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morbidmeatbun · 11 months ago
Lu pernah gak sih kyk capek banget padahal tidur udah banyak, dll.
Terus mual bukan karena sakit, tapi mual karena 'God, I have to do this all over again :('
Lately I've been feeling low and tired and honestly I felt I should've call in sick this morning.
I hope I can go through to this day.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Hong Kong-based Web3 investor Animoca Brands has announced that it has raised $20 million for its Mocaverse project through a funding round led by CMCC Global.  The Mocaverse is Animoca Brand’s project that is building Web3-native tools for gaming and entertainment products.  A Successful Funding Round  The $20 million was raised by issuing new ordinary Shares for Mocaverse. In a statement issued by Animoca Brands, the company stated that it envisions the Mocaverse to become the identity and point system for Web3 gaming, entertainment, and culture.  “Mocaverse is building Web3-native tooling to empower products in gaming, culture, and entertainment verticals, allowing users to create their own digital identity, accrue reputation, earn and spend loyalty points, and use their digital identity to access the Mocaverse ecosystem, seeded by Animoca Brands.” CMCC Global led the funding round. Other participants in the round included Kingsway Capital, GameFi Ventures, Liberty City Ventures, Gabby Dizon (Yield Guild Games founder), Aleksander Larsen (Sky Mavis founder), institutional investors from Koda Capital, and several others. Additionally, the executive chairman of Animoca Brands, Yat SUI, also participated in the funding round.  As a part of the fundraise, Animoca Brands has also granted investors a free-attaching utility token warrant on a 1:1 basis. CMCC Global is one of the first venture Capital firms in Asia to focus solely on blockchain and Web3. The firm has been an early investor in leading projects such as Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos and has over $500 million in Assets under management.  “Animoca Brands is issuing Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) with various sophisticated and professional investors to raise a total of US$20,000,000 (approximately. A$31.3 million) at the Price of A$4.50 per share. As part of the raise, the Company has granted to participating investors a free-attaching utility token warrant (at a nominal Price) on a 1:1 dollar basis with a 30-month vesting schedule.” Speaking about the funding round, the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, Yat SUI, stated,  “We are deeply honored by investors’ support for Animoca Brands and its vision of decentralization. The ongoing evolution of the Internet involves a shift from hierarchical power structures to Autonomous ones, and the DAO-based approach of Mocaverse ensures that its community will be focused on driving innovation and collaboration across the broader Animoca Brands ecosystem. In addition to empowering users to participate in a vibrant community that generates new economic opportunities, Mocaverse will also serve as the digital identity, reputation, and loyalty system for other decentralized organizations.” Advancing The Mocaverse  The Capital generated through the fundraise will be used to advance the Mocaverse project further. This includes product development, facilitating Web3 adoption, and securing partnerships to ensure the expansion of the gaming, entertainment, and culture ecosystem of Animoca Brands’ portfolio of over 450 investments.  Mocaverse is creating its own Web3-native tooling to empower products in entertainment, gaming, and culture. This will enable users to create their own digital identity, accrue reputation, and earn and spend loyalty points. They can also use their digital identity and access the Mocaverse ecosystem.  The Moca ID System  Animoca Brands has also stated that it plans to launch Moca ID. Moca ID is a non-transferable NFT collection that is designed to enable users to craft their own chain identity and participate in the larger Mocaverse ecosystem. Moca ID users can also earn loyalty points through active Engagement, the company revealed in its statement.  “Mocaverse will soon launch Moca ID, a non-transferrable NFT collection designed to enable users to craft their on-chain identities and participate in the Mocaverse ecosystem. Moca ID holders will gain exclusive access to Mocaverse
ecosystem experiences and will have the unique opportunity to earn loyalty points through active Engagement.” The loyalty points will help power a permissionless and interoperable loyalty system. This system will progressively be decentralized, enabling third-party integration and adoption of Moca ID. Meanwhile, the co-founder of CMCC Global, Martin Baumann, stated,  “Having built a long-term relationship with Animoca Brands, we are thrilled to be leading this first round of funding into Mocaverse. The project will unify the unique Portfolio of companies within the Animoca Brands umbrella and will become a portal for hundreds of millions of new users to access Web3 and metaverse ecosystems.”
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dulcejulsae · 6 years ago
Tom Cavanagh's wife really gets to wake up everyday and be Tom Cavanagh's wife, huh?
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morbidmeatbun · 2 years ago
Don't you hate it when a moment of 'existential crisis' come up the first thing in the morning???
Yeah, me too.
Jujur, di masa sunyi ini aku pingin rileks sebelum kuliah, tapi otakku pinter banget nyari masalah yang gak perlu aku pikirkan.
Kenapa, sih, prestige harus ada?
Entahlah, aku merasa resah ketika orang-orang di sekitarku masuk ke universitas yang terbilang 'famous/bagus/favorit'. Bukannya aku iri, lebih ke "apa tidak apa aku di sini saja?".
Untuk konteks, aku bakal tetap tinggal di hometown-ku dan masuk perguruan tinggi swasta yang ada di sini. Pribadi, aku tak masalah dengan itu, tetapi aku merasa orang-orang di sekitarku seperti mengharap lebih.
Sungguh, capek betul. Hari-hari yang seharusnya aku pakai buat healing dari trauma sekolah 12 tahun itu malah digunakan untuk overthinking.
Dan aku tak punya siapa-siapa yang bisa kujadikan sandaran. Aku tak tahu harus menjelaskan perasaanku ini seperti apa.
Oke, pertama: keluarga tidak termasuk (aku seperti tak boleh melewati suatu batas saat membahas inner-conflict-ku dengan mereka), saudara juga tidak (bro, kita hanya berbicara setahun sekali, itu pun pada saat lebaran), teman-temanku juga tentu tidak (aku punya beberapa teman dekat, tapi kurasa mereka sudah cukup mengurus masalah sendiri saja).
Aku punya satu teman online yang setia sejak setahun lalu, namun lebih baik kami berdua tetap menjadi 'gaming buddies'. Tak perlu urusan IRL ikut nimbrung.
Kalau dipikir-pikir, aku cuma punya buku jurnal, setumpuk novel, dan tokoh fiksi yang dijadikan kopingku selama ini.
Astaga, apa aku ini hikikomori in training?
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Pusingnya menjadi bocah yang punya kelainan sosial /j.
Sejujurnya, aku senang berkoneksi dengan orang lain. Akan tetapi, bodohnya, aku kurang ahli dalam jaga-menjaga hubungan antarmanusia. So, yeah, kau tahu seperti apa akhirnya :D
Rasanya gagal menjadi manusia (yes, that is a reference).
Aku takut suatu hari nanti aku akan sendirian hingga saatnya aku kembali ke tanah.
Terkadang aku juga memikirkan ini:
Apakah aku sudah cukup?
Apakah aku sudah berjuang keras?
Apakah aku sudah menjadi anak yang berbakti?
Apakah aku bahagia?
Itu baru sekian beberapa pertanyaan yag sering kurenungkan tengah malam, sisanya masih banyak mengendap di pikiranku.
Aku tak mau mengeluh tentang hidupku, tetapi aku tak bisa tak membayangkan seperti apa jadinya jika seandainya aku dilahirkan di keluarga yang suportif dan punya sedikit bibit-bibit masalah.
Ini terdengar berlebihan, namun aku ingin sekali saja mendengar seseorang berkata padaku, “Kamu nggak apa-apa. Kamu udah berjuang, dan aku senang kamu masih ada di sini. Kalau kamu nggak jadi apa-apa, itu juga tak apa. Karena kamu lebih dari sekadar itu; kamu adalah manusia, dan manusia hidup bukan hanya mencari uang. Kalau kau ragu apakah kau masih disayang; iya, kau masih disayang. Sekarang dan selamanya.”
Namun, sepertinya aku juga harus cut myself some slack. Sebab setiap orang mempunyai circumstances berbeda dan aku tak lain juga sama.
Selama masa remajaku, aku mengalami turbulensi kesehatan mental yang luar biasa dan terpaan masalah keluarga. Jadi, sewajarnya fokusku kubagi sebagian besar untuk memikirkan 'bagaimana aku tetap bertahan hidup dari semua ini selagi pikiranku menghasutku untuk mati?'.
Waktu itu, aku tak punya kesempatan untuk menikmati hidup sebagai remaja normal. Dan merencanakan masa depan adalah hal terakhir dalam daftarku.
Oke, kalau dilihat begitu, kelihatan suram juga, ya. Sekarang setidaknya tak begitu menonjol lagi perasaan-perasaan tersebut.
Untuk sekarang, aku mencoba meredam stresku dengan membaca stok novel yang telah kusimpan sejak entah berapa lama.
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
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morbidmeatbun · 2 years ago
I'm sorry guys it's just ... why do I have to be so f*cking conflicted with my own feelings for my family?
If someone asked me about them, I'd probably just stay silent or broke down in tears.
Because it's so confusing.
Maybe I should really start planning on living by myself.
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morbidmeatbun · 9 months ago
That fcking moment when you find an album that absolutely describes your whole life.
I'm crying.
(CW: curse words)
Random bgt sumpah, tapi entah kenapa belakangan ini mentalku lagi 'jatoh' lagi dan males banget nanggepin apa pun dan lakuin apa pun.
Basically: I hate my life.
Dan sebelumnya aku pernah ngomongin ini di post-postku sebelumnya beberapa tahun lalu dan kupikir aku berhasil kabur ... tapi tidak. That thought still lingers in the back of my mind until this day.
And personally, kupikir setelah masuk kuliah mungkin akan lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Tapi kurasa sama aja.
Aku cepet bgt kena burnout, dan aku rasanya tidak maksimal dalam menjalani perkuliahan selama aku berpikir klo aku ini gak bakal jadi apa-apa in the future.
Anjing, anjing banget. I'll curse myself a million times if I have to.
Rasanya capek banget kirik.
Sometimes I think I better off being dead tbh.
Tapi masih banyak dosa dan lainnya yg masih belum diproses, the fear of the unknown kept me in the line of life.
But sometimes I just want to sleep forever.
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morbidmeatbun · 10 months ago
TW: Curse words yet again
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morbidmeatbun · 10 months ago
TW: Curse words
anjinggg babsiiiiii pusing fakkkkk plisss ga cuma lo doang yg puyeng anjsinggggggg aku juga lagi ngerjain punya sendiriiii lahhhh udhal lah semester depan aku gamau jadi pj lagi titik gaada benefit juga ngapain males bgt cuih dapet capeknya doanggg hahahahaa kocakccczxxxxxx
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morbidmeatbun · 11 months ago
I feel it’s been a long time since I wrote something like this on Tumblr.
Life got hectic and a lot of shit happened so I barely have the energy to write my heart out like I used to.
It almost made me cry by the fact I can’t write while I wanted to.
Gak kerasa udah mau lebaran aja LOH. Dan lebaran di bulan April??? WOW. What are the chances?
Sejujurnya, Ramadhan kali ini entah kenapa rasanya cepat banget. Tapi rasanya kayaknya cuma aku doang :(
Dan seperti biasa, kau tahu aku punya love and hate relationship sama lebaran. Bukan hari rayanya, tapi saat udah ngumpulnya itu. Aku gak punya extended family inti, jadinya ngikut yang lain, tapi rasanya kayak cuma jadi bayangan alias sekadar di situ aja つ﹏⊂
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
Dear Me
It’s been a long time since I last wrote something like this in this blog, due to real life problems and others. But today I have a little bit of time I could find within this tight schedule.
In mere days 2023 will soon come to an end, and a new cycle of life will begin. Though for me any day feels the same.
In this post, I … just want to look back on how much I’ve grown this past year. Is it for the best? Or for the worst?
(TW: curse words, talks about depression)
I still remember last new year’s when I post about it, too, on Tumblr. It’s pretty depressing if you ask me, and still I feel it, too, until now.
I mean, this year’s not much more depressing than the last ones. Though I still have moments where I just want to disappear. But I still have things that keeps me going. And I hope it’s still there.
I think what I learned this year is about knowing one’s capability and establishing boundaries. And self-awareness of how you actually feel. I’m emotionally distant, regardless of the fact that I’m quite expressive (but that’s just me who wants to be ‘accepted’ by others). And hate people who likes to meddle into my life.
For friends, I have a few, but not as close. They kept talking about something I had little interest to and it’s tiring to be keeping up with them. Some were brash, and I distance myself because of it. Got in touch with an old friend, but she’s in a different city now.
For family it’s still the same, half normal half dysfunctional. I can’t wrap my head around my own family members. Especially her. I really hope far away in the future I could get my own home where I don’t need to feel fear again.
I just don’t like it when she’s acting like the most miserable person in the world because of having two kids on her plate. I’ve done my chores, even doing my own stuff for a long time now. But somehow still get gaslit for some stupid shit. I don’t fucking care honestly. My heart’s already closed for people like those. Not when she’s already broke my trust ten fucking years ago.
People seem to be quite open, but I’m not. And never will. Sorry.
Sometimes I wonder how would it be if I ever go to college outside the city and having my own place to stay. Like my cousins. But oh well I always get picked last and can’t do anything about it.
Nobody showed me the care I need when I’m down, and nobody showed me how to love myself. So in turn, I try to find those broken pieces of me and assemble it again with my own hands. Trying to love myself all over again.
It sucks. And whenever I try to be grateful for myself sometimes it just ends in a bitter taste.
In the end, maybe I’m born to be alone after all.
I realize from a post I read that having a basic loving support system would definitely up your quality of life.
Maybe that’s why my current state feels like being washed ashore.
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
Lamenting the fact I'm 5 candles close to getting the last ultimate gift 😩😩😩
(I've been lazy hhhhhh should've gone online more since now I have to spend 100k rupiahs to get 15 fricking emergency candles ... pls I don't want to waste my season pass 😭😭😭 TGC have mercy 🤕)
Oh, and, why I said 5 candles close is because I've done calculations and by the last day of the season I'll have 96 candles while I need 101 candles to get every fking thing. JUST ONE DAY DIFFERENCE 😭😭😭
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
Capek bjir.
Mau tidur lama tidur cepet pada wae bangunnya kek masih ada yang kurang 😔
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
Malam minggu mau relaksasi eh mendadak menjadi tukang reparasi 😭
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Aku tadi sempet cari-cari part mana aja yg belongs to where where. Alhasil aku mencapai konklusi berikut 😇
Masih untung gambarnya intact, kalo ikut ngelupas gimana jir 😭 untung juga yg retak gk kena muka Lilia plis 🛐
Kalo iya bakal nangis kejer aku 😩
Pake lem apa ya yang kuat tapi gak ninggalin bekas??? Kalo alteco ninggalin bekas jir ntar dikira jamuran 🤕
Nanti aku searching searching dulu deh, nanti kuupdate lagi.
Semoga bener 😭 sayang banget kalo yang ini gak di pajang ya kan, bagus gede gitu 😭😭😭 fak lah.
(terus ya penjualnya cuma bilang sorry jir, terus chatnya padat singkat jelas betul 😩)
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
Dahlah capek JIR.
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Sumpah demi apa pun baru kali ini beli merch dateng hancur lebur freakkkk.
Aku langsung down jir, ini stand yg paling aku tunggu masalahnya 😭😭😭😭 Nangis kejer anjenggggg. LILIAKU PATAH 😭😭😭
Ini gimana mau diassemble coba ... retaknya gak friendly 😭 Mau dipasang pake lem ntar ada bekas retakannya ... dahlah anjing anjing babi bangsattt
Sumpah capek dahlah f everything mamfus capek dah dah udah 😓😓😓
(aku lagi komplain, semoga aja dibales. Kalo nggak aku serang tokonya 😇)
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morbidmeatbun · 1 year ago
God I'm flopping hard rn
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