#Monarchy of Landova
royalsimsoflandova · 9 months
Introducing The Royal Family of Landova
The Royal Family of Landova currently comprises of The King and Queen, their three children, their daughter-in-law and their four grandchildren, in addition to the King's sister and brother, his siblings-in-law, and his six nieces and two nephews.
Their Majesties The King and Queen
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HM King Frederik and HM Queen Matilda.
The King has had a long and successful reign after becoming King at the age of 23, after the tragic death of both his parents in a shipwreck.
Their Majesties The King and Queen with their children;
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(sitting) HM King Frederik, HM Queen Matilda with (standing L-R) HRH The Crown Prince Oscar, The Duke of Newcrest, HRH The Princess Madeline, The Princess Royal, and HRH The Prince Nicolas.
The King and Queen with their siblings and siblings-in-law;
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From left; HM King Tamar of Yazmia, HM Queen Amelie of Yazmia (the King's sister), HM King Frederik, HM Queen Matilda, HRH Ingrid, The Duchess of Ridgeline, and HRH Prince Henri, The Duke of Ridgeline (the King's brother).
The Newcrest Family;
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HRH The Crown Prince Oscar, The Duke of Newcrest with his wife Lacy, HRH The Crown Princess, The Duchess of Newcrest, and their children Their Royal Highnesses Prince Magnus, Prince Vincent, Princess Leonore and Prince Andreas of Newcrst.
The Ridgeline Family;
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The King's brother HRH Prince Henri, The Duke of Ridgeline, his wife Ingrid, HRH The Duchess of Ridgeline, and their three daughters TRH Princess Adrienne, Princess Louisa and Princess Elise of Ridgeline.
The Royal Family of Yazmia;
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King Frederik's sister Queen Amelie of Yazmia (born Princess Amelie of Landova), her husband, HM King Tamar of Yazmia, and their five children TRH Princess Raya, Princess Aisha, Crown Prince Ali, Princess Esma and Prince Karim of Yazmia.
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royalsimsoflandova · 9 months
Introducing The Monarchy of Landova
The Monarchy of Landova is the constitutional form of government by which a hereditary sovereign reigns as the head of state of the Landova. The current monarch is King Frederik, who inherited the throne from his father. The monarch and their immediate family, undertake many ceremonial and representational duties.
Succession: The kingdom of Landova practises male-preference primogeniture, hence the eldest son of the monarch will inherit the throne.
The royal family of Landova comprises of the monarch and their close relations and the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of previous Monarchs. There is no strict legal or formal definition of who is or is not a member, although the Royal Household has issued different lists outlining who is a part of the royal family. They support the monarch in undertaking public engagements and often pursue charitable work and interests.
The Royal House of Landova is within the Royal Family and consists of the members of the royal family, consists of the immediate family of the monarch, and any other working members of the royal family. Any members who decide not to become working royals of Landova, are no longer members of the royal house but remain members of the royal family.
Titles of the royal family of Landova are either inherited through parents or are granted by the sovereign.
The Monarch of Nevodia is known as a king or queen regnant. They are the head of the monarchy and the royal family. They have the style and title of His Majesty The King, or Her Majesty The Queen.
The Royal Consort of Nevodia is the spouse of the monarch of Landova. The wife of a king is a queen consort and may use the style and title of Her Majesty The Queen. The husband of a queen regnant may use the style and title of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort.
The Heir Apparent to the throne is entitled to use the style and title of His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Landova.
The Princess Royal is a title often granted to the eldest daughter of the monarch. The title is bestowed upon the recipient for life and is an honoury title.
The children of the monarch are entitled to use the style and title of His/Her Royal Highness The Prince/Princess *given name*.
Male-line grandchildren of a monarch are also able to use the styles and titles of His/Her Royal Highness Prince/ Princess along with the territorial designation of their father's title.
Senior members of the royal family will often be granted titles on their wedding day by the sovereign. A Royal Dukedom or a Royal Earldom is able to be inherited by their descendants through salic primogeniture, but once this title passes to someone without royal title, the title with no longer be classed as royal.
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