brandedseastar · 11 months
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My father and I attended a concert tonight. I got so much merch, I almost feel a little silly—not only did I buy a t-shirt from the artist we were there to see (Grandson), but because I liked both of the opening bands, I also decided to get a hoodie from the first and a t-shirt and a CD bundle from the second. I received a free poster as well! Exciting.
I will say, however, that the CDs were more of a purchase made with my father in mind because he said he liked the Monowhales. I fancy myself a good kid, y'know?
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artcgirl · 9 days
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eyplaylist · 4 months
Double the music discovery. Hope this helps you Expand Your Playlist!
DOUBLE-PLAY(LIST) #1(MARCH 2024)Spotify – Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Threads12 Songs – 38min 25secGenres: Rock, Indie Rock, Alt Rock, Modern Rock / Alternative DOUBLE THE NEW MUSIC!Taking a page from Radio’s “Rock Block” or “Block Party” playlists, we created our own “block” playlist with the new “Double-Play(list)” playlist showcasing songs from up-and-coming bands that we have featured…
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Went to a grandson concert in my hometown and had fun but had to leave early cuz I got stomach pains and got bored somehow
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thealbumdrop · 2 years
Episode #547 - May 10, 2022
Episode #547 – May 10, 2022
https://archive.org/download/TheAlbumDrop/547-ad22.05.10.mp3 Stream The Show Above / Download It Here Today we have new music from Wet Leg, Broken Social Scene’s Sam Jr, OMBIIGIZI, and much more! Episode #547 – Playlist (more…)
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streetwolf · 2 years
Listen: "Change###" by MONOWHALES
Listen: “Change###” by MONOWHALES
Tunnel Vision by MONOWHALES “Change###” by MONOWHALES From Canada comes the fantastic indie band MONOWHALES and they come to us with the powerful sonic creation that is “Change###”. With this stunning and honest blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to tale so human, so raw and so easily relatable. They borrowed inspiration from the reality of the world today and managed to craft…
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slamncram · 2 years
Oh I see we are not anon now. Love you boo ♥️
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thesituationroom · 6 months
skews current toronto indie radio because that’s what i listen to ⭐️
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falasteenikadan · 7 months
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Not Just Small Print
A Mizora Playlist
Track List and Spotify Link under the cut
All the Good Girls Go to Hell - Billie Eilish
Primadonna - Marina and the Diamonds
Maneater - Nelly Furtado
The Hand That Feeds - MONOWHALES
Poor Unfortunate Souls - Queen Latifah
One Woman Army - Porcelain Black
I Am Not a Woman, I’m God - Halsey
Get Down - Genesis Lynea
Die Young - Ke$ha
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9 (well, 4) Fandom Folks To Get To Know Better
Thank you for the tag, @known-concepts~ 💙
Three ships you like: Well, tomarrymort has been the obsession or a couple years now. I'm reading a lot of sefikura because of all the Rebirth gifs I've seen lately. And one pairing that I wish had more fics to devour is Richard/Asbel from Tales of Graces f.
First ship ever: Hhhhhhh first ship ever was Yami Yugi/Seto Kaiba, and it was entirely unintentional. That was also my introduction to fanfiction in general. The first ship where I was reading/watching something and went "look at that sexual tension" was Drarry :3
Last song you heard: Hear Me Out by Monowhales
Currently reading: A lot of fanfics... I'm now caught up on the last eight chapters of DMAY (such tension, so lovely~) and finally read Mary Magdalene (gorgeous, my heart aches). In terms of books, I've just started Beloved Economies by Jess Rimington and Joanna L. Cea.
Currently watching: Hmm... It's been a couple weeks since we were last able to get together, but my friend and I are rewatching Steins;Gate.
Currently consuming: Biscoff and chai tea~
Currently craving: Cuddles from my kitties and a less anxiety-prone brain.
Tagging (no pressure): @caramel-raven, @raehb336, @tollingreminiscentbells, and @cealesti because our minds have pretty much melded already :D
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everybodyloveshippos · 4 months
tagged by @chexburger thank u :)
Favorite Color(s): red, salmon pink-red
Currently Watching: nothing. nothing has captivated me lately
S/S/S: sweet
Relationship Status: this city cannot handle me!!!!!!! (single)
Current Obsession(s): legend of drizzt <333333 and dnd lore
um i never rlly tag these so feel free if u want to do it
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eyplaylist · 10 months
The Listening Station #23 - September 2023
Welcome to the 23rd edition of the Listening Station playlist! It’s time once again to turn up your speakers and open your mind to these new additions to the playlist for September 2023. Turn the volume up to 15 (it’s possible) as we present to you these songs and artists from the Pop, Rock, Folk, Indie, and Alt genres to help you discover new music and, as always, to also help you… Expand Your…
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tuesday again 8/16/22
currently unemployed so i am real goddamn fuckin chatty in this one
listening CTRL^^^ by MONOWHALES bc jack read me for filth with this rec several weeks ago and it's been in heavy rotation since then, so into the tuesday playlist it goes.
reading Falling Sky by Rajan Khanna (published 2014, author says the concept began in 2008).
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premise: this is an interesting little bridge between the steampunk and zombie trends. the comps on the back of the book (thriller/noir/hemingway/miyazaki) are not very accurate. it's set in california, a generation after fast and smart zombies that reproduce have made the ground is too dangerous, so most people roam about in airships and zeppelins (good on the author for distinguishing them, knowing his terminology, also giving some of them vertical takeoff and landing capability). posits a world where the airship was ubiquitous before the apocalypse, which is fascinating, bc the airship our hero owns is one stolen by his grandfather as shit went down. our hero is a jaded bodyguard is trying to keep a pack of scientists researching an infection detection method safe in a secret ground-based lab. wait up go back hold up a minute where do they get the hydrogen and helium? don't worry about the hydrogen, mr khanna says, let's talk about helium, which is marketed through a floating city with a secret ground-based mining facility (???). airships meet at covert docking points on tall buildings, there's a chicago outpost of sky vikings that's taken over the local floating sky city, you know, the usual. i can only imagine the airships look something like the aeroscraft??
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worldbuilding stuff: props for the mention of salted pigeon meat, an established gunpowder manufacturing chain, general thoughtfulness about what salvage components are most valuable, what kinds of food keep and how to safely preserve them, boiled water (i don't think i've ever seen boiled water as a matter of everyday course in a postapoc novel), several different types of biofuels. i never found myself asking "well how DO they get [BASIC RESOURCE]"? this is mostly well-handled without a lot of infodumping, with little throwaways like "hey i tested your new biofuel blend, it was good in x ways and bad in y ways, do you have any more of z blend?"
character stuff: congrats to the protag for being sad about a dead dad instead of being sad about a dead wife. there is a sex scene that's pretty tasteful, mostly vague concepts, and did not make me cringe. the protagonist has a terrible crush on the female lead but is pretty respectful about it, is on good terms with his ex, and the other female merc they team up with is an extremely capable person even if she is mostly used as a battering ram. this was a welcome surprise! the most interesting character work that happens to our hero is a synagogue in the floating city, where our hero ends up after a particularly bad day and sort of makes a stab at reconnecting with his faith. i don't know that i've ever seen an atheist jewish protagonist in a postapoc novel before, or much discussion of religion aside from cults?
stylistic stuff: there is a very fine line between hemingway-style terseness and choppiness, and this tends to veer choppy (as i often do with my own writing). i didn't quite jive with the style, nor do i particularly care about our hero. he's fine. he's just kind of bland? the book is mostly about the protagonist telling you what he's doing, bc it's first person present tense. this doesn't bother me a ton, bc that seems to be the current trend in english fic in the handful of fandoms i pay attention to.
the backstory and infrastructure of the world is there but not necessarily the people that live there. good bones, not enough meat, the style and focus on and-this-is-what-happened-next was somewhat irritating. h owever this was a perfectly adequate first novel, and my hope is that the second and third novels improve. they are remarkably hard to track down, i found this one on a whim in a little free library. from reading a preview of the second book it already seems more noir-ish so i am cautiously optimistic.
watching i was adding stuff to letterboxd (really fucking hate that letterboxd has got me watching more movies. what the fuck are they doing with all my data. what are they using my movie watching habits to sell) anyway i was adding stuff to letterboxd and was reminded of the film Pitch Black (2000, dir. Twohy), which is an extremely competent little scifi/horror thing i enjoy a lot.
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this zoom in to escaped convict riddick watching people frantically look for him after a spaceship crash is, as one letterboxd reviewer put it "like some sort of deranged bugs bunny", is the funniest zoom in the trilogy. this film works very well with its budgetary limitations and is mostly filmed in the desert under the blazing sunlight or in near-pitch darkness, freeing up a lot of money for creatures that have aged in an endearingly (imo) early 2000s way. like the mad max movies, it asks the question "what if an extremely unpleasant man is unchained and treated like a person? what happens to his personality and decisions after that?" this one's quite solid and i don't have much to say to it other than give it a little "pretty good movie!" trophy. it also sticks its ending, a thing i cannot say for the other two riddick movies. which i also rewatched.
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beautiful fuckin aurorae look at that shit. The Chronicles of Riddick (2004, dir. Twohy) is not very good but we must give it points for sheer visual style. they truly do not make em like this any more, and they made the plot too big and galaxy-encompassing. this movie was at its was most successful when riddick is trying to find a specific person. it was also at its most successful when it's a movie about how riddick and also a planet are trying to kill you. i do not like the attempted sexual assault in this one. the ending made me go "ohhhhh" in sudden understanding but it did not pay off the "guy loses everything he cares about but gets enormous power/riches/etc he's been striving for" bc the movie establishes that what he wants is to be left alone with the two people he sort of cares about safe. the ending would have hurt more if the movie had spent like three more beats really hammering in that he just wants to be left alone.
i like the first half of Riddick (2013, dir. Twohy), when it's just a guy and his weird dog figuring out how to survive the planet. the last half is an early stab at what the john wick movies would become, combined with the last half of pitch black. there are some very fun, very tense shots in the last half, even if it completely forgets some stuff it set up in the first half of the movie.
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i don't care about this one as much bc riddick experiences no interesting character changes. the most overarching thematic element, if we can very loosely call it that, is at the beginning, when he says "time to get back in touch with my animal side" and then...doesn't do that. he talks to his dog. he teaches it tricks. he shows himself to have a better understanding of the human psyche and how to really freak people the fuck out better than any of the posturing mercs after him.
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i mostly dislike this one a great deal bc i do not like how the out lesbian in this one, with big guns and a sniper rifle longer than she is tall, is there for the men to constantly make passes at. there is an attempted sexual assault in this one too, and she..sleeps with riddick at the end??? i don't fully understand what was happening there. this riddick does not feel like the same riddick as the one from the previous movies. like the daniel craig bond movies, he is at his best when he reluctantly cares about someone and is reluctantly going "uggggHHHHHH FINE I GUESS I'LL BE A GOOD GUY BUT I'M GOING TO BE MAD THE WHOLE TIME AND EXTRA SCARY >:( " like yes yes big muscle man do flip and be very smart and punch hard and look nice. what does the big muscle man FEEL. that's when these movies get interesting, when they remind you riddick is a real actual guy and these aren't just stunt movies, and this last movie had too much bleh for me to enjoy the back half. so we progress in this trilogy from "really fucking fun and interesting, extremely tight and self-contained thesis" to "bizarre but going for something, thesis unknown" to "this is two different movies and not very much fun. cool dog tho". we must hand it to these movies as a whole for going "man vs nature on other planets lets us get REAL insane with it".
playing honestly probably a hiatus from Gaming (TM) for a while
making roundup of several small things.
a list of the westerns i would let other people watch, made for my siblings who will be visiting for christmas. they get to pick which ones but i do get to inflict three westerns upon them.
a rashomon-trope fallout fic for yeehawgust, where everyone has a different story about What Actually Happened: "There was a rumored pre-War banquet hall full of uranium glass place settings, ripe for selling to the Courier for her wedding. Now there’s a giant crater and four different stories about whose fault it is."
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finally rigged up plant lights two and a half months after moving in. had to heavily prune and discard some plants, which makes me feel bad, and discovered i am still battling scale, which also makes me feel bad. however, now i know it's there and i can start dealing with it again. still need to rig up something better for my poor pencil plant, which also needs to be pruned and repotted bc it got Very leggy. do not worry about the snake plants they live in my office they didn't actually go anywhere
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stopped at a yard sale, met a baby, pet a very friendly and well behaved chihuahua, got a 2-foot 10 through 60 parts to the inch architect’s scale and a pair of Wiss shears for a dollar. the shears are very dull, need a new nut, significant enamel wear on the handles which is annoying, but cannot beat the price for new kitchen shears. u kids know the drill into the vinegar bath it goes. will have to have a think about how to stop the handles from rusting again. maybe a dip in the can of white enamel paint i used for the kitchen table, maybe a funky new kind of spray paint is in my future.
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poprabbits · 1 year
10 randomized songs off my likes! I believe that's what's going on lol @blvck-dog Thank you for tagging!
Blue = Marina
In a Minute = Poppy
Rock the House = Gorillaz
I Know Not to Count on You = Sleigh Bells
Rich$$$ = Monowhales
Build God, Then We'll Talk = Panic! At the Disco
Ordinary = Yonaka
I Can Talk = Two Door Cinema Club
Evil Eye = Franz Ferdinand
505 = Arctic Monkeys
I'll tag @rooteena and @azure-prince but no pressure at all. You are two real people I know and it's fun to see what people are listening too.
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scottstiles · 2 years
i was tagged by @agentplant thank you kate!! i too love sharing random information about myself ;lskdfjg;ksdfg
favorite time of year: spring but like only once the snow is fully gone from the streets. that tiny week or two before it gets hot XD
comfort food: breaddd
favorite dessert: im not a big dessert person but if i have to choose something in a restaurant i love creme brulle and lemon meringue stuff, or apple pie and its variants
things you collect: hmm idk if this counts but i have a collection of kippot (aka yarmulkes aka little jewish hats) from the bar and bat mitzvah students ive taught over the years that i’ve always wanted to turn into art a la cullen family graduating cap installation piece lkdsfgkjsdhfgkj my dad would say i collect coke cans but i do not im just too lazy to bring them back to the store
favorite drink: i drink coke the way all the self care posts tell you to drink water :// (see above)
favorite musician/band: oy. The question. XD
last song I listened to: i turned on the stingray channel for a couple minutes today and it was some cover by monowhales of the hand that feeds by nine inch nails it was wild my brain got so confuzzed
last movie watched: ooh good question thank you I FINALLY watched the new jurassic park movie with my friend on his bday we had to take a break from 90 day fiance marathons XD i actually liked it!!! was happy to see so much of the og cast
last series watched: oh. well. i mean i rewatch heartstopper like every couple days so ;ldksfgljshdfgkjfdg but the last ep of something i watched was one of the new svu eps ive been catching up on (rollins makin me feel old by god shes too relatable its not sustainable shes gonna leave the show and im gonna cry for a year about it)
currently watching: friends the one where monica sings .. joeys eyebrows right now i just ;ldksfgjkdfsjg im not really watching its just on. somethings always on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
current obsession: hmm. see 2 questions ago XD
dream place to visit: OH ive only mentioned this briefly but was recently thinkin about nz again and middle earth *sighs in nerd* kate im so jealous l;dfjgkdfshg
places you wanna go back to: i left my soul in new york city and wouldn’t mind seeing it again
something you want: oh. just everything :((
currently working on: life. ahaha.
tagging a few friends don’t feel like you have to <333 @braedenhales​ @oscar-piastri​ @evanbukley​ @archivistsammy​ @becauseofthebowties​ @hellhazers​
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