#Mix Speaker's Inc.
visualkeisales · 6 months
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LIraizo CD and wristband set ③(cds are unopened) $7
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Hi anon, sorry to bring the sbi family fanfic discussion again and for the long post , (your posts ware what made realize why i hated this thing so much)
I don’t know if is the same type of fans but i noticed that some ficwritters that are really foucused on philza and wilbur (and sbi family i think?) Are kinda trying to add cellbit to this situation? Like i read some philza focused fanfic where he interacts with cellbit and the ficwritters act like cellbit is his kid? Its weird idk how to explain very well (this is also the same people that kinda write cellbit as a native english speaker (american and european) and not a brazilian (its something that is too hard to explain right now)
And its kinda stressing me out because cellbit is written in such a weid way and its infesting the spiderbit tag lol and i dont understand what is going on half of the time since idk what the hell sbi even is (brazilian with 0 understanding about english speaking mcty)
Sorry for the long post
Oh yeah no I don’t really get it but like. I also do! Because q!Phil has become one of only a literal handful of people on the island to actually properly trust q!Cellbit and so they’re like. Friends. But obviously you can never just be friends with someone not your age and so. Fandom assigned family dynamic. It’s super weird and lowkey like. Idk it’s just weird lol.
A discussion surely must follow!
First, a brief rundown of SBI:
SBI is Sleepy Boys Inc., a group made of up streamers Philza, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and Technoblade. (Originally it was just Phil, Wilbur, and Techno, but Tommy wiggled his way in somehow.) They’re Best Friends, but somewhere along the way their fandoms said. Fuck it. Family dynamic… mostly because the ccs lowkey thought it was funny and ran with it. Wilbur alone would rather die than not have Philza Minecraft be his father
This dynamic spread to their characters on the dsmp despite them literally not once ever referring to each other all as family; iirc Techno himself said he at least wasn’t part of the family because that dynamic would be fucked up after all the shit his character did to both c!Wilbur and c!Tommy. But c!Phil was c!Wilbur’s father even though he did fully murder his ass, and Wilbur and Tommy were brothers because they’re Wilbur and Tommy and you’d have to kill them to stop them from being brothers. Tommy was never established to be c!Phil’s son, and Phil never seemed to consider him one
But then the dsmp started dying around summer 2021 and everyone was kinda just left with fanon, and SBI fanon can get weird. I’m talking borderline fetishistic nuclear family stuff, especially when you get into ‘Dark SBI’ content with Phil kidnapping Tommy or whatever and forcibly making them family? It gets weird, take a look through the tag sometime
The thing with a lot of these fics is that like. It’s gotten to a point where it’s a fandomized version of both cc! and c!SBI with some really freaky characterizations and some really diehard fans. I’ve talked about that before, so I won’t do it again.
The weirdest thing I’ve noticed about these fics, though- and this goes back to what we were talking about with Cellbit inexplicably being added to the mix all of a sudden- is that everybody has to be a family.
You’ll be hard pressed to find a SBI fic where the characters have friends. Even Tubbo and Ranboo, usually delegated to a ‘Tommy’s friend!’ role despite them not interacting much like as a group ever are treated either as extensions of Tommy himself or as his found family ‘brothers’ who Phil also inevitably helps take care of rather than as friends, and they act that way. Niki isn’t usually ever written in as Wilbur’s friend, she’s Benchtrio’s sister/mother-figure, or she’s described as Wilbur’s found family sister. Jack Manifold? Lumped in with Niki with Benchtrio as their older brother/father-figure. Quackity? Either Wilbur’s boyfriend, thus a member of the family, or Tommy’s older brother/father-figure.
Even characters who never really interacted with SBI as a “family” on the dsmp get this treatment: you’ll read an SBI fic with c!Purpled in it and he’ll be Tommy’s brother figure. c!Sam is Tommy’s father figure. Schlatt is Tommy’s uncle or Wilbur’s brother. Puffy is an aunt. Sapnap and Dream? Tommy’s brother or father figures. Even Hannah is being written as Tommy’s cool older sister figure these days despite only really interacting with him once on the smp
And you can see this kind of behavior continuing now in the qsmp fandom… if the new ccs/characters in question aren’t “problematic”. Chayanne can’t see Techno as a personal hero, he has to see him as an older brother or an uncle. Tubbo is Phil and Fit’s son and Tommy’s brother. Niki is Tallulah’s mom. Quackity is Wilbur’s boyfriend.
What you’ll actually be hard pressed to see is this kind of dynamic with Phil and other, “problematic” ccs, aka ccs who aren’t like. English ccs.
Because you won’t find q!Forever included in the family dynamics despite him basically being q!Phil’s best friend and closest confidant. It took longer for q!Missa to be added to Phil’s wiki page than it did for Techno to despite them literally being explicit canon husbands, and you’ll be lucky if Missa is even mentioned in a “qsmp” SBI fic. Etoiles? Not even mentioned despite him and Phil more or less actually leaning into the family dynamic with the “brothers” thing. Even Tallulah and Chayanne are left out or mischaracterized in “qsmp” SBI fics, giving Tommy the spotlight.
You won’t find nearly anybody who isn’t an English cc in these fics, and this is NOT accusing anyone of xenophobia. It’s most likely just because the SBI people are used to watching only Phil or only Wilbur and they don’t speak enough of the other languages to really care about the non-English ccs and thus disregard their characters and lore. It’s not just SBI people who do this, it’s plenty of people speaking every language on the server not watching anyone whose languages they don’t speak. Yk?
But that brings us to q!Cellbit, and I’m surprised the SBI guys have latched onto him the way they did considering he’s everything they seem to dislike: his first language isn’t English, he doesn’t talk with Phil a lot, he and Tallulah get along really well, he makes fun of Wilbur being gone. And, honestly? The SBI guys did hate him for a long time because of those things, they constantly undermined his efforts and said Phil would be a better Order leader and said that he should never speak to Tallulah again because he was making her sad and he’s friends with their least favorite person ever, Forever.
But then q!Phil said he trusted Cellbit, and it’s like a switch was flipped. Starting around the Pills Arc when they first teamed up, SBI people were suddenly on board with Cellbit despite being part of the haters literally days before. Why? Well. Phil and Cellbit are friends now, and so now he gets the privilege of being in the fics.
The problem with this is that these people have never watched Cellbit. They’ve seen ten minutes of him total from Phil’s pov, and that’s all they’re going to use to write his character. So of course there will be mischaracterization.
And, of course, they’ll be family. Because, as I said, there’s this weird allergy to the concept of friendship in SBI fics. You’re family or you’re an enemy.
Constant fanon mischaracterization of Phil has basically turned him into a universal father figure even if he doesn’t have that dynamic with the characters he’s like the “father” of. q!Cellbit’s only familial figure outside of his actual canon family is generally seen as q!Bad, who even referred to him as family last night on stream. But, because Phil and Cellbit are friends now and Cellbit is younger than Phil is, they have to have a father-son dynamic, because that’s what Phil’s only character trait is in the SBI fics he’s in. He’s the dad whether it makes sense or not.
If that makes sense.
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chiyoda-division2 · 1 year
“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” -Nikola Tesla
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Introduction ⚡️
Raiden Otoha(音羽雷電),  a.k.a. Tesla on rap battles is an electronics design engineer and the 2nd member of Chiyoda Division’s 狂音INC.. He’s a genius in the field of electronics, aspiring to one day be called a ‘mad scientist’ just like those he idolized so much since he was little. A former delinquent, Fusao saw potential in his brilliance and scouted him to work at his audio equipment company, Wonder⇓anD Sound Systems.
It’s believed that he joined the DRB not only to let people further know about his ‘genius’ but also to enact revenge against a certain priest from Ginza.
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Link to neka used
Link to picrew used
Raiden is an albeit taller than average man in his mid-late 20s. His beige skin is littered with countless burn marks, most notably one on his right eye and at the palms of his hands. He has shoulder-length, black hair with blonde inner colouring dyed in to match his golden eyes, whose pupils grow abnormally large whenever he gets excited; sometimes, his bangs are held back by a yellow clip in the shape of a wing. He has two beauty marks under his left eye.
At work, Raiden is usually seen with a white button up, a black tie, black pants and brown dress shoes. His shirt is partially unbuttoned as to reveal the tattoo on his neck: an ECG graph.
Outside work, he puts on a beige overcoat and a black harness underneath that, and his dress shoes are replaced with knee-length boots whose soles further add onto his height.
He always wears gloves regardless of the situation.
Name Meaning
Raiden(雷電) - Thunder and lightning (also one of the alternative spellings for the god Raijin)
Oto(音) - Sound
Ha(羽) - Wing
Nicknames and Aliases
Tesla - MC Name
Mad Genius/Scientist - Himself (rarely, others)
936_HRTZ- online username (he is using something else that isn’t PROFILE)
Smartass, Madman, Crazy bitch, etc… - others
Rabid dog(affectionate)- Fusao
March Hare/Haigha
Nozomu “Zom” Yunichi
Biographical Info
Gender - Male
Age - 28
Birthday -  November 26
Star Sign - Sagittarius
Ethnicity - Japanese
Hair Colour - Black and (dyed)blonde
Eye Colour - Gold
Height - 6’1” (6’5” in boots)
Markings - ECG graph tattoo on his neck, burn marks scattered across everywhere most notably on the right side of his face
Piercings - Lobes; double helix (left ear only)
Family -
Estranged Father
Estranged Mother
Voice Claim: Tetsurou Noda (speaking); Takuya IDE (singing/rapping)
Fun Facts
Occupation - Electronics design engineer, scientist (self-proclaimed), vigilante???
Division - Chiyoda
Team - 狂音INC.
Position - 2nd Member
Favourite Food - Toast
Least Favourite Food - Pork
Likes - Chiyuri’s naivete,  his friend group aka the ‘Shunsai-gumi’, Nikola Tesla and his ‘death ray’, tinkering with electronics, being called a scientist
Dislikes - Chiyuri’s naivete, Fusao’s concerned stares, people questioning his genius, adulthood, Masa and his little sheep, the concept of family
Image Color - Lightning Yellow (#FCC01E)
Hypnosis Microphone
Raiden’s Hypnosis Microphone takes the form of a handheld mic, the band right between the windscreen and the handle has 2 prongs on opposite sides. The handle is black with a yellow triangle containing the letter T stylized to look like thunder on it, lastly, the bottom of the handle has a yellow lightning bolt sticking out.
Raiden’s speakers is a replica of the Wardenclyffe Tower, the lab building that accompanies the tower has all of its windows replaced with speakers. Lightning strikes the top of the tower depending on the beat. Whenever he activates his mic, a ‘high voltage’ warning written in white with a red glow flash around his speaker which disappears after a couple moments.
Raiden’s rap ability, Death Ray 936 electrocutes his target, stunning them for 3 turns, he can only use his ability for 3 times in one battle and the cooldown is loooooong.
Raiden’s rap themes mainly revolve around the mix of ‘lunacy’ and ‘genius’ and sinking further into madness. He references breakthroughs in the history of electromagnetism a lot; he also raps about how there’s one absolute truth: physics and that there is no higher being besides that. Another thing he raps about is refusing ‘adulthood’ not in the sense of growing older, but rather letting go of one’s dreams and aspirations just for pleasing the world around them and becoming a husk of yourself.
If it’s not his turn to rap he’ll most likely laugh like a maniac in the background.
Unfortunately for Raiden, he comes across as loud and obnoxious at first and practically lacks an inner voice. He believes in his own abilities a lot and this pretty much causes conflict with his co-workers quite often, though, he is very passionate towards his work, even if sometimes it doesn’t really align to the kind of job he took.
Due to a large part of his childhood, he has great distrust and disdain towards adults and has a different perception on what counts as one. He rarely gets along with people older than him.
Despite everything though, he’s an honest person through and through, he immediately goes to the point in things that he wants to say. He is very loyal to people he consider important and he can get quite overprotective toward his loved ones a lot, though this comes to a point that he wouldn’t hesitate to resort to violence (and even destruction) if it meant their sake.
As for that vigilante persona of his… that’s something else to talk about in another day.
His birthday is also Lucien Gaulard’s death day, known for developing a power transformer with John Dixon Gibbs, a major contribution to the development of alternating current
He can reverse engineer almost any kind of device regardless of its complexity and size
One time he broke several windows on his workplace with speakers, his co-workers and Fusao were not happy about it
He thinks Kanon Hojo from Shizuoka is cute C:
Had he not been in the field of electronics/physics, he would be in the medical field instead
When he was younger, he swore that he wouldn’t live past 21 years old
He has a strange relationship with Nishio of Echizen division that even his friends couldn’t comprehend
Despite idolizing the likes of Nikola Tesla, he hates pigeons
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builder051 · 9 months
Happy Christmas (war is over)
Chasing Ghosts
WARNINGS: firstly, this is one of those stories that has practically no action, but there’s a ton of content in somebody’s head. It also has pretty much every trigger in the book, but 99% of them are tiny mentions. Actual tws for talk of graphic violence (war setting), mental health talk inc depression and short mention of eating disorders. Also emeto. Dirty jokes. Basically you know what comes with the territory.
Steve’s done it again. He’s gone and made Christmas eve a merry affair. He can pretend it’s for all of their benefit, but the indulgence is purely his own.
Tasha’s in as decent a mood as she can, nursing only one cracked toenail from her final Nutcracker fill-in.
James, who never understood the pre-holiday excitement, now uses his political science textbook as a lap table. A childhood without Santa and a career granting as little leave as possible left him at an impasse. Floating around and forgetting the day of the week would cause him more stress than relaxation, so an intersession class it was. It felt like an unacknowledged compromise. His body would be home for break, but there’d be a plausible reason hime to hole up and keep his head down.
The speakers on the television emit a jumbled mix of Mannheim Steamroller and Irving Berlin. James has his aids turned low, but he’s still grateful Mariah Carey been excised from the playlist.
“That’s not a real Christmas song,” Steve had explained when he quickly thumbs-downed her song on the playlist. There had been a warm kind of silent agreement after that.
Wham!’s “Last Christmas” brought up more of a debate. “It’s, like, canon?” Steve had offered timidly.
“Only because it was written before you were born,” Tasha said with a laugh. She could’ve mentioned that none of them had come into the world yet by 1983, but with her choice phrasing, the statement seemed simultaneously very wise and very naive.
“It’s about sex,” James had added irritably, as if it was a fact he was reading aloud from his book. He wanted to open it up again. He’d stopped in the middle of a chapter, much to his disgruntlement.
“Everything’s about sex…” Tasha had sighed. “I mean. The Nutcracker’s a fucking pedophile…”
“We are not having a discussion about dirty fairy tales,” James stated with finality.
It took a moment for everyone to breathe, then the tension began to melt again, perhaps with help from the dancing flame atop Steve’s balsam scented candle.
Once it’s clear they all had both motivation and ability to keep peace, Steve goes into the kitchen to warm eggnog and pour out caramel popcorn. As he distributes the goodies back in the living room, he shoots James a look. “It’s, like, I added the rum to the whole thing…”
James hates it when Tasha takes her drinks and drugs home with her. He has a cold, uncharitable thought stashed at the back of his mind; if Tash dropped dead somewhere, anywhere, so long as it was out of the house, he wouldn’t be liable. Within the confines of the, apartment though… “Eh,” James shrugs. “Spirit of the season,” he grumbles. Then, to Tasha, “No crushed up pills or shit overnight, you hear?”
“Sure…” Tasha un-crams herself from the corner of the sofa and limps back toward the kitchen.
“I can get—“ Steve calls, half-rising from his seat.
“I got it…” Tasha digs in the fridge for a moment, then returns gripping a bag of unwashed celery stalks.
“Hey,” James starts to admonish.
“You said no dirty fairy tales, no sex songs, and no snorting Xanax.” Tasha holds the celery as if it were a club she’d use to hit him. “You haven’t outlawed anything else.” She wads her body cross legged against the arm of the sofa, pulls a stalk of celery from the bag, then uses it as an unnecessary swizzle stick for her eggnog.
James rolls his eyes. His desire to express irritation wraps around and consumes what could’ve been silence for Steve’s sake. L He can’t help himself, though. “Shit, Tasha. Why? Just, fucking why?”
Tasha looks down at the thick miniature tree garnishing her beverage. She holds it between finger and thumb, then moves her tongue seductively through the divet where the most eggnog and cinnamon have gathered. She points the dripping celery stalk at James. “You ever been sucked that good?”
“My god.” James shakes his head, which he hadn’t realized was throbbing. The movement set it off, maybe. Or his growing fury. “Sorry about her, Steve. If you don’t want to watch, we can just go to bed.”
“Oh,” Steve hesitates. “It’s ok.”
“See?” Tasha looks smugly at James. “I’m just offsetting calories,” she says, as if her intention wasn’t already clear.
“And I assume you’re just out of innuendos, too?” James means it to be a warning. He’s had a few sips of his own eggnog, though, and he hopes his vocal cords haven’t relaxed enough to edge his authoritative aggression down to something more like childish bickering.
“Never.” Tasha dips her celery again, licks off the eggnog, then holds it to her lip like a cigar.
“That’s… great.” James stands and starts chugging the rest of his eggnog. He raises his book and points it in the direction of the bedroom down the hall. He’ll be reading in bed if needs him.
“Sure, yeah.” Steve nods to James, still playing it cool. His desire not to take sides is beginning to freeze him, though. The robotic head tilt. The canned laughter.
James has his last gulp of eggnog in his mouth, and he’s trying to decide whether to put his mug in the sink or whether to take it with him to make the flight to the bedroom quicker. It ends up not mattering, though. Steve says something, and James’s mug cracks in two as it hits the floor.
“Maybe I should’ve made you a bloody mary.”
It’s a joke. It’s nothing to do with James. It’s about the stupid celery sticks. It’s one of Steve’s weaker attempts to clear the air.
James slaps his hand over his mouth to keep more than just eggnog from spilling back up. His vision goes shiny around the edges. He can’t see a thing…
James barely makes out olive green fatigues. The pixilated beige that actually served as camouflage was perpetually in the laundry. Off time was marked with untucked white t shirts and dark trousers with the cuffs rolled up and waistbands rolled down.
James he hears the laughter. Smells the booze. Tastes the extra sugar and food dye that taint what would’ve been perfectly good sugar cookies. The falseness of the holiday spirit mingles with the flavor of grocery-store frosting and sets an ache in his teeth.
“Hey, you shot me!”
James jumped and whipped his head around. Active shooter? Immediate evacuation?
It was a kid, completely plastered and stumbling. He was probably early in his tour and still unfamiliar with the hazy line between gallows humor and the taboo. James should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt. Should have swallowed his anger and ruined only his own holiday.
The spitball soaked in lake red #40 had stuck in the center of the kid’s chest, sending brightly colored dribbles all down his front. The expansion of the stain was far too pale and pinkish to mistake for actual blood, but the kid played it like a fool.
“Oh you fucker! I’m dying! You killed me!”
James, khaki-clad and with seven minutes remaining on his shift, grabbed the kid by the shoulders of his shirt and pinned him against a tent pole.
James doesn’t remember his exact words. They were probably along the lines of “you ever taken a real bullet before?” Then he’d wielded a fist and clocked him in the throat.
The kid fell to the side, gasping, but James’s grip held him upright. Somebody came up from behind and tried yanking James off the kid, but he backhanded whoever it was without turning his head.
“Friendly fire! It was just a stupid—Just a—“
The voice came out slurred and muffled. The back of James’s hand was sticky with blood and stinging around the knuckles. He’d definitely caught teeth.
Then the kid laughed. He peeked over James’s shoulder and offered his attacker-cum-defender a peace pact and a couple more Budweiser. “Beer’s all I got, but with your lip all fucked up, call it a bloody mary—“
James could’ve murdered them both. Really, truly killed them. His weapon was holstered on his hip. His right hand was already heading that direction. He didn’t need to hear this shit. These dumbasses didn’t need to be among the ranks of America’s finest, not with these stupid, drunken jokes. A bloody lip was nothing. Nothing to watching a fellow soldier explode and suddenly having a face full of lacerated brain matter. James had learned hard and early that alcohol is less a mask and more a mirror.
A buddy from James’s platoon mistook the assault as 2 on 1 with James as the target. A rough reminder to punch his timecard before he punched another soldier broke James’s bubble of violent thought. He wiped his bloody hand across the spitball stain on the kid’s chest, then walked away to do his proper duty.
No one reported him, it being Christmas eve and all. Assault, fighting, taking action in rage, cheating the Army out of seven minutes’ good labor… James could be reprimanded for any and all of them. Probably should be. Residual anger bubbled in James’s gut, creating an excess of bile seeping up from the back of his tongue.
He can’t remember how much time had passed, but eventually James heard someone shuffling around outside his tent. Then there was retching.
James’s mouth filled with saliva. He couldn’t swallow. He could barely move. Using every reserve of energy he had, James grasped the tent’s entrance flap and vomited heavily into the sand. He barely caught a breath before retching violently again.
Multiple minutes passed before James could get a grip on himself. He wanted to cry; he was glad to be expelling something other than tears.
Eventually the other unfortunate soul trudged around the corner and headed to the next bunkhouse over from Jame’s. It was the stupid kid, still wearing the shirt soiled with koolaid and blood and now sick. James swept tent’s the canvas cover back over himself. He wouldn’t be able to stand eye contact. One or the other would be eating a bullet this time. Only this time, James’s weapon was stored securely beside his cot.
James is largely unaware of Steve easing him onto his knees. He catches a glimpse of Tasha’s feet, then her hands as she pulls shards of china from the carpet.
“It’s ok,” Steve’s voice intones. “You’re here. You’re safe.”
“I’m fine,” James splutters. It’s an automatic response; both Steve and Tasha know to take no stock in it. James breathes in the balsam scented air. He separates the tastes of cream and bile and rum. He shakily wipes at his nose and mouth. James’s hand comes away sticky and red-streaked. It’s nothing major; a scrape or pressure sore releasing more bodily fluid to add to the mess. He swallows experimentally, and harsh, stinging reflux makes him gag all over again.
“Alright.” Steve pats James’s shoulder. “Want to try the bathroom?”
James presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth. He shakes his head, but the meaning of the question hasn’t yet penetrated. He has half a mind to stick his fingers down his throat. James squints into the mess of sick he’s made on the living room floor, and there, plainly, is the thin bloody rivulet that’s departed his body.
His spirit must be dead. Or maybe his body. James has to have passed into some dimensional void where injury starts to mean nothing. Flashes of hopelessness displace James’s blurry vision again. Playing fast and loose with his benzos fresh out of the VA. Tasha missing her graduation party to receive CPR whilst en route to get her stomach pumped. Headphones blaring death metal into his ears as he passed the car in the driveway, then stood gaping as the foster dad jumped out of the driver’s side and zipping his pants while a girl from his school tore in the other direction, her skirt tucked into her underwear.
It’s too much. It’s going to crush him. James can’t feel his body. He can’t feel his face. He wonders if he’s been dosed with Haldol. Is his brain going to shut off too? Should it? Would that give him blessed relief at last?
It’s only when Steve shifts James’s head more securely onto his shoulder that he realizes tears are pouring from his eyes. He never does this. It’s just making more mess.
“It’s probably a migraine,” Tasha supplies. There’s a shrug written in her tone.
“James?” Steve probes. “How are you feeling?”
Worse than dead doesn’t seem like an appropriate response. James settles with, “I don’t know.”
It’s true enough. James’s life has been wrought with obstacles, with pain, with too much knowledge, too much experience, too much feeling. He’s fucked. Completely. He was battle worn before he’d left for his first deployment.
And now he’s left with, what exactly? An overly doting boyfriend. An obnoxious little sister. A candle that has no right to smell so good. Kate Smith’s voice warbling about silver bells. The fuck do bells have to do with Christmas, anyway?
Nothing. They have no more importance than political science, demented ballets, or songs about sex.
As James lets Steve help him to his feet, he tries to let go. The more sick, the more tears, the better. James sniffles, and something hot and metallic flows from his sinus cavity down his throat. He coughs, and his tight muscles relax by half a degree.
A migraine. A nosebleed. A flashback. The cause is no longer important. It’s how he’s going to go on afterward.
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2015mai24 · 1 year
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[Over The Edge] 逹瑯(ムック)×ガラ(MERRY)×seek(Mix Speaker's,Inc.)
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archiesonicretro · 2 years
Game review: Urusei Yatsura - Dear My Friends
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Title: Urusei Yatsura - Dear My Friends
Japanese Title: うる星やつら ディア マイ フレンズ
Release Date: 15 April 1994 (Japan)
Platform: Sega Mega-CD
Developer: Game Arts
Publisher: Game Arts
Licensor: Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan Inc., Kitty Films, Fuji Television
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Accessories Supported: Mega-CD Backup RAM cartridge, Sega Mouse
Number of Players: 1
Catalogue Number: T-45064
"One of the best Mega-CD games to be released, on a technical level."
Made in 1994, this game still impresses me even now.  Made using Game Arts' revolutionary animation engine, which was also used on their Mega CD & Saturn title Yumimi Mix (1993).  Anyway, the animation on Urusei Yatsura is full screen and fluent.  The game features all the original anime cast's voices along with the comedy that you'd expect from Urusei Yatsura, and yes, Moruboshi Ataru does try to go on girl hunts and ends up getting electrocuted by Lum and set on fire by Ten, hahaha.  Any fan of the anime will love this game.  Probably one of the best adventure games on the Mega CD or any 16-bit system.
The only con that I can find about this game is that this game does not rely on text, despite it being an adventure game, so non-native Japanese speakers or first time learners may be out of luck here.
Players can find in-game game cartridges to play on the fictional game console. Such games are: a Street Fighter 2 parody, a comical catch-the-falling-items-type game, and a hilarious Choplifter-style shmup where players can go left or right no matter the position, in order to shoot a ship down.
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The first print edition of Urusei Yatsura on the Mega-CD comes with this poster.
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Not using grainy FMV means the animation for this game's cutscenes is superbly fluent with no audio quality drop
The game delivers a ton of fun
The music sounds pretty great as it fulfills the scope of the manga and anime series to a tee
One of the more unique point-and-click adventure games out there
The mini-games can be fun....
...but they are pretty basic, and tend to play on the crap side
Being a CD-based game, the loading times can be iffy
The worst part about this game is that it is quite short
Unplayable if you can't understand Japanese on a native level
Japanese exclusive
Can I recommend this game to anyone who can't understand Japanese? To be honest, maybe not. But, if you are a fan of the TV series, it will welcome you.
Here is my scoring system for this game.
Gameplay: 7/10 - the core game plays really well
Graphics: 8/10 - look ma! No grainy FMV!
Sound: 9/10 - top tier musical compositions, some from the PCM sound processor
Soundtrack: 10/10 - the anime soundtrack is there and meshes really well
Menus: 5/10 - it is very hard to navigate around without native Japanese understanding, made worse by the fact there is no text
Replayability: 9/10 - had the game not been short, it would've gotten a perfect 10 here.
So overall, Urusei Yatsura on the Mega-CD gets a really nice score of....
Overall, a pretty good game, only let down by the fact the game is a bit short. Saying that, though, this game always has you coming back for more.
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saya-toto · 4 months
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catstarrecordings · 9 months
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01.Mike Newman - Stop Feeling Down (Original Mix) [Panthera] 02.Mirko & Meex - If You Girl Only Knew (Extended Mix) [HouseU] 03.Sebb Junior - 4 My Luv (Wave Point Extended [La Vie D'Artiste] 04.Alan Dixon - Love Chemicals Feat. Ekkah [Future Disco Dance Club] 05.Effin & Blindin - Lost in time [Mena Music] 06.Kryder, JAI RYU - Minutes To Midnight (Extended Mix) [Armada] 07.David Guetta - Big Fuck feat Ayra Starr & Lil Durk (Murchikk & D!scoman Smile Face Rmx) [CTSTR] 08.Croatia Squad - Speaker Cone Blow [Enormous Tunes] 09.Ninetoes & Alvin Kyer - Heartbeat On Time (Original Mix) [Head To Toe] 10.Raffaele Ciavolino, FederFunk - Your Life [Onako] 11.Rick Marshall & Sarah Kennedy - Happiness (Original Mix) [ArtFunk] 12.Rick Marshall - Spend The Night [Funky Revival] 13.Madds - Words [Sirup Music] 14.GhostMasters - The Same Scene (Extended Mix) [Guareber Recordings] 15.Wayne Soul Avengerz & Odyssey Inc. feat. Joa - Runnin Away (Extended Mix) [Trois Garcon] 16.The Kollective, Discoplex - Mr. Brown (Extended Mix) [Phoenix Music] 17.Block & Crown, Paul Parsons - Give a Little (Original Mix) [PLAYEDiT] 18.Kid Massive - Over You (Extended Mix) [House Heads] 19.Dj.A-Bor - Babydancer [CTSTR] 20.Jackers Revenge, Lissat - Bam Bam [Supercircus] 21.Sean Finn & No Hopes - What a Bam (Milk Bar Extended Remix) [Tribal Kitchen] 22.Diego Serrao - Hate You (Dj.A-Bor Retro Mix) [CTSTR] 23.Tiesto & Tears For Fears x NIIKO X SWAE & GUDFELLA - Rule The World (Everybody) (Extended Mix) [Capitol] 24.Block & Crown, Paul Parsons - Tricky Love [PLAYEDiT] 25.ventuno - Dolcenera [Spinnin'] 26.Marco Ferry, Thomas Menegazzi - Escape [Casa Rossa] 27.CHIPZ - The Monster [WyldCard] 28.Jenn Getz & Alfie - Vibration [Toolroom] 29.Marc Romboy, Timo Maas - Die Zeit [Systematic]
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ktrogers · 11 months
*Aristotle's Artistic Proofs*
Steve Jobs 2009 Keynote Speech
In this entry, I will examine the critical question(s): What is the main purpose of an artifact’s message and how are ethos, pathos, and logos used in this rhetorical artifact to achieve that purpose? Are the ways that these rhetorical appeals used ethical?
To investigate these questions, I examined Steve Jobs’ keynote speech in 2009 as my rhetorical artifact. Steve Jobs uses ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade his audience that organ donation is a worthwhile decision and assure them that the Apple company is still progressing, despite his health complications. Overall, this is ethical because of the way he approaches the idea with gratitude and not coerciveness.
This keynote speech was given back in 2009, when Apple was announcing the release of new products, specifically new iPods. Jobs was forced to step away from the company for the year prior to this keynote due to health complications. In the beginning of the speech, he acknowledges the rumors and speculation regarding his health, confirming that he has undergone a liver transplant earlier that year. His transparency allowed the audience to understand the severity of his illness. This artifact is very emotional and comes from a man who was very successful and wealthy. Using his own narrative, he is proud to still be alive, “standing vertical” to deliver this speech and announce the new products from his company. He also shares credit to the executives within the company that stepped up and continued to advance the success of Apple during his absence, as well as supporting him during his health journey. He emphasized the importance of organ donation and the need for a more efficient system to increase donor availability. The speech was seen as a candid and personal moment, Jobs being optimistic about serving as Apple’s CEO and contributing to the company’s future. The overarching value imposed was the importance of support in dire times of need, even if that means another life is lost.
Herrick states that rhetoric and dialectic represent two complementary arts of reasoning. They both begin with widely accepted ideas; however, rhetoric employs sources of support, using proofs from the speaker’s character and from emotions aroused in an audience. The purpose of rhetoric is to defend an idea or self to large audiences through a speech using enthymemes that frame arguments, character, and emotion. For an argument to be enthymematic, the argument must engage with the audience's emotions. The enthymeme is a  “heartfelt” argument in which the audience senses the rhetor’s language and delivers a passionate commitment to the position being staked out. Aristotle’s three artistic proofs that make up techne of rhetoric are (1) logos or arguments and logical reasoning, (2) pathos or the names and causes of various emotions, and (3) ethos or human character and goodness.
Steve uses an ethos appeal to leverage his credibility and authority as the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. to build trust and establish his character as a credible source. He openly addresses the rumors about his health, confirming the liver transplant and sharing personal details about his medical condition, making him a living example. This honesty and transparency helped to enhance his credibility and make the audience more receptive to his message. Steve also exhibited confidence in delivery and personal branding to help him gain the trust from the audience. Apple’s prestige and company success mixed with his absence is enough to catch attention. People are going to listen to what he has to say due to these factors.
Steve uses a pathos appeal to inspire people to feel empowered to become donors and fix the tedious transplant process. The emotional appeal is strong throughout the speech. Speaking about his health struggles, his battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, and the life-saving organ transplant, he expresses gratitude. He acknowledges the concerns and emotional turmoil that his audience may have felt during this period, creating a sense of empathy and connection. By sharing his personal journey, he taps into the audience’s emotions, making them feel more connected to him and the importance of the message, organ donation. Steve’s reference to the young man that had died in an accident made the audience feel emotions of sadness, anger, motivation, and/or inspiration. A sense of sympathy is evoked. This would persuade them to act or consider the process of becoming a donor. 
Steve uses minimal logos appeals to inform the audience that there is a scarcity of available organs, reasoning the need for an improved system for organ donation. He provides facts about transplant waiting lists and the importance of increasing organ donors. By incorporating these logical arguments, he appeals to the audience’s rationality and encourages them to consider the practical implications of organ donation and its positive impact on society. Although there were basic logistical points, it was minimal due to the familiar nature of organ donation to most people. Steve’s presence at the keynote is proof that donation works and saves lives. This situation doesn’t necessarily need the statistics or comparison, as it is his own experience. This proof would be either more or less effective depending on the audience. Some people need to see numbers to back up stories in order to validate their emotions. This personal story does not fit well with logic, as it is unique to Steve Jobs. 
This narrative might be unproductive in certain contexts, but overall, is productive due to Steve’s approach with gratefulness. The appreciation allowed for the audience to form their own opinion, since Jobs was not forcing the idea onto the crowd. However, it would not be ethical if he were using the story to promote his business, backing it with an ethical cause. Perhaps he could have offered a discount if people suddenly signed up to be donors. This would allow him to make profit, which is not right. Additionally, if he were to approach it from an egotistical lens, meaning he thought he deserved the donation as opposed to other people due to his status and wealth, then it would not be ethical. Another consideration is how deeply he promoted the idea. If he forced the notion of signing up to be a donor in order to be a good person, then that is also not ethical. 
In conclusion, Steve effectively employs the artistic proofs to connect with his audience emotionally, enhance his credibility, and deliver a persuasive message about the importance of organ donation. The time and place of this topic seemed a little out of place, given that it was an announcement of new products coming for Apple. The speech was received well by the audience and they were moved by Steve’s story and transparency. Ultimately, this might have helped the company in popularity but also drew attention to the necessity of organ donation. 
Works Cited
Aristotle. (1991). On rhetoric. Book 1: Chapter 2-3. (G. A. Kennedy, Trans.). New York: Oxford University Press.
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govindhtech · 11 months
What’s New in S7 Pro Gen 1 Sound Platform
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Qualcomm S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 Sound Platform Delivers Next-Level Audio
In particular:
The Qualcomm S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 Platforms use an unprecedented amount of artificial intelligence (AI) on the smartphone to provide the most innovative, individualised, and responsive audio experiences we’ve ever offered.
The next generation of platforms offers compute power that is six times higher, artificial intelligence power that is approximately one hundred times higher, and a new category of ultra-premium performance that draws very little power.
With support for up to 192kHz lossless music quality, the S7 Pro Gen 1 Sound platform is the first to integrate Qualcomm Expanded Personal Area Network Technology (XPAN) and micro-power Wi-Fi networking to increase audio range throughout the house, building, or campus.
Today, Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. made the announcement that they would be releasing the Qualcomm S7 and S7 Pro Gen1 Sound platforms at the Snapdragon Summit. These are the most powerful audio platforms we have ever created, and they were designed for earbuds, headphones, and speakers.
They combine high performance with low power consumption, on-device artificial intelligence with advanced connectivity in order to spark a new age of audio innovation and provide ground-breaking user experiences. Users will be able to move freely about a house, building, or campus while listening to music or making calls thanks to the S7 Pro Gen 1 s inclusion of micro-power Wi-Fi, which significantly increases the range of audio devices beyond what is currently achievable by merely utilising Bluetooth.
These systems have established a new standard for high-performance sound while using an extremely minimal amount of electricity. According to Dino Bekis, vice president and general manager of Wearables and Mixed Signals Solutions for Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., “They are packed with premium technologies that work together with on-device AI to deliver immersive and personalised audio experiences wherever you go – whether in a meeting, socialising, gaming, listening to music, or just needing some quiet time.” These headphones have a number of features that make them stand out from other headphones on the market.
“The S7 Pro Gen 1 Platform with our micro-power Wi-Fi and the revolutionary Qualcomm XPAN technology further transforms the sound experience by enabling whole home and building audio coverage, support for up to 192kHz multi-channel lossless music streaming, and enhanced multi-channel spatial audio for gaming.”
Our Snapdragon Sound Technology is included in our most recent Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform as well as our Snapdragon X Elite. When this technology is connected with a consumer device that is powered by either the S7 or S7 Pro Gen 1 platforms, the customer will hear sound in a manner that was previously not conceivable.
Seventy-three percent of respondents to our most recent State of Sound Report said, “he make sure that sound quality on my devices gets better and better with every purchase.” This finding revealed that premium audio experiences are at the forefront of listeners’ minds. Sixty-nine percent of respondents listed lossless audio quality as a buying motivator for their next pair of earphones, indicating that demand for high-quality music has reached an all-time high.
The Snapdragon Summit Event Hub will also provide material from the event, as well as additional information, livestream replays, and recordings of the event.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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visualkeisales · 6 months
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LIraizo CD and wristband set ④ (cds are unopened) $7
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ailtrahq · 1 year
PositioningPlease click here for a chart of Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 QQQ.Note the following: The chart shows that QQQ bounced from the top band of the mini support zone. This is a sign of strength for tech stocks. The chart shows that unlike S&P 500 (SPX) SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY, QQQ did not even come close to the 200 day moving average. This is again a sign of relative strength of tech stocks. The chart shows that RSI has quickly gone from oversold to overbought. This is due to the market mechanics of year end chase taking over. Important inflation data is ahead. PPI will be released on October 11 at 8:30am ET. Consensus for the headline is 0.3% and for core is 0.2%. CPI will be released on October 12 at 8:30am ET. Consensus for both the headline and core is 0.3%. In The Arora Report analysis, Wall Street is positioned for inflation numbers better than the consensus. Those interested in learning deeply about market mechanics of positioning, listen to the podcast “MARKET MECHANICS: POSITIONING.” If the numbers come better than the consensus, Wall Street will be encouraged that they called it right. This will cause aggressive buying. If the numbers come worse than the consensus, expect smart money to lightly sell and the market mechanic of year end chase to temporarily pause. Expect momo gurus to come up with a new narrative to persuade their followers to buy stocks. The International Monetary Fund is raising its projections for inflation to 5.8% for the next year. Only three months ago, the IMF had made a project of 5.2%. In The Arora Report analysis, this is not good news: however as of this writing the crowd is oblivious as market mechanics have taken over. There is plenty of Fed speak today that may move the markets, speakers include Raphael Bostic, Neel Kashkari, Christopher Waller, and Mary Daly. Investors are hoping that the Fed speakers will say the following: The recent increase in long term rates has removed the necessity of further rate increases. The Fed may cut sooner than what the Fed has been saying.  PepsiCo, Inc. PEP stock has been hit hard on concerns that weight loss drugs will significantly hurt Pepsi’s business. This morning Pepsi is reporting better than expected earnings and is guiding higher. More importantly Pepsi is not seeing any impact of weight loss drugs. This goes against the prevailing wisdom on Wall Street. Regarding the Middle East, Wall Street has concluded that the conflict will be limited to Gaza. Since Gaza has only 2M residents who are poverty stricken with an average income of $1200 per year, have no proper army, have no oil, and are under a complete siege by the Israelis, investors are not concerned about the carnage that is about to happen. The siege includes no electricity, no fuel, no food, and no medicines. To preempt Iran, General CQ Brown Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is warning Iran “not to get involved.” The US decision to move a carrier strike group and fighter planes closer to Israel is for the purpose of preventing Iran from helping Palestinians in Gaza and escalating the conflict.   As an actionable item, the sum total of the foregoing is in the protection band, which strikes the optimum balance between various crosscurrents. Please scroll down to see the protection band.  Magnificent Seven Money FlowsIn the early trade, money flows are positive in Microsoft Corp MSFT, Meta Platforms Inc META, and  Amazon.com, Inc. AMZN.In the early trade, money flows are negative in Apple Inc AAPL, Alphabet Inc Class C GOOG, Tesla Inc TSLA, and NVIDIA Corp NVDA.In the early trade, money flows are mixed in SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust and Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1.Momo Crowd And Smart Money In StocksThe momo crowd is buying stocks in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 in the early trade. To see the locked content, please click here to start a free trial.GoldThe momo crowd is like a yo-yo in gold in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 in the early trade.For longer-term, please see gold and silver ratings.
The most popular ETF for gold is SPDR Gold Trust GLD. The most popular ETF for silver is iShares Silver Trust SLV. OilThe momo crowd is like a yo-yo in oil in the early trade. Smart money is 🔒 in the early trade.For longer-term, please see oil ratings.The most popular ETF for oil is United States Oil ETF USO.BitcoinBitcoin BTC/USD is range bound.MarketsOur very, very short-term early stock market indicator is 🔒. This indicator, with a great track record, is popular among long term investors to stay in tune with the market and among short term traders to independently undertake quick trades.Protection Band And What To Do NowIt is important for investors to look ahead and not in the rearview mirror.Consider continuing to hold good, very long term, existing positions. Based on individual risk preference, consider holding 🔒 in cash or Treasury bills or allocated to short-term tactical trades; and short to medium-term hedges of 🔒, and short term hedges of 🔒. This is a good way to protect yourself and participate in the upside at the same time.You can determine your protection bands by adding cash to hedges. The high band of the protection is appropriate for those who are older or conservative. The low band of the protection is appropriate for those who are younger or aggressive. If you do not hedge, the total cash level should be more than stated above but significantly less than cash plus hedges.It is worth reminding that you cannot take advantage of new upcoming opportunities if you are not holding enough cash. When adjusting hedge levels, consider adjusting partial stop quantities for stock positions (non ETF); consider using wider stops on remaining quantities and also allowing more room for high beta stocks.  High beta stocks are the ones that move more than the market.Traditional 60/40 PortfolioProbability based risk reward adjusted for inflation does not favor long duration strategic bond allocation at this time.Those who want to stick to traditional 60% allocation to stocks and 40% to bonds may consider focusing on only high quality bonds and bonds of five year duration or less. Those willing to bring sophistication to their investing may consider using bond ETFs as tactical positions and not strategic positions at this time.The Arora Report is known for its accurate calls. The Arora Report correctly called the 2008 financial crash, the start of a mega bull market in 2009, the COVID crash, the post-COVID bull market, and the 2022 bear market. Please click here to sign up for a free forever Generate Wealth Newsletter.
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Get ready to unlock the secrets of The Jackbox Party Pack 10
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The Jackbox Party Pack 10 with 5 new party games now has a release date for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the brilliant team at Jackbox Games, Inc. for their creativity. Coming to both Steam and Humble Store. For all the Jackbox fans out there, some big news about the release. On October 19th, the latest addition to the popular series, The Jackbox Party Pack 10, is due to be releasing on Linux. If you've been a fan of their previous collections or if you're new to this world of digital entertainment, these are 5 new party games you'll want to know about.
The Jackbox Party Pack 10 | Official Trailer
Here's a what is coming:
Tee K.O. 2 (Drawing, Writing): Dive into T-Shirt Island once again. But this isn't just any tournament; it’s about artistic prowess. The winner isn't determined by physical might but by the creativity and wit of the artwork and captions they create. Picture yourself crafting the ultimate tee design to triumph over others in The Jackbox Party Pack 10.
FixyText (Writing, Teamwork): Envision a space where everyone's chipping in their thoughts at the same time. There's no turning back and no delete option. Your challenge? To work to craft memorable lines amidst the chaos. And if you've ever had funny run-ins with auto-correct, FixyText takes that comedy to a whole new level.
Hypnotorious (Hidden Identity, Roleplaying): This is all about strategy and figuring out who's who. Every person has a role to play, and alliances can shift in the blink of an eye. With humorous queries thrown into the mix, this The Jackbox Party Pack 10 title is as much about having a laugh as it is about finding identities.
Timejinx (Trivia): Ever wanted to be a time traveler? In Timejinx, you'll be posed with questions from the past. Your mission? To prevent alterations to your current timeline by getting them right.
Dodo Re Mi (Music, Teamwork): If making music sounds fun, Dodo Re Mi has you covered. Using your phone as an instrument, work in unison with others to create harmonious tunes in The Jackbox Party Pack 10. All while trying to outsmart a pesky jungle plant.
A heads-up for those seeking different languages: this collection will cater to English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish speakers. If you’re intrigued by these 5 new party games, you can Wishlist the collection on Steam and Humble Store. In essence, The Jackbox Party Pack 10 is shaping up to be an excellent addition to the series. Due to offering a fresh dose of entertainment that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Mark your calendars for October 19th, and get ready for some good times on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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thecuriositydesk01 · 1 year
Digital Blackboards Are Revolutionizing Teaching
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Digital Blackboard for Teaching
Technology has become an important piece of equipment in the classroom in recent years. The use of technology in education went from blackboards to digital blackboards. Students aren’t the only ones who have had to adapt to such technology – teachers have too. So, we’ve assorted a short list of digital and interactive boards that we think would be great for your classroom, no matter your level of tech knowledge and ranging in price to fit your classroom requirements. 
Gladwin Smart Classroom Board for Education
This Gladwin Smartboard is a recent model of board, meaning it’s up to date with the latest technologies. It is currently priced at around 85,000 and is available on IndiaMart, but ships to several large countries. We chose Gladwin Global Inc, the company that created it, is a well-known tech company that also makes computers. In its description it’s said to be made for classrooms, proving that it is a great use for that environment.
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Although pricey, you get what you’re paying for. With a 1-5th smart class service and 1-12th smart class service, this is a highly regarded brand. The Gladwin Smartboard also teaches English speaking and has a high power consumption, especially in comparison to other boards on the market. However, we know it is an expensive choice, so we’ve got some cheaper alternatives for the same impeccable quality.
Finger touch and Stylus Pen IR Interactive Ceramic Board Pentagon Tech Fusion
Introducing the Finger Touch and Stylus Pen IR Interactive Ceramic Board by Pentagon Tech Fusion – at almost half the price of the first on our list! Despite being slightly smaller, the Pentagon Tech Fusion board is still robust and multi-functional, perfect for the classroom. With an aspect ratio of forty-three and a patented sensor, what more could you need? What’s unique about this board, in particular, is that the board has several touchpoints, a large internal speaker and a seventy-eight-inch active area, which is why we chose it! It can even take up to four touches at once!
Available on Indiamart for around 45,000, this board comes with high-speed rates and hot keys on both sides. This product is known to have good customer service too, so if you stumble into any problems with the device, you can depend on them to get back to you quickly with an easy fix! Another reason we chose it was because of one incredible feature – their displays in-store. You can go in-store and test the exact product you want in all its wonder before even purchasing it to ensure it’s precisely what you’re looking for. Your students will find this board easy to interact with and colourful to the eyes, a great feature of your classroom.
Ceramic Interactive Digital Board Future Tek Solutions
Finally, the Ceramic Interactive Digital Board by Future Tek Solutions. Although the cheapest of the lot on our list, there’s no reason to disregard this board which still has some wonderful perks. See it as a mix of the two boards above – at 35,000 you get a ceramic base with 150 power consumption and is directly advertised towards teachers and classrooms. With a background in tech, Future Tek Solutions are known for its interactive classroom devices, making them a trustworthy company.
Future Tek Solutions prides itself in clear, concise communication with its customers, to quote; ‘We direct all our activities to cater for the expectations of customers by providing them excellent quality products as per their gratifications. Moreover, we follow moral business policies and crystal-pure transparency in all our transactions to keep healthy relations with the customers. This company is slightly older than the others we’ve mentioned, so they know what they’re doing, establishing themselves for a prolonged period. If you like their Ceramic Interactive Digital Board, you can also get their other products such as their BENQ Projectors to go perfectly alongside it!
Digital Blackboard For Online Teaching
Since the pandemic, online teaching has been a common occurrence. We all had to adapt to it, including the technology we use during those lessons. Although the higher-priced boards would be the best quality for online teaching, all the boards listed above will do. However, it’s also possible to use online boards during online lessons, it’s all down to preference.
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Digital Blackboard for Teaching Price
As to pricing, the average seems to be from 30,000 to 90,000. There is a good variation within this price range, so whether you have the highest or lowest price range, you’ll still be able to get something of good quality. What’s also great is that all of these are accessible on IndiaMart, so you don’t have to scavenge to find your perfect fit. IndiaMart is a great place to discover more boards that shape your needs, so if these don’t do it for you, there is certainly one that will. Let us know how you get on with our picks and which you like the most! Be on the lookout for more ICT suggestions from us soon to change up and level up your classroom!
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buymobilenz · 2 years
Looking for the best budget tablets of 2023? We've got you covered. Our top 5 picks provide the best value for money, with great features and specs. Check out our reviews and get the perfect tablet to fit your budget and needs.
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