#More because my computer took like two hours to open even one program xd
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permo2003 · 7 months ago
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I heard a theory that macaque disguised himself as wukong and this wukong was the one who met xianglu, I don't really believe in this theory but... imagining this happening is funny to me.
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spootiliousrps · 7 years ago
Little Shop of Stanner
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like tony/bruce, and science bros.
Stranger: [I'm aware this prompt is silly, but I'm doing it anyway, don't bother bitching at me about it. In which Tony has decided to dabble in bioengineering a la Little Shop of Horrors (since he may have watched it for the first time drunk one night and thought Audrey 2 was a great idea), and his plant has gone completely out of control. JARVIS is sending a mass text with an incorrectly called Code Green - incorrect because, last your character checked, the Hulk was relatively calm. J can text anyone you want. Tony's going to get hurt.] Warning: Code Green, level six laboratory. J Please remain calm and evacuate the surrounding levels immediately. J
You: ((reading))
Stranger: [[Hey, thanks. (: ]]
You: [[Np! Idk why anyone would bitch unless their just assholes. I think it's super cute :3]]
Stranger: [[Haha, thanks. :3 I've literally been told "It's not a silly prompt, it's just trash" and I'm like ????]]
You: [[Do you have a preference on paragraph lengths once we're out of text?]]
Stranger: [[I'd prefer more than one-liners, just so I have something to respond to, but I'm pretty flexible past that.]]
You: [[Well, I doubt they offered up any prompt now did they? So, they can suck my big toe XP]]
You: [[NP, babe I got you! Replying now!]]
You: Bruce was surprised by the text, glancing down at himself just to be sure he hadn't lost his mind and gone green some how. Nope, still the same nerdy pale he usually was. Which... was actually a bit more concerning than if he wasn't. What could Code Green mean if it wasn't the big guy? He typed away on his phone quickly, already moving for the door. What's going on, J? What's Code Green? B
You: [[I know right?! I had a Dragon Age AU that I just HAD to have and got the same reaction. -.- ppl are just pricks.]]
Stranger: There's a crash from downstairs, and a shout followed by what could only be described as a roar - and Tony dodged behind a car as a long vine reached out to try and grab him, tearing into the hood of the Beemer he hid behind. "Goddamnit--You piece of shit! Calm down!" Why had he thought this was a good idea? He couldn't even teach the thing to talk. I am uncertain as to how privy to Tony's recent bioengineering attempts you are, Doctor Banner. J But Code Green was the only protocol I had that I could offer out to keep others away from floor six. J He has not written a protocol for a large plant. J
You: Bruce gave a snort of laughter. Large plant? How dangerous could that be? It was the wrong question to ask. Tony was always so self destructive the thing could have released some sort of poisonous gas or its possible it was eroding the foundations of the building with accelerated growth; the possibilities were endless. The thought had Bruce's amusement fading instantly. Where is Tony now? B
Stranger: In the lab with it, sir. J Tony jumped back as two large vines from the plant snagged the car that he was behind, flinging the car into the wall nearby before it was starting to slink forward, snarling and snapping the opening of its pitcher portion open, revealing large teeth. "Oh, fuck," he breathed, eyes widening. It was learning movement before it could talk. /Great./ "J, give me the suit, give me the suit /now/--" Before it could unite with him, though, he was grabbed by another vine by the leg and slammed to the ground, a smaller flower with sharp teeth budding on the vine and biting into his leg as he howled with pain.
You: "You could have led with that." Bruce grumbled under his breath, shoving the phone in his pocket and breaking into a run, heading for the lab. Surely, JARVIS would have asked for assistance if Tony needed it... Then again, Tony probably programmed him to make sure everyone else was safe first. The stupid Playboy was self sacrificing like that even if Bruce was the only one to think so. Regardless, he wasn't going to allow his friend to deal with whatever it was alone. How bad could one plant be? A bit of trimming and they'd be done, right? He took the stairs two by two, bolting through the door labeled 'level 6' and heading for the lab.
Stranger: JARVIS warned that Bruce was coming - and Tony shouted "No! Goddamnit, fucking--lock him out!" before the plant lunged forward, wrapping a vine tightly around his torso and squeezing as another flower budded, snapping into his side and blood blossoming into his clothes. "Ow! Shit--" He groaned in pain, twisting and fighting against the vines as the giant pitcher plant started to pull him in, teeth gnashing and pitcher opening wide.
You: Bruce slammed into the metal and plexiglass door as he came to a stop and took in the sight before him. Tony wrapped up in moving vines that were obviously constricting around him squeezing him. The living plant seeming to take small bites out of him. It was straight out of those Hentai videos Barton put on his computer as a joke, only with more clothes. It had taken Bruce weeks to get the virus off his laptop. Regardless, it was obviously not going well. He gave a small curse as he punched in the code to open the door and he was informed that an override would be needed. He spat out another four letter noun before punching in his override code and gave a frustrated growl as he was locked out once more, anger growing. "I swear to god, JARVIS if you don't let me in right now I'll wipe this whole system and you with it!" He threated, already working on getting the panel off to do just that. He focused on his breathing, doing his best to calm himself, knowing that the green had already invaded his unusually brown eyes.
Stranger: Gasping for air, Tony writhed as he was pulled into the air, the plant letting out an inhuman growl - and as he was brought into the pitcher he was able to kick out, collapsing part of it and causing the plant to throw him sharply to the ground. He bounced, blood splattering where he hit, and he gasped for breath he just couldn't catch as the plant skittered forward, vines wrapping around his legs and pulling, making him howl in pain, before he was thrown into the air and against the wall nearby. All JARVIS did, as opposed to arguing with him, was quietly unlock the door and slide it open - and when the plant heard the movement, it froze with Tony dangling in the air again, snarling and almost seeming to watch the door.
You: Bruce gave a sigh of relief as the door slid open and he straightened, moving cautiously forward. Taking stock of what he knew about the thing. It was carnivorous; most carnivorous plants preferred thin soil, with almost no nutrients, specifically nitrogen. They tend to like sunlight and a lot of water. Something tickled the back of his mind... something about ammonium and pH levels. "Tony. Are you alright?!" Bruce called, gaze on the plant as his mind continued it's calculations. Typical plants would die when given too much water... but he knew that wasn't the case with most carnivorous species... So what? What could he do? Too much nitrogen wouldn't do it... The ammonium popped into his head once more but he still couldn't place why it was important and he cursed his scattered mind. He was too concerned for his friend to really focus.
You: [[Gotta love Wikipedia]]
Stranger: [[Right?? I love carnivorous plants anyway. I had a venus flytrap for a long time that I named Ferdinand. He died after being shocked when he was repotted, lmao]]
You: [[OMG thats so cute! Also RIP Ferdinand.]]
Stranger: Tony, panting for air, shook his head quickly and closed his eyes tightly. "No," he croaked, blood dripping towards the ground. "Bruce, you've gotta get out of here. Why the fuck did I think making an Audrey 2 was a good idea?" he managed, hissing in pain as the teeth ground into his thigh where the plant had bitten him, blood staining the flower's teeth and petals. "It's gonna eat you, dude. It's been trying to eat me for almost an hour, now." [[RIP Ferdinand T-T I want a pitcher plant next, though. I'm told they're easier to take care of, so.]
You: [[I was given an Aloe plant last year... I killed it within the first two months ^^;... I was given another one as a grad gift a like six months ago... I've replotted it since then and it's still alive and well... It truly is a miracle... I am not good with plants.]]
Stranger: [[I'm not either, so I feel you. xD That's awesome though! I love aloe plants, too.]]
You: "You should have asked for help." Bruce snapped before bolting for the chemical cabinet and yanking the door open, praying he got to the ammonia before the plant got a hold of him... or Tony for that matter. "Just hold on! Keep it distracted!" He called, shoving the large bottles aside hastily, back to them both. [[I do too... They're also suppose to be difficult to kill... but... idk about that.]]
Stranger: Tony wriggled again and gasped as he saw a vine go straight for Bruce - and he yelped, a third flower biting into him again as he tried to warn Bruce that the plant was going to grab him. Before he could say anything, though, the vine wrapped around Bruce's torso to lift him into the air and pull him away from the chemical cabinet, the vines on Tony pulling him back in towards the pitcher once more.
You: Bruce grunted as he was yanked away from the cabinet, hand still clutching the bottle he had managed to find. One of those same flowers dug into his arm and he grunted an pale green infecting his skin briefly at the sudden danger. He managed to fight it down as he kicked at the vines desperately. He had never been that athletic and the struggling was quickly wearing him out. The adrenaline that pulsed through him made it difficult to think however but he finally dug the pen from his shirt pocket and stabbed the thing repeatedly, trying to force it to let go.
Stranger: The vine recoiled momentarily before it tightened around Bruce, pitcher opening again and more of the flowers attacking him on the same vine - but Bruce wasn't the one, yet, that was being pulled in. The plant threw Bruce against the wall, slamming him into it and pulling him back into the air again to try and get him to stop stabbing the vine. Tony, meanwhile, was gasping sharply for air as the vine tightened, his legs being forced into the pitcher as he hissed weakly in pain, trying to kick at the inside of the pitcher where all of the teeth were. He was quickly losing air, however, and he slumped forward, quickly fading into unconsciousness as the teeth started to close around his body.
You: The hit against the wall would have broken a few bones if Bruce had been anyone else but the green guy wouldn't allow him to get hurt. His vision faded for a moment at impact, the pain coursing through him. Somehow he managed to keep his hold on himself as he forced his eyes open, pain pulsing through his head. The image of Tony, slumped unconscious as he was being dragged closer was finally what broke him. His body went slack, Bruce surrendering to the anger and pain that was a constant in his life. A moment later and he was crying out, his body feeling as if it was breaking and rearranging it's self as he was pushed aside to watch with the eerie since of presence of body with lack of control. He grew larger and larger, head hitting the ceiling as an inhuman scream echoed in the room and he watched as the Hulk burst forward, ripping away the vines that had held him without a single thought.
Stranger: The plant recoiled when the vines were ripped away, breaking from the main pitcher and writhing for a moment as they hit the ground before they grew still. It snarled, then, teeth gnashing and grinding into Tony's body, and that seemed to wake him up again before he was grunting in pain, pushing at the teeth and trying to get the pitcher back open again. Coughing heavily, he could feel the digestive juices of the plant making the bites he'd already recieved burn as he grit his teeth, trying to pull himself out of the pitcher once more.
You: It only took a moment for the Hulk to reach him. His large hand gripping the plant and practically ripping it in half, spilling the juices to the floor. He tossed the chunks of plant aside as he reached down to pick up Tony. His fingers curled around the small man's body as he pulled him up, his free hand yanking away the vines that had curled around him before tossing Tony aside as well, as if unconcerned by him. His attention was wholly on the creature before him as he began to rip and tear and pound and pulverize the entire floor shaking as he turned the beast into a green gooey pulp.
Stranger: The plant tried valiantly to fight back, screeching and trying to attack the Hulk even as it was being ripped apart - and Tony hit the ground hard, gasping weakly for air as he curled in on himself, feeling his ribs ache with every gasp. He bled and his body hurt, but he was still alive - and he had to push himself back, away from the pulp that leaked over the ground as he closed his eyes tightly.
You: Bruce sat at the back of the Hulk's mind, allowing him to have his fun. Besides, the beast was difficult to control when he was so focused on destroying something... Not that Bruce had much control anyways but he had managed to sway the monster here and there over the years. It wasn't until the plant was unidentifiable that Bruce pushed at the beast's mind. Tony. Tony. Tony. Tony. He chanted, banging on the sturdy walls that was the green consciousness. The Hulk gave a huff of frustration but finally turned to glance at the 'puny iron suit man'. The image of Tony curled in on himself bleeding and cough panicked Bruce. His alarm apparently started the Hulk as he jumped toward him. The giant peered down at the Playboy curiously. Bruce felt the Beast's mind consider squashing him, making Bruce scream at him angrily.
Stranger: When he heard the Hulk over him, he grunted and opened his eyes slowly, looking up at the Hulk before he offered a faint, wavering smile. Everything hurt and he could feel bruises blossoming where he hit the wall - but at least he was alive, and the smile communicated that. "Thanks, big guy," he managed, hoarse as he finally sat up slowly, fingers shaking and body bloody as he looked up at him. "I don't think I was gonna get rid of that otherwise.."
You: 'You think?!' Bruce yelled in annoyance making Hulk grunted as it sank down into a seated position, slamming his fist into the floor. 'What the hell were you thinking?!' Bruce demanded, knowing Tony couldn't hear him as he pounded on the confines of his prison. "You stupid, ignorant-" He continued, causing the Hulk to slam his fists down with each insult.
Stranger: [[Fuck, I'm so sorry, I gotta go to work! Thanks for this. :) If you see me with this prompt again - because I guarantee i'm the only person with it - flag me down and we can continue!]]
Stranger has disconnected.
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megan-cutler · 7 years ago
1. Day writer or night writer? I used to do the bulk of my writing at night. In my youth, I would stay up until 2 am just pounding away at the keyboard. But then I grew up and realized that a regular sleep schedule was pretty much a requirement of being a functional adult. And since my husband keeps normal work hours, I would have to figure out a way to do the same. So now I'm day writer. I've pretty much trained this into myself, but I can just about write at the drop of a hat now. Free time; fill it with writing. Though it also helps that writing is my full-time job so I fill most of my day with it.
2. Coffee, tea, or other? All of the above? ^^;;
I love coffee but I don't love the headaches I get from consuming too much caffeine. So I limit myself to one cup of coffee a day. I love tea EVEN MORE than that so I usually have one cup every afternoon and sometimes another cup in the evening (though I try to make the evening cup decaf). I have also been known to drink hot chocolate because, you know, chocolate ;) (I DON'T DRINK COLD COFFEE EVER OMG)
3. What’s the most you ever wrote in a day? Has to be 7,000 words o.o I don't know how I did it. I lifted my head in a haze at the end of it and asked what had happened, what day it was and how I ever survived. And then I did it again the next day?!?! (But on the third day, the streak was broken. I'll probably never be able to do it again but it was one wild ride!)
4. What is your least favorite book? I'm going to have to say Invisible Man (not THE Invisible Man, that's about something entirely different). I understand that this is a really important book, and I understand why. But we had to read it in high school and it was the first book I really struggled to get through. It's so heavy with symbolism. Maybe if I read it now I could manage it. But at age 16 it was too much for me. (Also, this is not to say that it is the worst book I ever read. I have read a loooooot of books way worse than this. But the question was 'least favorite' so I figured I should talk about a book that was at least somewhat worth mentioning even if I ended up not liking it.)
5. Which writing program do you prefer? Or if you don’t computer, your preferred medium of writing in general? (Journal, Typewriter, Backs of Envelopes, etc.) I do the majority of my writing in Word these days. It's a pain in the butt but it's also kind of just the easiest to whip into shape. I used to use Open Office, which is okay too, but it has some weird quirks that make it harder to format books once they're finished. I also use One Note for all of my notes rather than Word. But for the most part, I don't do anything fancy.
6. What’s your zodiac star sign? Gemini
7. Pineapple on Pizza: good or bad? DELICIOUS AND IF YOU COME AT ME I WILL CUT YOU
8. Emojis: cute or tacky? Cute. I would pretty much have entire conversations in emojis if I thought people would understand me XD
9. What is the one thing about your WIP you think will be the strongest selling point of your book? I would like to believe that my characters make my work compelling. My work generally starts with characters and the plot generally revolves around them and their decisions. But I think the thing that really makes my work stick out is that I use it to ask tough questions of both my characters and my readers. Morality isn't always black and white. Most of the world exists in shades of grey. I like to force my characters to confront those aspects of reality, to deal with the fact that trying to be a good person or do a good thing often results in negative consequences somewhere along the line. I like to make people take a good, hard look at the life they live while they're reading my stories. Good stories make you think, that's what I've always said.
10. Do you have any signed books? If not, which book in your possession would you most like to be signed? We have two books signed by Christopher Hadfield. His books, in fact. I also have a handful of books signed by various fantastic Indie Authors which are some of the most treasured books in my collection. I was tagged to answer these questions by @merigreenleaf, and I’m super sorry it took so long for me to get to them ^^;; You’re supposed to make new questions and tag people, but I’m just going to tag anyone who wants to answer these questions to go ahead and do it - and make sure you tag me so I can read all of your fabulous answers :3
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angstandhappiness · 5 months ago
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I heard a theory that macaque disguised himself as wukong and this wukong was the one who met xianglu, I don't really believe in this theory but... imagining this happening is funny to me.
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