misttimes · 2 years
To LOVEるダークネス2nd 1巻のオーコメ。 twitter.com/misttimes/stat…
posted at 01:45:02
矢吹センセと中山Pのオーコメもそれはそれで良いけど、キャストのオーコメも聴きたいと思ったり。 ayakashitriangle-anime.com/news/?id=62418
posted at 01:42:00
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RT @ayakashi_anime: ▼・△━━━━━━━━━ スペシャルコメンタリー ━━━━━━━━━▽・▲ 2/6(月)以降の各局での第1話~第4話の再放送にて、副音声でのスペシャルコメンタリー決定! 原作者・矢吹健太朗先生と中山信宏プロデューサーによるトークをお届けします! ▼詳細 ayakashitriangle-anime.com/news/?id=62418 #あやトラ pic.twitter.com/WoH8yrDipO
posted at 01:40:52
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RT @miso_katsu: 米! pic.twitter.com/KddpbGChmV
posted at 01:32:02
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RT @KadotaRyusho: 岸田政権は“自称”徴用工問題で日本企業の賠償を韓国財団に肩代わりさせる解決案を機に過去の“痛切な反省”と“お詫びの気持ち”を示すのだそうだ。又も安倍&菅路線破壊。“史実に基づかない”反省とお詫びで日韓利権復活。だが対韓感情は更に悪化。日本が完全破壊される前に退陣を news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/940ec…
posted at 01:31:09
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RT @16331633: いじめと差別はいけません、誰の命も重くて価値があるものだから勝手に奪ってはいけません、て教えてくれたはずの人達が、軽々といけないことをやっている。正義ヅラで。
posted at 01:30:56
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RT @16331633: 病気揶揄嘲笑いじめ、子供がいないことを批判とか、祖父を引き合いに出して批判される差別、殺されたら殺人犯すら擁護。批判する側の醜さを、これでもかと炙り出してくれた人でもあった。 「政治批判」のはずの人達の箍の外れた尋常じゃない個人攻撃のエスカレート、まだ続くんだ。
posted at 01:30:52
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RT @16331633: 個人の評価ではなく、血筋にこだわって批判するのがリベラル?それって一般人なら差別って言わない? twitter.com/eiga_natalie/s…
posted at 01:30:50
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RT @kasumi1973: スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア感謝祭は、本当の本当に良いのでオススメです (伝説のスタプリ4人よっぱらい朗読劇もちゃんと見られます)
posted at 01:09:19
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RT @kasumi1973: dアニメストア 1/31で下記が配信終了の様なので未視聴の方お早めに~ ・キラキラ☆プリキュアアラモードLIVE2017 スウィート☆デコレーション ・スター☆トゥインクルプリキュアLIVE2019 KIRA☆YABA!イマジネーションライブ ・スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア感謝祭 animestore.docomo.ne.jp/animestore/CQ/…
posted at 01:09:16
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RT @mikakokomatsu: POISONが赤ちゃん泣き止むソングだと聞いたことあったんですが、なんと安元さんの歌声でもギャン泣き赤ちゃんが泣き止みました👶 #nowplaying 桜ヶ丘健司(CV:安元洋貴) - ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件 / 百合男子キャラクターソング - EP pic.twitter.com/vYJhgcXCVP
posted at 00:11:19
ツイート後に2022年4月からJR東海管轄側でも発券ができるようになっていた事を知る。2021年9月のAFT追加公演の時、えきねっと購入済の復路の乗車券を事前発券し忘れてわざわざ篠原口まで行く羽目になった。 shin-yoko.net/2022/04/05/shi…
posted at 00:08:25
トレンドの裏新横浜、篠原口を連想してしまったが違った。えきねっと受取はJR東日本管轄のこちらしかできないんだよなー pic.twitter.com/GNz53LsrTR
posted at 00:03:47
from TOJHO(@misttimes) - Twilog https://ift.tt/y8wU3rd via https://ift.tt/6QdGgvB
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gyakusaiseiyuu · 3 years
imiA and ustamoK okakiM witness the exorcism of akaseU erimuS
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seiyuu-gallery · 3 years
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himanji · 5 years
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\日曜、TV初放送/ カートゥーン ネットワークで放送中の アニメ「#ブレイベスト・ウォリアーズ」 その出演声優が今までできなかった難題にチャレンジ! 8/4(日)あさ10時~は#小松未可子 が乗馬に挑戦🐎 無料放送です♪ 次回は #梅原裕一郎!https://t.co/O7kcK1F8gj@mikakokomatsu #スカパー pic.twitter.com/EDpaMvsrQq
— スカパー!アニメ (@sptv_anime) 2019年8月2日
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trysailinfo · 5 years
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camellia-fav · 7 years
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via @mikakokomatsu
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maeda-toshiie · 5 years
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recentanimenews · 3 years
JUJUTSU KAISEN 0’s Staff and Cast Come Together to Celebrate the Film's Japanese Opening
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  JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 opened in Japanese theaters at midnight on December 24, selling out shows across the country and packing out theaters on a cold winter’s night. The staff and cast of the prequel film celebrated the premiere, sharing special illustrations and photos on Twitter and at the cast talk this afternoon at Toho Cinemas Shinjuku – a location that features heavily in the story of JUJUTSU KAISEN 0.
  According to a press release from Toho, the midnight screenings for JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 were sold out across 7 cities in Japan. On top of that, Toho has also estimated that the film will sell over 1 million tickets on its opening day, as well as bring in over 10 billion yen (US$87.44 million) at the Japanese box office over its run. If it achieves that amount, it’ll be in the top 40 films of all time in Japan, and may even overtake Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon a Time, which was the highest-grossing film of 2021.  
  Images from TOHO Cinemas Shinjuku before the midnight screenings:
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      Ahead of the cast talk today at TOHO Cinemas Shinjuku, they shared their excitement about the premiere on their Twitter accounts.
  Kana Hanazawa, who is voicing Rika Orimoto, posing next to a Yuta standee.
  やっとこの日が来ました(*´◒`*)#劇場版呪術廻戦0 本日公開! 劇場でお待ちしています!!! 頑張れ 憂太。 pic.twitter.com/p52ilrtt15
— 花澤香菜 (@hanazawa_staff) December 24, 2021
    Yuta voice actor Megumi Ogata posted at 3 AM that she had snuck into a midnight screening and was impressed by the number of people crying.
  世界最速上映ご参加の皆様お疲れ様でした!無事に帰るんだよマジで。 …実は都内某映画館のエンディングあたりからコソッと覗いてました。泣いている方も多く感無量でした。。 …の証拠写真を撮ってみたらすっぴんのオレが一番百鬼夜行だった← 本日公開です。 皆様、劇場でぜひ。#劇場版呪術廻戦0 pic.twitter.com/MqWUBufjh9
— 緒方恵美@パートナー募集中????CF #プレフェス (@Megumi_Ogata) December 23, 2021
    Mikako Komatsu, who voices Maki in the JUJUTSU KAISEN TV anime as well as the film posted her excitement over on Instagram with a plush of her character.
  劇場版 呪術廻戦0 本日公開です!何卒! 劇場でお会いしましょう。 一年の真希さんぽいメガネ家にあった????(ブルーライトカット!) https://t.co/2SkU3Jzdr9
— 小松未可子 公式 (@mikakokomatsu) December 23, 2021
    Director Sunghoo Park celebrated by drawing an image of the three first-year students in the JUJUTSU KAISENTV anime watching Yuta the previous year.
  『劇場版 呪術廻戦 0』の公開を記念して朴性厚監督よりお祝いイラストを頂きました!! 劇場版公式サイトhttps://t.co/40qIsFXqqg#劇場版呪術廻戦0#呪術廻戦 pic.twitter.com/Sa4XYL0waO
— MAPPA (@MAPPA_Info) December 24, 2021
    Character designer Tadashi Hiramatsu also drew a celebratory image with all the first years from JUJUTSU KAISEN 0.
  劇場公開を記念してキャラクターデザインの平松禎史さんよりお祝いイラストを頂きました!! 『劇場版 呪術廻戦 0』いよいよ明日公開!! お楽しみに! 劇場版公式サイトhttps://t.co/40qIsFXqqg#劇場版呪術廻戦0#呪術廻戦 pic.twitter.com/GJSi5jgjv6
— MAPPA (@MAPPA_Info) December 23, 2021
    Animation director of JUJUTSU KAISEN, Terumi Nishii also celebrated with a Yuta illustration.
  メリークリスマス! pic.twitter.com/hJMnMFEDok
— 西位 輝実 NlSHII Terumi (@NishiiTerumi) December 23, 2021
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    Image via JUJUTSU KAISEN on Twitter
  During the afternoon of opening day, the cast came together to have a talk after the screening of the film. Kana Hanazana opened up the talks, asking the audience with a smile, “Are you all cursed?” Hanazawa, who voices Rika in JUJUTSU KAISEN 0, is of course referring to her own character. Rika is close to Yuta in the film, who is voiced by Megumi Ogata. Hanazawa said that “Okkotsu-kun's lines had me going all soft and made me feel delicate!” 
  Ogata on the other hand had this to say about her character. "[Yuta] was similar to me as a member of society. I was a bit of a lazy kid, but with the help of everyone, I was able to work my way up one by one, fixing what was wrong with myself, and I finally was able to make friends."
  "Okkotsu suffers constant, repeated pain, overcomes it, suffers it again, and overcomes it again. I feel he is a character that we can easily relate to when we go through difficult moments in our lives. I wish this movie will help everyone to discover something new. This film has that power for everyone.”
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    Takehiro Sakurai, who voices Suguru Geto, comically comments that JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 is nothing more than a film about a “priest and a panda fighting” and “that has never happened before. Normally, they wouldn't make a movie about this kind of thing." Sakurai said that the fight between Panda and Geto is “amazing how cool it looks.” On his character, Sakurai said that “Geto is a nasty character who throws a boisterous party on a holy day, but he comes off as cool doing so.”
  Tomokazu Seki, who voices Panda in the film, retorted that “Sakurai-kun and I have had many opportunities to fight to the death in all sorts of situations, and this time we'll be doing so playing a panda and a priest … I'm dreading where all this is headed.”
  Koki Uchiyama, who voices Inumaki, said he felt prior to the film “I wouldn't have anything in common with Inumaki, but then I realized when my throat is bad, I can't perform. It seems like that we share many things in common.” Referring to the medicine that Inumaki takes during the story of JUJUTSU KAISEN 0, Uchiyama mused that “I thought it would be nice if I could revitalize my vocal cords by taking it.”
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    JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 opened on December 24 in Japan, which is the day the climax of the film takes place. The day corresponds to “The Night Parade of 100 Demons” in the story, which is also known as Hyakki Yagyo. It’s a day where thousands of yokai parade through Japanese cities at night, with most culminating in Kyoto and other highly spiritual areas of Japan. 
  Historically, “The Night Parade of 100 Demons” used to change days based on the zodiac sign and phases of the moon, but in modern times, the parade is usually celebrated on the third Saturday of October in Northern Kyoto at the Taishogun Shopping Street. The street is said to be the boundary of the human world and the spirit world. The last event occurred in 2019 with hundreds of people in Kyoto dressing up like yokai.  
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  In JUJUTSU KAISEN 0, Suguru Geto uses the day to his advantage in ways we will not spoil. Though, it could be said that the “parade” gets a little out of hand.
  While it might be a little while until fans around the world get to experience their own “The Night Parade of 100 Demons,” fans of JUJUTSU KAISEN in Japan came out in droves to watch the anime film. MAPPA returns to produce the animation on JUJUTSU KAISEN 0, with director Sunghoo Park at the helm and Toho distributing the film in theaters in Japan. The anime film was announced at the end of the JUJUTSU KAISEN TV anime series, which can be watched right here on Crunchyroll.
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Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
By: Daryl Harding
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misttimes · 2 years
ギャラクシーエンジェルとかいう原作とアニメの内容がなにひとつ一致しない作品 : ゴールデンタイムズ blog.livedoor.jp/goldennews/arc… GAアニメの功績者挙げるなら井上敏樹だけではなく荒木哲郎、浅香守生、大橋誉志光、高柳滋仁、里見哲朗は最低限挙げてほしい。井上氏は実は脚本あんま書いてないよ。
posted at 01:42:37
10年前こんなツイートしてたわ。 twitter.com/misttimes/stat…
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AUDIO GALAXY Vol.551 youtu.be/eJC6F0QLc88?t=… 4:11~ RAM RIDERさんの*Meet Me?*現地での話。
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「小見川千明と同じ事務所」「ソウルイーターの音響製作会社からオーディションの案内が来るようになった」「HIROMANの音響監督がソウルイーターの音響監督と同じ音響制作会社所属」 みかこし声優デビューのきっかけの時点で読み物として既に面白い。 originalnews.nico/390865
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RT @mikakokomatsu: 人生を振り返る取材をして頂きました!たっぷり! twitter.com/nico_nico_news…
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今月はスーパーで調達した「9種のお好み最中」。 #ゆかりの日 pic.twitter.com/dmt6yRrRz4
posted at 00:28:50
posted at 00:03:15
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RT @usarin_marutama: (…きこえますか…きこえますか…フォロワーの…みなさん…今…あなたの…心に…直接…呼びかけています…毎月27日は…ゆかりの日…もなかを食べて…ゆかりんを祭る日…です…)
posted at 00:01:01
posted at 00:00:40
from TOJHO(@misttimes) - Twilog https://ift.tt/N1gorC3 via https://ift.tt/PdoAuEq
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carudamon119 · 7 years
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pocapontas · 7 years
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小松未可子 @mikakokomatsu
【ご報告】本日、29歳(16歳)を迎えました\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////そしてやっと歯列矯正のブラケットが外れました!約2年半長かったなあ…!!これで爽やかにカレーが食べられる!おめでとう私!おめでとう今日誕生日の同志!おめでとうみんな
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suisei · 7 years
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ポプテピピック上映会ありがとうございました!Bパートは一体…。いやそもそも…いや…!爆破は少々お待ちください。1月からのオンエア、よろしくお願いします! https://twitter.com/mikakokomatsu/status/940577217502855168/photo/1
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himanji · 5 years
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ootatyan · 6 years
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【朗報】小松未可子さん、ツイッターで戸松遥さんの結婚を祝福。次は自分の番か? 元スレ 1 :風吹けば名無し:2019/01/12(土) 12:00:46.99 ID:PrLFevCVr.net 小松未可子 公式 @mikakokomatsu·19h おおおおおとまっちゃん!!!!めでたい!!!!\\¥¥٩( 'ω' )و //// 2 :風吹けば名無し:2019/01/12(土) 12:00:59.62 ID:HrbEzHV40…
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chnuru · 6 years
1: 2018/11/15(木) 00:33:39.84 ID:aMhp7K33d
小松未可子 公式@mikakokomatsu
2018/11/14 23:47:57
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suminomiyyas · 8 years
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