are a lot of other ways to do that, too, and also give you sources of happiness and things to still look forward to! I'm listing what works for me but I'm sure there's infinitely more ways to pull that off
taking up or getting back into hobbies or interests is a very effective way to keep joy in your life, and this goes double if you're sort of stuck in your house like I am most days. you should get to do things that make you happy!! you deserve to still have things to look forward to!!!
I've also been personally using my interests to try to learn how to do more practical things that might help me and the people I live with; I'm a gardener so I've been working on trying to grow food, starting with sweet peppers. don't know if I'll end up needing that one day (or if my neighbors might, but as the economy completely fucks itself it could get very useful very fast), but having the knowledge and the means helps me feel more in control of what happens in my personal life, and it really has made me feel better and have a source of hope
I really hope that everyone who sees this is doing as well as they're able right now. saying all of this because I don't want to contribute to any ideas of complete hopelessness, if that makes sense. there are things worth getting up in the morning for and every one of you matters and you deserve to be happy. and I love you /p
even if you aren't utilizing your hobbies in that way (again, PERFECTLY fine, do what you need to forever), something like that might be useful for you, too! you can learn new skills or read up on all those things you already wanted to look into but kept putting off, you can carve out a little space in your world for Joy and for Whimsy if you don't have one already! it's good for you!! it's incredible in fact!!
#important#i don't usually write the srs posts myself since others are FAR better with their words than i am. it's the autism I know it is#but I haven't seen a lot of posts (or really any at all. to be honest) about what can be done about everything very rapidly going to hell#and when you see all of this constant awful news back to back and no way or means to protect yourself it's very very easy to feel doomed#and hopeless. and all those other things. and that's not good either. it's unfair to you#it's more productive and i feel like more helathy for your psyche if you use the updates we keep getting of Bad thing after Bad thing --#-- to prepare. to plan in advance and do what you have to do to be safe. your top priority right now should be protecting yourself#physically and emotionally! whatever that looks like for you#on top of branching out with my gardening I've also been slowly getting back into weightlifting (being disabled i Have to take it slowly)#and I've been researching first aid. i hope to take a class if I'm ever able#that's what works for me. your situation migjt be completely different. do what works for you right now#and remember you have support! you have people who are there for you! check in on your friends and let them check in on you!!#if anyone needs me for anything at all my dms and ask box are open. literally anything i dont care if we've never spoken before#protect yourself in any way you can and do not lose hope. there is so much worth living for even if i hate that we have to wait for it#you are IMPORTANT you are VALUED you are LOVED#you CAN make it. i know you can#you deserve! to be! okay!
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peak fanfic writer experience is when one of your brainstorming posts about an AU you want to write gets hundreds of notes but almost nobody scrolls down to the notes to click the link to the actual fic that you left at the top of the replies. including people asking where the fic is. it's right there. just check the notes.
#people should be like. at least 10% more curious than they are#other peak fanfic writer experience is when you hit 'this is a great idea! i'm going to write it!'#and you have to be like. don't. i'm a fanfic writer talking about an idea *i'm* writing. it's not a freebie for the whole fandom#they don't even come to check your tag....#shout out to the real ones though. the people who do.
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Ep 5!!!
#Episodes that make me go “The author has never talked with a woman ever” 😓😓😓#I don't like how Lucy's character is handled at all. And I feel like I can't talk about it because I'm just going to sound like a bitter–#ss/kk shipper... But I really don't like it. And if it can help my case I'm a multishipper so I really don't take any–#issues with atsu/lucy I like the ship quite a lot actually.#So you're telling me there's this girl... Who meets this boy who pretty much ruined her life by directly causing her to lose her job...#And the next time she sees him she's going to sacrifice her own freedom for him as well as tell him “when you're done doing your things–#come and save me” (longest ewwww ever)... And when she regains freedom (author didn't bother to explain how because they don't care)–#she goes to work... As a waitress at the café beneath his workplace. So he can keep doing his Cool Superpowers Job while she literally–#must serve him every time he visits the place. It's just ?????????????????????????????????#Look‚ I don't dislike Lucy and I feel general affection towards her. It's just that they make her act like no one ever would#Just for the sake of the plot I guess#And like I knoww it's (probably just a little) more nuanced than that. I know Lucy is living her own fairy tale fantasy.#It's just that what I've said about her story is still true‚ you know?#I'm sorry but as sweet as atsu/lucy can be. I really hate the author for making Lucy a waitress. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.#It's so weird. This anime has women writing standards that feel like dating back to the 20s#Same with Katai and the ideal woman tbh. Like why are women to be seen as this abstract impersonal entities? Why can't they just be people?#Ideal for WHO. It's like super screwed up of a concept. What even is an ideal woman? What does it mean to be a woman anyways?#They just want to say “ideal wife”. But women aren't made to be wives their existence isn't functional to another person.#Sorry. I derail. Next episode is going to be even worse on this front ughhhh#Back to the episode: once again it really shows they were running out of budget with this season‚‚‚ the animation looks very suffered#Too many flashback also... I feel bad for the animators tbh#I don't really like the shift in art style :( Not even Atsushi I found particularly pretty this episode my heart cries#The nail pulling thing made me feel like throwing up afhsjyabfsbfwasfvb I feel like I can bear worse gore but there's a couple of little–#specific things I can't stand and this seems to be one of them pffftttt#I like Higuchi I think she's both very funny and cool. I really wish she was explored more (but then again looking at Teruko... )#The relationship between Kunikida and Katai looks so interesting even though we only get glimpses of it. Kunikida regrets Katai leaving–#the ada but is also happy for him but also worries for him. He comes to his house seemingly to check on him and starts cleaning around.#The way he loves him and cherishes their friendship and shared history is really evident and it makes for a compelling dynamic.#Perhaps I should read their short story... In any case. Going to someone's house and compulsively start doing the dishes half out of will–#to help out half because he can't bear the mess sounds a lot like something I'd do lol
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Fic Rec
Sawyer’s Book Club
Summary: Sawyer's not the only one who reads.
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Gen
Characters: James “Sawyer” Ford, Hugo Reyes, Shannon Rutherford
Setting: Season One
Word Count: 5,094 (complete)
#i cannot waaaaaaaaaaait until i'm more caught up and i can read more things#but this is 10/10 and if you haven't you should check it out#i feel like gen stuff gets passed over because people are looking in relationship tags#so i am doing a psa and bringing it to your attention#since obsessivedaydreamer brought it to mine#lost#lost: writing#fic rec
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What the fuck it cut off my tags, whatever
I do deserve a treat :( Thank you <3
sorry for ranting, also sorry half the rant was cut off

this is the single worst way i've ever read to describe an erection, frank herbert
#Well see he wrote dune and some young men are super into his work because of it but then they do something stupid like make me read#soul catcher and then complain when I didn't like it right before bitching I couldn't get through helstrom's hive#and like I never want to disparage something that someone I love is super into but oh my god are they dismissive of anything I like or very#superficially lip service encouraging with no actual engagement and then get super pissy that I don't think frank herbert is a genius#But they'll act like I can't have that opinion until I have read whichever books of his that they personally think are good examples#but like no... He's a bad author#sorry#you ever read someone's work and get the sense you would fundamentally disagree as people?#like you would just find them viscerally off putting and they'd have an automatically low opinion of you for no good reason?#and also get the nagging sense that they'd be bad at sex or in a relationship?#Anyway Frank Herbert DNI#Like read the books -I- like before forming your opinions ffs play myst games and then tell me what you actually think of them#stop demanding that I live up to your expectations or wants or engage with you in a one sided way I break up with people for doing that#also when I tell a partner about something I am writing or working on and their first words to me is "oh you should check out _______'s wor#as if to say this person is already doing that and probably doing it better instead of engaging with me over my _own_ ideas as a way to#shut the conversation down and stop having it#makes me want to scream#like if they were just making recommendations based on what I like I wouldn't take it that way#but they do this thing where the more I keep trying to engage over what I am working on the more they just keep repeating#“You should REALLY check out _________” [it's often something by Neil Gaiman or something similar in tone] as a way to shut down#having to continue the interaction that's when it reads like they are telling me to see what the greats have done with the idea#before I bother trying to do something that seems similar to them or try to bother them with it#I feel like that's a pet peeve about young nerdy menTM that only comes up when you are an afab writer#the inherent assumption and attitude that your every idea and project is derivative and not worth engaging with earnestly#and worse they seem to learn from each other that this is HOW you SHOULD respond to your partner sharing their writing ideas with you#to start listing off the talents that have already done something that seems similar... *screaming* I'm sure trans women get it to actually#just anyone socially interpreted as a woman who creates in nerd spaces#well I'm a man now and I don't date so whatever#but a guy doing this to me became a massive red flag because the underlying attitude was always a base level of contempt for me#and inability to see me as a fully intelligent and rational peer
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Novella November 2024 Announcement Post
Hate AI, but love writing challenges?
Want to take part in a global, fun project to write a Novella in one month?
Grab some friends, and take part in Novella November, by writing 1,000 words a day for the month of November, ending with a 30,000 word Novella to test and stretch your novel-writing skills!
Your goal is not perfection, but merely getting into the habit of writing a litte bit every single day :D
No website, no sign-ups -- Just a community initiative to write using only your own word!
What are the rules? Just Three so far!
#1 - No AI
#2 - No Plagiarizing
#3 - Wordcount for the month should only come from what you write during the month.
What does that mean?
Only words written during November should go towards your Wordcount for the month... but! Feel free to use your 30k words as a continuation of previous writing, or just make it the first 30k words in a longer novel!
Don't think you can write a whole entire 30k word story? Write a series of short stories that total up to 30k!
Not ready to write original works yet? Write a 30k word fanfiction that you can post after the month is over!
Share your writing experience, tips, encouragement, and questions in the #Novella November tag!
EDIT, from the tags: Want a progress tracker? Track your progress with TrackBear!
Don't have a word processor? Use LibreOffice , the free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word!
Want to organize/storyboard your Novel and don't want to pay a subscription? Try 7writer by Simon Haynes!
Want to be able to listen to your story aloud for proofreading using TTS (text to speech)? Try Balabolka!
Or, create some custom progress / Goal Cards in advance you can fill out as you reach word goals! For ideas and templates, search this blog for "goal cards" :D
Want to do a writing challenge in more than just November? Check out my ideas here for year round challenges to keep you writing consistently! Got feedback? Send it in, I'd love to see everyone's ideas!
EDIT 2: I almost forgot to mention, if you are unable to write/type your story, you can also narrate/dictate your story to your preferred recording device!
If you're doing a Recording only and it doesn't automatically generate a transcript, it would obviously be hard to judge the word count -- but you're also working with a lot of obstacles, so I'd say if you're able to complete your story via voice recording from start to finish, you've definitely achieved the goal!
Edit #3: added the title "Novella November 2024 announcement post" to the top to make it more standard with my Ominous October and Drabble December posts (will be updating Outline October shortly) , added "Official Announcement Post 2024" to the tags so people can easily find the monthly events for 2024, and added a bit of bold to the third bullet point in the original post from September 2nd 2024 for emphasis.
#Novella November#anti ai#writing#Nanowrimo#Official Announcement Post 2024#edited#large text#bold text
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