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acerosangrante-blog · 4 years ago
Miss Macross - grupo de Facebook
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Solo las chicas de Macross...
Proximamente https://www.facebook.com/groups/3250432718388343
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serepuff · 7 years ago
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Happy Solstice ⭐️✨ from Miss Macross herself 😉🎶💕 . . . I really had such a blast at holmat 💕 I’m totally inspired to buckle down and really focus on working on commissions and my own costumes for Katsu!! Itll be my first time going and I cant wait! I want another con like Tomorrow! . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #holidaymatsuri #lynnminmay #macross #missmacross #lynnminmei #christmascosplay #マクロス (at Holiday Matsuri)
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kev93550 · 5 years ago
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In what feels like a lifetime ago, Zoe and I created some art. So while wishing her a happy birthday, I thought I share some of our work. Happy birthday @missmacross #happybirthdaytoyou #fbf #artinthestudio #naturallightphotographer #naturallightisthebestlight (at Apex Photo Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEdNINphbIP/?igshid=w9w2biwn87n2
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saffelsphotography · 5 years ago
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Some really old work when I was still starting vs newer work these days ❤ ➡️➡️➡️ to see some growth 🤔 First image is of @missmacross , miss ya! Been too long! 2nd is of @sushimonstuh ! Fun fact, that was my first time shooting her and she LITERALLY was like, wtf dis lol. And now we're like besties! ❤🤣 3rd is of @chrisvillain and brought in these big ass amazing wings. We made them work 😉 4th is of my homie @maidofmight ❤ Her sexy Alice was amazeballs especially since we shot it in Wonderland Studios, only fitting 🙏 5th is of @jbunzie being an absolute queen! I miss all my friends and hope everyone is doing ok! ❤😭 . . . #saffelsphotography #portrait #cosplay #friends #photography #growth #improvement #practice #photoshop https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAxmcYnX83/?igshid=1dmx5n7yr4ied
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chekicardphoto · 7 years ago
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#tbt #creamymami #cosplay by @missmacross Don't think I ever posted this as it was from an instant photo shoot for a zine I did a couple of years ago.
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hotpetofclassy · 8 years ago
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Catherine Cosplay 3 by Missmacross
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
robotech battlecry gamecube
robotech battlecry gamecube
Robotech: Battlecry cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Robotech: Battlecry cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Robotech: Battlecry.
Check PlayStation 2 cheats for this game
Check Xbox cheats for this game
Genre: Shooter, Vehicle Shooter Developer: Vicious Cycle Publisher: TDK Mediactive ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: October 14, 2002
Continue As Super Veritech
If you’re having difficutly with the # of baddies in a future stage that doesn’t allow you to use the “Super Veritech” just simply play any space stage as the super Veritech and choose to continue after completeing it.
Invincibility In Story Mode
Playing the “Fighter Mode” trainning mission. After learning the controls distroy the 2 decoy veritech fighters, then quit trainning mode. Then enter any Story Mode mission and you’ll be invincible.NOTE: This stops working if you load a new game, play Vs. or go back into Trainning mode.
Wolf Leader Medal
Complete the To The Death mission. This also unlocks the VF-1R in story and versus modes and the Wolf mech colors.
Tuna Head Medal
Kill 50 Del Regults. Note: This also unlocks Queadluun-Rau in versus mode.
Titanium Medal Of Valor Medal
Complete the Knife’s Edge mission. Note: This also unlocks the VF-1J in story and versus modes.
Superior Defense Medal
Complete the Attrition mission. Note: This also unlocks the Graystone versus mode level.
Southern Cross Medal
Complete the Gold Cross medal set. Note: This also unlocks the Factory versus mode level and the Armored Valkerie in versus mode.
Silver Shield Medal
Use the VF-1A to complete the Graveyard mission. Note: This also unlocks the Graveyard versus mode level and Miriya mech colors.
Silver Cross Medal
Complete the Bronze Cross medal set and destroy 75 Battle Pods.
Robotech Marksman Medal
Kill 50 Nousjadel-Ger in Sniper Mode. Note: This also unlocks the Stealth mech colors.
R.D.F. Supernova Medal
Complete Gold Nova medal set. Note: This also unlocks the City In Space versus mode level and the Patriot mech colors.
R.D.F. Starburst Medal
Complete all Boss missions two times. Note: This also unlocks the Flood City versus mode level.
R.D.F. Flying Ace Medal
Complete the Master Airman medal set. Note: This also unlocks Debris Field versus mode level and Max mech colors.
Meritorious Service Medal
Complete the Force of Arms mission. Note: This also unlocks the Izzy mech colors.
Master Airman Medal
Destroy 100 Fighter Pods.
Jolly Roger Medal
Complete the Party Crashers mission three times. Note: This also unlocks the Skull Leader mech colors.
Gold Nova Medal
Complete the Vengeance mission three times.
Gold Cross Medal
Complete the Silver Cross medal set and destroy 100 Battle Pods.
Distinguished Service Medal
Complete the Enemy Within mission. Note: This also unlocks the Rick mech colors.
Bronze Cross Medal
Destroy 50 Battle Pods.
Cheat Mode
At the main menu, select the “New Game” option. Then, hold L + R + Z and quickly press Left, Up, Down, A, Right, B, Start to display the cheat entry screen. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Level select Enter "WEWILLWIN" as a code.Invincibility Enter "SUPERMECH" as a code.All multi-player levels Enter "MULTIMAYHEM" as a code.All paint schemes Enter "MISSMACROSS" as a code.All veritechs and medals Enter "WHERESMAX" as a code.One-hit kills with gunpods Enter "BACKSTABBER" as a code.One-hit kills in sniper mode Enter "SNIPER" as a code.Gunpods refresh quicker Enter "SPACEFOLD" as a code.Missiles refresh quicker Enter "MARSBASE" as a code.Both gunpods and missiles refresh quicker Enter "MIRIYA" as a code.Disable active cheats Enter "CLEAR" as a code.
Currently we have no unlockables for Robotech: Battlecry yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Robotech: Battlecry yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Robotech: Battlecry yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Robotech: Battlecry yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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acerosangrante-blog · 4 years ago
Nuevo grupo...
Un nicho oscuro...
Todas las chicas de Macross...
Solo las chicas de Macross...
Proximamente https://www.facebook.com/groups/3250432718388343
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chekicardphoto · 8 years ago
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All about the #animeLA hype train. Going back rescanning shots from previous #ALA 's that many you might have forgotten about. #nomoreheroes and #kyoukainokanata #cosplay #sylviachristel : @missmacross #travistouchdown : @zubatprime #miraikuriyama : @xbrinni #instaxwide #instax #polaroid #pixception #fuyukaidesu (at Anime Los Angeles)
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deleonia · 10 years ago
“Flood Red”
Feat. @missmacross
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missmacross · 12 years ago
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"Your Number One Girl" My Catherine cosplay from this last weekend at AX! Photo by Emma Rolos See more on my fan page! Http://Facebook.com/miss.macross.cosplay
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