#Misha Schiller
michellesmusing · 5 months
Chapter 4 - The Dream
It was Misha’s first day of school in Biarritz, France. Her father had sent her overseas as Misha had revealed that she wanted to learn French and Nicholae thought it would be good for her to see something else than San Francisco.
She was terribly anxious as she only knew some words in French. To be honest, she couldn’t understand every words said the teacher in the classroom, but it was ok, she’d get better with it.
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She was almost on the verge of crying and had to call her father… She exploded, unable to hold back her tears, the 13 years old teenage girl sped out of the classroom in tears in front of all the other students that had no idea why Misha had burst out in tears.
“Mademoiselle Schiller, revenez dans la classe, tout de suite!”
Even though Misha wasn’t speaking French, she had understood that the teacher wanted her back in the class! The problem was writing and speaking the language that was harder for her. Misha didn’t listen to her teacher and ran to her bedroom that was located a few minutes from the school at the students dormitory.
As soon as she stepped inside her shared bedroom, Misha headed for the landline phone and dialed her father’s phone number. She didn’t care that it was the middle of the night in San Francisco, she had to hear her father’s voice and he needed to get in his Jet to reach for her and bring her back to California.
“Papa??” She called for him when he answered the phone.
“Misha? It’s late, are you ok?” She wasn’t! She was on the verge of a mental breakdown. She never thought that being separated from her father would be this hard.
“Papa, please bring me back home, I can’t!! I miss you too much!!!”
Nicholae sighed loudly as he heard Misha crying uncontrollably over the phone.
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“Misha, please calm down… Take a deep breath!! Everything will be alright!!” 
Nicholae hadn’t only sent Misha overseas so she’d learn French, but things were getting pretty intense lately with his business and especially with Martha Walraven’s arrival in his life, it was only a good thing that Misha was away from all of this… 
“Nooo!! Nooo! Please!!! I’ll be a good girl and I will study very hard, every night if you bring me back home! I can learn French In California!” That’s true, she could’ve learned French in California, but Nicholae was persuaded that it was better for Misha to be far away from all of this. At least for a year…
Nicholae chuckled when Misha mentioned that she’d be a good girl.
“I have no doubt about it! You’ll be a good girl and study very hard in France!! Misha, Papa has to go back to bed, it’s the middle of the night here! I’ll call you back at a later time.”
Misha kept on blubbering over the phone as Nicholae ended the conversation and the teenage girl couldn’t take no for an answer. She dialed once again her father’s phone number, but this time Nicholae didn’t answer. He knew what Misha was trying to do here and she wasn’t going to win..
“NOOOOOO!!” She was furious, behaving intensely as her father wasn’t answering anymore. The blonde teenage girl stood up from her bed and was almost on the verge of throwing the wired phone against the wall, but she was taken by a surprise as a teenage boy stood under her door frame.
“Hello!” He shyly smiled at her and Misha wiped the tears from her blue eyes with the back of her hand, narrowing her eyes at the boy while putting down the phone on the nightstand. She recognized him as he was in the same class as her.
“What do you want?  Go away!!” Misha was also a shy teenage girl and didn’t have many friends, even at home in San Francisco. As if she didn’t know how to act with people of her age, because she wasn’t like them at all.
“I’m David, I’m just trying to be nice. I know how it feels to miss someone. I also miss my parents, but it’s ok. After a while, we’re getting used to it, you’ll see.” David was simply trying to cheer up Misha, knowing that she was sad.
Misha kept staring at David, he wasn’t tall either and had short dark blonde hair. He did seem to come from a rich family… The way he was behaving with her. He was all polite and nice… He sounded different from the other boys around her age.
“I’m Misha Schiller, nice to meet you David…” Misha finally extended her hand to David’s and shook it. David had been nice with her, he didn’t deserve to be yelled at, even if she was angry at her father.
“It’s my second year here, so I can help you if you want with the French lessons.” David once again smiled at Misha and the teenage girl smiled at him before bursting again in tears.
“I missed my father so much!!”  David couldn’t really do a lot concerning Misha who did seem to miss her father very much.
“I’m sorry, it’s never easy the first few days… Perhaps you want to come back to the classroom, it will be better for you than staying by yourself in your bedroom.”
He was a blessing, thought Misha. He was so nice with her and she felt less lonely in his presence.
“Thank you! You’re really kind!” Misha finally dried her tears and returned to the classroom with David.”
“Bon retour Mademoiselle Schiller!” The female teacher welcomed back Misha, and thanked David who once again did wonders by helping a student on her first day of school.
“Aujourd’hui, nous allons découvrir une chanteuse très populaire en France: Mylène Farmer. Le saviez-vous qu’elle est née au Québec?” 
The teacher spoke about a female French singer named Mylène Farmer and asked the students if they knew that she was born in Quebec. It didn’t seem to interest anyone at this point and Misha tried to keep herself focused on the teacher at the front of the classroom.
“Bon, parfait, je vous mets une de ses chansons qui a été longtemps au palmarès en 1992. Écoutez la chanson et par la suite, on va voir si vous avez compris les paroles.”
The teacher turned on her iPod and plugged it to a portable speaker and pressed play. The Mylene Farmer song “Que mon coeur lâche” began to fill up the classroom and Misha’s ears became captivated by the melody she had never heard before. Her blue eyes widened and the next thing she knew, Misha’s eyes closed by themselves and allowed to daydream about her forbidden love.. She could well imagine her father coming her way, entering the school’s building to announce to her that he was here to bring her back home…
The song came to its end around 4 minutes later and Misha was disappointed. She’d have listened to the French singer for the rest of the days, but to be honest, she didn’t understand all the words coming from the song. Did it matter? Not really, the song was simply beautiful and Misha had enjoyed it.
“Alors? Une première pour vous?” The teacher had a feeling that it was indeed a discovery for the Students… Misha’s first day of school was coming to an end when David joined Misha outside of the school.
“So? Feeling better?” Misha nodded her head and merely smiled at David.
“Yeah we could say this!” Misha strolled slowly next to David before turning around and glancing at him.
“Where are you from?” Asked Misha.
“I’m from Bangor, Maine.” Misha raised an eyebrow at David and laughed.
“Never heard of the place before, but I know where the state of Maine is!” David laughed, finding Misha funny.
“Alright my turn… Where are you from?” 
“Belgorod.” Misha quickly grasped the confusion on David’s pale face.
“Uh? Where is that?” Misha chuckled, wondering if she was telling David or not.
“Ok, I will tell you! It’s in Russia…” David became mesmerized by Misha’s revelation.
“Oh, wow! I wouldn’t have known. It’s cool!! Bangor sounds so cheap next to your birthplace haha!!” Both of them kept walking together, asking questions as they were trying to get to know each other.
“Thank you for everything, I really felt lonely today. When I told my father that I wanted to learn French, I thought he was going to find a French teacher that would’ve taught me French during weekdays, but instead, he sent me over here, telling me that it would be an unforgettable experience for me…”
David displayed a compassionate smile and reassured Misha that everything would be fine. Both of them returned to their bedrooms at the dormitory as the evening was approaching. All the students had to be inside the dormitory after 6:30 PM as this was the ultimate rule to be respected.
Misha had taken her shower and was getting ready for bed, when the phone in her bedroom rang. She jumped on the phone like a dog on a bone and took the call.
“Hello???” She knew who it was on the other end of the phone…
“Hello Misha! How was your first day?” The mere tone of her father’s voice coming through the phone was enough to send her again in tears.
“Please Papa! I don’t know what I did, but I want to come back, please!!!” Nicholae shut his eyes for a moment as Misha once again begged him to bring her home.
“Misha, you’ll have to get used to it! It’s only for 5 months, I will then come back for you for the summer vacations. It will go super fast and you will beg me to let you go back to France…” 
She wanted to believe her father, but she just wanted to be with him in San Francisco and not stuck in that school. She wasn’t motivated anymore to learn French, she even hated the language to be honest.
“Nooo! Please!!! Papa!! Please!!!” As Misha grew up to become a teenage girl, she became more clingy toward Nicholae. Afraid that her father would die. She was afraid when he was traveling with his jet, she was very anxious when he was going away for a few days for his business trips. To be far away from her father was a very stressful situation for Misha and she couldn’t handle it properly. Her only natural response was to cry and beg her father like a helpless child, hoping to return home…
Her call with her father abruptly cut off for no apparent  reason and even though Misha tried to call back her father, it wasn’t ringing at all. She was desperate and her first night in her bedroom far away from her father proved to be sleepless and filled with nightmares when her eyes found a moment of peace.
3 months later, Misha was beginning to live normally with the absence of her father. It wasn't easy but it didn’t seem like she had no other choice at this point. Her father was calling her 3 times a week, and sometimes she was also facetiming him with the teacher’s smartphone. It was better than nothing, thought Misha…
One day, she was in her classroom working on a project with David and Julia, and they were allowed to listen to music on their iPod with their earbuds. Just as her eyes stared at the window, Misha perceived a man walking on the grass field outside. A tall, dark haired man with ray ban aviator sunglasses covering his eyes and a dark brown leather jacket paired with a pair of dark pants… She gasped as her eyes instantly recognized the man coming toward the school’s entrance. “Lightning Crashes by Live" was the song playing at the moment her eyes encountered her father, it couldn’t get more perfect than this.
“PAPA!!” Like a bolt of lightning, Misha stood up away from her school desk and stormed out of the classroom so fast that the teacher and the other students didn’t understand what was going on with Misha.
“Mademoiselle Schiller, le cours n’est pas terminé!!!” The teacher sighed loudly, irritated by Misha’s behavior as she ordered the teenage girl to come back to her desk as the class wasn’t yet over. You think that Misha had even heard the teacher?? She still had the song playing on her iPod and her earbuds glued to her ears. She was already running through the school hall in the direction of the main entrance. The confusion set in as Nicholae passed through the entrance and that Misha didn’t even know how to deal with her feelings anymore. 
Oh, now feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the center of the Earth again
I can feel it 
Strong emotions took hold of her and the teenage girl stood in the middle of the hall, her blue eyes set on her father, almost thinking that she was dreaming as she was standing a few feet from her father. No matter how far she had been away from him, her attraction for her father was stronger than before and even though she knew that it was wrong, that little girls weren’t supposed to be in love with their father, Misha just couldn’t help it.
“Papa??” Her father hadn’t really changed since the last time she had seen him, but as for Misha, she had grown up a tiny bit and had cut her hair into a short pixie hairstyle instead of the shoulder length haircut she had since she was 9 years old.
Nicholae flashed a large smile at his daughter, glad to see her. He thought that she even looked younger with that haircut, giving her this mischievous apperance. He chuckled heartily when she sprinted toward him and jumped in his arms.
“PAPA!!!!” Misha clung to Nicholae and loudly cried in his arms. Nicholae caressed the side of her head and hugged the top of her head. Misha took a long sniff of her father’s perfume coming from his neck… Nothing could get better as when her father was using “La Nuit De L’homme” by Yves Saint Laurent. The notes of Lavender and Musk emanating from his neck was so recomforting that Misha tried to capture this moment forever in her memory.
“I’m here baby girl! I’m here!! She reunited with her father, but Misha thought that Nicholae had come to her so she’d return with him in California, but alas her dream had been shattered into pieces as Nicholae returned home without her… It was just a little visit to see how his daughter was doing mentally and physically. The teachers had mentioned Nicholae that Misha was suffering from Separation Anxiety, none of them had guessed that it was more than this.. That’s why Nicholae had made this special trip to see Misha.
When Nicholae departed from the school, Misha became very emotionally unstable, running behind her father’s suv. She was crying and screaming, ordering him to come back. The SUV never stopped and Misha became breathless as she ran as fast as she could behind the vehicle that was speeding away from the school street.
Present time - 2021
This scene of her father leaving the school without her traumatized Misha to the point of sending her in tears in the middle of the night several weeks back in 2013… 
Even 8 years later, Misha still had this exact same scene as a recurring nightmare. As the dream ended on the same sour note, the young woman woke up sweating with “Lightning Crashes” echoing from afar in her mind. The lyrics from the song disappeared as soon as Misha sat up in her bed with a throbbing headache that reminded her that she was back to the real world…
“My god…Will it stop??” She still felt dizzy from the concussion. She kept herself still in the bed as she was in a sitting position. She softly moved her head toward the window covered by the curtains in her bedroom, and she could tell that it was probably late as the daylight had completely disappeared.
Something on her nightstand caught her attention, and she quickly recognized the item in question. It was her iPhone. Last night, Misha hadn’t brought the smartphone as her father had rushed her to the hospital.
She grabbed the smartphone in a hurry with her left arm and unlocked it, relieved as it was intact. Misha knew it was the right moment to delete Ivan from her Facebook, but it appeared that he had been faster than her as Ivan wasn’t even friends with her anymore on her Facebook.
Her short pale blonde hair was looking all messy and Misha couldn’t recall if she had taken a shower since her arrival at her father’s place. She tried to focus deeply, but she couldn’t.
It did sound like the TV in the living room was turned on, so Misha decided to get out of her bed and check to see if her dad was finally home. Alas, it was Just Sergei watching Football… She stopped in the middle of the living room and glanced at Sergei as if she was remembering something.
“Are you ok Miss Schiller?” Asked Sergei with his thick Russian accent.
“Yea, I guess we could say this!” Misha couldn’t really care about Antun, Sergei was more friendly and she liked to speak with him. She could say she was considering him like a friend as he had been working for her father since 1998… Way before her birth.
“I just had this dream… It was like the exact scenes of my first day of school in France, 8 years ago. Worst day of my life! I didn’t understand a word of what the teacher was saying and I was so anxious…” Sergei tapped the couch, inviting Misha to take place next to him. Of course Misha didn’t elaborate on why she was so anxious that day… Even though she considered Sergei like her confidant, she couldn’t reveal her secret.
“You were missing your father uh?” She gulped when Sergei pinpointed what made her so anxious during her stay in France. 
Misha crossed her legs on the couch while taking place to Sergei. When he mentioned the obvious, she glanced at him, not really sure what to answer to this.
“Of course I was. I was just 13 years old and knew nobody over there. I remember that right in the middle of the class, I stormed out of the classroom in tears and went to call Nicholae. But it was the middle of the night here and Papa wanted to return to bed, so he spoke with me for like 2 minutes, trying to reassure me and then he hung up. I was furious and tried to call him back, but he wouldn’t pick up… I was so mad that I took the phone in my hand and I was about to throw it against the wall, when all of sudden a boy named David entered my bedroom and smiled at me. He was an angel in disguise, without him I think I wouldn’t have made it through the entire year.”
Sergei chuckled at Misha’s story.
“Ohh, you were in love with him?” Asked Sergei. Misha couldn’t help bursting into laughter at the big man’s observation.
“No! David was gay and it was plastered all over his face and plus he was my age…He had been my savior, that’s all I’m saying… What about you Sergei, how come a chunky teddy bear like you doesn't have a girlfriend?” Misha had grown up with Sergei, so she knew him enough to tease him like this. Of course she had never been attracted to him, far from it… Sergei wasn’t her type, he was just her father’s right hand man and she knew she could trust him.
“Oh Women, complicated you know…” Yea, she knew this. 
“You’re right, we’re complicated and fucked up!” Sighed Misha as she leaned deeply in the leather couch, thoughtful and troubled at the same time.
“Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts?” Sergei retrieved the remote to turn down the volume from the TV screen as Misha questioned him about love.
“Hmm, probably, but it’s been a long time ago. You still love Ivan?” Misha snorted at Sergei when he brought up Ivan into the conversation.
“Nah, Ivan… Never loved him… We could say I used him for my own cause! He wanted to go to Las Vegas for a job, and I thought it would be a great idea to move there as well…” Sergei looked perplexed as Misha revealed that she never did love Ivan, which didn’t make sense, why had she moved with him then?
“Why!? Las Vegas is not a good place for a young woman like you! Nicholae wasn’t happy!!” Oh, she knew this, she didn’t need to be reminded that her father was pissed when she ran away with Ivan a year ago in Sin City. They didn’t stay for long in Las Vegas, and returned to California a few months later.
“I thought that by being with Ivan, that I would fall in love with him and be happy…” Sergei shook his head at Misha
“You can’t force love! Why did you want to be in love with him? I don’t understand!” As if Misha had to be told that love was a natural feeling… She already knew this.
Misha bit her lower lip before looking at Sergei straight in his dark brown eyes.
“If I tell you Sergei, you’ll have to keep this for yourself, you can’t tell this to anyone. I swear!”
The bald man chuckled nervously as Misha wanted to share a secret with him. To say that he was ill at ease was an understatement.
“Not even your father?” She narrowed her eyes at him when Sergei responded back
“NOO Idiot! You can’t tell any of what I’m about to tell you to my father!!!” as Misha was about to reveal her confession to Sergei, noises coming from the front entrance caught their attention. It was Nicholae coming back to his apartment and Misha shook her head in annoyance.
“I’ll tell you later…” She almost got herself caught like a damn novice, and Sergei was left in confusion, wondering what Misha so badly wanted to reveal to him. Her head was still intensely throbbing and she needed to take tylenols. As Nicholae spotted her from the main entrance, he greeted Misha and the young woman dryly responded back to him… As if she had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. She strolled toward her bedroom and reached for her bathroom. She gulped down 2 pills to make that headache history, hoping it would go away.
“Looks like someone is in a bad mood here!!” Nicholae joked about Misha’s behavior and Sergei shrugged his shoulders.
“She’s not ok… She just woke up and had nightmares I think.” Sergei was somehow sounding nervous, not really at ease with the fact that Misha wanted to share with him a secret that he couldn’t tell her father.
“No worries Sergei, I’ll check on her!” Nicholae put down his dark trench coat on the leather couch and reached for Misha who was in her bathroom, standing in front of the sink.
“How are you doing?” He asked her as he leaned against the doorframe. Misha pushed her tongue against the inside of her cheek before staring at her father.
“It could be better… Headache won’t go away and I’m still feeling dizzy.” Nicholae noticed her messy hair and it did seem like a shower would do her some good, perhaps a bath would be a better option since she felt light-headed. He had bought her a waterproof arm cover for her cast, so she’d be able to wash herself without the fear of getting her cast wet.
“Haven’t you eaten a bit?” She shook her head at her father’s question.
“Nope, I’m afraid to throw up again.” She sighed and Nicholae could tell she was tired of feeling that way.
“You will have to eat Misha and I got you something. You’ll be able to take your shower even with your cast.” He flashed her a smile and Misha couldn’t resist her father’s smile, it was so contagious though the young woman.
“Thank you!”
“How about you take a bath and I will order something to eat, alright?” Misha nodded and walked to her father who was still standing tall under the door frame separating her bedroom from the bathroom.
“Now, it’s a new life for you. You’ll take the time to heal from all of this and I will give you a job. I got something that could interest you…” Misha hadn’t asked her father what he had done today, she didn’t know if he had found Ivan and quite frankly, she couldn’t care at this point. The less she knew, the better it was…
She nodded at him and Nicholae walked out of her bedroom as Misha wanted to take her bath and changed into clean pajamas for the night… As Nicholae returned to Sergei and Antun, the young woman shut her bedroom door and shut her eyes for a moment. She would never get rid of this infatuation she had toward her father…
She could only imagine how Nicholae would react if he would get to know this. Perhaps, it was better to keep this for herself. Revealing that confession to Sergei was a bad idea, thought Misha… There was only one person in this whole world who knew about her unforbidden love for her father and it was David… Misha trusted him enough and knew David would never tell anyone about it...
She grabbed her iPhone and opened her playlist spotify only to listen to "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. trying to forget that it was a forbidden love.
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karamazovanon · 10 months
Do you have any thoughts about Alyosha's momentary crisis of faith? Because I understood why he had one, but not so much why he was immediately ready to drink and go see Grushenka. Interested to see if you've any opinions on the matter, either regarding Grushenka or just in general.
OOOOOO this is an interesting question and my answer is going to get kinda long, warning you now LOL
i think alcohol & drinking in general is often a big part of "the karamazovian nature"—fyodor pavlovich and mitya are open alcoholics & hedonists, and ivan's heavily implied to be an alcoholic as well by his delirium tremens at the end—and more generally as one of the wordly temptations that human nature as a whole is susceptible to (tangent, but this is also really interesting when you keep in mind ivan's cup analogy!! drinking & cups are tied to living & life so often; mitya chooses to "fill" his cup/life with alcohol, ivan drinks in secret until he throws the cup/life to the ground at 30 in rebellion, and alyosha instead chooses to fill his cup/life with god. one of the schiller verses mitya quotes in the ardent confession chapter even says "To the soul of God’s creation / Joy eternal brings her draught, / In strong secret fermentation / Flames the cup of life aloft")
and the common denominator is that they don't believe enough to overcome the natural urge to indulge. mitya does believe, but he can't stop himself and reproaches himself for it; ivan doesn't believe despite wanting to and that contributes too imo. but alyosha doesn't drink and is an ascetic for the most part bc everything for him is based off of his unwavering faith—and so when his entire worldview and moral system is shaken by both ivan and father zosima, he questions EVERYTHING and begins feeling detached from reality when it doesn't match up. without his bulletproof faith intact, he no longer has the external ruleset to dictate his behavior, and the karamazovian desire to ease pain with alcohol wins for a moment without being able to trust his prior moral compass
(on rereading for this post, i don't have a formulated thought on it but it's interesting that he agrees to rakitin's initial offer of vodka even though they end up having champagne instead—there's probably some connection there between vodka and worldly/russian baseness vs champagne, which while not communion wine is still wine LMAO)
this quote from the onion chapter is what stands out the most to me, bold mine:
"Alyosha cried out with a wail in his voice. ‘I speak to you not as a judge, but as the least of the judged. What am I before her? I came here in order to be destroyed, saying: “Go on, go on!” – and that was because of my cowardice, while she, after five years of suffering, no sooner did someone come and say a sincere word to her, forgave everything, forgot everything and cried! The assailant of her honour has returned, is summoning her, and yet she forgives him everything and hurries to him in joy and she will not take the knife, she will not take it! Oh, I am not like that! I do not know whether you are like that, Misha, but I am not like that! Today, the moment I received this lesson, I … She loves in a way that is loftier than yours or mine … Have you heard her say this earlier, what she said just now? No, you have not; if you had, you would have understood everything long ago … And let the other woman, whom she offended the other day, let her, too, forgive her! And she will forgive her, if she learns of this … and she shall learn of it … This soul has not yet been reconciled, we must spare it … This soul may contain a treasure …" (tr. mcduff)
when he loses his infallible external/divine guidance, he has to turn inward/to the world around him instead, where he finds guilt and the human urge to self-destroy (as well as the influence of rakitin & his schadenfreude) and as a karamazov, it naturally comes first in the form of alcohol (women, too, but alyosha never really shows any desire on that front) when he sees grushenka's kindness and forgiveness, he snaps out of it and his faith is reinforced (while he believes he's a sinner and unworthy, he sees in her christlike forgiveness and is reminded that although he has these karamazovian urges, giving in to them entirely isn't the answer etc etc im not a theologian and have been writing too long anyway)
this has been such a long ramble with so little structure but this is SUCH an interesting plot point, thank you for asking my thoughts on it!! :D
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Kabale und Liebe der anderen Art 3
J geht in seinem Gemach ungeduldig auf und ab. Er wartet auf seine Dienerin Luise(DL). Die Tür wird knarrend geöffnet und Luise tritt ein:
J:“Endlich, da ist sie, die mich so lange warten ließ, erzähl, wo hat Vater ihn hin gebracht? Wie geht es ihm? Ist er noch am Leben? Oh, verdamm‘ mich, was ist nur los mit mir?“
DL:“Immer ruhig, es geht dem Gefangenen gut. Er ist am Leben. Ihr Vater hat ihn in den Turm gesperrt.“
J:“Wer bewacht ihn?“
DL:“Nur der alte Stan...“
J:“Oh Luise, wie lange kennen wir uns schon? Du warst immer für mich da, nun bitte ich dich, hilf mir!“
DL:“Ich verstehe nicht ganz was Er meinen?“
J:“Wir müssen ihn befreien! Er hat dieses Urteil nicht verdient. Aber wie wollen wir es anstellen, dass Vater nichts bemerkt?“
DL-nach langem Schweigen:“Sagt, sah Ihr Vater den Gefangenen lange?“
J:Nein, es waren nicht mehr als 2 Minuten. Warum fragst du?“
DL:“Dann habe ich eine Idee.“
Nach kurzer Zeit, in der Luise nichts mehr sagte, fährt J auf:
J:“Wirst du denn wohl sprechen?“
DL-erschrocken-:“Verzeiht, ich war in Gedanken. Wie fändet Ihr es, wenn wir den Gefangenen austauschen, gegen jemanden der ihm gleicht?“
J überlegt kurz schweigend.“Ja, so machen wir es! Was würde ich nur ohne dich tun?“
Sofort machen sich Luise und Jensen auf den Weg zum Turm, in dem die persönlichen Gefangenen des Präsidenten untergebracht sind:
J leise:“Wo lang?“
DL:“Nur noch nach da vorne und dann rechts, dann sind wir schon da.“
J:“Wird ja auch Zeit...“
Die Beiden schleichen durch die Gänge und J fühlt sich sehr kribbelig. Er kann es kaum erwarten den fremden Mann wieder zu sehen. Irgendwie übte dieser eine bisher ungekannte Anziehung auf J aus.
DL:“Hier vorne ist es, wir sind da.“
J-leise flüsternd-:“ Misha? Hörst du mich?“
M antwortet schwach:“Ja, wer bist du?“
J tritt hinter der Mauer hervor, Luise holt die Schlüssel, die sie vorher von Stan bekommen hatte hervor und schließt die Zelle auf. Heraus tritt ein grimmig schauender Misha. Seine dunklen Haare sind zerzaust und er hat einige Schrammen:
M:“Behandelt ihr Gäste immer so?“
J:“Nein, es tut mir furchtbar Leid. Mein Vater ist manchmal sehr impulsiv. Er nimmt dir den Vorfall mit den Tomaten ziemlich krumm. Komm mit mir und sei mein Diener.“
M-trotzig-:“Das werde ich ganz bestimmt nicht machen!“
DL:“Herr Misha, Sie sollten sich das wirklich gut überlegen. Mein Herr ist sehr umgänglich im Gegensatz zu seinem Vater! Dieser wird sie nur auspeitschen, sie verstümmeln und dann im Dreck liegen lassen.“
M:“Zu mindestens wäre ich frei!“
J-holt tief Luft-:“Misha, bitte. Du wirst nur 2 Jahre in meinem Dienst stehen und danach bist du wieder ein freier Mann.Wir haben nicht viel Zeit, Stan hat gesagt, er wird für 10 Minuten ein Schläfchen halten, wenn wir dann nicht hier weg sind gibt es gewaltigen Ärger. Dann ist Auspeitschen noch das Geringste!“
M schaut J kurz in die Augen, nickt dann. J lächelt und gemeinsam gehen sie zu J‘s Gemächern. Dort setzt sich M auf das große Bett und ist innerhalb ein paar Minuten eingeschlafen:
DL:“Warum habt Ihr ihn gerettet?“
J:“Weil ich den Gedanken nicht ertragen kann, dass ein Unschuldiger verurteilt wird.“
DL:“Ich dachte er hätte Sie mit Tomaten abgeworfen?“
J:“So war es auch...“
DL-leise-:“Dann ist er doch nicht unschuldig?“
J will gerade zornig antworten, da fliegt die Tür auf. V tritt ein, erschrocken drehen J und DL sich um. M liegt immer noch schlafend auf dem Bett:
V:“Guten Tag, mein Sohn...sag wer liegt dort auf deinem Bett?“
J-sieht nervös zu DL und M-:“Ähm, dass...“
DL:“Ist der neue Diener meines Herren.“
V:“Niemand hat dir erlaubt zu sprechen Weib, noch einmal und es wird nicht gut für dich enden.Ich fragte meinen Sohn, also?“
J:“Sie hat Recht, dass ist mein neuer Diener. Ich erwarb ihn auf dem Markt vorgestern.“
V:“So, so, warum liegt dein Diener auf deinem Bett?“
J:“Der Transport war für ihn sehr anstrengend gewesen und ich will ihn nicht beschädigen, war er mir doch teuer.“
V:“Will ihn denn niemand aufwecken?“
J tritt zu M, weckt ihn sanft:
J:“Steh auf, mein Diener...“
M:“Dein was?“,-erblickt V-:“Oh, ja stimmt. Verzeiht...Herr.“
J unterdrückt ein Lächeln, stellt sich wieder neben Luise:
V:“Er sieht prächtig aus, zwar etwas abgekämpft, aber das legt sich bestimmt wieder.“
Nach einiger Zeit, in der der Präsident den Ablauf der Hochzeit erklärt hat, verabschiedet er sich und geht wieder. Auch Luise geht und M und J bleiben allein zurück:
M:“Wie kannst du das nur aushalten?“
J:“Was meinst du?“
M:“Was wohl? Dieses ganze aufgesetzte Verhalten, diese Gefangenschaft.“
J:“Ich bin nicht gefangen!“
M:“Ach ja, warum bist du dann immer noch hier. Warum heiratest du dann eine Frau, die du nicht liebst?“
J:“Schweig, das geht dich nichts an!“
M:“Natürlich, ich bin jetzt schließlich dein Diener und kümmere mich um dein Wohl. Es sieht doch jeder Blinder, dass es dir hier nicht gut geht.“
J-seufzt,setzt sich auf das Bett-:“Vielleicht hast du Recht. Mein großer Traum ist es frei zu sein, in einer Welt zu leben, in der die Menschen ihr eigenes Leben leben können, ohne Zwänge. In der sie nicht nach Stand oder Geschlecht sortiert werden. Warum kann nicht jeder leben, wie er will?“
M:“Wenn das dein lieber Vater hören würde, sein adliger Sohn, der solch ein Geschwätz im Kopf hat...tststs.“
J:“Also findest du die Idee nicht gut?“
M:“Doch, natürlich. Das ist meine Lebensphilosophie.“
J:“Wenn DAS mein Vater hören würde! Ein Bürger, der über das Leben philosophiert.“
Beide lassen sich zurück fallen und starren an die Decke:
M:“Wenn die Welt nur so einfach wäre, dann würden wir jetzt nicht hier liegen.“
J:“Das ich mit dir reden kann und du mich nicht verachtest.“
M:“Wie ich das sehe, hast du grade ziemlich viel für mich riskiert um mich zu retten. Einen einfachen Bürger. Verrückt!“
J-leise zu sich selbst murmelnd-:“Wem sagst du das?“
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michellesmusing · 5 months
I'm not yet done with Chapter 6 from "A Cry in the Night" We're going through a flashback to when Misha was 9 years old and that she was trying to get her father's attention, no matter what... She's a bit of a brat and prank other people and students, which of course bring her nothing but troubles... But, as long as she has her father's attention, the rest is really not important to her ;)
Nicholae Schiller is a 36 years old man as the storyline takes place in 2009..
Chapter 6 - Little Misha (Part One)
There was a time when Miss Schiller was no taller than 4 '4”, still wetting the bed at night and especially very good with getting all the attention she could from Papa Schiller. 
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That very day she had been sent to the office of the school principal, because for some odd reason, 9 years old Misha Schiller had put tabasco in the Sandwich of Kent Callaway, a boy of the same age that was in her class.
Alas for Misha, the ways she was undertaking to get her father’s attention weren't good at all, which simply infuriated Nicholae and got her punished for her acts. 
She sat still on a chair, her feet not even touching the ground as Misha wasn’t a tall child. She knew her father was on his way to school as the principal Geiger had called him an hour ago. She could feel that big ball of stress growing in her belly, aware that Nicholae, her father, wasn't going to be happy at all with her prank.
Her main teacher finally joined the principal office and Nicholae finally showed up at the principal office. She bit her upper lip when her father stepped in the office… She could tell that he wasn’t beaming with joy to be in that very office with the principal and her teacher. As for Kent Callaway, he had been sent home for the afternoon as the boy choked himself pretty wildly with the spicy red sauce.
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“Uh oh!” She muttered under her breath when her father’s emerald eyes glanced down at her. His stern expression displayed on his face was enough for Misha to understand that she had fucked up good again.
“Oh yes, Uh oh! You’re damn right Misha Schiller! What did she do again???” Nicholae had his large strong hands placed on his hips, questioning her teacher and the principal while glancing back and forth at his daughter and the teacher.
“She poisoned the sandwich of a student with Tabasco!!!” The teacher revealed Misha’s action and the young girl crossed her arms over her chest, sulking as she had been accused of poisoning the sandwich of Kent Callaway.
“He deserved it! He said that I was ugly like my father!!” The teacher could tell Nicholae was on the verge of losing patience with Misha.
“It’s not a reason to do this Miss Schiller, you could’ve killed this boy…” Misha rolled her eyes when the teacher explained that she could’ve killed this boy.
Nicholae quickly caught her bratty attitude and he wasn’t pleased at all with Misha’s behavior.
“We won’t have the choice but to exclude Miss Schiller from school for the rest of the week, for bad behavior. We don’t tolerate this kind of attitude and acts in here Mr. Schiller. It’s not the first time that your daughter is pranking other students of that sort…”
To say that Nicholae was embarrassed was an understatement! Not only Misha was behaving badly, but she was grumbling in front of the teacher and principal.
“I understand!” Nicholae complied, aware that Misha deserved to be excluded from school.
“It’s not fair!!!” Once again, Misha didn’t hesitate at voicing her displeasure and Nicholae quickly told Misha off.
“ENOUGH MISHA SCHILLER!!” Even the teacher had been startled by Nicholae’s deep and menacing voice. As for Misha, she almost pissed her pants as Nicholae raised his tone of voice. She knew she had crossed his limits and decided to finally shut her mouth.
Once the teacher and principal were done with Nicholae and Misha, both of them left the school. Nicholae headed to the SUV with his daughter and opened the rear right door, so she’d take place on the back seat, on her pink booster seat. She sulked again as Nicholae lifted her and put her down on her booster seat, before fastening her seatbelt.
“I hate this seat! It’s for Babies!!!!” She cried out to Nicholae. She was afraid that other kids from her school would see her taking place on the child booster seat.
“Yes! It’s for babies like you!!!” Nicholae buckled up her seat belt and took place on the driver's seat, quite furious with Misha’s behavior. Misha stuck her tongue out at Nicholae as this last one was starting the engine of the vehicle, ignoring that Misha was grimacing at him.
“You’re grounded for the week! No TV, No Video games and No Popcorn, and certainly no cake for you!!” The blonde haired child became very upset when Papa Schiller announced the obvious. It was Nicholae’s 37th birthday this week end, and Misha had expected to get a piece of cake as Nicholae would celebrate his birthday at the restaurant with friends, and that under normal circumstances, Misha would’ve gotten a piece of cake, but not this week end.
“Noo, it’s not fair. This boy was mean to me!!” Once again, Misha tried to prove that Kent was the bad guy in the whole story, but Nicholae had heard enough. He understood that he had called her ugly, but pranking this boy’s Sandwich with Tabasco wasn’t something to do.
She crossed her arms over her chest and began to cry while she was sitting on her booster seat. Nicholae couldn’t care less that Misha was upset and in tears, she was still grounded for the rest of the week and the weekend ahead. 
“Oh, you can cry all the tears from your soul, I’m not going to change my mind! As soon as we’re getting home, you’re going to take your bath and go to bed!!!!” There was a little detail that Papa Schiller had forgotten to mention to Misha though.
She moaned, annoyed by her father scolding her. She sulked during the whole ride from school to home and when they finally made it into the driveway, Nicholae parked the SUV and went to Misha who was sitting in the backseat. He released her from the seatbelt and put her down on the ground before shutting the rear passenger door.
“Come on, we’re going inside!!” He waved in the direction of the house’s main entrance and the 9 years old child followed her father, really not happy with how her afternoon was going.
Once they got inside the house, Misha took off her sneakers and tossed them randomly in the entrance hall, showing her anger to Nicholae.
“Hey, hey!! Come on, pick them up and place them on the mat.” Schiller pointed to the sneakers that had been thrown by Misha and the young girl defied her father by standing still in the hall, refusing to pick up her sneakers.
“Do it yourself!!” It was the first time that Misha was snapping back at him like this and it didn’t take long that Nicholae clenched his teeth and seized her upper arm.
“OUch!!! You’re hurting me!!” She cried out in pain and Nicholae was getting tired of her bratty behavior.
“THAT’S ENOUGH NOW!!!” He jolted her in his arms like a mere puppet and went upstairs to the bathroom with her, where she would take her bath and change into her pajamas for the remainder of the evening.
“Please papa!! I love you!!” Misha really thought that she was going to soften Nicholae with her small embrace, but the 36 years old man knew better than this. He remained stoic, indifferent to her small arms wrapped around his neck.
When Nicholae stepped in the bathroom, he put down Misha on the floor and turned on the water to fill the bathtub. Misha wiped her tears with her small hands when she realized that her father was really angry with her.
“You stay here!!” He seriously warned her to stay still in the bathroom while he would go into her bedroom to get clean pajamas and her big girl underwear.
When Misha spotted her father coming back in the bathroom with her blue pajamas and a Goodnites Diaper in his left hand, her heart almost skipped a beat.
“NOO! I’m not going to wear this! I won’t wet the bed anymore!!!” The horror, she thought. Her face had turned into a deep reddish crimson tint. Nicholae couldn’t care less that she didn’t want to wear the nappy under her pajamas, he was tired of changing wet sheets. He had gotten rid of the mattress and bought a new one, it was quite obvious that he wasn’t going to change her mattress every week.
“Oh yes, you’re going to wear this for sleeping!! Now, you’re going to take your bath! When you're done, you better have this diaper under your pajamas, or else you won’t believe it!!!” He put down the pajamas with the nappy on top of the counter, and went to turn off the faucets as the bath had been filled enough. Misha wasn’t tall and the bath was quite deep…
“Come on, take off your clothes and get in the tub! I’ll be in my computer room while you take your bath.” She did as Nicholae asked her and took off her clothes once Nicholae was gone in the other room next to the bathroom. She knew that Nicholae wasn’t going to change his mind, she had disappointed him and she was grounded for the week.
As he worked on his computer, he could hear Misha washing herself in the bathroom while lamenting.
“I’m sorry Papa! I’ll be a good girl!” She said from afar, while sitting in the tub. Nicholae closed his eyes for a moment not in the mood for Misha’s pathetic excuses.
“You wash yourself and once you’re done, you put on the diaper and your pajamas. Straight to bed!!” He repeated from his computer room… 
10 minutes later, Misha showed under the doorframe of his computer room and Nicholae glanced at her.
“Are you proud of what you did?” The child looked elsewhere, avoiding any direct eye contact with her father.
“Look at me when I’m speaking to you Misha!!” He ordered her to look at him and Misha bit the inside of her lower lip to keep herself from crying. She shook her head, not really proud of herself.
“No…” She whispered while fidgeting with her fingers. She was ashamed of standing still in front of her father, while being diapered like a baby. Nicholae couldn’t care less that she was wearing a diaper, he’d prefer this than changing her wet sheets in the middle of the night.
“Now, you go to bed! I’ve seen enough!” Having no other choices, Misha nonchalantly walked to her bedroom and went straight to her bed. It didn’t take long for the waterworks to restart as Misha was crying in her bed, which made it harder for Nicholae to work on his computer. He knew what she was trying to do…
“ENOUGH MISHA!!” He snapped back at her, even threatening to close her door if she wasn’t stopping from crying. Misha couldn’t sleep with the bedroom door closed and Nicholae knew how to calm her down. When she kept on crying louder, Nicholae stood from his computer chair and stormed into her bedroom.
“You go to sleep now!! I won’t repeat it again!! Did I make myself clear!??” He pointed his index finger in her direction and the child slid herself under her blanket, frightened by her father’s stern reaction.
“That’s what I thought!!” Nicholae left her bedroom and returned to his computer…
Lil Misha wanted to see how far she could push Nicholae...
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As you guessed, Misha is quite something... She's of course dying for her father's attention and will do everything she can to get his attention... What's next? Hmm, I know someone that will spend the night on the toilet bowl haha!
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michellesmusing · 5 months
Chapter 6 - Little Misha (Part 2)
It was almost 10 pm and Miss Schiller had really no intention of falling asleep in her bed. She was hungry and thirsty and she knew Nicholae was still angry at her for putting an Extra Spicy in Kent’s tasteless sandwich. She cautiously stepped out of her bedroom, being as silent as possible as to not catch Nicholae’s attention, walking on tip toe. The staircase leading down to the hall had a view of the living room and Misha could see Nicholae sitting on the couch.
He was probably watching a movie and his eyes were all fixed on the flat screen. All of this was exciting, thought Misha as she carefully walked downstairs to the hall. Once her feet had touched the first floor of the house, Misha ran as silent as possible to the kitchen to grab some snacks and a fruit juice… She felt for a moment like Tom Cruise’s Character from the Mission Impossible movies, thinking that she was unreachable, that Nicholae would never notice that she wasn’t in her bed anymore
How wrong she was…
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“Looking for Something Misha??” Her father's firm tone of voice startled her, she even gasped and Misha quickly closed the door fridge, still holding that box of fruit juice in her hand.
“I’m thirsty and Hungry!” She complained to Nicholae. The 36 year old man was still furious at her for what she did and if she thought she was going to get everything she wanted, she was wrong! She was a spoiled child and Nicholae knew it. Even Nicholae’s father had mentioned that Misha needed a good slap on her butt!! 
“Nope, no fruit juice for you! No wonder you wake up wet at night!!” Nicholae seized from her delicate hands the juice box and put it back in the fridge. Instead, she’d have the right to drink a small glass of water, and that’s all. No snacks either!
Misha thought he wouldn’t notice that she had traded the Goodnites disposable underwear for her normal underwear, but it was obvious as her bottom wasn’t as padded as when wearing the diaper and Nicholae quickly saw her stubbornness concerning the pull up pants.
“I said to wear the diaper to bed!! I don’t want you to wet another mattress! I’m tired of waking in the middle of the night and washing your sheets!!” Misha who thought she knew better, obstinate with her father, lying to him.
“I’m wearing it! It’s for babies!!!! I look ridiculous with that!!” Having heard and seen enough, Nicholae snatched her hand and dragged Misha alongside him. It didn’t take long that Misha cried out as she became aware that daddy wasn’t in the mood to play at all. She could tell that it was the first time that she was seeing Nicholae as enraged as this.
“ENOUGH!!! You’re going back to bed and I’m gonna make sure that you wear this damn diaper!!” He brought Misha to her bedroom and rummaged through her drawer for another diaper.
Misha crossed her arms with her lips all curled downward. She had never expected her father to become this angry and she was quite surprised when Nicholae kneeled down to her height and strongly pulled down her pajama pants with just one hand. How Shameful it felt to be butt naked in front of him… As if it was the first time that Nicholae was seeing her butt… He couldn’t care less at this point.
Having no choice, Misha cooperated while crying.
“Oh, you can cry all the tears from your body, I’m the one in charge here, young lady!!!!” He sternly warned her while pulling up the diaper with his two hands. He then put back her pajama pants and pointed at her bed.
“You’re going to bed! I don’t want you downstairs again, or else you’ll be grounded for the whole month! Is that understood, Misha???” 
She nodded her head while in tears and Nicholae departed her bedroom when he saw that she would obey him.
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michellesmusing · 5 months
His kids? Now that's something I wasn't expecting! Papa Schiller has kids, well maybe my fanfic is canon after all haha! The question is, are they as batshit crazy as Misha? HHAHAH! Poor lil Misha, she's just misunderstood ahha!
For those wondering who's Misha, she's a female character I made up for my Red Widow Fanfic. She's actually Schiller's only child, she's 21 and she's infatuated with her father (Daddy K!nk? haha) Of course she never told her father about her forbidden love for him, afraid that he might be pissed off! She knows it's wrong, but she can't help it... I mean with a face like this? I would be too... No worries, I don't intend to write any sex scene as Nicholae loves his daughter like a father should...
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Nicholae brings Misha to his place after being assaulted by Gabriel Walraven and Andrei Petrov and allows Misha to heal in peace. alas for her, her love for her father only grows stronger... In the meantime, Nicholae has to deal with Martha once again as this last one knows that her son and her father assaulted Misha...
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Kabale und Liebe der anderen Art 5
J reitet stürmisch zu  Lady Mildford und wird direkt empfangen:
L:“Was ist passiert?“
J läuft auf sie zu, fällt vor sie auf die Knie:
J:“Oh Lady, wie ich sie liebe. Sie sind meine Sonne in all der Dunkelheit! Sie sind die Königin aller Schönheit, die ich je sah. Wenn ich bei Ihnen bin, schwindet meine Vernunft, mit nur einem Blick! Nie werde ich die Schuld ablegen können. Es trifft mich zu tiefst Sie verletzt zu haben. Sie sind mein Ein und Alles. Für uns Beide gibt es eine Welt-mit Tränen überströmten Gesicht-,hörst du!? Ich liebe dich! Gott möge mich verdammen, in die tiefste Hölle schicken, es ist mir egal, solange du da bist!“
L:“Ihr redet nicht von mir!“-weicht zurück:“Oh Teufel, was ist nur geschehen, dass der einst so starke junge Mann zu so einem Elend geworden ist?“
J:“Was sagt Ihr? Ich liebe euch, seht ihr es nicht? All der Schmerz und das Leid, für Euch!Was musste ich nicht opfern, um Euch zu heiraten?Durch welche Qualen ging ich? Alles nur für Euch! Wie dankt Ihr es mir? Mit Anschuldigungen. Meine Liebe zu Euch ist unermesslich!“
L:“Er ist wahnsinnig geworden!“
J:“Ja, wohl wahr. Als ich davon hörte, dass Ihr die Hochzeit absagt, passierte etwas furchtbares! Mein Herz brach.“
L:“Ich schickte Euch Briefe, doch nie bekam ich eine Antwort...“
J:“Mein...Diener...-kämpft erneut mit den Tränen- ...hatte mir die Briefe vorenthalten. Verzeiht mir, gebt meinem blutenden Herz noch eine Chance!“
L:“Das werde ich...“
J-hoffnungsvoll-:“Wirklich? Wie könnte ich nur je...“
L:“Deshalb werde ich Nein sagen, egal was Sie versuchen. Ich werde dabei bleiben.“
J:“Aber...aber warum?“
L:“Sie lieben, das kann jeder erkennen. Das Flackern in Ihren Augen ist mächtig. Passen Sie auf das es Sie nicht von Innen heraus verbrennt. Sie lieben definitiv nicht mich. Ihr Herz gehört jemand anderem.“
J-springt auf-:“Sehen Sie nicht, was Sie zerstören? Fühlen sie sich jetzt besser?-zum Himmel schreiend-:“Ist es das was du willst? Bist auch du jetzt zufrieden?“
                                                                      Ein dunkler Saal im Anwesen der Ackles. Präsident Ackles kam nach seinem Streit mit seinem Sohn hinein gerannt. Nun sitzt er schweigsam auf seinem Thron. Der Kammerdiener (KD) tritt hinzu:
KD:“Was liegt meinem Herr auf der Seele? Was bedrückt Euer Gemüt?“
V:“Mein Sohn hat mich betrogen, er hat das Band zwischen Vater und Sohn gesprengt. Alles für einen Diener. Was findet er nur an ihm?“
KD:“Welcher Diener?“
V:“Erinnerst du dich noch an den Vorfall mit dem Mann der mit Tomaten um sich warf?“
KD:“Ja, ich erinnere mich...Sie meinen doch nicht etwa, dass ihr Sohn…?“
V:“Doch, genau das hat er getan, er hat diesen Mann befreit und bei sich aufgenommen. Gemeinsam saßen sie auf Jensens Bett und haben herzhaft gelacht als ich herein kam...“
KD:“Sie sind anscheinend gute Freunde geworden...“
V:“Ich denke da steckt mehr dahinter. Wir müssen diesen-zischend-Misha los werden!“
KD:Wenn es stimmt was Sie sagen, dann hätte ich eine Idee.“
KD:“Wie wäre es, wenn wir den Hofmarshall anheuern? Der ist doch sowieso ein bisschen anders gepolt, wenn Sie verstehen.“
V:“Ja, das ist offensichtlich. Holen Sie bitte den Hofmarshall von  Kalb. Ich werde mich mit ihm unterhalten.“
Der Kammerdiener eilt los um den Hofmarshall(H) zu holen. Bald darauf kommt er erfolgreich zurück:
KD:“Wie Ihr wünschtet, der Hofmarshall!“
H:“Ach, geehrter Präsident...wartet seit Ihr sicher?“
V:“Mit was?“
H:“Mit Eurer Kleiderwahl. Ich würde Euch etwas helleres empfehlen. Das Schwarz lässt Sie so blass wirken...Aber ich kenne das Problem, manchmal fühlt man sich einfach nach dunkleren Tönen, dann schaut man in den Spiegel und stellt fest, dass man zu blass wirkt. Ich habe aber eine perfekte Lösung dafür gefunden...“
V-donnert-:“Dafür ist nun wirklich keine Zeit!“
H:“Verzeiht, warum habt Ihr mich rufen lassen?“
V:“Ich habe ein Problem und du kannst dafür die Lösung sein. Mein Sohn hat sich anscheinend in einen Mann verliebt und...“
H:“Aber das ist ja super! Wo ist denn da das Problem? Ach, ich verstehe, wegen dem Volk. Das ist einfach zu regeln, wenn Sie wollen...“
V:“Es geht mir darum, dass deshalb die Hochzeit mit der Lady abgesagt wurde.“
H:“Hmmm, ich denke ich werde das hinbekommen. Ich werde mich ein bisschen an diesen Mann heran pirschen...“
V:“Sie verstehen mich falsch, ich will dass Sie meinem Sohn das Herz brechen. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass er Sie und diesen Mann eindeutig sieht. Ich will kein Risiko eingehen und beeilen Sie sich!“
H:“Ich werde mein Bestes geben, wie heißt denn der glückliche  Mann?“
V:“Misha Collins...“
0 notes
Kabale und Liebe der anderen Art 4
So kam es nun, dass die beiden Männer sich immer besser verstanden. M spielte vor anderen brav die Rolle des unterwürfigen Dieners und J musste sich eingestehen, dass er noch nie so viel Spaß gehabt hatte. Eines Nachts weckt ihn M:
M:“Wach auf Jensen, ich will dir etwas zeigen.“
J-alamiert-:“Ist etwas passiert? Brennt es, ist Vater etwas passiert?“
M:“Nein, leider nicht.“
J schaut M böse an:
M:“Nun schau nicht so finster, das steht dir nicht.“
J:“Sprich, was ist es dann?“
M:“Vertraust du mir?“
J:“Was ist das denn für eine Frage?“
M:“Was ist das denn für eine Antwort? Ich habe dich gefragt, ob du mir vertraust. Ja oder Nein?“
J:“Ja. Aber...“
M:“Kein aber und frag nicht so viel, du wirst schon sehen. Ich will dir etwas zeigen. Vor einigen Tagen fragtest du mich für was ich kämpfen würde, was mich am Leben hält. Jetzt will ich dir die Antwort zeigen.“
J-verschlafen-:“Muss das denn jetzt sein?“
M-ungeduldig-:“Ja, muss es. Also, kommst du jetzt?“
J:“Jaja, ich bin schon unterwegs.“
Die beiden Männer schleichen durch die unheimlichen Gänge des alten Anwesens. J beschleicht ein ungutes Gefühl, aber die Anwesenheit M‘s vertreibt alle dunklen Gedanken. Nach einer Weile erreichen sie eine kleine Dachluke:
J, nickt und M stößt die Luke auf. Kalter Wind umweht die Beiden und M steigt auf das Dach. J folgt zögerlich. Sie setzten sich hin und M blickt verträumt nach oben:
J:“Also, was ist es, dass du mir zeigen wolltest?“
M:“Sieh einfach nach oben.“
J:“Da sind Sterne Misha. Ich verstehe nicht?“
M umfasst J‘s Kinn, drückt es nach oben:
J:“Hey, was soll...“-schweigt ergriffen
M:“Stell dir vor, jeder kleine Lichtpunkt den du siehst, ist eine eigene Welt. Mit eigenen Bewohner und eigenen Gesetzen. Vielleicht gibt es dort auch eine Welt für uns?“-sieht J nachdenklich von der Seite an-
J:“Das wäre schön. Eine Welt für uns...“
M:“Der Gedanke daran, dass es für jeden von uns eine Welt gibt, hält mich am Leben. Das ist es wofür ich kämpfe...Leg dich hin.“
M:“Du sollst dich hinlegen.“
J legt sich hin und es raschelt kurz, dann legt M eine Decke über den Sohn des Präsidenten und legt sich mit darunter:
M:“So ist es viel schöner.“
J muss ein Grinsen unterdrücken, er merkt wie seine Augen immer schwerer werden. Das Letzte was er spürt ist Mishas warmer Körper an seinem, dann ist er eingeschlafen…
                                                                    Der angenehme Geruch von warmen Brötchen steigt J in die Nase, langsam öffnet er die Augen und blickt direkt in Mishas Gesicht:
J:Was zur Hölle machst du so nah an meinem Gesicht?“
M:“Ich wollte deine Sommersprossen zählen...“
J:“Wie weit bist du gekommen?“
J:“Was duftet hier denn so gut?“
M:“Ach ja, hätte ich fast vergessen, verzeiht ‚Mein Herr‘, ich machte Ihnen Frühstück, ihro Eminenz!“
Beide lachen los, auf einmal fliegt wieder die Tür auf. Erbost kommt V hinein gerauscht. Erschrocken weichen die Beiden auseinander, Jensens Herz schlägt heftig, er fühlt sich ertappt:
V:“Es ist unfassbar! Eine Tragödie, ach was, eine Katastrophe! Wie konnte sie es nur wagen?“
J:“Was meinen sie Vater?“
V:“Was ich meine?“
J sieht hilflos zu M:  
V-völlig außer sich-:“Die Lady hat die Hochzeit abgesagt!“
J:“Aber warum?“
V-kommt drohend auf J zu, M versteift sich schlagartig-:“Warum?! Das wagst DU zu fragen? Vielleicht weil du nie auf ihre Briefe geantwortet hast. Sie hat mir erklärt, dass sie den Eindruck hat du würdest sie nicht lieben!!!“
J-verängstigt,panisch-:“Welche Briefe?“
V:“Jetzt reicht es mir mit deinen Spielchen! Verprügeln werde ich dich!“-tritt noch einen Schritt auf J zu und hebt den Arm, da ertönt ein Schrei:
V-wirbelt herum, schlägt M zu Boden-:“Was heißt hier Nein?“
M:“Ich war es, ich empfing jeden einzelnen Brief der Lady und gab sie nicht an meinen Herren weiter!“
V tritt nun auf M zu, tritt den am Boden Liegenden:
J:“Hör auf Vater, es gibt bestimmt eine Erklärung dafür!“
V:“Dann bin ich mal gespannt:“
J-mit gebrochener Stimme-:“Sprich...Diener, erkläre Dich!“
M:“Es ist meine Schuld. Weißt du noch, was ich dir gesagt hatte? Vielleicht gibt es auch eine Welt für uns beide?“
J-mit Tränen in den Augen-:“Ja, ich erinnere mich...“
M:“Als ich damals den ersten Brief der Lady las, hatte ich das Gefühl, dass das nicht deine Welt ist. Du willst die Lady nicht heiraten, du liebst sie nicht. Das hier ist doch alles nur ein Schauspiel!“
V:“Es reicht, ich habe genug gehört, ab in den Kerker, morgen werde ich dich hängen lassen.“
M:“Das wolltet Ihr ja eh tun, habe ich Recht?“
V:“Wie meinen?“
M:“Der Tomatenwerfer, wisst Ihr noch?“
V:“Nein, sag mir Sohn dass das nicht wahr ist!“
V:“Was hast du dir gedacht?“
M:“Was haben Sie sich gedacht, ihren einzigen Sohn hier einzusperren?“
V:“Wahrlich, diese Wort kann nur ein verfluchter Mann sprechen, den ich kenne.“
J tritt vor, stellt sich zu M und nimmt dessen Hand:
J:“Eigentlich sind es zwei.“
V:“Sohn, mach keinen Unsinn, treibe es nicht zu weit. Meine Geduld ist endlich.“
J:“Und meine auch! Seit er bei mir ist, weiß ich was es heißt zu leben! Und das ist nicht hier zu verstauben wie du!“
V:“Tritt Beiseite Sohn!“
J:“Nein Vater, das werde ich nicht. Ich war dir immer gehörig, aber das werde ich nicht zu lassen. Ich schlage dir einen Handel vor.“
V:“Hört, hört!“
J:“Ich werde erneut bei der Lady vorsprechen und alles dafür tun, das wir heiraten. Im Gegenzug dazu lässt du Misha in Ruhe. Du wirst ihm kein Haar krümmen und auch nicht krümmen lassen, damit ich mich deutlich ausdrücke!“
V überlegt kurz, sieht dann ein, dass er keine Chance gegen seinen Sohn hat:
V:“Nun gut, so soll es sein, aber das letzte Wort ist noch nicht gesprochen!“
V rauscht aus dem Zimmer heraus, schmeißt die Tür ins Schloss. J sinkt zu Boden:
J:“Was habe ich getan?“
M:“Das Richtige!“
J:“Warum tut es dann so weh?“
M:“Wahrscheinlich, weil er nach Allem immer noch dein Vater ist...“
J:“Ich möchte, dass du dich ab jetzt immer versteckst. Ich werde jetzt sofort zu der Lady reiten und sie überzeugen, mich zu heiraten!“
M:“Aber sie wird erkennen, dass du nicht liebst!“
J schaut M nur traurig an und geht dann ohne ein weiteres Wort zu sagen...
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