#Mom: why didnt you say soemthign before?????
familyofpaladins ยท 3 years
So after church today my family decided to go eat at this place that was giving out free(?) Food. We had all come in different vehicles though, (me and my mom in one because we went to bible study before the service, my brother his own because he doesnt live with us anymore, and my dad and sister came separate for whatever reason) Anyway we decide to go to the food place as a group because, why drive all the cars over there, and then just drop other people back off later. Well us girls have somewhere to be a little later, so we decided to go in one vehicle and the guys in the other, that way if we need to leave early we can.
We get over there and decide that the line would be too long to stand in and then eat, so the guys stayed, but us girls decide to just go get soem fast food before heading home.
I asked at one point if we were going inside or the drive thru. They said drive thru because 2My mom has some new diet restrictions (found out she cant eat fructose) so she wasnt going to eat anything. So that way we compel eat on the way home and she wouldnt have to worry about eating and driving. No big deal.
We get our food and start heading home. I get done with my food and am just eating my ice cream that I got. We are a mile a way from our house (we live about 15 minutes from the town we were just at).
My sister asks my mom if she knows where we have to go for our thing later. I start to think to myself about how nice it'll be to all just go in the same vehicle and that we dont have to drive seperate-
Me: Hey. Do you guys realize we left Sister's car in town?
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