#Mod Toko's Vocab Corner
monomonomagines · 5 years
Fuyuhiko x Online Reader
Mod Toko here again! It might not be evident from my writing all the time but i’m a huge fan of vocabulary so I thought it’d be fun to start a sort of series you could call it where I try to include a new vocab word in a fic. For this first test, I decided to go with one of my favorite boys and a short but sweet ending. I hope you all enjoy it! I’ll be listing the vocab word above the start of the fic from now on. 
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Aberrant- Deviating from the usual or natural type
Fuyuhiko wasn't the type to take shit from anyone. Sure he was shorter than most guys and not the manliest in looks but he knew he could take anyone that'd dare to go up against him. He was a cut above the rest, a Kuzuryu. He wasn't just some nobody and normally he was proud of it. Normally he wanted people to know who he is and to fear him but he didn't ever prepare himself for you to appear in his life. 
He took his sweet time before revealing his full name to you and while he felt that you'd know about him as soon as he dropped his own name he didn't feel so proud of it anymore. How would you even react? Maybe you'd quit talking to him, maybe you'd even block him once you'd find out but he couldn't keep avoiding the question.
He was prepared to face the cold sting of rejection as soon as the words had left his lips but instead, he ended up more relieved than ever before as soon as he heard your own reply. "Kuzuryu, huh? That's a cool name."
He was relieved and shocked at the same time. That was it? How was he even supposed to respond!? Most people would show some fear or disdain or maybe even stop talking altogether but you just made a simple passing comment. Did you even care who he was? Did you really just not know?
He had waited months before even mustering the courage to tell you, thinking that if you heard his name you'd figure out who he was but here you were completely oblivious. It was so unfamiliar, so aberrant from anything he grew up with and yet he didn't mind it at all. He was actually glad if anything.
He never thought he'd get a reaction like this but he really didn't expect anything that had happened in the past few months. He didn't expect to end up talking to someone online or to end up still talking to them months later.
He felt as though maybe he was just a normal teenage boy and not the head of the yakuza. He was just Fuyhiko, not just a Kuzuryu. It felt refreshing in a way how casual you two could be, the way you could just talk for hours despite being miles away.
Before he even became aware of it, he ended up looking forward to it. To the hours you'd spend staying up all night just to talk to him when he was up even though you were timezones apart. The way you'd ask him how his day was. The way you told him about your own normal life in comparison. He loved it. He loved you and the time he could spend with you and by the time he realized it he wondered if he could even make it work between the two of you. 
He didn't want to be selfish and ruin the time between the two of you or maybe cause your chats to cease but it was eating him alive. He wanted to tell you how much you changed his life, how you brought him so much happiness but he also didn't want to lose you. He didn't know where you lived or how else to reach you so if you blocked him it'd be the end of things. 
He never showed it to you thanks to being able to hide behind a screen but somehow it only added to his frustrations. Whether he wanted to or not, he was smitten and man did he get it bad. You were in his mind when he was awake and when he was asleep. It was always you that he thought of and before long, all he thought was more than that.
It wasn't just you that he thought of. He thought of you and him being able to be together. How he'd come to visit you if he had to even if you were on opposite sides of the world. His thoughts wouldn't stop, he was stuck on you and he needed to tell you. 
He sent a text and before long another. Then another and another. He needed to call you right then and there. He didn't care if it woke you up he needed this that's why when you finally called him he couldn't breathe.
He felt as though even if you spoke to him that his words were stuck in his throat. He felt as though they wouldn't spill from his lips in time so by the time you picked up he immediately declared his feelings loudly exclaiming, "I love you s/o!"
"You love me?" You ask for clarification.
"..Yeah. I love you s/o. You don't have to feel the same but I just had to tell you. I need to tell you how you make every day so much better for me and how glad I am that we got to be friends." 
He takes a shaky breathe not even sure if he was close to crying or just struggling breathing as he struggled to articulate further and before he even understood that you were speaking he soon heard the very words he had been hoping for. 
"I love you too, Fuyuhiko."
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monomonomagines · 5 years
Nagito in a Rainbow Girl Au
Hello once again everyone! Thanks for almost 30 followers. I didn’t expect to get so much traffic on this blog but I wanted to let you know I appreciate you all with another segment in Mod Toko’s Vocab Corner! I first messed up on this writing as I deleted it the first time I wrote it meaning my explanation was gone as well. For those of you that don’t know already by the title, “Rainbow Girl” is the title of an early 2000′s Vocaloid song about someone from the 2D world falling in love with a person in the real world. Because of the nature of this au I wrote it with some spoilers and angst. However, if anyone wants to I’m open to writing a second part to this with a happy ending. I hope you all enjoy it! Mod Toko and Kokichi love you all!!!
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Abet- to actively second and encourage (something, such as an activity or plan)
Nagito, the Ultimate Lucky student always had to expect the worst in life due to his cruel talent and it's tendency to backfire against him but he couldn't have ever fathomed that his talent would ever have it out this bad for him. He was in love with someone that was a world apart from him and with his newfound feelings came that knowledge. The knowledge that despite wanting to he wouldn't be able to reach you even if he took drastic measures.
If Nagito could've he may have laughed at how unlucky he had gotten this time but all he could do was drive himself crazy with his thoughts. He wanted to always be able to see you, and couldn't bear the fact that he couldn't always gaze back at you with his own green orbs when you watched him with such fascination.
He loved whenever your eyes were on him but he hated how it felt as soon as you take your gaze off of him. It was somehow worse than anything else, even the thought of you possibly getting tired of him and throwing him away. Maybe it's because he assumed already that the worst was still come? He honestly didn't know. All he did know was that these feelings just wouldn't die out. He got it, and he got it bad.
He couldn't smile at you if he wanted to. He couldn't be there for you or support you when you were down. All he could do was let you watch him and even then he couldn't always watch you at the same time. The game's evil sprites wouldn't allow him even that.
How cruel his talent was he thought. How sick it was to finally realize that what he wanted was so close and yet so far. You were lightyears and centimeters apart simultaneously even though all that was dividing him from you was a simple screen. A screen that he couldn't even approach unless the game allowed him.
At first, he was glad to be in this game, if it was fiction then surely even he could accomplish something. Surely he can help hope triumph despair. Surely he can be of use to the ultimates somehow. He had been so excited, so filled with hope, but now he just felt so apathetic.
He wanted to bring hope to the world but he isn't even a part of the real world. He wanted to bring hope to the world where you resided, to you because for him you were his hope. You were beautiful, you were kind, and you even spent your time on the likes of him. How couldn't he have fallen for you? How could he have allowed himself to be stuck so far away from you? He wanted you and only you.
He realized this all with the notion that he's 2D as well. He realized it and yet he still had business to attend to in his own. He didn't believe in his original ideas anymore. He took his own world as a challenge by now. A quest to accomplish in order to prove to you how he's made for you. He desperately needed to show you before you grew tired of him and those silly ultimates. He had to show you before you threw them all away by starting some other game and leaving them all in some 2D purgatory. He knew he could do it as long as you let him try. He wouldn't fail you.
He swore to himself that he'd do whatever it takes to get to you. He'd do whatever it takes just to make you understand. He'd do it even if it broke him more than he already was. If you could see any value in something as messed up as him then he wouldn't mind falling apart more for your sake.
Nagito wanted to do so much for you. He wanted to do so much just to bring the two of you closer. He yearned to be able to put his hands up to that glass between you. He dreamed of somehow reaching his own bony ones to wrap around your plumper ones. He dreamed of so many scenarios where he could make these feelings evident that he nearly drove himself mad.
You were always there whether he was awake or asleep. You were always in his mind. He loved you so much he wanted to be able to scream it from mountain tops, he wanted to so badly but he couldn't even admit those feelings to himself. He couldn't whisper let alone open his mouth when he wished to. He couldn't do anything that he wanted to. All he had was the game and his own self proclaimed challenge.
He could only cling to his own delusional terms that by exploiting the ultimates in hope's name would make it so that you could be together. It didn't make sense as most of his ideals did but he was dead set on proving it to you. He was so sure you'd abet his idea, no you'd love it. You'd understand exactly what he meant to accomplish and as soon as you did there could be no way you'd tire of him. That way you couldn't possibly get rid of him even if he was so far.
He thought he could convince you if he did everything in-game correctly to just keep replaying his events over and over and over. You'd never be apart, not ever.
He was so busy with these plans, with these delusions as though he could change the game's bounds that he almost didn't understand why you were upset when you both learned of his fate thanks to a spoiler online. It was great, wasn't it? He could help hope prevail. He could fulfill his quest for you. He was so happy but you didn't seem to be at all.
Sure he'd die but he'd prove his love to you. He'd prove that these feelings were real for you. He thought you'd understand but instead you were crying? Crying for the likes of him? This wasn't what he wanted, he never wanted to hurt, he just wanted to show how dedicated he was.
He couldn't stand to see you cry. It was more unbearable than anything he had ever endured. He tried so hard to open his mouth, to move his hands but they just stayed clenched at his sides. Why was he so useless? Why couldn't he ever be there for you? Why, why, why, why? It felt so hopeless, like he was trapped in some never ending abyss of pain. He felt stuck but he needed to help you more now than ever.
He screamed against his unchanging mouth, he tried kicking and flailling, just anything to change this. He wanted to break that glass to somehow penetrate it's walls to break through to you. He needed to be there, to hold you, to tell you not to worry about the likes of him. He wouldn't ever hurt you if he could help. He needed to tell you so much in that small moment and yet he couldn't do a thing.
In the end Nagito was as useless as he always said he was. He couldn't break free of his world's binds to help you, all he could do was stand by and watch as always. He couldn't get a whisper or a sound out, couldn't even clench his hands tighter, all he did was watch as tear after tear fell feelling small and helpless.
He swore he'd prove himself to you and now his chance was passing him by as he was forced to watch. He couldn't his world from crashing down on him, he couldn't hold up a piece of rubble if he wanted to. Instead he had to make another promise to himself and to you. He would escape from here. He would escape if it killed him just to tell you all of these thoughts that plauged his mind.
Nagito would tell you how he always wanted your eyes on him, how he hated being so far away from you, how you brought joy to the likes of him. He was going to tell you it all before he died. It might go against his past promise but he was determined not to fail this time now that he knew how you really felt about him leaving you.
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