#Moon you beautiful sad whacko...
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Burning Celestials Ch 2: Fall For Me
2nd Chapter has released, Yippieee! Feel free to read on ao3 or look below the break to read!
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Check out the 1st Chapter first!!!
Summary: You were gone, but not really. Somewhere new. Besides the suddenness, you weren't caught too off guard. Moon wasn't either, well, until he actually looked at you that is. 2815 words
When you appeared, he almost completely missed you.
You didn't make a dent in the space around you, a mere speck who should have gone unnoticed and declared unimportant as you arrived. You did absolutely nothing but just show up.
Moon was originally just going on his usual, boring, but necessary, mindless wandering. It's not as if he noticed all the pointed stares you earned, popping out of nowhere, it was more like he noticed the lack of glares being trained on him.
He had half the mind to keep moving, but it was rather unusual for a planet and their orbitals to not actively avoid his presence.
Moon couldn't help but cast a curious glance in the same direction as the spectators, finding himself looking down at the winding roads below. There, beyond the labyrinth of one way trails, compacted dust and rock contained in golden silks of light, was the main attraction. Moon was high above, but even then he could still spot the reason why you had such a captive audience.
You were a being who contained antimatter. Poor thing, frozen to the spot, surrounded by judging eyes.
Moon could've chuckled at your unfortunate fate, if he himself was not living the same story. You just had to be someone with a magnetic pull worthy of rivaling a planet’s. A being not aligned in this cursed place’s straight and narrow hierarchy.
Moon waited as he watched the murmurings dwindle and scatter rapidly, the drifters succumbing to your pull before greedy planets or other moons dramatically pulled them away. The golden roads quickly cleared; the audience plummeting from many to one.
Looks like no one was in the mood to deal with you right away.
Moon had his fill of entertainment for the day, fine with leaving the encounter as this; just a mere glance. Yet, once he made that glance at you, no longer observing how the others observed you, he found something that made it hard to turn away.
You seemed to believe you were now alone, staring at the expanse around you, slowly twirling to take it all in. Your foot snagged on the uneven ground and you fell, your yelp failed to reach him through the thick vacuum of space.
You were nothing impressive… But your confusing emotional state was hard to miss.
What's wrong with you?
He got a little closer, jumping down to a road slightly below the trail he was on. Your figure was somewhat easier to decipher now, what with the void of your body matching the black of the surroundings making it difficult. It's easier to define some of your edges the closer he gets, the colorful dust surrounding your body much more noticeable.
He thought you were a black hole, but perhaps not…
You pushed at the rocks, sifted through the dust, and plucked at the glowing strings that hold the roads together. He couldn't read your emotions from so far, but anyone sane would be able to notice when someone is enchanted by the ground.
How could you be so preoccupied with something like that, especially after what just happened?
So, like any reasonable being, he wanted to know why.
Moon crouched at the path’s edge, coaxing the loose light hanging to the rest of its mass to pull and expand into his hand. He layered it over his shoulder, looping it until he believed he had a long enough spool of light to force a stop.
Then, with a jump, he descended, grasping the end with one hand and guiding the slack with the other as he free-fell.
His world spun, the pieces of his body juddered and grinded together, new crumbs speckling the dark half of his face and body, the murky essence keeping him whole. The feeling of floating completely, being swallowed by the inky black of space even for a moment…
It's so easy to get lost in it.
If he were to just let go…
Unfortunately he remembered to shake the euphoric feeling away; he couldn't allow it while on this little escapade. The easy glide through space led him so close to you, but with a simple twist of his leg and foot around the leftover slack, he stopped upside-down just a couple of feet above you.
Your pull was there, but only noticeable within this close radius. At least, for him that is... That odd detail by itself already planted a seed within his mind.
He's never felt a pull like this before…
Moon watched silently as you fiddled with the light, hearing your quiet awes at how it bends and allows your hand to push through with enough force. When you raised yourself back to standing however, he decided to finally announce himself.
His voice surprised you so bad that you stumbled back to the ground, twisting onto your back to look up at him.
How unperceptive. It's… cute.
Moon could practically feel the tension radiating off of you, but he focused on his inspection of you as you collected yourself. He's heard of beings appearing from nowhere, but this is the first time he's seen someone who has.
You certainly fit the part…
Besides your unusual coverings, the biggest thing he took note of was your eyes… They're a blindingly bright white, somehow not swallowed by the void of your body.
It confused Moon greatly; the Black holes that brought him to existence had no facial features at all. They were all but swallowed whole once they became the cold creatures they were doomed to be, or so the story goes. Even the antimatter that keeps himself together threatens to swallow his 2nd eye.
Yet here you are without even a single vortex, stardust hovering around you with controlled ease. How are you calmly defying the unstoppable?
He wanted to unravel these mysteries that are suddenly piling up. Questions that he would usually never care for start to form in his mind, all directed at you.
After you relaxed in his presence and struck up a hesitant introduction, you desperately took his offer to travel with you when he acknowledged your lost expression. As he uncoiled and released himself from the golden rope, you caught him off guard with how quick you aimed to seek out answers to every little thing, starting with his now abandoned shortcut.
Seems both of you wanted to unravel the other.
Moon wasn't unreceptive to your lines of questioning, despite how new this kind of interaction is to him, rather, he was oddly charmed by them.
They were such simple queries, grounded in reality.
There were no untold rules or distrust of his presence. It was as if you didn't even feel the radius of his magnetism, easily wandering close and far from him as you wandered together.
Perhaps your pull was just simply stronger than his?
Yet, that same pull, as much as it coaxes him in, is gentle. Open. An invite rather than a demand.
It's not the commandeering gravity of the planets or the black holes, dragging all who cannot resist their orbit as part of their entourage. The cold war between those with such intense pulls is mind numbing. One claiming that it is their birthright to rule, while the other simply exists, unable to help themselves from eventually consuming those they ensnare, bit by bit.
Yet here you are, nothing like them. You don't demand anything from him. You don't cast him out for not clinging to you like how he “should” be.
To you, he's more than just a Moon, but probably no more than anyone else.
Moon would much rather prefer if all pulls felt like yours. He hoped his own enticed you just as much, if to just keep you from eventually drifting too far away.
You rapidly became a new comfort.
Watching him with wide doe eyes.
Falling in step, side by side.
To say it was intoxicating would be a little on the nose.
He taught you about so many things as the cycles passed; made more reasons for you to drift closer.
He rambled about the expanse beyond that none can touch. Moon would tell you all the fables and constellations of every system he's ever seen, if you'd just ask. He'd point out the colors that occasionally blend in the universe, explaining their meanings in mythos; it's something so enchanting that he cannot help but stand and watch from time to time, an explosion of dust and color shining through a dark, star-filled void.
It's beautiful, but unreachable.
You made the rather astute observation that the view looked like you...
Exactly, so don't leave.
Don't drift away or become untouchable.
Be his piece of the sky.
He emphasized how the roads never end and are always shifting in the loose expanse of space. Not built by the celestials but rather as if weaved by reality for their very way of life. The theories and beliefs of some other worldly beings never cease to prickle at his mind. These strange roads of fate wind around gigantic planets, becoming paths that allow celestials to reside wherever they'd like on each one, while others find comfort in reaching a star and carving out their own home within.
Despite how encouraging the winding paths are for wandering celestials, Moon chose to never keep a home. The moment he stupidly told you, you immediately set out to make him one.
He couldn’t risk getting caught, let alone having you do such a thing for him. He told you as such; the black holes will find him, the planets will chase him away, yet you debated with him over it repeatedly.
The pesky insistent attitude annoyed him with how much emotion that welled up within him.
He could have shot you down, left, and kept safe, even after you found an, admittedly , lovely vacant star to occupy. But… He wouldn't willingly pull away that far.
He loves how you cling to him, even during an argument. He'd save unsaid counterpoints just so he could start the bickering again when feeling particularly needy. Addicted to your touch.
What may have finally convinced him to stay was when you pouted, saying you'll just live there without him.
And oh… when he realized you intended to stay with him.
The flutter in the dark matter that keeps him whole made him pang. Burn in a million different ways. Pine to hold you. Beg to absorb you.
You wanted to stay with him . Live with him.
Not that random you'd frivolously talk about when explaining your past.
Part of Moon ever regrets asking, jealous of the tone shift of your voice becoming more animated and lively when you started to talk about another man. The way he’d taught you things before Moon ever had the chance of meeting you. The kiss you shared before you suddenly departed from him…
He usually tried his best to constantly keep that character out of his mind, wanting to be blissfully ignorant. He wanted to live in his fantasy where the universe was just you and him.
But now…
Did he finally get you to stop seeing that man in every little thing you saw?
Oh, please… Please let it be true.
You're too alluring to ignore the feelings in his chest anymore. He's been hooked on you the moment he saw you.
It's so hard to pretend that he doesn't want to pull you in. Mesh together until one is the other. Take him fully and wholly.
He wants to revel in you.
Stop chasing someone else light-years away when he's right here…
He couldn't just tell you, no no no, not when you could still be enamored with that memory. So he showed it in small ways. Enough to quell his bleeding heart into a sore ache. Begging for you to see his signs.
Let him entice you.
Come to him, follow his pull, like he does with yours.
He'd let you hang off his arm when you needed some reprieve from the constant walking, he feels stronger than the universe when you ask to be carried.
He'd hold you close from behind and tuck his head into your shoulder whenever either of you was emotional or introspective, disguising his selfish cravings as a physical comfort. Though, it's not much of a disguise if you were to see his wandering, clouded eyes.
He'd comfortably stand with you, regardless of where or why, and look into your eyes. Your acknowledgement or returned gaze was not necessary, you seem to have grown used to it and continue on with whatever work you carved out for today. Just seeing you from up close, being allowed to speak, allowed to touch, allowed to admire; it's enough to keep his twitching, itching, scratching desires at bay.
He'd woven a staircase of light from the golden path and connected it to your shared home, large but dazzling railings encasing his creation to ensure you'd never fall into the void below.
He'd never let you fall without him.
So fall for him, please.
Crash into him so hard that he breaks from the inside out.
He's always been so fragile, but you are the only one allowed to shatter him.
Moon feels such desire constantly. Each smile thrown his way, all the appreciative shows of thanks, and every shiver from you in his arms makes him hope more and more.
You fulfill every craving.
He can't part from you, refuses to, so give him anything and everything you're willing to.
Shatter him completely.
He couldn't wait anymore unfortunately.
You never took the plunge, at least not openly. Now he couldn't let you come to him, not at a time like this.
The black holes finally tracked him down. The planets were furious at their arrival. You both were surrounded by each party; the all encompassing and possessive beings that hungered for something to fill their empty voids, and the prideful and spiteful monarchs that won't allow a single one of their charges or harems to be taken from them, regardless of the feelings of their lessers.
The black holes wanted to keep building upon him, the only being they so far able to create rather than destroy. Something they could feed off of for all eternity.
The Planets wanted him and you gone, a looming hidden threat to their ever growing rule, believing that you'd both side with the destruction of the black holes.
Cornered from both sides, home invaded and crushed into stardust, Moon did the only thing he could do.
And you'd fall with him.
Yanking you by the collar into his chest, he leaped past the ledge.
The twine of light he held in his other hand was the only tether between the two of you and land. He held you close and spun, allowing the string to tie you two tightly together.
Even in this situation, the uncertainty of it all, his heart is soaring.
You're so close, reliant on him. Your terrified screams as you hide your face into his chest only proves it. He's elated, euphoric even, to be here with you. The light you emit shines as brighter than anything he's ever seen.
If he closes his eyes and relaxes his body, he could even feel like he's one with the void.
One with you. The two of you are just masses of antimatter, dust, and light.
What a wonderful dream…
Your screams stop and his tight hold becomes suddenly loose.
His eyes open and with an enchanted sigh he becomes breathless.
His tether is gone.
The golden roads are so far away.
You are not in his arms.
Tears flood out of his good eye as you've done exactly what he dreaded.
You drifted away. You became one with the sky. You became untouchable.
Without him.
But oh, look at you… You're everywhere, flooding his vision with black and white, speckles of colored gas and dust gently floating in the void. You're right where you belong.
He couldn't stay mad at you for that. All he can hope is that soon enough he will be one with the sky too.
Together you'd be the greatest mythos to grace the universe. Even if he'd be the only one to believe in it.
Tingles dance upon his back as he allows his vision to blur.
If he focuses enough, it still feels like you're there.
Holding him. In his arms. Feeling the warmth and coolness of your bodies mingling together.
He dreams of his lips dancing across the crook of your neck like he was always tempted to do.
Trailing along the path he'd measure daily in his mind.
He dreams of your lips meeting his.
A gift from the divine, a taste of the untouchable.
Then finally, he dreams of black.
#Had to keep the intense rendering as high as the last one akdjsjdf#Pain in my back but it's worth it#got it done before I have to project grind for the next few days whew#Moon you beautiful sad whacko...#Fyi he is made of moon rock and antimatter :3#Also yes... He only wears that long strip of cloth like a cloak#Less is more bb#sighhhh cloaks... peak outfit#anyway hope y'all cry :3#I mean- enjoy <333#dca fandom#dca community#fnaf dca#dca fnaf#daycare attendant#dca art#fnaf moon#moondrop#dca au#dca fic#ao3 fic#LD Art#LD Writing#my art#Burning Celestials AU#x reader#x y/n#dca x reader#dca x y/n#moon x reader
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Electro-House-Witchery by Mystic Medusa
If you’ve been reading your Horoscopes or the Daily Mystic emails, you’ll know that this weekend’s Dark Moon is ultra-potent. The classic Dark Moon is a time for sifting through and integrating the themes of the cycle that is ending.
A Dark Moon on the verge of an Outer Planet changing signs is extra profound; the usual Dark Moon Decluttering Power Purge is highly effective. It’s the best House Witchingweekend of the year, perhaps even of the decade.
Synchronicity has compelled me into electro-house-witching which is, of course, suitably Uranian. It began a few weeks ago when my wearable fitness tracker began zapping my forearm. It had taken a while to work out what the tingling, hot spots and other scary symptoms were from but once I realized it was that thing, I switched focus.
My Mars in Virgo Vision turned from measuring steps to calculating electro-magnetic-frequencies and the radiation potential in various household appliances. I worked out that I may as well have been walking around, step by measured step, with a microwave oven strapped to my wrist. The radiation was the same, only unlike microwaves, my device was never turned off.
Same deal with the pulses sent through my system to get the heart rate; medical people don’t usually monitor heart rates non-stop. I was getting unprecedented heart palpitations, along with the zaps, little burn marks, a suddenly itchy scalp with falling hair etc. If you think about it, our bodies were not designed to live in an electrical field. We are electric and are naturally going to be influenced by heightened electricity/radiation around us. To what extent? We’re finding out.
E.M.F.s are like household and beauty product chemicals. Anything you can buy in a first world country is going to be legal and proven not to kill you. It’s not like your shampoo or hairdryer on their own are going to do anything horrendous.
The wearable fitness device that caused problems for me (and many others, as attested to in numerous comments online) has radiation/electromagnetism well within the legal limits. I asked some staff at Apple about non-Bluetooth enabled mice and they legit stared at me as if I were in there asking whether the Illuminati could see me through my iMac. I may as well have been wearing a tin foil burka.
Maybe the people being affected poorly are electro-sensitive or perhaps they’re early-adopters. Or, the legislation has yet to catch up with the technology.
But it’s the cumulative effect that concerns some people. The hairdryer EMFs and the Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth and the electric toothbrush etc. We all have to find our personal happy level. Let’s take a scale of Zero to a Hundred. Zero would be living off-grid, bathing in mountain streams and eating only your hand-harvested spirulina. Hundred would be sleeping on top of a sub-station and spray tanning twice a day. Nobody does either extreme. We all need to find our version of the middle. Personally, I am an urban creature (North Node in Gemini trine Mercury) and I like super-fast cable internet + to be able to walk everywhere. And I fear the whacko-fundamentalist end of the anti-tech people – because I’m not anti it at all. Still, the zapping experience freaked me and I’m now devoutly into electro-house-witching.
Most of my information came from obsessive googling, exhaustively quizzing a quite surprised electrician and speed-reading (via my Kindle in airplane mode) a book called Zapped, which I recommend. My next read is going to be The Non-Tin-Foil Guide To EMFs. These are my electro-house-witching suggestions and thoughts, make of them what you will.
* Smart Meters are supposed to be amazing as in they don’t require a “meter man” to come to your place and read the meter. In the future, they will connect to appliances like your fridge, so you will be notified if it is using more power than usual or is inefficient. They also tend to emit a really strong radio-frequency, which proponents of Smart Meters say is irrelevant. So in my area, you ring the power company, say you don’t want it, they act like you’re crazy and say you’ll have to pay for the meter man but they will turn it off on request.

* Getting a wind-up alarm clock. I know, this sounds totally Luddite. But my amazing Libra naturopath has been saying for years that having your mobile phone in your bedroom or even using it at night vampires your melatonin and thus sleep/healing/rejuvenation. I kind of ignored her, sad to say, but the issues with my fitness wearable got me woke. I bought a dinky little wind-up thing and it works fine. It feels steampunk and – bonus – it forestalls late night ‘research benders’ or aimless meandering through social media. So far, I have had sensational sleep and better dreams from this practice.
* Check out or be aware that household appliances may emit way more EMFs than you would think, whether you’re using them or not. You can pay a person to come around and check them all with a gadget that measures radiation (building biologists do this, for example) or get your own gadget to detect energy – as it is the same one they used in Ghostbusters, I am SO tempted to do this. Apparently, ghosts mess with EMF fields. Also, while we are at it, electricity is Fire in Feng Shui. Top Suspects in things you would not think were super high in frequency: electric toothbrushes, vibrators and hair dryers. My electrician said that they routinely see electric toothbrushes that have just melted and that you’re supposed to unplug them after each use, FYI. So if you are not absolutely in love with the device and its usefulness, consider discarding it.
* Bluetooth is stronger than you might think, although my personal “WOW” fave technology. But the headphones, the computer mice and keyboards, are all transmitting away. I’m trialing going without it to see if it makes a tangible difference. I ordered these “air tube” radiation free headphones that you can plug into a mobile phone to listen to music and take calls. If you turn the Bluetooth + Wi-Fi off on a computer, it lowers the EMFs considerably, apparently. The electrician said that everyone should turn off their Wi-Fi at night or when not using. He was surprised that I was not already doing it and did not know that you’re meant to do this.
* Finally, my one act of electro-house-witchery that seems weird but which worked immediately: switching off the lights in your ceilings via the mains at night. This sounds so weird but it completely changes up the vibe in your home and, if you are at all intuitive, it does something magic to your sense of connection with Source Vibe. So there are several circuits of power in any property. The kitchen usually has its own one and the power circuit (which has power points) is distinct to the lights circuit. With the flick of a switch, you can turn off the lights circuit so you still have floor lamps, appliances and so on but the light is not going around and around in the ceilings all night while you sleep. It sounds strange but even with the lights turned off, the power still circulates around the house, looking for an outlet. Even the electrician called it ‘dirty electricity’. So if you turn it off at the mains, it stays outside.
Of course, we could embrace this and see it as a new style of being, complete with its own electronic spirit guides, and decide that even if there are health problems associated, the benefits of the technology and convenience outweigh the risks.
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