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CORE: Part 4: The Mercenary Onslaught: Phase Two! (And 2.5!)
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underguard · 2 months ago
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[Comic Masterpost]
The Underguard 2
Episode 2 "The Losing Hand"
Pages 114-117
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deltaswapjevil · 9 months ago
Undeefell Ruins Enemies
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Mild trigger warning on Whimsum
Bullfroggit: Basically Froggit but meaner and more aggressive Blynde
(Loox): Lost his eye and is more mean but also more cowardly
Fell! Whimsum (No new name idea): Whimsum already had references to suicide. So Fell Whimsum has a noose around it's neck and begs you to kill it. It's meant to also demonstrate how the genocide route of Underfell being treated more like mercy route than the pacifist route
Fell Migosp: Is the opposite. Instead of aggressive when with friends and docile alone. It is docile when with friends due to being scared of them and aggressive when alone due to anger of you killing the other monsters or lashing out cause it's alone depending on your actions
Fell Vegetoid: Instead of wanting you to eat it, it wants to eat you!
Fell Moldsmol: Is acidic and that's about it. Just acidic slime
Fell Misgospel: Just a crazy jester who hates being around others but is happy though violent when alone
Fell Parsnik: Turned to Stone. The snakes control the body like a puppet.
Fell Moldsmol: Acidic and stores bones of other enemies within it. Juggles a skull that it sometimes uses in place of a head. Misgospels only friend
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inbarfink · 1 year ago
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Round 1 Group D
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wonders-of-ebott · 5 days ago
CORE: PART 3: Given a hard time.
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@univer-underfell Recognize the cameos? :)
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tcstoryfell · 1 year ago
TC! Storyfell chapter 1 part 9 ( The dancing show )
Migospel: Nye ha ha this show will be a blast!
This seems like this may be a interesting battle
Nehemiah: * Uses act and selects check *
Migospel 7 attack 5 defense The dancing bug, seems to not be able to easily be spared
Migospel: * Uses a roach attack that droops from the upper side and a bunch of roaches come down and from all sides *
Nehemiah: * Dodge a bit but gets hit by 3 * O great 13/25
Metta: Use a heal
Nehemiah: O yeah * Uses items and selects 😑*
Nehemiah: I don't have any heals 😑
Metta: Use this
* You obtained the ghost fruit *
Nehemiah: What is this
Metta: Use this
Nehemiah: * Uses items and selects ghost fruit 🍓 *
It phases through you
Nehemiah: WHAT WAS THAT?
Metta: It normally always works with me
Nehemiah: You are a ghost
* You gained 15 hp and +5 inv *
* How did that work darling? *
Migospel: NYE HA HA * Uses a rock jumping all over and dancing *
Nehemiah: I would like to dance with that but seems like not
Migospel: You turn
The crowd is waiting for something to happen
Nehemiah: * Uses check and selects entertain *
Nehemiah: * Dances around and bows *
The crowd likes the dance
Migospel: The crowd likes it
Migospel: It seems you won't fight me
Migospel: Prepare for my dance
* A little roach goes around nehemiah's soul *
Your soul is orange now
Migospel: Now you will feel the brace of having to move through things
Nehemiah: Nothing happened except for that
Nehemiah: * Uses act and selects dance *
The crowds begs for something new
Migospel: Prepare for my attack * Uses roaches that come from up and down *
Nehemiah: * Dodges them all * What is happen- * Takes 1 damage every second *
Migospel: That is a surprise my power is to turn people's souls into orange, when they are orange they have to soom into my attacks and move through them to actually not take damage. NYE HA HA
Nehemiah: 😑
Metta: Hmm darling let's go something new
Nehemiah: * Uses defend and hits the bars 4 times * Behold
* Blocks the attacks of Migospel 4 times *
The crowd is in love with violence
Migospel: Nye ha ha thanks for the entertaining. Now behold guest
Astigmatism: Hello there
Astigmatism: You seem to have made it far into the Ruins not any longer
* Uses an eye attack that goes close to the target and tries to hit it *
Nehemiah: * Dodges but gets hit by an eye and takes 5 damage * Great now 18 hp
Nehemiah: * Uses act and uses check *
Astigmatism 8 attack and 10 defense a bully that ALWAYS gets what he wants. He is very mean :(
Astigmatism: * Uses his body to roll around and hit you *
Nehemiah: * Dodges but is a bit tired *
Astigmatism: I will crush you
Nehemiah: * Uses act and chooses lecture * You shouldn't be bullying anyone 😡
Astigmatism: Shush up * Attack rose *
Nehemiah: O great
Metta: I told ya just to pick on him
Nehemiah: * Dodges a new attack and tries to calm him down *
Nehemiah: What should I do?
Papyrus: STOP
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Astigmatism: No one cares-
Papyrus: * Death stares *
Everyone: * Surprised Papyrus made Astigmatism :( *
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Migospel: O-ok
Your soul turns normal
Papyrus: Let's go * Picks up Nehemiah and jumps into the sky *
Nehemiah: I feel strange
Metta: I love when he does that
Nehemiah: Thanks
Papyrus: Your welcome
* Goes to the house *
I remember so much. The house, the goofy Papyrus, everything :)
Don't hurt anyone I love ok =)
Alright let's get in
Nehemiah: O...k
Nehemiah: Wow this house seems....good :)
Nehemiah: Cool
Nehemiah: Great
Metta: Very nice
Papyrus: Alright time to show you rest since you have been walking a lot
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glitchthedemon · 1 year ago
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Stronger Monsters!
I've been meaning to draw this since i played Hard Mode but i got so busy with Inktobertale i didnt get the chance to until now ;-;
Not all the coloured designs are canon, they're either inspired from various google images or ones i made up. All names of the enemies are in the tags ^_^
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maxladcomics · 3 months ago
I try to avoid adding in things that can only be found in the code but the flag that Abandoned Quiche used before it was removed (the QuicheGuilt) was 17
Gaster's theme: 17 seconds Gaster's entry: Seventeen Gaster: Speaks in all caps with no *
Papyrus: Speaks in all caps with no * Papyrus: His 17th turn in his battle is random Papyrus: The 17th monster in snowdin Papyrus: His stats in genocide route is -17
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thatrandomuser01 · 2 months ago
My take on Underswap and Deltaswap
Frisk <-> Chara
Flowey <-> Tem Shop Temmie
Toriel <-> Asgore
Ruins Dummy <-> Mad Dummy/ Mad Mew Mew
Froggit <-> Final Froggit
Whimsun <-> Whimsalot
Moldsmal <-> Moldessa
Napstablook <-> Mettaton
Vegetoid <-> Parsnik
Migosp <-> Migospel
Loox <-> Astigmatism
Spiders <-> Temmies
Sans <-> Papyrus
Snowy/ Snowdrake <-> Chilldrake
Ice Cap/ Ice Cube <-> Gyftrot
Doggo <-> Dogamy
Snowdin Forest Faun <-> Rabbit Kid
Snowman <-> Newspaper Editor 2
Lesser Dog <-> Dogaressa
Jerry <-> Terry
Nice Cream Guy/ Blue Ears <-> Burgerpants/ Pizzapants
Greater Dog <-> Muttler/ Endogeny
Toby The Annoying Dog <-> Glyde
Snowdin Shopkeeper QC <-> Gerson
Snowdin Inn Keeper <-> Rabbit Lady
Snowdin Inn Keeper's Child <-> Cinnamon
Gift Bear <-> Politics Bear
Monster Kid <-> Goner Kid
Grillby <-> Muffet
Big Mouth <-> Nurse Red Big Mouth
Drunk Bun <-> Elder Puzzler
Ugly Fish <-> Echo Flower Explainer
Red Bird <-> Business Dude 2
Punk Hamster <-> Clam Guy
Scarf Mouse <-> Loren
Red Demon <-> Library Lizard
Slime Family <-> Snails
Library Loox <-> Flower Shop Loox
Ice Wolf <-> Newspaper Editor 1/ Scarf Lady
Undyne <-> Alphys
Aaron <-> Moldbygg
Woshua <-> Vulkin
Snail Guy <-> Briefcase Dude
Shyren <-> Shyra/ Lemon Bread
Ferry <-> Fox Head
Onionsan <-> Small Bird
Bob <-> Heats Flamesmen
Ragel <-> Shambling Mass
Clam Girl <-> Goner Clam
River Person <-> W.D. Gaster
Tsunderplane <-> Knight Knight
Pyrope <-> Madjick
Business Dude 1 <-> Sad Dad Dragon
Fuku Fire <-> Diamond Boy 1
Skateboard Girl <-> Diamond Boy 2
Hot Dog Harpy <-> MTT Resort Diamond Receptionist
Hot Dog Vulkin <-> Deltarune Froggit
Scared Donut Guy <-> Gaster Follower 2
Dress Lion/ Waitress Lion <-> Business Manticore
Gaster Follower 1 <-> Ficus Licker
Gaster Folower 3 <-> Striped Library Bird
Royal Guard 1 <-> Bratty
Royal Guard 2 <-> Catty
MTT Resort Hand Receptionist <-> Town Hall Hand Receptionist
MTT Resort Janitor <-> MTT Resort Fish Receptionist
Snowy's Father <-> Snowy's Mother Crystal
Charles <-> Catty and Catti's Mother
Oni <-> Catty and Catti's Farher 
Memory Head <-> Reaper Bird
Everyman <-> Watching Man
Kris <-> Dess Holiday
Berdly <-> School Tem
Catti <-> Jockington
Susie <-> Noelle
Ralsei <-> Lancer
Ralsei Dummy <-> Pippins
Ruddin <-> Ruddin Ranger
Hathy <-> Head Hathy
Top Chef <-> Malius
C.Round <-> The Original Starwalker
Jigsawry <-> Rabbick
Ponman <-> Bloxer
Royal Coat Rack <-> Blue Blocks
Little Ball <-> Worm
Clover <-> King
Seam <-> Jevil
Mr. Elegance <-> Mr. Society
Pair Of Eyes <-> Circus Wagon
Former Kings <-> Circus Animals
Rouxls Kaard <-> Jigsaw Bob & Tutorial Masters
Rudolph Holiday <-> Father Alvin
Mrs. Holiday <-> Ms. Boom
The Warrior <-> Purple Guy
Milk Looker <-> Rainy
Plugboys <-> Poppups
Queen <-> Tasque Manager
Werewires <-> Werewerewires
Tasques <-> Maus
Virovirokuns <-> Ambyu Lances
Fommt <-> Mousemilliam
Sweet <-> Nubert
Capn <-> Hacker
K_K <-> Trashy 
Icon Man <-> Yes Man 1
Icon Man's Friend <-> Yes Man 2
Addisons <-> Swatchlings
Spamton <-> Swatch
Wig Robot <-> Dress Mannequin
Ruins <-> New Home
Snowdin <-> CORE
Waterfall <-> Hotland 
❤️Soul Order❤️
Patience <-> Bravery
Integrity <-> Perseverance
Kindness <-> Justice 
**Asriel doesn't swap roles with anyone in my AU
**Will be updated if another Deltarune chapter releases
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underguard · 2 months ago
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[Comic Masterpost]
The Underguard 2
Episode 2 "The Losing Hand"
Pages 110-113
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alopecoiddaydream · 2 months ago
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oh shit is that really how my text may sound to readers?
Everytime I spot a Homestuck reference in Undertale I go to the wiki page about the thing I found and ctrl-F search it for "Homestuck". Then I feel really accomplished and yell at my computer "HAH! I knew it. You can't fool me Toby! I know what you are! I KNOW WHAT YOU AAAAAARE"
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andreabandrea · 1 year ago
migospel and negative man
this is going to be a bit of a disorganized post, but i was rereading my old "chara did not abuse asriel" post, and I thought of something interesting. none of this is 'new' information or a new theory-- it only supports a point in an essay I wrote years ago. but the ramble will talk about a cool enemy in mother 3, so.
in my original post about Chara, in the section where I made the point that Chara "laughing off" Asgore's poisoning was likely unhappy/nervous laughter as opposed to taking actual joy in his pain, I bring up a theory created by passivechara on tumblr.
the Hard Mode only monster Migospel "loves to laugh" when around other monsters, but becomes sad and talks about hiding their pain when alone. Migospel literally mimes Chara in this way. (the name 'migospel' likely drives from 'mime' and 'gospel', so the 'gospel' part may refer to 'truth'-- aka, Migospel miming the truth about Chara).
if we believe in the narrator Chara theory, then a monster reacting to Chara isn't even unprecedented-- napstablook responds directly to the narrator's comment about their lack of humor.
now, I would need to build this up more in a 'proper' analysis post, but since I'm just rambling on my blog, let's just accept that toby fox was majorly influenced by earthbound and the mother series as a whole. papyrus's starman costume, naming the player, flowey's "cry out into the darkness" line, and more.
bear with me, but I'm going to talk about the mother series and link this back to undertale.
so in mother 3, there's a one-time only enemy you encounter called 'Negative Man'.
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negative man is a joke enemy of sorts. he can do a very weak attack, but otherwise, he just says a sad line and wastes his turn. although his stats are miniscule- making him the weakest monster in the game- his HP is enormous, making his fight a bit of a chore.
people sometimes speculate why negative man is in the game. the concept of a drawn-out and irritating battle with no real challenge is definitely a mother series joke, and some people believe he's just there to add another enemy to your checklist of monsters to find and defeat if you want to 100% the game.
I think, though, that there's another purpose to Negative Man. And here we're going to get into Mother 3 spoilers so, uh. if you haven't played a game that's nearly 20 years old, then play it now and come back to this later.
okay? moving on.
so anyway, the interesting thing about negative man is that the music that plays when you're fighting him is 'Strong One', the same boss track that's used when you fight the Masked Man. this could just be a joke-- Negative Man is not 'strong' in any way, and the intentional complete lack of rhythm in 'Strong One' makes performing timed attacks to the beat very difficult, dragging the boss battle on more.
however, think about what's happening in the fight. you and your party are beating this creature to death who's crying and miserable, who has no will to fight, who isn't attacking (or can barely hurt you when he tries to attack), and so on. why are you doing it? because you have to. maybe negative man is just in your way, maybe you just want to fight him to 100% the game. regardless, this monster isn't fun to fight. the only reason you would intentionally fight him is because you have to.
you're probably thinking of sans's boss fight, where despite being the "weakest monster in the game" with only 1 attack and 1 defense, he has an extremely difficult and prolonged boss battle. i think that negative man could have potentially influenced toby in this way, too! but this isn't about mr. undertale himself.
now, there's another notable fight in mother 3 like this-- but the roles are reversed.
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in the final battle of the game against the Masked Man (with whom the 'Strong One' theme is associated), lucas's party can't be used. lucas has just learned a devastating truth about the Masked Man's identity, and it's rendered him completely unable to fight. Lucas is likely miserable in this scene, and all he can do is pass turns while the Masked Man attacks him relentlessly-- not because he enjoys it, but because- due to his reprogramming- he has to. does that sound familiar?
all this to say-- the Negative Man enemy is a reflective of Lucas, and shows insight into his emotional state. the unwillingness to attack due to a sense of misery and the 'strong one' track associated with the masked man being used support this theory.
it's notable that Negative Man is, again, an enemy you can only encounter once. Negative Man isn't a prominent part of Mother 3.
this is to say-- what does this have to do with Undertale?
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if we can accept the theory that the Negative Man, as a random rare enemy, could be a parallel to Lucas and reveal something about his emotional state (his misery in having to fight his own brother, the Masked Man), and if we accept that the Mother series was very influential over Toby Fox-- then it becomes even easier than before to accept the theory that Migospel is reflective of Chara and their emotions.
Migospel is only encountered in the unfinished 'hard mode' of undertale, again-- but Negative Man is only encountered once in mother 3. thus, even though Migospel doesn't have as much 'canonicity' as any other monster in the game, I think that there can be relevance to their inclusion.
this is to say-- as passivechara suggested (checks date) 7 years ago, I really do think that Migospel is more evidence that Chara isn't an evil sadistic monster when you consider the influence that the mother series had on toby.
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galzydraw · 1 year ago
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Here I present my first part of the monsters of the ruins of my alternate universe- <3
These monsters are special since they have crystal inlays on their bodies. having a strange mystical energy and can only be found in the ruins of Emperor Gaster
It is known that those crystals on his body are the essence of his own soul. so if they were to break these would turn into dust. But if you try to attack them somewhere other than their glass. Their bodies will be useless since they are resistant so it will be difficult to turn them into dust.
Here their names:
- P!Migosp Crystals counterpart: - P!Migospel Crystals
- P!Froggit Crystals counterpart: - P!FinalFroggit Crystals
- P!Vegetoid Crystals counterpart: - P!Parsnik Crystals
Art By: @ganzdraw
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The bracket has just been finished! The Round 1 matchups will be released in the near future, with 4 groups of 8 polls. As of posting this, the poll graphics are going into production!
Zoomed in versions of each group will be below if you can't read the larger graphic.
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Round 1 Group A:
Burgerpants VS Aaron
Moldsmal VS Whimsum
Punk Hamster VS Drunk Bunny
Astigmatism VS Dogaressa
Dummy VS Whimsalot
RG 01 VS Dogamy
Gyftrot VS Loox
Woshua VS Bratty
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Round 1 Group B:
Chilldrake VS Mad Mew Mew
Snowdrake's Father VS So Sorry
Nicecream Guy VS Onionsan
Knight Knight VS Glyde
Gaster Follower 1 VS Shyren
Bird that Carries You Over a Disproportionately Small Gap VS Parsnik
Migosp VS Heats Flamesman
Ugly Fish VS Big Bob
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Round 1 Group C:
Moldessa VS Gerson
Greater Dog VS Big Mouth
Pyrope VS Jerry
Hotdog Vulkin VS Ice Cap
Snowdrake VS RG 02
Loren VS Grillby
Vegetoid VS RG 04
Lesser Dog VS Catty
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Round 1 Group D:
Doggo VS Froggit
Goner Kid VS Final Froggit
Vulkin VS Snowdin Shopkeep
Tsunderplane VS Migospel
Snowman VS Gaster Follower 3
Moldbygg VS Doge
Red Bird VS Madjick
Gaster Follower 2 VS RG03
After Round 1, some of the lucky (or, well, unlucky) winners will be placed against some new contenders in Round 1.5. The winner of these special polls will move on to Round 2!
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harmonydiaries · 11 months ago
This theory is about how I think the Hard Mode versions of the Ruins enemies foreshadow the secret bosses of Deltarune!
After watching P-RiSe's theory video on the Human Souls (check them out BTW they were the one that inspired me to make this theory) I think all the Hard mode Bosses from Undertale are foreshadowing the secret bosses from Deltarune!
Reasons why are because since P- RiSe pointed out that each one of the enemies in the ruins & their hard mode counterparts as well parallel the 7 Souls. (I'm excluding the Bosses/Mid Bosses here though)
Vegetoid = Green Soul. It can heel you with green bullets (AKA the Kindness ability) and it's themed after a vegetable, (in Vegetoid's case it's a carrot) which are a type of food. This Parelle's Kindness with them having used to be a chef/cook. Heck Vegetoid even says, "Eat your greens!"
Whimsun = Orange Soul. It seems like the opposite of courage at first. But when you realize that facing your fears is an act of bravery. (and considered even braver than fearing nothing) It starts to make a bit more since. Epically since it's hard mode counterpart (Whimsalot) who is a knight that never backs down. One more thing Whimsun's end game text is "Braver Every Day!"
Loox = Magenta Soul. Loox is well…A giant eye, and since the Magenta Soul human was one that wore glasses (which a common insult/nick name for people that wear then are called 4 eyes) we can make a connection there. What helps is that it's hard mode counterpart is called Astigmatism which is an eye disease. (There are some themes of being a reformed bully, so I wonder if that ties to the Magenta Soul)
Moldsmal = Blue Soul. Its end game text is "Backup Dancer" witch ties to The Blue Soul since they were a ballerina. There are also themes of beauty here and since ballet is often tied to beauty & grace, this could be another theme that connects the two.
Migosp = Red Soul. It has themes of being a jerk but it's not really since it's said to be with the wrong crowd. This ties to the whole gimmick of Undertale & even what Chara is actually like. It's Frisk's (and the player's) job to show monsters that not all humas are evil. Sure, there's an option to kill all the monsters in the genocide route but that's considered the bad ending. Chara is stereotyped by the fandom as evil because of the Genocide's route's ending but if you took the time to look at all the lore the true lab brings like the fact after the accidently killed their adopted brother, they sacrifice themselves to save monster kind.
Froggit = Cyan Soul. It's hard mode counterpart Final Froggit is royalty themed and the Cyan Soul's Golf discerption is "The dethroned "Ball" with a sharp attack" this could tie into them. There is even on Froggit that asks you to be Patient enough to not skip through its dialogue.
And The Dummy = Yellow Soul. The whole joke is that it's cousin (the Mad Dummy and later Mad Mew Mew) is out for revenge! And since revenge could be seen by someone doing said revenge is an act of justice. (Heck The Dummy's Overworld sprite is even yellow like the color of the Yellow Soul)
I noticed that the Hard Mode versions might have some Parelle's to the secret bosses! Which a theory is that all the secret bosses use a different Soul color in there fights!
Jevil = Migospel. Migospel is a clown just like Jevil. And Migospel has themes loneliness, like how Jevil is all alone in a prison cell since his best friend was the one who put him in there. Migospel is also known to be hiding it true feeling behind a mask of laughter like Jevil's nasalism about how he knows he's in a video game.
Spamton = The Mad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew. In Deltarune an item that is needed for his boss fight is a mannequin that has a resentence to Cat/Puppet attacks. And since for some reason Spamton has the Cat element this ties to Mad Mew Mew being a Cat Robot. Spamton even has the Dummy motif in his battle theme. Spamton also has these spirit-like attacks which ties into The Dummy & Mad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew being ghost that are just possessing Dummies & Robots.
With all this information out of the way we can predict what the 5 other secret bosses are like! (we can have some help from some other theories like seven deadly sins theory and the secret bosses also being inspired by the main bosses from Undertale)
If we fight, them in the Order of the Fallen Human Backwards then here is how I think it goes!
The Secrect Boss that utilizes the Kindness ability will be Greek mythology based and seems to have a bossy attitude! She'll be a girl that is selfish and has a corrupted since of justice. This will be the chapter 3 secret boss! (Since I feel like The Green Room is hinting towards the Kindness Soul)
The Secrect Boss that utilizes the Perseverance ability will have a theme of reforming and/or eyes. Since Chapter 4 will most likely take place in the church, this could mean the secret boss is based on a biblically accurate angel. She could be based of Muffet (not a main boss but is the only fight that utilized the Magenta Soul) and be apathic and lazy. And she is a girl as well!
The Secrect Boss of chapter 5 will be based off Papyrus, will use the Integrity ability, and will be another boy. He might be related to Jevil and have themes of he could be based off an Incubus and boss fight might have some Lovecraftian horror elements with rearranging his face. He could also be a known liar & have villainous intentions!
The Final Secrect Bosses could be based off Asgore and Torial and both can use the patients & bravery affects in their battle. They are a couple who are a king & his knight. The king is brash while the knight is a coward. The knight could have anger issues, while the king is power hungry and might be the face with the pink and yellow eyes.
Heya i’m so sorry for late response this was deffo meant to be answered earlier😭
This sounds cool, I see how the themes of the different souls are woven in and kinda perverse to make each boss antagonistic. It reminds me a bit of the recent-ish analysis video by Shayy on the ‘dark side of the soul traits.’
The fact we got Yellow Soul ability in two deffo convinces me of the Each Boss = Each Soul theory, if it does happen it would be interesting to know why, or what it will lead to. What’s its significance?
This is me just brainstorming now but we see how the Shadow crystals collected after each secret boss allows Kris to see some sort of alternate/mirrored reality by looking through them. I wonder if, similar to UT how collecting 7 souls break the barrier, if the 7 shards will break the ‘barrier’ between the light and dark world? Eh Who knows
I was wondering why you guess Chapter 4 will take place at the Church? Nothing against it i’m just curious. I need to learn from Church/Alan theories because I just haven’t considered it as much😅
This was a fun read Thanks for sharing!
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