#Microbiology Labs in UAE
jtsmedicalcentre · 4 months
Get benefit of diagnostic bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology from Dubai’s Best Laboratory at JTS Medical Centre. We are best lab in Town.
If you are looking for Best Microbiology Laboratory in Dubai, JTS Medical Centre is Good Choice.
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johnypage95 · 2 years
GHP is a top food testing and consulting company. With services provided to more than 5,000 clients, GHP has been at the forefront of food safety in the UAE for the past 15 years. GHP offers its clients comprehensive solutions while placing a high value on quality and adherence to first-rate customer service. To know more information visit: https://www.ghpgroupme.com/iso-training-consultancy.html
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Comparing Local and International Food Testing Standards: Where Does UAE Stand?
Food safety is a paramount concern for consumers worldwide, and food testing standards play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of food products. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where a diverse range of food products is consumed and traded, adhering to rigorous food testing standards is essential for safeguarding public health and fostering consumer trust. This blog aims to explore the comparison between local and international food testing labs in the UAE, evaluating where the country stands in relation to global benchmarks and highlighting areas for improvement.
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Heading 1: Understanding Local Food Testing Standards
Subheading 1.1: Overview of UAE's Regulatory Framework
The UAE boasts a robust regulatory framework for food safety, overseen by entities such as the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) and the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA). Local standards encompass a wide range of parameters, including microbiological, chemical, and physical contaminants, with specific regulations governing labeling, packaging, and storage practices.
Subheading 1.2: Implementation Challenges and Adaptations
Despite the comprehensive regulatory framework, implementing and adhering to local food testing standards present challenges for both food businesses and testing labs. Variations in testing methodologies, resource constraints, and evolving regulatory requirements necessitate constant adaptation and investment in infrastructure and expertise.
Heading 2: Comparison with International Standards
Subheading 2.1: Global Food Testing Standards
International food testing standards, such as those established by Codex Alimentarius, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Union (EU), serve as benchmarks for food safety and quality worldwide. These standards cover a wide range of parameters and are continuously updated to reflect scientific advancements and emerging risks.
Subheading 2.2: Alignment and Discrepancies
A comparison between UAE's food testing standards and international benchmarks reveals both alignment and discrepancies. While the UAE has made significant strides in harmonizing its standards with global practices, discrepancies remain in areas such as permissible levels of certain contaminants, labeling requirements, and testing methodologies. Addressing these disparities is crucial for enhancing the UAE's competitiveness in international markets and ensuring consumer safety.
Heading 3: Evaluating Food Testing Practices
Subheading 3.1: Laboratory Accreditation and Certification
Accreditation and certification play a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability and credibility of food testing results. While UAE-based testing labs strive for accreditation from recognized bodies such as the Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS) and international bodies like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), achieving alignment with international accreditation standards remains a priority.
Subheading 3.2: Testing Methodologies and Technologies
Advancements in testing methodologies and technologies are reshaping the landscape of food testing. UAE-based labs are increasingly adopting state-of-the-art techniques such as PCR, mass spectrometry, and biosensors to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of testing. Collaborations with international partners and technology transfer initiatives are driving innovation and capacity building in the UAE's food testing sector.
In conclusion, the comparison between local and international food testing standards underscores the UAE's commitment to ensuring food safety and quality. While significant progress has been made in aligning local standards with global benchmarks, ongoing efforts are needed to address discrepancies, enhance accreditation practices, and promote technology adoption. By continuously striving for excellence and harmonization, the UAE can further solidify its position as a leader in food safety and contribute to the well-being of its citizens and consumers worldwide.
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best-testing-lab · 1 month
Regulatory Standards for Water Testing Labs in UAE
Water quality is a crucial concern in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where access to clean and safe water is essential for public health and environmental sustainability. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of water testing results, water testing labs in the UAE adhere to stringent regulatory standards set by governing bodies. This article explores the regulatory landscape governing water testing lab in the UAE, highlighting the importance of compliance with these standards in safeguarding water quality and public health.
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Understanding Regulatory Standards
Overview of Regulatory Bodies
The UAE has established several regulatory bodies responsible for setting standards and guidelines for water testing. These include the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA), the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE), and local municipalities. These bodies collaborate to establish comprehensive regulations to protect water resources and public health.
Key Regulatory Standards
Water testing labs in the UAE must comply with various regulations, standards, and guidelines governing water quality testing. These standards cover parameters such as microbiological, chemical, and physical properties of water. Examples include ESMA's UAE.S GSO 149 standard for drinking water quality and MOCCAE's regulations on wastewater quality standards.
Accreditation and Certification
Importance of Accreditation
Accreditation is crucial for water testing labs to demonstrate their competence and reliability in providing accurate test results. Accredited labs adhere to internationally recognized standards such as ISO/IEC 17025, ensuring the quality and consistency of their testing processes. Accreditation enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of water testing labs in the eyes of stakeholders.
Types of Accreditation
Water testing labs in the UAE can obtain accreditation from reputable accreditation bodies such as the Gulf Accreditation Center (GAC) and the Emirates International Accreditation Center (EIAC). Accreditation involves a rigorous assessment of the lab's technical competence, equipment calibration, staff proficiency, and quality management systems.
Ensuring Compliance and Quality Assurance
Quality Control Measures
Water testing labs implement robust quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their test results. These measures include regular calibration of equipment, participation in proficiency testing programs, and adherence to standardized testing methodologies. Quality control ensures that testing procedures are consistent and reproducible, minimizing errors and uncertainties in test results.
Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement is essential for water testing labs to adapt to evolving regulatory requirements and technological advancements. Labs regularly review and update their testing procedures, methodologies, and equipment to enhance efficiency and accuracy. Continuous improvement fosters a culture of excellence and innovation, driving labs to achieve higher levels of quality and reliability.
Implications of Non-Compliance
Legal and Regulatory Consequences
Non-compliance with regulatory standards can have serious legal and regulatory consequences for water testing lab in the UAE. Labs found to be in violation of regulations may face penalties, fines, or suspension of accreditation. Non-compliance undermines public trust in the lab's testing capabilities and can damage its reputation and credibility.
Impact on Public Health and Safety
The consequences of non-compliance extend beyond legal and regulatory penalties to public health and safety. Inaccurate or unreliable water testing can lead to incorrect assessments of water quality, posing risks to public health. Contaminated water supplies can result in waterborne diseases, environmental pollution, and long-term health effects on communities.
Regulatory standards play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and credibility of water testing labs in the UAE. Compliance with these standards is essential for protecting water resources, public health, and the environment. Accreditation, quality control measures, and continuous improvement are key pillars of regulatory compliance for water testing labs. By adhering to regulatory standards and prioritizing quality assurance, water testing labs in the UAE contribute to the provision of clean, safe, and sustainable water for all.
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metslab-llc · 1 year
Testing Lab: Ensuring Quality and Reliability in Your Products
In today's competitive market, quality and reliability are crucial for businesses to succeed. This is especially true for industries such as food and beverage, construction, and manufacturing, where safety and compliance are top priorities.
As the Best Testing Lab in the UAE, METS Lab is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable testing services for businesses of all sizes. 
Lab Testings
Here are some of the most common types of testing services offered by METS Lab:
Chemical and Microbiological Testing
This type of testing is essential for industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
It involves the analysis of chemical and microbiological properties of products, including their composition, purity, and contamination levels. We offer a comprehensive range of chemical and microbiological testing services, including:
Food and beverage analysis
Water and wastewater analysis
Environmental monitoring
Pharmaceutical and cosmetic analysis
Material Testing
Material testing is crucial for industries such as construction, automotive, and aerospace.
It involves the analysis of physical and mechanical properties of materials, including their strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. We offer a wide range of material testing services, including:
Metals and alloys testing
Polymer and plastics testing
Concrete and cement testing
Coating and paint testing
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Advantages of Our Testings
Compliance with industry standards and regulations
Improved brand reputation and customer satisfaction
Reduced risk of product recalls and liability lawsuits
Increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness through process optimization
Municipality Registration
Municipality registration is a crucial step for businesses operating in the Middle East. It involves obtaining a license from the relevant municipality to operate a business in a specific area.
This process can be complex and time-consuming, especially for businesses that are new to the region. We offer municipality registration services to simplify this process for businesses.
Types of Our Municipality Registration Services
METS Lab offers a comprehensive range of municipality registration services to meet the needs of various businesses.
Here are some of the most common types of municipality registration services offered by METS Lab:
Food and Beverage Registration
Construction and Engineering Registration
Trading and Commercial Registration
Advantages of Our Municipality Registration Services
Simplified and streamlined registration process
Expert guidance and support throughout the process
Faster turnaround times
Compliance with local regulations and requirements
Virus Testing
METS LAB is a well-known testing laboratory in the UAE that specializes in virus testing in food, beverages, and various products. The laboratory uses advanced technology and equipment to identify and detect viruses in samples.
Why Virus Testing is Important
Virus testing is crucial in the food and beverage industry to ensure the safety and quality of products. It helps to identify any viruses that may be present in the samples and prevent contamination of the products. This can help prevent foodborne illnesses and protect consumers from potential harm.
1) Food and Beverage Testing:
We offer virus testing services for a wide range of food and beverage products, including dairy products, meat and poultry, fruits and vegetables, seafood, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. METS labs test whether the eatables and drinks are safe for sale and end-user consumption or not.
2) Product Testing:
In addition to food and beverage testing, We also provide virus testing services for various products, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. This helps to ensure the safety and efficacy of these products and protect consumers from potential harm.
Virus Testing Process
METS LAB uses a variety of virus testing methods like PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to detect the presence of viruses in samples. The laboratory follows strict protocols and procedures to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Advantages of Our Virus Testing Services
Accurate and reliable testing results
Compliance with local and international health regulations
Expert guidance and support throughout the testing process
Reliable tests at competitive prices
METS Lab is committed to providing accurate and reliable testing services for businesses and individuals. From analysis and microbiological testing to municipality registration and virus testing, METS Lab offers a comprehensive range of services to meet the needs of various industries and individuals.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business succeed.
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hitslab999 · 1 year
Hits-Lab offer the Specialized services of ESMA & MOIAT in Dubai like Manufacturers, traders, importers, retailers, business owners or any other related parties who act as their representatives must get their products certified from ESMA/MOAIT before placing them for commercial use in the UAE market. To Learn More About Our Testing Services, Or To Speak With One Of Our Experts, Visit @ hits-lab.com
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basavraj95 · 1 year
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Biology Lab Equipment in Saudi Arabia Care Source is a trusted provider of Biology Lab Equipment and Laboratories in Dubai, with new products such as the AELAB water bath shaker incubation. The AELAB water bath shaker incubator is a piece of laboratory equipment used to study microbiology, biology, and medical analyzer. We shipped our products to places like Dubai, UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Please visit our website to learn more about our product.
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geefair · 2 years
Visit Expo 2022 Dubai and make your future bright by learning new things
While The Country Has Made an Extraordinary Achievement in Just Five Decades, It Is Firmly Setting Its Sights on The Future Which Makes the Long-Awaited Expo 2022 Dubai's Theme, 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,' All the More Appropriate. As It Opens Its 21-Metre Doors, All Designed by British Architect Asif Khan, This Celebration of Creativity, Innovation, And Culture Plays Host to Events From 192 Countries, over 200 Culinary Experiences, And Up To 60 Daily Events.
We Will Provide You with The Knowledge of the Forex Market and There You Can See Those People Who Are Investing Money with Us and Earning by Trading.
Here Are Seven Reasons Why You Should Come Here.
1. To Find the Journey Again in A Safe Place
Dubai Reopened to Tourists in July 2020 with Strict Safety Protocols in Place, And These Will Be Carried Forward to Expo 2022 Dubai to Ensure It Remains a Safe Place to Visit.
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Don't Forget To Bring Proof Of Vaccination Or A Negative Result For A PCR Test Taken Within The Last 72 Hours Everyone Over The Age Of 18 Entering The Site, From Staff And Volunteers To Visitors, Must Have One. Face Masks Are Mandatory at The Expo and In Public Places Across The UAE, Social-Distancing Rules Are in Place and You'll Find Sanitization Stations Everywhere. Keep An Eye Out for Innovations Used by On-Site Staff to Interact with Visitors, Including Wearable Technology and Robots as Another Nod to The Future.
2. To Catch the Performances of World-Class Artists
In Recent Years, The City Has Seen the Arrival of New Galleries, Museums, and The Spectacular Dubai Opera, And the Cultural Events at The Expo Are Equally Exciting. From Highbrow to Pop Culture, It Will Feature Senegalese Ballet, Maori Song and Dance, Poetry Slams, K-Pop, And Even a Panamanian Marching Band.
Watch For a Performance by The All-Female Firdaus Orchestra Directed by Oscar-Winning Composer and Lyricist AR Rahman For Something Completely Different, Head to The Culture Lab in The Germany Pavilion Where an Orchestra of Robots Will Perform Works by Beethoven.
3. Dreaming of Space Exploration (And Other Travel Trends)
Mobility Pavilion Where You Can Learn How Smart Cities Are Built Through AI, Big Data, Machine Learning and Autonomous Transport. In True Dubai Style, The Pavilion Is Home to The World's Largest Passenger Lift, Capable of Carrying 160 People, And Features 3330 Meters of Track Where You Can Watch State-Of-The-Art Mobility Equipment on The Move.
4. The Long Weekend Under the Ocean
The Expo Site Is Huge, And A Good Way to Explore It (And Not Get Lost in The Process) Is to Follow One of The Self-Guided Itineraries. Beneath The Blue Is a Journey into How Technology Can Be Used to Address Marine Environmental Challenges. Several Stops Along the Route Include the Philippines Pavilion, Which Is Designed to Resemble a Coral Reef, The Seychelles Pavilion, To See How the Country Is Preserving Marine Ecosystems, And the Norway Pavilion, Which Showcases Countries Dealing with Ocean Waste. Demonstrates Efforts to Make Fisheries More Sustainable and Protect Polar Habitats.
5. To Have Your Food Around the World
You Will Not Go Hungry at Expo 2020. International Celebrity Chefs Will Bring Dining Concepts to The Event. But Also Check Out the Low-Key Local Favorites, Which Include.
For A Pan-African Experience, Head to Opera-Singer-Chef Alexander Smalls' Alkebulan, An African Dining Hall Featuring Food from Across the Continent, And Be Sure to Book in Advance for The Space-Inspired Bompas and Parr's Epoch Banquet. Microbiology, AI, And Hyper-Intelligence. What Does This Mean, You Ask? In Short, Dishes That Glow in The Dark, Desserts That Change Taste, And Other Tech-Infused Dishes. Better To Find It Out for Yourself Than Try to Work Your Head Around It. And There's No Need to Make Early Night Plans at The Expo. Several Late-Night Venues Serving Up Cocktails, Craft Beer, And More.
6. To Find Out How Countries Across the Planet Are Dealing with Sustainability
Some Of the World's Most Advanced Technology Is on Display at Expo 2022 Dubai. Terra, The Sustainability Pavilion, Has Been Designed by Grimshaw Architects to Generate Its Own Energy and Water. 4,912 High-Specification Photovoltaic Panels Create Electricity Directly from Sunlight, And A State-Of-The-Art Water Tree Collects Moisture from The Air to Become Potable Water for The Pavilion.
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An 18-Meter Vertical Garden Covered in Edible Plants and Construction Materials Made from Fungi, Cassava, And Sugar Cane Is at The Center of The Netherlands Pavilion, Designed as A Circular Climate System. The Czech Pavilion Produces Water from The Air Using Solar Power and A System of Pipes, Which Can Be Used to Cultivate Crops Even in A Desert Landscape. And in the Austria Pavilion, I Lab Showcased More Than 50 Innovations Housed in An Energy-Saving Network Of 38 Intersecting Cones Based on Local Building Traditions and Austrian Climate Engineering.
7. To Use Expo as A Launch Pad to Explore Dubai
It’s Easy to Get from Expo 2022 Dubai to The Rest of The City, And You Absolutely Should. Even If You’ve Been to Dubai Before There Are Plenty of New Attractions to Explore, From the Dizzying Heights of Ain Dubai, The World’s Tallest Ferris Wheel to The New Deep Dive Dubai at 60 Meters, It’s The World’s Deepest Diving Pool.
Hire A Car, Hop on The Dubai Metro, Take the Free Expo Rider Bus, Or Hail a Taxi to Get to And from The City. And If You Want to Be First Through the Doors in The Morning to Make the Most of Your Time, A Stay at The On-Site Rove Expo 2022 Hotel Will Ensure You’re Ahead of The Crowd.
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alwaysfirst · 2 years
Delhi: 12 samples tested in AIIMS for Monkeypox so far
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Aug 04, 2022 18:12 IST By Shalini Bhardwaj New Delhi , August 4 (AF): The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi has tested 12 samples of suspected Monkeypox cases so far, said an official on Thursday. The Virology Lab, AIIMS, Delhi is one of the 15 labs in the country that has been authorised by the Department of Health Research-Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Speaking to ANI, Dr Lalit Dar, Professor, Department of Microbiology, AIIMS said, "At the Virology Laboratory Department of Microbiology, we have received 12 samples from different states. We have also received samples from Delhi." AIIMS, Delhi received samples from Delhi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana so far. Pertinent to mention, two samples of Delhi tested positive for Monkeypox and both the patients are admitted at LNJP hospital. "Out of these 12 samples, who have tested positive and they are both from Delhi," Dr Dar said. He said some of the samples tested positive for chicken pox. Notably, the patients who tested positive for Monkeypox in the AIIMS lab do not have any recent travel history abroad. On the capacity of conducting tests, Dr Lalit said, "Right now we are getting a couple of samples on daily basis, which is not a large number. During COVID, the government augmented the RTPCR testing capacity. For Monkeypox, RTPCR is done. We have the capacity of conducting 400 samples a day depending on requirement and number of patients." He further said, "So, far there is really more than enough capacity in the country to do the testing. 15 labs are already authorised by the Department of Health Research, ICMR for testing across the country." The laboratory staff in AIIMS, Delhi has received training from ICMR-NIV Pune for conducting real-time RTPCR, biosafety measures, storage and transportation of samples, Dr Lalit said. The results of testing for Monkeypox come in 24 hours. "We are giving the report within 24 hours. We usually try to give it on the same day. Even if a sample arrives late in the evening, we still give the report within 24 hours," He said. India has so far reported nine Monkeypox cases, of which five are from Kerala with a history of international travel and four from Delhi with no recent travel history. A 31-year-old woman tested positive for Monkeypox in the national capital on Wednesday, taking India's tally to nine. This is the first case of the disease among women in India. Earlier on Tuesday, another 35-year-old Nigerian man living in Delhi, with no recent travel history, tested positive for monkeypox. Both patients are admitted to Lok Nayak Jaiprakash hospital which comes under the government of Delhi. In the wake of an increase in the number of Monkeypox cases in the country, isolation rooms have been made operational for the treatment of such infections in three central government hospitals, according to sources. "The isolation rooms for the treatment of Monkeypox patients are operational in three major central government hospitals i.e Safdarjang hospital, RML hospital and Lady Hardinge hospital," official sources told ANI. The Delhi Government issued the official statement on Tuesday on the preparation of isolation rooms in government and private hospitals. The 20 isolation rooms at the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) Hospital, while 10 isolation rooms have been set up in Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital (GTB) hospital and 10 at Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital. Notably, the Delhi government has also directed private hospitals to create isolation rooms for patients with Monkeypox cases. These three hospitals are Kailash Deepak hospital, East Delhi; MD City Hospital, North Delhi and Batra Hospital and Research Centre, Tughlakabad in South Delhi.On Monday, the Joint Secretary in the Union Health Ministry wrote to Dr Hussain Abdul Rahman, Executive Director and IHR focal point in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), requesting him to intensify screening to ensure that persons exhibiting symptoms suggestive of Monkeypox disease are not allowed to board flights to India to minimize the risk of disease transmission. In the wake of the rising cases of Monkeypox in the country, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Tuesday assured citizens not to panic and said that an awareness campaign is being run in collaboration with the state governments to prevent the spread of the infection. (AF) Read the full article
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interuae-blog · 6 years
What is PCR Testing??
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PCR (or) Polymerase Chain Reaction is a modern technique that is used to amplify trace amount of DNA which is located in or on almost any liquid or surface where DNA elements may be deposited. Every human, animal, plant, parasite, bacterium, or virus contains genetic material like DNA or RNA sequences that are unique to their species, and to the individual member of that species. If a sample contains DNA or RNA then, the PCR is to do amplify these unique sequences and then it determines with a high probability to the identity of the source of the trace DNA or RNA found in or on almost any sample of material. PCR amplification is done only the part of identifying test. When the amplification is done, the amplified segments need to be compared to other nucleotide segments from a known source. This is done by placing PCR generated nucleotide sequences next to known nucleotide sequences from human, pathogens or any other sources in a separating gel. Then the electrical gen is run through the gel and the various nucleotide forms bands that look like a ladder according to the electrical charge and molecular size. This is called as electrophoresis. And the ladder like steps that migrate to the same levels in the gel shows the identity of nucleotide sequences. This is the most popular method that done by DNA & PCR testing in Laboratory.
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penzanews · 3 years
Foreign experts assess benefits of Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine
The Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, Russia’s sovereign wealth fund) announced that the Sputnik V vaccine demonstrated efficacy of 97.6%, based on the analysis of data on the infection rate of coronavirus among those in Russia vaccinated with both components of Sputnik V.
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“The Ministry of Health of Russia maintains a register of persons who have been vaccinated, as well as citizens who have got infected with COVID as part of the Unified State Information System in Healthcare. According to the data from 3.8 million Russians vaccinated with both components of Sputnik V from December 5, 2020 to March 31, 2021 as part of the mass-scale civil vaccination program, the infection rate starting from the 35th day from the date of the first injection was only 0.027%. At the same time, the incidence among the unvaccinated adult population was 1.1% for a comparable period starting from the 35th day after the launch of mass-scale vaccination in Russia,” says the message posted on the official website of the Sputnik V vaccine.
It is expected that the data and calculations of the vaccine’s efficacy will be published in a peer-reviewed medical journal in May.
Sputnik V is approved for use in 60 countries with a total population of 3 billion people. It ranks second among coronavirus vaccines globally in terms of the number of approvals issued by government regulators.
Sputnik V has been approved in Russia, Belarus, Argentina, Bolivia, Serbia, Algeria, Palestine, Venezuela, Paraguay, Turkmenistan, Hungary, UAE, Iran, Republic of Guinea, Tunisia, Armenia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Republika Srpska (entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Lebanon, Myanmar, Pakistan, Mongolia, Bahrain, Montenegro, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Gabon, San-Marino, Ghana, Syria, Kyrgyzstan, Guyana, Egypt, Honduras, Guatemala, Moldova, Slovakia, Angola, Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Sri Lanka, Laos, Iraq, North Macedonia, Kenya, Morocco, Jordan, Namibia, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Cameroon, Seychelles, Mauritius, Vietnam, Antigua and Barbuda, Mali, Panama and India.
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As noted by the media, earlier Russian Sputnik V was the third in the list of vaccines with the highest level of effectiveness against coronavirus infection. For Moderna, it is 94.1%, while Pfizer/BioNTech initially had this figure at 95%, but in early April, the developer announced its decrease to 91.3%. Thus, the Russian vaccine now ranks first in terms of effectiveness.
According to Alexander Gintsburg, Director of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, the actual efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine may be even higher than the results of the analysis demonstrate, since “the data on the case registration system allows a time lag between the collection of the sample (the actual date of the disease) and the diagnosis.”
The Sputnik V vaccine is based on a proven and well-studied platform of human adenoviral vectors. The safety, efficacy and lack of negative long-term effects of adenoviral vaccines have been proven by more than 250 clinical studies over two decades. Moreover, the storage temperature of Sputnik V allows storing it in a conventional refrigerator without any need to invest in additional cold-chain infrastructure. There are no strong allergies caused by Sputnik V. The price of Sputnik V is less than $10 per shot, making it affordable around the world.
Assessing the benefits of the Sputnik V vaccine, Muhammad Munir, Lecturer in Molecular Virology, Lancaster University, noted the presence of two different adenoviral vectors in the Russian vaccine – rAd26 and rAd5.
“One of the unique features of Sputnik V is use of two vectors for the delivery of antigen. The first dose primes the immune system and raise substantial antibodies whereas second dose induce the immune system to produce long lasting antibodies and T-cells without being neutralized by the first dose,” the expert told PenzaNews.
According to him, this feature makes Sputnik V better and different compared to AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) which uses single vector for both injections.
“Realizing this advantage, AstraZeneca partnered with Sputnik V to conduct mutual trial which could enhance the performance of AstraZeneca. Based on the published data, Sputnik V outperformed many of the vaccines of similar kind,” Muhammad Munir stressed.
Jacob Koshy, Deputy Science Editor, The Hindu, expressed the opinion that the main advantage of Sputnik V for India is the already established cooperation of vaccine manufacturers with at least five Indian pharmaceutical companies.
“So the hope is that anywhere between 300–600 million doses will be quickly available to India within months. Sputnik V has tied up with Dr. Reddy’s Labs and conducted a phase 2/3 adaptive study. The results of this aren’t in public domain but one hopes that this information is with India’s regulators and they have made a good judgement,” Jacob Koshy said.
He also drew attention to the fact that there is no prejudice in Indian society about Sputnik V, but there are general fears about vaccines.
“Like in Russia, there is significant hesitancy on vaccines in general. The ongoing second wave in India has caused tremendous panic and many – even though initially hesitant – are now seeking vaccines,” the expert said.
According to him, the main issue for India today is the details of the agreements concluded for the production of Sputnik V.
“RDIF has been on a major, global publicity blitz for several months in marketing Sputnik V to the world. However it must be more transparent on how many of the doses it plans for manufacture in India will actually be available to Indians and how many will be sent for export,” Jacob Koshy explained.
Moreover, in his opinion, Russia should conduct and publish more detailed studies of the vaccine, in particular, its effectiveness against new variants of coronavirus and possible side effects associated with vaccination.
In turn, Shankaran Nambiar, Head of Research, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research in Kuala Lumpur, reminded that the Russian vaccine Sputnik V has been highly rated by international agencies and is reported to be both efficient and safe.
“The vaccine is currently under assessment by the local regulatory body and a firm decision has not been announced yet. The minister for science, technology and innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin, who is supervising the vaccination campaign, had warned that if the regulatory approval process takes too long, Malaysia might lose out on the offer that has been made by the Russian authorities. The Russian authorities have offered 6.4 million doses,” the analyst said.
In his opinion, the advantage that comes with accepting Sputnik V is beneficial for Malaysia not only within the framework of the vaccination program but also but also because it will allow the country to obtain technologies for its production.
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“Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology is willing to share its expertise with Malaysia and that will help Malaysia make inroads into the pharmaceutical industry. This will enable Malaysia to be the regional base for the production and distribution of the vaccine. There are tremendous advantages that Malaysia can gain by accepting Sputnik V and working with Gamaleya,” Shankaran Nambiar explained.
Meanwhile, Hildegund Ertl, Professor, Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center, The Wistar Institute, called Sputnik V an excellent vaccine with high efficacy.
“It was shown by the phase III trial results published in Lancet [one of the most famous and respected general medical journals, founded in 1823] [...] and it has complete protection against hospitalisations and deaths and mild to moderate side effects,” the expert said.
However, in her opinion, short terms of application of vaccines against coronavirus in the world do not yet allow making unambiguous conclusions.
“The AstraZeneca vaccine has thus far shown lower efficacy in preventing mild to moderate disease than Sputnik V and there have been claims of rare but serious side effects in women under 50 receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, which may or may not be related to the vaccine. But the AstraZeneca vaccine also completely protects against severe disease and death,” Hildegund Ertl said and added that we cannot claim that one vaccine is better than another till we know more about duration of protection and protection against circulating and future variants of the coronavirus.
According to her, today, one of the main priorities should be the united struggle of the world community against the pandemic.
“Right now it is crucial that we get the world vaccinated – not just the wealthy countries but every person in every country and for that we need every vaccine that has shown efficacy and will thereby prevent human suffering and death. [...] All the approved vaccines will be a valuable tool to end this pandemic,” the expert concluded.
Source: https://penzanews.ru/en/analysis/67088-2021
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ultrakaran213 · 5 years
This Mumbai-based Startup Brings Together India’s Lab Suppliers on One Platform
Biomall is a B2B online e-commerce marketplace dedicated to laboratory, life science and diagnostic products. It is India’s first ecommerce website which offers researchers and lab users’ laboratory products directly online using a secured payment gateway. It was established in the year 2016 by Dr. S. Jhaveri, PhD Chemistry and Chemical Biology from Cornell University, USA.
Majority of scientific laboratories in India still follow the traditional system of inviting multiple quotations, followed by indenting, generation of purchase orders and payment to suppliers 30-90 days after delivery. A single purchase-sale cycle thus lasts for months. Even the rate contract system, wherein a vendor is chosen for a particular brand at the start of the financial year, is inefficient as the institute has to rely on a single vendor who might not have stocks readily available and cannot purchase from any other vendor who might have stocks for the required product. Typically a lab buys products from multiple brands so again they need to contact multiple vendors and a lot of time is invested in procuring day-to-day lab supplies. So while a lab in India would take months just to get their supplies; elsewhere laboratories in countries with more advanced purchasing systems would have already completed their project by the time supplies reach the scientists bench in India! This is a critical factor that needs to be addressed immediately else India will further lag behind in terms of innovations. Also, inefficiencies in systems lead to increased costs and so scientists spend not only more time but also more money to purchase lab products!
Through its online portal, Biomall.in is trying to bring a big change in this system, by incorporating easy and convenient online purchase system as against traditional credit based purchases. The advantage is that scientists can search, compare and buy multiple products from different brands in a single order with a “single click” directly from the suppliers. The user does not require to get multiple quotations since all price details are given online along with real-time product availability thereby saving valuable time.
Scientists have a limited research budget for a project and need to manage their purchases within the available funds. On Biomall, the suppliers have provided good discounts on many products including chemicals, regular lab consumables, chromatography columns, etc. This has been possible by:
1.     Connecting scientists directly with the manufacturers/authorized distributors
2.     Elimination of costly field sales representatives
3.     Timely payment to the suppliers and
4.     Low marketing costs.
All these factors in combination have brought down the product cost and this saving has been passed on to the researchers. Thus, by procuring products from Biomall not only valuable time is saved but the researchers also save money thereby making good use of the funds available for R&D.
Dr. S. Jhaveri is a PhD graduate and a successful entrepreneur based in Mumbai. He has done his Ph.D in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in the year 2007 and also done his bachelors in Chemical Technology specializing in Chemistry of Dyes and Intermediates from ICT, Mumbai (formerly UDCT). He has been awarded Dr. Sundar Aggarwal award for outstanding Indian Students entering Ph.D. program in Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University.
In the year 2012 he started his distribution business for laboratory products under the company Chargen Life Sciences LLP. During the initial 3 years of distribution business, he studied the lab industry market deeply and analyzed the problems faced by laboratories. Based on this analysis and the growing consumer inclination towards e-Commerce, he found an online platform connecting buyers and sellers of lab products to be a perfect solution to tackle the current problems. Thus, in mid-2016, he launched India’s first online marketplace for laboratory products – Biomall.in.
Earlier he worked as an Independent consultant with Universal Consulting, where he carried out market research on impact of new technologies in the knee implant market in India, assessing market feasibility for a Point-of-Care Testing Device in India and UAE. He was a visiting student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
He has trained mentored and supervised several students. He also lectured in class, graded exams, and conducted office hours for freshman chemistry students in USA. Dr. S Jhaveri believes that passion, hardwork, self-belief and being positive are key mantras to be a successful entrepreneur. We are publishing an interview with him:
Q.: Tell us about the Product / Solution. How did you get your first customer? Explain how you went about the Product-Market Fit Process. Ans: We have developed a customized online portal – www.biomall.in to buy and sell laboratory products worldwide. It hosts 100,000+ products from 150+ brands across 100+ categories – Lab Chemicals, Microbiology, Diagnostics, Chromatography, Genomics, Proteomics, Lab Equipments, Lab Consumables. Laboratory Professionals from life science / biotech companies, pharma companies, academics, hospitals can buy any product required in their laboratories from Biomall.in. We offer digital marketing services to promote the products of Indian manufacturers to laboratories involved in research, testing and diagnostics. In house technical team from science and IT background work together to strategize and execute digital promotion via e-commerce, email, social media, blog, whatsapp and other online media. We also offer services to setup labs from the basics – designing, furnishing and procurement of all kinds of equipments and reagents required in a lab.
When it was launched, we had a different sales model wherein buyers could submit enquiries and get online quotation. We developed the website content as per SEO, so as to get customers via google search. Our first online customer came from Pune, Maharashtra through google search and has been a regular customer till date. Majority of our customers are sourced organically from google even today.
Q.: What is your USP? Ans: The biggest USP is that we are an online platform dedicated only to laboratory, life science and diagnostic products. This separates us from several other marketplaces which sell all kind of products. We give a target customer base to all the sellers who can then use this platform as a good marketing tool as it caters specifically to the scientists, pathologists, medical, pharma & QC professionals.
Also, Biomall acts as a single platform to buy multiple types of lab products from multiple brands in a single order.
It provides the option to buy lab products directly online just by selecting quantity, add to cart and place order by making online payment. Buyers can request for a bulk discount if more than 10 packs are needed. Buyers can also post enquiry for products not found on the portal. This enquiry then gets shared to all registered sellers on the portal who can send an online quote to the buyers as per product availability.
The platform provides a seamless experience to the sellers for managing all orders, enquiries, stock and ongoing offers through their dashboard.
Q.: What were your assumptions when you entered the market, learning that you have? Who in your mind is your ideal customer? Do you have at least one of them signed up? Ans: We thought that considering the response received to online shopping sites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, myntra, etc., users in India shall be happy to know about Biomall and buy laboratory products online. Although, most of the scientists like the concept of Biomall, they get constrained by the purchase system followed in their institutes or companies. Nevertheless, we have received many customers from top research institutes like IITs, IISERs, CSIR institutes who prefer to buy chemicals, consumables and other products from our website. Also, many small companies have now begun to order their lab supplies online on Biomall.
An ideal customer for our website would be a scientist who is looking for any lab product, finds it online, compares among different brands, and buy the best suitable. We wish to be the ideal platform for all scientists by offering a complete portfolio of lab products, with detailed information provided on the website and the best delivery service so that they can get their product/s in a hassle free manner.
Q.: What has been your biggest failure as an entrepreneur and what did you learn from it?? Ans: Failures in the past have been about conceptualizing big projects before understanding ground reality
Q.: How are you pricing the Product? What is the logic behind it? What is the model you are following – Free / Freemium / Premium etc. ? Explain your thought process. Ans: We offer different membership plans for suppliers to promote and sell their products on our portal. A free plan is also available to sell stock under clearance sale. Paid membership is available based on the services required by sellers. Prices are decided based on the expense incurred in terms of website maintenance, customer service and marketing service.
Q.: Please tell us about the investors (if any) Ans: Biomall is bootstrapped company and all the investments have come from promoters family business and distribution business of Chargen Life Sciences. However, now we are looking for investors to scale up the business.
Q.: Is there any interesting success story of your startup? If yes, please write about it. ? Ans: We are extremely proud that we have managed to export Indian manufactured products to 35+ Countries via our platform and thus contributing to the Make in India initiative launched by the Government.
Q.: Since inception, give us a sense of the value of business done by your venture? Please explain in detail. (e.g., What is the current turnover? From Launching till date total no. of visitors on website/persons registered/enquiries and enrollment etc.) Ans: The website hosts 100,000+ lab products from 150+ brands across 100+ categories of laboratory, life science and diagnostic products. We have grown from as low as 50 visitors a day to 500 visitors a day. About 5000+ buyers and 500+ sellers are registered with us. Since 2016, we have served 300+ Indian cities and exported to 35+ countries including Middle East, Africa, Europe, USA, South America and Asian countries
Q.: What is the big picture of your startup? Is this Product/service leading to something bigger? If so, how? Ans: Through our online startup, we are trying to bring in the concept of digitalization in the laboratory industry, and also promoting the ‘Make in India’ campaign started by the GOI. Due to the long sales cycle Indian scientists suffer greatly as they do not get products on time. Biomall’s big vision is to reduce the entire sale purchase cycle of lab products so that our scientists can be competitive in the global market when it comes to publishing research at a faster pace. Second, we also want to promote Indian made laboratory products worldwide. India produces good quality lab products but we lack in marketing these products. Biomall aims to change that by producing an excellent marketing platform and making Indian made lab products available to laboratories worldwide.
Also, through Biomall, we have promoted many lesser known Indian manufacturers of laboratory equipment to the global market. Many countries including Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and America have shown interest in buying lab products from India. They find Biomall as one stop solution to get all of their laboratory needs from India, at good price and quality.
Q.: Who do You Perceive as Your Competition? How do you differentiate yourself with them? Ans: A few of its indirect competitors in India include B2B online portals like Indiamart, trade India which are widely used by sellers to generate leads. Other competitors include B2B e-commerce platforms like Industry buying & Amazon business who provide an online platform for buying all sort of industrial supplies. These sites are however not focused on the lab industry and do not have a wide range of products that Biomall offers. In India Biomall stands as the only comprehensive platform to target the lab professionals through its customized online eCommerce business model and acts as one point of contact for international buyers interested to source their supplies from India.
Q.: What would be your goal to accomplish in the next six months? Any other information you would like to share? Ans: We continue to expand our product portfolio and we learn a great deal from the customers to understand the products in demand and then lookout for quality suppliers for the same. We are very selective on the suppliers that come on-board and only when they pass our internal quality criteria do we invite them to be part of our platform. Our major focus in future is to increase the reach of Biomall in India and worldwide and provide a vast range of products that the scientists can purchase directly from the suppliers via our platform.
In the next 6 months, we plan to invest in logistics and marketing to increase our reach across different cities in India and outside India. To achieve our goals, we are looking for investors interested to fund a growing B2B online startup.
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dbmrmarketnews · 2 years
The clinical laboratory services market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.
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industry365 · 3 years
Food Safety Testing Market Is Expected To Reach New Growth Revenues During 2021-2028
The global food safety testing market size is expected to reach USD 33.28 billion by 2028 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “Food Safety Testing Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Test (Allergen Testing, Chemical & Nutritional Testing, Genetically Modified Organism Testing, Microbiological Testing, Residues & Contamination Testing, Others); By Application; By Region; Segment Forecast, 2021 – 2028” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
The increasing number of health conditions because of consuming contaminated food is the key market driver across the globe. Busy lifestyle has propelled the need for packaged food among the youth population to whom food quality is the major concerned as they are stored for a longer period on the shelves. Food and beverage industries are focusing on catering to the rising demand for processed food for which chemical preservatives are used which is further expected to fuel the market growth for safety testing.
Genetically modified organism testing (GMO) dominated the market in the year 2020, attributed to its use in chemical, biochemical, biological, and molecular methods for detecting microorganisms in foods. Residue & contamination segment has potential growth opportunities in the coming year considering the rising demand in detecting contamination in poultry, meat, and meat products.
Europe had the largest market share in terms of revenue in the year 2020, due to the high occurrence of food-associated allergies in the region. The largest food industries across the globe exist in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and the UK, which is expected to boost the market for food safety testing in the region. Allergen testing had market growth in North America owing to the stringent regulations by FDA.
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Prominent players in the food safety testing market include SGS S.A., Intertek Group plc, Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH, Bureau Veritas SA, Eurofins Scientific SE, Covance Inc., Merieux NutriSciences, Microbac Laboratories, Inc., NSF International, Nova Biologicals, Inc., Campden BRI, Certified Laboratories, Inc., AsureQuality Ltd., ALS Ltd., Foodchain ID, Inc., Agrolab GmbH, WSS World Survey Services SA, Seidlaboratory Cia. Ltda., AGQ Labs.
Major market players are investing in expanding across Europe, Asia Pacific and North America with collaborations, mergers, partnerships, and acquisitions. The market is competitive with global as well as regional industries creating an entry barrier for new competitors.
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Polaris Market research has segmented the food safety testing market report on the basis of Test, function, application, and region:
Food Safety Testing, Test Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
Allergen Testing
Chemical & Nutritional Testing
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Testing
Microbiological Testing
Residues & Contamination Testing
Food Safety Testing, Application Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
Meat, Poultry, & Seafood Products
Dairy & Dairy Products
Processed Food
Cereals & Grains
Food Safety Testing, by Regional Outlook (Revenue – USD Million, 2016 – 2028)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
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