radacovsky · 2 months
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victoryrifle · 2 months
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fallout italy when
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haikewargame · 2 years
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Part of sheet 2 of the Apollo Mission 17 Lunar Photography Index map. This map provides a spatial index of the strips of large format black and white images that were taken by the 610 mm focal length ITEK panoramic camera used on the mission. The high-resolution panoramic photographs were recorded in stereoscopic and monoscopic modes. The orbital altitude for the panoramic images was 111 kilometers above the moon's surface.
One of the lasting legacies of the Apollo missions is the huge archive of high quality photographic images - over 30,000 in total. Apollo missions 15,16 and 17 deployed a high quality Panoramic camera, that could obtain pictures of narrow strips of the Moons surface as the service module orbited the Moon. At the scale of the Moon's surface, these images were 20 kilometers wide and nearly 320 kilometers long,  with high resolution that could be used to identify features down to about 2 meters in size. During Apollo 17, the panoramic camera was used on nine orbits and obtained nearly 1600 usable images.
The Panoramic camera automatically recorded images, but the Apollo 17 crewmen could intervene to control the camera power and operational modes. The film cartridges were retrieved from the external location.
The image shown here is part of an index map, on which the locations of the image strips were plotted. This index map shows the Moon's surface close to the crater Copernicus (which can be seen on a clear night from the Earth using binoculars). The crater is located slightly left of and above 20° W, 10° N, which is at the centre of the side of the Moon that faces the Earth. Further south is the Mare Cognitum (literally the Sea that has become known). Several spacecraft have landed on, or near to, Mare Cognitum, including; Luna 5, Ranger 7, Surveyor 3, and Apollo 12. The landing site of Apollo 14, the Fra Mauro formation, is also close to Mare Cognitum.
Many of the features on the surface of the moon are named after pioneering astronomers or optical scientists. These names are not well known outside of astronomy, but when the names of these pioneers are collected together they form surprisingly lyrical stanzas; Kepler, Flamsteed, Wolf.Marius, Milichius.Lalander, Loewy. Gassendi, Euclides.Gambart, Lippershey, Kies.
In the the early 1990's the American landscape photographer Michael Light obtained permission from NASA to work with the archive of original photographic negatives from all of their Moon missions. The result of this collaboration included the publication of a book by Light called Full Moon in 1999. This was his imagined photographic narrative of a single Moon mission created by composite. Light also created very large digital prints from the images and made a travelling exhibition of them. A selection of these prints are on permanent exhibit at the America Museum of Natural History in New York.
via datedeluge
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recoiloperated · 2 years
So- I'm looking for a chest rig that has 4-5 rifle mags, 2-4 pistol mags, and an admin pouch for bino/monoscopes, notepad, Ect. and somewhere to stick a med kit like a dangler. Ideally placard compatible so I can snap it into my plate carrier.
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faceofpoe · 11 months
While I'm here in my Andor feels perusing my fic folder...
This just ended up not working plot-wise in the *cough* rather dubious fic it started from, but I loved it and hated losing it to the discard pile.
In which Luthen is outsmarting Cassian, who he thinks is betraying the rebellion, and then both of them are outsmarted by Bix:
Andor turned up just past nightfall. Less than an hour after the arrival of a passenger shuttle from the capital city at the central docking bay, a wasted detour in an effort to shake off pursuit undoubtedly, and only leaving himself more helpless here and now in the absence of a readily-available ship.
He’d gambled and lost, but Luthen would take no satisfaction in it.
By the time he picked his way down to the corner of the apartment block, the streets plenty thriving and the night still young, Andor had entered the building and left again, and turned the opposite way down the alley, crossing over the next street and continuing down the narrow maintenance route out of sight of the cam.
It was quieter past the next block. Past the clubs and the tapcafs, one last looming set of apartment blocks and opening out into a promenade of sorts, dimly lit path and a lake – artificial, he’d hazard – and a dozen-odd people of varying species enjoying a calm night, mostly in pairs.
Luthen hovered in the shadow of the alleyway, scanning the scene through his monoscope until he caught sight of the solitary figure sitting on a bench along the path, relaxed, waiting, just any other local unwinding after a long day at work, or perhaps just a tourist enjoying a spot of nature off the beaten path.
Once the path was emptied in his relative vicinity, Andor leaned down and pulled the knife from his boot. He rose and strode quickly across the landscaping, ignoring any number of warning displays to stay to the illuminated trail, and made his way to an offset monument, towering obelisk atop a plinth of some sort of marble, surrounded on three sides by a high brick wall behind which Andor disappeared.
Luthen cut across the carefully-maintained ground on quick, quiet footsteps, got close enough to realize that the monument was, in fact, a tomb, the whole space dedicated to some local leader undoubtedly blessed with more ego than inspiration, slowed at the sound of the knife scraping against the brick mortar – trust Andor to find the smallest piece to recall Ferrix in this wholly foreign place – and pulled out his blaster as he rounded the corner.
“That’s quite irreverent, isn’t it?” The breath exploded out of Andor’s lungs all in a heavy sigh, and he just pressed his forehead against the wall in silent defeat. Hands stilling, loose brick half-extracted, knife hanging by the looped handle from his thumb. “It was a good effort. Let’s have it.”
Andor yanked the thing free and dropped it to the ground; reached into the hollow in the wall and pulled out a small bundle. “How did you -?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Luthen stepped up close behind Andor’s back, reached around and down his hip to relieve him of his usual weapon. He slid it into his own cloak, grabbed the knife, which he tossed on the ground, and then plucked the hidden bundle from his hand. “Look at me.”
Reluctance written in every taut muscle, in the slow way he yielded to the command, Andor complied. His eyes lingered briefly on the blaster hanging loose in Luthen’s grip, and a strange look flit over his face as he forced his gaze up to meet Luthen’s steadily. Not fear really, a touch of resignation, but something like disappointment at the core.
That look, more than any of the rest, stirred the first anger in Luthen’s gut. Broke the careful detached façade that necessarily accompanied these situations.
Andor was not the first, nor would he be the last; but none of the rest had ever possessed the audacity to think themselves special.
He gave into the rage and frustration, shoved Andor back against the wall. He went without a fight, reacting only with a wince when his head connected with the brick, and oh how Luthen lied to himself, how he wanted him to fight, to push back, to beg, to make this a simpler calculation, an easy shot.
All he got was a thick swallow, audible in the quiet night, Luthen pressed against him and his blaster jammed under his ribs. “You’d kill me for this?”
Luthen seized his jaw in an unyielding grip and forced his face up to his and murmured, “How did you imagine this was going to go?” Andor shrugged a shoulder, as if it were truly a question worth contemplating. Luthen dug his fingers in, until Andor’s eyes tightened with pain. “What alternative outcome could you possibly have envisioned?”
“I suppose,” Andor forced out, “I harbored some hope that-”
He cut off abruptly, eyes widening a moment before Luthen caught the rustle of soft steps in the dirt, and then the whine of a blaster charging.
Luthen released his grip on Andor and held his own blaster out to the side, hanging loose and unthreatening, while he reached into the folds of his cloak for the baton.
“Ah,” a hoarse voice preempted the press of a muzzle against his back. A quick hand reached around and found the grip, tugged it loose.
What an ignominious end, he couldn’t help but mull drily. A surprise to Andor, whatever it was, by the wary stare thrown over his shoulder. “Hey…” he started, but was interrupted by the sound of the metallic ring of the staff extending.
“I always wanted to play with this.”
Luthen blinked and turned and found a familiar face under unfamiliar short-cropped hair smiling up at him in dark amusement. “Bix.”
The smile widened; something manic in her eyes. Unsettling. “You’ve got about two minutes until the sentry patrol loops around this way.” Andor leaned around and snatched the blaster out of her hand; Luthen didn’t even bother moving, caught unawares, realizing just how woefully he’d misunderstood everything happening, and detesting every second of his ignorance. “If you boys want to hurry along and figure out who gets to shoot who.”
Andor yanked the staff away and shoved it back to Luthen, pulling Bix away by an elbow and hissing low, “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Yes, you seemed to be handling things quite well on your own, Cassian.”
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dazeymazey · 6 months
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[ id: a short comic in mainly grayscale colors, featuring two object head characters. Petra, who is fat with a cactus head dressed as a lifeguard, holds up a monoscope and says "Hey look, a cardboard box washed up on the beach!" in their view we see Chip, who is thin and has a cardboard box for a head, laying face down on the sand. Petra then scrambles in alarm, holding a stretcher & exclaims "Holy fish paste, it's a guy!" end id. ]
chipetra Beach AU (aka stealing jokes from spongebob)
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worldtattoogallery · 2 years
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parallel67979 · 4 months
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Project Diary - Technique section
Recently I finally found out the most significant technique issues of my project.
In my project the jump scare part is the key element, at first, I just put the jump scare scene into my video file, which is 180 Horizontal and 180 Vertical.
However, it didn't work for a long time, the whole video looked OK when I played it in a Normal Model at Premiere Pro, but the jump scare scene looked really weird when I watched the entire video in the VR Display Model, the screen of the jump scare doesn't have VR properties, so I tried many times to adjust its VR properties, now I got the perfect VR properties for my project.
For the shooting section, I used Insta to shoot videos and adjusted it to 180 180 Monoscopic, then I put the jump scare scene, which is 360 Horizontal and 180 Vertical Monoscopic, these 2 VR properties got many experimented with, and the video effect looks really great in VR Display Model.
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sida-wang · 5 months
WEEK 9 Workflow Testing
(test point cloud vr animation)
Through the lengthy and complex process of 3D scanning, converting to point cloud, creating animation, rendering to VR video, and finally publishing, I've encountered various challenges. However, I've confirmed that my initial project concept is achievable, and I've learned the necessary software, steps, and time required. This process has been quite demanding, and there is millions of times that I want to quite because of the geometry node and operational steps. Some difficulties I've faced include:
1. Problem: Blender, even with the Point Cloud Visualizer plugin, fails to display the colors of PLY files correctly.
   Solution: Probably due to the incorrect import method in Blender; the correct approach is to use "add" instead of "import."
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2. Problem: In Blender, PLY files cannot be converted to a geometry node for further editing.
   Solution: No direct solution found. I employed an alternative method by manually adding geometry nodes to create a point cloud from a GLB file.
3. Problem: Lengthy rendering time in Blender for animations.
   Solution: Utilize GPU instead of CPU for rendering. Additionally, reduce the “resolution scale” or set the “step” to 2 for lower-quality previews before rendering the final full-resolution animation.
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4. Problem: Blender renders VR videos as PNG files instead of a complete video file.
   Solution: Create a sequence in Premiere Pro (PR) using all the PNG frames to render a complete video. Rendering frames as PNG has the advantage of preserving previous progress in case of clash or pause, allowing continuous rendering.
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5. Problem: Visible black boundaries in VR videos created from Blender-rendered PNG sequences in PR.
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   Solution: Ensure consistency between PR's sequence settings and Blender's render settings. A more simple and direct way is right click on the clip, and choose Scale to Frame Size.
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6. Problem: Incompatibility of Open Brush files exported in GLB format with Mac computers when using standalone VR headsets.
   Solution: Create an Open Brush account and link it to a Google account to sync/back up all the media files to Google Drive, including desired GLB file. Then downloaded it from Google Drive on the Mac computer.
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(OpenBrush model download and open in Blender using GLB file format)
Based on these challenges and solutions, I've documented a detailed workflow for creating a point cloud animation, following tutorial links:
1. Obtain a base model through 3D scan using Scaniverse (free, supports multiple formats) and Sitescape (for larger buildings, supports PLY format only).
2. Export 3d scan to GLB format, import into Blender, and follow tutorials to create nodes for point cloud and transformations:
3. Add noise for ambiance and lighting effects, referring to specific timestamps 57 and 60 minutes in tutorial videos:
4. Set up camera shots, animate using keyframes, and employ plugins like Camera Shakify for handheld motion effects:
manually add:
use plugin(recommend): https://github.com/EatTheFuture/camera_shakify
5. Render VR animation frames in Blender and compile them into a video sequence in PR.
6. Edit VR video in PR as per Canvas module course guidelines, or for headset editing, refer to Adobe's VR support documentation.
7. Preview and check for seamlessness in Vimeo before finalizing the project.
Currently, my concerns is still about Blender's slow rendering speed and seamless transition between clips. I plan to discuss these issues and explore previewing methods and final presentation options with my instructor next week.
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radacovsky · 9 months
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80 x 40 cm
Mixed media
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idpgroup13 · 7 months
Blogpost 14: The Final Product
With both the renders done, it was time to put them together and make the transition animations in AfterEffects. For the transition between the two scenes, the group found it fit to make a bubble transition, resembling the air bubbles that form when you dive.
To make this transition, Theodor used a particle animation effect which he adjusted to resemble the realistic bubbles.
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In addition, he created an intro transition resembling dripping paint, keeping the same liquid theme.
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With all the transitions done, it was time to add the MP3 with the music and sound Mica created.
While producing the final version of the music, Mica referred to the version of Theodor's render prior to the final within her vegas file. This was used for the purpose of properly syncing the music with the story of our dome experience.
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Thus, the final version of our music includes relevant sound effects that work with the transitioning effect animated by Theodor. Sounds such as sea waves, underwater bubbles and underwater ambience can be heard from the audio.
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While the animations were being finalised as well as the renders of the environments, Mica had taken the opportunity to improve on the sky background she had drawn beforehand for the boat scene.
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The final version of the sky background consisted of a fully starry image, with clouds no longer appearing to block them.
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This had seem to fix the previous issues regarding the wraparound of the image within Theodor's recent render. While barely visible, the edge of the HDRI no longer shows a wide 'gap' or clashing of sides.
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Overall, it appears quite pleasant in the scene, and so marks the final fix of the once ongoing issue revolving around the flawed sky.
To render and preview the final video, we used the 4K resolution with the recommended adjustments.
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For the final export of the video in the dome VR format, we increased the render resolution of the project to 8K and used the provided After Effects guide. The final result is a 8192x4096 equirectangular 2:1 render, transformed in a 1200x1200 VR monoscopic dome format.
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Final links for the video:
Screen recording - preview available (51MB):
Final Video 4K (2.64GB):
VR Dome View:
Final version of music below:
Features sound effects - sources below:
AUDIO BOOK (2021) sea waves [calm sound of waves in the sea] NO COPYRIGHT. 14 January 2021. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S68vLYRGkU (Accessed: 9 February 2024).
Free Audio Zone (2022) Underwater Bubbles Sound Effects - Deep Water Bubbles SFX. 5 September 2022. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eR3cNJgbPI (Accessed: 9 February 2024).
Sound CFX (2023) Underwater Ambience Sound Effect (No Copyright) [Free Copyright]. 4 April 2023. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7b6g-mQjXo (Accessed: 9 February 2024).
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top10withme · 1 year
Always Up-to-Date Guide to Social Media Video Specs
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs
Last Updated: August 30, 2023 Staying relevant and capturing your audience’s attention is a constant challenge for marketers. And now that brands rely on video content more than ever, it’s critical to use the correct social media video specs and advertising video sizes. However, we couldn’t find all the correct social video sizes in one place. So we decided to create a complete guide of every single social media video spec and advertising video dimension. Before we start, here are some additional resources to help you keep the information in once place:   Learn how to develop and implement your Instagram marketing strategy today. Get the Guide
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs
Social Media Video Specs & Ad Sizes Per Network
We’ve gathered a plethora of information on each social network’s specific video sizes and specs. Simply click the links below to jump to your desired network: Collaborative Publishing Made Easy with Sprout Visually appealing content can often be found at the heart of successful social posts. Whether it’s a video, image or text, Sprout’s Asset Library serves as the central hub, making accessibility, organization and collaboration easier than ever. Experience how easy asset management can be when you get started with a free trial today.
Facebook Video Specs
Facebook video is consumed at higher rates each year, so it’s no wonder why so many marketers search for the correct Facebook video specs. The challenge for marketers is that there are simply so many types of videos you can share on Facebook and the platform updates its design frequently. Each video format has different dimensions and specs, which can make it confusing to know whether or not you’re uploading the correct format for organic or paid posts. Follow the specs below to optimize your posts. Shared Post Video (Landscape & Portrait)
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Easily the most common type of video on Facebook comes from shared posts. This type of video lives in your Facebook feed, and can be shared by brands or your friends. While it’s not as easy to get organic reach on Facebook, it’s still a viable way to share video. You can choose between two video orientations: Landscape and Portrait. Here’s a look at the video specs for both. Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Video Guidelines - Recommended video dimensions 1280 x 720 for Landscape and Portrait. - Minimum width is 1200 pixels (length depends on aspect ratio) for Landscape and Portrait. - Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9. - Portrait aspect ratio is 9:16 (if video includes link, aspect ratio is 16:9). - Mobile renders both video types to aspect ratio 2:3. - Max file size is 4GB (3 GB maximum in Sprout). - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Video length max is 240 minutes (45 minutes if uploading in Sprout). - Video max frames 30fps. 360 Video
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Facebook’s 360 Video allows users to get a complete 360-degree view by scrolling with a cursor on web, by touch or turning the device on mobile. Video Guidelines - The resolution and aspect ratio depends on the type of content: - Monoscopic: 5120 x 2560 maximum, aspect ratio 2:1 - Stereoscopic: 5120 x 5120 maximum, aspect ratio 1:1 - Recommended max file size is 10GB. - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Video length maximum is 30 minutes. - Recommended framerate is 30 fps. Facebook Reels The convenience of cross-posting your Instagram Reels to Facebook expands the viewership and reach of your videos. This format appears organically in feeds, but often gets “priority” on Facebook feeds. Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs - Recommended video formats are MP4 and MOV - Allowed Frame Rate: 23 FPS minimum - Allowed Duration: 4 seconds – 90 seconds - Allowed File Size: No file size limit - Resolution: 540 x 960 (540p) minimum (1080×1920 or greater recommended) - Allowed Aspect Ratio: 9:16
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs
Facebook Video Ad Specs
In-Feed Video Ads
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs These ads are the sponsored equivalent of in-feed posts and follow similar guidelines. Video guidelines - Recommended to upload the highest resolution video possible. - Recommended resolution: 1080×1080. - Recommended aspect ratio is between 9:16 to 16:9 (Horizontal: 16:9, Square: 1:1, Vertical: 4:5 or 2:3 and Full Portrait: 9:16). - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV (see full list here). - Max video file size is 4GB. - Video length max is 240 minutes. Character limits - Primary text: 125 characters. - Link description: 30 characters. - Headline: 40 characters. There are more than 5 million advertisers now on Facebook and having the right specs for your ads can be tricky. Each type of Facebook video ad is different, so let’s go ahead and break down the specs for each type of video you can produce. Carousel Video Ads
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Facebook Carousel Video ads allow brands to showcase multiple videos (or images) and a link within a user’s Facebook feed. It has grown in popularity because its unique scrolling feature allows users to see more content before clicking a link. In fact, Digiday estimated Carousel Ads to be 10 times more effective than standard social media ads. Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Video Guidelines - Recommended video resolution 1080 x 1080. - Aspect ratio is 1:1. - Max video file size is 4 GB. - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Video duration range is 1 second to 240 minutes. - Video max frames 30fps. Collection Video Ads (Mobile)
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs The Facebook Collection ads showcases multiple images and a main video above it. This is perfect for displaying multiple products (or various colors of a single product) and a video as well. The ad type has been popular so far with retailers and clothing companies. How to build a Facebook business Page that attracts customers Video Guidelines - Recommended video resolution 1080×1080. - Square aspect ratio is 1:1. - Max video file size is 4GB. - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Video length max is 120 minutes. - Video max frames 30 fps. Character Limits - Primary text: 125 characters. - Headline max: 40 characters. - Landing page URL required. Instant Experience Video Ads
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Facebook Instant Experience ads open up a full-screen experience after the first click, which can be further customized with a variety of interactive features. This can include multiple video experiences, including features to auto-play on loop. Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Video Guidelines - Minimum resolution: 720p - Portrait aspect ratio of 9:16 with pillarboxing for all others uploaded. - Max video file size is 4GB. - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Maximum length of all video content must be 2 minutes combined. - Video max frames 30fps. Slideshow Video Ad
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Facebook’s Slideshow videos were built for advertisers wanting to reach audiences with slower internet connections. Instead of a regular video, slideshows are just that–a slideshow of images or video in an ad display. Video Guidelines - Recommended video resolution 1200 x 720. - Aspect ratios available are landscape (16:9), vertical (4:5) and square (1:1) - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Slideshow duration max is 15 seconds. Facebook Stories (Ads & Organic Posts)
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Facebook has also added the Stories feature, disappearing short photo or video updates that are only available for 24 hours. In addition to user-generated organic posts, Stories ads that run in between sets of user stories are also available.  While most users will be sharing immediate & organic updates from their phone’s camera without worrying too much about their video specs, the guidelines for this format are similar for paid & organic posts. Video Guidelines - Recommended resolution 1080×1080 - Aspect ratios: 1.91 to 9:16, with colored gradient bars rendered above and below videos under 9:16. The text field will also be placed under below videos smaller than this aspect ratio. - Max video file size is 4GB - Duration is 1 second to 2 minutes - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. Character Limits - Primary text: 125 characters - Headline: 40 characters For more information on the video specs for Facebook, visit the Facebook Help Center.
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs
Instagram Video Specs
Instagram launched video capabilities in 2013 and quickly saw enough success to start advertising on the platform in 2015. Since then, video only continues to grow as an engaging social format. So needless to say, Instagram videos are absolutely worth the investment. In-Feed Video (Landscape, Square & Vertical)
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Always Guide to Social Media Video Specs Since 2015, Instagram crafted its videos formats to allow three different styles: landscape, square and vertical. The predominantly-mobile social network is perfect to share videos of any size organically to reach your audience. Video Guidelines - Minimum resolution for all formats is 1080 x 1080 - Recommended horizontal pixel resolution is 1920 - Multiple aspect ratios are supported: Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9, square aspect ratio is 1:1, vertical aspect ratio is 4:5. - Max file size for all formats is 4GB (*100MB maximum for Sprout Direct Publishing and 512MB maximum for Sprout Mobile App Flow Publishing). - Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV. - Video length is 3 to 60 seconds. - Recommended frame rate is 23 to 60 FPS. - Recommended data rate/bitrate: 25 Mbps (megabits per second) Character Limits - Primary text recommendation: 125 characters. - Maximum number of hashtags: 30 Instagram Reels Introduced in 2020, Instagram Reels are another option for your video strategy on Instagram. These short-form, easily digestible videos are becoming the preferred type of content in Instagram feeds. Fortunately for social content creators looking to easily generate a lot of content for Instagram, most of the video specs for Instagram Reels are fairly similar to other formats on the platform, with the main differences being the short length and the ease of editing in-app to add effects and sound. As Instagram has started to add separate tabs for different content types, thumbnails will be cropped differently on each view. If the viewer is on the first tab that has all content types, the thumbnail will be cropped to the traditional square post size of 1:1–center your subjects and plan to avoid undesirable vertical cropping. - Allowed file extensions: .MP4 or .MOV - Allowed Frame Rate: 23-60 FPS - Allowed Duration: 3 seconds – 15 minutes - Allowed File Size: 4 GB max (1 GB or less in Sprout) - Allowed horizontal pixels: 1920 - Allowed maximum bitrate: 25 Mbps - Allowed aspect ratio: 0.01:1-10:1 (9:16 Read the full article
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automaticvr · 1 year
Title: Shame Film Blog/Website Link: Film Vimeo Link:https://ift.tt/WvZENrS Trailer Vimeo Link: Film Information: • Genre: Animation • Production Year: 2023 • Country of Production: China • LogLine (25 words): An introverted girl who feel very ashamed when she needs to present herself, the stares and attention from her classmates make her unconfortable. • Synopsis (50 words): A girl was too nervous to speak in front of class. The eyes of classmates pierced her like needles and she could hear them whispering about her. Gradually, the classmates turned into black monsters that filled the classroom, and the monsters opened bloody mouths to devour the girl. • Twitter Blurb (100 characters): Overcoming stage fright can be tough, but it’s even harder when you’re an introverted girl presenting your project in front of your classmates. #publicspeaking #introvert #projectpresentation • Facebook Blurb (100 characters): Public speaking can be scary, but it’s even scarier when you feel like the whole room is against you. Your classmates may turn to scary monsters that you never seem before. #publicspeaking #confidence #overcomingfears Credits: • Director Yaxi He • Animator Yaxi He • Music mingminggaz • Sound Yaxi He • Edit Yaxi He Biography (25 words max): Artist/Director Statement (250 words max): The purpose of this animation is to bring to light the fact that there are some people in life (especially introverts) who are afraid to show themselves, and perhaps people can think about why they have shame as a result, and whether there are and are not other ways of showing that can cater for this group of people than just going on stage. In the story, the gaze of her classmates around her makes the little girl feel stressed and scared, and the image of her classmates gradually evolves into black monsters that opens their mouths and devours the vulnerable little girl. So in the animation, I try to create an awkward and scary atmosphere so that the viewer can immerse themselves in the scene and bring this kind of shame to life in an abstract style. I used rough pencil textures to draw the animation, the rough pencil material symbolising the girl's inner tension. I preferred uncomfortable sounds such as ringing in the ears, whispering and nervous clocks tik-tok sound, an embarrassing silence, to be part of the soundtrack. My work uses 360-degree virtual reality technology to create an immersive classroom environment to show the process of being on stage for a presentation. Through 360-degree virtual reality technology, the audience can feel the eyes of the students around them coming from all directions and staring at them all the time, experiencing the pressure of the close attention of others, thus creating a sense of shame for the viewer under the attention. Sustainability (100/250 words max): In the creation of my animation, Shame, I integrated the concept of sustainability directly into the narrative. The film reflects on glossophobia through its story about the girl’s fear in public presentation and the images of transformed monsters. My intention was to raise awareness about glossophobia, highlighting the power of animation as a tool for social commentary and change. Contact Details: • Name Yaxi • Surname HE • Email [email protected] Social Media: • Website • Blog • Twitter • Tumblr • Instagram https://ift.tt/Tnto2kf • Facebook Technical Information: • Running Time:01:03 • Original Format: Digital 2D animation • Screening Format: Quicktime H264 • Aspect Ratio: 1920 x 960 VR Monoscopic • Sound: Stereo
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Rai, the government thinks about the anti-Fuortes rule: chaos on programs extended to the end of June
ROME. They can’t program anything. Everything is blocked in Rai. And so the genre directors are forced to extend talk shows and broadcasts until June 30, waiting to understand what will happen at the top, when the sovereign takeover of the public television building by Giorgia Meloni will finally take place. “In October they will broadcast the monoscope”, ironize the managers slipping into…
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Alias: Deadshot
Name: Lim Jaebum/JayB
Sexuality: Unknown × Poly
Powers/Abilities: Master marksmanship, assassin, strategist, master accuracy, hand-to-hand combat
Weapons: Monoscope, gauntlet wrist machine guns, and an array of all types of guns
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