kevinchanergo · 2 years
LED Screen Monitor Light Bar and Desk Lamp
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❌ Memes!
It's dark in the room, but what else could be expected in the den of the shitposter extraordinaire, the original Australian, the honorary Canadian, Sollux Captor? There are no less than four tabs open, each slowly browsing through websites no self respecting person would admit to visiting on pain of social death.
Those websites are not important. What is important is the yellowblood hunched in front of another monitor, heels resting at the front of his seat, arm hooked around a knee, zoomed 300% to a GIMP file. He would have had Trolltoshop cracked and open, but after the last Adobe Hitsquad showed up Sollux figured they could use some time to cool off. There were probably better ways to edit this than carefully re-coloring and erasing individual pixels with the pencil and eraser tools, but those would require actually learning the intricacies of graphic design. As anyone truly in the know could tell you, actually understanding the process, and for that matter having a sense of artistic integrity at all, was a significant detriment to shitposting.
Twenty minutes later the masterpiece was ready. It is a high honor to be exported from GIMP at all, rather than merely cut out using the snipping tool and copied over to a post. The xcf file is never saved. The image itself is unlikely to remain undeleted past the pressing of upload. It must be transient. The end is important in all things.
A reprehensible jumble of pixels is uploaded to an irrelevant and sanity eroding blogging website. The all important, meaning-deprived tag is added. The appropriate party is @'d. Sollux grins to himself in flickering blue monitorlight.
Four hours later there is nothing. No notifications, no likes, no responses of any kind, least of all from the targeted party. Sollux continues to grin all the same, a perfect 2hiitpo2t.
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