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johnkidd-blog1 · 9 years ago
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aqhilahameduniverse-blog · 9 years ago
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drkoneru-blog · 9 years ago
What the Heck Is a Mommy Makeover…and Why Would a Woman Want One?!?!
Cosmetic surgery isn’t the first thing on a mommy-to-be’s mind! Having a baby and becoming a parent is one of the most memorable, exciting and selfless times in the life of a woman.  But pregnancy can take a toll on a body.  After the baby is born, a woman’s once high and plump breasts droop down, especially after breast feeding.  The baby bump becomes a sagging piece of skin that diet and exercise cannot firm and flatten; and even the legs, arms or trunk of the body can develop flaccid skin…unless you get a Mommy Makeover!
A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures that restore your before-pregnancy appearance, typically focusing on the breasts and abdomen. A typical makeover may include complementary plastic surgery procedures including a tummy tuck; a breast procedure such as an augmentation, lift or reduction; and liposuction of the legs, arms or trunk.
The Mommy Makeover can also include labiaplasty.  After childbirth, the labia minora (the inner lips) can sometimes tear or stretch slightly, but the tissue is elastic and generally remains intact. In some cases, the labia minora may just appear stretched. If the outer lips retract, they might make the inner lips look bigger, or expose them for the first time. Post-baby changes to your labia — if any — are typically minor, and there’s a good chance they’ll go unnoticed by you and your partner.   But if they do not retract, labiaplasty is designed to "aesthetically modify" the labia so the inner lips (labia minora) do not protrude past the outer lips (labia majora). The procedure can be performed with or without clitoral hood reduction (hoodectomy).  This procedure also can reduce the labia majora by removing excess fatty tissue to improve comfort and to provide a more youthful look.                                                                  
When you have breast augmentation in San Antonio, Dr. Koneru will place silicone gel or saline implants behind each breast, underneath the breast tissue or the chest wall muscle.  With the new IDEAL IMPLANT®, you can now get saline implants that look and feel as natural as silicone implants.  The new saline implants are safer because if you are in an accident and they should rupture, your body will easily absorb the saline solution without any harm to your health.
If you have a tummy tuck in San Antonio, Dr. Koneru may be able to insert your implants through your tummy tuck incision so you that you will not have scars.
If a breast lift is involved with your Mommy Makeover in San Antonio, Dr. Koneru will trim excess skin and tighten supporting tissue, to help you achieve an uplifted, youthful breast contour. After surgery, your breasts will be higher on the chest and firmer to the touch. During the procedure, the best plastic surgeon in San Antonio; Dr. Koneru can also reposition or resize the nipple and areola to further enhance the appearance of your breast.
Motherhood is hard enough without struggling to get used to an altered appearance. Regain your pre-pregnancy appearance with safe, effective cosmetic surgery.
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binghammckelvey-blog · 9 years ago
You can Regain Your Youthful Figures. Dr. Koneru specializes in the Mommy Makeover in San Antonio, a combination of surgical procedures to help you get back your pre-baby shape. https://www.drkoneru.com/procedures/body/mommy-makeover/
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binghammckelvey-blog · 9 years ago
A Plastic Surgeon’s Review of the DASH Diet
·       So, the two week DASH Diet challenge is over.  Nobody qualified for the CoolSculpting drawing so I guess I’ll have to use it myself and Freeze My Fat.  In other words: I AM THE CHAMPION!  For those of you, who are interested in my experience, read on?
·       To prepare, I checked out a few books from the San Antonio Public Library.  Two of them were in electronic format so they were easy to download and view on my iPad.  They didn’t take long to read and were pretty straight forward.  There were lots of recipes – but I left those to my wife.
·       Following the diet was pretty easy. I did not eat any red meat during the 2 weeks and the only alcohol I had was some red wine on the weekend.  The biggest difficulty I found was watching the sodium limit of 1500 mg per day.  I had never really paid attention to the sodium content of foods before, but it is in everything!  Even the diet Green Tea that I drink had 50 mg per serving.  After 2 weeks, I think I can pretty much go without adding salt to my food now and I my taste buds are more sensitive to salt.  Really, the only other problem I had was eating out.  It is very hard to find a place that serves low salt foods that are fresh and healthy (especially when you eat in hospitals).  We did have one good lunch brought in to the office from My Fit Foods that was full of vegetables and low in salt.
·       I know you are wondering about the results.  Well, I did lose a few pounds pretty easily.  I do not have high blood pressure, but my blood pressure did go down as well.  I also had my Cholesterol checked and it dropped 30 points from before the diet.  All in all, I think it is a pretty easy meal plan to follow.  For success, you really have to concentrate on eating at home and bringing your lunch and snacks to work.  Overall I would give it 4.5/5 stars just because watching salt is so difficult.
·       I hope that this little challenge of ours has helped to reinforce your resolutions to lose weight or has inspired you to take on the challenge yourself.  I have seen results in many of our patients, so I know success is possible.  I routinely perform Tummy Tucks and Mommy Makeovers on people that have lost a great deal of weight.  We also use CoolSculpting to take care of things like love handles and saddle bags that don’t go away despite weight loss.  If you don’t think it is possible read this Real Self diary from one of our patients who lost about 100 pounds by watching her diet and exercising.  If she did it, you can too!
Source: https://www.drkoneru.com/a-plastic-surgeons-review-of-the-dash-diet/
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binghammckelvey-blog · 9 years ago
Are you looking for a Mommy Makeover in San Antonio? Dr. Koneru specialize in the Mommy Makeover, our surgical procedures to help you get back your pre-baby shape.
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