#Mikhail Varshavski
boysappetit · 1 year
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Mike V
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shujubeelamoglia · 1 year
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Dr. Mike Varshavski
Photography by Felix Kunze
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ilovewriting06 · 2 years
Dr Mike is 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Gynae checkup w him where he eats you out to show you how lovely you are down there and it’s all just your insecurity. Thanks !
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Disclaimer: I have never been to a gynecologist, yet, I’ve managed to avoid them this long but alas that will not last forever *sigh* anyways if this is not accurate I apologize.
I hate these days, the days I go to the gynecologist. Don’t get me wrong my doctor, he’s hot as fuck but the thought of my vagina being out on display sends my anxiety and insecurities into overdrive. I’ve always been insecure of my lady bits, from ex boyfriends and just general insecurities I’m terrified that I smell or I look different. I know it’s stupid and there is no use in being worried about any of this because everyone is different but moving and getting a different gynecologist raised a new fear, being turned on during the checkup. I’ve been lucky enough that he hasn’t noticed or he just hasn’t said anything but I pray to God he doesn’t notice. I tap my foot anxiously as I look around the waiting room feeling my heart pounding against my ribs. I jump up when I hear my name, “Y/N Y/L/N?”
I stand up as I pick at my nails and follow the nurse I’ve learned is named Jill, back to room three. When I get seated on the table I cross my ankles and tap my thumbs on my thighs as Jill politely asks me to uncross my legs and sit still so she can check my blood pressure and heart rate.
Once done she exits the room with a small smile , “Dr. Varshavski will be in shortly, so go ahead and change.”
I smile an awkward smile as she leaves and once the doors closed I hope off of the table and quickly replace my jeans and t-shirt with the gown they provided before hoping back up on the table and texting my best friend, Y/B/F/N, ‘I’m so nervous!’ My phone instantly chimes, ‘Y/N/N, relax you’ll only make it worse if you get all anxious if anything you’re lucky.’ I roll my eyes before typing, ‘How the hell am I lucky??’
Before I get an answer there’s a light knock on the door before Dr. Mike comes in with a bright smile, “Hello, Y/N, how are you doing today?”
I inwardly roll my eyes at his happy attitude but also melt a little at how cute he looks, “Ehh, I hate the gynecologist.”
He puts a hand to his heart with a gasp, “Ouch!”
I smile finding it odd how he can calm me down without even trying, “That’s not what I meant, I love the gynecologist but hate what the visit entails.”
He smirks a small mischievous smile while raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms, goddamn it should illegal to wear such tight clothes with that much muscle, “Oh ho ho, you love your gynecologist, well, I’m flattered.”
I blush a deep shade of red as he sits on the wheelie stool and looks over the paperwork the nurse had just done before furrowing his eyebrows and looking at me, “Your heart rate is noticeably faster than it should be.” With that he stands and starts feeling my forehead and pulling back before grabbing his stethoscope as he asks, “Are you flushed or nervous about something?”
I look sideways as my blush deepens and he places the stethoscope over my heart increasing it’s speed by his proximity to me, “N-no, well yes, kind of, you make me nervous.”
He steps back and looks confused and a little hurt, “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
I maintain my blush as I look into his dreamy blue eyes before muttering, “It’s good, it’s a good thing.”
He smiles when my phone chimes and out of instinct he glances at my phone and then at me with a smirk and a slight blush. I look confused until I see my text, holy fucking shit she just outed me. Right there on my front screen was a text from Y/B/F/N, ‘Girl you’ve had a thing for that man for ages and you know for a fact you love having him in between your legs, maybe just wish there was a little more mouth action but you know what I mean.’
My mouth went dry before I looked at Dr. Mike with a tomato red face and stomach twisted in knots. I opened and closed my mouth as he sat back down on his stool and looked at me with a quirked brow, the only thing I managed to get out was, “Oh my God I’m going to kill her.” I look up as Mike cleared his throat and saying, “Well, I would very much say you being nervous is a good thing, for me anyways.”
I blink my eyes twice before cocking my head to the side like I imagine Bear would as he stands up and walks towards me, “As someone who has very much had unprofessional thoughts about you while doing an examination and not doing an examination it’s good to know the feeling me are mutual.”
I blush before choking out, “W-what?”
He smiles, “I’ve wanted to ask you out for months but I was worried you would think I was being unprofessional.”
I shake my head, “No! No, it’s not unprofessional.” He smiled before saying, “Well in that case would you like to go to dinner with me?” I nod enthusiastically, “I would love to.” He walks closer to me so that his thighs are brushing against my knees before saying, “Lay down.” I furrow my eyebrows but do as he said and watch as he disappears from sight because of the way my knees were positioned. I let out a screech as I feel his nose rub against my center. He pops up from his position and chuckles, “Shhh, I could get fired for this.” He stops a second before looking at me, “Do you want me to stop?” I shake my head before all but yelling no. He chuckles before disappearing and licking a strip up my center. I bite my lip to stop from moaning and grab onto the sides of the examination table as my legs shook. As he repositioned my legs so they were hanging off the table and I could now see him I grabbed his hair and pulled. I felt him moan against me and smirked promising to remember this before I bite my tongue to stop a scream as he grazes my clit with his teeth. For fucks sake this man is talented with his mouth.
Seconds later my legs are shaking around his head before clamping down as I climaxed, throwing my head back in a silent scream.
When he was down he sat up and wiped his hand across his chin as he walked back to the desk. When he sat down he started writing on his papers while saying, “As far as I can tell everything looks good and there’s no odor,” he pauses a minute before looking at me with a smirk, “And it tastes amazing.” I blush fifty shades of red as he finished up his paperwork. He stands up to exit the room but he stops and looks at me, “Can I get your number? I was thinking about getting dinner Friday night.” I smile as I take the pen from his hand and write my number on the inside of his forearm, “That sounds lovely, I’ll be expecting your call, or text.”
He smiles a wide smile before walking out the door. I turn around to get dressed and go home when I realize I still have his pen. I open to door to try and catch him but he’s gone. I shrug my shoulders and smile as I think, oh well I’ll give it to him Friday.
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kelcemenow · 2 months
Skipped A Beat - Chapter 2.
Pairing Dr Mike x Reader
Words 1402
Warnings Some slight tense and charged flirty moments.
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You let out a small laugh as you reach for the back of your neck, “What are you...why...I’m just, erm...”
Mike’s mid-blue eyes stay fixed on yours as you shuffle awkwardly. He folds his arms tightly and you gaze upon his impressive muscles as they shift beneath his short sleeves. His work out regimes must have stepped up in the past two years.
Another laugh as you lose focus.
“Are you okay?” His voice melts through you as you desperately try to hold it together.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Your tone was higher than you intended. “I’m just...I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” You say, nodding your head quickly as you tighten your grip around your bag handle and hurry yourself into an unknown corridor.
Feeling the warmth of the overhead heaters, your heels click fast against the floor. Your breathing becomes slow and shallow as you feel your eyes blur again. Luckily, a familiar face appears from a door to your left.
You let out a long sigh of relief, “Yes! Good morning Amanda!” You hold out your hand to the older woman with the shoulder length dark hair.
“Oh, first of all, you can stop that!” She points to your hand and instead pulls you in for a quick friendly hug. “I’m so happy to have you joining our team!” She holds out the door next to her and lets you through first. “If I’m completely honest, I was hoping you would get the job. Your interview was one of the best, and I just knew we would get along.”
You follow her down a long corridor as you listen to her, letting your eyes quickly scan other doors, windows into offices and notice boards, “Oh thank you! I was really pleased to be offered the position; I’m just hoping that I can get the hang of everything quickly. This place is so big!”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, you’ll get used to it. After fourteen years, it’s starting to feel small to me now! Everyone’s really nice too, so if you ever get lost, just ask!”
You arrive at a door towards the end of a corridor with a blank name plate on the front.
“Here we are!” Amanda gestures to the door, smiling, “Your office!”
You raise your eyebrows as you look at the perfectly average door, “I’ve never had an office before.”
“I’ll let you get settled in and then I’ll grab you for a meeting with the team at about 11?” She winks and knocks on the next door with the back of her knuckles, “I’m just here, so if you ever need anything, you know where I am.”
You smiled widely, “Thanks, I’ll try not to bother you too much!”
“See you soon!” Amanda sings as she spins and makes her way back down the corridor.
You turn to face the door, pausing for a short moment to let everything sink in before pushing it open.
A small but bright room welcomes you with a large window on the opposite wall, and shelves and cupboards lining another. Adjacent to the shelves is an armchair and a small table with a potted plant placed on top. Walking towards the table you notice a card resting against the plant. Opening it carefully, you read the thoughtful words to yourself. ‘Welcome to the team Y/N, we can’t wait to start working with you!’
Carefully placing the last file on the shelf you turn around to look at your new desk, your laptop in the centre with a couple of papers scattered to the side listing passwords, log in details and other bits of information that you needed to get set up electronically. You pick up your ID badge and place it around your neck as someone quietly knocks on the door. Looking at your watch, you notice the time. 10.15am. Amanda is early; you think. You assume she must be here to discuss something before the meeting.
Opening the door, you see Mike standing tall and confident, a smile growing on his face.
“Hi.” you say with a breath.
“Hi.” He says slowly, almost as a question.
There’s silence.
Mike clears his voice as you open your mouth to speak. “You work here?”
He looks down at his scrub shirt and points to the embroidery. Dr Mikhail Varshavski D.O.
“You did it then? Congratulations.”
He grins and looks down at his feet and for the first time, you see a hint of nerves. “What are you doing here then?”
“Well, I don’t have any fancy embroidery like you do, but I’m joining the OT team.”
His grin widens, “You did it too then?” He blinks slowly, “I’m really proud of you, Y/N.”
You take notice of your rapid heart rate as you hold his gaze.
Another short silence before you both speak at the same time.
“It’s good to see you, Mike.”
“Why didn’t you call?”
You step back slowly, Mike takes the offer and walks into the room, choosing to sit down on the armchair.
“Why didn’t I call?” You ask, almost angry, “I was hurt, Mike. I still am.”
His eyes soften, his lips part slightly.
“Why didn’t you call?”
He looks away and presses his palms together, “I did, Y/N. I called you so many times. You blocked my number, you got a new number, you avoided me.”
A pang of guilt rushes over you.
“I asked Katie, she said you didn’t want to hear from me.”
“Because I didn’t!” You snap back.
Mike raises his eyebrows as your hands run over your cheeks.
“Wow, this is not what I was expecting for today.” Your voice calms as you push the door closed with a click to avoid the sound of raised voices trailing into anyone else’s office.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean to cause you any more stress, I really didn’t.”
“What did you mean to do then?”
Mike shuffles in his seat, edging forward and resting his elbows onto his knees, the fabric of this scrub shirt straining around his biceps, “I wanted to see you.”
The hairs on the back of your neck raise up as he looks up at you through his eyelashes. You let out a small laugh and turn around, heading towards the window, “You really haven’t changed, Mikhail.”
“Oh, Mikhail? Have I done something wrong?”
You say nothing.
“You only call me Mikhail when you're pissed with me.” You can hear a smile in his voice.
“Maybe I am.” You say with almost no emotion, looking out of the window.
There’s a moment of quiet. You start to notice the sound of the traffic down below and the occasional noise of telephones further down the corridor.
Suddenly, you feel Mike’s breath on the back your neck as he speaks.
“What can I do to make you feel better?” He says in almost a growl as he lightly runs his fingers down your arm, slowly letting his lips gently graze the curve of your neck.
You gasp as he presses into you, his chest muscles hard against your shoulder blades and his pelvis firm against your ass.
A loud knock at the door echoes through the room as Mike briskly steps away from you, sauntering back to the armchair. Your eyes dart to the door and you rush your hands through your hair, straightening yourself out. You glare at Mike as you walk across the office to the door, opening it quickly.
Amanda smiles, “Ready for the meeting?” Her head turns to the chair. “Oh, Dr Varshavski? Sorry to disturb you?”
“No, not at all! Y/N is an old friend so I thought I would come and catch up!” He says without hesitation.
You smile at Amanda.
She smiles back, “Ah well, at least there’s another friendly face here for you Y/N.”
Mike stands from the chair, keeping eye contact with you as he walks towards the door. Brushing past your side, his hand briefly finds yours, “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
You’re stuck for words as his warming scent passes by you.
Amanda turns to Mike, unaware. “Bye, Dr Varshavski.”
You watch as he nods and turns down the corridor. Your eyes scan him thoroughly. His shoulders ripple under his shirt and his ass cheeks are firm. Your imagination wanders as you recall past memories.
“Shall we go?” Amanda asks cheerfully.
You blink and smile wide, “Sure.”
Oooooh it's hotting up. I reckon Mike is such a flirt, so this is going to be exciting!
If you want to be on my Dr Mike masterlist, just let me know!
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uptheredslfc · 2 years
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Sexiest doctor alive. Ignore that Chris Hemsworth is there the focus is on dr Mike
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dan-the-womans-blog · 3 months
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If you wanna be added to the taglist then comment on this post💚
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Sick Day W/ Dr. Mike
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Everything that I have watched about this man tells him he would be the sweetest (but most medically accurate) friend to have when you’re feeling under the weather. The “No you’re not dying you just have a common cold” friend but also would make sure you were taking care of yourself and would be by your side with all of the comfort items and tea and honey for you. And that is the purest thing every, he might even bring bear for some cuddles for you. 😀
Side Note: it seriously bothers me how people sexualize this man. I could understand if he went out of his way to be overtly sexy or some thing like a lot of people on social media but half the time he’s just being dorky and loveable. Then when I go and look at posts about him half of them are smut. I just feel awkward seeing it. That is all.
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sharmerika · 2 years
Okay, I find this topic quite interesting.
But then for me, I’ve really curated my feed, on all of my socials.
I mean, you have the power to do that. Choose which topics to follow and pop up on your feed. Choose the people you want to follow.
But then, not all people would be mindful enough to do such thing.
So I understand what she meant.
Regarding dating apps. I’ve not used one for like almost a year now. It was a funny experience, I did talk to a couple awesome people that I’ve befriended. That’s it. Dating apps were created for the hookup culture, the thing is, it’s not my cup of tea. So there’s that. But like I said, it was a funny experience because of the pick up lines that they would say. Some are hilarious and witty.
Will I ever use dating apps again? I don’t think so.
Regarding the feed on socials, you can always curate and be mindful of the pages you’re following.
And there’s this thing that I’ve always said, “just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t mean you also have to.”
The nerdy and geeky things doesn’t count. I absolutely love it when the books/movies/tv shows that I love would be trending!
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eabpost1 · 3 months
Meal Prep Ideas for Weight Loss
Meal Prep Ideas for Weight Loss Preparing your meals ahead of time is key for your weight loss journey. It keeps you from snacking on fast food or grabbing unhealthy stuff while on the move. This guide will show you many meal prep ideas. They range from lunches filled with veggies to dinners packed with protein, helping you reach your goals. Key Takeaways Meal prep can set you up for success…
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healthylifewithus · 11 months
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boysappetit · 7 months
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Dr Mike
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dratefahmed1 · 1 year
Causes of metabolic acidosis #shorts #shorts #Study #Medicine #Abroad - #Medical #School #usmle
# metabolicacidosis # metabolic #acidosis #adrenalgland #surgeon #physcian #shorts #famous_doctors #topdoctors #no1doctor #harmanns #syndrome #shorts #Surgical_problem #lifes1 10 Tips on Getting Into Med School #shorts #Study #Medicine #Abroad – #Medical #School #Degrees #surgery #MCQS #Mrcs #medical_student_exam #Medical_Student_Exam #No1doctor #dratef #usmle #frcs #exam #student…
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ilovewriting06 · 2 years
Day Off
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I groan as a hundred pound dog jumps on the bed and plops his head on my stomach, “Bearrr, get offf, it’s too early for morning cuddlessss.” Instead of getting off Bear simply shuffled to the foot of the bed and laid his head on my legs. I sigh and roll over to grab Mike but I’m met by cold sheets. I open my eyes to see Mikes side of the bed empty and huff a sigh of annoyance before glancing at the alarm clock, 6 am, I hate mornings and he loves them what a perfect match.
Knowing that I won’t get back to sleep without Mike by my side I sit up in bed and rub my eyes as I stretch. I stand up and shuffle to the bathroom to pee before venturing out to find Mike. I start to head down the hall and pause realizing I’m only in one of Mike’s shirts and a thong. I know no one else is here but he could be filming so I spin around on my heel before grabbing a pair of sleep shorts that barely cover my butt but it’s better than nothing.
I wander through the house and check the rooms as I go not in the living room, kitchen, or filming room. I sigh knowing where he’s at, the home gym. I pad down to the basement and hear music playing in the background followed by the clink of the weights hitting the bench press. I walk in the room to see Mike in nothing but a pair of shoes and shorts and groan as I watch his muscles flex, God we should have had sex last night, maybe I wouldn’t be this horny.
I shuffle to the radio and turn it off getting Mike’s attention. He sets the weight down before sitting up and wiping his hands on a towel. He took a drink before standing up and heading to the treadmill. I huff at the fact he’s ignoring me because if his smile said anything it was that he’s doing it on purpose to get under my skin, and it was working. He gets on the treadmill and I whine and stomp my foot dramatically before walking in front of it and leaning on it and looking at him until he looks at me. He smiled as I begged, “Mike.” He stops the treadmill and gets off before standing in front of me, “What’s wrong?” I shrugged before hugging his waist, “I didn’t see you all day yesterday and I missed you.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, “I know baby but I had to pull a long shift and I missed you too.”
I smiled against his chest before pulling back, “You need a shower, maybe I can join.”
He chuckled and brushed a piece of hair out of my face, “Nuh uh, I’m not done working out yet but then I’ll take a shower but no promises about you joining.”
I groan and pout, “Whyyyy? We haven't done anything in awhile.” He looked at me with amusement written all over his face, “Baby, we literally had sex the night before last and I gave you oral yesterday morning.” I wrap my arms around his neck before sighing, “But now I’m horny because of watching you lift those stupid weights.” He laughed before kissing my forehead, “I promise you can join me in the shower but I have to finish my workout first.” I smile and nod, “Okay babe, have fun working out.” He gave me a quick kiss before going back to the treadmill.
After another forty five minutes Mike walks into the kitchen where I’m getting a glass of water. When the cup is full he takes it out of my hand and takes a big gulp of it. I glare at him when he hands me back an empty cup causing him to laugh, “What?” “You stole my water.” He smiles and kisses my cheek, “If it makes you feel better I’m ready for a shower.” I bounce up and down for dramatic effect and he laughed at my antics when my phone rings. I turn around to see it’s my mom and groan knowing if I don’t answer she’ll panic and spam my phone and if I do answer I’ll be on the phone for an hour.
I grab my phone and look at Mike, “Please wait.” He shakes his head and walks toward the bathroom as I frown and answer the phone. After talking to mom for thirty minutes I was saved by her getting another call from her friend. When I got off the phone the shower was no longer running telling me he was getting dressed. When he came out his hair was damp and he was in a pair of grey sweatpants and nothing else. I bite my lip but turn away so he can’t see because he knows what he’s doing, he’s playing dirty. Well jokes on him two can play at this game.
I get up from the couch where I had migrated to while on the phone and told Mike I was going to get dressed he looked up at me and smiled his goddamn adorable smile before nodding.
I walked in and decided on what to wear and smiled as I got an idea. It was the end of June so New York was very hot so I put on a pair of shorts that were barely longer than my sleep shorts and a black sports bra with a thin white cropped tank top and to top it off I threw my hair up into a high ponytail knowing that it would get Mike’s mind going a hundred miles an hour.
I make my way back to the living room to grab my cup and make sure that Mike sees me. I smile as I see him look up from his phone and open his mouth a little. I take my cup to the kitchen and open the freezer to get chicken nuggets but stop when I see the popsicles that I bought the other week when I was on my period so I grabbed one of those and take the wrapper off before going back and sitting on the chair across from Mike. I take the popsicle into my mouth and suck on it before releasing it with a loud pop. His head shoots up and his pupils are blown as he watches me lick and suck on the popsicle until it’s gone and I’m getting the remnants off of the stick. He watched my every move as I get up and throw the stick away and walk towards him.
I straddle his hips and grind down a little causing him to choke back a groan but instead of giving him the attention he thought I was going to give him I reached behind him to grab the remote that was sitting on the back of the couch. As I grab it I make sure to rub up against him and grab the remote before I collapse on the couch beside him with my feet in his lap.
I feel his bulge by my foot and inwardly smirk as I watch him get frustrated out of the corner of my eye as I turned on the tv. After a couple seconds I move my foot rubbing up and down his crotch until he grabs my foot and snaps, “That’s it! Okay you win, I cave!”
I smile in victory before shifting to straddle his legs again. He watches me with lust blown eyes and takes in a shaky breath as I kiss along his jaw and leave a mark below his ear. His hands dig into my hips guiding me to grind on his bulge. I gladly do so and kiss and lick up his neck causing his head to fall back and for him to release a moan. I pull back and rest one hand on his shoulder while the other one plays with the hair on the back of his neck.
He looks at me with a smile and pulls me closer, “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get what you wanted.” I chuckle as I realize he knew my plan all along as he continues, “But that damn popsicle pushed me over the edge.”
I smile before pushing my lips against his in a passionate lust filled kiss. I continue to grind down on him until he flips us so that we’re laying on the couch and my legs are wrapped around his waist and he kisses down my neck sucking deep red marks as he goes, “Is this what you wanted? You want me to fuck you?” I moan as he bit my sweet spot, “Yes! Fuck yes, please fuck me Mikey!” “God I love when you beg.” He proceeded to pull my tank top and sports bra off with my assistance. We were soon fully naked and I was laying under him as his eyes wondered my body with lust filled eyes. I release a pornographic moan as he bit my nipple before suckling on it. I arch my back and shake as his finger grazes over my clit. I look up at him with hooded eyes and throw my head back in a scream as two of his fingers plunge into me unexpectedly before curling and hitting my g-spot.
He continues pumping his fingers in and out of me hitting my g-spot every time while rubbing my clit with his thumb. My body shakes as a moan rips through my body when he adds a third finger stretching me deliciously. I shake and moan, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gon-,” I whimper when his hand is removed from my core stealing away my climax. He smirks down at me as I whimper and bites my earlob, “Do you really think I’m going to let you come that easily?” I moan as he latches onto my boob again. “God, please Mike, please let me cum.” He releases my boob with a pop and shakes his head once, “Nope.” I cry out a please before he slips down my legs until his hot breath is hitting my core and he tsks while shaking his head, “You’re dripping onto the couch princess, that earns you at least two more edgings.” I cry out begging him to let me cum before I moan as he licks a stripe up my center. I pant as he shoves his tongue into my tight hole and I squeeze around him involuntarily. His thumb comes to rub my clit as I pull on his hair as I’m quickly approaching my climax before it’s all gone and I whine, “No!” He bites down on my clit causing me to see stars before saying, “Don’t tell me no, do you want me to add another edging.” I shake my head, “No, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” “That’s what I thought.” I arch my back and pull on his hair hard as his mouth and fingers are back on and in my core. I cry out a whine when I realize that this climax will be torn from my grasp too. Within seconds my legs are shaking and clamping around his head as I get closer to my climax than either of the other two times and my chest fills with hope before it’s smashed into pieces as he removes himself from down there and climbs back up my body.
I stare into his eyes silently begging him to let me cum and then I’m screaming again as he drills into me with no warning. My breathing is labored and my stomach is tight as I feel my climax fast approaching due to the edgings prior to this. He wraps his hand around my throat causing me to moan before ordering, “Don’t cum until I say so.” I groan and nod my head as tears flow down my cheeks.
After another minute I’m sobbing and begging, “I can’t! It’s to hard! I’m gonna cum! Please, please let me cum,” he hits me with a particularly hard thrust slamming into my g-spot causing my body to shake as it becomes nearly impossible to hold back my impending orgasm, “Please, Daddy, please, I can’t hold it anymore, you feel to- too goo-good.” He moans at the name and his thrusts get sloppy as the name pushed him a little closer to the edge and he nods, “Okay baby, you can cum.” I don’t need to be told twice as I arch my back as a pleasure filled scream rips through my throat as my whole body shakes as I let go. The orgasm hits so hard and so good that my body falls limp and I blackout for a few seconds. When my eyes flutter open my body is still shaking and I look up to see Mike smirking down at me as he’s still slamming into me. I shake as I feel a second orgasm build faster than any other one I’ve ever felt and I’m pushed over the edge again when Mike closes his eyes and his mouth falls open to release a moan as he cums.
When we’ve ridden out our highs he slumps against me and I pant trying to catch my breath. He pulls back and gives me a kiss, “Is that what you wanted?” I nod enthusiastically, “Exactly what I wanted.”
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kelcemenow · 2 months
Skipped A Beat - Chapter 1.
Pairing Dr Mike x Reader
Words 1104
Warnings Nothing scary, just some slightly anxious feelings.
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“Honestly, he’s really cute. And smart!” Katie emphasises as she shouts through to your bedroom from her own as you lazily apply some make-up to your tired and stressed skin.
You roll your newly lined eyes, “It sounds to me like you're trying too hard to convince me!”
“Okay, maybe...but I’m just excited for this! He’s had a crush on you for ages!” She appears in your doorway, leaning on the doorframe as you stand up to retrieve an outfit from your wardrobe.
“Relax Katie, I’m not promising anything. I only said yes to get you off my back.” You say with a smile as you run your fingers over the fabric, pausing on a black lace skirt, “I still don’t think I’m ready yet.”
Katie slowly walks across your wooden floorboards, “Y/N. You need to move on. And the only way to do that is-”.
“Is to start dating again...I know, I know.” You interrupt as you hold the skirt against your waist, “Just, don’t pressure me too much today, okay? I’ve got enough on my plate as it is.”
“What? Because you finally got your dream job that you’ve trained years and years for? Oh yeah, sounds awful.” Katie scoffs.
“And I start tomorrow! It’s scary, okay! New job, new colleagues and new hospital to get lost in!” You pick up a yellow cushion from your bed and throw it at Katie, “Now get out or I’ll be late!”
Katie easily catches the cushion with one hand and laughs, “Good one, throw something to the professional goalkeeper!” Her voice trails off as she disappears around the corner and into her own room.
You stared at your glass as a cube of ice floats across the surface of your cocktail. Tapping it with your straw, the cube bounces off the side of the glass and back across.
“Forgive me if I’m jumping to conclusions...”, a voice interrupts your thoughts, “But I’m getting the feeling that you’re not really here.”
Your head snaps up to make eye contact with the curious face in front of you, “What? Oh sorry! No, sorry, I’m just...”
You exhale quickly, “Distracted.” You nod and look back to your drink.
He’s cute, sure. And you’re fairly certain that he’s smart. The handful of words that you’ve occasionally paid attention to certainly seemed to be well spoken and grammatically correct. But he was right, you weren’t really there.
You swallowed hard, “I’ve just got a lot on my plate at the minute. It’s nothing to do with you, really.”
He grins and raises an eyebrow, “Well this sounds like a line.”
You both laugh.
“No, no! Look...” Your eyes widened slowly as you searched for the correct name.
You let your head fall into your hands. “I’m really not doing well here, am I?”
“Hey, don’t worry about it! I can tell you’re not feeling it really.”
Your wavy hair shakes as your head moves from side to side, “It’s just...I’m starting a new job tomorrow that I’m really nervous for. I know I'm completely qualified but it's scary, you know? I'm not the best with change. Plus, I guess I’m a little bit unsure about dating my roommates coach and to top it all off, I’ve just come out of a fairly serious relationship that I guess if I'm being completely honest, I’m not quite over it yet.”
“Ooof.” John sits back in his seat, “That is a lot to be dealing with.”
There’s a short pause as you assess his reaction.
“Forgive me if I'm prying, but how long ago did the relationship end?”
“About 2 years ago.”
John’s eyes narrow as he searches for your gaze, “He must have been pretty amazing for you to be still hung up on him?”
You lift your eyes up and press your lips together.
“Well, when you’re ready to let someone better into your life, you know where I am.” John stands up from the table and leans down, kissing your cheek before disappearing out of the bar.
You feel stuck to your seat as you try to let your head clear. Closing your eyes, you breathe a sigh of guilt and equal relief with the idea that you can finally go home and sleep.
Closing your bedroom door, Katie tries to squeeze any information out of you about the night that she can.
“You can ignore me all you want but he’ll just tell me tomorrow at practice anyway!”
“There’s nothing to tell.” You giggle nervously as you slump onto your bed.
“Fair enough...suit yourself...be like that then...”
You let Katie’s voice fade away out of your mind as you stare up at the ceiling. Your eyes grow heavier until the sound of your phone snaps you out of your daze.
‘Hey. Tonight was weird. But I like you and I meant what I said. Just let me know. John x’
The corners of your mouth rise slightly into a vague smile and you let your arm drop next to you as your eyes slowly close and you drift into a deep sleep.
Downing the last sips of coffee, you look up at the building in front of you. Your first day as an Occupational Therapist for a medical trust. You’d be responsible for patients in three hospitals, but you would be based at the bigger of the three. Which was currently staring you in the face, cowering over you and pushing your nerves to the forefront of your mind.
Clearing your throat and throwing your empty cup into a bin next to you, you tightly grasped the handle of your laptop case and started up the small stone staircase leading to the doorway.
As the glass doors slide open, you stop dead in your tracks.
There he is.
Blue scrubs, dark hair, rounded glasses and strong, large hands carrying a clipboard. He’s stood over a counter, reading something and talking to another doctor.
Your eyes fixate on him as the corners of his mouth curve up as he speaks, his face full of expression.
You can hear your heart beating in your ears, your feet glued rigid to the spot in the hospital doorway. Your head becomes fuzzy and your eyes begin to blur. Swallowing hard, you use all of your energy to turn around on the spot in a quick attempt to hide yourself from him. Suddenly unaware of where to go in such an unfamiliar location, you start to walk straight forward and back out of the building.
You stop. Licking your lips quickly, you turn around, smiling weakly.
This the first part of a new series for Dr Mike. I've never tried to deal with fics for multiple fandoms before but I feel really strongly that there isn't enough fanfiction out there for Dr Mike! I hope people enjoy it!
I'll be starting a new Taglist for Mike so if you want to be on it, just drop me a message!
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uptheredslfc · 2 years
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Marry me
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Just for fun, imagine this as the cast/contestants of an American adaptation of “Physical 100”:
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor/former pro wrestler
Martin Sensmeier, actor/model
Jason Momoa, actor
Adam Driver, actor/former U.S. Marine
Brie Larson, actress
Brandon Curry, bodybuilder
Christian Guzman, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Bradley Martin, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Kali Muscle, bodybuilder/actor/YouTuber
Nonito Donaire, boxer
Deontay Wilder, boxer
Mary McGee, boxer
Andre Ward, boxer (retired)
Lauren Taylor, CrossFit
Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL
Cydney Gillon, IFBB professional figure and fitness competitor
Renee Enos, influencer/bodybuilder
Massy Arias, influencer/health and fitness coach
Jen Selter, influencer/fitness model
Lauren Drain, influencer/fitness model
Logan Paul, influencer/WWE wrestler
Jake Paul, influencer/boxer
Mike Trout, MLB
Bryce Harper, MLB
Mark Kolozsvary, MLB
Jesus Ferreira, MLS
Zach LaVine, NBA
Steph Curry, NBA
Seth Curry, NBA
Jimmy Butler, NBA
Jordan Clarkson, NBA
Jeremy Lin, NBA/PLG
Shaquille O’Neal, NBA (retired)
Brock Purdy, NFL
Patrick Mahomes, NFL
Jimmy Garoppolo (“Jimmy G”), NFL
Jalen Hurts, NFL
Joe Burrow, NFL
Josh Allen, NFL
Tyreek Hill, NFL
Phil Kessel, NHL
Becky Sauerbrunn, NWSL
Ariel Torres, Olympic bronze medalist in karate
Nevin Harrison, Olympic gold medalist in canoeing
Jennifer Valente, Olympic gold medalist in cycling
Andrew Capobianco, Olympic gold medalist in diving
Nathan Chen, Olympic gold medalist in figure skating
Alex Hall, Olympic gold medalist in freestyle skiing
Simone Biles, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Aly Raisman, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Gabby Douglas, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Sunisa “Suni” Lee, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic gold medalist in skiing
Chloe Kim, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Nick Baumgartner, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Katie Ledecky, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Nathan Adrian, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Michael Cherry, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Rai Benjamin, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Athing Mu, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Katie Moon, Olympic gold medalist in track and field (pole vault)
David Taylor, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling
Nyjah Huston, professional skateboarder
Matt Ladley, professional snowboarder
Mia Fishel, professional soccer player (Tigres UANL Femenil)
Brian Shaw, professional strongman
Jerry Pritchett, professional strongman
Dom Gabriel (“Dom Cruise”), reality TV star (The Mole/Perfect Match)
Joey Sasso, reality TV star (The Circle/Perfect Match)
Kolohe Andino, surfer
Gemma Nguyen, stunt performer/martial artist (see: Gamology)
Noah Fleder, stunt performer (see: Gamology)
Vincent Bouillon, stunt performer (see: John Wick Chapter 4)
Chris Brewster, stunt performer (see: Daredevil)
Lateef Crowder dos Santos, stunt performer (see: The Mandalorian)
Danica Goodheart, U.S. Army veterinarian and NPC Figure competitor
Colby Covington, UFC
Julianna Peña, UFC
Stipe Miocic, UFC
Dustin Jacoby, UFC
Kelvin Gastelum, UFC
Beneil Dariush, UFC
Max Holloway, UFC
Cub Swanson, UFC
Matt Schnell, UFC
Tatiana Suarez, UFC
Rose Namajunas, UFC
Holly Holm, UFC
Breanna Stewart, WNBA
Candace Parker, WNBA
Roman Reigns, WWE
Dolph Ziggler, WWE
Alexa Bliss, WWE
Cody Rhodes, WWE
Ronda Rousey, WWE/former MMA fighter
Brock Lesnar, WWE/former MMA fighter
Mikhail Varshavski (“Dr. Mike”), YouTuber and amateur boxer
Cassey Ho (“Blogilates”), YouTuber
Adrienne Mishler (“Yoga with Adrienne”), YouTuber
Jeff Cavaliere (“ATHLEAN-X”), YouTuber/bodybuilder
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