#Military tough camper
shakespeareanwannabe · 3 months
As You Wish, Chapter 15
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, panic attack, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, references to babies, swearing, references to body image issues, swimming and water games
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Top Gun, almost 12 years ago
Jake yawned as he sat in front of his locker, his flightsuit half unzipped and his travel mug of coffee cooling on the bench beside him.
He was so. Damn. Tired. Of everything. He was doing the nightshift with the twins so that Buttercup could get some rest, but the top brass wanted him in at 6 a.m. on the dot to run low-light training simulations with the rest of the squad. His parents were constantly on him about taking Buttercup and the twins for a visit and, for a military family, they were having a real tough time understanding that Jake literally didn’t have enough hours in the day as it was. And on top of that…
His head drooped as he remembered what had gone down that morning in the cute little bungalow that he had finally been able to move his family into a mere month before Buttercup had given birth. He had busted his ass for that house, and she wanted to what? Move away for a job she could do from anywhere? When she was barely healed from giving birth and he could deploy again at the drop of a hat?
Jake shook his head. He had to get his head in the game. If he kept replaying the fight in his mind, he’d be useless up in the air. He’d already fucked up the last three simulations they’d flown, and Cyclone had really been up his ass about it. Even Mav had looked at him with disappointment in his eyes.
Jake pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes and his fingers gripped his hair, tugging the blond locks tightly. What the fuck was wrong with him? This wasn’t who he was. Star quarterback, homecoming king, only aviator with two confirmed air to air kills of his generation. He’d married the perfect woman and had two perfect daughters, so why was everything so. Fucking. Hard?
“Hey man, are you…what the hell’s wrong with you?” Rooster’s voice came from the doorway but Jake couldn’t bring himself to look at him. He couldn’t bring himself to do anything. He couldn’t move his head or his hands. Hell, he couldn’t even control his lungs, which were starting to burn with the speed of his breathing.
“Nothing” is what he tried to say, but all that came out was a garbled groan.
“Whoa, hey…” he felt Rooster take a seat across from him. “Dude, you’ve gotta breathe. Dude? Fuck…” The bench rattled beneath them as Jake flinched away from the gentle hand on his back. “Dude, fucking relax.” Rooster snatched one of his hands and tugged it to his chest, not noticing the blond hairs that ended up tangled in Jake’s clenched fist. Jake would’ve pulled his hand back but didn’t have the energy. He felt like he didn’t have the energy for anything anymore. “Just…try to breathe with me, okay?” Rooster took an exaggerated breath and Jake struggled to follow. “Dude, c’mon. You like to say you’re better at me than everything, but you’re gonna let me be better at breathing? No way. Try again.”
The next breath that Jake took was a little stronger. And so was the one after that. And the one after that, until he stopped shaking and he was able to release his fists and raise his head.
Rooster was staring off to the side and it took Jake a moment too long to realize it was because the older man didn’t want to see him cry. Jake hadn’t even realized he had been crying. Fuck, he hadn’t cried in years. Not even when the girls had been born. He’d wanted to, but he kept the tears at bay until he was in the privacy of his own shower, and everyone knew that shower tears didn’t count.
Jake used the scratchy sleeve of his flightsuit to wipe away the remaining tears before he sniffled, grunted, and sat up. “Thanks, man.” Rooster grunted and shifted on the bench, the wood groaning beneath his weight. “We, uh…we’ve been fighting,” he admitted quietly. “She wants to get a job and she needs more help with the twins, but I’m always needed here, so I don’t know what she wants me to fucking do, y’know?”
Rooster nodded once, eyes firmly on his boots. “You two will figure it out.”
“Yeah…yeah, I’m sure we will. Thanks, Rooster.”
The older man slapped the wood bench beneath him and stood. “Don’t mention it. Now, c’mon. Cyclone wants us on the flight field.”
“I’ll be right there.” His fingers still slightly trembling, Jake zipped up his flightsuit and downed his now cold coffee. “Hey Bradshaw? You’re not gonna tell anyone about this, right?”
“Tell anyone about what?” With that, Rooster pushed open the door to the locker room and disappeared, leaving Jake alone again.
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Clifton, Texas, Now
The cold steel of the bleachers bit into Buttercup’s thighs as she chuckled around the mouthful of buttery popcorn she had just shoveled into her mouth, the crowd roaring around her.
Though she was not a football fan, the atmosphere of the high school football game was intoxicating. It seemed like everyone in Clifton had shown up to support the Clifton Cougars in their first pre-season friendly match. And while the keyword was supposed to be friendly, Jake and Javy were both coaching as though it was the last quarter of the Super Bowl and they were down by like 20.
“Let’s go, Cougars!” Abby cheered next to her, her face painted with blue and gold stars to match the school’s official colours.
“Get ‘em, Uncle Javy!” Charlie roared, her own bag of popcorn flying everywhere.
Her daughters’ enthusiasm increased Buttercup’s enjoyment of the game exponentially. While she had watched the Dallas Cowboys play while she and Jake had lived together and supported him when they won or lost, she had always found herself drifting during the televised games. Perhaps what she had needed was her daughters explaining the game to her. Or, she bit her lip, perhaps it was the sight of Jake in the tight white T-shirt and grey joggers that had her eyes hardly straying from the game in front of her.
He was so…passionate. The passion he had always shown for flying was now being shown as he conferred with Javy to call plays and helped bolster the offensive line. Even from her place halfway up the bleachers, she could see the bright stars shining in his eyes as he had a heart to heart with their rookie quarterback, and she could practically hear the warmth in his voice as he clapped the kid on the shoulder before he ran out onto the field.
There were only a few minutes left in the game and, while the Cougars were winning, and while it was only a friendly pre-season match, the hometown crowd was clearly loving the strength of their team. As the team lined up for one final play, Jake leaned in to whisper to Javy, who nodded enthusiastically before Jake turned and beckoned to them in the stands.
Charlie dumped her popcorn on her seat and turned to them eagerly. “C’mon, Mom!”
Buttercup shook her head. “He wants you two,” she smiled softly at her daughter. “You two go, I’ll hold the fort down here.”
Abby pouted at her. “Mum, please?”
“I’m sorry, babe, but there’s no reason your dad would want me down there,” she bit her lip against the sharp pang in her gut. “You two go.”
Abby’s shoulders slumped a bit before Charlie grabbed her arm. “It’s alright, Abs. You’re gonna love this.” Charlie tugged her sister down to the sidelines.
Jake bent down to talk to them briefly before turning back to the bleachers, beckoning to her again. Buttercup felt heat flood her cheeks but she shook her head. Perhaps there was a reason he wanted her down there with their daughters, but the memory of leaning against him on the dark path to the gazebo gave her pause. They had come so close…too close. And yeah, it had felt really good to be that close to him, but it was just nostalgia. They had been in close proximity for almost a week, their muscle memory from a decade ago was clearly kicking in.
From a distance, Buttercup could see Jake roll his eyes before he leaped the fence and started jogging up the steps to the bleachers.
“Buttercup, c’mon!” he called once he reached her row.
Her sigh barely masked her laugh. “Why? Jake, you know I’m not a huge football fan.”
“So? The Cowboys never lost a game when we watched together, so clearly you’re some sort of good luck charm. My boys could really use that luck right now.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’ve been winning all game.”
“So?” He fixed her with those patented puppy dog eyes. “The girls want you down there and so do I. Please?”
She groaned as she stood. “You know it’s not fair when you use those eyes.”
He grinned back at her. “I know. That’s why I do it.” Tingles of electricity sparked as he took her hand and led her down to the sidelines. Abby and Charlie met her with a hug as she reached them and Javy grinned at her before turning back to the team to give them a pep talk for their final push with 30 seconds left on the clock. “Okay, now just stand there and be lucky,” he winked at her before turning to join the team again.
Before she could blink, the game was over and Javy was scooping Charlie up in his arms, placing her on his shoulders as the team surrounded him. She squealed as Jake wrapped her up in his arms, spinning her around. She grabbed his arm as her feet touched the ground again, using it to steady herself as he grinned down at her.
“See?” he murmured, as close to her as he had been the night of their dinner. “You’re my good luck charm.”
She felt the heat race to her cheeks as he released her, opting to scoop up Abby as he joined the team’s celebration. She watched as her girls bobbed high above the cheering teenagers and grinned. No matter what was going on in her personal life, seeing her daughters so happy was infinitely worth it.
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After the game, she found herself tucked into a corner booth at the local diner, tradition dictating that the Seresin family and Company went out for dinner, whether the Cougars won or lost. Bob had picked up a flight from Dallas to London, stating he’d be back in plenty of time to help with the reunion party scheduled for Saturday night. Phoenix had flat out refused to go to the game, and Rooster had opted to spend the night with her, his wink and nod at Jake enough for the man to know that his friend would at best figure out what was going on between Nat and Javy, at worst keep her from burning the place down. But she found herself happy as she sunk down in the booth, laughing as Javy was immediately tugged away by members of the football team, who were holding court over a bunch of tables pushed together.
“Sorry, fellas,” Jake tilted his head towards his girls with a grin and the teenagers immediately bowed away.
“Huh,” Buttercup mused as the teenagers returned to their table.
“Nothing. That was just pretty impressive.”
Jake grinned. “They know that when I’m with Charlie, I’m off limits.”
Something fluttered in Buttercup’s chest as the waitress came over to take their orders.
“Just the usual, Mags,” Jake smiled at her as he stretched his arms across the back of the booth, pausing only to ruffle Abby’s hair.
“Me too!” Charlie settled into her mother’s side.
“Me three!” Abby giggled.
Buttercup blinked. “Ummm…” She scrambled for the sticky plastic menu and winced when it stuck to the table.
Jake stilled her struggle with a light hand on her wrist. “How about the chicken Ceasar salad, a side of fries, and a sweet tea?”
Buttercup couldn’t tear her gaze away from his large hand encircling her wrist, heat radiating up her arm at the gentle touch. Her breath caught and her heart rattled around in her chest for a moment before she was able to compose herself. She was being stupid. It was a simple touch between co-parents, and it wasn’t too far out of the realm of ordinary to remember the food preferences of a former loved one. She always found herself remembering his order of a medium rare steak with fried okra and a loaded baked potato, after all.
“Y-yeah,” she attempted a grin and gently pulled the menu off the table as Jake slowly released her. “That sounds perfect.”
Jake smiled and winked at Mags. “How’s Frank doin’, Mags? All better after his surgery?”
Mags blushed under his grin. “Oh, yes, he is. And thank you again, Coach, for sending your boys over to help with the yard work. I don’t know what I would’ve done without all the extra hands.”
Jake waved an easy hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll let Javy know they were helpful.” He winked at her again as she scurried off to the kitchen with her notepad.
“Hey girlie!” Javy hollered over from his spot with the team. “Davidson here thinks he can beat your score at Ms. Pacman!”
Charlie practically crawled over her mother and barely caught herself before she went headfirst into the floor from the bench seat. “Oh hell no! C’mon, Abs!” One quick look up at her father, and Abby dove after her sister, both girls giggling as they shouldered the senior running back out of the way.
“Don’t worry,” Jake murmured to her, watching her as she watched their daughters with the rowdy group of teens. “They’ve known her for years and see her as a little sister, and they accepted Abby right into the fold too. They’d be first on the attack if anything happened to either of them. And Javy is right there. He’ll keep things PG-13.”
Buttercup felt her cheeks warm under the weight of his stare. “Sorry,” she sighed. “I guess I’m not used to this small-town living thing. I feel like I can barely take my eyes off her in London. Everyone there is practically a stranger.”
Jake settled deeper into the booth, his long legs kicking out. “Yeah…everyone here either knows each other or knows of each other. Everyone looks out for everyone else. It’s a weird vibe to get used to, but once you do, there’s nothing like it.”
She quietly thanked Mags as she delivered their drinks and took a small sip of her sweet tea before grinning. “I guess I just never pegged you as the type of person to like the Leave It to Beaver lifestyle.”
Jake’s laughter poked at the small flame kindling in her chest, sending sparks flying. She’d missed that sound. Towards the end of them, there hadn’t been much laughter to go around, but his laugh had always been one of her favourite sounds, especially when they first got together. He’d still had so many walls up, preferring to keep his squad mates at an arm’s length, and that included anyone associated with them. He’d been all biting wit and sarcasm, but once he’d lowered his defences, she’d been a goner.
“I guess I didn’t really give off a Mayfield vibe, huh?” he chuckled. “And you’re not wrong. I spent a few summers here with my grandfather, but my head was always in the clouds or in my cockpit, so I never really enjoyed it. But, I don’t know…” he gazed around while sipping his beer. “My grandparents always said there was no better place to raise a kid than here. So, when I retired…I don’t know, I guess I figured here was as good a place as any. And I would have my grandfather to help me raise Charlie, so…it made sense.”
Buttercup nodded thoughtfully, her eyes scanning the old pictures and news articles that had been pinned to the walls. “It must be nice…growing up in a place with so much family history.”
Jake shrugged. “I grew up in Dallas, but I guess it was nice coming here. Everyone I met had some sort of story about my grandparents growing up, or my great-grandparents.”
“And now Charlie gets to hear about her dad growing up, and her great-grandparents, and her great-great-grandparents…” Buttercup sighed heavily. Her eyes jerked up to meet his as his hand landed on top of hers, squeezing lightly.
“What’s wrong, Buttercup?” The kindness and warmth in his eyes almost had her tearing up.
She shrugged, sniffling back those tears that were threatening to pool in her eyes. “I think you were right. Taking the job in London was the wrong decision. I cut us off from all the support we had, and—”
“Hey, now…none of that,” Jake squeezed her hand again and leaned in, so close to her that she could smell the spice of his cologne and the woodsy undertones that were pure Jake. “I was a stubborn, jealous asshole when I said that. You…you were drowning in Miramar, and I was too scared to be willing to see it. I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am for that.”
Buttercup chewed on her bottom lip as she looked into those green eyes. “That’s the first time you’ve ever told me you were scared,” she whispered.
Jake hung his head and rubbed at his eyes with his free hand. “Yeah…I’m sorry about that too. I should’ve told you; I just didn’t want to add onto everything you were already dealing with. But maybe if I had…”
Buttercup flipped her hand and squeezed his gently, ignoring the shocks that went through her at the contact. “Communication was never our strong suit, was it?” she smiled sadly at him, and he chuckled in response, the sound sad and longing.
“No, I guess it wasn’t. But hey, we’re both older now, right?”
Her smile brightened a bit, even as her heart began to thud overtime. Was he suggesting…? But he couldn’t be. He was fresh off a breakup, and they lived on opposite sides of the world, and their daughters needed a solid unified front if they were going to adapt healthily into this new dynamic. Buttercup schooled her features before grinning at him.
“Yeah. We’re both older now,” her heart did a funny little flip at his smile, and she schooled that too. “We should be able to communicate way better for the girls. We did promise them a better custody arrangement, after all.”
It may have been a flicker of the old fluorescent bulbs overhead, or the shadow of Mags passing out their food falling over his face, but she could have sworn that a frown tugged at the edges of Jake’s mouth at her words. But in a blink, it was gone, and he was whistling for the girls to return to their table to eat.
“As you wish, Buttercup,” he murmured softly as their daughters raced over. “If a better custody arrangement is what you want, then that’s what we’ll do.”
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Saturday morning was a rush of activity and preparation for the Dagger’s reunion party. Jake, Javy, Bob, and Rooster had reached out to all their contacts and invited all the Daggers they had managed to contact. By Friday, they had received RSVPs from almost everyone. Penny and Amelia had immediately launched into planning mode, and Payback and Fanboy had enthusiastically agreed, the pair having stuck together since the Daggers had been disbanded. Omaha, Fritz, Halo and Harvard had all emailed back with their disappointed declines, seeing as they were all stationed in classified locations and weren’t due to be back in a few months.Yale said that he would come if he could, but it depended on his girlfriend’s work schedule. Even Cyclone and Hondo said that they would make an appearance if they were able, but Warlock wouldn’t be able to make it.
With such a large crowd, they had all been put on prep duty. Natasha and Bob had cleaned out a few of the empty dude ranch cabins to make space for their guests. Rooster had planned a huge menu of comfort food that they hadn’t really been allowed to eat while they were in the Navy. Jake and Javy had raided the local liquor store and brought back a veritable treasure trove of potent potables. Buttercup, Abby and Charlie had gone decoration shopping and brought back an embarrassing amount of cliche summer decorations, including flamingo floaties, sun-shaped sunglasses, and plastic pineapple cocktail cups. However, nothing truly got done until Penny rolled in with Amelia on Friday night, taking one look at the party supplies that had been strewn around the ranch house and sighing fondly, directing them with military precision.
Finally, after what felt like hours of hanging bunting, blowing up balloons, and cleaning the pool, Buttercup was lounging on a chaise by said pool next to Natasha, the Texan sun beating down on their skin as they laughed at the boys, all crammed in the pool playing an aquatic version of Dogfight Football.
Buttercup sighed contentedly as she sipped her margarita and watched her girls play with Payback’s kids, her eyes catching occasionally on Jake as he tackled Javy into the water.
“...are you even listening to me?” Natasha sighed, pulling her hat further down on her head to shield her scar from the sun.
“Hmm?” Buttercup’s eyes followed Jake as he threw the red foam football down the length of the pool, his muscles rippling as the water lapped at his waist.
“Damn, girl,” Natasha sighed as Payback’s wife, Maryanne, settled into the lounge beside them. “You’ve still got it bad.”
“Fuck off,” Buttercup muttered as she dragged her eyes away from the game. “Charlie, no tackling!” she shouted, as she noticed Charlie sneaking up on Payback’s son, Richard.
Amelia sighed and stood from where she was dangling her feet in the water. “I’ve got ‘em.”
“Amelia, you don’t have to do that…”
Amelia smiled at her and headed over to the grassy hill. “It’ll be good experience, don’t worry.”
Buttercup watched Amelia join the kids, immediately launching into whatever game they were playing with gusto. Shaking her head, she turned her head and noticed both women staring at her. “What?”
“Don’t what me,” Natasha grumbled. “Everyone can see how you two look at each other.”
“There’s no look,” Buttercup sighed.
“Honey, there’s definitely a look,” Maryanne sighed, watching her husband as he dunked Fanboy into the water. “He stares at you like he’ll never get enough.”
“It’s true,” Penny piped up from her spot under the umbrella. “He looks at you the same way he looked at you when you two first started dating. Like the sun rises and sets with you, like you hold the key to all of life’s happiness. Those kinds of looks don’t come around every day, sweetheart.”
Buttercup rolled her eyes and snuggled further down into her chair, determined to ignore her friends. There was no look. She and Jake looked at each other in a completely platonic, non-romantic way. If there was a look, it was the long-suffering look that parents shared with each other when their kids did something ridiculous. She opened her mouth to tell them that, but something smoky and slightly acrid filled her lungs instead.
“Hey, Rooster? Why does it smell like something is burning?”
In an instant, all the heads in the pool snapped to her. Except, it wasn’t Rooster who moved, but Jake. In one smooth move, he heaved himself out of the pool, his biceps flexing and contracting against his body weight as he swung his legs over the side of the pool.
Buttercup’s mouth turned to the Sahara as she blatantly stared at him, her eyes tracing the droplets of water that skimmed down his pecs and abs, blinking as he grabbed a white towel and quickly tousled his hair with it before picking up his tan baseball cap and slinging it over his head backwards, keeping his damp hair out of his eyes. He slung his towel over his shoulders as he strode for the grill, grabbing the tongs and flipping the burgers with practised ease.
“No look, my ass,” Natasha whispered as he passed, snorting at the dazed look on her friend’s face.
“Fuck off…” she murmured, her eyes tracing the rippling lines of his back.
“I thought Rooster was the chef here, Hangman?” Maryanne teased, her eyes watching Buttercup closely.
“Hey, everything else was done by me!” Rooster called, throwing off Fanboy’s overly enthusiastic tackle with ease. “Hangman’s just overly protective of his grill.”
“A man and his grill have a special relationship that nobody else can understand, Bradshaw,” Jake’s grin was filled with light and ease, clearly having no clue the effect he was having on his ex-wife.
“Seems like you have a lot of relationships that nobody else can understand, dude,” Javy waggled his eyebrows at him
“Did you really almost marry a former beauty queen that’s almost half your age, Hangman?” Payback asked, climbing out of the pool and catching the towel his wife threw to him.
“And can I have her number?” Fanboy smirked as he climbed onto one of the pool floaties.
“No,” Jake grimaced as he rolled the hot dogs. “Mickey, you don’t want her number.”
Javy cackled, flipping Fanboy’s floatie before he could flip Jake off. “Isn’t that the exact same thing I told you when we met her and her dad on the golf course?”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Maybe. But y’all are acting like I came to my senses at the altar or something. We were barely engaged.”
“You were touring venues, Dad,” Charlie groaned as she flopped onto her towel by her mother’s feet.
“She had the Save the Date cards printed too,” Abby pointed out, sitting on the edge of Natasha’s chair.
Buttercup giggled at Jake’s expression. “They’re not wrong, Jake. You were going to marry that girl.”
Jake turned his eyes to her, and her breath caught at the anything but teasing look in them. If anything, those green eyes were heavy with guilt. Guilt and longing and a look that she recognized but didn’t want to name. Naming it made it real. Naming it made it breakable, and if it broke again, she didn’t know what she would do.
Suddenly, she was desperate to cover herself. What had she been thinking, wearing a bikini in her ex-husband’s backyard? She was too exposed, too much of her left revealed for him to see. Her hand blindly searched for a blanket or a towel or her wrap, anything to keep the heat of his gaze off her before it burned her again.
“Is this any way for a distinguished unit to greet their superior officer?”
Fanboy and Payback jumped to attention, whirling to salute Cyclone and Hondo as they strolled through the open back gate. Phoenix rolled her eyes while Javy and Rooster bestowed him with a one finger salute, and the spell that had hung between Buttercup and Jake broke. He blinked and turned back to his grill, and Buttercup ceased her senseless search for her wrap. She was being stupid. There was nothing between them, so there was no reason to cover herself up. Besides, it had taken her a long time to be proud of her body again, and she would flaunt it if she wanted to.
“Knock it off, Beau,” Penny cooed as she greeted the Admiral with a warm hug. “Everyone should be at ease today.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled softly down at her before reaching out to shake Jake’s hand. “Seresin! Thank you for the invite.”
“Glad you could make it, sir,” Jake responded warmly. “I hope you brought your appetite. We’ve cooked up enough food to feed an army.”
“We’re both starving,” Hondo shook Jake’s hand. “We appreciate the invitation. I know we didn’t part ways on the best of terms.”
Jake shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all water under the bridge.” Jake turned his attention to the grill for a moment before calling out, “Food’s almost ready everyone!”
Bob popped up from his seat under the cabana. “I’ll go get the stuff from inside and bring it out.”
“I’ll come with,” Natasha called, avoided Cyclone’s gaze with a fierce determination.
Jake’s eyes followed Bob as he put out a hand to stop her. “Actually, Phoenix, can you do me a favour and put all the meat in the trays? I’ll give Bob a hand.”
Natasha eyed him skeptically but nodded. “Sure…but if you do anything to piss him off, I’ll break your face.”
“Bold of you to assume that Charlie and Abby wouldn’t beat you to it,” Jake grinned as he followed the former WSO into the kitchen.
His former brother-in-law was standing with his back to him, his strategic mind undoubtedly figuring out the best way to get all the salads, sides, buns, and veggies out without spilling anything.
“You know, if we flip the lids so that they’re flat, we could stack the salads and I could bring them out and you—”
“Whoa, slow down there, Bobby,” Jake chuckled as he moved to stand beside him. “I want to talk to you for a second first.”
Bob’s eyes remained on the table. “What about? You and I don’t really have much of anything to discuss, do we?”
Jake flinched but nodded. “Yeah, alright, I deserve that.”
“You deserve a lot more than that,” Bob huffed. “I told her to stay away from you, and—”
“And I fucked it up,” Jake bit out. “Just like you always knew I would.”
Bob’s eyes finally raised to meet his, and there was a fire in them that Jake hadn’t seen since Natasha had been brought to the medbay, bleeding from her eye and nonresponsive.
“She was sick, Seresin,” Bob hissed under his breath. “She was so sick and you…”
Jake’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he worked to dislodge the words he had been struggling with for years. “I wasn’t around to notice.” Jake sighed even as his heart panged. “I know. I missed half of her pregnancy and then I deployed again when the twins were like three months old. I agreed to deploy again even though I knew she was struggling. And the one thing that seemed to spark her…” Jake shook his head. “I’m not trying to make excuses, Bob, but I was scared. My wife wasn’t herself, I was running on next to no sleep, the brass kept wanting me for training exercises, and the girls were so young and helpless. Everybody needed a piece of me and I couldn’t deal. That’s no excuse, but it’s the truth. And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, ever since you got here.” Jake took a deep breath and held out his hand. “I wanted to thank you…for taking care of my family when I couldn’t. I know they’re your family too, but since I wasn’t capable…I’m damn glad you were.”
Bob considered his hand for a moment. “I don’t think you weren’t capable,” he muttered after what felt like hours, and he shook Jake’s hand. “I can’t imagine what was going through your mind. You always felt the need to be perfect…you put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect in every aspect of your life, and when home wasn’t perfect…” Bob shrugged and released his hand. “You both cracked under the pressure. I’m not saying it was all her fault, because she was really sick, but it takes two to get married. It takes two to get divorced too.”
Jake blinked at him. “Jesus, Bob, you’re like Dr. Phil without the accent.”
Bob scoffed and started flipping the lids on the salad bowls. “And you’re still a dick, just without the flightsuit to justify it.”
Jake laughed and started loading the condiments into a metal tray, feeling lighter than he had in a while.
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“They ate everything,” Rooster muttered, gazing down at the empty metal trays and all the empty bowls. “I’m pretty sure Fanboy even ate part of the watermelon rind.”
Jake laughed loudly, clapping his friend on the back. “Why do you sound so surprised? You do remember who we’re dealing with, right?” At that, a loud crash and a screaming chorus of “We’re alright!” rang out from the backyard.
Rooster sighed, hanging his head. “I’m too old to deal with this shit anymore…”
Jake grinned and tossed his head. “Why don’t you go make sure nothing valuable got broken out there? I’ll handle a bit of the clean up in here.” Rooster shot him a look and he rolled his eyes. “Dude, it’s my house. My kitchen. Don’t worry, I’m not going to mess up your precious system.”
“Yeah, you’d better not,” Rooster muttered as he strode out the double French doors to the backyard, scooting out of the way to let Buttercup go by with the empty dessert tray.
“They’re a bunch of animals,” she sighed, taking in the mess.
Jake chuckled. “Careful, or you’re going to start sounding like Rooster.”
He started gathering up the metal trays and stuffing them into a recycling bag.
“You’re not cleaning up now, are you? Everyone wants you out there.”
Jake shrugged. “Just a bit. Rooster will have my head on a spike if any bugs get in here because we left the mess for too long.”
“Oh…” Buttercup bit her lip as she looked around, then back to him. She seemed to be steeling herself before she nodded and said, “Let me help you then.”
Jake smiled softly and murmured his thanks before the two of them fell into a bittersweet rhythm together, dodging and weaving around each other as they stacked plates, snagged garbage, and rinsed cups.
“Now, this takes me back,” Jake’s voice was wistful as he began scrubbing down the serving utensils.
Buttercup smiled as she grabbed a ladle from him to dry. “Christmas…New Years…St. Patrick’s Day…”
Jake snorted. “You were the cutest little elf I’ve ever seen.”
Buttercup gasped in mock outrage. “I was a leprechaun, thank you very much.”
“Still adorable,” Jake shrugged.
“Yeah, well, I can’t say the same for you and Santa Claus.”
Jake turned to her, letting the tongs fall into the sink with a dull thud. “What was wrong with my Santa Claus?”
“Other than that you wouldn’t let anybody but me sit on your knee, and you told Rooster and Javy to fuck off when they tried to ask you where the presents were?” Buttercup grinned at him.
“Hey, I was a very jolly old Saint Nick!”
“If by jolly, you mean horny…” Buttercup bit her lip, wincing internally. She hadn’t meant to say that. She really shouldn’t have said that. But there was something about the normalcy of being in his kitchen, cleaning up after a Daggers party. It was warm, it was calming, it was familiar.
A gush of wetness against her bare belly tore her from her thoughts and left her gasping at Jake’s cocky face.
“What?” he smirked. “You’ve been in your bathing suit all day and didn’t get wet. Thought I would help you out with that.”
Buttercup put down the dish she was drying and started winding up her towel. “Now you’ve gone and done it, Hangman,” she glared playfully at him, brandishing the wound towel in his direction before snapping it in the direction of his bare thigh.
“Hey!” he yelped, rounding the island to escape the towel’s sting. Safe behind the island, he grabbed the sink sprayer and aimed it at her, laughing at her squeals as the water rained down on her.
“Get back here, Seresin,” she cried, winding up her fabric weapon again as they began to chase each other around the kitchen. Around and around they went, water from the sprayer and the sink splashing up and towels whipping back and forth until Buttercup’s foot hit a damp patch of tile and slid out from under her.
Wincing, she braced herself for a fall…that never came.
“Easy, darlin’,” a thick arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her close, steadying her against a sturdy chest. A sturdy bare chest. “You alright?” Green eyes gazed down at her, worry and that touch of something that would remain nameless filling them.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” she murmured, one palm braced against his pec.
“I don’t know, I kinda like it,” he whispered, his warm breath fanning over her cool bare skin.
“Because you get to play hero?” she murmured, feeling his heart begin to beat harder and faster as she leaned against the counter, and he caged her in between his arms. They both knew she could easily escape, and just as easily tell him to back up, but she didn’t.
“Because I get to hold you again,” he admitted softly, his nose grazing hers for all of a nanosecond.
Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the heat of him press closer to her. “Jake…”
A low groan vibrated in his chest. “Tell me to stop…tell me we can’t…”
“I…” her breath shook. She knew they shouldn’t. Their situation was messy enough as it was. Not to mention he was fresh off a broken engagement. And, if this fell apart again, the girls would be devastated. She would be devastated. She couldn’t open herself up to him again…and yet, she also didn’t have the strength to say no to him. “I—”
“Hey, Seresin, I—oh!” Cyclone hesitated in the doorway. “Sorry, I’ll just…”
“It’s fine, Admiral,” Jake sighed, knowing the mood had been shattered. “What can I do for you?” His skin felt cold as Buttercup slipped under his arm and went back to drying the dishes.
“Well, there were rumours floating around that you were planning on joining us again, putting those skills of yours to good use in a few years. I was wondering if there was any merit to that?” Jake gulped as he sensed Buttercup going taut behind him, but Cyclone continued. “I was playing golf a few weeks ago with General Beaumont and he mentioned that you might want back in. Tell me the old man wasn’t just pulling my leg, Seresin. We need an Ace like you back on duty.” The clatter of metal against metal caught Cyclone’s attention, and he stopped, seeming to finally realize the tension that had clogged the air. “I should go see what Hondo got up to,” he bowed out with a slight frown in Jake’s direction before clicking the doors closed behind him.
“Buttercup…” Jake turned to see her tense back and bowed shoulders leaning against the sink.
“You want to go back?”
Jake’s eyelids fluttered closed. Shit.
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
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captain-mj · 8 months
Plane Ride
Little Ghost mom centric thing because @snootlestheangel made me think about her again
Mrs. Riley silently handed her ticket to the airport security. She had never flown to America before. If she could, she'd probably feel anxious about doing something wrong and the man yelling at her.
Instead, all she could feel was the swirling mix of dread and relief filling her entire body. They bubbled and foamed inside her until she felt like she might throw up on the nice worker's shoes.
"Mum." Tommy put his hand on arm gently. "Sorry, sir. My brother is in the hospital and neither of us are taking it well."
"Go ahead and go through."
"Thank you, sir." Tommy held her hand as she tried not to cry again. "it's okay, Mum. Simon is alright. We're going to go see him and he's probably going to be fine and tell us we're loonies for even being worried about him."
Mrs. Riley wasn't sure she believed him, but nodded all the same. She was never the strongest person. Mentally or physically. It was not something she was proud of honestly. But she needed to keep herself together through the flight.
Tommy managed to sleep, probably exhausted from handling Joseph and the unknown amount of time he spent on the phone trying to get everything together. She made sure not to wake him up, even as she kept weeping.
Simon was alive. They told her he was dead. Went missing and would never return. That she'd never even get a body.
And now. He was alive, in critical condition and hadn't talked much. Her good boy.
Mrs. Riley started to sob again. She had never been a good mother. She always tried, but she didn't fool herself into thinking she was good. Simon protected her more than she ever protected him and that would probably always haunt her. A better mom would've left. Or at least made sure she was the only one getting hit.
The first time he had broken Simon's arm, she did leave. Just for a day. And then she came back. Weak and unable to handle the world anymore. When did she get like that? She asked herself the question constantly.
Not Simon though. Even as a kid. Always tough as nails.
The poor flight attendant offered her a drink on the house. She simply asked for a water and to please come back when Tommy was awake.
On foreign soil, she wondered how her son did it. Just... went to other countries. Talked with people. Smiled and drank and did all the things she did as a kid so easily.
A military personnel picked them up. They had on their formal wear. Only difference between it and the one, who told her that her eldest had died, was the flag and some colors. He had a scar along his head and tattoos on his arm. For a brief moment, she thought one of them may match her son's but his sleeve was half covering it.
"My name is Sergeant Alex Keller. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
He talked to Tommy like a soldier, greeting him with a thick Texan and shaking his hand. For her though, he must've seen the red eyes and the bags that came under them, because he actually smiled at her.
"I've never met someone as... strong willed as your son. I'll be happy to escort you both to the hospital. However," her blood started to drop in temperature, "i must warn you. He's not a happy camper. His condition also... isn't pretty. Doctors say he's out of the weeds, but recovery is going to be a slow and steady process."
Tommy nodded. "Strong willed... That's one way to describe him."
Sergeant Keller simply smiled and she got the impression he knew something she didn't. Most likely something classified if he was anything like Simon.
Alex took them to the hospital where they were told only one visitor at a time. With no hesitation, Tommy stepped back and said he'd wait in the waiting room. Although it was no doubt killing him, he simply squeezed his mom's hand and let go.
Mrs. Riley followed the nurse through the white halls, feeling nauseated as many childhood A&E visits flashed through her brain.
"Right now, he's on quite a bit of oxycodone."
"He's not supposed to take that."
The nurse faltered a bit. "There was no note in his file for allergies. We couldn't leave him unmedicated. Is there a different one that he should be on?" She sounded almost panicked, as she checked through Simon's file.
"Addiction... runs in the family. Sorry, I trust your judgement, miss. I'm just surprised he let you give him any pain meds."
The nurse relaxed and hesitated, again, almost telling her something. She seemed to take pity on the poor mom. "He was... delirious. We believe he was given some cocktails of hallucinogens and who knows what else. That with the infection and the fever... I don't think he would've stayed coherent enough to make choices."
Mrs. Riley found herself relaxing a little. "Simon knows how to dissociate. Hopefully that's what he did when they... took him. I understand there's certain things you can't tell me. I do. What can you tell me? Before I go in this room. What should I know?"
The nurse paused in front of the door. "I wouldn't normally do this. I need you to understand. But I think someone he's close to should understand what happened." She put the file on a small table nearby. "I'm going to walk away. Just go in when you're ready."
Mrs. Riley smiled at her and waited a moment or two after she walked away before picking it up.
Broken ribs. Dislocated. Vivisections scars. Damage to multiple organs. A surgery had been done to remove internal scar tissue. Puncture wounds all over. Unknown wound on the ribs. Cuts along face. Wound from a previously healed over slit throat. Signs of starvations. Signs of rape. Burns along feet, potentially from walking on hot ground. Scorpion stings on hands and wrists.
There were more, but most were cuts or bruising. Horrible, but nothing like what she had just read.
Mrs. Riley should've taken a moment to compose herself, but she couldn't. She didn't even put the file back on the table, just dropped it and went inside.
There he was. For the first time since he was six years old, he looked small. There were so many bandages, especially around his mouth. But his eyes were exposed. Along with dark hair that had grown out and fell in his face now. For a brief moment, his heart rate spiked in fear as he stared at her.
"There's my good boy." She said softly, walking over. She made herself walk slow and steady despite wanting to collapse. When he flinched away from her, it felt like she had her heart ripped out and picked apart. But he settled, his heart rate began to even back out.
He tried to talk but it seemed to pull something cause it winced in pain instead.
"Simon." His eyes went straight to her, soft and wet. "Blink once if i can take your hand."
One blink.
She grabbed it gently, cradling it. His hands dwarfed hers. There were so many scars. So much bandaging. Her eyes filled with tears and she could hear the heart monitor start to beep faster.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Simon." She rubbed his knuckles gently to calm him back down. "Tommy is outside when you want to see him."
It looked like he tried to sit up but the pained whimpering that came out of him made her sick.
"Sweetheart," she pressed his shoulders back gently, not liking the defocused look in his eyes. "please. Just stay still. Everything can wait. I promise. For once, just... let someone else be the strong one for you, alright?"
Mrs. Riley pulled up a chair and held his hand. Before long, he fell asleep, though he fought it to the bitter end. Tommy was allowed back eventually and she wasn't prepared for how fast he just fell apart.
Her poor boys.
Simon went to comfort him but was luckily stopped by both of them before he could hurt himself. He looked miserably at both of them but Tommy hit the pain med button for him and he relaxed back into a blissful and hopefully pain free sleep.
Mrs. Riley could be strong. She knew she could. Whatever Simon needed, he'd get.
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merrock · 1 year
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face claim: Luke Mitchell.
full name: Jason Everett Browning.
nickname(s) / goes by: Jace, Jay, Jay-Ev.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: bisexual.
birth date: July 5, 1983.
birth place: Merrock, Maine.
arrival to merrock: local born; left after high school to join military, returned to town in May of 2023.
housing: countryside.
occupation: park ranger & volunteer firefighter.
work place: Merrock State Park & Town Hall (fire station).
family: member of the Browning family
relationship status: single.
Depending on the day that you catch him and what mood he's in, Jace can either be the life of the party, or the storm cloud ruining it. At one point, he was the person lighting the bonfires and screaming 'chug, chug, chug' as his friends downed the beers someone swiped from an old garage fridge, but over time, he became quiet, stoic, broody. He's incredibly smart, having a head for facts and the wit for problem solving, but was never good with school. Brave, he has never backed down from a challenge. He's loyal to a fault, but selective with who he opens up to and really lets in, and would consider himself more of an introvert, unless he has a beer in his hand.
WRITTEN BY: Katie (she/her), est.
triggering / sensitive topics: brief mentions of the military, ptsd, depression / mental health.
Jason Everett Browning was born not long after the fourth of July in 1983 -- it's a common joke among his family and friends that there were still fireworks in the sky to celebrate his birth as he came into the world. He was a happy baby, never really giving his parents any problems, and easy to fall in love with, with his round cheeks and bright eyes. By the time he was a few years old, and little sister Cordelia was on the way, he had settled into the role of a 'good kid*' with that little * meaning that he could have a little bit of an attitude when he wanted to. But he would have done anything for his baby sister, without hesitation.
Childhood was relatively easy, predictable for a small towner. The Brownings were a typical Merrock family, in that they attended town-wide events and made sure to wear their nicest clothes when they went out to make an appearance together. He loved his family, but in his teen years, he began to pick up on some of the toxicity that lingered in his father's words, or the way his mother would preen over Cordelia. He tried to push it out of his mind, make them happy and be a good son. Jace played sports, but never for very long -- he lost interest in football early on, and couldn't really cut it with wrestling (pulling his opponent's hair a little too hard when he got mad got him removed from the match, and then the team), and couldn't compete with his high school rival in soccer. He was a little on the artistic side, and did well enough in art classes, and excelled in biology (he liked plants, volunteered to start a family garden patch), while doing pretty horribly with math and English... and eventually realized that college probably wasn't going to be for him, which did leave the tough call: how to tell his parents before graduation rolled around.
Enlisting in the military ticked off many boxes for Jace: an escape from his parents and small town life (although he hated leaving his siblings behind), and finding some sort of purpose for himself were the biggest, most important ones. Finally, he found something that he was good at, tackling basic training and pushing himself like he had never pushed himself before... but it led to six years of active duty that, to this day, he doesn't talk about. Jason served his time, and when his enlistment period came to an end, he opted not to reenlist, and went home. Or tried to.
In December of 2008, fresh off of his stint in the military, Jason slowed to a stop outside of his family home... and couldn't make himself go inside. A few days later, he purchased an old camper -- named Annabelle Lee -- and hooked it to the hitch of his jeep, and left town again, without even having even said hello. Communication with his family and friends while in the military had been rare... but after his duty ended, he became a ghost in the wind.
While his time on the road was fun, all of that empty space and silence combined with the PTSD he, like many soldiers, dealt with made him long for something else. Something more concrete, something he could depend on. Something that kept him busy and kept him from being in his own head for too long. He begged and pleaded his way into a maintenance and groundskeeping position at Yellowstone, working hard to save up money, and used his military background to help with enrollment at Montana State University, where he began to take every class, every course he could find involving the environment, agriculture, forestry, anything that would help him get to where he wanted to be. During this time, after seeing how destructive fires in the area could be, he became a volunteer firefighter, helping out with wildfires and community fires. After graduating in May of 2014, and finishing all of the courses and training he needed, Jason became a state park ranger in January of 2015, six years after arriving with a goal in mind.
Although a part of him thinks that he could have lived there for the rest of his life, the guilt of spending so much time away from his home and his family after leaving so, so long ago did start to eat at him, especially as he approaches forty. Had his siblings started lives of their own? Had Cordelia married that high school football player and had a dozen babies? Were his parents still insufferable in the way that they orchestrated their family, expected them to be perfect? On a whim, he called up the park manager and a local real estate agent, securing a job and a parcel of land to park ole Annabelle Lee and made the move back to the northeast. The time to go home had finally come around for Jason.
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oliveplanet1 · 3 months
Buy Military Pouches, Military Surplus, and Infrared Patches
When it comes to military gear, certain items stand out for their utility and importance. In this blog post, we will explore military pouches, military surplus, and infrared patches. These components are essential for both military personnel and outdoor enthusiasts.
Military Pouches :
Military pouches are indispensable for carrying and organizing essential gear. These pouches are designed to be durable and versatile, able to withstand harsh environments and heavy use. They come in various sizes and configurations, making them perfect for holding ammunition, medical supplies, tools, and more. Military pouches help keep gear accessible and organized, which is crucial in both combat and outdoor adventures.
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Military Surplus :
Military surplus refers to items that were originally manufactured for military use but are now available for civilian purchase. These items include clothing, equipment, and tools that are no longer needed by the military. Buying military surplus is a smart way to get high-quality gear at a lower cost. The durability and reliability of military surplus items make them popular among campers, hikers, and survivalists. From jackets and boots to backpacks and tents, military surplus offers a wide range of products built to endure tough conditions.
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Infrared Patches :
Infrared patches are used by military personnel to identify friendly forces, especially in low-light conditions. These patches emit infrared light, visible only through night vision equipment, which helps prevent friendly fire incidents. Typically attached to uniforms, helmets, and gear, infrared patches are essential for enhancing safety and situational awareness during operations. For civilians, infrared patches can be an interesting addition to tactical gear collections, and they are often used in airsoft and paintball for team identification.
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Understanding the roles of military pouches, military surplus, and infrared patches can greatly enhance your appreciation for military gear. These items are not only practical but also offer a glimpse into the history and functionality of military equipment. Whether you are a military professional, an outdoor enthusiast, or a gear collector, these components are valuable additions to your kit.
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asiaedu0 · 1 year
The Classic Swiss Wool Army Blanket: A Give of Durability and Efficiency
Swiss wool army blankets have been a necessary piece of military history, used by warriors for their glow and sturdiness. These blankets were made to endure brutal atmospheric conditions and furnish officers with important protection from the cold during their missions. Throughout the long term, the Swiss Wool Army Blanket has become a well-known choice for outside lovers, campers, and explorers because of its extraordinary characteristics.
The Swiss Wool Army Blanket is produced using 100% wool, which is obtained from Swiss mountain sheep. Wool is known for its top-notch and special properties, making it a brilliant material for blankets. The wool filaments are normally protective, giving warmth even in wet circumstances, which makes it ideal for outside exercises. the Swiss Wool Army Blanket is inconceivably sturdy and can endure long periods of use without losing its quality. The wool strands are firmly woven, making them impervious to mileage. This sturdiness has made it an optimal choice for military use, where hardware needs to keep going for extended periods.
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Aside from its reasonable purposes, the Swiss Wool Army Blanket likewise has a rich social history. The blanket's plan, which includes a red stripe and a white cross on a dark foundation, is an image of Swiss culture and legacy. The blanket's creation is likewise a demonstration of the Swiss custom of accuracy, with each blanket made according to demanding guidelines. The Swiss Wool Army Blanket is an immortal piece that isn't just useful but also socially huge. Its strength and usefulness make it an ideal choice for outside exercises, setting up camp, and climbing. The Swiss Wool Army Blanket is a demonstration of the Swiss practice of accuracy and quality, and its design is an image of Swiss culture and legacy.
The Swiss Wool Army Blanket is likewise a practical decision for purchasers who care about the climate. The wool is a sustainable asset, and the creation of the blanket humbles the climate compared with manufactured materials. Furthermore, wool is biodegradable, making it a more eco-friendly choice than numerous manufactured materials. The Swiss Wool Army Blanket has likewise acquired prominence as of late as a sharp home-style thing. Its exemplary plan and normal surface make it an ideal expansion to any home, whether as a toss blanket or an enlivening piece.
The blanket's strength guarantees that it will keep going for a really long time, making it a superb speculation for property holders. The Swiss Wool Army Blanket has had an essential impact on crisis and calamity aid projects all over the planet. The blanket's capacity to provide warmth and security in brutal weather patterns makes it an important asset for aid associations. The blanket's toughness and life span likewise make it an optimal choice for gifts and charitable endeavors.
The Swiss Wool Army Blanket is a flexible and important thing that has endured for the long haul. Its toughness, usefulness, and social importance make it a special item with a rich history. Whether for military use, open air exercises, home stylistic layout, or calamity aid ventures, the Swiss Wool Army Blanket is a demonstration of Swiss practice and craftsmanship and a superb speculation for anybody looking for an excellent and feasible item.
For More Info:-
Swiss Wool Army Blanket
Authentic Swiss Army Blanket
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description SUKHAD Water Resistant Waist Belt Pouch, Sport Carry Pouch for Phone and Small Accessories, (Green) Features : Can carry mobiles, pens, cigarettes, wallets, carabineers, and other camping items.Waist belt pouch protects your items of high shock, shaking, drops, bumps, splash, etc.It's suitable for tactical belt, tactical vest, or backpack, the width can be adjustable for different width belts.Great for tactical, military personnel, campers, hikers, fisherman, Outdoor Sport, students, etc.High strength nylon fabric, wear-resisting,scratch proof, not fading and waterproof. Easy to carry : This nylon tactical pouch is perfect for carrying your cell phone and other small items while camping or hiking through tough terrain. The straps can be threaded through the loops on the back for a tight fit on the belt or any combination of wear options and belt sizes. There's a loop on top The pouch mounts horizontally to the user's belt and vertically to a backpack strap. It features a hook and loop flap to keep everything inside. It has two main compartments with zipper closure, one front phone pocket with buckle closure, and one pen holder (pen not included). Compact design, large storage space multipurpose pouch, an ideal organizer for accessories High strength nylon fabric, wear-resisting,scratch proof,not fading and waterproof. Great for tactical, military personnel, campers, hikers, fisherman, Outdoor Sport, students, etc. Spacious : If you've even been fed up of putting countless small things in your pockets every day, then this is the product for you. With its numerous spacious pockets and compartments, you'll find space for all the little things like pens, lighters, keys, phones, small power banks, chargers, etc that occupy and clutter bags and wallets daily. Durable : It is very multi-functional as it can fit many different items such as keys, knife, pen, portable charger, or any other small tool. Made of durable nylon fabric material, this pouch is water-resistant and washable. Two zip compartments allow for neat organization and quick access. Accessories : The small pouch is an ideal EDC bag organizer for accessories, cell phones, key chains, small gadgets, and everything else you need ready access.
Smartphones like Iphone 6, Iphone 6S, Samsung Note, Mini Camera, Radio, Pen, Notebook, Map, EDC Tools, like Flashlights, Scissors, Knife, Ruler, Patch, Daily accessories like Keys, Card, Cash, Photos, etc. Keep your hand free : It will keep your cell phone, mp3 player, camera, or other electronics secure! This pouch can be worn as a belt strap or clip on to a bag with a system. Multi-pockets inside with a large capacity to hold multi accessories at a time. Keep your hand free while you are camping, hunting, or traveling. Spacious : Durable : Accessories : Keep your hand free : Zipper : Best Quality zipper easy to open close for 10,000 times. Buckle : One front phone pocket with buckle closure, Best quality Buckle. This Premium Quality Pouch is made with 1000 denier waterproof Nylon ,with MOLLE attachments,double webbing molle belts behind, and extra strong buckles. Pen holder : Can carry mobiles, pens, cigarettes, wallets, and other camping items. Pen pocket and cellphone holster holder in the front, cell phone, key chain, small gadget, small tool, and everything else you need readily accessible. Compartments : Main compartment can put ID card driving licence bus card, cell card. The secondary pocket can put cell phone, power bank, and other things.
Specification : Material : NylonSize : 7 x 4.8. x 2.4 InchColour : Green Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 12.19 x 5.08 x 17.78 cm; 100 Grams Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 13 August 2021 ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07Q31DY4M Item model number ‏ : ‎ SUK-WP-GREEN Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Department ‏ : ‎ unisex-adult Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 100 g Item Dimensions LxWxH ‏ : ‎ 12.2 x 5.1 x 17.8 Centimeters Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count Generic Name ‏ : ‎ Waist Pouch This Premium Quality Pouch is made with 1000 denier waterproof Nylon ,with MOLLE attachments, double webbing molle belts behind, and extra strong buckles. Has lots of storage! Specially designed for travel. Fit for charger, passport, key, credit card, cigarette lighter, sun glass, cellphones, digital cameras etc. These utility belt pouches are specially made for camping and hiking. Material : Nylon , Size : 7 X 4.8. X 2.4 Inch , Color : Green , Package Included : 1 X Water Resistant Waist Belt Pouch, Sport Carry Pouch for Phone and Small Accessories [ad_2]
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blauerhafen1 · 2 years
Camouflage Shorts Herren
Camo cargo shorts are a type of casual shorts that feature a camouflage print and multiple pockets, usually with flap closures. They are often made of durable materials like cotton or a cotton blend and are designed for comfort and functionality. Camo cargo shorts are a popular choice for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing, as well as for casual wear. Some variations may also come with additional features such as reinforced seams, belt loops, and quick-drying fabrics.
Camo cargo shorts are versatile and can be used for a variety of activities and occasions. Some common uses include:
Outdoor activities: Camo cargo shorts are often favoured by hikers, campers, and hunters for their durability, comfort, and functionality. The multiple pockets and sturdy fabric make them ideal for carrying essentials like a phone, wallet, and snacks.
Casual wear: Camo cargo shorts are a popular choice for everyday wear, especially during the warm months. They can be paired with a variety of tops, including t-shirts, tank tops, and button-up shirts, for a stylish and casual look.
Military and tactical use: Some camo cargo shorts are designed for military and tactical use, with reinforced seams and extra pockets for gear. They may also feature a more durable fabric and construction for added toughness.
Workwear: Camo cargo shorts may also be worn as part of a work uniform, especially in industries where workers need to carry tools or other items.
Overall, camo cargo shorts are a practical and versatile item that can be used for a range of activities and occasions, from outdoor adventures to casual days.
Product Link: https://www.blauerhafen.xyz/product/camouflage-shorts-herren/
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conqueror4x4au · 2 years
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Conqueror 4x4 is the only official distributor of Conqueror Off-Road Camper Trailers in Australia.  
 Conqueror 4x4 off-road camper trailers were born from military heritage and they are built military tough. 
Our range of campers include popular UEV-490 and UEV-440. These campers are what we call your All Season, All Road, Go Anywhere Camper Trailers.   
You are welcome to visit our showroom at- 64 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD-4014 or you can find us at your next Caravan, Camping and Outdoor show near you.  
Visit our website to learn more about our trailers or to see the full schedule of the events we are going to be at. 
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shefalierivets · 2 years
Ten Common Purposes of Rivets
The globe continues to be operating upon rivets intended for a large number of years. From Vikings to Historic Egyptians, folks have depended on these types of fasteners to protected items together to get make use of in everyday existence, and the same holds true today. Rivets are crucial in the building of structures, cookware, jewellery, therefore a lot more because they're cost-effective and the favoured way to completely secure a number of components like solid wood, metallic, and plastic.
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Listed below are 10 prevalent uses for rivets:
Pots and pans Pointe are the house specialty. No more than they are, container and skillet rivets will be a fundamental element of durable cookware in your kitchen. Aluminium frying cookware, cast flat iron trays, stainless pots, and ceramic skillets frequently have deals with fastened to the primary kitchenware body applying solid rivets or semi-tubular rivets. Aircraft Facing solid headwinds, high elevations, and weighty loads, plane of any sort needs to be created from solid, solid components. Captivating can be an important section of the structure of airplane for long term metal attachment. Rivets will be the ultimate decision for equipment since often fastening can only just be performed in one part of the materials.
Dog and horse leashes Four-legged friends make use of rivets, as well. The majority of doggie leashes depend on simple catch or hold for connecting into a training collar cycle for an easy, protected interconnection. The same could be stated pertaining to horses and saddlery. In both instances, the rivet allows the system to spread out very easily and close safely.
Aluminium boats Keeping you afloat, a good rivet acts a useful and all-important function with regards to aluminium boat. Rivets will be the ideal decision for sea make use of due to their stability and capability to hold parts as well as a good enough seal off to maintain water away.
Window treatments and covers From tones, to window blinds, to window shutters, rivets certainly are a key element of this each day important. As you open up the blinds initially light to when it is time to carefully turn in for the night time, rivets help to make this basic act feasible. Rivets are accustomed to secure the average person blinds towards the framework from the windows masking therefore if the window blinds happen to be shuddered or perhaps open up, the blinds will be guaranteed for the frame whilst having the capability to revolves open and shut.
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conqueror4x4 · 3 years
Best Off Roading Destination in US
Families who want to lay closer to home this year may discover that a camping trip is the wonderful vacation to take.
Badlands National Park, South Dakota
This Park contains one of the richest fossil beds in the world. It also has a large number of animals wandering the plains, from prairie dogs to bison. The Park has two campgrounds, including a backcountry site, which is both open year-round.
 Devil's Lake State Park, Wisconsin
You will not run out of nature’s beauty while camping here. The Park is full of natural marvels, such as a sandstone bridge, gorges, sandy beaches and an incredible lake for boating and fishing. Hikers and mountain bikers should check out the park's more than 29 miles of trails.
 Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
This Park has everything, from caves to bridges and waterfalls to gorges. It has various Camping options too. You can sleep at horse ranches, in a wigwam, by the river, at an RV park or a private primitive site. It has cabins and a modern retreat center as well.
 Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota
This is the only national park in Minnesota, and it is situated on the border of US and Canada. Four museum lakes give way to 344 square miles for water sports. Other activities include guided boat tours, ranger-led programs, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and swimming.
 Custer State Park, South Dakota
Picturesque views are all over at this campground inside one of the country’s great parks, which is packed with rock structures, green meadows, brooks, vistas—and a lot of buffalo. Go trout fishing, horseback riding or hiking among the pine trees. Put this wonderful place to camp on your list if you are visiting the Midwest.
 Sibley State Park, Minnesota
It is located on the coasts of Lake Andrew. The Civilian Conservation Corps constructed a few of rustic style stone structures throughout the park. It is now listed as a National Register of Historic Places, protecting those structures for future visitors. Treasure hunters are rumored to love this area as hidden caches, and other items are buried throughout the park to find.
 Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, North Dakota
The history containing President Abraham Lincoln can be found in this state park bearing his name. With tours of reconstructed buildings and points of interest, history enthusiasts will find the area seasoned with Native American tales while those who love hiking and biking will find trails aplenty. The Heart River lies in the background with natural, historical trails to go along the nearby areas.
Conqueror Off Road Campers, Conqueror International, Off Road Camper Trailers, Military Tough Camper
Reaching the free road is a particularly American pastime, and no season calls for it more than summer. It is called the off-road trip, for the folks with four-wheel-drive and a taste for adventure—not to mention dust. So, with the hope to inspire you to break away from the pavement, above mentioned are some of the greatest trips you can make, mostly on dust and gravel.
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I like the questions @nuclearforest gave me so I pass them on to you.
1. What minerals or rocks do you feel describe Sabine and/or Hans?
2. Does Sabine know how to drive? If so, do you think she would prefer automatic or manual transmission? What would she drive if she could drive anything?
Same goes for Hans, what do you envision him driving?
3. Guilty pleasures? We know Sabine loves chocolate but what else can she not resist?
What quirks or guilty pleasures do you think Hans' would have?
Oooh, I love these asks!
1. I kind of touched on this before, but Sabine is definitely carnelian for the sensuality and lust it represents and also the color matches her eyes. Keeping with that theme, I think Hans would have to be banded red agate. It's a grounding stone that calms and balances during stressful or emotional times and Hans is quite literally.. an emotional rock. Also, they are red and white and well
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2. Sabine doesn't know how to drive and honestly expects to be chauffeured around but if she had to drive she would want to drive manual because its less work. I think Hans can drive anything but I see him preferring to drive utility vehicles like jeeps or pickup trucks maybe with a camper over the back. He wants a tough vehicle that can handle the terrain and doesn't care much for speed or style.
3. Sabine is a decadent woman who definitely loves her chocolate, sex, booze ( and bloody meat but you didn't hear that from me yet)
For quirks I hc that Hans obsesses over cleaning his guns and shining his boots and keeps everything military tidy. He's a product of his environment and its just habit at this point. Except for his hair. He lets that stay shaggy and unkempt. Guilty pleasure is probably his photography and maybe some food that most people would consider absolutely disgusting like canned fish or something stinky. And in my story Sabine's thighs lol.
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Galar Team:
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Moves: Double Kick, Ember, Bounce, Flame Charge
Scorbunny was a wild Pokémon that Phoebe encountered in the Galarian Wild, it was running about her campsite and was playing with Furret. It was a friendly and bubbly little thing, but it was alone and had no group to belong to. At first, Scorbunny didn’t mind since a lot of the campers and their Pokémon are friendly. But over time it grew so lonely when the campers had to leave and Scorbunny had to shelter itself in the wild where none of the Pokemon would interact with it.
When it encountered a pack of Obstagoons, it was scared for its life. But Furret heard the commotion and Phoebe rushed in to save it. Scorbunny was so touched by Phoebe that it spotted the pokéball on her waist and immediately tapped it to be caught. Scorbunny was happy to be part of the team and living in the wild made it experienced in dodging and agile moves. It became confident and would puff up its chest to opponents they battle, it has quite the fiery spirit for someone so small.
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Moves: Apple Acid, Body Slam, Dragon Pulse, Protect
Phoebe managed to catch an Applin when Scorbunny was trying to kick an apple tree to get some of the fruit, but an Applin landed on Phoebe’s head, and seeing the opportunity to get another Pokémon she had Scorbunny fight it. Applin is rather lax and likes to laze around a majority of the time, when it battles it was a bit slow which made it difficult at first but when Phoebe bought some apples and fed them to Applin, she didn’t realize that one apple turned out to be a Sweet Apple and made it evolve into an Appletun.
Appletun retained its lax personality but it could take more hits due to the increase in its defenses, so Phoebe used Appletun to tank hits while they used its weight to her advantage. Appletun slams its heavy body into the opponent and then has it use Apple Acid when it was close enough. Appletun prefers to lounge next to Scorbunny due to its warmth, always trying to lay down next to the rabbit when they sleep in the tent.
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Moves: Headbutt, No Retreat, Megahorn, Smart Strike
Phoebe encounters a Falinks at the Lake of Outrage, thinking that it could be a strong Pokémon to use, they had Appletun battle with it so she could capture it. Appletun took a lot of hits from Falinks but they were close to fainting the Pokémon but the Apple Acid managed to finish it off allowing Phoebe to throw the pokéball.
Falinks has a military-like personality due to its nature, it preferred to train whenever they stopped at camp and when Phoebe has to battle trainers, Falinks will always volunteer itself to fight first. Though small, it proved to be a powerful fighter. Able to take down opponents by using formation and military tactics to overpower the foe, the Battle Armor ability it had was useful against critical hits. Phoebe finds the Falinks rather cute and always makes sure it takes a break every now and again. The Falinks are grateful for her care and would offer to train her team to be better at fighting.
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Moves: Dragon Darts, Dragon Dance, Acrobatics, Phantom Force
Phoebe was a bit frustrated in capturing a Dreepy, it kept breaking out of pokeballs and it taunted her to chase it around. It wasn’t until Falinks managed to knock it out that Phoebe was able to catch it. Dreepy was a sly and sneaky little bugger, sneaking behind people and Pokémon to scare them. When it eventually evolved into a Dragapult, it was still cheeky, Phoebe just let it do its thing because it wasn’t like Dragapult was doing anything bad. Dragapult is the only Pokemon that Falinks has beef with, two complete opposites, one is serious while the other is childish, the two often clash and Falinks gets so annoyed by Dragapult that it chases the dragon in circles.
Dragapult has its soft sides though it lovingly dotes on the Dreepy that lives in its horns. And when an opponent deflects Dragon Darts which means knocking away the Dreepy, Dragapult will go feral and relentlessly attack the opponent. 
Galarian Rapidash
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Moves: Healing Wish, Dazzling Gleam, Expanding Force, Double Kick
Phoebe caught a Ponyta in Glimwood Tangle and it was the sweetest little thing who always wanted its mane brushed. But when it evolved into Rapidash, its personality did a complete 180. No longer a sweetheart but a prideful and quite snobbish Pokémon. Phoebe was at a loss to how it changed so much, she felt a bit upset when it didn’t come for cuddles anymore. Though it does listen to her in battle, it doesn’t interact with her as much anymore. While Phoebe was at a park with her team, a rich lady wanted to buy Rapidash off her. Phoebe refused and said that she takes good care of Rapidash but the lady retorted by saying that it didn’t seem affectionate towards her.
The lady makes a bet and offers to have a Pokémon battle to decide who gets to keep Rapidash, Phoebe wanted to refuse but seeing how the lady wasn’t going to stop until she got what she wanted decided to accept. The lady was known for buying strong and beautiful Pokémon from trainers and it was said that her Pokémon were crazy strong and not a lot of Trainers could beat her, so they had no choice but to give up their Pokémon they bet. 
Phoebe seemed determined to win so she didn't have to give up Rapidash. The lady had a Tsareena, Ninetails, Froslass and Milotic, her team was difficult and the scores were tied. The Froslass proved a challenge when it fainted Scorbunny and Dragapult, the other Pokémon are too weak to fight. Furret was the only choice left and even then it was close to fainting from Froslass’ ice attacks, the lady taunts her and asks why does she bother to keep a Pokémon who doesn’t like being with her.
But Phoebe exclaims that Rapidash could have left her whenever but it didn’t, despite what people may think, she cares about Rapidash and wouldn’t be so cheap as to give it away. The lady bites back by saying that she is strong because she purchased the best Pokémon, that’s where Phoebe tells the lady that she may have strong Pokémon but they probably weren’t properly bonded with them so they aren’t that attached. Hearing this, Rapidash was so touched by what Phoebe said that it stood up to be Froslass’ opponent. Rapidash beat Froslass easily and the lady was forced to back down and leave them be. Phoebe was glad that Rapidash cares about her just as much.
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Moves: Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Brave Bird, Metal Sound
A Rookidee was angrily chasing Dreepy when it did its usual pranking, it chased Dreepy all the way to camp and since it was so focused on the target, it failed to notice it was headed straight for a tree trunk. The collision knocked it out and Phoebe had no choice but to catch it, she debated on finding some flying Pokémon but it seems Dreepy was two steps ahead of her. 
Rookidee was a rather bold fellow, it was like Scorbunny, it wasn’t afraid to fight bigger opponents. It admires Falinks with how strong it was, the two have a mentor crossed with a rivalry. Falinks teaches it to be stronger while Rookidee desires to triumph over their mentor one day. This rivalry carried on when it became Corvisquire, it learned how to be resourceful and use what it can find in the terrain to beat opponents.
One time, Corvisquire was beaten by a strong opponent and it felt devastated by the loss that it lost motivation to fight. Phoebe couldn’t convince it to fight and anything she tried to motivate its fighting spirit was going nowhere. Falinks was the only one who was able to convince Corvisquire to keep fighting, the newfound determination made it fight again with more vigor. 
It triumphed over another tough opponent and it was the trigger that evolved Corvisquire into Corviknight. As a Corvikight it was still trying to see if it can be victorious over their mentor but Falinks stays on top as the strongest between them, Corviknight is not giving up.
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For The Oregon Coast Camping Fall Is One Of The Best Time
The county parks are inexpensive then state parks. They simply re-did the camping spots so you have a good, solid place to park find out here. In reality simply around miles away from the coast you’re prone to find cheaper NFS sites in addition to more availability at State Parks. It does get pricy, oceanside camping, and crowded on weekends for certain.
Fall on the coast just isn't the time to put your rig in mothballs for the winter, but rather to get on the market and luxuriate in some great benefits of the season. Take a side journey by way of the formal gardens of the one-time property of timber baron Louis Simpson at Shore Acres State Park. Warmer-than-common temperatures, an eclectic unfold of hikes and a buffer from the breeze make Humbug a pleasing, versatile outdoor vacation spot. Don't miss the superb ocean motion between Cook's Chasm and Devils Churn. Not sure where you plan to remain in Eureka, however we have stayed at Mad River RV Park simply north in Arcata. If there is anyone in your loved ones who enjoys horseback riding, I can fortunately advocate the beach rides out there at C&M Stables near Florence.
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Six campsites and three yurts are accessible to campers with disabilities. 7 sites and 1 cabin are accessible to campers with disabilities. The northern-most redwood grove within the U.S. could be found on the end of the Riverview Trail by crossing the North Bank Road and climbing the 1-mile U.S. We will separate into 2 areas these accessed by I-5 these accessed Hwy a hundred and one accessible.
After leaving Tillamook, you will drive another ninety minutes south before reaching the town of Newport. Newport, Oregon, is among the most populated towns on the Oregon coast, so you'll want to replenish on supplies, groceries, and gasoline when you are right here. Each is full of alternative for a wide range of outdoor actions, such as climbing, wildlife viewing, watersports, and extra. We spend an enormous amount of time tenting and glamping in order that we are able to train you everything we learn.
It has over 250 private websites spaced out on eight loops in the woods, many along Spencer Creek. There are full hookup websites , water/electric websites including pull-throughs, over a hundred tent websites, and yurts obtainable. On the Northern Coast, this beautiful park is nestled between Nehalem Bay and the Pacific Ocean on a four mile long sand spit. The campground has level RV websites, water/electric hookups, bogs, showers, and a dump station. It’s also a brief drive to the local shops and restaurants in Manzanita. Camping with a tent is possible, however you’d be better off towing your camper alongside.
During a keep here, make sure to visit the Military Museum and the ancient stays of the Peter Iredale shipwreck that lies on the seaside. The Oregon Coast camping is full of jaw-dropping vistas and places to explore. It is hardly stunning that there are also some nice campgrounds to be discovered along the shoreline, some rustic and a few with each amenity that you could dream of.
Cold Water Cove Campground is situated in the Willamette National Forest. This well-liked Oregon campground features views of the attractive turquoise colored Clear Lake and ancient lava fields. Nearby are the Three Sisters Mountain and Mt. Washington.
Bullards Beach additionally has a horse camp with 8 primitive sites arrange for your horses. Located just off of the 101 on twelfth Ave. in Seaside is this RV Resort by Thousand Trails. Seaside RV Resort is situated about 1.5 miles from the Promenade, seashore, and downtown Seaside. If you brought your bike along, it’s an easy ride to and from town, and doubtless quicker than driving on a busy weekend!
Your lakeside keep is benefitted by its instant proximity to awesome hiking trails and ocean beaches. Located at the bottom of a secluded sand spit, you can see easy access to mountaineering on Cape Lookout and a number of the finest trails on the coast. Located proper on the mouth of the Coquille River, this vast park makes an superior place for anybody to stroll about. With eleven miles of trails for horse riding, climbing, and biking spanning across the park and 4 miles of beaches, you’ll by no means be at a loss for locations to explore. Enjoy the wondrous ocean or river views depending on which aspect of the park you visit.
What makes this place so nice is that it's near Astoria, so you'll be able to still get provides, even when you left one thing at home. Also popular is the nine-mile network of paved bicycle trails, and six-miles of climbing trails. Nearly the entire seashore areas in Oregon can be found for using horses, nonetheless,Oregon Parks and Recreation severely limits access.
Your Information To Sunriver: Summer Fun, Breweries, Cabins, Adventures And More
That’s why we created an inventory of the seven finest free camping spots in Oregon. We love tenting due to the quiet solitude that comes with it in a place that provokes meditation. Oregon is home to some of the most unbelievable places to visit within the Pacific Northwest.
We didn't have GPS, nor did our cell phones have service to let us know the place we have been. If you prefer to camp in an RV, boondocking in Oregon could be a easy—and enjoyable—method to hold prices down. Boondocking is typically outdoors of developed campsites, meaning there isn't a water or hookups obtainable. Parking in a single day in a parking zone corresponding to a Walmart is sometimes an possibility, however campers must get permission from the store supervisor before doing so. While state parks sometimes charge a charge to remain inside their grounds and make the most of tenting spots, a couple of groups are exempt from this charge.
While not totally free, this can be a nice possibility for folk already planning to check out the on line casino. For more data, name the casino or visit their web site. No matter where you select to remain, you'll be sure to come back back with nice footage and reminiscences of this incredible shoreline. One factor to remember is that the beachfront sites do not have water and electric hookups.
Hares Canyon Horse Camp
Besides RV and tent sites, in addition they have cabins for hire by the night, week or month. Robbin’s Nest RV Parkis situated simply south of Bandon on Highway 101. Its features include large RV sites, huge rig capability, cable TV, wi-fi, a clubhouse, restrooms with showers, laundry, and proximity to beaches. Iconic in type and memorable in design, nothing calls to the basic tenting expertise quite like an Airstream. A place to retreat after a day outside, they're good for stress-free moments and taking in the fantastic thing about our bay.
Most of the full facilities pack this little gem in the tough, together with restrooms, showers, RV hookups and much more. This guide to Oregon coast camping features all state, county and U.S. Forest Service campsites between Warrenton and Florence – some a hundred and eighty miles price. Discover and book tent camping, RV parks, cabins, treehouses, and glamping—all over the place from nationwide parks to blueberry farms. We've put together the definitive tenting information to the northern Oregon coast for finding just the right place to pitch a tent or park a trailer.
The seashores are all gorgeous and the residents are pleasant and welcoming. If you want to keep close to the Ocean let me suggest to you Beachside SP simply south of Waldport, or go for site #63. Site #63 has ocean on Passenger aspect and again side, the other three have ocean mainly to the back. We are scheduled to host there July and August of 2020. Instead, we ventured on to Cape Perpetua Scenic Area and spent no less than an hour making an attempt to seize the proper shot of the Spouting Horn and Thor’s Well.
Please empty your tub and fill it half full in order that the water will cool for the next bather. Bathhouse #2 is closed for security on account of utmost deterioration and decay. Sites are successfully separated and plentiful foliage presents good privateness between camps. A novel kids’ playground is in style with locals in addition to campers.
Part of the campground is located on the dunes where youngsters love to play within the sand, and the opposite half is situated on Carter Lake, good for fishing and boating. Campsites are nestled amongst shore pine, sitka spruce, Douglas fir and native rhododendron. Drinking water and flush bathrooms are available and each website has a campfire pit and picnic table. The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area is a particular place.
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archie8234hal · 4 years
Camping Cots
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Outdoors beds are an extra agreeable style to rest while outdoors. They give a more strong and lightweight choice to an air bedding and could uphold a greater amount of one's body than a resting cushion. Not to express, a bed could without much of a stretch fit inside one's vehicle for capacity when climbing or either exchanging outdoors grounds. Try not to allow us to blend you in with a legitimate bunk, outdoors beds are a lot further conservative and are normally worked of a hardened steel metal and a solid nylon-body
1. YAHILL-Ultralight-Collapsible-Replacements-Generation
Estimating sixteen creeps by four one inches and weighing only three lbs when shut, Yahill-Portable-Cot is among the present unfathomably slim and packable outdoors bunks that money can buy. At the point when opened up this bed blankets seventy point eight creeps by 22 point eight crawls by three nine inches. This is adequate space to give you absolute the alleviation that you require while on a house or a projecting caper. Over, albeit lightweight, the outdoors bunks features a tough structure making it solid and worth one each buck. Its case is worked of rock solid waterproof and tear-confirmation nylon. The posts are worked of anodized-aluminum when the feet are nylon-made.
2. Outsunny-Portable-Camping-Cot-Tent
The Outsunny-Portable-Camping-Cot-Tent gives a military-style with a best-grade get quality. Donning both blue or either green tones, the outdoors beds can basically crease on for speedy way and is adequately flimsy to take pretty much all over the place. Besides, this outdoors bunk likewise gives a weight limit of 300 and 31 pounds that is ideal for oneself and each extra gear you may bring.
3. YAHILL-Ultralight-Collapsible-Replacements-Generation
The YAHILL-Ultralight-Collapsible-Replacements-Generation has happened extraordinarily made to help the individuals who love unwinding and getting a charge out of a quiet mode. The bunk shows up with a solid convey pocket for simple vehicle and storage facility. It additionally features side stockpiling pockets that are ideal for putting away close to home subtleties. It claims an uncompromising case that could oblige a limit of as much as 400 pounds and gives tough all help.
4. Kamp-Rite-SS-SMS-3442033-Oversize-Tent-Cot
Kamp-Rite Oversize Tent-Cont offers simple gathering and set-up. The enormous wilderness gear simply gauges 25 pounds and overlap to 32 x 36 x six. You could be persuaded of dozing advantageously away from the beginning, you can get appeared to jeopardized creatures like snakes and bugs. It possesses a solid aluminum-outline that could uphold a greater amount of weight with no protruding. On the off chance that one is intending to move out for every camper or vehicle outdoors, thusly this dozing bunk would be ideal for you. Another amazing angle to recognize about the outdoors bed is that it shows up with a three-eighths inch froth padding cushion.
5. TETON-Lightweight-Camping-Folding-Included
The TETON-Lightweight-Camping-Folding-Included gives an amazing resting solace that could guarantee anybody of the best rest each 12 PM. At the point when coordinated with the TETON-Lightweight-Camping-Folding-Included, the pair presents an enormous mix that is agreeable adequate to use as a guest bed. The outdoors bunk is movable because of the explanation it folds in a solid drawstring case for moving or either hefting around. It has incredible assurance for the tent floor, appreciation to the remarkably planned elastic feet. The outdoors bunk is relatively solid and strong having that it could uphold a limit of up to 200 and 75 pounds with no sagging. Camping-beds are an extra agreeable style to rest while outdoors. They give a more strong and lightweight choice to an air bedding and could uphold a greater amount of one's body than a dozing cushion. Not to express, a bunk could without much of a stretch fit inside one's vehicle for capacity when climbing or either exchanging outdoors grounds. Try not to allow us to blend you in with a legitimate bunk, outdoors beds are a lot further minimized and are normally worked of a tempered steel metal and a solid nylon-body.
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You Asked, I Told
Hello, everyone! I will have another  20k chapter of Baghdad Waltz posting tomorrow, but in the meantime, here are answers to some intriguing Asks you sent me. 
CW for some discussion of sexual assault. Spoilers for BW through Chapter 34.
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Oh, thank you so much! I love writing these and other secondary characters and giving them life and a backstory that will probably never, ever see the light of day. I have enough head canon to write whole side fics for both Winnie and Rikki. I love Winnie in particular, though I know she can be a divisive character. Winnie has not been a perfect mother, even though (like pretty much every mother) she has tried her best, which is one reason I really enjoy writing her. I usually see Winnie written in fic as either a straight saint or, less often, a villain, so I wanted to give her some more dimension. I will keep up with these characters as the fic continues!
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Wow, good catch! Yes, this was mentioned one time back in Chapter 17, when Sharon first disclosed to Steve that she was pregnant. As with many of the things like this that I throw in the fic, it serves multiple purposes.
First, I included this biographical information because of how common sexual violence is — at least 1 in 6 women will be victims of sexual violence in their lifetime. I wanted to also show that a) it can happen to “tough” women, which we would likely argue Sharon is/was, as an Army Reserve Officer attending the University of Virginia, and b) even though she still blames herself (at least to some degree) for “letting” it happen, she’s still an overall well adjusted person who can have healthy, intimate, functional relationships, a successful career, and good self-esteem. This hasn’t ruined her life, and I think that’s an important counter message to have in a fic that’s so laden with characters who suffer deeply and chronically with their trauma. Trauma doesn’t always end in PTSD - in fact, statistically, it usually doesn’t. This will likely come up again later in the fic in another context as well.
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Thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the read! As to whether Steve feels trapped by Sharon re: fatherhood, I imagine the details are a bit fuzzy to remember, because it’s been so long since that part of the fic, but I doubt he feels that way. He knows that Sharon has always been lukewarm about the family stuff while he has been dreaming about kids since he was, well, a kid. He knows that she didn’t intend to get pregnant and only got that way because her birth control failed due to an unintended interaction with St. John’s Wort (an herb with antidepressant properties she took to avoid going to behavioral health while he was deployed). As for deciding to keep the baby after becoming attached to it while she was pregnant, despite her previous lack of interest in being a mother, he likely wouldn’t have hard feelings against her for that.
If anything, I imagine Steve probably blames himself for having sex with her while he was home on leave, having just cheated on her with Bucky and not disclosing his cheating prior to having the sex that led to this kid in the first place. Had he told her as soon as he got home, she surely would have told him to go kick rocks, and there would be no Ethan. But he was scared and irresponsible and they were drunk... and now here they are. 
And although Ethan certainly feels chaotic and stressful for him because kids can feel that way and because he gets overwhelmed easily, he’s wanted to be a father for so long that he likely sees Ethan as a strong motivator for him to recover from PTSD and the effects of TBI. Certainly a much stronger motivator than Bucky, because in his mind, Bucky can fuck off and cheat on him or abandon him a thousand times over, but Ethan will always be his son. And even though he struggles to be the kind of father that he wants to be, Ethan and fatherhood is at least something very tangible for him to work toward.
Great questions! Thank you!
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Ah yes, it’s hard to tell what’s going on with their relationship now, because it’s Bucky, who is at times a horribly unreliable narrator. He’s got so much baggage around the Army and not being part of it anymore, and there’s this piece about Sam having the career he wishes he could still have, and Sam having the personal life he could have had with Natasha in some bizarre permutation of reality. And Sam has been deployed, so he’s probably not able to talk much, and Bucky has terrible attachment problems and interprets behavior… not always very realistically. So he might interpret Sam’s distance (logistical, because he’s busy, because they have less to talk about, because they are moving in different directions) as a sign that their friendship was “weird” or that Bucky is “gross” or whatever Bucky is assuming because he’s going through his own shit right now. In short, it’s very possible that Bucky is projecting a lot of his personal stuff onto Sam, like assuming that a pretty normal phase of life transition is actually a sign that he’s being rejected.
But there is a separate issue of Bucky’s friendships getting physical and having these blurred boundaries with friendships. There’s yet-undisclosed stuff in the past that he’s referring to, so unfortunately you can’t see that yet, but he’s drawing on that, and he’s looking at this cuddling behavior (the “snack cake” scene etc.), and I’ll go ahead and say it, since it may never make it into the narrative, but Bucky would definitely have fucked Sam, if he showed even the slightest genuine sexual interest. Bucky has a bad track record with making good friendships in general, and almost all of his close friendships end up getting sexual or para-sexual. Take Steve. They had a pretty intensely physical friendship that got para-sexual and then sexual, and, interestingly, the intimacy that they shared in their friendship also took a nosedive when they really got sexual, but that’s another matter entirely.
So to answer your question, Bucky and Sam didn’t do anything explicitly sexual, but I think Bucky knows he would have, and now that he’s learning about boundaries in DBT, he’s probably wondering about theirs, and he’s looking at these patterns in his life right now, and he’s also just scrambling to figure out why they’re not good friends anymore. I mean, he also really just misses him and the Army, and he’s mourning for both. He’s kind of flailing around here, and that could be another reason why this doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. But you didn’t miss anything. He’s mostly wrapping himself around the axil over something that may or may not even be a thing. [sigh]
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In other words, is Steve a Buckysexual, so to speak? I also am a bisexual person, and I take my bisexual characters pretty seriously (hoo boy). I can see why this might be a big question in people’s minds, because we haven’t seen a very broad swathe of Steve’s sexuality in this fic. He’s very much a monogamist who tends towards longer term relationships, if he can help it (not a guy who does casual fucks well, obvs). We started the fic proper while he was in a relationship with Sharon, then he went to Bucky, and then his sexuality went into hibernation, and now he’s climbing out of that, and we’ve had references to girlfriends in the past peppered along the way.
I’d classify Steve as a late-blooming bisexual. He graduated high school at 16, so he was really coming more fully into his sexuality after he left that environment, and that’s when his interest in Bucky started to fire up. Bucky was the first male he fixated on sexually, which parlayed into a sexual relationship for almost 2 years but then flamed out. Then Steve went into a long sexual hibernation after his mother died and he felt jilted by Bucky’s perceived abandonment, but then he was at the U.S. Military Academy, surrounded by hot young men at their peak fitness and— I will not say more specifically, because this is probably actually going to be addressed in the fic. 
But let it suffice to say that Steve is not a Buckysexual. One could also look at the way he fantasized about Bucky in the coffee house to see some clues to his sexual interest in other men. He wasn’t just into Bucky - he was into all these other guys too, jerking off while watching, all the dicks on the wall.... you know. He has had more relationships with women, so behaviorally he would seem to lean more toward women, but I would not say that women are necessarily his default preference. If Bucky were not in his life and they split to opposite corners of the Earth, never to speak again, I think he would be pretty open about the gender of his parter. As long as they let him put their genitals in his mouth, he’d be a happy camper ;)
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Ah yes, I believe you’re referring to the line “Bucky is still an alcoholic, ‘interpersonally unskilled,’ deeply imprinted from God knows what traumas, and really, who knows how willing to actually change, if change means being honest and shining light in the dark places he’s always kept Steve from, no matter how much he’s begged to see them.” Yes? 
So, prior to them separating in 2002, I would say that Bucky and Steve’s dynamic probably went a lot like this:  
Bucky was pretty contained on the outside most of the time, with periods where the he was a flaming dumpster fire just beneath the surface and brief episodes where he was dysregulated and really struggling obviously. The latter looked like, say, showing up drunk to Steve’s and saying cryptic things like “I’m disgusting” and sticking his hand up Steve’s shirt… or his post-Ground-Zero “fuck me/I’m totally fucking falling apart drunk” thing, etc.  And Steve, after these episodes, was probably like, “You know you can talk to me, right? Please. I just want to help.” And Bucky most assuredly responded with something like, “I’m good thx.”
I think Steve probably suspected for years that Bucky has stuff from his childhood (he would be absolutely dense not to), but I want to say that he probably both wants to know it and is terrified to know it. So his “begging” probably looks like gently imploring in a not too insistent way whenever Bucky does one of these big meltdown-y things. And then when they argue, Steve probably whips out the old, “You keep everything from me! I don’t know who you are! I have to beg you to tell me anything!” because that’s how these things usually go down. And Bucky would never volunteer anything and most assuredly lies about many things overtly and lies by omission alllll the time. So yeah, I would say that this a not-so-reliable-narrator situation but with a strong flavor of truth behind it. If that makes any sense at all. 
Thank you so much for the wonderful questions!! What a joy to receive them. More tomorrow. 
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art-of-manliness · 5 years
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Gifts for the Outdoorsman
Welcome to AoM’s 12 Days of Christmas! We’ve partnered with Huckberry to bring you 12 straight days of awesome gift guides and giveaways. Each day will feature 10 gift ideas around a theme, as well as a giveaway. The giveaways will run until midnight, and the winner will get to choose any item of their choice (up to $500 in value) from all of Huckberry’s offerings. Whether you’re a hiker, camper, climber, or paddler, the great outdoors calls to each and every one of us, albeit in different ways. No matter your flavor, these 10 gifts for the outdoorsman are sure to please. You can find more picks for nature lovers and explorers here. The 12 Days of Christmas: Gifts for the Outdoorsman 1. Flint and Tinder Trucker Jacket. Made with waxed, weather-resistant sailcloth, this trucker jacket is soft right out of the box, and can be worn with just a tee underneath since it’s fully lined with soft cotton flannel. Perfect for unpredictable, fast-changing environs where you’re regularly adding and subtracting layers.  2. Proof Rover Pant. Cut in a classic tailored fit, but constructed like a work pant, the Rovers have a gusseted crotch for extra mobility. Add in a breathable canvas material, and you’ve got a pair of pants for every kind of terrain and environment.  3. XTRATUF Deck Boot. These 100% waterproof boots are tough enough to keep you dry no matter the weather. A chevron design on the sole keeps the boots grippy in the most hazardous conditions, and as a handy little bonus, the easy pull tabs make ’em a breeze to get on and off. 4. Naglev Unico Hiker. The Unico combines the support of a hiking boot with the agility of a trail runner, all wrapped up in a clean, simple, minimalist design. Features speed cable laces, an interior wool sock liner, and water-resistant construction.  5. Yeti GoBox. Yeti has taken the famed durability of their cooler and put it into the form of a storage and travel container. The GoBox is 100% waterproof and dustproof and can take an insane beating. Perfect for camping, fishing, and any other activity requiring a durable container.  6. Rumpl Puffy Blanket. Rumpl blankets use the same technical materials found in premium sleeping bags and puffy jackets. That means they’re super comfy, ultra-warm, and crazy lightweight.  7. BioLite Headlamp. Features a rechargeable battery for up to 40 hours of battery life, a slim design that doesn’t bounce when you move, and a padded, sweat-wicking band for supreme comfort. Ideal for camping, low-light running, and/or emergency situations.  8. Give’r 4 Season Gloves. Heavy-duty, waterproof, and insulated, these bad boys are built to withstand anything, from grabbing a burning log out of a fire to ice fishing in below-zero temps. In an exclusive chestnut color for Huckberry.  9. Barebones Cast Iron Skillet. Every camp kit needs a cast iron skillet. The cookware from Barebones is ergonomically designed, triple-sanded for a smooth finish, and pre-seasoned so you can start cooking on it immediately. 10. Mystery Ranch Urban Assault Pack. Inspired by military assault rucksacks, this bag represents the epitome of clean, functional design. What makes it truly unique is the 3-ZIP closure that makes everything easily accessible no matter what kind of load is being carried.  The Prize Any item available on Huckberry (up to $500). Enter the Giveaway If you are an email subscriber, do not reply to this email to make your entry. You must click on the title of this post, which will take you to the post on our web page where you can make your entry. Use the form below to enter. Don’t forget! You have multiple ways to enter! The more of them you do, the better your chances are! 12 Days of Christmas: Gifts for the Outdoorsman Deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. (Central Time), December 6th, 2019. The post The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Gifts for the Outdoorsman appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/RKmR05
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