#Mirror!Soval x Reader
deepspacedukat · 1 year
One-Way Mirror
This one is way longer than I anticipated, which is the last thing I expected given all the crazy things that happened all at once in the last few days. (Good things, I promise! Just a lot of them lol.) If anyone wants to see the version of Mirror!Shran that I’m writing about, @thylekshran made a gorgeous edit which can be found here. Also, I realize all three of these bois served on different ships/in different places, but for the sake of the story/smut we’re going to pretend they were all on the ISS Enterprise. As usual, italics indicate flashbacks. Anyway, enjoy!
Day 4: Come Inflation
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Mirror!Shran (ST:ENT) x Reader, Mirror!Soval (ST:ENT) x Reader, Mirror!Trip (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Andorian sex, Human/Vulcan sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, come inflation, dirty talk, being allowed to watch as an incentive to keep a secret, all acts are consensual, slightly subby!Soval, oral sex (female receiving), mind meld, telepathy, brief mention of torture, Mirror!Archer being prejudiced against Vulcans, transporter accident because of course, Andorian orgasms are...prolific, suspend thy disbelief.
“I think it’s time you thank your hostess for so graciously allowing you into her quarters, Crewman,” Shran called from his seat on the bed directly behind me. Soval’s eyes were locked with mine as his hands slowly caressed my legs. “Go on. Give her what she needs.”
Kneeling between my open thighs, the Vulcan gripped my hips to keep me steady and licked his way up toward the dampness between them. Whimpering as his slightly-rougher-than-a-Human’s tongue finally began exploring my labia, I let my head droop backward onto Thy’lek’s shoulder. A rough moan from the side of the room reminded me sharply of Commander Tucker’s presence.
How had things spiraled out of control so quickly? One moment I was escorting Ambassador Soval back to the Enterprise from a diplomatic mission, and the next, I felt as though the air had been stolen from my lungs.
I’d swayed as the transporter room materialized around me, my surroundings flickering from the familiar bulkheads and deck plates to something...slightly off. Just before I could topple over atop the transporter pad, though, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my middle, steadying me.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” Soval asked from behind me, and when the world stopped spinning, I opened my eyes. Why did Soval have a goatee? He hadn’t had one when we requested to be beamed back aboard the Enterprise, and why the hell was he in a Starfleet uniform? He’d been in robes only a few moments before. At my confused expression, he looked almost alarmed. “Do you require medical assistance?”
“No, no, I’m fine. I...I just got dizzy for a second, there,” I answered as I attempted to steady myself on my feet.
“Are you sure? We wouldn’t want someone as important as you collapsing on us,” a second voice called, and I looked over to find Captain Archer at the controls, also wearing a different uniform. There were leather straps and odd metallic embellishments. I glanced down and saw that I was wearing something odd, as well - a pair of low-rise uniform pants and what was essentially a cropped uniform top. What the hell was going on, and why was the Captain treating me like I was dignitary? He made sure all his officers knew that we were important, but everything about this seemed wrong, including the giant yellow insignia behind him where the Starfleet logo should be. “I doubt the Emperor would forgive us for allowing his niece to be injured as soon as she beamed aboard.”
Emperor? What Emperor?
As soon as I straightened up, Soval’s hands fell away and he took a hasty step away from me as he averted his eyes.
“Another second and I’d have had to put you in the agony booth, Crewman. You should know better than to touch a Human without permission - especially that Human,” Archer said, and I blinked in confusion.
“My humblest apologies, Commander.”
“You’ll still be punished, of course.”
“No, actually, he won’t be punished. Soval, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I blurted looking between him and my Captain. Was this man really my Captain, though? And was this really Soval when he acted so subserviently? Everything seemed so strange. “He doesn’t need to apologize, and he definitely doesn’t deserve to be disciplined for helping me.”
After a slight hesitation, Archer stood straighter and nodded his head.
“Understood, ma’am. If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you to your quarters,” he said walking around the edge of the control station and offered me his hand. “There are a few propositions I’d like to discuss with you.”
“Actually, I think I’d prefer if Soval showed me the way,” I said, and both men looked at me oddly. “Unless you object...?”
“Not at all, ma’am. I’ll alert the General about your arrival. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to see you again,” Archer said as he turned to the Vulcan. The venom was evident in both his voice and his expression. “Try not to embarrass us, Crewman.”
The Captain Archer that I knew would never treat anyone with such blatant disrespect and hatred. Whatever this was that I’d stumbled into, I needed to find a way home. Quickly.
Soval had led me down two long corridors before he worked up the courage to break the silence.
“I do not mean to speak out of turn, ma’am, but I am grateful for your intercession on my behalf,” he said, and I looked up at him as we stepped into the turbolift together.
“I only did what was right, but you’re welcome.” We walked quietly for a few more moments before a scream echoed down an adjacent hall. Alarmed, I grabbed Soval’s arm and sprinted in the direction of the shouts until we came across a group of officers watching as a man screamed inside of a clear tube. Was that the Agony Booth that Archer had mentioned? A torture chamber? Stopping short, I felt my heart clench and my face twist in horror. What sort of hell was this?!
Silently, Soval placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me away, coaxing me down the corridor back the way we’d come before anyone even noticed we’d been there. Soon, we’d reached the door to what I presumed were my quarters, and the Vulcan had ushered me inside.
“Ma’am, if I may say so, you seem...unsettled,” Soval said, and I looked over at him as my breathing sped up. “Are you certain that you do not require medical assistance?”
“Of course I’m unsettled! The whole universe has gone insane in the blink of an eye!” I snapped, and Soval flinched as if he was afraid I was going to slap him. My frustration drained away, and I placed a hand softly over his chest. Lowering my voice, I spoke as carefully and deliberately as I could, apologizing in his own language. I hoped that would convince him of my sincerity. “Ni'droi'ik nar-tor. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost my temper.”
“Du stariben Vuhlkansu?” He whispered as he blushed a deep emerald green. ‘You speak Vulcan?’ I’d been learning the Vulcan language in an attempt to show Soval that...well, that I was dedicated to learning more about the galaxy and about his people. The Ambassador didn’t seem to be the same person as the Soval in front of me, though.
“Ha, osu, tonk'peh goh wuh pi’.” ‘Yes, sir, but only a little.’ Despite my lack of further knowledge, Soval seemed pleased by the information.
“It is an honor that you would know even a single word, t’sai,” Soval murmured with something nearing adoration. “May I ask how you learned a language that is frowned upon by your own people?”
Well, this was the moment of truth. Taking a deep breath, I looked up into his eyes.
“I learned a few words from the wisest man I know - a Vulcan Ambassador named Soval...from you, osu,” I admitted, watching as his lips parted in silent surprise. “The rest I learned with some assistance from my ship’s first officer: Sub-commander T’Pol.”
As I spoke, Soval blushed and ducked his head.
“No Vulcan since Solkar has ever been an Ambassador to Earth, nor could one hold such a high rank within Starfleet. You are mocking me,” he murmured looking more hurt than I could have imagined.
Even now, I couldn’t help but marvel at the openness of his expressions. The look of near reverence that Soval gave me as he made me convulse on his tongue was so unlike that of his counterpart. His neatly-trimmed goatee tickled my skin just enough that I trembled at the sensation.
“What a sight,” Trip murmured as he palmed the bulge in his uniform. Seated on a chair not far from us, the Chief Engineer watched with rapt attention as General Shran’s lips trailed down my neck.
“Beautiful,” the Andorian breathed as he repositioned me. Soval laid back on the bed, and I was lifted onto his lap so that I could straddle his hips. The tip of his leaking lok jutted hot and ready up from his groin, pressing insistently against me. The Vulcan grasped my waist, letting out a whimper as I guided him to my entrance.
“I’m not mocking you, Soval,” I’d promised grabbing his wrist lightly with one hand and using the other to coax him into looking at me again. “Look within my thoughts. See the truth in my memories. I know you can, because you have done so with me before.”
“You speak of forbidden knowledge and acts which have been banned in the Terran Empire. You claim to know me, yet prior to today, I have only ever seen your image in reports regarding the Empire’s success,” he stated sounding shaken but hopeful. “It is...not logical to assume that you are telling the truth. You are attempting to trick me...to find a reason to punish me.”
“I’m not, Soval, I promise.” Lifting his hand to the side of my face with my own, I noted that his breathing had sped up. “Please...”
Cupping the back of my head with his free hand, Soval began to whisper the phrase I’d heard from him back home on more than one occasion.
“My mind to your mind...your thoughts to my thoughts...” Memories flashed through my consciousness as he sifted through them, then they paused on the day that I met Ambassador Soval. A wave of emotion floated across our connection, and this Soval’s voice came out rough and quiet. “That is me, but...how...?”
Eventually, he severed the meld and looked at me in wonder.
“You...are not the Emperor’s niece. You are the woman I just saw...a Lieutenant from another place...another universe in which...all species are equal,” he whispered as if it was some terrible secret. Given everything that I’d seen so far, I supposed that it was. “More than that, you care for the Soval whom you showed me.”
Nodding my head silently, I stood on the tips of my toes and kissed away the single tear that had fallen before wrapping my arms around him. He’d hesitated for barely a breath before returning the gesture and holding me close.
The contrast between Vulcan strength and the gentleness of Soval’s touch was evident then just as it was as he whimpered and groaned beneath me. Lifting his hands to my lips, I kissed his fingertips and skimmed my teeth gently against his palms. A pair of blue hands wrapped around my hips, taking turns strumming my clit. 
One of Soval’s hands slid up and cupped my cheek, easing his thoughts into my head.
“Ashaya, I give myself to you in the hopes that you find me worthy,” he thought at me just before he gave a strained shout. With a few final, stuttered thrusts, he buried himself inside me as deeply as he could and released, pulling me over the edge with him.
When I finally melted back against Thy’lek’s chest, Trip moaned, and the three of us looked over to see him masturbating to the sight of the three of us.
“It seems we have a captive audience,” I murmured, and a light, airy laugh breezed across my neck from the Andorian holding me.
“Well, ain’t that cute?” Soval and I both started at the sound of Commander Tucker’s voice. Turning slightly, I saw him leaning against the doorway that presumably led to the bathroom. That was definitely Trip, but something had happened to his face. A plasma burn? The aftermath of an explosion? Despite what may have caused it, half of his face was one big scar. My stomach churned at the sight of a man who was my friend looking so injured and...well, menacing as he pointed the tool he was using at me. “I woulda never thought the Emperor’s favorite niece was soft for Vulcans. It would be a shame if the General found out. After all, your fiancé isn’t exactly an understanding man.”
Fiancé? What the hell was he talking about? Swallowing nervously, I tried to logic out how I should approach this situation, but Soval spoke up before I could.
“Then I suppose Captain Forrest and Commander Archer should be notified of your indiscretion with T’Pol,” he stated sounding more confident than I’d yet heard him.
“You keep your pointed ears out of this, Crewman,” Trip snarled leveling a glare at him before turning back to me. “Now, how about the two of us discuss this situation like civilized Humans?”
“How about you go fuck yourself?” I retorted taking a small step toward Trip. We were so busy getting ready to tear each other to pieces that none of us heard the door to my quarters open with a hiss.
“Having a party, are we?” The three of us turned at the question, and my eyes went wide at the sight of Thy’lek standing in the doorway. He was here in this strange place - yet another familiar face playing an unfamiliar part - but more than that, he looked different. He was missing his right antenna, his left eye was a milky white that spoke of blindness, and a scar stretched across it vertically from brow bone to cheek. He took a few steps inside the room, glancing between myself, Trip, and Soval.
“Sorry, General. I’m just finishing up a repair on this shower unit. I should be finished in just a moment,” Trip said gesturing to the panel that was still hanging off the wall. “Unless you’d prefer I finish later–”
“No. Carry on, Tucker,” Shran said quietly, never taking his eyes from me. “And the Vulcan?”
Soval didn’t seem especially ready to speak after his burst of confidence moments before, so I answered in what I hoped was a steady-ish voice.
“I felt a bit dizzy getting off the transporter pad earlier. Soval was kind enough to make sure I got back here safely,” I said, and he glanced over at the Vulcan for a moment. Soval’s eyes were still downcast, as if he was in a room with superiors, or something. He’d said something about Vulcans not being equals in this Empire, so I suppose this sort of behavior was conditioned into him.
That didn’t mean I had to like it, though.
“Yes, I was alerted about your unsteadiness almost as soon as it happened,” Shran said turning his attention back to me and closing the distance between us with a few final steps. Reaching out and moving a lock of hair behind my ear, I couldn’t stop the way my breath hitched in my chest at the tenderness of his movements. Thy’lek looked at me curiously for a moment before carefully cupping my cheek. After the confusion and fear and harshness that was prevalent in this strange universe, I welcomed this instance of gentleness, closing my eyes as I leaned into his touch. When he spoke again, his voice was so low I nearly missed it. “You’re not afraid of me anymore...?”
The ease with which this Thy’lek was able to make me feel comfortable and safe was almost startling. Apparently, no matter how many iterations of him I encountered, I was bound to feel like I belonged around him.
As he lifted me off of Soval’s lok and swiftly slotted himself inside of me, I whimpered at the sensation of being stretched in an entirely new way. I didn’t get a chance to look at what exactly he was hiding beneath that uniform of his, but it was a very different shape than what I was expecting.
“Are you alright?” Thy’lek whispered, pausing to give me time to adjust to him. He trailed kisses and barely-there bites down my shoulders. It struck me that even this battle scarred and hardened version of my friend was gentle and considerate. There wasn’t a question in my mind about whether or not I could trust him not to hurt me.
My eyes snapped open at his question, but I didn’t pull away from his hand. Had the other me really been afraid of him?
“Should I be afraid of you?”
“No, but...that never stopped you before,” he murmured. “I have never known you to be afraid of anyone or anything...except me, of course. Was it my eye...my scar?”
This whole universe had to be composed of opposites. I had always felt safe with Thy’lek. Reaching up, I braced my hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek.
“I think it makes you look strong. That scar is a physical reminder of the difficulties you’ve overcome, the things that you’ve survived. If I was afraid of you before, then I was an idiot,” I whispered as his eyes widened.
“...Are you sure that you’re my fiancée?” Shran asked in an awed sort of voice. “I realize that the emperor ordered you to agree to this marriage. Despite rumors to the contrary, I have no intention of harming you. You’re not obliged to lie to me about how you feel.”
“Thy’lek...I’m not afraid of you,” I promised, and almost before I stopped talking, he was on me, kissing me as gently as I always imagined that my universe’s Shran would.
“General, I never pegged you as the type to be on the side of a Vulcan sympathizer,” Trip called from the side where he stood with his arms crossed and smug smirk across his lips.
Ah, shit.
The Andorian in my arms pulled back slightly, looking between myself and Soval with a renewed type of understanding in his eyes.
“There’s a first time for everything, Tucker,” Shran responded drawing himself to his full height and grasping my hands. “I’ll protect both you and Soval.”
“Why?” I couldn’t stop the surprised question from tumbling between my lips.
“You’ll be my wife in a few weeks. Besides, I’m the one who was given this betrothal as a favor from your uncle. The least I could do is protect the gift I’ve been given,” he murmured, and I blinked up at him.
Soval finally raised his eyes and looked at my fiancé in astonishment before taking a slow step toward us.
“Do you care for her, Crewman?” At Soval’s blushing nod, Shran smiled. “Then spend the evening with us. Andorians are used to having four people in sexual encounters. Three isn’t so different of a number, as long as you’re alright with that, of course?”
I was already in an upside down universe. Why not? What harm could it do to enjoy myself while I was trapped in this hell of a place? Both men were attractive in their own ways in my universe as well as this one. Besides, getting home would be difficult. If I didn’t manage it, at least I’d have cultivated some positive companionship.
“I look forward to it,” I murmured as I met Soval’s gaze, feeling my heart speed up in my chest.
“As for you,” Thy’lek growled as he walked toward Tucker, pulling his ushaan-tor from its sheath. “You have two options. The first is that I tear your head from your shoulders and claim you assaulted the emperor’s niece. Not a soul would dare question me. The second is that I give you an incentive, and you remain silent and alive. Choose. Now.”
“Do I get to pick the incentive?” The Engineer’s eyes bounced between the man and the blade.
“Choose your next words carefully, or they may be your last,” Thy’lek warned, but ‘careful’ didn’t seem to be in this Trip’s vocabulary.
“You and the little princess seem to have chemistry. Since Pointy, here, is allowed to stay for the show, I want to stay, too,” Tucker said looking me up and down. “Never seen a gal take both an Andorian and a Vulcan before.”
The General let out an incredulous huff of laughter.
“Is that all? Poor boy. Did your little Vulcan beauty give you up after her pon farr ended? You must not have been that good of a fuck, then,” Shran crooned as he pulled me into his arms. The wide-eyed look of embarrassment plastered across Trip’s face made the General laugh. “Oh yes, the whole ship knows about that. Ah well, I don’t see the harm in indulging you. Better to keep the troops happy than to have them stab me in the back. Unless, of course, you’re not comfortable with that?”
Directing his last question at me, Thy’lek gave me a smile that was eerily similar to that of his counterpart. I gave in instantly and dragged him into a kiss.
Soval sat up beneath me, and his lips met mine just as Shran’s met that sensitive spot just below my ear. As the Vulcan’s fingers brushed over my clit, I let out a muffled shout against his mouth. The General gave a few rough grunts, then stilled inside me, filling me more than I thought was possible. Looking down when I felt my abdomen grow taught, I noted with an exhausted sort of disbelief that there was a slight bulge where he’d fucked me full of his seed.
Trip let out a strangled shout from his seat as he came as well, but none of the three of us paid any attention. We were too busy catching our breath and melting into one another.
“You’re not her, are you?” Thy’lek murmured against the side of my head a few moments later as Commander Tucker took his leave. I froze. Soval’s eyes met mine, and he seemed as curious as I did about what the General would say next. “You keep looking at me like...like you’re surprised that I look this way...as if I’m not worth less than you just because I’m Andorian. She hated me simply for existing as I am. You can’t be her, so...who are you?”
“I’m her, only I’m from another place...some sort of parallel universe, I think.” I felt his breath gust over my skin at my answer, and he held me just a little tighter. “I don’t know how I got here.”
“Then I’ll try my hardest to get you home. If...If I can’t–”
“If you can’t, then I’ll at least have you and Soval to protect me,” I replied kissing his cheek. “I only hope that my counterpart hasn’t caused too much damage in my universe...”
Vulcan Words:
Ni'droi'ik nar-tor. = I am sorry.
Du stariben Vuhlkansu? = You speak Vulcan?
Ha, osu, tonk'peh goh wuh pi’. = Yes, sir, but only a little.
t’sai = lady, madam
@android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee @wafflingchemist
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deepspacedukat · 3 years
Current Requests
These are the requests I have received and am currently working on. I’ll update this post as needed, so if there’s a question of whether tumblr ate your ask, please check here first. These are what I have currently, NOT NECESSARILY THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WILL BE POSTED.
Last Updated: 4/18/24
Fic/Drabble Requests:
- Damar (ST:DS9): Smutty sequel to “Tiny Dancer.” (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Warm Me Up”
- Kov (ST:ENT): Pon Farr smut. (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Calm Veneer”
- Q (ST:TNG/DS9/VOY): Paris smut (Requested by android-boyfriends) - Preliminary Title “Paris or Bust”
- Malcolm Reed (ST:ENT): Request was for anything, so this will be a comfort fic (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Restorative Properties”
- Keevan (ST:DS9): Artsy s/o (anon request) - Preliminary Title “Brushstrokes”
- Gul Madred (ST:TNG): Dark, kinky smut (horta-in-charge) - Preliminary Title “Interrogation”
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Female Vulcan!Reader smut (virtually-vulcan) - Preliminary Title “Armored Contradiction” (potentially more than one chapter, because brain)
- Weyoun (ST:DS9): Smut with glowing eyes (azorastarr) - Preliminary Title “From The Dark”
- Shran (ST:ENT): He tries to teach the reader some Andorian (Anon Request) - Title TBA
- Shran (ST:ENT): He tries to teach the reader Andorian customs (Anon Request) - Title TBA
- Colonel Lovok (ST:DS9): Corrupts Federation officer reader while the two are in Dominion prison (anon request) - Title TBA
- Romulan/Human headcanons: fluffy - I’m doing some general, and some more character-specific. (Anon Request)
- Picard (ST:TNG): His girl is a security officer who likes music/painting, etc. (Anon request) - Title TBA
- Milton Dammers (The Frighteners): Auditory-tactile synesthesia (Anon request) - Title TBA
- Koval (ST:DS9): “Trepidation” style riff but without the established relationship (bigblissandlove1) - Preliminary Title “Catch, Release, Repeat” (2 or 3 parts)
- Major Hayes (ST:ENT): Werewolf AU (horta-in-charge) - Preliminary Title “When All The Moons Are Full”
- Telepathic virus AU (horta-in-charge) - Title TBA
- Q starts an experiment house with multiple characters (bigblissandlove1) - Title TBA (and probably more than one chapter to get the proper effect)
- Shran x Reader x Weyoun - Sharing her for “diplomacy” 👀 (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Temporary Alliance”
Mini Drabble/Ficlet Requests:
- Kov or Mestral smut (multiple numbers) - Title TBA
- Dukat + 98 +136 smut (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Beneath”
Plot Bunny WIPs:
- “The Only One” Parts 8-11
- Brunt (ST:DS9): Smut - Don’t look at me like that/I blame Jeff. - Preliminary Title “Everyone Has Their Price”
- Hemmer (ST:SNW): Fluff based off a quote of his - Preliminary Title “To Fix What Is Broken”
- Weyoun (ST:DS9): Defector!Reader serves at Weyoun’s pleasure (smutty of course) - Preliminary Title “Serving”
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Fic based off “Natural” by Imagine Dragons - Preliminary Title “Natural”???
- Weyoun (ST:DS9) + Dukat (ST:DS9): Threesome imagined by some cursed part of my brain and inspired by tagthetrekkie - Preliminary Title “What We Do In The Dark”
- Pre-Surak Soval (ST:ENT): uh...don’t know how to describe this besides smut with mild plot - Preliminary Title “Enantiomers” (multi-chapter)
- Shran & Soval (ST:ENT): 3 way smut after the events of “Kir’shara” - Preliminary Title “Atonement”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Smut based around “Cease Fire” S2E15 - Preliminary Title “Amidst The Ruins”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Pon Farr style Andorian heat inspired by an anon ask - Preliminary Title “Heat”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Secret collab fic with android-boyfriends 👀🤫
- Milton Dammers (The Frighteners): General fluff - Preliminary Title “Special Agent”
- Sumner Cavic (Urgency): Smut - Preliminary Title “Hey, Neighbor”
- Admiral Savar (ST:TNG): Plot TBA - Preliminary Title “First And Foremost”
- Mirror!Shran (ST:ENT): Smut, a lil fluff, and a lot of emotions (3-ish chapters) - Preliminary Title “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...”
- Letant (ST:DS9): Chin’toka continuation (multiple chapters) - Preliminary title “Romulus” (Ch. 1 Title “Temrhae (Beginning)“)
- Solok (ST:DS9): “Reluctantly Primal” sequel, ready room smut - Preliminary Title “Personal Report”
- “Praetor’s Pride” Part 6-12?
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Enemies to lovers, captive/captor (multiple chapters) - Preliminary Title “Captive”
- Letant, Koval, Vreenak, S’Talon: SMUTTY SMUT (inspired by bigblissandlove1) - Preliminary Title “Friendly Competition”
+ About 20 more plot bunny drafts I’m too lazy to add rn. They will be added in due course, but for now, surely this list has enough to keep your thoughts occupied...?
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