#More 'ugra'
Australian kitkat tastes different from Indian kitkat
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azure-cherie · 5 months
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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It's been a year I have done an observations post ☠️ I hope you guys enjoy this one 💟
In case you want a reading :
Paid readings, paid readings 2 , masterlist
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🍊 Combust or retrograde Venus can be cured through worship of Devi , respecting women and general and treating yourself well . Whereas combust mercury can be cured through practicing mathematics. Combust Saturn through practicing more routines.
🍊 Rahu synastry makes you delusional true but ketu synastry is even more delusional you will feel a sense of familiarity with the person you have the synastry with but soon you will realise oh it was all play and eventually the ketu person will actually start hating the moon person .
🍊 I think purva bhadrapada is he sign of sati as when sati was born on earth to be wife of Shiva only the expansiveness of purva bhadrapada could make her realise her true potential as mahadevi herself how she's nature and everything that truly exists in the cosmos . Likewise purva bhadrapada expands their horizons to realise their true purpose . I found some purva bhadrapada prominence in her media depiction of sati as well .
🍊 Purva bhadrapada are also truly sweet and kind people who have so much intelligence but it stays hidden for the early part of their life .
🍊 Purva Ashadha as a young girl or a maiden is often envied by her peers for being pretty , use protective things as a means to protect from evil eye , PA is associated with liver and evil eye can cause bumps in the face or skin disease .
🍊 Shravana girls have the quite confidence, they're genuinely bubbly but it's hidden in the quite girl interior, they know who they are and are constantly working on themselves.
🍊 With pisces placements in a man's chart one can have a good balance between the masculine and the feminine energy, I have generally seen pisces creating a nice atmosphere for their wives or the girls they love . They enjoy cooking and also get a lot of girl friends around them who trust them .
🍊 Gemini guys in general are the most confused people though girls can be assertive or be quickly change the men are just diplomatic about everything.
🍊 Vishakha women have the tridosha of kapha , which makes them effective in transforming their body fast .
🍊 I've seen that you might attract the sign of your 7th house but mostly it doesn't work out 💀 rather the sign in your 12th house works better , the chemistry is unbeatable and they treat you so well . Even in my case Taurus is my 12th house 💀 Taurus men be spoiling me 👑
🍊 Sun moon synastry is so passive agressive
🍊 Your atmakaraka can provide you insights on which Devi you should worship , for example if mars go for some ugra Devi like Kali , Durga etc . They can prove to be your ishtha or kuldevi please note that to find one's ishtha /kuldevi more things are to be considered.
🍊 Sun in the 10th house gives one fame but makes one work hard asf , when you're at the verge of giving up that's when true fame comes in to save you being the house of Saturn .
🍊 Jupiter in 3rd makes one materialistic they were the kids that were obsessed with new toys and gadgets as it generally makes one fidgety, also they were fulfilled in their wants for toys .
🍊 Combust mars in a girls chart overworks themselves because they feel a lack of vitality, they don't know where to exactly put efforts or what to do to make themselves feel better. Combust mars in a man's chart has the delusion of being masculine when in turn they do nothing to nourish their essence , true help in this case can be attained through puja in Tuesdays of Mangal Dev or Hanuman .
🍊 Ketu and mars can give hidden anger issues and can cause anger outbursts like Taurus mars . One way to combat that is to donate blood .
🍊 Saturn in 1H should do atleast one thing they don't like to do but is Essential for them everyday as this position might show feeling inferior or uninterested in themselves the act of doing something for themselves makes them more confident.
🍊 Mercury in combust , 6th house gives skin problems .
🍊 Rohini isn't materialistic for money but for comfort .
Thank you so much for reading, have a great day/night 🧡
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Venusians: The Cult of Exclusivity
In my research, I have stumbled upon Venusians either being drawn into cults or being cult leaders. It did not surprise me particularly. All Venusian nakshatras (Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Purvashada) are ugra nakshatras known for being "violent". Venus is in itself, a harsh planet. In fact, all the benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury & Moon- in that order) are harsh and for good reason; its natives have to be "purified" by the working of those planetary energies to earn its blessings. Venus values exclusivity and separatism. There is a reason why Venus attracts Venus. It is a kind of elitism. We talk about how rare beauty and glamour is these days and we fawn over the nonchalance and effortless cool of low key & mysterious celebrities. If someone or something is plastered everywhere, it loses its "special" feeling, Venus does not mingle with the masses, Venus sets the standard, its THE blue print but it does not involve itself with anything directly, they like to sit back and watch others ape them.
All 3 Venus nakshatras have yoni animals that point to a highly sexual nature and high libido. Bharani with its elephant yoni signals an immense sexual appetite (elephant being the largest land animal and yoni animal), Purvaphalguni and its rat yoni points to freaky deaky sexual behaviour and Purvashada and monkey yoni ,,, well,, monkeys are known for their lovemaking and how human like it is so..
Sex is a big focus of all 3 Venus nakshatras, with Bharani's themes of birth and death and its symbol literally being the yoni, Purvaphalguni representing the pleasures of the bed and being symbolised by the front legs of the cot and Purvashada with its connection to water, where life originated. Venus is more than just beauty and beauty itself is more profound than "looking good". Venus is beauty, romance, love, creativity, harmony, values etc.
I have talked about Venusian men and their tendency to be drawn to violence before. If we think of sex, it is a kind of violent act in itself, there has to be a back and forth of domination and submission. If we look at animals, male animals often kill other males to eliminate competition and establish themselves as the alpha that the females pick but even in coitus with female animals (literally watch any nature documentary) the male takes on a very aggressive, dominant approach and they often look like theyre trying to kill each other (people say things like "making love like animals" for a reason, sexual courtesy is a humane, civilised approach but animals are not wired that way). In Venusian men, this kind of aggressive erotic sexual persona is very apparent and Claire said these men embody "big dick energy".
Occult knowledge is gatekept and one literally cannot access it until one is initiated into it. Regardless of whether or not we recognise it as such, there are cults of knowledge all around us and we do not even know of their existence unless we've made it past their barrier and can access it. even explaining things defeats the purpose because only someone who's ready to understand it will be able to. Its nature's way of shielding itself from the unwise or the unworthy. you can be surrounded by this knowledge and still not be able to tap into it, if you do not have the discernment. this is a kind of Venusian exclusivity.
If you think about it beauty is pain. These days we see people literally endure pain to be beautiful via cosmetic procedures but this has always been the case, victorian women used arsenic to keep their skin pale and glowy and ammonia in their hair. footbinding was a common custom for Chinese women. but even beyond enduring pain to be beautiful, if you're beautiful you will have to endure pain, be it in the way others hurt you and ostracize you out of jealousy or in how people just assume crazy shit about you. Venusian women NEED to remain lowkey bc they're more susceptible to evil eye.
(im thinking of the song pretty hurts by purvaphalguni sun beyonce 👀)
anywaaayys (me going on a random tangent exhibit 62772). we know that Venusians value and need exclusivity, they're the most clique-y in some ways and this is what makes them drawn to cults lol. A cult is as exclusive as it gets. nothing screams "im not like the others" than being a part of a cult lol
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Osho- Purvashada Stellium (moon, mercury and venus)
Osho was an Indian spiritual guru and mystic. His commune and the crazy shit that went on there was the subject of the docu-series Wild Wild Country.
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Sadhguru- Purvaphalguni Sun
he is an indian guru. i think its interesting how cults have to have a physical existence by way of a commune that people gather in or live in, its not just conceptual if ykwim. i think this is another manifestation of Venusian exclusivity. entering into a cult means entering and inhabiting a different world. Osho had Rajneeshpuram, Sadhguru has his Isha Centre.
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Sun Myung Moon- Bharani Moon
He was the leader of the Unification Church, a famous South Korean cult and he claimed to be the Messiah
Moon was intent on replacing worldwide forms of Christianity with his new unified vision of it, Moon being a self-declared messiah. Moon's followers regard him as a separate person from Jesus but with a mission to basically continue and complete Jesus's work in a new way, according to the Principle.
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Nirmala Srivastava- Bharani Moon conjunct Mars
aka Mataji Nirmala Devi, she was the founder of the religion called Sahaja Yoga. She claimed that she was a divine incarnation, more precisely an incarnation of the Holy Spirit, or the Adi Shakti of the Hindu tradition, the great mother goddess who had come to save humanity. This is also how she is regarded by most of her devotees. she has said that she was born "self realised" and spent her life "helping" others do the same
The Venusian urge to start a new religion 😤😤😤lol
Religion is exclusive and if you do not have the discipline to endure its rules, you cannot gain access to its blessings. Religion esp eastern religion is extremely Venusian af, there are wonderful blessings for those who devote themselves to it and cruel sickening punishments for those who disobey. thats as Venusian as it gets
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Anandamayi Ma- Bharani Sun, exalted Venus in Revati as her atmakaraka
She was an Indian saint, teacher, and mystic. She was revered as an incarnation of Hindu goddess Durga.
Her life was suffused in Bhakti Yoga and she was considered an epitome of "divine grace" that inspired the societal cultural milieu to lead the path of service, love and constant remembrance of the divine. Her followers experienced her spiritual attributes including precognition, faith healing and miracles. Paramahansa Yogananda translates the Sanskrit epithet Anandamayi as "Joy-permeated" in English. This name was given to her by her devotees in the 1920s to describe her perpetual state of divine joy.
she wasn't a cult leader or anything, just a guru even though she rejected even that label (spiritual gurus are a dime a dozen in india, no one who's actually worth their salt will label themselves as a guru)
i think Venus' connection to religion, cults and the occult is underexplored af. the highest form of love is devotion and religion/cults demand it of their followers making it a very Venusian experience. sex, love and religion are all closely connected, people experience trance like states when they're orgasmic or during periods of intense meditation (it can also be artificially induced via drugs etc but euphoria is naturally experienced through either prayer or sex) if you look at paintings of Hindu gods and goddesses, their eyes always seem so blissed out? same goes for truly spiritual people, you can immediately sense the tranquillity of their energy and the dreaminess of their gaze, like they're not of this world.
even the word "Ananda" which means joyous, etymologically means "without end" (Ah- meaning "without in Sanskrit and nand- meaning end) so the goal of any spiritual pursuit is self realization/actualisation and a person who achieves that seems joyous all the time. Many spiritual gurus have Ananda as part of their name as well.
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Swami Vivekananda- Purvashada Rising
He was a monk, philosopher and religious teacher who is widely credited with introducing Hinduism to the West.
“All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love's sake, because it is the only law of life, just as you breathe to live."- Swami Vivekananda
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Paramhansa Yogananda- Purvashada Sun
Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian-American Hindu monk, yogi and guru who introduced millions to meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization, Self-Realization Fellowship / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.
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Mother Theresa- Bharani Moon & Saturn, Mars in Purvaphalguni
Mother Theresa was an Albanian nun who came to India and helped the poor and the needy. She established charitable settlements that have come under fire for mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.
Now I'll talk about some people who've gained a cult-like following or were revered in their time and considered akin to God.
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Eva Peron- Bharani Sun
Known by her nickname Evita, she was an Argentine politician, activist, actress, and philanthropist who served as First Lady of Argentina from June 1946 until her death in July 1952. She was revered by the lower economic classes and helped enact a number of reforms and policies to their benefit. She also helped bring about the passage of Argentina's women's suffrage law. even decades after her passing, the grip she has on people in Argentina is crazyyy.
fun fact: Madonna, Purvaphalguni Moon & Rising played Evita in the movie of the same name in 1996.
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Tito- Bharani Sun
Josip Broz, commonly known as Tito, was a Yugoslav communist revolutionary and politician who served in various positions of national leadership from 1943 until his death in 1980
He was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. He remains a popular leader in the former countries of Yugoslavia. Tito was viewed as a unifying symbol, with his internal policies maintaining the peaceful coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation. his legacy lives on and he was a VVV popular
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Rasputin- Bharani Moon
He was a quack with no actual powers but man did he have a following
Rasputin was a Russian mystic and holy man. He is best known for having befriended the imperial family of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of Russia, through whom he gained considerable influence in the final years of the Russian Empire
Historians often suggest that Rasputin's scandalous and sinister reputation helped discredit the Tsarist government, thus precipitating the overthrow of the House of Romanov shortly after his assassination.
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Taylor Swift- Purvashada Rising
Taylor's chokehold over her fandom is insane. I think it's due to her PA Rising bc wheww
There is a reason why Venusian influence is sooo common in the charts of it girls and icons. Venus is THE blue print, it makes others want to be like you and imitate you and also claim they hate you or dont know you all in the same breath.
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Trisha Paytas-Bharani Sun & Jupiter, Ketu in Purvaphalguni
Trisha has a cult like following whether u want to admit it or not. Girlie has been doing this for a decade and a half and is still somehow relevant?? literally most of her contemporaries have been cancelled or left the platform and she's still standing?? despite a gazillion controversies that too lol
Now I'll mention some famous celebrities who are in/have been in cults
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John Travolta- Purvaphalguni Moon
He was/is a Scientologist
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Park Bogum- Bharani Moon & Venus
Bogum is part of Jesus Centred Church which is a cult and he was apparently even given his name by the founder/leader of the cult. There have been rumours that Bogum left the controversial church/cult and joined a normal church but there isnt enough info to confirm this
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Nazanin Boniadi- Purvaphalguni Moon
She is a former Scientologist who was "trained" to be Tom Cruise's gf before he met Katie Holmes. read about the crazy and torturous stuff she was subjected to and you'll wonder why tf scientology hasn't been shut down by the government yet
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Ruslana Korushnova- Purvaphalguni Moon
She was found dead at 20yrs old under mysterious circumstances. i do not think she committed suicide at all but she spent some time at the Rose of the World which is a culty organisation.
British TV producer and filmmaker Peter Pomerantsev has theorised that Korshunova's suicide was related to her involvement with Rose of the World, a controversial Moscow-based organisation which describes itself as "training for personality development". While researching for a documentary into Korshunova's death, Pomerantsev learned that the model spent three months attending training sessions at Rose of the World. These sessions—which encourage participants to share their worst experiences and recall repressed memories—are modelled after Lifespring, whose controversial methods were the subject of multiple lawsuits for mental damages in the US during the 1980s. Korshunova attended training sessions with a friend, Ukrainian model Anastasia Drozdova, who committed suicide under similar circumstances in 2009. Friends of the two women reported changes in behaviour after several months at the Rose. Korshunova became aggressive, while Drozdova experienced violent mood swings and grew reclusive; both lost weight. After three months of training, Korshunova returned to New York to look for work, where she wrote of feeling lost and doubting herself. Rick Alan Ross, head of the Cult Education Forum, argues that organisations such as Rose of the World "work like drugs: giving you peak experiences, their adherents always coming back for more. The serious problems start when people leave. The trainings have become their lives—they come back to emptiness. The sensitive ones break." Only months after leaving the Rose, Korshunova was found dead.
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Michelle Pfeiffer- Bharani Sun, Purvaphalguni Moon, Rohini Rising
She was involved with Breatharianism, a cult that believes that you don’t need to eat food (Say what?!). She joined after moving to Los Angeles and looking for a group to feel comfortable with. They focused on diet and exercise but believed that people could live by sunlight alone at the highest level of the cult. She actually realized that she was in a cult after helping her first husband Peter Horton prepare for a movie role where he played a cult member. She said, “We were talking with an ex-Moonie, and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked.” (crazy to me that the not eating real food did not click??)
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Rose McGowan- Purvaphalguni Sun & Mercury, Mars in Bharani
She spent her childhood in the Children of God cult and her family fled from its clutches after they started advocating for adult-child sexual intercourse🤮🤮🤮
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Sharon Tate- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sharon wasn't a member of a cult but a victim of one :((((
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Sofia Hayat- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sofia was a model, then she quit the industry to be a nun, now she calls herself a shaman and a healer and posts weirdly sexual vids on IG
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Zaira Wasim- Purvaphalguni Moon
she quit acting to devote herself to religion and because she felt that being in Bollywood made her lose touch with her faith.
This is a very Venusian experience imo and one of the reasons why Venus thrives in keeping itself hidden or taking away other people's access to it is because otherwise Venusians feel contaminated almost?? other project onto them heavily and they feel clouded by it, unsure of their own identities. they feel like they're losing touch with themselves. many Venusian celebs are known for frequently changing their persona (Bella Hadid, Ariana Grande etc come to mind) the more time they spend exposing themselves to others, the more confused they become about who they are, they lack a stable self image.
Religion and faith can act as stabilisers and help these natives feel more grounded.
A reason why Venusians (idk if you noticed by most of the gurus were Purvashadas and most of the followers I mentioned were Purvaphalgunis, with an equal mix of Bharani natives in both) are drawn into cults is also because Venusians can only thrive in Venusian environments?? Otherwise they feel desolate and lost, a lot of people join cults because they don't feel understood or connected to people in their normal life. cults look for people who need help, and give it to them on predatory conditions.
Purvashadas are often spiritual leaders/gurus but seldom blindly devoted followers because being the final Venus nak, it transcends this toxic grip of Venus. Purvaphalguni is the height of Venus and these natives are constantly seeking spiritual truth and belonging but never quite ascending, as it is Venus at its most indulgent. Bharani is the first Venusian nak and I have found that the first nak of any planetary dominance is in some ways its "softest" manifestation, its the baby among the naks. The nak in the middle is the peak/height of that planetary energy and thus, the most cruel or harsh manifestation of that energy along with the concluding nak but the concluding nak also kind of transcends its influence??
high fashion/luxury etc is also very Venusian bc theyre the ones who covet having things others dont have. anywayyys this is just a stray thought lol
hope this was informative!!
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Lord Narasimha
Narasimha avatar is known as the fiercest avatar of Lord Vishnu among his Dashavatara. Lord Vishnu took this avatar to eliminate the demon king Hiranyakashipu, who had created havoc in all three dimensions.
Out of the several avatars of Lord Vishnu, ten important incarnations are classified as Dasaavataras. Among them Nrusimha avatar has attained a rare significance and importance. All His avatars are generally of a single form(apart from Varaha). But Narasimha avatar is of a dual form, Nara + Simha. Nara means man and Lion is an animal. Narasimha means a combined form of a Lion and a Man. This was the 4th avatar among the Dasavatars and it was a Sathya Yuga Avatar said to have taken place in Chakshuva Manvantar. It is said that in reference to Lord Narasimha is found in as many as 15 Puranas, and a separate Purana (Upa Purana) itself has been scripted in his name called Nrusimha Purana.
It was an instant avatar, called as Aavesa avatar (no prior preparations were made) where the Lord Narasimha appears in a very ferocious and fascinating form. Narasimha Avatar is referred to as a very powerful, precious avatar and the Lord Narasimha is depicted as a great protector at the time of need. He is the God of Gods. He is Mrithyu for the Mrithyu (one who eliminates the death cycles)
Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama describes Lord Vishnu as “NaarasimhaVapu Sreeman Kesavah Purushothama” meaning He is the one who has taken a rare and unique form of a man and a lion whose worship will eradicate the ignorance, possessor of the Goddess of wealth Sri Maha Lakshmi,who always dwells in his chest, one who has beautiful and charming hair, the giver of knowledge to Gods, greatest among all Purushas, the Supreme Soul, who is omnipotent and omniscient.
There are several forms of Narasimha, but nine main ones collectively known as Navanarasimha:
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mrigasiras · 4 months
Ok some more interesting Purva Bhadrapada manifestations in pop culture.
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Serge Gainsbourg, Purva Bhadrapada ascendant. Famously started his music career by sneaking sexual innuendos onto songs of his that got radio play. Had taboo relationships like his famous romance with Jane Birkin, who was underage at the time. He then wrote Histoire de Melody Nelson which featured a topless photo of her as the cover, and was a grody, dirty album about an old man's romance with a 15 year old. He also had a strange incestuous relationship with his daughter, Charlotte. The use of persuasive language and fully embracing taboo is very Purva Bhadrapada. He reaped very bad karma for his actions at the end of his life, dying divorced, penniless, and an addict. I have seen that the nakshatra punishes its natives very badly when they accumulate bad karma. It is an ugra, or fierce, nakshatra.
I've also noticed music made by Purva Bhadrapada natives is very language heavy.
He also had sun in Revati which can also denote "forbidden" sexuality.
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Jonathan Van Ness, moon in Purva Bhadrapada. Imo he perfectly encapsulates the "two-faced man" extremity that this nakshatra can take on, especially when it is the moon sign.
He's the hairstylist on Queer Eye. On screen, he is bubby, generous, and supportive (to an extreme and bordering on uncomfortable degree). Recently things came out about how behind the scenes, he was terrible to work with. Very abusive to everyone involved with the show. Again... the two faced man, and playing out the savage ugra quality of this nakshatra.
I also notice he is the most overly progressive and odd person on the Queer Eye cast. Which reminds me of Purva Bhadrapada's extreme boundless quality, totally embracing of everything, even taboos and impurities. And this quality is also reminiscent of its deity, Aja Ekapada, who himself is a very strange entity.
I notice Purva Bhadrapada natives are so extremely open minded and generous that they suppress their anger, and it comes out in extremely inappropriate ways. Hence, the ugra quality.
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Jon Taffer, Purva Bhadrapada moon. He's the Bar Rescue guy, lol. But man does he really perfectly display PB energies.
First off, he himself kind of displays this "mobster" quality (I've seen many people link Purva Bhadrapada energies to the Mafia and general gang behavior).
He also helps out bars that are dirty and nasty, and on the fringes of society. (I've worked in the restaurant business and have noticed that lots of PB people tend to work those jobs. Restaurant work gives you a lot more freedom than most other jobs which I think is appealing to PB natives.) He also really displays the savage, over the top PB nature. He has a very fiery anger that he lets everyone know about... lol. And isn't afraid to tell people the most naked truth, in a very ferocious manner.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 11 days
శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 580: 16వ అధ్., శ్లో 09 / Bhagavad-Gita - 580: Chap. 16, Ver. 09
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🌹. శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 580 / Bhagavad-Gita - 580 🌹 ✍️. శ్రీ ప్రభుపాద, 📚. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🌴. 16వ అధ్యాయము - దైవాసుర స్వభావములు - 9 🌴 09. ఏతాం దృష్టిమవష్టభ్య నష్టాత్మా నోల్ప బుద్ధయ: | ప్రభవన్త్యుగ్రకర్మాణ: క్షయాయ జగతోహితా: || 🌷. తాత్పర్యం : నష్టాత్ములును, అల్పబుద్దులును అగు అసురస్వభావము గలవారు ఇట్టి అభిప్రాయములనే అనుసరించుచు ఆహితములును, జగద్వినాశకరములును అగు ఘోరకర్మలలో నియుక్తులగుదురు.
🌷. భాష్యము : అసురస్వభావము గలవారు ప్రపంచనాశకర కర్మల యందే నియుక్తులై యుందురు. అట్టివారిని శ్రీకృష్ణభగవానుడు ఇచ్చట అల్పబుద్ధులని తెలుపుచున్నాడు. భగవద్భావన ఏమాత్రము లేనటువంటి ఆ భౌతికవాదులు తాము పురోభివృద్ది చెందుచున్నట్లు తలచినను భగవద్గీత ప్రకారము వారు అల్పబుద్ధులు మరియు జ్ఞానము లేనట్టివారే యగుదురు. భౌతికజగము నందు సాధ్యమైనంతవరకు సుఖము ననుభవింపవలెనని యత్నింపగోరుటచే ఇంద్రియతృప్తికి ఏదియో ఒక క్రొత్తదానిని కనిపెట్టుట యందు వారు సదా నిమగ్నులై యుందురు. అట్టి భౌతికపరిశోధన ఫలితములు మాత్రము జనులు మరింత హింసాప్రాయులుగా, క్రూరులుగా తయారగుచున్నారు. జనులు హింసామనస్కులై జంతువుల యెడ, ఇతర మానవుల యెడ హింసాప్రవృత్తిని వృద్ది చేసికొనుచున్నారు.
ఇతర జీవుల యెడ ఏ విధముగా వర్తించవలెనో వారు ఎరుగజాలకున్నారు. అట్టి అసురస్వభావుల యందు జంతుహింస మిక్కిలి ప్రముఖమై యుండును. తమ పరిశోధనల ద్వారా సర్వులకు వినాశనము కూర్చునదేదో తయారుచేయనున్నందున లేదా కనిపెట్టకున్నందున అట్టివారు ప్రపంచమునకు శత్రువులుగా పరిగణింపబడుదురు. అనగా అణ్వాయుధముల సృష్టి నేడు సమస్త ప్రపంచమునకు గర్వకారణమైనను, యుద్దారంభమైనంతనే అవి ఘోరవిపత్తును సృష్టింపగలవు. అట్టి యుద్ధము ఏ క్షణమునందైనను కలుగవచ్చును. అట్టివి కేవలము ప్రపంచ వినాశనముకే సృష్టింపబడునని ఇచ్చట పేర్కొనబడినది. భవద్భావన లేకపోవుట చేతనే అట్టి మారణాయుధములు మానవసమాజమున సృష్టింపబడుచున్నవి. అవి ఎన్నడును ప్రపంచ శాంతి, పురోగతులకు దోహదములు కాజాలవు.
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🌹 Bhagavad-Gita as It is - 580 🌹 ✍️ Sri Prabhupada, 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj 🌴 Chapter 16 - The Divine and Demoniac Natures - 09 🌴 09. etāṁ dṛṣṭim avaṣṭabhya naṣṭātmāno ’lpa-buddhayaḥ prabhavanty ugra-karmāṇaḥ kṣayāya jagato ’hitāḥ 🌷 Translation : Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world. 🌹 Purport : The demoniac are engaged in activities that will lead the world to destruction. The Lord states here that they are less intelligent. The materialists, who have no concept of God, think that they are advancing. But according to Bhagavad-gītā, they are unintelligent and devoid of all sense. They try to enjoy this material world to the utmost limit and therefore always engage in inventing something for sense gratification. Such materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings.
They have no idea how to behave toward one another. Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all. Indirectly, this verse anticipates the invention of nuclear weapons, of which the whole world is today very proud. At any moment war may take place, and these atomic weapons may create havoc. Such things are created solely for the destruction of the world, and this is indicated here. Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they are not meant for the peace and prosperity of the world.
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originalbuddhas · 1 month
Vajrayogini - Ugra Tara
Vajrayogini is a Hindu goddess of knowledge and wisdom in the Buddhist world, also known as Ugra Tara. Therefore, the goddess is equally sacred to both the Hindus and Buddhists. The name Vajrayogini suggests a close association with Tantric beliefs of Vajrayana Buddhism. Bajra, or Vajra, is the Buddhist symbol of thunder and lightning. Therefore, the wielder of Vajra is named as Vajrayogini.  Read more at: Buddhist Deity - Vajrayogini | The Trauma Goddess (originalbuddhas.com)
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fitnessandmoregurgaon · 6 months
The word Paschimottanasana consists of three Sanskrit words, Paschim, Uttana, and Asana. Paschim means “West”, Uttana means “intense stretch” and Asana means “posture”. It literally means a stretch of the West pose. It is said that the crown represents the north, and the feet represent the south. The front body represents the east and the back of the body represents the west. Therefore, this asana means stretching the back. It is also called Ugrasana or Brahmacharyasana. Ugra means formidable, powerful, and noble. Brahmacharya means religious study, self-restraint, and celibacy.
Yoga Scripture
As per 17th century Gheranda Samhita, Paschimottanasana is one of the most important 32 postures out of eighty-four lakh postures taught by Siva. Further, as per Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is the best among all asanas and makes a practitioner free from diseases.
As per verse 28 of Chapter 1 of Hatha Yoga Pradipika and verse 24 of Chapter 2 of Gherand Samhita, Paschimottanasana is “Stretching the legs (in front) on the ground, like a stick; bending forward, holding the toes with both hands and placing the forehead on the knees.
As per verse 29 of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Paschimottanasana is the best among asanas. By this asana, the pranic currents rise through Sushumna, the digestive fire increases, the abdomen becomes flat, and the practitioner becomes free from diseases.
Further, this asana has also been explained in Siva Samhita and is called Ugrasana.
Know more about the yoga asanas on blog of fitness and more — gym in sector 57.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 10.8
314 – Constantine I defeats Roman Emperor Licinius, who loses his European territories. 451 – The first session of the Council of Chalcedon begins. 876 – Frankish forces led by Louis the Younger prevent a West Frankish invasion and defeat emperor Charles II ("the Bald"). 1075 – Dmitar Zvonimir is crowned King of Croatia. 1200 – Isabella of Angoulême is crowned Queen consort of England. 1322 – Mladen II Šubić of Bribir is deposed as the Croatian Ban after the Battle of Bliska. 1480 – The Great Stand on the Ugra River puts an end to Tartar rule over Moscow 1573 – End of the Spanish siege of Alkmaar, the first Dutch victory in the Eighty Years' War. 1645 – Jeanne Mance opens the first lay hospital of North America in Montreal. 1813 – The Treaty of Ried is signed between Bavaria and Austria. 1821 – The Peruvian Navy is established during the War of Independence. 1829 – Stephenson's Rocket wins the Rainhill Trials. 1856 – The Second Opium War between several western powers and China begins with the Arrow Incident. 1862 – American Civil War: The Confederate invasion of Kentucky is halted at the Battle of Perryville. 1871 – Slash-and-burn land management, months of drought, and the passage of a strong cold front cause the Peshtigo Fire, the Great Chicago Fire and the Great Michigan Fires to break out. 1879 – War of the Pacific: The Chilean Navy defeats the Peruvian Navy in the Battle of Angamos. 1895 – Korean Empress Myeongseong is assassinated by Japanese infiltrators. 1912 – The First Balkan War begins when Montenegro declares war against the Ottoman Empire. 1918 – World War I: Corporal Alvin C. York kills 28 German soldiers and captures 132 for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor. 1921 – KDKA in Pittsburgh's Forbes Field conducts the first live broadcast of a football game. 1939 – World War II: Germany annexes western Poland. 1941 – World War II: During the preliminaries of the Battle of Rostov, German forces reach the Sea of Azov with the capture of Mariupol. 1943 – World War II: Around 30 civilians are executed by Friedrich Schubert's paramilitary group in Kallikratis, Crete. 1944 – World War II: Captain Bobbie Brown earns a Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Crucifix Hill, just outside Aachen. 1952 – The Harrow and Wealdstone rail crash kills 112 people. 1956 – The New York Yankees's Don Larsen pitches the only perfect game in a World Series. 1962 – Der Spiegel publishes an article disclosing the sorry state of the Bundeswehr, and is soon accused of treason. 1967 – Guerrilla leader Che Guevara and his men are captured in Bolivia. 1969 – The opening rally of the Days of Rage occurs, organized by the Weather Underground in Chicago. 1970 – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wins the Nobel Prize in literature. 1973 – Yom Kippur War: Israel loses more than 150 tanks in a failed attack on Egyptian-occupied positions. 1973 – Spyros Markezinis begins his 48-day term as prime minister in an abortive attempt to lead Greece to parliamentary rule. 1974 – Franklin National Bank collapses due to fraud and mismanagement; at the time it is the largest bank failure in the history of the United States. 1978 – Australia's Ken Warby sets the current world water speed record of 275.97 knots at Blowering Dam, Australia. 1982 – Poland bans Solidarity and all other trade unions. 1982 – After its London premiere, Cats opens on Broadway and runs for nearly 18 years before closing on September 10, 2000. 1990 – First Intifada: Israeli police kill 17 Palestinians and wound over 100 near the Dome of the Rock. 1991 – Upon the expiration of the Brioni Agreement, Croatia and Slovenia sever all official relations with Yugoslavia. 2001 – A twin engine Cessna and a Scandinavian Airlines System jetliner collide in heavy fog during takeoff from Milan, Italy, killing 118 people. 2001 – U.S. President George W. Bush announces the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security. 2005 – The 7.6 Mw  Kashmir earthquake leaves 86,000–87,351 people dead, 69,000–75,266 injured, and 2.8 million homeless. 2014 – Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States to be diagnosed with Ebola, dies. 2016 – In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, the death toll rises to nearly 900. 2019 – About 200 Extinction Rebellion activists block the gates of Leinster House (parliament) in the Republic of Ireland. 2020 – Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: Azerbaijan twice deliberately targeted the Church of the Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots of Shusha.
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history-today · 2 years
Today In History:
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A bit of October 8th history…
1480 - Great Standing on the Ugra River: standoff between forces of Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Great Horde, and Ivan III Grand Prince of all Rus; Tatar-Mongols retreat, leads to disintegration of the Horde
1871 - Great Fire of Chicago kills 200 people and destroys over 4 square miles of buildings and the original Emancipation Proclamation (pictured)
1871 - the original Emancipation Proclamation
1917 - Leon Trotsky named chairman of Petrograd Soviets as Bolsheviks gain control
1945 - Microwave oven patented
1971 - John Lennon releases the single “Imagine”
1998 - US House of Reps votes to begin impeachment hearings against President Clinton on charges of lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky
2001 - US President GW Bush announces the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security
2018 - Major climate report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the UN says planet will warm 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2040 with dire results
2019 - FBI confirm Samuel Little is America’s most prolific serial killer in history after verifying more than half of his 93 confessed murders 
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Origin of Devi Pratyangirā
Śrī Mahā Pratyangirā Devī is a powerful goddess who is said to have destroyed Ṡarabheṡwara’s arrogance.
Ṡarabheṡwara is an ugra avatar of Lord Ṡiva. She is also known as Nārasimhikā (in Kāli Sahasranāma Stotram) – “She, who is the Ferocious Half Human Half Lion of Courage”. It is said that when Nārasimhikā shakes her Lion’s Mane, she throws the stars into disarray.
It is said that when Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of the supreme Lord Vişņu, ugra or ferocious form of Lord Nārāyaņā, or Vişņu, did not calm down after the slaying of the demon Hiranyakasipu and drinking his blood.
Many great sages were praying for his peaceful form. Still Lord Narasimha was in a very destructive mode, which made everyone tremble. Lord Ṡiva worshiped the Tri-Ṡaktis (Pārvati, Mahālakşmi and Saraswati) and with their combined powers incarnated in the form of a Ṡarabha Pakşi as Lord Ṡarabeṡwara. Even Lord Ṡiva was asked to appear in his special form as Ṡarabeṡwara (a bird like creature who devours lions & elephants and human combination with two wings of Ṡakti) to cool down Lord Narasimha.
One wing was Ṡūlinī and the other was Pratyangirā. This form of Ṡiva is called Ṡarabheṡwara. Ṡarabheṡwara’s efforts or Ṡūlinī Devī’s efforts could not control Lord Ugra Narasimha. However, when Ṡarabha approached Lord Narasimha, he became even more ferocious and revealed His special form as Aşţa Muhka Gāņḍabheruņḍa Narasimha, having 8 heads.
When Pratyangirā appeared, the Ṡarabha form of Ṡiva was then torn apart in a hundred pieces. From one of his wings appeared a huge fearful Goddess called Pratyangirā.
Her form was powerful, 1000 times larger than Ṡarabeṡwarar, her head rising above the clouds and her feet well into the underworlds, fearsome with 1000 faces of roaring lions, 2000 protruded blood shot red eyes, 2000 hands with multiple weapons, 1000 blood stained tongues protruding from her wide opened mouth.
It is believed that her creation came with thunder and lightning and as soon as Narasimha saw her huge figure, he realised the mission of his incarnation and calmed down immediately.
Pratyangirā was released from Ṡarabheṡwara’s wing and then she took the female form of Narasimha and calmed Narasimha down.
It is also mentioned that only Lakşmī Devī in her secret tantric form as Śrī Narasimhī was able to bring Lord Narasimha back to His peaceful form, calmly reclining in company with Lakşmī Devī on Anantaṡheşha.
Another story even refers to Devi Pratyangirā as having destroyed the ego of Lord Ṡarabeṡwara. She is also called Narasimhī. In her meditation verses we have often read “Narasimhī Krupāsindho, Prathyangarī”; because she hosts the face of a lion and body of a beautiful woman.
Pratyangirā Devī is the embodiment of Dharma (righteousness), Satya (truth) and impeccable justice. This goddess devours the negative karmas and answers prayers swiftly for a sādhaka or devotee who holds pure intentions and is walking the path of Dharma. She fills up the cup of a person’s unwanted or negative energy and transforms that energy, purifying it. Through Her Grace, a faithful devotee becomes a pure refined soul.
Pratyangirā teaches us by removing fear and pain from our lives. She shows us that these circumstances of fear or anguish are caused by our attachments to certain aspects of our lives.
A refusal to let go, is refusing to release the attachment which causes our pain. If there is pain or fear in one’s life, there is something to be released, and something to be learned. This release is possible through meditative contemplation and Her Grace. Once there is release, there is Void. The experience of this Void for the first time is like a journey home.
There has always been this comfort, there has always been this Mother. Throughout the ages, She has been patiently and gracefully waiting to reveal herself, with her heart ready receive us. It is our choice to take hold of her hand; She has been waiting to embrace us.
Mother Pratyangirā gives totally and fully – She is an ocean of grace. As already mentioned earlier, She is also called Atharvaņa Bhadrakāli - Bhadra means auspiciousness. She asks of us only our devotion and in return she gives infinitely, revealing to us our own True Nature.
Wherever there is sincere devotion, Mother Pratyangirā will reveal Herself. This is the Mother of Moksha, liberation - She frees devotees of their samsāras, the cycle of life, death and rebirth.
Śrī Pratyangirā Devī is also associated with Śrī Cakra. In Śrī Cakra worship, she protects her devotees against all odds and guides them along the right path.
Devi Pratyangirā is said to take form only when there is much to be brought into balance. Because of what we are encountering in this current era, it is written in the ancient texts that Her energy will be here to help all creations at this time.
The jaws of so many lions make it very powerful for destroying negative karmas and a great help to anyone on a spiritual path. Though such a current can be understandably rough and it’s wise to approach with respect and some consideration of what our heart is asking for, it is with that same intensity that Pratyangirā radiates her love, so it is best to also be open to deeply receive.
Thus the Mother Goddess, who is Mahā Ṡakti herself, is the most wonderful mother we can ever have.
🙏Namo Bhagavati🙏
~Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi 🙏🙏🙏
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indian-mythology · 3 years
Excellent Fact about Lord Krishna
1) Krishna was born 5252 years ago
2) Date of Birth : 18th July,3228 B.C
3) Month : Shravan
4) Day : Ashtami
5) Nakshatra : Rohini
6) Day : Wednesday
7) Time : 00:00 A.M.
8) Shri Krishna lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days.
9) Date of Death : 18th February 3102BC.
10) When Krishna was 89 years old ; the mega war (Kurukshetra war) took place.
11) He died 36 years after the Kurukshetra war.
12) Kurukshetra War was started on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e, "8th December 3139BC" and ended on "25th December, 3139BC".
12) There was a Solar eclipse between "3p.m to 5p.m on 21st December, 3139BC" ; cause of Jayadrath's death.
13) Bhishma died on 2nd February,(First Ekadasi of the Uttarayana), in 3138 B.C.
14) Krishna is worshipped as:
(a)Krishna Kanhaiyya : Mathura
(b) Jagannath:- In Odisha
(c) Vithoba:- In Maharashtra
(d) Srinath: In Rajasthan
(e) Dwarakadheesh: In Gujarat
(f) Ranchhod: In Gujarat
(g) Krishna : Udupi in Karnataka
h) Guruvayurappan in Kerala
15) Biological Father: Vasudeva
16) Biological Mother: Devaki
17) Adopted Father:- Nanda
18) Adopted Mother: Yashoda
19 Elder Brother: Balaram
20) Sister: Subhadra
21) Birth Place: Mathura
22) Wives: Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana
23) Krishna is reported to have Killed only 4 people in his life time.
(i) Chanoora ; the Wrestler
(ii) Kansa ; his maternal uncle
(iii) & (iv) Shishupaala and Dantavakra ; his cousins.
24) Life was not fair to him at all. His mother was from Ugra clan, and Father from Yadava clan, inter-racial marriage.
25) He was born dark skinned. He was not named at all throughout his life. The whole village of Gokul started calling him the black one ; Kanha. He was ridiculed and teased for being black, short and adopted too. His childhood was wrought with life threatening situations.
26) 'Drought' and "threat of wild wolves" made them shift from 'Gokul' to 'Vrindavan' at the age 9.
27) He stayed in Vrindavan till 10 years and 8 months. He killed his own uncle at the age of 10 years and 8 months at Mathura.He then released his biological mother and father.
28) He never returned to Vrindavan ever again.
29) He had to migrate to Dwaraka from Mathura due to threat of a Sindhu King ; Kala Yaavana.
30) He defeated 'Jarasandha' with the help of 'Vainatheya' Tribes on Gomantaka hill (now Goa).
31) He rebuilt Dwaraka.
32) He then left to Sandipani's Ashram in Ujjain to start his schooling at age 16~18.
33) He had to fight the pirates from Afrika and rescue his teachers son ; Punardatta; who was kidnapped near Prabhasa ; a sea port in Gujarat.
34) After his education, he came to know about his cousins fate of Vanvas. He came to their rescue in ''Wax house'' and later his cousins got married to Draupadi. His role was immense in this saga.
35) Then, he helped his cousins establish Indraprastha and their Kingdom.
36) He saved Draupadi from embarrassment.
37) He stood by his cousins during their exile.
38) He stood by them and made them win the Kurushetra war.
39) He saw his cherished city, Dwaraka washed away.
40) He was killed by a hunter (Jara by name) in nearby forest.
41) He never did any miracles. His life was not a successful one. There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life. At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges.
42) He faced everything and everyone with a sense of responsibility and yet remained unattached.
43) He is the only person, who knew the past and future ; yet he lived at that present moment always.
44) He and his life is truly an example for every human being.
" Some people say that god doesn't exist, we should relate mythology with history so that we can prove this atheist world that their facts are false, you can believe that your god does not but our Hindu Gods does exist."
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youremyheaven · 7 months
The Ugliness of Venus
every planet is associated with certain key themes but being under that planetary influence means to experience its very opposite. the extremes of anything is a meeting point for its opposite.
venus is the planet associated with love, beauty, harmony etc therefore it is unsurprising that venusian influence also subjects one to cruelty, ugliness, disharmony, violence and malevolence.
TW: this post will contain mentions of sexual harassment, rape, violence, murder, massacre, genocide, death, suicide among other things so please beware!!!
in my observations I have often found that Venusian natives are often cruel, callous, ugly (i mean this to refer to their actions/behaviour and not just unconventional appearance because "beauty" is a sum of appearance and traits- what we call Venusian refinement) hurtful, jealous and utterly lacking the charisma and hospitality for which Venus is known.
it is disturbing to think of how soooo many well known and notorious sex offenders have HEAVY Venusian influence in their charts. think of any celebrity who has had a sex scandal and they usually have Venusian placements. it's intriguing that no other planet shows up as much (in my personal observations).
Why is Venus so brutal, cruel and embracing of the darkness/ugliness of humanity?
All 3 Venus nakshatras, Bharani, Purvaphalguni & Purvashada are Ugra (meaning cruel or brutal, this is a 7 category classification in vedic astrology) nakshatras.
Ugra naks are known to be action-oriented go-getters and people who are very self-motivated and determined. Any quality can manifest in good or bad ways, so the shadow aspect of this determination and motivation is often ruthlessness, callousness, selfishness and arrogance.
This is also the reason why Venusian naks suffer. Venus seeks refinement, so an individual who does not filter out their own darkness but instead indulges in it, is inviting wrath. More than any other planet, Venus punishes its natives quite harshly and publicly. So many people who have been known to be horrible people, have been exposed, shamed and punished publicly have Venus influence.
Venus energy must be handled with care. Since Venus is love, it has a quality where it loves blindly, completely and without judgement but discretion and judgement are necessary in life. It is not good to be absolutely consumed by someone or something without considering the good and evil inherent in it. This makes Venus natives prone to evil simply because they don't see it as such. They think of it as the depths of their understanding of love, beauty and harmony. Beauty in its extreme however is grotesque, its ugliness, its frightening. Think of all those IG models who have the same face, there is a blandness to their cartoonish perfection to their proportions, it fails to evoke feeling, it fails to be memorable because true beauty is distinct and flawed, its intensity, depth and exaggerated proportions because Venus is not mild or lukewarm, it like to go overboard. Think of Angelina Jolie, her big forehead, large cheekbones, strong jaw, big protruding eyes, its a face that calls attention to itself, its not simple or readily accessible, its the opposite of the IG face where beauty is reduced to ordinary everyday blandness. True beauty is individuality.
Venusian natives are often preoccupied with good and evil, the holy and demonic, heaven and hell, this emanates from a deep understanding of contradictions and the need for their existence. Opposites are an illusion, everything is one. Goodness in its extreme is evil and the extremes of evil touches upon goodness.
So now I'll discuss certain specific examples:
Mao Zedong- Purvashada Rising
He was responsible for the deaths of close to 40 million people who died due to starvation, forced labour and others executed by the state due to their opposition of its policies.
Saddam Hussein- Bharani Sun, Venus in Revati (exalted)
Him and his party used violence, killing, torture, execution, arbitrary arrest, unlawful detention, enforced disappearance, and various forms of repression to control the population. Kurdish people were systematically persecuted and massacred using tear gas.
Hussein was publicly executed for committing crimes against humanity.
Hitler- Purvashada stellium (Moon, Jupiter and Ketu), Mercury and Venus in Bharani
I need not elaborate on who Hitler was and what he did bc we're all very familiar with him but yeah he was a Venusian. He died by suicide.
Stalin- Purvashada Mercury Amatyakaraka
I do not wish to elaborate on Soviet war crimes but Stalin had millions of people die, from starvation, torture, indentured labour etc
R Kelly- Purvashada Sun & Mercury
He is a pedophile and convicted sex offender
Marilyn Manson- Purvashada Sun
He's been accused of assault and rape on more than one occasion.
Idi Amin- Purvashada Sun
Idi Amin was popularly known as "The Butcher of Uganda." Amin overthrew an elected government in Uganda with a military coup, using lessons from the British colonial army. He declared himself president and ruled ruthlessly from 1971-1979. Once in power, Amin started mass executions of the Acholi and Lango tribes. In 1972 Amin forced 80,000 Asians to leave the country, which caused the economic collapse of the country since many were business owners. It’s estimated that through his rule, Amin killed at least 300,000 civilians.
Elon Musk- Purvaphalguni Moon
Sexual misconduct charges, labour law violations, treating his employees like trash and being an insufferable asshole on Twitter among other things. Nobody makes $100 billion without exploiting 100s of millions of people.
Jimmy Saville- Purvaphalguni Moon, Mars in Bharani amatyakaraka and Ketu in Purvashada
He was a pedophile who abused numerous children over the span of 50yrs
Peter Townshend- Purvaphalguni Jupiter & Rising, Ketu in Purvashada
He was found trying to access child porn sites
Chris Brown- Bharani Sun & Moon
He's abused several women, most famously, Rihanna
Here's some examples of people who have risen to prominence by playing ruthless people.
Kathy Bates- Mars in Purvaphalguni amatyakaraka
She is best remembered for playing the psychotic nurse in Misery
Anthony Hopkins- Purvashada Sun
He is best known for playing serial killer Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs
I know this is a very polarising topic and to any Venusians reading this, I sincerely do not wish to spread hate or cause harm, I am only trying to point out some of the things I have noticed. Does this mean every other Venusian you encounter is a serial killer in disguise? No Are all Venusians bad people? Also no. I thought it would be interesting to shed some light on the darker side of Venus which is seldom addressed if at all. Please do not take any of these observations too seriously and do not use astrology as a tool to propagate hatred towards yourself or others.
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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A bit of October 8th history...
1480 - Great Standing on the Ugra River: standoff between forces of Akhmat Khan, Khan of the Great Horde, and Ivan III Grand Prince of all Rus; Tatar-Mongols retreat, leads to disintegration of the Horde 
1871 - Great Fire of Chicago kills 200 people and destroys over 4 square miles of buildings and the original Emancipation Proclamation (pictured)
1917 - Leon Trotsky named chairman of Petrograd Soviets as Bolsheviks gain control
1945 - Microwave oven patented
1971 - John Lennon releases the single “Imagine”
1998 - US House of Reps votes to begin impeachment hearings against President Clinton on charges of lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky
2001 - US President GW Bush announces the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security
2018 - Major climate report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the UN says planet will warm 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2040 with dire results
2019 - FBI confirm Samuel Little is America’s most prolific serial killer in history after verifying more than half of his 93 confessed murders
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
learn about nakshatras pt 2
Hey guys!
Since we’ll be doing a lot of nakshatra analysis over here, for those of you who want to learn what some of the more detailed parts mean, here is a super easy guide for you. Through this guide, which i’ll make more parts of, you can analyze Nakshatra’s even better than before. Use this guide to refer to for my nakshatra analysis too! I really don’t want this blog to be the simple interpretation kind of blog, because if we’re capable of really doing a good job and working it out together while learning, why not do that?
Nakshatras, auspicious events and timings -
The 27 Nakshatra are divided into seven groups, based off of star grouping and nature.The nakshatra are classified in to Chara (movable) , Sthira(fixed) , Mrdu(gentle) , Ugra (violent), Tikshna (sharp), Kshipra (swift) and Mishra (mixed) . Based on these qualities, they are suitable for various activities. These are extensively used in muhurtha (divine timing to do something). For instance, for coronation, planting of trees etc. the Sthira Nakshatras are favourable as they offer fixed foundations. On the other hand, activities such as commercial transactions, taking medicine, travels etc. should be done in Kshipra Nakshatras, as they last for short duration. Depending on the Nakshatra, the native is either faced with certain kinds of activities or he is fond of doing certain activities. The classification of Nakshatra into seven groups is as following -
Chara Nakshatra: Movable: Saravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Punarvasu and Swati are movable. They are auspicious for activities needing movements such as acquiring vehicles, gardening, going on procession etc.
Sthira Nakshatras: Fixed: Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra are fixed. They are favourable for activities that require fixity such as coronations, laying the foundations of cities, sowing operations, planting trees etc.
Mrdu Nakshatras: Tender: Chitra, Anuradha, Mrigashira and Revati are soft. They are favourable for activities pertaining to subtle things such as wearing new apparel, learning dancing, music and fine arts, sexual union, performance of auspicious ceremonies etc.
Ugra Nakshatras: Violent: Bharani, Magha, Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha, and Purvabhadra. These constellations are favourable for activities that requires violence, force, weapons, confronting enemies etc. Activities such as demolishing a structure, setting fires, capturing others with force, battles etc. are favoured in this Nakshatra.
Tikshna Nakshatra: Sharp: Moola, Jyeshta, Ardra and Ashlesha are sharp. They are favourable for destructive activities such as incantations, invoking spirits, imprisonment, murders (marana mantra), separation of friends (ucchatana mantra) etc.
Kshipra Nakshatra: Swift: Ashvini, Pushya, Hasta and Abhijit are Swift constellations. They are favourable for activities involving swiftness such as putting ornaments, pleasures and sports, administering medicine, starting industries, undertaking travels etc.
Mishra Nakshatra: Mixed: Krttika and Vishakha are mixed constellations. They are favourable for activities like worshiping, fire ceremonies, purchasing furniture and electronics.
Now according to Sage Saunaka, birth in different classes of nakshatras bestow following nature on the native:
Dhruva Nakshatra: Stable, forgiving
Chara Nakshatra: Fickle minded, eat indiscriminately
Ugra Nakshatra: Fierce, torture, confine others
Mishra Nakshatra: Mixed, equal treatment to friends and foes
Laghu Nakshatra: Limited enjoyment
Mrdu Nakshatra: Promote quarrels, speak ill and dirty
Nakshatra’s and yoni animals-
There is a connection between certain animal species and the Nakshatras. This is something that can be interesting to know about. Natives of certain Nakshatra’s behave like certain animals or may be fascinated by such animals too, or lastly be perceived as that animal by others. A great way of studying Nakshatras is through animals! Thus the table below will list the yoni animals and then list the nakshatra for each one.
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All Nakshatra’s have their own temperaments relating to heavenly beings, and thus are divided into 3 main categories of godly, demonic and human like.
1.Deva (godly) nakshatras are - Ashwini, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Revati, shravana.
2.Manushya (Human) nakshatras are -Bharani, Rohini, Ardra and all the Purva and Uttara Nakshatras.
3. Rakshasa (demon) nakshatras are- Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyestha, Mula, Dhanistha, Shatabhishak.
People who have many planets in demonic Nakshatras may be more harsh than those who have planets in the godly Nakshatras which are mostly soft. However we have to keep in mind that devas are not necessarily good and demons are not necessarily bad.
Sexes of the Nakshatras-
Nakshatra’s are also divided into male and female, and this is often seen in their interpretation and analysis.
1. Male nakshatras are: Ashwini, Bharani, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Swati, Jyeshta, Mula, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana and Purva Bhadrapada.
2. Female Nakshatras are: Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Purva Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Vishakha, Anuradha, Dhanistha, Shatabhishak, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati.
Male Nakshatras are more active than female Nakshatras. It is notable that sometimes male Nakshatras are governed by female deities and the other way around.
Gunas and the nakshtaras-
Each Nakshatra is divided into a Guna at a certain level, representing what the it stands for. In combination with a certain planet now, It helps us understand it more-
First, there is Rajas. Rajas is the energy spark of the soul which is incarnating in the world. Rajas gives activity.
Then there is Tamas. The soul, which comes into this world, immerses itself into materiality. Tamas is about materiality and the material world.
After the soul has encountered materiality, it is time for the soul to liberate itself. The energy of liberation is called Sattva. Sattva is about going beyond the material world. It is about the soul wanting to return to its heavenly home.
I will be making a whole new post about gunas since its a complicated three tier system, but this is just an introduction.
I took some stuff here off the web as this is a tough topic to explain to people in general, and since I’m working on some readings now, I didn’t have time to make a massive post on this by myself. however, if anyone does not understand anything here, feel free to hit me up and we’ll go over it!
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dakshinakali · 3 years
Kali -from the beginning of time
The story begins from the times primordial, the origin of everything from the abstraction of nothingness. The concept of creation roots back to the time when desire emerged in the Supreme Force to be multitudinous. our creation is the result of the kamana that crept up in the mind of the singular, Primordial Entity. The Upannishads quoth
Ekaki na Ramate
Cha kamayate : Eko’ham, bahu syam.
Meaning anyone who is alone is not happy. I desire that since I am alone, let me be many.
Thus, the Para Brahman split into two : the Supreme Goddess and Supreme Lord. This Lord waited for the right time to be manifested while the Goddess relesed all her vivacity into the creation. Energies of the world was now released into a singularity, which was smaller and denser than anything we can imagine.
The goddess resembled depths undiscovered, and assumed the form of mysterious darkness, having a thousand faces and limbs. This Adyaa or primordial form of the goddess is known as Mahakali, or Adyaa Kali.
Now,Let me narrate the story of Bhadrakali...
The goddess now harmonized her supremacy to create a deity resembling her attributes,but manifested as a male force, the one of the Three Supreme purushas, Maha Vishnu. The goddess made him indulge into her Maya, her power, and Maha Vishnu was put to sleep in a divine slumber, the Yoganidra, by the Yogic powers of Yogmaya Mahakali.
When Brahma, another member of the Trinity, was just created from the lotus-navel of MahaVishnu, he was sheer inane. He was just like an infant, unknown to exactly what his purpose was. However, he was but a child, and his urger for a populous world full of care was also like any other human new born. But here, the new born Brahma was to become the progenitor to satisfy his own desire of a populous world. He did not know so, but saw glimpses of the creation (that he was to endeavour for) in the all overwhelming smile of the dark goddess on whose lap was he seated as was all that was existing and was yet to exist. In the laughter of the omnipotent mother he say glimpses of the creation and his desires began to grow passionately intense. He began the creation. He urged the Mother Mahakali to help him. So, she appeared as Maa Kushmanda and released the celestial objects from her smile (essentially from her tongue), ie, from Mahakali or the rooted omnipresent dark energy was released the percievable mass and strength which led Mahakali to be manifested as the illuminati Kushmanda.
However soon, the demons Madhu and Kaitabha arose from the dust in the ears of Vishnu, who was absolutely unaware of the incidents, slumbering divinely. These pig-ignorant beings tormented Brahma, who called out to Kushmanda for succour. Now, Kushmanda entered Sri Vishnu's ears, adsorbing all the dust to awaken him. Once again rose the goddess of dark complexion, who wakened Vishnu, and inducing her maya, she lead Madhu and Kaitabha to their doom all by themselves. This form of Kali is calm and the bestoyer of Maya to devise divine ploys so that she may create events and attributes to her wishful choices. Thus she is Bhadrakali, or the calm Kali or the Yogamaya Kali.
Bhadrakali appears in the following descriptions too
Upon coming to know that her father Daksha was planning a yajna to insult Shiva, Sati became clearly determined to refute her father's opinions. She, Mother of the creation, knew that no world would be equilibriated without Destruction, her husband Shiva, who was the complete manifestation of the Supreme Lord as Mahakala. However, as Shiva refused to let Sati visit her father and question him, Sati was hurt. To top this all, Shiva camouflaged his fear of losing Sati behind the arrogant voice of a dominating husband. She flared up and revealed to Shiva her very primordial form. As a glaring illumination emanated from Sati, she stood no more in front of Shiva as the same benevolent wife, clad in all the earthly indulgences . No longer was she bedecked in jewels of gold but a garland of apes and men alike, she revealed the Ugra form of Mahakali in herself. Howbeit, as Shiva ran affrighted, Sati was struck with pity. She calmed down and stood before Shiva as somewhat sangfroid and soberly mild, yet dark as blue iris. This milder form of Mahakali is the 1st Mahavidya, Bhadrakali, who calmly spoke out to Shiva that he better calms down and relents his wife to live to her decisions. However, Shiva ran out of fright, only to be encountered by the rest of the 9 Mahavidyas.
Incidentally, the same Bhadrakali reappears when Shiva came to know about Sati's self immolation. After Shiva became the destroyer Panchanana and utilises a lock of his matted hair to create Veerbhadra, the latter becomes bound by Maha Vishnu at the Daksha Yajna site. To release him, Shiva invites Sati to reincarnate and avenge the wrong done to them. Sati's soul, that of the great Mahamaya, enters the 3rd eye of the North Face of Panchanana, and emerges as Bhadrakali, iris blue as the eye of the North Face of Panchanana Shiva. She is diplomatic in words, calmly frees Veerbhadra after an exchange of arguements on basis of justice. Next, she calmly fetches Daksha, brings him to Veerabhadra and again reunites with the lifeless body of Sati,yet housing all the divine vitality, to rid her worshipper’s body of all sins, proving the fullest blessings of the Mother Supreme.
The same Bhadrakali appears again in the slaying of Darik. He was a demon who ruled in the Darikavana, utilising the powers of his wife Mandodari, also called Daruki, and is not to be confused with Mandodari of Ramayana. The wife Daruki was a great devotee of the Goddess Parvati. Hence she attained immense powers though tapas and imparted the good of her yogic attributes to enable Darik stay overwhemingly poweful. Parvati blessed that he may remain undefeated unless rendered to her displeasure . However, he became so amorous and torturous to women that Parvati was troubled. To top it all, Darik captued and began torturing a snake-man , Supriyo, who was worshipping Shiva in his kingdom. This infuriated Shiva, who instantly came to save Supriyo in form of Nageswara jyotirlingam. Now, Parvati was humiliated to an ultimatum. She decided to teach Darik a lesson, for, by saying that Parvati would spare Darik provided he doesn't disrespect her, she meant her disregard in all respects, be her own self, her abode, or her beloved. And fool was Darik to assume that Shiva's devotee would repose not in Parvati,’s heart.
Into the third eye of Nageswara entered Parvati, and appered in a form of blue complexion, absorbing the colour of the Prussian hued poison in Shiva's neck. Again she stood as Bhadrakali, who slew Darik with great aplomb, yet did not lose her mind in the liquidation of the fool asura. She remained clam and did not continue the blood-shed once Darik met his end. Bhadrakali is thus the exact bearer of her duties.
As Bhadrakali Parvati indulged in her happy domiciliary life with Shiva at Kailasa, Daruki began to practice severe austerities to propitate Shiva, that she may avenge the death of her love.
Now, let me narrate the story of Bhadrakali's transformation into Ugra Kali. We shall again come back to the Daruki episode later.
In the meantime, Sumbha and Nisumbha began their abuse. The maltreated world, afflicted with misery, cried out for help. To top it all, they attacked the Gods while the son of Ugrasena, Kamsa, took over the mortal world. Such was their tyranny that every nook and cranny resonated with cries for relief.
The Gods approached Kali Parvati as she was going to take a dip in Mansarovar . She manifested herself from the Kosha or cells of her body, appearing as the wheatish complexioned, the radiant Kaushiki. As Kali remained in yogic trance, Kaushiki went to serve her task.
Kaushiki took birth as the daughter of Yashoda while Sri Vishnu manifested as Krishna, taking birth from Devaki's womb. As Krishna's father interchanged the children, Kansa appeared to kill Devaki’s 8th child, prophesised to be his death itself. Having already killed her previous 6 children and thinking her to have miscarried the 7th pregnancy, finally he would become immortal, thought he. However, as Kamsa took the girl in his hands as was about to thrash her to death, she flew out of his grip. A thunderous laughter of the celestial lady overwhelmed all directions as she proclaimed that his death incarnate was intact , and disappeared.
She went to to the Vindhya Mountains and assuming the form of a very young girl, a Kumari, she slept her Yogic slumber. The trinity performed the Kumari Puja to awaken the damsel Goddess. The Goddess rose as a young maiden, with the attributes of MahaSaraswati, and lured the demons. As Sumbha and Nisumbha sent a marriage proposal, she rebuked it and invited them to fight. Instigated, they sent their comarades to fight, but all were sent to the abode of death by the Eight Warrior Sisters whom Kaushiki created, headed by the skeleton-thin, fierce, blood-red necked Chamunda, the slayer of Chanda and Munda. However, quite opposed to the common notion that Chamunda is same as Ugra Kalika, she is not. They are similar in their dark complexion but different in genesis and their seed syllables. Chamunda was created by Kaushiki from her eyebrows and after the slaughter Of the asuras, she reabsorbed Chamunda into herself. Whereas Kaushiki herself arose from the Bharman within the Koshas of Kalika. This Kalika gets enraged and becomes the Ugra Kalika. Moreover, the physique of the goddesses differ in the sense that Kali is described as a plum woman, having full breasts and a youthful radiance of the feminine; while Chamunda has a thin, malnourished appearance with protruding ribs . However, both Ugra Kalika and Chamundika have fearsome expressions and are extremely stormy, angry and malevolent in destruction of the negative elements of the Universe . The emergence of Ugra Kali in the story is as follows …
When Raktabija arrived at the battlefield, Kaushiki went on stabbing him with her trident but with the flow of hus blood rose thousands of Raktabijas. So, she invoked Kali Parvati. Kali Parvati woke up on the banks of Mansarovar and incarnated on the battlefield as Ugra Kali. She slew all the raktabijas abd drank their blood. The drops that fell were consumed by jackals following her.
Kaushiki then killed Sumbha and Nisumbha. Meanwhile, Ugra Kali became extremely stormy and aggressive. The dance of her feet struck sheer destruction on Earth. Her tongue lolled out in desire to consume more blood. This signifies how Kala or time dissolutes into the goddess of time . Her all devouring tongue signifies the all engulfing Kala or time.
Finally, to pacify her, Shiva lay as a corpse at her feet. This shows how Shiva or Purusha is just a corpse without Shakti or Prakriti. Stepping on Shiva, whom she loved dearly and placed him in her bossom, the malevolent act aroused a perdurable sense of guilt for causing pain to her love. She bit her tongue in guilt, as Kalika is portrayed for popular worship.
As Ugra Kali calmed back into Bhadrakali, she retreated into the forests of Darukavana, guilty of having performed such unnecessary destruction and having harmed the Purusha of her heart.
It was here that Daruki was performing tapas to appease Shiva and avenge Darik's death. Shiva was forced by her tapas to grant her a boon. Daruki asked for a boon to avenge her husband's death. Shiva, the Ashutosha, got quickly satisfied. He was already preoccupied with thoughts so as to console his consort, who was troubled by what she had done and was residing somewhere in the same Darukavana. Shiva gave Daruki few drops of his sweat, such that one when sprinkled by which would be afflicted with tremendously irritable and painful eruptions on one's appearance.
Daruki now sought for Bhadrakali. Finding her, Daruki sprinkled on Bhadrakali Shiva's sweat. As a result, she was Bhadrakali was extremely pained by the blistering eruptions in likeness of chicken pox. Anguished , she questioned Shiva , in the trauma of her maim, what wrong she had done in punishing Darik that too in compliance with Shiva's wish.
Shiva sent Ghantakarna, one of his ganas to medicate and remove her rashes, which detrimented and saddened Bhadrakali Parvati all the more, for she knew not what caused Shiva not to come himself, unknown to the fact that Lord Indra had come to meet Shiva. Hence she sent the gana back.
Indra, the king of Gods, wished to send some apsaras to assist Shiva help console Bhadrakali. As Shiva approached her, he found the fair complexioned apsaras advancing , and he addressed his consort as the ‘O dear Kalike, my Dark One’, and called out to the apsaras as “ O ladies of divine radiance as fair as the pristine snow, the possessor of Divine Arts, I hope you shall take no offence in assisting me to serve my little woman here… she is quite pained. ”
Bhadrakali-Parvati took offence at seemingly racist comment . She believed Shiva was mocking at her black complexion and that Shiva too was harnessing the traditional mortal belief that fairness was beauty and became depressed and dolorously declared,--- “since i am such an ugly burden to you that you can take such liberties with me as afflicting me with quite an incessant pain and since you again look down upon me in public; it is better that you may stay without me forever. As for the scars of these boils I have on my soma, let it stay forever thus, blemishing my skin to mark how REALLY BEAUTIFUL I AM.”
Bhadrakali retired to Kanchipuram as a yogini and began penance beneath a mango tree , dedicated to a Shiva lingam she made out of sand . The greatest of all Yoginis as Parvati is, her anger, the force of destruction, the primordial energy of the most intense enigma, i.e., the darkness that comprises the depth of the unkown where all converges into and diverges from, is all lost within Parvati and she becomes the fair maiden. This incident does Not eulogise racism but denotes the fact that Parvati is not ashamed of her colour, be it as the fair Parvati or the Dark Mahakali. Quite opposed to popular notions that Parvati was born Dark…, Parvati was the FAIR born Goddess Mahakali, she was fair and not dark from birth. It is a simple fact and no comment made on the preferred colour of the skin. Hence she simply reverts to her original form.
I intend to end this narrative on a more softer and delicate note, the story of their reunion after the episode of Shiva-Parvati’s previous fall out.
Narada, the divine mischief maker, sage of the gods, visited the Yogini Parvati, who was now her original self. She was, by now, terribly missing Shiva and having carved out a sand Shiva linga to be consoled by his physical appearance near her, was now continuing her penance with grit and determination so that no force might deter her from extracting one just sorry from her beloved.
Narada however ployed some fun and notified the Goddess that Shiva was not at all unhappy without her company. Rather, he showed no signs of grief in her absence. The fair Parvati, dedicated and dolorous to hear this, sat down to concentrate in an even deeper meditation.
Shiva was woebegone at his loneliness, would watch Parvati from the branches of the mango tree. Unable to bear it any longer, he called upon Ganga to break Parvati's penance. As Ganga tried her best to counsel her sister, the latter showed no signs of budging from her trance. With every passing moment, she was becoming even more radiant and was as if on a journey to get re-incarnated as a maiden, with a newly youthful glory. She had as though made up her mind to test Shiva with her allure and check if it were only the outward beauty which appealed to him or he was actually the very ascetic she loved so dearly.
Ganga, unable to break Parvati's austerities, decided to flow in and flood the area with all her force, her waves smashing into the Shiva ling to destroy its sculpture. At this, Parvati woke up with a start, and assimilating all the love she So dearly cherished in her heart, hugged the lingam with her youthful nurture, in form of his eternal inamorata. She thus emerged as Kamakshi.
Ganga notified her of Shiva's longing and advised her that she need not have changed to prove in adverse to Shiva's heart, for the heart of her man loved her in all her attributes and that she was not to be objectified, neither should she have given in to this objectification, nor was she at all objectified by the PARAMA Purusha Shiva.
Parvati, nurtured in good counsel, decided to test the same and visited Shiva in her renewed manifestation as an young damsel of 16, named Sorashi, the queen of all seasons, the 2nd of the 10 Mahavidyas, who is the same as Kamakshi.
As Sorashi asks Shiva who resides in his heart, she finds the imagery of the damsel she is in the guise of- — the beauty of Sorashi. Just as Parvati is downcast to find that outer beauty is what seemed to be appealing for Shiva, a closer glance revealed the picture in Shiva's heart to be Kali, the primordial, and then Parvati, as she had always been and ever shall be . Sorashi's heart melted and with it was washed away the misunderstanding that separated them . She reverts back to Parvati, in whose form she became the consort of the householder Shiva.
Thus were the Purusha and Prakriti reunited…
Source : quora
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