#Mohamed hussain vision
### Bridging Realms: The Future of Virtual Venues and Augmented Reality
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the concept of virtual venues is gaining significant momentum, promising to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with digital environments. At the forefront of this transformative wave is Mohamed Hussain, a visionary who perceives augmented reality (AR) not just as a tool for entertainment, but as a pivotal bridge connecting the digital realm with the tangible world.
#### The Genesis of Virtual Venues
Virtual venues, in their essence, are immersive digital spaces that replicate or enhance real-world environments through virtual or augmented reality technologies. These platforms offer a new dimension of interaction, where physical limitations are transcended, and participants can engage in various activities, from concerts and conferences to exhibitions and social gatherings, all within the confines of a virtual space.
Mohamed Hussain's vision extends beyond the current applications of virtual venues. He envisages a future where these digital platforms become integral to everyday life, transforming how we work, learn, socialize, and entertain ourselves. Hussain's perspective is grounded in the belief that technology should serve as a catalyst for human connection, rather than a barrier.
#### The Augmented Reality Revolution
Augmented reality stands as the cornerstone of this envisioned future. Unlike virtual reality (VR) that immerses users in a completely digital environment, AR overlays digital information onto the real world, blending physical and virtual elements seamlessly. This subtle integration is what Hussain believes to be the key to a more inclusive and accessible technological future.
The potential applications of AR are vast and varied. In education, for instance, AR can bring historical events to life, allowing students to witness historical events unfold before their eyes. In the medical field, AR can provide surgeons with real-time data and visual aids during procedures. For the everyday consumer, AR can transform shopping experiences, allowing users to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase.
#### Virtual Venues as the Nexus
Virtual venues are poised to become the nexus between the digital and physical realms, offering a platform where augmented reality can flourish. Hussain envisions these spaces as more than just venues for entertainment; he sees them as communal hubs where individuals from across the globe can come together to share experiences, knowledge, and cultures.
One of the key challenges in realizing this vision lies in accessibility. For virtual venues and AR technologies to truly serve as a bridge, they must be accessible to a broad audience, transcending socioeconomic and geographical barriers. This inclusivity is central to Hussain's vision, emphasizing the need for affordable and user-friendly technologies that can integrate seamlessly into daily life.
#### The Road Ahead
As we stand on the cusp of this digital revolution, the path forward is both exciting and daunting. The development of virtual venues and the integration of augmented reality into our daily lives hold the promise of a more connected and immersive future. However, this future also demands careful consideration of ethical, privacy, and security concerns.
Mohamed Hussain's vision of augmented reality and virtual venues is a testament to the potential of technology to enhance human experience and connectivity. As we navigate the complexities of this digital frontier, it is visions like Hussain's that will guide us toward a future where technology enriches our lives, connecting us in ways we can only begin to imagine.
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omarhussainchicago · 3 months
Dubai’s Investment Appeal Exposed
Dubai’s ascent as a global investment hotspot is not just a story of rapid growth; it’s a testament to meticulous planning, visionary leadership, and a strategic vision for the future. With each passing year, Dubai solidifies its position as a premier destination for investors seeking opportunities across diverse sectors and industries. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll delve deeper into the myriad factors that make Dubai an irresistible magnet for investment, shedding light on the key drivers behind its economic prowess and enduring appeal to investors worldwide says, Omar Hussain Chicago.
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Strategic Geographical Nexus: Bridging Continents and Markets
Dubai’s strategic geographical location at the crossroads of East and West has been a catalyst for its economic ascendancy. Nestled between Europe, Asia, and Africa, Dubai serves as a pivotal hub for global trade, commerce, and logistics. The emirate’s world-class transportation infrastructure, including Jebel Ali Port – one of the largest container ports in the world – and Dubai International Airport – the busiest airport for international passenger traffic – enhances its connectivity and facilitates seamless movement of goods and people across continents. This strategic advantage positions Dubai as an indispensable link in the global supply chain, attracting businesses, investors, and multinational corporations seeking access to emerging markets and lucrative trade routes.
Visionary Leadership and Political Stability: Anchors of Confidence
Dubai’s remarkable transformation from a modest trading port to a dynamic metropolis is a testament to the foresight and visionary leadership of its rulers. Under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the emirate has embarked on an ambitious journey of diversification, innovation, and sustainable development. The city’s stable political environment, progressive governance, and investor-friendly policies instill confidence among businesses and investors, fostering a conducive climate for growth, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation. Dubai’s commitment to transparency, rule of law, and economic freedom reinforces its reputation as a safe and secure haven for investment in an often turbulent region.
Dynamic and Diversified Economy: Nurturing Growth Across Sectors
Omar Hussain Chicago: Dubai’s economy is a vibrant tapestry woven from a diverse array of sectors, each contributing to its resilience and dynamism. While oil and gas laid the foundation for its early growth, Dubai has successfully diversified its economy to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and unlock new sources of prosperity. The emirate’s strategic focus on sectors such as tourism, hospitality, finance, real estate, technology, and healthcare has propelled its economic diversification efforts, creating a fertile ground for innovation, creativity, and investment. From iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall to cutting-edge financial centers and thriving free zones, Dubai offers a spectrum of investment opportunities across industries, catering to the diverse needs and aspirations of investors seeking growth, stability, and wealth preservation.
World-Class Infrastructure and Business Environment: Enabling Success
Dubai’s relentless pursuit of excellence is evident in its world-class infrastructure and business-friendly environment, which underpin its status as a global business hub. The emirate’s modern transportation networks, state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure, and avant-garde urban developments provide a solid foundation for businesses to thrive and investors to prosper. Additionally, Dubai’s free zones – including Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), and Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) – offer foreign investors attractive incentives such as 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and streamlined administrative processes, further bolstering its appeal as a destination for setting up businesses, establishing regional headquarters, and tapping into lucrative markets across the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.
Vibrant Real Estate Market: A Pillar of Investment Attraction
Dubai’s real estate market stands as a beacon of opportunity for investors seeking to capitalize on its growth trajectory and lifestyle appeal. The city’s iconic skyline, characterized by towering skyscrapers, luxurious residences, and avant-garde developments, reflects its ambition, innovation, and cosmopolitan allure. With a transparent regulatory framework, robust investor protection laws, and a diverse range of investment options, Dubai’s real estate sector offers opportunities for both capital appreciation and rental income. Whether investing in prime residential properties, commercial spaces, hospitality assets, or off-plan developments, investors are drawn to Dubai’s real estate market for its potential for long-term growth, stability, and wealth preservation.
Conclusion: Seizing the Moment, Embracing the Future
Omar Hussain Chicago: In conclusion, Dubai’s allure as a lucrative investment destination transcends mere economics; it embodies a convergence of vision, opportunity, and ambition. With its strategic advantages, visionary leadership, dynamic economy, world-class infrastructure, and vibrant real estate market, Dubai beckons investors from every corner of the globe to participate in its growth story and share in the rewards of investing in one of the world’s most dynamic and forward-thinking cities. As Dubai continues to evolve and innovate, the opportunities for investment abound, inviting investors to seize the moment, embrace the future, and unlock the boundless potential that Dubai has to offer.
Originally Posted: https://omarhussainchicago.com/dubais-investment-appeal-exposed/
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3linaturabi · 3 years
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The nostalgia and memories of karbala, the streets, the crowd, the shrine, pricks the heart as an arrow tears apart and leaves an endless agony and pain.
How Remorseful, how helpless, how downtrodden, and unfortunate, not to pay a visit to the Rouza of Ababdidlahil Hussain.
The love is so incessant that it pours an avalanche of pain to be deprived of the vision of karbala.
It is so difficult to elucidate and fathom the attraction of Imams shrine.
You love the pebbles,on the ground, the gravel, the dust the people around.The azure blue sky above, the atmosphere, the environ, the vicinity for me it is like a saviour a taste which the soul craves for,
longs for,
yearns for,
yells for,
cries for.
You enter the Rouza, you get an affinity, that you feel submerged yourself never to step outside.
The more you sit, you feel more of englightment, illumination,
more of peace,
sombre and calmness, the never ending prayers of especially the Salath-Jaffar-e-tayyar, which is frequently recited and Holy Quran as well.
I pray to
Jaffar-e Tayyar A.s,
that give us the sadaqa of your angelic wings given to you in Jannah, the affuluent and lofty level given to you by Rasool-e Khuda Mohammed s.w.s, the magnificent gift given to you by him on your victory.
Let us offer this sacred Namaz again in the Rouza of Ababdillahil Hussain A.s.
May Allah Swt make all the Momineen savour the marvellous glory of Karbala.
Adoring Ababdillahil Hussain A.s,
-Naveed Fatima.
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darulkhulood · 3 years
As-Silsilah Ar-Ramaḍānīyyah (السلسلة الرمضانية) - Ramaḍān Series
What should one try to busy themselves with in the last 10 night?
1 - Write up a timetable for the last 10 nights. Allocate time for prayer, Qur’ān, charity and Du‘ā’ every day until ‘Īd without missing a day.
2 - Make a Safe Space – Spend your night in a special and quiet place where you are, on your prayer mat and facing the Qiblah.
3 - Seek sincere Tawbah from Allāh. From the supplications one can say are:
اللهمّ إنّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ العَفُو فاعْفُ عَنِّي
Allāhumma innaka ‘afūwwun, tuḥibbul-‘afwa, fa‘fu ‘annī
"O Allāh, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me.”
رَبَّنَا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الْأَبْرَارِ
Rabbanā faghfir laā dhunūbanā wa kaffir ‘annā sayyi’ātinā wa tawaffanā ma‘al-abrār.
“Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and efface our bad deeds and take our souls in the company of the righteous.” Sūrah Āli-‘Imrān (3): 193.
4 - Give charity every night: Any good act such as charity during Laylatul-Qadr is rewarded like you have done it for over 83 years.
5 - Having a light Ifṭār: Having a light Ifṭār will give us more energy; as for eating too much, then it would make us tired and lazy.
6 - Be careful from wasting time: While increasing in worship and taking breaks, one should avoid making those breaks into hour long scrolling on phone or laptop, etc.
7 - Limiting social media activity if not part of work. One can spend scrolling on twitter or Instagram without even realising. We need to be careful.
8 - Do not forget the Ummah in your supplications, many are suffering around the world and are being tested in much more difficult ways.
9 - Contemplate on your visions and goals for the coming year and what you want to achieve. We need to think of ways of helping this blessed Ummah.
Spend these last nights with Allāh and not busy with the distractions of this life. May Allāh give us the ability to find Laylatul-Qadr while we are praying and reciting. Āmīn.
Mohammed Ibrāhīm Hussain
Sunday 20 Ramaḍān 1442 - 2 May 2021
Islamic Theology: https://t.me/AqidahIslamiyyah
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edthrive19 · 5 years
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Expo 2025 is a forthcoming World Expo sanctioned by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), which will be held in Osaka, Japan. It will take place for six months during 2025. This will be the second time Osaka hosts a World Expo, having previously hosted Expo 1970. Expo 2020 is a World Expo to be hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, opening on October 20, 2020. The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) general assembly in Paris awarded Dubai as the host on November 27, 2013 UAE selected the theme "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future", sub-themes being Sustainability, Mobility and Opportunity. "In today’s highly interconnected world, a renewed vision of progress and development based on shared purpose and commitment is key. While a married human mind, an individual country, or a specific community is both unique and remarkable, it is by working collaboratively that we truly advance." Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said in support of the bid. The World Expo in Dubai in 2020 will be the first to be held in the MENA & SA (Middle East and North Africa & South Asia) region. On 27 November 2013, when Dubai won the right to host the expo 2020, fireworks erupted at the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa. A national holiday was declared the following day for all educational institutions across the country. The Dubai Ruler promised Dubai would "astonish the world," in 2020. The staging of the world fair and the preparations leading up to it are expected to result in 277,000 new jobs in the UAE, an injection of nearly $40 billion into the economy, and an increase in visitors of at least 25 million and up to 100 million. Director General of Dubai Municipality, Hussain Nasser Lootah, said that they have the largest laboratory in the region, and can easily research new materials and technologies required for construction. The world's tallest commercial tower to be built in Dubai, in Jumeirah Lake Towers, was given the name "Burj 2020" in honour of the World Expo 2020. Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum also went to the top floor of the Burj Khalifa to wave the UAE flag, a few days after the World Expo 2020 win.
You are the Expo Manager of 2025 Osaka Expo and you have been given the duty of making sure that Expo 2025 attracts more industries, company’s, tourist’s and making sure that Expo 2025 breaks the benchmark that Expo 2020 is expected to set.
Your deliverables should include but is not constrained to:
Executive Summary
Feasibility Analysis
Operational plan
HR Plan
Marketing Plan (SWOT, STP Analysis, Conventional, Unconventional strategies)
Detailed plan of the Expo
Detailed breakup for constructing the expo
Operational expenses of the Expo during the months of operating in 2025
Revenue structure of the expo
Sources of Funds
Contingency Budget
30 second trailer for promotion
Poster, and any other deliverable as required
PR strategies along with Press Release
This task has to be done in collaboration with the WEALTH MANAGEMENT Participants, Details of the your partners has been uploaded below. This is an open collaboration, so you are required to find your partners on your own with the help of the details given below. 
The Soft copy of the task is to be submitted by 10 am tomorrow (Sunday, 24th Nov) to your respective event email id separately. (The entire report including the ED AND WM portions to be sent by both the partners to their respective events.)
Hard copy to be brought on Monday for presentations.
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mairacute · 3 years
Edgecoinpay extraordinary compared to other stage in 2021. exceptionally fascinating and promising task that will be the awesome its field. Rating locales show extraordinary possibilities for this undertaking. Peruse the white paper. This venture group is Very impressive and stunning . Task looks encouraging and there is an expert group chipping away at it. Its task has great turn of events and long haul openings. New task so I can trust group will work so this venture can get more elevated level. I wish this task will actually want to introduce itself as a vastly improved undertaking.
Edgecoin is an Educational Stable Coin that gives an open installment framework to instructive foundations, where people can make schooling related installments, for example, for enlistment charges, convenience, books, and any remaining instructive spending’s, through a decentralized application.
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An incredible task with an exceptionally cool thought! These are the undertakings consistently recommend to companions and associates And centered in valuable!!! superb undertaking with extraordinary potential later on.
Edgecoin 3 most significant Payment Solution :
No alt text accommodated this picture
Install and Register Edgecoin through our App.
Purchase your Edgecoins from the App.
Use your Edgecoins astutely.
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Edgecoin is generally more grounded and genuine undertaking. This is a top notch project with clear guide. this venture will actually want to introduce itself as a greatly improved task.
Edgecoin is associated internationally with an ensured protected, quick and secure exchanges. It is the future for all brilliant schooling installments.
Edgecoinpay was planned after inside and out investigation into the end-client and the understudies’ point of view for the usability of the current installment framework in the schooling field. In an extreme move that will change the foundation of the installment office inside the schooling installment framework through blockchain innovation for eternity. The organizer, Luke Arliss, has depicted it as “an answer for the issues inside the financial arrangement of the restrictive expense that is right now implemented on understudies”.
Edgecoin was similarly acquainted with advantage the instructive establishments as well as to compensate the normal dedicated understudy in the space of diminishing his expense and furthermore giving routes through which these understudies can procure. This is made conceivable through the “Acquire while you learn” highlight that comes because of the programmed mining of Gradecoin, a fluctuating token.
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The-benefits-of-blockchain-in-the-instructive area :
Throughout the most recent year and a half the world has definitely changed and we live in questionable occasions. More so than any other time the headway of innovation and advancement is giving answers for a superior and safer future. The remarkable information stockpiling and handling framework permits utilizing the blockchain in those spaces of the economy that require uncommon security, strength and straightforwardness. The exemplary blockchain utilization model was restricted to the monetary business in 90% of cases. This bodes well, however applying similar advantages to different areas can prompt brilliant outcomes. A promising course for the improvement of blockchain innovations is the instruction area. The report “Blockchain in Education” by the European Commission’s Joint Research Center gives an itemized breakdown of blockchain comparable to European instruction. Conversation of this issue at an undeniable level shows how genuinely innovation is taken by counterparts.
No big surprise, on the grounds that the primary benefits of blockchain can be of incredible assistance to the business :
The data of each blockchain is accessible to everybody, except it can’t be changed without keys.
No requirement for mediators, exchanges are checked by network members.
Monetary exchanges happen straightforwardly between the gatherings, with no administrative endorsement.
We have in a real sense just started to expose what’s underneath, Blockchain innovation is well and genuinely becoming perceived as perhaps the main advancements within recent memory similarly as the web was approximately 20 years prior. It will on a very basic level change the world as far as we might be concerned.” — Luke Arliss and Armon Rabiee from EdgeCoin.
Edgecoin takes out this as well as giving a safer and safe approach to complete these exchanges continuously. Installments &transactions are closed in a flash, something that conventional banking and monetary organizations can’t accomplish as they are as yet vested and depend on utilizing obsolete frameworks that are quote essentially not reasonable for the cutting edge world wherein we live in today. Today the interest for such instruments is exceptionally high. The Covid pandemic and worldwide detachment have by and by helped individuals to remember the advantages and capability of computerized innovation, including the advantageous and well known blockchain. Sooner rather than later, the ascent of this innovation to the instructive area will just develop, and it is important to get ready ahead of time for such a progress.
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Edgecoin Stablecoin have a similar trade esteem as fiat monetary forms when used to deal with training based exchanges.
Indeed. Most Stablecoins are connected to the worth of their relating fiat cash. For this situation, the Edgecoin Stablecoin is connected to the most secure cash which is the U.S. dollar at a proportion of 1:1. In this way, 1 Edgecoin = 1 dollar.
Edgecoin works with the utilization of DeFi through the heavenly blockchain network. Defi offers the chance to give evenhanded admittance to numerous monetary administrations and has numerous advantages including “Yield Farming” which permits financial backers to acquire and loan their digital forms of money at a lot higher rates than the old-fashioned customary financial framework. Moreso, the framework’s drawn out vision is to work with the arrangement of a safe and straightforward shared installment framework for the instructive foundation. By bringing a dependable blockchain arrangement into schooling, more individuals will undoubtedly see the value in the decentralized money brought to the table, and the receptiveness of this foundation would serve to work on their allure towards different parts of decentralized money.
Name : Edgecoin
Abbreviation : EDGT
Type of Token : Stable Coin
EDGT Value : 1 USD
Supply : 10,000,000,000
1 EDGT = 1 USD
10B Market Cap
150 Million Token Sale
10 Billion EDGE Token
40% Token for User
10% Developers
20% Team/Advisors
30% Stakeholders
1 GRTC = 0.20 USD
10B Market Cap
10 Billion GRADE Token
GRTC Token distribution
Our Strategy and Project Plan
Q1 2017
Project idea.
Q2/Q3 2017
Project topic research.
Q4 2017
Start proof of concept development on private network.
Q1 2020
Whitepaper and Web App development.
Q2 2020
Smart contract and token creation on Stellar Network.
Q3/Q4 2020
Edgecoin was successfully launched.
Q2/Q3 2021
App release and Gradecoin drop (Sister coin of Edgecoin)
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Meet The Founding Team Of Edgecoin
Luke Arliss
Edgecoin Founder & Director
Armon Rabiee
Edgecoin Co- Founder
Charles Douglas
Edgecoin Chief Solicitor & Compliance Officer
Christopher Johnston
Edgecoin COO & CEO/Founder Karma – Browser & Mobile Search
Girish Chandra
Edgecoin COO of Partnership
Mohammed Hussain
Edgecoin Financial Officer & Investor
Adrian Gut
Edgecoin Partner and Affiliate
Chris Hooper
Edgecoin Chief Compliance Officer
Carlie Harris
Edgecoin Head of Marketing
Shahbaz Husaim
Edgecoin Accountant & Investor
James Mather
Edgecoin Technology Compliance Officer
Stephen O’Sullivan
Gradecoin Innovator & Investor
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We Collaborate Only With The Best
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Edgecoin is an Educational Stable Coin that provides an open payment system for educational institution to be settled at the same speed as the Internet.
Website : https://www.edgecoinpay.com/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/edgecoinpay
Telegram : https://t.me/Edgecoin_chat
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/edgecoinpay
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ekVAo2GXdMPcM03Y6r78g
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/edgecoinpay/
Bitcointalk Username: Mairacute
Telegram Username: @mairacute
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3334914
BSC USDT Wallet Address : 0x9758aabf2b323516C272e1B676131703790f87A7
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wmthrive19 · 5 years
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Expo 2025 is a forthcoming World Expo sanctioned by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), which will be held in Osaka, Japan. It will take place for six months during 2025. This will be the second time Osaka hosts a World Expo, having previously hosted Expo 1970.
Expo 2020 is a World Expo to be hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, opening on October 20, 2020. The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) general assembly in Paris awarded Dubai as the host on November 27, 2013
UAE selected the theme "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future", sub-themes being Sustainability, Mobility and Opportunity.
"In today’s highly interconnected world, a renewed vision of progress and development based on shared purpose and commitment is key. While a married human mind, an individual country, or a specific community is both unique and remarkable, it is by working collaboratively that we truly advance." Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said in support of the bid.
The World Expo in Dubai in 2020 will be the first to be held in the MENA & SA (Middle East and North Africa & South Asia) region. On 27 November 2013, when Dubai won the right to host the expo 2020, fireworks erupted at the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa. A national holiday was declared the following day for all educational institutions across the country. The Dubai Ruler promised Dubai would "astonish the world," in 2020. The staging of the world fair and the preparations leading up to it are expected to result in 277,000 new jobs in the UAE, an injection of nearly $40 billion into the economy, and an increase in visitors of at least 25 million and up to 100 million. Director General of Dubai Municipality, Hussain Nasser Lootah, said that they have the largest laboratory in the region, and can easily research new materials and technologies required for construction. The world's tallest commercial tower to be built in Dubai, in Jumeirah Lake Towers, was given the name "Burj 2020" in honour of the World Expo 2020. Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum also went to the top floor of the Burj Khalifa to wave the UAE flag, a few days after the World Expo 2020 win.
You are the Expo Manager of 2025 Osaka Expo and you have been given the duty of making sure that Expo 2025 attracts more industries, company’s, tourist’s and also making sure that Expo 2025 breaks the benchmark that Expo 2020 is expected to set.
Your deliverables should include but is not constrained to:
Executive Summary
Feasibility Analysis
Operational plan
HR Plan
Marketing Plan (SWOT, STP Analysis, Conventional, Unconventional strategies)
Detailed plan of the Expo
Detailed breakup for constructing the expo
Operational expenses of the Expo during the months of operating in 2025
Revenue structure of the expo
Sources of Funds
Contingency Budget
30 second trailer for promotion
Poster, and any other deliverable as required
PR strategies along with Press Release
This task has to be done in collaboration with the ED Participants, Details of the your partners has been uploaded below. This is an open collaboration, so you are required to find your partners on your own with the help of the details given below. 
The Soft copy of the task is to be submitted by 10 am tomorrow (Sunday, 24th Nov) to your respective event email id separately. (The entire report including the ED AND WM portions to be sent by both the partners to their respective events.)
Hard copy to be brought on Monday for presentations.
Nex no. Name Phone number
3 Amrita Saxena 9004206046
5 Tanay Agrawal 9632616285
11 Harsh Kumar Dugar 9102111127
31 Shakthi 7305705739
17 Sahil Soares 9606200107
21 Radhika Singhania 8248163734
29. Tanisha Aswani 8999982765
33 Aryan Jaiswal 9598090232
35 Rohit Menda 9748630327
38 Chirag Tantia 8944922420
0 notes
dailykhaleej · 4 years
Defying coronavirus problem, Saudi Arabia’s culture show goes on
DUBAI: Saudi Arabia was wanting ahead to 2020. It had solid forward with spectacular velocity, redefining its cultural panorama with artwork, culture, tourism and leisure initiatives as a part of Saudi Imaginative and prescient 2030 reforms to diversify the financial system.
In January, the long-awaited inaugural Desert X AlUla, the version of the California biennial, befell towards the magical backdrop of the AlUla area within the Saudi desert.
Regardless of the preliminary debate it generated within the international artwork group, the occasion proved a convincing success, profitable excessive reward from the worldwide media, signaling victory for the Saudi artwork scene on the worldwide stage. 
All eyes turned to the Kingdom’s flourishing artwork scene. Everybody, it appeared, was eager to go to the traditional lands of Arabia to realize entry to the cultural panorama taking root.
A nonetheless from Ahmed Mater’s 2013 movie ‘Ghost.’ Courtesy the artist and Athr Gallery. Pictures by Mohammed Eskandrani
Then got here COVID-19. The nation’s cultural plans have been positioned on maintain, the inflow of foreigners thinned, social distancing measures got here into impact, and the nation was below curfew and lockdown. There was extra: A value struggle involving oil.
Now, because the world slowly re-emerges from the lockdown, the indicators of hope have rebounded.
This discernible change in momentum was mirrored earlier this week when the Saudi Ministry of Culture introduced the institution of the Advert Diriyah Biennale Basis for Up to date Artwork, to be held in 2021.
The muse will host one modern artwork occasion, the Advert Diriyah Biennale, and one Islamic Artwork Biennale, the latter to happen in 2022.
An set up view of Athr’s ‘Durational Portrait’ exhibition that includes Saudi video artwork. Courtesy the artist and Athr Gallery. Pictures by Mohammed Eskandrani
The large information was introduced by the Kingdom’s Minister of Culture, Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan, who heads the board of the lately established Thunaiyat Advert Diriyah Biennale Basis.
Advert Diriyah is dwelling to the UNESCO designated 15th-century website of At-Turaif, often called the “pearl of Saudi Arabia.”
Advert Diriyah is dwelling to the UNESCO designated 15th-century website of At-Turaif, often called the “pearl of Saudi Arabia.” (Courtesy of Ministry of Culture)
It’s situated simply outdoors of Riyadh and was previously the location of the primary Saudi state, in addition to the unique seat of Saudi Arabia’s Al-Saud household. 
“While daily life and routines may have changed, our vision, mission and determination has not,” mentioned Abdulkarim Al-Humaid, spokesperson for the Ministry of Culture.
A view of the Eid Parade staged by Ithra by Saudi Aramco
“We are continuing to serve the people of Saudi Arabia by delivering the cultural transformation agenda in line with Vision 2030’s objectives.”
“Culture,” he added, “does not stop because of COVID-19.”
In the course of the pandemic, the ministry launched quite a few initiatives to help artistic manufacturing amongst Saudis.
An set up view of Mohammad Alfaraj’s exhibition ‘Nonetheless Life and Plastic Desires’ at Athr Gallery 
“We grouped these initiatives under the banner: Culture in Isolation,” Al-Humaid informed Arab Information. “These included a movie evening to help native content material producers and a contest by the Nationwide Theater to search out rising expertise.
“In the visual arts space, we supported our partners at Ozla Art with their virtual exhibition ‘Art of Isolation’.”
Athr Gallery
The gallery in Jeddah is providing SR5,000 to SR10,000 grants to help younger Saudi artists.
Alia Al-Senussi, senior adviser to the Saudi Ministry of Culture and founding member of the Tate Center East and North African Acquisitions Committee, mentioned: “No country has been immune to the effects to this devastating pandemic.”
Nevertheless, the Kingdom has lengthy been dwelling to a cultural group, she mentioned.
An set up view of Alaa Alamoudi’s ‘Warmth Burns’ exhibition at Athr Gallery
The pandemic, regardless of its adverse choices, has additionally introduced some constructive alternatives. “From Within,” an exhibition hosted by the Ministry of Culture, will happen, hopefully, within the Saudi autumn, with artists invited to specific their social distancing experiences by way of paintings. Works will likely be chosen from an open name, which can proceed till June 11.
Advert Diriyah is situated simply outdoors of Riyadh and was previously the location of the primary Saudi state, in addition to the unique seat of Saudi Arabia’s Al-Saud household. (Courtesy of Ministry of Culture)
The show serves because the second version of the Insider exhibition, beforehand held by the Ministry of Culture in December 2019 within the Industrial Zone (JAX), in Diriyah. 
“During the pandemic, we began thinking of what to do for the art scene, also given the situation surrounding oil,” mentioned Prince Sultan bin Fahad Bin Nasser Al-Saud, artist and adviser to the Ministry of Culture.
A view of the Eid Parade staged by Ithra by Saudi Aramco 
“I thought about America after World War I and the WPA (Works Progress Administration) that was created during the Great Depression, and how it helped artists survive. We wanted to do something in the same spirit to help Saudi artists.”
Because the Kingdom revs its cultural engine once more, within the short-term, it’ll witness some delays and maintain the main target on the native Saudi group. Nevertheless, plans are being actively pursued to carry again the worldwide guests.
A nonetheless from Fatima Al Banawi’s video ‘Or Proceed Down the Path They Have Paved for Me.’
The Royal Fee for AlUla (RCU) introduced on June 1 that AlUla will reopen in October. It’s planning to have an annual calendar of festivals and occasions from the date of reopening.
Sources mentioned that “‘21’39,” the yearly artwork occasion staged by the Saudi Artwork Council, has set subsequent yr’s program in movement, though dates haven’t but been confirmed. The Riyadh Pageant of Lights has been moved to 2021.
Center Beast (MDL), dubbed the world’s largest music occasion, is claimed to be staging a digital occasion this summer time, whereas the Crimson Sea Movie Pageant, its inauguration having been canceled this March, is scheduled for subsequent March. Hayy: Artistic Hub in Jeddah, Artwork Jameel Basis’s arts complicated, is now scheduled to open in late 2021, with COVID-19 having delayed its development.
Persons are excited for his or her future within the Kingdom, and culture is a cornerstone of that future.
Alia Al-Senussi, senior adviser to the Saudi Ministry of Culture and founding member of the Tate Center East and North African Acquisitions Committee
Galleries, too, are weighing their choices. Alia Fattouh, director of Athr Gallery in Jeddah, mentioned: “We are not planning any physical exhibitions for the rest of 2020. The situation is financially strenuous now. We made a choice to have no redundancies and keep our entire team at the cost of having no exhibitions.”
Alternatively, the gallery has been energetic digitally, transferring its video exhibition of Saudi video artists on to social media and launching Maan Editions, an initiative that gives help to younger Saudi artists with grants between SR5,000 ($1,331) and SR10,000. Saudi artists can apply for reduction grants from the Athr initiative till June 20. 
{A photograph} by Mohammed Alfarj
At Ithra, the King Abdul Aziz Middle for World Culture by Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, the show goes on, albeit at a slower tempo.
“This is the time to truly deliver on our mandate as a cultural institution and Aramco’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, which on our part means to provide a platform for the local and global creative community to learn, create and collaborate and stay connected,” mentioned director Hussain Hanbazazah.
Advert Diriyah is situated simply outdoors of Riyadh and was previously the location of the primary Saudi state, in addition to the unique seat of Saudi Arabia’s Al-Saud household. (Courtesy of Ministry of Culture)
“Our challenge was to continue to deliver on Ithra’s mandate even during times of uncertainty, given the role and impact we have on the community,” he informed Arab Information.
Culture stays a driving spirit within the Kingdom’s mission for socio-economic change.
“There’s a real social contract being developed through art and culture in Saudi Arabia,” mentioned Al-Senussi. “People are excited for their future in the Kingdom and culture is a cornerstone of that future.” 
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youngenemyfox · 4 years
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bayanization · 5 years
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businessliveme · 5 years
Dubai Customs Wins 13 Ideas UK and Ideas America Awards For Innovation
Dubai Customs picked up 13 Ideas UK and Ideas America Awards for the year 2019. The Innovative CEO Award went to Abdullah Mohammed Al Khaja, the Executive Director of Customer Management Division, while the “International Innovation Leader Shield” award from Ideas UK went to the Director-General of Dubai Customs Ahmed Mahboob Musabih.
Musabih also won the Innovation Leader Certificate from Ideas America.
The silver and bronze Innovation Shields which went to Adel Al Suwaidi, Director of Technical Support Department. Edris Behzad, Director of Client Happiness Department, won the silver Innovation Shield, while Falah Khalil Al Sammak, Senior Manager of DXB Terminal 2, and Mohammed Kharboutli won the bronze Innovation Shields.
Other awards won by Dubai Customs in 2019 were the Ideas UK Platinum Category for the 10th consecutive year, which was received by Hussain Al Fardan, Dubai Customs’ Innovation Centre Senior Manager, the Grand Innovation Shield for Engineer Adel Al Suwaidi, and the Grand Innovation Shields, which went to Edris Behzad and Falah Al Sammak.
The Director-General of Dubai Customs received the winners and the awards in his office in the presence of Abdullah Mohammed Al Khaja, thanking them for their relentless efforts in developing ideas and facilitating work.
Musabih said, “At Dubai Customs, we keep abreast with the latest technologies to turn our workplaces into innovative spaces inspired by the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. These innovative winner ideas show the interest of our prudent leaders in driving everyone towards innovation and turning Dubai into the smartest city in the world.”
He added, “We raised the bar high as bigger commitments are now laid on our shoulders to meet the objectives of the UAE Centennial 2071 project, prepare ourselves for the Expo 2020, and actively participate in the 4th industrial revolution. We expect Dubai to turn into an international hub for innovators and inventors thanks to the big efforts and support to innovation and scientific research in the country.”
The post Dubai Customs Wins 13 Ideas UK and Ideas America Awards For Innovation appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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dayofdubai-blog · 6 years
Corporate News in UAE -Maktoum awards City Makers Trophy to ‘Red Team’
As part of the City Makers Race initiative, revealed last year by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and also Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman as well as Chief Executive of Emirates Airline & Group, granted the City Makers Race Trophy to the Red Team, during the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Programme for Smart Government awards event, arranged by Dubai The Model Centre at The General Secretariat of the Executive Council of Dubai, at the Dubai World Trade Centre. UAE Business Directory undertaken over a year and also the strong collaboration amongst the group’s 4 organizations, which enabled it to present 3 pioneer campaigns for the City Makers Race as well as win the very first City Makers Race Trophy.
“Tm” APP, among the efforts of the Red Team, additionally won the “Best Government Partnership” Award, which was also awarded to the group by Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum.
The Award Ceremony was gone to by a variety of very important people including HE Abdullah Abdulrahman Al Shaibani, Secretary-General of Dubai Executive Council, Eman Al Suwaidi, Director of Dubai The Model Centre, HE Mattar Mohammed Al Tayer, Business Media in Dubai Executive Directors at RTA, HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA, HE Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality, as well as HE Sami Abdulla Gargash, CEO of Mohammad Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, in addition to CEOs and also MDs of the federal government organisations in Dubai, and also supervisors, heads of divisions, and employees from the four organisations that consist of the Red Team.
The City Makers Race is an effort announced by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for the federal government industry. Online Jobs Dubai intends to creating the perfect environment for federal government authorities to compete as integrated groups and also to entrench the value of incorporating the initiatives of the government industry in accomplishing excellence in all services provided. UAE Business Media also targets at urging the federal government market to introduce innovative solutions and efforts for common federal government services, offering all segments of the society and also improving the joy of locals.
Discussing the win by the Red Team, Abdullah Al Hajri, Executive Vice-President, Customer Service at DEWA, and also Head of the Red Team claimed: “I congratulate my classmates at the Red Team for winning the initial City Makers Race. It is an excellent accomplishment that underlines the effort of the team throughout 2014.Online Media in Dubai statement of this leading campaign by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was an important and important step that assisted all of us to integrate initiatives and also strengthen creativity as well as conjuration in the solutions we give. It is in line with the vision and also regulations of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and also Prime Minister of the UAE as well as Ruler of Dubai, to position the Government Sector in the forefront of Dubai’s development procedure, and also achieve people’s happiness and also complete satisfaction.”.
The three initiatives, which enabled the Red Team to acquire the Trophy of the Race, support the vision of Dubai Government in boosting the joy of all partners, stakeholders, and clients of the federal government market. UAE Corporate Business Mediastrengthen the efforts exerted by RTA, DEWA, Dubai Municipality and Mohammed bin Rashid Housing Establishment (MRHE)– the members of the Red Team – to meet the objectives of Smart Dubai that intends to change Dubai into the most intelligent state in the world in three years.
The first campaign: “UAE News won the “Best Government Partnership” Award throughout the event, is a clever application that provides– in its initial stage- all required information for real estate owners, specialists, as well as experts in Dubai. It helps accomplishes transparency by offering info regarding the approval standings of structure permits, buildings, as well as links of electricity and also water solutions in government organizations as well as concerned bodies.
The ‘TM’ app has actually been launched and also created by an internal team formed by the Red Team. Best Business Media in Dubaitechnical group, going by Eng. Yousuf Al Khazraji from DEWA, included a variety of experts and IT engineers from DEWA, RTA, Dubai Municipality as well as MRHE. The second campaign: ‘TARISH’ intends to incorporate as well as combine regulations as well as regulations, and problems of electrical energy as well as water services, construction approvals, as well as NOCs. The initiative sets a clear framework for the Red Team’s ambitious services and boosts transparency amongst property managers, contractors and also experts. TARISH likewise raises understanding of the Red Team’s jobs and tasks among the target audience. ‘TARISH’ is an Emirati Arabic word that suggests: Messenger, which implies the core goal of effort; sending out information to individuals.
While the 3rd initiative: ‘QAFAY’ intends to develop an advanced Geographical Information System (GIS). The system carries out complete automisation of engineering audits and also NOC issuance procedure supplies considerable information on geographical locations in Dubai, as well as incorporates the operations of all worried government bodies that are accountable for the issuance of NOCs and also government in addition to non-governmental authorizations.Online Business Directory in Dubai system will certainly additionally offer all data and details to all concerned bodies in Dubai.
The system will certainly offer 100 % information, details on design drawing and also geographic maps, and will increase client complete satisfaction to 90 %. This initiative will enable the Red Team entities to make a 90 % reduction in documents of all concerned organizations. QAFAY will offer substantial as well as updated data related to the wise maps of Dubai, according to the ISO specifications. It will certainly also upgrade this information automatically, which will certainly improve the decision-making process in the federal government industry, and also obtain precise results in the area of facilities development.
The second phase will certainly be carried out throughout the county and will integrate the procedures of all networks in the county as well as execute full automation of checking as well as updating the county’s network of engineering drawings according to ISO 13567 standards. Business forum in Dubai provide all these essential data as well as details to the concerned celebrations when the job is finished in October 2016.
80 workers from 16 federal government organization formed 4 groups to compete for the City Makers Race. These teams are The Red Team: comprising Dubai Electricity as well as Water Authority, Roads & Transport Authority, Dubai Municipality, and Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment.SME NEWS in Dubai Services, Dubai Police, Dubai Health Authority and also Civil Defence Directorate-General. The Yellow Team: Community Development Authority, Dubai Foundation for Women & Children, Dubai Courts and Department of Economic Development. The Blue Team: Mohammed container Rashid Establishment for SME Development, Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing, Dubai Culture & Arts Authority as well as Knowledge & Human Development Authority.
It is in line with the vision and also instructions of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President as well as Prime Minister of the UAE as well as Ruler of Dubai, to put the Government Sector in the center of Dubai’s growth process, as well as accomplish people’s joy and also contentment.”. Dubai expo news teams are The Red Team: comprising Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Roads & Transport Authority, Dubai Municipality, and Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment. The Green Team: Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai Police, Dubai Health Authority and Civil Defence Directorate-General. Dubai directory Yellow Team: Community Development Authority, Dubai Foundation for Women & Children, Dubai Courts and Department of Economic Development. The Blue Team: Mohammed bin Rashid Establishment for SME Development, Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing, Dubai Culture & Arts Authority as well as Knowledge & Human Development Authority.
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edarabia · 7 years
Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Educational Affairs Office ofthe Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi announced that His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will deliver a keynote speech on the first day of the Qudwa 2017 Global Teachers’ Forum. To be held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, on October 7 and 8 at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, the event is set to draw the participation of 900 education professionals from over 80 countries. Ahead of the second edition of the forum themed,‘Teaching for the Future', His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said"The U.A.E. spares no effort in helping its young people unlock their creative abilities and in empowering them to achieve their full potential so that they can lead their country towards a prosperous future for generations to come.The UAE is proud of its global reputation as a visionary nation and an incubator for future ideas aimed at developing human capabilities and building a society that is rich in knowledge, science and culture.” Stressing the importance of the event, that places teachers in the spotlight, he added:“The role of teachers as role models for all generations shall not change regardless of what tools and techniques science and technology may create to facilitate the learning process. These are only means to enable teachers to engage the new generation that uses different methods to acquire knowledge, but still needs a human being to look up to, to instil values and ethics,to stimulate creativity, and to drive home the importance of contributing to the advancement of society.” Furthermore, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan praised the forum's mission and objectives that reflect the U.A.E.'s approach to building a society that prioritises knowledge and peace and is deeply aware of its responsibility to participate in global socio-economic development.
UAE in the Spotlight
During the forum, renowned speakers, including several leading U.A.E.officials,will highlight the country's achievements in the education sector in line with the National Agenda of the U.A.E. Vision 2021. On the first day, His Excellency Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Minister of Education, will deliver a special address on the country’s progress in developing its education system throughout its history. A series of sessions titled Meet the Mentor is set to host,among other eminent prominent personalities, Her Excellency Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs, who will elaborate on how to empower students with critical thinking, innovation and cultural skills as part of the digital revolution. Meanwhile, Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance, will discuss the role of teachers in formulating initiatives that enrich the cultural and scientific content of the U.A.E.’s National Tolerance Programme. On the second day, Her Excellency Jameela bint Salem Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education and H.E. Dr Ali Al Nuaimi, Chairman, Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge,will participate in a plenary session on equality in education to deliver on Sustainable Development Goal 4. The session will also host Julia Gillard, Chair of the Global Partnership for Education and former Prime Minister of Australia.Dr Amal Belhoul, Community Affairs Advisor at the Watani Al Emarat Foundation, will explore the role of teachers in instilling a sense of identity, belonging and connectedness in students.
International Speakers
The list of international speakers at Qudwa 2017 includes Michael Horn, Co-founder and Distinguished Fellow of Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation,a U.S.-based non-profit think tank, who will address the topics of teaching for tomorrow and reinventing education on the first day of the event. In a plenary address to Qudwa teachers on Day 2, Ron Clark, Founder of the pioneering Ron Clark Academy in the US will argue why environments that prioritise academic rigour and discipline,while celebrating self-expression and creativity, should serve as benchmarks for the way teachers teach and students learn. In a special address on the second day of Qudwa 2017, Andreas Schleicher, Director of the Directorate of Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will discuss factors driving innovation in teaching and the characteristics of a creative teacher. In addition, he will high light international tests TALIS and PISA, and the outcomes of the directorate’s collaboration with the U.A.E. education authorities regarding the performance of its teachers. In a series of sessions titled Inspirational Stories, Hon. Dalton McGuinty, former Premier of the Canadian province of Ontario, will recount his educational journey and share his insights on making changes in government and schools to support teaching and learning. The Inspirational Stories sessions are set to convene a group of international personalities who have contributed to fundamental changes in the educational development process, such as Haif Bannayan, CEO of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, who will explore strategies to support teachers and the importance of preparing teachers in improving education on a national scale. Adam Braun, CEO and Co-founder of Mission U, adebt-free college alternative for the 21st century, and founder of Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organisation that builds schools in developing countries, will discuss the role of teachers in motivating students to pursue noble goals. Victor Ochen, founder of the African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, will use his own experience of overcoming conflict to demonstrate how teachers can incentivise contributions from the younger generation to set peace and justice in motion.Dr Naif Al-Mutawa, the founder of the Soor Center for Professional Therapy and Assessment in Kuwait; award-winning serial entrepreneur; and clinical psychologist, will focus on creating culturally relevant narratives for a generation of students inundated with multiple formats of entertainment. Omar Samra, Egyptian adventurer, serial entrepreneur and UN Goodwill Ambassador, will examine how teachers can inspire students to look beyond the walls of the classroom and open a new world of possibilities. Aggeliki Pappa, founder and CEO of I Love Dyslexia (ILD) school that teaches English as a foreign language (EFL) to students with learning differences, will share her experience in finding solutions to the challenges of dyslexia.
21st Century Skills
As part of Expert Masterclass sessions, Daniel Lerner, bestselling author and professor at New York University (N.Y.U.) will explore the essential elements of happiness and their role in achieving success in and away from the classroom. Dr Ramsey Musallam, science teacher at the Sonoma Academy in the U.S. will discuss tools and techniques that can be most useful to teachers to spark imagination and creativity in the classroom. In a session on awakening a passion for reading, Ariel Sacks, teacher,author and founder of the website ArielSacks.com, will demonstrate how teachers can blend the best in literacy theory and classroom practice to develop lifelong reading skills in students. Heather Roy, Technology Teaching and Learning Coach at the American School of Dubai and Google Certified Trainer, and Rania Hadi, Regional Lead – MENA at Google for Education, will introduce the Google for Education Professional Development Masterclass. Moreover, they will provide an overview of the best strategies for integrating Google into the classroom. Dr. Jan Peter ausdem Moore, Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, and Carine Abi Akar, Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company, will discuss educational programmes that hone students' skills and examine how to create lessons that achieve best results. World-renowned educational psychologist Dr. Michele Borba will share character-building strategies and practical tips that any teacher can apply in the classroom to confront bullying, extremism and hatred.
Integrated Learning Strategies
Held in collaboration with O.E.C.D.,Teacher Talksessions willhost teachers,technology and entrepreneurship experts, writers and internationalopinion leaders. Meanwhile, a series of workshops titledTeacher Lab will provide a platform for teachers to share best practices to enhancethe quality of education. Designed by teachers, for teachers, Qudwa Global Teachers' Forum aims to serve as a global knowledge platform on current and future educational trends. The event offers an ideal opportunity for education professionals from around the world to exchange experience, knowledge and perspectives on teaching for the future, and to build a broad network of relationships to help solve the challenges they face. In the run-up to the second edition of the forum, organisers developed a mobile application that allows teachers to propose topics they wish to discuss at the forum and vote on issues that are a priority for them.
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jobs-in-dubai-uae · 7 years
Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Educational Affairs Office ofthe Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi announced that His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will deliver a keynote speech on the first day of the Qudwa 2017 Global Teachers’ Forum. To be held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, on October 7 and 8 at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, the event is set to draw the participation of 900 education professionals from over 80 countries. Ahead of the second edition of the forum themed,‘Teaching for the Future', His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said"The U.A.E. spares no effort in helping its young people unlock their creative abilities and in empowering them to achieve their full potential so that they can lead their country towards a prosperous future for generations to come.The UAE is proud of its global reputation as a visionary nation and an incubator for future ideas aimed at developing human capabilities and building a society that is rich in knowledge, science and culture.” Stressing the importance of the event, that places teachers in the spotlight, he added:“The role of teachers as role models for all generations shall not change regardless of what tools and techniques science and technology may create to facilitate the learning process. These are only means to enable teachers to engage the new generation that uses different methods to acquire knowledge, but still needs a human being to look up to, to instil values and ethics,to stimulate creativity, and to drive home the importance of contributing to the advancement of society.” Furthermore, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan praised the forum's mission and objectives that reflect the U.A.E.'s approach to building a society that prioritises knowledge and peace and is deeply aware of its responsibility to participate in global socio-economic development.
UAE in the Spotlight
During the forum, renowned speakers, including several leading U.A.E.officials,will highlight the country's achievements in the education sector in line with the National Agenda of the U.A.E. Vision 2021. On the first day, His Excellency Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Minister of Education, will deliver a special address on the country’s progress in developing its education system throughout its history. A series of sessions titled Meet the Mentor is set to host,among other eminent prominent personalities, Her Excellency Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs, who will elaborate on how to empower students with critical thinking, innovation and cultural skills as part of the digital revolution. Meanwhile, Her Excellency Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance, will discuss the role of teachers in formulating initiatives that enrich the cultural and scientific content of the U.A.E.’s National Tolerance Programme. On the second day, Her Excellency Jameela bint Salem Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education and H.E. Dr Ali Al Nuaimi, Chairman, Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge,will participate in a plenary session on equality in education to deliver on Sustainable Development Goal 4. The session will also host Julia Gillard, Chair of the Global Partnership for Education and former Prime Minister of Australia.Dr Amal Belhoul, Community Affairs Advisor at the Watani Al Emarat Foundation, will explore the role of teachers in instilling a sense of identity, belonging and connectedness in students.
International Speakers
The list of international speakers at Qudwa 2017 includes Michael Horn, Co-founder and Distinguished Fellow of Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation,a U.S.-based non-profit think tank, who will address the topics of teaching for tomorrow and reinventing education on the first day of the event. In a plenary address to Qudwa teachers on Day 2, Ron Clark, Founder of the pioneering Ron Clark Academy in the US will argue why environments that prioritise academic rigour and discipline,while celebrating self-expression and creativity, should serve as benchmarks for the way teachers teach and students learn. In a special address on the second day of Qudwa 2017, Andreas Schleicher, Director of the Directorate of Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will discuss factors driving innovation in teaching and the characteristics of a creative teacher. In addition, he will high light international tests TALIS and PISA, and the outcomes of the directorate’s collaboration with the U.A.E. education authorities regarding the performance of its teachers. In a series of sessions titled Inspirational Stories, Hon. Dalton McGuinty, former Premier of the Canadian province of Ontario, will recount his educational journey and share his insights on making changes in government and schools to support teaching and learning. The Inspirational Stories sessions are set to convene a group of international personalities who have contributed to fundamental changes in the educational development process, such as Haif Bannayan, CEO of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, who will explore strategies to support teachers and the importance of preparing teachers in improving education on a national scale. Adam Braun, CEO and Co-founder of Mission U, adebt-free college alternative for the 21st century, and founder of Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organisation that builds schools in developing countries, will discuss the role of teachers in motivating students to pursue noble goals. Victor Ochen, founder of the African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, will use his own experience of overcoming conflict to demonstrate how teachers can incentivise contributions from the younger generation to set peace and justice in motion.Dr Naif Al-Mutawa, the founder of the Soor Center for Professional Therapy and Assessment in Kuwait; award-winning serial entrepreneur; and clinical psychologist, will focus on creating culturally relevant narratives for a generation of students inundated with multiple formats of entertainment. Omar Samra, Egyptian adventurer, serial entrepreneur and UN Goodwill Ambassador, will examine how teachers can inspire students to look beyond the walls of the classroom and open a new world of possibilities. Aggeliki Pappa, founder and CEO of I Love Dyslexia (ILD) school that teaches English as a foreign language (EFL) to students with learning differences, will share her experience in finding solutions to the challenges of dyslexia.
21st Century Skills
As part of Expert Masterclass sessions, Daniel Lerner, bestselling author and professor at New York University (N.Y.U.) will explore the essential elements of happiness and their role in achieving success in and away from the classroom. Dr Ramsey Musallam, science teacher at the Sonoma Academy in the U.S. will discuss tools and techniques that can be most useful to teachers to spark imagination and creativity in the classroom. In a session on awakening a passion for reading, Ariel Sacks, teacher,author and founder of the website ArielSacks.com, will demonstrate how teachers can blend the best in literacy theory and classroom practice to develop lifelong reading skills in students. Heather Roy, Technology Teaching and Learning Coach at the American School of Dubai and Google Certified Trainer, and Rania Hadi, Regional Lead – MENA at Google for Education, will introduce the Google for Education Professional Development Masterclass. Moreover, they will provide an overview of the best strategies for integrating Google into the classroom. Dr. Jan Peter ausdem Moore, Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, and Carine Abi Akar, Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company, will discuss educational programmes that hone students' skills and examine how to create lessons that achieve best results. World-renowned educational psychologist Dr. Michele Borba will share character-building strategies and practical tips that any teacher can apply in the classroom to confront bullying, extremism and hatred.
Integrated Learning Strategies
Held in collaboration with O.E.C.D.,Teacher Talksessions willhost teachers,technology and entrepreneurship experts, writers and internationalopinion leaders. Meanwhile, a series of workshops titledTeacher Lab will provide a platform for teachers to share best practices to enhancethe quality of education. Designed by teachers, for teachers, Qudwa Global Teachers' Forum aims to serve as a global knowledge platform on current and future educational trends. The event offers an ideal opportunity for education professionals from around the world to exchange experience, knowledge and perspectives on teaching for the future, and to build a broad network of relationships to help solve the challenges they face. In the run-up to the second edition of the forum, organisers developed a mobile application that allows teachers to propose topics they wish to discuss at the forum and vote on issues that are a priority for them. via Edarabia.com
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omcik-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/trump-sons-open-dubai-golf-course-praise-u-s-ally-reuters/
Trump sons open Dubai golf course, praise U.S. ally | Reuters
DUBAI U.S. President Donald Trump’s eldest sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were guests of honor at the opening of a Trump-branded golf course in Dubai on Saturday, the first Trump property project launched since their father’s inauguration.
Speaking on a stage in front of the clubhouse at the Trump International Golf Club Dubai, Donald Trump Jr. praised the development of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a close U.S. ally that is also a global trade, transport and tourism hub.
“To see the incredible vision Sheikh Mohammed has been able to put forward for this country is truly awe-inspiring,” he said, referring to UAE Vice-President, Prime Minister and Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.
“As a developer, which lets us be somewhat artists at times, it is truly incredible to be part of that vision.”
A ceremony featuring fireworks and a classical music ensemble marked the opening of the project announced by the Trump Organisation and Dubai-listed developer DAMAC Properties in 2013.
The relationship between President Trump and Damac Chairman Hussain Sajwani came under scrutiny last month when then-President-elect Trump said without elaborating that he had turned down a $2-billion deal offered by Sajwani because he did not want to “take advantage”.
President Trump’s sons praised their close relationship with Sajwani in their remarks. Eric Trump said Sajwani was “a great friend” with a “truly amazing family”.
“We are going to have a lot of fun years together and this is just the beginning of those days,” Eric Trump said.
The Trump International Gulf Club Dubai is part of a 42 million square foot wider development known as DAMAC Hills, according to DAMAC. Sajwani said it was the first new golf course to open in the city in “many years”.
Trump has been criticized for not distancing himself enough from his family business, the Trump Organization, since he was elected president in November.
DAMAC pays a licensing fee to the Trump Organization to use the Trump brand.
Last month, before the inauguration, Trump announced that he would maintain ownership of his global business empire but had handed control to Donald Jr. and Eric while he is president.
The Trump organization would not enter into any new overseas deals while he is president, Trump adviser Sheri Dillon has said.
(Reporting by Alexander Cornwell and William Maclean; Editing by Adrian Croft)
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