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ingridgabriela87 · 2 years ago
#MiércolesDeMigrantes, De Tulum a Juárez
Victoria Esperanza Salazar Arriaza, mujer de 36 años, de nacionalidad salvadoreña, originaria de Sonsonate, llegó a México en 2015 con sus dos hijas, huyendo de la violencia causada por pandillas en el salvador. La COMAR le dio una “visa por razones humanitarias” en calidad de refugiada. Con el NO. 11598479 expedido el 6 de marzo de 2018 por la Subdelegación Federal de Chiapas del INM. Con 36 años, el 27 de marzo del 2021, fue asesinada a manos de la policía de #Tulum, en el estado de #QuintaRoo en México[1]. Las autoridades judiciales continúan dilatando los procesos de audiencia sin aviso previo.
En agosto de 2021 la #CNDH Emitió la recomendación 34/2021[2] y el comunicado de prensa 217[3], haciendo recomendaciones al H. Ayuntamiento de Tulum, Quintana Roo y a su Policía, a la fecha las recomendaciones no se han cumplido y el proceso judicial continua sin contar con un análisis de perspectiva de género o derechos humanos. A pesar de que esos análisis constitucionalmente, en teoría tendrían que ser observados por parte de cualquier autoridad judicial en México de acuerdo con la constitución la realidad es otra. Varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil han mantenido actualizaciones respecto al caso.[4]
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imagen de Instagram - @Emmiartbook https://www.instagram.com/p/CNAm6QojAGS/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading
El caso de Victoria sucedió en el sur del país, en 2021, hoy 2023 en el mismo mes, tres años después la realidad en el norte para las personas migrantes, es más cruel y cruda. Ayer 28 de marzo con una cifra preliminar de 39 muertos y 31 heridos la estancia “temporal” de migración parte del Instituto Nacional de Migración, en #CiudadJuarez #Chihuahua, vio fallecer a varias personas migrantes[5].
La estancia temporal en teoría funciona para “retornar” personas en situación de movilidad irregular a sus países de origen, que en realidad las leyes migratorias mexicanas están llenas de eufemismos para denominar a las cárceles para migrantes como “estancias de paso”, “estancias temporales” “albergues instituciones” etc.
Las primeras reacciones que vimos por parte de las autoridades fueron un “son instalaciones federales, nosotros los locales no tenemos responsabilidad” y lo segundo por parte de la federación fue “es que fue botín ocasionado por los mismos migrantes”, ahora la narrativa se politiza y busca capitalizarse en campañas (infinitas) para decir “a mí no me toca, le toca a Marcelo”, no sin un “un sentido pésame” o “es lamentable”.
Pero la realidad es que las vidas de: un colombiano - Julián David Villamil Arévalo, un ecuatoriano - Jorge Luis Tumbaco Santiestevan, 12 salvadoreños - Andrés Fernando Calderón Carbajal, Brayan Eduardo Flamenco Quinteros, Carlos Alberto Pacheco Gutiérrez, Daniel de Jesús Varela Ramírez, Enrique Alfonso Melara Rivera, Inmer Onesi Molina Hernández  (Hospital de la familia Femap), José Amílcar Portillo Solórzano, José Pedro Rivera García, Marvin Armides García Pacheco (IMSS 6), Milton Alexis Melara Melgar, Misael Antonio Aguilar López, Roberto Antonio Henríquez Evangelista, 28 guatemaltecos,  Bacilio Sutuj Saravia, Byron López Xol, Cristian Vidal Alexander Ventura Sacalxot (IMSS 6), Cruz Ernesto Chich Marroquín, Diego Sau Guarchaj, Diego Tzaj Ixtos, Edwin Gilberto Ixpertay Macario, Eliseo Gutiérrez Valdez (Hospital de la familia Femap), Elvis Adelmar Pérez Esteban, Enrique Coy Pop, Eyner Anibal García Dieguez, Fernando Pu Castro, Francisco Gaspar Rojche Chiquival, Francisco Javier Sohom Tzoc, Gaspar Josue Cuc Tzinquin, Gaspar Santiago Ixcotoyac Tum, Juan Fernando Quiñonez Montejo, Kevin Estuardo Cardona Lopez, Manuel Alexander Chox Tambriz, Marco Antonio Lucas Paiz, Marcos Abdon Tziquin Cuc, Miguel Rojche Zapalu, Miguel Sebastian Pedro Mateo, Raymundo Quib Tzalam, Roberto González Hernández, Rubbelsy Manrrique Pérez Rodríguez, Santiago Caal Tzul, Wilson Alexander Juárez Hernández 13 hondureños, Brayan Orlando Rodríguez Funes, Cristhian Javier Carranza Toro, Dikson Aron Córdova Perdomo, Edin Josué Umaña Madrid, Higinio Alberto Ramírez Torres (Hospital de la Familia Femap), Jesús Adony Alvarado Madrid, José Alfredo Hernández Muñoz,  José Ángel Ceballos Molina, José Armando Rivera Muñoz, Juan Carlos De Jesús Gómez (Hospital de la Familia Femap), Juan Carlos Trochez Aguilar, Oscar Danilo Serrano Ramírez, Oscar Pineda Torres y 13 venezolanos, Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Cordero, Masculino Desconocido Sin Identificar, Eduardo De Jesús Carballo López  (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Jeison Daniel Catari Rivas (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Jesús Eduardo Velásquez Perdomo (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Joel Alexander Leal Peña, Orangel José López Guerrero, Orlando José Maldonado Pérez, Oscar José Regalado Silva, Rafael Mendoza Mendoza, Rannier Edelber Requena Infante,Samuel José Marchena Guilarte, Stefan Arango Morillo (Hospital de la Familia Femap) [6]  fueron arrancadas por negligencia de las autoridades y la falacia de “política migratoria” que según es apegada a derecho internacional en México.
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Imagen de Alberto Cabezas Oficial Nacional de Comunicación de OIM México, email: [email protected] - https://rosanjose.iom.int/es/news/mexico-se-suma-los-gobiernos-que-impulsan-una-migracion-ordenada-segura-y-digna-utilizando-los-indicadores-de-gobernanza-migratoria-igm
En el video publicado en Twitter y otras redes, se logra ver a los custodios fuera de las rejas huir del fuego mientras nadie les abre la puerta las personas migrantes del otro lado de las rejas…así las securitización gubernamental, en la estructura antinmigrantes–xenófoba, continua de forma global, apostando por incremento a la seguridad tradicional y deja a un lado la responsabilidad de proteger.  
Así en #Mexico, como estado nación parte de varios convenios internacionales en materia de migración, deja de cumplir su constitución y no toma en cuenta la Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados y su Protocolo, deja a un lado la Declaración de Cartagena sobre los Refugiados, Declaración de Nueva York para los Refugiados y los Migrantes. Sin importar los esfuerzos diplomáticos que hacen los “representantes” en la #ONU o en diversos organizamos internacionales. En el territorio con la normalización y cotidianeidad de la corrupción y negligencia. Las autoridades migratorias, de seguridad y administrativas, en todos los niveles continúan cobrando viáticos y salarios de nuestros impuestos para perpetuar una estructura enteramente podrida que asesina sin consecuencias.
Continúan Implementados “operativos/tereas conjuntas(os)” dejan de observar los principios de Non-refoulement (No devolución), respeto a la institución del asilo y el derecho a solicitar asilo, el principio de no discriminación con arreglo al derecho internacional entre otros.
El pacto mundial para las migraciones en conjunto con la #Agenda2030. Se quedan para ser discutidos y analizados en mesas con café y galletitas, por gente con trajes y maquillaje para que suene bonito. Las vidas de los migrantes permanecen utilizadas en retoricas del narcoestado que es México y su “política internacional” con campañas interminables.
Más empatía, más presupuesto de facto para capacitación efectiva a personal de centros de salud dónde tiene más paso de personas migrantes, mejor implementación de una estrategia de seguridad humana que si cumpla con estándares internacionales, y basta de incrementos a la securtización tradicional bélica de castigo que solamente provoca vidas, incendios y brutalidad.
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Ilustración: Patricio Betteo para  La gestión migratoria actual en México: hospitalarios en cuanto inhospitalarios https://migracion.nexos.com.mx/2020/03/la-gestion-migratoria-actual-en-mexico-hospitalarios-en-cuanto-inhospitalarios/
[1]Amnesty International “Mexico: Mexico: Authorities must ensure justice and reparations for Victoria Salazar’s death at the hands of the police” link -  https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/03/mexico-autoridades-deben-garantizar-justicia-reparacion-por-victoria-salazar/
[2] Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos “Recomendación 34/2021” link - https://www.cndh.org.mx/documento/recomendacion-342021
[3] Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos “Comunicado de prensa 217” link - https://www.cndh.org.mx/comunicado/5157/comunicado-de-prensa-2172021
[4] Swissinfo.ch. “Exigen avances en el caso de la salvadoreña asesinada por policías en México” link - https://www.swissinfo.ch/spa/m%C3%A9xico-feminicidios_exigen-avances-en-el-caso-de-la-salvadore%C3%B1a-asesinada-por-polic%C3%ADas-en-m%C3%A9xico/47471520
[5]El Financiero “Esto sabemos de la muerte de 39 migrantes en un incendio en Ciudad Juárez” link -   https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/estados/2023/03/28/esto-sabemos-de-la-muerte-de-39-migrantes-en-un-incendio-en-ciudad-juarez/
[6] Instituto Nacional de Migración, “El INM informa comunicado 204/2023”, México - https://www.gob.mx/segob/prensa/el-inm-informa-330171?state=published
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ingridgabriela87 · 6 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes from the ICR in #Geneva -Humanizing Borders.
The last week of November, in Geneva the ICRC hosted an event named “Humanizing borders” I meant to publish this piece right after attending the conference, but then my stupid anxiety and other deadlines didn’t let me do it so here is it. Better later than ever right? I guess.
The moderator and hosted Helen Durham, Director of international law and Policy in the ICRC, asked the first question to the four members of the panel.
Taking in to account the legal obligation that state must address, specific in humanitarian concern. How can we a start to make borders more humane and adequate to provide an appropriate response?
The first to take the floor was the young Abdul Karim Albert, as Youth ambassador, UNHCR Global, Youth Advisory Council.
His humanitarian contribution consisted, only in his life testimony -AMAZING- about been a person forced to migrate, from Aleppo-Syria to Greece, then Italy, and finally, Germany.
The biggest challenges for him, consisted of many, but just to mention few:
Economic sanctions about the money that they are available to come into the country, restrictions of work and study as the status of refugee in transit, visa transit is not enough– then in Turkey, they found a smuggler and he realizes that -human traffic is a general thing.
For Karim, solidarity with others in the same situation is a true start for the empathy between population. Money is the trigger for smuggling and is a profession. The trip from Turkey to Greece was scary but they did it.
For him, a tip to survive is that a group with children are more likely to receive aids. Of course, now that hypothesis might be challenged by the more than 10,000 cases in the current USA administration, only waiting for an initial hearing.
He continues his life's testimony - Every border was delivering papers, they were necessary just to go through. Non-profits and shelters are needed it, population and individuals help with food and clothes (Clean underwear I would add). The work community was a spontaneous response. The connection in the arrived point is always a family who is already in the state. The reception centre needs to be adequate to protect privacy, the administrative process is always long anywhere.
As part of a solution to effectively humanize borders he says: Empower other immigrants, working along with non-profits, keep telling the stories and sensibilise people. Avoid under any situation to replicate the wrong information about refugee and please keep spreading the message against discrimination.
And finally remember to keep Challenge the narrative to include immigrants in their new society
The second speaker was Helen Obregón Gieseken. Legal advisor ICRC. – from Colombia as the next speaker says:
There is no specific legal frame that is adequate enough from any country.
Under human rights law, all states have the obligation to respect human rights, including other bodies in the law and other individual are subjects to other types of protections
Regional instruments are also important. – international humanitarian law in armed conflict. (narcotraffic)
Domestic law is also important, the ICRC is waiting that this 10 in December the global compact is signed. Is an important document. As an Update, this Document was voted the past December 19th, adopted by the General Assembly with 152 votes in favor, 12 abstentions, and five votes against, namely by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Poland, and the United States of America. An additional 24 Member States were not present to take part in the vote. And of course, is a non–legally binding document.
The principle of no refund is limed by the jurisdiction. This applies to borders territory. The state is obligated to give to the person at least temporary.
Before refusing addition or return the state has the obligation to check carefully the situation of the individual, and they can appeal the decision. Policy and practice should not be a threat to immigrants and states must consider humanitarian law.
Security and other internal concern should not overcome international human rights law.
The third to speak was. Pia Obreroi – Advisor on migration and human rights, OHCR. Even her intervention was brief was still quite concise and strong:
Human rights are universal in any border. Based on the principal on non-discrimination and equality. 
Rights to privacy and wrong practice from sates are a matter that we should observe and avoid.
States must address the issue of disproportioned used of force, they must look at the legalities of armed forces.  
Global compact and reasons why people are choosing to move, non-state actors like air companies or border guards that are private have also to pay attention to these mentioned situations. – This is an example of Non-State Actors, In this case, this topic should be tackled by effectively implement Global Governance strategies.
Finally, I guess as an Immigration Lawyer, for me the most innovative was the last speaker, Polly Pallister-Wilkins – from the University of Amsterdam, saying the following points:
Live saving activities are one of the answers to humanize borders, states, and border keepers, civil society, humanitarians’ organizations, working in a Global Governance context is the key point to start the change in how immigration is perceived.
Challenge for normativism is making sure as much as possible the law is observed and does not use as an excuse, but in anyways Mobility is always going to be risky.
Persons must be available to claim asylum and have safe routes.
We need to pay more attention to the business that migration represents to the economy in an illegal way and try to work together in solutions to tackle those problems.
Responsibility needs to be addressed also, in the same position as sovereignty
Multiallelism and soft power – must be taking into account.
The narrative in local is better – the global compact is a great start, immigration addressing from economic is not the best way.
Humanize with the fear, publicist, social marketing, social media and integrate must be articulated.
Criminalization of humanitarian workers is not an answer and is not doing any good.
For me, the was a lot of resemblance about the same problems Immigrants in México, are exposed to. 
Those types of challenges are a global problem that must be addressed from the same dimension. In conclusion yes, we need to keep working on this but now, from a wider perspective.
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ingridgabriela87 · 3 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes y el #8M
Yesterday was 8M in Mexico, of course I know internationally speaking was women’s days all around the world. Tho in Latin America we do make a big deal about it, and why not if in our culture we still embrace the word “Macho” or “Latino man” as something positive and exotic. Of course, this helps to perpetuate, and wrongly, normalize violence in our structural society. Long story short you can check the numbers of violence against women in our region here.
But thanks to #8M. I've participated in a social media dynamic with two amazing international organizations. One is Global Thought and Gender Issues.
Both displayed the SDG’s and the 2030Agenda as their main goal to promote, research and work. Gender issues focus a little more on Goal Number 5 and Climate change. Global Thought is focused on international security and human rights, you can check more about them on their web pages and social media.
The dynamic is simple in a reel or story on Instagram, in less than 2 minutes explain briefly ¿what it’s a Foreign Feminists policy? Use the hashtags and label the organizations. My answer was the following.
As a woman as a migranta and as a Mexican an ideal foreign policy should be composed with 5 points.
1. Alligne all the national and local plans with the SDG’s and the 2030 Agenda. Make the focus should be on Goal number 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Currently, the Mexican Senate has a special commission for this, but available information online might not reflect the commitment the state has with implementing this. You can read their last report at this link.
2. Make all the processes accountable and transparent. Reactivate, investigate, punish, and acknowledge publicly all the damage caused by archiving the reports of sexual misconduct and harassment inside the institution against former staff and high-rank members.
3. A basic Foreign Feminist Policy implies that most prepared and qualified women hold leadership positions. Give significant recognition to women staff that makes things work.
4. Stop simulation only for electoral proposes. Make structural and significant changes in the institutors abroad to achieve real equality, do not politicize the agenda, and focus on giving continuation to the good practices that are already in place.
5. Foreign Feminist Policy means that congress needs to do its job. Approve budgets and laws that have gender perspective analysis on them. Stop dallying the “inconvenience” but a necessary change of laws and just read.
This time I was extremely brief but it's mandatory to make a statement for our freedom of choice, for all 10.5 femicides that happen every our in my country, and for all the violence we need to stop. Thank you for reading and if you are a guy, thank you for giving your voice to a woman, just try it step down and put a woman in your position.
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ingridgabriela87 · 7 years ago
#MIercolesDeMigrantes los argumentos y estructura. 
Las niñas, niños y adolescentes son un grupo que hasta hace algunos años las leyes, en especial las nacionales, continuaba refiriéndose a ellos como “menores”, en el lenguaje cotidiano es necesario referirse a cada cosa por su nombre, con la finalidad de no confundir el mensaje, sino que sea claro y directo.
La Dra. Elisa Ortega explica en su libro Estándares para Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes Migrantes y Obligaciones del Estado Frente a Ellos en El Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, cómo entre otros temas como migración o vulnerabilidad, el hecho de este adjetivo “menor” tiene una connotación negativa que se exacerba en el contexto dela migración, pues referirse a NNA como “menores” puede implicar el riesgo de exclusión de programas de protección y derechos diseñados específicamente para los niños.https://goo.gl/kFMNHe
Muchas personas dicen que es innecesario hablar de esta clase de adjetivos, que se puede en ocasiones resultar demasiado “clasificadores” de conductas, adjetivos y hechos, sin embargo, este conocimiento lingüístico es parte de lo que ayuda a evidenciar una evolución en la comunicación de las personas, también es útil para categorizar conocimientos y de esta manera continuar fomentado una evolución en el conocimiento de forma estructurada. Las cosas tienen un nombre en ocasiones especifico y lo ideal dentro de la honestidad que, se supone, debemos de emplear en una comunicación clara y directa para que le mensaje sea recibido en la estructura del argumento. Las creencias son Dogmas de Fe, los pensamientos y opiniones son eso mismo, pensamientos y opiniones individuales que en algunas ocasiones llegan coincidir con colectividades. Los argumentos estructurados con conocimiento y una fundamentación solida son verdaderos.
Así si quieres saber más acerca de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes en contexto de movilidad irregular, acude a la presentación de este libro, la próxima semana (7 de marzo) en el IIJ de la UNAM, merece toda la pena poder hablar con conocimiento de causa. https://goo.gl/Ckyhwx
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ingridgabriela87 · 5 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes & #Parnership
This is my report of my participation in Multi-year Expert Meeting on Investment, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Productive Capacity-building and Sustainable Development, seventh session. - from the 17 to the 19 of july in Palais des Nations, Geneva Room XXVI.
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Summary : During two and half days, various experts from different regions across the globe, attended to the invitation from the Entrepreneurship Section, Enterprise Branch, Division on Investment and Enterprise, the aim of the meeting was around Responsible and Sustainable Business Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility and Enterprise Development.
In general, the contributions from the experts focused mainly on the following points. New partnership is much need in order to empower entrepreneurs., Women's, Childers, migrants ,and minorities still need more efforts from public-private partnerships., Global dialogues about trade and supporting entrepreneurs need more accountability in international platforms., A legal framework with update definitions of inclusive business need to be provided by the UN and Member states are aware that budgets, incentives, and funding are highly needed to achieve the SDG’s.
Overall the meeting was an excellent platform to keep the dialogue open and keep improvements update. Experts and member states shared their experiences and suggestions.
Meeting Opening remarks by Ms. Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD Introduction by Mr. James Zhan, Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD. After the opening remark, the Director of Investment and enterprise Mr. James Zhan. asked to the Experts to answer the following questions. ● What concrete policy initiatives have proven effective in your country in breaking new ground and creating a more conducive environment for inclusive business and entrepreneurship? What are the key lessons learned in this regard? ● What are good practices that could be considered for the further promotion of responsible and inclusive businesses at all levels? ● How can the entrepreneurship policy framework of UNCTAD be adapted to meet the needs of underrepresented entrepreneurial groups? 
Adding to those questions he present tow contributions: ● How much you would say that strong and big state, like the USA or China, or Russia is engaging in this type of initiative to encourage, minority entrepreneurs? ● I will go further, the evidence doesn’t only suggest, but it shows that migrants are a key to a grow economy, therefor the inclusion of migrants in the host country must be accepted. this type of action can be applied to integrational programs.
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Informal session.1 - Responsible and sustainable business practices and corporate social responsibility and enterprise development. Mr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, Senior Vice-president World Bank. - Governments are not going to achieve the SDG, they are not prioritizing them in their agendas. - Beyond NGO and non-profit, we need social media to keep empower society. - Fintech - regulation need to be achieved with high standards and sophisticated framework. - The government is responsible to provide the adequate environment to handle big data - creating an ecosystem to exists - society needs to know the best practices and what to do to benefit from in and the risk from it. - Corporate social responsibility - is limited to charity, social relation and minimum effort. - partnership with World bank, the long term investment has to be taking more seriously. Bring the community with media and enterprises. Mr. Markus Dietrich - Inclusive Busines Action Network Germany. - Triple impact on SDG’s. with the program - ASEAN IB Policy Development. - Inclusive business should promote sustainable development in all its dimensions – economic, social and environmental. - UN ESCAP Landscape at the local level and for the policymakers. - There is no need to create a new silo, but instate incorporate silos. - Public-Private Policy and set the minimum table to start a Dialogue.
Ms. Felicitas Agoncillo-Reyes, Assistant Secretary, Board of Investments, Philippines . - Philippine Board of Investments (BOI), the country’s lead industry promotions agency (IPA) recently conducted a roundtable meeting with representatives from Swiss-based Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) along with government and private stakeholders from the coconut, forestry, chemical, furniture, footwear, tannery, and construction industries, to discuss the potential commercialization of cocoboard (fiberboards made of coco coir) and tannin products and its key role in further boosting agricultural output in the country. - Inclusive business, by mentoring is a solution to start a change. - tax incentives - innovation, (5 years for fiscal and no fiscal investment), and reach & debt. focus on local communities. - direct contact with the beneficiaries. Mainstream the policy and the programs through advocacy. Ms. Jessy Petit-Frere- Haití. Research professor and coordinator entrepreneurship Program, Université Publique du Sud au Caye, Haïti. - building policy capacity is growing to poverty. Mr. Crispin Conroy, Permanent Observer to the UN at Geneva International Chambet of Commerce . - Paris- declaration of social issues , refers that states should make more efforts to make a trade system inclusive for small enterprises and create a policy framework to assure no one it's left behind.
Mr. Michele Clara. Senior Industrial Development Officer, UN Industrial Development Organization. - Program FOR COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP - six countries, with implementation advancing in Ethiopia, Peru and Senegal, with programming finalized in Morocco and ongoing in Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. - New business ideas need to keep coming, especially with innovation. - Global cooperation is highly need it, the agenda requires communication beyond silos. - Elements of inclusiveness more industrialize and more operational and practice. - Evaluating and supporting to empower minorities or marginalized groups. to make more inclusive.
Informal session 2 - Creating a supportive environment for youth entrepreneurship Ms. Cristiana Benedetti Fasil, Head and Co-founder, Social Venture Africa, Belgium. - They are a nonprofit organization registered in Sweden that promotes women empowerment, renewable energy and entrepreneurship in Africa. - Renewable energy competence center trains marginalized youth as electricians and solar power specialists. - Stated should focus on environment trusting more on the partnership with the private sector. - high-quality level for entrepreneurs - empower repower for the women
Mr. Mika Valitalo. Señior Specialist on Innovation, Digital DEvelopment and Transparency, Plan International Finland. - Plan International is an independent non-profit development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. - We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected. - supporting the environment in order for the youth to feel safe. - From the beginning is to empower them with trust and feeling valuable. eventually, they become mentors. - Little girls needs more inclusion and being taking into account in the technologies field.
Mr. Charles Ocici, Director, Enterprise Uganda. - Law of entry - the solution needs to meet the buyer standard. meet the demands of the seller. In order to remind them, they need to create the environment for them to grow.
Ms.Victoria Peace, Director, Nyeri-Toolpoultry from, Uganda. - innovation and practice for those who are experimented with.
Mr. GIlbert Ewehmeh, Managing Director, The youth Employment service in Canada - Entrepreneurship education is one of the keys to intent impose a challenge Ms. EmmanuLa Benini, Senior adviser, youth issues agency for development cooperation . - Children and women are the main groups that must be empower directly by member states. - as Experts we need also to work on the redefinition of words for a more inclusive entrepreneurship system.
Informal Session 3. - Empowering Women Entrepreneurs . Ms. Charlotte Aspeheim-Scmidt, Europe, Middle East and Africa Program Manager, Dell for Entrepreneurs , Dell, Denmark. ● Mentorship program ● investor for womans. ● Policy for opening up the markets and think big. ● Offering to manage data. Mr. Peter Bamkloe, Enterprise Development Center, Nigeria. ● Create safe space for women to network. ● Programs for funding. ● Acceptance for the middle force is managed by women. ● Rule model and mentor for other women. ● Religion and traditional culture are a challenge in the area.
Ms. Christine Low, Director, Laison Office Geneva, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, Switzerland. ● Women only program is more perfectly to reach women. ● persuade companies to empower women. ● Facilitates women to skills and technologies.
Ms. Lama Sha’sha’a, and Chair, International Robotics Academy, Jordan . ● private institution that specializes in Robotics & STEM Education. ● committed to constantly improving the educational process in the MENA region through close partnerships with private schools, informational seminars, training programs, ad-hoc scholastic STEM curricula, as well as extra-curricular activities. ● Youth Women and migrants - awareness on the community level. ● engage stakeholders, access to new education models. ● Expert programs that focus on creating Tech, social impact and more.
Mr. Arif Zaman, Executive Director, Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network, UK. - Works with women in business by connecting Governments and the private sector to encourage and enable women’s economic empowerment. - Systematic barriers. equal participation in developed and promote. break gender barriers and create opportunities for women to trained international. - From the government, if no budget with the specific label, then no action is really taking into action. - Develop new curricula. the type of context also is a challenge.
Ms. Yolanda Gibb, Research Lab, Women’s Economic Imperative , U.K - We are no trying to find equality but equity. - Context matters in every single case and you definitely need sate holders to engage in the informal and formal mechanism. - Redefinition of terms and the specific social contract. hunting. - Empower means to feel it also.
Ms. Dina Nziku, Lecturer, the University of the West of the Scotland United Republic of Tanzania.
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Informal Session 4 - #MigrantEntrepreneurs: Accelerating integration and economic development. Ms. Janette Uhlmann, Senior Operations Officer, World Bank/ Centre for Mediterranean Migration. France. - Entrepreneurs in the Middle East, specific in the good of the people who have there. - they dedicate to researching organic building and developing skills. - Syrian Refugee Crisis, it is still an ongoing situation. the highest number is in Turkey and Lebanon. - 74% are in municipalities, they are middle-income countries with not a lot of resources. - Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Irak, and turkey have a municipality network (29) that works together. - The last survey showed a more positive vision. they focus on assets in the region to demonstrated and be replicable. - Private sector partnership is a must to engage with the local government. - Municipal Leadership should be encouraged to generate changes. - create a better understanding of inclusion and integration.
Mr. Jerry Allen, Professor, and Director for Entrepreneurship, University College London, Innovation, and Enterprise. University College London, UK. - Strategic planning needs to be fit when we are empowering entrepreneurs. - the funding to Universities is not aggression to encourage entrepreneurs. and should be education and business. - accountability to university plans and funding. - Entrepreneur refugees network in London. women and families. - pilots to bring them together, technologies have to be more engage in blending learning.
Mr. Giordano Neuenschwander, Head of Office, Singa Geneva , Switzerland. - Improve support from the private sector to migrants. - buffer period is a basic but not put a stop on it. - impact evaluation and accountability. Ms. Elisa Pasquali, Founder, Arcadia Blockchain Tech and Arcadia Blockchain for Refugees, Switzerland. - Regularization to population and the financial transaction with the government. Ms. Martina Venzo, Humanitarian Programme Officer, Help Code , Italy. - In Africa and Asia are working with migration. - Database on cellphone information and web, GPS in case of emergency, natural disaster, or conflict. - https://helpcode.org/en/projects/towards-a-sustainable-migration - Public-private partnerships are one of the best allies. [email protected]
Ms. Maria Elo. Associate Professor, the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. - not a lot of information about the reason why people are migrating. Pre-migration. - Long transition periods are affecting the children in the IDP’s and Migrants. - Low tech and not quality skills are only a short term solution, we need more long term solutions for entrepreneurs. - Less bureaucracy and simplification in transactional activities. - The neutral platform that is beyond silos.
Informal Session 5 - Growing inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems in the digital world.
Mr. Antoine Fatio, Director, Fondetec , Switzerland. - They give and promote funding for entrepreneurs.
Ms. Fatou Ndiaye, Co-founder of The Gate Village , France. - Drive or dream? - Academy of entrepreneurs - Brazil
Mr. Coline Lee. Chief Execitive, Cemvo Scotlan , UK. - Starting new companies reducing inequalities. - Social enterprises.
Mr. Alistair Munro, Director Avocet Natura l Capital UK. - The agricultural sector and the use of goods and utilities. - Renovation of disruptive full, with raw material - Local and regional levels and help for the communities.
Ms. Raveig Strom, Entrepreneurship. Development Officer, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland. - programs for entrepreneurship, especially woman - external funding is needed. - partnership.
Informal session 6. - Moving beyond corporate social responsibility towards corporate social engagement. Mr. Philipp Aerni, Director, Center for Corporate Responsibility - Inclusive economy, and sustainability creating an economic ecosystem in developing countries. - more investment and high risk its as fact and implicit bias. - an inclusive culture and local business need to collaborate, between big and small companies need to be included - local business benefits need to receive something in the back.
Mr. Jonathan Normand, Founder, and Executive Director B Lab . Switzerland. - Is a tool that helps the companies to invest in the region, - Create social value and stakeholders. engaging the community. - B. pact provides an assessment tool that generates a social free platform, - Swiss triple impact by 2019.
Ms. Caroline Seow, Head of Sustainability, Family Business, New York International, B. Market Builder, Singapore. - business and companies need from one to another. - Bel Group France, Pacari Ecuador, Chopard Switzerland - they dedicate to challenge the stereotypes, going beyond profits,
Mr. Antonio Carrillo, Lafarge Holcim Group , Switzerland. - the construction company, are not a long term solution for new entrepreneur severalized in the bottom - Social engagement have to be developed from the municipality of the community.
Ms. Vanina Farber, Professor, International Institute for Management Development, Switzerland. - Innovation we need redefinition of the term and plenty of others. Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al Mahruki, Chief Executive Officer, Industrial Innovation
Center, Rusayl Industrial Estate, Oman - Disproportionality in policy making, funding and government, they are working in their own silos without any type of structure.
Informal Session 7 - Harnessing impact investment. Ms. Nataly Alejandra Ortiz Cárdenas, Director of Investment Policy Ecuador . - The prioritized sector in the new budgets is the private sector and accountability. - Institute to support exports.
Ms. Karen Wilson, Senior Consultant, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development . Ms. Taynaah Reis, Founder, and Chief Executive Officer, Moeda, Brazil. - Microcredit and accelerator program. - labor the cooperation and creating hubs for export products, the partnership with the government is crucial. - working in silos is a big problem, especially for lesson learns.
Ms. Kali Tylor, Programme Officer, Sustainable Development Goals Lab, UN Geneva . - is regular to find the lack of sources for the entrepreneurs. - Microcredit works but not enough. - Concrete partnership for international development. - is about to bring more SDG’s to finance - blind center for financial markets and structure with the new ones. investment - pipeline build education
Ms. Monica Mariño. Technical Officer, Social Finance Programme, International Labour Organization.
- inclusion, impacting insurance and sustainable investment ecosystem. - A decent job it refers to quality, income, social protection, and freedom, health, guaranteed equal opportunities and safe. - potential in creating works along with capacity building and involving local experts towards education.
Mr. Dawid Jarosz, Lectire, Sustainable Development Goal Investing Graduate Institute of International Development Studies. - Regulation and retail rute. - overspecified in defining what an investment is.
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Informal Session 8 - Balancing risk and opportunities: The Future of entrepreneurship policies.
Ms. Angelique Antat, Principal Secretary, Department of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development, Seychelles. - Mitigation to economies, promoting research and incentive to the financial center, a knowledge base business. blue economy. - MSME's medium, small, micro enterprises. - Youth, civil society and government must work together. - The partnership is key.
Ms. Paola Albé, Director, Empretec Uruguay. - They work with designers and the population incarcerated. - the population should be treated as partners, not as patients. - innovation need to include population since the beginning. - open better space and designed better strategies. - the challenge is the population who adapted and the population who want to adapt, and the dialogue needs to be open, just to start the conversation. - admin bureaucracy is always a challenge. - changing the system from the inside. - budget is always a challenge. - an inclusive project with the intention from the beginning, then the fact that they agree with and the impact that wants to be achieved, then the actual, in the position of a decision they need to keep open the dialogue. Ms. Monica Canafoglia, Legal Officer, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Austria. - only 60 member states are part of it. - the decision is only achieved by consensus. - simplify the legal form, for MSME’s for the informal environment. - Traditional models are partnerships and have many required with bureaucracy and expensive. most of the time they don’t provide protection with the entrepreneur. - the new proposals have good faith in the partnership. - Formation and information for the startup and the new business. (geographic location and name of the manager, that must of the time are the owners of the business. - the business is responsible for what the business does, nor the directly limited liability. - No minimum capital required to start the business. - No formal contribution in the setup, is only with what the partners are willing to contribute. - Default law, for illiterate owners and protection for investors. - individual and Small businesses in the informal environment. - a small business that wants to grow with good strategies, products and service and they want to scale up. - young entrepreneurs the startup. - this provides you a legal identity and you join a global value chain, possible to higher your own staff, social security. - simple and with an easy language, you don’t need a special lawyer for it, take into account technologies.
Mr. Paul Dembinski, Professor, The University of Fribourg, Switzerland. International strategies and competition.
- Cocouses- Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. - time matches the statistics with the necessity to update definitions. - The majority of entrepreneurs are survivors.
Ms. Lore Vanderwall, Professor Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies .
- The gender gap has an impact on entrepreneurs from men and from women. - Civil law and social norms need also to update especially in entrepreneurs. - Education and preparation for women, need to spread more. Women business and the world -
Ms. Loson - Argentina bank.
- inclusion is not only a minimum of social aid. - financial inclusion is to prepare the youth and believe in them, microcredit is a solution but try to be out of the box and stop asking a grantee. - start the dialogue.
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ingridgabriela87 · 5 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes y MexicoBorder
Since the begging of the 2000′s and the “Tech” era, terms as Digital diplomacy, E-Diplomacy, and Cyber Diplomacy (DiploFundation 2016) had been used to refer to any foreign affairs communications to the public, or between States that involves using new platforms in social media to deliver it.
Yesterday the current USA administration (one more time) took a massive step in applying Digital Diplomacy to show how an historic interconnection between countries can be shut down with a simple tweet without further explanation.
Mexico-US Border, Since 1848, with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 55% Mexico’s territory was officially US soil (History 2019) and since Nixon’s Administration in 1969 we haven’t seen this type of action (Noah 2019) shutting down the border it’s only increasing damage in, and already reckless mental health crisis in both countries, this action will hit more the rising unemployment numbers, the cost of fruits and vegetables in the States is going to rise badly and more tension between population it’s setting the mood to keep fighting irrationally.
Of course, the pandemic is real, the number of cases of people infected with COVID in the US and around the world keeps increasing and we are only having hopes for a vaccine during the summer of next year.
Oil prices went down, unemployment it’s up, the economy in every part of the world is (once faster than the others) sinking, academia and policy planning are doing debates and research about the consequences in every aspect of how this COVID is setting a footprint for the upcoming months and how the workforce it’s going to take a hard shift.
In Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, the business has dropped 80 to 90% (Burnett 2020) so for the rest of the border area the perspectives are similar, in the US case, according to Washington Office on Latin America Three-quarters of the money paying for the Border-wall, it was obtained by raiding the defense budget: $13.9 billion that right now could be paying for a host of more urgent emergency need (WOLA 2020) – adding to that the same organization calculates the cost of military troops deployed in the border area means this- maintaining 5,000 troops both at the border and in a ready state at their bases has cost over $500 million since October 2018. (WOLA 2020)
I agree with the fact that governments (International, Federal and local) are responsible to fix the problems, but here is the question, what we can do to demand action? What we can do to turn the heads and look in the flesh the problems they are generating. From my point of view here it is a small list of recommendations.
1. Problem: Border shut down / Level of Government: Federal & International social demand: Open borders and take back essential business.
Strong recommendation: Stop politized everything and play fair, people come first, political issues must come last
Proposition: Take back essential workers (travels) and relocate the budget of security in the customs area and health care system, hire more people to really target the consequences of this pandemic.
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2. Problem: incarceration population / Level of Government: Federal & Local
social demand: partial animist and set free incrassation population.
Strong recommendation: Relocate the budget in national security to social programs and invest in update the technology that federal and local government use to manage the data. 
Proposition: choose those with low criminality or, those that are about to get their release date, if they can prove they have a house where to go and that they can stay there a minimum of 15 days, set them free under parole.
Pair up with local business and for those who are set free, relocated them in a first job social pragma, so they can reinsert into their communities.
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 3. Problem: Detention centers and immigration courts / Level of Government: Federal & Local 
social demand: Set them free and stop deportation.
Strong recommendation: Relocate the budget that you label in national security and relocated to social programs for migrants’ families. Use parole arriving at asylum seekers at ports of entry.
Proposition: Stop deportation and analyses the urgent cases. Maximizing the use of humanitarian parole Hire more social workers and low down your number of security staff, in order to relocate those special family separation cases and send them to their houses. Reactivate the migration hearings and collaborate more with academia and think tanks, to find pro-bono or volunteer attorneys
Link about: https://www.wola.org/analysis/trump-covid19-response-at-border/
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This is not a moment to create more chaos and uncertainty, we are already living that, right now is a moment to find solutions and propositions to fix things, together, probably are not perfect but that’s why we need more feedback and a sense of belonging to a major thing.
During these tough times, we need empathy and tons of patience and resilience, therefore find your nearest NGO and volunteer yourself, your humanity will be gratefu.
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ingridgabriela87 · 6 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes , Politics & La luz del Mundo
It’s not the first time that Mexico is involved in religion and human traffic.
The recent detention in California of Naason Joaquin Garcia has similarities with the case of Rosa del Carmen Verduzco Verduzco and If we want to be more provocative, also with Nxivm’s Case (Smallville' actress)
Some (broad) economists could remember the memorable phrase of Karl Marx "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" but also they will argue about the context of the oppressed and more, so for the propose of this blog, I’ll only mention that part.
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Most of the shelters for migrants in Mexico belong to one of the orders recognized by the Catholic church, some other “religious” congregations also provide aids for plenty of vulnerable groups. And for that fact, I’m always going to be more than grateful because at the end of the day they are filling gaps that the State can’t completely cover.
As a legal advisor for now 9 years in immigration topics, I found that the Religion is something big and stuck deep in the roots of the general migrant population, especially for those who are irregular migrants. In Latin America Catholic church and evangelic are the ones, that most of the time, is practiced by this group
And to be completely fair, when you don’t have anything to hold on, that provides you a sense of belonging or meaning of apropos on this world, people most of the time, try to find a reason to keep you breading because is a “normal” the social “rule” that you must live.
So when you really can’t find any type of regular attached to this world, well in order to not go suicidal, and more vulnerable people choose a divinity that “nobody” can explain.
So here are the similarities that I found between those criminal cases.
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This is only a personal point of view without the intention of insult anyone, and if you want reference please read footnotes.
The first time that I mention out loud, in a non- catholic university, the Latin American Liberation Theology, the professor told me “I don’t really like to mix Jesus with anything” and for me he was right.
For migrants and to general society that follow a certain type of belief or religion, my only statement is that anything that doesn’t allow you to question them is better that you don’t fully trust that. After all that high power in the universe will never ask for physical sacrifices or suffering.
I come from a working class in Mexico and I even didn’t like to read when I was younger, but after my University and masters studies in UNAM, I became almost a book’s junky and especially a journal follower.
And at the end the truth will set you free, this is only applicable if you are wide aware that freedom comes responsibilities, duties and more benefits.  
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pic2. https://flic.kr/p/wXA12K
 [1] https://www.vice.com/en_us/topic/nxivm
[2] https://www.independent.com/2019/06/09/la-luz-del-mundo-church-leader-accused-of-sex-crimes/
[3] https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2014/07/140718_mama_rosa_michoacan_orfanato_mujer_an
[4] https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/mexico/sociedad/quienes-son-los-mexicanos-involucrados-con-la-secta-nxivm-3674611.html
[5] http://archivo.eluniversal.com.mx/estados/2014/financiaban-gobiernos-ip-y-politicos-a-gran-familia-1023875.html
[6] https://www.vice.com/es_latam/article/8gp9ep/teniamos-todo-excepto-libertad-dentro-del-albergue-del-horror-en-mexico
[7] https://www.publimetro.com.mx/mx/noticias/2019/06/04/el-homenaje-al-lider-de-la-luz-del-mundo-en-bellas-artes-que-reunio-a-la-clase-politica-mexicana.html
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ingridgabriela87 · 6 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes the World Refugee Council Rep. & Jornadas Migrantes
The 17 of April of this 2019, again here in #Geneva #TheGraduateInstitute had the pleasure to release the latest “World Refugee Council report - A call to action” and of course the event was organized and moderated by the Director, Global Migration Centre Prof. Professor Vincent Chetail.
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The report contains 10 recommendations specific but not a limitation, that are aligned with the 23 objectives/ commitments from the Global Compact for Migration #GCM and of course with the 17 Goals from the #2030Agenda, this report is an urgent call for the private sector to get involved.
In the panel of discussion was integrated by Ms. Rosemary McCarney Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Mr. Lloyd Axworthy, Chair, World Refugee Council, former Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence L. Herman, World Refugee Council and Allan Rock, Special Adviser, World Refugee Council
The recommendation No1. Refers to acknowledge of “the problem”. for me what is really refreshing is that the Council, acting highly critical and honest about a global problem that they highlight that the lack of political leadership in the world, it’s a particular global crisis from weak political world “leaders” have developed into a more complex issue for migration and Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)
“Leaders shrink from intervening when conflict is preventable and decline to hold perpetrators to account when they commit crimes against refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs)” (World Refugee Council Report, 2019).
That first part the Council keep making emphasizing an important multilayer and heavily interlink situation, that is precisely the refugee community lack of integration and the place of vulnerability that governments are putting them into.
As a solution to that, they recommend “more effective responsibility sharing, financial arrangements, governance mechanisms, and accountability” (World Refugee Council Report, 2019) along with a real restructuring of the traditional system, tackling the resistance to change, innovate and implement new solutions.
Recommendation No2, refers to the political willingness to recognize the good practice to migration policies, currently taking place in Sweden, Uganda and Germany. That to that I’ll use as a reference to the integration of public policies in New Zeeland or Canada.
They mention the need to recognize and integrate this type of good practice to all levels of governments, from the local in the municipality to the international forums represented by states, like the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
That recognition should empower by effective integration of the internally displaced population, migrants and refugees, the retribution for all level and types of actors should be reciprocated by the private sector and the economy of the state.
The number three and four refer to strengthening responsibility sharing for refugees and IDP’s and the Protection to that population. In the third recommendation, they highlight the responsibility to protect from the sates involve (origin, transit, and destination) in an equal level the human responsibility to have a minimum of humanitarian response from society and the private sector, in order to integrate or host in an effective way that population.
Number four is also interlinked with the fifth that refers to Transforming the government for refugees and IDP’s, both make an important emphasis in the urge and necessity to modernize the “traditional” system inside institutions.
Even the mandates of diverse UN’s agencies are aligned, in a basic level, between one and other the way that they work in the field, is not as effective as should be, working in silos without an effective data sharing is leading to a duplication of information and actions.
Therefore, the Council urges to member states, Non-Profits and international actors to challenge their self and break the paradigm in their structures sharing in an effective and accountable way, their task and their projects, creating a wider and solid network that can create solutions for migrants and IDP’s.
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The recommendation 6, 7, 8 and 9 makes an important call to the private sector, in this part that is the most important for me, and one of the members of the panel make an important comment on how the WTO should take the lead in implementing these type of recommendation, the Council manage to integrate a solid petition to the investors and the policymakers that have the capacity to interlink multiple topics in favor of migrants.
No. 6 is Building a solid financial base, in general, they give examples of how international aid is needed and works, the only problem is that the accountability and the use destination in for those funds sometimes makes donors to hold a bad experience, although “A fundamental reorientation is needed in the way in which humanitarian funds are mobilized and spent, to move away from care and maintenance, and toward supporting refugee self-reliance and empowerment and the development of countries hosting refugees.” (World Refugee Council Report, 2019) and they mention good practice examples implemented by the UN in 2016.
No. 7 is Mobilizing new sources of support, in this recommendation, the Council keeps highlighting the necessity of involving new actors, others that the stated, to address the responsibility to protect in favor of this population. The pathway to building a more resilient society, in general, is to create and generate a solid and effective network of the private sector, entreprenuriants, international Non-Profits, and academia that transform into a platform for migrants to have an active voice in the world.
No. 8 and No. 9 are about sharing data and using technology to that, not only from state or non-state position, but also from migrants and IDP’s positions. From a private sector position, they give the example of how “In 2017, Airbnb launched its Open Homes initiative, enabling proactive individuals in Canada, Germany, the United States and Greece to host refugees. The initiative not only supports those forcibly displaced but also has the potential to build political will” (World Refugee Council Report, 2019).
For the accountability part, they mention a short case of study in Switzerland and the possibility of how “Freeze or transfer part of a country’s allocation from international financial institutions from the country of origin to the host country in the case of mass displacement” (World Refugee Council Report, 2019). Could contribute in something for the community.
Finally, the No10. refers to Taking These Ideas Forward and they explain what is, The Global Action Network for the Forcibly Displace. That type of Network will require and holistic presence and representation all over the world, from politicians, to researchers and community leaders.  
In my country Mexico, we are facing a challenging time, with the change of the federal administration and the lack compromises that the US current government is noted for. Therefore I make an #OpenCall to everyone who is currently in México city, to witness how a network is useful and attend to the International day study: Receiving migrations in Mexico. Policy, narratives, and host communities. In IFAL Casa de Francia
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ingridgabriela87 · 7 years ago
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#MiercolesdeMigrantes #NoOneIsIllegal #TratadePersonas #Reinsersion
Si tu amiga(o) te dice, “ten cuidado con tus fotos en internet”, “se precavida con quien hablas en Face, Instagram, Tinder, Bumbel etc”. O cosas como “no compartas tanta información”, por favor hazle caso…por testimonios como los de este video es que te lo dicen.
Tan sólo el mes de julio de este año, se esparció la noticia de que la modelo británica Chloe Ayling, fue agendada con fines laborales en Viena, Italia y posteriormente drogada y secuestrada para aparecer a la venta, con fines de explotación sexual en la Deep Web. Hechos que ahora son puestos en duda por la autoridades Italianas, cuestionando la credibilidad de una víctima. https://goo.gl/jcissW
En febrero de este año, vimos un emotivo e intenso discurso del creador y dueño del Sofware Thorn, Ashton Kutcher, en el que se logró identificar a 6.000 víctimas de explotación sexual infantil en tan solo seis meses. https://www.wearethorn.org/
Esta clase de noticias son la que día a día, nos ponen frente a nosotros y en nuestra propia casa problemáticas que pensamos “a mí no  me va a pasar”.
La trata de personas, en específico de mujeres y de niñas no es un tema nuevo y mucho menos ajeno a las realidades de millones de personas, esta clase prácticas y costumbres delictivas que poco a poco percibimos como “normalizadas”, se encuentran en toda clase países, desde Suiza con su economía casi impecable, Alemania, Canadá hasta India, México y Filipinas entre los restantes 189 países que componemos este planeta.
Es una práctica que tampoco discrimina  por género, edad, nivel educativo, socioeconómico o popularidad. La Organización internacional del Trabajo, publicó en su informe del 2012, el hecho de que en su mayoría la mujeres son las que representan la poblacional explotada de forma laboral con un 55%, en comparación el 45% que representan los hombres. Estos porcentajes evidencian que los hombres en su mayoría niños y adolescentes son objetivos para el trabajo forzado. (https://goo.gl/DEtH8e)
De acuerdo a la Organización de Estados Americanos, la trata de personas se diferencia del tráfico de personas, debido a que el fin último en la trata, es la explotación de la persona a largo plazo, otra diferencia es que puede o no implicar cruce de fronteras y el primer contacto se da bajo engaño o amenazas., sin duda en ambos delitos implica un atentado en contra de la dignidad humana y la libertad. ( https://www.oas.org/atip/reports/trata.aspectos.basicos.pdf)
Las partes que se ven involucradas en el delito de trata son; la víctima, el tratante y los cómplices. Los cómplices pueden ser desde la persona que hace el primer contacto con la victima con el fin último de explotarla, hasta aquella que “sólo la  cuida” o “sólo transporta” a la víctima., el tratante es la persona que percibe o retiene la retribución económica por el trabajo de la víctima y finalmente la victima de trata, en México es aquella que según el artículo 4 de la Ley General de Víctimas... “aquellas personas físicas que hayan sufrido algún daño o menoscabo económico, físico, mental, emocional, o en general cualquiera puesta en peligro o lesión a sus bienes jurídicos o derechos como consecuencia de la comisión de un delito o violaciones a sus derechos humanos…”( https://goo.gl/U795P9 )
Ahora, la trata de personas tiene diversas modalidades como la laboral o la sexual, para el caso la explotación sexual es la que presenta el 79% de los casos de trata. En esta modalidad la figura del padrote o lenon, en México está contemplada en los artículos 204 y 206 Bis del Código Penal Federal.
En el 2011, el FBI estimó que la trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual representa el tercer delito más prolifero económicamente, después del tráfico de drogas y armas, generado ganancias al año de 32 billones de dólares y 15 billones de dólares en países en vías de desarrollo. (https://goo.gl/A6HAzm )
Un porcentaje alto de la trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual, conlleva a situaciones de vulnerabilidad económica en la que encuentra la víctima., este mismo patrón se puede replicar con las personas migrantes. La nacionalidad y origen son cosas que dentro de la trata de personas son valuadas de forma muy cara, resulta muy contradictorio que en un discurso de protección de fronteras por cuestiones de “seguridad nacional”, la demanda y la oferta de apertura clandestina de fronteras sea en alza, una demanda de mercado que representa 32 billones de dólares.
A todos estos datos, de forma personal me vuelve a resultar más que aberrante el hecho de que como sociedad, en un sistema económico post capitalista continuemos perpetuando los usos y costumbres que nos llevan a generar más enfermedades metales, como la pornografía infantil. Mi padre dice que si un producto está en el mercado, por más inútil que piense que es, si está a la venta es porque si existen consumidores. Es decir que la visión social en esta época es justificar la visión del ser humano como un objeto.
Entonces, la verdadera problemática no es esa gente perversa y mala que quiere violar y tener relaciones sexuales con niños o niñas, tampoco el traficante o lenon que pone a disposición la “mercancía”, sino más bien la problemática está en la estructura que hemos generado como sociedad para que toda esa cadena continúe y el preguntarse, tu desde tu posición ¿qué estás haciendo? ¿Cómo es que puedes involucrarte para que esa clase de situaciones no suceda o disminuya?
Las acciones pueden ser tan simples como no darle like a niña de 14 años que se disfraza de modelo de lencería y sube las fotos, hasta dejar de juzgar a las personas por su complexión física. Esparcir conciencia y aperturarse a las realidades más duras de nuestro entorno no debe de ser un tema ajeno ni tabú, fundar una ONG o tener mucho dinero para hacer algo significativo no son requisitos, el cambio inicia por pocos que buscamos una igualdad real y sustantiva. Así con pequeñas acciones hechas con pasión es como se inician los nuevos paradigmas.
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ingridgabriela87 · 6 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes y The Lost Decade in the Global War on Drugs
The pass 28 of January, I attend to the Graduate Institute here in Geneva to a conference that, as a Mexican now living in the area, studying international security, this event really got my interest, also one of my favorite speakers was part of the panel.
The event was “The Lost Decade in the Global War on Drugs” and it was organized by the Graduate Institute (IHEID) in partnership with the Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP) with the support of Le Temps and the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).
The main objective of the conference was to deliver few main points about the shadow report – an accountability document conformed by the joined effort from NGO and civil society that keeps the track and record from the original institutional agreement - form the IDCP. Also, this conference marks the preparation for the 62° Commission of the Narcotic Drugs, this year, from the 18 to 22 of March in Vienna, Austria. From the agreements of that conference parties (States and Non-States actors) are going to plan coming years strategies to implement.
The speaker in this order where Philippe Burrin – Director of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studie, Valentin Zellweger – Permanent represent for the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and other international Organisation in Geneva Mariângela Simão, Assistant Director-General, World Health Organisation Ann Fordham - Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium, Helen Clark -  Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Ann Fordham - Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou - Professor, International History, the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Anya Sarang, President, Andrey Rylkov Foundation.
What I took note from was the following:
The Opening words.
Human development indicators matter and must be considered, especially when they are related to drug issues.
Geneva is a center that has the commitment to get the actors together to solve world problems, Vienna is a city that also collaborates closely with Geneva to solve drug and organized crime topics.
Prevention treatment and law enforcement to protect the patients are what really matters. Opening drugs in swiss give us lest deaths and reduce the cases of HIV.
Patients are no longer criminals this is a liberal approach. The inclusive approached should keep taking into consideration is essential to continue this dialogue
Mariangela Simao –
Public health needs to adapt, people should not die before their time and this is the case of more than five hundreds of people who lost their lives because of TB. Hepatitis and HIV, stats should be preventing not punishing!
Access to paid medication is important, especially in development word that is speaking in pain release. The war on drugs in the lost decade has helped to know now what doesn’t work. Information and data for this period show evidence that the state should be using.
Members states should address the 2030 agenda, in agreement of drug policy there is a lot of space that still need to do, human rights should be taking into consideration. WHO has developed a report with three pillars.
Ann Fordham.
Public policy should consider the impact for population, this shadow reports represent the improvements, and how does implementing this goal are contributing to improving sustainable development goals.
Opium and coca are increasing on their demand, the number of people is using more drugs, money laundry is decreasing, extrajudicial killings and incarceration are affecting women’s. Of course, torture is increasing especially in northeast Asia.
Helen Clark.
Elimination of the production trade of the use of any substance that it is considering to be illegal brings unattended consequences that include the creation of more legal and profitable market and mass incarceration, with a high index of HIV and TB, with many deaths and violence.
The SDG 2030 agenda could help to change the course, one example is Canada where cultivation, production, and trafficking are necessary to tackle the collateral damage. Member states and non-states actors must develop more innovative and solid public policies strategies.  
Drugs can be regulated, and the state should take a reasonable path.
We compelled the state not to repeat this lost decade and do something about this situation.
Human rights must include the marginalized population.
Mohammad Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou –  This is the speaker that I was so thrilled to hear, he is part of the West Africa Commission on Drugs and he helps to build the report.
In this lost decade, we have learned, the transversal and transnational have to be applying in building policy, especially to those regions who need the political consensus, the rest of the world also matters.
The word “war” is not necessarily related to a good concept, we relate the martial and military perspective in this word. We need to include new terminology.  
The notion of consumption, the transhipping and the development of policy-making throw development.
Synectic drugs on a regional level should be a public health problem. Is standing in the metalevel of development throw social growing. The notion of corruption in the synthase to be measure with the capabilities.
Develop standards with indicators is important, new models of drugs laws for West Africa was developed and was launched in Dakar
Anya Sarang
Russia is one of the three countries in the world with more TB and VIH, due to incarceration, for not violent drug offenses. Developing drug dependency is the trigger to and other life. Psychological violence is used against a patient.
The treatment for HIV is forbidden in Russia, government threat addicts especially women, the rehabilitation is not being a success. 
Relating this topic with Mexico and immigration, the country is the main actor, that helps to develop an equation where location and violence can play a major role, something like this.
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According to the Shadow report from IDPC, in México since 2006 that the federal government launched a militarised war on drugs (followed by past and current administration) has resulted in over 15,000 deaths associated with the drug trade and more than 32,000 disappearances[1]. Relating that information with the numbers by Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in 2016 around 53% of the women were jailed for health-related crimes, in particular, drug trafficking.
The numbers of prison population rate (per 100,000 of the national population) is 164 that compared to 2014 numbers, prisons population has level down to 18% less, now about the incarceration system in relation to penalties related to drugs, homicides in Mexico rose by 16% in the first half of 2018, as the country again broke its own records for violence[2].
Now speaking only in the legal-judicial area, since the “new” judicial criminal system came into practice, police and federal attorneys have more responsibility to prove crimes (and properly integrate their file respecting human rights) giving the possibility to suspects to wait for their trials in freedom (of course, the judge has to evaluate if it’s a felony and if it's the first time, with many other tests)
According to one of the main conclusions of the shadow report from the (IDCP) says, the commitments and targets set in 2019 in the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on Drugs, , have not been achieved[3], for me the most interesting part of the report is Part 3, that focus on what to do next, especially this first attempt to timeline the goals, and end punitive approaches putting population and communities first.
In that part of the report and also in the conference at The Graduate Institute, the panel made a lot of emphasis on three main things:
Global governance has to be put into practice their strategy followed by accountability and actions collateral plans in case of not reaching the commitments.
Users should be seeing as patients, not as delinquents
Facts, statistics from many parts of the world shows that is better to label budget in improving the prevention and health system that in a punitive system and violent law enforcement.  
Finally, this type of vision, for the new administration in México with the outgoing discussion of the “new” National Guard should be considering this type of information, rather than keep the violent path.
If you have any comments feel free to contact me also, if you are interested in the topic please follow the links in the publication and here is one podcast related to the topic.
[1] Numbers updated to 2017, that the shadow report to concluded.
[2] The Guardian, “Mexico: homicides up 16% in 2018, breaking own records for violence”,  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/23/mexico-crime-homicides-violence-up-report
[3] International Drug Policy Consortium, “Taking stock: a decade of drug policy” a civil society shadow report, 2018. http://fileserver.idpc.net/library/Shadow_Report_FINAL_ENGLISH.pdf
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ingridgabriela87 · 8 years ago
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Los acontecimientos de Venezuela no son nuevos desde el 2014, la crisis Politica y social en ese estado se ha incrementado poco a poco, aunque la cosmovisión y la idiosincrasia cultural de México y Venezuela tienen similitudes, es en verdad una pena y un dolor indescriptibles lo que siento por todo el pueblo venezolano.
Aquí un link con la cronología de cómo han ido sucediendo los hechos que han causado este terror en la gente venezolana. https://goo.gl/JY7PLB
más actualizaciones en el tema, por favor lee https://www.vice.com/es/topic/venezuela 
Como abogada en migración, he llevado diferentes trámites migratorios para personas de cualquier nacionalidad, desde alemanes hasta nicaragüenses, algo que aún me continúa causando vómito, son los diversos tratos y maltratos que se ofrecen en las Instituciones de Migración en cualquier Gobierno de cualquier país. Los únicos culpables por esta clasificación son la comunidad internacional, ellos son los causantes de incentivar esta discriminación para que estas clasificaciones de “Ciudadanos de 1”, “Ciudadanos de 2” o “Expatriados – Importantes” “Migrantes – No importantes”, esto sólo provoca que se disgregué a una sociedad globalizada y que la Discriminación por cuestión de Nacionalidad permanezca y se perpetúe.
Ahora los únicos que podemos poner un fin a esta atrocidad que fundo el Gobierno Chavista y ahora ha incrementado el Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro somos nosotros, aquellos que aún trabajamos por un constitucionalismo universal y una ciudadanía universal, aquellos que escribimos porque ya nadie escucha, nosotros los que fotografiamos y difundimos, los que gravamos y los hacemos mundial, nosotros somos los únicos que podemos mostrarle al mundo entero este crimen que un presidente continua cometiendo con un País que esta indefenso.
Apoyemos al pueblo latinoamericano, al pueblo venezolano, ahora ellos también necesitan nuestra ayuda, tanto como Siria con la migración internacional por una Guerra en contra del País más bélico del mundo, como Grecia e Italia con sus abundantes casos de corrupción, como Brasil y sus politiqueras que solo dejan a un lado la horrible violencia de género y México con nuestros feminicidios y los millones de familias políticas implicadas en corrupción con narcotráfico.
Cómo apoyar de hecho y no sólo likes! checa el cuadro de arriba. 
Para mayor información y de dónde salió este breve cuadro, consulte el link - https://goo.gl/1kzVYW
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ingridgabriela87 · 8 years ago
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Desde hace un mes y siete días, cambie de trabajo y pensé que era lo más sano debido a que ya quería dedicarme a mi tema de “migrantes”, como feminista, como mujer, como profesionista del derecho, de la peor manera posible me di cuenta de que el gobierno de México permanece saturado de muy pocas buenas personas.
En un principio la persona que pensé era mi “amiga” ofreció ayudarme y apoyarme en todo, la tarea encomendada resultaba sumamente nueva para mí., después un día me dijo que se me tenía que quitar lo “buena onda” y mi “buena vibra” por que en ese trabajo nadie iba a hacer un equipo ni a trabajar conmigo, obviamente todo se convirtió en una vulgar y vaga traición.
Literal de “Mujer a Mujer” esa persona, le pido a varios hombre a mi alrededor que descreditaran mi trabajo recién iniciado mi segundo día de prueba y hooo! sorpresa uno de ellos, mi jefe, decidió no darme más días de oportunidad en esa nueva tarea.
Debido a que mi trabajo siempre lo he procurado hacer con mucha mesura y dedicación, mi jefe me solicito elaborar un propuesta en algo en lo que a mí me gustara trabajar en su oficina, al elaborar el proyecto inicialmente lo planee a dos de sus asesores más cercanos, la respuesta nuevamente fue un vulgar y bajo plagio a mi propuesta, dejándome de lado en la ejecución, es decir nuevamente traición.
Con estas nuevas experiencias en este texto, pretendo dar ejemplos y explicar los que son y las diferencias entre los términos de micromachismos y microgareciones, así como la relación con el tema laboral.
Primeramente el término “micromachismo” es autoría de Luis Bonino quien define que, - los micromachismos son actitudes de dominación “suave” …, comportamientos sutiles y casi invisibles que los varones ejecutan permanentemente, el autor los denomina del tipo “micro” …tomando un término de Foucalt, es decir los casi imperceptible -. (BONINO 2004, https://goo.gl/WvFgkv)
Cómo diríamos en México, “esta sólo por encimita”, es decir que son comportamientos apropiadas por el género, que se piensa es el dominante, ante una interacción con el otro considerado como el género no dominante, aun que pare el autor (que es hombre) estas actitudes sólo pueden emanadas de otros hombres, la realidad es que los micromachismos no tienen un género especifico y pueden ser realizados tanto por hombres como mujeres.
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  Por otra parte están las “migroagresiones”, el término es dado por Chester Pierce, en 1970 y se define como –manifestaciones de racismo, cotidianas en día a día con las que la gente de color se desarrolla en su vida pública y privada- (PEREZ 2015, https://goo.gl/iiLVDs).
Posteriormente el término fue analizado y retomado por los campos estudios del Derecho, Educación, Psicología y Trabajo Social, hasta ahora se sabe que este término hace referencia a la forma en que una rasa que se cree dominante, emite un discurso de odio hacia otra raza que se considera en desventaja y lo hace evidente ante una audiencia para consolidar y perpetuar esa supremacía.
Es decir que también el contexto de la microagresión va a depender del momento en que se encuentre la víctima o persona que está siendo agredida, porque en determinada circunstancia las personas que han sido agredidas se convierten en agresores.
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Finalmente la relación entre estos dos temas con los casos particulares que planee al inicio, es que la fuerza de trabajo continúan sido mujeres, aquellos que tienen poder de tomar decisiones continúan siendo en su mayoría hombres y estas microagresiones permean entre las mujeres, nacionales, extranjeras o transgénero.
Las simulaciones son lo que actualmente detrimenta nuestro avance, los micromachismos deben de ser erradicados y roles de género deben de ser suprimidos, como sociedad, debemos de continuar trabajando en empoderar a las mujeres para obtener una sociedad igualitaria de forma sustantiva y real.
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ingridgabriela87 · 5 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes y #COVID19
This particular text it’s written in English cause there’s an explanation that people outside Mexico and non-Spanish speaking countries, need to know about the particular case of this country.  
Mostly the general population in Mexico doesn’t have access to internet or quality formal education, in 2015 according to the official census office 5.5 of the population don't know how to read or write, which means that 4.7 million of people are illiterate.
The same office reported in 2017 that we were 129 million people in this country, which means that we are in high danger. Until the 24 of March, the Health Ministry order phase two of the prevention measures, this order it´s only going to last until the 15 or 19 to April (and restaurants are allowed to open and children are only considered those below the age of 5) Adding to this, the current Mexican administration wants to reopen everything sooner than we expected.
This means a catastrophe for the economic system, health system, and especially for the millions of Mexican population that belongs to specific vulnerable groups (Elders, people with certain medical conditions) Already experts have predicted that one more time, developing countries are the once who are going to suffer the most.
Meanly because of the endemic and pathetic leadership in federal-level, but also because we haven't focused yet in preventing at local states level, inside the different, according to the Strategic research department in the Belizario Domingues Institute from the Mexico Senate “With the stagnation of the economic growth in Mexico, that has been registered since the third trimester of 2018, we are in the route to a not favorable scenario for the national development”. 
So here are suggestions to prepare for it:
1. Look at this Tedtalk and take note: Focus at the local-state level your tasting material, and as soon and restrictively hard you implement precaution measures, as soon you will be available to open your economy again. 
In Mexico, we have “CONAGO” which means a National Conference of Governors, they need to call an extraordinary meeting and agree on measures between them. Federal Government doesn’t have the capacity or ability to deal with this.
in this case, Yucatán and Jalisco have the leadership in the internal commission in health affairs, but Colima and Sinaloa also can help to be an important partnership with the international level. 
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Picture from The Mazatlán Post 
2. increase your transparency and accountability. Again this at the local-state level, the more you invest in giving clear and honest answers to your population, the more your chance to build trust and awareness are going to increase. 
3. Collaborate with the best partnership you can locate. At national and international levels so far the virus has four months of evolution and technology moves fast, Europe the World Health Organization, the UN, ICRC, and others, already have solutions you can reed and implemented, please contact them and partnership with your universities and civil societies. Information and leadership in every area it's needed more than ever, work beyond silos.
4. Migrant shelters or temporary stay for migrants sanitize everything. Use bleach and water more than ever, if the supplies are in need try a close partnership with the local government and local universities. they can help you with the supplies. 
5. As a privileged individual. locate your parents and make an effort to make sure they are ok, Don't buy unnecessary things you don't really need, (facemask are more in need of healthcare staff) stay at home and keep informing your self and your network about the factual news about this pandemic. Support your local stores. 
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Picture: Own, from Mexico 68 Exhibition in the Museum of modern art in Mexico City. 
During this time, meditation and patience it's what we all need, please try to remain calm and remember. If you are not functional then you can't really help others
Best regards.
PS. If you need to know about my credentials, credibility or professional background, google me, LinkedIn me, you will find me as Gavi Franco (ingrid)
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ingridgabriela87 · 7 years ago
#MiercolesDeMigrantes #Elecciones2018
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El debate presidencial del domingo pasado evidenció nuevamente que el tema de Fronteras y Migración aún no esta concebido en toda su importancia y contexto para ninguno de los candidatos. 
para ver el debate completo aquí el enlace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYpIhHV9y4Y
Nuevamente tenemos cuatro personas que, a muchos nos daría vergüenza presentar ante la comunidad internacional como “nuestro presidente” en una próxima reunión de líderes, al menos ese 19.2% de la población que participa en las encuestas y que probablemente si aparezcan en la lista nominal del cercano 1 de julio (en la foto el de en medio es el Consejero el INE, Lorenzo Córdova ) Desde de mi perspectiva como mexicana, como chilanga y como mujer, es una vergüenza muy profunda tan siquiera referirme a quienes son los candidatos presidenciales.
Sin embargo, es un deber muy individual y personal tener un voto informado, en especial cuando tenemos los privilegios normalizados de acceso a información, internet, luz, libertad de expresión, entre otros.
Primeramente, tenemos un Andrés Manuel López o mejor conocido como AMLO, líder expriista con formación autoproclamada izquierdista, quien con un halo de “no voy a caer en provocaciones” y que está sumamente bien asesorado de forma directa en el tema de migrantes por el mismísimo Gabriel Solalinde, Layda Sansores, Tatiana Clouthier y demás politólogos, sociólogos y humanistas que lo apoyan. El domingo por la noche lo pudimos presenciar desaprovechando respuestas, ahora si cayendo en provocaciones, dejando a una de las poblaciones que más le apuesta a su presidencia. Aquí sus pros y contras en el tema de migrantes durante el segundo debate.
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Por otro lado, tenemos a un Doctor en ciencia políticas, Ricardo Anaya, ahora conocido como Riky Riquin Canallin o como siempre “Chicken Little”, también expriista, con formación de derecha panista, quien tiene como asesores en este tema a la Dra. Pilar Lozano Mac Donal, el inconfundible académico Jorge Castañeda, al mismo Salomón Chertorivski, entre otros miembros de esos partidos que tiene mucha experiencia en el tema de protección a migrantes. Sus intervenciones se vieron viciadas con ataques innecesarios a Obrador y claro a defenderse de las réplicas, aquí los pro y contras de sus intervenciones en el debate, mientras se publica su libro “De Frente al Futuro”
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Ahora en un tercer lugar, tenemos a un Doctor en economía, que por fin alguien profesionalmente capacitado pretenda asumir el poder es bueno, pero al hacer alianza con la manzana más podrida de la prehistoria y lo peor de todo es que fundamenta sus propuestas de mejoras en las peores críticas al mismo gobierno que lo apoya, en definitiva, no puede proclamarse ni de derecha ni de izquierda. El tema de migrantes lo tiene bien asesorado por la misma mujer de hierro mexicana, Claudia Ruiz Massieu y su implacable equipo de asesores como el Dr. Arnulfo Valdivia Machuca, aquí están los pros y contras de su participación
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Finalmente, un Gobernador con Licencia, ganadero y empresario de oficio que, siendo el primer ganador independiente de una gubernatura, propone regresar a la edad medieval cortando manos a quienes comentan robo, el domingo pasado nuevamente amenizó el debate haciendo que se abrazaran sus otros contrincantes y, la verdad es que como va muy abajo en las encuestas no es tan relevante tomar en serio sus contribuciones. Aquí pros y contras.
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En general, en el público que tuvo la oportunidad de hacer preguntas referentes al tema de migrantes, para los tres candidatos de orígenes priistas y uno de reciente adquisición en ese partido, fueron Diego Domínguez, Venecia Zendejas, Teresa mercado y Teresa Reinaga.
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Para conover la opinión del publico que partició en el debate, link: http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/elecciones-2018/ellos-preguntaron-en-el-segundo-debate-y-estas-fueron-sus-impresiones
Sin embargo, las fosas clandestinas de San Fernando Tamaulipas o de Guerrero y Veracruz quedaron en la historia para nunca ser recordadas en los temas de políticos, se olvidaron de la feminización de la migración, nadie mencionó a los millones de migrantes desaparecidos, la criminalización de protesta social, se dejó a un lado sin recordar la muerte de Miriam Elizabeth y los cientos de defensores de derechos humanos, así como las personas de migrantes asesinadas debido al crimen organizado, todos los candidatos de forma general se centraron únicamente en Trump y la defensa de los Dreamers, solamente los dos Doctores mencionaron a los Jornaleros y las aduanas, y los otros dos, mayormente hicieron referencia a la fortaleza del campo.
El tercer y último debate presidencial, será el día 12 de junio, a las 21:00 horas, en formato cerrado y tendrá lugar en Sur de México, el  Gran Museo del Mundo Maya, el mismo INE transmitirá en vivo y todas las televisoras nacionales también lo emitiran.   
Gane quien gane, es evidente que el panorama en le tema de migración y fronteras, continuará representando enormes retos para la administración pública y para las sociedad civil, aún nos quedamos muy por detrás de evidenciar una verdadera preocupación para la construcción realista de ciudadanía universal y de una debida defensa de derechos humanos básicos a este grupo en situación de vulnerabilidad.
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ingridgabriela87 · 7 years ago
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La violencia sexual en México, durante los primeros seis meses de este 2017, ha tenido un aumento significativo, de acuerdo a las Estadísticas del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública (SNSP) durante el primer semestre de 2017 se denunciaron 16,631 delitos sexuales, de los cuales 6,444 fueron casos de violación.
Los antecedentes en temas de equidad e igualdad en favor de las mujeres en México, se contemplan desde la reforma constitucional de 17 de octubre de 1953, en la que la mujer después de haber demostrado un rol muy activo en la revolución de 1910 y permanecer en las crecientes demandas sociales de grupos privilegiados de mujeres, el estado decide reconocer a la mujer como una ciudadana, dejando a un lado, para tal reconocimiento, su situación civil o condición económica.
Así la historia en el sistema de gobierno mexicano fue avanzando con acciones positivas, pero estaban atrasadas en comparación a las de la comunidad internacional., fue hasta la reforma constitucional de julio de 2011, que el tema de Derechos Humanos y de Igualdad de Género ha tenido cada vez mayor relevancia para el ámbito internacional y nacional, el hecho que, en 2015 más de 150 líderes mundiales, entre ellos el Estado Mexicano, decidieran acordar que el objetivo No. 5 de “la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible” sea “Igualdad de Género”, así mismo el objetivo No. 10 del mismo documento se relaciona con  demuestra que la comunidad internacional está verdaderamente comprometida (al menos en el discurso) en trabajar cambios en las dinámicas poblacionales.
Con base a lo previamente expuesto es que éste taller cuenta con los elementos técnicos y prácticos necesarios para que se genere un sentido de responsabilidad social en quienes participan como audiencia.
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ingridgabriela87 · 7 years ago
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BRIGADA IXTEPEC - diciembre 2017
La Brigada Ixtepec surge de la organización de distintos actores inmersos en el ejercicio de los derechos humanos y los contextos de migración. Somos un grupo conformado por personas de diversas disciplinas profesionales que proponemos llevar a cabo trabajo colaborativo para incidir de forma productiva y propositiva en la situación de vulneración de las personas migrantes que transitan por México.
La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, por todas sus características respecto a la investigación académica e incidencia en la creación de políticas públicas, es el espacio de encuentro en el que se reconoce la preocupación común por atender la actual situación de violación de derechos de esta población.
Desde este espacio fue posible compartir y aprender sobre las particulares y distintas formas de actuación de cada disciplina, pero además fue el lugar de encuentro para generar ideas y construir propuestas de trabajo conjunto para incidir en la atención y defensa de DDHH.
Como primer ejercicio, a manera de prototipo, se plantea llevar a cabo una Brigada de trabajo a la ciudad de Ixtepec-Oaxaca, lugar referente como parada para el descanso y resguardo durante el tránsito por México de las personas migrantes, esto con el objetivo de tener un primer acercamiento para explorar, diagnosticar e identificar de forma plena y mediante trabajo de campo los elementos necesario para el desarrollo de proyectos futuros, que tengan incidencia fáctica en la estructura de la política pública nacional en favor de los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de migración.
La comunidad internacional ha logrado posicionar en la agenda de las políticas públicas mundiales, el tema de migración al interior de los estados, tal es el caso que actualmente la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, este diciembre eligió el estado de Jalisco, para celebrar la conferencia de balance del Pacto Global para Migración.
En México a partir de la reforma constitucional de julio de 2011, los diferentes niveles de gobierno se han obligado cada vez más a que la promoción, protección y respeto a los derechos humanos se haga más accesible a la sociedad.
Es por esta razón que al inicio de la actual administración federal 2013-2018, las voces de muchas organizaciones civiles, después de varios años de insistencia, fueron finalmente escuchadas, por las diferentes comisiones en la Cámara de Senadores, Diputados, comisiones conjuntas y cuerpos colegiados, así como por tomadores de decisión que son los sujetos obligados de aplicar la política pública en sus respectivas jurisdicciones.
Afortunadamente esta práctica se replicó en el interior de la república y logró vincular diversos programas nacionales con las funciones de los estados, los municipios, la sociedad civil, la iniciativa privada y la academia.
Con base en este argumento y en relación a los objetivos de hacer realidad esta “Brigada Migrante 2017- Ixtepec”, encuentra relación con los siguientes documentos:
Convención sobre la Condición de los Extranjeros. Constitución de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. Convención Internacional para la Supresión de la Trata de Mujeres y Menores. Convención Internacional relativa a la Represión de la Trata de Mujeres Mayores de Edad. Convención Internacional sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial  Convención Internacional sobre la Protección de los Derechos de todos los Trabajadores Migratorios y de sus Familiares.....etc. 
Nacionales - Federales
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo
Programa Nacional para la Igualdad y No Discriminación 2014-2018.
Programa Nacional de Derechos Humanos 2014-2018.
Programa Especial de Migración 2014-2018.
Programa Integral para Prevenir, Atender, Sancionar y Erradicar la Violencia contra las Mujeres 2014-2018.
Programa para un Gobierno Cercano y Moderno 2013-2018.
Programa Sectorial de Gobernación 2013-2018.
Programa Nacional para la Igualdad de Oportunidades y No Discriminación contra las Mujeres - (Pro igualdad) 2013-2018.
Plan Estatal de Desarrollo 2016-2022 – Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca
Decreto por el que se crea el Instituto Oaxaqueño se Atención al Migrante
Reglamento interno del instituto Oaxaqueño de Atención al Migrante.
Plan de Desarrollo de la Ciudad de Ixtepec
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