#Mike Zakarias smut
commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
Hey I got a request can you do one where mike is going rough on the reader then someone interrupts them and then the reader has to muffle their moans 🙈👀
Hey, you most certainly can! I went for gender neutral reader so it’s up to the reader which ‘hole’ is being occupied by Mike. Why does that sound worse than it did in my head? I added a little bit of hand porn, oops. Warning I Smut 18+ only
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Mike’s grip on you was firm, his hands both large and sturdy were reassuringly held onto your hips holding you safe against him. A romantic, heated and intoxicating moment, the kind that came often now you were dating Mike.
You’d fallen for him the first moment you laid eyes on him and then when you heard him speak, watched him sniff the air around him you were enamoured. His hands were another of the first things you’d noticed, large and with long fingers, a little rough from fighting and bruised knuckles which he later told you came from a drunken fight while defending a friend of his. Blue veined & big-knuckled that was how you thought of them, yet the first time he’d stroked your face you realised how the appearance was deceptive, they couldn’t have been more gentle. Still though, you imagined what those fingers would feel like inside you especially from the knuckles down, or what his hands would look like wrapped round your throat or pining you down. 
These fantasies were all too frequent and if you were around Mike when you started to day dream about him he would know. You’d hear him sniff the air and approach you with a wicked smile. 
That was how you ended up in your current situation, in Mike’s office, back against the wall with him fully sheathed inside you. 
Your head was thrown backwards in ecstasy, one hand holding onto the coat hook above you to help take some of the pressure off Mike and to steady yourself a little. Though steadying yourself was nearly impossible due to rough & deep pace that Mike was fucking you at. 
His face was buried into your neck inhaling your scent as your fingers dug into his back. Sometimes you felt you’d pass out with his size and just how exhausting your ‘after-hours’ sessions could be, this one was no different. As he pressed his lips to your neck and peppered it in kisses before picking a spot near your pulse where he started to suck you let out a cry. Unable to continue moaning quietly or letting out small gasps, the closer you came to orgasm the more difficult it became not to unleash all emotions and scream his name. 
Mike knew exactly what he was doing to you, though it wasn’t only you suffering and with tears in your eyes from the exquisite mixture of pleasure and a little pain. Mike too tried to stifle his groans into your neck as he broke the kiss and tried to muffle his animistic grunts. 
But there was no use, you both knew this. When you had a hold on one another and when you were caught up in the moment there was no stopping you. 
As he changed the angle of his thrusts and hit your g-spot you couldn’t help but cry out his name and a string of swear words which followed. You clenched round him wishing to elicit a similar stream of curses from him and it worked. 
He looked up from your neck, one hand now resting against the door by the side of your head while the other still held on tightly to your hips, nails digging into your flesh and likely to bruise like a peach. Your legs still wrapped round his waist only you squeezed your thighs tighter round him, your eyes never looking away from his. 
He kissed you unexpectedly, lips rough against yours, teeth and tongue and it was never enough. When he parted his lips from yours you let yourself go, finally unable to keep the noise to a minimum. Every time he drove into you, you panted loudly, moans and cries and Mike…yes, yes, fuck me, harder…..
“God I love you,” Mike panted in return, there was something so erotic about him saying such sweet words all while you could hear the sound of flesh slapping flesh and witnessed him practically drooling. 
You knew Mike was close to orgasm when he’d wrinkle his nose and scrunch up his eyes. The hand that had been by your head now reading between your legs to try and bring you to orgasm at a similar time. 
Just then you heard footsteps outside of the office, they approached quickly in a manner that seemed urgent. Loud and important, yes, two sets of footsteps. 
Your eyes widened as you heard Erwin’s voice, he appeared to be talking to Levi. There was no where else they could be heading apart from Mike’s office. Your cheeks flushed red, although they knew you were dating they’d never interrupted you or heard you sleeping together to your knowledge. This was one of the many downsides of Mike’s office also having his bedroom, bathroom. His entire living quarters with an entrance that was his office, convenient but also likely to be interrupted by others. 
Panic-stricken you looked at Mike, yours eyes begging him to stop for a moment so the others wouldn’t hear, so he could answer them and say he’d join them later. But instead Mike’s expression became one of a curious nature, if anything the sound of the others outside the door seemed to encourage him more. 
A wide smirk spread across his face as he buried himself in you once again, you went to cover your mouth to stifle your moans but Mike got there before you, his hand covering your mouth hard  as he continued to fuck you. 
A knock on the door, “Mike?”
Mike, still inside you, still with his hand over your mouth, stopped moving for a moment. 
“Erwin, give me 10 minutes would you?”
There was silence for a moment, the others must have heard the sense of urgency in his voice, the slight lack of control and increased heart rate. 
“We’ll wait for you.”
You didn’t know whether to giggle or cry, the thought of them being in ear shot of the two of you was both mortifying and exciting. 
Mike continued to move, slow at first but increasing his rhythm quickly. His hand was still over your mouth and you found yourself holding your breath, clenching and unclenching around his large length, wishing for climax.
Mike removed his hand from your mouth seconds before orgasm so he could return it back to between your legs. But so your sounds didn’t escape the room he bent down a little and pressed his shoulder into your mouth, your lips parted and your teeth found a home on his skin, biting down a little as you rode out your orgasm in time with his. 
A few moments of ecstasy, your grip on his shoulder loosening, sweaty foreheads then pressed together. You could feel Mike smiling without even looking at him.
As he grew soft and pulled out of you. You unwrapped your legs from round him and he gently placed you onto the ground. Your legs were so wobbly and shaky it was hard to walk so Mike guided you to the bathroom where he’d drawn a bath for you already. Steam rose into the room, the scent of lavender and vanilla heady in the air. 
“I won’t be long my love,” he said, kissing your cheek. 
“Then round 2?” You asked. 
Mike touched his shoulder where you’d bitten into him causing you to look away a little ashamed, but he responded with laughter, “Anything you say, though next time shall we try to keep it down a bit?”
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
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Miche Zacharias Week Day 5: Alternate Universe
Funnel Cakes and Churros Pairing: Michexfem!reader Summary: You are on your third date with Miche and things heat up. Content: Penetrative sex and fluff and like some humor because it’s me Word Count: ~ 4,500
A/N: This is a continuation of my Meet-Cute Collab Rosewater. The story picks up when you and Miche are on your third date. It’s smut, but I also wanted to make a story to push a relationship with Miche and Reader so I could have future chapters with them.
Your butt hit the horn in Miche’s car and you dropped down to lean against his chest and laughed while he smiled at you.
“God you have a great laugh.” You sat up to look at him and smiled. “And an incredible smile.”
He cupped your cheek lightly and brushed his thumb over your cheekbone gently. There really were a hundred different ways that night could have gone, but you were sure they all would have led to the same thing. You and Miche making out in the front seat of his Jeep.
It may have only been the third date, but there was a comfort you felt with him that was often mixed with an excited and nervous feeling and you were just so into him.
Just as promised, the first date was him going to your place to make those lobster tails he said he would make and damn were they good. All you could think about was how good they would have tasted off his lips and now that you were kissing him, you knew it would have been heavenly. You wanted to keep things tame though and you were sure he felt the same. Light brushes of his hand on your waist as he passed by you while baking, or the way he would gently wipe flour from your cheek, your body shivering from his touch. You came away from that knowing he was sexy as hell and you needed more.
The second date was just as amazing as the first with slightly more touching. You wouldn’t consider yourself an outdoors person, but you enjoyed adventurous things from time to time and when Miche offered to take you kayaking, it was actually something you loved doing and couldn’t resist spending more time with him. What you weren’t prepared for was the fact that it was a tandem kayak and you spent the whole time watching his muscles through his slightly soaked t-shirt as he paddled around. You found a place on the water to sit for a while where he turned himself around so you both could chat. That’s where you realized just how amazing and fun he was, nearly tipping the kayak over as you shared a kiss.
Now, the third date was to one of your favorite places to go at the end of summer. The carnival. As if you needed more of a reason to fall for this guy. You never knew you were a person to get impressed by “manly” talents, but watching him win you a toy at the axe throwing tent made you realize there was a lot about you that Miche was helping you realize. That’s what led you to making out in his front seat, your legs straddling his hips, trying to figure out the workings of car sex with two tall people.
“I guess it would have been easier if I wore a skirt.”
“And miss out on this adventure?” He joked. “Besides, you look good in these jeans.”
You leaned forward and rested your chin on your fist while you looked at him, making sure your elbow wasn’t jutting into his body.
“Besides all these great things you’re saying about me, which, honestly, I find a little hard to believe.” You rolled your eyes lightly. “What is it that you like about me? I just don’t get it. You’re funny and sweet and really good-looking. How is it you’re still single?”
“Well, let’s see.” He licked his lips, kissing you lightly as if it were fuel for him to continue speaking. “I’m really annoying, I have a lot of trouble being serious, and I leave my dirty socks on the floor. All the time.”
You laughed against his chest, nearly drunk off his humor. He was the funniest person you’d ever met while simultaneously the sexiest.
“I’ve also been known to sniff people.” He leaned into your neck and breathed in lightly, his lips brushing your skin and giving you chills. “But you already know that.”
Which you did. The number of times he breathed you in while you were baking in your kitchen was uncountable and probably would have weirded you out had you not known since the supermarket that he had that amazing nose. A nose that he put to great use gently sweeping it along your collar bone.
“Those hardly seem like deal breakers.” You narrowed your eyes with a smile.
“I tend to fuck things up.” His tone turned more serious. “Even really good things.”
You were too busy getting turned on by his hands running over your hips and resting on the little extra fat around your butt, giving it a squeeze, to notice his cock twitching in his pants, getting harder as you both went further.
“How are you still single?” He looked up, leaning in slowly to kiss you. Your lips were nearly touching as you answered him.
“I’m really picky, a tiny bit selfish, and I suck at making decisions.”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Plus, I get really insecure and tend to self-sabotage a lot.” You breathed out a light laugh of discomfort, not even sure why you just revealed that so easily to a man you were trying to impress.
Miche’s eyes were lidded as he looked up at you, smiling. His throat bobbed as he forced a swallow and brought his hand to the back of your head, pulling you into him until your lips touched. His hands were so big and warm as they held your body. One hand on the back of your waist moved slowly up your back and you hated that you both were so limited with space because you couldn’t even explain how badly you wanted this guy to touch every single part of you. He was amazing. His kissing was on an entirely different level than anyone you’d ever kissed and you could feel the passion on his tongue as he flicked it lightly over your lips, the wet muscle slithering its way into your mouth. He tasted like funnel cake and churros and it made you smile as your own hands snaked their way through his hair. Thick and soft, it was like satin in between your fingers and as if you weren’t already turned on enough, he moaned into your mouth as your fingernails grazed his scalp.
“Not that I don’t love the way you look in these jeans.” He pulled back from this kiss, his lips still touching yours. “But is there any way I can help you out of them?”
“Yes.” You smiled and his lips moved down to your chin and jaw before you lifted yourself up a little so he could unbuckle your pants. “Maybe it’d be easier if I turn around.”
You lifted yourself up and turned so you were facing the steering wheel and sat in his lap. He occupied himself with caressing the skin on your waist as you worked to take your pants off. The moment your pants were sliding to the floor, your underwear not far behind, his hands were all over the exposed skin on your thighs, brushing over them, squeezing them as he sighed heavily against your back.
Your relationship was so new and everything was fresh and you could tell he wanted to move things along faster, but was holding himself back to give you both time to adjust to the next step. His fingers were dancing along your inner thigh and you gripped the steering wheel tightly, waiting eagerly for him as he took his time.
To try and speed his progress up a little, you took his hand that was sitting on your waist and brought it up to your breast. That time you did feel his erection hardening further in his jeans and he let out a sigh, his forehead dropping heavily against your back as he massaged the supple fat in his hand. His other hand trailed up quickly between your legs, reaching your wet core in few short seconds. Something between a gasp and a moan fell from your lips and you arched your back, leaning into Miche as his fingers played with your swollen clit, rubbing over it again and again, his other hand still giving a rough massage to your breasts.
“Shit!” Miche pushed you forward slightly, trying to cover you, as a car’s headlights shined into his windshield. His car was parked in an empty corner of the carnival lot, not to mention it was late at night and dark, most people could barely see the car there and didn’t have much reason to drive by. “Here.”
He reached to the back seat and pulled a small blanket forward, handing it to you to cover yourself.
“Can I turn to face you?”
“Sure.” He nodded, but didn’t move. He continued resting his forehead against your back as his hands roamed up your sides. “Sorry, I’m just really turned on. Give me a minute.”
“I can tell.” You teased, unfolding the blanket to over yourself and he chuckled sheepishly.
“Sorry.” He leaned back and gave you a little more room to turn yourself around until you were back to straddling his lap, this time without the confines of your jeans and panties. “You’re surprisingly agile for someone so tall.”
“I’ve done yoga once before.” You joked.
“Just once?” His hands sat on your bare hips as he looked up at you with the question.
“I didn’t want to brag or anything.” You shrugged lightheartedly and he laughed. The mood became serious again as his forehead rested against your shoulder, his hands wanting to, once again, inch their way to the spot he knew would get you to moan. “I’ve never done this in a car.”
“Never?” He sat back to look at you and you shook your head. “I’m your first car sex experience? Pressure’s on.”
“Just a little bit.” You nodded. “So is there any way I can get you out of these?”
You gestured to his pants and he smiled.
“I was hoping you’d ask.” He lifted his hips while undoing his belt and pants, sliding them just past his butt and you really did your best not to stare, but you couldn’t help but look down as his erection was freed, swinging up to hit you in the butt and you leaned back enough to give him space, but it didn’t stop his tip from barely sliding through your folds, delicately grazing the skin.
It was in that moment Miche groaned, pulling you closer into a kiss as he adjusted his position to lean back a little. His hands were on your butt, pushing you closer to him. He pulled back to see what you were doing as you reached for your purse to grab a condom.
“Oh, I got one. Hang on.” He leaned over to the glove compartment and pulled out a generic condom.
“You’re going to want the one I have.” You smiled, putting his back on the seat.
“Oh, am I?”
“Definitely.” You nodded and pulled out the small silver wrapper, handing it to him and he quickly put it on. There wasn’t much difference in the feeling of the actual condom. He didn’t notice anything until you actually sat yourself down on him.  Without much foreplay and that fact that it may have been longer than you care to remember since the last time you’d had sex, it was a pretty big stretch and took you a little while to adjust to him, but none of that stopped you from watching his eyes roll back and mouth drop open as he felt your body surround his cock in a tight, warm hug.
“Jesus, are you sure the condom is going to do anything?” His hands moved to your cheeks as he quickly kissed you, making his way to your neck. “I can’t even feel it.”
“It feels good, right?”
“So good. I can feel all of you.” His lips returned to yours and he sighed loudly as you started moving your hips. “Will you finish from this? Just me inside.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind doing more. We can switch spots.”
“I’m sure. Don’t worry.”
“Okay.” The fact that he was trying to make sure you would orgasm was making you feel like you could come already. His head was resting in between your fully clothed breasts as he breathed in, his thumb circling your clit.
“The distrust.” You teased. “I told you I’d come.”
“I just want to make sure.” He laughed lightly, his head dropping back to the headrest as he licked his lips. “God, you’re so pretty. I really think I might come too fast.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t take me long.” You gripped the seat behind him tightly and grinded harder on him as you bit back a moan. There was a slight joking tone in your voice, but there was no joke in what you said. You really were going to come fast. Every part of your body was heating up and it was an oddly arousing mix with the butterflies in your stomach. You may have been having sex with this man, but the way he was looking at you, the way his hand sat on your waist, the way his eyes were sparkling with the little bit of moonlight that was coming through the window, you really did feel your heart fluttering around in your chest.
You quickly opened your eyes that you hadn’t even realized you closed as you heard a heavy sigh coming from Miche. His hips bucked forward, lifting you slightly and he smiled.
“Sorry.” “If I come before you, will you still go out with me again?”
“Yes.” You laughed. “But you’re not going to come before me.”
“I think you underestimate my lack of willpower.”
“I think you underestimate the strength of mine.” You raised an eyebrow.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He grabbed behind your neck to meet him halfway as he lifted himself up to kiss you. As best as he could, he thrusted his hips up into you while you hovered over his lap.
“Miche.” You moaned, both of you grunting and groaning as the speed of his thrusts hurled you closer to your climax.
“I love the way you say my name.” He breathed, continuing his rough thrusts upward. His hand held firmly on your waist, pushing you down harder with each lift of his hips.
You felt like you were about to snap in half, that tight tug of your body wanting to give into the pleasure and let yourself get lost. You arched your back just a little more, hoping that would get you to the final pull. Instead it switched the angle Miche was thrusting at and he slipped out, thrusting back up to an entirely different hole.
“Shit! I’m sorry.” You reached down, lining him back up. “Are you okay?”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Are you okay?” You sank back down on him and he groaned.
“I’m great.” His hand moved to your cheek to kiss you. “Does it feel good?”
“It feels amazing.” You smiled against his lips, leaning forward and pushing him back against the seat, desperate for more of him. “Let me take over the work for a bit.”
You found yourself able to reach the same pace he was working at, but at a better angle and both of you were moaning again quickly. His hands worked over your hips, helping you move a little faster before roaming the rest of your body again, massaging roughing until there wasn’t any pause in between the moans coming from both of you.
“I’m gonna come.” He was panting heavily, his hands gripping your sweater tightly.
“Me too.” You choke out the words just as your orgasm took over. High pitched sighs poured out of you as you tried to breathe through the pleasure, a mistake on your part since it was probably annoying to listen to. You could faintly hear Miche whimpering. Quiet whines in the background as you focused on how amazing you felt, your body shaking over him. You had never once came at the same time as someone and it honestly didn’t feel much different except for the fact that you were both pulling each other closer.
You could feel Miche’s body shaking with tension, his hips pushed firmly against yours, small, but powerful little thrusts upwards as he shot his load into the condom. His body finally fell back to the chair and he loosened his grip on your sweater, allowing you to pull back to give him space to catch his breath. You expected to see him smiling because holy hell it was amazing, but instead he was looking at you with tears on his face and you jumped back.
“Are you okay?” Your eyes went wide and you froze. “Are you crying?”
“No!” It wasn’t like you couldn’t see the tears right there on his face and you gave him a look. “Okay, fine. Yes, but it’s not crying. It’s just tears.”
He wiped his hands across his face to dry his cheeks, then rubbed his hands over his eyes. It was cute seeing the reddened skin around his eyes as he smiled at you, the smile you were originally expecting to see before he sniffled.
“That’s more than tears if your nose is running.” You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his shoulder so he couldn’t see your face. You weren’t actually sure if maybe he was embarrassed for crying and you thought this would make him feel less bad about it. “You okay?”
“Yeah. It just felt good. That’s all.” He rested his head back, moving his arms around your back and getting comfortable. “It felt really good.”
“I can’t argue with that.” You smiled, tucking yourself further in his arms.
You stayed in the car for a little while longer, cuddling and talking with each other before you both felt it was too late and someone might start to wonder why there was a parked car still at the carnival when it has closed an hour before. You both got your lower half dressed again and Miche drove you home.
He was sweet enough to walk you to your door the same way he had the previous date and you gave him a quick kiss before saying good night and he walked back to his car. You had wanted to see if maybe he wanted to come inside for a little, but he had been acting weird since the car sex and you didn’t want to push him if something was bothering him. So, instead of offering him inside, you sat at your kitchen table and overthought the entire situation, wondering if you had done something wrong.
As much as you really were into Miche, this seemed to happen a lot. You were always second guessing yourself around him. Even from the moment you both met in that supermarket, he was showing you that he was interested and yet you didn’t let yourself believe it. You just let yourself overthink it until you nearly missed your chance. You really didn’t want to keep missing chances.
As soon as Miche was in his car, he sighed, resting his head on the steering wheel for a second before deciding to pull out his phone and call his friend.
“Hello?” Erwin’s voice came from the other end.
“Erwin, I think I fucked up.” Miche sighed.
“What happened? Do you need me to pick you up?”
“No, nothing like that.” It almost would have been better if it was that. “I cried.”
“What? What does that mean you ‘cried’?”
“I mean, I fucking cried.” Miche repeated himself.
“Are you still on your date?”
“I just dropped her off, I’m in the car now.” He rubbed his hand over his eyes. “Jesus, we fucked in my front seat and I cried.”
“You mean cried as in actual tears?” Miche couldn’t see it, but Erwin’s eyes were wide in surprise.
“As you were having sexual intercourse?”
“Well more like after? I don’t even know. Probably as I came. It doesn’t even matter. I fucking cried.” Miche dropped his head to the steering wheel again.
“Did she see?”
“She made a comment on it.” He explained. “She looked at me like I was insane.”
“Why would you cry?”
“I don’t know. Fuck. It just felt good and she looked so good. I was just happy. I don’t even fucking know. I just cried.” Miche knew you liked him and he knew both of you were having fun, but it was a point where he really did think he messed up. “Damn it.”
“Well maybe—”
Miche shrieked, jumping back as someone knocked on his window. When he looked up, you were standing there.
“Hang on, Erwin.” Miche rolled down his window. “Is everything—”
You meant to reach forward, trying to be bold and grab his cheeks to pull him into a kiss. It would have been amazing. You played the scenario over in your head at least five times before leaving your apartment to put it into play and it was beautiful. You would grab him, kiss him passionately until he came back to your place and you both had even more amazing sex until the next morning, only taking breaks to talk and eat a little before going back to sex. It was exquisite. But that’s not what happened.
When you reached forward to grab him and lean forward, your practiced scenario didn’t see you hitting your head incredibly hard against the door of his Jeep. The recoil alone was embarrassing enough as your forehead bounced off his car.
“Holy shit!” He dropped his phone in the front seat and opened his door to quickly grab you. “Are you okay?”
His hands immediately went to hold your body, worried you would pass out from the force of the hit. A small part of wished you would have.
“I’m fine.” You moved to rub your forehead. It’s not like your stupidity has ever not had something like this happen before. “Embarrassed, but fine.”
“That was some hit.” He smiled, moving your hand from your face so he could see if a lump was forming.
“Did I dent your car?” You looked over to it, but it looked the same still.
“Don’t worry about the car.” He laughed, bringing his hands to your cheeks so you would look at him. “Can I ask what it was that you were doing?”
“I was just…” This was not part of your scenario at all and you sighed, annoyed with yourself. “I was trying to kiss you.”
It was honestly a lot more embarrassing than you thought it was going to be, admitting what your original goal was and what a mess you made of it.
“I felt like maybe I messed up something earlier when your mood changed.” You sighed again, knowing your face was heating up and trying your best to cool it down since Miche’s hands were on your cheeks. You felt his grip tighten slightly and you looked at him, seeing him smiling. “I really wanted to end the date on a—”
He quickly pulled your face towards his and kissed you. It wasn’t as passionate as what you had wanted your kiss to be, but you could almost feel his heartbeat in his hands that rested on your cheeks and you had no idea at what point either one of you opened your mouths, but your tongues were tangled, mixing spit and you started laughing as a bit of it dribbled down your chin. Miche only pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. Maybe it was just as passionate as you were hoping it would be. You brought your hands around his waist and sighed into him. He spoke your name against your lips and you looked at him.
“If at some point in the future you ask me when I knew there was something about you that I was sure I wasn’t going to find in anyone else, or about when I knew you were different from everyone else I’ve ever met, or about the moment when I had that first overwhelming need to be with you…” He took a deep breath. “This is that moment.”
You could only look at him like an idiot. A look you had a feeling he would have to grow comfortable with because the amount of times he said something that made you literally lose your mind with how sweet or thoughtful it was seemed like it was going to be a reoccurring theme.
“That’s… unbelievably romantic.” Words were failing you again, pointing out the obvious and he laughed, kissing you again. “Why are you so good at kissing?”
“I really don’t think I am. I just can’t seem to get enough of you.” He kissed you again, making an attempt to deepen it before you pulled back.
“I got nervous before. I wanted to invite you in, but… I got nervous.” You admitted, laughing a little at yourself as you looked down at your fingers. “I know it’s late—I didn’t mean—”
“I can come in.” He interrupted your anxiety excitedly. “If you still want me to.”
“Yes. Definitely.” You nodded.
“Let me just get my phone.” He went back to the car, grabbing his phone and rolling the window back up. He had nearly forgotten that he was on a call with Erwin and quickly went to end it, but it was already ended. Instead there was a text message from Erwin and Miche opened it up, reading it quickly with a smile.
[It seems like things might have worked themselves out. Next time please hang up before the moaning starts.]
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Nobody is You - Chapter 8 - Somebody
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Summary: Reader and Miche continue their relationship and learn more about each other as well as themselves. Meanwhile, a celebration slowly approaches. Song: I don’t care – Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber (honestly this song is sort of a recurring theme and less related to this chapter specifically) Content: NSFW – Handjob and teaching a handjob so maybe that’s masturbation too? Also some cute, fluffy romantic stuff, and some little moments with all the vets minus Levi. Word Count: ~ 4,800
A/N: This chapter is sort of like a ‘missing moments’ chapter which can be seen as filler, but I like to think it’s entertaining filler since you get to see Miche in love, but also some vets interactions.
As always, feedback is appreciated :)
Miche knew he should have brushed his teeth before going to bed the night before. His breath reeked of alcohol and knowing how much he drank, he really should have at least used mouthwash. His tongue felt like a dry cotton ball and he rubbed his eyes roughly, trying to wipe the sleep away as he rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Erwin had the door closed while he showered and Miche knocked to make sure it was okay to come in.
“Yes?” Erwin called, his voice muffled by the sounds of the shower.
“I’m coming in. I need to brush my teeth.” Miche could smell his own breath as he spoke and nearly gagged.
He opened the door and reached for his toothbrush, popping the cap off the toothpaste and squeezing a glob onto his toothbrush. He turned the sink on to wet it, only to have the glob fall off his toothbrush and into the sink.
“Damn it,” he sighed, opening the tube again to put more on. As soon as the minty freshness of his toothpaste hit his mouth, Miche sighed again, scrubbing his tongue clean and rinsing. He added more toothpaste and started brushing a second time.
He was lost in the relaxing and invigorating feeling of brushing his mouth clean that Miche didn’t notice when Hange and Y/N walked into the room.
“Ah! Fuck!” He jumped back, opening his eyes and seeing them standing there laughing at him. He grumbled to himself and went back to brushing his teeth. “It’s too early.”
“Well we have some good news for you then.” Hange was bouncing where they stood.
“What’s that?”
“That overnight mission got moved to next month so we will be coming back tonight.”
“What?!” Erwin pulled the curtain back a little so he could see everyone, frantically rubbing the soap from his eyes. “Wait! What’s happening? How do you know all this already?”
“We just came from the Commander’s office.” Y/N explained.
“Was there a meeting?”
“No, it was a quick thing. He called Hange and me in and told us to tell you guys.” Hange nodded, staring at the shower.
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, that’s it.” Y/N watched Hange’s head angle slightly as they continued looking at the shower.
“You know Erwin,” Hange started, “when you pull the curtain so tightly to that end, I can see your skinny, white ass hanging out from this side.”
Erwin shrieked and pulled the curtain back to hide himself. Hange laughed loudly, holding their chest, and left the room. Y/N stood there and was still staring quite closely at Miche. He stared at her and wondered what she was looking at.
“Are you growing a beard?” Miche looked in the mirror to see what she was talking about. He had forgotten to shave yesterday and now the two days of stubble had come in.
“No, I just haven’t shaved yet.” He shrugged, grabbing hold of his toothbrush and continuing to brush.
“Well it looks good.” She smiled and turned to follow Hange. Miche looked back in the mirror to check it again. He never thought about not shaving before, but it didn’t look that bad. Plus, it would be a lot easier for him to get ready in the mornings. He rinsed his mouth and put his toothbrush away, checking his face one more time. Thinking of the smile Y/N had on her face, Miche rubbed his scruff and slid all his shaving stuff into a drawer, deciding not to shave.
“God, I’ve been dreaming about this all day.” Miche spoke quickly. “I’ve never been more glad for a mission to be postponed.”
He hopped around, pulling off his boots before grabbing the collar of his shirt, removing it and bringing his lips back to hers. It was nearing midnight when they all came back from the training mission and Miche quickly pulled Y/N’s hand before they went back inside. He had asked her if they could go to the stables first and she agreed. A decision she was really wondering why she made, but these days she was finding it increasingly difficult to say no to Miche.
Miche’s hands moved from her jaw to the buckle of her pants and Y/N put her hands on his chest, lightly pushing him back. He leaned away from her, wondering why she was pushing him away.
“We can’t,” she started, “I’m still on my period.”
“That doesn’t bother me.” He held her cheeks once more and brought her lips back to him, lowering his hands to her waist and pulling her against him. Again, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back.
“It bothers me.”
“Oh.” He mouthed, stepping back a little, but kept holding her hands. “Do you want to maybe just kiss? Or we could cuddle.”
She stepped back, turning around and rubbing her face, knowing she was feeling things that maybe she shouldn’t be feeling. No, that she definitely shouldn’t be feeling. More importantly, she was feeling things she didn’t want to be feeling, things she had actively forced herself not to feel for such a long time.
“We’re friends… with benefits. And I’m not able or willing to give you those benefits right now.” She turned back to look at him. “Why do you still want me here?”
Miche smiled at her and it was one of the few times it wasn’t that smug smile. This was a boyish smile. It was a tender, closed-mouth smile that crinkled his eyes before he closed them. This was the face he makes when he enjoys something, when he smells something good.
“You’re still my friend. And even more, you make me feel like I’m somebody.”
“It’s… nevermind. You relax me.” He moved back to her, putting his hands around her waist. “I love being around you. Come on.”
He laid down on the bed and held his arms out for her, that dopey grin on his face. She smiled and laid down with her back to him. His face went to her neck right away and breathed her in.
“You smell so good.” His lips reached her neck and he kissed along her jaw, his tongue dipping out to join in occasionally. He moved to her shoulder and slid her shirt to the side to give his tongue more room to work.
“Miche?” He hummed in response. “This isn’t really how friends hang out.”
“Sorry.” He laughed, pulling away and holding her waist tighter. She turned around to face him.
“But I didn’t say stop.” She stared at him, a warm look in her eyes until she smiled at him and he matched her smiled, leaning back in with his lips over hers. Miche wasn’t very good at only kissing, at least not with Y/N. He always found himself wanting more of her and Y/N was no different. Even though she said she didn’t want to have sex, she was the one who grabbed Miche’s hips and pulled him closer, her leg sliding in between his, and his leg in between hers where she let herself grind against it.
“That feels good,” Miche panted, grabbing her hips to rub her against his already stiff erection.
Miche licked his lips and kissed her again, trying to focus but struggling against giving in to the desire and the feeling of her warm body lightly brushing against his cock. Y/N knew this couldn’t go much further but really loved seeing Miche like this and didn’t want to stop. She pulled back a little, sliding her hand in between them and gently palming his erection. Miche moaned into her mouth, his hand resting on her cheek.
“Please don’t stop,” he whispered into her.
She wanted to continue, to keep going until he was satisfied, gripping-her-body-tightly-against-him-and-moaning-into-her type of satisfied. She wasn’t really sure how to do that though. Men were the same in a lot of ways, few differences here and there, but this was completely new to her.
“Hmm?” He ran his tongue over her lips.
“I’m not really that confident with my handjob.”
“Really?” He stopped and leaned back to look at her. “Why not? Handjobs are like the easiest thing.”
“None of my exes ever asked for it so I never got the practice.”
“Not really.” She shrugged, unable to meet his eyes, and Miche could see that insecurity she had showing through. She always needed to be the best at everything, he knew that very well, but the fact that she was feeling that hyper competitiveness even now amazed him. He smiled a little as he watched her shift around.
“Well, do you—do you want to practice on me?” He chuckled at the strange question and she looked up.
“Do you want a handjob?”
“I’m certainly not going to say no to one.”
“Okay, how should I start?”
“Well first… hang on, let me get…” He unzipped his pants and pushed them down, with his underwear, past his hips. “Okay, here. Give me your hand. Hold it like this.”
“Like this?”
“Yeah. Now just sort of—not so tight.”
“Sorry.” She frowned, worried that she hurt him.
“It’s okay.” He chuckled at her inexperience, a side of her he had never seen. “You can follow how my hand moves—like this—and just kind of do the same thing. You try.”
“Something like this?” Miche closed his eyes, a moan being pushed out as he bit his lip.
“Holy mother of goodne—your hands are big.” He breathed.
“Does that mean it’s—”
“It feels so good.” He moved his hand to her shoulder, biting his lip even harder as his body reflexively thrusted lightly into her hand.
This was a new feeling for her. Miche was groaning, his face turning a deeper shade of red and that little pout starting to form, all with very little work on her part. He was kind of right, handjobs were actually pretty easy. She just couldn’t figure out why he kept thrusting into her hand and was thinking maybe she wasn’t going fast enough.
“Should I be doing something differently? You keep thrusting.”
“No, no. You’re doing gre—mmm, it’s great. Sorry, it’s kind of a reflex.”
He moved the hand that was on her shoulder to her hip, gripping lightly to get some leverage with his thrusting. A part of him felt bad because he couldn’t help his moans, as quiet as they were, but the way they were positioned made it so he was kind of yelling in Y/N’s face. He moved closer to her, his lips brushing against hers.
“Is it still okay?” She asked and he nodded, sweat beginning to form on his forehead.
“But it’s a tiny bit dry.” He barely winced and she stopped her hand.
“Oh. Should I…?” She thought about how she could help the dryness, but honestly wasn’t sure what he wanted so she waited, hoping he would explain what to do in the situation.
“You could spit on it.” Her eyes shot up to him.
“You want me to spit on your penis?” She whisper-yelled at him and he laughed loudly, his head thrown back, unable to handle her cute reaction. His hands moved up to her cheeks and he pulled her quickly into a kiss.
“Just spit on your hand.” Miche was still laughing as he watched her. “If you want, I can spit.”
“No, I can do it.” She readjusted herself, bringing her hand to her mouth and starting to spit before realizing he was watching her. “Don’t look.”
“It’s weird.”
“I’ve had every part of your body in my mouth and you’re embarrassed to have me see you
“Yes, well I’m not—Just close your eyes.” He closed his eyes, but tried to peek and she noticed. “No peeking.”
He groaned as he closed them again and just to be sure he wasn’t looking, she put her free hand over his eyes which elicited another laugh from him.
“How much do you need?” She looked at her hand, not sure if the amount of spit she made was enough or not.
“Just enough so it’s not dry.”
“Okay, I think this should be good.” He opened his eyes to take a look but she was already stroking him again and his eyes closed. “Good enough?”
“Mmhmm.” He inhaled sharply at the smooth, and now extremely wet, feeling. He didn’t see how much she spit, but she must have really made sure it was enough and Miche felt himself growing even harder. “A little faster.”
He kept his eyes closed, his hand returning to her hip, allowing himself to squeeze the fleshy parts of her body that he loved so much. He was breathing heavily, sighing deeply as he tried not to be too noisy with her face right in front of his, but when it came to orgasming, Miche was never able to keep quiet.
His hand moved farther up her torso, trying to get as much of her as he could, before moving back down, his grip on her hip tightening.
“I’m… gonna come.” He breathed.
“Really?” Her eyes opened wide. “You’re so quiet.”
He managed a small smile and swallowed hard, his throat dry from breathing heavily.
“I didn’t want—I’m too loud…your face so close.” Y/N watched him lick his lips and smiled, leaning a little closer to him.
“I like when you’re loud.” The air that tickled his ear from her breath had goosebumps raising on his body. She sped up her movements a tiny bit and Miche groaned, leaning into her and kissing her roughly before moaning loudly into her mouth, his hands gripping her hip for leverage again.
Just hearing Miche’s moaning and seeing his face shifting with pleasure had Y/N’s eyes closing, her mind clouding with arousal. Judging by his volume, she could tell that he was close. His grip on her hip tightening had her opening her eyes, watching his face turn a deep red and contorting, nose scrunching up and mouth falling open with a grunt. The thick veins in his neck were bulging further as his body gently shook in front of her. As her eyes were glued to him, she was quick enough to move her other hand over, blocking the thick, hot liquid from making a mess. As she slowed her stroking, she watched his features relax, his eyebrows lifting and the red color draining from his face a bit as he gasped for air and groaned quietly.
An overwhelming feeling came over her, but unlike the majority of the time, this time she wanted to be closer to Miche. Unable to touch him or hug him with her hands the way they were, she leaned forward and kissed him, his mouth opening for her and she let herself in. Miche’s hands went around her head as he pulled her close, his tongue finding hers easily and she moaned into him, causing him to smile against her lips.
He pulled back, opening his eyes and looking at her. There were always so many things he wanted to say to her during moments like these. He never could though. He always just held it in and looked at her with a smile on his face. If only she knew all the feelings he had for her. If only he could explain it to her. But instead, all he would say was a quiet “thank you”.
Knowing it was already late, he stood up and grabbed a towel, cleaning up her hands and moving back to clean himself up and move some of the things that got dirty to the corner so he could wash it in the morning. He thought he was moving quickly, but by the time he finished up and went back over to her, she was asleep. Miche smiled to himself and laid down next to her.
He crossed his arms as he watched her sleep, wondering what she might be dreaming about. Her features were softened a bit, but she still had that hard, serious look on her face, even while she slept and it made him smile. His eyes followed the curves of her face and he sighed. What was he doing these last five years if not looking at her? He went so long looking past her that when he thought about it, he wondered how much he must have missed.
Her hand was resting in between them and Miche reached forward and gently picked it up, playing with her fingers, delicately bringing each one to his lips, kissing it before moving on to the next one. He brought her palm to his nose and breathed in deeply.
Yes, he could smell himself on her hand. Yes, he felt really good about that, continuing to breathe in the mixture of his scent with hers. Yes, there was a small part of him that was happy because of it, knowing that at this point, he could pretend that she was his. He kissed each one of her fingers again, holding her hand and letting it run over his face, her fingertips bumping up and down as they brushed over each of his features. He covered his face with her hand again, closing his eyes and breathing her in. The only smell that had ever been better than hers was the mixture of both of theirs together and Miche couldn’t get enough of it.
Not wanting to wake her, he set her hand back down and pulled her closer, letting himself fall asleep to the pleasant scent of the crook of her neck.
When Y/N woke up, it was dark. Even in the darkness, she could feel that she wasn’t in her bed. In addition to that, something was wrapped tightly around her and she felt around, gathering that it was Miche. She struggled against him, but he latched on like a koala when he slept. He was sleeping behind her and he had both of his arms around her body, keeping her way too securely against his chest. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other arm looped under her neck and around her chest.
She did her best to pull away from him, but his grip was too tight. It wasn’t until she pulled him closer, snuggling her back into his chest, that he loosened his grip a little. She shifted her position and turned around to face him, hoping to use her arms to get some space to breathe. Damn, he smells good. Even in his sleep.
She pushed away from his chest a little, successfully giving herself more room. His arms slacked, resting over her waist. She smiled at the way his mouth hung open slightly as he slept, the way his bangs were falling in his eyes, and the quiet snores that he steadily breathed. His hand gripped her hip tightly and he groaned.
“I wanna hold you.” His voice was groggy as he grumbled and she let him pull her closer into him, his arms wrapping tightly around her again. The overwhelming feeling in Y/N’s chest swelled and her breath caught.
She let out a shaky breath against his chest, the warmth of his body surrounding her. He was still shirtless and his chest hair tickled the tip of her nose. She tried to smile as she closed her eyes and let her nose nuzzle against him. She was shaking, her heart fluttering like crazy in her chest. God, this feels good. Ugh, why does it feel so good? She couldn’t keep doing it to herself though. She sighed, clenching her jaw and resting her forehead against his chest. She took one last deep breath, breathing in the weirdly comforting smell of his body and moved her arm over his waist. Miche groaned again and she smiled, closing her eyes and falling asleep.
The next time she woke, it was much brighter in the stables, the early morning light shining in through the window behind them. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light and turned to lay on her stomach. The shifting around woke Miche up and he turned to face her, his eyes adjusting to the brightness as well. He let out a sigh and smiled, his eyes closing again.
“I could really get used to waking up next to you.” His voice was dry, gravelly and rough with sleep and it twisted a knot so tight in Y/N’s stomach she forgot to breathe. He slid closer to her, the morning smile still on his face, and snuggled them both under the warmth of the covers.
She couldn’t understand how he was always able to pull her so close to his body without any limbs getting in the way. His entire body was always somehow flush up against hers, each arm and each leg having their own designated position and never getting in the way of the other.
“I’ll spare you my morning breath.” He laughed softly and kissed her forehead, but for whatever reason, that wasn’t enough and she pulled back and looked up at him.
“Don’t spare me.” He laughed through his nose lightly and looked at her, seeing something, a seriousness in her face that he hadn’t seen before. There was a split second where he was about to ask if she was okay, but instead quickly rushed forward to kiss her and her arms went around his neck, her legs wrapping around his waist.
He suddenly rolled her over so she was on top of him and in one quick motion, she pulled off her shirt, her lips going back to his. Miche’s hands slid behind her, inching towards the clasp of her bra.
Then, just as suddenly, Y/N pulled away from his lips, her head falling to the crook of his neck and she groaned. Not a sexual groan, but a last-minute-realization-and-frustrated groan.
“Damn it.” She sat back up and looked at him.
“It’s fine.” He sat up with her, his nose brushing her collarbone. “I don’t mind that you’re on your period. It really doesn’t—” “It’s not that.” She rubbed her hands over her face. “We have that meeting with the commander this morning. I don’t even know what time it is now.”
“We can be late.” He moved his lips to her neck.
“No, we can’t. And we don’t even know if we already are late.”
“We’ll be quick.”
“Miche!” She complained and he groaned, feeling annoyed.
“You’re right.” He sighed. “You’re right.”
She stood up and grabbed her shirt, putting it back on and helping him find his.
“Well, you know my birthday is in a couple days.”
“Yeah…” She handed him his shirt and wondered where he was going with that thought. “What are you getting at?”
“I have a special request—” He smiled and she narrowed her eyes a bit. “—From you.”
“O…kay…?” She could feel herself getting nervous on what he was going to request.
“Do you think we can spend some time together up here?”
“You don’t want to celebrate with Hange and Erwin?”
“No, I do. We can celebrate with them, but then maybe afterwards, we can come here—” he watched her face “—and just be together.”
“You want like some special birthday sex type of thing?”
“No, no, nothing like that. I mean, we can definitely have sex, but I was hoping to spend time together… Just us.” He grabbed her hand and held it. Y/N couldn’t understand why he would want that when they had friends to celebrate with.
“Okay. We can do that. If that’s what you want.” Miche nodded, smiling, and started swinging their hands back and forth.
“Would there be any way I can convince you to spend the night with me?”
“I thought you never slept up here.” She narrowed her eyes and smiled.
“I don’t.” He laughed timidly and his hand instinctively went to scratch the back of his head. “But we just did and I kind of… I really liked it.”
“Well, it’s your birthday.” She shrugged and they both hopped down to the first floor.
“Y/N, go find Miche and stall him so he doesn’t come in here.” Erwin ordered, both he and Hange were trying to get the last few additions onto the cake before Miche finished his monthly review with his squad leader.
“Why do I have to do it?” She complained, watching them both try to work on the same section. Hange kept accidentally nudging Erwin to which he grumbled at them.
“Because you were banned from helping with cakes at Hange’s birthday.” Hange laughed at the memory.
“I quite liked the cake.” They added, bumping into Erwin again.
“Hange!” Erwin looked up and let out an irritated sigh. “Now the titan has an enormous left thigh.”
“Titans come in all shapes, Erwin.” Hange reminded him. “I think he’s cute.”
“There was a very specific purpose for this one and it wasn’t to be cute.” He spoke through his teeth, letting his aggravation show. Y/N knew what Erwin was like when he was upset and it wasn’t something she wanted to stick around for so she left the kitchen and went searching for Miche.
He was probably done with his monthly review at that point which meant he was either in his room, in the stables, or in the bathroom. The easiest place to start was his room. She opened up the door, stepping inside and closing it behind her.
“Hey.” She stayed in front of the door. Miche was sitting on his bed, tossing a baseball into the air. “I’m here to stall you.”
“They working on the cake?” His face lit up at the thought.
“Yes, but you aren’t supposed to know that.”
“Maybe if this was the first time doing this I would be surprised.”
He was right. They did this for everyone’s birthday, every single year. She couldn’t remember when it started, but at some point, every birthday became the same. Three of them would bake a cake and decorate it in a specific theme for the birthday person. The cakes usually turned out disgustingly, but the decorations were where it mattered most. Each year, they became better and better with the practice.
“So how are you going to stall me?” He set the baseball on his desk and stood up.
“By standing in front of the door like I am right now.” She smiled and held the doorknob tighter and he slowly walked over to her. There was a small part of her that thought he might try to get out and run to the kitchen.
“That’s no fun.” He smiled playfully, standing close to her. “I can think of some things we might be able to do.”
She kept her hand on the doorknob, tightening her grip just a tiny bit more. Miche pressed himself against her, his face lowering to hers and she turned away.
“Miche, I’m not really in the mood now.”
“I’m pretty sure I can get you in the mood.” He bent over, dropping his face to eyelevel with hers.
“You think you know all there is to know about what I like, don’t you?” She teased, looking at him and unsuccessfully hiding her smile.
“Please, you make that nearly impossible.” He laughed. “But make no mistake, I know quite a bit.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” She let him play with her belt loop, arching her back a little away from the door.
“I know you have a sensitive spot on your neck.” He leaned into her, his nose barely grazing her jaw. “And you’ll pretty much let me do whatever I want if I keep my mouth there.”
“Beginner’s luck.” She angled her head away slightly, giving him more of her neck and he let out a laugh through his nose.
“I bet you I can find it right now.” His voice was low as he moved to the crook of her neck. His nose brushing lightly against her skin.
“Let’s see.” Miche moved in the last little bit, his lips pressing against her neck. He licked over it, opening his mouth and closing his lips around the sensitive skin. She gasped and he knew he’d found it. He brought his hands to her hips as she let out a quiet moan. Her hand ran through his hair and Miche moaned into her neck, sucking harder as he pulled her hips against his body. She let out a soft, but audible exhale and he pulled away.
“Damn, I left a small mark.” He rubbed it with his thumb and looked at her.
“It’s fine, I’ll yell at you for it later.” With the hand still in his hair, she pulled him back down to her and kissed him. Miche smiled into her and lifted her up, pressing her back against the bedroom door.
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Taglist: @luanabonn​ @hadassackerman​ @honeybrulee​
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