#Mikaela secada
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they are so important to me
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broadwayworld · 1 year
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Interview: TO THE FUTURE THE MUSICAL's Mikaela Secada Talks Broadway Debut, Performing for Michael J. Fox & More https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Interview-TO-THE-FUTURE-THE-MUSICALs-Mikaela-Secada-Talks-Broadway-Debut-Performing-for-Michael-J-Fox-More-20230822
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ecocuban · 2 years
Mikaela Secada on her Musical Cuban Heritage and Theatre Career
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Can you describe a bit about your Cuban background?
I was born and raised in Miami, FL which obviously is a major hotspot for Cuban-Americans. So, from early childhood to late adolescence, I was totally enveloped in the Cuban culture rooted in Miami. My dad was a Cuban immigrant himself, having come over when he was around 10 years old. My mom, on the other hand, is a first generation Cuban-American born in Miami and raised by two Cuban immigrant parents. Both my parents made sure to speak Spanish around the house as much as possible, especially when my grandparents were around. Even though we have definitely assimilated to American culture, I consider myself to be extremely connected and loyal to my Cuban roots.
What makes you feel most Cuban?
I would say the largeness of my family, both in size and personality! The times when I feel the most Cuban is when I’m surrounded by my extended family in the midst of cooking, drinking, laughing, screaming, and sometimes even fighting, haha! I feel like most Cubans can attest to the fact that our defining qualities include fierce passion and intense protection over our families.
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How might your Cuban identity influence your creative career?
I feel like my path towards becoming a performer was heavily influenced by the creative roots in my family, especially on my dad’s side. Granted, my maternal grandmother did serve as spokesperson for Cuban Palmolive commercials back in the 50s — a fact of which she is still proud of today. In addition to that, my dad‘s aunt, Moraima Secada was a beloved singer in Cuba beginning in the early 1950s until her late death in 1984. It’s funny because when I watch videos of her performances, she has such a theatrical style and presence. It makes me wonder if she had an actress in her as well. Who would’ve thought that 20 years later, my dad would pursue the same career as a singer/songwriter and even actor too!
So yeah with a strong lineage of Cuban performers lodged in my ancestry, plus growing up in an environment that was open to creativity and passion for the arts, I was definitely predisposed to having an artistic career. Even my mom’s background as a dancer has given me a leg to stand on as a musical theatre performer.
Now how does that link to my Cuban identity? In my opinion, due to the many societal, political, geographical setbacks people of the Cuban diaspora have faced, an element of resilience has been interwoven into our culture. Therefore, I feel like I am where I am today because of everything my family has sacrificed and overcome.
What do you recommend for people interested in theater and acting?
Always keep practicing, learning, and improving!
For my POC, LGBTQ+, or any other marginalized actors — please don’t give up when the auditions get tough. There is definitely a lot of work to be done in terms of equitable casting for all. However, as long as there are more of us both in front and behind the casting table, the more opportunities we will be able to receive! This industry is headed in a new direction, slowly, but surely!
I’m stealing this one from a professor — you can’t move forward if you’re looking sideways! Do you, and you’ll get to where you want to be.
Mikaela Secada can be found on Instagram at (@mikasecada). Her most recent performance was playing Heketi in BeastGirl at the KennedyCenter. You can find more information on her theatre credits here.
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