#Moran solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 10 (by @avaveevo)
Terry is chained to the wall
Terry: *grunting as he tries to break free* Fucking damn it! Don’t worry kids! We have to get out of here warn your father!
Jesse starts crying
Jesse: *crying* Terry! I’m so scared! I don’t wanna die!
Terry gasps and tries to approach her but falls since he is chained to the wall
Terry: *growls and then regains hope* Don’t worry kids! Korvy will come rescue us! I just knew it!
Tortus arrives
Tortus: Get up! It is time!
Terry: Korvo will come stop you.
Tortus: *mockingly* Oh I am so scared! In your dreams! Guards, take them to the execution!
The guards pick up Terry and the replicants. Yumyulack bites a guard's arm.
Guard: Ouch! Little Brat! *shoves Yumyulack to get him going*
Korvo and Kim-La suddenly appear
Korvo: STOP!
Tortus: You?!
Terry: *sheds tears of joy* KORVY!
Yumyulack: Dad!
Jesse: Daddy!
Korvo: Terry! Kids! Hang on! I’m coming!
Tortus shocks Korvo again with his shock collar as Korvo growls.
Kim-La: KORVO!
Kim-La growls at Tortus, who laughs.
Tortus: I knew that you one day betray me, ever since the day you lost your pathetic wife!
Kim-La: How do you even know my wife's dead?
Tortus: *chuckles* It’s simple you see, your wife never like my orders.
A flashback plays which shows Juma refusing to take orders upon meeting Tortus.
Tortus: Your wife never liked my strict when she wanted to get some stuff for her wife and pathetic Replicant! She doesn’t even like the strict orders of The New Order.
Huma shook her head in disgust away from Tortus, who snarls and snaps his fingers. The snap summons the guards who took Juma away.
Juma: Hey! Why are you doing this?! This is bullshit! We never did anything to you!
Tortus: Take her to the Execution!
Juma: No! No! NO!
The flashback ends
Kim-La: *gasp* Y-you… killed my wife?!
Tortus: I had no other choice. You see-
Kim-La screams in fury and punches Tortus in the face.
Korvo: *laughs* Alright!
Tortus: That does it. *snaps his fingers*
The guards grabbed Kim-La and Korvo and throws them to the dungeon as they scream. They then gasp.
Terry: KORVO!
Tortus: It’s too late now! It is time… for the Execution! Take them away!
Korvo: *growls*
Tortus: As for you two, you are sentence to the dungeon for 500 years as punishment for betraying the New Order!
Kim-La gasps
Kim-La: You won’t fucking get away with this!
Tortus: It’s too late! I already have!
The guards take away Terry, Jesse and Yumyulack as Korvo snakes. Then, Kim-La started crying. Korvo turns around and notices Kim-La crying.
Korvo: Kim-La? Are you okay?
After Korvo and Kim-La in the dungeon after Tortus sentenced them to 500 years in jail
Kim-La: *crying* I am so sorry Korvo…
Korvo smiles and put his hand on Kim-La.
Korvo: There is nothing you could’ve don Kim-La. Thanks for being by my side.
Kim-La smiles.
Kim-La: Thanks Korvo. *notices Korvo looking at his robe* Is there something wrong?
Korvo smirks.
Korvo: I think I can use a more modern garb.
Kim-La gasps.
Kim-La: No way. Want me to help you?
Korvo: I don't see why not?
Kim-La: Okay. Let’s get started.
Korvo takes his ceremonial garb off and starts looking around for options with Kim-La. Kim-La notices fingerless gloves
Kim-La: What about these gloves?
Korvo: Perfect.
Cue a montage. Korvo puts on the gloves as he began to smirk. Then, Kim-La sees an amazing modern outfit offscreen
Kim-La: Oh. My. Gosh.
Korvo is waiting until Kim-La show him the offscreen outfit. Korvo gasps.
Korvo: Perfect!
Later, two guards are patrolling the dungeon until...
Korvo: *offscreen* Now!
Kim-La uses a death ray to kill the guards
Guard #2: *dying from the ray* OH GOD! FUCKING WHY?!
Kim-La kicks the guard in the head
Kim-La: Suck it, bitches!
Kim-La turns to Korvo
Kim-La: So… what do you think of the new look?
Korvo then steps out with a new look, which contains a blue modern robe but with no crystal, a pair of boot that are a bit big but have crystals that looks like the one from Korvo’s old robe, Korvo’s white shirt is shown since the new robe is unbutton and he is now wearing fingerless gloves.
Korvo: I look and feel amazing! *remembers Terry's execution*
Kim-La: What is it?!
Korvo: Terry! He's going to be executed in a few hours and we won't have time to-
Kim-La: Hey don’t worry! We got this!
Korvo: *weeping* We have to get there! Terry means everything to me. *then manages to pull himself together and wipes away his tears while gaining courage again* Kim-La, let’s go save my husband!
Kim-La: Right!
The two Shlorpians then head off to save Terry from his execution.Then, Korvo notices Jessica and Teraformus in the dungeon.
Jessica: *gasps* Korvo!
Korvo: Teraformus! Jessica! You two got lock up didn’t you?
Terraformus: Yes! Hurry! Get us outta here!
Korvo pulls out a rusted key
then he puts it in the lock and opens the door. Terraformus and Jessica embrace their son-in-law.
Jessica: Thank you Korvo!
Teraformus: Are you all right? *notices Korvo's new outfit* Whoa. Nice new look.
Korvo: You’re welcome! Now come on! Let’s go save my family!
Korvo, Jessica, Teraformus and Kim-La runs off to save the family.
It starts at the day of the execution as Tortus steps up to the podium to announce the execution
Tortus: My fellow New Order! Today we start the execution of Terald, Yumyulack and Jessica!
The Shlorpians cheer as Jesse starts crying
Jesse: *crying* Korvo?! Where are you?!
Terry: Oh hell no! Wait until my sweet hubby comes and whoops your fucking asses!
An executioner Shlorpian raises the axe but then...
Korvo: *offscreen* STAY! THE FUCK! AWAY! FROM! MY! FAMILY!
Tortus: WHAT?!
The Shlorpians turn and then sees Korvo with Kim-La. Terry, Yumyulack and Jesse gasp in joy.
Yumyulack: Korvo!
Terry: Korvy!
Kim-La punches the executioner and frees Terry, Yumyulack, and Jesse
Terry, Yumyulack and Jesse: Hooray! Alright Korvo! You’re okay! We missed you!
Terry notices Korvo's new outfit
Terry: Wow. Nice outfit, babe.
Korvo twirls around
Korvo: Thanks. Need a new outfit while Kim-La and I were trapped. I am so sorry if I putted you guys in danger. I never meant for any of this to happen.
Terry: Hey. It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay, babe.
Yumyulack and Jesse: Us too.
Korvo smiles tearfully
Korvo: Come here you wonderful weirdos! *tries to bring family in for a hug, much to their joy*
The crowd murmurs in confusion as Tortus looks at Korvo's new outfit in horror. Korvo notices Tortus' horrified expression.
Korvo: What Tortus?
Korvo: Hey! It’s a lovely outfit!
Torus: Lovely! LOVELY?! You completely changed the design! turns to Kim-La And you! I should’ve known you would turn on me!
Kim-La: Well, guess what?! I am done doing your own dirty work!
Torus: What?! After everything I did for you?! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Korvo: If anyone here should be ashamed here, it’s you! You assigned me a new unit, making me turn on my family!
Tortus: They are not your family! They are your unit! Get it through your head!
Korvo: finally taking a stand YES! THEY! ARE!
Torus slaps Korvo in the face, making him fall to the ground.
Torus: You dare talk back to me?!
Korvo however gets back and stands brave and courageous
Korvo: Yes! Yes I do!
Tortus: To think you were once my favorite student!
Korvo: I never was! You treated me like shit! II reuse to follow you anymore! I am going back to my family!
Kim-La: Yeah! Me too!
Tortus: You are not going back to Terald! He is nothing but a nuisance, and he is a disgrace to Shlorpiankind!
Korvo: No he is not! Terry is the most wonderful Pupa specialist and person I have ever met! He is the best husband and the mission partner I ever had! He changed my life! I made a wonderful life with my husband and you made me throw that away! And if you can’t see that, then you’re the fool!
Tortus: Have it your way then. New Order, come.
To Tortus’ surprise the others refuse to follow him
Bee: No Tortus. *looks at Korvo* Korvo’s right. *heads over to Kim-La and Korvo* Enough.
Tortus: What?! But conformity is cool!
Korvo snaps when Tortus says conformity is cool
Tortus growls
Tortus: No you are not.
Tortus presses a button that shocks Korvo and Kim-La. Luckily Korvo looks at the button and takes out a dagger that destroys the button.
Korvo: It’s over Tortus…
Tortus snarls.
Tortus: Why you lousy little traitor!
Terry kicks Tortus in the face as he growls.
Terry: Touch my man and you're dead bitch! *to Korvo* Come here you! *kisses Korvo on the lips as the crowd gasps*
Crowd: *touched by the husbands’ love* Aaaw…
Korvo and Terry start taking off their clothes and start having sex
Korvo: Oh Terry! *moans lovingly* I really do miss that handsome kinky body of yours!
Terry: And I missed your beautiful chubby body!
Korvo: *moans lovingly* Terry!
Kim-La: Wow. *to Yumyulack and Jesse* Do they always do this?
Yumyulack and Jesse: Oh hell yeah. Really gross sometimes. Boy, they are really got a whole lot of love.
Korvo: *moans lovingly* OH! OH YES TERRY! TERRY!
A green male Shlorpians takes his phone out
Terry: *moans lovingly* OH YES! KORVY! OH!
Moran: Holy. Shit.
Bee: Yeah. Wow.
Korvo: Ooooh! Yes! Let us kiss and show everyone how beautiful love is!
Terry: Fuck yeah!
The two aliens husbands kiss as they start floating and glowing
Shlorpians: Whoa… aaaw… so romantic!
Bee: What's happening?
Gadget: I think Korvo and his husband’s lover for each other is shining brighter than ever!
Korvo and Terry's clothes suddenly transform.
Shlorpians: Whoa!
Korvo’s clothes has turn into an aquamarine cyan suit jacket with a white shirt underneath while Terry’s clothes turn into an orange suit jacket with a black shirt underneath. The two husbands stop kissing as they land on their feet
Korvo: *smiling* Terry-bear… you never looked more handsome…
Terry smiles tearfully
Terry: So do you… *leans in as he and Korvo embrace in another kiss as they moan lovingly*
Xinna starts crying which is something she's never done before
Bee: Are you… crying Xinna?
Xinna: N-No!
The Shlorpians cheer for the husbands’ love for each other as Korvo and Terry continues kissing. Korvo the delivers a speech to the Shlorpians like Nova does.
Korvo: Everyone! Tortus is evil. He was a false savior, preying on us because we believed in something greater. You’ve been save. This divine touch is already warming our utopia. Someday, our brothers and sisters who Tortus forced out of the planet will find their way back. If they survive, they'll return to find the New Order better than ever before. Because from now on, we build friendships instead of barriers. There will be no more power-hungry leaders or bloody wars. There will only be Shlorpians who care and support each other and a lasting peace inside the New Order! It starts now. Our reign is over! Feel the warm air, the wind of change that brings a new life for us all.
The Shlorpians cheer. The family then gets into a group hug as Kim-La smiles.
Kim-La: I'm proud of you, Korv.
Korvo: *whispers* Thank you…
Kim-La smiles and joins in on the hug. Xinna suddenly bursts into tears.
Xinna: I can’t take it! Come here guys!
The New Order members hug each other
Korvo: Now… let’s go home.
Terry: Yeah. *to Kim-La* You wanna come with us?
Kim-La: I would love too.
Korvo smiles. Korvo straightens his jacket and laughs
Karna: *offscreen* Mommy?
Kim-La turns around and gasps
Kim-La: Karna?! *runs up to hug her daughter as she cries tears of joy*
Karna: Mommy! I missed you!
Kim-La and Karna embrace while Teraformus and Jessica arrived and gasp in joy.
Jessica: He did it! He finally did it!
Terraformus: You did it Korvo! You saved everyone!
Tortus gets up and growls only for the guards to stop him.
Tortus: No! Stop! What are you fools doing?! Let me go!
Terry: *firmly* It’s over Tortus! Your awful rule of the New Order is over! For good!
Tortus tries escape, only for Teraformus to punch him in papa wolf fury!
Two guards appear behind Tortus
Tortus: No... *gets up* you don't get to end this! I'm fucking Tortus! *gets out of crater and faces gang* I'm the fucking Shlorpian, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything in the New Order! All of Shlorpian kin came from these fucking hands! You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-
Jessica: Take him away, boys.
The guards nod as Tortus screams in fury as he gets taken away for good. The crowd cheer as Bee, Gadget, Moran and Xinna cheer for their friends. The family gets into another group hug along with Jessica, Teraformus, Kim-La and Karna.
Terry: I’m so proud of you Korvy. Now what do we do now?
Korvo smirks as he looks around the crowd.
Korvo: Now we can finally rebuild before Tortus’s cruel ways came. Together.
The crowd cheers as Terry picks Korvo up. Terry smiles and the two husbands embrace in a kiss while moaning lovingly.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: rise of the new order#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#kim-la solar opposites#jesse solar opposites#bee solar opposites#Moran solar opposites#gadget solar opposites#tortus solar opposites
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I rarely post to this blog, and I'm very sorry. Been busy
I'm in a bio program at school and I go to a very "Green" college. That's really neat and all but they are the opposite of green and it's frustrating. They are the hippie "woke" kind of green that is more words than actual substance, all the while shutting down the local small farmer who is just trying to make ends meet.
Anyways, i recently got into a small debate with a classmate during class about Nuclear Energy. I pointed out to my professor that Nuclear energy needs to looked at as a good alternative, as I'm sure most of my followers agree with. This guy started shouting off every anti nuclear talking point there is. He tone was very "gotcha" and he got more and more sour as I respectively countered every argument. I sent him a canvas mail, going in depth. He says I didn't talk about Three Mile Island enough.
To that I was like
Three Mile Island happened in 1979 and was the critical point for nuclear regulations in the United States. Nuclear had been used for around almost two decades before then. I was very explicit about Chernobyl and Fukishima, but apparently stating that Three Mile Island was a "Best Case Scenario" for a melt down scenario didn't sit well with him.
Given that the corium remained IN the reactor core and didn't leak out (As opposed to Chernobyl, which melted out of a badly designed reactor.) this IS the best case scenario for a scenario that is already very unlikely.
People like this frustrate me. They already made up their mind about something, and when given factual counter arguments, they refuse to hear it.
I explained that Nuclear Energy has been used on a civiliean scale since the 1950s, and that theres only been three major accidents. Coal, Oil, Natural Gas Accidents: Oil Spills : Linking this because its A LOT.
Mining Accidents: (Note this includes non-coal related accidents, which may include Uranium. You can choose to list this with Nuclear or not.)
"Between 1980 and 2005, coal-fired power plants saw an average of 11 fires/explosions, 29 injuries, and 5 deaths each year." -FE Moran
Oil Rig Accidents: Oil Rigs are an extremely dangerous place to work. The list goes on and on and on. Greener Energy, such as wind and solar, is not without issues. I suppose I need to preface that while I'm anti fossil fuel, I don't believe in simply cutting it off and that we need to slowly wean our dependency from it. I'm not anti-green energy, either. Nuclear doesn't work everywhere. There is no "One size fits all" power source for the entire planet.
My goal with this hobby and interest is to teach people that nuclear is not to be feared and demystify it.
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The gift of the garb
The Irish Times Sat, Nov 16, 1996, 00:00 By Dylan Moran
SOMEWHERE in this newspaper you are likely to find an article on lash ion. Weekend publications are big on fashion, figuring that you have had your dose of all the world's wars and catastrophes. It seems less absurd in the midst of all this chaos to consider, on a quiet couple of days - since the wars are probably taking a break themselves anyway - how best to find that Kagool you have coveted for so long.
The style supplements tend to take an intimidating tone. "The message this season is simple. If you are a human being you won't be able to wear this." To illustrate their point there is a photo of a model. All the females in these shots have 98 gleaming teeth, are at least 12 feet tall and weigh no more than the actual photograph. If the subject is a man you know just to look at him that his name is Otto or Max; he never burps and his square jawbone has grown right up through his posterior cortex, hence his grave manly expression.
I am amazed at the obsession with appearance so common currently among men. Gone are the days when all you had to do to achieve that James Bond look was make sure your flies were up and rip the larger pieces of dried cheese off your shirt front. Now grooming is a serious business, so take note.
Infancy: the modern busy infant favours all in one affairs to better acquaint itself with its own business. Newborn babies, this season, are aloof, worldly and in control only the nose should be visible.
Toddlers: A wardrobe for action. The hectic day of the developing child includes many goals such as falling down, throwing up and getting lost. Highly coloured fabrics identifiable from the outer solar system will aid locating the wearer and disguise the alarming hues of vomit that only children can produce. All clothes at this stage should be padded, bearing in mind the powerful attraction of tall buildings and the interior of cement mixers.
Childhood: The only acceptable, garb for the young school goer comprises the most antiquated hand-me-downs available. Anything else might engender self confidence and talking to members of the opposite sex in coffee shops, then where would we be? These clothes should be pre New Testament, yarn sacking, anything that causes major acne irritation. Chainmail is ideal. The youth will probably give you all kinds of nonsense about what their friends are wearing. Silence their cavilling with a yard of gingham.
Adolescence: The time of life when one's energies are devoted to self expression by not speaking to anyone. The most popular style the moment is grunge, whereby the garments look, feel and smell as if they have been used to transport a vicious dying animal across Mexico.
At this point, most reasonable people resign from keeping up appearances forthwith. For work you wear whatever has the least stain and at the weekend you revel in your cereal encrusted jumper, at least I do. Everyone is always telling me I look a mess.
"Why," they say, "are you wearing pyjamas?"
"Pyjamas? These are my archery trousers."
"You don't do archery."
"Perhaps, but if we were suddenly called upon to man the crossbeam . . ."
"Also, you have beans on you?”
You can get a little defensive when strangers walk right up to you in the street and say "Hey mister, who cuts your hair? Zorro?"
Pressure is put upon all of us toe impress others to the detriment of our inner slob. Style betokens precisely nothing. Stalin always looked natty. Jesus and Buddha opted for loose "hey don't bother me until I get some coffee" mooching robes. And, okay, Caesar did too, but he probably ironed. You can tell he really wanted to wear a suit from his letters:
Dear Ma,
Veni, vidi, vici . . . but I'm still a little chesty.
Women are the most heavily bombarded sector perhaps this is due to changes in their bodies, which continue relentlessly up to the age of 125. Boys become men and then go bald but a woman's body is a kind of opera, where masks fall to the floor as soon as you think the form is fixed. Girlhood, womanhood, broodiness, pregnancy, post pregnancy, the change ... the possibilities for exploiting insecurity about how to deal with these metamorphoses are enough to make any ad exec weep for joy. All of the "help" offered by the clothiers, cosmeticians and so on sounds like this:
Are you a Woman?
Not easy, is it?
Being a complete freak.
Buy this cream.
And many of them do. Everybody wants to be accepted, to be thought, Fallractive. That is why young people devote so much time to finding new areas of the body to hang chains from. That is why men grow moustaches. That is why you see women going for a night out in skirts so short they are, technically, moustaches.
And some people have got the grooming instinct. V, needing to make no adjustment to her delirium inducing appearance, exercises it by ripping, bursting and disposing of all the scabs, zits and accretions that gather on myself. Often in mid conversation.
"Hold still ... what were you saying about your childhood?"
"Well after my terrapin died . . . I thought I'd join the navy. Ow!"
"That's better, don't worry, it'll heal." But I don't mind. Scars are very in.
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Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de mayo 2020

Tenemos mucha suerte de seguir más tiempo con el confinamiento, así podremos disfrutar con calma de todas estas series y de todas las que tengamos atrasadas. Además, hay mucha comedia entre las novedades.
¡Feliz mayo!
Verde: series nuevas
Negro: regresos de otras series
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos
Morado: season finales
Púrpura: midseason finales
Calendario de series
1 de mayo:
Hollywood (1T completa), Into the Night (1T completa), Casi feliz (1T completa), Mrs. Serial Killer, The Half of It y All Day and a Night en Netflix
Trying (1T) en Apple TV+
Betty (1T) en HBO
Upload (1T completa) y Amaia: Una vuelta al Sol en Amazon
Charmed (2T finale) en The CW
3 de mayo:
Billions (5T) en Showtime
Rick & Morty (4bT completa) en Hulu
Good Witch (6T) en Hallmark
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (1T finale) y Good Girls (3T finale) en NBC
4 de mayo:
Reno 911 (7T) en Quibi
The Neighborhood (2T finale) y Bull (4T finale) en CBS
5 de mayo:
The A Word (3T) en BBC One
El ministerio del tiempo (4T) en TVE
Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind en HBO
The Conners (2T finale), Bless This Mess (2T finale) y Mixed-ish (1T finale) en ABC
6 de mayo:
Becoming en Netflix
SEAL Team (3T finale) en CBS
Riverdale (4T finale) en The CW
7 de mayo:
Blindspot (5T y última) en NBC
Brassic (2T completa) en Sky
Bruh (1T) en BET+
8 de mayo:
Dead to Me (2T completa), The Eddy (1T completa), Valeria (1T completa) y 18 regali en Netflix
Solar Opposites (1T completa) en Hulu
Madres (1T completa) en Amazon
Dynasty (3T finale) en The CW
MacGyver (4T finale) en CBS
10 de mayo:
I Know This Much Is True en HBO
The Rookie (2T finale) en ABC
11 de mayo: 9-1-1 (3T finale) en FOX
12 de mayo:
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend (especial interactivo) en Netflix
The Flash (6T finale) en The CW
13 de mayo:
The Wrong Missy en Netflix
American Housewife (4T finale), Single Parents (2T finale) y Schooled (2T finale) en ABC
14 de mayo:
Station 19 (4T finale) y How to Get Away with Murder (series finale) en ABC
Katy Keene (1T finale) en The CW
15 de mayo:
The Great (1T completa) en Hulu
La unidad (1T completa) en Movistar+
White Lines (1T completa) y Chichipatos (1T completa) en Netflix
The Blacklist (7T finale) en NBC
17 de mayo:
Hightown (1T) en Starz
Snowpiercer (1T) en TNT
The Simpsons (31T finale), Bob's Burgers (10T finale) y Duncanville (1T finale) en FOX
18 de mayo:
Stargirl (1T) en DC Universe
Dead Still (1T) en Acorn TV
19 de mayo: Sweet Magnolias (1T) en Netflix
20 de mayo:
The 100 (7T y última) en The CW
SWAT (3T finale) en CBS
Motherland: Fort Salem (1T finale) en Freeform
22 de mayo:
Control Z (1T completa), The Lovebirds y Survive the Night en Netflix
Homecoming (2T completa) en Amazon
25 de mayo:
Barkskins en National Geographic
Grant en History
27 de mayo:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (7T y última) en ABC
Love Life (1T) y On The Record en HBO Max
Grant en History
29 de mayo:
Space Force (1T completa) en Netflix
Ramy (2T completa) en Hulu
Central Park (1T) en Apple TV+
Defending Jacob (1T finale) en Apple TV+
Estrenos de series
Hollywood (Netflix)

Descrita como una provocativa e incisiva carta de amor a la edad de oro de Hollywood, sigue a un grupo de aspirantes a actores y directores que intentan triunfar sin importar el precio después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y muestra y examina los injustos sistemas y prejuicios basados en raza, género o sexualidad y las dinámicas de poder que continúan hasta hoy y cómo se vería la industria del entretenimiento si hubieran desaparecido. Con Darren Criss (Glee, American Crime Story), David Corenswet (The Politician), Samara Weaving (SMILF, Ready or Not), Jeremy Pope (Choir Boy, Ain't Too Proud), Laura Harrier (Spider-Man: Homecoming, BlacKkKlansman), Patti LuPone (Pose, Penny Dreadful), Holland Taylor (Two and a Half Men, Mr. Mercedes), Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory, The Normal Heart), Dylan McDermott (American Horror Story, The Politician), Queen Latifah (Chicago, Hairspray), Maude Apatow (Euphoria, Girls), Joe Mantello (The Normal Heart), Jake Picking (Patriots Day, Dirty Grandpa), Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite, Condor), Rob Reiner (All in the Family, New Girl), Harriet Harris (Desperate Housewives, Frasier) y Michelle Krusiec (The Invitation, Hawaii Five-0).
Creada por Ryan Murphy (Feud, American Crime Story) junto a Ian Brennan (Glee, Scream Queens). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo Estreno en España: 1 de mayo en Netflix España
Trying (Apple TV+)
Todo lo que quieren Nikki (Esther Smith; Cuckoo, Uncle) y Jason (Rafe Spall; Roadies, The Big Short) es un hijo, la única cosa que no pueden tener, así que deciden adoptar. Conociendo a sus disfuncionales amigos, sus excéntricas familias y sus caóticas vidas, ¿estará de acuerdo el comité con la adopción? El reparto cuenta con Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride), Daren Boyd (Fortitude, Lucky Man), Jackie Mouzo, Robyn Cara (Life), Jonathan Rhodes y Phil Davis (Poldark, Riviera).
Comedia escrita por Andy Wolton y dirigida por Jim O'Hanlon (Catastrophe, Inside No. 9). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo Estreno en España: 1 de mayo en Apple TV+ España
Betty (HBO)
Comedia inspirada en la película Skate Kitchen (2018) que se centra en un grupo de chicas de Nueva York que practican skateboarding. Repiten en sus papeles Rachelle Vinberg, Nina Moran, Kabrina Adams, Dede Lovelace y Ajani Russell.
Creada, escrita y producida por Crystal Moselle (Skate Kitchen) y Lesley Arfin (Love). Dirigida por Moselle. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo
Estreno: 2 de mayo en HBO España
Upload (Amazon)
Sitcom en la que Nora (Andy Allo, Pitch Perfect 3) es una trabajadora de atención al cliente en un ambiente de realidad virtual en el que puede vivir la gente después de morir y al que llega Nathan (Robbie Amell; The Flash, A Series of Unfortunate Events) tras sufrir un accidente de coche.
Con Kevin Bigley (Sirens, The Moodys), Allegra Edwards (Briarpatch), Zainab Johnson (American Koko), Elizabeth Bowen (Fargo, No Tomorrow), William B Davis (Continuum, The X-Files) y Owen Daniels (Space Force).
Creada, escrita y dirigida por Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo
Bruh (BET+)
John (Barry Brewer, Games People Play), Tom (Mahdi Cocci, The Gifted, Sistas), Mike (Phillip Mullings Jr., American Soul) y Bill (Monti Washington, Games People Play) son cuatro amigos afroamericanos ya en la treintena que buscan guía y apoyo entre ellos mientras tratan de aprender a ser independientes, ya sea en temas amorosos o laborales. Con Chandra Currelley (Madea's Big Happy Family), Candice Renée (Bodied), Alyssa Goss (The Bobby Brown Story), Caroline Harris (Shook), Brandon Sutton, Angela Marie Rigsby (Too Close to Home) y Sarah Hudson (Bluff City Law).
Creada, escrita, producida y dirigida por Tyler Perry (Sistas, Too Close to Home). Veinticuatro episodios.
Estreno: 7 de mayo
The Eddy (Netflix)
Drama musical ambientado en París y centrado en un pianista (André Holland; Castle Rock, Moonlight), divorciado y con una hija adolescente (Amandla Stenberg; The Hate U Give, The Hunger Games), que se ha convertido en el dueño de un club y mantiene una relación intermitente con Maja (Joanna Kulig; Cold War, Hanna), una cantante que tiene problemas con la bebida. Les acompañan Tahar Rahim (The Looming Tower, The Last Panthers) y Melissa George (The Slap, The Good Wife).
Escrito por Jack Thorne (National Treasure, This Is England) y con música original de Glen Ballard. Dirigido por Alan Poul (The Newsroom, Six Feet Under). Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash) producirá y dirigirá dos de los ocho episodios.
Estreno: 8 de mayo
Estreno: 8 de mayo en Netflix España
Solar Opposites (Hulu)
Comedia de animación sobre una familia de alienígenas que abandona su planeta y se muda a un suburbio de Estados Unidos. Con las voces de Justin Roiland (Adventure Time, Gravity Falls), Sean Giambrone (The Goldbergs, Clarence), Mary Mack (Golan the Insatiable) y Wendi McLendon-Covey (The Goldbergs, Reno 911!).
Creada por Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 8 de mayo
I Know This Much Is True (HBO)
Miniserie que explora la identidad estadounidense siguiendo las vidas paralelas de dos gemelos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Protagonizada por Mark Ruffalo (The Normal Heart, Spotlight), Melissa Leo (I'm Dying Up Here, Treme), Rosie O'Donnell (SMILF, The Fosters), Archie Panjabi (The Good Wife, The Fall), Imogen Poots (Roadies, 28 Weeks Later), Juliette Lewis (Secrets & Lies, Wayward Pines), Kathryn Hahn (Transparent, I Love Dick), Guillermo Diaz (Scandal, Weeds), Aisling Franciosi (The Fall, Clique), John Procaccino (The Good Wife, Madam Secretary), Rob Huebel (Transparent, Childrens Hospital), Philip Ettinger (One Dollar, First Reformed), Michael Greyeyes (True Detective, Fear The Walking Dead), Brian Goodman (Chance, Rizzoli & Isles), Bruce Greenwood (The Resident, American Crime Story), Marcello Fonte (Dogman), Tom Stratford, Simone Coppo y Bethany Kay.
Basada en la novela de Wally Lamb (1998). Escrita, dirigida y producida por Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 10 de mayo Estreno en España: 11 de mayo en HBO España
The Great (Hulu)
Comedia sobre el ascenso al poder de Catalina la Grande y la relación con su esposo. Protagonizada por Elle Fanning (Maleficent, A Rainy Day in New York), Nicholas Hoult (Skins, X-Men). Completan el cast Phoebe Fox (Close to the Enemy, The Hollow Crown), Adam Godley (The Umbrella Academy, Breaking Bad), Gwilym Lee (Jamestown, The Midsomer Murders), Charity Wakefield (Close to the Enemy, Wolf Hall), Douglas Hodge (Catastrophe, The Night Manager), Sacha Dhawan (Iron Fist, Mr. Selfridge) y Sebastian De Souza (Skins, Medici: Masters of Florence).
Escrita por Tony McNamara (The Favourite). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 15 de mayo
White Lines (Netflix)
El cuerpo de un famoso DJ de Manchester es encontrado en Ibiza veinte años después de su misteriosa desaparición y su hermana regresa a la isla a investigar. Con Laura Haddock (Guardians of the Galaxy, Da Vinci's Demons), Daniel Mays (Good Omens, Rogue One), Marta Milans (El embarcadero, Shazam!), Juan Diego Botto (Good Behaviour, Plenilunio), Nuno Lopes (São Jorge), Laurence Fox (Lewis, Victoria) y Angela Griffin (Turn Up Charlie, Ordinary Lies).
Creada y escrita por Álex Pina (La casa de papel, Vis a vis) y producida por Andy Harries (The Crown, Strike Back) y Cristina López Ferraz (La casa de papel, Vis a vis).
Estreno: 15 de mayo Estreno en España: 15 de mayo en Netflix España
Hightown (Starz)
Drama que trata la actual crisis de muertes por sobredosis de opiáceos en Estados Unidos y que se centra en Jackie (Monica Raymund; Chicago Fire, Lie to Me), una chica lesbiana de Provincetown, Massachusetts que trabaja como agente federal en el servicio nacional de pesca marina y tras encontrar un cadáver en la costa, se obsesiona cada vez más con resolver el asesinato mientras se enfrenta a su adicción. Le acompañan James Badge Dale (The Departed, 24), Amaury Nolasco (Prison Break, Deception), Dohn Norwood (The Sinner, Hell on Wheels), Shane Harper (Happyland, Awkward), Atkins Estimond (Lodge 49, StartUp) y Riley Voelkel (The Originals, The Newsroom).
Escrita y producida por Rebecca Cutter (Gotham, The Mentalist) y producida por Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI, Lucifer).
Estreno: 17 de mayo Estreno en España: 17 de mayo en Starzplay España
Snowpiercer (TNT)
Después de que el mundo se convierta en un desierto helado, los humanos que quedan vivos viajan en un tren gigante y en constante movimiento donde se mantienen la lucha de clases, las injusticias sociales y la política de la supervivencia.
Forman el reparto Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind, Requiem for a Dream), Daveed Diggs (Hamilton, The Get Down), Mickey Sumner (Battle of the Sexes, Low Winter Sun), Iddo Goldberg (Salem, Peaky Blinders), Sheila Vand (Undone, Argo), Lena Hall (Becks), Annalise Basso (Captain Fantastic, Slender Man), Jaylin Fletcher (The Female Brain), Sasha Frolova (Red Sparrow, Little Women), Steven Ogg (The Walking Dead, Westworld), Rowan Blanchard (Girl Meets World, The Goldbergs), Karin Konoval (The Good Doctor, Dirk Gently), Timothy V. Murphy (Quantico, True Detective), Happy Anderson (The Knick, Mindhunter), Sam Otto (The State), Stephen Lobo (Continuum, Travelers), Katie McGuinness (Hollywood, Roots), Miranda Edwards (Arrow, The Magicians), Susan Park (Briarpatch, Fargo), Manoj Sood (Salvation, Insomnia), Dylan Schmid (Shut Eye, Once Upon a Time), Mike O'Malley (Glee, My Name Is Earl), Andrea Ware (Van Helsing), Shaun Toub (Homeland, Lois & Clark), Jonathan Lloyd Walker (Continuum, Flash Gordon), Kelly-Ruth Mercier (Bates Motel), Roberto Urbina (Narcos, Recovery Road), Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing, iZombie), Shaun Toub (Homeland, Iron Man), Kerry O'Malley (Shameless, Annabelle), Aaron Glenane (Picnic at Hanging Rock) o Fiona Vroom (Altered Carbon, The Man in the High Castle).
Adaptación de la película de 2013. Creada por Graeme Manson (Orphan Black). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 17 de mayo
Stargirl (DC Universe)
Courtney Whitmore (Bella & the Bulldogs, The Goldbergs) es una estudiante que descubre que su padrastro (Luke Wilson; The Royal Tenenbaums, Roadies) fue un superhéroe en el pasado. Además, recibe el poderoso bastón cósmico de Starman (Joel McHale; Community, The X-Files) y se convierte en miembro de una nueva generación de superhéroes. Con Amy Smart (The Butterfly Effect, Felicity), Trae Romano, Cameron Gellman (Heathers), Neil Jackson (Absentia, Sleepy Hollow), Hunter Sansone (Drama Drama), Yvette Monreal (Matador, Faking It), Christopher James Baker (True Detective, Ozark), Henry Thomas (The Haunting of Hill House, Better Things), Joy Osmanski (Santa Clarita Diet, Shameless), Neil Hopkins (Lost, Matador), Nelson Lee (Ten Days in the Valley, Sneaky Pete), Kron Moore (The Oval), Jake Austin Walker (Rectify), Meg DeLacy (The Fosters, Recovery Road), Anjelika Washington (Runaways, We're Not Friends), Lou Ferrigno Jr. (SWAT, How I Met Your Mother), Brian Stapf (The Purge, The Walking Dead) y Hina Khan (Hit the Floor).
Creada por Geoff Johns (The Flash, Arrow) y producida por Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Riverdale). Trece episodios.
Estreno: 18 de mayo
Estreno en España: 19 de mayo en HBO España
Dead Still (Acorn TV)
Ambientada en Irlanda a finales del siglo XIX, sigue a un conocido fotógrafo de cadáveres que investiga los asesinatos de los fallecidos. Estará protagonizada por Michael Smiley (Luther, The Aliens), Kerr Logan (Cormoran Strike, Game of Thrones), Eileen O'Higgins (Brooklyn, Mary Queen of Scots), Aidan O'Hare (Jackie), Jimmy Smallhorne (Clean Break), Mark Rendall (Versailles, Transporter), Peter Campion (Derry Girls, Brooklyn) y Martin Donovan (Big Little Lies, Boss).
Escrita por John Morton (People Like Us, W1A) y dirigida por Imogen Murphy (Red Rock; Can't Cope, Won't Cope) y Craig David Wallace (Slasher, Murdoch Mysteries). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 18 de mayo
Sweet Magnolias (Netflix)
Adaptación de la serie de novelas de Sherryl Woods sobre tres mujeres y amigas de Carolina del Sur que lidian con el amor, el trabajo y la familia. Con JoAnna Garcia Swisher (Once Upon a Time, Kevin (Probably) Saves The World), Brooke Elliott (Drop Dead Diva), Heather Headley (Chicago Med, She's Gotta Have It), Chris Klein (American Pie, The Flash), Jamie Lynn Spears (Zoey 101, All That) y Justin Bruening (Good Behavior, Grey's Anatomy).
Escrita y producida por Sheryl J. Anderson (Charmed, Detective McLean). Producida también por Woods. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 19 de mayo
Estreno en España: 19 de mayo en Netflix España
Control Z (Netflix)

Cuando un hacker empieza a revelar los secretos más íntimos de muchos estudiantes, se desata el caos en el instituto. Los más populares comienzan a ser acosados, los marginados ganan estatus y todos se convierten en sospechosos. Sofía (Ana Valeria Becerril; Las hijas de Abril, Muerte al verano), una empollona sin amigos, intentará descubrir y detener al hacker mientras sufre todo un proceso de autodescubrimiento. Completan el reparto Michael Ronda (Soy Luna, Como dice el dicho), Yankel Stevan (Papá a toda madre, Como dice el dicho), Rodrigo Cachero (Las malcriadas), Lidia San José (Paquita Salas, A las once en casa), Zión Moreno (Gossip Girl), Luis Curiel (Doña Flor y sus dos maridos, Como dice el dicho), Samantha Acuña, Andrés Baida (Los elegidos; Like, la leyenda), Patricio Gallardo (Silvana sin lana; Tony, la chef), Macarena García (Papis muy padres; Like, la leyenda), Iván Aragón (El Chapo, Enemigo íntimo) y Xabiani Ponce de León (Violetta, Esto no es Berlín).
Creada y escrita por Carlos Quintanilla Sakar (La bandida, Rosario Tijeras), Adriana Pelusi (Rosario Tijeras, Sin rastro de ti) y Miguel García Moreno (La candidata, La esquina del diablo).
Estreno: 22 de mayo
Estreno en España: 22 de mayo en Netflix España
Barkskins (National Geographic)
En Canadá, en el siglo XVII, ocurre una misteriosa masacre que amenaza con provocar una guerra en la región. Los colonos, de todas las clases sociales, que buscaban fortuna en el Nuevo Mundo se encuentran con bosques profundos y oscuros e indígenas que les reciben con desdén pero saben que necesitarán buscar alianzas con los recién llegados para sobrevivir. Con David Thewlis (Wonder Woman, Harry Potter), Marcia Gay Harden (Pollock, Mystic River), Christian Cooke (Ordeal by Innocence, Witches of East End), Aneurin Barnard (Dunkirk, The White Queen), Thomas M. Wright (Top of the Lake, The Bridge), Tallulah Haddon (Kiss Me First, Black Mirror) y James Bloor (Dunkirk).
Adaptación de la novela de Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) publicada en 2012. Escrita y producida por Elwood Reid (The Chi, The Bridge). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 25 de mayo
Love Life (HBO Max)
Comedia que sigue el camino desde el primer amor hasta el último. La primera temporada estará protagonizada y producida por Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect, Up in the Air) y nos mostrará a un novio distinto de Darby (Kendrick) en cada episodio. Con Scoot McNairy (Halt and Catch Fire, True Detective), Zoe Chao (Strangers), Sasha Compere (Miracle Workers) y Peter Vack (The Bold Type, Mozart in the Jungle).
Creada por Sam Boyd (In a Relationship) y producida por Paul Feig (Freaks and Geeks, Other Space). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 27 de mayo
Space Force (Netflix)

Comedia sobre la gente encargada de formar la fuerza espacial, la sexta rama que quiere crear Trump en las Fuerzas Armadas. Con Steve Carell (The Office, The 40 Year Old Virgin), Lisa Kudrow (Friends, The Comeback), John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich, The New Pope), Ben Schwartz (Parks and Recreation, House of Lies), Diana Silvers (Booksmart, Ma), Tawny Newsome (Brockmire, Bajillion Dollar Propertie$), Jimmy O. Yang (Silicon Valley, Crazy Rich Asians), Alex Sparrow (UnREAL, The Vatican Tapes), Noah Emmerich (The Americans, The Spy), Fred Willard (Modern Family, Eveybody Loves Raymond), Jessica St. Clair (Playing House, American Housewife), Don Lake (The Bonnie Hunt Show) y Owen Daniels (Upload).
Creada y producida por Steve Carell (Angie Tribeca, The 40 Year Old Virgin) y escrita por Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation).
Estreno: 29 de mayo
Central Park (Apple TV+)

Comedia musical de animación centrada en los cuidadores que viven en Central Park y acaban salvando el parque y básicamente el mundo. Contará con las voces de Josh Gad (Frozen, Angry Birds), Leslie Odom Jr. (Smash), Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock), Kristen Bell (Frozen, Gossip Girl), Stanley Tucci (BoJack Horseman, The Hunger Games), Daveed Diggs (Undone, Ferdinand) y Kathryn Hahn (Transparent, Mrs. Fletcher).
Creada por Josh Gad y Loren Bouchard (Bob's Burgers). Trece episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 29 de mayo
1 note
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by Lisa Jarisch
In college I had an English professor who was fond of saying such and such a play, or this, that and the other literary work, or some particular personal hobby, were intended to be, and should be taken as, nothing more than “great good fun”. With its offering of “Little Shop of Horrors” the penultimate production of its season, Mac-Haydn fits the bill to a T. Professor Ellis would proud. (The fact he was most often referring to his somewhat unusual predilection for participating in Morris dancing, often out of season, should in no way diminish the applicability of his sentiment).
What’s not to love about a show featuring an overgrown- to- the -extreme talking plant with a burgeoning blood lust and a bent toward world domination, a sadistic dentist who gets his just desserts at the hands…err, mouth…of the afore-mentioned plant, a Greek chorus of Motown-crooning urchins, and a classic love story between a Skid Row orphan and a ditzy blonde bombshell? Absolutely NOTHING, that’s what….and Mac -Haydn offers all that up, with more than a dash of camp and verve and polish.
Erin Spears Ledford directs her version of the 1982 Off-Broadway mash-up of sci-fi , rock and roll and horror with a deft hand. She sprinkles Skid Row bums, a doo-wop humming Greek chorus of urchins,, florists, and other “seedy” and assorted characters across the stage with aplomb. Giving direction to a blood-lusting, tendril-waving, greedy, food-demanding, overgrown, and eventually gargantuan plant is no easy task, but Ledford gives Audrey II the pride of place she demands, with staging strategically designed to assure every audience member gets the full effect of Audrey II’s “growing” power and control.
As Skid Row orphan Seymour Krelborn, Andrew Burton Kelley taps into his inner geek and gives us the perfect nerd, right down to the eyeglasses held together with tape, a sweater vest, and bow tie. From his initial stumbling, bumbling, crashing –and entirely off-stage–”entrance”, Kelley plays Seymour to hapless perfection. From yearning to “get outta here” as he bemoans his Skid Row existence in “Downtown” to discovering that the “strange and interesting plant” he picked up—JUST as a total solar eclipse darkened the earth, Cue the ominous organ music !–may just be his ticket out of the slums, Kelley effortlessly portrays Seymour’s fall from grace, innocence and morality to greed, homicide, and a lust for fame and fortune. Faced with a drooping, listless, fading Audrey II—named in honor of his secret love, Seymour implores “Grow for Me.” Lo and behold, a few drops of blood from a pricked finger later, Audrey II has had her first meal, and Seymour begins to see his meal ticket out of Skid Row. Let the clot….err, plot… thicken and sicken from here….
As the Skid Row Urchin chorus musically opines “Ya Never Know” Seymour’s fame begins to rise in direct proportion to Audrey II’s growth, Events continue to spiral as Mushnik’s Florist shop begins to flourish, thanks to Audrey’s appeal. Seymour’s longing to be part of a family is “fed” by shop owner Mushnik, who realizes his business is dependent on the “growing” popularity of the plant only Seymour can tend, and he announces that “Mushnik and Son” will come about as the result of his adoption of orphan Seymour.
Not in the least sated by a mere few drops of blood, Audrey II demands more than the anemia-stricken Seymour can provide. With a guttural, imperious demand of “Feed me, Seymour”, Audrey II SPEAKS. With a voice that could uproot a giant redwood, Alecsys Proctor-Turner bring Audrey II to blood-lusting life; her booming, soulful, almost hypnotically rhythmic “Git it” rings through the Mac, and lets us know Audrey II holds all the cards now. Even her costume dripping with leaves, creeping tendrils and twining vines in shimmering effervescent shades of green enhanced with tinges of red commands all eyes on the now stage-dominant plant. In Ragtime, as Sarah’s Friend, Proctor-Turner provided one of the most heart-wrenching, show-stopping moments with her lament over Sarah’s death, and she is no less effective and captivating here, in a role the complete polar opposite to that signature piece.
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Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Maya Cuevas, Madi Cupp-Enyard, Angel Harrison, Andrew Burton Kelley, and George Dvorsky. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley and George Dvorsky. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Alecsys Proctor-Turner, Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley. Photo Ann Kielbasa..
Andrew Burton Kelley and Emily Kron. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Pat Moran. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley. Photo Ann Kielbasa.Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Maya Cuevas. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Maya Cuevas, Madi Cupp-Enyard, Angel Harrison and Emily Kron. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Pat Moran. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Maya Cuevas, Madi Cupp-Enyard, Angel Harrison and Pat Moran. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley and Emily Kron. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Emily Kron. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley, Emily Kron and and George Dvorsky. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Andrew Burton Kelley and George Dvorsky. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Maya Cuevas, Madi Cupp-Enyard, and Angel Harrison. Photo Ann Kielbasa.Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Pat Moran. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Emily Kron. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
Cast of “Little Shop of Horrors”. Photo Ann Kielbasa.
In an almost Faustian “deal”, Audrey II promises Seymour that if her feeding needs are met, his dreams of wooing and winning Audrey will come true. Initially repulsed by the idea, Seymour witnesses his secret love Audrey being subjected to repeated abuse at the hands of her boyfriend Orin Scrivello…D.D.S., IF you please …and he lets his lesser demons overcome his better angels as Audrey II “persuades” him that Orin’s death can be the happiest of solutions for all concerned…with the notable exception of the dentist.
Pat Moran roars onto the stage as the leather-clad, chain-dripping, nitrous-oxide sniffing “Leader of the Plaque” Orin Scrivello, D.D.S., and makes the most of his relatively brief sadomasochistic moment on stage. As my companion noted “this guy is a little too much into his role”, as Moran swiveled, leapt, drilled, inhaled, and otherwise milked every deranged dental moment from both “Dentist” and “It’s just the gas”. At least I’m fairly certain what his comment was; I was laughing too hard to be sure I heard correctly. Orin’s eventual demise is the result of self-administered asphyxiation, but also enabled by lack of assistance from Seymour, who watches with an ice-cold demeanor as the abusive dentist breathes (in) his last. Moran is always a pleasure to watch; he throws himself into every role with unbridled enthusiasm, authenticity, and passion. His menacing, abusive, demeaning treatment of Audrey makes not just Seymour and Mushnik cringe, but the audience as well, and more than justifies the slight cheer that went up as Act 1 concludes with what remains of the dismembered dentist becoming Audrey II’s latest meal.
As the fashion-challenged, boyfriend-abused, initially worshiped from afar, love interest with a heart of gold Audrey, Emily Kron returns to the Mac-Haydn stage with all the presence and voice that makes her a perennial show-stopper. As she acknowledges her own stirrings of affection for Seymour, she absolutely BELTS her dreams of domestic bliss “Somewhere that’s Green”, leaving the audience longing for their own plastic covered furniture, frozen dinners, and cookie-cutter homes in suburbia. Joyously joining Mushnik and Seymour as the florist shop is “Closed for Renovation”, and later “Call Back in the Morning,” Kron shows us an Audrey beginning to bud with confidence that will eventually lead her to embrace and return Seymour’s love, before ultimately becoming another of Audrey II’s meals, a victim of Seymour’s struggle with the temptations of fame and the call of moral conscience. Her duet with Kelly of “Suddenly Seymour”, as Seymour and Audrey finally recognize and admit their feelings for each other is a resounding declaration of new-found love and determination to start a new life, even as Seymour has essentially resorted to dentist-cide, and Audrey still struggles with feeling of guilt that she may be responsible for Orin’s mysterious “disappearance.”
As Act 2 proceeds, Mushnik, suspicious of the “little red dots” all over the florist shop floor, hears the penny drop and realizes that Seymour is responsible for Orin’s death; unfortunately for Mushnik, Audrey II convinces Seymour that Mushnik is USDA Prime and that it’s “Suppertime” for the now domineering plant. Back on the Mac stage after his memorable Daddy Warbuck’s in last year’s “Annie.” George Dvorsky takes his turn as a curmudgeonly and sprightly Mr. Mushnik, spouting Yiddish and prancing with abandon. Alternately grumpy and paternal by turns, Dvorsky’s Mushnik plays perfectly against the initial naivete and timidity of Kelley’s Seymour, only to ultimately be betrayed by the “son” he greedily adopted to assure the future financial success of the business he leaves behind. Conned into the gaping maw of the hungry Audrey II, Mushnik disappears from the scene and the shop with a scream, and a flash of hot pink socks.
With his employer/father now consumed by the engorged foliage, Seymour is left as the sole owner of the flower shop, and find himself besieged on all sides by reporters, lawyers, agents and salesman, all wanting a “piece” of the Audrey II phenomenon, and tempting him with promises of fame and fortune. Coming to the realization that he can no longer be morally responsible for the murders Audrey II has forced him to commit, he considers killing the conniving plant, but remains convinced that Audrey could only love him for the success he has achieved since Audrey II came into their lives. Audrey, suspicious of Mushnik’s sudden departure to visit a sick sister in Czechoslovakia, visits Seymour hoping for an explanation, but finds him rambling incoherently, and at his urging, she retreats, but not before Seymour realizes her love is not dependent on the fame Audrey II has thrust upon him.
Audrey II must die. Alas, before Seymour can make reparation for his sins, Audrey returns to the shop, where her evil namesake cunningly entices her to water her withering limbs, which spring to life and begin to pull Audrey closer to her own death. Snatched from the jaws of the behemoth plant by the returning Seymour, but wounded beyond hope of recovery, Audrey begs to be fed to the plant after her death, so she will always be with Seymour. Reprising “Somewhere that’s Green” as Seymour ever so gently honors her dying wish, Audrey becomes one with the instrument of her death.
Finally realizing the plant has come from another planet with the ulterior motive to conquer the world ,Seymour also realizes that the World Botanical Enterprises plan to sell cuttings of Audrey II across America will only spread the evil. In a grief-induced rage, he tries to murder the murderer from the outside; when shooting, cutting and poisoning fail, he wields a machete and plunges into its open jaws, to be reunited in death with those who have gone before him. Cuttings are taken, distributed, and sold, and as our Skid Row chorus relates that across the country, blood-seeking plants are enticing their owners to feed them in exchange for promises of prosperity and profit, Audrey II reaches her pinnacle of size and power. In a finale that reaches a thunderous crescendo presented by the entire company, Orin, Mushnik, Seymour and Audrey reappear like walking zombies, entangled in and trailing vines, also imploring the audience “Don’t Feed the plants”, as a dancing, writhing, clearly victorious Audrey II reaches over and into the audience as the lights fade to black. In a show beautifully lit by Kevin Gleason from start to finish, the finale is a truly perfect technical moment.
In addition to the principle roles, as Motown-channeling, doo-wop crooning urchins, Ronnette, Crystal and Chiffon serve as a Skid Row Greek chorus, narrating and defining and commenting on the action from the sidelines. Madi Cupp-Enyard, Angel Harrison, and Maya Cuevas bring vibrant life to the chorus with harmonious song stylings throughout the show. From introducing us to the “Little Shop of Horrors,” presenting the mysterious plant in “Da Doo” , telling the tale of “Dentist” and other musical moments throughout the show,
Any production of “Little Shop” depends on the quality “performance” of Audrey II, and at the Mac, they do it with textbook precision. As the humans’ lives proceed apace throughout the show, Audrey II grows to immense proportions, presented with skill and style and puppeteering expertise by Atsushi Eda . Eda manipulates Audrey II with increasingly threatening menace, surely not the easiest of tasks working in a circular theatre where virtually every “side” is exposed to the audience. By staging Audrey II’s “backside”, or in floral parlance, her root ball, against one of the corner “entrances” to the round stage, director Ledford and Eda have created the best possible space to display Audrey II for maximum impact. “Her” movements and size increase with every victim she devours; the finale is a masterpiece.
Once again, Costume Design deserves its own ovation as well. Alison Zador has captured the essence of Skid Row, with each of its denizens telling a story from the flasher to the milkman to the urchins, while the principle characters’ dress captures each individual personality. Audrey is the very definition of “fashionably tacky” ..or is that tackily fashionably?…with Mushnik and Seymour sartorially appropriate as well.
There is no need to get carried away looking for deep and hidden meanings in this show . Certainly there are weeds of domestic abuse, greed, class struggle to be found among the flowers of Mushnik’s shop, but this production offers what Mac-Haydn does best….bright, vibrant, enthusiastically performed musical theatre. This is a perfect show for a hot August night— cancel your dentist appointment,, bandage that paper cut, and head to Chatham before the offspring of Audrey II complete their nefarious plan of world domination. DON’T feed the plants before you go, but DO expect to have great good fun.
Little Shop of Horrors, book & lyrics by Howard Ashman, music by Alan Menken, directed by Erin Spears Ledford, choreographed by Lauren Monteleone and music directed by David Maglione, runs August 8 through 18 at the Mac-Haydn Theatre, 1925 Route 203 in Chatham, NY. Costume design by Alison Zador, wig and makeup design by Matthew Oliver, scenic design by Emma Cummings, lighting design by Kevin Gleason, props by Joshua Gallagher and sound design by Nathan Schilz, stage manager Eoghan Hartley. CAST: Andrew Burton Kelley as Seymour Krelborn, Emily Kron as Audrey, Goerge Dvorsky as Mr. Mushnik, Pat Moran as Orin Scrivello..D.D.S., Alecsys Proctor-Turner as Audry II, Maya Cuevas as Ronnette, Angel Harrison as Crystal, Madi Cupp-Enyard as Chiffon, Atsushi Eda as Puppeteer for Audrey II, Anthony DaSilva and Joe Hornberger as Vine Puppeteers, Joe Hornberger as Skip Snip, Jonah Hale as Bernstein, Rachel Pantazis as Mrs. Luce, William Taitel as Patrick Martin, Sam Seleznow as Junkie, DeShaun Tost as Pimp, Kylan Ross as Milk Man, Spencer Petro as Uptown Square, Justin Forward as Plumber, Anthony DaSilva as Priest, Zoey Bright as Star to Be, Angie Colonna, Chelsea Lynne Myers, and Elizabeth D’Aiuto as Dental Assistants.
Running time: 2 hours including a 15 minute intermission.
For tickets and details please visit www.machaydntheatre.org or call the box office at (518) 392-9292.
REVIEW: “Little Shop of Horrors” at the Mac-Haydn Theatre by Lisa Jarisch In college I had an English professor who was fond of saying such and such a play, or this, that and the other literary work, or some particular personal hobby, were intended to be, and should be taken as, nothing more than “great good fun”.
#Alan Menken#Alecsys Proctor-Turner#Alison Zador#Andrew Burton Kelley#Angel Harrison#Angie Colonna#Anthony DaSilva#Atsushi Eda#Chatham NY#David Maglione#DeShaun Tost#Elizabeth D’Aiuto#Emily Kron#Emma Cummings#Eoghan Hartley#Erin Spears Ledford#Goerge Dvorsky#Howard Ashman#Joe Hornberger#Jonah Hale#Joshua Gallagher#Justin Forward#Kevin Gleason#Kylan Ross#Lauren Monteleone#Lisa Jarisch#Little Shop of Horrors#Mac-Haydn Theatre#Madi Cupp-Enyard#Matthew Oliver
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 11/Epilogue (by @avaveevo)

A few weeks later…
Korvo and Terry are seen snuggling after having sex as they smile. Terry wakes up to check his phone and gasps
Terry: Oh shit! We're gonna be late for the wedding!
Korvo: On it!
Terry and Korvo gets ready for the wedding along with the Replicants and Pupa and AISHA and Teraformus and Jessica. Later, the family arrived at the wedding.
Korvo: I am so happy for these two.
Terry: Heh! I know.
Then, out came Moran and Xinna, who are wearing wedding clothes as they walk down the isle.
Xinna: *lovingly* Oh Moran…
Moran: Ready to spend the rest of your life with a handsome guy?
Xinna: *giggles* Yes. Yes I am.
Jesse then gets out the bible
Jesse: Do you Moran, promise to take care of Xinna to honor her in sickness and in heath, for as long as you both shall live?
Moran: Hell yeah I do!
Jesse: And Xinna, do you promise to love and take care of Moran to honor him and sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?
Xinna: I do.
Jesse: Now let’s hear those vows!
Moran: Xinna, from this day forward, I’m keep loving you throughout my whole life! You are one of the bravest Shlorpians I ever met! I love you!
Xinna: And Moran, you are othe most funniest Shlorpian I ever met! The way you try to hard to make people proud is amazing! That’s what I love about you! And I’m gonna keep loving you forever too!
Jessica cries with joy
Jesse; And by the power invested in me just for today, I know pronounce husband and wife. Okay go ahead and kiss! I wanna see this!
Xinna takes her crystal of her robe and she and Moran smashes it as they seal their vow with a kiss. Then, Korvo heads out for a bit as he realizes something as “My Life is Changing” starts playing.
I guess I was wrong
The people of Earth truly can be changed
Now Tortus is gone
I fear that I made the worst decision
I should’ve never allowed him to just
Go ahead with the New Order
Does it mean anything
To pass for divine judgement now
My life is changing
For better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order are open to heathens
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
What was I thinking
The New Order Don’t Seem Very amazing at all
As the head rookie
How could I tell Kim-La she could fall
Redemption is impossible
For all the souls down on Earth
If I didn’t know better
I’d have mistaken this heathen as one of us
What other lies does the New Order hold?
Is this place worth its weight in gold
Are we no different to them?
Why is it we get to ascend?
Is the New Order misguided?
There must be something I can do
To the save heathens in hurting too
My life is changing for better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order is open to heathen
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
Korvo sighs but then turns around and looks at his family as he smiles.
Terry: Korvy, are you okay?
Korvo: *giving Terry his hand* Care to dance, Terry?
Terry: Yeah. I would love to. Then after that, are you ready to head home?
Korvo: Of course.
Korvo and Terry kiss and then starts having a romantic slow dance as they smile. Then, the scene cuts to the Solars packing up their things with Kim-La and Karna joining them. Bee, Xinna, Gadget and Moran starts saying goodbyes to them.
Bee: Well, Kim-La, I guess this is it.
Xinna: I hate goodbyes. God damn it! We’re gonna miss you so damn much!
Moran: *crying hysterically* We’re so happy for you!
Gadget gives Kim-La a holographic communicator
Gadget: Here. You can call us through this. To keep in touch. Thank you for being part of The New Order.
Kim-La smiles
Kim-La: Thank you guys. *gets int a group hug with her friends as she smiles tearfully* Karna, it’s time. Come along. *to the rest of the New Order* Goodbye you guys. Thanks for everything.
Karna: Bye bye.
The rest of the New Order shout their goodbyes while Jessica and Teraformus comes up with suitcases as they happily approach the Solar Opposites, who smiled at them.
Jessica: Room for two more?
Korvo: Yes. There is.
Teraformus and Jessica join the hug. Korvo places a hand on Terry's face
Korvo: Ready to go home?
Terry: Yes. Yes I am. But I just need to do one more thing.
Korvo: Oh and what is that?
Terry: This.
Terry and Korvo embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly. Then, AISHA starts the ship as it takes off after Kim-La, Karna, Jessica and Teraformus hop in the ship. The rest of the New Order and Shlorpians wave goodbye as the ship takes off. Then, a few weeks later, the Solars arrived home as they land on their house and heads outside as they smile.
Korvo: *sighs* It’s great to be home.
Kim-La: So this is Earth? It looks amazing!
Korvo: Well, to be honest I hated the place at first.
Then he smiles at his family.
Korvo: But I was wrong. It’s a wonderful home and it was worth it.
Terry smiles as the two husbands embrace. Then, the family along with Jessica, Karna, Kim-La and Teraformus looks at the sunset. A monologue from Korvo is heard *like the one from the Amphibia Series Finale*
Korvo: *monologuing* Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes... you have to let it go. But of the things you let go... you'd be surprised... what makes its way... back to you.
Korvo then gets an idea how to celebrate his family’s return to Earth.
Korvo: Oh Terry? *seductively* You want to celebrate our way back home with sex?
Terry: Oh hell yeah! Let’s fucking go!
Cue Korvo and Terry kissing and moaning lovingly in their bedroom as sexy music plays
Korvo: This is the best sex of my life!
Terry: *laughs* I know, right?
The two husbands keep sending and moaning in ecstasy as the credits rolls, the songs in the credits are “Pompeii” from Bastille and “No Quite Paradise” form Bliss 66. Then comes the end credits scene.
3 months later…
Korvo is giving birth as he keeps pushing.
Terry: Come Korvy! You can do it! Come on!
Korvo starts crying in pain. Terry holds Korvo’s hand as he keeps pushing. Then, Korvo gives one final push as he screams, then a baby’s crying was heard.
Doctor: Congratulations, it's a girl!
The doctor wraps the sproutling, who has Terry’s skin color, in a blanket as the doctor hands in the infant over to Korvo, who shed tears of joy along with Terry.
Terry: Hi sweetie. It’s us. Your daddies.
Korvo: She’s like a beautiful flower sprouted with hope. We shall name her… Lili.
Lili looks at Korvo and coos
Korvo: Welcome to the world Lili Solar-Opposites… we love you…
Lili falls asleep and sucks her thumb. The two alien husbands look as their baby and then embrace in a kiss as the screen fades to black.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#tervo#solar opposites: rise of the new order#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#kim La Solar opposites#Moran solar opposites#jesse solar opposites#Xinna solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 5 (by @avaveevo)

The next morning, Korvo approaches a the New Order as he grins.
Korvo: Let’s do this.
Korvo opens the door and sits down.
Moran: Hey hey! Korvotron! What’s up! You doing good!
Korvo groans
Korvo: Seriously Moran? Do you have to be funny right now?
Moran: What? Just trying bring a little humor to lighten our day! *laughs*
Korvo rolls his eyes
Bee: Seriously?
Then, Tortus entered the room.
Tortus: Greetings New Order. You may now rise from your seats.
The New Order rises except for Gadget who is working on an invention
Tortus: Ahem! Gadget?
Gadget doesn’t hear Tortus
Tortus: Gadget? Gadget! *grows irritated* GADGET!
Gadget looks up
Gadget: *yelps a bit* Yes Tortus?
Tortus: STAND. UP!
Gadget angrily grumbles to himself but stands up
Gadget: Sorry geez. I was just working on an invention.
Tortus sighs and turns to Korvo
Tortus: Korvotron, it is an honor for you to be finally sitting with us.
Korvo: Heh. Thanks.
Tortus: Now, New Order. I have an assignment for each of you.
Bee: What is it, sir?
Tortus: Bee, you shall chronicle everything on Shlorp that must be kept safe at all cost.
Bee: Of course, sir.
Tortus: Gadget, keep inventing some more weapons of the New Order.
Gadget: Yes, sir.
Tortus: Moran, for heavens sake, just try do something more useful once in your life instead of being a prankster!
Moran: Can’t make any promises.
Tortus groans in annoyance. Xinna jumps on the table.
Xinna: And me, sir?
Tortus: You make to stay rough and guard any Shlorpian that me be harmed by predators and keep your team safe in line.
Bee: Yeah. And get off the table.
Xinna: Ugh! You don’t have to tell me twice, Bee.
Tortus: And Korvotron.
Korvo: Yes, sir?
Tortus: I have a very special assignment for you
Korvo: W-What is it?
Tortus: Come with me
Korvo nods and follows Tortus and then grows amazed by the chem lab.
Korvo: Woah. What is this place?
Tortus: Our lab. We know how much you love science and we believe it should be the perfect task for you
Korvo: *laughs* You know me too well.
Tortus: Of course. Korvotron, you think you can create something that could help our future generations of Shlorpians everywhere?
Korvo: But of course.
Tortus: Good it’s time to get started. Good luck.
Tortus leaves and Korvo smirks
Korvo: Oh this is gonna be fun!
Later, Korvo arrives home and Terry embraces him
Korvo: *laughs* Hey honey! *kisses Terry*
Terry giggles
Terry: So, how was your day?
Korvo: It was honestly very stressful.
Terry: Aw, I’m sorry honey. You don’t have to talk about it if you like.
Korvo: I don’t. For now, I just wanna-
Terry suddenly gets a phone call from his mother.
Terry: Yes mom?
Terry’s smile fades as he gasps
Terry: What? Oh my God… oh don’t worry mom. It’ll be okay. Love you.
Korvo: What happened?
Terry takes a deep breath.
Terry: My mom is starting to worry about Tortus.
Korvo: What do you mean?
Terry: She said there has been some suspicions about him lately.
Korvo sighs and decides to tell Terry what he learned about Tortus
Korvo: Terry, I believe you me be right.
Terry: Yeah.
Korvo: Terry, for years, Tortus’s father had a deadly thing called, execution, which means killing Shlorpians who refuse to obey the New Order.
Terry gasps
Terry: Oh my God… that’s terrible…
Terry starts crying as Korvo soothes him
Korvo: Shh… it’s okay my darling… you’re safe with me…
Terraformus: *offscreen* Son?
Terry gasp and turns around to see his parents
Terry: M-mom? D-dad?
Jessica: Hello, Terald.
Terry gasps as a flashback plays. Teraformus and Jessica are waiting for their Sproutling.
Shlorpian: Good news! Your Sproutling has been born!
Jessica gasps
Teraformus: Let’s go see our baby!
The two Shlorpians rushed in and gasped upon seeing baby Terry crying as he gets wrapped up in a blanket. The Shlorpians passed the baby over to Jessica’s arms as she and Teraformus cries tears of joy.
Teraformus: Hello, Terald.
Baby Terry: *crying*
Jessica kisses Baby Terry on the forehead. We then see an execution taking place with Teraformus and Jessica in the crowd while Jessica holds Baby Terry
Teraformus: Oh boy, this doesn’t look too good.
Jessica holds Baby Terry close. A group of Shlorpians were killed during the execution which made baby Terry cry louder.
Jessica: Sssh. It’s okay, sweetheart.
The flashback ends as Terry sobs
Terry: Mom! Dad!
Terry hugs Teraformus
Terry: *crying* I miss you…
Teraformus: Shh… it’s okay. Daddy’s here. Daddy’s got you. It’s my little boy. All grown up. You look just like me!
Terry smiles
Terry: Thanks dad. *hugs mom* Hello mom.
Jessica: Oh sweetheart. I missed you so much.
Terry: I miss you too. *tearfully smiles*
Korvo smiles
Teraformus: *smiles* It’s nice to finally meet you Korvo in person. Thank you for taking care of our son. He’s lucky to have a husband like you.
Korvo: He sure is. *pulls Terry in for a kiss*
Terry: *chuckles* Yes I do.
Jessica: *smiles* Thank you so much for taking care our son! *hugs Korvo*
Korvo: Anytime. It’s an honor being his husband.
Teraformus and Jessica smiled. Then they notice Jesse and Yumyulack.
Teraformus: Oh and these must be our grand kids.
Jesse: Yep!
Jessica: Oh little Jessica. *hugs Jesse* Look how big you grown. We haven’t seen you since you were a sproutling.
Jesse: It’s Jesse actually.
Teraformus and Jessica: D’aw okay.
Yumyulack: Uh, hey.
Teraformus: And you must be our grandson. So nice to meet you Yumyulack.
Yumyulack smiles
Yumyulack: Thanks Teraformus and Jessica, or um can I call you Grandma and Grandpa?
Jessica laughs
Jessica: Of course.
The Replicants then hug their grandparents as they smile.
Korvo: But what about Tortus?
Teraformus: Don’t worry, we know what a tough Shlorpian you are. And trust us, he is just like his father and worst.
Korvo: *sighs*
Jessica: But just keep an eye on Tortus. Okay?
Korvo nods and smiles.
Korvo: Okay I will and don’t worry things will be a success. I promise!
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: rise of the new order#tervo#kim-La solar opposites#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#Moran solar opposites#bee solar opposites#gadget solar opposites#Xinna solar opposites#tortus solar opposites
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 3 (by @avaveevo)
Kim-La and Korvo enters the room where four other Shlorpians are sitting down at a huge table, waiting for Tortus.
Yellow Shlorpian: Korvotron?
Kim-La: Yep! New Order, meet Korvotron! Tortus’ old student.
The Green Shlorpian laughs
Green Shlorpian: *realizing Kim-La is serious* Oh shit. You’re serious.
Kim-La: Yep. So why doesn’t everyone introduce themselves?
Bee: Sorry. Please excuse Moran. He is such a comedian. I am Bee, the chronicler of the New Order.
Gadget: I’m Gadget! The New Order’s genius! Even though my genius is overlooked…
Korvo: O-kkkaaay.
Xinna: What up? The name is Xinna. I am served as the bodyguard of The New Order.
Korvo: Interesting. *offers to shake hands with Xinna* I can’t wait to-
Xinna crushes Korvo’s hand a bit.
Korvo: OW! Okay! That smarts!
Xinna: You’re welcome.
Kim-La laughs nervously
Kim-La: Sorry about Xinna. She is very cynical and fierce.
Korvo: I can tell.
Moran: What is up?! The name is Moran! Nice to meet you Korvotron!
Korvo: Nice to…meet you too…
Moran: Sweet! So, you here to see Tortus?! He’s about to be here in a sake.
Tortus: *offscreen* Korvotron.
Korvo gasp in joy upon seeing his old teacher Tortus approaching.
Korvo: TORTUS! *hugs Tortus* Oh, it is so good to see you again!
Tortus: *chuckles* It’s good to see you too.
Moran: So…why is your old student here? You never really mentioned it.
Tortus: *chuckles* Come now Moran, Korvo has been my prize student for years. He has really done amazing intelligence stuff ever since he was a Replicant.
Korvo: That’s right! But now I’d rather live on Earth with my sweet husband Terry.
Tortus squints a little upon hearing Terry’s name.
Tortus: You mean…Terald?
Korvo: Why yes. He is my beloved lifemate and now husband.
Bee: Wait. Did you two get Earth-married?
Korvo: Yep. Terry changed my life ever since I landed here on Earth.
Tortus: *forcing a smile* How lovely for you.
Korvo: Why thank you. Terry has been showing me a lot of love and affection ever since my time on Earth.
Kim-La: *to Tortus* Sir?
Tortus: Uh, my… that is… very sweet of Terald… congratulations.
Korvo: Thanks.
Tortus: Will you excuse me for a moment? Kim-La, come.
Kim-La: Oh. Yes sir.
Tortus and Kim-La leave the room and Korvo looks confused
Korvo: Huh? I wonder what they’ll be discussing about now.
Tortus and Kim-La enter a dark room
Kim-La: Sir, what is that you what to discuss with me about?
Tortus yells in anger and punches the wall
Tortus: I can’t believe that fuck up is showing more affection to Korvotron more than I did! It’s like he’s brainwashing him! Fuck!
Kim-La: Sir! T-Take it easy! It’s probably-
Tortus: No! I will not! I can’t believe that Terald is stealing Korvotron’s heart! Ugh! I can’t believe this!
Kim-La: But what can we do? It’s not like we can force Korvotron to leave Terald.
Tortus: Grrrr! That does it! I must find a way to get that Terald away from my student or else! Because, I will not let the green piece of shit ruined everything!
Kim-La: Wh-what? But how will you do that?
Tortus: Oh don’t worry. I will find a way to get Korvotron to leave Terald once and for all.
Meanwhile with Korvo, Korvo is getting frustrated from hearing Xinna’s stories
Korvo: Ugh! Xinna, what kind of stories are you telling?
Xinna: Uh, about my life?
Korvo: *sighs in annoyance* Of course.
Tortus and Kim-La return
Korvo: Oh Tortus, Kim-La, is there anything you want to tell me?
Tortus: Yes. It’s about Terald.
Korvo: Oh what about him?
Tortus: Well, to be honest, we are unsure about this kind of behavior he has. We are worried he might be a bad influence on you.
Korvo: What? I don’t get what you’re talking about.
Tortus: Oh come on. He might have the same behavior as his parents. He might be tempting away from an experience of a lifetime.
Korvo starts to get angry
Korvo: What? Terry would never say and or do anything like that. He is a good man.
Tortus scoffs
Tortus: A good man? Hello. He was a fuck up during classes ever since he was a Replicant. He was also lazy.
Korvo: Sir, I assure you, he-
Tortus: Come on Korvo. This is your chance of joining us. You wouldn’t miss this big opportunity.
Korvo sighs
Korvo: Well to be honest… I really want to join but… Terry means everything to me… I-I need some time to think about it.
Tortus: Very well.
Later, Korvo and Terry are in their new bedroom
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Terry!
Terry: Yeah, Korv?
Korvo: I’m home. *kisses Terry on the cheek* But I am feeling nervous.
Terry: Why?
Korvo: *takes a deep breath* Oh, I’m feeling shaken by what Tortus said. He said that he thinks you are bad influence to me. But I don’t think that’s true.
Terry: Oh Korvy…
Korvo: I know I always wanted to join the New Order. But, I’m feeling nervous about all of this. *Terry deeply understands* I don’t know what to do.
Terry kisses Korvo on the cheek
Terry: Then go join them.
Korvo: Really? But what about you?
Terry: Hey. It’s okay. Look, all I want is for my husband be happy. This is your big opportunity. You always wanted to be part of the New Order. The kids and I will be fine. We can still write and stuff and be together no matter what. *place his hand on Korvo’s cheek* because that beautiful genius of mine right here next to me deserves to be happy.
Korvo: Oh Terry!
Korvo and Terry kiss on the lips as they moan lovingly
Terry: Oooh… *moans lovingly*
Korvo: Mmm… *moans lovingly*
Unknown to them, Tortus is watching them on a video monitor and growls as he throws a picture of Jessica and Teraformus on the wedding day as he growls.
Kim-La: Uh… easy sir.
Tortus slaps Kim-La in the face
Kim-La: *gasp silently as tears fall down her eyes*
Kim-La: *sniffles silently* Yes sir…
Back with Korvo and Terry, they are having sex
Terry: Oh baby! Oh! Keep fucking me so hard! Ooooh’
The two alien husbands cum and moan. Terry slaps Korvo’s ass.
Korvo: *giggles* Terry, you bad dirty Shlorpian.
Terry: Only for you, babe. *sighs* I’m so proud of you.
Korvo: Thank you. Good night my love. *kisses Terry on the lips*
Terry: Good night…
The two aliens husbands fall asleep while snuggling with each other. Korvo then looks out the window and began to worry about his decision.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: rise of the new order#tervo#Tortus solar opposites#kim-la solar opposites#Moran solar opposites#bee solar opposites#gadget solar opposites#Xinna Solar opposites#dan stevens#troy baker#alison brie#emmy raver lampman#ken jeong#anna akana#nate Corddry#thomas middleditch
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 8 (by @avaveevo)
A few seconds later, Kim-La and Korvo are walking down the halls.
Kim-La: So how did it go with Tortus? Is everything okay?
Korvo: Not good and you are not gonna like what you hear about Tortus’s father.
Kim-La: What do you mean?
Korvo: *sighs* Kim-La, Tortus’s father is Aundryus. The one who started the New Order.
Kim-La: *gasps* No way! That's awesome!
Korvo: No! Not awesome! He is the one who started the Execution. He is a very dangerous man.
Kim-La: *gasp in horror* Wh-what?
Korvo sighs
Korvo: It’s true. Aundryus is a total monster. He even threatened to execute Terry one day ever since his parents refused to let Aundryus rule in the past. They were sent to the dungeon after but later escape.
Kim-La looks down in shock
Kim-La: No… this can’t be… everything that we believed in was a total lie…
Korvo: Kim-La...I-
Kim-La: *sighs but smiles* It’s okay. I understand now. We have to keep an eye on Tortus. Before he does something worse, or else.
Korvo: I know. That's why I had to put up the whole act.
Kim-La: Then good luck. I think you are going to do great. Keep going Korvo.
Korvo smiles
Korvo: Thank you. Now time to get to work. *cracks his knuckles*
A montage is shown of Korvo working. Korvo then conducts very unique discoveries, the rest of the New Order becomes very intrigue and starts to grow interested by this status. Korvo kept working and working while smiling at a picture of him and his family. The montage ends with Korvo approaching the New Order who congratulated him.
Gadget: Congrats, Korvotron.
Moran: You were amazing.
Korvo: Thanks, guys.
Bee: Congratulations Korvotron, you were well… I say accurate.
Korvo chuckles
Korvo: Well, I couldn’t done it without the encouragement from Kim-La. She really gave me so much support.
Kim-La smiles. Tortus watches from the distance and growls
Tortus: How could she?
Tortus looks at a photo of Jessica
Tortus: Grrr! I always knew your son was just like you!
Tortus throws the photo down causing it to shatter
Tortus: Grrr! This can’t be happening! I will not allow Terald to tempt away Korvotron any further.
Tortus picks up a shock collar
Tortus: I know how I can get him away from Terald once and for all.
Tortus laughs evilly
Tortus: But first, I must pay Terald a little visit.
Later, Terry is singing “Higher Love” by Whitney Houston
Terry: *singing* That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me higher love, oh That love, that love Bring me higher love, love That love, that love Bring me a higher love
Terry sighs lovingly as he lies down on the couch
Terry: Man, life is good.
Terry then looks at a picture of him and Korvo on their honeymoon as he smiles. But then, he hears a knock on the door. Terry opens the door to reveal Tortus
Terry: *gasp* You!
Tortus: Hello Terald…
Terry grabs Tortus by the neck and pins him against the wall
Terry: What do you want you fucking beast?!
Tortus laughs and knees Terry in the stomach
Tortus: Oh I want anything I ever wanted. Your lifemate’s respect that you stole from me!
Terry: *scoffs* Please. He already knows what you're up to.
Tortus: Hey! You stole my title as Korvo’s favorite Shlorpian!
Cue the song:
Haha, looks like you could use some help From the big boy of the family himself Check out his glowing reviews on Yelp (Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!) Oh, with the punch of a pentagram I wap-bam-boom, alakazam Usually, I charge a Capital One Card But you get the family rate Thanks honey!
Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef (Woah-oh-oh) A Shlorpian Team, free mathmetics I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref Famous scriptures, higher technology, that's just to start!
Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a pawn? Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pawn Your executive advisor
[That's true!]
I'm your guy, your day-to-day Your hubby, your steadfast sweetheart Remember when I fix that clog today? I was stuck, thank you sweetie!
[Oh you!]
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond [Aww!] You're like the child that I wish that I had [Uh, what?] I care for you, just like a Replicant I spawned [Hold on now!] It's a little funny, you could almost call me father
They say, when you're looking for assistance It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Others say, that in your needy hour There's no substitute for pure Shlorpian power! Who just happens to also be your blood!
Sadly, there are times a husband is a dud They say the family you choose is better What a bunch of losers
[Can you butt out of my song?] [Your song? I started this!] [I'm singing it, I'll finish it!] [Oh, you tacky piece of—]
It's me, yes it's me I know you were all waiting for me I'm here, what a asshole Took a while, but I'm present at last It's me, it's me Moran!
Terry: I'm sorry, who are you?
Korvo: *offscreen* Terry?
Terry: *gasp in joy* Korvy!
Korvo runs up to Terry who picks him up
Korvo: Oh honey, thank goodness. What’s happening now?!
Terry: Tortus thinks I'm stealing you.
Korvo: WHAT?! *growls at Tortus*
Tortus: What?! I would never think that! He’s lying!
Korvo: How could you?! Terry is my husband! He would never steal me away from you, you big fucking liar!
Tortus: Why you-
Terry: *slaps Tortus in the face* Stay away from you bitch!
Tortus snaps
Tortus tries to attack, only for Korvo to panic and run off. Tortus growls and follows him while knocking Terry unconscious.
Tortus: GET BACK HERE KORVOTRON! *flings collar at Korvo*
Korvo: *gasps* NO! *starts crying* TERRY-BEAR!
Tortus shocks Korvo with the collar as he screams in pain and falls down unconscious.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: rise of the new order#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#british korvo#yumyulack#tortus solar opposites#kim la solar opposites
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The New Order from Solar Opposites (by @avaveevo)
Tortus (Leader):
Controlling, Hot-Headed, Malevolent
Kim-La (Tortus' ex-right-hand-gal):
Socially Awkward, Shy, Kind-Hearted, Friends with Korvo
Gadget (The scientist):
Smart, Irritable, Wears Glasses
Moran (The prankster):
Mischievous, Snarky, Spoiled
Bee (The chronicler):
Wise, Sarcastic, Insensitive
Xinna (The bodyguard):
Violent, Cynical, Master Interrogation Skills
Voice Actors for The New Order:
Tortus: Troy Baker (best known Captain Grime from Aphibia)
Kim-La: Alison Brie (best known for Planetina from Rick & Morty)
Gadget: Nate Corddry (best known for Zed from Tron: Uprising)
Moran: Ken Jeong (best known for Kim-Ly from Turbo)
Bee: Emmy Raver-Lampmen (best known for Molly Tillerman from Central Park)
Xinna: Anna Akana (best known for Sasha Waybright from Amphibia)
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#the new order#tortus Solar opposites#solar opposites: rise of the new order#ken jeong#anna akana#emmy raver lampman#alison brie#nate corddry#troy baker
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