#Minnie gets him dressed up all fancy ;0;
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misotsukiiyeooo · 7 months ago
97 line?? for the "what they call their s/o" ❤
What I think SVT would call their S/O
95 line, 96 line, 97 line, Maknae line
A/N: I totally forgot about doing the rest, thanks for reminding me!!
This is just my opinion, nothing too serious..reqs are open!
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Lee Seokmin: Sunshine/ Flower
Listen...it may be a bit cheesy (It's extremely cheesy) but HE'S A SWEET HEARTTT!!! So it makes sense for him to be cheesy with you.
Seokmin rushes into your room before you're even able to respond.
"Should we go outside today?!?" He's like a little puppy waiting to be walked. 'How cute' You thought.
"Hm..should we?" You tease him a bit as he's waiting for your answer.
"Yes, we should! This new restaurant opened and I think we should check it out!"
"A fancy restaurant?" You know you would go anywhere with him anyway but you love dragging it out a bit.
"Well, it's not so fancy... you could wear something simple." Seokmin shrugs causing you to smile at his cuteness.
"Alright, let me get ready first." The smile on his face was so wide, it even made you smile.
After coming out with a soft purple dress you see Seokmin look at you in awe.
"Aw, you look just like a pretty flower." His compliments never fail to make you blush.
"Thank you, Minnie. Should we get going?"
"Oh, yes. Let's go!"
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Kim Mingyu: Shorty
Hear me out, we all know he gets bullied by his members...and also by you. But sometimes this man just needs to get away with something right? And that something is teasing you because of your height.
"Mingyu...these pants are huge on me."
In the mall, he enters your dressing stall to check.
Laughing at you hysterically, you just watch him, pouting.
"They look so baggy on you!" He wipes the tears falling from his eyes.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny..." Looking up at him with crossed arms, he finally stops.
"My little shorty..it's okay. We'll just go shop at a kid's store." Before you can hit him, he rushes out sensing you're anger.
"I love you, Shorty!" Mingyu giggles as you're trying your best to change fast so you can get him.
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Xu Minghao: Angel
I don't think I have a clear explanation on this...it just feels right and I'm sure you know what I mean.
"Angel?" Minghao peeks in the room to make sure you're okay.
"You can come in you know." He walks in holding a cup with some liquid in it.
"I made you some tea, it should help with your cramping." He walks closer, handing you the mug as you take it, smiling at his thoughtfulness.
"Thank you so much, Hao." You look at him with sincerity.
"No need to thank me, Angel. I'm always here if you need me."
"Hm...you know what I really need right now?" He sits on the bed massaging your thigh tenderly.
"Some cuddles..." He immediately smiles and nods.
"Of course Angel, anything for you."
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Reqs are open!!
@jjunie-0 @minminghao @honglynights @allieyaaa
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tharkflark1 · 2 years ago
Riku’s last name is mouse and no I won’t take criticism
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ayankun · 3 years ago
Pseudo-liveblogged reactions to Amazon's Cinderella
I'm not super savvy on modern music, so it took me into the second song to realize that this is a pop opera rather than an original musical.
There are pros and cons to pasting pre-existing songs into your narrative and we will unfortunately not be able to get into the pros today.
My newly acquired "5 min rule" would like to have the protagonist's internal conflict presented to the audience within the first five minutes of runtime. Couple that with Howard Ashman's "I Want" song and you'd kind of expect your protagonist to sing a lil something about what their story is up front. The only character so far to express anything of the sort is Idina Menzel's character.
If this wasn't a well-known fairy tale, I'd have to assume, after the first five minutes, that the evil stepmother is the main protagonist.
They didn't source a song that gives Cinderella a clear objective! They gave her one that describes her ... outlook on life. But we don't know the context for that outlook (I mean, we do, but this movie chose not to tell us, we already happened to know)
We meet her in her basement workshop, which she leaves immediately and starts doing kitchen things, so it's like, we Do Not Know her relationship to the workshop vice her relationship to the kitchen; no effort was made to show one as a joy and one as a burden. Maybe she loves both. Maybe she hates both, and that's why she's singing about having a good attitude (still no answer why love saving the day is relevant in the slightest)
Okay this new character showed up and she asked about his cane and I literally had not seen the cane on screen. It's a visual medium, you gotta show us the important stuff oh my god.
Ok, 8 min in, best I can tell, the conflict is that Cinderella needs to find financial stability because stepmom wants her gone and also her only viable options are getting married off. So stepmom's goal is to marry her off -- I'm wildly confused bc of the conflict I KNOW this story is about; why wouldn't she be invited to the ball if stepmom could get rid of her that way?? I have to guess that she wants the princey income going to one of her own daughters, in which case, her conflict is NOT that she wants to marry Cinderella off!!!!!
Geez, okay, I Do Not Know if these are original songs or not. Cinderella just sang about being famous, and the visuals implied that she wants to do sewing good.
OKAY????? The prince is just an obnoxious frat boy. Guessing that Cinderella either "I can fix him"s or else just absolutely just becomes a fashion designer and doesn't end up with the prince because Feminism.
Okay so Cinderella is super expected to go to the thing, no issues. The ISSUE IS OMG LOLOLOL THAT THE STEPMOM DOESN'T WANT CINDERELLA PARTICIPATING IN THE BLASPHEMY OF FEMALE BUSINESS OWNERSHIP?!?!?!?! (She needs to go to the thing, but she can't wear her self-designed dress for the hype ok sure)
Ok the Queen is my jam
He said "you can't control me" but I heard "you can't troll me"
Oh-hohoho so there's a suddenly Prince's Sister who is competent and will ultimately win the throne bc her brother's useless. So now I'm guessing that the prince is a super red herring who's just wasting screentime.
He's now singing Queen, which is slightly hilarious
(He wants to marry for love, I think. He doesn't want a political marriage. He still doesn't seem suitable for Cinderella, bit she did sing about love earlier so. Maybe they go into business together.)
It's trying to be campy but I'm not feeling it. The camp isn't baked-in.
Also this wasn't the ball. It's still to come. Prince is now leaning into the ball idea as a means of getting to meet specifically Cinderella. Bro she got other priorities.
Ok now prince is pulling a princess jasmine to walk amongst the commoners -- sorry hold on, they hecked up the eyelines SO BAD in this scene. Camera needs to stay on the same side of the two characters OMG textbook basics
So one of the stepsisters has now also expressed an interest in marrying for love. Oh PLEASE can she end up with the prince??? The narrator called her "cray," though, and the prince just had a poorly-blocked conversation about how he isn't into someone with too many bats in the belfry.
OOF the blocking is so bad. First time director?
Sidenote: there IS original music, and it's pretty good. They shoulda gone all out and avoided the misstep of weirdly forced musical numbers.
Ok, act 2 is about getting ready for the ball. How are they gonna pad this? Midpoint is she has her dreams dashed and has to do fairy godmother plan B? Or is that low point and the ball is in Act 3?
Montage of all kind of characters singing about where they are going into Act 2 but it's incomprehensible bc they're just using some pop song that doesn't say anything!!!!!!!!!
Oh. Hm. Mr. McCane is the conflict. That's tidy enough. Cinderella can't go to ball bc she's suddenly been match-maked. (And her fancy dress was ruined for good measure). So this is the midpoint lololol and getting ready for the ball was just the one montage rather than an entire act.
Lol so the fairy godmother is just a caterpillar/butterfly that she saved and there's ZERO reason why he's also magic.
We're on our third musical number in like 10 minutes, they're really pumping em in
I just shouted NO about the bad blocking. 180-degree rule!!!! It's non-negotiable!!!!!!!!!!
Have to say it, there is probably DEFINITELY an audience for this tho
So the second half of act 2 is the ball. Low point will be the midnight time limit on the magic?
Oh shoot I forgot about leaving the glass shoe behind and that whole search shenanigans. That's probably act 3 eh
Ohhhhh geez okay okay now she's met a queen and has to go meet her tomorrow so she can live her fashion designing dreams. But now she has to choose between prince and dreams? She takes prince with her on queen journey, leaving prince sister behind to rule? That'd be fine
Oh I forgot about Mr. McCane conflict. I don't know what she wants so I don't know what existing conflicts matter. She can't get locked in a closet and not be able to try on glass shoe, because she only has until 4PM tomorrow to go on queen journey; Mr. McCane thinks he's going to marry her; the magic ends at midnight but the prince already knows what she looks like and who she really is; the stepmom might find out that she's gone to the ball after all, but she's the prince's favorite so what can stepmom really do??????????
It's very messy
These over the shoulder shots are so awkward, the subject is always smack-dab in the middle of the frame, slightly obscured by the other party and the other half of the frame just totally empty I hate it a lot
Gonna guess this is 1.19:1 aspect ratio, which is ultra wide. Whyyy waste all that lateral real estate???
You can tell this was made for theaters rather than home viewing, though; after watching Zombies 2 a couple more times, I've noticed how the made-for-tv up-close framing isn't really the right way to use that ratio; the faces are way close and we don't get a lot of body shots. Not a problem here, though.
Ok it's midnight and she's fleeing, but other than the fairy godmother saying "RUN," there isn't really a good narrative reason for why she had to flee. Yeah she's unglamored and herself again, but SO WHAT.
Pierce Brosnan and Minnie Driver are killing it tho
Ok so her choice IS still between prince marriage and queen journey. McCane proposal red herring?????
There are NO STAKES to the stepmom doing anything villainous at this point? She wouldn't and she won't? And now she gets a tragic backstory? Idk idk idk bro
ohh hmm! Stepmom wants her to do the prince marriage, out of an honest desire for Cinderella to live the best life available to her (and to support the stepfamily)
So Cinderella has chosen queen journey and stepmom is like okay I'm selling you to Mr. McCane. But is Cinderella locked in the basement? She can't just ... go on queen journey?
Please stop framing every face in the center of the shot. Please. I'm f*cking begging you
Ok shoeventure is about to start; it's a narrative piece belonging to the KING'S REDEMPTION ARC AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CINDERELLA'S STORY LOLOL
So they're not going to tackle the whole thing where the queen journey queen doesn't care that Ella's has a different fave today from yesterday?
Ok and the queen is leaving on her journey an hour after she was to meet with Ella, so Ella's going to go with her but first she's going to the castle and be present at a whole royal event, and probably a musical number and then make it back to the docks in time? Sure ok.
Ye here's the number. Has 0% relevance to either the current events or any thing that's happened in this movie
Oh I have no comment on the dances, I haven't been compelled enough to really pay attention to any
Nice that she gets a lil moment of connection w/ stepmom. Don't know if it was earned, but it was sweet
Love will save the day reprise :| I mean ... I guess if he weren't out looking for her, she would have missed her appointment probably ... otherwise.........
Ok, it was fine/ not for me, peace out lololololol
EDIT: I quoted the aspect ratio as 1.19:1 but since I'm not good with numbers that's totally wrong. (I think that's the almost-square ratio that The Lighthouse used.) I just checked and both Cinderella and ZOMBIES 2 are 2.39:1, so at least I was correct in identifying that they were the same.
Also, looked up Kay Cannon and was unfortunately also correct in assuming she was a new director. Thinking on it now, it feels like maybe it wasn't storyboarding and/or shooting each scene was a process of "Let's just get coverage so we have options in post." There's just a real lack of not just intent behind shot composition and reason for cutting and the specific shot cut to, but mostly coherence; scenes are stitched together like Frankenstein's monster, I felt a visceral uncanny valley discomfort while watching.
I feel bad, no one felt they could point this out to her, either in pre-production or on set?? Unless she was surrounded by equally green staff, or yes-men who didn't really care about the end product that was going to have their names attached to it.
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jinniejohns-blog · 8 years ago
BTS Would You Rather
Tagged yet again by the lovely @ithefanfictionwriter hehe, thank you~!!! <3
- build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
Snowball fight with Hobi!!! Sorry, building a snowman is fun and all, especially with Tae, but....I’ve never had a snowball fight before and I’ve always wanted to! >:O
- get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
Coffee with Yoongles...CAFFEINE ADDICT OVER HERE
- go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook
Sorry Minnie...I don’t like cinemas lmao...So amusement park with Kook!! (He’d probably beat me at all the games ;u;)
- do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
I can’t do either :’D But sing with Jin because my friends have told me my voice isn’t horrible, compared to my dancing lmao so yEAH.
- kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
Love ya Joon, but cuddle with Yoongs (even though I’d probably get claustrophobic...and worry about my breathing patterns....and a bunch of other stuff hhhh
- babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
Dogsit with Tae ahhhhh this one was hard omg
- meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
“Meet J-Hope’s family because I need to thank his parents for making the sun.” - Weisster (this is an A++++ answer, okay? Couldn’t have described it any better).
- film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
Hhhhh ,,,, I’ll do a sketch with Tae ><
- hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
Just like Weisster’s answer, I’d hug Jimin and drown him with love and praise and tell him hoW PERFECT HE IS WITHOUT EVEN TRYING AND TO NEVER CHANGE EVER AND STAY JUST HOW HE IS AND-
- go to paris with jin OR to london with suga
ALKSADAJ Paris...with...Jin.....I’m dying.... (sorry London, sorry Yoongs :’0)
- film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
I can’t act for sHIT - but sure, drama with Jin, why not?? (I hate pictures, whOOPS)
- attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
I’d attend an award show with Joon...because really, there’s no context for Jungkook’s, so my mind could go anywhere with whY we’re at the airport, and have couple t-shirts on lmao
- spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
Awww, this one’s hard..... Hhhh okay, I have too many lazy days as it is, so I’ll go exploring with Hobi >u<
- fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
....Does Jimin know I’m falling asleep next to him?? Or did I, like, break into his room or smth >_> this is where my mind goes to, okay!?!? But fall asleep next to Minnie :D
- have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
I don’t like fancy dates all that much....but it’s Jin and I’m weak (also him in fancy attire, rip) - the picnic sounds fun :’00 but... Date. With. Jin. 
- have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
Jungkook...serenade me boi!!! I wouldn’t be able to sleep with Tae was singing to me omg!! I’d die tbh - so actually, I would sleep....just forever.... XDDD
- have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
Dancing with Hobi would be fun, but he’d kill me with his moves okay?!?!?! And, although Yoongi would totally kill me with every note he hits, karaoke is always fun, so I’ll choose that hehe ><
- go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
As much as I hate the beach, I can’t do camping because I’mma whiny biii...sh... PG13 :Pc (I’m stupid lmao) - BUT I’d go to the beach with Joon and Yoongs...it’d probs be chill and nice XD (or maybe the complete opposite, y’never know :O)
- have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae
As much as I’d love to hang out with the hyung line in any occasion...sleepovers suck because I just get tired and sleep XDD I wouldn’t even get to be mischievous or anything!! :(( So I’d go with birthday party with the Maknae (line?? or just Kook?? Either way, that’s my answer lol)
- celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin
I never really liked Halloween because I’m not so much of a candy person, plus dressing up in costumes and going out in the hEAT, is never a good mix... So Christmas with Joon, Jimin, and Jin :DDD
Don’t even know if I actually have to tag someone... but I’ll just do @sabysabysaby (again) - sorry, love!! ^^;;
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