#Mirime is in a sharing mood
mirime-kisarrastine · 7 years
I’m in a mightily nostalgic mood (the glass of port I’m having is not helping - wow, way to sound pretentious on my way to Tipsyville) and I’m remembering two of my biggest OTPs from back in mid-2000′s.
I don’t think I will ever get over how utterly perfect Luke and Mara were together.
I know I will never got over how utterly perfect Cahir and Ciri could have been together.
Time to go look at some fanarts.
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mirime-kisarrastine · 7 years
“Funny” story time
A couple of months back, I was in a nostalgic mood and googled a ship I used to like seven years ago. It’s a rare pair, one of the characters has since been paired up with someone else in canon and the other character had some strong hints towards a different pairing, as well. But, me being me, I still love my original ship. Canon is optional for me, you know?
Anyway, I google the ship and  one of the results goes to a Wattpad page where the ship is decried as being “the worst”. I sort of loled at that but then I looked at the comments. Most were along the lines of “I prefer the canon ship” and stuff.
But one commenter was all: “If you ship this, I will find you and kill you. Canon ship 5ever. Burn and die if you ship this, bitches!”
Now, because I can be an asshole when the mood strikes me, I replied to them, asking if they want my address. After all, they said they would find and kill everyone shipping it and as I ship it, well... or they could grow up and realize that threatening violence against real people over a fictional ship is not okay.
I mean, seriously, their ship is canon, what does it matter if some random person on the internet ships something else?
Anyway, here comes the genuinely funny part. There has been no reply for months. Until yesterday, when a different account replied with this gem: “Violence? Have you ever seen episode 1 of Attack on Titan?”
I’d like to point out that my icon on that site is the same as the one next to this post. Ymir from the said Attack on Titan. And if you followed my blog for a while, you know AoT is one of my main fandoms.
So yeah, that part was actually funny. But still, why are some people like that?
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