konkadra · 6 months
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Some facts about the characters
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konkadra · 7 months
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don't forget to smile too💚
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konkadra · 6 months
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Unfortunately, children are often violent. in Slytherin, where there are many "characteristic" children, Alicia was a black sheep with her naivety and forgiveness. Yes, she is also not deprived of character, but when almost the whole class is against you, it becomes difficult to survive.
And most importantly, she made a "beginner's mistake" - she didn't fight back right away. If you don't want to be bullied in your direction, you need to show who the father in this room at the same moment when there is just a hint of a bad attitude in your turn. She chose the path of patience. And now, even in those moments when she tried to defend myself, it turned out badly. After all, no one tried to take her seriously and the harassment at those moments flared up only with renewed vigor.
At first, she tried to be nice and forgive the jokes in her direction, but over time, of course, it began to annoy and anger her. She became more unsociable and at times even sarcastic towards others. Everything could have turned into trouble if she hadn't accidentally met Moomintroll. She has no friends at all among her classmates and was alone for the first year. In the second year, she just met Moomintroll, and after that she met Snufkin, at a herbology lesson. She fell in love (as mawkish as it may sound) at first sight. But his feelings for her flared up gradually. It wasn't until the end of their fourth year that they began dating informally.
They believed that they continued to walk as friends, but their meetings became more intimate and unlike the previous ones. They never said out loud that they were dating. Not to the others, not to each other. They continued to call each other best friends. But seeing off sunsets, holding hands and spending time together has become a little special for them. So there was no need for unnecessary words
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konkadra · 6 months
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The relationship in the team, how would they get to know each other (Hogwarts AU)
Let's take Moomintroll as a basis. Because thanks to him, everyone got to know each other.
His first friend was Sniff. They met when they were transported by boat to the castle. They found themselves in the same boat and Sniff clung to him and did not let go until the very distribution of faculties. As a result, they became good friends, which made the undergraduates from their faculties laugh.
Later, Moomintroll got to know Little My better when, by a lucky coincidence, they were paired up on several subjects in one day. On transfiguration and potions. As a result, she accidentally singed his tail a little, and he dyed her hair so that it could not be fixed for another week. But their enmity soon turned into friendship.
Thanks to Little My, he met Snorkmaiden and automatically her brother. Moomintroll and Snorkmaiden almost immediately developed tender feelings towards each other and they tried to spend a lot of time together. Thanks to him, Snorkmaiden completely stopped feeling lonely and unnecessary. Because, let's admit, no matter how much Snorkmaiden and Snork love each other, her brother has a cold nature and expresses his love poorly, but she wants tenderness and warmth, which she found in Moomintroll.
Thanks to Snorkmaiden, Moomintroll also met Snufkin at a general lesson on flying on a broom. They were paired up and they chatted with each other for almost the entire lesson. As a result, they received a small remark from the teacher because they did not complete the task well. But they laughed anyway on the way to the castle.
Sniff was the first to meet Alicia, of course, since they study at the same faculty. But Moomintroll became friends with her when he protected her in the hallway from attacks from her peers. You could say that he saved her that day. Otherwise, she could continue to be bullied until the end of school as she is the easiest and most accessible target of all in the faculty. Thanks to Moomintroll, she got to know the rest of the guys. The first friend and support for her was the Snorkmaiden.
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konkadra · 6 months
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What patronuses could the characters have? (Hogwarts AU)
Thanks a lot to my sister for her help! I don't understand animals from the word at all, but she has been special in them since childhood. And if it wasn't for her, I would have been thinking about the first character for two more weeks.
Snufkin - koala. A symbol of calmness and unhurriedness. And koalas smoked from eucalyptus)
Moomintroll – capybara. A kind, friendly animal, able to make friends and find a common language with anyone
Alicia - fox. She is also cunning and resourceful if necessary.
Little My - chihuahua. Small, noisy, biting.
Sniff - ferret. He's just as skittish.
Snork - octopus. The most intelligent and measured animal on the planet.
Snorkmaiden - swan. A graceful, bright bird. Faithful to her partner to the end. And yes, I'm taking the book version of the Snorkmaiden now, not the 2019 version… (I want to forget it like a bad dream...)
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konkadra · 6 months
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Headcanon about facultets in Moomin (Hogwarts AU)
I have a small list of characters - what houses they might end up in as Hogwarts students. After compiling the list, I even took a test for all the characters and you should have seen my reaction to how I guessed everyone even without the help of the test.
Snufkin - Hufflepuff. The hat wanted to send him to Ravenclaw, but he resisted. Living for the sake of knowledge is not his worldview. There is no doubt that he enjoys studying, but he is not fanatical about it. That's why he attends classes chilled and relaxed.
Moomin Troll - Gryffindor. The distinctive qualities of students in this faculty are courage, honesty and nobility, so it is not surprising that the test showed me an almost 100% result.
Alicia - Slytherin. She was supposed to go to Hufflepuff, but the girl knew that her grandmother might be upset, since their whole family was in Slytherin. That's why she tearfully asked to go there. As a result, in her group, and in principle in the entire faculty, she is almost the kindest and most naive of all the students there, which puts some students into a stupor.
Little My - Gryffindor. Her hat was as tangled as Harry's. Little My didn't like the smell of Slytherins, so she asked to be in Gryffindor. Very persistent. The hat simply could not refuse, since it could “accidentally” end up in the fireplace.
Sniff - Slytherin. I think comments are unnecessary here. Cunning, cowardice, selfishness, meanness - all these qualities suit Sniff to a large extent.
Snork - Ravenclaw. He knew that the hat would direct him there, so he was prepared in advance to listen to Snorkmaiden’s complaints about the fact that they wouldn’t see each other much, because they will scatter to different faculties
Snorkmaiden - Hufflepuff. At first she cried a lot, because she was afraid and did not want to part with the only person dear to her. Even if they are cold and poorly able to show empathy, but still a dear person. Although she quickly made friends in Hufflepuff, she very often ran to Snork during breaks. If it were up to her, she would come to his room just to sit next to him like in the good old days, but she didn't know the password. Fortunately, after a couple of months she finally adapted to the new environment and situation, so she became pleasant and comfortable studying.
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