#Mid-century Noir
atomic-raunch · 10 months
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Jean Parker in Black Tuesday, 1954
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oldguydoesstuff · 1 year
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"The Architects of Fear" - Outer Limits S1E3 (1963). This one's about a secret government think tank that is worried about nuclear war, so they decide to engineer a common threat to humanity to unite the world. And things go... badly.
Superb, creepy sci-fi film noir from the height of the cold war, worth a watch!
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nathanaelrosssmith · 2 years
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Peter Lorre
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retropopcult · 2 years
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Mayor Fletcher Bowron and his wife cruise west on Hollywood Boulevard past the Pantages theater and the Frolic Room, 1949.
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Bedroom Guest in Richmond An illustration of a small eclectic guest bedroom with a light wood floor, green walls, and no fireplace
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year
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Good Morning Social Media! Today’s featured #Spotify #Playlist is: Eamesy Listening; Mei Ling and I feature a new playlist daily. It’s what I have on here in the studio while I Paint and work. You can Listen as well, for FREE, both here at the Link and on the Pop Culture BLOG at my website: www.JamieRoxx.us enjoy :)
🎧 #SpotifyPlaylist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5UMbToXdkCP1lwWTN8WqRI
👉 RIP Today, Aug 21, 1978 – Charles Eames, American architect, co-designed the Eames House (b. 1907) walked on.
… then 10 years later .. .. ..
👉 RIP Today, Aug 21, 1988 – Ray Eames, American architect, co-designed the Eames House (b. 1912) walked on.
🎨 Featured: Some Custom #Commissioned #Paintings I painted for a collector.
Classic, #Retro, #LasVegas Hotels and #Casinos
TheSands, #theFlamingo and #theDunes.
2022, acrylic and oil blend on canvases, 30"x24" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) These Sold Paintings are Not Available.
‘#MidCenturyModern #FrankSinatra #SammyDavisJr. and Dean Martin’ 2017, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 20"x24" (each) by @ArtistJamieRoxx Jamie Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) These Sold Paintings are Not Available.
Blog #Art #LifeattheBeach #ArtistsLife #BestFriends #SharPei #Painter #NeoNoir
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whattheheckfestival · 2 years
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Bedroom Guest in Richmond
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zzoomacroom · 3 months
Live a Little
Dreamling, One Shot, Fluff, Smut, Angst, Friends to Lovers, 6500 words
Late entry for @mr-sadman's Dreamling Week 2024 (Day 1: Indulgence, First Time). Also for @dreamlingbingo (Square A3: Friends to Lovers)
Summary: Dream needs to be convinced that he’s allowed to indulge, to want, to live. Hob shows him some of the little things that make life worthwhile: good friends, good wine, fancy chocolate, and amazing sex.
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022), The Sandman (Comics)
Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Sexual Tension, Getting Together, First Time, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Oral Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Under-negotiated Kink, Dream has bad blowjob etiquette but Hob is into it, not beta read
“Make yourself at home, my friend,” Hob says, ushering his oldest and dearest friend into the sitting room. Dream nods soberly and heads for the sofa, while Hob turns back towards the hall. “Back in a tick. I’ve got a nice Pinot noir I’ve been saving that I think you’ll like.”
Before his friend can launch into his whole “You need not trouble yourself, I have no need for sustenance, blah blah blah” spiel, Hob darts through the hall and into the bright, cluttered kitchen at the back of the flat. He uncorks the wine and crouches down to rummage through the cabinets, hauling aside dishes and cast iron pans that would almost certainly be considered antiques by now. He knows they’re around here somewhere…
“Ha!” Hob makes a little noise of triumph as he retrieves the pair of dusty earthenware cups that he’d bought at an art fair a couple decades back. They’re handmade and painted in brilliant blues and greens, and the small bumps and imperfections on them remind him of the Border ware dishes he had owned back in the mid-16th century (minus the lead glaze, presumably).
Hob gives the cups a quick wash and dries them off before pouring the wine. He’s learned the hard way that Dream is not a fan of glass drinkware these days. When his friend explained the reason for this sudden aversion, Hob’s heart had shattered like the brandy snifter that Dream had dropped minutes before. Afterwards, he had gone through and purged his flat of wine glasses, glass bowls, and anything else that even vaguely resembled the prison Dream had described. Not just for his friend’s sake, but for himself; he doesn’t want that reminder either—the thought of his dear stranger, trapped, alone… If Hob had known…
God, if only he’d known…
Anyway. The point is, he’s been sticking with coffee mugs since then. But he can’t serve fine wine to the King of Dreams and Nightmares in a “Shag of the Century” mug, even if it does feel hilariously apropos, so it’s lucky he remembered these. The flat’s a bit of a mess as it is and he doesn’t want to come across as too much of a slob.
Hob hadn’t expected his old friend to drop by today. Well, to be honest, he never expects it, but he’s always thrilled to see him. Ever since they broke their centennial tradition with that first meeting at the New Inn, Dream has started visiting more frequently. At first it was brief, sporadic meetings at the pub, but he gradually started to come around more often, much to Hob’s delight. He’s shown up a few times when Hob was leaving work, instigating a riot of gossip among Hob’s coworkers and sixth-formers alike. Sometimes he visits Hob while he dreams, which had destroyed Hob’s entire perception of reality the first time it happened and still never ceases to blow his mind.
Usually the two of them come up to Hob’s flat, ostensibly to watch a movie or so that Hob can show off whatever new gadget he’s acquired, but the truth is that he wants Dream’s attention all to himself. Hob has always been a selfish, greedy man, and he can’t help but covet this precious time spent together. One never knows if the next Will Shakespeare is lurking in the pub.
He can never predict exactly when his friend will show up, but these days it seems like hardly a week passes without seeing him. So it’s odd that this is the first time he’s been by in over a month. Hob had noticed right away that something was troubling him; Dream seems even more distant and shuttered than usual today, and so Hob had herded him upstairs the moment he walked through the door.
He’s trying very hard not to be a mother hen, but in fairness the pub was starting to get crowded, and Hob knows that his friend is not fond of the noise. He’s just being considerate, he tells himself. Yes, he’s missed him desperately these past few weeks, and yes, the worry that he’d been captured again has consistently been in the back of Hob’s mind. But he has to rein it in and play it cool, lest he trigger another incident like 1889. He knows how lucky he is, how spoiled he’s become, getting to see Dream so often after having gone a century (or more) between meetings. So he knows he’s being a bit silly, getting so antsy after only a month apart.
Still. He worries.
(Continue reading below or on ao3):
Hob returns to the sitting room, wine bottle in one hand and the two cups balanced precariously in the other. He stifles a gasp and nearly drops them when he sees his friend perched on the sofa, having evidently vanished his coat and shoes back to the Dreaming, leaving his feet and arms bare. Hob simultaneously feels like a prude and a pervert as he drinks in the rare sight of that flawless ivory skin.
Then his heart swells with fondness—Dream has actually attempted to make himself at home, like Hob offered. “Attempted” being the key word; he does rather look like he’s sitting in a waiting room instead of on his friend’s sofa. Like he’s not sure how comfortable he’s allowed to get. Hob wants to make him comfortable, wants to wrap him in soft blankets and feed him soup and make him understand how fiercely loved he is.
Steady on, Hobsie. Get a hold of yourself.
Dream looks up from the worn copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy he’s been thumbing through, and if Hob didn’t know any better he’d say there was a faint blush blooming on his perfect cheekbones.
See, that’s the elephant in the room: the ever-present sexual tension between them has been at an all-time high lately. Obviously, Hob fell in love with Dream the second he laid eyes on him—how could he not?—and occasionally, over the centuries, he’s felt a spark of… something, from his stranger (that look he’d given him in 1789 being the most flagrant example). And he’s been feeling that something more and more often these days.
Maybe he’s just a lovesick, hope-stricken old fool, but Hob has a sneaking suspicion that his feelings for his friend are, at least to some small degree, reciprocated. Hob is sure as hell not going to make the first move; he cringes as he remembers how that had gone the last time he tried it. But it’s alright. He can be patient. He has been patient. And if nothing ever happens between them, well, that’s alright too. This easy companionship that they’ve developed is more than Hob could have ever hoped for, and he considers himself a lucky man indeed.
At least that’s what he tells himself.
“Here we are, my friend.” Hob hands one of the cups to Dream—the blue one that matches his eyes—and settles beside him on the sofa, stretching and making a point of putting his feet up on the coffee table to signal to his friend that he’s allowed to relax. And he does seem to get the hint, his shoulders easing down a fraction as he leans back into the cushions. “To life,” Hob says, tilting his cup Dream’s direction. Dream responds with a small, slightly pained smile and gently clinks his cup against Hob’s before taking a sip, humming appreciatively as he drinks.
“Good, eh?” Hob grins, thrilled that his friend is enjoying it.
“Indeed. This is a fine vintage. I thank you for sharing it with me,” Dream replies solemnly.
“I can’t think of anyone better to share it with,” Hob says, perhaps a bit too earnestly, and Dream’s blush deepens ever so slightly. “So,” Hob clears his throat, “what have you been up to, my friend? It’s been a while since I saw you last.” Dream stiffens at that, and Hob hastily adds, “If you want to talk about it, that is. You don’t have to.”
Dream takes another long sip of wine and shakes his head before speaking. “I was with family. I spent some time with my youngest sister, as well as some other relations. One whom I had not seen in centuries, and. Another. With whom I had not spoken in millennia.”
To Hob’s credit, his mind boggles only a little at that. “Well, that’s nice, isn’t it? Family reunion and all?”
Dream makes a small noise—of agreement or skepticism, Hob couldn’t say—and looks away as he continues to drink his wine. It’s obvious that something has happened; Dream seems… hopeless. Resigned. To what, Hob doesn’t dare guess. Dream doesn’t seem inclined to share more at the moment, and there’s a beat of awkward silence as Hob fumbles through his mind for a new topic of conversation. He’s mentally reviewing his day for any interesting stories to tell when he notices his friend staring at the small box wrapped in gold paper on the coffee table, seemingly lost in thought.
Hob springs forward and opens the box, nudging the chocolates in Dream’s direction. “Oh! Where are my manners? Help yourself to those. Some of my coworkers got them for my birthday—well, what they think is my birthday.”
Dream blinks at him. “I do not need to eat.”
Hob chuckles. “Nobody needs to eat chocolate. It’s purely for pleasure. You don’t need to drink this very good wine either, but you’re enjoying it,” he points out, topping off both of their cups to underscore his argument. “And I bet these would go great with the Pinot.” He takes a vanilla cream-filled one for himself before pushing the box closer to Dream. “Go on, they’re quite nice. It’s the expensive stuff. I think that one’s caramel, and that’s a raspberry cream…”
A tiny smile creeps over his friend’s face as he speaks. “My sister is fond of those. Or. Something like them.”
Hob is immensely curious about these family members Dream keeps mentioning, but he doesn’t want to pry; he knows by now that if Dream wants to share something with him, he’ll do so in his own time. “Well, please, have as many as you’d like. I’ll never finish them all before they go stale, so you’d be doing me a favor.”
“I do not usually. Indulge,” Dream says, though he is still staring (longingly, one might almost say) at the cocoa-dusted confections.
“You mean to tell me you’ve got the entire Dreaming at your fingertips, and you don’t indulge in all the lovely things you’ve made? That, my friend, is a tragedy.” Hob smiles and shrugs. “Well, if you won’t indulge yourself, then why not indulge me? I won’t make you eat them, of course, but…” he takes a bite of the bonbon (it really is good, even if it’s a bit too sweet for his taste), “you’d be missing out.”
The gloom that had earlier enshrouded Dream seems all but dissipated, and Hob can’t help but notice the way his friend’s eyes flick to his mouth, the starry voids of his pupils blown wide. Hob is considerably flustered himself right now, but he manages to give his friend what he hopes is a roguishly charming wink.
Dream glances down, his cheeks reddening further. “Very well. If you insist,” he says primly, like he’s doing Hob a favor as he delicately plucks a milk chocolate truffle from the box. And he is doing him a favor; Hob already counted it as a win that he was enjoying the wine, and this is just… well, the icing on the cake. Hmm, maybe he can get him to try cake next time…
Hob loses his train of thought as he watches his friend bite into the chocolate. Dream’s eyes widen before fluttering shut, and the moan he lets out is downright sinful. It’s enthralling. Hob is in trouble.
Dream keeps his eyes closed while he savors the confection, his tongue darting out to lick the powdered cacao from his petal-pink lips. He swallows audibly, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and Hob shivers as he envisions…
No. Now is not the time. Keep it together, old man. Hob shifts and crosses his legs, vainly attempting to ignore the heat pooling low in his belly and the subtle tightening of his trousers.
“Thank you, my friend,” Dream murmurs, glancing demurely at Hob. “They are. Nice. As you said.”
“Of course. I’m glad you like them,” Hob beams. “Help yourself to more. Anything I have, you’re welcome to,” he adds, gesturing vaguely around the flat.
Dream stares at him for a long moment, with a hunger in his eyes that brings to mind that look, the one he’d given him in 1789. There’s something else in his expression, though. Something sad. But before Hob can attempt to decipher it, Dream schools his features, once more a mask of emotionless detachment (except for the telltale flush that has now spread from his cheeks to his ears and neck).
They’re sitting quite close together on the sofa, Hob notices. Had he scooted over without realizing, or was that Dream? There’s no body heat, no familiar human scent coming from his friend, but Hob can feel a strange sort of energy emanating from him—something like static electricity. Like the heavy, expectant stillness that comes before a storm.
Dream slowly, hesitantly reaches for another piece, and as he leans forward their thighs brush together ever so faintly.
Hob’s breath hitches.
Although they’ve been meeting regularly for a couple years now, they have never so much as shaken hands. This is unprecedented.
Hob exhales shakily, and he can’t hold back the embarrassing little noise that escapes him. He tries to disguise it as a cough, but Dream freezes and draws back suddenly as if he’s been bitten.
“It’s alright,” Hob says softly, almost a whisper, like his friend is some skittish wild beast who might flee at any second (actually, that’s about the size of it). “Have another one.”
Dream shrinks back into the sofa, looking suddenly rueful. “I should not.”
Hob laughs nervously. “Now don’t tell me you’re trying to watch your figure, because you’re already…” he splutters and trails off, tugging on his earlobe as a prickling heat creeps up the back of his neck.
Too much. Stupid. So bloody stupid, just shut up.
He hasn’t had nearly enough wine for his mind to be so fuzzy and his mouth so loose. So why can’t he get a grip?
"It’s just—I mean,” he goes on, his treacherous mouth continuing to prattle on despite his brain’s feeble protests, “my point is, it’s alright to indulge. You of all people deserve to indulge. And I offered, so… please. Take what you want. You’re allowed to want things, Dream. And you deserve to have what you want. And—and I know, you can conjure anything up out of dreams and stardust. But even so. I just… I want you to know that anything I have, anything I can offer, however trivial, it’s yours if you want it. And it’s just chocolate and wine, eh? So… why not live a little?”
Hob looks up, apparently done with his ramble, to find Dream staring at him, his head cocked in that adorable way of his. His lips are parted slightly and his eyes shine with unshed tears.
Oh, brilliant. Great fucking job, Hobsie. Just don’t know when to quit, do you?
“Hob,” his friend begins, his voice a deep rumble of distant thunder, more of a feeling than a sound. “You are very generous. More so than is wise, and far more than I deserve. But I am afraid that your generosity may be. Misplaced. You say that I should ‘live a little,’ but. I am not… alive, in the way that you are. I do not live. I simply… am.”
Hob stares at him, dumbfounded, while his heart breaks into a thousand pieces. That… is the saddest fucking thing Hob has ever heard in the two-thirds of a millennium that he’s been alive. It all makes sense now. That’s why Dream has always been so interested in the mundane minutiae of his life. He’s been living vicariously through Hob, and all the while he’s got no life of his own. Just… existing, not living, for billions of years, and on and on until the end of time.
But that’s not true, is it? No. Hob rejects the entire premise. Dream may not be a living, breathing human, but he’s a person. And he does so have a life; he’s got a family. He’s got friends. If nothing else, he’s got Hob. He’s more than just his bloody function that he’s always going on about. Hob wants to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Tell him that he can live, he must.
Hob’s mind is already racing with ideas—he’s going to have to up his game; they can’t keep meeting at the pub or in Hob’s flat. There’s so much more out there to do and see. Maybe, instead of living vicariously through him, Hob can convince Dream to do some living with him. Not like that… Just. Bucket list-type stuff, even though neither of them can die. Although he doubts Dream would go for it; the mental image of his dear friend skydiving is as far-fetched as it is hilarious.
Of course, he doesn’t dare say any of that. He’s sure he’s already overstepped with that unhinged rant he just went on. He ought to quit while he’s ahead and drop the subject before he offends Dream. Still, it’s impossible not to notice the way Dream has been swaying closer to him over the course of this conversation. The way the air between them seems to crackle with electricity.
“Nevertheless,” Dream continues, “I am grateful for your kindness. Thank you, my friend.”
"'Course,” Hob murmurs. “Like I said. Anything I can offer, it’s yours. So… what do you want?”
Dream falters for a moment and seems to be intensely focused on picking at a nonexistent loose thread on the hem of his t-shirt. “I… I must confess that I do not know what to say. When you ask me this. It is not in my nature to want; desire is the domain of my sibling. It is not within the purview of dreams. I do not live, nor do I want.”
“Bullshit.” The word spills from Hob’s mouth before the thought even crystallizes in his mind. Dream looks stunned and a bit offended, though more confused than anything else. He’s not getting up and storming out, though, so that’s a good sign. He’s frowning, but still watching Hob intently, like he’s curious as to how Hob will follow up that little outburst. Hob is curious where he’s going with this, too; apparently, sitting this close to Dream has caused his brain to short circuit, and now his mouth is running on autopilot.
Ah. Right. Better keep talking, then.
“I’m sorry,” he sighs. “I shouldn’t have said that. But… I mean, obviously you wanted that chocolate. And you want to be here, or you’d have left already.” The furrow between Dream’s brows deepens as Hob speaks, and he clenches his jaw tightly. Oh, for fuck’s sake, don’t give him ideas. Dial it back, old man. “But that’s alright! Really, it’s fine! More than fine! I—I don’t know about this sibling of yours, but… it just seems to me like you do want something, my friend. And whatever it is, if it’s in my power to give it to you, that’s what I want. So… what do you want?” he asks again.
Dream hesitates, gazing at Hob with those fathomless blue eyes as he appears to genuinely consider the question. He’s sitting so close that Hob can see his own reflection, blurry and distorted, mirrored in the glossy sheen of tears that rests on his friend’s dark lashes.
Finally, he seems to make up his mind. He swallows and leans closer still, his face mere inches away from Hob’s. Hob ceases breathing as a perfect, pale hand snakes upward at a glacial pace, coming to rest on his stubbled cheek. It’s smooth and cool, and Hob’s eyes drift shut as he leans into the touch. Then, impossibly soft lips are brushing against his own, and Hob lets out a muffled sob as one hand flies to Dream’s waist, the other gripping the back of his neck and pulling him closer.
Dream’s tongue probes gingerly into Hob’s open mouth, and lightning sparkles behind his eyelids. His heartbeat is a rolling crash of thunder as the clouds finally break—kissing Dream is like the first rain after centuries of drought; cool and sweet and refreshing and vital. Hob didn’t realize how parched he had been for so long, how desolate the desert of his soul, until this. This perfect kiss. It’s soft and slow and tastes like chocolate and red wine, and this—this may be what finally does Hob in after all these years.
Or it could just be that he hasn’t taken a breath in almost a full minute.
He pulls back, gasping and panting as he rests his forehead against Dream’s. Words fail him—a rare occurrence for Hob—and all he can do is grin stupidly at his friend.
“You,” Dream answers finally. “I want you, Hob.”
Hob lets out a wet, trembling laugh. “You’ve got me, Dream,” Hob whispers. “You’ve always had me.”
Dream surges forward to kiss him again, bolder and more eager this time, and Hob allows himself get swept away in the deluge. He could stay like this for hours—forever, even—and a needy whine escapes him when Dream pulls away again and surveys him with a smoldering gaze.
“Take me to bed, Hob,” he purrs.
“Oh, darling, absolutely,” Hob replies, scrambling up from the sofa and taking Dream’s hand to lead him to the bedroom. Then he freezes, struck by a sudden thought. “Er, quick question first. Is this really—I mean, am I awake right now, or…?”
Dream’s red, kiss-swollen lips twist into a fond smirk. “You are awake, Hob. But would it make any difference if you were not?”
“No,” Hob chuckles. “No, I s’pose it wouldn’t.”
Minutes later, they are entangled on Hob’s unmade bed, exploring each other hungrily with hands and lips and tongues and teeth. Hob is naked from the waist up, Dream having torn his shirt from his body with a fierce, otherworldly strength that was so startlingly arousing that Hob can’t even complain about the loss of his favorite button-down.
Dream sinks his delicate fingers into the thick pelt on Hob’s chest, humming approvingly into his mouth as he grinds against Hob’s thigh. Hob can feel his arousal through the soft fabric of his trousers, and he dips his hand beneath the waistband to squeeze the meager flesh of Dream’s arse. Dream goes still and inhales a sharp breath that Hob knows he doesn’t actually need.
“Hey. You alright?” Hob asks, withdrawing his hand and soothing it over Dream’s shoulder. “Sorry. I should have asked first. I know—after what you went through… I get it. We don’t have to keep going, love. Or we can, and you can keep—”
Dream cuts off his nervous babbling with a kiss. “I wish to continue. I trust you, Hob.”
Hob thinks he might explode from the affection that swells in him at those words. He beams at Dream and steals another quick, fervent kiss before peeling off his shirt.
“Look at you,” he breathes, drinking in the vision before him—Dream is utterly flawless. A marble statue come to life with creamy-white skin and elegant collarbones that flow into lithe, graceful shoulders and lean, well-muscled arms. “You’re so fucking beautiful I could cry, Dream,” Hob says raggedly as he runs his hands over smooth plane of Dream’s chest, circling his thumbs reverently around the firm, pink buds of his nipples.
Dream sighs and closes his eyes as he arches into Hob’s caress, dragging his fingers through the wealth of hair on Hob’s chest and continuing downwards, tracing the narrow trail down to the waistband of his trousers and unbuttoning them with nimble fingers.
Hob quickly shuffles out of his trousers and pants, groaning as his erect cock springs free. Dream’s eyes darken, the sky-blue of his irises nearly eclipsed by starry black as he (sweet Christ in heaven) licks his lips. “Hob,” he rumbles, his voice even deeper and silkier than usual. “You are. Exquisite.”
A laugh bubbles up from Hob’s throat unbidden. “Sorry. Sorry, it’s just—hearing that from you is… I mean, I can’t believe this is really happening, it’s like—”
“Hob,” Dream interrupts, raising his eyebrows and lifting his hips emphatically.
“Right. Sorry,” Hob says, bending down to unbutton Dream’s jeans. But just as his hand brushes over the zipper, the trousers vanish, leaving Dream totally nude with Hob’s hand just millimeters away from his flushed, heavy prick. “Someone’s eager,” he smiles, taking him in hand and gently stroking the delicate, velvety flesh. “Gods above, Dream, you have the most gorgeous cock I’ve ever seen.”
It really is lovely—long and slim and rosy, all wreathed in soft black curls. Even his balls are pretty; plump and pert and perfectly round. Hob wriggles down the bed and nuzzles into the hot, solid length, relishing the weight of it on his face. He licks from the base to the tip, laving his tongue over the leaking slit before mouthing his way back down to his balls, sucking on each of them in turn. Above him, Dream breathes heavily and lets out quiet little whimpers. Hob strokes his thighs—he’s so tense, his muscles taut as a bowstring beneath his silken skin.
“Relax, darling,” Hob says, placing a kiss to the bony jut of his pelvis. “I’ve got you. Just let go and enjoy yourself.” He returns to his task of exploring Dream’s cock with his tongue, and Dream takes a long, quivering breath, loosening a fraction as he exhales. Hob can’t help but feel a bit smug at the knowledge that he’s gotten Dream so worked up he’s apparently forgotten he doesn’t need to breathe. “That’s it, love. Let me take care of you.”
He takes Dream’s bollocks into his mouth again, then moves lower to give a tentative lick to his hole. Dream gasps and startles at that, and Hob hears a choked-off “ah!” somewhere above his head.
Hmm, interesting.
Hob raises his head to see Dream looking down at him in wonder, mouth agape and eyes glazed. His cheeks are flushed a deep rose, and glistening drops of pre-cum decorate the alabaster plane of his abdomen. Hob smiles up at him, tracing a finger around the tight, twitching furl of muscle. “Has anyone ever touched you here before?” he murmurs.
“No,” Dream replies in a trembling whisper.
“May I?” Hob asks gently?
“Please,” Dream sighs, and Hob nearly comes untouched on the spot.
He slides a pillow under Dream’s hips and pushes his thighs upwards, gliding his hands along the smooth white flesh and trailing light kisses down to his spread arse cheeks. “Gonna make you feel so good, love. Just promise you’ll tell me to stop if I do anything you don’t like, alright?”
He glances up to see Dream nodding frantically, his eyes wide and black and glittering. “Yes. I trust you, Hob,” he says again.
Hob grins before diving in and licking a stripe from his entrance to his bollocks and back down, circling his tongue around the rim and nibbling at the tender pucker of milky skin. Dream moans and keens beautifully as Hob thoroughly slicks his hole with saliva, slurping and suckling and reveling in the sensation of Dream’s hairless, baby-soft flesh against his cheeks and chin. He dips his tongue inside, and Dream wails while Hob hums and groans enthusiastically. Dream is hot inside, and he tastes of petrichor and electricity and something Hob can’t identify but that he knows down to the very foundations of his soul (dreams, his mind supplies. He tastes like dreams).
“Hob!” Dream gasps, his voice rough and rasping. “Please—please—!”
Hob works his tongue in deeper, then pulls back and jabs it in again and again, until Dream is mewling and sobbing and writhing in ecstasy. He thinks he doesn’t want? I could teach him to want. Eat him out for hours until he’s sobbing and begging to come.
Just as the vision materializes in his head, Dream howls and clenches around Hob’s tongue. “Yes! Yes, Hob, please please please—I want—ahh!”
Hob has long suspected that his old friend could read his mind, and this all but confirms it. He shivers as he realizes the potential there—the possibilities are, well, endless. Hob withdraws his tongue and glances up, only to be met with the most beautiful sight he’s ever witnessed: Dream, red-faced and panting, his chest heaving, his lovely prick rock hard and leaking steadily against his porcelain stomach.
“Look at you. So bloody gorgeous,” Hob says hoarsely. “How are you feeling, darling? Good?” Dream nods, and Hob smiles and nuzzles against the back of his thigh. “Be a dear and grab the lube? It’s just in the top drawer there.” He tilts his head in the direction of the nightstand and Dream twists around to procure the half-empty pump bottle.
“It is not necessary,” Dream mumbles once he’s remembered to catch his breath, though he nonetheless hands the bottle over. “You cannot hurt me.”
“I know,” Hob replies lightly, shrugging one shoulder. “All the same, I’d prefer not to risk it. Indulge me.”
Dream’s lip quirks and he huffs a tiny laugh before settling back onto the pillows, graciously allowing Hob to continue. Of course he’d be a pillow princess, Hob thinks fondly as he squirts a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, spreading it over Dream’s puffy, fluttering hole. He works a finger inside slowly, and Dream makes the sweetest little noises as Hob strokes his tight, satiny walls and brings his other hand to Dream’s throbbing cock. Dream moans and arches upward into his hand, sighing in relief as the tension begins to bleed from his body.
“That’s it, darling. You’re doing so well. Just let go,” Hob coos. He adds a second finger and finds Dream’s prostate, brushing over it teasingly on every other thrust. “You feel so bloody good inside. Would love to fuck you sometime. Want you to fuck me, too. I could ride that beautiful cock of yours all day. Would you like that, love?”
“Yes—Hob—anything—please!” Dream cries breathlessly, grinding down wantonly on Hob’s fingers.
“Mm, we’ll work up to that. Right now I’d like to get my mouth on you, and you’re not going to last much longer, are you sweetheart?”
“I can—” Dream begins what would no doubt have been a devastating retort, but it tapers off into a high, quavering whine as Hob lowers his mouth to his cock, sinking down in a slow glide until he can feel the bulbous head in the back of his throat, trickling a warm rivulet of pre-come. He swallows, and Dream’s hands fly to his hair, gripping tightly as he starts fucking furiously into Hob’s mouth. Hob groans and ruts his own aching cock against the mattress as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of Dream’s slick, clutching entrance. It’s raw and rough and animalistic, and Hob is more than happy to let Dream use him however he pleases right now; he might come just from this.
With no warning save for a guttural growl and a stutter of his hips, Dream comes down Hob’s throat in thick, hot spurts. He shudders and gasps, tugging roughly on Hob’s hair before abruptly going limp and boneless. Hob swallows down the last drops of spend and slowly pulls his mouth and fingers away, panting raggedly.
He crawls up the bed to wrap Dream in his arms, pressing gentle kisses to his neck and shoulders. “You did so well, love,” Hob whispers proudly. “So beautiful when you let go like that.”
Dream hums and grinds languidly against Hob’s still-hard prick where it rests between the cleft of his arse. He wriggles around in Hob’s hold and captures his mouth in a deep, desperate kiss. He trails his lips along Hob’s jaw, down his neck and chest, steadily traveling southward until he is face to face with Hob’s cock. It’s a bit shorter than Dream’s, albeit thicker, and darker-toned; not as pretty, in Hob’s opinion, though Dream would appear to disagree—he’s practically got hearts in his eyes as he glides his cheek along the hefty, engorged length. He glances hesitantly up at Hob through his thick lashes, looking almost shy.
“You don’t have to, love,” Hob smiles down at him, running his fingers through Dream’s downy, soot-dark hair. “I just wanted to make you feel good, is all.”
“Indeed?” Dream smirks. “I thought that you were teaching me to indulge. So. Won’t you indulge me?”
Hob lets out a delighted laugh. “Well, suppose I can’t argue with that.”
Dream makes a noise of agreement, then swiftly takes Hob’s cock into his mouth, swallowing him to the root in the blink of an eye. Hob gasps at the sudden velvety warmth enveloping his prick, and his hips jerk involuntarily. Dream stills him with surprisingly strong hands, pinning him down and bobbing his head in quick, fluid motions. Dream’s mouth is… fucking sublime. Christ’s bloody wounds, he’s good at this. Hob brings his hands to Dream’s hair, not pulling but stroking and kneading his scalp. Dream rumbles in approval, his deep moans vibrating through Hob’s cock, and Hob throws his head back against the pillows.
“Not gonna last,” he grunts in warning.
Dream only takes him deeper, hollowing out his cheeks and slurping hungrily as he bobs his head faster. Hob looks down to see Dream gazing up at him with a blissfully dazed expression, his forget-me-not blue eyes glassy and his cheeks streaked with tears. Hob is hit with a flash of deja vu; he’s fantasized about exactly this on many a lonely night over the centuries, though his imaginings never came close to the divine, earth-shattering perfection that is Dream’s mouth. He comes with a choked sob, flooding Dream’s mouth with a torrent of spend, and Dream’s eyes flutter shut as he swallows it down eagerly.
“I love you—!” The words escape unbidden in a breathless whisper, dragged forth from somewhere deep within the core of Hob’s being, unable to be contained any longer after being left unsaid for over 600 years. Hob doesn’t realize what he’s said until Dream freezes, tightening his grasp on Hob’s hips and digging his sharp fingernails into his flesh. Then, he’s crawling up Hob’s body like a tiger pinning its prey, steely eyes boring straight into his soul.
Fuck. Of course, had to go and fuck it all up, didn’t you?
“You mean that,” Dream intones, low and sonorous. It is not a question.
“Yes,” Hob replies softly, his voice wavering as he braces himself for the inevitable swirl of sand as Dream disappears.
Instead, Dream swoops down and captures Hob’s mouth in a savage, frenzied kiss, growling and digging his fingers possessively into Hob’s ribcage. He claims him with kisses and bites and scratches and bruises, descending on Hob like a starving man on a feast, and Hob is only too pleased to let Dream glut himself on him. Dream could devour him whole, if that would make him happy.
Once he has thoroughly left his mark, Dream runs his eyes over Hob’s body in apparent satisfaction before nestling into his side and draping himself over his chest. “I think,” Dream says, curling a tuft of chest hair around his long pale fingers, “that I feel the same. About you.” He buries his face in Hob’s neck, and Hob pulls him into a crushing embrace, beaming as he plants a kiss to the top of his head.
“So,” Hob laughs through joyous tears, “would you still say you’re just existing? Because I think we did a lot of living today.”
Dream huffs into his shoulder. “You make a convincing argument,” he concedes, his voice muffled. Then he raises his head to look at Hob, his eyes shining with amusement. “However, I believe I will need more evidence before I can draw an accurate conclusion.”
“Oh, just you wait, darling,” Hob grins. “I happen to be an expert on living, and I’m going to show you all the little things that make it worthwhile.”
Dream’s smile fades slightly at that. Hob brings a hand to his cheek, tilting Dream’s chin up and meeting him in a tender kiss. “Hey,” he whispers. “D’you want to tell me what’s been going on? It’s just… Clearly, something’s bothering you, love. And if there’s any way I can help… You know I’d do anything for you, Dream.”
“You have helped. More than you realize. And… I will tell you what has happened. What I have done. Not today, but… I will tell you. Though you may come to hate me for it,” Dream sighs heavily.
“I could never hate you,” Hob replies automatically. Because it’s true; he’d fallen arse over teakettle for Dream when he thought he was the actual devil. “Whatever happened, we’ll sort it out, eh?”
Dream simply stares at him for a long moment before speaking again. “What do you think happens to a character when their story has finished being told?”
“Er—” Hob doesn’t know what he was expecting Dream to say, but it certainly wasn’t that. Dream has him fixed with a piercing gaze, obviously awaiting a well-thought-out answer. “Well… I guess that’s up to the character do decide, isn’t it? Once the story is over, they’re free to do what they want, I suppose.” He shrugs. This discussion is far too deep for pillow talk.
Dream frowns, furrowing his brows as he considers. “I believe there is some merit to your words,” he pronounces thoughtfully. “I have long believed that I have no story of my own. Perhaps I am wrong.”
“Maybe you’re just in the wrong story,” Hob yawns. He’s honestly lost the thread a bit by this point, and he’s not entirely sure what they were talking about to begin with. But that feels like the right thing to say, and Dream evidently agrees as he rests his cheek on Hob’s chest, just over his heart.
“Perhaps,” Dream murmurs, almost inaudibly.
“Like I said,” Hob says, stroking lightly down his back. “We’ll sort it out.” He yawns again, then winces at the strain on his sore jaw. “Tomorrow, though. Because I am absolutely knackered, darling.”
Dream hums, burrowing contently into Hob’s hold. “Yes. Sleep, beloved. And dream of me.”
Hob chuckles drowsily. “I always do.”
Thanks for reading! Reblogs, as well as kudos and comments on ao3 are always appreciated! 💗💗💗
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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Edward Hopper, Conference at Night, 1949. Oil on canvas.
Numerous critics and exhibitions have documented the influence of stage sets and popular American cinema upon Hopper’s depictions of the urban scene, often citing this image as a prime example. Film historian Peter Wollen identified Conference at Night as one of many Hopper paintings that look like scenes in movies that one has come in on in mid-screening. The viewer feels that the vignette must have a before and after; it feels like a momentary flash in an on-going mystery. Writer and Hopper’s close friend Brian O’Doherty noted that Conference directly referenced the hallmarks of the era’s popular gangster movies, or film noir, in its lighting, bleak urban setting and hard-faced characters.
This painting is classic Hopper in its theme of voyeuristic glimpses of the city at night and its masterful exposition of such favored compositional devices as an open window, a near-empty room in a utilitarian structure, strongly-directed light from an unseen source, and anonymous figures engaged in some undefined yet intense social exchange to create an arresting psychological drama. Conference at Night furnishes one of the four superb examples of work in the Wichita Art Collection by an artist who is one of the greats of 20th century painting.
Text & photo: Wichita Art Museum
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zu-art · 4 months
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Mid-20th-century AU? Film noir AU? Detectives AU? Idk what's going on but I like this vibe. They're probably in a B&W movie. Goncharov AU
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year
what kind of lore is Eureka working with, gimme the rundown
Well, as mentioned in a previous post, Eureka is essentially half setting-agnostic, with the intention of being able to run anything from the present day all the way back to the mid-1800s. It could do zombie apocalypse, 1930s Noir, Wild West, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Call of Cthulhu modules, Delta Green modules, SCP Foundation, Monster of the Week modules, etc.
But the other half is where the basis for supernatural player characters comes from. This half is actually heavily based on the lore of my own horror-comedy literary work, working-titled American Vampire, which follows eventful ‘life’ of an eight-hundred-year-old vampire named Yvette as she navigates life in the 1990s and 21st century after nearly a hundred years in hibernation, and finally, finally accepts and embraces her own vampirism. The lore and tone are so similar that Eureka could almost be called an American Vampire TTRPG. (But it cant be called that, the name American Vampire has already been taken by another literary work.)
Here is the lore that Eureka and American Vampire share:
the background of this lore is a normal, everyday contemporary setting. The ‘real world’, not some other planet or completely alternate universe.
There are real supernatural creatures and people, but there is no ‘masquerade’. No worldwide global conspiracy/pact binds supernatural creatures to secrecy.
There is no secret worldwide vampire government or even a vampire community, supernatural creatures cant even usually pick each other out in a crowd.
Despite there being no worldwide agreement to keep all of this a secret, belief in vampires or ghosts or werewolves or anything of the sort is still widely considered baseless superstition. This is partially because actual supernatural creatures are so incredibly rare that 95% of people will never meet one in their lifetime, and even a supernatural person may never meet another of their kind. In American Vampire there’s canonically only, like, about one-hundred vampires in the entire United States. Also, on an individual level, the vast majority of supernatural people have a pretty serious incentive to keep their own identity a secret because they, like, eat people. If they admitted that to the world then at best they would get arrested.
The other reason the existence of supernatural monsters remains widely unknown is because people who do encounter this kind of thing tend to rationalize it and find normal explanations for it. If you saw somebody with huge fangs in real life, you’d probably assume that they got them surgically done instead of assuming they’re a real vampire. In fact, Yvette in American Vampire is “out” to the world by the mid-2010s. She does almost nothing to hide her vampirism, and is even a mid-level career streamer, all with the “gimmick” that she claims to be a real vampire. People tend to think she’s just acting, or that she’s just completely delusional. Many other supernatural creatures live similar lives, working normal jobs, wearing a hat to cover up their horns or sunglasses to hide their weird eyes, and only revealing their true nature to very close friends, if anyone at all.
Monsters are magical and rarely adhere to modern scientific understanding. And most importantly, they have magical weaknesses. The most interesting thing about a monster is usually their weaknesses, and the most interesting, challenging, and fun thing about playing a monster in Eureka is trying to work around those weaknesses while keeping one’s true nature a secret, even from the other party members and their players.
Supernatural player characters in Eureka must be hidden from everyone except for the player that is playing them and the game master. You aren’t supposed to tell anyone else at the table. There are gameplay consequences for if a monster gets discovered, even by other monsters, and it usually involves a lot of Composure damage. (Composure is like an emotional HP system in Eureka, and you lose points of composure from extreme fear and/or stress. It is NOT, however, a sanity system.)
This Composure damage also affects other monsters because, like I said above, monsters eat normal people, but 99% of a monster’s friends are also going to be normal people. You may never even consider eating your buddies, but this guy would chow down on them without a second thought, he’s got to go!
Of course, you could play Eureka without this monster character lore, especially if you wanted to use it for, say, a completely contemporary murder mystery on a train where none of the mystery solvers are secretly vampires, and Eureka works perfectly fine for that, its core gameplay is designed to be able to totally stand on its own, but we have found that the possibility of any party member being something horrible in disguise can really spice up just about any mystery.
Last minute note in case it wasn’t clear: The party members that are secretly monsters are not usually opposed to the main goals of the party, they aren’t secret villains, they’re protagonists just like everybody else, and they want to solve this mystery just as badly. They just have to do it with the added risk that somebody might notice they don’t cast a shadow.
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atomic-raunch · 10 months
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In the running for best picture ever taken
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Considering Frank Miller's recurring interests (as well as @forthegothicheroine's observation that when he tries for noir it comes out pulp), I think he would be, no snark intended, a good choice if a comics publisher decided it wanted to do graphic novel adaptations of pulpy mid-20th century crime paperbacks. He'd have fun!
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nathanaelrosssmith · 1 year
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More gouache!
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telekinetictrait · 1 year
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"I have my happiness, which I guard like a wolf, and I have authority now and a certain amount of daring, which, if you remember correctly, I never had before." (Two Serious Ladies – Jane Bowles, 1943)
the first half of the 1940s was, of course, dominated by world war two. just as with world war one, more women were involved in the war effort, and those who weren't often took the jobs dominated by men. icons such as rosie the riveter propagated a sort of idealized "tough girl" image, with her denim coveralls and clenched fists – yet red lips, defined lashes, and thin brows. she was just masculine enough to fit the mold of serving one's country, and still feminine enough for the general public to accept. once again, fabric rationing led to certain garments and styles being reused and revamped. some designers, like claire mccardell, worked within the confines of wool and silk rationing to create clothing made of denim and jersey knits. "ready-to-wear" clothing was becoming more popular, especially in the united states, allowing fashion trends to spread faster and further than before. at the end of the decade, christian dior debuted his "new look", which would set the stage for the iconic mid-century silhouette: cinched waists (thanks a lot, dior...), full skirts, and round shoulders. this "new look" emphasized the stereotypical ideal of femininity and ruled post-war fashion.
okay, maybe the tangent about claire mccardell wasn't that important, but i did just see a museum exhibit about her, so i wanted to include it.
(ps. i know 1942 isnt entirely accurate but it was a fit of inspiration, and it takes like 20 minutes to get my game open so i was not willing to exit when i already had two looks done)
1800’s/ 1900-1909 / 1910-1919 / 1920-1929 / 1930-1939
cc links under the cut!
see my resources page for genetics
oakley : candycottonchu's vintage waves / gilded-ghosts' big heat beret / bustedpixels' fifth avenue fashion top conversion / gilded-ghosts' victory skirt / base game gloves / historysims4's stretching nylon socks / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
océane : javitrulovesims' clayified wings hair / gilded-ghosts' dizzy dame hat / needleworkreve's rita eyeshadow + betty lipstick / mochadonuts' ruthienne dress / blueraptorsden’s vintage stockings / historysims4's uptowner heels
odelie : strangerville hat + jacket / seasons gloves / gilded-ghosts' sleuthhound slacks / base game boots
ollie : javitrulovesims' clayified wings hair / cottage living hat / needleworkreve's rita eyeshadow + betty lipstick / sentate's 1949 grace necklace / satterlly's retro anna dress / historysims4's stretching nylon socks / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
onyx : joshseoh's blaire hair conversion / gilded-ghosts' big sleep dress / base game saddle shoes
ophelia : twentiethcenturysims' dorothy hair / base game pearls / twentiethcenturysims' french hen outfit / historysims4's stretching nylon socks / jius-sims' mary jane pumps #2
orlando : gilded-ghosts' wartime waves and bows / lordreboot's catherine jumpsuit
osannah : gilded-ghosts' noir or never hair / paranormal hat / needleworkreve's rita eyeshadow + betty lipstick / sentate's 1949 dior bar jacket / blueraptorsden’s vintage stockings / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
ottoline : gilded-ghosts' swingin siren bun + dizzy dame hat / needleworkreve's rita eyeshadow + betty lipstick / simsbrush's 1940's winter coat / plumbjam’s wool leggings / simtone’s oxford heels
owen : tekri's betty jo hair / needleworkreve's rita eyeshadow + betty lipstick / simplesimmer's emilee dress long v2 / plumbjam’s wool leggings / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
thank you to @candycottonchu @gilded-ghosts @bustedpixels @historysims4 @waxesnostalgic @javitrulovesims @needleworkreve @mochadonuts @blueraptorsden @sentate @satterlly @joshseoh @twentiethcenturysims @jius-sims @lordreboot @simsbrush @simtone @tekri and @blogsimplesimmer !!
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saintsenara · 1 year
What do you like about Voldemort/Tom Riddle as a character? What elements of the character do you find fascinating?
thank you so much for this ask, @sarafina-sincerity
i have received a flurry of asks about my main boy, lord voldemort, which form a neat triad, so this is part one of a three part meta on him:
1. what is interesting about voldemort's role in the series? 2. how do i write voldemort in my own work, and why? [here] 3. what does dumbledore get wrong about voldemort? [here]
so here we go!
what is interesting about voldemort's role in the series?
let's dive in under the cut:
my general principle as a reader, both in fanfiction and original fiction, is that villains are more interesting than heroes.
i prefer the complexity of characters the audience isn't supposed to root for, and i enjoy the confrontation of realising that people who are capable of astonishing brutality and evil are also simultaneously capable of beauty.
[one of the most heart-breaking passages in literature, in my opinion, is humbert humbert’s final encounter with lolita, in which the reader is forced to sit with the fact that a violent, sadistic, and dangerous paedophile is also a creature hollowed by grief and loss, and that they feel nauseatingly sorry for him.]
the canonical voldemort’s complexity in these aspects isn’t entirely drawn out in the narrative - although voldemort’s own struggle with anger, grief, and loss is discussed in detail in the third part of this series of meta - but thinking of him in these terms provides something that i think is of considerable value to me as an author.
as might be hinted at by the nabokov, my favourite subgenre of original fiction is undoubtedly the american literature of the mid-twentieth century, for its portrayal of the sinister ennui which lurks under the quaint picture-postcard of the american dream life. the authors i feel speak most profoundly to this apart from nabokov are shirley jackson and - and i recommend this enormously not as pulp fiction but as a sincerely raw look at the america of the 1940s and 1950s - jacqueline susann’s valley of the dolls. voldemort has a lot in common with jackson and susann’s famous anti-heroines - he has the jealous, isolated relationship with family and lineage of merricat blackwood; and the childhood trauma leading to obsession, manipulation, and greed of neely o’hara.
all of which is to say, he's a character whose complexity can be used to challenge the reader, to force them to have to sit uncomfortably with their own views and biases [the fact that he’s a self-hating sectarian terrorist has always hit me like a body-blow, given that i live in northern ireland…], and to provide a window into the broader commentary on the world of the story [and the world of the author].
voldemort as a narrative tool
indeed, voldemort is the character who most interestingly straddles the harry potter series’ various different genres and their subtypes - no mean feat, given that the difficulty of reconciling these separate genres is what drives many fans’ complaints about plot-holes in the series.
after all, the series literally wouldn’t function as children’s literature without him - in the first two books, he provides that scooby-doo villain-turns-up-in-disguise-at-the-end flavour which drives the narrative and allows harry to conform to his own children’s lit archetype of the wise-cracking everyman hero who's constantly getting into wacky mysteries.
but voldemort is, of course, at his most interesting after the books undergo their tonal shift following the conclusion of prisoner of azkaban:
he's the series’ most significant and most complex character within the genre conventions it borrows from noir and political thrillers. in goblet of fire, we get the hint of him as a paramilitary kingpin, whose supporters wished to incite terror among any members of the wizarding population who didn't support blood-supremacy and who targeted state institutions and political figureheads who stood in their way. voldemort’s own hypocrisy - he's a supposed pureblood champion despite not being pureblood himself, although his anti-muggle views are undoubtedly sincere - serves as a concentrated metaphor for the ministry’s corruption, which harry uncovers throughout this book.
he's the series’ most interesting folkloric archetype - the fate-driven hunter-villain, whose belief in the mystical value of the prophecy [within a series in which all the other characters - except harry, who we’ll come to below - are surprisingly rational... for people who can do magic] drives the series towards its conclusion. it's impossible for harry to go on his hero’s journey without voldemort - and given that many of the other characters fit more obliquely into their folkloric archetypes [ron is very different from many folkloric sidekicks - the boy is no samwise gamgee - and hermione’s folkloric archetype is closest to the non-human gift given to the hero by a donor-figure], this aspect of the narrative depends on voldemort entirely.
he is, perhaps, one of the less interesting characters within the series’ purpose as christian allegory [the award for the character this applies to most interestingly, for me at least, is either dumbledore - the word of god revealed in a twist to be the john the baptist - or snape - the paul who thinks he’s a judas], since he's the satan allegory. the catholic-coded nature of many of his behaviours, however, does fascinate me, and contribute to my headcanon - discussed in the next meta - that he's raised in a church orphanage.
and voldemort's usefulness within these narrative confines changes many of the other characters, in ways which move them beyond genre archetypes which might otherwise not allow them to grow as the narrative tonally shifts [a fate which befalls hagrid, who cannot stand up to the nuancing of harry’s character as he goes on his hero’s journey]. dumbledore’s similarities to voldemort, for example, hint at the reversal of his omniscience and infallibility before deathly hallows hits; snape’s relationship with voldemort as a terrorist leader, and particularly what voldemort’s terror says about the social structure of the wizarding world, provides an explanation for his actions which is more complex than "tee hee, mudblood", and which gives the reader a space to think about how deprivation drives radicalisation in our own communities.
above all, voldemort’s narrative relationship with harry is fascinating - and not simply for shipping reasons - since, within a story which ends with harry in the guise of the resurrected christ and voldemort-as-satan dead and buried, they are never actually portrayed as black-and-white enemies. indeed, they're the only pair of narrative mirrors in the series whose relationship is portrayed not as diametric, but relational - the only two whose relationship is described as fraternal [something made explicit in their "brother" wand cores]; and the only two whose relationship is described - by a figure no less powerful than the prophecy itself - as equal.
that their shared backgrounds, their views of their own orphanhood, their relationship with their fathers, and their physical appearances are similar is lampshaded by several characters - not least both of them themselves. but the narrative actually goes deeper, drawing out ways in which their differences appear stark, but then loop back to become another similarity they share - their mothers come from opposing blood classes, but both form the key to understanding their characters; their wand woods are both associated with death and resurrection, albeit with different folkloric values of luck and purity attached to them; and voldemort is the series’ "true slytherin" and harry the series’ "true gryffindor", but they both have numerous personality traits connected to the other house.
in contrast, if we take the narrative mirrors of ron and draco malfoy, we find a pairing whose differences stem from similar attitudes and insecurities, but manifest themselves in ways which are polar - both serve the crucial narrative purpose of explaining the wizarding world to harry and, therefore, the reader, but ron exclusively shows its positive aspects and malfoy its more negative ones; their material circumstances are opposites; they both heavily physically resemble the rest of their family, but ron is one of many siblings and strains against that and malfoy is an only child and strains against that; and they are defined in the text by the diametrically opposed nature of their relationship with harry.
harry and voldemort, on the other hand, are defined by the divergence of their similarities - like their wands, they have the same core, but their choices affect them profoundly - and they are, therefore, the series’ clearest examples of the value of choice.
voldemort as a social mirror
i also think that voldemort’s childhood and background is one of the series’ most interesting looks at britain and its social dynamics, which i think many readers miss.
how i prefer to write voldemort’s childhood is discussed in the second part of this series of meta, but he provides - like hermione - a look at the profound irony of the class system [after all he's an aristocrat in both worlds - and an example of both types of aristocrat, the rich and snooty in their luxury manor and the impoverished clinging to a name and a lineage - who has no access to the social advantages this should bring because he was born in an orphanage in the muggle world and he has a muggle name and face in the wizarding one].
above all, voldemort spends the first six books of the series as the best cipher for how state brutality and corruption only begets more violence. his unusual tolerance of non-human magical creatures is at odds with the ministry’s benign oppression. his rejection of the patronage networks which sustain wizarding society [he rejects slughorn’s offer to set him up in the ministry because he wants a job he got himself, and good for him] only serves to emphasise that these still exist [the fact that voldemort would not want to rely on patronage canonically never occurs to dumbledore] - while his use of patronage networks for his own ends shows how easily structures considered to be "right" or "normal" can turn malign. his brilliance, but the fact that his name and background would clearly constrain him in an ordinary career, underlines the fate which befalls many characters, from snape to the weasleys. he has a complex relationship with gender in a series which otherwise doesn’t. the ministry’s reaction to him - particularly the suspension of due process in the trials of death eaters [a reference to operation demetrius, one of the british government’s most degrading extra-judicial decisions during the troubles] - deepens anti-government resentment, which - since the wizarding world is clearly not a democracy - has nowhere else to go but revolution.
voldemort causes himself, obviously, but the ministry enables him to exist, and this provides so many avenues in fanfiction to explore.
why we need fanon voldemort
this said, there are things which frustrate me about the canonical voldemort - and this drives many of the traits in my own writing of him which i'm completely aware do deviate from canon [my preferred characterisation of voldemort is addressed in the second part of this series of meta].
i dislike the portrayal of the canonical voldemort - or, at least, the canonical adult voldemort, the canonical teenage voldemort is more layered - as a sociopath, largely because i think it’s quite lazy writing to have a villain whose evil is caused by a [very rare] disorder, which is widely considered to be untreatable. in particular, this absolves the reader from noticing our own similarities to voldemort and considering how that challenges our own views and biases - as the enormous amount of "the class system is good, actually" in death-eater-centric writing shows...
above all, i loathe the argument that voldemort can’t feel love [i'm hopelessly wedded to the idea that he does love bellatrix, in his own little way], not least because it's an extremely cruel interpretation of what is clearly enormous childhood trauma [although the series’ weaknesses in its approach to that topic go far beyond voldemort], and because it fails to open space for a critical look at dumbledore’s own idea of love - that is, not as something which can be luxurious, pampering, and restorative to the self, but as something which depends on sorrow and sacrifice. i detest the fanon - which, i think it’s important to note, is based in something jkr never actually said - that voldemort’s conception is the cause of his attitude to love. i also think the way the text treats both tom riddle sr. - who is never acknowledged as a rape victim - and merope - who, if we take dumbledore’s implication that she could have survived voldemort’s birth at face value, directly justifies voldemort’s view on death by not bothering to stay alive for him - is horrifying.
i think the voldemort of deathly hallows is the weakest, not least because the fact that he's never shown in the previous six books to have an interest in running a government [he spends most of the early books as a paramilitary leader, not a dictator in waiting] means that he has to be shunted off in other directions when he takes control of one. 
and, with the greatest of respect to the wonderful ralph fiennes, who i’ve just paid a huge amount of money to go see in macbeth, the film version of voldemort is terrible. indeed, film!voldemort is the source of so many of the worst fanon readings of the character - especially the idea that he only knows one spell, that he’s insane [the statement of canon is that the creation of the horcruxes does nothing to damage his mental capacity, since the soul exists independently of our free will and rational thought], that he loves to shriek, that he isn’t very scary, and that he doesn’t come spectacularly close to winning.
up next, then, how do i write voldemort?
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