#Monster roadtrip X reader
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fragmented-king · 3 months ago
Hey! Got something simple, not sure how it'll work, but do you think I can get a Zoe x human fic? nothing special, just basic squishy mortal and epic eldritch fangirl.
Insane Love
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Originally you had been Zoe’s project for class, pulled from the ‘normal’ world, which is how you found yourself awkwardly standing in her room in an apron and half-made Mac & Cheese in your hands.
Absolutely no time to acclimatise, Zoe not helping at all when she jumped into your personal space and fired off question after question at you.
You were more confused then anything, especially since most of her question were all about your worlds ‘shipping culture’.
Was downright horrified when you didn’t know even half of the things she was spouting at you.
“We are fixing this right now! I can’t have a project that doesn’t understand the art of shipping! It’s like if Sasuke didn’t kiss Naruto! It doesn’t not happen! It’s a canon event!”
You couldn’t fight back even if you tried, her tentacle was surprisingly strong despite its squishy texture, the purple girl dragging you out of her house (that, for its occupant, looked absolutely average) while at the same time trying to ‘drill the basics of shipping into your sad sad little mind’.
And that’s how your time in Spooky High started.
Sure, at first it’s was a little scary and worrying…but you very quickly realised that this worlds logic ran on bullshit and literal pixie dust. Though that just might be the nose candies Polly snuck into your food.
Zoe was your unofficial official source of information for shipping and handling of fanfiction!
Or ‘SOIFSAHOF’ as she called it.
You didn’t even know something could have that many syllables the way she says it.
Or maybe she just sneezed, who knows.
She had you sit down and watch anime with her, read horribly translated manga, and critically judged your own fanfiction if you deigned to share it with her.
(That’s a lie, she constantly praises your work even if it’s shoddy, anything for another connoisseur of the arts!…right?)
Eventually the, rather intense, workshop of questions, anime, shenanigans and drama dwindled down ever so slightly.
And during this down time you realised that you’ve been here nearly two plus months now.
Waaaay past the deadline of her project.
Which is why you’re a little confused when a few weeks later she was, VERY, hysterical and complaining as she all but jumped onto you. Her problem was about having apparently gotten a B+ on her Interspecies and Dimensional Anomaly Class.
Her teacher was apparently very happy with her assignment, and the fact she had written down so much about normal humans.
(Zoe just had you write down your basic day to day life.)
But you were confused by her antics because thats a decent grade right? B+ is better than nothing.
You weren’t expecting her face when you turned back to look at her.
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“Are you insane? You NEED to be just average in school, if you stand out too much then you’ll be unobtainable! How am I supposed to find ‘The One’ if they think I’m too good for them?! Our OTP needs to flourish!”
Just when you think you got a handle on this place…
Oh well, at least Zoe seems happy to rant to you about how you’re so disgustingly sweet with your ignorance of tropes yet stupidly stupid at the same time.
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orchideon · 2 years ago
quick question- would y’all be fine with me posting like- shorter less organized thoughts/hcs?
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bimboothefool · 7 months ago
for charater x reader: liam from monster prom? pretty please?
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Yes you may! Here they are, I really hope you like it Anon!!
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ghostygloom · 2 years ago
fuck it ima start writing again, Monster prom boys x Ace reader (not ace myself but had an idea)
He was so confused when you told him you were ace, But not because of the concept of asexuality He was like
“So your Attraction to me is Not at all influenced By sexual attraction??”
“Nope, Not at all i Just like you”
“You Have Very bad taste Babe, But it just makes me Lucky”
He definitely has attraction to you physically but he doesn’t push it because of your boundaries
Isn’t Phased, Like at all. He actually kinda figured. He’s Demihimself so he has no room to judge you for being ace. He’s actually Very understanding, and if you don’t feel comfortable with kisses/Physical touch in general that’s okay because that’s not his love language anyway, his is quality time, you two enjoy your relationship on your own terms not how the mainstream tells you to.
Very Chill about it, this adorable boy doesn’t know much about sex/sexual attraction Anyway so he’s kinda glad he doesn’t have to worry about messing things up by being inexperienced in the area.
“OHHHHHH, that’s what that means? okay! im glad you told me, and don’t worry i don’t mind”
he is unknown in the sexual attraction area ANYWAY he probably doesn’t even Feel sexual attraction himself. He’s happy to just have your romantic interest and help him with dealing with his new found emotions
Definitely Was a bit startled by it at first, almost kinda not accepting. But don’t worry they come around after doing some research on their own
“uhmm-, okay..? i don’t get it. How can you not be attracted to me? I’m gorgeous, right?”
“Hey…I did some research after our conversation..i’m sorry for the way i acted when you told me…i honestly just didn’t understand”
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briefinquiries · 8 months ago
Tyler Owens x Reader: Chase Your Fears
Prompt: You and your younger brother are roadtripping across the US when you encounter a tornado. Luckily, the tornado wrangler himself shows up to help.
Word count: 11k
Warnings: tornado mention
A/N: Had this cute little idea and suddenly it turned into an 11k monster fic... anyway, i will be obsessed with tyler owens & twisters for the foreseeable future, so please send recs if you want!
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“What is that?” 
You leaned forward in your seat and peered out the rearview mirror warily. But even with a better view, you still had no idea what you were looking at. 
“Seriously,” your little brother gawked from the front seat, body twisted so that he could turn around and see. “What is that?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, knuckles turning white as you tightened your grip on the steering wheel. You kept your eyes trained on the dark clouds swirling behind you. Thankfully, all the roads out here in Oklahoma were so long and straight– otherwise, you probably would have crashed your car. 
“Is that a tornado?” 
“No–” you began. But even as the words left your mouth, you realized that you actually had no clue. “Well, maybe–”
As soon as you spoke, both of your phones went off– an alert warning you of severe weather in the area. 
“It’s a tornado,” your brother exhaled, as he read the alert off his lockscreen. “No wonder the roads were so quiet today–  we’re the only idiots dumb enough to be driving through a tornado!”
“We’re not driving through a tornado, technically we’re driving in front of one… Besides, aren’t tornadoes thinner? Like a funnel?” you said, trying desperately to lighten the mood. You thought if you stayed calm, maybe it would keep your brother calm.  
“Don’t fat shame the tornado! What do we do?!”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, mouth growing increasingly dry. 
“We should call Mom–” 
“No, we definitely should not.”
“Why not?” you could hear the panic creeping up in his voice. 
“Because,” you said calmly. “Mom’s in New Hampshire– probably crocheting a blanket as we speak. What is she going to do to help us?”
Your brother opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again like he was realizing you were right. 
“Calling her is only going to make her panic halfway across the country.”
“We should call Dad then–”
“And what’s dad going to do from Texas?” you challenged. 
“Maybe he’ll know what to do– he said they have tornadoes where he lives.”
You frowned. “It’s behind us– we just need to keep driving and keep it behind us.”
“Okay,” your brother said uneasily. When you glanced his way, you saw his hands positioned in his lap, trembling. Instantly, you felt your chest ache. Your parents had the two of you nearly fifteen years apart. And as his big sister, in charge of escorting him across the country so that you could both stay with your dad for the summer, you felt like it was your responsibility to keep him safe. 
“I should’ve just flown,” he whimpered. “What was I thinking, doing a road trip through the midwest during tornado season?”
“Hey,” you said, reaching over to grab one of his hands. You had been the one to suggest the two of you drive to Texas together. A few weeks earlier, you had finally quit the job that had made you miserable for the last two years. It had been a long time coming, but with nothing else lined up, you’d been terrified to officially make the jump. 
You hated being afraid. Maybe it was stubbornness, maybe it was stupidity– but something inside of you was driven to face your fears. If you’re afraid, do it, you always told yourself.  
So that was how you found yourself jobless at nearly twenty-eight. Currently, you were going through a transitional period that your mom liked to call your quarter-life crisis. You’d wanted a distraction– something fun to make you feel adventurous and brave and alive again. Initially, he’d been skeptical of the idea. While the two of you were close, he was cautious about spending the two weeks you’d planned out in a car together. But once you told him about your plans– stopping in New York and detouring to Nashville, he was sold. 
Hearing the fact that he regretted his decision made a pool of guilt spread through your insides. 
“You were thinking about how awesome it was going to be to spend two whole weeks with your sister on a road trip. I promise I’m not going to let anything happen to you– We’re okay.”
He nodded slowly, although the look of terror on his face told you he didn’t entirely believe you. 
“Did you know they call this area Tornado Alley?” he asked, speech rapid. “Cold air from the Rockies meets damp air from the Gulf of Mexico. It’s like… the perfect recipe for tornadoes.”
You sighed. In the past, you probably would have questioned why your New England-raised brother knew anything about tornadoes. But you’d since learned that his brain quite literally never forgot any shred of knowledge. The kid remembered everything. 
“Did you know that thirty percent of the country’s total number of tornadoes is in Tornado Alley? Or at least they have been since the fifties–”
While your fight or flight response was generally more geared towards running, his was fact-spewing. 
You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, trying not to give away the fact that the tornado in your rearview mirror was seemingly getting closer with every glance you took. 
As you pressed your foot harder against the gas, you smiled towards him. “Tell me more. How do tornadoes form?”
“Well…” he began, and then he started talking rapidly about air pressure and moisture and wind speeds and other things you really didn’t understand. Truthfully, you tuned it out– your only focus on getting the two of you somewhere safe. 
Your method for calming him down worked– at least until the winds increased. Then a giant chunk of debris came flying at your car, forcing you to swerve quickly. 
“What was that?” he yelled, all panic that had previously faded from his voice returned in an instant. 
“I don’t know–”
“Oh my God, it’s closer– it’s right behind us!” 
“I know,” you said, your own voice raising. Your foot was practically touching the floor, but your car wouldn’t go any faster. 
Another piece of debris– this time you recognized it as a piece of a fence, slammed into the side of your car. 
“Shit!” your brother screamed. “Shit!”
“We’re okay–” you tried to assure him. “Listen to me, we’re okay– But I think I need to pull the car over.”
“What?!” he practically screamed. 
“I know– I know it’s scary, but I don’t think you’re supposed to be in a car if a tornado gets too close.”
“How do you know that?!”
You furrowed your brow. “I think I heard it on the Discovery channel or something–”
“Discovery channel?!” 
By now he was frantic, and you knew that you had to stay calm– no matter how panicked you were. But your brother also required plans and he required explanations– so you tried to give them to him. 
“Listen to me, I am going to stop the car, and we are going to get out, leave our stuff and run, okay?” 
“Run where?” 
“Uh,” you stammered. Truthfully, you hadn’t gotten that far yet. You looked around, realizing that your options were incredibly limited. There was an old barn to your left– and while the shelter enticed you, it didn’t look entirely sturdy. Further down there was an actual farm house– maybe they had a storm shelter or a basement. But you had no idea if you’d make it that far. 
Suddenly, an entire goddamn tree flew by your car, taking the side mirror with it. 
“The farmhouse–” you said. The barn would never stand.  
“Can we make it?” your brother asked. 
You nodded. “We’ll make it.” 
With that, you slammed on your breaks, causing your car to come to a sudden stop. 
To your relief, your brother followed your instructions. He launched himself out of the car and hurried around the hood to you. You quickly grabbed his hand before turning to start towards the barn. 
But before you could even move more than a few steps, a pair of headlights seemingly came out of nowhere to your right. A red truck screeched to a halt just as a man, clouded by the fog, stuck his head out and shouted, “Get in!” 
“What?” you screamed over the wind. 
He motioned with his thumb towards his truck. “Get. In!” he emphasized. “Now!”
Before you could hesitate or question anything, instincts kicked in. You shoved your little brother towards the man and his truck. The man had already hopped out and was opening the back door. Once you reached him, he grabbed your brother first. With ease, he lifted him into the truck. 
“Buckle up–” he instructed. “See that harness strap? Put that on–” Next he turned to you, “I got gear in the seat back here, it’ll take too long to move– you’ll have to go up front.”
You nodded before hurrying to the passenger side of his truck. Without hesitating, you hoisted open the door– a task that proved to be increasingly challenging based on the wind speeds. It was like the door was suctioned to the body. You gave it a few good pulls, using all your strength, but it wouldn’t open. 
You glanced at your brother through the back window and saw his eyes grow wide. He screamed your name before banging on the window– reaching for you. 
“It’s okay!” you cried. “I’m okay!” Although you weren’t sure how true that would be a few moments from now. 
“Shit,” you said to yourself, jostling the handle. “Shit, shit, shit–”
“It’s okay,” you heard a voice call. The man had turned the corner of the truck bed and was reaching for the door. With one strong pull, he hoisted it open. “There we go, let’s get ya inside–” 
You reached up, grabbing the handle on the door while stepping up. You felt a hand on your back give you a gentle nudge as you hoisted yourself the rest of the way inside. Once you were positioned in the seat with the door closed, you watched through the windshield as the man jogged lightly around his car with ease and climbed into the driver’s seat. 
“Harness–” the man said, pointing towards the straps behind you before slamming his door shut. 
Quickly, you shrugged them over your shoulders and fastened the buckle. 
“I can’t–” you heard your brother say from behind you. When you turned in your seat, you saw that he still wasn’t buckled– his straps were tangled. 
You moved your hands to your own straps to undo them, but were stopped by the man. “I got him, you stay buckled,” he said before turning to extend his torso into the backseat. “Here we go, buddy,” he said gently. You marveled how, even with a tornado barreling towards you all, the man could remain so gentle and calm. The way he talked to your brother was… well, you couldn't quite find the words for what it was, but you appreciated it. You made a mental note to thank the man for it if you made it out of this alive. 
“I can’t do it–” you could hear the panic in your brother’s voice. 
“It’s okay,” the man said. “I got you. I’m gonna help. Everything’s okay.” 
“The tornado is right there!” he screamed, fear and anguish building in your brother’s throat. 
“Try to stay calm,” you said. “We’re okay–”
“We’re NOT okay!” 
“It looks closer than it is,” the man soothed. “Look at my face– do I look scared? So there’s no need for you to be scared– I got you, see? Harness is done. You’re all strapped in. Nothin’s gonna get ya.”
Swiftly, the man spun back in his seat, did up his own harness in a few seconds, and then pressed a giant, red button on a stick shift near the center console of his truck. You heard a loud sound– like gears shifting, above the whipping winds outside. And then he leaned back in his seat, checking on the storm in the rearview mirror. 
“Are you going to drive?” you asked him, turning to get a look at him for the first time. He had a baseball cap resting backwards on his head and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was handsome, you realized. 
The muscles of his forearms flexed as he reached for the wheel. But instead of driving anywhere, he shook his head.  
“What?” you gasped. “It’s coming right for us–”
“I know– we can’t outrun it,” he explained. “So we just have to let it pass. Hang on, we’ll be okay.”
“I thought a vehicle was one of the worst places to be in a tornado–” 
“It is,” he replied simply, only making your panic increase. “But we’ll be alright. Trust me.” 
You were about to argue, but before you knew it, he shouted, “Hang on!” – Just as the cloud funnel consumed you. 
The next seconds or minutes or hours passed in a terrifying blur. With your eyes squeezed shut and hands held over your ears, you still heard everything. You heard winds whipping against the truck, causing it to rock back and forth. You heard your brother scream from the backseat, feeling helpless because there was nothing you could do to help comfort him. You heard the slamming sound of debris– trees, fences, and whatever the hell else as it crashed into you and everything around you. You heard the ringing in your ear– like it was all too much to bear… All the while wondering which blow would be the one to kill you. 
And then suddenly, you heard nothing at all. You remained frozen in place for a moment longer, in case this silence was a fluke. But then slowly, things came back into focus. You lowered your arms and opened your eyes to see the man leaned over in his seat, harness already unbuckled, while he gazed at you. 
Although laced with concern, his eyes were the prettiest shade of green you’d ever seen. He really was handsome– almost shockingly so. And now, he was mouthing something– like he was trying to talk to you. 
Suddenly, his voice came through the fog– soft and gentle. “Are you okay?”  
You nodded slowly without actually knowing if that was the case. You’d know if you weren’t, right? 
“How–” you said suddenly, turning to look outside. There was debris everywhere– tree limbs and branches, leaves and chunks of housing. 
“Nothing hurts? You’re okay?”
You turned back towards him and did a quick body scan– checking in on your body before shaking your head a little more confidently. Then you remembered your brother in the backseat. You turned the best that you could with your harness still on, to glance at him. 
“Are you okay?” you asked him. 
“Yeah,” you heard his shaky voice ring out. You exhaled a breath of relief. 
Careful not to kick you with his boots, the man maneuvered to the backseat with ease. 
“Hey buddy,” you heard him say. “You alright back here?” 
“I’m okay.”
“Good– you did great. Must’ve held on real tight. Can I help ya with the harness now?” 
You started grasping at your own harness. Except, when you moved to adjust the buckles, you realized that your hands were shaking too hard to be of any use. No matter how hard you willed them to steady, they wouldn’t. 
You continued to try until the man hopped out of the truck and came around to your side. He hoisted open the door and placed his hands on top of yours– the sudden warmth sending shock waves through your body, causing your head to shoot up.  
You were met by his intense gaze for a second time, a sea of sage green took your breath away. You swallowed– realizing how dry your mouth suddenly had become. Although the pair of you were complete strangers, the man’s strong jawline flexed as he gazed at you with what looked like worry. 
“We’re okay,” he assured you. “You’re alright. Can I help with the harness?” 
You gave him a quick nod before dropping your shaky hand from it. When he was finished, you stripped off your harness straps and turned to hop out of the truck. As soon as you did, you saw his outstretched hand– offering to help. You swallowed the lump in your throat and took it, not trusting yourself or your unsteady legs. As soon as your feet were back on the ground, you released his hand and turned towards your brother. 
“Are you okay?” you asked for a second time, a sob prickling the back of your throat. As soon as he nodded yes, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tugging him against you. Even at twelve years old, he was almost taller than you. 
“God, I’m so sorry–” you said. 
“What were you guys doing out here?” the man suddenly asked. He stood with his hip popped slightly, his hands resting on the waistband of his jeans. “They’ve been announcing this storm since this mornin’.” His voice wasn’t accusatory, just generally curious. 
Keeping your arm around your brother’s shoulders, you turned to face him. “We’re not from here,” you explained. “We were just driving through– we didn’t know it was coming.”
He nodded. “They can sneak up on ya sometimes. Where are y’all from?”
“New Hampshire,” you said. 
The man let out a low whistle. “You’re a long way from home.” 
“We were driving my dad’s,” your brother piped in. “He lives in Texas.”
“I should’ve paid more attention to the weather,” you admitted, shaking your head. “It was stupid. But thank you…” your voice trailed off, realizing you didn’t know the man’s name. 
“Tyler,” he replied, extending his hand for a second time, this time for you to shake. 
“Tyler,” you repeated. “Thank you Tyler, for saving us.” You quickly introduced yourself before turning and introducing your brother. 
“Hang on. What were you doing out here if they’d been talking about the storm all morning?” your brother asked bluntly. 
Just as you were about to give him a look that said don’t question strangers who save our lives, Tyler smiled, flashing his white teeth. “I was chasin’ her,” he said, nodding towards the tornado still spinning in the distance. 
“You chase tornadoes?” your brother exclaimed. 
Tyler’s grin got wider. “Sure do. That’s why my truck didn’t blow away. I got extra precautions.” Then, like he could see the eagerness in your brother’s face, he smirked. “Wanna see?” 
Your brother nodded before breaking away from your embrace and racing back towards the truck– like he’d already forgotten about the tornado that almost killed you both. 
“That alright with you?” Tyler asked. 
You nodded, head still foggy and body still trembling. “Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, eyeing your shaky hands. 
“Oh– yeah,” you said. “Just nerves… We don’t get many tornadoes up in New Hampshire, and we sure as hell don’t chase them.”
“You did good,” Tyler told you. “You stayed calm– kept him calm.”
“Thanks,” you said shyly, feeling stupid that this stranger’s compliment actually meant something to you. Then, you motioned with your thumb over your shoulder. “I’m gonna go check out my car– see how bad it is.”
With that, you left your brother with Tyler, and turned the corner of the hood of his truck, tracing your steps back to where you’d initially abandoned your car. As soon as you entered the clearing, you wished you hadn’t. There, amongst the piles of debris and chaos, was your SUV laying on its side– the front windshield completely smashed, both airbags deployed, and the doors caved in. 
“Shit,” you muttered, unable to help the tears forming in your eyes. You were grateful for your brother’s safety, but you knew you couldn’t drive your car like this– 
You took a few steadying breaths, reminding yourself that completely falling apart wasn’t going to be helpful. And, despite the part of you trying to avoid this, you knew that you’d have to call your parents.
You turned back towards Tyler’s truck and saw him and your brother laying on the ground– looking at something underneath the bed. That’s when you noticed two, gigantic-looking screws secured into the ground. That must have been the button Tyler pushed right before the tornado had engulfed you. 
Your brother looked content for the time being, so you pulled out your phone and dialed your mom first. 
She answered after only a couple of rings. 
“Hi honey, how are things going?”
“Hi Mom,” you said, voice already shaking. “Don’t panic okay? We’re both alright–”
“What happened?” she said urgently, clearly doing the opposite of what you’d requested. 
You sighed– might as well just come right out and say it. “We’re in Oklahoma, and a tornado just hit– like literally hit us.”
“What?” she gasped. You could already imagine her sitting up from her recliner, tossing her ball of yarn or whatever she was using to the side. 
“Yeah– Some guy came and helped us. We were able to wait it out…” you paused, like you still couldn’t entirely believe what had just happened to you. “But I can’t drive my car.”
“Oh my God,” she breathed. “Are you sure you’re alright? Where’s your brother?”
“We’re fine, Mom. The guy who helped us is still here– he’s showing him stuff in his truck to keep him busy.”
“Who is this guy?”
“Just some local– we got lucky, he knew exactly what to do.”
You heard her exhale a sharp breath. 
“Mom, I don’t know what to do– We’re stranded here.”
“Oh, honey,” she sighed. “I should have never let you take him in a car. You should have just flown. Gosh, you both could’ve been killed.”
The pool of guilt grew larger inside your chest. 
“I know–” you said, feeling defeated. Because she was right– what the hell were you thinking?
After a moment of silence, she sighed. “I’m so glad you’re alright. Why don’t you call your father– see how far he is? Maybe he can come and pick you up. If he can’t, call me back and we’ll figure something out..”
“Okay,” you said, voice thick with the tears you were trying not to shed. 
“I love you,” she assured you. 
“Love you, too. I’ll talk to you later.”
With that, you hung up the phone, just as a few tears splashed down your cheeks. 
After wiping them away, you glanced back towards Tyler and your brother. Tyler was helping your brother into the truck bed, where he had a bunch of gear strapped down. Your brother had a look of pure excitement plastered on his face as he looked around. You were far enough away so that you couldn’t make out what they were saying, but you could see your brother’s lips moving rapidly, totally skipping the shy-stage he normally went through when he met new people. 
Like he could tell you were staring, Tyler looked up and caught your eye. Even from this distance, you saw the way his lips curled into a smile that made something in your stomach flutter. He gave you a quick wave before turning his attention back towards your brother. 
Realizing your brother was in seemingly good hands, you knew you couldn’t stall calling your dad any longer. So, you pulled up his contact and dialed, preparing to give the same explanation to him as you did your mom. 
“Hey kiddo!” He answered. “How’s the road trip going?”
You were nearly twenty-eight years old, but your dad still answered the phone the same way he did when you were ten. 
“Hey dad,” you said. To your dismay, no matter how hard you fought it, your voice still cracked. 
“Everything okay?” he asked, instantly picking up on the fact that something was wrong. 
You bit your lip, fighting back tears. When you felt composed enough, you spoke. “No,” you admitted. “We’re in Oklahoma, and we got hit by a tornado while we were driving– We’re both safe, but my car is totaled– I can’t drive it.” 
“Oh my God, what?” he gasped. 
“I don’t know what happened– it was all so fast. I couldn’t outrun it– I tried. But there wasn’t anything we could do– it was moving so quickly and–”
“Okay, breathe,” your dad interrupted, his voice calm. 
You were breathing, weren’t you? Except, when you went to inhale, you realized that no, you were not. You sucked in a breath before letting out a choppy exhale. 
“Good– everything’s going to be okay. It’s just a car. They can be replaced. You’re safe, your brother is safe– that’s what’s important.” 
“We’re stranded– in the middle of nowhere.” 
“Well that’s all of Oklahoma, honey. Do you know what town you’re in?” 
“No, but I can find out,” you said shakily. After wiping your wet cheeks the best you could, you made your way back towards the truck. 
“Tyler,” you said, catching his attention. “What town are we in? My dad wants to know.”
“You’re talking to Dad?” your brother piped in. “Tell him I said hi.”
“We’re near Stillwater,” Tyler replied. 
You repeated it back to your dad. 
“Okay, who’s there helping you?”
“Uh this guy–” you said, turning away before Tyler could overhear. “He saved us.” 
“Well I’m glad to hear that. Sounds like he was in the right place at the right time. Stillwater is about six hours north of me. How about I put you guys up in a hotel for a night then I come and get you tomorrow and we can figure everything else out?” 
“Hotels are a lot… you don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but it’s going to get dark before too long, and I don’t want to be driving late. I just want you both safe until then. Why don’t you see if that guy who helped you knows a place?”
“Yeah, okay,” you said, pulling the phone back again. “Hey Tyler?” you turned to see him in the same spot– still showing your brother various gadgets and gear. “Do you know of any hotels or anything nearby? I can’t drive my car– and our dad can’t get us until tomorrow.”
Tyler sucked in a breath of air. “Yikes, there ain’t much around here. Unless you want to bunk at the motel off Broadway street. I think it’s up to a 1.8 star review on Yelp, but last I knew they had a cockroach problem.”
You grimaced. “What about buses or anything that we could take to Austin?”
“You know,” Tyler began, eyes flickering into the distance before looking back at you. “I got a big ole’ farm house not too far from here with a couple of extra bedrooms. Why don’t you both just stay the night and your dad can get you from there in the mornin’?”
You immediately began shaking your head. “No–”
But your dad’s voice on the phone caught you off guard. “Let me talk to him.”
“Dad–” you protested. 
But he insisted. 
So, begrudgingly, that was how you found yourself passing your cell phone to Tyler. 
Tyler’s eyebrow raised gently at the gesture. 
“He wants to talk to you,” you explained. 
Tyler pointed to himself, as if he was questioning if you meant your brother instead. “Me?”
You nodded. 
Tyler reached his arm out skeptically, taking your phone, then pressed it to his ear. “Uh, hello?” 
You couldn’t hear your father’s voice on the other end– just mumbling. 
“Yes sir– No, that’s not necessary, I was happy to do it–” There was a brief pause. “Yes sir. Cockroaches yeah, you heard that right. I do. Right in town actually. It’s not a problem, I have the space–” Another pause. “Of course, I can send my contact info, and the address.”
You shut your eyes– as if your father was coordinating a sleepover at Tyler’s right now. It’s not like you weren’t grateful for his offer, but you felt like he’d already helped too much. First he saved your lives, now he offers shelter?
“Alright. Alright, you too. Take care.”
With that, Tyler passed you your phone back. 
“Go with him,” your dad said, as soon as you held it back against your ear.  
“It’s one night,” he insisted. “It’s either him or the cockroaches.”
Less than thirty minutes later, Tyler was pulling his truck down a long, dirt driveway. Positioned at the end of it, set back with the setting sun as a backdrop, was an old, white farmhouse with a wrap around porch and blue shutters. 
“You live here?” you asked in awe. 
Tyler smiled. “Been in my family for a long time.”
“It’s beautiful,” you said, eyes now scanning the amount of land he had. There was a wheat field to the right, and to the left was a sturdy-looking barn with an exterior that matched the house. 
“Technically it belongs to my aunt. But she’s living it up in Tulsa right now, so I stay here– maintain the place for her. It’ll be mine one day.”
“Do you have horses?” your brother asked from the backseat. 
Tyler’s grin stretched the length of his face. “Sure do. Let’s get you guys cleaned up and fed, then we can see them later.”
Tyler unloaded the suitcases you’d recovered from your SUV and carried them inside for you, despite your protests. You were quickly learning that Tyler was a gentleman– always holding doors and offering his hand to help. Each time he went out of his way to help you, it caused strange feelings to stir up inside of you– ones that you had no business feeling about a man you’d just met. 
The interior of the farmhouse was just as beautiful as the outside. Tyler showed you around the first floor, pointing out the kitchen, bathroom, and living room before walking your luggage up the stairs to where the bedrooms and second bathroom were. 
“Both rooms have double beds– there’s only a shower, it’s in the bathroom up here. But feel free to use it. Towels and washcloths are in that closet there– extra blankets are in the chests at the end of the beds.”
“Thank you,” you said again, finally taking your luggage from him. “This is…” you shook your head. “You’ve been really kind, thank you.”
“My pleasure– only the best for my first New Hampshire guests,” he said cheekily. Then, Tyler clasped his hands together. “Alright, well I’ll leave you guys to it. Come on down whenever you’re ready, I’ll whip up something to eat. Y’all like burgers?”
Your brother’s face lit up. “Love them!” 
“Sounds great,” you replied. 
“Coupla’ burgers comin’ right up then,” Tyler smirked.
“He’s so cool,” your brother muttered before grabbing his bag and heading off to claim a bedroom. 
Cool was one word for him, you thought. 
You took longer in the shower than expected. Probably because every time you closed your eyes to rinse the shampoo out of your hair, all you could see was that goddamn tornado barreling towards you. Each and every time, it made your entire body lurch– causing you to snap open your eyes with a sense of urgency. 
Even though you were just showering– it felt like you were outside running… your breath was choppy and your heart was racing just standing there. 
You forced yourself to unclench your jaw, worried that your molars were going to crack with how tense you were. Eventually, you gave up and decided to just keep your eyes open while you rinsed your hair out. 
When you were finished, you threw on a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt from your suitcase before heading downstairs to join your brother and Tyler. You could smell the burgers before you even got to the kitchen, making your mouth water. 
“There’s New Hampshire,” Tyler grinned, seemingly proud of the nickname he’d given you. He was behind the island, setting a steaming pot down on a cooling plate next to a few empty plates stacked on top of each other.  
Your brother sat on a stool at the island– his hair still damp from his own shower, nibbling on a piece of plain white bread while he watched Tyler maneuver around the kitchen. 
“Do you need any help?” you asked. As soon as you spoke, you could hear the shakiness in your tone. You’d been trying to ignore how tight your chest still felt, but you’d have to do better at hiding it if you wanted to evade detection. 
You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on you for a moment before Tyler shook his head. “Nah, I’m almost done. I got burgers on the grill, some corn, and leftover pasta salad from my mom– you gotta try it.” 
He handed you and your brother each an empty plate before taking the lid off the corn pot. 
“I’ll go grab the burgers, but help yourself.”
With that, he was disappearing out the back door. 
“How’re you doing?” you asked your brother once you were alone. 
“Hungry,” he said as he piled a mound of pasta salad on his plate. 
You reached over and ran your hands through his hair before shaking his head lightly. “I don’t mean that– I mean how’re you doing after everything today? That was a lot.” 
Or at least it had been for you… 
Your brother shrugged. “It was scary, but I’m okay now. Statistically speaking tornadoes never strike the same place twice. So that one’s gone for good. And Tyler said the likelihood of another one hitting the area is extremely low.”
“That’s right,” Tyler said, as he reentered the kitchen with a plate stacked full of burgers. 
You watched him move through the kitchen with ease, pleasantly surprised by the fact that he’d obviously helped to reassure your brother. 
“You want one or two burgers?” Tyler asked him. 
Your brother held up two fingers with one hand and his plate with the other. 
“What do you say?” you mumbled, nudging him in the side. 
“Please,” he said, flashing his teeth.
“You got it,” Tyler chuckled. 
With a full plate, your brother headed for the dining room, leaving you and Tyler alone in the kitchen. 
“How are you doing?” Tyler asked as he passed you the plate of burgers. 
“Me?” you said, trying your best to sound casual. Apparently you were the only one even remotely freaked out by the fact that a tornado had almost killed all of you today. “Oh, I’m alright. Much better after showering– thank you again.”
“You gotta stop thanking me, really it’s not a problem. I wouldn’t have offered if it was,”  How are you really doing though?”
You glanced up, surprised to see Tyler’s concerned gaze fixated on you. He’d ditched the baseball hat, allowing you to see his sandy brown hair for the first time. It was slightly disheveled, but so soft. The way it was pushed back from his face made it look like Tyler had been running his fingers through it– a sight you wouldn’t mind seeing. 
Quickly, you averted your gaze back to your plate. “I’m fine.”
“Really?” he challenged you. “Because it’s okay not to be okay after getting hit by a tornado– especially for the first time.”
It was like he could sense how anxious you really were– like one of those emotional support animals. Or maybe you just didn’t have the poker face you thought you did.
“I was just worried for my brother,” you said, taking a spoonful of pasta salad. “But it seems like you managed to calm his nerves.”
“Yeah, well, kids are all the same. They just need reassurance. They wanna feel safe.”
Now was your chance to poke a little deeper– to shift the conversation off from you, but also to learn something about Tyler. “Do you have kids?” you asked, trying to make the question sound casual. 
“No,” he answered quickly. “Got a niece and a nephew though. They live in Texas, so I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like. Do you?” Tyler asked, glancing over. When he caught your confused expression, he added, “Have kids?”
“Oh, no,” you said, shaking your head. “God, no. You saw what happened today– I have my brother for less than two weeks and I almost got him killed. Imagine if I had an actual child?”
“You didn’t almost get him killed,” Tyler refuted. “You had no way of knowing that thing was comin’.”
“You knew it was coming,” you challenged. 
Tyler shrugged. “Well that’s ‘cause I’m a professional.”
“I didn’t know you could be a professional tornado-chaser,” you said teasingly, finally picking up your plate to head to the table. 
Tyler followed close behind, choosing a seat across from you and your brother. “I prefer the name tornado wrangler, myself.”
“Tornado wrangler?” you repeated skeptically. 
“That’s right,” he smirked, a hint of playfulness in his tone. 
“You’re such a badass,” your brother said between bites. He was already halfway done his food. You felt another pang of guilt– he really was hungry.  
“So what does a tornado wrangler do exactly?” you asked. 
Tyler chewed his food for a moment before answering. “Well, we have a YouTube channel. And we livestream videos of us headin’ into storms. We offer our viewers a close look at the tornadoes– a view most of them will never see in real life.”
“We? You mean there’s more than just one of you crazy enough to chase those things?”
Tyler’s face was full-on beaming now, and you could tell just how passionate he really was about all of this. Even if it scared the absolute shit out of you– you loved to hear him talk about it. 
“I got a whole team– there’s Boone, he’s my buddy behind the camera, he takes care of the livestream and the editing when we need it. Then I got Lilly, she operates our drone. That helps give us alternative coverage and vantage points when we need it. Dexter and Dani both help with storm tracking– but Dani also helps fix the gear and stuff when we need it.”
“What’s the scariest tornado you’ve ever seen?” your brother asked, pieces of burger flying out of his mouth while he spoke. 
“Chew your food before talking,” you said under your breath. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
Tyler let out a soft chuckle, his eyes flickering to yours before turning back to your brother. “I think the scariest tornado I’ve ever seen was when I was about your age– My mom and I got caught up in an EF 4 while we were drivin’. It picked us right up– dropped us in a field about half a mile away.”
“EF 4?” you asked cluelessly. 
“It’s the Enhanced Fujita Scale,” your brother replied. “It measures the tornado's speed and estimated damage.”
“That’s right,” Tyler smiled, like he was proud of your brother for knowing. “They measure on a scale of 0-5.”
“What was the one that hit us today?” you asked warily. 
“Today was an EF1,” Tyler answered. 
All the blood drained from your face. “A one?” you gaped. 
In the midst of taking a bite of corn, he nodded. 
“You’re telling me that thing could have been worse?”
The corner of Tyler’s lip twitched upwards. “A lot worse,” he said grimly. “That’s why it was safe to stay in my truck. We drive her into zero’s and one’s all the time, she handles a two pretty good. Even managed a three once.”
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath. 
The rest of the evening consisted of your brother bombarding Tyler with questions about his job– how many tornadoes had he seen? What was an EF5 like? Had he ever seen a cow fly through the air like in the movies? 
But you had a hard time listening after a while– each additional fact you learned about tornadoes made your skin crawl. Your heart rate had picked up again– similar to how it was in the shower. It was taking all of your energy to just appear normal while you picked at the remaining food on your plate. 
Why would anyone willing chase one of those things? What you witnessed today was one of the smallest possible tornadoes– and it was still terrifying. You couldn’t imagine if you’d been out there faced by something worse. 
Their conversation eventually became muffled background noise, something that nestled in the back of your mind while you tried to focus on your breath and willed yourself not to shake.
That is, until you feel something boney jab in your side, making everything come back into focus again. 
“What?” you asked, turning cluelessly towards your brother. 
“Tyler asked if you were done,” he said, nodding towards your plate. 
“Oh–” you said, embarrassed. That’s when you noticed Tyler was now standing, arm extended like he was reaching for your dish. “Yeah– yeah, I’m done.” 
He moved to collect your plate for you but you stopped him. “No, I’ll get these– you guys talk.” 
“You sure?” he asked warily. 
“Yeah, I’m sure– You cook and house us, I can do some dishes.”
With a brief, unconvincing smile, you quickly gathered as much as you could in your arms and fled into the kitchen for some space. 
What the hell was wrong with you? It was like you couldn’t catch your breath, no matter how hard you tried. 
As you scrubbed at the dishes, arms extended under warm water, you tried desperately to get it together. No one had died– no one had even gotten hurt. Plus, like Tyler had told your brother– the probability of this happening again was incredibly slim. So why couldn’t you stop feeling like that EF1 was consuming you? 
By the time you were finished with the dishes, your hands were shaking so bad, you could barely set them on the drying rack. So, you snapped off the water and leaned against the counter, gripping the lip of it tightly and taking some deep breaths. Vaguely, you heard your little brother’s laughter from the other room. You latched onto the sound and tried to let it soothe you. 
Everyone was okay. 
He’s laughing– he’s having fun. You’re all okay. 
After his laughter stills, you hear the sound of chair legs sliding across the floor. “I’m gonna go grab some water, you want any dessert, big guy? I got ice cream.” 
“No thanks, I’m full from the burgers.”
Tyler chuckled. “Alright, be right back.”
Quickly, you swallowed the lump in your throat and started putting the condiments away, trying to look as normal as possible before Tyler approached. 
“Thanks for doing all of those,” Tyler said once he got to the kitchen. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Oh, it’s the least I could do,” you said, turning to face him. 
“My mom would kill me if she knew I let my guest do the dishes.”
“My mom would kill me if she knew I let someone save, cook, and house me without me doing the dishes.”
Tyler grinned. “Fair enough, New Hampshire.” 
“You keep calling me that,” you said. “But I don’t actually live in New Hampshire, you know?” 
Tyler’s eyebrow curled up in an expression that said tell me more. 
“My mom and brother live there. I used to live there. But now I have an apartment in Boston, been there since college.”
“Boston?” Tyler repeated. “Ah, so you’re like a nine-to-five city girl.”
You frowned. “Not anymore,” you admitted. “It was killing me. Especially in the winter– you go to work before the sun’s up, and you’re out after it sets. I couldn’t do it anymore, so I recently quit.”
“What’re you gonna do now?” he inquired. 
You shrugged. “I’m trying to figure that out. Probably move somewhere with less concrete, and hopefully find a job that lets me out before the sun sets.”
Tyler set his glass of water on the kitchen island. “So what you’re saying is I can’t call you New Hampshire or Boston?” 
“You got a problem with just using people’s names?” 
Tyler shrugged. “I like nicknames. Shows that someone’s special to ya.”
You felt like your feet had been knocked out from underneath you. You cleared your throat before looking away, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
“You know, I don’t mean to pry,” Tyler said, changing the subject. “But are you sure you’re alright?” 
“I’m fine,” you said quickly. 
“I just– at dinner you seemed a little zoned out.”
“I’m just tired,” you lied. 
Tyler paused, eyes scanning you sincerely. His gaze felt like it could set you on fire– like every inch of your skin was set ablaze. Ultimately, he decided to back off. “Okay then,” he said. “I’ll finish up here, why don’t you guys get settled for bed? It’s been a long day.” 
“Okay– yeah, that’s a good idea.”
Pushing off the counter, you brushed past him, pausing only when you got to the doorframe. 
He spun around quickly. 
“I know you said to stop thanking you but seriously… Thank you. For everything.” 
His lips curled upwards in a smile that didn’t reach his eyes the way you’d already learned you liked. He gave a curt nod. “I’m happy to do it, New Hampshire,” he said, sticking with his original nickname. 
You made your way upstairs to bed with your little brother and a stupid smile plastered on your face. 
“We have to move!” you shouted, hoping your brother could hear you above the wind. 
But instead of reacting or doing anything at all, he just stood there– his back towards you while he stared at the swirling clouds in the distance. 
“Hey!” you screamed. “We gotta go!” 
You took a step forward– but weren’t any closer to him. 
Frowning, you took another step– then another. But the distance remained the same. Screaming his name, you pleaded with him to turn around. If he didn’t move, you were both going to die– the tornado had touched down. It was barrelling right for you. It was sucking roofs off houses, and breaking fences into tiny pieces. Debris flew all around at what seemed like a hundred miles per hour– shards of glass, pieces of plywood. Something was going to hit you– or worse, your brother. 
You were running now, trying desperately to reach him. If you could just get there in time, maybe you could grab his arm and pull him away in time. 
But it was no use– you were too slow. And the tornado was so fast. Right before your eyes– you saw your brother get sucked into the funnel– his entire frame flying up in the air. 
You screamed– 
He screamed back– you heard your name echo through the storm. 
He was calling for you– begging for you to save him. 
You screamed louder– 
Then you heard a voice yell. Except, this voice didn’t match your brothers—it was too deep and less familiar. Your body tensed as you were jostled. 
With force, your eyes finally snapped open, revealing the vaguely familiar room around you. The moonlight poured through the curtain that you forgot to close and revealed Tyler’s worried-looking face peering over her. His green eyes were blown open and wide, his lips slightly parted as his gaze raked over the length of you. 
“Tyler–” you croaked. 
“There you are,” he exhaled. “You’re okay, you’re at my house– you’re safe.”
You opened your mouth, instantly trying to think of a way to brush this whole thing off– maybe make a joke or something to ease the tension. But instead of finding words, a choppy, uneven huff of air poured out of you. You tried again, but this time all you could do was desperately gasp– like you couldn’t get enough air in your lungs. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Tyler said. You felt the bed dip as he sat down beside you. Without even thinking, you reached out for him– fingers clasping onto the fabric of his white t-shirt. He placed his hands on top of yours and gave them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. 
“Baby, you’re okay,” he said. If you could breathe, you might have melted at the pet name he gave you. Instead, your wild eyes searched his desperately.  “I got you. Breathe with me– look.” Tyler took a couple of deep breaths, exaggerating the act so that you’d copy him. You tried, but ended up just choking harder. 
“Just do it with me.” 
With an intense amount of concentration, you were finally able to latch onto the sound of Tyler breathing. In, hold, out. In, hold, out. 
“There you go,” he soothed. “You got it.”
You’re not sure how long the two of you stayed like that– but eventually, your breathing returned to normal. 
That’s when the embarrassment kicked in. Because how utterly mortifying to be a guest at someone’s home and to wake them up screaming because of some stupid nightmare. 
“I’m so–”
“Don’t even think about apologizing,” Tyler said gently. “You got nothing to be sorry for.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but then realized there was no point. Tyler would just refute whatever you said. So instead, you asked the question that had been burning in your brain since you got to the farm house. 
“Why am I so affected by this and no one else is? What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you,” Tyler assured you instantly. “In fact, you’re probably the only normal one in this house– most people get freaked out after bein’ near a tornado, much less in the middle of one. I have this weird thing goin’ on where I just feel more alive if my life’s in danger, and no offense but I think your brother’s brain might be wired a little differently than most.”
You let out a genuine laugh– the first of the night. “He’s on the spectrum,” you explained. “You’re really good with him, you know? Most people just think he’s odd and ignore him. But not you– you actually talk to him.” 
Tyler smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he did. “He’s a good kid.” 
You nodded in agreement. “You know he didn’t even want to come on this road trip with me? He wanted to fly to my dad’s– but I talked him into it. I’ve felt so lost since quitting my job and I needed a distraction. I used my little brother as a distraction.”
“Wanting to spend time with someone doesn’t mean you’re using them. It seems like he’s having a good time,” Tyler said. “He told me all about the Titanic museum you took him to in Nashville.” 
You chuckled. “He loves disasters. It’s kind of his thing. That’s why he knows so much about tornadoes–”
“And today he got to see one– up close. I bet he’ll tell that story for the rest of his life.”
“The story about how his older sister almost got him killed,” you said, head hanging with shame. 
“The story of how his big sister stayed so incredibly calm, even though she was terrified– just so that she could make sure he was okay. The big sister who kept him safe even though they got caught in a tornado.” 
You glanced up towards Tyler to see him looking at you with what looked like yearning in his expression. You wanted to just lean forward and wrap your arms around his neck– let him hold you and comfort you and tell you that everything was going to be alright. You couldn’t know for sure but he just looked like he gave the best hugs. Instead though, you tried to come to your senses. You blinked harshly, and glanced down at the blankets pooled in your lap. 
“I hate being afraid,” you admitted. “I know it’s normal– and it keeps us safe. But it makes me feel weak.”
“I get it,” Tyler replied. “That’s why I started the channel. I was sick of being afraid of ‘em, so I decided to chase ‘em instead.”
“Yeah, well maybe I’ll have to tag along with your team on the next one,” you joked. 
Tyler’s face lit up. “You could, you know. We go all the time– and it’s tornado season in Oklahoma so we probably wouldn't have to wait that long to find one.”
He couldn’t possibly be serious– but the look on his face told you that he was. 
“My dad’s getting us tomorrow,” you reminded him. 
All the excitement on Tyler’s face fell– making something inside of you fall with it. “Right,” he said, shaking his head. “Of course, yeah.” 
“But maybe I’ll tune into your channel,” you offered, hoping to get even a hint of that excitement back. You hated seeing him disappointed. 
Tyler smiled, “You better,” he teased, nudging your leg through the blanket. “Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m probably not going to get much sleep tonight. You want some tea or somethin’?”
You couldn’t help but nod– it was hard to say no to him. 
You and Tyler ended up talking through most of the night. The more you talked, the more you realized he was someone you could really see yourself falling for. He made you laugh– and not the fake kind you did to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, either. On several occasions, he had you curled over, shaking with laughter because of something he said. And he was a good listener– always asking follow-up questions or inquiring more. 
Before you knew it, six entire hours had passed and the sun was rising on the east side of the barn, shining golden light through the gaps in the curtains.  
You had found yourself curled up in the living room, back pressed against the arm of the couch and facing Tyler. He shifted in his seat, and, without thinking, you tucked your feet underneath his thigh, causing him to hiss. 
“Your feet are freezing,” he gasped playfully, but he didn't pull away.  
You laughed in response, digging them further underneath his legs.  
“I can feel them through my pants,” he said, laughing with you.  
“It’s morning,” you observed, unable to believe that you spent an entire night talking to him. 
He bit his lip and nodded. “Time flies.” He chuckled lightly before standing up from the couch, leaving your feet feeling cold again, and walking into the adjoined kitchen. You followed him awkwardly, just a step or two behind. You watch as he retrieved two mugs from a tall cabinet and placed them on the countertop.    
“Coffee?” he asked, nonchalantly, holding the cup up as an offering.  
You sighed a breath of relief at the thought of coffee– especially after only an hour or two of sleep. “Yes. Please.” 
Tyler rummaged around the kitchen for a few minutes, putting the coffee on before peering into the fridge. He pulled some items out, placing them gently on the counter behind him. His back was turned towards you for the most part, and you couldn’t help but watch him as he moved. It was a nice view, you thought.  
 “Do you like eggs?” Tyler’s words interrupted your staring. “I have some bacon, too.”
“You’re making breakfast?” You asked, your tone sounding sharper than intended through your disbelief. First saving your life, then dinner, then a place to sleep, then comforting you during a nightmare, now breakfast… 
Tyler nodded, “I’m a breakfast guy. Unless you’re not hungry,” he said, backtracking quickly. “I just thought–” 
You could sense the panic in his voice, almost as if he was just as nervous as you. You quickly spoke up to reassure him. “No- I love breakfast. I just wasn’t expecting any, is all.”
Tyler subtly exhaled a breath of relief. “Yeah well, be sure to give me a five star review. I’m competing with the cockroach motel for business. Scrambled okay?” he asked, motioning towards the eggs. 
You nodded before taking a seat at the island. 
Tyler continued to work with his back to you, arms moving a bit as he scrambled the eggs that were cooking in the pan. When he was finished, he pulled out three plates and portioned some into each. Then he moved to throw the toast and sausage he’d also made on top. 
Because your brother wasn’t up yet, Tyler set a paper towel over his plate, preserving it for now before traveling to your side of the island and taking a seat right beside you. 
The two of you ate breakfast, your conversation never faltering. You talked about school– what you studied, who your roommates were. You talked about jobs and family– one conversation just naturally progressing to the next. 
After about half an hour, your brother staggered downstairs– his hair poking out in all directions informing you that he slept “like a baby.” Tyler listened to him talk about his dream– something about robots chasing tornadoes. Tyler asked him follow up questions, too– like what kind of robots they were and what kind of truck they used to chase the tornadoes. 
Tyler was kind of beautiful, you found yourself quickly realizing. Not that you hadn’t noticed how attractive he was before– of course you had… Practically the first moment you laid your eyes on him after your life was in danger. But Tyler smiled this giant smile as he let your brother talk his ear off about stuff you knew he couldn’t possibly care about. But he pretended to– and his eyes got crinkly and his laugh came straight from his belly. 
You supposed you could blame your fluttering stomach on the adrenaline still coursing through your system after being attacked by a tornado and then having a panic attack last night. Your skin felt electrified. But you knew that the trauma you’d endured had nothing to do with it. You knew it could only be Tyler that was making you feel this way. And you’d only known the man for about sixteen hours by now, but you couldn’t deny what you already felt for him.  
It felt easy with Tyler. And although you spent the night before pretending you were fine– you realized that you didn’t have to. He was someone you could just be authentic with. 
Your dad reached out to you shortly after seven, informing you he was on the road and would be in Stillwater just around noon. 
You found yourself dreading having to say goodbye to Tyler before the moment even came. 
In the meantime, he took the time to show your brother the horses, letting him spend as much time with them as he wanted. Then he gave him a full tour of the barn– chickens and cows alike. 
You were outside, watching your brother be brave enough to approach one of the horses that Tyler had ensured was friendly when his phone went off beside you.  
Tyler pulled it from his pocket and checked the caller ID before sliding his thumb across the screen. 
“Hey Boone,” he answered. “No, I haven’t looked yet. Why? Oh is it? Where?” 
You tried not to eavesdrop, but you really couldn’t help it. 
“What time are they thinking? Yeah, no. I’m busy until noon. Three’s perfect. Alright– see you then, bye.”
He slid his phone back in his pocket with ease, his attention falling to you. 
“Another tornado?” you asked, eyebrows raised skeptically. 
He smirked. “Can’t stop weather, New Hampshire. Invite’s still there if you wanna tag along.” 
Despite how badly you wanted time to stretch on forever, your father’s truck rode into the driveway just before after noon. 
Tyler took all your luggage downstairs and loaded it into the truck while the three of you reunited. You met your dad halfway between his car and the porch, letting him pull you in for a tight hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” he murmured into your hair before reaching for your brother. When he was done embracing you both, he held his hand out towards Tyler. 
“Thank you, son,” he said genuinely. “For being there for them.”
“My pleasure, sir,” Tyler replied, shaking his hand firmly. 
To your surprise, after everything was loaded in the car, your brother ran right up to Tyler and wrapped his arms around his waist– offering him a hug. Your brother rarely showed affection to those within his family– let alone people outside of it. In your eyes, that was further evidence of how special Tyler really was. 
Tyler hugged him back before ruffling his hair affectionately. “Take care, bud. Thanks for helpin’ me with the horses today. You gonna come back and visit soon?”
He nodded eagerly– to your delight, the pair had exchanged numbers. 
“Alright c’mon,” your dad said, ushering your brother to the car and leaving you and Tyler alone. 
“What about you?” Tyler asked, taking a step closer to you. “Are you gonna come back and visit soon?” 
Your entire insides erupted– like molten lava was encasing everything inside of you. You could smell the aftershave he’d splashed on his neck and wanted nothing more than for it to just engulf you entirely. “That depends,” you said, standing your ground as he took another step forward. 
“On what?” he asked gently, reaching across the small space between you to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. It was a simple, yet incredibly intimate action that made your knees feel wobbly. 
“Are you going to drive me into the middle of a tornado?”
“I might.”
You smirked. “Well then, I guess I might come back.”
“Lord help me if you do, New Hampshire.”
You knew your dad was right behind you– but you couldn’t help but wish Tyler would kiss you right then and there– prove to you that he felt the same things you were feeling. Then maybe you could leave behind your dad and brother and stay a little longer with Tyler. But that was too big of a risk without the confirmation. You looked at him eagerly, willing him to say something. 
“So I guess I’ll see ya around,” he said, making your shoulders fall. 
It felt so final. 
“See ya around,” you replied, hating to admit how disappointed you actually felt. You offered him one final smile before turning around and jogging back towards your dad’s truck. 
“You’re an idiot,” your brother said from the backseat, catching you off guard. 
“Excuse me?” you said, turning to face him. 
“Why didn’t you stay? I heard Tyler invite you like three times.”
You frowned. “He didn’t mean it. He was just being nice.”
“I don’t think Tyler says things he doesn’t mean,” he said simply. 
You heard your dad let out a choked laugh from beside you. 
“I can’t just stay at Tyler’s house–” you said. “That’s crazy. We’re going back to Texas.”
“Actually, I already drove six hours today,” your dad said. “I really don’t want to drive another six, so I was planning on grabbing a hotel. We could just pick you up later,” he suggested. 
“Or not,” your brother piped in. 
You bit your lip– and really considered the possibility of taking Tyler up on his offer. But that was crazy– you barely knew him. What if he didn’t really mean it– what if he was just trying to be nice?
“I think you’re just afraid,” your brother said.
“Afraid?” you said with disbelief. “Of what?”
“Tornadoes, rejection, love… you name it.”
God, you hated being afraid. 
Tyler watched as your dad’s truck got smaller as it drove further away. He kicked himself for not trying harder, for not doing more to convince you to stay. He knew he couldn’t force you, and the last thing he wanted to be was too pushy, but damn he wished you’d taken the bait. 
He could’ve kissed you– God, he wanted to. But your dad’s gaze was lingering warily and he just couldn’t take the chance. What if you pulled away? What if you were insulted? What if he’d read all these signs totally wrong?
He’d never felt anything like how he felt around you. And he just knew that the sound of your laugh would hold a spot in his heart forever. 
But maybe this was how your story was supposed to end– like a tornado. No matter how badly he wanted it to last forever, eventually they all fizzled out to blue skies. 
Full of self-pity, Tyler was just about to turn and head back into the house when he saw the brake lights of your dad’s truck turn on. In the distance, he watched as you climbed carefully out of the front seat, hoist open the back door, and haul your luggage out. 
His heart fluttered at the sight. But when he saw you grab your bag and start jogging back towards him like you had a purpose, he felt like his chest might explode. 
You wanted to stay– 
With a newfound confidence, Tyler began running towards you, kicking up dirt and rocks as he went. 
When he reached you– just past the mailbox in the road, you offered him a small smile. 
“You came back,” he observed. 
You shrugged your shoulders, slightly out of breath. “I did.”
“Why?” he dared to ask. 
You paused, like you were really thinking about his question. After a moment, you said, “I think the one thing that scares me more than tornadoes right now is you,” you admitted to him. “And I really hate being afraid.”
Tyler was pleasantly surprised when you started stepping forward. He matched your efforts and soon– you were almost chest to chest. He glanced down at you with awe. 
“Some cocky YouTube star once told me that you should chase your fears,” you said breathlessly. 
Tyler couldn't contain the smile that was spreading across his entire face. “He sounds like a really smart guy, you should introduce me–”
“Will you shut up and please just kiss–” 
Before you could even get the words out, Tyler reacted the way his body wanted him to. Firmly but gently, he cupped your jaw with one hand, the other arm curling around your back. 
And then, right there on the lone dirt road that always had a way of feeling like home, he kissed you with everything he had. 
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dragon-chica · 5 months ago
Cryptid Hunting - Eddie & Venom x Reader
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Fandom: Marvel / Venom
Dear gods it's been a long time since I wrote but this duo? marry me.
You have a love for monsters and stories, folklore and cryptozoology especially the more interesting creatures, in particular.
Eddie once had asked you if you really believe in all those stories, legends and cryptids and folklore. He found them interesting and entertaining, especially some of your favorites you shared with him, but didn't consider a lot on the subject.
"Babe, your body contains an alien slime that cured your cancer and eats your ass. This is just a cursed child that flew out a chimney and haunts New Jersey. No offense, Venom, honey."
"That's fair."
You had always wanted to try cryptid hunting just for fun, but could never convince anyone to join you for a night of tomfuckery in a creepy area with legends and rumors.
Eddie though, had no excuse.
Your reasoning was, he's a journalist, he should investigate this story, spinning your laptop around with an article on a chosen cryptid for him to look at while you also read about it from one of your cryptozoology and folklore books.
Your second reason was, he's your boyfriend and "Please, please, please, please baby?"
Which of course he could never say no to, not that it helps that Venom is also now pleading along with you.
Both his lovers pleading for him to do something? He's a lovestruck sucker as is, even if it is walking around like a couple of dumbasses in the dark. He's done weirder.
You honestly didn't actually expect him to agree though, and are ecstatic that he does.
Your excitement and the big kiss on his cheek is already worth it he thinks.
You make a day out of it, a roadtrip.
With snacks. Lots of snacks, and one guy at a gas station that was just awful. "HE DIDN'T TASTE VERY GOOD EITHER."
All in all, Eddie was having a good day. Time off spent with his favorite beings, a scenic drive, wearing shoes. Not really expecting much of the "cryptid hunt" besides walking around in the dark and talking to the woods like ghosthunters.
But you and Venom were hyped, as soon as you parked in a secluded area and geared up with flashlights and a video camera, he didn't know who was more excited.
Venom was hovering over his shoulder, head whipping around so much he was spinning Eddie as he went, following you "to a good spot."
You sat in the woods for awhile together waiting for it to get dark, wrapped in a cozy hoodie and leaning against Eddie while reading to him different stories from one of your cryptid books.
When darkness settled around you and something could be heard walking through the brush, you flashlight spun toward it.
Eddie did not expect, at the sound of something moving closer in the woods, for Venom to jump out of him, and into you. Backing up with black good around your hand now shaking with the beam towards it.
"What the hell V?" he whisper shouted while your other hand covered your mouth trying to hide a snicker.
A weird trilling sound came for the forest and Venom encased you, going full form and grabbing Eddie over your shoulder before sprinting back to the card and tossing him inside.
Your flashlights, heavy duty and bought just for this, were long forgotten while multiple tentacles rummaged around Eddie before finding the keys and slamming them in the ignition.
"What's wrong V? i thought you wanted to eat a cryptid for me?"
You try to soothe and pet him while Eddie gets his bearings again.
Eventually, against Venom's protests on Eddie being a chicken and too scared to continue, Eddie trekked back to retrieve your gear, Venom back with him and switching from full cowl to hiding inside him again while you waited in the car.
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supernova41st · 7 months ago
One small step at a time! 🛸
Tf2 x Juno!reader
A/n: This one’s for all my overwatch babes <33 ik this idea is rlly niche but this was so fun to write I’m so proud of this. Most of these can be interpreted as platonic but read however you’d like, enjoy ✨
Warnings: Scottish people, Drinking, Passing out drunk
Vocab: (p/f) - Parental Figure
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He has such a father daughter relationship with you
When you first landed on earth he was extremely fascinated by the technology your (p/f) discovered to get to mars, especially your anti-gravity boots
“So these things are just makin’ you float around?”
“Yeah! I’m not really used to earths gravity so my (p/f) sent me off with overboots!.. how do you guys get anything done while stuck on the ground?”
“We just make do with what we can, sugar”
His fav activity with you? Lounging. Doesn’t look like much but his rancho relaxer + you using your jetpack to ‘sit’? Soo cute
You guys would just be chilling in his workshop after doing whatever task it was you were doing <3
“You want a beer, Buttercup?”
“No thank you! I’m not really fond of drinks with alcohol since all we could drink at mars was juice and water”
“shoot, glad I’m not you”
He’s definitely one of the mercs who warmed up to you the fastest, he’s just chill like that.
Pls don’t tell him your from mars, weird shit is gonna happen
He’s going to treat you like one of his test subjects, at first it starts tame with general check ups but it escalated pretty fast.
When doing his uber surgery on you he decided to explore more things
“..how long was I out, Dr. Ludwig?”
“Oh not long!! Just two.. days”
“What? You said it would only take about 20 minutes!!”
“Vell yes I did say that my Martian friend, however I must say curiosity got the best of me! I simply had to know more about your anatomy”
“Uhm,, ok”
Yeah you’re so scared of him now lol
But of course you two do need to work together to try healing your teammates
He loves it when you heal him, it’s always a pleasant surprise since he never expects to get healed, like ever
“Here! I can help you!!”
“Oo, so vats how it feels..”
Yeah he doesn’t think your good for the team
Sure it was interesting to meet someone who was born and raised in a completely different planet, however your inexperience with earth was enough for him to neglect you
Once you visited his smoke room to find abundance of books, you being new to earth were excited to see all the knowledge they carried
“Wow! Can I borrow this one? I’d like to learn more about earth and its continents!!”
“Go ahead, I never made use of that thing anyways”
It always catches him off guard how little knowledge you have about earth, especially since your were chosen to go on the mission to earth
Once you randomly found a globe somewhere in the break room and got so fascinated by it
“Earths colors are beautiful, I’d really like to go the that purple one!”
“Y/n, Russia is not purple. And you don’t want to visit there, it is full of trash people.”
“Oh..I see”
He doesn’t guide you to earth like the rest of the mercs, he wants to really straighten your back and push you to your limit
“Would a croissant go well with your meal good sir?”
“Excuse me?”
“You seem like you are from the Western Europeans my (p/f) brought back to mars!! Au revoir madam, please enjoy your tea”
Tbh that moment made his heart melt by just a little bit. Hey, he’s not a monster he can have heartfelt moments.. sometimes
You are so fascinated by him, literally just him
For the most part it’s because of his job title ‘assassin’, you’ve never heard of such a job back home.
“Is it true you earn currency to kill specific people?”
“Why of course Sheila, who else would do it?”
“Well, on mars we kinda just let them live even if we don’t like them.. that’s a thing here right??”
You love going on roadtrips with him so he can show you around, just to see get a feel of that New Mexican dirt
You two have a relation where he misses his parents despite always arguing with them, and you miss your (p/f) because you two now live on completely different planets.
On those trips you tend to enjoy chilling in the back of his trailer. You can’t stand spending another second on an uncomfortable leather seat!! So you roam around a lot in what he basically considered his home.
“How was it back there? ‘eard sum ruckus out in the front.”
“Oh right! I am trying to get use to earths gravity so I tried cleaning up here a bit, I hope you don’t mind!!”
He almost cried, you reminded him of his ‘mum’
Whenever you’re curious about any animal you always go to him, we all know Australia a place with weird animals so
“Mr. Mundee, is this spider deadly?”
“I’m not sure, you should probably check in with doc tho. Your face lookin pretty swelled there mate..”
“Oh thank the stars! I was sure this was a lion..”
You passed out from the poison.
It’s good tho, sniper carried you to Medics room like the big brother he is 🧡
Not only is he obsessed with the drink that you’ve literally never heard of until you arrived in earth, but the way he acts makes it seem like crack
You have so many questions, they almost never get answered because he’s either too drunk or he’ll pass out with medic dragging him out the room
“Is it true that your stomach now declines any normal drinks?”
“Ayouhhh it’s just beerdelicois burp”
“..is he going to be alright?”
“Oh no worries my Martian friend, this happens all the time.. although I can never tell if he’ll live or not”
When on the battlefield he’s always screaming and creaming, sometimes it scares you so much to the point where you ask your fellow teammates to help you
“Darlin’, I thinks he’s just tryna get some healing..”
“But why is it yelling.. ☹️”
Now you’re scared of Scottish people, and convinced they probably eat their youth
He def plays a father role like engineer, but way less charm and warmth to him
He’s like a dad at a soccer game, he’ll cheer you on but aggressively, to the point where it seems like he’s booing you
In the lobby he’d always do his soldier talk, and it never fails to make you do you best
“No sir!! I’ll feed it to them!”
Soldier is always hard on you, sometimes he calls you a ‘space commie’ just for jokes, although his tone definitely sets you off
When you unleashed your orbital ray he started screaming about ‘the commies getting to us’, you had to reassure him several times that it was something you had full control of
This guy was ecstatic when he found out his new teammate was going to be from space, scout is really into comics (even tho he can’t read) so his imagination went wild when Ms Pauling announced that he’d be fighting alongside what he considered an alien
Once you arrived he was in awe, he thinks you’re the coolest person on the team solely because you’re from another planet.
But he did quickly recognize that you weren’t use to like, anything on earth.
He handed you a cold can of Bonk just for you to look at him confused
“What do I do with this?”
“You drink it?”
“..um I don’t think you’re supposed to drink ‘atomic punch’, that sounds like it hurts 0-0”
He had to teach you how to drink stuff that wasn’t in an aluminum bag, you didn’t take a liking to it but you got used to it
Scout offered you to sleep on the top bunk because he wanted to be nice and all, huge mistake.
The next morning you completely forgot you were on a different planet, so you rolled and fell 9 feet from the bed to the floor.
“Jesus y/n!! what the hell happened?”
“I think I.. fell? Falling feels weird..”
Gets so hype when you two are on the same team, he’s so ready to clock the enemy team with orbital ray
“Scout! My orbital ray is ready!! ^^”
“Whooo! Let’s go then E.T what are we waitin’ for??”
For the most part he’s the one who shows you everything you need to know about earth, baseball is his favorite thing to teach cuz obviously
When you joined him to watch a baseball match you were so excited yet so lost
“What happens if they win? Is this a war?”
“No? Toots it’s just a game”
“Hm, intresting.. then I must try this ‘game’ too!”
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lisenberry · 4 months ago
WIP titles game, thanks for the tag @thecoziestbean, @myrsinemezzo and @femininefearless
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Mary Poppins AU
Lobotomy AU
Draw your swords (Roman AU)
Take care (Milkman AU)
Monster (Canon adjacent)
Truest thing (Single Mom Gal, boyfriend Hal AU)
Out there's a land (Below Deck AU)
Halloween Costume Party (Ghost Sauron AU)
Christmas card to Queensland (Holiday Outback Roadtrip AU)
Call of Duty
The mountain is you (Professional Dom Price x Reader)
We drift in and out (Dad that isn't the Dad Price x New mom Reader)
Bloody teeth (Recovering Addict Price x Recovering Addict Reader)
Alone in the woods (Plane Crash Price x Reader)
Nothing's going to hurt you baby (Mob Boss Price x Reader)
Born to run (A/B/O Western Price x Reader)
Posh Price
Something something Protective Ghost x Reader
No pressure tags to @mirroringdust @softlighter @nocaptainonthisship @jhalya and of course to anyone else who wants to play.
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helloarchivist · 8 months ago
Hello!! So, for the lovely @quinloki 's birthday request event, I have written a thing!! It's a day later than I intended, but we made it!!
This thing is a monster and it got away from me lmfao, but I genuinely hope you enjoy it. :)))) Even in the short time I've known you, I've found you to be a lovely person and a wonderful friend, and you deserve all the fun and joy in the world. If this manages to be even a little part of that, I will be honored and thrilled.
So, without further ado, please allow me to introduce:
Cabin in the Woods
summary: A break-in, a road-trip, and a mysterious cabin all coalesce on what should have been a quiet Tuesday night in August. The world is changing, and our reader must adapt to a mystery they could not have imagined, and circumstances they could not have foreseen.
cw: op x reader with Sabo, dark content, yandere stuff. (nothing graphic or even violent really happens, but the circumstances are still there). there is a gun, but no gun violence is involved. no pronouns are used, but the reader is mentioned as having breasts and a vagina. there's smut, both explicit and implied. petnames used: darling, love, sweetheart, baby.
I don't think i'm forgetting anything but as always if this kinda stuff isn't your cup of tea, don't read it.
14k word count so it's going under a readmore, but yeah!! Here we go!
A bump in the road jolted you awake, head snapping up from where it had slumped against the passenger side window.
“Sorry love,” a soft, familiar voice whispered from beside you, accompanied by the soothing warmth of a palm smoothed over your thigh and you sighed, relieved, allowing your eyes to slip closed for a moment again before you straightened up in your seat.
It was hard to tell how long the two of you had been on the road. Sabo had insisted on driving so that you could rest, but that had been in the wee hours of the morning. It was still dark now, the sky a sickly, bruised grey that could have been dawn or dusk, and you scrubbed a hand over your face, trying to get your bearings. With a heavy sigh, you dropped your hand into your lap again, eyes roaming aimlessly around the car before settling on the dash radio. 5:15 AM.
You frowned, muted worry etching itself across your brow as you shifted your hand to rest atop the back of your fiance’s. He must have read the look in his periphery, or felt your concern seeping into his skin at your touch because he chuckled warmly, turning his hand palm-up to lace his fingers with yours.
“Don’t you worry, okay? I’m a veteran roadtrip driver, and besides...you needed the rest. Last night was…” your lover trailed off for a moment, something vague and inscrutable flittering across his features for a moment.
“...a little hectic,” you supplied, finishing his thought, and that gentle smile returned to his features once more as he regarded you with a wink.
“Hectic. Yeah. S’as good a word for it as any,” He squeezed your hand a little more tightly, rubbing his thumb along the back of it in tender, absentminded circles.
Silence settled back over your little car for a while then, and you turned your attention out the windows again, trying not to let the memory of the previous night, or the reason for your impromptu flight from civilization, enter your mind. When you’d drifted off, it had been on an empty, nondescript stretch of freeway, fallow farmland on either side, no other cars in sight beyond one lonely set of taillights which had bobbed along ahead of you for perhaps ten miles before drifting off down an exit of its own, leaving the two of you to the liminal solitude of late night travel.
If Sabo had pulled off at any stops along the way, he hadn’t woken you for them, but given that the scenery had changed from open farmland to winding, forested foothills, it couldn’t have been more than once. Under normal circumstances you might have chided him for it ‘Breaks are normal, it’s not worth the hour saved to give yourself a UTI trying to do the whole trip in one go,’ but given the circumstances…
You blinked your eyes shut hard, shaking the thoughts away before stretching to the side a little to rest your head on Sabo’s shoulder.
“Want me to take over for a bit, ‘Bo?” You asked softly, running your free hand up his forearm a little.
Sabo leaned over slightly, slumping his cheek against the top of your head for a moment before pressing a soft kiss there, lingering just long enough to breathe the scent of you in before straightening back up.
Nah, s’okay. We’re only a couple hours out from it now, and the side road is really hard to catch. Hell, I used to come out here every summer with my brothers, and I still drive right past it sometimes.” He said, the corners of his lips turning slightly upwards at the memory.
You adored his brothers, boisterous and warm in their own ways. They were the only people on earth that Sabo loved as much as you, and for a moment your heart clenched at the thought. Between the bars of your mental blockade, you hoped faintly that they were holed up somewhere safe, too. That they’d found their way out of the city before--
“Do you think we should try the radio again? See if there’s any news...any updates?” Your voice sounded grave, frightened and thin in your own ears, and you winced.
Sabo squeezed your hand a little more tightly. “...Let’s wait til we’re up at the cabin. If the car radio runs out of signal we’ve got the ham radio, and that old long-range one Luffy’s grandfather left up there.” He lapsed into silence for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was lower, betraying the first hint of worry he’d let slip since your departure. “We beat the first wave out, and there’s nothing we can do ‘til we’re safe up there. Won’t help anything to get ourselves all wound up before then, right love?” his voice was low, reassuring, reasonable. He didn’t want you to be scared. You didn’t want you to be scared.
He offered you the out, and you took it. “Yeah. May as well get everything set up before we start taking stock of how bad it is.”
“Brilliant as always,” he crooned, lilting his voice with that cartoonishly syrupy sweetness that never failed to make you laugh. He grinned at the sound, heart fluttering in his chest, and exhaled a long, slow breath. He wasn’t worried about what might be on the radio. All that mattered was that he had you here, had you safe. Whatever else happened, you could weather it together.
True to his word, the little road that led back to the cabin was barely visible until the car was almost on top of it; even with the help of the morning light, filtering grey through the thickening cloud cover, the path Sabo slowed and pulled off onto could barely be called a road. You’d already pulled off the freeway maybe 30 minutes before, onto a two lane little back road that veered off and up into the hills and valleys beyond. This was an unpaved, overgrown footpath with delusions of grandeur, that seemed to meander almost aimlessly through the trees. Slowly but surely, the road behind you slid into the foliage and out of view, and though you knew he must be exhausted, you found yourself deeply grateful that Sabo had opted to finish the drive himself.
You could barely imagine picking your way through this on foot without prior knowledge, let alone in a car. At regular intervals Sabo’s side of the road would simply open up into nothing, offering a stunning view of the valley, of the forested mountain on the other side, and what you were sure was likely a precipitous drop off into the river below. The thought of it made you a bit queasy, despite the beauty of the scenery, and you leaned back into your seat, opting instead to watch the high wall of fallen leaves and hillside passing by on the passenger side.
“Just a little bit longer, I promise. The cabin’s just on the other side of the hilltop. You’re going to love the view. Plus it’s got good access to a little lake. The water is always unreasonably cold, but it’s gorgeous,” He said, turning his head only slightly towards you to keep his focus on the road. “Tell ya what, if the old rowboat is still functional, I’ll take you out on it. Tomorrow, after we’ve had some rest.”
You smiled at that, humming acquiescently. The thought of spending time out on the lake with him—spending time out anywhere with him—was wonderful, perfect, of course, though at the moment the only thing you could muster any true enthusiasm for was a long bath and the promise of a comfortable bed. The whole place was probably going to need aired out and dusted off, and while there was a generator Sabo had made it clear that it might need a little TLC before there would be any power. That was fine. If you two needed to spend the first night cooking hotdogs and smores in the fireplace, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
That phrase rattled around in your mind a little, and you shuddered. Sabo glanced at you, before reaching out and flicking the AC down a couple of notches.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. You squeezed his hand tightly, before drawing it up to your lips.
“With you? ‘Course not.” you whispered back.
He smiled, perhaps a little smugly, though that simply made you kiss the back of his hand once again.
When the road had finally meandered off the slope of the mountain you were on, following a little rise into a nestled clearing between peaks, you’d sighed in relief and slumped back in your seat, making Sabo laugh good-naturedly.
“The ride in is a little harrowing the first time, but I promise it’s gonna be worth it,” He’d said, letting go of your hand so he could ruffle it through your hair, and down to rest at the back of your neck, soothing the tense muscles with warm, precise little movements.
You weren’t honestly sure what you’d been expecting the cabin to look like. Vague images of a hunting lodge, of a summer camp bunk house, of a better homes and gardens style airbnb, and Rapunzel’s tower had all made their aimless way across your mind on the way in.
What you found was nothing short of magical. Even in the grey, dreary light of what had turned out to be a drizzly, windy sort of day, the little valley nestled between the peaks still seemed to glimmer with the echos of sun-warmed adventures and youthful secrets. The road you were on petered out into the soft green grass of a charmingly overgrown clearing. The hilltop seemed to cup the clearing like a giant hand, curving trees and bushes and delicate little wildflowers inward towards the cabin, more like the framing of a painting than the work of nature.
The cabin itself was larger than you’d anticipated, but not nearly as campish or dilapidated as Sabo had suggested. Dark old wood comprised both stories of the house, with a wraparound porch and swing visible as you approached, and a balcony on the one upstairs room you could see from this side.
The windows were boarded up, sure, but Sabo had assured you that was standard practice every time he and his brothers left the place for the season. Safer that way in case of storms, and it kept most of the animals from scratching around too much.
“We’ll pull the boards off the windows of the upstairs rooms so we can get a cross-breeze up where we’re gonna sleep. Rest of em we can work through tomorrow. No rush. We’ve got time to settle in.” he said, cheerful despite the situation, as he finally pulled the car to a stop, and killed the engine.
You leaned forward for a moment, taking in the place through the tinted blue of the top of the windshield, before unclipping your seat belt and climbing out of the car at long last. Without the rumble of the engine and the whirring of the AC, the place was even more beautiful. Wind swept through the valley, rustling in the trees, stray leaves twirling and trailing in the wind as they fell.
Sabo climbed out of the car too, leaning against the open driver’s side door to watch you, a gentle smile on his lips.
‘It’ll all be worth it. Even if all that ever came of it was this, it’d be worth it,’ the thought settled across his mind like gossamer silk, his eyes growing dreamy and unfocused, as he drank in the sight of your excitement. You seemed to glow in the gentle light that filtered down through the trees, and he knew in that moment that there was no one in the world more perfect than you. His love, his darling.
He could make you happy here. He would make you happy here. Happy, and safe, and loved. As you deserved.
You almost yelped in startled delight when you lowered your head from observing the trees around you to find Sabo directly by your side, lips quirked up into a grin. It was one of the things you loved about him, one of his many fascinating little quirks, he could be so quiet when he wanted to be. Your high little peal of laughter only widened his grin, and in one swift motion he had you lifted up into his arms, cradled against his chest, nestled into a grip that spoke of unfathomable reverence, and a heat that seemed always to be boiling just inches beneath his skin, a hunger that only ever found satiation in your love, your touch, your pleasure.
You looked up into the face of the man you loved breathlessly, the hint of color and responding heat beginning to touch your cheeks, and he sighed, letting those beautiful cornflower blue eyes of his slip closed, poorly feigning a chiding expression as he leaned forward to press his lips to your forehead.
“I see how it is,” he sighed airily, turning towards the cabin with you as though you weighed nothing at all. “What am I, compared to pretty leaves and a mysterious old cabin~” he intoned, hyperbolically mournful, and you rolled your eyes playfully before turning your head to kiss his chin.
“My guide through the darkness, as always,” you returned, mimicking his feigned mournfulness, though just as the words left your lips, Sabo carried you up onto the creaking old wood of the porch, and into the semi-darkness that came with it. The cloud cover was too heavy to throw off the pal of disuse, and you couldn’t quite manage to suppress the shiver that ran through you. Up close, with its boarded windows and unfamiliar shadows, there was something...ominous, about the place. Sabo stilled for a moment, glancing down at you, his playful expression giving way to concern, and something like remorse, as he set you gently onto your feet again.
“Nobody’s been out here in a couple years,” He squeezed your shoulders softly, rhythmically, before pulling you forward into a hug. “That’s all it is. There’s no way that anythi—that anyone would even know to come out this way beyond Ace and Luffy, and they’re out of state. You know that,” his voice was so even, so reasonable, and when he pulled back just far enough to rest his forehead against yours you sighed, and nodded.
“Whatever’s happening out there, it can’t get to us here. I’ll keep you safe.”
You sighed, leaning in to kiss him, and as he stroked your cheek and let you sink into his warmth, you willed the worry to subside, at least a little.
“Yeah,” you whispered, and he nodded with a soft sigh before turning his attention back towards the task at hand.
He seemed to ponder the boarded up door for a moment, brows furrowing thoughtfully. If you hadn’t known him so well, you might have wondered whether you were locked out...but after a moment of “contemplation,” Sabo tilted his head down towards you, and winked.
“We always board everything up when we leave...except the front door. Watch,” Sabo leaned forward, running his fingertips along the outside of the door frame until something gave way with a small click. Without bothering with the visible lock and seemingly independently of the doorknob, the entire boarded up apparatus swung open a couple of inches, and Sabo pulled it open the rest of the way with a flourish.
“Is it...fake?” you asked, reaching out to touch the camouflaged button he had pressed, watching the simple release mechanism punch outwards curiously.
“False front door,” Sabo replied proudly, almost excitedly, as he ran his palm down the old wood. “One of the few good ideas Luffy’s grandfather ever had. The actual front door is on the lakeside of the house. This way, even if someone did somehow manage to approach from the road, all they’d see is what looked like a boarded up old house.”
Something about that felt a little odd. Why would such a decoy be necessary in general, let alone for a place as secluded as this? But beyond what sounded like an old man’s paranoia, you couldn’t quite place why it struck you so strangely, nor did you have time to properly contemplate it, as Sabo was moving ahead of you into the house, striding confidently into the gloom.
You hesitated in the doorway, still gripped by that odd sense of foreboding; distantly, the sound of thunder began to roll through the hills, and it might as well have been night for all the grey light did to illuminate the interior of the cabin. Little slits of feeble light peeped out from impossibly far back in the space, and you noticed, once the rumbling of thunder died down, that the cabin had fallen quite silent. You couldn’t hear the sound of Sabo’s boots on the wooden floor, nor any of his usual stream of cheerful commentary.
It was as though the house had simply swallowed him whole.
Behind you, the wind seemed to be slowly picking up in intensity again, carrying the distant rolling thunder closer. Fat droplets of rain began to plop down through the trees, into the grass, hitting the windshield with intermittent but purposeful force.
The anxiety of the previous night began to creep up the back of your neck again, adrenaline pooling in your lungs as cool as rainwater.
Pat. Pat. Splat.
You’d been dead asleep when it started. The crash of glass had jarred you awake, the sound of screaming shortly after like nothing you’d ever heard. High and ragged and inhuman, like someone burning, like agony and rage and consumption tearing insufficient human vocal cords raw in punishment for attempting to express a pain and hatred so vast.
The sound had frozen you to your core, welding your joints in place, leaving you trapped and horrified in what had only moments before been one of the safest places in your world. There was a moment of quiet, punctuated by gasping, sickened breathing, by the steady pattering of something thick and wet falling to the floor of your bedroom. Shambling steps cracked the glass that littered the floor, erratic, listless...and this time, when that primal shriek ripped through the nauseating silence, you jolted beneath your sheets. Just barely. Just enough.
Something heavy had pressed down on the end of the bed, so close to your frozen legs that any further movement would have brought you into contact instantly. The thick, wet liquid dripped against the blankets as the unseen thing made its unsteady way up towards the headboard where you lay and it stank, rot and decay flooding your nostrils, turning your stomach almost enough to make you retch--
If it hadn’t been for Sabo, if he’d taken even a second longer, if he hadn’t dropped his water glass to shatter in the sink and flown down the hallway like a man possessed, it might have touched you. It might have dribbled that foul bile onto your face, into your mouth, and you would have screamed...you were sure you would have died. But as it was, you never saw it. Mercifully, you never saw it.
The weight had lifted from the bed the second your bedroom door had crashed open, and though you still hadn’t quite been able to make yourself move you heard it, Sabo’s fury and something that sounded suspiciously like metal as it sang through the air, only to crash into the thing with a sickening crack.
When he’d pulled you out of bed, he’d faced you away from the thing. From the mess you were sure must lay just beside where you’d been sleeping. The second he had you standing, the same spell that had frozen you sent you spinning into action, and he followed your lead. The two of you had grabbed what was easiest, throwing food and ice into a cooler, grabbing the first aid kit you usually kept for camping excursions, and you’d been in the car and out onto the road without evening looking back.
If it hadn’t been for several overturned cars, for several houses that stood like guttered ghosts with gaping eyes of broken glass, for the smoke that rose and billowed in the direction of town, it might have seemed like a normal night.
Sabo had turned on the radio only long enough to confirm that they were in range of nothing but the emergency broadcast system. Other than that one set of lonely taillights, you might have been the only two people left on--
All at once, the cabin lighting sprang to life, startling you from your reverie in a moment of mingled relief and panic. The warm orange glow of welcoming old lights filled the previously menacing space, and faintly over the sound of the rising storm, the labored rumbling of the generator could be heard.
“Looks like Ace actually left the thing topped off last time he was here, but we can still cook out in the fireplace if you w—” Sabo jogged back into view from where he’d disappeared—either to the basement or the back of the house—but his triumphant tone sagged into worried silence when he found you, ashen, still standing in the open doorway where he’d left you.
“I’m okay,” you said, though your voice wavered unconvincingly. A gust of wind splattered the steady drizzling rain against the back of your neck and this time you did jump, before stepping over the threshold and closing the door a bit harder than you’d intended.
“I’m okay.” You said again, more an order for your own frightened heart than a reassurance for your fiance, but he stepped forward anyway and pulled you into his arms again.
“We’re okay,” Sabo replied.
You breathed deeply into the warmth of his chest, and believed him.
That first day passed in a near constant stream of activity that kept your mind thankfully occupied, either by the seemingly endless stream of maintenance tasks the cabin seemed to need, or the loving, doting, and supportive attentions of your lover.
The storm that had blown in had made getting the windows unboarded and opened untenable, but the downstairs bathroom hadn’t required much to get to a usable state, and with the boiler kindly willing to acquiesce to your request to light, you’d been able to share a hot bath before changing into your set of spare clothes.
By the time you were nestled down in the sea of blankets Sabo had pulled out of their vacuum-sealed prisons and roasting hot dogs in the fireplace, the memory of the night before had slunk back into the recesses of your mind again, like the dregs of a bad dream. Sabo had said something about the storm likely interfering with the radio, and that he’d try to get it working once it had blown over.
You hadn’t argued. Eventually, you knew, you would have to open those floodgates, to see how bad things were...but if you had to wait another night to make it real, that was okay.
When your lover had rolled you gently onto your back in that sea of blankets, in the warmth of the dying fire and the storm raging outside, you had opened beneath him like a flower. He’d made short work of the boxers you’d borrowed, of the t-shirt which had been your only quick option during your flight.
The warmth of his hands as they cradled you to him, as they lifted your hips onto the improvised cushions and angled your body into a comfortable position, burned away, at least for the moment, any worries for the world outside.
Instead you sank into the sight of him, into the way the firelight seemed to dance across every inch of soft skin, every furrow of relaxed muscle, entranced by the way his belly contracted as he shimmied out of his pajama pants.
“Beautiful,” You’d whispered, as you opened your arms to him, following the familiar lines of muscle up over his shoulders to clasp around him, to close the gap between you that kept his warmth so cruelly from you.
“Not like you, love,” Sabo sighed softly, reverently, stifling any possible retort as he licked into your mouth at last, lapping over your tongue, tasting you as much as kissing you until any breath, any thought but desire for him, had been consumed.
Sabo had always been ravenous, had always run you up against the limits of what you thought you could take with, and though he was as gentle and supportive of your pleasure as he was of all aspects of your life, there was always that glimmer. That glint in his eye that suggested he would always need one more, one more from you, to ever properly be sated.
That night, with the outside world denied entry and the distractions of your previous life distant and moot, he was like a man possessed.
Even as the kiss left you gasping, wanting, he’d trailed lower, suckling marks into your throat that would take days to fade, lapping and soothing over each one as though determined to taste every inch of you.
“You know I’d give you all of me...everything I am,” his voice, usually so smooth and even and honey-sweet, came out raw and low, more a sensation against the peak of your nipple than voice before he closed his mouth around the bud, swirling it with his tongue as a promise of pleasure to come. Warmth blossomed through your body and when you whined softly in response, body flexing as you arched your back to press more of yourself into his mouth, he obliged in earnest, his palm sliding between your shoulderblades and lifting you like you weighed nothing at all.
Under any other circumstance he might have teased you. Might have made you ask, might have made you use your words, but the patience required had fled him. He kissed across your chest, watching the way your eyes fluttered, the way you flushed and writhed at his touch, and simply could not imagine a world where making you wait could be worth it. At least, not today.
This time, when he closed his mouth over the sensitive peak of your nipple, the fingers of his free hand trailed lower, soothing over your belly, calming your writhing body down even as he worked his teeth into the tender flesh there. This time when you cried out, he moaned sympathetically in return, as though the sudden surge of pleasure had rushed straight from your nerves into his, though he did nothing to lessen the intensity, the sympathetic noise turning into a low groan of need as his fingers dipped lower still, stroking the slick building between your thighs gently.
“Sabo, please,” your voice, thick and heavy with need, with a desperation much bigger than the moment, snapped his gaze towards yours for a moment.
“I know, I know,” he’d whispered, burying the quirk of his lips between your breasts, down your belly, nestling momentarily in the tuft of hair just above where you needed him most. “Gotta get you ready, darling, I—”
Rather than finishing the thought, rather than giving you the opportunity to thrash or beg him further, Sabo had dipped his tongue between your lips, watching you with hazy eyes as the taste of you flooded his senses. He teased the hood of your clit with the tip of his tongue, barely swiping over it in little circles before dipping lower, kissing between your legs, licking and suckling you open.
By the time he’d lifted his head again, chin slick with the evidence of your need, you almost felt hysterical. He watched in mesmerized pride as your clit twitched like a second heartbeat, swollen almost entirely out from under its hood, though only for a moment before finally giving you what you needed. The sound you made when he’d closed his lips around your desperate nub had almost sounded wounded, and Sabo had smoothed his palms up the backs of your thighs, tapping them wordlessly to get you to hold them while he drove you towards your peak.
It took almost nothing for the first orgasm to take you, racing up and crashing against your clit with every swirled beat of his tongue, though he’d given you only a moment to revel in it before slicking two fingers into your spasming cunt. He knew your body better than his own, knew where the little spot inside you was that made you growl and thrash in his arms like a thing wild, and he grinned against your core as your breathlessness gave way to a wail of pleasure that might almost have contained his name.
He didn’t let you rest. The pleasure of the first orgasm never quite ebbed enough to end as he dragged you through the pleasure up, up towards another peak. You were burning in his arms, beneath his mouth, molten desire stripped of more complex concerns, and he hadn’t even filled you yet.
“M’ready, I’m ready, S—aaa, Sabo please, plee-eeeaaa,” your pleas dissolved into another wordless groan as the pleasure began to crest again; this time when you came, your back arched so sharply that it practically lifted off the floor, your legs falling open at your sides as sense momentarily left you, displaced by the sensitive ecstasy he had driven into you.
You’d looked down then, vision hazy and eyes half-lidded through a cloud of bliss, and the small part of your mind still capable of thought expected to see him pulling away, getting to his knees, surely, surely you were wet enough now, pliant enough now...but the gaze that met yours from where your lover still lay between your legs seemed almost maddened with lust. At some point in the fog of your pleasure he had moved, knees spread out in a low crouch, and despite your previous two orgasms arousal twisted low in your guts as you realized he was rutting himself against the blankets beneath him, mindlessly soothing his own need while he drank from yours.
“Awww, I felt that, baby,” he whispered against you, grinning positively lethally in the firelight as you clenched and dribbled around his fingers. “Do you like that? Do you like knowing what you do to me, my love? How desperate you make me?” his voice was low, almost teasing despite all, as he rutted his hips against the blankets in quiet demonstration.
“Yes...fuck, yes,” you hadn’t bothered to hide it, he knew, and even if he didn’t, it wasn’t like your body was capable of covering for your lie. Sabo kissed the inside of your thigh in appreciation, though that hunger seemed to rise in him again when he slicked his fingers out of you only to watch your hole flutter around nothing.
Part of him wanted to simply dive back down into you, to slick his tongue in as deeply as he could and drink until he was full...but that would have been selfish. And besides...he had all the time in the world now worship at the altar of your thighs.
Gently, carefully, Sabo shifted his weight, sitting up on his knees properly again. He rested his cock, swollen and red and leaking, along the entire length of your slit as he leaned over your, taking his weight on one splayed palm so that he could lean down over you, nuzzling his forehead against yours. Beneath all that ferocious hunger, he loved you so, and the warmth that spread through his chest at the way you lifted your watery eyes to meet his almost quelled the need scrabbling between his ribs.
He allowed you one last moment to breathe, enjoying the way you rolled your hips against his as he rutted the head of his cock against your clit once, twice, and then he was guiding himself lower, slick with your own pleasure and his slick as he rocked himself forward, fucking himself just barely through the spasming ring of your opening. The heat of you nearly knocked him senseless, and the mingled cry of desperate pleasure and relief was so mutual that there was no way to tell where your voice stopped and his started. His hips stuttered, pleasure surging through him at even this shallow connection, and he only managed to pull himself partially out of you before plunging back down, this time to the hilt.
Whether it was the terror that had driven you here, or the desperation for the normalcy of this intimacy, you might never know, but you would have sworn in that moment that you’d never felt so full in your entire life. Sabo gasped again, the sound sending rippling shocks of pleasure out from where you were connected, grinding himself in deeper still, fucking little spurts of precum against your cervix. When he kissed you it was so soft as to be jarring; a tender lament for what was to come.
Carefully, purposefully, Sabo moved you, unhooking the leg you had wrapped around his waist on instinct so that he could drape your knees over his elbows. Palms splayed against the makeshift bed as he held you open, letting you feel the way he pulsed and twitched inside you as he pulled halfway out, and fucked down in again, angling his hips to rut over the spot he’d been worrying with his fingertips before.
“Breathe for me, love,” he whispered, tone almost cloyingly sympathetic as he drove his hips downwards, patience finally slipping away as he took you in deep, rough strokes.
The instruction did nothing to stop the way the pleasure rushed into you again, leaving no room for air, for thoughts, for intention. Your eyes rolled back, and Sabo suckled your tongue into his mouth, toying with it the way he had your clit even as he ground his hips down to scrub against the little nub in turn.
You were going to cum again, he was going to make you cum again, and you babbled incoherencies against his tongue as that familiar feeling began to twist and tighten inside you again.
“That’s it darling, that’s it. Perfect love, gorgeous, do it for me, I know you can,” he panted against your lips, and you could feel it too, the way he was swelling inside you, the way his hips were starting to stutter and twitch.
You wanted him to feel good, needed him to follow you over the edge this time, and you knew he knew, somehow, knew he could tell what you wanted like he was living inside your head with you. Some distant part of you wondered if he was. If that would really be so bad.
With a last push of coordination Sabo wedged his hand between your bodies, fingers finding your clit and pressing down against it, rubbing neat, almost vicious circles, and you were gone, that final orgasm chasing away any sense that wasn’t the pleasure he fucked down into you. The all-consuming heat of it stole his breath too, and it was all he could do to rut you through it before he had to bury himself in you, teeth clenched and cock twitching as he filled you with hot, thick spasms of his pleasure.
Time seemed to trickle by, thick and slow as the heat between you as you both tried to settle back into reality. Love seemed to cradle you in all directions as Sabo murmured to you, gentle praise and careful check-ins melding together in your mind into a comforting static of safety.
You weren’t sure when sleep took you, only that when it did it was to the feeling of your lover’s lips against yours, and the soft slickness of his cock softening out of you. Bliss.
It almost felt like a honeymoon, despite the circumstances. That first week had been a whirlwind of activities, interspersed with spontaneous, increasingly intense lovemaking that left you dizzied, but satisfied and contented.
Sabo had always been an early riser, and you often found that by the time you joined him—at the oh-so-late hour of 9ish every morning—he had completed some new battery of tasks that left the day open for less strenuous maintenance, or walks down by the lake, or a bonfire in what turned out to be a very lovely firepit in the back yard.
If it hadn’t been for what had driven you from your home to begin with, you might have been content to simply let yourself fall into the routine he had set up for the two of you. Sabo certainly seemed devoted to keeping your mind off things—he hated to see you worry, hated the idea of you ever having to feel frightened—and had it not been for the issue of the radio, you might have settled into this new life without terribly much regard.
Sabo had always been, as far as you knew, an open book with you. Even when you’d just started dating, even when your relationship was fresh and tentative and new, he had always answered your questions honestly, had prioritized open communication and honesty as a core tenet of your life together.
So it concerned you when, after a week of trying to get signal, Sabo had outright refused to let you into the radio room to give it a try.
You’d thought he was joking at first, had laughed and tried to brush past him, but he’d taken your hand and spun you into a little dip, dancing you away towards the stairs that led down to the loft room you’d taken up residence in.
“It’s kinda...unsafe in there, to be honest,” he’d said, when it was clear that simply kissing you wasn’t going to put the conversation to bed.
“What do you mean ‘unsafe,’” you’d asked skeptically, the corners of your lips still upturned in a grin despite all, half-convinced this was all one of his jokes, though the good humor had started to melt back towards confusion and concern when his expression didn’t give.
For a long moment, Sabo didn’t answer. Instead he chewed on the inside of his cheek, eyes unfocused, and something in your stomach started to churn.
“Did you hear something?” you asked quietly. Sabo shook his head firmly.
“No no, nothing like that, it’s just. The only room in the cabin that’s not really finished.” He paused again, like he was trying to choose his words carefully, and when he met your gaze again there was something mournful, a little, in the blues of his eyes.
“Luffy’s grandfather set that room up in case of...emergencies. We weren’t even allowed to go into it while he was still alive, none of us had seen it until the deed to the place passed to us with his will. It’s just…” another short pause, and then. “It’s...boobytrapped. Kind of.”
There was a slight pause. Part of you had been tempted to laugh at the suggestion, vague images of Roadrunner and Wil E. Coyote running through your mind, but something in his expression stopped you from doing so.
“What kind of boobytraps…” you asked carefully, rubbing his arms with your palms. Sabo just shook his head.
“Luffy’s grandfather...Garp...got a little paranoid towards the end. He was sure Ace’s biological father was going to show up, that he needed to be ready for some kind of an attack…”
“Was he not on good terms with Ace’s father?” You asked quietly.
“No idea, we never knew him. By the time Garp started talking about this, Ace’s dad had been dead for nearly 20 years.”
Whatever concern or confusion had settled into your heart began to give way to sadness. Sabo’s eyes slid away from yours for a moment before he leaned forward to kiss your forehead.
“I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you, but the guy’s ex-military, special forces, we only figured out there was anything wrong with the room because Luffy stepped on a loose board and almost lost his foot to some kind of wire trap set into the space beneath it.”
You sighed heavily, glancing warily over his shoulder to where the door to the radio room stood partially ajar.
“Sorry baby, I shouldn’t have pressed,” you started, but Sabo shushed you, pulling you into his arms and rocking you gently.
“Nothing to be sorry for, I’d have been curious too! It’s just...tough to talk about. I’ve got it mostly mapped out in there, but I’d die if you got hurt, and it seems safe to assume there probably aren’t...hospitals. To take you to, in any event.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, and nodded, and for a time you let the radio room and its mysteries slip out of your mind. If he caught a signal, you knew he would tell you, and until then...it seemed reasonable to give the room a wide berth.
The real trouble started when your hastily gathered supplies began to ran low. Clothes weren’t really an issue, the cabin had a washer and a line to dry things on, and enough dry detergent to last the next 20 years, but the food had began to dwindle after the third day, and while the lake seemed to be well stocked with fish, running it dry didn’t make a lot of sense.
Hunting wasn’t an option, neither of you were particularly proficient with firearms, and the idea of killing and gutting anything bigger than a fish turned you both off immensely...which left only one real option.
“I’m going to make a run into town—”
“We’re going to make a run into town—”
“There’s one just about a half hour away back up the main road, and I’ll be back before you can even miss me,” Sabo said, kissing your forehead and then your nose despite the fact that you had crossed your arms rather tightly against your chest and were refusing to budge.
He sighed. You arched your eyebrows and stared at him, waiting.
“Do you think I’m not capable of putting canned food in a shopping cart?” you asked dryly.
Sabo scrubbed a hand over his face, looking helpless. “Of course not, this has nothing to do with competency or ability,” he said evenly, though that mournful look at begun to creep its way into his eyes again.
“Okay. Then help me understand. This is basic horror movie rules, Sabo, don’t split the group, don’t send people off on their own. How do I keep in contact with you with no phones, what if the car breaks down, what if you d—” you stop yourself, wincing, irritated at the tears prickling the edges of your eyes.
Gently, patiently, Sabo pried your arms apart, rubbing and relaxing the muscles until you went limp enough for him to take your hands.
“I’m going to come back. I know it’s horror movie rules, but another horror movie rule is to not leave home base unattended, right?” he asked, kissing the backs of both your hands. You scowled up at him, though the expression was somewhat dampened when you leaned forward to gently bonk his forehead with yours. He laughed, the chiming sound of it wriggling stubbornly into your heart, and you sighed.
“Okay...next time I’m going though. We’ll trade off. Deal?” You asked.
Sabo linked his pinky with yours. “I’ll even bring back walkie-talkie’s, there’s a hunting store in town that ought to have decently long range ones.”
You nodded, placated for the time being, though it made you queasy with anxiety to watch him pulling away from your little safe haven, even moreso to watch the way the little car seemed to vanish into the foliage like it had never been there at all.
Sabo felt it too, nausea churning in his stomach as he pulled away. He knew you’d be safe this far out, but leaving you behind felt awful.
Lying to you felt awful, too. You were so good, so loving, so trusting, and it broke his heart to have to not be honest with you...but it was only for a little while longer. Routine cured a great many ills, and once he had everything settled, your life together would be secure. Unshakable.
Just a little while longer.
It had been eerie, a little, that first time, walking back up into the cabin alone. Not quite so ominous as the very first day, but the silence of it was unsettling. Without the semi-constant flow of conversation with your lover, or the sound of hammering, or the promise of outdoor activities, the reality of your situation...of, potentially, the world’s situation...began to creep in at the corners again.
Sabo had made fairly quick work of...whatever the creature had been, that was sure, but he had taken it by surprise. And there had only been one.
What if they moved in groups? What if only some of them were shambling and loud and slow like that that? What if—
You shut the thoughts down, slapping your hands gently against your cheeks until the mental noise started to subside. If you were going to be functional through this, you were going to have to learn to adapt...and to trust the man you loved to keep his promises.
He would come back to you, car loaded with enough soup to make you sick of the prospect, and everything would be fine.
For a moment you had simply stood in the middle of the livingroom, looking around the space thoughtfully. Most of the actually necessary maintenance had been done by now, the only rooms still boarded were ones where the glass had been damaged somewhat, whether by the storm or disuse.
You’d found so many bed linens and vacuum-sealed bags of clothes you’d both wondered how many people Garp had actually intended to have stay at the cabin, despite Sabo’s assurances that to his knowledge he, Luffy, Ace, and the old man had been the only ones he’d ever seen there.
Still, there were two floors and a basement full of closets and storage that it would hurt nothing to sort through, and so you set about that task. In a blind stroke of luck, the first closet you’d gone through in one of the side rooms on the first floor had contained a record player, and five boxes worth of old vinyls. That, at least, was something, and you had chased the eerie silence out of the cabin with The Eagles and Steely Dan while you worked.
By the time Sabo came back—almost exactly an hour and a half on the dot—you had cleaned out several shelves worth of vinyls, card games, and board games, and were feeling in considerably better spirits.
Your lover had laughed when he’d come in to find you sitting in a sea of old school entertainment, blasting classic rock, and you’d dashed up into his arms, kissing him thoroughly once you’d checked to make sure he wasn’t injured.
“Not a hair out of place, just like a promised,” he’d said, cradling your cheeks to kiss you back for a moment before reaching around you to turn the record player off. You’d gone out with him then to find a pretty impressive haul. Canned food, a better can-opener than the rusty old one in the kitchen, what looked like bulk boxes of jerky and dried meats from what was likely backstock, dried beans, rice, a rice cooker, snacks, a much nicer first aid kit, and, as promised, two long range walkie-talkies.
“This should hold us for a month if we’re careful with it, and fish at least once a week,” he said. You blinked up at him.
“Sabo I’m reasonably sure there’s enough soup and rice here to last us to Christmas if we had to ration,” you said, looking at all of it. Nothing was in bags, as though he had hastily loaded everything he could grab into carts and dumped it into the car.
Silence stretched between you for a long moment.
“How bad was it,” you asked quietly, watching his expression carefully.
Sabo exhaled, long and slow. “Not as bad as it could have been, maybe. Mostly it looks like people just evacuated, there’s a lot of places to hide in the mountains, but…” he worried the inside of his cheek for a moment, and ran his hand through his hair. “There were a lot of places that looked...damaged. Windows smashed in, a couple of places looked burned out. I didn’t...see anything. Anyone. But there was blood. In too many places to just have been an accident, I fear.”
Wind swept through the clearing, rustling through the trees, and a small part of your new reality began to settle over the pair of you at last. There was plenty of what had been to scavenge...but it did not seem as though there was anything to go back to.
“If things are that bad all the way out here, then the cities…” you trailed off, eyes focused a little too heavily on a can of chicken soup.
“I don’t know. I don’t know,” Sabo sighed. “Only thing we can do is stick it out here, and keep trying to find something on the radio.” He paused for a moment before leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder. “Hey, at least we don’t have to worry about paying off those student loans anymore,” he said, kissing your cheek, and despite all you laughed just a little.
“That is one of the perks of the apocalypse. No rent either, credit scores are dead…” you said, glancing up at him with the tiniest grin before tugging him back towards the house.
“At least we’re together,” you added, and he beamed.
“At least we’re together.”
It took both of you, a bed sheet, and three trips to get everything he’d packed into the car in the house, and another hour spent organizing the kitchen into a well stocked and usable resource.
As you’d curled up together to sleep that night, you resolved to set what was out of your mind. There would be time to grieve...forever, perhaps, to grieve...but the first priority had to be keeping each other safe, and your spirits high. All you’d ever really had before was each other, at least on a daily basis, and you could do worse in the nebulous end of the world than having the love of your life by your side.
Sleep took you more easily, and when thunder rolled and rumbled through your little valley, nestled warmly in Sabo’s arms, you didn’t even stir.
Months passed, late summer blend into fall bled into early winter, and you and Sabo had fallen mostly into a comfortable routine.
Intermittently, perhaps a handful of times, Sabo had managed to raise someone on the radio. The people he contacted seemed healthy, sometimes scared, but nobody he spoke to seemed to know any more than they did. Occasionally, one of them would be willing to share their approximate location, but according to Sabo this part of the country had never been particularly trusting of strangers at the best of times, and he wasn’t terribly surprised most people didn’t want to give up their safe havens.
The people you did get information out of went up on a map you two had set up. While mostly people wouldn’t tell where they were, they were willing to share info about towns nearby, about the accessibility of supplies, and the levels of...activity that they’d seen.
It had been decided, after a week’s worth of debating back and forth, that given what appeared to be an increasing amount of activity, and given that Sabo was vastly more familiar with this area of the state than you were, that he would do the supply runs. They were few and far between, provided that he found well-enough stocked stores, and with the compromise that he go as early as possible, so that he wasn’t running around in broad daylight for...whatever might be there to see, you had eventually acquiesced.
The cabin was remote, but there was logic to keeping it locked and guarded with at least one occupant, as whatever this new world’s creatures were, they weren’t the only possible dangers that might crop up. While neither of you liked it, on the second big supply run Sabo had returned home with a rifle.
“You don’t have to use it, but I’d feel a lot better if you at least had it.” He’d explained, as you’d looked the thing over on the front lawn, frowning.
The idea of someone just stumbling onto your little refuge seemed extremely unlikely...but so had the world ending on a random Tuesday evening in August, previously. While you’d been mostly opposed in your previous life, it would have been silly to deny the ambient protection having the thing around provided. In the end, you’d agreed to keep it by the front door for emergencies during the day, and by your bedroom door for emergencies at night, and that had been the end of it.
All-in-all, you felt that the two of you were doing pretty well, all things considered. The cabin was comfortable and well-secured, you’d worked out a supply-running system that seemed to be keeping Sabo safe, and while the other people he’d found weren’t...accessible...knowing that the two of you weren’t the only people who had made it out, at least within range of the radio, was comforting enough to keep you both in good spirits.
For better or worse, everything seemed...perfect.
Which was why, when you were sorting through the most recent supply haul, trying to get all the consumables sorted from the toiletries and such, you weren’t exactly sure what to make of the slip of paper.
You’d almost thrown it away without thinking, eyes glazing over it when it dropped from between two bottles of shampoo, but just before it slipped out of your fingers and your mind entirely, you paused. Froze, rather, in the middle of the movement, and turned the paper over to look at it.
It was a receipt. It had been folded up and in on itself multiple times, long enough, perhaps, to accommodate the long list of supplies currently spread out at your feet.
Something acrid and metallic felt like it was creeping up your windpipe. Quickly, you had poked your head around the corner to check where Sabo was, only to find him chopping wood in the back yard, his breath clouded around his face in the cool winter air.
You watched him, your great love, until he looked up and smiled. You smiled back, and laughed a little when he blew you a kiss before going back to work.
You looked at him, and at the folded piece of paper on the counter, then back at him.
Maybe it was old. Neither of you had been the most fastidious people alive in the times before, perhaps this was simply from a long past shopping trip. Maybe it was from CVS, maybe that’s why it appeared to be several feet long.
That horrible, cold feeling lingered in your chest, though. Part of you wanted to look at it, if only to confirm that you were being ridiculous. Part of you felt like looking at it was a betrayal, was suggesting that you didn’t trust the love of your life.
Part of your mind began to turn over the radio room again, the fact that he was the only one leaving the clearing, that you hadn’t seen any part of the outside world beyond the lake and trails and grounds of the cabin in months.
It was absurd. A terrible train of thought. The manifestation of deferred grief, trying one last time to reason its way out of the end of your old life. You took a deep breath before picking up the piece of paper, determined to simply throw it away and be done, but the door opened just as you were about to let it go. On instinct, terrified for reasons you couldn’t imagine naming, you had stuffed it into your pocket instead, grabbing a jar of peanut butter and plastering on a grin just as Sabo came around the corner into the kitchen.
He paused for a moment at the sight of you, brows knitting together curiously as he approached you.
“You alright darling? You look a little pale,” he said, though he still stuffed his chilly fingers under your shirt, making you jump and laugh.
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, a little breathlessly, as you forewent the peanut butter in favor of warming him in your arms. “Just trying to get everything edible sorted out from cleaning stuff and meds, I think I’m just hungry,” you said bracingly, and he visibly relaxed.
“Tell ya what, let���s have a bath, and then I’ll get the stove going so we can make dinner, there’s enough wood chopped up to last us through the week I think,” he said, kissing your lips, your forehead, your nose.
You sighed contentedly, leaning into his affections with a nod. “Sounds perfect ‘Bo,” you said, and he grinned before popping off to run the water.
You stood there for a moment, fingertips brushing the outline of the receipt in your pocket, before calling out to Sabo that you were going to grab you both some fresh clothes and then you’d be in to join him. He acquiesced airily, easily, and you dashed upstairs, guilt and fear clawing at your throat.
You hated lying to him. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had. You stashed the crumpled receipt inside your pillowcase, before grabbing the promised clothes to bring down to him.
Next time he left, you’d look. It would be nothing, he’d laugh it off or console you for the misunderstanding...it would be nothing. You had no reason in the world to suspect him—objectively, the world’s most perfect partner—of anything at all. Let alone whatever your paranoid little mammal brain seemed to be trying to put together here.
When you reappeared with comfortable clothes and sank down into the bath with him, he held you tightly, washed your hair, your back, drained the water and refilled it when it started to cool, and made tender, gentle love to you until the water had half sloshed out and you were both laughing and sated.
‘Stupid,’ you’d thought dreamily, sleepily, as your fingers brushed the receipt later, tucked into bed and warm and safe.
‘I’ll just throw it away in the morning,’ you promised silently, as Sabo’s arms drew you into sleep.
But you didn’t though.
You kept it on you, somewhere, at all times. A strange, cursed talisman, unopened and dangerous, Schrödinger’s evidence of something unformed and unfathomable that you couldn’t bring yourself to define.
The winter holidays came and went, a New Year passed, to be spent fully in the new world you’d come to accept. The folded, worn piece of paper burned a hole in your pocket until finally, towards the end of January, supplies had dwindled low enough that Sabo announced he would be going on another run.
If he noticed your tension, or the way you seemed to hover and linger around him while he mapped out the route, he seemed to attribute it to nerves. Which wasn’t entirely an inaccurate, made it feel at least a little less like lying when you wrapped your arms around him and made him promise, as always, to come back to you safely.
Sabo watched you in the rearview mirror as he drove away, watched the little wave you raised as he trundled onto the path...and watched you disappear into the house before he’d made it fully into the trees.
Something was wrong. Like a miasma wafting through the air, nebulous, maddening, something had been wrong for weeks now.
It wasn’t always, of course, it wasn’t even often...but it was enough. Every now and again he’d catch you staring into space, eyes furrowed, worrying at the seams of your pants like you were trying not to be sick.
You never flinched away when he reached for you in those moments, always sank into the comfort of his touch...but you wouldn’t talk about it, either. At first, he’d been willing to brush it off as grief; your whole life, your whole world had changed, outside of your relationship with him. It was only natural that, eventually, that that wound would need tended to.
It was the little moments of fear that he couldn’t quite place, that unsettled him the most. Sometimes he would walk into the room and you would jump, startled; you always laughed it off as a moment of inattention, but even minutes later that haunted look would still be there, glimmering in the depths of your eyes…
He hated it. He hated that something was frightening you...and he hated that he couldn’t figure out what it was. He’d made sure everything here was as perfect, as comfortable, as safe and quiet and enjoyable as he possibly could. You had routine, you had fresh air, good food, books and games and music and—not to be forward—as many orgasms as he could give you in a given night.
Everything was perfect. So what had changed? What was different now, that hadn’t been there before?
Sabo pulled to a stop at the opening of the little side road, staring at the depression on the other side of the road for a moment before picking up the walkie-talkie.
“Eagle 1 to Kid Gorgeous, you there baby?” Sabo called casually into the receiver, and waited.
And waited. And waited.
He frowned, his heartbeat starting to falter, to race.
Something was wrong.
You’d never taken this long to answer, not since the first time when you’d accidentally gotten on different channels. Sabo pulled out onto the street wide, pulling back around to head back to the house, when the receiver crackled to life. He stopped dead in the street in his haste to answer it.
“Sorry, sorry hon, Kid Gorgeous was an idiot and dropped the pitcher of iced tea on the floor,” your voice settled over his frightened heart like balm on a wound, and he sighed, almost laughing before pressing the button down to answer you.
“Eagle One’s sorry to hear that, do you need me to come back and take care of the glass?”
“No, no, nothing here broken but a pitcher and my pride. Hopefully they’ve got another one where you’re headed.”
Sabo sighed, willing himself down out of panic mode, and put the car in drive, turning back onto the road again. “Roger that. I love you.”
“I love you, too, ‘Bo.”
With a deep breath, he set the receiver down in the cupholder, and willed himself to let the paranoia go.
If there was something wrong, you’d deal with it together. He had to trust you, he had to, or this was never going to work.
Sabo had been gone for maybe an hour by the time you collapsed onto the livingroom couch, annoyed with yourself and sweaty in the heat of the cabin despite the chill outside.
Part of you just wanted to take a shower and lay down, sleep through the empty hours until your lover returned. This time he was going on a run a couple little towns over, having mostly exhausted anything useful from the tiny town you’d been taking things from so far.
Your bed was comfortable, and so inviting after cleaning up glass and spilled tea and feeling very silly indeed...but the receipt was also up there, burning a hole in the innocent linen of your pillowcase.
Unwilling to go up there and face it, even for the reward of a nap, you had picked yourself up, resolved to grab a granola bar and head to the back of the cabin, to start going through the larger storage closet and its contents.
This little organization project had become something of a personal challenge for you, and Sabo had respected it, sitting with you while you worked on it sometimes, but largely leaving it to you. It was nice to have something to be working on ongoingly, nice to have something to do beyond just tidying up and listening to music when you were guarding the fort.
In hindsight, it was a little funny that the one truly unattended thing you were allowed to do here was what unraveled the entire facade.
The back bedroom seemed to have been Sabo’s youngest brother’s bedroom from when he was a child. The bed was covered over with protective covering still—as presumably Luffy had chosen a different room in the oddly cavernous cabin when he’d gotten older—the walls adorned with posters about different insects, the jungle-themed wallpaper adding a little extra fun and whimsy to what appeared to be a large collection of toys, action figures, and little pirate ships along the dressers.
You smiled fondly, but mostly left those things alone, determined instead to make the closet accessible, and to see if there was anything they might find useful inside.
It had occurred to you to ask, early on in your time here, whether Sabo’s brothers might try to find the cabin themselves. Sabo had looked hopeful for a moment, though his expression had quickly turned thoughtful.
“Lu’s off working on that nature preserve, and Ace is out there working with some of his buddies with the firewatch again,” he had said, smiling, if perhaps a little sadly. “They’re way out west...and while Ace has his Jeep, I don’t know that they’d risk such a long ride back. At least not until...or if...this craziness starts to die down.”
And that had made sense. It saddened you that Sabo might be out of range of his brothers for quite a long time, but neither of you had a solution for it, and so, like so many other things, you had simply learned to let it go.
You’d mostly been going through the boxes on autopilot, letting your tired mind drift while you went through what looked like children’s toys, books about beetles, old boxes with parts of expired experiments, a very dead chia pet...but you stopped when, at the bottom of the third box, a hand-crank radio slid into view.
It was pristine, despite how long it had likely sat buried underneath other toys and the remnants of childhood adventures past. You pulled it out of the bottom of the box, and for a long time you just...stared at it.
You glanced up at the ceiling, up towards the vague direction of the radio room that you’d never entered, towards the radio that was your only link to the outside world, the one thing in the house you’d effectively been forbidden to tamper with.
“It’s just a toy...it probably doesn’t have enough range to pick anything but the emergency broadcast system up,” you muttered to yourself, turning it over in your hand. Nothing on the back listed a distance, only a range of frequencies the little radio could pick up.
“Nothing but AM out this far probably, anyway. Maybe some automated church broadcast…”
you swallowed hard, suddenly stifled, like the walls of the cabin were pressing in on you, frozen, waiting.
What could it hurt? With slightly shaking fingers, you pulled the crank out of its cradle, and turned it. The first few times, nothing seemed to happen. Maybe it was broken, maybe it was so old it couldn’t be charged.
You turned it for 30 seconds, nothing. You turned it for another 30 seconds, nothing. You turned the crank for a full additional minute to no immediate response, and just as you were about to give up, to call it dead or broken and put it back in the box marked as unusable...the little front display lit up, and a voice blared out, lively and jarring in the solitude you’d come to accept.
“Annnnd folks we’re at the top of the hour, you’re listening to 43.3 AM, The Buzz. This is Buzz McCallan, comin to you with News on the 8s!”
You sat there for nearly 40 minutes, unmoving and sick. Through News on the 8s, through the update on sports, through a call-in section that seemed to be comprised of mostly disgruntled truckers...and through the Daily Update. A section on the reconstruction efforts, after the world’s brush with death.
After. The end of the world, as it turned out, had lasted for perhaps 3 weeks of sustained bloodshed and chaos, before the world had figured out how to fight back. It had taken another month after that to take stock of what had been lost, and to begin airdropping packets of a compound that seemed to reverse the damage to the parts of the brain that governed behavior and pain tolerance that the infection had damaged.
Now, nearly 6 months after the initial outbreak, the world, while still recovering...had mostly put itself back together again.
The little radio had finally run out of the charge you’d given it just as Buzz McCallan had finished his rant about gas prices, and when it shut off you simply sat there in the tinny, ringing silence.
Your mind was blank, perhaps mercifully so, as you rose on shaking, numb legs, and let your internal autopilot carry you up the stairs to the bedroom you’d been sharing.
By this point, you knew what you’d find as you fished out the crumpled receipt, and let it fall open in your hands.
Every item, listed and accounted for, dated and timestamped ‘Your cashier today was Marta!’ He’d paid in cash. He’d received $5.29 in change.
You wondered, somewhat perversely, if the people in the parking lot had thought he looked strange, dumping all of his neatly bagged groceries out, bag by bag, into the back of his car. You wondered if they thought it was one of those doomsday preppers, still too affected by the near-miss with apocalypse to think clearly.
You wondered if they thought he was nuts.
The whole world was still out there. Your job, your friends. Chinese takeout and movie trailers and neighbors you had always greeted politely but had no desire to meet.
“He’s keeping you prisoner,” a voice in your mind whispered. You frowned, brows furrowed, and shook your head.
“He’s never tried to stop me from leaving the cabin,” you whispered into the stagnant air.
The voice in your mind, which remembered horror movies and true crime podcasts, tutted. “Not the cabin. But have you so much as touched that car, unless he was there with you unloading groceries?”
You knew you were having a breakdown. You knew it was too much to take in, to understand.
“Something really did happen to us...to everyone, though. Maybe he’s just scared. He’s trying to keep us safe…” you whispered, your throat tightening around panic and tears and anger and grief.
“Sure. And that holds up for the first supply run...but you know he knew by the second. He’s paying in cash. He kidnapped you.”
Kidnapped. The word rocketed around your mind like a meteor, crashing through your rational thoughts, your excuses, battering your wounded and confused heart as it made its way down to lay like lead in your stomach.
Your internal voice didn’t have anything else to add, it seemed; the damage had been done, the illusion shattered. You had no idea what to think, what to do—your phone had been misplaced at some point early on, although now you wondered whether he hadn’t just chucked it into the lake, your purse was where you’d left it ages ago: in the car.
Still...you had to get out. Didn’t you? You couldn’t stay here, you couldn’t pretend that you didn’t know what happened. You couldn’t trust the love of your life.
Hot, stinging tears welled up and began to fall at that. Did you even know him? What was he capable of? Would he hurt you, if you tried to get away?
You shook your head so roughly your neck cracked, leaping up off the bed as you tried to stave off what you were sure was a panic attack.
You changed your clothes into something warmer, changed into a pair of the hiking boots you wore when the two of you went out fishing. The road was out there, you could follow it to the highway. Find someone. As long as you made it off the forest drive before he came back, you could make it. You tore through the kitchen, gathering food, filling your water bottle, getting a backpack you’d taken from one of the closets ready to depart.
You’d leave him a note. With the receipt and the radio. You could at least do that. Despite all, the idea of leaving him with nothing, with no way of knowing what had happened to you, hurt too much to consider.
After a moments thought, you grabbed the rifle from where it sat, primed, leaning against the doorway, and slung it over your shoulder. You didn’t know how far you’d have to go to find help, but walking alone in a world you hadn’t been part of in six months without any sort of protection seemed unwise, somehow.
The adrenaline in your system wasn’t helping the way you thought it should. Your body felt sluggish and unwieldy, like it might give out and drop you to the floor at any moment. Writing out the note felt like moving your hand through cement, comprehending the words to explain felt like sand against your brain. Everything hurt. The lights were too bright, your ears were ringing.
It was hard to hear anything over the sound of your body’s resistance to its new conditions. Which was probably why you hadn’t heard it when the car had come trundling to a stop. Hadn’t heard the sound of Sabo’s footsteps as he’d bounded up the stairs.
You almost screamed when the front door popped open, but when you whirled around with the rifle, at first, your lover had laughed—instinctively, nervously.
“Hey love, wh...what’s going on? You weren’t answering on the walkie,” he asked, raising his hands slowly, head cocked to the side in confusion, as he looked from the muzzle of the rifle to you.
The words seemed locked in your throat, and when you just stared at him, the look on his face changed from confusion to alarm. To fear. You grit your teeth, hating it, hating him, hating yourself.
“What’s going on, sweetheart...what happened here…?” Sabo took a tentative, slow step towards you. Your body, frozen to the spot, only managed to stare back at him, the muzzle trained on his chest still.
Those cornflower blue eyes you loved so dearly flickered between you and the gun again before looking back towards the entry hall table...only to fall upon the offerings you’d left there. The radio. The receipt. The rudiments of a note.
For the briefest flickering of a moment, Sabo’s expression went entirely blank, eyes darkening down to blackened slits of panic and pain that seemed to flash through your own chest sympathetically.
“Luffy’s room, probably, huh,” he whispered thickly.
You nodded, your own voice still trapped in your chest. You wondered idly whether you had truly lost your voice, or whether your body knew that if it let you speak you might never never never stop screaming.
You took a deep, unsteady breath. Sabo took another step towards you, pain and sorrow etched across his face once more.
“Let me have the gun, sweetheart. I swear I’ll explain, I’ll tell you everything. No more secrets. Just...let me have this,” He said softly, earnestly, lowering one hand slightly towards the rifle.
You took a jerky step back and he stopped, raising his hands again.
With a voice that was more breath and pain than sound, you whispered “I’ll shoot you.”
Tears welled delicately in Sabo’s eyes, but he shook his head. “No, you won’t.”
Your hands started to shake. Of course you wouldn’t. You couldn’t. The image of him, bloodied and cooling in the entryway, carved its way out of you like a knife and you whimpered...but held on.
“Why not,” you whispered again. “Why shouldn’t I?”
Sabo smiled gently, sadly, the tears slipping down his beautiful cheeks. “Because you love me...and the only ammunition I brought for the rifle are blanks.”
Dark spots began to swim in your vision then, the panic of the moment, the heat of the cabin, the agony of betrayal and confusion all beginning to wear through your senses. You had no plan for this, no experience to fall back on, the only comfort and safety you’d known in your adult life was standing opposite you, perched atop a castle of lies and coercion that you simply could not understand.
On instinct, you flung the rifle at him, winging it with all your waning strength as you lunged past him for the door.
He caught it with one hand, tossing it to the side as he spun to give chase, pressing something on the key ring as he did so.
Ahead of you, just barely out of reach, the front door swung closed ahead of you, and the odd trick mechanism clicked heavily into place. You ran into it, clumsy and sick with sadness and fear, just as Sabo caught up with you, colliding with your body and trapping you against the front door as the rest of the cabin responded to the panic button he had pressed.
His voice at your ear was so warm, so comforting, so unbelievably sad as he explained to you what was happening.
“Luffy’s grandfather really did lose it in his later years, the radio room actually is dangerous,” he whispered, running his palms soothingly up and down your arms despite the weight he was using to keep you pressed to the door. Just the way he had done a hundred thousand times before, conditioning you with his touch to be calm, to be pliant. Your mind felt like it was fracturing, leaning into the comfort of his touch just as it tried to wrestle your muscle control away from him.
Sabo shifted to make sure you could breathe and then continued. “He didn’t stop at the radio room, though. The doors and windows are all reinforced with steel, the doorframes are rooted into the foundation with concrete and rebar. I don’t know what he thought Ace’s biological father might be coming to do, but he prepped this place for war.”
Tears streamed down your face, frustrated, scared; part of you wished you’d just left well enough alone. That things could just go back to the way they were. Part of you didn’t understand how someone who loved you as thoroughly, as honestly as Sabo did, could do this to you. How anyone could ever do this.
“Why is this happening,” you whispered, partially muffled by the door.
Sabo sighed, sounding more weary than you’d ever heard him. “It was real, at first, whatever happened at the apartment. In the beginning all I could think about was making sure we got out here before it got worse, before people started to panic and the roads closed up. The storm really did interfere with the radio reception, and that little town really did look guttered out when I first made a run for supplies,” he said softly, fingertips lulling your unwilling body, coaxing you to relax. He kissed the back of your head, and it took all your control not to lean back into it.
“And it worked, you know, didn’t it? We got set up out here so fast, and since it’s private property and set so far back in the forest, nobody was able to follow us. Nothing sick made it out this far. You were safe, we were together, and…” he trailed off for a moment, forehead leaning against the back of your head, still trying to soothe you as the tears fell harder.
“...and we were happy. So happy. Happy as we’ve always been...and without any of the drudgery or people or circumstances that ever caused us stress. Remember, you said no student loans? No bills at all. No politics. None of your mean, ugly distant relatives, no more morning commute to work, no more mocking up powerpoints for rich assholes that never even commend you for your work.”
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest, but he continued, his voice steadying into something righteous, something indignant, although it was clear that furor wasn’t directed at you.
“Every day some nonsense or another kept us apart, wore you down, caused us trouble...there was plenty enough in the inheritance to keep us comfortable, if the cost of living hadn’t just kept climbing and climbing and climbing...but then the infection started. Then we came out here, we got away...and I know it’s awful, but part of me was desperate for it to be the end. To be a REAL reset. The whole system is rotten…” One of Sabo’s hands slid down until he could wrap it around your waist, pulling you to him, rocking you carefully back and forth against the door.
It frightened you that he was still trying to comfort you, it frightened you more how badly you wanted him to, how badly you wanted all of this to go away.
Maybe he was right...it wasn’t like rent was getting any lower.
“Stop, please...Sabo, please,” your voice sounded reedy thin in your ears. Sabo splayed his palm out against your belly, kissed the back of your neck softly.
You sighed against the door, warmth blossoming through you. You couldn’t think. This wasn’t right.
When he spoke again, his lips still brushing the back of your neck, it was with a voice so wounded, so desperate, that you almost didn’t recognize it.
“Has this really been so bad?” he asked softly, rocking with you again, fingertips stroking the slight line of skin where your shirt had ridden up. You shivered, and he sighed with you, sympathetic, in sync.
“Is being here...being together...being beyond everything that hurt us before...safe and comfortable...is it really such a bad thing to want?”
Your eyes slip closed as his fingers, blunt and warm, dip beneath the waistband of your pants. Your brows furrow, but the fight’s gone out of you now. Whatever moment there might have been to escape this, to escape back into your body and yourself and the world...had passed you, at some point.
“We’re safe here...we’re taken care of here...we can live for each other and no one else...not many people get to boast a life like that,” this time when he kissed the back of your neck, lips trailing down towards your ear, you leaned back into him, into his touch.
The world stopped, the cabin walls pressed in, anxious, greedy. Waiting.
“No,” you whispered, and this time when you shifted, Sabo leaned off just enough to let you turn in his arms.
When he kissed you, long and deep, you sank into it. Back into the comfort, back into the stability of a world—of a life—that your lover had made so, so simple for you.
Sabo’s body shook against you, in longing, in relief, even as his fingertips slid lower to find you wanting. Needing.
He’d hated lying to you. Hated every moment of it. He’d tell you, he’d spend the rest of his life on his knees for you if you needed it. Anything for you to feel safe.
“You’re perfect,” he mouthed against your lips, your throat, between the valley of your breasts once he’d removed the stupid sweater that had kept you hidden from him.
“I love you,” he vowed as he sank to his knees before you, taking away the winter pants you would no longer need, tossing your hiking boots with them over his shoulder and away.
“I’m sorry,” he intoned, as he slid his tongue between your lips, laved worship and remorse against you, filled your exhausted body and broken mind with pleasure.
“Not like you,” you’d whispered back, to this, and to all, as you let him take the pain away.
He offered you an out, as he slicked his fingers into you, curling forward, giving you everything just like he’d always promised.
He offered you an out, as the pleasure peaked, wracking you with relief far beyond the moment at hand…
...and you took it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years ago
Can I request older version of toman where they take takemichis little twin brothers on a road trip and it was all going mostly until mikey forgot to put the car in park and it just goes down hill
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4. Roadtrip
I hope you enjoy!
Toman x male reader with twin
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The Toman executives chatted away as they packed up for a road trip, Baji holding (name) and (twins name) by the back of their little overalls, Mitsuya sewing in little handles on the backs as the twins tended to be hyperactive at minimum.
"Ok everything packed and I got the go bags" one in case of an attack and one for the two toddlers who only recently became semi confident with their training toilet.
Mikey had scared the tots with the concept of the "potty monster" and then he got to be the one who had to potty train the boys as takemichi was P I S S E D at this. "We go?" (Twins name) asked curiously as he and his brother were lifted into Draken and mitsuyas arms and kept in the tots line of sight as they tended to get nervous when seperated.
The Kawata twins understood that, they were the same when they were very little-- hell they're still attached to the hip.
Mikeys took the twin tots, his car too small for many people but big enough for the tots car seats in the back.
In the front passenger seat were the twins distractions and snacks...and in the glove box was Mikeys Glock.
Mikey didn't understand just why takemichi was so willing to leave the twins in his car.
Until (name) asked for "coco melon"
And then it was two hours of kids music as the twins sang their little hearts out, off key but very happy.
Mikey needed to pick up asprin on the next pit stop.
Mikey wanted to scream as he left the car "I'll be right back, gotta talk to your brother" Mikey said to the kids who had apple juice and their jams playing.
"How's the twins?" Takemichi asked as he, Chifuyu and Baji stepped out of an all black SUV "they're fine! Drinking apple juice and having a blast!" Mikey played it off as his head pounded.
"Oh that's goo-- HOLY SHIT!" Everyone turned to see Mikey's nice car slowly moved forward down the street, the soft incline moving the car as the children inside giggled away.
"NONONONO!" Toman chased the car down the street and thankfully got the car before any damage.
Mikey wasn't allowed to drive alone rest of the way, Draken staring him down with the baby bag in his lap, music turned down and answering the kids questions.
And Mikey never got his asprin.
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months ago
From the Ashes (II)
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II. Mother's little helper
Summary: The situation with John is still pretty rocky, lucky for you, Djinns had been said to grant your wishes 
Pairings for this chapter: Dean x reader, John x reader (you'll understand)
Warnings: Supernatural (and all that comes with it), monsters of all kinds, pyrokinesis, cursing, murder, child endangerment, impersonating of law enforcers, guns, mentions of virginity loss, birth, blood drinking, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 2,9 k
Notes: I re-wrote the first one
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2001, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
You woke up with a smile on your face, it was an exciting day after all, you almost jump out of bed, energized by the smell of breakfast, you could hear your mother singing in the kitchen downstairs. You wanted to jump to the first floor but you knew she wouldn’t like that, so you ran as fast as you could and in a second you were right by her side
“Good morning mama!”, you chanted, she smiled at you grabbing your face and kissing your cheek
“Good morning my love”, she said, with the brightest smile, “excited for today? I can’t believe my daughter is going to Stanford!”
“It’s not a big deal!” you said coyly, but you knew it was
“I’m so proud of you”, she said, looking at you with loving eyes
“Thank you mommy”, you whispered, she hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head
“You have to get me one of those stickers for the car, the ones that read “my daughter is in stanford” or a t-shirt!”, she said excitedly, as she served you breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, you made the coffee, and you shared an amazing time.
“You know, california is beautiful, if you want, we can sell the house and I can move down there with you”, she offered
“Mom, you love it here, is where our family was from”, you said softly, “besides this house is a dream, with how expensive everything is in San Francisco, we’ll get a place like a ⅓ of the size”, you explained
“Oh I get it, my daughter doesn’t want me going down there and spoiling her fun!”, she teased,
“No!”, you giggled, “that is not it”
“I get it love”, she said softly, caressing the side of your face, ��you are going to be great”, she said 
“Thank you”, you said, smiling widely. You had spend the last two years traveling the world after you ended high school, and now you were ready to start college, not any college, you had been accepted to Stanford
And you were so excited
“Remember to use your gloves honey”, she said sweetly, kissing you on your forehead, already saying your goodbyes, “and also, remember to keep away from photos as much as you can, alright?”, she asked, “you know now in the new age, everyone wants their picture taken to upload it to the internet and the internet…”
“Is forever”’, you completed, “I remember”
“Have fun, and take care sweety”, she said lovingly, and you hugged her one last time to leave your home
You got into your car, your Pontiac firebird a family friend had gotten you for your birthday and started your journey
You were driving to California, you loved roadtrips, good music, your baby, an open road… amazing
You reached San Francisco three days later. Just in time for orientation, as you were getting out of your car, you stumbled upon a large dude, he was tall! like a tree!
“I’m so sorry!”, you mumbled at the same time, his dark eyes met you down
“Nice ride!”, he admired, you felt your cheeks heated
“Thank you”, you whispered, looking back at your baby, “are you here for orientation?”
“Yes actually, you too?”, you nodded enthusiastically, “great, I’m Sam, Sam Winchester”, he said offering his hand, you shook it back, muttering your name back to him, he looked at the gloves weirdly, it might be fall but it was still warm
“What’s with the gloves?”, he asked curiously
“Oh I… well, it was an accident, I was four, my mom was cooking, she turned for one second…”, you said like you have told that lie a thousand ways before, “my hands… are weird looking but also very sensitive”
“Oh”, he said, like he had messed up, “sorry”
“Don’t sweat it”, you said softly, “it’s a common question”, you walked into the campus together, you were looking at everything with a mouth wide open, it was an incredible campus
Turns out, you and Sam met the first day, and you sticked together every day since, he wanted to become a Lawyer, you wanted to become an architect, but you made it work, you studied together, you hang around together and you started to build a group of friends around you
And just like that, four whole years happened, Sam started dating Jess, and they were super happy, and you were already enlisting yourself to be the maid of honor, and you… well… you were hanging around with a guy, but you weren’t too sure about him
He was so handsome and tall, he was the perfect man, a gentleman, and yet… you still weren’t so sure about him, there was something missing. 
You were actually discussing this with Jess, you were together, the three of you, when Sam’s apartment doorbell rang. Sam frowned, going for the door, and when he came back, he wasn’t alone. 
“Well, hello gorgeous”, he purred your way when Jess and Sam were in the kitchen
“Hi”, you muttered simply. He was handsome, deep green eyes, spiky hair, leather jacket, very hip. VERY handsome
“Are you… Sam’s friend?”, he asked
“Yes, we met first year here”, you said simply, he only nodded, a smirk on his lips, you even felt nervous with him.
“I’m Sam’s brother”, he said and you nodded, acknowledging him
“Here”, said Sam, bringing him a beer. You couldn’t stop staring at him, and him you. Sam noticed this, and seemed uncomfortable
“What brings you here Dean?”, he asked nervously, just then Dean looks at his brother
“I can’t pay a visit to my little brother?”, he asked  cheerfully, “let’s turn this around, order a couple of pizzas, drink some beer, you can invite some friends”, he said lightly
And turn it around you did
Soon the small apartment was packed, Dean was the soul of the party, that let you have a chat with Sam
“He just got out of SFS”, Sam said apologetically, “he majored in mechanical engineering”, he said lightly. You sneaked a peek at Dean and he was looking back at you, he smirked 
“Is that so?”, you mumbled, he chuckled, you looked back at him
“I know that sneaky look in your eyes”, he said
“He is handsome”, you said, he seemed entertained, “is he going to break my heart?”, you asked
“No”, he said softly
And he didn’t. Dean worked at a garage with his father while you attempted to finish school, by the time you were graduating, Sam proposed to Jess, even though they were very young, they were so in love, they got married, and when you attended their wedding in a beautiful deep purple dress -as a maid of honor-, you and Dean, both attended the wedding together, you had been dating for a year now, you danced all night, you in his arms, and he asked you, to move in with him, you of course said yes.  
You met his father, John, at the very wedding, he was happy. Their mother had died when they were children, he never remarried. But he seemed so happy to be there, with his two boys, and with their girls. 
Your mother had told you, many years ago, as a bedtime story, that you, as a phoenix, mated for life, you feel a pull, a string leading you to that person, and you’ll be happy together. You believed that, you wanted it. Dean holds you in his arms, kissing the top of your head.
“I love you”, he whispered
“I love you too”, you said happily. 
You told him you were a phoenix, he didn’t care.
He found it fascinating.
You lived happily, you moved in together, you worked in your dream job, restoring old buildings in San Francisco, Dean worked in his father’s shop. He asked you to marry him, you eloped in Vegas. With Sam, Jess and your parents. 
You were living in an apartment on top of the shop, it was so comfortable, it was your home.
You found out you were pregnant, with twin girls
Your mother was there, she lived with you to help you with the girls, she was by your side when you gave birth. Dean loved her, and… you could honestly look up into the skies and give thanks, because you were the luckiest woman on the earth.
Dean was so over the moon, he was the greatest girl's dad you had ever seen. You fell even more for him, if that was even possible.
You had friends that you adored, you had the most handsome and incredible husband, which you loved with all your heart, you had a caring father in law. And you had two perfect little girls that took after their fathers, and you had your mother. 
Your life was perfect. 
“Really?”, she asked him, “you are giving her dreams instead of nightmares?”, she mocked, watching you on the floor, sleeping peacefully, “you are getting weak”, she whispered in her mate’s ear. Who had your wrist on his mouth, he had managed to break the skin, he was feeding from you. 
“She is too powerful”, the Djinn responded, blood dripping down the corner of his lip, “if she gets distressed she will break out of the trance”
“What is she?”, she asked back, fascinated
“I don’t know”, he answered, “but her blood… is delicious”. The other Djinn turned to John, laying on the floor next to you
“Let’s see how you taste old man”, she purred
John looked at the big farmhouse with curiosity, he went up the three wooden steps that lead to the porch and then inside of the house.
It was his parents house, they were gone now, but the house was lit up with life inside of it. The house had been abandoned but now, it had been brought back to life.
“Sweetheart? is that you?”, he heard a melodic voice coming from the kitchen. He looked everywhere, the house was completely renovated, it was beautiful, more beautiful than he remembered.
“Yes”, he answered, he didn't even know why, maybe it was a force of habit. 
He stopped by the mirror in the corridor and he looked at himself in it, there he was, himself. when he was thirty.
What the hell was going on?
He heard footsteps from the corridor leading to the kitchen, and then, his breath got caught in his throat when he saw you, coming towards him, with a beautiful smile, and a big baby bump. You look older than you were, at least thirty 
“We missed you”, you said with a bright smile, you were wearing an apron, you had flour staining it, you took his face gently in your hand and you kissed him, his hands traveled to your hips
“Hello darlin”, he whispered against your lips
“Papa!”, he heard footsteps tapping around in the corridor. Two children appeared, which he could recognize anywhere, Sam and Dean, looking as cute as buttons. Dean was eight and Sam was four. 
“(y/n) is baking my favorite pie”, said Dean Happily, John dropped his bag of tools, grabbing Sammy on his strong arms, and followed you into the kitchen. He found it weird that he called you by your name instead of… and then he saw a picture of Mary on the wall, with the boys. Where you…?
“Your little girl had been kicking me all day long!”, you said happily, finishing up in the kitchen
“Little girl?”, he asked, curiously
“Well, I know you can never know for sure”, you said softly, “but this old lady told me she thought it was a girl, and well, many things, we did the ring test, and rhe shape of the belly too…”, you muttered. He looked at your shape from where he was sitting. He must be dreaming. He looked at his boys, eating the chicken and potatoes you had made them. 
This had to be a dream
But he didn’t want to scare you.
He looked at your shape again, you were a woman now, grown, which let him know you were no longer a supernatural creature.Your huge belly, he looked at his boys, who looked back at him wide eyed, and smiling
He felt… happy.
“What happened?”, he dared to ask you, when you were both ready for bed, in the master bedroom.
“What do you mean?”, you asked softly. He was clearly… with you… but the boys existed too, and… “remember that this week, well, of course you remembered but I called the florist already”, yous aid gently
“What florist?”, he asked
“For… Mary’s memorial”, you said, looking at him sadly. Mary died, he remarried… you…. he had the boys and now he was expecting a girl… with you.
“Alright, thank you”, he said, leaning in and kissing your lips, you felt asleep cuddled by his side, your big belly over his stomach.
He was putting flowers on Mary’s grave. His friends and remaining family were there. but you weren’t, you didn’t feel well, and he realized you wanted to give him space, which he appreciated. It had been four years since Mary’s death, he believed it was a bit too soon to be married to you, but right now, he didn’t know what happened.
He worked in his own mechanic shop, his own, he was so proud of himself for achieving it, he came back to you and the kids every night, he went to his kid’s games, he even coached little league. 
He found you in the kitchen, your water broke, and you whined in pain.
He took you to the hospital, he left the kids with the neighbors, a loving couple you liked so much, that you barbequed with.
It was a girl, a beautiful little girl who looked like you.
He was happy, really happy. He’s got the cake, and he ate it too.
He woke up early that one morning, you were so tired, Violet kept waking you up for feeding in the middle of the night, but there you were, sleeping soundly next to him
“Dad!”, he heard, in the back of his mind, “DAD!”, the last thing he saw was your sleeping face, before Dean was shaking him awake. 
He was back in the present, and two Djinns lay dead, one, killed by the Dean, the other… copious amounts of blood were dripping from his mouth, like he just throw it all up, he was right next to you, your wrist… was healing but it had been bitten onto, severely.
Dean was over you now, shaking you awake
“Mom?”, you felt like you would die, you were so weak, your eyelids were heavy, very heavy
“No darling, it’s me”, you heard that gruff voice, Dean, tried to make you sit, but he had to grab you, you couldn’t keep your own body up
“Mmmm Dean?”, you asked, feeling so faint, like your brain was made of cotton
“Shh, I got you”, he shushed gently, “those bastards got you good”, lifting you from the ground. “Dad, are you ok?”, he asked
“Yes I’m fine Dean, take care of her!”, he insisted, the Djinns didn’t get to him in time. 
“What were they?”, you asked, as they both started walking away. 
“Djinns, got you and dad”, Dean carried you like you were a princess, out of the large Warehouse. It came back, all of it, you had come to Denver, in Colorado, to find and kill the Djinns that were draining dry innocent people. 
“I’m sorry”, you whined
“It’s fine, thanks to you, I got the time to rescue dad and gank them”, he said
“What happened?”, you asked then
“They fed off of you, they seemed rabid for it”, he said, he laid you in the back of the Impala, and closed the door gently, you curled up, hugging yourself, it seemed impossible, but you might have been experiencing cold for the very first time
Both John and Dean got inside the car, John in the passenger seat, he turned over the leather seat and looked at you
“Sweetheart, are you alright?”, he asked, concern in his features
“Mhm”, you mumbled, barely
“I’m sorry”, he muttered
“It’s fine”, you whispered
“Is she going to be alright?”, he asked Dean, he shook his head
“I will”, you promised, “I need a minute”
“I didn’t even know monsters could feed off of phoenixes”, John said, Dean started the car and leaving the scene quickly
“They did, but one of them died because of it, he started screaming, like he was being burned, and then he just collapsed and died”, he said quickly, “like her blood was poison or something”
“Mmmm I need a sandwich”, you mumbled, really out of it
“What kind of sandwich?”, asked Dean
“Mmmm meat… cheese… mayo”, you barely whisper, “and a strawberry milkshake”
“That sounds… pretty good”, Dean said happily. “Let’s get away from this crap-ass city”, he said 
John kept looking back at you. You just dozed off, only in a couple of hours, you were going to be brand new. 
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Post chapter notes: Soooo Reader wished her mom never died. And John fleetingly wished he met the reader “before”, didn’t specify much.
Maybe this chapter is a bit weird, its similar to the one where Dean gets trapped by a Djinn and he alucinates... anyways... happy reading
taglist! <3
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tatertotsafterdark · 1 year ago
Marking - Scott Howl x Reader
|| Being a struggling college student sucks. Luckily, your werewolf boyfriend doesn't mind helping you de-stress - even if he gets a little too into it.
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: IK I switched this fic from what was planned at the last minute but shhhhh... tried to put some characteristics of the Monster Prom writing style but I don't know how successful that was. Based mainly off the first Monster Prom game. (Ignore how the gif is monster roadtrip okay byeeee have fun reading or don't)
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Midterms, midterms, midterms. Jesus fucking Christ. That’s all your life has been for the last few weeks, working on gradually revising your notes and studying for those God forsaken tests, worth a part of your grade that’s way too big. You slam your flat palms onto the desk in your small apartment, giving it a good couple of smacks. You’re frustrated, unable to grasp the topic you’re reading through. Why the hell did you have to take a math class? You hated math. Your major didn’t really use math, either. 
You groan as you hear a knock at the door, lifting yourself on to tired legs. Who visits this late at night, especially when you have a giant sign on your apartment door labeled “DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE?” You’d think by now people would catch on to your witty ideas of decoration and lack of availability. Maybe studying for midterms wouldn’t be so hard if you’d stop making interior design into your impromptu passion. 
Your hand quickly twists the knob, without giving much thought to check if there was some kind of evil monster or a serial killer or a Jehovah Witness outside of your door. Luckily, it’s none of those - it’s Scott! You manage a smile as his tail wags, and step aside, nonverbally inviting him inside. You can do that since he’s not a vampire. He quickly enters, wrapping his muscular arms around you.
“Dude, where have you been?!” He yells out, a large and toothy smile plastered on his face. You can practically hear his tail wagging, and you can definitely hear it hitting into his backside as it wags. 
“Studying.” You reply, returning the hug weakly and shuffling back over to the living room, lit only by a singular lamp (setting the aesthetic is an important part of studying, after all). You didn’t realize it until now, but your desk was piled with sticky notes, flashcards, notebooks, highlighters, pens in every color under the sun, and empty energy drink cans.
“Studying? Who even studies anymore?” Scott cocks his head, making that stupid-yet-so-damn-cute face at you like he always did when he was questioning your totally normal decisions. 
“I mean, c’mon, when was the last time you got some sun, bro? Your curtains are never open.” Scott says, a small pout on his lips as he looks down at you. You opt to ignore the comment about your currents, and instead huff and walk over to your desk.
“It doesn’t matter when I last left my apartment or opened the windows or anything like that. What’s important right now is that I teach myself everything my professor has been trying to teach us for the past few weeks.” Your ass hits the office chair a bit hard, which sends it backwards. The back of your chair hits Scott’s front, stopping it in its place. 
“You haven’t even showed up to the gym recently! You’re not getting any exercise.”
“I’m not interested in exercising. I want to pass these dumbass exams, Scott. Plus, there isn’t an exercise in the world that I actually like.” 
“Yes there is, bro, you know that.” 
“Great, Scott, then go ahead and tell me because you definitely know me better than I know myself.” You roll your eyes, and the action could probably be heard just off of the nasty tone you dip down into using. Swapping sleep for caffeine isn’t good for your mood, note to self. 
“Well, Polly says that sex burns calories, so therefore, it’s exercise.” 
You freeze up for a moment, thinking about the implications of the sentence that just slipped out of Scott’s lips. Was he implying that you two-? 
Before you can think much longer, one of Scott’s large hands is slowly massaging your chest, and the other is in between your thighs. He may be a bit academically challenged, but at least he wouldn’t be totally lost in an anatomy class. You can’t help but lean into the touch. It’d been ages since you’d gotten any action, even before you started obsessing over getting good grades on your midterms. Scott’s large fingers rubbing slow circles over your clit is enough to melt your brain, getting it off of finding derivatives, even if it was only for a temporary amount of time. 
“Shit- don’t stop- please.” You manage to get your voice to work in between pathetic squeaks and whimpers, and Scott simply speeds up in response to your words. You close your eyes, soaking in the much needed feeling of human contact. Two of Scott’s fingers find their way to the hard bud that’s developed under your shirt, gently twisting and pinching it as your moans get louder.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, and before long, you feel fangs on the tender flesh. Love bites are completely welcome, of course, so you don’t complain. You run your fingers through his hair as he finishes you off, giving you much needed release without so much as undressing you.
“There, bro! Now you’ve got your daily workout in. Your studying is going to be way easier now.” Scott says with a proud smile, turning your office chair around to face him. The way his face drops, you can tell he’s totally marked up your entire neck to the point even a turtleneck wouldn’t be enough to hide it. Oh, shit. 
“Well… a workout is exactly what I needed. Thanks, bro.”
“Anytime, dude! Just, uh, make sure you have that color corrector stuff you were talking about the one time.” Scott laughs, turning on his heel and walking to your kitchen. You rub your fingers over the bite marks, and the fact that they’re indented into your skin is enough to tell you that any amount of color corrector wouldn’t be enough anyway. They trail up to just below your ear, so you’ll just have to hide away in your room and study for a few more days until they fade. 
You take a deep breath, turning away from Scott as he opens your fridge, and picking up one of your colorful pens for the umpteenth time that evening. 
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bimb0fy · 2 years ago
If you're willing to take freddy requests could you do some headcannons/blurbs on what its like to travel with him? Like plane, subway, car rides etc. Also preferably from the first movie if thats alright :)
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bros terrified of planes, and i mean terrified, like would rather kill himself then ride a plane.
He read a blog about the dangers of planes and has been terrified of them ever since.
He read it when he was 8.
You once had a Europe trip and the destination was at France, so obviously you were excited to go to France with Freddy. He was so anxious and nervous my god.
He kept shaking and hyperventilating. You had to hug and comfort him just so he would get on the plane, and the whole ride, oh my god, he was sooooo anxious.
"Hey! Excuse me miss! But we're are the nearest exits?" "Hey! Excuse me sir! But if the plane crashes, are there enough parachutes for everyone here?"
"Babe, the seatbelt won't close." "Babe, it isn't tight enough!"
"AH!" "It's just some turbulence Fredbear." "OH MY GOD WE'RE GONNA DIE!"
After a while he just passes out. It's literally impossible to wake him up, and he was so nervous so he's deep asleep. He's so cute tho. He's snoring and mumbling he whole time.
After a while, he wakes up, only to find you reading a book, or drawing or watching a movie on the built in Tv. He then starts to panic again then stops when you hold his hand. You had one of these headphone adapters and decided to watch a comedy movie to pass the time.
Once the plane lands, he does not, i repeat, does not leave your side as an apology, since your first stop is Paris, he takes you to the Effiel Tower, and you have a picnic under the stars. He also managed to convince his roommate to sleepover at someone else's room for the night. (for cuddles and movies obvi, bros 15 what were u expecting 🤨)
bros a huge germaphobe, he never takes the subway since its too dirty and digusting.
Once you took the subway since you had missed the bus to the mall, and you wanted to go on a shopping spree with him. He refused to sit, or let you sit, on the subway benches as you wait for the subway. You started complaining so he literally CLEANED the bench THEN placed his jacket on their so you would sit on the 'bench of grossness.'
Once the subway appeared, he hated it. So many people in a little space, and he was pretty sure he say a drunk man hurl over the seat he was in. He stood up, but refused the hold the pole and handles, but got too scared and just held it with his sleave.
"Yeah, I'm gonna sit down." "YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO SOCIETY!" "MY LEGS HURT!" "I won't let you sit on the bringer of sicknesses, I shall sacrifice my Jacket once more." "I RIDE THE SUBWAY HOME EVERYDAY?!" "YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?!"
Bro surprisingly LOVES roadtrips. He brings a bag full of Comics, has his laptop, phone and tablet fully charged, with a powerbank and so many snacks, 2 bags full. He has all his favorite, and your favorite movies downloaded, he also has movies hes been wanting to watch and movies you've been wanting to watch. He watches horror movies and superhero movies the whole time, all of it.
If you ever get bored or want to sleep, he volunteers to be your pillow, matress or blanket. He. Does. Not. Care. What you want, you get.
Will literally yell at anyone who wakes you up if your asleep, or bothers you. He. Does. Not. Care. He could be yelling at his own mother. He simply doesn't give a damn.
If you just wanted to talk or listen to music while reading, he was okay with it, in fact, bro would take one of your headphones and read along with you. Like i said. He. Does. Not. Care.
"Hey babe? Do you think a shark can jump up this high and bite my head off?" "Y/N NO! WE DO NOT GO BESIDE THE LEDGES LOVE!"
He can not sleep at all. He gets to sea sick and throws up 24/7.
HE HATES SEAFOOD ASWELL. He complains about the food everytime you go to eat something.
"Hey babe? Do you think we're gonna be the Jack and rose of this ship. I'd glady take rose because i'm not swimming in freezing water to get frostbite, like if it happens I do not care, I'm not drowning, you are."
(He's lying he would gladly sacrifice himself without thought just for you)
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v4mplov3 · 8 months ago
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Roadtrip <3
Bf!Chris x Gf!Reader
use of Y/n
Warnigs: metions of a boner. Pet name (Ma) FLUFFY
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It was around 5 am. Chris woke up early since you and his brothers had a roadtrip.
He hits your sleeping body with a pillow. “Y/nn!!! Wakeee upppp!!!!” Chris shouts. “Mmmm…Chris..five more minutes..” You say sleepily. “Nooo sleepyhead! Get up and get readyy!!” Chris shouts again. “Fine, fine..im up!” You yell. Chris walks out of his room to wake Nick and Matt up. You throw yourself outta bed and walk into ur closet.
You grab a white oversized shirt, pj pants, and thin black socks. You walk into the bathroom and put them on. You brush your hair and teeth. You walk downstairs and see sleepy Nick and Matt, then Chris who is jumping around. “Goddamn, how does this kid have so much fucking energy at five in the morning?” Nick says. “Its Chris that your talking about, Nick.” Matt says.
Chris practically jumped into your arms. “Chris!” You shout. He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead. “Gross..” Matt speaks up and he walks to his room, to finish up the last of his packing. Nick goes to his room to do the same. “Chris. Dont you even think about it” you say. Chris pouts and runs to his room. You follow him. “You done packing?” You ask him. “Mhm” He mumbles. “Tooth brush, charger, headphones?” You ask. He groans and walks into the bathroom. He grabs his toothbrush, walks out and puts it in his suitcase. He grabs his charger and airpods and puts them in his pocket.
“So you didnt finish?” you say. “Shut uup!!” Chris shouts. “Fine.” You say, crossing your arms and looking away. “No no no! Wait, Y/n im sorry! Please dont ignore me!” Chris pleas. “Thats what i thought.”
5:47 am. Matt was driving, and Nick was in the passenger seat. You and Chris were in the back. You in his lap, sleeping, your head resting on his shoulder. Chris is also sleeping, his arms wrapped around your waist. Nick had the aux, he was playing, doja cat, Nicki Minaj, Melanie Martinez, Ariana Grande, and stuff like that. Matt was dying of thirst. “Fuckkk..im so thirsty.” Matt says.
“Theres a gas station right there, dumb fuck. Stop there.” Nick says. Matt pulls into the gas station and parks. Nick pauses the music, takes the cord out and puts his phone into his pocket. Nick and Matt get out. “Chris! Y/n! Wake up!”
All four went into the gas station.
Chris and Nick walk off, leaving you and Matt alone. “You and Chris are gross.” Matt says. “Your just jealous, because you dont have a girlfriend.” You say. “And what if i did?” Matt says. “Then you wouldnt be calling us gross. Because you would understand.” You say, walking into the candy aisle. You grab a bag of sour patch kids and some gummy worms.
Matt follows you. “Yea but i still would think your gross! Chris is constantly clinging to you, calling you names, kissing you and saying he loves you.” Matt said. “Yea, because thats how relationships work, Matt.” You say defending yourself and Chris. “Fine.”
You and Matt eventually find Chris and Nick who are arguing about whatever. “Stop, were in public!” You say. “Y/nnn!!!” Chris says looking at you and jumping into your arms. “Chris get off.” You say. He gets off and grabs his two pepsi’s from Nick. “I got one for you ma.” Chris says handing you one of the surgar infested sodas.
“Thank you.” You say taking it. Matt grabs a redbull and Nick grabs a monster. (a/n: idk if Nick likes monster but js pretend he does.) You all walk up to the cashier and put your stuff on the counter. Matt pulls out his wallet and pays. The cashier eyes Chris. She practically has hearts in her eyes. You give her a glare. You all grab the bags and walk out.
You all get into the car. “Did you see the way that ugly ass bitch was looking at Chris?” Nick says from the passenger. “Yea.” Matt says, putting the key in and turing on the car. Matt drives out of the gas station. “I didnt like it.” You say looking over at Chris, who already had his airpods in and looking at his phone.
Nick plays music again. You stare at Chris. Chris obviously feels someone looking at him so he looks up at you. He smiled and takes one of his airpods out. “Need somethin?” He asks softly. You shake your head no. He nods, puts the airpod back in and looks back down at his phone.
You get on your phone and play a random game you downloaded before you guys went.
8:35 A.M. You guys arive to the waterpark. (A/n: i had no idea that this is were they were going when i started writing this, and pretend the only waterpark that was open at 8:00 am was 3 hours away. And you guys wanted to go when there was no line at the entrance.) Matt parks. Theres only 3-4 cars in the parking lot. You all get out and go to the trunk and grab your beach bags.
You all walk into the water park. Matt pays. You go into the lady changing rooms, and the 3 boys go into the mens. You walk into a small room, that has tile floors. You shut and lock the door. You grab your red bikini out of ur bag.
(It looks like this)
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You take off ur clothes and shoes, and put it on. You know it would turn Chris on so thats why you brought it. You put ur socks and converse into your bag and grab your sandals. You put them on. You grab your bag, unlock and open the door. You walk out and into the indoor water park.
Chris Nick and Matt were all waiting for you by a bench. You walk over and set your bag down where their bags were. You take off your sandals and put them on the bench next to your bag.
8:56 A.M. You were sitting on Chris’ lap in a lounge chair. Matt and Nick are off somewhere, goimg down water slides and playing like little kids. “Fuck..ma, your making me hard..” Chris says pulling your hips up a bit so your not sitting directly on him.
“Sorry.” You say.
After a few painful minutes, Chris finally puts you back down after his boner went away. You cuddle up to him.
“I love youuu…” He says burying his face in your neck.
“I love you more..”
Matt and Nick run over. Matt slaps the back off Chris’ head and runs off and jumps into one of the pools. “Fuck you!!” Chris shouts. “Hold on ma.” Chris says, and picks you up. He stands up and sets you on the chair. He
A/n: OKAY I DECIDED TO UPDATE THIS BEFORE I GO ON BREAK LOL BC I DONT WANT YALL WAITING A WEEK FOR ONE UPDATE!!! Im going on a break bc im sick :(( But i hope i get better! Have an amazing day/night! :))
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orchideon · 2 years ago
How about a runt werewolf S/O with Vera and Damien, they'd be smaller and weaker than a usual werewolf but that also means they get hurt a lot trying to prove themselves to their strong, badass lover ( Thanks for your ask on my blog btw ;3)
A/n: hi! Thank you so much for requesting! And thank you so much for the imagine on your blog! It was super cute, I loved it qwq! I wasn’t sure if you wanted Vera, Damien, and the reader in a poly relationship, or if you wanted them separate. I did them separate, but let me know if you wanted this to be poly! Thank you so much for the request!
(This is a post where half of it was written a bit ago, and the other half just completed today, so if the writing seems a bit wonky that may be why! Either way, I hope you enjoy!) ❀❀❀❀
Damien and Vera with a runt werewolf S/o:
-Thinks you’re adorable.
-Already thinks you’re pretty badass- but doesn’t try to stop you from showing off.
-Actually, he probably joins in!
-Fistfighting someone to assert dominance? Bam, you don’t have to worry about being outnumbered because your spicy red baby’s got your back!
-if you call him that- your spicy red baby, he kinda just smirks a bit. “Uh-huh, alright. Sure.” 
-May playfully tease you a bit about your height and you being a runt, but the sECOND someone says something remotely bad about it he’s like ‘haha no’
-You know that picture of the large dogs in ikea bags that have holes cut out for their legs so they can be taken on transit? Yeah he tried to do that once.
-Claw and fur care nights? Claw and fur care nights. 
-I can imagine him walking over to your place, stepping through the door, looking at you and just going dead silent. Pulling out the hairbrush slowly.
-…This ends with you sitting in his lap as he tends to your fur and gives you many, *many* tips on how to maintain it. 
-Depending how you two’s dynamic is, I can see these self care nights either being a sort of “secret” between you two (which, it’s spooky high. I figure things ain’t gonna be secret for long.), it being treated like an inside joke (aka you teasing him and Damien vehemently denying it), or no one really believes it outside of Damien’s friend group.
-You do… a lot of things to prove yourself.
-Climbing tall things, fighting, talking back to that one teacher… 
-It’s fun to watch, but Damien gets worried about you.
-100% stays with you on full moons. 
-He *is* going to try to pet you when you’re fully Wolf. Do not try to stop him. It’s pointless. He is determined to pet you at least once.
-Thinks it’s cute how defensive you get over your height when she teases you.
-She May tease you, yes, but it never goes beyond teasing, despite how her word choice and tone may come off. Though, before dating, you figured out that that’s… sort of just how she speaks.
-She’s got the opposite of fur, so she doesn’t know much about fur care, but you know who does? Valerie. So she ends up asking her sister about fur care. If mentioned in public, her cheeks will go slightly pink, and she’ll say something about how being presentable is important. (Don’t be fooled- she actually cares a whole lot about you, and wants to make sure you’re taken care of. …Also, she’s heard Valerie cussing up a storm in the washroom before over her fur, so…)
-probably has gifted you high end fur-care stuff.
-Will scratch behind your ears without fear. To others it may look slightly menacing when you’re in wolf form, but you’re feeling allllllll the affection and love. 
-A little scritch behind the ears when you’re in wolf form is one of the only ways Vera will show affection in public, since I admittedly hc her not to be super into PDA
-The way that you perk up and your tail wags when you see her always makes her smile a little. Honestly, she won’t say it out loud due to her pride, but it makes her happy.
-Carries around something you can chew on in case you need it. She’s a gorgon, and she’s got snakes, she understands the need to bite things, and she won’t judge you in the slightest.
-if you’re shorter than her? Oh she definitely picks you up occasionally.
-pets, head scritches, and belly rubs when you’re in wolf form and you’re both in private? Yes.
-In private together, she finds herself combing her fingers through your hair. She enjoys the feeling. It’s very soft. A feeling that’s different from the scales and snakes.
-If you plan to fight someone and tell her ahead of time? She’ll absolutely gather blackmail and other dirt on them to assist you on the more… psychological side of warfare.
-She’s very cunning and sly, and knows what to do.
-I will not lie, Valerie probably saw you guys getting together coming from miles away lol and did she bet on it? …perhaps. 
-If you’re the type to go a tad… berserk, perhaps even… crazy on full moons, you bet she’ll have a room ready for that.
-Vera’s snakes reaching over to lay on you because you’re warm due to the fur isn’t a odd occurance. At first, Vera was embarrassed, and a tad annoyed at her snakes developing this habit because it made her look soft, then, one time, when you two were alone, she tried it, and… well, now she tends to lean into you for warmth during cuddles too.
-…You’re sworn to absolute secrecy about this, and I mean absolute, but she actually has fallen asleep on you a couple of times while cuddling. Between managing Oberlin enterprises and it’s many venues, school, and… other things, it’s not surprising she’s fallen right asleep on you before.
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summervibes68 · 2 years ago
Not me forgetting to open my inbox
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