#Modular Building  market
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sandhyarani1999 · 2 years
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fanbun · 3 months
This quote from Variety's new Dan Harmon interview is concerning to me as a Rick and Morty fan… but it also explains a lot of the problems I have with the show’s writing...
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“I think a reset is a good way of looking at it. We had so much behind the scenes drama that I think we didn't need a lot of irony and challenge on the screen narratively. I think the experiment became, can we accomplish the show moving forward? Can the fans not lose their favorite show, not be distracted by any of the turbulence? There was also another important reason to reset, which is we're anticipating doing a lot more of these. This was always designed to be a show that could last thousands of episodes. And you can't last thousands of episodes if you're simply going to tell a serialized story about how your protagonist stops being the protagonist. I've always been obsessively focused on maintaining modularity, so that the more popular your show gets, the more accessible it is to a hopefully increasing freeway of traffic.” (source)
I really don’t like this business-minded approach that sacrifices story in exchange for an endless stream of content.
You could argue the show was always supposed to last forever, but the problem is that the writers set up major overarching storylines and focused their attention on Rick’s development as a character. Things in the show are changing and therefore a reset comes across as a forced decision to keep the show from coming to an end.
It seemed like in season 6 the younger writers in the room were allowed to experiment with larger narratives, but from this quote I think it’s clear that Harmon’s stubbornness really prevents Rick and Morty from evolving naturally and reaching its full potential.
What I find most concerning though is that he admits that they are playing it safe with the narrative because of all their behind the scenes drama. That sounds like the final nail in the coffin to me. Why expect anything truly interesting to come out of these characters when the goal is to be unchanging and marketable? Why hope for writing that is reflective of real life when the people working on it are trying to hide the chaos that spawned it?
Unlike Solar Opposites, the Rick and Morty showrunners said they wouldn’t even be referencing the behind the scenes drama for jokes. And it’s not like Rick and Morty hasn’t done those sort of meta references before either. They did it in season 3, a time where the writing felt like it had way more effort put into it.
So not only is the writing itself disjointed and detached from reality but the jokes also tend to feel forced and generic when there are topics that are off-limits to them. And yeah, this kind of downfall is par for the course when a cartoon has been running for a long time. But Rick and Morty didn’t need to become that kind of cartoon. It didn’t need to be a Simpsons or a SpongeBob.
Honestly this is why I vastly prefer what I have read fans come up with for the show. The creatively engaged fans like to dig deep and talk seriously about character development, make theories about the show's world-building, and create art from a place of emotion. There's something really engaging there that the show occasionally touches on, but whatever hopes we have as those type of fans are sure to be dashed. At the end of the day, the showrunners would rather make some casual viewers chuckle with a half-assed pun or movie reference than risk the death of their cash cow.
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Infested Pets and You: A Relatively Streamlined Guide to Genetically Engineered Warframe Pets
Have you ever wanted a Warframe pet that has more damage resistances than your frames get? Do you want resistances that look like this?:
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Recently I've been getting into breeding companions in Warframe just to see what I could do with the system. I've decided to impart my knowledge in a more streamlined form here on my blog with a few disclaimers.
I am not the foremost expert on this subject. My sources are from my own experience and the following google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sJ_CSdSEa520B6kfokU4FN7WUuD356a6e6YbPPseeGs/edit?usp=sharing This post is supposed to be a streamlined how to and why that I thought would be fun to make.
I will also be detailing a glitch that is TIME SENSITIVE that is not mentioned in the google doc. By time sensitive I mean DE knows about it and is going to patch it out in the Koumei and the Five Fates update. It is currently, however, still in the game at time of writing. Once that update drops, you won't be able to do the glitch anymore, but any pets you made with it are unaffected visually.
Now let's get to the fun stuff~
Big ass post btw be warned
Part 1: how to acquire a Deimos Pet
There are two flavors of deimos pets with three variations each: the Predasite (infested kubrow) and the Vulpaphyla (infested kavat). They can both be obtained by doing conservation on the Cambion Drift and acquiring their modular pieces from Son in the Necralisk.
These modular pieces are the Antigens (which give mod polarities) and Mutagens (which give damage resistances to one element and one of I/P/S). There are four of each for each of the pets so that means a total of 16 modular pieces that Son sells blueprints of.
If you don't like ranking up Entrati standing or doing Cambion open world missions, I highly recommend you buckle up because you need rank 4 in order to get all of the modular pieces (and yes, you need all of them)
Once you have tranquilized a roaming animal of your choice on the Drift, it will be stored by Son for you to build much like any other modular craftable item. You need only apply the two built modular parts to receive your first creature.
It will still need to be guilded first before any breeding can be done, as imprints cannot be made of un-guilded creatures
Part 2: Precision Genetic Engineering
Much like kavats and kubrows, these creatures can be bred in the incubation segment in your orbiter. In order to do so, you need an incubator power core (the BP of which can be bought from the market), two genetic imprints of the same kind of pet (Predasites/Vulpas), and either a kubrow egg or 10 kavat genetic codes depending on which one you want to breed.
So once you have four Vulpas/Predasites, one with each combination of antigen and mutagen (not joking), you can start by making genetic code imprints of each of them. The templates can be made via a blueprint bought on the market. Once you have an imprint of two of your creatures, you can put them in the imprint section of the incubator to begin the breeding process.
After the breeding is done, you will notice that the creature will have both mutagens and antigens of both parents. These pass down 100% all the time. The creature subspecies, tail, and extra trait given by the antigens are all 50/50 on which part gets passed on (the subspecies matters for gameplay, but the rest are only cosmetic).
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This creature with two of each modular part is called a 2x2.
Once you have two separate 2x2s, you should breed those into a 4x4.
Now let's do some math:
Each creature you make can create three templates, so after the 4x4 is created, you would have two imprints of your 1x1s available (so 8), two of your 2x2s (so 4) and three of your 4x4. The total amount of 4x4 imprints you would have by exhausting all of these imprints is a whopping 27!!
This means that as long as you keep one 4x4 imprint for yourself (or a few if you have some that have more desireable traits) you can keep selling the imprints for a massive plat profit (200p per imprint). This is because of the massively low supply of people making these imprints and that you would only need one 4x4 imprint and one other random creature imprint to keep making 4x4s.
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Congrats! You now have a pet that takes half damage from basically everything. And this is where the pre-update part of the guide ends, because this next part is what DE does not want you to know.
Part 3: Frankenstein's Monster
It is possible to breed together kavats and kubrows by using a controller and hitting menu buttons simultaneously. Now normally, this glitch only really results in visual bugs, like this fittingly named helminth charger:
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This creature was created from a Vasca kavat imprint and a helminth imprint. Yes, it looks hideos and terrifying, but sadly there is no tactical advantage to sticking your leggy out above your back.
The same can not be said for the deimos pets, as there is ABSOLUTELY a tactical advantage.
Step 1: acquire a 4x4 of both types of pets (or drag a friend along this ride so you can trade imprints)
Step 2: have one kubrow egg, 10 kavat codes, and one incubator core. Essentially, have the materials that allow you to do EITHER a kavat or a kubrow breeding.
Step 3: grab a controller. any controller will do, as I used a fighting game controller and it works wonders.
Step 4: use the controller to hover over the select imprint slot in either kavat or kubrow breeding. Press A and SIMULTANEOUSLY the bumper/trigger that will make the menu shift to the other pet breeding menu. You will be sent to the imprint select menu and then spat out to the other menu once selected. Start the process in that menu and you will notice that the previously selected imprint is in one of the slots. Simply place in the second imprint as normal and begin the process.
Now there are a few caveats (or kaveats in this case). Depending on which menu you finalize the breeding in, it will have slightly different results. It will be a 50/50 over whether it's a vulpa or a predasite, and regarding the tail and other such features, but if finalized in the kubrow menu, it will have a variable in SIZE. The kavat menu will always have it as the largest size, however. That means you can breed in the Kubrow menu and get reeeeeeeeeeeally tiny vulpaphylas.
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Look at this lil' guy.
Now this can be applied to any crossbreedin of kavats and kubrows, although the deimos pets are mutually exclusive and can only be bred with other deimos pets. The FUN part is what this does with the modular parts.
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Gets passed down and inherited.
Now what are the gameplay benefits to this?
Simple: a CRAP TON of resistances and free polarities!
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This is what the mod screen for my 8x8 Medjay Predasite looked like after I gave it the free polarity from guilding. It now has NINE TOTAL POLARITIES without using a single Forma. Two of each of the main three polarities and two precept polarities.
And for the resistances, well:
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You can't really argue with these numbers. Unfortunately these numbers will be getting fixed with the next update. HOWEVER, the polarities given are still fair game, as well as any unique looking pets you happen to make. So get out there and make some monsters :3
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elbiotipo · 7 months
One thing regarding videogame consoles in Campoestela is that by the time it takes place ("500 years after Gagarin") most physical videogame consoles, cartridges, disks, etc. are degraded to be unusuable except for those carefully preserved in museums and antique societies (and there must be countless online games that are just... lost). Most, or rather all games from our current console era(s) are preserved in emulation. Another thing that is always a theme in Campoestela, however, is cultural and species diversity, it's a setting with hundreds (thousands?) of different sentient species and each with their own countless languages and cultures. Things like that are common in Campoestela, most common use things like clothes, electronics, utensils, tools, have to be made with many species in mind and are often tailored, like going to a spacesuit tailor, an electronicman, etc
While this removes the idea of my characters rummaging through street markets in search of ancient videogames, it does open some interesting possibilites. So instead of mass-produced standarized consoles, videogaming in Campoestela resembles building a PC, except even more artisanal because you have to factor anatomical differences... someone like Ragua could work with a human controller "fine", but come on, you do like REAL gamers do and go to your local electronics shop in the big space station and ask them to build a controller and console for you. This has bearing in the plot because Ragua was a cringefail gamergirl in her ancient precursor civilization, and besides being thrown into an unknown time away from everything and everyone she ever knew, she's also concerned all her favorite fandoms and videogames are now only known to archeologists, if that. So she is trying to learn what kind of 'future' videogames are there (the graphics suck so much).
In the separate Biopunk Future setting (2143, more 'realistic' even with the talking dolphins), consoles are still produced, even if Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are long gone by successive global economic crises. In this setting, WW3 and the Ecocide managed to devastate global industries and telecommunication, lots of things preserved in the internet were lost and people are acutely aware of it, making physical media more important than ever. Melanie (the communist catgirl) was raised by her grandparents in one of the shops that dedicates precisely to recovering and emulating old media, with an especial focus on nerd and otaku culture. And that's one of the reasons why she's Like That. Overall, electronics have also taken in a more modular and conservative bent (almost back to brick phones), since the era of global commerce is reaching its twilight and society prefers things that are cheap and last long instead of flashy. Retro videogames are very much in, and since many characters have entered public domain and people are nostalgic for an era where things were simpler and half of the biosphere didn't die, there is a retro wave in the past decades. There was an era around the mid 21th century were lots of people were hooked to VR and AI characters and it was considered a global health crisis, but that was stupid and we don't talk about it.
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foone · 2 years
ok please tell us about the tandy-memorex vis :D
OKAY the Tandy Memorex Video Information System is a hilarious console that Tandy/Radio Shack came up with in 1992.
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It's called the Tandy-Memorex VIS partially to distance itself from Tandy, but Memorex was owned by Tandy at the time, and this is entirely their fault. Back in 1992, the CD-ROM was the NEW HOT THING and everyone wanted to get in on that. Arguably every console that tried failed to some degree or another, until the Sony Playstation in 1994. But the VIS failed spectacularly hard, selling something like 11,000 units, and Radio Shack was nearly giving them away towards the short lifespan of the console (1992-1994).
It got about 20 games, and another 24 releases that could charitably be called "multimedia products". Things like encyclopedias, photo albums on assorted issues, and spoken-illustrated-book things with minimal animation. Of those 20 games, many of them were edutainment games, things like word puzzles, math games, drawing tools along the lines of kid-pix (on a console with no way to save pictures or print them out, so... yeah).
On top of this, it cost 699$. IN NINETEEN NINETY FUCKING TWO. Plug that into an inflation calculator and it comes out at about one and a half thousand dollars, for a console with barely any games and the ones that it did come with are designed for the little kiddies. This thing never had a market.
But here's the thing that makes it so memorable to me: While the games available for it were not interesting, and it's just another example of a failed CD-ROM console alongside the endless failed or barely-survived ones that littered the early-90s... (Every played a CD-i, 3DO, NeoGeo CD, PC-FX, FX Towns Marty, LaserActive, Commodore CD-TV or Amiga CD32? How about one of the add-ons, the Sega CD, TurboGrafx-CD, or Atari Jaguar CD? Hell, this is what the Nintendo Playstation was supposed to be, before that deal went sideways and it became two separate consoles)
The thing is that technologically the VIS is super unique because it's an idea that wouldn't really be repeated until 2001, nearly a decade later: The VIS is a console that's a computer.
Yeah, I know, all consoles are computers (except maybe arguably some early pong units), but I mean like a desktop PC. The Tandy-Memorex VIS is an IBM PC clone running Windows!
(EDIT: Accidentally submitted too early)
It's a modular windows, a sort of embedded-windows that only runs off a ROM chip, but it's still an Intel 286 with a relatively normal VGA card, a megabyte of RAM, and a 1X CD-ROM drive. This thing could basically play a ton of DOS games, it would just be a matter of some basic porting.
And it just never happened. Instead all the games are custom-designed edutainment/multimedia things, and no one ported Duke Nukem or Commander Keen or Kings Quest to it (Actually Sierra did make a test port of Kings Quest 5, but it never came out. Reportedly it was slow as hell)
It could have been a very interesting console that let us play tons of DOS games in the living room in 1992, but Tandy mismanaged it with the ridiculous price and bad policy regarding games releases which meant it never really amounted to anything.
Anyway I've got one in my room right now, and I'm planning on building a CD-ROM emulator for it so I can easily play around with making homebrew with it. I want to port a bunch of DOS games to it and make it reach its potential, like Tandy should have done in 1992.
They already had a successful line of PC compatibles in the Tandy 1000, and the VIS is partially made of advancements they developed for that weird line of computers. If they had leaned into that angle, sold it at a better price, they could have really built something special. So many advanced DOS games (and even more advanced ones made possible by the CD-ROM format) that would blow away anything else in the console market in 1992 could have been VIS releases. Instead we got some (barely-)FMV games and a bunch of sub-par Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit clones on a console that no one wanted to buy because it was too damn expensive.
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markrosewater · 1 year
"Source material is a matter of taste."
I fully agree with this; the issue may be conflicting design goals competing for space.
"Each of the 10 archetypes is centered around a specific fairy tale."
"Build your own fairy tale from a set of modular components."
It's not impossible to do both, but goals perpendicular to each other puts a higher burden on all aspects of design.
How marketing framed the set is relevant; marketing and Magic story are both nonlinear, you can't control which elements a player sees. When describing archetypes, there's a lot of room between "led by Legendary creature depicting a fairy tale" and "has a fairy tale woven into the faction's very essence."
Magic players like finding patterns, as evidenced by two cards making a cycle. The flip side is being unable to find a pattern you're told exists. Anyone following your blog had at least some expectations going into the weekend -- was the experience different for those who didn't know to look for all 10 archetypal tales?
Kamigawa taught us that a theme not at common isn't your theme. Wilds may have its own lesson about factions designed as mosaics.
I don't think these two goals conflict at all. We limited our references for certain stories to certain colors. In constructed, you can choose to put the cards from the same story together or you can choose to mix and match. Both are possible. In limited, you're a little more at the mercy of what you open/draft, but us congregating stories in colors increases your ability to do that if you desire.
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argyrocratie · 1 year
"In the case of car culture, the problems of sprawl and automobile dependency did not inevitably result from the automobile itself, but from the power interests that redesigned society around it. The problem was created by subsidies to monoculture development, freeways systems imposed by eminent domain, and legal prohibitions — like zoning — against mixed-use development.
Before the rise of car culture and car-centered urban design, the norm was the compact, mixed-use city or town where residences were within foot, bicycle, bus or streetcar distance of the downtown district where people worked or shopped. Increased population was accommodated primarily by modular proliferation — e.g. the railroad suburb — rather than outward sprawl.
Absent the imposition of car culture by the federal and local governments and by the local real estate industry, the automobile would have served a useful niche function in cities laid out in the old fashion. Its primary market would have been people like farmers in the areas outside cities, where population concentrations were insufficient to be served by streetcar or rail lines. For periodic trips into town and back, perhaps in a small truck capable of conveying a load of vegetables to the farmers’ market or bringing home groceries and dry goods, a light internal combustion engine or electric motor would have been sufficient. With no need for rapid acceleration on the freeway, there would be no point for heavy engine blocks with six cylinders, and the overall weight of the vehicle could be reduced accordingly. With flat body panels capable of being produced on a cutting table, there would have been no need for Detroit’s two- or three-story stamping presses. The automobile industry would have been an affair of hundreds of local factories.
Hence it is not true that “[p]ast a certain threshold of energy consumption, the transportation industry dictates the configuration of social space.” Rather, the configuration of social space dictates the forms of transportation adopted, which dictates the level of energy consumption.
Illich’s tendency to see the proliferation of managerial bureaucracies and their unwilling clienteles as an expansionary phenomenon in its own right with no need for a causal explanation, rather than a secondary effect of larger class and power interests, is also illustrated in his treatment of squatters.
Both the non-modernized and the post-modern oppose society’s ban on spatial self-assertion, and will have to reckon with the police intervening against the nuisance they create. They will be branded as intruders, illegal occupants, anarchists and nuisances, depending on the circumstance under which they assert their liberty to dwell: as Indians who break in and settle on fallow land in Lima; as favellados in Rio de Janeiro, who return to squat on the hillside from which they have just been driven — after 40 years’ occupancy — by the police; as students who dare to convert ruins in Berlin’s Kreuzberg into their dwelling; as Puerto Ricans who force their way back into the walled-up and burnt buildings of the South Bronx. They will all be removed, not so much because of the damage they do to the owner of the site, or because they threaten the health or peace of their neighbors, but because of the challenge to the social axiom that defines a citizen as a unit in need of a standard garage. [emphasis added] Both the Indian tribe that moves down from the Andes into the suburbs of Lima and the Chicago neighborhood council that unplugs itself from the city housing authority challenge the now-prevalent model of the citizen as homo castrensis, billeted man.
Illich’s framing of this as some inherent expansionary logic or hegemonic drive inherent in the “managerial-professional classes” themselves, and not the outcome of a much larger, long-term process of land privatization and enclosure driven by capitalist class interests, is a major critical failure."
-Kevin Carson, ”The Thought of Ivan Illich: A Libertarian Analysis“
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
I have such a specific kind of game I want to play that I just cannot find anywhere on Steam (or PS4/Switch). There are one or two elements of it in various existing games, but not all (or many) in one. 
I want a cottagecore farming & witchy sim with:
‘realistic’ looking, 1st and/or 3rd person POV like Skyrim, Horizon (ZD &FW), Witcher III, Dragon Age Inquisition etc (not cartoon/pixel style like Animal Crossing or Stardew). This is the most important thing that I want and can’t find - there are loads of great looking cutesy things out there (My Witchy Life, Little Witch in the Woods, Wytchwood, Wylde Flowers etc.) but that’s not what I’m looking for (their style is sweet but it sort of hurts my eyes after a while, even Stardew).
open world
make your own character from scratch (not play as a prescribed character) with lots of physical and gender options
lots of great weather effects and changing seasons (like some of the weather mods for Skyrim)
build your own house (modular like Skyrim Hearthfire DLC or Sims)
ability to craft items or buy items to decorate your home according to various styles/tastes/aesthetics
variety of plants/herbs to grow in a garden plus more to forage in the surrounding countryside
things to make/craft/bake (potions, salves, medicines, food, treats, meals)
animal keeping/breeding?
lots of different witchy familiar options to bond with (maybe depending on the ‘biome’ where you first set up the house/start the game - forest: deer, owl, mouse, fox; tundra: wolf, eagle, raven; coastal: seal, dolphin, puffin; plains: horse, wolf, big cat etc. etc.)
cute village nearby to interact with - shops, upgrade tools, buy rare seeds, trade etc.
option to romance any villager but no obligation to do so (like Stardew)
no combat/angst/stress/quests with ‘bad’ endings
a few seasonal events - fairs, fetes, competitions, markets etc.
witchy/monstery friends (like Krobus and Dwarf in Stardew, but... more? Spirits in the woods/mines/sea/grasses etc. Or if the world is a fantasy one and not all-human, then lots of non-human villagers to be friends with)
That’s... a lot, I realise, but if someone made this game (or like a complete overhaul mod for Skyrim that was literally just that), I would buy it immediately and never leave (and stream it on Twitch every day for the rest of my life!).
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What’s in Store for Business Management Courses?
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The Business world is constantly changing, and it has become important to stay one step ahead of the game. For years, Business Management courses have given hopeful managers and leaders the base they need, arming them with the know-how to handle the business world. But what's next for these courses? How can they keep up with the changing business scene? Most importantly, how can you carve your own path with business management courses? Let&'s see what's coming for business management courses in the near future!
Future Trends and Predictions for Business Management Courses
1. Digital Transformation and Tech Integration A major shift in future business management education is the inclusion of tech. As companies go digital, management programs must cover topics like AI big data analysis, blockchain, and online marketing. Programs that blend old- school management ideas with new tech will prepare students for today's digital world.
2. Soft Skills Although technical content will continue gaining prominence, the nature of business management courses of the future will lean more towards soft skills. As social skills are gradually replacing technical skills in organisations, some of the skills becoming essential in organisations include leadership, emotional intelligence, communication, and teamwork. Courses that provide training in the above areas will be marketable as employers seek to hire individuals who can handle the social aspect of the business.
3. Sustainability and Ethical Leadership Due to the current increased understanding of the impact that business activities have on the environment and social life, courses in business management will require incorporating issues of sustainability and ethical leadership. Courses such as sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and ethical decision-making are important in managing a business.
4. Global Perspective As companies expand worldwide, grasping foreign markets and cultures becomes crucial. Business management programs will more and more give a worldwide view with classes on international commerce managing across cultures, and global financial systems. This will get students ready to work in varied and multinational settings.
5. Flexible and Personalised Learning The future of education is flexible and personalised. Business Management courses will adapt to this by offering online and hybrid learning options so that students can learn at their own pace and tailor their education to their career goals. Micro-credentials and modular learning pathways will allow learners to focus on specific areas of interest and design their own learning journey.
How to Build Your Own Way with Business Management Courses
Building your own way with business management courses requires a plan. The business world is changing, and so should your education. But, before you start a course, you need to know your professional goals. 
With so many business courses on offer, you need to research and select the courses that will provide the skills and knowledge you need. Look for courses that deal with the latest topics in business management, such as digital transformation, sustainability and global business. Consider traditional university programmes and online courses to find the course that fits your schedule and learning style.
Read more: https://sbusinesslondon.ac.uk/whats-in-store-for-business-management-courses
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caseymarte · 5 months
Budget-Friendly Builds: How Container Homes Save You Money
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Container homes are changing the housing market by offering an affordable alternative to traditional home construction. These innovative homes, crafted from converted shipping containers, are not only eco-friendly but also significantly less expensive to build and maintain. Let's discuss the reasons why shipping container homes are becoming a popular choice for budget-conscious homebuyers.
Cost Savings Breakdown
Affordable Acquisition: Shipping containers are readily available and less expensive than traditional building materials like wood, concrete, or brick. This initial cost saving is a major advantage for those looking to build their own home without a hefty price tag.
Streamlined Construction: The modular nature of container homes allows for much quicker construction times. Since containers are prefabricated, much of the assembly happens off-site, which reduces on-site labor costs and speeds up the overall process.
Reduced Foundation Requirements: Due to their sturdy design and structure, shipping containers require simpler and less costly foundations compared to traditional homes. This can be a significant cost saver, especially in areas where extensive groundwork is typically necessary.
Sustainability and Efficiency
Container homes are at the forefront of sustainable building practices. Repurposing used shipping containers reduces the demand for new construction materials and minimizes waste. Moreover, these homes are often smaller in scale, promoting a minimalist lifestyle and further decreasing ongoing energy consumption.
Design and Customization
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The flexibility in design that container homes offer is a budget-friendly feature that traditional homes often lack. Containers can be stacked and joined in various configurations, allowing for custom layouts at a fraction of the cost of conventional custom-built homes. Brattleboro Portable Storage provides various customization options that adapt to different budgets and design preferences.
Long-Term Savings
Container homes are not only cheaper to build but also less expensive to maintain. Their metal structure is resistant to pests such as termites and less prone to structural issues like rot or mold. Additionally, their compact size makes them more energy-efficient, lowering heating and cooling costs throughout the year.
Choosing a container home is a smart financial decision for those looking to maximize their budget while minimizing their environmental impact. With their low upfront costs, reduced construction and maintenance expenses, and energy efficiency, container homes offer substantial savings over time. For those interested in exploring container home options, Brattleboro Portable Storage is your resource for affordable, innovative housing solutions.
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Luxurious Living Options near Chembur: 1 & 2 BHK Homes
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Chembur, a vibrant suburb nestled in the heart of Mumbai, has emerged as a coveted residential destination blending modernity with historical charm. This article explores the allure of living in this dynamic locality, particularly focusing on the luxurious 1 & 2 BHK homes that define its real estate landscape.
Overview of Chembur as a Residential Destination
Chembur's journey from a quaint village to a bustling suburb mirrors Mumbai's rapid urbanization. Originally known for its greenery and tranquil ambiance, Chembur has transformed into a sought-after residential hub. Today, it strikes a delicate balance between serene residential pockets and bustling commercial zones.
Demographic Profile and Community Dynamics
Chembur boasts a diverse demographic profile, attracting professionals, families, and retirees alike. The community is characterized by its cosmopolitan nature, fostering a blend of cultures and lifestyles. This diversity enriches the social fabric, creating a vibrant and inclusive neighborhood environment.
Significance of Location in Real Estate
Chembur's strategic location enhances its appeal in the real estate market. Situated in eastern Mumbai, it enjoys seamless connectivity to major business districts like Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC) and South Mumbai. Proximity to the Eastern Freeway and Santa Cruz-Chembur Link Road ensures swift access to other parts of the city, making it a preferred choice for commuters.
Accessibility to Major Transportation Hubs
One of Chembur's standout features is its exceptional connectivity. The presence of Chembur railway station, a key suburban rail junction, facilitates convenient travel within Mumbai and beyond. Residents benefit from frequent suburban train services and direct routes to Mumbai's commercial centers, reducing commute times and enhancing accessibility.
Proximity to Essential Amenities and Facilities
Living in Chembur offers residents a plethora of amenities essential for modern urban living. From reputed educational institutions and healthcare facilities to shopping malls and recreational centers, Chembur ensures that every necessity and luxury is within easy reach. This comprehensive infrastructure contributes to a high standard of living and convenience for its residents.
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Luxury Features of 1 & 2 BHK Homes
Architectural Design and Building Features
Modern 1 & 2 BHK homes in Chembur epitomize contemporary architectural trends. Designed with a blend of aesthetics and functionality, these residences showcase innovative building practices and premium materials. Emphasis is placed on sustainable construction techniques, integrating eco-friendly elements to minimize environmental impact.
Integration of Sustainable Building Practices
In response to global environmental concerns, Chembur's real estate developers prioritize sustainability. Green building certifications and energy-efficient designs are hallmarks of new residential projects. Features like rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and waste management systems not only reduce ecological footprint but also enhance the overall living experience.
Interior Layout and Space Utilization
The layout of 1 & 2 BHK homes in Chembur is meticulously planned to optimize space utilization. Compact yet ergonomic designs ensure that every square foot is efficiently utilized. Open floor plans, modular kitchens, and multifunctional living spaces cater to the diverse needs of residents, promoting a clutter-free and comfortable living environment.
In conclusion, Chembur stands out as a dynamic residential destination offering luxurious 1 & 2 BHK homes that blend modernity with convenience. Its historical evolution, coupled with strategic location and sustainable development practices, underscores its appeal among homebuyers seeking an upscale living experience in Mumbai's bustling landscape.
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esconpanache · 4 months
How Escon Works with Architecture
Escon Infra Realtor, a leading real estate company established by Mr. Neeraj Sharma, is renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and timely delivery of projects. The company's architectural approach is central to its success, creating luxurious and modern living spaces that meet the diverse needs of homeowners. Here's a closer look at how Escon works with architecture to deliver exceptional residential and commercial properties.
 1. Vision and Commitment
Innovative Design Philosophy
Escon Infra Realtor's vision is to not only be the most successful real estate brand but also the preferred partner for homebuyers. This vision drives the company to adopt innovative design philosophies that blend modernity with functionality. The architectural designs of Escon's projects are crafted to provide luxurious living experiences while ensuring practicality and comfort.
Quality and Modernity
Escon highly focuses on quality and modernity. Every project is meticulously planned and executed with the highest standards of construction. The use of premium materials and advanced construction techniques ensures that Escon's properties stand out in the market.
 2. Luxurious Villas and Smart Homes
Escon Panache: A Case Study
One of Escon's flagship projects, Escon Panache, exemplifies the company's architectural excellence. This newly launched ultra-luxurious residential property offers 4 BHK Villas in Greater Noida. These villas are designed to provide a lavish lifestyle with a focus on open space environments, ensuring a secure and serene living experience.
Smart Home Systems
Escon Panache incorporates state-of-the-art smart home systems. These include integrated automation, security systems, smart lighting, and voice assistants. These features enhance comfort, convenience, and security for residents, setting a new standard for luxury living.
 3. Comprehensive Amenities
Community and Lifestyle Features
Escon's architectural designs emphasize not only individual living spaces but also community and lifestyle features. The projects include amenities such as:
- Gated societies with secured entry and exit points.
- Central green spaces with landscaping.
- Modern clubhouses with swimming pools, gyms, yoga rooms, and party halls.
- Well-lit internal roads with a mix of solar-based lighting for sustainability.
Private Gardens and Pools
The villas come with private gardens and terrace gardens, allowing residents to bring nature home. Private pools and sundecks are also integrated into the villa designs, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
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4. Sustainability and Safety
Eco-Friendly Construction
Escon prioritizes sustainability in its architectural designs. The projects incorporate zero overhead visible cables, ensuring a clean and organized appearance. Energy-efficient lighting and water management systems are also a part of the design, reducing the environmental footprint.
Safety and Security
High-tech security systems are a hallmark of Escon's projects. These include 24x7 surveillance, video door phones with electronic locks, and boom barriers to control unauthorized entry and exit. The use of earthquake-resistant RCC framed construction ensures that the buildings are safe and durable.
 5. High-Quality Materials and Workmanship
Superior Construction Materials
Escon's commitment to quality is evident in the choice of construction materials. The villas feature water and termite-proof WPC frames, high-quality tiles and flooring from renowned brands, and premium woodwork and joinery. The use of advanced plumbing systems and modular kitchens further enhances the living experience.
Attention to Detail
Every aspect of the construction is executed with precision. From the main entry door with biometric locks to the finely crafted wardrobes and modular kitchens, the attention to detail ensures that every element of the villa is of the highest standard.
 6. Strategic Location and Connectivity
Prime Locations
Escon's projects are strategically located to offer the best connectivity and convenience. For instance, Escon Panache in Greater Noida is close to major expressways, schools, hospitals, and the Noida International Airport. This prime location ensures residents have easy access to essential services and facilities.
Future-Proof Investments
By choosing prime locations, Escon ensures that its properties are not only desirable for current residents but also hold their value and appeal for future buyers. This strategic approach makes investing in Escon properties a sound financial decision.
Escon Infra Realtor's collaboration with architecture results in the creation of luxurious, modern, and sustainable living spaces. The company's commitment to quality, innovative design, and attention to detail ensures that each project meets the highest standards. Whether it's the incorporation of smart home systems, eco-friendly construction, or strategic location choices, Escon's architectural approach sets it apart as a leader in the real estate industry. Investing in an Escon property means investing in a lifestyle of luxury, comfort, and security.
Contact us to know more about the project and how it can help you to get your perfect home.
Visit:- https://esconpanache.com/
Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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spandexual · 6 months
my no.1 gaming tip is stop buying a new laptop and new phone every 2 years (or even less!!! some of u ppl rly be buying new phones every year omg!!!) and save up to build desktop computer. look up how to build PCs (not very hard, pretty modular these days, just a little tedious), use pc parts picker and buy the parts individually. no matter what they tell you a gaming laptop will never actually be very good for gaming and I'm telling you this as someone who has been using what was once a high-end gaming laptop (that's still superior in a lot of ways to most on the market) for like 6 years now. and consoles charge you to play online. AND you can't put sex mods on them.
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man-and-atom · 7 months
Anyone who can make something of this piece is welcome to.
In one scenario highlighted by the Energy Market Authority in its 2050 committee report, nuclear energy could supply about 10 per cent of Singapore’s energy needs by 2050. This could potentially form a larger proportion of Singapore’s energy mix post-2050, once nuclear tech has been proven viable, said Prof Chung.
Electricity currently accounts for about 30% of Singapore’s energy consumption. Supplying two-thirds of that from fission within five years or so would seem to be entirely practicable, when we look at examples from Pickering to Barakah. It is difficult to see how the “viability” of atomic power there needs any proving which hasn’t been accomplished, for instance, by Finland, which has about the same population and also depends heavily on fuel imports.
In addition, newer nuclear power-plant designs like SMRs are being developed, and they have the potential to be much safer than many of the traditional power plants in operation today.
Claims that small modular reactors will be safer than existing nuclear generating units, like claims that extensive new research on atomic power safety is needed, are uselessly vague and even misleading without some illumination of just what deficiencies in safety are to be alleviated. What information is available seems to leave little doubt that fission is far and away the safest means of supplying energy on an industrial scale.
While severe nuclear accidents are few and far between, nuclear power has earned itself a bad reputation after disasters such as those in Fukushima and Chernobyl.
Must we reiterate that the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami killed twenty thousand people? It is hard to understand why the damage to the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi is painted as the main story of that terrible day, except perhaps that it happened so much more slowly. The real “nuclear disaster” was the large-scale, long-lasting evacuation imposed, even though releases of radioactive materials from the stricken reactors were too small to justify (according to international standards) more than a “shelter in place” order.
We can certainly understand that the citizens of Singapore, with its small land area, would not want to risk losing any of that to something like the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, but the Pickering accident of 1983 is proof positive that there are well-established power reactor designs available now that pose no such danger, and can be located without fear even in the environs of the largest cities.
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
20 Best Android Development Practices in 2023
In today's competitive market, creating high-quality Android applications requires adherence to best development practices.  Android app development agencies in Vadodara (Gujarat, India) like Nivida Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd., play a crucial role in delivering exceptional applications.  This article presents the 20 best Android development practices to follow in 2023, ensuring the success of your app development projects.
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1.     Define Clear Objectives:
Begin by defining clear objectives for your Android app development project.  Identify the target audience, the app's purpose, and the specific goals you aim to achieve.  This clarity will guide the development process and result in a more focused and effective application.
 2. Embrace the Material Design Guidelines:
Google's Material Design guidelines provide a comprehensive set of principles and guidelines for designing visually appealing and intuitive Android applications.  Adhering to these guidelines ensures consistency, enhances usability, and delivers an optimal user experience.
 3. Optimize App Performance:
Performance optimization is crucial for user satisfaction.  Focus on optimizing app loading times, minimizing network requests, and implementing efficient caching mechanisms.  Profiling tools like Android Profiler can help identify performance bottlenecks and improve overall app responsiveness.
 4. Follow a Modular Approach:
Adopting a modular approach allows for easier maintenance, scalability, and code reusability.  Breaking down your app into smaller, manageable modules promotes faster development, reduces dependencies, and enhances collaboration among developers.
 5. Implement Responsive UI Designs:
Designing a responsive user interface (UI) ensures that your app adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations.  Utilize Android’s resources, such as ConstraintLayout, to create dynamic and adaptive UIs that provide a consistent experience across different devices.
 6. Prioritize Security:
Android app security is of paramount importance.  Employ secure coding practices, authenticate user inputs, encrypt sensitive data, and regularly update libraries and dependencies to protect your app against vulnerabilities and potential attacks.
 7. Opt for Kotlin as the Preferred Language:
Kotlin has gained immense popularity among Android developers due to its conciseness, null safety, and enhanced interoperability with existing Java code.  Embrace Kotlin as the primary programming language for your Android app development projects to leverage its modern features and developer-friendly syntax.
 8. Conduct Thorough Testing:
Testing is crucial to ensure the reliability and stability of your Android applications.  Employ a combination of unit testing, integration testing, and automated UI testing using frameworks like Espresso to catch bugs early and deliver a robust app to your users.
 9. Optimize Battery Consumption:
Battery life is a significant concern for Android users.  Optimize your app's battery consumption by minimizing background processes, reducing network requests, and implementing efficient power management techniques.  Android's Battery Optimization APIs can help streamline power usage.
 10. Implement Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD):
Adopting CI/CD practices facilitates frequent code integration, automated testing, and seamless deployment. Tools like Jenkins and Bitrise enable developers to automate build processes, run tests, and deploy app updates efficiently, resulting in faster time-to-market and improved quality.
 11. Leverage Cloud Technologies:
Integrating cloud technologies, such as cloud storage and backend services, can enhance your app's scalability, performance, and reliability.  Services like Firebase offer powerful tools for authentication, database management, push notifications, and analytics.
 12. Ensure Accessibility:
Make your Android app accessible to users with disabilities by adhering to accessibility guidelines.  Provide alternative text for images, support screen readers, and use colour contrast appropriately to ensure inclusivity and a positive user experience for all users.
 13. Optimize App Size:
Large app sizes can deter users from downloading and installing your application.  Optimize your app's size by eliminating unused resources, compressing images, and utilizing Android App Bundles to deliver optimized APKs based on device configurations.
 14. Implement Offline Support:
Provide offline capabilities in your app to ensure users can access essential features and content even when offline.  Implement local caching, synchronize data in the background, and notify users of limited or no connectivity to deliver a seamless user experience.
 15. Implement Analytics and Crash Reporting:
Integrate analytics and crash reporting tools, such as Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics, to gain insights into user behaviour, identify areas for improvement, and address crashes promptly. This data-driven approach helps in refining your app's performance and user engagement.
 16. Keep Up with Android OS Updates:
Stay up to date with the latest Android OS updates, new APIs, and platform features.  Regularly update your app to leverage new functionalities, enhance performance, and ensure compatibility with newer devices.
 17. Provide Localized Versions:
Cater to a global audience by providing localized versions of your app.  Translate your app's content, user interface, and notifications into different languages to expand your user base and increase user engagement.
 18. Ensure App Store Optimization (ASO):
Optimize your app's visibility and discoverability in the Google Play Store by utilizing appropriate keywords, engaging app descriptions, compelling screenshots, and positive user reviews.  ASO techniques can significantly impact your app's download and conversion rates.
 19. Follow Privacy Regulations and Guidelines:
Adhere to privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, and ensure transparent data handling practices within your app. Obtain user consent for data collection, storage, and usage, and provide clear privacy policies to establish trust with your users.
 20. Regularly Update and Maintain Your App:
Continuously monitor user feedback, track app performance metrics, and release regular updates to address bugs, introduce new features, and enhance user experience.  Regular maintenance ensures that your app remains relevant, competitive, and secure.
 Adopting these 20 best Android development practices in 2023 will help Android app development companies in India, create exceptional applications.  By focusing on objectives, embracing Material Design, optimizing performance, and following modern development approaches, your Android apps will stand out in the market, delight users, and achieve long-term success.  Also by partnering with an Android App Development Company in India (Gujarat, Vadodara) you can leverage their expertise.
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