#Mirakle B
gameotheque · 2 months
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This guy! Mirakle B, the self-entitled successor to Miror B. He is a pretty remote encounter, as you need to trek all the way back to the depths of Pyrite Cave after beating Dakim to find and battle him. Worse, he disappears after a certain point in the story and is never alluded to in any way.
Battle-wise, he is a bit pathetic, not as hard as his idol. Has a penchant for Protect + Self-Destruct but he doesn't even have any Shadow Pokémon to his name.
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pokemon-npcs · 3 months
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Requested by anon
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justnoodlefishthings · 4 months
today I found out that if you go back to Miror B's cave after you beat Es Cade in the finale of Colosseum, theres a random guy there named Mirakle B who claims to be Miror B's successor
also worth mentioning his fight music is the world's most awful pitched up and off key remix of the miror b theme
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shadydestinypost · 3 months
Watch "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Rap | "HOLLUP!" | MIRAKLE x AyoThatsMari VTuber Reaction" on YouTube
Xavier Mitchell
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illustrious-rocket · 1 month
Pokémon Colosseum: Cipher Peon Mirakle B.
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waffliesinyoface · 2 months
i think what the next persona game needs is a different band of spunky weirdos who have also managed to unlock Persona powers, but are not actually affiliated with the protagonists or the villains. They're just there, in the background, being slightly annoying.
One of the optional confidant characters is like. Very Obviously one of them, but this is never directly acknowledged by the game. If you reach rank 10 in her social link, the buff is that sometimes this colorful band of misfits will show up during your random battles and lend you a hand (re: do a super move on the enemy) but at no point does she admit to doing so.
Their team is an optional postgame boss and it's treated with the same amount of solemn seriousness as, say, Mirakle B in pokemon colosseum. Or the Mad Midget Five.
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cykeltojoewgoi · 10 months
Frankrigs berømte Arkéa-Samsic løfter sløret for ny cykeltrøje
Selvom 2024-sæsonen endnu ikke er startet, vil nogle professionelle hold ændre deres holdnavne næste år. Ikke kun Team Jumbo – Visma og AG2R Citroën Team, men nu skifter Arkéa – Samsic også holdnavn. Arkéa–Samsic annoncerede det nye holdnavn Arkéa-B&B Hotels, og holdet viste også sin nye Billigt Cykeltøj frem.
Arkéa–Samsic har afsløret et nyt ensartet design, der refererer til klassiske legender. Arkéa–Samsic tilføjede omhyggeligt en masse historieelementer til reklamevideoen og beholdt den ikoniske røde tone i designet. Arkéa–Samsic designede også den nye sponsors logo i den mest fremtrædende position. Efter at B&B Hotels suspenderede sit sponsorat i slutningen af 2022, vil de vende tilbage til professionelle cykelbegivenheder igen i 2024. Arkéa–Samsics reklamevideo giver bilfans et nyt look, og videoindholdet tiltrækker flere bilfans at se. Den mystiske skov tilføjer et mytisk præg til Arkéa-Samsic-Børn Cykeltøj. Den nye model er meget komfortabel og smuk i designet. Kampagnevideoen viser mandlige professionelle chauffører såvel som kvindelige professionelle chauffører.
Næste år markerer den 20. sæson af Arkéa–Samsic, og holdet kan fortsætte med at skabe mirakler. Arkéa–Samsic afholdt også en traditionel fandag, som også promoverede det nye designkoncept. Arrangementet tiltrækker mange fans, som ikke kun har mulighed for at køre med rytterne. Fans kan også deltage i forskellige rideforestillinger og festligheder, hvilket også er en overraskelse, som Arkéa–Samsic har forberedt til fans inden jul.
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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Bela Lugosi in Murders in the Rue Morgue (Robert Florey, 1932)
Cast: Bela Lugosi, Sidney Fox, Leon Ames, Bert Roach, Betty Ross Clarke, Brandon Hurst, D'Arcy Corrigan, Noble Johnson, Arlene Francis. Screenplay: Robert Florey, Tom Reed, Dale Van Every, John Huston, based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe. Cinematography: Karl Freund. Art direction: Charles D. Hall. Film editing: Milton Carruth. 
Robert Florey's Murders in the Rue Morgue looks great, thanks to Karl Freund's cinematography and Charles D. Hall's atmospheric sets, which were designed in collaboration with an uncredited Herman Rosse. Freund in particular brought to the task of re-creating the seamy side of Paris in 1845 his experience as cinematographer on such classics of German expressionism as F.W. Murnau's The Last Laugh (1924) and Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927). Unfortunately, Florey was a comparative novice as a director, and the pacing of the movie is all wrong, static when it should be dynamic, with performances stuck in that peculiarly halting way of early talkies. There are supposedly comic scenes that fall flat: the byplay between the hero, a medical student called Pierre Dupin (Leon Ames) and his friend Paul (Bert Roach), and a routine involving three witnesses to a murder, a German, an Italian, and a Dane, each adhering to an ethnic stereotype. Only Bela Lugosi, as the sinister (what else?) Dr. Mirakle, gives his character any life. Dr. Mirakle is a carnival showman whose act centers on a gorilla called Erik (sometimes played by a chimpanzee and sometimes by the actor Charles Gamora in an ape suit). The doctor believes he can talk with Erik and wants to breed him with a human woman, so with the aid of his assistant Janos (Noble Johnson) he kidnaps streetwalkers, one of whom is played in her film debut by Arlene Francis, now mostly remembered as a panelist in the old game show What's My Line? After failing to find a compatible blood-type (and killing the women in the process) he finds his perfect subject: the pretty Camille (Sidney Fox), whom he spots in the audience at his show with her boyfriend, Pierre. You can guess the rest. Murders in the Rue Morgue has the makings of the best Universal horror classics, but it failed on its initial run. Critics panned the performances, with the exception of Lugosi's. Censors objected to the violence, the depiction of prostitution, and some belly-dancers in the sideshow, and some even to the endorsement of the theory of evolution. It was trimmed from its reported release time of 75 minutes to just over an hour. But it retains some exceptionally creepy moments, and its exciting end sequence anticipates and perhaps even influenced King Kong (Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1933).   
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latealzalost · 2 years
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Miror B's Independence Day
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gameotheque · 2 months
Wait... you can keep rematching Mirakle B until he leaves? That's news to me.
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pokemon-npcs · 3 months
have you done Mirakle B? he seems prime for this sort of blog
I haven't! I actually forgot that he existed 😅 Miror B has such a presence that the people around him very easily get overshadowed in my memories.
But I'll see if I can find some stuff with him :)
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dragonmasters525 · 4 years
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Mirakle B a fanatic of Mirror B
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vagabondis · 5 years
moonkxssed: //DFKDFK ME TOO LEO. But gosh I'd rather take the original Mirror B theme over whatever the heck Mirakle B's was
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oh god not that guy
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mossdeep · 3 years
i got back to playing pokemon colosseum and fought mirakle b for the first time and i got so hyped for the fucking music only to be dropped flat on my face
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latealzalost · 4 years
How would you visualize a battle against Mirakle B in XD?
He would be in his classic Peon outfit except he’s purple and his helmet is off because he’d actually be growing an afro like he said he would back in Colosseum and it’s about less than half as big as Miror B.’s. Mirakle would wear black triangle shades and a yellow scarf to keep into character the fact that he’s still a Cipher peon character and Miror B’s biggest fan. He tries desperately to follow how Miror B. dresses while implying that Mirakle may be stalking Miror B. to know how he dresses wherever he goes, while Miror B. is blissfully ignorant of his existence. Trudley and Folly may have mistaken Mirakle B. for Miror B. from a distance in their quests to catch up with their loose cannon of a leader.
Mirakle B. would hangout in the S.S. Libra interior in Bonsly’s place after you’ve completed the Bonsly quest. As a place of little importance otherwise, it’s the perfect place to put him as a secret boss just like in Colosseum with Miror B’s hideout post-defeat.
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opticien2-0 · 4 years
EDITORIAL Non-essential retailers get the green light to reopen shops within three weeks – subject to Covid safety
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In today’s InternetRetailing newsletter we report as retailers get the green light to reopen their shops by June 15. Doing so will depend on two factors: the Covid-19 infection rate being under control, and individual retailers putting their own safety measures in place.
  Retailers looking at how they can go about achieving the second of these are pointed towards new official government guidance. But they can also learn from what other retailers that have already announced their reopening have done, and we’ve rounded up some of the ways retailers from Aldi and B&Q to Ikea are doing that.
  New footfall figures from the last weekend point towards high levels of demand once stores do reopen - but Springboard’s Diane Wehrle warns that this may be shortlived if consumers feel too hard pressed to spend.
  Those who did venture out to the high street in England at the weekend will have been able to go into newly-reopened branches of ScS and from June 1 they’ll also be able to go back to Ikea.
  It almost seems that retail is set to get back to some kind of new normal – we’ll wait with interest to see how shoppers respond. As Springboard’s Wehrle warns, they may well be feeling financially uncertain. No doubt they’ll be tempted back with high levels of discounting at first as retailers clear stock that’s stayed unsold as a result of the lockdown. But longer-term retailers will need to get back to profitability – and in order to do that, we may see the way they sell change still more radically. We’ll be reporting as retail continues to change – just as it always does.
  In today’s guest comment, Mirakl CEO Philippe Corrot gives his perspective on how, following the coronavirus pandemic, we can prepare for the next black swan event
  Image: Adobe Stock
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