thxnews · 1 year
Explaining the Ethics and Stemma Regulations of Japanese SNS Marketing
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  Experts Unveil the Essence of Advertising Activities
In a seminar, Mr. Masaharu Minami, Director of the Labeling Division, Consumer Affairs Agency, and Mr. Kotaro Sugiyama, CEO of Light Publicity Co., Ltd., thoroughly explained the "Stemma Regulations," implemented in October. This seminar aimed to shed light on the judgment flow, operation standards, and essence of advertising activities concerning stemmer regulations.   A Hybrid Seminar Reaching Over 300 Companies Worldwide On June 28, 2023, the free seminar "SNS/Influencer Marketing Operational Standards and Responses Shared with the Consumer Affairs Agency's Labeling Division" was held. More than 300 companies participated in the event and delved into the basics of the prize display law, the differences between foundations and discoveries, and applicable case studies to uncover the essence of advertisement and ways to avoid Stema before the October 1, 2023 regulation implementation.  
Unraveling the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations
Mr. Masaharu Minami, Director of the Labeling Division, Consumer Affairs Agency, provided insights into the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, highlighting its operating standards for stemmer regulations. The speaker shared past examples from Instagram, emphasizing the need for regulation, as conventional methods couldn't curb the act of misrepresenting advertisements (stigma).  
SNS and Influencer Marketing with Integrity
In the second part of the seminar, Liddell CEO Fukuda elaborated on the mechanisms and growing popularity of SNS and influencer marketing. Moreover, he emphasized that over 70% of consumers prefer authentic partnerships between influencers and companies, thus highlighting the need to avoid Stemma, as intentional buzz is deemed unacceptable. The key takeaway was to prioritize trust and sincerity in future SNS and influencer marketing efforts.  
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Mr. Sugiyama continued to give a severe view of the industry as a whole. Photo by Liddell.  
A Panel Discussion with Advertising Legend Kotaro Sugiyama
Part 3 featured a panel discussion with Kotaro Sugiyama, President and CEO of Light Publicity. Sugiyama delved into the misconceptions plaguing the advertising industry, stressing the essence of advertising as raising awareness rather than self-promotion. Participants found his insights invaluable for navigating the realm of advertising effectively.   Seminar Success and Positive Feedback Participants lauded the seminar for its concrete examples and practical solutions. Moreover, the session covered the gamut, addressing stemming regulations to the ideal form of advertising, providing a comprehensive understanding in just one hour. As a result, attendees found it easy to grasp the correct approach to Stema and its implications.   Liddell's Vision: Moving Hearts and Ensuring Integrity Liddell, a pioneer in SNS and influencer marketing, envisions contributing to economic revitalization by upholding the true value of fan and community marketing. Additionally, with a "Risk Management Plan" that supports safe operational systems for stemmer regulations, Liddell offers expertise in observation, analysis, formulation, and establishment.   Embracing Ethical Advertising for the Future The seminar emphasized the importance of moving people's hearts through sound and entertaining advertising while avoiding practices that make audiences uncomfortable. Furthermore, with constant updates and support for the personal economy, Liddell maintains a steadfast commitment to ethical advertising and economic growth.   Sources: THX News & Liddell. Read the full article
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