#Mikoto just wants to toss Fushimi a ring and be done with it okay
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Mikosaru wedding?:D
Their wedding would be so minimalist, I can’t see either one of them wanting to plan anything big. Honestly considering who we’re talking about here I could absolutely see them just deciding to elope, the only reason they don’t is that Munakata is not allowing his Fushimi-kun to get married without a splendid wedding to celebrate even if he is marrying a worthless barbarian. Fushimi is well aware that he can’t expect Mikoto to do much of the planning but he isn’t particularly thrilled at doing it himself either, like he is committed to something small and easy to deal with. Even so he ends up with like piles and piles of venue suggestions and catering and flowers and Fushimi finds it all to be such a terrible pain. Luckily Scepter 4 is willing to help out, Munakata mobilizes the entire squad to the task of assisting Fushimi with his wedding.
On the Homra side Mikoto has no motivation at all but Kusanagi feels sorry for Fushimi and decides they need to take charge of this somehow, assuming this is an Everybody Lives scenario maybe Totsuka figures he can try out wedding planning as a new hobby (this would be an issue though because now Totsuka gets to coordinate with Munakata and they are a terrifying force together). Anna wants to help too and she’s probably the one person who can get both Fushimi and Mikoto to buckle down and do some wedding planning, imagine her sitting between them pointing out pretty red flowers and Mikoto and Fushimi are actually making decisions with her input.
The wedding is still pretty simple, just a short ceremony (or it would have been short but Fushimi let Munakata officiate and Munakata doesn’t know how to make short speeches) and then a reception afterward. I imagine the two guests of honor are barely around for the reception though, Mikoto finds a nice bench to nap on and Fushimi shows up about an hour later totally exhausted from all this socializing. He sits down on the bench next to Mikoto and Mikoto just opens one eye, pulls Fushimi onto his chest, and then goes right back to sleep. Fushimi grumbles that they shouldn’t be skipping their own wedding reception but he’s not exactly against this either, eventually when someone’s sent to find the newlyweds they’re discovered napping together on the bench and the guests decide to leave the two of them alone for now, like we’ll just wake them up when it’s time for cake. 
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fallenqueen2 · 4 years
The Future Of Their Clans 1 [K]
The Future Of Their Clans
Munakata and Mikoto experience something unusual; this allows them a look at the future of their clans.
Fandom: K 
Hinted at Misaki Yata/Saruhiko Fushimi
Rating: T
Ao3 Link
Tags: badthingshappenbingo, Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured, time travel, future AU, Red King Misaki Yata, Blue King Saruhiko Fushimi, canon level violence
Created for @badthingshappenbingo​
Chapter 1: Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured
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“What have you done now Suoh?” Munakata placed his hand on the hilt of his sabre as he and the Red King looked around. They had been on the roof of a building, about to have their clans face off when a blinding light engulfed them both.
“I haven’t done anything Munakata.” Mikoto lit a new cigarette as he looked around the now empty rooftop before the cigarette dropped from his lips. Munakata turned towards the direction Mikoto was looking at and found himself frozen as well.
The Red and Blue Swords of Damocles were lazily hovering in the distance, side by side instead of opposite each other as they always were.
“Shall we go investigate?” Munakata asked, mind abuzz with questions and confusion.
“Ah,” Mikoto breathed out as his Aura lit up his feet and hands and he was taking off towards the Swords of Damocles. Munakata shook his head with a small smile but was quick to follow the impulsive Red King with his own Aura aiding him.
The two Kings arrived at the site where the Swords were hanging over and found themselves freezing at what greeted them.
“Fushimi and…” Munakata’s eyes went wide from behind his glasses while he took in the scene below.
“Misaki,” Mikoto said in shock, golden eyes just as wide as Munakata’s.
“Misaki!” Fushimi called out as he ducked under a blast of green flames and threw his hands out, creating disks of Blue flames upwards.
“Right!” Misaki shouted as he easily leapt up the disks that Fushimi had created, using them to get an advantage as his Red burned brightly around him.
With a battle cry, Misaki launched himself at a man in a green and black helmet that held some sort of rocket launcher and left both in a carter, taking them out of action.
Fushimi’s sabre was alight with his Blue and he was slashing his way through a small army of green and black helmeted men. Misaki leapt back into the fray, this time familiar knives held between his fingers that were coated in his Red that also surrounded his feet, allowing him to glide and speed around the men fighting as if he was still on his skateboard.
“This isn’t working! There are too many of them!” Misaki shouted as he was blasted back to Fushimi’s side by a combination of green flames from their opponents.
“We better use that then,” Fushimi adjusted his glasses as Misaki threw a red-coated punch to take out a man who was trying to sneak up behind Fushimi.
“No Blood!” Misaki shouted as he was launched up into the sky by a disk of Blue from Fushimi while a blast of Red surrounded Fushimi in a protective ring of fire.
“No Bone!” Fushimi shouted as his Blue began to spike up high to mirror the way Misaki’s Red was from his place high in the sky.
“No Ash!” They shouted in unison.
“Fushimi, ready!” Fushimi held his Blue flaming sword in front of him, one hand behind his back in his usual ready stance.
“Yata, ready!” Misaki echoed his arms crossed in front of him in an X form with his knives raging with Red flames.
Munakata and Mikoto watched in stunned silence as they were forced to throw up their own shields as a huge blast of Red and Blue lit up the area.
“Their Weismann levels must be off the charts!” Munakata grunted as he and Mikoto both fought to keep their shields intact. Finally, the flames disappeared and the two Kings could lower their shields and stare at the street below. Every enemy Fushimi and Misaki had been fighting were on the ground and the two were standing side by side, fist-bumping as if they did this every day.
“So, they really became us huh?” Mikoto lit up a cigarette, inhaling deeply.
“Not exactly like us, they are working together in a way I’ve never heard of before. Not for a Red and a Blue King at least,” Munakata knew Fushimi held potential, but he hadn’t expected this.
“It’s Fushimi and Yata,” Mikoto said as if that explained everything and perhaps it did.
“If they are Kings now, we must be in the future. It would be prudent to ask them for aid to get back to our time.” Munakata suggested and Mikoto hummed in his usual way. Munakata adjusted his glasses before he followed his Red King off the rooftop and down towards the future of both of their clans.
“You idiot, why didn’t you say anything?” Fushimi seemed to be fuming; his hands were hovering over Misaki’s side that was now coated in blood. Misaki was leaning against a wall of a building with a pained look on his face.
“I didn’t notice okay?” Misaki huffed as he allowed Fushimi to inspect the wound on his side.
“Didn’t notice, of course, you didn’t.” Fushimi ran his fingers through his hair in exhaustion before he stiffened up. Fushimi turned and threw his left arm out in front of Misaki, his knives lighting up Blue while his sabre in his right hand glowed Blue as he stared down the approaching men.
“Who are you?” Fushimi growled as Misaki lurched forward with a pained sound, but Fushimi used his outstretched arm to keep the injured Red King back behind him protectively.
“Mikoto-San?” Misaki’s eyes were wide and glassy with unshed tears.
“Misaki,” Mikoto inclined his head with a small smile, “The Red looks good on you.”
“Don’t talk to him, identify yourselves now.” Fushimi snarled, his eyes flicking between Munakata and Mikoto.
“Reisi Munakata, Captain of Specter 4 and in my time the Blue King.” Munakata knew the procedure and was proud of the way Fushimi was acting and the way Fushimi had grown into his Specter 4 uniform. Munakata held his hand up, allowing his flames to light it Blue.
“Mikoto Suoh, Homra, Red King,” Mikoto grunted with his own display of Red, before inclining his head at Fushimi who blinked like he was taken back before he steadied himself.
“Saru, the strain we were trying to track down before the damn Green’s cornered us.” Misaki placed his hand on Fushimi’s shoulder.
“Time displacement, right. Damn.” Fushimi sighed and relaxed, both his and Misaki’s Swords of Damocles turning into crystals and fading from the sky.
“You’re going to have to come back to Specter 4,” Fushimi sheathed his sabre as Misaki bounced on his feet.
“Of course,” Munakata agreed pushing up his glasses. “You’ve become a man Fushimi,”
“Tch,” Fushimi rolled his eyes as he tossed his head to the side as Misaki lunged at Mikoto. Mikoto willingly caught Misaki in a hug, allowing the smaller man and now the Red King to cling to him.
“Mikoto-San!” Misaki sobbed into the man’s white shirt.
“Misaki, you’ve done well.” Mikoto praised.
Munakata watched Fushimi’s reaction and was pleasantly surprised when Fushimi’s eyes softened at the sight slightly before sighing and pulling his phone out.
“Akiyama, we’ve got a code 12…Yeah, we’re bringing them back to Specter 4… Yeah do that, he’ll want to see this and call Homra while you’re at it.” Fushimi ordered with an ease that made Munakata proud to watch.
“Misaki, you’re hurt,” Mikoto stated as he did his best to balance the swaying Red King in his arms.
“Tch, idiot!” Fushimi was at Misaki’s side, sweeping him up into his arms bridal style. Misaki just squinted up at Fushimi before leaning his cheek against the Blue Kings’ collarbone with a sigh.
“We can follow you back to Specter 4 Fushimi, don’t concern yourself with us.” Munakata offered and Fushimi glanced at Mikoto who nodded silently agreeing with Munakata.
“Try and keep up,” Fushimi stated shortly as a disk of Blue formed under his feet and it took off into the sky carrying both Red and Blue Kings.
“Our future huh? It looks like it’s in good hands,” Mikoto exhaled a puff of smoke as both remaining Kings lit their flames to follow Misaki and Fushimi.
“Indeed it does,” Munakata hummed as they followed the men who seemed to have succeeded both of them.  
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