#Modern assisted living in Los Angeles
harborterrace · 10 days
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Rich Costey: Producer
Recording Muse's Absolution
(article in Sound On Sound by Richard Buskin in December 2003)
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Photo: Tom Kirk
With their number one album Absolution, British three-piece Muse have established themselves as one of the most ambitious and innovative rock bands in the world — and in Rich Costey, they've found an engineer and producer who understands their aims and encourages them to experiment.
"I believe that anything should be possible at any moment," says Rich Costey. "The records that I'm most fond of are ones where people have taken as many chances as possible in service of the material. The process itself may yield both successes and defeats, but you'll never know unless you're free to explore, and that's something an outfit like Muse is very comfortable with. Those guys have been playing together for a long time, and as a result they are completely fearless and will try anything. That's one of the reasons why we had such a good working relationship."
A guitarist in high school who turned to producing indie bands in Boston and New York, Costey spent three years as the in-house engineer at Looking Glass Studios in Manhattan during the mid-'90s, assisting modern classical composer Philip Glass, and it was there that he steeped himself in the experimental approach to recording that has characterised much of his subsequent work, including the aforementioned Muse's acclaimed new album Absolution.
"My time at Looking Glass was just a thrill for me," he recalls. "I had been a huge admirer of Philip's, and it was no trivial matter for me to be able to work on his records day after day. When you're mixing for him, he holds out the score the whole time to ensure that you can hear all of the parts and are following the dynamics, as he simply composes on paper in the traditional manner. One day I was mixing something for him, and he was describing some of his compositional methods — he would use his motifs in an almost modular fashion, plugging in and reusing different parts of the same material within the same piece — and he told me 'Attempting to exactly repeat a success is bound to seem a failure, whereas if you move forward it's far more likely to seem a success.'
"How that translates to me in terms of making records is that I tend to reject the notion that there's a sort of penned-in area regarding how rock music is supposed to sound. These days there's a certain guitar sound that people think of as the guitar sound, and that's unfortunate. Previously, artists were more comfortable pushing things forward and trying things out, and obviously there are still artists who do that, but not many. That's what I'm interested in doing, though it usually means a bit more effort and occasionally a bit of risk."
Finding The Muse
After relocating to Los Angeles in the late 1990s, Costey teamed up with Jon Brion to produce and mix Fiona Apple's second album When The Pawn Hits The Conflicts... This led to assignments from producer Rick Rubin, which included the mix of Rage Against The Machine's Renegades album in 2000. Since then, Costey has undertaken numerous mixing projects, as well as production and engineering for the likes of Dave Navarro and, most recently, the London-based Muse trio of guitarist/vocalist Matthew Bellamy, bassist Chris Wolstenhome, and drummer Dominic Howard.
Originally hailing from Teignmouth, Devon, the three began playing together at the age of 13, first as Gothic Plague, then as Fixed Penalty and Baby Rocket Dolls, before adopting their current name in 1997, when they released their eponymous debut EP on Dangerous Records. A second EP, 1998's Muscle Museum, led to critical acclaim, a rapidly growing live following, and a contract with Maverick in the US, and in the wake of albums Showbiz (1999) and Origin Of Symmetry (2001), the band have attracted plenty of interest thanks to songs that meld melodic, sometimes unconventional lead vocals with strains of grunge, punk, psychedelia and arena rock. All of these elements are prevalent on Muse's new album, Absolution.
"I had become a fan of theirs, particularly after hearing their last record," says Rich Costey. "This was conveyed to them by some mutual acquaintances and we decided to collaborate. They had worked with the same people for a while, and I think they were interested in mixing it up a bit. By the time that I came into the picture, they had already recorded several tracks for the new album with John Cornfield and Paul Reed: 'Butterflies And Hurricanes' and 'Blackout' were among them. Those had gone very well, but they were interested in trying out some other ideas and seeing what else might be out there."
Costey would end up mixing 'Blackout', which utilised mandolin and real strings recorded at AIR Lyndhurst in north-west London, and recutting the vocal, bass and piano on 'Butterflies And Hurricanes'.
"Initially, we went to AIR just to see how things would work out between us," he recalls. "I did what I normally do, and they sat back and observed me. In retrospect it's kind of funny, because now, having gotten to know them so well, I realise they were a bit coy. There was also something of a continental divide between the American use of superlatives and the more reserved English use of them, but I wasn't aware of this at the time. For instance, soon after we went into AIR, my engineer Wally Gagel and I got what I thought was a great sound for the band to track live, and when I finally rolled some tape and they came in the control room to listen back, I thought they'd be over the moon. However, their response was along the lines of 'Uh, yeah, it's fine. All right, let's crack on...' and I felt deflated. It turned out that they did like it, but they were simply a bit reserved. They loosened up later — and I'm sure I did, too — when we got to know each other better.
Tractors & Water Sports
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Grouse Lodge Studios, where much of the tracking for Absolution took place.Photo: Tom Kirk
Opting for a rural residential facility to complete the recording sessions for Absolution, the band members located Grouse Lodge in Ireland via the Internet, and it turned out to be a successful choice. "We just showed up and took our chances, and the place was fantastic," Costey remarks. "We had a great time there. It's the only place I've ever been where there are windows all the way around the control room and tracking room. And it was kind of funny, because at one point Dominic was in the live area while we were sitting in the control room, and just as he was playing a really intense drum part, some guy on a tractor drove by the window that was behind him. You don't see that too often in a studio! Fortunately the isolation was good — there's no tractor on the record.
"Grouse Lodge has a Neve VR, and although it was a good-sized board, we still brought in 14 [Neve] 1073s and several [UREI] 1176s as well as some Pultec EQs. The studio contacted a number of rental companies for additional mic pres, and apparently that was all we could get because Iron Maiden were tracking somewhere and using up all of the other 1073s in the UK.
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Recording the introduction to 'Apocalypse Please': Dominic Howard plays a drum fill from the Grouse Lodge swimming pool, with the driver from an NS10 speaker used as a close mic.Photo: Tom Kirk
"Of course, one of the advantages of a residential studio is that you can just kind of take over the place, and so we were able to do things like set up mics in the residences, while for the song 'Ruled By Secrecy' I had this idea that I wanted the drums to be intimate and very close, yet with a unique distant ambience.
"At one point, while we were rehearsing in the smaller Studio B, the band was running through the number with the doors open and I could hear it echoing around the courtyard. It sounded fantastic, so one afternoon while we were tracking I decided to set up the drums outside. We brought out a whole bunch of mic pres to ensure that the mic line was as short as possible, and we spent a number of hours setting this all up.
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A less successful experiment: Dominic Howard plays drums outdoors in the Grouse Lodge courtyard. Photo: Tom Kirk
"The kit was backed up into a sort of corner, with brick on one side and stone masonry on the other, alongside a tractor. Directly behind it was open, and it was good that Dominic was close to the wall because that enabled him to get a little more bass out of his kit. We set up a couple of distant mics and ran them through some Neves, and then I sat down in the control room and he started playing... and it sounded terrible. I think we captured one take, but we didn't use it at all. We got a little bit of ambience out of the courtyard, but the overall sound was unbearably thin and it just didn't have the presence that I'd expected.
"Still, one idea that we did try and that was really good found its way onto the tracks 'Apocalypse Please' and 'Time Is Running Out'. The intro to 'Apocalypse Please' has a tom section, and I really wanted that to sound just ridiculous and as epic as possible. So, lo and behold, the studio had a swimming pool, which of course was full of water, and what we did was bring over a couple of kick drums, put them on stands, and miked one of them really close with the disembodied woofer of an NS10 to get a low, thumping sound, while a few C12 ambient mics were placed in the swimming pool area. We also had to bring mic pres into the pool area for all the same reasons, and Wally and I set things up so that Dominic could actually stand in the water while he was playing, just because it looked really good."
So, were there any lapping sounds? "Not during that section, although we did do some hot-tub overdubs later on. We did a couple of takes of the bubbling water, but again we didn't use it. In fact, we did a bunch of stuff. I'd seen a modern classical performance a few years back where there was a whole back line of people hitting gongs and dipping them in water. The water gong is not an unusual 20th-century classical instrument, but as we were gong-poor, we took some samples of doing the same thing with cymbals, hitting them loads and loads of times while dipping them into the water. Of course, cymbals have nowhere near the sustain and heft of an actual gong, and whatever they did have would dissipate as soon as they went into the water, so that was pointless. But it was funny.
"One thing that actually was useful was recording a couple of takes of Chris diving into the pool — we used that on the start to the bridge of 'Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist'. Listen really closely and, right where the bridge hits, you can hear him jumping into the pool. We used rather nice microphones to capture that, so we made sure to keep them clear of the water, and we also had to move really quickly because I was concerned about humidity affecting the mics."
Reaching For The Overheads
"I didn't want to do anything that sounded like their previous records. I liked Origin Of Symmetry quite a lot, but one of the reasons why I thought I might make a good producer for Muse is that I believed I could hear what they were reaching for and felt there were moments where they weren't quite getting there. For example, it struck me that at their basic level they wanted to sound like a colossal, dynamic, epic and powerful rock band, but there were a lot of moments on their past two records when they didn't quite achieve that. So, the first thing I wanted to do was make sure that they sounded pretty damned big and aggressive when they were supposed to, and that was down to the recording methods as well as their performance.
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The control room at Grouse Lodge is based around a Neve VR desk. Photo: Tom Kirk
"For their part, the guys had heard some of my mixes for Rage Against The Machine and Audioslave and they were quite keen to get a sound that was just as big and assertive. They play extremely well together and they sound quite powerful on their own, but as usual we needed to explore different drum kits to obtain the right sound. Dominic's very good at tuning his drums and Chris has his own bass tone down really well — he's got three amps with different degrees of distortion coming out of each. I also brought in a Diesel guitar head, which I'm pretty fond of, and Matthew played a bit through that as well as his own custom Marshall, and overall I set them up a bit differently to what they were used to.
"In fact, I spent quite a while trying to sort out the drum sound, because Dominic is a pretty aggressive drummer and he tends to hit his cymbals rather hard. A bit of thought went into how to have the individual drums sounding defined without being washed out by the cymbals, and to that end I did something that I wouldn't recommend anyone doing carelessly, using far too many microphones. For overheads you might use a stereo pair, maybe accompanied by a mono microphone, but we ended up using that for an overall kit sound and tight-miking each of the cymbals. I myself normally use [AKG] C12s, and then for the close mics I use [Neumann] KM84s whenever they can be found, and I'll slightly mix those in to get a lot of attack — that way, the overheads themselves can be fairly low, and you can mix up the attack of the cymbals without the overall sound being too brash.
"Chris's monstrous amp rig consisted of three Marshall bass heads and three different Marshall cabinets, and how much room we had in any given studio basically determined what size of cabinets we set up. One of them produces a cleaner bass tone, while the second amp largely goes through [an Electro-Harmonix] Big Muff [distortion pedal], as well as a few other pedals that he'll occasionally hit. Then his third amp, which is the most distorted, uses an obscure Japanese distortion pedal, which is pretty weird, expensive and apparently difficult to find. It has a real nasally tone that doesn't necessarily make any sense on its own, but when you mix it within the context of the rest of the bass sound it's critical to what Chris wants. He has several bass guitars, and there's a well-worn Pedulla that he's particularly fond of.
"I like to use condenser mics whenever possible on the bass cabinets. They tend to have a much more open sound, the transients come through a lot stronger, and the net result sounds a lot more like you're standing in front of the amp. There certainly is a place for dynamics and I am a fan of them as well, but to me they colour the sound much more than a good condenser. That having been said, I've actually got a fair bit into recording the bass with this mic made by Blue, called the Mouse. Wally Gagel and I used it last year on the Antenna album by Cave In and it was excellent, so I used that on Chris's bass rig and I also used it on the snare, doubled with an SM57 whenever possible. I sometimes use a Neumann FET47 to record the bass, but Chris's rig was so loud that I didn't think we could get away with that — nowadays, I think people play much louder than they did when 47s were introduced, and one of the advantages with a newer mic like the Blue is that it can take a stunning amount of level.
"Aside from that, we used a pretty standard setup on the bass: [Sennheiser] 421s and [Electro-voice] RE20s. We tried a whole host of things while working at different studios, and we used different stuff each time. The full band was set up at AIR in the lead-up to Christmas, and then a couple of months later we set up at a place in Ireland called Grouse Lodge, where we did the majority of the recording over the course of about four weeks. We didn't have exactly the same microphones to choose from there, but we tried to copy the AIR setup as much as possible so that the basic tracks didn't sound totally foreign next to one another."
Learning Reserve
Muse singer Matthew Bellamy hits some pretty amazing vocal notes on the new record, most notably on cuts such as 'Apocalypse Please', 'Time Is Running Out', 'Hysteria', 'Blackout' and 'Butterflies And Hurricanes'. "He has an amazing voice and an amazing range," confirms Rich Costey. "He is completely confident with what he's doing. He'll just get in and, in three takes, he'll have everything he needs. Sometimes, with the vocals, not unlike the rest of the process, we would try out different things, different directions even once we knew we had something great, and while this would occasionally produce improved results, most of the time it wouldn't because Matthew's own first instinct was exactly right.
"In terms of the vocal mics, we would switch between different ones according to the song. I'm a big believer in that as well. For example, he sang 'TSP' into a [Shure] SM7 that I had — one of the advantages for many singers who do a lot of shows is that they can grab hold of the SM7, carry it around the room and do whatever they want without creating very much handling noise. To me, that sounds quite a bit better than your more typical SM58, which a lot of people might use in the studio. The singer can press his face right up against the microphone without any worry whatsoever, so we used that on a few songs, while we mainly used a C12 for Matt on most of the more sedate vocals. Then again, in the case of 'Endlessly', we tried out a few mics — we tried an RCA 44, but that was just a little too dark, so we ended up going with the 77.
"Matthew has tremendous vocal capabilities, and if anything he's still learning what those capabilities are. I think one of the things that he became more comfortable with during this project was the ability to sing in a little more reserved fashion. Like on the verses of 'Sing For Absolution', his tenor voice is very quiet and just beautiful, whereas normally he's pushing himself quite hard. Any time you work with a great vocalist it's pretty exciting.
"Matthew's styling determined, to some degree, what I'd want to do with his vocals. For example, when he's singing loud, part of his sound frequently amounts to clipping the mic pre — I'd deliberately clip the mic pre on 'Time Is Running Out' as he sang louder and louder, adding more intensity and grit to his vocal. Distorting a vocal is so commonplace nowadays that to me it's the same as distorting a guitar or a bass. And much of the time when I'm mixing records for other people I'm distorting the vocal... whether they know it or not!"
Things That Have Character
In the months between the AIR and Grouse Lodge sessions (see box), Matthew Bellamy did more songwriting and Rich Costey took care of overdubbing some of the first-batch songs at AIR: 'Sing For Absolution', 'Stockholm Syndrome', 'Hysteria', 'TSP' and 'Fury' (which would end up as a bonus track on the Japanese release). These were then completed at North London's Livingstone Studios during a 10-day period following the Christmas/New Year break.
"We used the custom vintage Neve console at AIR, and whenever possible I only monitor on ATC SCM20s, which they also had there," says Costey. "Every facility was booked at the last minute, and when you're going from studio to studio it's really a crap shoot as to what you're listening to. On the other hand, the console at Livingstone was an SSL G-series, and it made a big difference switching to that from the vintage Neve. We rented a bunch of Neve 1073s to use as front-end mic preamps, and I also brought my old Universal Audio 1108s with me to warm up the sound. The UA mic pres are Class AB, whereas the 1073s are Class A. I largely only record through vintage Neves, but in this case we couldn't find a UK studio with one at short notice, and while I wasn't able to completely match the sound, I didn't mind that. I find it tedious when records sound the same all the way through. I'm much more interested in things that have character, and so long as they sound good, that's all that matters."
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Rich Costey and Matthew Bellamy in debate at the desk in Grouse Lodge. Photo: Tom Kirk
Matthew Bellamy's custom Manson guitars were mostly recorded through the aforementioned Diesel and Marshall amps running into a variety of cabinets. "The band played live together, facing each other in a semi-circle, and Matthew was singing, too, which he apparently doesn't normally do when they're cutting basic tracks," Costey explains. "Still, once we'd created those basics, it was a case of anything goes. I don't really believe in any hard and fast rules after that, and I don't necessarily like to go with one setup for a whole record. So, after we got the basics, we would try to push every single overdub to make it as interesting as possible.
"The way that I and the band chose to work — and I like to work this way, anyhow — was to concentrate on one song at a time for a while. I remember that we did quite a bit of work on 'Stockholm Syndrome' and 'Sing For Absolution' at AIR. We'd just put up a song, see what it needed, and explore it for hours, days, whatever, and then at the point where we felt we were slowing down we'd move on to the next thing. That process continued at Livingstone.
"On 'Sing For Absolution', I had a pretty clear idea as to what I wanted to hear on the chorus: big, broad-sounding guitars with a little bit of echo — it's hardly ever the case that something goes down without getting run through a [Maestro] Echoplex. I'm addicted to them, although recently both of mine unfortunately have gone ill on me. Still, I wanted the big, broad guitars with Matthew's voice just peeking out over them without being too far in front, keeping the chorus kind of subdued and real simple whereas the verses really needed to sound expansive and three-dimensional. We did some basic stuff at AIR on that song, and then when we got to Livingstone we spent time treating different pianos.
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One of Rich Costey's much-loved Maestro EP4 Echoplex delays. Photo: Katy Alverson
"The main piano sound on that song was heavily treated. I laid nails, guitar strings and all sorts of metal objects on top of the piano strings themselves so that they rattled, and then I miked all that with a pair of C12s. I had the dry piano coming into the console and I then split the signal so that half of it went to tape and the other half went to a [Digitech] Whammy pedal. In fact, the Whammy pedal also got split, so that half of it went to — no surprise here — an Echoplex and the other half went to a [Lovetone] Doppelganger pedal. That achieved a fake stereo, with a dry attack front and centre, while the Doppelganger with the echo was on one side and the Whammy's echo was on the other. Then we doubled it, so that it wasn't even fake stereo any more; it was two performances, which made a lot more sense.
"Once we had that down, the song took on a much more melancholy sound, and thanks to the piano it also had kind of a broken sound which, I think, worked well with the lyrics. After that, we did some ambient passes of various synths running through different effects and doing volume sweeps while Matthew played throughout the song. We just wanted things to sweep in and out around the vocals."
Although the songs were all comped, with each of the band members performing a minimum of passes, Costey was keen to guard against too much editing. He typically treats Pro Tools as if it were a tape machine, not because of a retro mindset but simply in order to enhance the music by way of a more human touch, and he'd therefore utilise as much as possible of a single take before editing in parts only where this was absolutely necessary. The same applied to overdubs — he'd use as much as possible of complete takes, and never once was a performance flown into another section of a song.
"I made that mistake years ago," Costey admits, "and what ends up happening is that the record has a real thin veneer to it, almost like a genetically engineered tomato that looks perfect but has absolutely no flavour."
Three People Trying to Sound Like 10
The approach paid off. Absolution boasts a collection of very live-sounding tracks that convey the effect of the band members playing complete performances. Then again, in terms of aural imaging, for all of the reverb and power chords, the manner in which the instruments blend into one another creates a sense of the musicians being bunched close together within a fairly confined space.
"I think that's partly the design of the band," says Costey. "Because they're only a three-piece, Chris's bass tone is engineered from the ground up to go from the low lows of the bass through the bottom end of the guitar. And Matthew, by extension, because he switches quite frequently to the piano, doesn't necessarily feel like he has to carry the brunt of things with his guitar. What you have is three people trying to sound like 10, and they've got it down pretty good, so that their instruments sonically tend to overlap one another, and the way they play off each other tends to overlap more than it does with a lot of other bands. Often you hear bass players who tend to double the guitar roots very low and function as a mere guitar support, but that isn't the case with Muse.
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The Grouse Lodge live room. Photo: Tom Kirk"
At the same time, another reason for the tight sound may be that I don't tend to use much reverb on things like drums when I'm mixing. I pretty much just used whatever ambience was to be found on the room mics. Then again, when we were at Grouse Lodge in Ireland, we occasionally augmented things in terms of the drum sound, and this was especially so on 'Falling Away With You'. We ran a couple of Earthworks mics way down to the other end of the building, in the hallway towards the residences, and the track had this ridiculous, cavernous pomposity to it. This wasn't very useful if the drum part was busy, but if it was a simple part then it sounded terrific, and so there were a couple of moments where I cranked those up quite a bit."
One notable aspect of 'Falling Away With You', which starts off as a ballad before seguing into heavy rock, is the prevalent sound of Matthew Bellamy's fingers sliding on the strings of his guitar. "That's simply the sound of a human playing guitar," says Costey. "Matthew was playing his black Manson guitar very quietly through an Overbuilt amp, and all we added was a bit of reverb, so it was fairly clean. However, if you run just a little bit of compression you're bound to enhance those finger noises. A lot of people find them distracting, but for me that's the sound of someone playing an instrument. I have worked with people who play in such a manner that you don't hear any finger noises at all, and in those cases I just defer to the musician, but with Matthew you can hear the sound of his fingers on the strings, and this created a kind of intimacy that perfectly suited the quiet section of 'Falling Away With You'."
On some tracks, Matthew Bellamy didn't want to track his vocals until he really had a feel for where the music was going to lead him, whereas on others he'd record his part and, in so doing, highlight the fact that some more musical texture needed to be developed underneath the vocal. One example of this was the song 'Endlessly', with its loungey-sounding Wurlitzer intro and backwards cymbal and conga during the short instrumental break.
"That song was really a work in progress up until almost the last minute, and we took a different sort of vocal approach with it," Costey recalls. "Obviously, it's too slow to be a dance number, but there is a kind of subdued four-to-the-floor, 909-sounding rhythm going on throughout the track. That's largely due to the fact that Matthew did a couple of demos, and one of them featured him performing on a piano as well as a drum machine that was playing that pattern. There was such an honesty to it and a directness to it that even though we tried it with a full band approach, nothing seemed to work as well as what he had on that demo, which was just a real pure intro and a really heartfelt vocal. We therefore took that approach and built on it, and we had Dominic play loads of different drum patterns within that tempo and then actually cut up ones that had kind of a light jazz feel with a couple of fills."
More Chet Baker, Less Arthur Baker
After the work was completed at Grouse Lodge, the project switched location once again, this time to Cello Studios in Los Angeles, where three weeks were spent overdubbing before the mix then took place. It was here, during the overdubs, that 'Endlessly' really came together.
"Although we were happy with the drumming aspects of the song, we were still dissatisfied with a lot of it," Costey explains. "We were in Studio Three, where the Beach Boys had once recorded Pet Sounds [when the facility was still known as United Western Recorders], so we tried to conjure up the spirit of Brian Wilson by bringing in an old S6 tube monophonic synthesizer. I mostly wanted Matthew to use it to play some arpeggios, but those didn't end up sounding very good, and so he then reached over to these auto-chord figures on the left-hand side of the keyboard, where you can just hit one button and it will play the chord. Underneath it is a button that you can press to control the volume of that note, and while we were running the track down Matthew started playing the chords to the song and using the dynamic button to tap out a rhythm. That ended up being the main thing that the rest of the song was centred about: the real soft, moody, warm keyboard sound that plays in the chorus.
"At that point, we absolutely knew that we wanted the sound more Chet Baker and less Arthur Baker. So, Matthew sang into a big old RCA 77 ribbon mic, and we did a number of other overdubs on the track, but we tried to keep it as sedate as possible even if, by the end of the song, it gets a bit expansive. There's a treated type of opera vocal coming in later in the song, and we tried to be very careful with that, because it's a dangerous area."
Meanwhile, another song that starts off in fairly staid and straightforward fashion before building in force is 'Ruled By Secrecy', on which thundering piano bass notes are interspersed with high notes that ride over the top of the vocal. "A lot of the time we would actually cut the right-hand and left-hand parts separately and treat them separately," Costey remarks. "The beginning of 'Ruled By Secrecy' was all CP80, which is an old Yamaha electric piano, and while that was a left-hand part we also doubled it up with a right-hand part that was actual piano. We also took the CP80 and ran it through a couple of guitar amps only for the left hand, so that the left hand would have a larger tone to it when Matthew hit those notes. Then, by the end of the song, when he was hitting the more sustained left-handed parts, I trotted out the old Echoplex as well."
'Time Is Running Out' was probably the most difficult song for band and producer to nail down, especially with regard to an intro that required mucho experimentation. "We tried out all sorts of percussion ideas," says Costey, "including people clapping their hands and slapping their knees. At one point Wally even miked up Chris and Dominic scratching their heads to produce a shaker track, and that worked suprisingly well, but we didn't end up using it. Eventually, we concluded that the bass would comprise the centrepiece of the intro, so we had to come up with a unique, very characteristic tone, although I wasn't totally convinced about the bass line that we initially settled on. We spent an entire day trying to get the greatest bass intro sound ever created in all humanity, and by the end of that time we went with an acoustic bass guitar running through a ton of pedals and different amps. Then, just as we'd attained a sound that we thought was pretty good, Matthew walked in, listened to it and said, 'Fantastic, you've just spent eight hours on a flanged bass?' He was right of course, not having spent hours on the floor, toying with pedals and cables. We didn't keep any of it. Still, there was always good give-and-take like that, and we trusted each other enough to go with our respective ideas."
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The well-stocked gear rack in Cello Sound, where Absolution was mixed, with Rich Costey's own gear on top and in the portable rack to the right.
As most arrangement decisions regarding the songs were made while recording, the overall modus operandi amounted to settling on a direction that would subsequently determine the nature of the overdubs and then the mix. This, in turn, ensured that the mixing process was relatively short and strightforward; about three weeks in all.
"The biggest challenge on Absolution was making sure that the whole thing hung together cohesively," Costey asserts. "We tried out so many different ideas, and in a couple of songs we didn't get the arrangements totally nailed down until it was time to mix. At that point, if you're not happy with something it's too late to go back and change it. So, during the last week there was a certain amount of making sure that all those loose ends were dialled in, and that the songs sounded good next to one another and sounded like the same band. Hopefully, that's what we achieved. By the end, for all of their British reserve and my over-the-top American enthusiasm, the guys were very excited about this record — and so, of course, was I."
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stlivingla · 2 months
Discover Your Dream Apartments on La Tijera with Stlivingla
Introduction: Looking for the perfect place to call home in Los Angeles? Look no further than the stunning apartments on La Tijera offered by Stlivingla. Located in a prime area, these apartments combine luxury, convenience, and a vibrant community. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of living on La Tijera and why Stlivingla is your ideal choice for finding your next home. Why Choose Apartments on La Tijera? Prime Location La Tijera is a bustling street in the heart of Los Angeles, offering residents easy access to major highways, public transportation, and popular city attractions. Whether you’re commuting to work or exploring the city, living on La Tijera places you at the center of it all. Luxurious Living Spaces Stlivingla provides a range of apartments on La Tijera that boast modern designs and top-of-the-line amenities. From spacious floor plans to high-end finishes, each apartment is crafted to offer the utmost comfort and style. Top Features of Stlivingla Apartments on La Tijera Modern Amenities Residents can enjoy a variety of amenities designed to enhance their living experience. These include state-of-the-art fitness centers, rooftop lounges, swimming pools, and secure parking facilities. Every detail is considered to ensure a luxurious lifestyle. Community Vibe Stlivingla fosters a strong sense of community among its residents. Regular social events and communal spaces provide ample opportunities to meet neighbors and build lasting friendships. Living on La Tijera means being part of a welcoming and vibrant community. Convenient Access La Tijera’s strategic location means that you are never far from essential services. Supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and entertainment options are all within walking distance. Additionally, top schools and healthcare facilities are easily accessible, making it an ideal location for families. Benefits of Choosing Stlivingla Professional Management Stlivingla prides itself on providing exceptional property management services. From the moment you inquire about an apartment to the day you move in, their professional team ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience. Pet-Friendly Policies Understanding the importance of pets to their residents, Stlivingla offers pet-friendly apartments on La Tijera. Your furry friends will feel right at home with ample space to play and explore. Sustainable Living Stlivingla is committed to sustainability and green living. Their apartments on La Tijera incorporate eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient appliances, recycling programs, and water-saving fixtures, helping residents reduce their environmental footprint. How to Find Your Perfect Apartment on La Tijera Easy Online Search Stlivingla’s user-friendly website makes it simple to find available apartments on La Tijera. You can browse through detailed listings, view high-quality images, and even take virtual tours from the comfort of your home. Personalized Assistance If you prefer a more personalized approach, the Stlivingla team is ready to assist. Contact their knowledgeable leasing agents who can provide insights, answer questions, and schedule in-person tours to help you find the perfect apartment. Conclusion Living on La Tijera with Stlivingla offers a unique blend of luxury, convenience, and community. With modern amenities, professional management, and a prime location, these apartments provide everything you need to enjoy the best of Los Angeles. Explore Stlivingla’s offerings today and find your dream apartment on La Tijera.
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notasilentk · 1 year
An Open Letter to Guillermo Del Toro With Regards to his Life-Like Statue of Mary Shelley
Or: A Modern Frankenstein
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(Image from Guillermo Del Toro’s Twitter post wishing Mary Shelley a happy birthday.)
First off, hi there, Mr. Del Toro—love your work.
Secondly, what the hell, man? That’s—that’s just something you have?! In your home?? A life-size statue of Mary Shelley sitting at a writing desk looking mildly alarmed—as if Lord Byron just said the stupidest shit she ever heard or as if she just had the thought, “Oh you know what would be really fucked up?” and then decided to write it down. (Please excuse my run on sentences, it’s a terminal condition for which I have found no treatment.) I didn’t know you could just have things like that in your home! Granted I live in a small-ish apartment in the valley and so my imagination and vision is somewhat constrained by square footage and also my meager earnings as a currently out of work tv assistant moonlighting as a part-time bookseller. However, I acknowledge this is no excuse. Imagination is not hampered by constraints, but freed by it. She’s a wily fucking octopus problem solving the hell out of her cage and squeezing through the smallest of holes to exert her will and get her prize (delicious fish in other tanks at the aquarium).
Wait, where was I?
Oh yeah. Your Bleak House is magnificent. I’ve scoured over the photos I’ve found online. I must confess in so many ways I still feel like an entry level student to horror. I haven’t even seen all of your movies yet, Mr. Del Toro. I am working on it, though—so please excuse this easily distractible magpie mind of mine. I tend to flit and flop and flip between subjects at the random behest of whatever goblin is in control of my brain that week, day, hour, minute, etc. 
I think Crimson Peak is underrated though. I just wanted you to know—I really liked it. I wasn’t even supposed to see it the night that I saw it first. We were supposed to go to a haunted house attraction, but that didn’t work out and we ended up at the movie theater. I insisted on seeing a horror movie as a consolation prize for being deprived of my haunted house. What luck that it should be your film that was playing on that warm Arizona October night. 
So like. 
What are you gonna do with Mary Shelley when you die? 
Could I have her? Do you ever scooch her over and write at the desk she’s at? Do you talk out story ideas with her ever? I feel like I would, if I had a life size statue of a famous writer in my house. You have a lot of statues and figures and models—I imagine you talk to all of them in the fashion of how people converse with their pets or their plants. Or I could projecting—I don’t know you, even if you’ve shared so much of yourself with all of us.
But when I mean “Can I have Mary Shelley when you’re done with her?” I don’t mean personally—though I wouldn’t be so rude to turn down a personal gift.
I mean—could we have Bleak House? Los Angeles? The cinephiles? The apostles of the strange? You’ve opened it before—would you open it again for fans of horror and science fiction and fantasy to peruse your vast collection? Would you haunt its walls—if you had the chance? Where will you go, when you leave us, Mr. Del Toro? And what will you leave us, your fellow children of the macabre, raised on your ghost stories and tales of terror? You owe us nothing, of course. But we will take it all like vultures at the kill, thus is the way we treat our idols.
I have to confess—I was angry when I read Frankenstein that first time. I didn’t like it. 
Hear me out.
It was Ms. Yip’s sophomore language arts honors class. We had to do a book club, split into various small groups based on the book we chose to read from a curated list. I picked Frankenstein. I had just recently been introduced to Edgar Allen Poe by my creative writing teacher, Mr. Sable, and Frankenstein felt like a natural continuation of that line of instruction. Besides, I had always been interested in the spooky and the creepy and the macabre. Feed a child on a steady diet of Scooby Doo re-runs and tattered Goosebumps books and you are liable to produce a kid as obsessed with Halloween as I was—still am. 
So I picked Frankenstein and then I didn’t read it. I was busy. I had other things to do. I was a teenager and this was homework and I was always a fast reader anyway—“I’ll get it later, it’s fine,” I insisted. But then one day it was Sunday and our book club homework reading was due that Monday and I hadn’t read Frankenstein. Hadn’t cracked the spine, even. Oops. 
There was a little room, a bit of a nook—bit of a crawlspace with carpet and a light—above the stairs in my home. You had to use a ladder to get up into it. It was my library, where I kept all my childhood books and my growing manga collection. It was still kinda too warm to be up there—it didn’t get good air flow and the meager fan that fit up there did few favors against the unrelenting and indomitable Arizona summer that stretched long into what people insisted was “autumn.” Determined to knock this book out, though, I piled into the library and lounged across the pillows and ignored that it was just this side of too stuffy and settled into read a Great Horror Novel.
I had no appreciation for it. I was shocked and dismayed that the monster was neither green nor had little bolts in his neck to hook up to the lightning harnessing machine. At this point in my life I was mostly familiar with Frankenstein from this one movie called Alvin and the Chipmunks meet Frankenstein (I preferred the one where they met the Wolfman—I rewatched that one all the time as a kid) and also Mel Brook’s Young Frankenstein, which I watched on a fancy charter bus during either a school field trip or a Girl Scout’s trip—can’t remember which, but I do remember thinking, “I don’t know if this is technically age appropriate for us, but it rules.”
Also, this was homework and I resented doing homework. The book was nothing like I expected. Its language felt tedious to me, as did the language of all the books I had to read for class back then. Maybe that’s what drew me to poetry back then. All the poets seemed so much easier to understand. Contradictory maybe, but whatever I contain multitudes. Mostly I admit I was just a stupid teenager grabbing at whatever rebellion I safely could and rejecting the classics as stuffy and pretentious and difficult felt both safe and righteous. I was starved for rebellion, you see.
So I barreled through Frankenstein. And I got it. Victor was the monster, not the Creature. Nature vs nurture and all that. With great resentment I read the foundational text of science fiction and a seminal piece in horror as quickly as I could so I could go back to watching episodes of Doctor Who (New Who) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer—completely obtuse to the fact that both of these cheesy, emotional, thrilling, and delightful shows owe everything to Mary. I owed everything to Mary and I was too much of a spoiled child to even pay attention properly and appreciate that. But I finished the damn book.
I came in on Monday and discussed Frankenstein with my fellow students in our small group. It became apparent that not all of us had really read our books and we all kept that secret as much as we could. Ms. Yip didn’t even ask us that many questions about our books. There was no essay. There was no test. And I walked out of fourth period, off to lunch, with that knot of resentment growing in my stomach. I wasted a Sunday for nothing! I read Frankenstein for nothing!
I shelved my Penguin Classics copy with the boring brown cover and moved on with my life.
But Frankenstein stuck with me. It popped up, every now and then in my life. I stuck on allusions to it. I found quotes I recognized referenced on various blogs. I thought about it more and more. It haunted me.
I thought about this one quote in particular, which is not actually from the novel but from the 1994 film (though it certainly sums up what Mary was getting at and is so often misattributed to the novel that you must forgive me for being mistaken when I was saw it repeated online so much): “I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.” I was confused and angry all the time as a teenager. I was also infuriatingly idealistic. If I had been less idealistic, maybe I would have been less angry. Less furious with the world I was growing into and at myself for all my perceived faults and imperfections. I wanted to burn the world to the ground when I was young. I wanted to love the ashes.  
And I thought about Frankenstein more and more, as the months dragged on. Tenth grade turned to eleventh turned to twelfth turned to graduation and college and the world got bigger and bigger and scarier and scarier. All the while, the Creature and Victor lurked at the back of my mind. Mary lurked at the back of mind. I remember being 18 and 19 and thinking “I am as old as Mary was when she wrote that book I didn’t even want to read once I started reading it. I am as old as Mary was when she invented science fiction. What have I done? I haven’t even been cool enough to lose my virginity in a graveyard.” (My mother is, thankfully, still alive so I didn’t have the option of losing my virginity at her tombstone, I would’ve had to settle for a stranger’s grave.) I was a very regular 19-year-old of the American 21st century. It was the mid 2010s. Mostly, I made goofy short films and incomplete attempts at novels. I listened to Taylor Swift’s new pop album (I don’t know if Mary Shelley would have cared for her music) and mourned that My Chemical Romance had broken up (I think Mary Shelley would have liked them). To my great dismay I was lucky enough to be a perfectly ordinary teenager, Mr. Del Toro. I didn’t change the world, like Mary Shelley had. I just lived in it.
Anyway, I came to understand I was Victor and I was the Creature. I am the monster I make of myself. I am an experiment of my own design. We are all cobbling together the most ideal parts we can find in the wild and fitting them into ourselves to be better—whatever better is supposed to mean. We are all struggling to come to grips with the grotesque things in ourselves—out of shame, out of fear, out of guilt. 
We are all begging to be loved.
Once upon a time, I hated Frankenstein. I learned to love it. (I think love is a learned thing sometimes, don’t you? It is at once instinctual and a discipline.) Victor’s fault is often said to be that he could not learn to love unconditionally. He rejected his own Creature out of fear and people died for it. We all side with the monster now, don’t we? In the end the Creature won the PR battle. 
I wonder sometimes, about forgiving Victor for his sins. I wonder sometimes, about condemning the Creature for his wrath. Did he take it all too far? Pick the “he” you think I’m referring to. I think they both fucked up. I think that’s the point of it all. I think Mary looked at the world that made her, at the people that made her, and I think she was furious with them. (She dedicated Frankenstein to her father—TO HER FATHER, MR. DEL TORO.) Mary Shelley was a teenage girl—how could she not be furious? She was an octopus confined in a tank.
Do you think Mary Shelley ever got to see a live octopus? I hope she did. Everyone should behold an octopus at some point.
Hey Mr. Del Toro, do you think I could I forgive myself, for the monster I made of me? Should I? Do I need to? 
One last question:
Did Mary Shelley know that she would become Prometheus to us, Mr. Del Toro? 
link to original substack post:
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universestreasures · 7 months
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Kisara Modern Verse Information
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Name: Kisara Utahara (キサラ 歌原) Stage Name: The Blue-Eyed Maiden Age: 17 (Start Of The Manga / Pre-Season 1) Birthday: June 25th (Cancer) Family: Yuki Utahara (50, Father), Dr. Naomi Utahara (48, Mother), Shiori Utahara (25, Older Sister & Agent) Sex / Gender Identity: Female / Women. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Nationality: Japanese Languages Spoken: Japanese, English. Profession: Famous Singer & Songwriter Aspirations: To become a medical doctor. Abilities: Power to see and communicate with Duel Monsters Spirits, Power to influence the Blue Eyes White Dragon and use its powers. Face Claim: Schnee
Kisara Utahara was born as the second child of the Utahara family, a family living in a rural town in the Japanese countryside. Growing up, Kisara was surrounded by a community that helped and supported one another like family. Kisara's own family, of course, had their own role in the community, with Kisara's mother, Dr. Utahara, being the only medical professional in the entire town and her father, Yuki Utahara, running the local pharmacy due to him being an apothecary. Kisara would do her best to help out with the family business, including greeting patients, being an assistant, and delivering medications to people. It was these experiences that started her passion for helping others heal, a passion that continued to grow over time.
Shiori, Kisara's older sister, left her small hometown to study and start a career in Entertainment Management overseas in America when Kisara was 10. During the time her sister was away, Kisara started realizing her own talent for singing, often singing for her mother's patients who reported her voice helped make them feel better upon hearing it. She eventually started performing for community events and festivals, her parents recording her performances and sharing them with Shiori. Shiori, who got an internship at a Los Angeles talent agency with connections made through a job fair at her university, shared the videos with her boss (always one who looked out and advocated for her sister, who was very humble), who immediately saw Kisara's potential.
When Kisara was 12, Shiori returned home to Japan in order to have her sister come with her to do an audition of sorts for her talent company's music agency. Kisara was hesitant about the idea and what it might lead too, considering she's never traveled outside the country before and her English was not the best at the time, but her parents encouraged her and her sister vowed to support her every step of the way. And so, with that support, she agreed and well...the rest is history.
Kisara was signed on by the music agency, with Shiori acting as an assistant to Kisara's agent/manager before eventually taking that position herself after having gained adequate experience (and graduating with her bachelor's degree). She began doing shows in Japan before expanding internationally only after becoming proficient in English, focusing on uplifting and positive music of multiple genres. She was given the stage name: The Blue-Eyed Maiden and her popularity and monetary value has grown exponentially during the five years she's been performing professionally. The Blue-Eyed Maiden is a recognizable name in the industry, and Kisara has performed for many famous events, such as the American Super Bowl or during one of the yearly Amanosozu Group galas.
When not traveling, Kisara and her sister share an apartment in downtown Domino City. Kisara visits her hometown rather often and performs charity concerts in the area to raise money for the local community. She maintains a good relationship with her parents. Although, with every visit she does go home, her longing for pursue her passion for healing others grows and grows until she can't not do something about it.
Kisara expresses her desire to pursue medical school one day to Shiori and the rest of her management team, all of them expressing their disapproval of the idea. Shiori understands Kisara's desire to help heal people, but she says that she already does that with her music and why walk away form a career she is successful at, likes, and will provide for her into the future? This leads to some friction between them, but Kisara keeps on performing nonetheless, as she has not yet graduated from high school yet. In her free time, she does read medical texts to increase her knowledge (and asks her folks to provide knowledge and resources) and does research on how she could theoretically keep singing while pursuing this path. Though, that's harder said than done, and the day will come for her to make that choice, a choice that will change her path in life forever.
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OTEP Covers BILLIE EILISH's 'You Should See Me In A Crown'
It's been nearly five years since the release of OTEP's last full-length album, the crushing "Kult 45", and since then the world has gone to complete…well, let's just say it's become the kind of world that desperately needs the band led by singer, poet, illustrator, author and activist Otep Shamaya. Not only is Shamaya a revered musical figure, known for her intrepid blending of metal genres and hip-hop, as exemplified on her notorious 2002 debut album "Sevas Tra", but she's also amassed an enormous following based on her fearless performances and confrontational, spiritually tinged lyrics. It's that combination of radical artistry and galvanizing message that the world desperately needs now more than ever, and OTEP is ready to answer the call.
Today marks the release of OTEP's first new recorded material since 2018, and it may come as a surprise. "You Should See Me In A Crown" was the lead single from the 2018 debut album of another controversial female figure who cut across musical and social norms to carve out an identity all her own. That artist is, of course, Billie Eilish, and OTEP's cover version is no mere homage to a young acolyte but rather a radical reimagining of the song that mines all of its dark sonic complexity as well as its bold lyrical message, transforming it into the kind of modern metal epic that nobody does better than OTEP.
As Shamaya herself puts it: "To me the song is a warning against cultural reduction, biased underestimation and the volatile anti-Newtonian reaction of judging someone before you know their true power."
Last September, Shamaya told the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire" that OTEP was putting the finishing touches on its ninth album for a tentative early 2023 release. "We've just finished mixing, and we're about to go into mastering," she said. "And then it's really up to the label to decide when they're gonna release it, what they're gonna release, which single they're gonna release. I have some say as to, you know, what I recommend, but ultimately it lies on them."
Regarding the songwriting process for OTEP's new album, Shamaya said: "This record actually was written with a couple of different songwriters, which I was really excited to work with. 'Kult 45' was my last album, which is four years old now. It's insane to believe that it's been four years, but it has. When I went back in the studio, the band had sort of dispersed at that point — everybody was trying to make a living and trying to find other jobs — and so I just went to the producer and we sat down and we found some really, really talented, creative people. And even though I've been doing this for a long time and have accomplished a lot — at least I think I have — I really work best with mentors. I like people that are, I feel, creatively better than I am so that I can have this sort of spiritual intercourse between all of us where we're sort of sharing ideas and I'm inspiring them and they're inspiring me."
Throughout the span of her career, Shamaya has been an undeniable force in bringing awareness via various acclaimed mediums to social and political injustices felt by various communities and subcultures. For years, publications such as Revolver magazine have lauded Shamaya for "following in the footsteps of outspoken musicians from folk singer Woody Guthrie to RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's Zach de la Rocha, dubbing her "one of music's catalysts for social change".
OTEP's latest album, the aforementioned "Kult 45", was released in 2018. The LP was recorded at The Lair in Los Angeles, completely utilizing the same equipment used for OTEP's first album, "Sevas Tra" (down to Shamaya's vocal microphone, a SHURE Beta 58),in order to create a sound reminiscent of their roots. "Kult 45" was produced by the band, with assistant engineering from Larry Goetz, Nicolas Schilke and Lizzy Ostro.
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gabicna · 3 days
Leading Schools for CNA Training: Find Your Path to a Rewarding Career in Healthcare
**Title:** Top Schools for CNA Training:⁤ Find Your ⁤Path to a Rewarding Career in ⁤Healthcare
**Introduction:** Are you⁤ looking to ⁢kickstart ​a⁤ career⁤ in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?‍ CNA training ⁤programs ‍are essential for individuals seeking to provide direct patient care in hospitals, nursing homes,⁢ and other healthcare settings. With the increasing demand for ​skilled healthcare professionals, choosing the right school for ‌your CNA⁣ training can make ​all ‍the difference⁤ in your career success. In this article, we will explore the‌ top schools for CNA ​training, helping you find the perfect path to⁢ a rewarding ‌career ⁢in healthcare.
**Benefits of Becoming a ‌Certified⁤ Nursing Assistant (CNA):** Before diving into ‍the top schools for CNA training, let’s first discuss the benefits ‍of becoming a​ Certified Nursing Assistant:
1. **Job⁣ Security:** As the healthcare industry​ continues to⁣ grow, ⁣CNAs ‌are in high demand, providing stable and secure job opportunities. 2.⁢ **Career ⁤Growth:** CNAs can advance ⁤their careers by pursuing additional certifications​ or further education. 3. **Rewarding ‌Work:**⁣ CNAs make ⁢a meaningful impact on ‍the lives of patients by providing direct ⁣care and support. 4. **Flexible Schedules:** Many⁢ healthcare facilities offer flexible work schedules, ‌allowing ⁣CNAs to balance work and personal life.
**Top Schools for CNA Training:** When choosing⁢ a CNA training program, it’s essential to consider ‍factors ⁤such ‌as⁢ accreditation, curriculum, facilities,‌ and job placement opportunities.⁢ Here are some of the top schools for CNA ​training in the United States:
1.⁤ **XYZ School⁢ of​ Nursing** -‌ Location: New York, NY – Accreditation: XYZ School of Nursing⁣ is accredited by the ‍Commission on‌ Collegiate Nursing‍ Education ‌(CCNE). ⁤-‌ Curriculum: The CNA ⁤training program at XYZ⁣ School of Nursing ⁢includes hands-on‌ clinical experience and classroom ‌instruction. – Facilities: State-of-the-art simulation labs and clinical settings ‌for practical⁢ training. ‌ – Job​ Placement: XYZ School of ‍Nursing offers job placement assistance ‍for graduates.
2. ⁢**ABC College⁢ of Healthcare** ‌- Location: Los Angeles, CA ‍ – Accreditation: ABC⁣ College of Healthcare is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). ‍ – Curriculum: The CNA training program at‌ ABC College of Healthcare ​covers essential nursing skills and patient care ⁤techniques. – Facilities: Modern facilities with dedicated CNA training rooms​ and equipment. ‍ – Job Placement: ABC College ⁢of Healthcare ‍partners with local healthcare facilities to provide job placement opportunities for ⁤graduates.
**Practical ​Tips for Choosing a CNA Training Program:** When selecting ⁣a CNA training program, consider the following​ practical tips:
– Research the school’s accreditation and reputation in the healthcare industry. – Visit the school’s‍ campus to ‌assess facilities and resources for​ CNA training. – ​Inquire about⁤ job placement assistance and ‍support services for students. – Review the curriculum to ensure it covers all necessary CNA skills and competencies. – ​Seek‍ feedback from current‍ and former​ students about their experiences⁢ with the ‍program.
**Conclusion:** Choosing the right school ⁤for‍ your ⁣CNA training ​is the first step towards a rewarding career‌ in healthcare. By attending a reputable and accredited CNA training program, you⁣ can acquire⁤ the skills and knowledge needed ‌to succeed in​ this rewarding profession. Whether​ you’re ​passionate ⁣about helping others or ‍seeking job security in a growing industry, becoming ⁤a Certified Nursing ⁢Assistant offers‌ endless opportunities for personal​ and professional growth. Start your journey towards a fulfilling career in healthcare today by enrolling in one of the top schools for CNA⁢ training.
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sdbvasdrhdnd · 8 days
Assisted Living Los Angeles: A Compassionate Choice for Seniors
Los Angeles is a bustling city known for its vibrant culture and picturesque landscapes, but it’s also home to some of the most well-regarded assisted living facilities in California. Assisted living in Los Angeles, California, provides an ideal solution for seniors who require support with daily activities while maintaining a high degree of independence.
Why Choose Assisted Living in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles offers an appealing environment for seniors seeking comfort, convenience, and a sense of community. Assisted Living Los Angeles facilities in the area often feature a combination of modern amenities and a focus on providing a warm, home-like atmosphere. This combination is essential for promoting both physical and emotional well-being.
The Mediterranean climate of Southern California is also a major draw, with sunny days and mild winters, allowing seniors to enjoy outdoor activities and social interactions year-round. Many assisted living facilities have beautifully landscaped gardens, walking paths, and patios for residents to enjoy the weather.
Key Benefits of Assisted Living
The core of any assisted living facility is to provide care that enhances a senior’s quality of life. This includes assistance with bathing, dressing, medication management, and other daily activities. However, assisted living in Los Angeles goes beyond just care. Many facilities offer a wide range of social activities, group outings, wellness programs, and opportunities for lifelong learning.
In Los Angeles, residents are close to world-class healthcare facilities, which is crucial for seniors who may need specialized care. Additionally, most facilities offer 24/7 nursing staff, emergency response systems, and other safety features, ensuring peace of mind for both residents and their families.
The Vibrant Social Life of Assisted Living in Los Angeles
One of the unique advantages of choosing Assisted Living in Los Angeles Californiais the rich cultural scene. Many assisted living facilities organize outings to museums, theaters, and nearby beaches. Los Angeles is home to endless opportunities for entertainment and relaxation, making it a fantastic location for seniors to enjoy their golden years.
Conclusion: Hollenbeck Palms—A Premier Choice
When it comes to finding the best assisted living in Los Angeles, Hollenbeck Palms stands out as a leader. With over 130 years of experience, this historic facility offers personalized care, beautiful surroundings, and a close-knit community. Their comprehensive services and compassionate approach make Hollenbeck Palms an ideal choice for seniors seeking comfort, care, and a fulfilling lifestyle in the heart of Los Angeles.
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totalsocalhomes08 · 1 month
TotalSoCalHomes: Your Premier Source for Southern California Real Estate in Glendale, CA
Glendale, California, is a vibrant city known for its rich cultural heritage, scenic beauty, and thriving community atmosphere. Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles County, Glendale offers a diverse range of real estate options that cater to a variety of lifestyles and preferences. Whether you're seeking a charming historic home, a modern condo, or a spacious family residence, Total So Cal Homes is your premier source for navigating the Glendale real estate market. Their expert services and comprehensive listings make finding your ideal property in this desirable city both seamless and rewarding.
Why Choose Glendale?
Glendale boasts a unique blend of urban convenience and suburban tranquility. Its central location provides easy access to the bustling city of Los Angeles while maintaining a more relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere. The city is renowned for its excellent schools, beautiful parks, and a diverse range of dining and entertainment options. Glendale’s vibrant downtown area features a mix of historic buildings and modern developments, offering residents a dynamic living environment with plenty of amenities.
The real estate market in Glendale reflects the city’s appeal, offering a variety of housing options to suit different tastes and budgets. From elegant homes in the prestigious Glendale Hills to more affordable properties in charming neighborhoods, Glendale provides a range of choices for prospective buyers. The city’s well-maintained streets, lush green spaces, and strong community feel make it an attractive place to call home.
Explore Glendale Real Estate with TotalSoCalHomes
TotalSoCalHomes is dedicated to helping you find the perfect property in Glendale. Their extensive database includes a wide range of real estate options, ensuring that you can find a home that fits your needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a historic bungalow, a contemporary condo, or a spacious family home, TotalSoCalHomes offers a comprehensive selection of Glendale properties for sale.
Their user-friendly website features advanced search tools that allow you to filter properties based on specific criteria such as price, location, size, and amenities. Each listing provides detailed descriptions, high-quality photos, and virtual tours, giving you an in-depth view of the property before you visit in person. This makes it easy to explore different neighborhoods and find a home that perfectly aligns with your lifestyle.
The TotalSoCalHomes Advantage
What sets TotalSoCalHomes apart is their deep understanding of the Glendale real estate market and their commitment to exceptional service. Their team of experienced real estate professionals offers valuable insights into market trends, neighborhood dynamics, and investment opportunities in Glendale. They are dedicated to providing personalized support throughout the home-buying process, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
From the initial search to closing the deal, TotalSoCalHomes is committed to helping you find the perfect home. They take the time to understand your specific needs and preferences, guiding you through every step of the process with expertise and attention to detail. Their dedication to client satisfaction and their thorough approach make them a trusted partner in your real estate journey.
Start Your Glendale Home Search Today
Glendale, CA, offers a diverse range of real estate options and a welcoming community atmosphere. If you’re ready to explore homes for sale in Glendale, TotalSoCalHomes is here to assist you. With their comprehensive guide, extensive listings, and expert support, finding your ideal property in this charming city is both efficient and enjoyable.
Begin your search with TotalSoCalHomes today and discover why Glendale is the perfect place to call home. Their expert team is ready to help you navigate the market and find a property that aligns with your lifestyle and dreams.
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valleyapartment · 1 month
Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys
Exploring Apartment Buildings for Sale in Van Nuys: A Prime Investment Opportunity
Van Nuys, located in the heart of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, is an area ripe with real estate investment opportunities, particularly in the multifamily housing sector. As one of the Valley's most populous neighborhoods, Van Nuys offers a unique blend of urban convenience and suburban charm, making it an attractive location for both residents and investors. If you're considering purchasing an Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys , here’s why this could be a smart investment.
The Appeal of Van Nuys
Van Nuys is a bustling neighborhood with a diverse population, contributing to its vibrant cultural landscape. The area boasts a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, with easy access to major freeways and public transportation options, including the Metro Orange Line. This connectivity makes Van Nuys a desirable location for a wide range of renters, from young professionals to families and retirees.
In addition to its prime location, Van Nuys is home to several parks, shopping centers, and dining establishments, offering a well-rounded living experience. The neighborhood's ongoing development projects, including new retail spaces and infrastructure improvements, are likely to enhance property values over time, making it an even more attractive option for real estate investors.
Current Market Trends
The real estate market in Van Nuys has seen consistent demand, particularly in the rental sector. With the high cost of homeownership in Los Angeles, many residents opt to rent, creating a steady demand for rental units. This trend has been bolstered by the influx of residents from other parts of Los Angeles and beyond, seeking more affordable living options without sacrificing proximity to the city.
Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys range from older, more affordable properties to newly constructed, modern complexes. This variety offers opportunities for different types of investors, whether you're looking for a value-add project with potential for renovation and increased rents, or a turnkey property with stable cash flow from day one.
Considerations for Investors
When looking at apartment buildings for sale in Van Nuys, there are several factors to consider. First, the neighborhood's zoning regulations and development potential can significantly impact your investment. Understanding the local market dynamics, including average rental rates, vacancy rates, and tenant demographics, is crucial for making an informed decision.
Additionally, it's important to conduct thorough due diligence on any property you're considering. This includes inspecting the physical condition of the building, reviewing the financial performance of the property, and assessing any potential liabilities, such as deferred maintenance or existing tenant issues.
Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent who specializes in the Van Nuys area can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of the market. They can assist in identifying properties that meet your investment criteria and negotiate favorable terms on your behalf.
Investing in an Apartment buildings for sale Van Nuys can be a lucrative opportunity, given the neighborhood's strong rental demand, ongoing development, and strategic location. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the multifamily market, Van Nuys offers a range of properties that could fit your investment goals. By understanding the local market and carefully evaluating potential properties, you can make a sound investment that yields long-term returns.
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Unlocking Mystical Secrets: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Psychics, Astrologers, and Spiritual Guides in California
psychic in california
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California, with its diverse landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, is not only a hotspot for entertainment and innovation but also a thriving hub for mystical and spiritual practices. From the bustling streets of Los Angeles to the serene coasts of San Diego and the eclectic communities of San Francisco, the Golden State is home to a myriad of gifted psychics, astrologers, and spiritual guides. This article delves into the vibrant world of California's metaphysical experts, helping you discover some of the best practitioners in the state who can offer insights into your life's journey, provide spiritual guidance, and illuminate your path to self-discovery.
The Vibrant World of California's Psychics
Psychics in California come from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their unique gifts and perspectives to the table. Whether you're seeking a clairvoyant who can provide visions of the future, a medium who can connect with the other side, or an intuitive who can offer guidance on personal matters, California has a wealth of talented individuals ready to assist.
1. The Psychic Source: Los Angeles
Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, is also home to some of the most renowned psychics in California. One standout figure is Sophia Love, known for her exceptional clairvoyant abilities. Sophia has been featured in various media outlets and has a dedicated following due to her accurate readings and compassionate approach. Her expertise spans tarot reading, energy healing, and mediumship, making her a versatile choice for those seeking spiritual insights.
2. Mystic Marvels: San Francisco
In San Francisco, Maya Star has gained a reputation as one of the city's most insightful psychics. With over 20 years of experience, Maya combines her talents in astrology and psychic readings to offer a comprehensive understanding of her clients' life paths. Her ability to blend ancient wisdom with modern techniques has made her a sought-after guide for those navigating complex life situations.
3. Coastal Clarity: San Diego
San Diego, known for its laid-back lifestyle, also hosts exceptional psychic talent. Renee Heartwood is a prominent psychic in the area, celebrated for her accurate tarot readings and intuitive guidance. Renee's holistic approach, which includes energy healing and spiritual counseling, helps clients find clarity and balance in their lives.
The Art of Astrology in California
Astrology, the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs, has a deep-rooted presence in California. The state's astrological community is diverse, with practitioners offering everything from natal charts to predictive readings.
1. The Starry Sage: Los Angeles
Dr. Luna Rodriguez, an astrologer based in Los Angeles, is known for her profound knowledge of astrological patterns and their impact on personal growth. Dr. Rodriguez combines traditional astrological techniques with modern psychological insights, providing clients with a well-rounded understanding of their cosmic blueprint. Her personalized readings and workshops have earned her acclaim among astrology enthusiasts.
2. Celestial Insights: San Francisco
In San Francisco, Zachary Orion is a notable astrologer whose work focuses on integrating astrology with spiritual practices. Zachary's unique approach includes exploring the connection between astrological transits and spiritual development. His consultations are designed to help clients align their personal goals with cosmic energies, offering guidance on everything from career decisions to personal relationships.
3. Cosmic Connections: San Diego
San Diego's Aurora Sky is a respected astrologer known for her expertise in predictive astrology and relationship compatibility. Aurora's readings often provide clients with practical advice on how to navigate life's challenges by understanding the astrological influences at play. Her ability to connect with clients on a personal level and offer actionable insights makes her a popular choice for those seeking astrological guidance.
Spiritual Guidance and Healing in California
Beyond psychics and astrologers, California is home to a wide range of spiritual guides and healers who offer various practices aimed at personal transformation and healing. These practitioners use techniques such as energy work, meditation, and spiritual counseling to help individuals achieve greater self-awareness and inner peace.
1. Healing Hands: Los Angeles
Evelyn Rose, a spiritual healer in Los Angeles, is known for her transformative energy work and intuitive counseling. Evelyn's approach involves a combination of Reiki, chakra healing, and guided meditation to help clients release emotional blockages and promote overall well-being. Her sessions are highly personalized, addressing the unique needs of each individual.
2. Sacred Spaces: San Francisco
In San Francisco, Liam Walker offers spiritual guidance through a blend of shamanic practices and modern healing techniques. Liam's work includes soul retrieval, spirit animal consultations, and guided journeys to help clients connect with their inner selves and gain insights into their life purpose. His holistic approach and deep spiritual knowledge have garnered him a dedicated following.
3. Enlightened Pathways: San Diego
San Diego's Grace Rivers is a spiritual guide specializing in meditation and personal growth workshops. Grace's teachings focus on mindfulness, self-compassion, and spiritual awakening. Her guided meditations and workshops provide participants with tools to cultivate inner peace and enhance their spiritual journey.
Choosing the Right Practitioner for You
Finding the right psychic, astrologer, or spiritual guide can be a deeply personal journey. Here are some tips to help you select the best practitioner for your needs:
Determine Your Needs: Consider what you hope to achieve from your session. Are you seeking answers to specific questions, spiritual guidance, or personal healing? Identifying your goals can help you choose a practitioner who specializes in the area you're interested in.
Research and Referrals: Look for practitioners with positive reviews and testimonials. Personal recommendations from friends or family can also provide valuable insights into a practitioner's abilities and approach.
Consultation: Many practitioners offer initial consultations or introductory sessions. Taking advantage of these opportunities can help you gauge whether their style and approach resonate with you.
Trust Your Intuition: Ultimately, choosing a practitioner should feel right on a personal level. Trust your instincts and choose someone who makes you feel comfortable and understood.
Embracing California's Mystical Community
California's rich spiritual landscape offers a wealth of opportunities for those seeking psychic insights, astrological guidance, and spiritual healing. From the bustling cityscapes to the tranquil coastal retreats, the state's practitioners bring their unique gifts and perspectives to help individuals navigate their spiritual journeys. Whether you're looking for a clairvoyant reading, astrological advice, or spiritual healing, California's diverse community of experts is ready to assist you on your path to self-discovery and personal growth.
By exploring the talented psychics, astrologers, and spiritual guides in California, you can unlock the mystical secrets that may hold the key to your life's journey. Embrace the wisdom and guidance available to you and embark on a transformative journey through the enchanting world of California's metaphysical community.
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harborterrace · 10 days
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winnlimousine2 · 2 months
What amenities and features are typically offered in vehicles used for chauffeured transportation in LA?
Chauffeured transportation in Los Angeles is renowned for its emphasis on luxury, comfort, and convenience. Companies like Winn Limousine provide an array of amenities and features that elevate the travel experience for their clients, whether they are business travelers, tourists, or individuals attending special events. Here are some of the amenities and features typically offered in vehicles used for chauffeured transportation:
 Luxurious Seating
Comfort and Style: Winn Limousine’s  fleet includes high-end vehicles with plush, leather seating that ensures maximum comfort. The seating arrangements are designed to provide ample legroom and ergonomic support, making long journeys comfortable and relaxing.
Advanced Climate Control
Personalized Comfort: To ensure a pleasant ride in varying weather conditions, vehicles are equipped with advanced climate control systems. Passengers can adjust the temperature to their liking, ensuring a comfortable environment throughout the journey.
Onboard Wi-Fi
Stay Connected: High-speed Wi-Fi is a standard feature in many of Winn Limousine’s vehicles. This amenity is especially valuable for business travelers who need to stay connected, check emails, or participate in virtual meetings while on the go.
Entertainment Systems
Enjoyment on the Move: Vehicles come equipped with state-of-the-art entertainment systems, including high-definition screens, premium sound systems, and multimedia connectivity. Passengers can enjoy movies, music, or even live TV, making the travel experience enjoyable and engaging.
Privacy Partitions
Confidential and Quiet: For those who need to conduct private conversations or simply enjoy a quiet ride, privacy partitions are an invaluable feature. These partitions ensure that passengers can talk freely and relax without disturbances from the front of the vehicle.
Power Outlets and USB Ports
Stay Powered Up: To cater to the needs of modern travelers, vehicles are equipped with multiple power outlets and USB ports. Passengers can charge their devices, ensuring that their phones, tablets, and laptops remain powered throughout the journey.
Refreshments and Snacks
Refresh on the Go: Winn Limousine often provides complimentary refreshments and snacks. Options typically include bottled water, soft drinks, coffee, and light snacks, ensuring passengers remain hydrated and energized.
Luxury Interiors
Sophisticated Ambiance: The interiors of Winn Limousine’s vehicles are designed with luxury in mind. High-quality materials, elegant finishes, and ambient lighting create a sophisticated and relaxing atmosphere, enhancing the overall travel experience.
Security Features
Safe and Secure: For high-profile clients or those requiring additional security, vehicles are equipped with enhanced security features. These can include bulletproof glass, secure communication systems, and trained security personnel, providing peace of mind for all passengers.
Spacious Storage
Ample Luggage Space: Winn Limousine’s vehicles offer ample storage space to accommodate luggage, shopping bags, and other belongings. This feature is particularly beneficial for airport transfers or longer journeys where passengers need to carry more items.
Meet-and-Greet Services
Personalized Assistance: For airport pickups and other special occasions, meet-and-greet services are provided. Chauffeurs assist with luggage and guide passengers to their vehicle, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience from the moment they arrive.
Customizable Features
Tailored to Needs: Winn Limousine offers customizable features to meet specific passenger requests. Whether it’s a particular type of music, specific refreshments, or special decorations for an event, the service can be tailored to enhance the passenger’s experience.
Professional Chauffeurs
Expert Drivers: The chauffeurs at Winn Limousine are highly trained professionals who prioritize safety, punctuality, and customer satisfaction. They are knowledgeable about the best routes, traffic patterns, and can provide insights and recommendations about Los Angeles, adding value to the service.
Clean and Sanitized Vehicles
Hygiene Standards: In the current health-conscious environment, cleanliness is paramount. Vehicles are meticulously cleaned and sanitized before and after each ride, ensuring a safe and hygienic travel environment for passengers.
 Luxury Add-ons
Extra Touches: For special events or VIP services, additional luxury add-ons such as red carpet service, floral arrangements, and personalized signage can be provided, adding an extra touch of elegance and exclusivity to the experience.
In summary, chauffeured transportation services in Los Angeles, such as those offered by Winn Limousine, are characterized by a wide array of amenities and features designed to provide a luxurious, comfortable, and convenient travel experience. From advanced climate control and onboard Wi-Fi to privacy partitions and professional chauffeurs, these features ensure that every journey is enjoyable, efficient, and tailored to the specific needs of each passenger.
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stlivingla · 2 months
Find Your Dream Apartment for rent with Hollywood views by STLivingLA
Introduction: Are you searching for an Apartment for rent with Hollywood views? Look no further! STLivingLA offers premium apartments that provide unparalleled views of the iconic Hollywood landscape. Whether you’re a young professional, a family, or anyone seeking the vibrant Los Angeles lifestyle, our apartments offer the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of renting an apartment with Hollywood views from STLivingLA and why it’s the ideal choice for your next home. Why Choose an Apartment with Hollywood Views?
Iconic Scenery Apartment for rent with Hollywood views means you wake up every day to the sight of the famous Hollywood sign, the rolling hills, and the glittering cityscape. It’s a unique and inspiring backdrop that adds a touch of glamour and excitement to your daily life.
Prime Location Hollywood is the heart of Los Angeles, offering easy access to some of the city’s best attractions, dining, entertainment, and cultural landmarks. By choosing an apartment with Hollywood views, you’re placing yourself in a prime location that’s both central and iconic.
Vibrant Lifestyle Hollywood is known for its vibrant atmosphere, rich history, and cultural significance. Living here means you’re always close to exciting events, film premieres, and the energetic buzz of the entertainment industry. Benefits of Renting with STLivingLA
Luxury Amenities STLivingLA offers a range of luxurious amenities designed to enhance your living experience. From state-of-the-art fitness centers and sparkling swimming pools to rooftop lounges and private balconies with panoramic views, our apartments provide everything you need for a comfortable and stylish lifestyle.
Spacious and Modern Interiors Our apartments feature spacious floor plans with modern interiors, high-quality finishes, and large windows that maximize the stunning Hollywood views. Whether you’re looking for a cozy studio or a multi-bedroom unit, STLivingLA has options to suit your needs.
Professional Management STLivingLA prides itself on providing exceptional customer service and professional property management. Our dedicated team is always available to assist with any needs or concerns, ensuring a hassle-free renting experience.
Convenient Leasing Options We offer flexible leasing options to accommodate different lifestyles and needs. Whether you’re looking for a short-term rental or a long-term home, STLivingLA has the perfect solution for you. Exploring Hollywood: What’s Nearby?
Entertainment and Attractions Living in Hollywood means you’re just minutes away from world-famous attractions like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, TCL Chinese Theatre, and the Dolby Theatre. Enjoy live performances at the Hollywood Bowl or catch a movie at the historic El Capitan Theatre.
Dining and Nightlife Hollywood boasts a diverse culinary scene with everything from gourmet restaurants to trendy cafes and food trucks. Experience the vibrant nightlife with a variety of bars, clubs, and lounges offering entertainment late into the night.
Outdoor Activities For those who love the outdoors, Hollywood offers numerous parks and hiking trails. Explore Griffith Park, hike to the Hollywood sign, or take a leisurely stroll through the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. How to Find Your Perfect Apartment with STLivingLA
Visit Our Website Start your search by visiting the STLivingLA website. Browse our available apartments, view floor plans,Apartment for rent with Hollywood views and check out the stunning views from each unit.
Schedule a Tour Contact us to schedule a tour of our apartments. Our friendly staff will be happy to show you around, answer any questions, and help you find the perfect apartment that meets your needs.
Apply Online Once you’ve found your dream apartment, you can easily apply online through our secure application process. Our team will guide you through every step to ensure a smooth and efficient leasing experience. Conclusion Finding an apartment for rent with Hollywood views has never been easier with STLivingLA. Our luxurious apartments, prime location, and exceptional amenities make us the top choice for anyone looking to experience the best of Hollywood living. Contact us today to schedule a tour and discover your new home with a view that’s truly unforgettable.
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apluscarelaus · 3 months
Optimizing Health and Wellness: The handbook to the physical therapy Clinic and in home health care in Los Angeles
It is insistent upon physical health as the world is now variously habitual in its day-to-day movements. Los Angeles is a city of high energy, variety, and diversity, and it facilitates the use of many of those resources to support their wellbeing. As a comprehensive guide to the fast-moving city of Los Angeles, this attempt explores the concept of physical therapy clinic and in-home health care, revealing their importance and accessibility in the metropolis of Los Angeles.
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1] Understanding physical therapy
Physiotherapy, a term often used for physical therapy, is a branch of health care that involves preventing, diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating physical problems. Physical therapy is essential in maintaining overall health during injury recovery, dealing with chronic pain complaints, and encouraging mobility. This specialization is the domain of experiences in this field, using diverse approaches, forms of exercises, and modalities to meet particular requirements, aiming to provide rehabilitation and improve the quality of life throughout the whole life course.
There are three forms of injury: musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders, and post-operative rehabilitation — all are met with the help of physical therapy. Unique physical therapy methods allow therapists to interact with patients collaboratively to restore functions, reduce pain, and increase overall quality of life.
2] How the Place of Physical Therapy Clinics Work
Therapy clinics work surprisingly as dedicated settings are provided exclusively for the patients to access specialized treatment by trained professionals. These clinics boast state-of-the-art facilities and personalized rehabilitation programs assisted by specialists. As for clinics, they cover medicinal exercises, manual therapy techniques, and others to treat particular health problems.
In a therapy clinic, the patient gains more than the specialty professional knowledge and instead receives an atmosphere supporting accomplishment and recovery. Their therapeutic nature sends out a community feeling as people facilitate their healing practice and celebrate with each other milestones in the practice of rehabilitation.
3] The Physical Therapy Los Angeles.
Los Angeles — the vast city — has numerous physical therapy services lines to address varied needs. In the city where one is navigating the terrain of physical therapy, various considerations that are called upon include proximity, specialization, and reputation. It is possible to make conscious judgments by exploring the clinics and reading reviews and advisors.
The city centers on numerous therapy clinics, including specialized facilities that care about sports injuries and those providing diversified rehabilitation using modern technologies. Rehabilitation should go well and positively affect the patient only if one understands what one needs and finds a clinic that meets those requirements.
4} In-Home Health Care
In-home health care, an increasingly popular model in the healthcare system, provides medical and non-medical services in the home environment, where the individual is comfortable. Applying this approach is specifically useful to people with limitations in locomotion, chronic diseases, or those who prefer to feel safe in their surroundings while in need of care.
Home visitation health care services can be classified as: All these categories address activities of daily living, medication management and skilled nursing. Whole-person or holistic care is this personalized approach that aims at physical needs and emotional and social components.
5] Los Angeles In-Home Health Care Services
By the way, Los Angeles boasts numerous in-home health care providers, providing individual services and fitting not necessarily to all, but to each particular individual of the population. These services range outside of strictly medical treatments and encompass not only friends and neighbours.
Mary Jane, Derrick, and Danny are some sentential indefinites from being real examples that show its positive outcomes in Los Angeles. Generally, increased comfort, recovery rates, and independence affect wellbeing, as individuals who have benefited from being cared for at home will often talk about.
6] Combining the two modalities of in-home health care and physiotherapy.
The synergy between physical therapy and home health helps individuals with their acute to chronic needs. Integrating these services enables a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing while considering the various individual situations.
For instance, patients recuperating from the surgery may get at-home physical therapy and move to outpatient sessions as they get transferable. This unbroken chain enables continuous development and a customized continuum of care.
7] Holistic Health and Wellness in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, in particular, has a holistic perspective regarding overall wellbeing; this city has numerous resources beyond traditional healthcare services. They complementary allied procedures, including yoga, meditation, and nutrition counselling first, in a balanced health approach. In addition, attending various community events and fitness classes and pursuing outdoor activities also improves the total personal health of those individuals who seek to adopt a balanced lifestyle.
8] Overcoming Barriers to Access
Los Angeles offers a diverse but challenging web of health and wellness services; however, such barriers may be restrictive for some. Individuals face transport problems, lack of funds, and the need to increase awareness of available resources. Including such initiatives on overcoming these obstacles is essential for ensuring the equitable accessibility of physical therapy and in-home health care services. .
Physical health in the changing city of Los Angeles would have to do with the many available channels, from physical therapy clinics to home health care services. This exhaustive guide has clarified the role of these services, the need to integrate them, and how health and wellness are approached in Los Angeles. At the beginning of their voyage towards improving their general wellbeing, people have a wide spectrum of choices in the city, ensuring that tailor-made and effective treatment is readily available.
Reference Source - https://medium.com/@apluscarelaus/optimizing-health-and-wellness-the-handbook-to-the-physical-therapy-clinic-and-in-home-health-care-89e50fd17076
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wishdepot · 3 months
Illuminate Your Space with Wish Depot's LED Lighting Solutions
Welcome to Wish Depot, your premier destination for high-quality LED lighting solutions based in Los Angeles, California. At Wish Depot, we are dedicated to providing energy-efficient LED products and accessories that not only illuminate your spaces brilliantly but also help you save on energy costs.
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